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A Report on the Workshop on

Earthquake Resistant Construction in Civil Engineering


Newsletter of the Indian Society of Earthquake Technology, January 1998.

C.V.R. Murty1, Ravi Sinha2, and Sudhir K. Jain3

The field of Earthquake Engineering has existed in our country for over 35 years
now. Indian earthquake engineers have made significant contributions to the seismic
safety of several important structures in the country. However, as the recent earthquakes
have shown, the performance of normal structures during past Indian earthquakes has
been less satisfactory. This is mainly due to the lack of awareness amongst most
practising engineers of the special provisions that need to be followed in earthquake-
resistant design and thereafter in construction. A workshop was conducted at IIT
Kanpur to discuss the role of earthquake-resistant construction in Civil Engineering
curriculum. The workshop also discussed the avenues for dissemination of this
knowledge to the students, practising engineers and other people. In this paper, the main
recommendations of the workshop and an action plan, that can be implemented in the
next few years, have been described.

Formal activities in the field of Earthquake Engineering in the country
were started in the late fifties at the University of Roorkee (UOR). The first Indian
code was published by the Bureau of Indian Standards in 1962. Since then, Indian
earthquake engineers have handled numerous prestigious and challenging projects
in high seismic regions of the country. However, it has often been felt that an
average civil engineer in the country even today looks at earthquake engineering as
an area of super-speciality to be handled only by researchers and professors. The cause of
earthquake-disaster mitigation through constructions that can appropriately
withstand earthquakes, can be achieved only when the professional civil engineers
in India take it upon themselves to ensure earthquake-resistant constructions.
A typical undergraduate civil engineering curriculum in the county does not
include any coverage of earthquake engineering; the situation is no different in
most other countries of the world. Even at the post-graduate level, only a small
fraction of structural engineering students gets a chance to study earthquake
engineering and design. This results in most civil engineers not receiving any
formal training in earthquake engineering during the undergraduate or post-
graduate studies. This needs to be corrected for a country like ours with an
enormous earthquake problem.
A three-day workshop was held at the Indian Institute of Technology
Kanpur during 10-12 October 1996 to discuss all aspects related to earthquake-
resistant construction in civil engineering curriculum. The questions that prompted this
workshop include:
1. Should we continue to let earthquake-resistant constructions to be handled
by specialists only, or should an average civil engineer responsible for
construction be expected to know about appropriate earthquake
technology for day-to-day constructions?
2. Should earthquake-resistant construction be taught as a separate subject in
the engineering curriculum, or should the topics related to earthquake
engineering be merged with the existing courses? For instance, it may be
more effective to teach students about ductile detailing of reinforced
concrete structures in the regular design course on reinforced concrete,
than covering all aspects of earthquake engineering in one single course.
3. Should earthquake engineering maintain an identity outside the normal civil
engineering industry or become a part of civil engineering industry itself?
4. How best to achieve the following goal: professional civil engineers should
be able to ensure earthquake-resistant constructions without seeking help
from “earthquake engineering experts," particularly for the run-of-the-mill
As a preparation towards this workshop, two questionnaires were sent to
all engineering colleges in the country. These questionnaires solicited information
from the colleges, regarding: (a) state of teaching curriculum at undergraduate as
well as at graduate levels vis-à-vis earthquake-resistant constructions, and (b) profile
of faculty members, having expertise in earthquake-resistant constructions or
interested in developing expertise in earthquake-resistant constructions.
Responses received during this survey were made available to the workshop
participants in the form of a directory.
To ensure a holistic approach to addressing the above questions, a very
broad agenda was prepared for the workshop. Most of the time during the
workshop was spent in across-the-table discussions. Participation was by
invitation. This paper gives a summary of the discussions and recommendations
made during the three days of deliberations.

