Reaffirmed 1996
Reaffirmed 1996
Reaffirmed 1996
Indian Standard
IS : 2914 - 1964
Indian Standard
IS : 2914 - 1964
1.1.3 This standard does not cover the cases of at two or more sections. Sinlilarly, iliTTc.~-rnt
flashy rivers where the flow conditions during methods of measuremenr may 1~: cn~p!o> c,il fr)r
floods are suddenly and rapidly varying. separate parts of the range.
The particular conditions relative to each of the
2. TERMINOLOGY _ methods of measurement are specified in rclcval~t
Indian Standards for mcastircmtnt of flow of‘ M’ater
2.1 For the purpose of this standard, the definitions in open channels.
given in IS : 1191-19X* shall apply in addition
to the following. 5.2.1 The following additional requirrmcn ts
shall be complied with for thr establishment of
2.2 Control - Includes all the physical features stage-discharge relationship.
of the channel which determine the stage of the a) It is desirable to select a site where the
river at a given point for a certain rate of flow. relationship between stage and discharge is
2.3 Erodible Channels - Channels in which substantially consistent and stable. This may,
there is frequently and significantly changing however, not he possible on large a!luvial
control due to sedimentation; scour or other rivers at all stages. For the latter, the rtage-
reasons. discharge relationship is generally applicable
only for the period of time for which it is
2.4 Inerodible Channels - Channels in which drawn unless it is established to apply to
the bed and the sides remain sensibly stable over another period.
a number of years in tl:e control reach, and scour 1,) There shall be no eddies or other abnormality
and deposition during the rising and falling in the flow.
floods is inappreciable.
c) A significant change in discharge at tile
gauging site shall be accompanied by :I
significant change in stage.
3.1 The units of measurement used in this standard NOTE - Sensitivity is at least as important as any othctr
are seconds and metres (or feet). factor in determining the quality of a gauging station.
Small errors in stage readings during calibration in a
4. PRINCIPLES OF MEASUREMENT non-sensitive station can result in largr Crrors in thr
estimated discharge.
4.1 The two variates to be measured are the stage A comparison shall be made brtween the change in
and the discharge in the channel. discharge corresponding to the minimum changta in stasc
to ensure that this sensitivity of the station is sufTicil*nt
4.1.1 Stage is determined by the height of the for thr purpose for which the measurements aria rpcluirrtl.
water level above a fixed datum line measured by
a gauge. d) There shall not be any variable back-water
4.1.2 Discharge is expressed as the volume of
water per unit of time passing a particular cross- e) As far as possible, sites where weed gro”th
section norma! to the direction of f!ow. Ir is is prevalent should be avoided.
given by the product of ,he area of that cross- f) Access to the site at all stages and at al1
section up to the water surface and the mean times should be available.
velocity of flow in that section. The area of the
cross-section is computed 1:~ finite integration 6. MEASUREMENT OF STAGE
method from measurement df the width at the
6.1 General - A flow measurement station con-
water surface and soundings taken at diiferent sists of a measuring cross-seclion or cross-sections
intervals along the section. The velocity is
and a rCfcrence gauge. W:,rre n cr)t:,ii:;;*;:i
measured by a float, current meter cr any (other record is requirizd, a \vatcr icl-cl rrt-~,r~lr~t ,i:.,
suitable method.
5. PRELIMINARY SURVEY AND SELEC- The reference gauge shalt be located as ciosel\.
TION OF SITE as possible to the measuring section in the cast of
measurement using a current Inrtcr or nrnr ‘; 1’
5.1 Preliminary Survey -- A preliminary survey mid point of the measuring rr:;lch i;I !hlt t :?\.I’ ’
should be ma& to ctlsure t!lat the physlc;tl and any other method of mcasurcrncnt. W’!lcW II,<
iiydra ii!iC features Of lhe proposed site conf’orm to site of the gauge and the di:cl;arTe measuxill,~ sire
the requirements for the application of the ntethods are at some distance, it is rssrntlal that no atltli-
of flow meazrement which it is intended to use. tions to or withdrawals from the channel should
occur inbetween. Correction in the discliar-ge
5.2 Selection of Site -- A site should he selected
due to the effect of storage in l!le reach betwrvn
so thai i: is possible to measure the whole range
the gauge and discharge sites shou!d be appli*:cl
of flows which may be encountered or which are to
be measured. The whole range of measurement, if storage is appreciable.
referred to one reference gauge, may be made at 6.2 Reference Gauge - The ‘Reference Gauge’
a single section, or for certain rar.ges of discharge shall be a vertical staff gauge or an inclined gauge’.
or a hook gauge.
l Glossary of term used in nleasurement of Row of water
in open channels. The markings shall be clear an<!. accurate :‘J
IS: 2914.1964
within 2 mm (or 0.01 ft). The lowest marking 6.3 Continuous Water Level Recorders -
on the ‘Reference Gauge’ should be at least 0.15 m These are particularly useful in channels where
(or 6 in ) below the lowest anticipted water large fluctuations of discharge occur during short
level, and the highest marking at least 0.3 m intervals of time or where continuous record is
(or 1 ft) above the highest anticipated flood level. required. Wherever installed, the ‘Reference
The ‘Reference Gauge’ shall be securely fixed Gauge’ shall be placed near the point of measure-
to an immovable rigid support. The ‘Reference ment of the recorder and an additional gauge shall
Gauge’ datum should be related by precise levelling be installed inside the float well to serve as a check.
to the national datum, that is, G.T.S. datum. It 6.3.1 The water level recorder shall be such that
shall have stilling arrangements, whenever neces- it gives a record which is not affected by any
sary, so that the water level can be read accurately. phenomenon other than the changes in water level.
6.2.1 Vertical Staf Gauge-This staff gauge 6.3.2 The recorder shall provide either a con-
shall be vertical. It shall be preferably of enamel- tinuous graphical record of the changing water
led plate gauge. The marking shall be clear and level or may register the water levels digitally at
sufficiently accurate for the purpose for which suitably close intervals of time.
the measurements are required, with bold line 63.3 The water level recorder shall be sensitive
indication at every 20 mm (or 0.1 ft) interval to changes of water levels of the order of 2 mm
secured firmly to a stable post of wood, concrete (or 0.01 ft).
or other suitable material. The gauge may be
fixed in sections in which case each section shall 6.3.4 Any mechanical linkage connecting parts
be of 2 m (or 5 ft) length, that is, the first section of the recorder should be as short and direct as
reading from 0 to 2 m (or 5 ft), the next from 2 m possible and there should be no contact between
(or 5 ft) to 4 m (or 10 ft) and so on all corres- any moving parts of the mechanism and any fixed
ponding to the same zero level. part of the structure.
