Art of Design v2
Art of Design v2
Art of Design v2
…considering now the whole house of war in its structural aspect, which was strategy, in its
arrangements, which were tactics, and in the sentiment of its inhabitants, which was
psychology; for my personal duty was command, and the commander, like the master
architect, was responsible for all.
—T. E. Lawrence 1
Core Design Team: Dr. Peter Schifferle, Dr. Michael Stewart, Dr. Alice Butler-Smith,
Matthew Schmidt, John Rochelle, George Webb.
Subject Matter Experts: Bruce Stanley, Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Johnson, Commander
Michael Hutchens.
Murder Board: Dr. Scott Gorman, Major Luis Cepeda, Dr. Chris Paparone, Dr. Tom Clark,
Lieutenant Colonel Tino Perez, Colonel Matt Dawson, Major Trent Mills, James Greer,
Lieutenant Colonel Richard King, Lieutenant Colonel Tom Traczyk, Major Grant Martin,
Brad Gill, Major David McHenry, Carl Fischer.
1 Thomas E. Lawrence, Seven Pillars of Wisdom: A Triumph (London: Penguin Books, 1983), 181.
Our Nation continues to be engaged across a complex, dynamic, and ambiguous world in
which situations are poorly understood and ready solutions are neither available nor
anticipated. Moreover, what we see as apparent problems are often merely symptoms of
deeper issues with their own dynamics and relationships. This is not a new phenomenon.
The world has always been and will continue to be complex. The sources of novelty and
complexity that we experience everyday are derivatives of technological revolutions and
ideological influences that have driven adaptation for millennia. These evolving dynamic
factors affect existing cognitive processes and leadership approaches, which at times are
proving to be inappropriate for contemporary complex problem solving. These continually
emerging realities require adaptive leadership techniques, new strategic and tactical
cognitive approaches, and organizational learning methodologies to keep pace with the
multiple adversaries who are confronting our country. These lethal assemblages have a
strategic perspective and are using asymmetric approaches to leverage the seam between
traditional warfare and law enforcement activities of the United States and her allies. When
faced with these challenges, commanders and leaders at all levels need to answer four
fundamental questions to compete decisively in the future:
The School of Advanced Military Studies’ (SAMS) involvement in this endeavor began with
Exercise Unified Quest in 2005. In July 2007 we received the mission to further develop
design thinking for the Army, building upon U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command’s
(TRADOC) continuing effort to assess the application of design. This required our faculty to
establish an open experimental environment to encourage learning, and generate the
atmosphere for new thinking to flourish. SAMS developed, taught, and refined an initial
curriculum that has matured into a 24-lesson design course grounded in theory, history,
philosophy, and doctrine. Our students and faculty have written monographs and
professional articles to carry the word to the field and aid further development. Twenty
five seminars have studied design as a theory of reflective practice – and indeed, our
graduates have taken it straight from the classroom to the battlefields in Iraq and
Afghanistan, bringing to the operating force the ability to incorporate a well-thought-out
strategic cognitive construct as a complement to what commanders attempt to do
Design is elucidated in many recent military doctrinal and concept manuals. Each of these
publications has served to advance the professional discourse for the refinement of design
concepts and application. A graduate-level institution like SAMS requires a rich supporting
text that enables education of the form, function, logic, and practice of design. SAMS’ Art of
Design Student Text, Version 1.0 was published in September 2008 as a reference for future
instruction at the school. As happens with any new concept, the transition from theory to
practice yielded a significant body of experience, which revealed innumerable insights and
The Art of Design Student Text, Version 2.0 is the next iteration of this understanding of
design as the art of strategic thinking. The utility of this student text will not be limited to
the classroom. It will also serve as a comprehensive resource for leaders in the field who
are already designing exceptionally complex operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. This
student text contains leading edge theory and practical advice for how to educate and lead
design. With regard to design, never has there been more truth in our SAMS motto: MENS
EST CLAVIS VICTORIAE – “the mind is the key to victory.”
Design does not replace planning, but planning is incomplete without design. The
balance between the two varies from operation to operation as well as within each
operation. Operational design must help the commander provide enough structure to
an ill-structured problem so that planning can lead to effective action toward strategic
objectives. Executed correctly, the two processes always are complementary,
overlapping, synergistic, and continuous.
With the publication of design doctrine within U.S. Army Field Manual 5-0, Operations, and
the advocacy of the U.S. Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM) Commander General Mattis for
migrating operational design into the joint arena, the debate on whether and why design
has now transitioned towards a discussion on how to design. If the early problems of
learning design were hampered by the lack of any written accounts of design methodology,
the current problem facing students of design is the proliferation of books, doctrinal
manuals, and journal articles on the subject. While these sources share a common core,
there is significant divergence in terminology, and varied emphasis on the philosophical
versus practical aspects of design. This is actually a very good sign that design discourse is
alive and well, but it can make entry into the subject more daunting. This highlights the
requirement for an up-to-date introductory text for students of design.
The School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) has been an active participant in design
discourse since before its official introduction into the United States Army. An informal
academic relationship between SAMS faculty and the enigmatic Israeli commando, division
commander, historian, and professor Brigadier General (Retired) Shimon Naveh began in
the mid-1990s. It was during this time when the Israel Defense Force (IDF) think tank, the
Operational Theory Research Institute (OTRI), first began to develop Systemic Operational
Design (SOD). This initial relationship emerged from mutual interests in the history of
operational art.
By the time SOD made its debut at SAMS in January 2005, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine
Command (TRADOC) Futures had already developed its own curiosity about the approach
because it seemed to have potential as a way of thinking that could address some
conceptual contradictions that, at the time, were becoming apparent with regard to the war
in Iraq. As the war became something else – an insurgency, a civil war – and the reality that
somehow ‘culture’ was a critical component of what was happening, Naveh, along with
other senior academics, senior retired IDF officers, and military graduates of OTRI, were
invited to SAMS and began what would be the first of a number of workshops and practical
exercises with SOD. This first SOD seminar included SAMS faculty, retired Army general
2Gen. James N. Mattis, “Memorandum for U.S. Joint Forces Command: Vision for a Joint Approach to
Operational Design,” 6 October 2009.
officers, and the Fellows who comprised the Advanced Operational Arts Studies Fellowship
(AOASF). Eight SAMS students were subsequently chosen to study SOD in greater depth,
mentored by BG Naveh and OTRI scholars. As a holistic approach that emerged from, and
was developed in relation to, a practical military context in which preponderant power was
irrelevant, it was intriguing. Moreover, it inherently understood the centrality of
culture; aimed at adaptability; and was founded on inquiry and learning based on
observing difference. It consciously developed operational art as a place where
environmental differences were accounted for and as a relevant source of insight for the
refinement of strategy. These features combined with the outcomes of practical exercises –
which offered unconventional recommendations – sustained the curiosity and interest.
So it was in 2005 that the first eight students from the Advanced Military Studies Program
(AMSP) were selected to study and practice SOD. In May, the group participated in Exercise
Unified Quest 2005, to compare the outcomes of SOD with those of two other groups, one
using Effects Based Operations (EBO) and the other the Military Decision Making Process
(MDMP). Their design caught the attention of several senior officers at Unified Quest
because something different was going on. The logic of the approach was different: it
began with a holistic inquiry into the nature of the rival in context and came to its
own understanding of ‘the problem.’ These aspects combined in the discourses of SOD
generated both critical and creative thought. Because the inquiry was holistic, the SOD
team produced a very different recommendation within the scenario – an indirect and non-
military disruption of the rival system. This first experiment was documented in a
collaborative student monograph, “Systemic Operational Design: An Introduction.”3 In one
of the first American presentations on SOD, Colonel Mark Inch stated:
Systemic Operational Design (SOD) is a commander-driven process of structured discourse
to understand and modify strategic guidance, in order to frame the problem and solution for
the operational planners. 4
We will see that the new design doctrine, repeated here in Chapter 3, stays true to the
themes recognized during Exercise Unified Quest 2005 by Colonel Inch. FM 5-0 emphasizes
the role of the commander; explains the importance of dialog and collaboration; explicitly
links design with developing understanding within battle command; and provides a
methodology for framing problems and solutions to enable detailed planning.
In the summer of 2005 faculty from SAMS, as well as members of other organizations at
Fort Leavenworth and American General Officers, attended and participated in a week-long
seminar organized by OTRI in Israel. During this week Americans and Israelis engaged in a
robust schedule of presentations and intense discussions centered on cognition and
learning. Israeli participants included active duty General Officers, senior academics, and
3 Maj. William T. Sorrells et al., “Systemic Operational Design: An Introduction” (Monograph, School of
Advanced Military Studies, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 2005).
4Col. Mark Inch, “Systemic Operational Design: Case A Outbrief,” Presentation to Exercise Unified Quest,
Carlisle, PA, May 6, 2005.
members of government who had learned and applied SOD. This produced a tremendous
expansion of knowledge for a number of the American participants.
The following year, a group of SAMS students self-selected for participation in an elective
course in military theory combined with the study of SOD. This group culminated its
activities with participation in Unified Quest. Naveh and the team from OTRI once again
worked with SAMS directly when it came to instruction in SOD and mentoring during the
preparation for the exercise. The Israelis changed some aspects in the application of the
approach to overcome practical and cognitive challenges some Americans had
demonstrated with the different way of thinking. As the team prepared for Unified Quest
they wrote a 20-page article, “Operational Design: Standard Operating Procedure.”5 This
reflected not only the nature of the growing interest in SOD, but the thought that was going
into adapting SOD to an American organizational structure. Both were able to do this easily
without altering the logic of the methodology. Once again, SAMS gained the attention of
senior officers at Unified Quest. What was this? Majors were discussing philosophy in
relation to their thinking during planning, using theory to propose innovative ideas, and
developing products that reflected novel conceptions of the problems with which they
were presented.
At the same time, interest was growing within SAMS among the Majors who were not
participants in Unified Quest. Monographs began to proliferate – about Systemic
Operational Design specifically, about linear and non-linear thinking, the form, function,
and logic of decision-making processes, cognitive initiative, efficacy in the operational level
of war, the nature and role of discourse, and the relationship between design and
planning.6 Other monographs were written that applied SOD to specific issues, and even to
other militaries. No one can fully appreciate what Design is as it exists today without an
understanding of its intellectual lineage, in the context of SOD, SAMS’ early development of
the thinking, and the military’s ongoing experience in the Middle East and Central Asia.
Those were exciting and creative days.
Since that time, SAMS students have participated in every Unified Quest experiment as core
members of design teams, where the students have continued to impress exercise
participants with their innovative approaches to complex and ill-structured problems. In
2007, based on further positive feedback from the Unified Quest experience, SAMS was
charged with introducing design into its core curriculum. In response to this requirement,
the Art of Design Student Text, Version 1.0 was published in 2008, with contributions from
both students and faculty. 7 The student text was widely circulated and provided a clear
articulation of the value of design:
5Ketti Davison et al., “Operational Design: Standard Operating Procedure” (Monograph, School of Advanced
Military Studies, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 2006).
6 For an annotated list of student work up to academic year 2009, see Appendix A.
7 School of Advanced Military Studies, Art of Design Student Text, Version 1.0 (Fort Leavenworth, KS,
Design’s benefit to current doctrine is the creation of a frame of reference that aids
comparison in a changing environment and enables learning through iterative actions.
Design has the potential to provide a systemic shared understanding that is easily
communicated to U.S. forces, coalition, and interagency partners. Design requires an
egalitarian collaborative leadership and participative style of command that engages
subordinate commanders, coordinating authorities, representatives of various staff
disciplines, and the higher commander in continuing dialog and discussion, leading to a
shared understanding of the situation and its requirements and a sense of participation by
all in decision making. Design enables commanders and leaders to learn by exploiting
multiple perspectives, varied sources of knowledge and expertise, while employing critical
thinking to formulate a sophisticated understanding of the situation. 8
In 2009, SAMS faculty participated in the Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate (CADD)
integrated planning team assembled to write the first draft of design doctrine. The doctrine
evolved from an interim field manual FMI 5-2 Design, to a widely staffed Issue Paper, and
finally to a chapter within FM 5-0, The Operations Process. As the U.S. Army has
experimented with design, it has adapted it to better fit within the institution’s existing
processes, structures, and norms. 9
Broadly speaking, the two biggest changes to design since its introduction in 2005 are
simplifications of the design lexicon and alternative approaches to the delivery of design
education. Both are intended to lower barriers to entry for practitioners by finding easier
paths to the same goal: learning a methodology for shared critical and creative thinking and
acting within problematic operational situations. While care must be taken not to diminish
design to the point where it is neither critical nor creative, there is great merit in improving
the accessibility of design, so that more professionals can make use of this approach to
coping with complex operational challenges.
Because of the significant changes to both the language of design and its delivery in the
SAMS curriculum, a complete rewrite of the SAMS student text was necessary. A simple
design method called “the six serving men” (see Appendix B) illustrates the requirements
for the second edition:
Who: The primary audience consists of SAMS AMSP students and AOASF students from all
services as well as interagency backgrounds, with ranks equivalent to Major through
Colonel. Members of the wider design community of practice are the secondary audience.
In particular, when SAMS graduates are asked to lead a design team in the field, this
student text should serve as a single integrative resource for teaching design to new
8 Ibid., 4.
9In addition to the development of doctrine, a series of articles in Military Review on design documents the
American evolution of design. See for example, Brig. Gen. (R) Huba Wass de Czege, “Systemic Operational
Design: Learning and Adapting in Complex Missions,” Military Review (January-February 2009): 2-12; Col.