Discussions and Recommendations

Theme 1 :: Earthquake-Resistant Constructions in India
1.1 Engineered and Non-Engineered Constructions
• Most building constructions are non-engineered. However, formal
education is imparted only on engineered constructions. Focus of
discussions should also be placed on non-engineered constructions.
1.2 Building Material Technology and Know-How
• There is a need for greater discussion on the different building materials
and their utility for earthquake-resistant constructions in technical
1.3 Division of Responsibilities between Consultants, Contractors and
• The consultant plays the most important role in realising earthquake-
resistant constructions. The consultant has to educate the owner regarding
the consequences of not providing earthquake-resistant features; this may
motivate the owner to incur the extra costs for safety. The responsibility of
adhering to the minimum requirements specified by the design codes shall
remain with the consultant. The consultant also needs to ensure that the
detailing provided is fully implemented by the contractor.
1.4 Earthquake-Resistant Design Practice versus Traditional Design
• Earthquake-resistant design and detailing should be considered under
normal design situations. These should be an integral part of design
process, even though these may not govern the final design in all cases.
This situation would then be similar to the current treatment of design for
wind loads. This will d-mystify the myth of earthquake-resistant design and
construction being a special requirement.

1.5 Code Provisions And Issues

• Design codes are the minimum specifications of the society’s expectations of
the structures. There is a need to ensure that the codal provisions are
faithfully complied with. Since the building codes also fulfill a social
obligation, the costs incurred by individuals involved in the code
development should be provided.
• The code revisions sometime require technological upgradation or other
major changes in the prevailing practices. Appropriate technological
innovations and developments must take place in order to help the
implementation of the difficult provisions.
• The code compliance in the country is currently very poor. This can be
improved through necessary regulations and legal provisions. Introduction
of tender specifications and changes in the city bylaws are some strategies
for this. Also, there is a need for speedy action against defaulters to
encourage compliance.
• The professional societies should take the initiative to develop model
codes or to discuss specific issues. These may be used as a basis for
arriving at the practical codes. These model codes should be regularly
revised based on continuous technological developments. This will greatly
benefit through increased involvement of professional engineers in code

1.6 Quality Control through Total Quality Management

• Use of ISO:9000 type control processes would help improve both design
and construction practices.
• Implementation of ISO:9000 is initially expensive but experiences show
that it pays off in about 2 years through greater economy in operations.
• Use of TQM concepts checks the common mistakes made in the prevalent

Theme 2 :: Teaching Philosophy

2.1 Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics
• Structural dynamics forms a relatively small segment of earthquake
engineering; the former is not a substitute for the latter. Hence, the course
on structural dynamics has to be viewed differently from that on
earthquake engineering.
• Typical course on earthquake engineering has four main elements: (1)
characterisation of ground shaking; (2) structural analysis under ground
motion; (3) behaviour of structural systems; and (4) earthquake-resistant
design and construction.
• It is necessary to prescribe the content of model courses on earthquake-
resistant analysis, design and construction for both the UG and PG
programmes. The different engineering colleges may use these model
syllabi as a basis for introduction of earthquake-resistant construction in
their curriculum. The AICTE has also initiated efforts to develop a model
undergraduate curriculum. The curriculum proposed in this workshop for
earthquake-resistant analysis, design and construction may be taken as an
input by AICTE in its efforts.
• Engineering curriculum should also inculcate in the students their social
responsibilities, the necessity of using sound design principles and
compliance with code provisions.

2.2 UG Programme
• It may be possible to introduce, at the 1st year level, an introductory course
on natural disaster mitigation open to undergraduate students from all
branches of engineering to appreciate the related issues. This course may
be strengthened through laboratory demonstrations, and use of multi-
media tools to show the behaviour of structures, consequences of failures
and societal implications.
• In view of the drastic improvement in analysis tools, static structural
analysis curriculum currently imparted at the 2nd/3rd year level may be
significantly altered. The essentials of static analysis may require only about
60% of the time currently assigned in most curricula. With appropriate
changes, the remaining 40% of the time may be employed for exposure to
dynamic analysis.
• This will enable the introduction of wind/seismic design concepts in the
preliminary design courses at the 3rd/4th year levels of the undergraduate
programme. The design courses should also discuss the need for
specialised/ductile detailing provisions.
• It is also desirable to introduce an elective at the 4th year level exclusively
dealing with winds and earthquakes, analysis, design and construction.
• Earthquake-resistant design course can be introduced in the undergraduate
curriculum in two different ways. In the first, the provisions of earthquake-
resistant design may be amalgamated with the existing design courses.
Alternatively, some institutions may find it useful to introduce a full course
on basic earthquake-resistant analysis and design procedures.
• The proposed curriculum for the model U.G. courses are enclosed in