Triangular section gauge posts are preferable in 6.3.5 The clock mechanism shall be reliable as
open channels, with apex facing upstream. to time-keeping. Synchronous motors of equiva-
lent tolerance can also be used to run the recorder
6.2.2 Inclined Gauge -The inclined gauge shall
where’power supply is available.
fit closely and be solidly anchored to the slope of
the natural bank of the channel. It may be cali- 6.3.6 The level recorder shall be placed out of
brated on the site by precise levelling. danger of flooding and be protected against the
elements and from interference by unauthorized
6.2.3 Hook Gauge -A hook gauge shall be used
in a vertical well, the top of which shall be so
constructed as to permit accurate and easy reading 63.7 In the case of a recorder giving a graphical
relative to a cross bar or other form of reference chart, the chart shall be positively located on the
datum. drum. The scales chosen for time and stage
will depend on the characteristics of the river,
6.2.4 Stilling Well - Stilling well should be
such that readings can be made with a degree of
provided wherever there are significant fluctua-
accuracy sufficient to show the different phases of
tions, and
the hydrograph.
a) Where it is provided, it shall be connected Precautions should be taken against errors in
to the river by an inlet pipe or oblique slit. record, occurring due to:
or channel ; and
a) lag of stylus behind the movement of the
9 the well and the joints of any inlet pipe float;
shall be water-tight;
b) change in the submergence of the float in
ii) the dimensions of the inlet pipe (see A-3.4) water; and
or channel shall be large enough for the
c) submergence of the counter weight and the
water in the well to follow the rise and
float line.
fall of stage without time lag and also
to prevent the clogging due to sediment; 6.4 Procedure for Making Observations -
and The gauge shall be read from such a position as to
iii) if the stage cannot be read on the chart avoid all parallax errors. It shall be observed
within f4 mm (or f0.02 ft) because over an amplitude, and for marked oscillations
of the short amplitude wave effect a continuously for at least two minutes and the
constriction shall be fitted in the inlet maximum and minimum readings taken and
pipe to damp out oscillations. averaged. If it requires longer time to get accurate
NOTE-In water courses with widely fluctuating silt
values of maximum and minimum, the observation
content (that is, densities) inlet pipes shall be provided should be taken for the period of a full wave and
at various levels. corresponding average taken.
b) Where a stilling well is provided for continu- 6.5 Periodic Check - A penodic check, at least
ous water level recorder, it shall be vertical once a year, and on every occasion the gauge is
and have sufficient height and depth to allow shifted, shall be made which should include
the float to travel the full range of water accurate determination of elevations and relative
levels. positions of the reference gauges, inlet zeros and
IS : 2914 - 1964
other salient features of the. stilling well and The stage-discharge curve shall be defined by
recorder, cross-section markers etc, and any other a sufficient number of observations suitably
key points or significant features of the site. distributed throughout the whole range of staqc,
and each preferably made at steady stage. The
7. CALIBRATION OF STATION number of observations to define the curve will
depend on the range to be covered, the shape of
7.0 General - The object of a flow measurement the stage-discharge curve and the reliability of the
station is to obtain a knowledge of the discharge of estimate desired (see A-4.3).
a river or open channel. Once the stage-discharge
curve is available, the discharge will be known by The spacing of the observations will be close1
reading the gauge or recorder. The necessary at the lower end of the range. Where observations
operations to obtain this relationship are called are made at rising and falling stages, they should
the calibration of the station. be indicated by suitable symbols, and there should
he about the same number foreach at corresponding
7.1 Measurement of Discharge for Calibm- steps in order to establish the suitable mean curve.
tion -The discharge shall be measured in
accordance with the relevant IS Kecommenda- The stage-discharge relationship
lions. should be checked at initial stages for a number
of years to establish that the site is stable. This
‘I’he only tlirtPrencc with single discharge may be done by control charts (CP or
measurements would be that the survey of the specific discharge stage curves (see A-4.10).
channel shall be carried out with more care.
Special attention should be given to the likelihood NOTE -The scatter of th points in the control chart
of changes in the situation that may affect the will indicate the number of years for which the chrck is to
stage-dacharge curve. (Kefer and be conlinucd.
NOTE -Very kw rivers will hc found whcrr the situa- Later, the stage-discharge relationship should
tion is absolutely stat+. The calibration cannot he be checked by velocity observations at least once a
carried out once for all, hut has to bc rrpratrd at intrrvals, year for various stages of flow, and alwa,ys after
depending on the rate of change in the stage-dischargr major floods or any definable incident hkely to
affect the relationship. It is desirable to measure
7.1.1 .!Vulches, IUcirs and Flumes - Notches, weirs discharges at stages with low and very low fre-
and flumes arc usually calibrated by laboratory quencies as often as possible. If a significant
experiments and they define the stage-discharge departure from the previously established stage-
relation. discharge curve is found, further checks should be
made of discharges of the order for which changes
7.2 Construction of Stage-Discharge Curve
are suspected. If the difference is confirmed,
and Rating Table suflicient velocity observations shall be made to
7.2.1 Inerodible Chawels define the range over which the stage-discharge Discharges shall be plotted as absciw relationship has altered, and a new stage-discharge
against the corresponding stages as ordinates and curve shall be drawn. This new stage-dischafge
the stage-discharge curve shall be drawn smoothly curve should be made applicable from the period
through the points as plotted. The stage used in immediately after the physical change where a
plotting shall be the mean stage during the period definite physical change is known or made applica-
of discharge measurement. If the fluctuation in ble from the appropriate dates according to 111~
stage during the period of discharge measurement history and previous records whcrc a physical
is less than 0.05 m (or O-15 ft), the arithmetical change cannot be noticed.
average of the stage before and after the observa- 7.2.2 Erodible Channels
tion may be taken as the mean stage. Water
levels to be used for establishing stage-discharge In the case of eroditjle c,hannets, thr
relation should be the -mean value of the water stage-discharge relationship does not remain stat&
levels during the discharge observation in case the and frequent changes in ‘control’ occur during
fluctuation is less than O-05 m (or 0.15 ft). But and after the flood stage. Discharge observations
in cases where the fluctuation in water level is shall be made at more frequent regular intrr\&
more than 0.05 m (or O-15 ft), the mean water during the water year particularly as often as
level representative of the discharge should be possible of discharges at stages with low and very
computed from low frequencies. The discharges for the water
year shall be plotted as abscissa against the
f = q_qi k corresponding stages as ordinates and each point
Q labelled in chronological order. The lie of the
where points should be examined for shifts in control with
reference to their chronological order. Smootl1
i = the mean water level,
curves shall be drawn separately for each period
qr = the partial discharge in the ith section, having no shift in control. Thus, there may be
Zi = the mean water level corresponding to the more than one curve within the rising and falling
partial discharge qi, and phases of the same water year for an erodible
Q = the total discharge equal to Bq,. channel subject to silting and scouring.
7w2A2 E*hqpdohor, oflhe slagedischargecww - generally in metrea (or fat) up to three or two
Extrapolation of the stage-discharge curve should places of decimals. Individual measurements of
he avoided. Whether they are pemksible in a discharge should be in cubic mctru per second
given case and to what extent, depends on the (or fts per set) with up to three significant f&-es
accuracy of Ihe curve (number of observations, but not more than two (or one) places of decimals.
natural miter), and on the characterisdcs of the The mean discharge should bt given in cubic
channel (see Aa). metrca per second (or ft* per set) up to four
7.243 Sik with non-uac@rmj&w c0adik.s - significant figures but not more than three (or two)
If a gauging site has to be located at a place with places of decimals. But the accuracy of the
non-uniform but reasonably steady flow conditions figures published shall not exceed the accuracy
(for example, if the station has to be in the back- wth which they have been determined.
water of a barrage, reservoir or where the water 8.2.4 The day of record should extend from a
level varies for the working of a hydroelectric fixed time in the morning on one day to the same
station), the stage-discharge relationship shall time on the next day, quantities measured for the
be defined by two reference gauges, one upstream period being credited to the day on which the
and the other downstream (see Appendix B). The record started.
case of unsteady flow is treated in Appendix C.
