Stomach and Duodenum: Pa Axial Projection

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Stomach and Duodenum

PA AXIAL PROJECTION • For a sthenic patient, center the IR at Central ray

the level of L2 (Fig. 17-41); center it • Directed to the midpoint of the IR at an
Image receptor: 14 × 17 inch (35 × higher for a hypersthenic patient and angle of 35 to 45 degrees cephalad.
43 cm) lengthwise lower for an asthenic patient. L2 lies Gugliantini1 recommended cephalic
about 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm) above angulation of 20 to 25 degrees to show
the lower rib margin. the stomach in infants.
Position of patient • Shield gonads.
• Place the patient in the prone position. • Respiration: Suspend respiration at the Collimation
end of expiration unless otherwise • Adjust to 14 × 17 inches (35 × 43 cm)
Position of part requested. on the collimator.
• Adjust the patient’s body so that the
midsagittal plane is centered to the grid. Gugliantini P: Utilitá delle incidenze oblique cau-
docraniali nello studio radiologico della stenosi con-
genita ipertrofica del piloro, Ann Radiol [Diagn]
34:56, 1961. Abstract, AJR Am J Roentgenol 87:623,
Digestive System


Fig. 17-41 PA axial stomach.


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