2.3 PG Programme
• There is a need for some engineers to be fully trained in all aspects of
earthquake engineering. These engineers will cater to the requirements of
highly seismic regions of the country and major projects anywhere. Thus, a
few institutions/universities may provide such specialisations.
• In general, structural engineering students with exposure to earthquake-
resistant analysis, design and constructions would fulfill the needs of most
industries. To achieve this, an appropriately designed course on earthquake
engineering should be offered to the students as a continuation of the
(usually) compulsory structural dynamics course.
• Regional seismicity concerns may decide the priority of individual
institutions/ universities, and hence their curriculum. This is particularly so
when these institutions are financially supported at the regional level.
• At the post-graduate level, it is necessary to have atleast a two-course
sequence of structural dynamics followed by earthquake engineering.
Alternatively, some colleges may choose to offer two separate courses in
lieu of the single course in earthquake engineering. In such cases, the first
course may focus on seismological background and earthquake analysis of
structures. The second course may be devoted to earthquake-resistant
design philosophy and practice.
• The proposed curriculum for these model P.G. courses are enclosed in
Architecture Programme
• Introduction of seismic considerations in the architectural curriculum at
the UG level is essential. To attend to the short-term needs, short courses
for architects on earthquake-resistant constructions are required to increase
their awareness. Slides showing failures in past earthquakes may be
effectively used to illustrate sound earthquake-resistant architectural
• The experiences from past earthquakes should be included in the
curriculum related to urban land usage and town planning.
Diploma-Level Programme
• Since the Diploma-holders play a key role in the implementation of designs
and supervision of constructions, there is a need to introduce the basic
concepts of earthquake-resistant constructions in the polytechnic
curriculum. Suitable thumb-rules need to be imparted to facilitate this
• The importance of quality control in construction of earthquake-resistant
structures should be emphasised in Diploma curriculum. This will require
explaining the concepts of quality and providing check-points for
• There is also a need to introduce simple booklets and other teaching
materials illustrating the seismic resistant provisions for commonly used
structural systems. These can be widely distributed to current Diploma-
holders to assist them with upgrading their skills.
• It is also necessary to include ductile detailing requirements in the Diploma

Theme 3 :: Faculty Resource Generation

3.1 Status and Needs
• Based on a survey of engineering colleges in the country carried out by IIT
Kanpur, it has been found that about 85% faculty members interested in
earthquake engineering (either having expertise or interested in developing
expertise in earthquake resistant construction) have studied structural
dynamics while only about 30% have formally studied earthquake-resistant
constructions during their postgraduate education.
• There is a need to train more faculty members in earthquake-resistant
design and construction techniques.
• The Quality Improvement Programme (QIP) of AICTE can be used to
impart both short-term as well as long-term training. The AICTE has
already identified about 15 to 20 course modules in earthquake engineering
that may be of interest to teachers in engineering colleges.
3.2 Training Strategies
• The training programmes for college teachers must cover the model
curriculum (that was discussed in Theme 2). The training programmes
should include significant amount of take-home reference materials and
teaching-aids for subsequent use by these trainees.
• Short-term courses can be effectively used for training teachers for UG
and PG courses. Sufficiently large number of training modules should be
offered each year so that all teachers who are interested in these courses
are able to find a convenient training programme.
• It is not necessary to always offer training courses at the parent institution
of the resource persons. Depending on the geographical spread of the
interested teachers, such courses can also be arranged at other colleges to
ensure convenient access to the trainee teachers.
• Training of teachers is different from training of design professionals.
During the training of teachers, more emphasis should be given on
explanation of basic concepts rather than the use of thumb-rule based
design procedures. The teacher trainees are expected to consolidate their
understanding and implementation through self-study.
• Short-term visits (up to 6 months) to specific institutions can be extremely
effective for advanced training of teachers. During the short visit, specific
project-based research may be carried out. Such short-term visits should be
followed by regular interactions.