9.0 Discharge observations are subject to errors
al *don 0f FLOW b3-s-m-t st8tbn of measurement. The stage-discharge curve
6.1.1Provisions shall be made to ensure that obtained from the observations gives the mean
the station is maintained in full operating order relationship bttwccn the stage and the discharge.
at all times. Thus, the deviation of a measured discharge from
the curve gives, within limits of the reliability of
8.1.2 The autographic level recorder shall be the curve, an estimate of the observational error.
regularly inspected at approximately weekly
intervals. The observer shall make a note of the 9.1 Accqtancc Lhnitmfor Dhchmge obmr-
time shown by the stylus and of the reference V8ti0mfi - The ‘acceptance limits’ for a discharge
gauge for comparison with the stage indicated by observation may be obtained from the points that
the at each inspection. He shall also verify have been used to determine the trial stagedis-
that the instrument is working properi;I. There charge curve, of which a certain number shall be
should be sufficient number of instruments at the chosen, well spaced along the curve. For observa-
site to provide for spare and check 7urposes at all tions lying in small intervals of the stage corres-
times. When a chart is changed both the above ponding to each of the selected points as the
observations shall be noted on Luth the charts. central value, the standard deviation from the curve
The chart or tape of the recorder shall not be (that is the square root of the mean of the squares
;lllowed to overrun. of the residuals of the discharge figures from the
8.1.3 Water level recorders shall be kept in good curve) shall be computed. The intervals should
condition by regular cleaning and by the timely be so selected such that:
replacement of clocks or worn parts. i) there are a sufficient number of observations
8.1.4Charts shall be sent to the records of&e in each interval; and
for computation without delay. ii) the error of observation in each interval
could be considered as independent of
8.2 Compilation of Rccordm
8.2.1 The compilation of records shall be stan-
9.1.1 From the data obtained it is possible to
dardized. Forms for the purpose are suggested
draw a pair of curves one on each side, at a distance
in Appendix D.
of twice the standard deviations from the stage-
L2.2 The daily mean discharge shall be discharge curve. This pair of curves is called the
evaluated from a sufficient number of water level ‘control curves’ and defines the ‘95 percent
observations during the day to enable dependable acceptance limits’ of the discharges.
mean daily discharge to be computed.
9.1.2On an average in 19 out of every 20 In case of large fluctuations, a dis- measurements, results should be within these limits.
charge hydrograph (discharge plotted along or- Any point lying far outside the limits (say beyond
dinate and time as abscissa) shall be plotted. The three times the standard deviation1 can be regarded
ordinates taken shall be sufficient to define the as the result of faulty measurement, except in those
flow conditions of the day. The total volume cases where more than one consecutive point,
of discharge shall be obtained from the area under either chronologically or over a range of stage,
the hydrograph for the day and the mean rate of appear to be well on one side of one of the limits.
discharge shall be obtained by dividing the total Where this occurs, a change of the stage-discharge
volume by the time. curve is probable. which means that the calibra-
8.2.3 Measuremen& of level shall be given tion of the station has to be repeated.
9.13 Usually a sufficient number of observa- curve. It is to be noted that the standard error
tions over small intervals of stage are not available is worked out only for the range over which the
for making valid estimates of the standard devia- control remains invariant.
tions over the intervals. As the errors are known
to be proportional to discharge over a range, 9.3 Ninety-Five Percent CopGidenceI&nits of
having the same control, a pooled estimate of the the St8ge=Di*&8rge Curve- Pairs of curves
percentage standard deviation may be worked out drawn to pass through points at a distance of 2s. on
from the percentage deviations of discharge, either side of the stage-discharge curve, are called
taking all the observations together as given below: the ‘95 percent confidence limits’ of the curve.
These two curves define the limits within which the
deviation c Observed -Estimated x 1oo true value of discharge for a given gauge should
Estimated be in 19 cases out of 20.
From this percentage standard deviation, the 9.4 A Gr8phial Method of Determining
95 percent acceptance limits can be drawn. ‘Acceptance Limits’ qnd ‘Con5dmce Limits’
of the Stage-Discharge Curve
9.2 Standard Error of the Stage-Discharge
CUNC -The ‘star.dard error’ of the stage- An approximate graphic4 method for deter-
discharge curve is mination of the ‘acceptance limits’ for discharges
and the ‘confidence limits’ of the stage-discharge
relation is to plot the data on log-log paper. The
discharges are taken along the abscissa and the
stages (referred to datum C, for nil discharge,
58 = the standard error, refer A-4.9) along the ordinate. The plotted
m = the number of observations that have points within the range having the same control
been used to determine the stage- will generallv fall on a straight line. The ‘accep-
discharge curve, and tance limit: and ‘confidence limits’ based on
%I = the standard deviation. the standard deviation is worked out from the
The s, is usually’expressed as a percentage of horizontal distances of the observed points from
the estimated discharge from the stage-discharge this line.
A-1. PRELIMINARY SURVEY well above the highest anticipated stage of flood.
The spacin!: of levels or soundings should be close
A-l.1 The topographic survey should include a enough to reveal any abrupt change in the contour
plan of the site indicating the width of the water of the channel. The bed should be carefully
surface at a stated stage of discharge, the’edges of examined for the presence of rocks or boulders
the natural banks of the channel(s), the line of between the cross-sections, particularly in the
any definite discontinuity of the slope of these vicinity of a measuring section.
banks and the toe and crest of any artificial flood-
bank. All obstructions in the channel(s) or A-l.2 Where velocities are to be measured by
floodway should be indicated. A longitudinal current meter, exploratory measurements of veloci-
section of the channel should be drawn extending tics should be made in the proposed measuring
from below a control where this exists to the section and in the cross-sections immediately
upstream limit of the reach showing the level of upstream and downstream. When possible the
the deepest part of the bed and water surface method of velocity distribution should be used for
gradients at low and high stages. Cross-sections these,measurements. When floats are to be used
should be surveyed in the proposed measuring for velocity measurements trial runs of Boats
reach or at the proposed measuring section and should be closely spread across the width of the
upstream and downstream of this section. At channel to ensure that any abnormality of flow
least five cross-sections should be taken in a will be detected. These measurements should be
measuring reach or two cross-sections above a repeated at more than one stage of dischaqe.
measuring section and the same below that point,
covering a minimum of one bank-full width of A-2. DESIGN OF STATION
the channel in each direction. The control section A-2.0 The design of the station should be based
should be defined either by one or more cross-
on the features disclosed by the preliminary survey.
sections or by surveying a close grid of spot levels
over the area. All cross-sections should be taken A-2.1 The control section which regulates the
normal to the direction of flow and should be water stage at low flows at the gauging point is
extended through the floodway to an elevation situated at the downstream end of the measuring
Is :2914-1964
reach and the operating cross-section rtearest to d) The control should have structural stability
the control (that is the measuring section in the and be permanent.
case of current meter measurement or the terminal Artificial controls are, -however, not practicable
section in the case of any other method) should be in the case of large alluvial rivers.
sufficiently remote from it to avoid any distortion
of flow which might occur in that vicinity, but A-2.8 When in the normal measuring section there
close enough to ensure that a variable stage- is insufficient depth of extremely low velocity at
discharge relation will not be introduced through low stages, these discharges may often be measured
the effect-of wind or weed growth in the channel. in the same general reach of the stream at another
section which is more suitable under these condi-
A-2.2 Higher flows are usually controlled by the tions but which may not be satisfactory for higher
general characteristics of the channel for a con- flows.
siderable distance downstream.
It should be noted that if any aiterations to
A-23 The ‘Reference Gauge’ and Recorder should natural conditions are made, subsequent re-
be located as closely as possible to the measuring establishment of stability will take some time.
section in the case of measurements using a current
meter or near the mid point of the measuring A-3. CONSTRUCTION OF STATION (see
reach in the case of any other method of measure- also 6.2.4)
A-3.1 The”’Reference Gauge’ is the most important
A-2.4 Most of the requirements specified as neces- item of equipment -at the station. Safe and
sary for a suitable gauging site shall be naturally convenient access -should be provided so that an
present. Minor irregularhies in the bank or “bed observer may approach closely to the gauge and
may be rectified to obtain a suitable site in small make readings accurately from a suitable angle.
channels. Readings made from a distance or from an awkward
A-2.5 It is advisable to protect unstable banks angle may be considerably in error.
and such protection should, in the case of current
A-3.2 In order to avoid the heading up of flow
meter measuring section, extend upstream and
the vertical staff gauge should be sited where it
downstream of a measuring section for a distance
will not be exposed to the force of the current.
equal to at least one-fourth the bank-full width of
the channel in each direction or in the case of A-3.3 An inclined gauge may be constructed to
float measurement, throughout the whole of the one continuous slope or may be a compound of
measuring reach. two or more slopes. It is often convenient to
A-26 Instability of the bed may sometimes be “construct a flight of steps alongside of the inclined
corrected by introducing an ‘artificial control’ gauge to facilitate taking readhgs. The accurate
(see A-2.7), which may also serve to improve the reading of an inclined gauge is improved if a porta-
stage-d~charge relationship (sensitivity) or to ble stilling box is used.
create sufficient depth in the measuring section A-%4 The stilling well should either be carried on a
for instruments to be effectively used. Occa- solid foundation slab below the bottom of the well
sionally, it may be possible to eliminate variable or when pipe construction is adopted the well
backwater effect by introducing an artificial may be hung from an under-floor located below
control. the point where the pipe emerges from the bank.