Stefan J. Banach, “Educating by Design: Preparing Leaders for a Complex World,” Military Review (March-April
2009): 96-104; Col. Stefan J. Banach and Alex J. Ryan, “The Art of Design: A Design Methodology,” Military
Review (March-April 2009): 105-115; Brig. Gen. (P) Edward C. Cardon and Lt Col. Steve Leonard, “Unleashing
Design,” Military Review (March-April 2010): 2-12.
design team members. Other key stakeholders within the design community of practice
that have been engaged with SAMS and have a potential use for this text include the United
States Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC), United States Special Operations
Command (SOCOM), United States Army Central Command (ARCENT), Army Capabilities
Integration Center (ARCIC), United States Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM), United States
Pacific Command (USPACOM), United States Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM), United
States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM), United States African Command
(USAFRICOM), Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate (CADD), the United States Army Battle
Command Battle Laboratory (BCBL), other governmental agencies, allies including
Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom, and contractors teaching design to the military,
including Booz Allen Hamilton.
What: A self-contained student text synchronized with the design chapter of FM 5-0 that
provides the historical, theoretical, and practical context for leading design. The student
text is written to academic standards, allowing practitioners to trace the concepts of design
back through their multidisciplinary origins. It includes a glossary to clearly and explicitly
identify the terminology of design.
When: The student text will be released in May 2010. This date was chosen to follow the
publication of FM 5-0 in March 2010, prior to the graduation of AMSP AY 10-01, and prior
to the commencement of design practica for AMSP AY 10-02. This version of the student
text should have a shelf life of at least two years.
Where: The student text will be issued both in hard and soft copy to all SAMS students,
and be made available to other organizations and individuals on request. It will also be
available electronically for download at
Why: The official incorporation of design within the operations process requires an up-to-
date student text that uses doctrinal terminology and captures how design is educated and
practiced at SAMS. This means that as the design community of practice grows, it can build
upon the lessons already learned and help communicate both the spirit and discipline of
design thinking.
How: The organization of the student text is visually depicted in the Table of Contents on
page iii. Unlike a normal Table of Contents, which just lists sections and page numbers, we
used a design method called a “rich picture” to show how the parts of the student text are
related. 10 This rich picture was initially created as a design sketch on paper, shown in
Figure 1. Comparing the Table of Contents with Figure 1 shows there were a number of
iterations in the design of this student text. For example, the chapters were originally in a
different order, and not all of the important components of the student text had been
fleshed out. Rich pictures are often accompanied with a narrative, which walks the reader
10 Peter B. Checkland and John Poulter, Learning for Action: A Short Definitive Account of Soft Systems
Methodology and its use for Practitioners, Teachers and Students (Chichester, Sussex: John Wiley & Sons,
2006), 26.
through the picture and explains its meaning. The next three paragraphs provide a
narrative for the rich picture Table of Contents.
To show how the chapters fit together, it is useful to consider leading systems thinker Peter
Checkland’s model of the relationship between theory and practice, shown in Figure 2. 11
According to Checkland, there are four main parts to this relationship. The first, F, is a
framework of ideas. F represents theory – a set of concepts, as well as the relationships
between those concepts. Second, methodology (M) provides a guide for the application of a
particular theory. Third, the area of application (A) defines the kind of real world problem
situations that are suited to the application of methodology M based on the theoretical
framework F. Last, each time F is applied by way of M in context A, the practitioner has an
opportunity to learn about and improve F, M, and A. When this learning is captured and
implemented, a learning system between theory and practice is formed.
In the context of this student text, Chapter 2 introduces the framework of design concepts.
Chapter 3, which reproduces the third chapter of FM 5-0, describes the methodology for the
military application of design. Chapter 4 maps out the area of application for design, with
examples from the field, the classroom and the laboratory. Because SAMS is a military
school, and the majority of its students serve in the U. S. Army, there is an emphasis on the
application of land power. However, we do not believe that the value of this design
framework and methodology is limited to land operations. Within the military, design has
11 Figure 2 is adapted from Peter B. Checkland, “From Optimizing to Learning: A Development of Systems
Thinking for the 1990s,” Journal of Operational Research Society 36, no. 9 (1985): 758.
great potential not just for the operating force, but also for the generating force. Some of
the greatest opportunities for design thinking may be in providing a holistic and innovative
approach to interagency projects. There is no reason that other Government agencies and
even businesses may not also benefit from this evolution of design thinking within the U.S.
Army. Exploring the boundary of the domain of application (A) raises many important
topics for further research. Appendix E provides a mechanism for learning about
Framework (F), Methodology (M), and Application (A). Readers are encouraged to think
critically about the contents of this student text, to experiment with the framework and the
methodology, and then tell us what works and what doesn’t. Our vision for future versions
of this student text, to paraphrase T. E. Lawrence, is to smell less of the lamp and more of
the field. Your experience will drive the future of design. 12
12“Not perhaps as successfully as here. I thought out my problems mainly in terms of the Hejaz, illustrated by
what I knew of its men and geography. These would have been too long if written down; and the argument
has been compressed into an abstract form in which it smells more of the lamp than of the field. All military
writing does, worse luck.” Lawrence, Seven Pillars of Wisdom, 202ff.
Design is thinking made visual.
—Saul Bass
In a 2009 Military Review article, the Director of SAMS, Colonel Stefan Banach, wrote that
“design is a way of thinking more than it is a theory, process, or product.”13 This presents a
challenge for the student of design. A theory may be understood. A process can be
memorized. A product can be copied. But how is a “way of thinking” to be learned? Schön
calls this “the predicament of learning to design.”
The paradox of learning a really new competence is this: that a student cannot at first
understand what he needs to learn, can learn it only by educating himself, and can educate
himself only by beginning to do what he does not yet understand.14
to learn the critical and creative appreciation of doctrine, in order to develop appropriate
judgment for the application of design?
While a definition provides a useful start, a clearer picture of what design is can be
sketched by comparing design to something more familiar. Nigel Cross compares design
with art and science in order to identify the design mindset – what he calls a “designerly
way of knowing.”
For instance, the “things to know,” the respective fields of knowledge, are the natural world
for science, human experience for art, and the artificial world for design; the “ways of
knowing,” the values of science are rationality and objectivity, those of art are reflection and
subjectivity, and those of design are imagination and practicality. Similarly, the “ways of
United States, Field Manual 5-0, The Operations Process (Final Approved Draft) (Washington, DC:
finding out,” the intellectual skills, can be differentiated: those of science are experiment
and analysis, those of art are criticism and evaluation, and those of design are modeling and
For the military professional, the dominant framework and tool set, common among all
officers and arguably the greatest strength of Western militaries, is planning. Therefore, it
is worth comparing design with conventional planning. This comparison does not imply
that design and planning are competing approaches, or that one is superior to the other.
The differences between design and planning are just as significant as the differences
between design, art, and science.
Army FM 3-07 provides one of the more insightful military articulations of the purpose of
Simplicity is central to reducing complexity in planning. The most effective plans are clear,
concise, and direct… Planning involves projecting thoughts forward in time and space to
influence events before they occur. Rather than responding to events as they unfold,
proactive planning anticipates these events. Proactive planning contemplates and evaluates
potential decisions and actions in advance; it involves visualizing consequences of possible
courses of action to determine whether they will contribute to achieving the desired end
state. Proactive planning reduces the effects of complexity during execution. 20
In an earlier chapter, the rationale for planning in detail is provided. “Detailed planning is
necessary to integrate and synchronize activities in time and space, identify
complementary and reinforcing actions, and prioritize efforts within and across the
stability sectors.” 21 However, FM 3-07 also warns of the pitfall of over-planning. “While
sound plans must include detail, planning in more detail than needed only consumes
limited time and resources.” 22
Colonel Stephen Gerras identifies the assumptions behind rational decision making models,
which provides the foundation for detailed planning methods such as the MDMP.
MDMP and any rational decision making model are typically rooted in several assumptions.
First, the model assumes that the problem or goal is clearly definable. Second, the
19 Nigel Cross, “Design Research: A Disciplined Conversation,” Design Issues, 15, no. 2 (1999): 5-10.
20United States, Field Manual 3-07, Stability Operations (Washington, DC: Headquarters, Department of the
Army, 2008), 4-1 – 4-2.
21 Ibid., 2-6.
22 Ibid., 4-3.
information that is required to make a decision is available or can be acquired. Third, there
is an expectation that all options generated can be adequately considered, compared, and
evaluated to identify an optimal solution. Fourth, the environment is presumed to be
relatively stable and predictable, and finally, there is sufficient time for working through the
decision making processes. 23
To these Army doctrinal discussions, we can add Henry Mintzberg’s contributions to the
theory of planning.
Planning is a formalized procedure to produce an articulated result, in the form of an
integrated system of decisions. What to us captures the notion of planning above all—
most clearly distinguishes its literature and differentiates its practice from other
processes—is its emphasis on formalization, the systemization of the phenomenon to which
planning is meant to apply… Formalization here would seem to mean three things,
especially (a) to decompose, (b) to articulate, and especially (c) to rationalize the
processes… Rationality of this formal kind is, of course, rooted in analysis, not synthesis.
Above all, planning is characterized by the decompositional nature of analysis—reducing
states and processes to their component parts.24
Table 1 summarizes the purpose, assumptions, approach, culture, and logic of military
planning. From this, we can see that planning is a formalized approach to influencing
events before they occur. This requires certain assumptions to be made about the
operational environment. Planning assumes that a clear, stable, and well defined end state
is already given in the commander’s planning guidance and commander’s intent; that it is
possible to anticipate future events; that analyzing alternative courses of action will
identify the best way to achieve the end; and that this path will be simple, clear, concise,
and direct. The planning approach decomposes problems in order to prioritize,
synchronize, and integrate a set of interrelated decisions at regular, discrete points in time.
Planning is associated with a culture of rational management: hierarchical, decisive,
objective, and technocratic behavior is expected to produce optimal decisions. The
underlying logic of planning can be summarized as rational, rigorous, reductive, and
23 Col. Stephen Gerras, “Thinking Critically About Critical Thinking: A Fundamental Guide for Strategic
Investigating how designers across a number of professions explain how they work, Nigel
Cross reaches the following conclusion:
Tim Brown, CEO and president of design firm IDEO, echoes Cross when he describes design
thinking as a “human-centered, creative, iterative, and practical approach to finding the
best ideas and ultimate solutions.” 28 Donald Schön adds that “[d]esigning in its broader
sense involves complexity and synthesis. In contrast to analysts or critics, designers put
25United States, Field Manual 3-24, Counterinsurgency (Washington, DC: Headquarters, Department of the
Army, 2006), 4-1.
United States, TRADOC Pamphlet 525-5-500, Commander’s Appreciation and Campaign Design (Washington,
things together and bring new things into being, dealing in the process with many variables
and constraints, some initially known and some discovered through designing.”29
Providing a bridge between Army doctrine and design theory, Rick Swain discusses the
assumptions of a design approach.
Design involves a skeptical yet inquiring intellectual approach to learning that cannot be
assumed, and a critical stance regarding declared truths and beliefs. Practice of design is
progressive if not sequential. Some activities must take place first for others to proceed,
although there is an expectation that the “steps” will double back on themselves,
continuously, as design is applied…
Table 2 summarizes the characteristics of design. The first and ongoing goal of design is to
approach understanding. 31 Because understanding is always incomplete, this requires
continual learning, adapting, and reframing of problems and solutions. The design
approach is different than planning because it makes different assumptions. Design
presumes the end state will be vague, unknown, or a moving target; that unforeseen
patterns of events will emerge; that while military judgment is absolutely critical, it may
not be sufficient to predict in advance which courses of action will prove most fruitful; and
that the shortest path may not always be a straight line, and it may not be simple.
in Cultural Criticism (Baltimore, MD: The John Hopkins University Press, 1978), 5.
defined more holistically in terms of cognitive, aesthetic, and ethical values. The logic of
design is thus critical, creative, continuous, and circular.
These differences have important implications for design thinking and design-in-action.
The way designers think promotes a different approach to education, understanding, and
leading compared to traditional military methods. Together, these differences represent a
significant paradigm shift in military discourse. Design education places a greater emphasis
on learning by doing, supervised by coaches and mentors, rather than the memorization of
technical knowledge or the copying of best practices. 32 Design’s holistic understanding
of unique situations is reached through critical and creative thinking, mediated by
discourse and drawings.33 Leading design challenges the dominant model of power
leadership, augmenting it with a more facilitative approach tailored to accommodating
multiple perspectives in ill-structured problem situations. Ronald Heifetz calls this leading
adaptive work, which he defines as “the learning required to address conflicts in the values
people hold, or to diminish the gap between the values people stand for and the reality they
face.” 34
In addition to differences in design thinking, designers act and interact with their
environment in new ways. First, design descriptions are fundamentally different from the
conventional approach. Where conventional descriptions list facts and assumptions, design
creates a narrative. Because they must have a coherent beginning, middle, and end, a plot, a
moral, and a point of view, narratives go beyond just describing facts and are much
richer. 35 Second, action in design does not seek to bend reality to fit the idealized form of a
design or plan (the real world is far more complex than our representations of it for this to
ever work). Instead, interaction always serves a dual purpose. On one side of the coin,
action exploits favorable potentials within the operational environment based on the
appreciation of context generated within design. 36 On the other side of the same coin, by
stimulating the system, action generates information, which provides a learning
opportunity to the designers. 37 In design, action is taken both to transform the system
and to learn. 38 This creates an interactive feedback loop that enables design to contribute
to organizational learning.