3.3 Collaboration with Institutions

• Greater interaction between institutions will help in the dissemination of
information on earthquake-resistant construction procedures. Both formal
collaboration through joint projects as well as informal collaboration need
to be encouraged.
• During collaborative projects it is necessary to ensure optimal utilisation of
resources of both the institutions.
• The maintenance of some laboratory equipments may be very expensive. If
these equipments are required to be used during the collaborative project,
their maintenance expenses may need to be allocated from appropriate

Theme 4 :: Experimental Facilities
4.1 Requirements of Experimental Facilities
• Experimental facilities serve two purposes. They should be used for (1)
demonstrating concepts during teaching, and (2) carrying out research and
development. Laboratories dedicated to the former need not include
advanced and expensive experimental set-up. These need to be established
at most of the colleges engaged in teaching earthquake-resistant
constructions. Since laboratories suitable for research and development
require significant amount of resources, they need not be duplicated at all
colleges. However, modalities of sharing available experimental facilities
between institutions need to be worked out.
o Experimental Demonstration and Courses
• Experimental exposure is required at both the UG and PG levels. At the
undergraduate level, the experiments may be demonstration-type
illustrating the consequences of earthquake disasters. These
demonstrations should illustrate the advantages of earthquake-resistant
features. At the postgraduate level, three different semester-long modules
are suggested. The first module consists of a number of experiments to
demonstrate the important concepts of structural dynamics. The second
module is basically the traditional structural engineering laboratory with
added emphasis on earthquake-resistant construction features. This
module should also include demonstration of preferred ductile detailing
requirements. The third module is a comprehensive laboratory programme
on earthquake engineering demonstrating all the important concepts. The
proposed experiments for these modules are described in Appendix-C.
• The laboratory courses may also include appropriate experiments on
material behaviour and on practical aspects of constructions.
• A number of relatively small gadgets can be fabricated to demonstrate the
basic design principles for earthquake-resistant structures. These may be
used as teaching-aids for earthquake engineering course.

Theme 5 :: Teaching Materials

5.1 Text Books
• Very few inexpensive text books highlighting prevalent construction
practice are currently available for use in our colleges. There is a need to
augment this with more text books relevant to India and containing the
latest developments in this field.
• There is a necessity to augment the current design text books to include
the basics of earthquake-resistant design procedures. The authors and
publishers of these text books need to be persuaded to act expeditiously.
• There is also a need to develop completely new text books covering on all
aspects of earthquake-resistant analysis and design.
• As a modest beginning, comprehensive lecture notes may be prepared for
widespread circulation among engineering colleges. These notes should not
have any distribution or copying restrictions.
• A joint effort may be taken up by a group of committed individuals to
contribute different sections of a professionally coordinated text book.
This book must contain detailed examples of analysis and earthquake-
resistant design. The structure of the book must be well focused and
should reflect continuity of thought.
• It is also desirable to develop separate books containing complete analysis
and design case studies on some common types of buildings using the
current provisions of the associated codes.
• Several excellent text books on earthquake engineering are in print in the
international market. There is a necessity to persuade these publishers to
introduce low-cost Indian editions of the same.
o Journals and Reports
• A lot of international Earthquake Engineering literature is published by
different societies and professional organizations outside the mainstream
publishing business. It is a difficult task to keep track of such literature
coming out of a very large number of sources and to procure them.
• Most international journals and reports published outside India are very
expensive. As a result, most institutions in our country are constrained to
procure only a small fraction of the available literature in earthquake
• A national facility dedicated to the collection and dissemination of all
available publications in earthquake engineering needs to be established.
This facility, which may be in the form of a national centre, would be
responsible for convenient sharing (through loans and selective
photocopying) of the collected resources and would act as a clearing house
in this respect. Information regarding the resources available with the
clearing house may also be placed on the world-wide web so as to facilitate
sharing. These centres may be set-up in collaboration with
institutes/research centres.
• A coordinated effort is required to persuade the appropriate authorities to
assign priority to this endeavour and to allocate the necessary financial
support for the setting up of this clearing house. This effort may require
collaboration between professional societies (for example, ISET),
institutions and universities such as IITs and UoR.