A-2.7 An artificial control is a structure -built for The under-floor should extend well beyond the
the reasons given in A-2.6 It may be a low dam, limit of the pipe trench on both sides and should
or a contraction similar to a flume. The structure be solidly bedded on undisturbed -ground. There
is seldom designed to function as a control through- is some advantage in having the well of such
out the entire range of stage. Each artificial dimensions (600 x ~ mm) that a man may
control structure should be designed in accordance descend to clean the bottom. The smallest
with the conditions at the site where it is to be built. d~mension of the well should be not less than
In the design of controls the following four major twice the diameter of the float of the’ recorder.
points should be considered: It is an advantage to fit more than one.intake pipe
from the water course to the well, the lowest being
a) The shape of the structure should permit the
situated below the lowest anticipated stage and
passage of water without creating undesirable
the others at suitable levels below normal water
dkturbances to flow in the channel above or
level, prefmably at not ‘more than 2-metre intervals,
below the control,
where the range of stage to ‘be recorded exceeds
b) The structure shall be of sufficient height to 4 m (or 10 ft). In this way, if during the season
eliminate fmm the measuring cross-section of high water level the lower pipe(s) becomes
the effects of variable conditions occurring obstructed and it is not possible to clean it (them)
immediately downstream, owing to fhe depth of water the recorder will
c) The profile~f the crest of a control should be continue td operate on the upper intake(s), until
designed so that a small change in discharge the water level falls sufficiently to allow access to
at low stages will cause a measurable change the lower pipe(s). The upper pipe(s) will usually
in stage, and be accessible for cleaning. When appreciable
Is: 2914-1964
fluctuation occurs in the density of the water it is These curves should be tested for ‘number of
all the more important that the well should be signs’ (Test 1) and ‘change of sign’ (Test 2) and
connected to the channels at various levels to modified as may be necessary to satisfy these tests
prevent’ deviation from the water level in the (see A-4.6).
channel and the well resulting from differences
in density. The diameter of the intake pipe A42 Rtjtttion of Frtak Observations or
Intorrttt Mtasurtmtnts - Incorrect values
should generally be 100 mm. If larger pipes or
may have come into the record due to instrumental,
an open intake is used a valve or inlet port should
be fitted to control surge in the well. Intake computational or copying errors, or due to some
other reasons. A comparative examination of the
pipes should be laid level throughout their length;
if they exceed 20 m in length, an intermediate stage hydrograph and the discharge hydrograph
inspection manhole should be constructed. The (observed discharges) plotted one above the other,
will at once spotlight freak values. The data for
bottom of the well should be carried far enough
these dates should be checked with the original
below the level of the lowest intake pipe to provide
silt storage space so that there may be no danger record, and computational and copying errors, if
of the float grounding on silt deposits when the any, rectified.
stream falls to its minimum level. Necessary A-4.2.1 After correction of the data, there may
precautions for prevention of ice inside the float still be some values which may lie very far away
well of a recorder should be taken where required. from the trial curves. Such observations should
be pruned out so as to secure homogeneous data
A4.5 It is preferable that the recorder should be
for correct stage-discharge relationship. Either
housed in a ventilated, weather-proof and lock-
a limit depending upon the desired accuracy of
fast hut constructed on a thoroughly stable founda-
discharge measurements or a criterion based on the
tion and of such dimensions as will permit the
standard deviation of the observed discharges as
entry of the observer and give him protection from
given in 9, may be adopted for the rejection of
the weather during the operations of changing the
freak observations. Further curves to represent
chart and servicing the instrument. The recorder
stage-area and stage-mean velocity’ if drawn will
should be mounted on a rigid stool or table firmly
help to find out, whether errors are in areas or
fixed to the foundations of the hut and independent
mean velocities. These curves would also be useful
of the main structure of the building. There
in locating shifts in control due to stage. The
should be provision for heating the hut in extreme
rejected figures should be plotted with suitable
winter conditions. All operating equipment
notation indicating that it has been rejected for the
should be inside the hut.
purpose of the construction of the curves.
A-4. STAGE-DISCHARGE CURVE A-4.3 Number of Gbstrvaiions Ntttssary
A-4.1 Trial Curves-For purposes of rough for Establishing a Reliable Stagt-Disthargt
estimates, the graphical record obtained by Rtlationsbip (see also
plotting the measured discharges ori arithmetically The discharge observations for a particular stage
divided graph paper may be sufficient but where are likely to show wide variation due to random
a more critical examination or applications of the errors of measurements and various other factors.
results are desired, or when a rating table is to be It is not unusual for individual points to vary by
prepared, it is necessary to ensure that the curve 20 percent or more from the mean stage-discharge
(or curves) drawn are close fits and are free from relationship. Evidently, the greater the width of
personal bias. If it were possible to fit mathe- the scatter band, the greater should be the number
matical curve, some such procedure as the method of observations necessary to ensure that the mean
of least squares would be adequate. But in natural relationship’ is determined with an acceptable
rivers, separate controls coming into operations degree of accuracy.
at different stages cause inconsistent and composite The variation of the percentage differences
cunves with undefinable inflexions to which it may ‘of the observed points from the curve of their
not be possible to fit a &gle mathematical curve. mean relationship is measured by the standard
For such rivers, the following procedure may be deviation s,, . The standard deviation is the root
adopted to see that the curves drawn are the best mean square of the percentage differences.
and free from personal bias. The reliability of the mean relationship is
A-4.1.1 In plotting the observations, the points measpred by the standard error of the mean re-
should be labelled with reference to their chrono- lationship, s, , which is given by
logical order, and rising and falling points indicated
by suitable symbols. Generally, separate curves
are drawn by eye smoothly through the points for
the rising and falling stages unless the trend where
indicates that one curve would fit just as well.
m isthe number of stage-discharge observations.
If the section is not uniform, or the low and high
water controls are different, there may be one or The probability is approximately 2 to 1 that the
two inflexions or discontinuities in the curve. In shift of the apparent mean relationship (as
case of acute inflexions or discontinuities more determined from the observations) from the true
than one curve may have to be drawn. mean relationship does not exceed s, .
The probability is approximately 20 to 1 that each period. These curves should, in addition,
the shift does not exceed 2 3,. If the acceptable satisfy tests (1), (2) and (3). Further the standard
shift at a confidence level of 20 to 1 is set at p deviation of the percentage differences for each
percent, then 2 s, shall not exceed p. curve should be reasonably small, as stated in the
case of inerodible channels.
