BICMOS Technology and Fabrication
BICMOS Technology and Fabrication
BICMOS Technology and Fabrication
BiCMOS Technology
BiCMOS Technology
By retaining benefits of bipolar and CMOS, BiCMOS is able to achieve VLSI circuits with
speed-power-density performance previously unattainable with either technology individually.
BiCMOS Technology
BiCMOS Technology
BiCMOS Technology
• Design uses CMOS gates along with bipolar totem-pole stage where driving of high
capacitance loads is required
BiCMOS Technology
The simplified BiCMOS Inverter
Two bipolar transistors (T3 and T4), one nMOS and one pMOS transistor (both enhancement-
type devices, OFF at Vin=0V)
The MOS switches perform the logic function & bipolar transistors drive output loads
Vin = 0 :
Vdd T1 is off. Therefore T3 is non-conducting
T2 ON - supplies current to base of T4
T4 base voltage set to Vdd.
Vin T2 T4 conducts & acts as current source to charge load CL towards Vdd.
Vout rises to Vdd - Vbe (of T4)
Note : Vbe (of T4) is base-emitter voltage of T4.
Vout (pullup bipolar transistor turns off as the output approaches
5V - Vbe (of T4))
Vin = Vdd :
T2 is off. Therefore T4 is non-conducting.
T1 is on and supplies current to the base of T3
T3 conducts & acts as a current sink to discharge load CL towards 0V.
Vout falls to 0V+ VCEsat (of T3)
Note : VCEsat (of T3) is saturation V from T3 collector to emitter
BiCMOS Technology
The simplified BiCMOS Inverter
• T3 & T4 present low impedances when turned on into saturation & load CL will be
charged or discharged rapidly
• Output logic levels will be good & will be close to rail voltages since VCEsat is quite
small & VBE 0.7V. Therefore, inverter has high noise margins
• Inverter has high input impedance, i.e., MOS gate input
• Inverter has low output impedance
• Inverter has high drive capability but occupies a relatively small area
• However, this is not a good arrangement to implement since no discharge path
exists for current from the base of either bipolar transistor when it is being turned
off, i.e.,
• when Vin=Vdd, T2 is off and no Vdd
conducting path to the base of T4 exists
• when Vin=0, T1 is off and
Vin T2
no conducting path to the base of T3 exists
This will slow down the action of the circuit
BiCMOS Technology
The conventional BiCMOS Inverter
Two additional enhancement-type nMOS devices have been added (T5 and T6).
These transistors provide discharge paths for transistor base currents during turn-off.
Without T5, the output low voltage cannot fall below the base to emitter voltage VBE of T3.
Vin = 0 :
T1 is off. Therefore T3 is non-conducting
Vdd T2 ON - supplies current to base of T4
T4 base voltage set to Vdd.
Vin T2 T5 is turned on & clamps base of T3 to GND. T3 is turned off.
T4 T4 conducts & acts as current source to charge load CL towards Vdd.
T6 Vout rises to Vdd - Vbe (of T4)
· Vin = Vdd :
T2 is off
T1 is on and supplies current to the base of T3
T6 is turned on and clamps the base of T4 to GND. T4 is turned off.
T3 conducts & acts as a current sink to discharge load CL towards 0V
Vout falls to 0V+ VCEsat (of T3)
BiCMOS Technology
The conventional BiCMOS Inverter
Again, this BiCMOS gate does not swing rail to rail. Hence some finite power is dissipated
when driving another CMOS or BiCMOS gate. The leakage component of power dissipation
can be reduced by varying the BiCMOS device parameters
Vin T2
BiCMOS Technology
More advanced BiCMOS structures
Various types of BiCMOS gates have been devised to overcome the shortcomings of the
conventional BiCMOS gate
BiCMOS devices are available which provide the full Vdd -> GND voltage swing
BiCMOS can provide applications with CMOS power & densities at speeds which were
previously the exclusive domain of bipolar. This has been demonstrated in applications ranging
from static RAMs to gate arrays to u-processors.
BiCMOS Technology
More advanced BiCMOS structures
When the power budget is unconstrained, a bipolar technology optimised for speed will almost
always be faster than BiCMOS and will most likely be selected.
However, when a finite power budget exists, the ability to focus power where it is required
usually allows BiCMOS speed performance to surpass that of bipolar
Most gates in ROM, ALU, register subsystems etc do not have to drive large capacitive loads.