5.3 Code Commentaries

• Lucid commentaries on earthquake-related codes are required to explain
the basis of design code provisions. These should also include complete
worked out examples for different types of structural systems in order to
assist in the correct understanding and use of the codal provisions. These
commentaries need not be published by the Bureau of Indian Standards
and may, preferably, be taken up by committed individuals.
• Professional societies such as ISET may also be requested to give wide
publicity to these commentaries through its journals.
• The commentaries on design codes need to be updated at regular intervals
to incorporate the comments and concerns of the users.

Theme 6 :: Research in Earthquake-Resistant Construction

6.1 Status and Needs
• Research in earthquake-resistant constructions must be based on the needs
of the society. In addition, there is need for developing a conducive
atmosphere to promote research in these topics through appropriate
encouragement to the researchers.

6.2 Perceptions of Society

• There is a general misconception amongst builders, architects, engineers
and society, in general, that earthquake-resistant constructions are too
expensive and are unnecessary. The additional cost due to earthquake-
resistant construction features are only nominal, and these costs are more
than justified through better response of buildings and reduced potential
for earthquake disaster. The society needs to be educated on the
tremendous advantage of earthquake-resistant construction.
• There is a need to place importance on quality control in structural design
and construction process. It is also essential to explain the effects of poor
quality structures in inducing damage during earthquakes.
Research Evaluation and Funding
• There is an urgent need to increase the volume of applied research in
earthquake engineering. The results of such research would lead to
development of technologies and methods of improving the performance
of structures, which are appropriate for the Indian construction industry.
• Wider publicity is required for greater use of earthquake engineering
technologies already available.
• Most research problems being undertaken at leading institutions in India
seem to be extension of work being done in the advanced countries. While
these research efforts are useful, there is also a need to devote greater
efforts on problems of immediate concern to India. Such efforts should
be adequately rewarded to encourage greater commitment.

6.4 Professional Organisations

• Active participation of both researchers and practicing engineers is

solicited in the different professional societies. This would provide the
forum for development of greater understanding between the two
communities and may lead to useful collaborative efforts.
• The professional organisations and governmental agencies must play a
more pro-active role to reduce the level of ignorance about earthquake-
resistant provisions.
• Periodic exercises to disseminate and exchange information on the
different technologies developed or otherwise available to the industry are
essential. These need to be carried out at different locations at regular

6.5 Experimental Facilities

• Experimental facilities are essential for validation of the developed
technologies. More research organisations and institutions should be
provided such facilities in order to facilitate research in earthquake-
resistant constructions.
• A national dynamic testing facility capable of supporting experiments on
full-size prototype structures and components is urgently required. The
national facility may be established in collaboration between the leading
research institutions and centres. This facility will be invaluable for the
entire research community for carrying out necessary experiments on
development and validation of earthquake-resistant design and
construction features suitable to the Indian scenario.

6.6 Regulatory Issues

• The performance standards of engineers need to be ensured through a
professional certification procedure. This process will ensure that all
practicing engineers meet the minimum prescribed understanding. The
requirement of professional certification may also encourage compliance
with the specified quality standards during design and construction phases.
Willful violation of the minimum quality standards should be promptly
• Recommendations of the Bureau of Indian Standards are not mandatory;
in any case, these represent the minimum requirements for analysis and
design. The level of compliance with these provisions needs to be