But s, = -&, therefore, _2 SD shall not exceed p,
d/m A-4.6 Tests for Absence from Bias (see
from which it follows that m should not be less than Test (1) - The number of positive and negative
deviations of the observed values from the stage-
2s,2 discharge curve should be evenly distributed,
( P > that is, the difference in the number between the
two should not be more than what can beexplained
The s, shall be calculated separately for each
by chance fluctuations.
range of stage having separate control. For each
The test is applied to find out if the curve has
of these ranges with different values of so, the
been drawn in a suficiently balanced manner so
M test should be applied separately to get the
that the two sets of discharge values, observed and
number of observations necessarv to attain a
estimated (from the curve), may be reasonably
specified precision. An exmaple ‘is provided in
supposed to represent the same population. This
Appendix E.
is a very simple test and can be performed by
A-4.4 Inerodible Channels (see also 72.1) counting the observed points falling on either
In the case of inerodible channels, it is Benerally side of the curve. If Q0 is the observed value
found that one curve for the risir.g and fallmg stages and the Q,, the estimated value, then QO-Q.
is adequate, unless the river has a steep slope or is should have an equal chance of being positive or
flashy; and sometimes the curve is ripplicable with negative. In other words, the probability of
a narrow belt of dispersion for some years. Q,-QL, being positive is 4. Hence assuming
Test (3) of A-4.6 should be applied to the trial the successive signs to be independent of each
curve and if this is also satisfied in addition to other, the sequence of the differences may be
tests (1) and (2), the curve may be considered considered as distributed according to the bino-
as free from bias. With practice, one would be mial law (p+mq)N, where N is the number of
able to draw a curve satisfying all the three tests observations, and p and q, the probabilities of
with a single trial. occurrence of positive and negative values, are
Of the alternative curves satisfying all the three one-half each.
tests, one that gives the least standard error should The test as performed on the 1959-60 Farakka
be taken as the best. gauge height-discharge curves (Fig. 1) yielded
The curve should, of course,
be smooth. The standard deviation of the per- the results as given in Table 1.
centage differences of the observed discharges Tables giving values of t for different levels
from the curve should not be greater than the of significance are available and values exceeding
percentage standard deviation of the discharge these would denote bias. For N greater than 30,
observations for the method of measurement used. a value lower than 1.96 (say 2) indicates that the
difference is not statistically significant at the 5 per-
A-4.5 Erodible Channels cent level. Since the values for both the rising and
In addition to the‘ shift in control at some falling stage curves are considerably less than 2,
particular stage due to a different control coming the curves are free of bias judged by this test.
into operation as exhibited by some inerodible For small values of N (say less than 25) the exact
channels, the erodible channels manifest another probability of the above difference or a greater
peculiarity, that is, of a shift of control with difference between the actual and expected signs
reference to time or intensity of floods and the has to be worked out from the binomial distribu-
consequential seasonal scour and fill phenomena. tion to assess the freedom from bias.
There are significant differences in the gauge Test (2) -Test for long runs of positive and
hei@ts for the same discharge in the rising and negative deviations of the observed values from
falling phases, and a complete change in regime the stage-discharge curve. This test is &igned
occurs after the maximum flood of the year. to ensure a balanced fit in regard to the deviations
Minor freshets, specially during the clear water over different stages.
season, may also cause shifts in control.
The test is based on the number of changes of
Channels which are subject to freezing or have sign in the series of deviations (observed value
features like aquatic growth and vegetal cover minus expected value). We write down the signs
also exhibit shifts in control with reference to time. of deviations in discharge measurements in ascend-
Such shifts in control may be detected by ing order of stage, for example, as shown below:
following the deviations (+ and -) of the observed
discharges from the trial curves in chronological +-+++--++
order as indicated in A-4.8. 1 1 0 0 10 1 o..........
The year should be subdivided into periods and, starting from the second number of the
over which the same stage-discharge relation series, write under each a ‘0’ if the sign agrees or
prevails, and separate curve should be drawn for ‘1’ if it does not agree with the sign immediately
I 6 6 10 12 14 16 18
preceding. If there are N deviations in the ori- the assumption of random fluctuations is not
ginal series, there will be (N-l) numbers of the disproved. Therefore, there is no abnormal varia-
derived series 110010 10. . . . . . If the observed tion in the number of order of the signs of,devia-
values could be regarded as arising from random tions. Since it has been already tested for the
fluctuations about the estimated values from the number of signs of deviations as due to random
curve, the probability of a change in sign could fluctuations, the present test confirms that there is
be taken to be one-half. It should be noted that this no systematic trend in the deviations.
assumes that the estimated value is a median rather Test (3) -The third test is designed to find
than a mean. If N is fairly large (say 25 or more), out whether a particular stage-discharge curve,
a practical criterion may be obtained by assuming on an average, yields significant under-estimates or
successive signs to be independent, (that is assum- over-estimates as compared to the actual observa-
ing arising only from random fluctuations) so that tions on which it is based. The percentage
the No. of l’s (or O’s) in the derived sequence of difference, that is :
(N-l) members may be judged as a binomial
variable with parameters (N-l) and +.
The test as applied to the curves in Fig. 1 is
given in Table 2.
Since the value oft is less than l-96, the difference are worked out and averaged. If there are N
is not significant at the 5 percent level, that is, observation and if pr, p2. . . . .pi . . . . .p~ are the
IS: 2914919Gl
[Claus A-4.6, Test (2)]
(1) (4)
i) Number of observations N 83
ii) Number of changes of sign 34
iii) Probability of change in sign : 4
iv) Probability of no change in sign
v) Expected No. of change in sign (N$p zt
1n-(N-l).p 1 -0.5 144
percentage differences, and if p is the average the stage and discharge hydrographs should be
of pr’s the standard error SE of p is given by checked to find out if there is any assignable cause
for a shift in control.
s, = c(P--P)a
J N(N-1) A-4.9 Fitting of a Mathematical Curve (uee
The average percentage p is tested against its olao 9.4)
standard error to see if it is significantly different In some rare cases, where the control section is
from zero. uniform, it may be possible to fit a mathematical
The percentage differences have been taken as curve. Usually, the relationship may be expressed
they are rather independent of the ,discharge by the equation:
volume and are approximately normally distribu-
ted about a zero mean value for an unbiased Q=C(G-c,p . . . . . . . . . . . . (1)
curve. where
All the above tests could be applied to portions Q = the discharge,
of curves, each individual portion being tested for C = the gauge height,
bias separately. G, = the gauge height corresponding t.o the
A-4.7 Smoothness of Curve zero discharge,
Smoothness of a relation curve is also important. C = the station constant, and
The criteria frequently accepted is that the first, n = the station constant.
second order differences should progress smoothly,
and higher order differences should become very The values of Qplotted against G-G,, on log-log
small. But acceptance of such a criterion is tant- scale, would therefore lie about a straight line.
amount t(, accepting that the curve shall approxi- For this purpose, it would be necessary to deter-
mately be a polynomial. Since the fitting of a mine G,. This may be done by trial and error.
mathematical curve over the range to the variant If the value of G, selected is less than actual, the
01 its logarithm, even with a polynomial of higher curve on log-log scale will be concave upwards.
order ~111 be an exception rather than a rule due But if it is greater than actual, the reverse will be
to changes in control and irregularities of cross- the case. A more objective method of determining
section which are inherent features of these relation G,, is as under:
curves, smoothness cannot be exactly defined. The points are plotted on ordinary (arithmeti-
cal) scale and a smooth curve is drawn by ‘eye’.
A-4.8 Methods for Locating Shift in Control Three values of discharges Qr, Q2 and Qs are
‘l’o detect the change in control at different selected in geometric progression, that is,
river stages the amounts of deviation may be Qss =Qr x Qs. Let the corresponding values of
plotted around a central ordinate which represents the gauge-heights read from the curve be G,, C;Z
the established curve, that is the line of zero and G3’ Then, it is possible to verify that, if
deviation. The deviations are plotted as abscissae equation (1) holds:
against corresponding stages as ordinates. Any
trend in these deviations above a particular stage G = GIG--2
will mark a shift in control from that stage.
On the other hand, any shift in, control that
A graphical method of determining G, is
may occur in course of time may be conveniently
described below :
detected by means of a sequentral chart, in which
the positive and negative deviations may be plotted As above, three values of discharges in
along the ordinate against time along the abscissa. geometric progression are selected. Let the
When the deviations of the same sign exhibit corresponding points on the curve be A, B and C
long runs a shift is suspected. Generally, when (see Fig. 2).
seven or more consecutive observations spread Through A and B vertical lines are drawn
over a sufficiently long period have the same sign, and through B and C horizontal lines are drawn
deviations between log Q and Log (C-C,) is
a minimum.