It is important to note that the differences we have identified are between the theory of
design and planning. In practice, commanders adapt the tools they have to the realities of
their environment. They analyze and synthesize. They think creatively and acknowledge
complexity and uncertainty. It is not surprising that design-like thinking has been practiced
in the field well before it was encoded into doctrine; nor is it surprising that planning in
real world environments bears only a passing resemblance to the theoretical ideal. Colonel
(R) Jim Greer provides a more realistic account of planning:
Planning does not have a clearly defined end state. The commander describes a desired end
state in the upfront guidance, but that’s all it is. End states often are refined during planning,
and in parallel planning at successive echelons end states often are adjusted based on policy
or other considerations. End states are also general in nature, not specific. The planning
culture is also not necessarily hierarchical. Military design and military planning both are
conducted within the same organizational and cultural framework. Good planning teams
have the same level of discourse between Lieutenant Generals and Majors that good Design
teams do. That’s a function of the leadership climate in the organization. Additionally, most
planning today is joint, interagency and multi-national; hardly hierarchical. Finally, planning
is not and never has been about optimizing. It has always been about satisficing. Planning is
aimed at a future that is unknowable and within a resource constrained environment. With
those restrictions, planning solutions are never optimal, at best they satisfy the requirement
enough to accomplish the objective within resource constraints. 39
By including a chapter on design in FM 5-0, the hope is that the doctrinal account of the
operations process moves closer to the reality of simultaneously designing, planning,
preparing, and executing. Understanding the different underlying logics of design and
detailed planning helps the commander to make best use of the available tools in a
particular context. Because design and detailed planning have very different purposes,
assumptions, approaches, cultures, and logics, as General Mattis notes, “the two processes
always are complementary, overlapping, synergistic, and continuous.” 40
36Francois Jullien, A Treatise on Efficacy: Between Western and Chinese Thinking, trans. Janet Lloyd (Honolulu:
University of Hawai’i Press, 2004), vii.
37 Checkland and Poulter, Learning for Action.
38Schön, Educating the Reflective Practitioner, 73.
39 Jim Greer, personal communication, April 2010.
40 Mattis, “Vision for Joint Operational Design,” 8.
At a more personal level, learning design can improve you and your organization’s capacity
to cope with complexity over time. Design complements existing intelligence and planning
approaches and permits critical inquiry as to whether these more traditional approaches
are working. Reading about design and participating in a designer community of practice
will equip you with a language to communicate about the critical and creative activities
that previously may have only been implicit and private. Embracing the theory will allow
you to learn from the innovative ideas of other designers, many from outside the
traditional military community, so you do not have to always reinvent the wheel. It will
make you a more effective team member when you are required to think critically and
create new ideas in a group setting. If you expect to face complex problems requiring
critical reasoning and creative thinking, then it can be expected to be of benefit to you to
explore the design approach.
Consider the different purposes of thinking. Figure 4 shows three broad purposes for
thinking: sensemaking, idea making, and decision making. 44 (This model applies equally to
thinking done by individuals, teams, and organizations.) The commander and staff all
contribute to each of the three types of thinking. Multiple field manuals provide tools for
making sense of information and models for decision making. Yet, prior to the release of
the updated FM 5-0, there was no detailed discussion of how to generate new ideas and
new solutions. Idea making is the gap that design is intended to fill.
This is not to say that design has applicability only to irregular warfare. Rather, the
demands of the contemporary operating environment have merely highlighted an
imbalance in conventional military thinking. If the circles in Figure 4 were drawn
proportional to the amount of attention they are currently given, decision making would
dwarf and subsume the other two. Sensemaking would be seen only as the intelligence
preparation of the battlespace input to the Joint Operation Planning Process JOPP or
MDMP. Idea making would have a small role, with design as an embellished version of mission
analysis. While decision making clearly dominates short term military effectiveness, idea
making is more strategic, because it is the source of innovations essential for long term success.
According to doctrine, conventional planning begins with receipt of mission.46 (In practice, of
course, good units will not wait until they are given a mission to begin planning.) Deliberate
decision making focuses on how to accomplish a given mission. Design and idea making
45 Max Boot, “The New American Way of War,” Foreign Affairs 82, no. 4 (2003): 41-58.
46 United States, FM 5-0, H-1.
permits questioning of the mission, the thinking that got us to where we are now,
and even whether any action is actually required. By exposing goals, aims, and
objectives to collaborative dialog, design improves the likelihood of effective action
towards solving the right problem. Design thinking applies across the spectrum of conflict.
In spite of this common ground across fields of design, there are also important differences
among the professions. As Rick Swain notes, “design lacks practical content when it
appears without an antecedent. This is why schools of design organize themselves around
specific applications: architecture, industrial design, graphic design, network design,
organizational design, and so on.” 50 SAMS is a school organized around the design and
planning of military operations. The doctrinal design methodology described in Chapter 3
is intended for use by operational commanders and staffs faced with complex, ill-
structured problems, requiring joint, interagency, intergovernmental multinational, and
commercial (JIIM-C) dialog and collaboration. These operational problems are sufficiently
complex that it is safe to assume no single individual has a complete understanding of the
environment, the problems, and how to resolve them.
It follows that, in the military context, design as a fully fledged methodology is intended to
be performed in teams and groups, rather than by individuals. The power of teamwork is
eloquently captured in the U.S. Navy’s Background to Decision Making, published in 1958.
47 Herbert A. Simon, The Sciences of the Artificial (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1981).
48 Schön, Educating the Reflective Practitioner, 41.
49 Tim Brown, “Strategy by Design,” Fast Company, (June 2005): 53.
50 Swain, Fundamentals of Operational Design, iii.
“An individual is severely limited in his capacity to deal with uncertainty. Situations soon
become too complex for individual handling. The organization is the answer, for it permits
groups to aim at and to achieve objectives that would be far beyond the reach of any of its
members acting alone.” 51 However, organizations can also serve as forms of limited human
attention and cultural filters. Design often requires the admittance of “outsiders” who can
impart differing frames or perspectives on the situation that may be invaluable to the
design effort.
Design, then, is ideally done by a design team.52 The commander is an integral team
member, because enhancing his/her understanding is the design team’s raison d’être.
According to FM 5-0, “[d]esign underpins the exercise of battle command.” Another way of
saying this is design provides a collective approach to battle command. Design enables the
commander to leverage the collective intellect of his staff and subordinate commanders to
develop a deeper understanding of the operational environment, visualize the source of the
difference that is causing the current problem, and describe the operational approach to
transform towards the desired system. By forming a team, the commander is able to
enhance his/her own understanding, which consequently enhances the battle command
The commander 53 is responsible for forming the design team and assigning initial roles to
structure the work. Key roles in a design team include design team leader, recorder, and
observer/controller. The size of the design team depends on purpose and staff availability.
However, research in multiple fields suggests that core teams of five to six persons are
most effective, teams of up to nine can still be effective, while a team of twenty or more is
likely to be completely ineffective. 54 All members of the core design team should aspire
towards a holistic appreciation of both the problem situation and the design methodology.
It will sometimes be necessary to temporarily augment the core design team with subject
matter experts (SMEs). Valid reasons for augmentation include: to engage key
stakeholders; to introduce divergent thinking into the design team; and/or to cover specific
gaps in knowledge. While SMEs are invaluable for introducing new ideas and perspectives,
the core design team always maintains responsibility for organizing the information into a
coherent design within the time and resource constraints.
51 William Reitzel, Background to Decision-Making, (Newport, RI: Naval War College), 1958.
52This is supported by complex systems theory. “If a problem is more complex than a single individual, the
only way to solve it is to have a group of people – organized appropriately – solve it together.” Yaneer Bar-
Yam, Making Things Work: Solving Complex Problems in a Complex World (Cambridge, MA: NECSI Knowledge
Press, 2004), 259.
53 Or equivalent, if the leader is provided by another JIIM-C organization.
54 Major Michael L. Hammerstrom, “Size Matters: How Big Should a Military Design Team Be?” (Monograph,
School of Advanced Military Studies, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 2010).
Because time devoted to understanding and framing a problem situation might have been
spent on more detailed planning or contingency planning, design always has an
opportunity cost. Complicated problems in a stable context may not need a standing design
team. Unfortunately, problem situations do not come with signposts warning of oncoming
complexity. The solution to a complicated problem may give rise to unforeseeable side
effects and the recognition of complexity. For example, the technical problem of how to
provide fresh water to a remote community might be solved by building a well. But if the
location of the well provides unequal access, some sub-groups may lose power and
influence, catalyzing a cascade of complex social processes. The commander is responsible
for deciding when to design, informed by an appreciation of the costs and benefits of
design, the degree of complexity of the current situation, and the relevance of the current
Ideally, when the commander anticipates the need to cope with complexity over time,
design starts prior to any detailed planning and execution. This enables designers to frame
the problem and operational approach up front. This means that detailed planning is fully
informed by design’s systemic understanding, and execution provides a direct test of the
initial frames. In this scenario, designing, planning, preparing, and executing are aligned
and complementary, which promotes unity of effort and offers the greatest opportunities
for learning.
However, real world constraints will not always allow for iteration of design prior to
planning. Unanticipated “black swan” events occur. 55 Enemy action often requires an
immediate response, and political factors can force quick decisions. While it is true that the
design methodology can be scaled up or down to meet the available time frame, we know
that there are diminishing returns to compressing the time available for design. Time
pressure forces short cuts. The deeper meaning generated by design comes from
55 Nassim Taleb, The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable (New York, NY: Random House, 2007).
There is a third scenario. A unit may already be planning and executing when the
commander recognizes a need for design. This case contains the most moving parts, and
the design team will be starting behind the curve of current events. Because this is
generally the most challenging scenario, the commander needs a design team that has both
an intimate knowledge of the current situation, and is a cohesive team with a successful
track record of designing together. Unfortunately, in this scenario no such standing design
team exists. Forming a design team will be a compromise between including members who
have regional experience with the situation, and members with experience of the design
methodology. With designing, planning, preparing, and executing all occurring
simultaneously, the design team must make a particular effort to maintain an external
focus, and ensure their understanding is shared with the commander and JIIM-C
participants. They must also be careful to maintain a long-term view; otherwise crises
within current operations will quickly limit the design team’s focus to near-term tactical
concerns. Considering that at present, there are in fact very few standing design teams in
the US Army, this may in fact be the most likely scenario a potential design team member
finds themselves in. Designers must be comfortable with stepping into the flow of
simultaneously designing, planning, preparing, and executing to function effectively in this
is not yet frequently applied at lower echelons, and even divisions often report that they
are challenged to use design within a time-compressed environment. We expect it will take
time, further education, and tailored development of the design methodology before it
becomes practicable at the battalion level, even if there is already an established need for
battalion-level design due to the complexity of current operations.
Although there may be an overlap in personnel between design and plans (especially at
lower echelons), it is recommended that design occurs in a room dedicated to designing. In
order to generate holistic understanding, information needs to be accessible, visual,
sharable, and modifiable. Often, the same information will be organized in several different
ways to show different insights. A great way to achieve shared understanding in design is
to make smart use of shared space within the design room. Designers need whiteboards,
flip charts, butcher paper, and/or tri-fold project boards to visually display and manipulate
concepts and relationships. Whiteboards are great for drawing rich pictures, and their
temporary nature encourages creativity. Flip charts can substitute for whiteboards, and are
also good for facilitating and maintaining a record of discourse. When ideas become more
stable (but always remaining open to revision), they can be transferred onto butcher paper
and pinned to the walls. This helps to maintain the group’s attention on the latest drafts,
and frees up whiteboards for more dynamic and creative activities. A design team should
have no trouble filling the walls with maps, networks, affinity diagrams, problem
statements, and other products by using the design methods listed in Appendix B. When
the walls are filled, even empty space on the floor can be used to display the results of
design inquiry. A good example of the use of walls to visually communicate design is shown
in Figure 5.
While this illustrates good use of wall space, Seminar 6 was not entirely satisfied with their
first attempt at designing. During their second two-week practicum, they chose to
experiment with two smaller, independent design teams, which both moved out of the
classroom to better shape their work space. In the after-action review, the observer-
controller (OC) documented differences between the teams’ work space, shown in Figure 6.
The first team, which the OC dubbed ‘the collective,’ worked as a single unit focused around
a white board covered with transparent overlays. The collective used the secondary board
on their left for “storyboarding,” to keep track of the big picture. The second team, ‘the
collaborative,’ instead had laptops for each team member on the main table. The
whiteboard on the right functioned as a projector screen, while the whiteboards on the left
were used for brainstorming and storyboarding. Team members would collaborate in twos
and threes around what became known as the ‘arts and crafts table,’ depicted in the bottom
right of Figure 6. This table contained three tri-fold project boards, where sticky notes were
organized to capture relationships between military, information, diplomatic, law
enforcement, infrastructure, finance, and economic aspects within their environmental
frame. Although the teams organized their rooms differently, both teams created
environments that promoted the visual display of information and inclusive group
discourse, which greatly enhanced shared understanding of the problem situation.
We also need to explore where design occurs within battle command and the operations
process. As the intellectual underpinnings of battle command, design is continuous and
central to the plan, prepare, execute, and assess cycle – it informs and is informed by each
activity. Of particular importance is the complementary relationship between designing
and planning. The most important determinant of the nature of this relationship is the
operational environment. In a well-structured environment, with clear goals, a stable
strategic context and no more than two dominant actors, design can be largely implicit.
Here, detailed planning of branches and sequels in breadth and depth is a key to success. In
contrast, an ill-structured problem situation, with no agreement on goals, a dynamic
strategic context, and an “ecosystem” of actors demands a much greater role for design to
inform balancing and integrating activities. Because ill-structured problems violate the
assumptions required for conventional planning, launching into detailed planning
without designing first will generate counterproductive unintended consequences.
between designing and planning. Continual dialog between designers and planners
enhances the level of understanding and the quality of products both produce.
