Mental Toughness Research Paper
Mental Toughness Research Paper
Mental Toughness Research Paper
Frances Hunt, Lee Usher, Liory Fern Pollak, Rosemary Stock, Siobhan Lynam, Moira Cachia | University of West London, UK
This paper explores the relationship between mental toughness
and end-of-semester grades in university students
hy consider mental toughness
as a learning attribute?
The transition from secondary education
Mental toughness (MT) is a multidimensional
into higher education (HE) has been identified as
a time of risk in young adults. The challenges facing psychological construct that conceptualises the way
undergraduates are extensive, such as, moving away
from home, taking control of finances, forming in which individuals respond to adversity and recover
friendship groups and establishing a support system
(Nelson et al. 2013). Furthermore, the peak age of from setbacks. Students in sports-related studies who
onset for a range of mental health disorders is below
the age of 24 and this coincides with the age at which are high in MT, are reported to not only be more
most students’ transition into HE (Kessler et al. 2007).
Masaskill (2013) reported that students in widening resilient in stressful situations, but flourish in them
participation universities are particularly vulnerable
to depression and anxiety and are at greater risk of
dropping out of university. There are added concerns
for young adults in this age group who have an
increased risk of drug and alcohol abuse (Stamp et al.
2015). All of these factors have been associated with
poor academic performance and higher attrition
rates (Nelson et al. 2013). Numerous studies
concentrate on risk factors, whereas the aim of the
present study is to identify factors that are have an Clearly, these constructs are characteristics they are able to exert control over their emotions. It
ameliorating impact (see also Stamp et al. 2015). that are fundamentally important in dealing with is possible that being able to exert control over the
This study focuses on ways of developing ‘mental the challenges of higher education. One point negative emotions (that can lead to depression
toughness’ to address the disruptive experience of to note is that much of the research leading to and anxiety) is of key importance rather than the
transitioning into higher education. the development of these components has been manifestation of positive emotions.
conducted in the area of sports and students for
What is ‘mental toughness’? studying sports-related degrees. Therefore, the Cognition and mental toughness
Mental toughness (MT) is a multidimensional recent concern is whether this can be applied to Studies are emerging that have reported that
psychological construct that conceptualises the way students on other degree courses. MT is associated with cognitive functioning and
in which individuals respond to adversity and recover ultimately achievement and progression. Dewhurst
from setbacks. Students in sports-related studies who Emotional control and mental toughness et al. (2009) reported that those high in MT were
are high in MT, are reported to not only be more Crust (2009) argues that MT is associated to less distracted by irrelevant information during a
resilient in stressful situations, but flourish in them high levels of emotional control, in particular, the memory task. This indicates that mental toughness
(Clough et al. 2002). Clough et al. (2002) define MT avoidance of the consequences of negative emotions helps individuals to remain focussed on current goals
within a set of four sub-components. Crust et al. on performance. Research would seem to support with less interference from unnecessary intrusion.
(2002) outline these components as follows: this view, for example Clough et al.(2002) reported Furthermore, Hardy et al. (2014) found that mental
1) Commitment which refers to the level of that irrespective of whether feedback was positive toughness was associated with complex task learning
engagement with a task or negative, performance of those higher in MT in particular on the MT sub-scale that related to
2) Control (emotional and life) which describes remained stable. Conversely, the performance of self-belief. Their finding appears supported by the
the extent to which people feel that they exert an individuals lower in MT was dependent upon whether research of Crust et al. (2014) who reported that
influence over situations they were given positive or negative feedback. there was a positive correlation between MT, grades
3) Challenge characterises a situation where Nevertheless, Crust (2009) found that there was no and ultimately progression in university students
adversity is seen as opportunity for self-development association between MT and intensity of emotions. studying for a sport degree. That is, the higher the
4) Confidence (in abilities and interpersonal) is This suggests that individuals higher in MT feel MT score the higher the grades, hence the student
defined as the resolute belief in the ability to succeed. emotion as intensely as those lower in MT, but that is more likely to remain in HE and progress.
Gender differences in mental toughness education are 18-19 years old, who may have not
An area that has been given little attention is yet reached a degree of mental toughness necessary
that of possible gender differences in mental for the rigours of higher education. Further to this,
toughness. One of the few studies to have Nicholls et al. also reported that years of experience
systematically investigated these potential differences (as an athlete) was a significant predictor of mental
is that of Nicholls et al. (2009). However, it should toughness. As the authors point out, age and
be noted that this research was again conducted experience are likely to be highly correlated.
on athletes and individuals studying sports related However, it is possible to have a mature student who
degrees. The researchers reported that males were is new to higher education, thereby having age but
significantly higher in MT in comparison to females lacking in recent education experience. This does
on total MT scores as well as on the subscales of seem to suggest that research should consider age
‘control-of-life’, ‘control-of-emotion’, ‘confidence- and experience as factors that could have an impact
in-abilities’ and ‘challenge’. Nicholls et al. suggest on levels of mental toughness.
that this could be due to differences in the way
males and females express mental toughness or Research in higher education
reflect socialisation differences. This difference in It is important to note that research on mental
scores therefore does not necessarily mean that toughness was initiated in the area of sport and has
females are less mentally tough than their male been advanced further in the area of occupational
counterparts, but they may exhibit MT in different psychology. It is only more recently that studies have
ways perhaps due to social expectations. It is also endeavoured to investigate the role that mental
possible that both males and females give socially toughness may play in higher education. While
desirable answers and the differences in scores studies such as Crust et al. (2014) offer some insight
could reflect this. For example, females may be students in HE, this and other studies have been
reticent to give answers that suggest aggression mainly conducted on students studying for
whereas the converse may be true of male. That sport-related degrees.
is, males may feel pressured to give responses One of the aims of the present study is
that suggest high levels of aggression. Thereby, to investigate whether HE students who report
perceived gender difference might reflect the higher mental toughness are more likely to be
giving of social acceptable answers. However, it academically successful than those reporting lower
does seem that this is an area that needs further mental toughness. A further aim is to gain further
consideration as the number of females entering insight into the role of affect, that is, positive and
HE has increased substantially and HESA figures negative emotions, in academic success. Given that
for 2013/14 reveal that 56% of students entering there are also some indications that gender and
University are females. If the scores to reflect a age may have an influence, both factors were taken
real difference in MT between males and females into consideration.
then this could have an impact on attrition and An opportunity sample of 161 undergraduate
attainment. students, 120 females (age range 18-48) and 41
males (age range 18-28) took part in a survey.
The role of age and experience in mental Participants were asked to fill out two questionnaires
toughness to assess mental toughness and affect (emotion).
Nicholls et al. (2009) also investigated the The first questionnaire was the “Mental toughness
impact of age in their study and found that it was Questionnaire 48” (MTQ48) (Clough et al. 2002) a
a significant predictor of MT scores. Given the age 48 item validated questionnaire with the subscales as
of a typical student entering HE this would seem described above. This has a 5 point Likert scale where
to highlight a potential area of vulnerability. That participants rate a number of statements on a scale
is, the majority of students transitioning into higher of 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The
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