Hence the use of BiCMOS technology would give no speed advantage.
BiCMOS Technology
Comparison of logic families
e.g., 74BCT have similar speeds to 74F but with greatly reduced power consumption
BiCMOS Technology
Further advantages of BiCMOS Technology
Analogue amplifier design is facilitated and improved
High impedance CMOS transistors may be used for the input circuitry while the remaining
stages and output drivers are realised using bipolar transistors
In general, BiCMOS devices offer many advantages where high load current sinking and
sourcing is required. The high current gain of the NPN transistor greatly improves the output
drive capability of a conventional CMOS device.
MOS speed depends on device parameters such as saturation current and capacitance. These in
turn depend on oxide thickness, substrate doping and channel length.
Compared to CMOS, BiCMOS’s reduced dependence on capacitive load and the multiple
circuit and I/Os configurations possible greatly enhance design flexibility and can lead to
reduced cycle time (i.e., faster circuits).
[Peak bipolar speed is less dependent on circuit capacitance. Device parameters ft , Jk and Rb determine
Bipolar circuit speed performance (not covered here) and depend on process parameters such as base
width, epitaxial layer profile, emitter width and extrinsic base formation]
BiCMOS Technology
Further advantages of BiCMOS Technology
BiCMOS is inherently robust with respect to temperature and process variations, resulting in
less variability in final electrical parameters, resulting in higher yield, an important economic
Large circuits can impose severe performance penalties due to simultaneously switching noise,
internal clock skews and high nodal capacitances in critical paths - BiCMOS has demonstrated
superiority over CMOS in all of these factors.
BiCMOS can take advantage of any advances in CMOS and/or bipolar technology, greatly
accelerating the learning curve normally associated with new technologies.
BiCMOS Technology
Are there disadvantages with BiCMOS technology ?
Main disadvantage : greater process complexity compared to CMOS
Results in a 1.25 -> 1.4 times increase in die costs over conventional CMOS.
Taking into account packaging costs, the total manufacturing costs of supplying a BiCMOS chip
ranges from 1.1-> 1.3 times that of CMOS.
However, as CMOS complexity has increased, the percentage difference between CMOS and
BiCMOS mask steps has decreased.
Therefore, just as power dissipation constraints motivated the switch from nMOS to CMOS in
the late ‘70s, performance requirements motivated a switch from CMOS to BiCMOS in the late
‘80s for VLSI products requiring the highest speed levels.
Capital costs of investing in continually smaller (<1um) CMOS technology rises exponentially,
while the requirement of low power supplies for sub-0.5um CMOS results in degradation of
Since BiCMOS does not have to be scaled as aggressively as CMOS, existing fabs can be
utilised resulting in lower capital costs. Extra costs incurred in developing a BiCMOS
technology is more than offset by the fact that the enhanced chip performance obtained extends
the usefulness of manufacturing equipment & clean rooms by at least one technology
BiCMOS Technology
BiCMOS - Brief Historical Perspective
Most early BiCMOS applications were analogue; BiCMOS operational amplifiers were
introduced in the mid-70s followed by BiCMOS power ICs.
Digital LSI BiCMOS devices were introduced in the mid-80s, motivated by high power
dissipation of bipolar circuits, speed limitations of MOS circuits & a need for high I/O
Development of VLSI BiCMOS resulted in very high performance memories, gate arrays &
BiCMOS follows the same scaling curve as mainstream CMOS technology resulting in
explosive growth in BiCMOS product growth.
BiCMOS has been established as the technology of choice for high speed VLSI.
BiCMOS Technology
BiCMOS Fabrication
Theoretically there should be little difficulty in extending CMOS fab processes to include
bipolar as well as MOS transistors.
In fact, a problem of p-well and n-well CMOS processing is that parasitic bipolar transistors are
inadvertently formed as part of the outcome of fabrication (see section on CMOS latchup).
Production of npn bipolar transistors with good performance characteristics can be achieved,
e.g., by extending the standard n-well CMOS processing to include further masks to add two
additional layers; the n+ subcollector and p+ base layers.
The npn transistor is formed an n-well & the additional p+ base region is located in the well to
form the p-base region of the transistor. The second additional layer, the buried n+ subcollector
(BCCD) is added to reduce the n-well (collector) resistance & thus improve the quality of the
bipolar transistor.
BiCMOS Technology
BiCMOS Technology