The different logics of designing and planning generate a creative tension between
interpretation and analysis, creativity and rationality, holistic and detailed
understanding, and situational specificity and generic applicability. Designers can
alert planners to subtle interdependencies between operational variables, while planners
can inform designers of the scheduling requirements for synchronization. Planners provide
important feedback to designers as they work within the current frame, and designers
reframe problems and the environment for the planners to maintain the relevance of
understanding. Detailed planning operates within the physical constraints of time-distance
factors, and through wargaming, explores action-reaction-counteraction dynamics. If
designers are not continually interacting with and listening to planners, they risk
developing unworkable solutions. Throughout this interaction, the commander is an
integral link between designing and planning. Design enhances the commander’s
understanding, while planning realizes the commander’s intent.
58However, the commander should not assume that all designers should be planners. Diversity is strongly
encouraged for a design team.
59 Schön, Educating the Reflective Practitioner, 13.
The knowledge of design embodied in this student text is necessary but not sufficient for a
professional to learn and embrace design. A book by itself cannot teach students of design
the artistry of problem framing, nor the artistry of applying theory to a unique problem
situation. It cannot provide rules for how to improvise and create workarounds when the
problem has novel characteristics that were not anticipated at the time of writing. How,
then, can a student master the artistry of design?
Fortunately, Schön offers a resolution to this paradox. The ladder of reflection, a “chain of
reciprocal actions and reflections that makes up the dialog of student and coach,” offers a
way out of the dilemma. 60
Design studios are premised on a particular kind of learning by doing. The student is asked
to start designing before she knows what designing means. If she accepts this challenge and
the perceived risks it entails, entering, tacitly or explicitly, into a contract with the coach
that carries with it a willing suspension of disbelief, she begins to have the sorts of
experiences to which the coach’s language refers. She puts herself into a mode of operative
attention, intensifying her demands on the coach’s descriptions and demonstrations and on
her own listening and observation.
Her initial efforts at design provide the coach with evidence from which to infer her
difficulties and understandings and a basis for the framing of questions, criticisms, and
suggestions. 61
The coordinated actions and dialog between coach and student of demonstrating and
imitating, telling and listening provides a way for students to learn to design. Coach
and student each move up and down the ladder of reflection as they act and reflect on their
actions. Schön explains the vertical dimension of the ladder where:
…higher levels of activity are “meta” to those below. To move “up,” in this sense, is to move
from an activity to reflection on that activity; to move “down” is to move from reflection to
an action that enacts reflection. The levels of action and reflection on action can be seen as
the rungs of a ladder. Climbing up the ladder, one makes what has happened at the rung
below into an object of reflection… Climbing down the ladder, one acts on the basis of a
previous reflection. Having reflected on an earlier performance, the coach may offer a new
demonstration, or the student may try a new drawing. 62
Design can be learned within a design practicum, where students act and receive feedback
from mentors who are experienced designers. The design community of practice, which
includes recent SAMS graduates, is an excellent source for mentors to help coach new
members of design teams in the language and practice of design. As a SAMS graduate, one
must be prepared to lead the practice of design and help mentor new practitioners of
60 Ibid., 114.
61 Ibid., 117.
62 Schön, Educating the Reflective Practitioner, 114.
design through the design methodology articulated in FM 5-0. One must also continue to
seek out mentors to help reflect upon and improve one’s own mastery of design. HISTORY
The value of history in the art of war is not only to elucidate the resemblance of past and
present, but also their essential differences.
—Julian Corbett
According to John Gaddis, the study of history shifts and elevates the perspective of the
student, resulting in an enlarged experience and expanded horizon.63 SAMS uses history to
assist in educating how to lead design. Throughout the design course, history, theory,
doctrine, philosophy, and practice are integrated to generate the appropriate
understanding of the different aspects of design. We start the course with an examination
of the “Iron Major,” then move to a case study/virtual staff ride of a campaign, and then
flow history into individual class sessions.
2002), 4.
64Charles E. Kirkpatrick, An Unknown Future and a Doubtful Present: Writing the Victory Plan of 1941
(Washington, DC: Center of Military History, 1992).
1941, Major Wedemeyer received a tasking from the Chief of the War Plans Division of the
War Department General Staff. Wedemeyer was to “calculate the nation’s total production
requirements for the defeat of ‘potential enemies’ of the United States.” 65
Wedemeyer started with little more than this nebulous guidance. The American political
environment did not allow strategic leaders to make positive statements about the nation’s
desired end state, much less to admit that planning was underway to enter the war. No one
could fully articulate who the enemy was, nor could policy makers describe how America
and her allies would go about defeating the enemy.
Major Wedemeyer, as the officer responsible, had to organize the work, gather information
without arousing suspicion, and frame the problem broadly. His research went well beyond
the scope of mobilization facts and figures. Because there was no clear strategy,
Wedemeyer first had to propose a strategy. Next, he had to devise concepts of operations
across multiple theatres, which exploited emerging mechanized technologies, and which
identified the enemy’s organizing logic as well as how to defeat it. All this was necessary to
appreciate the operational environment and the desired end state the mobilization was
intended to satisfy. There were many tensions and competing demands, such as
maintaining a sustainable civilian economy, meeting the insatiable materiel demands of
allies through the lend lease program, while rapidly building a large expeditionary force.
The mobilization problem was not just ill-defined, it was interwoven with many other
problems and potential problems that could not be understood without taking what we
would call a JIIM-C approach to dialog and collaboration.
Given the “stupendous task” of calculating the nation’s total production requirements
under serious time pressure, a natural approach would have been to focus inwards on the
components required for mobilization. Such an analytic approach would have taken the
mission and broken it into simpler pieces to be analyzed separately. Yet Wedemeyer did
exactly the opposite. His inquiry was first directed outwards to better understand the
context for mobilization. Wedemeyer appreciated that the answer to the question
“Why?” resided in the context, not in breaking apart his mission. Only when he
understood the context in terms of the national objective, the strategy, and the forces
required did he attempt to answer the question he had been given. A lifelong commitment
to education, combined with broad and varied military experiences, helped prepare
Wedemeyer to view the problem of mobilization as a system.
Three months later, Wedemeyer produced a 14-page document that answered the
question. His paper became the Army’s input to the “Victory Program.” According to
Kirkpatrick, the “Victory Plan was in effect a comprehensive statement of American
strategy that served as a fundamental planning document in preparing the country for
war.” 66 Had Major Wedemeyer limited his study and his report to the question of
65 Ibid., 56.
66 Ibid., 122.
mobilization, he would not have produced such a comprehensive and enduring framework.
Even though the Victory Plan did not always accurately forecast the detailed force
structures that were implemented, its great strength was that it framed a complex and
ambiguous situation sufficiently to allow a coherent and successful mobilization for war.
The direction given to a line of operations depends not only on the geographic situation of the
country, but also on the positions occupied by the enemy. The general plan of campaign is
frequently determined on previous to beginning operations, but the choice of lines and
positions must ordinarily result from the ulterior events of the war, and be made by the
general as these events occur.
We expose SAMS students to the Vicksburg staff ride so they have a detailed awareness of
the challenges of operational command and control in a complex environment – an
understanding they can refer back to on frequent occasions in the rest of the design course.
For the first three days of the design course, students assess the nature of operational art
and science in 1862, then spend two days role-playing assigned positions as either Union
or Confederate senior leaders.
The teams consist of students role playing: Henry W. Halleck (2 students), Ulysses S. Grant
(2 students), William T. Sherman/James B. McPherson/John A. McClernand (2 students
play all three roles), Admiral David D. Porter (1 student). For the Confederates: Jefferson
Davis (2 students), John C. Pemberton (2 students). Joseph E. Johnston (2 students).
Another two students change roles from day one to day two. They play the commanders of
the cavalry raids – Benjamin Grierson, Earl Van Dorn and Nathan Bedford Forrest.
The intent of the staff ride is to analyze the context of a campaign, identify the strategic
requirements for both sides in the campaign, understand the environmental context, the
problem appreciation (specifically the challenge of achieving battlefield decisive victory),
and generate an interactive discussion of the solutions offered by the commanders in the
campaign. The value of the staff ride rests in the deep appreciation, or in Clifford Geertz’s
phrase, the “thick description” of a complex campaign conducted in a complex
environment. Students refer back to the campaign, their roles, and the lessons they learned
throughout the design course, and instructors frequently refer them back for specific points
of awareness.
enforced reflection. Suffering from dysentery, Lawrence spent ten days in a tent, unable to
do anything other than suffer and think. The first part of the chapter is his remembrance of
his thinking, of his reflection before action, on the situation, the environment facing the
Arab revolt, and British interests in the Saudi Arabian peninsula. He closes the chapter
with a single paragraph – perhaps the best single paragraph environmental
narrative written in English. He also adds an interesting footnote, reflecting on the
artificial nature of all military writing, which always fails to capture the instrumental
details necessary for both conceptual and detailed planning, and make things seems much
more ethereal and abstract – in his words, “smelling more of the lamp than of the field.”
SAMS students are required to present a graphic of Lawrence’s environmental frame
narrative, and are given 15-20 minutes of class time to create a single PowerPoint slide or
whiteboard sketch. During this short practical exercise, students are assigned to small
groups to conduct the work, then required to present to their classmates. Sometimes,
depending on the learning curve of the seminar, students are required to do either a
presentation drawing, a design drawing, or a production drawing, as distinguished by
For the problem frame, we refer to Admiral Sandy Woodward’s memoir on his command of
the British Falkland Islands relief force. 68 In Chapter 4 of these memoirs, Woodward
depicts his increasing awareness of the nature of the problem he faced as commander of
the joint force. In these 20 pages, he places the reader in his own position of increasing
awareness, as he reflects, acts, communicates, and discusses his situation with his
superiors, subordinates, and staff officers.
In the advance sheet for this day, students are reminded that getting the right problem
identified, and being able to re-sort whether you have the right problem identified, is
essential to the art of design. Understanding the challenge of proper problem identification,
or framing, is part of the solution. Searching, mapping, and telling the story (or constructing
the narrative) are all ways ahead for problem framing. Students are required, as
homework, based on Woodward’s description of his problem frame, to construct a 225
word single page email problem statement. They are told to be prepared to brief this
document to their classmates and to be prepared to discuss their version in a small group
to develop consensus and then brief a consensus problem statement or sketch of the
problem frame. In class, different groups are required to present either a narrative
statement of the problem, or a sketch of the problem. This practical exercise leads to a
discourse on how to present issues of time, space, intent and others graphically.
Instructors frequently use this discourse as a teaching moment to bring in ideas about
storyboarding both presentations and actions.
For the solution space, we use a primary source document from the pre-Overlord planning
for Normandy from the Chief of Staff to the Supreme Allied Commander (COSSAC) staff.
This document, “Digest of Operation Overlord, 7 July 1943. (43) 32 Final,” provides the
68 Admiral Sandy Woodward, One Hundred Days: The Memoirs of the Falkland Battle Group Commander,
Closing the course, students address the issue of simultaneity through reading, discussing,
and assessing U. S. Grant’s memoir of the Chattanooga Campaign from his Memoirs. 70 Grant,
in this “cracker-line” campaign, clearly placed his efforts in the larger context of 1863. At
the start of this reading, students observe Grant taking stock of various ongoing operations,
and accounting for the effects of previous military events. He then is given some specific
instructions (design constraints) and begins to design the environmental frame, problem
frame, and eventually a design concept for his “space.” He then proceeds to execution of
specific tasks, but also keeps an awareness of the connections to the larger issues. Students
are advised that this class is not the end of this course – it is the start of their personal
concept of design. Design is not conducted in a vacuum, nor is it performed as a simple
initiation of action. Indeed, unlike most military exercises, actual military operations
are nearly always in a context of previous and sequential operations. This class
explores the contextualization of design – placing it in the midst of ongoing planning and
execution, both of the current operation and of precursor and successor events. Some of
the class discussion is on identifying differences, and reasons for these differences amongst
the language and concepts of design, planning, preparation, execution, and assessment. All of
this is an effort to initiate ideas on making the seams between these elements useful and
relevant for the development of understanding. For homework students are required to
prepare for present a sketch of a presentation drawing of one of the following from this
campaign: design environmental frame, design problem frame, design operational
approach, planning, preparation, execution, or assessment.
69COSSAC (Chief of Staff to the Supreme Commander Allied Forces), “Digest of Operation ‘Overlord’,”
available at,1246 (accessed May 17, 2010).
70Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, (New York, NY: Charles L. Webster & Company, 1982,
originally published 1885), Chapters 40-41.
So long as no acceptable theory, no intelligent analysis of the conduct of war exists, routine
methods will tend to take over even at the highest levels.
During the 1974 West Point graduation address, author Ayn Rand argued for the practical
importance of philosophy. In her speech, she also explained the essential role of theory.
Now ask yourself: if you are not interested in abstract ideas, why do you (and all men) feel
compelled to use them? The fact is that abstract ideas are conceptual integrations which
subsume an incalculable number of concretes — and that without abstract ideas you would
not be able to deal with concrete, particular, real-life problems. You would be in the position
of a newborn infant, to whom every object is a unique, unprecedented phenomenon. The
difference between his mental state and yours lies in the number of conceptual integrations
your mind has performed.
You have no choice about the necessity to integrate your observations, your experiences,
your knowledge into abstract ideas, i.e., into principles. Your only choice is whether these
principles are true or false, whether they represent your conscious, rational conviction — or
a grab-bag of notions snatched at random, whose sources, validity, context and
consequences you do not know, notions which, more often than not, you would drop like a
hot potato if you knew. 72
Published 132 years earlier, in On War, Clausewitz expressed the same insight in nine
words: “a working theory is an essential basis for criticism.”73 Design is practical, yet at the
same time it is theoretical. When the psychologist Kurt Lewin said “there is nothing more
practical than a good theory,” he was making a point about the importance of integrating
theory and practice. 74 Because theories provide highly compressed insight into how
something works, theories are tools that provide practitioners with a great source of
leverage. Designers must therefore be capable of surfacing and critiquing the theories that
underlie the narratives and frames of reference of all the actors within the operational
environment – especially our own implicit frames, which can be the hardest to identify and
criticize. Designers need to be able to employ theories across multiple knowledge
disciplines, replace outdated concepts with more relevant ones, and create new meaning in
the light of reframing. Without theory, design cannot be critical, and genuine reframing is
71 Carl von Clausewitz, On War, ed. and trans. Michael Howard and Peter Paret (New York, NY: Alfred A.
implausible. Design is as much about tentatively creating new theory (new sensemaking)
as it is about using established theories (old sensemaking).