Values of C and n may then be obtained from
the equations :
au = N Log C-n Z(X) =0
Z(XT) = Z(X) Log C-n X(X*) =0
C(T) = the sum of all tialues of Log Q,
X(X) = the sum of all values of Log (G-G,),
W8) = the sum of all values of the square
of x,
X(X2”) = the sum of all the values of the
products of X and Z”,and
N = the number of observations.
The preparation of the data and solution of the
equation is simplified by employing a tabulation
as shown in Table 3. The corresponding tabula-
DISCHARGE (0) tion for determining plotting points or a rating
OFG, table is shown in Table 4.
If the controlling section changes at various
intersecting the verticals at D and E respectively. stages, it may be necessary to fit two or more
Let DE and AB meet in F. Then the ordinate similar equations, each relating to the portion of the
of F is the value of G,. range over which the control has remained the
After having selected the value of G,, the same. If, however, too many changes in para-
constants n and Cl may be determined from the meters are necessary to define the relationship,
logarithmic plot of Qagainst G - G,. The values then possibly the mathematical form assumed is
of the constants n and C may also be worked out not suitable and a curve fitted by ‘eye’ would be
statistically so that the sum of the squares of the better.
(C&w A-4.9)
No. oti Y c X’
~BtJERVATlONS in ma/s in ni
g- #b
,= * & (C-Z-X
(1) (2) (3) (4) PI (6) (7) (8)
1 I 978 15.47 4.47 3.29 623 0.65 03 1 2.14 357 04 290
2 2 073 15.51 4.51 3.31 661 0.65 418 2.16 966 UT2 795
2 148 15.61 4.6 I 3.33 203 066 370 2.21 147 044 050
2 302 15.74 4.74 3.36 210 0.67 578 2.27 204 0.45 668
2 410 1565 4cl 3.38 202 w68 574 2.31 919 0.47 024
2380 15ala 4.8t’ 3.37 658 0.68 842 2.32 451 0.47 391
2 710 16.09 5*09 3.43 297 0.70 672 2.42 615 0.49 ‘945
3399 1660 560 3.53 137 0.74 815 264 214 0.55 979
4049 1696 0.77 525 2.79 660 0.60 101
1: 4482 17.21 ;:z 3.65 735
360 148 0.79 309 2.89 595 O.F2 8’99
N-10 - - C34.28 074 7.04 138 24.20 128 4.98 143
IS t 291491!64
with reasonable degree of scatter, then the channel The hydraulic mean radius (RJ can be found
may be taken as fairly stable, and it may be for all stages from the cross-section.
assumed that there are no significant changes with A logarithmic plot of (8) against (RJ generally
time in the bed conditions on account of erosion shows a linear relationship for the higher measure-
or silting action. If, on the other hand, the align- ments and the values of B for the range to be
ment of points shows consistent falling or rising extrapolated may be obtained therefrom.
trends for any specific discharges, it leads to the
A-5.1.4 A variation of the method given
inference that the bed shoivs a ‘definite tendency
in A-5.1.3 is hy the use of the Manning’s formula:
for falling or rising, in course of time, as the case
may be. This procedure will throw considerable
light not only on the presence but also on the AR,% xSi
Q=Aa= n (in metric units)
pattern of bed changes and, consequently, on the
kind of shift expected in the stage-discharge where
= the discharge,
s = the area of cross-section,
il = the mean velocity,
= the hydraulic mean radius,
A-5.1 The stage-discharge relation curves are ? = the slope, and
primarily intended for interpolation, and their n = the rugosity coefficient.
extrapolation beyond the highest recorded high
water or the lowest recorded low water may be si
subject to risk and indefinite errors. Physical Assuming 7 remains constant and substituting
factors like over-bank spills at high stages, shifts in mean depth b for R,,, a curve can be prepared for
controls at very low and very high stages, changes
in rugosity coefficients at different stages, etc, Qagainst AX (b)$.
materially affect the nature of the relationship After the full bank stage, the discharge of the
at the extreme ends and must be taken account of spill portion will have to be worked out separately
in the extrapolations. Such extrapolation beyond by assuming an appropriate value of ‘~1’. If
the range of actual observations should always be accurate gauges do not exist for computing the
checked by the results obtained by more than one slope, it may roughly be estimated from the
method. flood marks.
A-3.1.1 If the control does not change beyond A-5.1.5 Yet’ another method that may be used,
a particular stage, it may be possible to fit a when another discharge site exists on the same
mathematical curve as indicated in A-4.9 and stream, upstream or downstream, is to assess the
obtain the values in the range at the upper or lower relation between the rating curves of the two
end of the stage-discharge curve to be extrapolated. stations and finding out the discharge at the
A-5.1.2 Another simple method would be the required station. This presumes that corres-
separate extensions of the stage-area and the ponding discharge at the other station is either
stage-mean velocity curves. The latter has little known or can be worked out correctly taking
curvature under normal conditions and can be additions, withdrawals, channel and valley storage
extended without error. The product of the cor- into consideration. Unless conversant \iith such
responding values of A and a may be used for ex- methods, these have to be adopted with caution.
tending the discharge (Q) curve. ,
A-3.1.3The mean velocity curve may also be A-6. OPERATION OF STATION
extended by adopting the following procedure: A-6.1 The production of satisfactory record hinges
I!3 t 2914-1964
upon efficient attendance on the recorder and overhaul. The inspector should record in his
proper maintenance of the station, its equipment report all work ordered or carried out on the
and its calibration. station or the instrument.
A-6.1.1 Where a station is only fitted with a A- Recorders which are otnerwise in
gauge or gauges (vertical, inclined or hook) and good working order should be thoroughly cleaned
no continuous water level recorder, the local (on the site if necessary) at least annually. Clocks
observer should be required to furnish for each should be removed for overhaul by a clockmaker
day one or more readings of all the gauges in his at intervals not greater than two years.
care. Preferably, the readings should be made at A- The elevation of all key points
fixed hours. The intervals between the readings (including particularly zero of Reference Gauge)
should be determined by the rate at which the should be checked with reference to the station
water level at the site usually changes but arrange- bench mark at least annually or following any
ments should be made to have additional readings flood when equipment might have been damaged
when the water level is changing more abruptly by debris or by ice. At the same time every staff
than usual. It is essential that for all gauge gauge should be tested for verticality. The
readings the time at which the observation was connection of the statjon bench mark with
made should be recorded. National Survey Datum, that is, G.T.S. Datum
A-6.1.2 When a recorder is provided, the local should be checked at intervals not greater than
observer should visit the station at the appropriate five years.
intervals to wind the clock, replace the chart, A- In order to verify that the deter-
replenish the pen with ink and provide any other mined stage-discharge relation continues to apply,
regular service which is necessary. If possible, frequent routine checks should be made of the
additional visits should be made throughout the profile of all operating cross-sections and of velocity
period to verify that the. recorder is operating and discharge at a steady stage. These checks
satisfactorily. The local observer should be are most effective when made in the lower ranges
rquired to record observations of the water level of discharge and are most necessary immediately
on the ‘Reference Gauge’ and the time by his own following a flood. Peak flood discharge measure-
watch on the occasion of each visit for comparison ments shotld be made whenever possible.
with the recorder chart. To relate the readings A- In the event of routine check
to the chart trace, the observer may mark the measurements disclosing an alteration in the stage-
chart by slightly raising or lowering the float discharge relationship, full re-calibration of the
wire. At all stations the local observer should station should be undertaken without delay.
