Editing Manager Resume

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Editing Manager Resume.

by Haleigh St Paul

Submission date: 11-Sep-2018 07:53PM (UT C-0700)

Submission ID: 1000467847
File name: Editing_Manager_Resume.docx
Word count: 290
Character count: 1881
Two Successes: Clear, consistent syntax and overall writing throughout convinces me of your writing ability. Good
organization. Two Challenges: Emphasize your editing skills by moving your Education section up and describing the
editing you've done in coursework or elsewhere. This will require omitting some of the other interesting, but sometimes
irrelevant, details from your work experience.

Whit e Space
Editing Manager Resume.docx




Text Comment. T wo Successes: Clear, consistent syntax and overall writing throughout
convinces me of your writing ability. Good organization. T wo Challenges: Emphasize your
editing skills by moving your Education section up and describing the editing you've done in
coursework or elsewhere. T his will require omitting some of the other interesting, but
sometimes irrelevant, details f rom your work experience.

QM White Space
White space is used to set sections apart. Avoid cramming headings and paragraphs together
and f ollow this common rule f or headings:
two white lines bef ore a heading, one white line af ter the heading. When creating columns
(which are vertical), separate them with vertical white space.


ABSENT OR BELOW Sections organization is absent, illogical, or inconsistent; Headings may be absent or
BASIC do not describe content ef f ectively

DEVELOPING Sections organization isn't always clear or consistent; Headings may not describe
content ef f ectively

PROFICIENT Sections are usually organized logically and consistently; Headings describe content

ADVANCED Sections are organized logically and consistently; Headings describe content
ef f ectively

PERSUASION Prof icient

ABSENT OR BELOW Job description's details may not be addressed; evidence of qualif ications is lacking
BASIC or irrelevant

DEVELOPING Generalizations attempt to address the job's description; evidence of qualif ications
isn't yet adequate

PROFICIENT Some specif ic details address the job's description directly; evidence of qualif ications
is adequate

ADVANCED Specif ic details address the job's description directly and aptly; evidence of
qualif ications is plentif ul and convincing

DESIGN Prof icient

ABSENT OR BELOW White space, f onts, and design are not used to increase the reader-f riendliness of
BASIC the resume.

DEVELOPING White space, f onts, and design may be distracting or inef f ective.

PROFICIENT White space, f onts, and design are ef f ective.

ADVANCED White space, f onts, and design are ef f ective and attractive


ABSENT OR BELOW Bullet Point clauses/phrases are hard to understand and structured inconsistently;
BASIC errors impede readability throughout.

DEVELOPING Bullet Point clauses/phrases may be hard to understand or structured inconsistently;

errors impede readability at times

PROFICIENT Bullet Point clauses/phrases are usually ef f ective and structured consistently; a f ew

ADVANCED Bullet Point clauses/phrases are ef f ective and structured consistently; nearly error
f ree

RHET . FOCUS Prof icient

ABSENT OR BELOW Audience's needs are of ten not recognized: language needs adjustment f or the
BASIC audience. Purpose (to prove one is capable of the named team position) isn't clear or

DEVELOPING Shows some attention to audience's needs and sometimes uses audience-
appropriate language. Purpose (to prove one is capable of the named team position)
may be unclear at times, and it may not be achieved convincingly.

PROFICIENT Shows attention to audience's needs and uses audience-appropriate language.

Purpose (to prove one is capable of the named team position) may be implied, but it's
clear and achieved.

ADVANCED Shows sophisticated attention to audience's needs and uses audience-appropriate

language. Purpose (to prove one is capable of the named team position) is clear and
achieved with style.

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