Military conflicts always have political ends, and they occur within and between societies.
This means they are unencapsulated – they do not fit within any single discipline’s
theoretical framework. Once again, Clausewitz warns us of this when he observes that the
first common error of critical analysis “is an awkward and quite impermissible use of
certain narrow systems as formal bodies of laws.” 75 Brigadier General Jimmy Khoo, while
he was Future Systems Architect for the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), articulated the
need for an eclectic and opportunistic approach to theory:
But we are self-confessed eclectics when it comes to developing the 3G SAF. We want to
shop for the best ideas, technology, what have you, from existing theories and research. We
are not religious about any particular idea and would be quite quick to adopt another if
existing ones no longer work out. We are in fact really promiscuous about this. This is the
culture that we feel is needed when we are exploring and experimenting with ideas and
concepts. 76
In a similar vein, Major General Peter Chiarelli advocates a broad education to prepare for
full spectrum operations:
Critical thinking, professionally grounded in the controlled application of violence, yet
exposed to a broad array of expertise not normally considered as a part of traditional
military functions, will help create the capacity to rapidly shift cognitively to a new
environment. We must create an organization built for change, beginning with the
education of our officer corps. 77
Design draws on theory and applications from many disciplines. Those theories and
activities serve as sources of heuristics (sources of metaphor, similes, analogical ideas, case
studies, frameworks, schema, and so on). “This situation is a lot like…” Interdisciplinary
fields are especially useful for understanding unencapsulated conflict situations. Civilian
research in design theory, complex systems science, and soft systems are particularly
relevant. Political science, anthropology, communication theory, historiography,
leadership, linguistics, organization theory, and psychology all have a role in the SAMS
design curriculum (see the annotated bibliography in Appendix A). At the same time,
grounding in military theory is also essential. War involves extremes of coercive
violence between interacting opponents, an unpredictable dynamic that is
unmatched by any other profession. Care must be taken to avoid the abuse of theory that
results from cherry picking fragments of theory from professions operating under very
Forces, at the IMTA 2005 Conference on 8 November 2005 at Pan Pacific Hotel, Singapore.
77 Maj. Gen. Peter W. Chiarelli and Maj Patrick R. Michaelis, “Winning the Peace: The Requirement for Full-
different rule sets and applying them out of context. 78 However, the requirement for a
multidisciplinary approach to design theory means that crossing disciplinary boundaries is
unavoidable. DOCTRINE
Generals and admirals stress the central importance of “doctrine.” Military doctrine is the
“logic” of their professional behavior. As such, it is a synthesis of scientific knowledge and
expertise on the one hand, and of traditions and political assumptions on the other.
In an address to the Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, on 16
December 1960, General George Decker stated that “[d]octrine is indispensible to an
army…. Doctrine provides a military organization with a common philosophy, a common
language, a common purpose, and a unity of effort.”80 Doctrine informs all aspects of design
methodology. United States Joint and Army doctrine figures prominently in the SAMS
design curriculum, particularly during the design practica, as does the doctrine of the
other81. Virtually all military-like organizations employ doctrine, whether it is formal or
informal. Many state militaries are run through formalized doctrine that is developed
through an institutionalized process. Non-state actors may have formal doctrine, but often
informal doctrine based on tried methods of operation fills the same function as formal
doctrine. Doctrine differs from Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP) in that doctrine
is institutionalized – it has been directed or widely accepted as the fundamental guiding
principles for a military force. Joint Publication 1-02, the Department of Defense Dictionary
of Military and Associated Terms, defines doctrine as the “[f]undamental principles by
which the military forces or elements thereof guide their actions in support of national
objectives. It is authoritative but requires judgment in application.” 82 Doctrine informs how
militaries conduct operations. Doctrine does not self-limit creativity in military operations,
but serves as a common foundation.
78This is the second and “far more serious” common error of critical analysis identified in Clausewitz, On War,
79 Morris Janowitz, The Professional Soldier (Glencoe, IL: Free Press, 1960), xii.
80Robert Debs Heinl, Jr., Dictionary of Military and Naval Quotations (Annapolis, MD: United States Naval
Institute, 1966), 95.
81 ‘The other’ is a key concept in design, described below.
82United States, Joint Publication 1-02, Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms
(Washington , DC: Government Printing Office, 2006).
The central idea of an army is known as its doctrine, which to be sound must be based on
the principles of war, and which to be effective must be elastic enough to admit of mutation
in accordance with change in circumstances. In its ultimate relationship to the human
understanding this central idea or doctrine is nothing else than common sense – that is,
adapted to circumstances. 83
As such, doctrine must be known, understood, and assessed against a particular situation
or environment before a military force departs from it in designing, planning, or executing
military operations. Eliot Cohen and John Gooch compare U.S. and Soviet conceptions of
doctrine, and reach a surprising conclusion.
Ironically, despite the difference between a liberal democracy and a party dictatorship, the
Soviet view is the less rigid, the richer, the more imaginative. One might say, as a kind of
shorthand, that the Soviets conceive of doctrine as a picture of future war, incorporating
politics and technology as well as tactics. This far more inclusive picture of war makes a
great deal of sense: Failures of anticipation may be best understood as doctrinal failures,
using the term in the Soviet sense. [...] Such misfortunes result as well from a failure to think
as holistically as the Soviet definition of doctrine would suggest. 84
According to Cohen and Gooch, a holistic, flexible, and imaginative conception of doctrine
as a theory for future war is important for a military to reduce the risk of failing to
anticipate the next war.
The 2010 version of FM 5-0, The Operations Process, includes for the first time a chapter on
design. The previous edition of FM 5-0 mentioned design as a precedent to planning, but
did not offer any explanation of what design is or how it is accomplished. 85 By its nature as
the guide for military activities, doctrine must be widely applicable which in turn means
that it is often vague, and Chapter 3 of FM 5-0 is no different. As a result, the doctrine of
design does not provide the level of depth necessary for operational artists to gain
understanding of the theory, philosophy, and application behind the concept of design.
Therefore, the SAMS design course curriculum deliberately goes beyond the doctrine to
foster the deeper understanding of design necessary to enrich operational art. However, a
thorough knowledge and understanding of design doctrine as the common baseline of
understanding and language of design across the Army (and potentially the joint force) is
Pre-doctrinal materials and supplanted doctrine related to design, such as FMI 5-2, Design 86
and TRADOC Pamphlet 535-5-500, Commander’s Appreciation and Campaign Design, 87
83 Maj. Gen. John F. C. Fuller, The Foundations of the Science of War (Washington, DC: Government Printing
Office, 1993).
84Eliot A. Cohen and John Gooch, Military Misfortunes: The Anatomy of Failure in War (New York, NY: Vintage
Books, 1991), 239.
85 This, however, was briefly discussed in FM 3-24.
86 United States, Field Manual Interim 5-2, Design (Washington, DC: Headquarters, Department of the Army,
provide insight to the evolution of military design which led to the current doctrine, and
thereby contributes to the depth of understanding in the thought behind Design. One
TRADOC publication of particular relevance is the recently released TRADOC Pamphlet 525-
3-0, The Army Capstone Concept Operational Adaptability, which describes the broad
capabilities the Army will require in 2016-2028. The capstone concept identifies
adaptability as the way to cope with future uncertainty. In an operational setting,
adaptability is achieved through developing the situation through action and
framing problems using design.
(1) Developing the situation through action requires understanding the situation in depth,
breadth, and context; acting; assessing and adapting tactical and operational actions;
consolidating gains; transitioning between tasks and operations; and, ultimately, being
prepared to transition responsibility
(a) Understanding the situation in depth, breadth, and context. Because of the complexity of
the environment and the continuous interaction with adaptive enemies, understanding in
armed conflict will never be complete. While acknowledging the enduring uncertainty of
war, however, Army leaders must begin with a clear definition of the operation’s purpose
and pursue an understanding of the qualitative relationships between factors that interact
in the context of armed conflict. Leaders must be adept at applying design as a methodology
for framing problems. 88 PHILOSOPHY
What is the first business of philosophy? To part with self-conceit. For it is impossible for
anyone to begin to learn what he thinks that he already knows.
—Epictetus, Discourses
the runways, and manned the control towers wearing carved wooden headphones. The
flaw in the causal reasoning of the cargo cults was mistaking a necessary condition for a
sufficient condition. The flaw in their design was imitating the form of the military bases
with no understanding of the underlying function or logic. Adopting design terminology
and methods with no deeper understanding of design philosophy and theory risks falling
into exactly the same trap. Using new design methods and buzz words within the old
paradigm will not lead to improved results.
John Schmitt explains the importance of understanding the unique logic of a problem
situation in design. Schmitt proposes Charles Sanders Peirce’s class of abductive reasoning
(in contrast to inductive and deductive reasoning) as the process design teams can use for
theory development.
Facing a complex operational situation, the commander assembles a design team and holds
an iterative, conversational discourse. The purpose of this discourse is to imagine the
situation as a system, to hypothesize a causal logic to explain the behavior of that system
and to conceive a logical approach, a counterlogic, for transforming that system through
action. The design team uses extensively abductive reasoning—the process of inferring best
explanations from limited facts. The resulting operational design is a logic system that
permeates all operations by establishing a context for all planning and execution. The
rationale is to pull out of the problem itself the logic for solving the problem rather than to
apply or adapt some predetermined logic. Once the designers have created the design they
continue to test and modify it through argumentation, but more importantly through
feedback from the results of implementing the design through action. 90
Making sense of the logic of an emerging situation requires digging beneath the surface
impressions of symptoms and issues, which are often based on limited and contradictory
information. Philosophy provides a rational foundation for this design inquiry.
The stereotype of the armchair philosopher as removed from all practical concerns is
encapsulated in Ambrose Bierce’s tongue-in-cheek definition of philosophy as “[a] route of
many roads leading from nowhere to nothing.” 91 Yet this belies the surprisingly practical
tools philosophy offers for design inquiry. Clausewitz’s dialectical approach distinctive of
On War, although believed to be his own invention, has connections to the philosophies of
Plato, Kant, Fichte, and Hegel. 92 John Boyd’s unpublished paper, “Destruction and Creation,”
described what he called a ‘dialectic engine’ of deconstructive analysis and creative
synthesis, repeatedly applied to existing conceptual patterns of meaning. 93 The logic of
design, moving between the environmental frame, the problem frame, and the operational
approach, is also fundamentally dialectical.
90 John F. Schmitt, "A Systemic Concept for Operational Design," unpublished article, 2006, 16.
91 Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), 144.
92 Christopher Bassford, “Clausewitz and His Works,” (2008): 17ff.
93John R. Boyd, “Destruction and Creation,” 1976,, (accessed 12/30/2009).
Focused primarily on understanding rather than on action, the whole logic of operational
design as a dynamic form of knowledge creation is based on a system of heuristics
combining three functional components, or three planes of learning: description,
problematization, and synthesis…
Kuhn’s explanation of scientific revolution reveals both the importance of framing for the
accumulation of knowledge (this is what Kuhn called ‘normal science’), and the mechanism
to relax the bounds on research, which allows for reframing (or a ‘paradigm shift’) in the
wake of a crisis. 95 The crisis occurs when the “normal technical puzzle-solving activity”
breaks down. 96 A paradigm shift requires a viable alternative framework, and involves a
social process of conversion from the old paradigm to the new. Organization theorist James
March explains the practical implications of paradigms and frames for decision making.
Framing. Decisions are framed by beliefs that define the problem to be addressed, the
information that must be collected, and the dimensions that must be evaluated. Decision
makers adopt paradigms to tell themselves what perspective to take on a problem, what
questions should be asked, and what technologies should be used to ask the questions. Such
frames focus attention and simplify analysis. They direct attention to different options and
different preferences. A decision will be made one way if it is framed as a problem of
maintaining profits and in a different way if it is framed as a problem of maintaining market
share. A situation will lead to different decisions if it is seen as being about “the value of
innovation” rather than “the importance of not losing face.” Decision makers typically frame
problems narrowly rather than broadly. They decide about local options and local
preferences, without considering all tradeoffs or all alternatives. 97
94Shimon Naveh, Jim Schneider and Timothy Challans, The Structure of Operational Revolutions: A
Prolegomena (Leavenworth, Kansas: Booz Allen Hamilton, 2009), 78-81.
95 Thomas S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1970).
96 Ibid., 69.
97 James G. March, A Primer on Decision Making (New York, NY: Free Press, 1994), 14.
Chris Paparone recently published an article that casts contemporary design discourse as
contributing to a conversation that was first started in philosophy between Heraclitis and
Parmenides. In this view, an understanding of philosophy provides context for the current
literature on design.
