MCS 023

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of Printed Pages : 4 MCS-023 I

MCA (Revised) / BCA. (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, 2018



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage : 75%)

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) Justify the statement "BCNF is stronger

than 3NF" with the help of a suitable
example. 5
(b) Why is data replication useful in DDBMS ?
What do you understand by the term
complete and selective replication ?
(c) How can system log be used for recovery
when multiple concurrent transactions are
going on ? Explain with the help of an
example. 5
(d) What is the role of views in DBMS ? Can
we perform delete, modify or insert
operations, if the view contains group
function ? Justify. 5
MCS-023 1 P.T.O.
(e) What do you understand by the term
"closure of any relation" ? How is closure
used to determine key of relation ? Explain
with an example.
(f) Can we use Binary Search Tree (BST) for
indexing ? Justify.
(g) What is Query Optimization ? Discuss the
role of Relational Algebra in query
(h) What is a Database manager ? Explain the
components of database manager with the
help of a diagram.

2. (a) Explain ANSI SPARC 3 level architecture

of DBMS, with the details of languages
associated at different levels and the type
of data independence in between different
levels. Give suitable diagram in support of
your explanation.
(b) Consider the relation SUPPLIER given
below, where S# and P# are keys, the
functional dependency set FD is
FD = {S# P# -4 city, S# ---> city)
S# X X X Y Y
P# 1 2 3 1 2

MCS-023 2
Now, perform the following :
(i) Determine the highest normal form of
the relation SUPPLIER. 2
(ii) Normalize the relation SUPPLIER to
the next higher normal form.
(iii) Discuss the Deletion and Insertion
anomalies, which can occur in the
relation SUPPLIER. 2
(c) Construct an ER diagram for the loan
management system of a finance company.
Loans are given on the purchase of various
items with different interest rates. The
company keeps track of defaulters and
takes appropriate steps against them.
Make and state suitable assumptions (if
any). 7

3. (a) What is a serializable schedule in

concurrent transaction ? How does
serializable schedule differ from serial
schedule ? Give suitable example in
support of your discussion. The problems of
deadlock and starvation are addressed by
which schedules respectively ? Justify. 7
(b) What is Write-Ahead log protocol ? How is
this protocol utilized in database recovery
process ? Discuss with suitable example.
(c) Discuss the term wait-for graph. What is
the utility of wait-for graph in describing
deadlocks ? Give suitable example in
support of your discussion. 8
MCS-023 3 • P.T.O.
4. (a) Differentiate between the following : 10
(i) Two-phase locking vs Two-phase
commit protocol
(ii) Wait-wound vs Wait-die protocol
(b) Discuss the term optimistic scheduling.
How is this technique used to manage
concurrent transactions in databases ?
What is the difference between
timestamping and optimistic scheduling ?
Give suitable examples in support of your
discussion. 10

5. Write short notes on the following : 4x5=20

(a) Distributed DBMS

(b) Clustering Indexes and their


(c) Shadow Paging

(d) Weak Entity along with an example.

(e) Specialisation in ERD with an appropriate

MCS-023 4 10,000

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