Theme 7 :: Professional Ambiance
7.1 Status and Needs
• Professional bodies need to play a pro-active role. For instance, ISET
requires visibility and should hold more meetings outside Roorkee.
• Topic-wise capsules for half-a-day may be developed by faculty
members/professional bodies for training of professional engineers on
specific aspects of earthquake-resistant construction.
• Development of seismic standards and codes in the country is presently
dominated by academicians. It is extremely important that the practicing
engineers also take a lead role in developing these standards.
• A national level examination conducted by a neutral professional
organisation/body is necessary to accredit the professional performance of
practicing engineers. For instance, the AMIE certification procedure may
be revised to now include earthquake-resistant construction in it. This
certification must be renewed every 5 years for all engineers responsible for
the design and construction, after successfully re-appearing at the national
• Engineers should steer the decision-making process in more construction
companies than is currently practiced due the domination of builders and
financiers. Since the level of earthquake-protection necessary for structures
is a highly technical decision, this will help sensitise the construction
companies to the issues related to earthquake-resistant design and
• While personal crusades do motivate other individuals to also put in their
best, high quality team effort is required for proper execution of large
engineering projects. Both practicing engineers and researchers should
contribute a certain portion of their time (say, 5%) towards bridging the
gap between the states of the art and of the practice.
• The quality of the final product directly reflects on the profession. It is essential for
practicing engineers engaged in earthquake-resistant design and
construction to maintain high professional standards.
• Positive professional ambiance can be created through interaction in an
atmosphere of mutual respect between practicing engineers and
researchers on each others’ expertise.
• User-friendly computer softwares for earthquake-resistant analysis and
design need to be developed within India to overcome the usually very
expensive international software. The detailing provisions usually require
satisfying several conflicting constraints simultaneously. Hence, software
tools for detailing may not be necessary.

Theme 8 :: Implementation Plans

• While most CE industries enjoy the fruits of the research work conducted
using Grant-in-Aid from government agencies, they do not themselves
seem to invest on research. To begin with, scholarships may be invited
from industry to support post-graduate research students. Standards of
academic quality can be maintained only if a critical mass of students are
continually supported at research institutions/universitites. Lobbying for
increased financial support from the industry needs to be stepped-up.
• The JRF scheme of CSIR may be explored for possibility of supporting
M.Tech. students.
• A special issue of the science magazines like Resonance, Current Science and
Sadhana, on earthquake-resistant construction from the Indian context can
be edited by a learned group once a year. This will provide a means of
lobby for the improved earthquake-resistant construction in India with
policy makers, educated persons and general public.
• Several alternative modules for imparting education on earthquake-
resistant construction have been evolved during this workshop. Since the
AICTE has already initiated development of a model UG curriculum for
use in technical institutions, they may be requested to also consider the
inclusion of the modules in the model curriculum.
• Due to the inherent flexibility present in the IIT course structure, they
should be strongly urged to include the proposed modules at appropriate
levels of the undergraduate curriculum.