Framed around how to deal with highly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (high
“VUCA”) situations, design is becoming attractive as a complementary or perhaps an
alternative for a military staff culture that is deeply rooted in the analytic-planning
paradigm. While design-as-praxis is a relative newcomer to military professionals, it has
conceptual ties to ancient Greek philosophical debates and a decades-long history in the
areas of architecture, urban studies, public policy, and more recently, business
management. 98
Above and beyond any immediate practical utility, the study of philosophy teaches
its students to keep an open mind. According to Bertrand Russell, “[p]hilosophy is to be
studied, not for the sake of any definite answers to its questions, since no definite answers
can, as a rule, be known to be true, but rather for the sake of the questions themselves;
because these questions enlarge our conception of what is possible, enrich our intellectual
imagination and diminish the dogmatic assurance which closes the mind against
speculation….”99 An openness to possibility and intellectual imagination are essential
characteristics of designers in any field. PRACTICE
A study of the laws of war is necessary as we require to apply them to war. To learn this is no
easy matter and to apply them in practice is even harder; some officers are excellent at paper
exercises and theoretical discussions in the war colleges, but when it comes to battle there are
those that win and those that lose.
Earlier, Schön provided an answer to the question of how to learn to design, by advocating
learning by doing in a reflective practicum. Lawson agrees that practice is essential for
learning design.
Conceptually the studio is a process of learning by doing, in which students are set a series
of design problems to solve. They thus learn how to design largely by doing it, rather than
by studying it or analysing it. It seems almost impossible to learn design without actually
doing it. 100
98Christopher R. Paparone, “Design and the Prospects of a US Military Renaissance,” Small Wars Journal Blog
(5 May, 2010): 1.
99 Bertrand Russell, The Problems of Philosophy (Plain Label Books, 1938), 159.
100 Lawson, How Designers Think, 7.
The reflective practicum is an essential pillar of the SAMS approach to educating design.
Three two-week long design practica provide a studio environment for low risk
experimentation and reflection on the practice of design. We believe this is so important to
design education that Chapter 4 is devoted to illustrating the practice of design.
While there is no substitute for learning design by doing, the student of design can
supplement opportunities for practice with reading theory, history, doctrine and
philosophy as foils for reflection. Opportunities to observe other design teams in action are
another valuable way to learn more about design. Finally, although the journey of learning
in design is always more revealing than the destination, it is possible to learn through
sharing design products. This is why we have assembled for the first time a design
repository of SAMS AMSP design products in Appendix F.
At this level of detail, the framework may initially appear too complicated to make much
sense of. It does however tell us that the lexicon forms a fully connected web, and that
learning the language of design is not trivial! By counting the number of links connected to
each node, we can identify ‘hubs’ of highly connected concepts. System (16 links), design
(noun) (8 links), design (verb) (8 links), problem situation (8 links), adaptation (7 links),
problem (7 links), and stakeholder (7 links) are the most connected terms. In other words,
design is a systems approach to problem situations that engages stakeholders to
identify problems as well as better ways to adapt. Similar graphs are drawn for the four
big ideas and the key concepts below. Each perspective provides different yet
complementary insights into the nature of design thinking.
Our capacity to learn, after two years of war, had improved beyond measure. The same blind
refusal to learn, which had characterized many of our operations early in the war, had almost
disappeared. We were learning, and learning how to learn faster.
Although design as a practical art is ultimately about solving problems, designers do not
start by focusing on the solution, or even the problem. The first question for designers
required to create an innovative response to a unique problem situation is “How can we
learn about this situation?” Before the design team can design a solution, they must
first design their own learning system. Getting this learning system right is more
important than the initial design product. This is why ‘learning to learn’ in Figure 9 is
critical: it allows the designers to improve their products over time, and maintain a
relevant understanding in a changing environment.
101 Robert Lee Sherrod, Tarawa: The Story of a Battle (New York, NY: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1944), 148.
Peter M. Senge, The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization (New York:
Learning in design occurs at multiple levels. At the individual level, design inquiry yields a
deeper understanding of the operational environment. Learning is supported by individual
research, dialog, drawing and modeling, and above all from interacting with the situation.
As the quote from Robert Sherrod above suggests, it is also possible to learn how to learn
faster. Psychologist Dietrich Dörner has some advice on learning to cope with complex
We must learn that events have not only their immediate, visible effects but long-term
repercussions as well. We also must learn to think in terms of systems. We must learn that
in complex systems we cannot do only one thing. Whether we want it to or not, any step we
take will affect many other things. We must learn to cope with side effects. We must
understand that the effects of our decisions may turn up in places we never expected to see
them surface. 103
At the team level, no theorist has contributed more to an understanding of team learning
than Senge. The following captures the importance of distinguishing between dialogue and
discussion, and the analog of external attribution at the team level – defensive routines.
The discipline of team learning involves mastering the practices of dialogue and discussion,
the two distinct ways that teams converse. In dialogue, there is the free and creative
exploration of complex and subtle issues, a deep “listening” to one another and suspending
of one’s own views. By contrast, in discussion different views are presented and defended
and there is a search for the best view to support decisions that must be made at this time.
Dialogue and discussion are potentially complementary, but most teams lack the ability to
distinguish between the two and to move consciously between them.
Team learning also involves learning how to deal creatively with the powerful forces
opposing productive dialogue and discussion in working teams. Chief among these are what
Chris Argyris calls “defensive routines,” habitual ways of interacting that protect us and
others from threat or embarrassment, but which also prevent us from learning. 105
At the organizational level, the communication between design teams allows for the
transfer of knowledge and learning from the experience of others. Bryan Lawson
Dietrich Dö rner, The Logic of Failure: Recognizing and Avoiding Error in Complex Situations (Cambridge,
recognizes the importance of situating design teams within the context of organizational
One other lesson to be drawn from all this is that developing a learning design organisation
demands that some effort be put into the sort of reflection we have begun to indulge in here.
That is to say a design organisation should try to transfer knowledge gained from the
projects it completes in order to develop its processes. 106
Argyris and Schön describe two types of organizational learning, where learning means the
detection and correction of error.
When the error detected and corrected permits the organization to carry on its present
policies or achieve its present objectives, then that error-and-correction process is single-
loop learning. Single-loop learning is like a thermostat that learns when it is too hot or too
cold and turns the heat on or off. The thermostat can perform this task because it can
receive information (the temperature of the room) and take corrective action. Double-loop
learning occurs when error is detected and corrected in ways that involve the modification
of an organization’s underlying norms, policies and objectives. 107
Because single loop learning takes the current goals, values, and frameworks of the
organization for granted, 108 it is focused on ‘solving the problem right.’ Doctrine claims that
design helps commanders ensure they are ‘solving the right problem’ because designers
are engaged in double loop learning. Double loop learning “involves questioning the role
of the framing and learning systems which underlie actual goals and strategies.”109 In
a sentence, this captures the essence of design as it is applied by the U.S. Army. Double loop
learning also connects learning with difference, as well as with the key concepts of the
other and asymmetry (described below). According to Argyris:
This is the real role of the rival in Naveh et al.’s theory of systemic operational design:
At the level of learning system, which is reflected in the development of the complete design
process, the construction of the opposition system problematizes the initial system frame
and produces a higher level of synthetic synergy. The rival becomes the fundamental
element of antithesis.111
Zooming out from the organizational level further still, Yaneer Bar-Yam sees the whole
learning ‘ecosystem’ as an evolutionary process involving multiple levels of competition
and cooperation. Evolution, conceived as a process of differentiation, selection, and
amplification, begins with the generation of variety, then selects and expands on those
strategies that actually work in the context of the operational environment.
Organizations that learn by evolutionary change create an environment of ongoing
innovation. Evolution by competition and cooperation and the creation of composites of
patterns of behavior is the way to synthesize effective systems to meet the complex
challenges of today’s world. 112
In addition to learning at the level of the individual, the team, the organization, and the
ecosystem, one of the most distinguishing characteristics of Naveh et al.’s theory of
systemic operational design is the importance of learning at the meta-level:
Thinking about their thinking (meta-thinking), the designers examine the compatibility
between the existing methodology of the inquiry and the cognitive challenges implied by
the circumstantial context, and thus, may reframe the structure of their learning process. 113
Learning to learn requires the ability to take a meta-perspective at all levels. The
significance of the meta-level is it frees designers from the constraints of any one
theory of learning, which allows the design team to reframe when the current
paradigm loses relevance in a changing context.
Table 3 summarizes the importance of learning and its relationships with the big ideas of
How different is almost every military problem, except in the bare mechanism of tactics. In
almost every case the data on which a solution depends are lacking.
The appreciation of difference is the first step of critical thinking. Without this step,
decision makers risk falling into the trap of methodism. Methodism, a term coined by
Clausewitz and expanded on by Dörner, is “the unthinking application of a sequence of
actions we have once learned.” 115
We can summarize Clausewitz’s advice thus: In many complex situations, considering a few
“characteristic” features of the situation and developing an appropriate course of action in
the light of them is not the essential point. Rather, the most important thing is to consider
the specific, “individual” configuration of those features and to develop a completely
individual sequence of actions appropriate to that configuration.116
Mao Tse-tung echoes Clausewitz by emphasizing the need to understand the differences
that make the ‘laws’ of each war unique.
114Dennis H. Mahan, An Elementary Treatise on Advanced Guard, Outpost, and Detachment Service of Troops,
and the Manner of Posting and Handling Them in Presence of an Enemy; with a Historical Sketch of the Rise and
Progress of Tactics, Etc, 1847.
115 Dö rner, The Logic of Failure, 170.
116 Dö rner, The Logic of Failure, 171.
It is well known that when you do anything, unless you understand its actual circumstances,
its nature and its relations to other things, you will not know the laws governing it, or know
how to do it, or be able to do it well.
War is the highest form of struggle for resolving contradictions, when they have developed
to a certain stage, between classes, nations, states, or political groups, and it has existed
ever since the emergence of private property and of classes. Unless you understand the
actual circumstances of war, its nature and its relations to other things, you will not know
the laws of war, or know how to direct war, or be able to win victory…. Thus the different
laws for directing different wars are determined by the different circumstances of those
wars—differences in their time, place and nature. 117
Recognition of the uniqueness of the current situation is central to design thinking. Major
Ed Hayward’s monograph on the philosophy of design recognized the central place of
The process of design is about the recognition of difference; internal difference as essential
identity, a consequence of flux rather than circumstantial difference, a predicate of identity.
This recognition occurs following reflective thought. 118
Other theorists support the importance of difference to problem solving in general, and
design in particular. Jamshid Gharajedaghi offers the memorable dictum: “Interactive
design is both the art of finding differences among things that seem similar and the
science of finding similarities among things that seem different.”120 The conscious
search for the pattern of difference in the superficially similar and similarity in the
superficially different is how designers recognize the ‘difference which makes a difference’
Mao Tse-tung, “Problems of Strategy in China's Revolutionary War” in The Art of War (El Paso, TX: El Paso
represented in Figure 9. Restated, the difference which makes a difference is the evaluation
of relevance of information towards understanding a problem situation.
Robert Axelrod and Michael Cohen notice the connection between complex systems
science, diversity, and design. “The Complex Adaptive Systems approach, with its premise
that agents are diverse, is well suited to design projects… It builds in the default
assumption that there is variety within a population that could matter.” 121 Difference is
essential for the design of complex systems, because “the variety within a population is a
central requirement for adaptation.” 122 Scott Page elegantly articulates the value of
difference for team composition.
What we desire influences how we look at problems, the perspectives we choose. Thus,
collections of people with diverse preferences often prove better at problem solving than
collections of people who agree. Difference of opinion not only makes a horse race, it also
makes for effective, albeit sometimes contentious, teams. 123
Gregory Bateson, a pioneering member of the cybernetics 124 movement, placed the self-
referential use of difference at the center of his theory of mind. Bateson restated the theory
of information invented by fellow cybernetician Claude Shannon: “The technical term
‘information’ may be succinctly defined as any difference which makes a difference in some
later event. This definition is fundamental for all analysis of cybernetic systems and
organization.” 125 Bateson argued that the impulses travelling through our brains from the
firing of neurons were more correctly thought of as “news of a difference.” 126 Hence, he
could claim that “the word ‘idea’ in its most elementary sense, is synonymous with
‘difference.’ ” 127 Bateson applied this concept of difference to human perception as well as
Human sense organs can receive only news of difference, and the differences must be coded
into events in time (i.e., into changes) in order to be perceptible. Ordinary static differences
that remain constant for more than a few seconds become perceptible, only by scanning.
121Robert Axelrod and Michael D. Cohen, Harnessing Complexity: Organizational Implications of a Scientific
Frontier (New York: Basic Books, 2000), 33.
122 Ibid., 32.
123Scott E. Page, The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and Societies
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007), 12.
124 Cybernetics and General System Theory were the two original Western schools of systems thinking.
Cybernetics aimed to uncover common mechanisms of control and communication between living organisms
and machines.
125 Gregory Bateson, Steps to an Ecology of Mind (New York: Ballantine Books, 1972), 381.
126 Ibid., 460.
127 Ibid., 459.
Similarly, very slow changes become perceptible only by a combination of scanning and
bringing together observations from separated moments in the continuum of time. 128
Table 4 summarizes the importance of difference and its relationships with the big ideas of
When a war is decided upon, it becomes necessary to prepare not an entire plan of
operations—which is always impossible—but a system of operations in reference to a
prescribed aim…
—Henri Jomini132
128 Gregory Bateson, Mind and Nature: A Necessary Unity (Bantam, 1988), Chapter III.
129 Zvi Lanir, Fundamental Surprises: The National Intelligence Crisis. Tel Aviv: Dvir, 1984.
130 Schön, Educating the Reflective Practitioner, 26.
131 Page, The Difference.
132 Henri Jomini, “Jomini and his Summary of the Art of War: A Condensed Version,” in Ardant du Picq, Charles
Jean Jacques Joseph, Carl von Clausewitz, and Henri Jomini. Roots of Strategy, Book 2: 3 Military Classics.
Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1987, 453.
