SKII Factory Inspection Report 4
SKII Factory Inspection Report 4
SKII Factory Inspection Report 4
1. General
1.1 Manufacturer’s registered name and factory location
1.3 Product names of the product the Solar Keymark is applied for
2. Quality System
yes no
2.1 Does the manufacturer hold a certified quality management system that
includes the products in question?
If yes, questions 10.7, 10.8 and 10.9 have not to be answered and a copy
of the certificate must be attached to this report.
3. Incoming goods
yes no
3.0 Does the manufacturer have a list of strategic materials / A-components
that includes all the incoming materials?
3.1 Does the manufacturer have documented specifications for all these
materials, components, sub-assemblies and services ?
If yes, at least one case must be assessed and filed by the inspection
yes no
3.2 Does the manufacturer ensure that the purchased products and/or
subcontracted services are in conformity with the specified requirements?
If yes, at least one case must be assessed and filed by the inspection
4.2 Are the responsibilities for the tests conducted under 4.1, including the
decision for the product liberation clearly documented?
4.3 Does the staff have ready available up-to-date documents, like as
procedures, quality plans, inspection and test instructions, photographs,
drawings or samples on all those parts that have an impact on the
conformity of the finished products?
4.4 Are there appropriate records on all the checks and tests done during the
production available?
4.6 Are trends of test result monitored and reported to the production and
management authorities?
6.2 Is the equipment provided with a label or similar method indicating the
next “calibration due”?
7.2 Are there records about the function checks of the measuring equipment
available? (Is the equipment provided with a label or similar method
indicating the next “check due”?)
8. Preservation of product
yes no
8.1 After final inspection and test, are the products handled and stocked in
such a way that compliance with the standards is not affected?
9. Complains
yes no
9.1 Are complains concerning the certified products recorded?
10. Records
yes no
10.1 Are records kept at least for the period between two assessments
13.1 List below your criticisms and explain them to the manufacturer. If possible
indicate also the corrective actions the manufacturer intends to take.
1. No criticisms
2. Limited number of minor Manufacturer shall confirm corrective
criticisms action to the inspector, certification
Note - List all supplementary pages and provide page control (A1 of...)
The inspector should give a copy to the undersigned contact person, who should sign
for its receipt.
Name of inspector