record (on a predetermined scale) any obstruction
of the channels by weeds or ice, should note any A-7. COMPILATION OF RECORDS
casual obstruction of the channel by flood debris
or from any other cause and keep the site and A-7.1 The collection of field data in the form of
equipment generally clean and tidy paying records of gauge readings, of charts taken from
particular attention to legibility of the Reference water level recorders and of velocity measurements
Gauge. He should be required to despatch all is only the first step in the construction of a station
records or charts to the oflice immediately they record. While it is important that field observa-
have been completed together with any relevant tion should be made accurately no less importance
notes or observations. s!ouM be attached to the work of reducing and
transcribing information. All field data should
A-6.1.3 The local observer should be strictly be examined critically with the object of uncovering .
forbidden to interfere with any adjustment of the any anomalies which may exist and any anomalous
recorder or its clock. Jn order to be apsuted that
data which can neither be satisfactorily explained $
instruments do not suffer from unauthorized
or corrected, should be rejected. Records which
interference, access screws and adjusting screws at crst sight may be apparently unacceptable
may be sealed with load seals. can often be saved by intelligent examination and
A-6.1.4 It is advisable to furnish each local interpretation.
observer with printed instructions as to his duties,
in particular as to changing charts, A-7.2 Charts should be examined as soon 4s
received, for faulty fitting or bad pen adjustment
A-6.1.5 Every flow measurement station should and checked against directly observed data from
be inspected whenver any incident which might the same station. Records from one station should
affect its accuracy is notified by the local observer be compared with those received from neighbouring
and in any case at least four times a year by a Any discrepancies or anomalies noted
competent inspector who should also have his
should be referred back to the observer immediately
duties clearly defined. He should be competent for elucidation, and if necessary, site investigation
to report on the condition of the recorder, to clean
shall be undertaken.
and to make minor adjustments to it and to remove
the complete instrument (or the clock) and install A-7.3 From the field records, after all necessary
a substitute when it has to be withdrawn for corrections have been made, water levels shoyld be
cleaning and overhaul or repair. If necessary, the entered on a work sheet. Readings of water levels
recorder should be returned to the maker for from instrument charts should be taken at such
IS: 2914-1964
intervals as may be necessary to define the hydro- calhulated from a daily mean water revel.
graph adequately.
A-7.5.1 The daily mean discharge should then
A-7.4 The conversion from water level to discharge be entered on the office record of the station.
by the use of the stage-discharge curve and station Data for all significant flood peaks should also be
rating table should be made for each water level entered on the record and should include all peaks
entry on the work sheet and the daily means of where the maximum discharge attained exceeds
discharge should be computed independently. four times the base flow.
A-7.5 For the computation of daily means of A-7.6 Annotations on the record should indicate
discharge the assumption should be made that any day for which data have been estimated owing
changes in water level which take place between to discharge falling outside the range of calibration,
readin,gs, whether these are observations of a gauge loss of the record, failure of the recorder or because
or readin<gs from an instrument chart, vary directly the flow suffered interference through weed
with time. Where 0 900 h (or any other fixed growth, ice or flood debris.
morning hour) readings of water level are not
available, these should be estimated by interpolat- A-7.7 All readings from instrument charts or
ing directly between the two readings nearest rating tables and all transfers of data from one
before and after 0 900 h (or the fixed morning form to another should be independently checked
hour). The water levels so obtained should be by a second computer. Where there is more than
converted to discharge by use of the station rating one flow measurement station on one stream the
tables. The daily means of discharge should be several office records should be compared to ensure
computed separately. No discharges should be consistency.
B-0. GENERAL - The establishment of a single (or 0.01 ft) a minimum fall of 0.10 m (or 0.5 ft)
gauge station is impossible in all cases where the will be necessary to restrict the maximum error
flow in the section of the scale is controlled by to,less than four percent. Further, there should.
conditions existing in another section (upstream be no additions or withdrawals of discharges in
or downstream), if the latter vary due to natural between the two gauges.
causes (rise in water level of tributary, obstruction
etc) or due to artificial causes (moving flood El. FAMILY OF CURVES -GIVING THE
gates of navigational dam, hydroelectric schemes, STAGEDISCHARGE RELATION
etc). It is, however, possible to obtain a
measurement of flow with two gauges placed a) Constant Fall Method - The calibration curve
Q=f(f) of single gauge stations is here replaced
in the same reach by the slope discharge method.
To all pairs of values of levels &, and .& read off by a calibration surface Q-f&, 2,) which
could theoretically be determined by measuring
each of the scales, there is one single corresponding
the discharges corresponding to a large number
value of discharge Q. on condition that the topo-
of pairs of conjugate values i”, L Thus, for
graphy and roughness of the bed do not vary in
given values of &, relations Q=&) can be
time in the single reach between the two scales.
drawn giving a family of calibration curves.
The plotting of the stagedischarge observations,
with the value of fall (z,-2,) marked against It can nevertheless be pointed out thai for the
each observation, will reveal whether the rela- same elevation e,, on the upstream gau&e, the dis-
tionship is affected by variable slopes at all stages charge is a function of the fall Af=&-&
or it is affected only when the fall reduces below where
a particular value. Normally the gauge farther
away from the source of disturbance
for plotting the points.
is selected
In the absence of any
Q=Qe #($+-)
channel control, the discharge would be affected
It would, therefore, be easy to trace:
by the fall at all times, and a correction is applied
by the fixed or the constant fall method (B-l(a)]. 1) the calibration curve Q,,=J(&) of the
On the other hand, when the discharge is affected upstream gauge for a constant arbitrary
only when the fall reduces below a particular value AI, of the fall Af, between the Iwo
value, the normal fall method [El(b)] is applied. gauges; and
In the case of twin gauge station, the length
of the reach should be sufficient to make the 2) the correction curve --Q - s of ‘relative
observational error negligible relative to the fall
Q *
discharge’ in relation k ‘rel$t%e falls,.
of level between two gauges. If, for example,
the error at each end is restricted to 2 mm In practice the calibration and correction
curves will be determined by successive approxi- be possible to draw the curve of Q/Q,, against
mations by the following procedure: AZ/A&, as in Fig. 4. This correction curve of
‘relative discharges’ in relation to ‘relative falls’
On a graph, record the measured discharges
can then be used to get a second approximation
in terms of the elevation on the upstream gauge
of the stage discharge curve Qn=f (fo) correspond-
” * then adopt a reference fall AZ,,, chosen as far ing to the fall AZ,, (Fig. 5) which, in turn, can be
a()s’possible from among the most frequent ones,
used to modify the correction curve.
and then by estimation trace among the observa-
tional points the curve Q,,=f(i$)corresponding One or two trials will result in sufficiently
to this fall taken equal to unity in Fig. 3. This accurate relation curve. For any observed water
may be aided by the fact that as a first level reading & and fall A& the discharge can
approximation now be found with the aid of these two curves.
If the sources of disturbance is upstream, the
calibration Q,=f(&) of the downstream gauge
should be drawn in preference to the curve of the
upstream gauge.
From the approximate stage-discharge curve
and the observed values of Q, & and AZ, it will b) Normal Fall Method-This method is useful
if the usual simple rating is applicable at suficient
falls when backwater effect is absent, while for
low falls the discharge is affected by backwater.
Critical value of the fall dividing these two regions
is termed the ‘normal fall’. The value of normal
I l MEASURED DISCHARGE I I/: fall at any discharge can be determined by studying
the plot of stage against discharge. The points
at which backwater has no effect will group at
the extreme right. This is the simple rating
curve (Fig. 6). A plot of the normal fall values
from this curve is made and the corresponding
stages are derived (Fig. 7). This permits of
drawing a curve of discharge ratios where normal
fall is used in place of constant fall (Fig. 8). The
rut of the procedure is similar to that of the
constant fall method.