When we asked what design was at the beginning of this chapter, Table 2 summarized a
key element of the design approach as acknowledging uniqueness and complexity,
developing shared holistic understanding by drawing and modeling, and responding
systemically. Design thus described is a systems approach. The systems approach emerged
in the middle of the 20th century in response to a concern over the specialization and
fragmentation of knowledge in science. Systems scientists set themselves the task of
organizing knowledge across disciplines of science, to improve the flow of techniques,
results and communication between the specialized sciences. The first scientists to apply
these new ideas to designed systems gave birth to the field of cybernetics. In the
subsequent 60 years, systems approaches have proliferated and influenced almost all
approaches to design, as well as the specialized branches of science and the humanities.
So what exactly is a systems approach? Ervin Laszlo, the first philosopher to write about
the new systems paradigm, described it this way:
In sum, nature, in the systems view, is a sphere of complex and delicate organization.
Systems communicate with systems and jointly form supersystems. Strands of order
traverse the emerging hierarchy and take increasingly definite shape. Common
characteristics are manifest in different forms on each of the many levels, with properties
ranged in a continuous but irreducible sequence from level to level. The systems view of
nature is one of harmony and dynamic balance. Progress is triggered from below without
determination from above, and is thus both definite and open-ended. To be “with it” one
must adapt, and that means moving along. There is freedom in choosing one’s paths of
progress, yet this freedom is bounded by the limits of compatibility with the dynamic
structure of the whole. 133
There is an important distinction between the everyday meaning of the word system and
the more technical meaning of system as ‘taking a systems approach.’ Peter Checkland and
John Poulter write that “everyone is so used to the casual everyday-language usage of the
133Ervin Laszlo, The Systems View of the World: The Natural Philosophy of the New Developments in the
Sciences (New York: George Braziller, 1972), 74-5.
word ‘system’. In ordinary talk we constantly refer to complex chunks of the everyday
world as systems, even though they do not come close to meeting the requirements of that
concept.” 134 In contrast, they say “ ‘systems’ are devices used in a learning process to define
desirable and feasible ‘action to improve’.” 135 The implication of systems as devices is that
“the notion of systemicity (‘systemness’) appears in the process of inquiry into the world,
rather than in the world itself.” 136 We should always remember that it is our thinking
that is systemic, not the world itself.
In developing a systems approach for the business world, Peter Senge explains that
“[s]ystems thinking is a discipline for seeing wholes. It is a framework for seeing
interrelationships rather than things, for seeing patterns of change rather than static
‘snapshots.’ 137” Senge views systems thinking as the best way to cope with complexity.
Complexity can easily undermine confidence and responsibility—as in the frequent refrain,
“It’s all too complex for me,” or “There’s nothing I can do. It’s the system.” Systems thinking
is the antidote to this sense of helplessness that many feel as we enter the “age of
interdependence.” Systems thinking is a discipline for seeing the “structures” that underlie
complex situations, and for discerning high from low leverage change. That is, by seeing
wholes we learn how to foster health. To do so, systems thinking offers a language that
begins by restructuring how we think. 138
The most active and exciting contemporary systems approach, complex systems science,
makes the connection between systems and complexity even more explicit. The director of
the New England Complex Systems Institute, Yaneer Bar-Yam, expands on Senge’s
What do people do today when they don’t understand “the system?”. They try to assign
responsibility to someone to fix the problem, to oversee “the system”, to coordinate and
control what is happening. It is time we recognized that “the system” is how we work
together… We need to learn how to improve “the system” without putting someone in
charge, in order to make things work. 139
In complex systems science, we see for the first time tools sophisticated enough to provide
an alternative to putting someone in charge. Complex systems science shows how
distributed networks of adaptive agents are capable of solving problems no agent
could solve alone. Antoine Bousquet draws the connection between complex systems
science and warfare in The Scientific Way of Warfare. Prompted by the reflections of
General John Abizaid on the networked nature of contemporary operations, Bousquet asks:
How has war, an activity traditionally dominated by institutions extolling the virtues of
hierarchical command and submission to orders, come to be understood essentially in
terms of decentralised networks of combatants connected together by horizontal
information links?140
Examining chaos theory and complex systems science, Bousquet characterizes these new
scientific approaches as:
…an outgrowth of cybernetics and information theory, but the focus on change, evolution,
and positive feedback breaks with the concern for stability of the cybernetic pioneers… The
key notions here are those of non-linearity, self-organisation, and emergence, and the
central metaphor is that of the network, the distributed model of information exchange
perhaps best embodied by the Internet.141
The connection between systems thinking and design is the subject of Jamshid
Gharajedaghi’s classic book Systems Thinking. The following quote describes design in
terms of learning and an awareness of systems.
Designers seek to choose rather than predict the future. They try to understand rational,
emotional, and cultural dimensions of choice and to produce a design that satisfies a
multitude of functions. The design methodology requires that designers learn how to use
what they already know, learn how to realize what they do not know, and learn how to
learn what they need to know. Finally, producing a design requires an awareness of how
activities of one part of a system affect and are affected by other parts. This awareness
requires understanding the nature of interactions among the parts. 142
Table 5 summarizes the importance of systems and its relationships with the big ideas of
Antoine Bousquet, The Scientific Way of Warfare: Order and Chaos on the Battlefields of Modernity (New
At the start of Chapter 2, we made an assumption that in the military context, design will be
performed by teams. Teams encourage more diverse perspectives and experiences to
be represented during designing. While it is certainly possible for individuals to design –
historically architects worked as individuals – it takes a team to engage in dialog. The social
nature of design in the military context is a source of great strength, but it also presents
significant challenges. If the group dynamics become dysfunctional, there is little chance
that the design team will realize their potential in either their depth of understanding or
the quality of their design concept. In practice, a significant proportion of leading design
involves attending to group dynamics. This challenge is addressed in Chapter 4, which
provides practical guidance on leading social creation during design.
In order to understand how social creation underpins design, Major Xander Bullock turned
to the engineering design literature, where the importance of designing in teams has long
been acknowledged. Bullock recognizes the big idea of social creation has implications for
leading design. “Engineering Design, as a theory of social creation, recommends a cultural
shift away from single authorship or commander centric leadership.” 144 However,
143 Christopher A. Le Dantec, “Situated Design: Toward an Understanding of Design Through Social Creation
and Cultural Cognition,” in Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition (Berkeley,
California, USA, October 27 - 30, 2009): 69-78.
144 Major Xander L. Bullock, “Engineering Design Theory: Applying the Success of the Modern World to
Campaign Creation,” (Monograph, School of Advanced Military Studies, U.S. Army Command and General Staff
College, 2009), iv.
…the recommendation to make the cultural shift toward social creation does not imply that
the commander has a diminished role. In contrast, commanding in a critical and creative
environment requires intellectually agile and competent leadership. Design is part of battle
command, and properly harnessing the creative energy of the organization intentionally
enhances leadership and decision-making.145
Senge identifies four important factors for ensuring social dynamics are healthy and
conducive to team learning: dialogue, alignment, a shared language for dealing with
complexity, and practice.
The discipline of team learning starts with “dialogue,” the capacity of members of a team to
suspend assumptions and enter into a genuine “thinking together.”…
Team learning is the process of aligning and developing the capacity of a team to create the
results its members truly desire…
Without a shared language for dealing with complexity, team learning is limited. If one
member of a team sees a problem more systemically than others, that person’s insight will
get reliably discounted—if for no other reason than the intrinsic biases toward linear views
in our normal everyday language…
Lastly, the discipline of team learning, like any discipline, requires practice. 147
Social creation requires leaders to manage the level of stress within the design team. Ron
Heifetz and Martin Linsky use a metaphor of temperature to explain how to balance
tension within a team, an organization, or a community.
If you try to stimulate deep change within an organization, you have to control the
temperature. There are really two tasks here. The first is to raise the heat enough that
people sit up, pay attention, and deal with the real threats and challenges facing them.
Without some distress, there is no incentive for them to change anything. The second is to
lower the temperature when necessary to reduce a counterproductive level of tension. Any
community can take only so much pressure before it becomes either immobilized or spins
out of control. The heat must stay within a tolerable range—not so high that people demand
it to be turned off completely, and not so low that they are lulled into inaction. 148
John Kotter notes that in an increasingly complex environment, organizations must also
become more complex by embracing diversity and interdependence.
People who have studied organizations have made very similar observations. Corporations
that are leaders in their industries and those that help start new industries tend to be full of
diversity, interdependence, and conflict, often by explicit design. The people running these
firms sometimes purposely create seemingly messy organizational structures, full of
complex interdependent relationships. They encourage and even force diverse elements to
interact. In doing so, they realize that more conflicts will then emerge and that this can
create more short-term problems and challenges. But they also realize that if those conflicts
can be productively managed, the result will be more original thinking, more creative
solutions to business problems, and more innovative products and services. And they have
learned that such originality can make them more competitive, responsive, and adaptive. 149
148Ronald A. Heifetz and Martin Linsky, Leadership on the Line: Staying Alive Through the Dangers of Leading
(Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 2002), 107-8.
149 John P. Kotter, Power and Influence (New York: Free Press, 1985), 33.
The development of knowledge takes place within a community of practice. The theory of
situated learning developed by Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger first introduced this concept.
A community of practice is a set of relations among persons, activity, and world, over time
and in relation with other tangential and overlapping communities of practice. A
community of practice is an intrinsic condition for the existence of knowledge, not least
because it provides the interpretive support necessary for making sense of its heritage.
Thus, participation in the cultural practice in which any knowledge exists is an
epistemological principle of learning. The social structure of this practice, its power
relations, and its conditions for legitimacy define possibilities for learning (i.e., for
legitimate peripheral participation).151
People belong to communities of practice at the same time as they belong to other
organizational structures. In their business units, they shape the organization. In their
teams, they take care of projects. In their networks, they form relationships. And in their
communities of practice, they develop the knowledge that lets them do these other tasks.
150 Mary Jo Hatch and Ann L. Cunliffe, Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic, and Postmodern Perspectives
This informal fabric of communities and shared practices makes the official organization
effective and, indeed, possible. 152
Table 6 summarizes the importance of social creation and its relationships with the big
ideas of design.
Importance of Social Creation Problem situations are too complex for any single
individual to comprehend and resolve. They need diverse
perspectives, shared understanding, and social creation to
be transformed towards a desirable future.
Social Creation Learning Working well in social groups can lead to individual, team
and organizational learning.
Social Creation Difference Social creation changes the environment. Even if this
generates effects other than those intended, social creation
generates difference, or information, which provides an
opportunity for learning.
Social Creation Systems A systems approach is fundamentally interdisciplinary.
Social creation, which brings together multiple
perspectives, enriches the systems approach.
Social Creation Applying social creation to the process of social creation
Social Creation may result in the formation of a community of practice.
Practitioners design artifacts and institutions to facilitate
professional discourse.
152 Etienne Wenger, “Communities of Practice: Learning as a Social System,” Systems Thinker, June 1998, 4.
Critical Thinking
Doctrine FM 6-22 153 Official doctrine offers an overly simplistic definition.
“Critical thinking is a thought process that aims to find
truth in situations where direct observation is insufficient,
impossible, or impractical.”
This is unhelpful because it sets too high a standard for
critical thinking – truth – and it is misleading because it
defines critical thinking as a substitute for observation,
rather than a way of interpreting observations and
evaluating beliefs. A more useful passage in FM 6-22
provides an operational definition of critical thinking.
“Critical thinking implies examining a problem in depth,
from multiple points of view, and not settling for the first
answer that comes to mind.”
Doctrine FM 5-0 154 “Critical thinking is purposeful, reflective, and self-
regulating judgment to determine the meaning and
significance of what is observed or expressed.”
Theory: Dewey 155 Dewey preferred the term ‘reflective thinking,’ but his
Education concept is the same.
United States, Field Manual 6-22, Army Leadership (Washington, DC: Headquarters, Department of the
Life (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2002), xx.
Theory: King 157 “Critical Thinking is the process by which we judge the
Effective information and arguments we deal with, and through
Thinking which we generate questions to help us to understand and
deal with issues in complex environments. Critical thinking
incorporates analytical and creative thinking skills.”
Theory: Clausewitz 158 Clausewitz’s insights into the role of kritik (critical
Military analysis) in the study of military history and theory have
lost none of their relevance to thinking critically about war
today. Note that what he calls ‘plain narrative’ does not
mean the same narrative we refer to in this student text,
but rather what historians refer to as a chronology.
“We distinguish between the critical approach and the plain
narrative of a historical event, which merely arranges facts
one after another, and at most touches on their immediate
causal links. Three different intellectual activities may be
contained in the critical approach. First, the discovery and
interpretation of equivocal facts. This is historical research
proper, and has nothing in common with theory. Second,
the tracing of effects back to their causes. This is critical
analysis proper. It is essential for theory; for whatever in
theory is to be defined, supported, or simply described by
reference to experience can only be dealt with in this
manner. Third, the investigation and evaluation of means
employed. This last is criticism proper, involving praise and
censure. Here theory serves history, or rather the lessons
to be drawn from history.”
Usage in Gerras 159 p.1 “Whether we are evaluating the information on a power
Context point slide in a Pentagon briefing, reading a newspaper
article, or participating in a discussion with an Iraqi mayor,
critical thinking is the deliberate, conscious, and
appropriate application of reflective skepticism. Some
Army leaders refer to the “critical” in critical thinking as
mere fault finding with either a conclusion or the process
by which a conclusion was reached. Fault finding is not
what critical thinking entails. The word ‘critical’ really has
to do with purposeful, reflective and careful evaluation of
information as a way to improve one’s judgment.”
Relationship Creative Thinking critically about current habits can stimulate
Thinking creative thinking about new possibilities.