• Policy makers, decision makers, other educated persons and lay public
should be educated through regular publication of popular articles
explaining the different concepts related to earthquake-resistant
constructions and the need for implementation of the same.
• It is essential to consider earthquake-resistant design and construction
under the framework of national disaster reduction plan.
•The course modules that have been developed during this workshop need to be
disseminated to the Vice-Chancellors and Chairmen of the Boards of Studies of
different universities for inclusion in their curriculum.
The workshop held intensive discussions on several important topics
related to the status of earthquake engineering in India. The major conclusions
that were arrived at during the discussions have been discussed in this paper.
Some of the recommendations of this workshop are implementable in the short-
term, while the others require long-term efforts for their implementation.
The authors believe that the following steps should be initiated urgently:
1. Working notes and teaching aids should be developed and widely
disseminated for model UG and PG curricula in Earthquake Engineering and
Structural Dynamics.
2. Model experiments should be developed to illustrate the concepts in
earthquake engineering, using low-cost and easily available instruments. These
experiments should be integrated with the theory courses to illustrate different
concepts of earthquake engineering and structural dynamics.
3. There is also an urgent need to develop short-term training programs in
the area of earthquake-resistant constructions for structural engineering faculty
of different engineering colleges.
4. There is a very urgent need to d-mystify the earthquake-related design
codes by developing detailed commentaries on the code provisions.
5. A dedicated national-level facility needs to be established for the collection
and dissemination of earthquake engineering publications and literature.
6. The architecture curriculum in the country should be suitably modified to
impart the basic concepts of earthquake-resistant design to architecture
7. The diploma programs related to building constructions should be
modified to include the essential earthquake-resistant features in buildings.
Since the conduct of this workshop, based on the above recommendations
several initiatives have already been taken at some of institutions. For instance,
some faculty members at IIT Delhi and IIT Bombay have already incorporated
earthquake-resistant construction in the regular undergraduate courses. An
arrangement has been finalised and implemented between the Central Building
Research Institute Roorkee (CBRI) and IIT Kanpur regarding the M. Tech.
Programme, where; CBRI financially supports a few students at IIT Kanpur and
the students carry out their M. Tech. Thesis in joint supervision of one CBRI
scientist and one faculty member of IIT Kanpur. Also, many participants felt that
such workshops should be conducted at regular intervals at different locations in
the country, as these improve collaborations between participants from the
different sectors and different organizations in India.
Participants in the workshop included: Dr. A. S. Arya (UOR Roorkee), Dr.
P. Dayaratnam and Dr. A. K. Asthana (JNTU Hyderabad), Dr. T. K. Datta (IIT
Delhi), Dr. Pradipta Bannerji, Dr. Alok Goyal and Dr. Ravi Sinha (IIT Bombay),
Mr. C. K. Jain (Shirish Patel and Assoc. Bombay), Dr. S. C. Dutta (B E College
Sibpur), Dr. P. Govindan (Coimbatore Inst. of Tech.), Mr. K. V. Subramanian
(TCE Bombay), Dr. R. N. Iyengar (CBRI Roorkee), Dr. A. M. Prasad (IIT
Madras), Dr. S. K. Deb (REC Silchar), Dr. V. K. Gupta, Dr. S. K. Jain, Dr. Sudhir
Misra, Dr. C.V.R.Murty and Dr. A.S.R. Sai (IIT Kanpur). The authors are thankful
to the participants in the workshop for their views and suggestions. This activity
was financially supported by a grant from the All India Council for Technical
Education to IIT Kanpur.