0*2 PO 14 1*2
0'3 04 P5 0.6 O-7 &6 0-6
L 5 6
0 100 800 1200 1600 2000 NORMAL FALL
Co. The stage-discharge curve for a single gauging flow. Allernatively, it may bc approximately
station gives the value of the normal discharge, computed from the Manning’s formula.
that is, the discharge under uniform steady flow The rate of change of stage, dh/dt may be
condition for a given stage. The discharge for obtained from observaGon, of the gauge installed
a particular level is greater with rising stage for the purpose.
than the normal discharge and rhe reverse is the
case with Ihe falling stages. The wave velocity
Ye.= ;i;i = b
1 dQ
C-l. Under certain condilious, it is possible 10 where
compute approximately the true discharge (Q) A = cross-sectional area; and
of an unsteady flow from the normal discharge
b = water surface width at the c;oss-section.
(Q,,) oblaincd from the stage-discharge curve.
dQ can be approximately taken from the
The formula is: ‘x-
stage-discharge curve. The assumption is
valid when the rise. or fall of the flood is
Q=Q.&+ & -$- gradual, that is, the rate of change of
velocity or the acceleration head can be
S, = the nurinal slope correspondiug to
steady discharge, C-2. Another condition for the formula 10 be
applicable is that the velocity is not very high
i’, = the wave velocity, and so that the velocity head can also be neglected.
rlh C-3. When suffkient numberof field measurements
- = rate of change of stage widi respect
dr of discharge are available, it may be possible to
lo time. establish acceptable family of calibration curves
empirically by evaluating the effect of the rate of
The slope S, may be determined from obser- change in stage measured at one gauge, as a
vation of gauges during conditions of steady parameler.
(Claw 8.2.1)
No. . ................. .......... .............. ........... Station ........... ..... .......
River System. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..L............................... Name of Stream.. ..............
Longitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L8titude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Borch Marka
F -
c -- c
NOTE- A map shodId be attachcd to this record, showing the locationsof the bench marks, gauges antLr v2fkrcnccpoinb.
(I) Give plan of the gauging site showing longituda and (3) Whether the river bed is mobile or incredible.
latitudes along with the river section to the folhmving
(4) Is the river reach stable in the vicinity of the gauging
scales :
site ?
4 Plan of gauging site showing 5 km (3 miles) above
and below the site . . . . . . . . . . . . . ScaJe 1 : sootm (5) Docs the river cross-section change during goods ?
(approximate) (6) Are the water level and dischargc observations made
b) Ricer Cross-Sdon : ltthesamesite?
Vertical scale 1 : 100 (approximate)
Horizontal scale to bc suitably selected so that the (7) WJiat type of gaugeinstalled ?
length of the plotted rction is between 0.3 and (8) What is the frqucncy of gauge observations ?
0.6 m (or 1 ft or 2 ft) (approximate)
(9) What method is used for discharge measurement ?
(2) 4 Is any control cxistrnt helping the rating curve (19) What is the frequency of discharge observation ?
to stablilite; if so what type ?
b) For how many years has the site ken under o&r- (JJ) h~ytion to rating curve deemed necessary on
vation without feeling the necessity for a chrnge ?
4 Jf the river spills over the bank at the discharge a) gauge and discharge sita being separated,
site during high floods, indicate the st e at which b) dischaqc being unsteady,
the spilling taka place on one bank ora4m th banks. c) because of over bank spill, and
What is the approximate percentage ofspill discharge d) variable slopes.
a against the contained discharge ? Are these applii P
GAUGE STATEMENT OF RIVER.. . . . . . . . . .AT.. .........
For reeondtendaysduringthemonthof . . . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . . . . .
(Gauge No. . . . . . . . . . .)
(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 1 W-J) (11) w
I ___ ) _ _._ I
. .
l The water temperature is taken 30 cm (or 1-O ft) below the surface. When the depth w lcss, temperature P taken at u
bed level.
On River......,.., Month of.............lg..... Zero R.L.ofGauge....... ......
Gauge No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...*..
NW- Co1 26 and 2f should be filled by the Supervisor before submitting the statement. unserver . ,,. .,.... ,. ........
River............................Site................................Dat e ................................ ..Tim e From......................To .............. 7
Float Run Marked with .......................................................................... ..S~~o n Line Marked with ....................................
Force of W’ind
Strong c
FORM 5- Contd
= $
2) Rh = H.M.D.
3)C --
-& = =
4) X = 23 _+‘y_
5) Y
-7% =
6) 2 = C-X
II 8) n,, = - Rh!
9) n =
& Rht
Of date
I 10)f = g
NOTE-The value of ‘C’ in equations (5), (6), (8), (9) and (10) shall be obtained
I I from (3) and not assumed.
“I- Al.r”IsIvIAI,“n
1) Character of river bed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .........
2) Class of Roughness under which it falls ,.................,....................................................... ................................ ........
3) Monthly or every change, a free hand sketch should be made of the configuration of the river 500 m upstream and downstream of the discharge site, showing dmaction of
general flow of the river and position of permanent and temporary gauges and other permanent marks and their distances from the cross line.
Observed by. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Entered by.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Checked by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compared by.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NOTE 1 - Mean velocity (co1 7) will generally be velocity at 0.6 depth. Where mean velocity is deduced from surface velocity, the coefficient employed should be noted
in remarks column. Unless specially warranted, coefficient should be taken as 0.89.
NOTE 2 - If no drift occurs, it has to be shown as ‘NIL’ in column 11, the column is never to be left blank.
NATE 3 - When floats are used or more than one meter observation is taken at the same section, each observation of time and revolutions shall be recorded in a separate line
in columns 5 and 6, respectively.
NOTE 4 - In columns 1 and 2 all the lines relating to one station will be bracketed and R.D. on section and water depth will be recorded once.
NOTE 5 - Co1 15 = (Common width of segments - 4 the sum of segments on either side of the R.D.) x co1 14.
REMARKS BY INSPECTING OFFICER .. .... ... . .... .. .... .. .. .... .. .. .... .. .. .... ...... ...... .. ...... .... .... .... ... ... ...... .. .......... .. .... .......
For second ten days during the month of.. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .19.. . . . . . .
Section Line Marked with.. .................................... ....... When was the Latter Last Checked....................................
Soundings Taken with/Weight Used.. ......... .. ....................... R.L. of Zero ofTcmporary Gauge.....................................
M ma/s Q=Dii S= A= g= P= * R,= t/RT C A+nn- Mean - Very
Rtght chap Slope Eca& V$o- Wpzed Hyc+- mg Slight
Bank Bank uty *_ ultc n S2- - Slight
Mean Mtan ms ccl 7 meter Mean fact -b strong
c.Ezel m Depth Vclo- -ts very
in co1 9 m city Strong
msls m/s m/s
_ ___ ___ __~_ ___ _..__ __
N (4) (5) (9) (19) (11) (IS) (14)
U (1) (2) (3) (6) (7) (8) (12) (15) (16) (17) (18)
Nol%P--IompolBtcd dhdlmgatebtQl~inblulL Od.......................
Is: 2!Mr-1!964
24xoR.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a......
MONTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MONTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IS: 2914-1984
(To lx used for flow untlrr non-unifiwm conditions)
Zero R. L’s U/S Gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I)/SGauge.................
Dirtance Betwrm Gauges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MONTH. . . . . . . . ib.IOKTII. . .
_ -__-
DATE Water Level Discharge Water Lcvc~l Dirchargc
ma/s ma/s
U/S Gauge D/S Gauge (or C,Isr(‘bi I“S Gauge. D/S Gaup. (IBr l’mrcs)
m m m 111
(or l&l) (or liet) (clr IiW) (errli.ct)
IS: 2914-1964
E-0. Table 5 given below shows the observed on which the curve (Fig. 9) is based. Co1 6
discharges and corresponding values read from shows the percent deviation between two sets of
the stage-discharge curve for the 27 observations values.
= 785.27-27 x (O-220)*
= 30.15
S‘D = 5.492