Appendix A: Proposed Undergraduate Curriculum

A. 1 Preferred Material in UG Programme
Ist year UG Level
As part of a humanities course, the following content may be included :
Natural disaster mitigation, lessons from past disasters, social and economic aspects,
preparedness, public policies and role of engineers.
A.2 Mandatory Material in UG Programme
A.2.1 2nd year UG Level
As part of traditional building construction course, the following content may be
included :
Earthquake-resistant features in non-engineered constructions and masonry structures (e.g., lintel
band, through stones in stone masonry); Specific reference to IS:13927-1993 and IS:13928-
1993 may be made.
A.2.2 3rd/4th year UG Level
As part of the traditional structural design courses, the following content may be
included :
Equivalent seismic lateral loads using seismic coefficient method as per IS:1893; ductile detailing
requirements (specific reference to IS:13920-1993)
A.3 Optional Material in UG Programme
4th year UG Level
A separate course or two courses may be considered with the following content:
Analysis and Design for Wind and Earthquake Effects
SDOF systems; Forced and Free Vibrations; Damping; Response Spectrum
MDOF systems; Dynamic Properties; Response Spectrum Analysis
Wind Design Philosophy; Fatigue
Earthquake Resistant Design Philosophy; Ductility
Codal Provisions for Wind and Earthquake Effects
Design and Detailing for Fatigue and Ductility
Review of Damage to Buildings
Structural Dynamics
SDOF systems; Equation of Motion; Free and Forced Vibrations; Damping;
Response Spectrum
MDOF systems; Dynamic Properties; Modal Superposition Method; Practical Considerations
Introduction to Earthquake Engineering
Earthquakes- Magnitude and Intensity; Ground Motions; Sensors; Design Response Spectrum
Earthquake Analysis; Idealisation of Structures; Response Spectrum Analysis; Equivalent
Force Concepts
Earthquake Resistant Design Philosophy; Ductility; Codal Provisions
Detailing Provisions; Strategies for Quality Control
Review of Damage during Past Earthquake
Appendix B :: Proposed Postgraduate Curriculum
Structural Dynamics (Mandatory)
SDOF systems; Equation of Motion; Free and Forced Vibrations; Damping; Response
MDOF systems; Dynamic Properties; Modal Superposition Method; Practical Considerations
Continuous Systems; Free and Forced Vibrations; Wave Propagation
Numerical Methods
Approximate Methods (Rayleigh’s Method, Dunkerley’s Method).
Earthquake Engineering (Optional)
Earthquakes- Magnitude and Intensity; Ground Motions; Site Effects; Sensors;
Design Response Spectrum
Earthquake Analysis; Idealisation of Structures; Response Spectrum Analysis; Equivalent
Force Concepts; Torsionally Coupled Systems; Effects of Soil-Structure Interaction
Earthquake Resistant Design Philosophy; Ductility; Base Isolation; Codal Provisions
Detailing Provisions; Review of Damage during Past Earthquake
Dynamic Properties of Soil; Liquefaction and Ground Improvement Techniques
Strategies for Quality Control
Structural Dynamics (Mandatory)
SDOF systems; Equation of Motion; Free and Forced Vibrations; Damping; Response
MDOF systems; Dynamic Properties; Modal Superposition Method; Practical Considerations
Continuous Systems; Equation of Motions; Free and Forced Vibrations; Wave Propagation
Numerical Methods
Approximate Methods (Rayleigh’s Method, Dunkerley’s Method).
Earthquake Engineering Analysis (Optional)
Earthquakes - Magnitude and Intensity; Ground Motions; Site Effects; Sensors; Design
Response Spectrum
Earthquake Analysis; Idealisation of Structures; Response Spectrum Analysis; Equivalent
Force Concepts; Torsionally Coupled Systems; Frequency Domain Analysis; Time Domain
Nonlinear Analysis; Push-over analysis
Soil-Structure Interaction; Dynamic Properties of Soil; Dynamic Earth Pressures; Liquefaction
Fluid-Structure Interaction
Earthquake Resistant Design (Optional)
Earthquake Resistant Design Philosophy; Ductility; Base Isolation; Code Provisions
Detailing Provisions; Review of Damage during Past Earthquake
Design of Bridges, Dams, Industrial Structures and Retaining Walls
Retrofitting and Strengthening of Buildings and Bridges
Concepts of Structural Control
Liquefaction and Ground Improvement Techniques
Strategies for Quality Control
Appendix C :: Proposed Experimental Curriculum
C.1 UG Programme : Demonstrations
Natural Frequency and Damping in SDOF Systems
Modal Properties of MDOF Systems
Effectiveness of Ductile Detailing
C.2 PG Programme : Experiments
Natural Frequency and Damping in SDOF Systems:Free Vibration; Decay Curves Harmonic
Excitation; Frequency Response Function; Half-Band Width Method
Modal Properties of MDOF Systems using Impact Hammer
Damping in Different Materials
Effectiveness of Ductile Detailing: Confinement
Practical Joint Detailing Schemes
Member and Section Ductility
Natural Frequency and Damping in SDOF Systems: Free Vibration; Decay Curves
Harmonic Excitation; Frequency Response Function;Half-Band Width Method
Modal Properties of MDOF Systems using Free vibrations techniques using Impact
Modal Properties of Continuous Systems: Damping in Different Materials Response of
Structures to Ground Motions (Symmetric and Torsionally Coupled Building)
Effectiveness of Ductile Detailing
Practical Joint Detailing Schemes
Member and Section Ductility
Ambient and Forced Vibration Tests
Modification in Dynamic Properties - Fluid Structure Interaction
Geophysical Refraction

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology
Kanpur, 208016
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology
Bombay, 400076
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,

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