157 Lt Col. Richard King, “Thinking Skills Resources” (unpublished draft, 2009), 13.
158 Clausewitz, On War, 156.
159 Colonel Stephen J. Gerras, “Thinking Critically about Critical Thinking: A Fundamental Guide for Strategic
Creative Thinking
FM 5-0 160 “Creative thinking involves creating something new
or original. Often leaders face unfamiliar problems or
old problems requiring new solutions. Creative
thinking leads to new insights, novel approaches,
fresh perspectives, and new ways of understanding
and conceiving things. Leaders look at different
options to solve problems by using adaptive
approaches (drawing from previous similar
circumstances) or innovative approaches (coming up
with completely new ideas). In both instances,
leaders use creative thinking to apply imagination
and depart from the old way of doing things.”
Doctrine acknowledges the importance of creative
thinking. It does not specify how to think about what
constitutes creativity, where it comes from, how we
can understand what it is, and most importantly how
we generate it? The authors below offer important
insights into how to be creative, to understand
novelty, and to learn.
161Robert J. Sternberg and Wendy M. Williams, How to Develop Student Creativity (Alexandria, VA: Association
for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1996), 3.
162 Arne Dietrich, “Who’s afraid of a cognitive neuroscience of creativity?” Methods, 42 (2007): 25.
163 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, “Implications of a Systems Perspective for the Study of Creativity,” in Handbook
of Creativity, ed. Robert J. Sternberg (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 316.
164Jeffrey Goldstein, “Emergence, Creativity, and the Logic of Following and Negating,” The Innovation Journal
10 no. 3 (2005): 3; 6-7.
United States, Field Manual 3-0, Operations (Washington, DC: Headquarters, Department of the Army,
2008), 6-1.
166United States, Field Manual 3-90, Tactics (Washington, DC: Headquarters, Department of the Army, 2001),
The use of metaphor is unavoidable when comprehending novel and complex situations.
Metaphor enables us to capture the systemic features of one context in terms of another,
better understood context. However, the commonly accepted metaphors within our culture
operate largely subconsciously and must be surfaced before they can be critically
examined. That makes understanding the role of metaphors essential to designers who
themselves are trying to understand complex systems (and situations) and convey that
understanding to others.
Metaphors also come with dangers. Metaphors bring attention to some features and
connections within a problem situation, but they necessarily hide others. In other words,
metaphors help to frame an understanding of the operational environment. A
metaphor used to describe a previous situation may have to be replaced to convey the new.
For example, the term “hard power” was a dominant metaphor within international
relations to describe the use of military and economic means to coerce other, usually lesser,
powers. The metaphor of “soft power”, which refers to influence through diplomacy,
culture, and history, was coined by Joseph Nye to challenge the concept of hard power.
However, by negating the dominant metaphor, soft power operates within the existing
frame and only adds legitimacy to the case for hard power. A strategy recently adopted by
the U.S. State Department has reframed the debate by adopting the metaphor “smart
power” to promote consideration of the full range of tools at their disposal, thus dissolving
the hard/soft dichotomy. Trying to negate this frame would be equally unsuccessful - who
would ever argue for “dumb power?” To displace the concept of smart power, it would be
necessary to create a new metaphorical basis to reframe the debate.
Doctrine FM 3-24 167 Although doctrine does not discuss the use of metaphor, it
does make use of metaphors for explaining abstract concepts.
Theory: Lakoff and “The reason we have focused so much on metaphor is that it
Linguistics Johnson169 unites reason and imagination. Reason, at the very least,
involves categorization, entailment, and inference.
Imagination, in one of its many aspects, involves seeing one
kind of thing in terms of another kind of thing—what we have
called metaphorical thought. Metaphor is thus imaginative
Theory: Bousquet 170 “The word ‘metaphor’ itself is from the Greek for ‘transfer’
Military with metaphors effectively transfering meaning from one
domain to another… If conceptual thought is therefore largely
structured according to specific metaphors, it follows that
many (if not all) social activities and human representations
of the world around us are organised by metaphorical
understandings… While new metaphors can modify our
conceptual system, they also help us apprehend novelty.”
Philosophy: Aristotle 171 “The greatest thing by far is to be a master of metaphor. It is
Aesthetics the one thing that cannot be learned from others; it is also a
sign of genius, since a good metaphor implies an eye for
Usage in Paparone 172 “Given a framework for evaluating metaphors, the reflective
Context military practitioner can adjust to the ambiguity prevalent in
complex operational environments.”
Usage in Lakoff 173 “Metaphors can kill. The discourse over whether to go to war
Context in the gulf was a panorama of metaphor. Secretary of State
Baker saw Saddam Hussein as ‘sitting on our economic
lifeline.’ President Bush portrayed him as having a
‘stranglehold’ on our economy. General Schwarzkopf
characterized the occupation of Kuwait as a ‘rape’ that was
ongoing. The President said that the US was in the gulf to
‘protect freedom, protect our future, and protect the
innocent’, and that we had to ‘push Saddam Hussein back.’
Saddam Hussein was painted as a Hitler. It is vital, literally
vital, to understand just what role metaphorical thought
played in bringing us in this war.”
168 George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, Metaphors We Live By (Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press,
2003), 5.
169 Ibid., 193.
170 Bousquet, Scientific Way of Warfare, 25-26.
171 Aristotle, The Poetics, transl. Ingram Bywater (Whitefish, MT: Kessinger Publishing, 2004), 35.
172 Chris Paparone, “On Metaphors we are Led by,” Military Review (November-December 2008): 64.
173 George Lakoff, “Metaphor and War: The Metaphor System Used to Justify War in the Gulf,” Viet Nam
Systems Thinking
Doctrine FM 3-24 174 “Systems thinking involves developing an understanding
of the relationships within the insurgency and the
environment. It also concerns the relationships of actions
within the various logical lines of operations (LLOs). This
element is based on the perspective of the systems
sciences that seeks to understand the interconnectedness,
complexity, and wholeness of the elements of systems in
relation to one another.”
Complex Systems
Doctrine TRADOC Pam “It is the number of parts and the ways in which they
525-5-500 178 interact that define the complexity of a given system.
(1) Structural complexity is based upon the number of
parts in a system. The larger the number of independent
parts in a system, the greater its structural complexity.
(2) Interactive complexity is based upon the behavior of
the parts and the resulting interactions between them.
The greater the freedom of action of each individual part
and the more linkages among the components, the greater
is the system’s interactive complexity.”
Doctrine FMI 5-2 179 “The nonlinearities of complex systems due to feedback,
self-organization, emergence, memory, and side-effects act
as surprise-generating mechanisms. Actions taken on the
basis of experience in similar situations can lead to serious
Theory: Ryan 180 “There is no concise definition of complexity that all
Complex complex systems scientists are agreed upon. However, the
Systems essence of complexity is related to the amount of variety
within the system, as well as how interdependent the
different components are. Interdependence means that
changes in the system generate many circular ripple
effects, while variety means there are many possible
alternative states of the system and its parts. Because
interdependencies are the result of many interactions
over time, complexity is fundamentally a dynamical
characteristic of a system.”
In a broad sense, narrative is a story that is constructed, either intentionally or
unintentionally. 187 In both cases its purpose is to give meaning to artifacts. 188 So to narrate
or narrativize is to engage in the process of and production of a story – an explanation of an
event or phenomenon by proposing a question in relation to the artifacts themselves. What
is the meaning of what I see? Where does this story begin and end? How do different
possible boundaries of this story in time and space change my understanding of what I am
considering? Why has this happened? To narrate, then, is to develop a technique or art of
consciously and self-consciously giving a plot to artifacts and events that determine the
course of a story. So, narrative is meaning ascribed to data. It asks ‘why’ and answers
‘because’ as it reconfigures time, space, events and artifacts. The meaning that is produced
is inherent in the nature of the questions asked. And the plot, or logic, of the final story
emerges in relation to where the story begins and ends. Narrative construction –
conscious bounding of events and artifacts in time and space – produces an
understanding of the logic of what is observed. Meta inquiry leads us to the sources of
that meaning. 189
Individuals, groups, organizations, countries – all have narratives with many components
that reflect and reveal how they define themselves. Political parties, social organizations,
186 David J. Kilcullen, “Countering Global Insurgency,” Journal of Strategic Studies 28, no. 4 (2005): 597-618.
187An intentional narrative is a conscious effort to produce explanation in context, whereas an unintentional
narrative is an unconscious reflection of the predispositions of the story teller
188 Artifacts are tangible objects that have been created by people and can include such things as
archeological evidence, historical documents, to organizations that function as representations of those who
define, organize, and run them.
189 Meta can be understood as something beyond, more comprehensive – transcending.
government institutions, for example, all have stories that are bounded chronologically and
spatially. They incorporate symbols that impart and elucidate core meaning, historical
events and artifacts that together with a plot explain their raison d’être.
For design, narrative represents a multi-purpose tool. Design distinguishes itself from
conventional planning in its goal of understanding – systemic explanation – rather than
complete knowledge of the facts. Narrative is a mechanism for producing systemic
understanding. Once one grasps that narrative is the connection of data and meaning
through plot, it becomes clear that information – complete as it may be even
temporarily – is incomplete itself because there is no inherent meaning in a
collection of facts. As a place in which meaning is consciously created, narrative is an
important resource for the designer as a tool for developing self-awareness. Practically, the
narrative is a product in the process of design that communicates the design team’s
explanation of the environment, the problem, and the solution – with the logic of that
explanation uniting understanding, context, and action.
Doctrine FM 5-0 190 “As commanders visualize an operation, they describe
it to their staffs and subordinates to facilitate shared
understanding of the situation, the mission, and
commander’s intent. Commanders ensure
subordinates understand the visualization well enough
to begin course of action development and preparation
activities. Commanders describe their visualization in
their commander’s intent and planning guidance.
During execution, commanders describe their updated
visualization as planning guidance that results in
fragmentary orders.”
(1920): 7, 8.
Relationship Reflection Narrative is a tool for reflection. DISCOURSE
It is important to understand the utility of narrative for generating new understanding, and
how narrative constitutes a representation of systemic logic, which comes from the
structure and meaning of plot. Narrative also clarifies the distinctions between self and
other when looking at the environment and understanding the adversary/adversaries. But
narrative can only function in relation to discourse. Discourse is essential to narrative
creation and refinement, and to producing a common understanding both within the design
team and with the strategic sponsor.
What discourse does, how it functions, and the components that identify it are found in its
definition. Discourse comes from the Latin ‘discurrere’ and means ‘running to and fro’ and it
suggests a movement ‘back and forth.’ It is a reasoning process that incorporates the
complete range of objects, events, attributes, relations, that are expressed, assumed or
implied, in discussion. It is holistic in character and dialectic as a process. Discourse is not
simply an exchange of information. It is a technique that intends to establish fact in an
event or situation under consideration, and what way of expressing the meaning of those
facts is appropriate to an understanding of those facts.
Design is about learning, achieving understanding of what is unknown and emerging, and
of standing outside of self to both reflect on the nature of self and other in context in order
to do so. Discourse is central to design as a mode of learning and because in its nature it is
central to generating understanding. If creativity is a result of combining the known
with the unknown through reconfiguration – unbounding and rebounding – then
discourse provides the mechanism that accomplishes this. The discursive process
mediates between what is known and unknown and is as much about interpretation as it is
about the subject at hand. It endeavors to make sense of the world as it deconstructs
preconceptions or ideas that have become fixed and are impediments to new thoughts or
ideas, and it makes evident areas that require more analysis.
Discourse is a continuous process as conflicting narratives confront each other and are
modified. Discourse is evidence of societies’ conscious efforts to reconcile, or rationalize,
areas of experience that fall outside the comfort of a reality or narrative explanation its
milieu. Warfare, as an expression of narratives in competition, is another form of discourse.
Design consciously identifies tensions through its awareness of narratives in
discourse in an effort to both enhance understanding and opportunities for learning,
and to identify asymmetries that can be exploited. Designers themselves practice
discourse to consciously expose their own preconceptions as they engage over fact and
meaning in context through constructing and reconstructing narrative explanation. The
emergent explanation of the environment then becomes the underlying logic of the
approach taken, and a frame of reference for further learning as the systems exhibits
difference when action generates change.
Ultimately design reaches to and refines strategy with discourse as the vehicle, or medium,
for learning and understanding. The practice of discourse requires discipline, suspension of
disbelief, and the ability to listen. Conscious and self-conscious discursive practice has the
potential to refine strategy, create adaptability, and to produce relevant action in relation
to the environment over time.
Doctrine FM 5-0 198 “Throughout operations, commanders, subordinate
commanders, staffs, and other partners collaborate and
dialog actively, sharing and questioning information,
perceptions, and ideas to better understand situations and
make decisions. Collaboration is two or more people or
organizations working together toward common goals by
sharing knowledge and building consensus. Dialog is a
way to collaborate that involves the candid exchange of
ideas or opinions among participants that encourages
frank discussions in areas of disagreement.”
203 Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia (Minneapolis, MN:
Alfred Korzybski’s quotation of E. T. Bell, “the map is not the thing being mapped,” which he
famously paraphrased as “the map is not the territory,” makes the point that boundaries
are nothing but abstractions. 205 This observation is nothing if not a basic truism in the
contemporary context. As a holistic approach that understands the role of the cognitive in
conflict and conflict resolution, design requires practitioners to engage in meta-inquiry.
This is at the level of identity, and the sources of identity; to distinguish between self and
other in analysis, and establish sources of difference; to create space to learn and to
develop understanding. In its interest in identity, design challenges the conventional
understanding of physical and cognitive boundaries and boundary construction, and the
practical implications of how we conceptualize both. The experience of Iraq continues to
illustrate the limited utility of defining ‘problem’ within the limited context and
geographical boundaries of a single nation-state. The Global War on Terrorism (GWOT)
concept, vague as it was, did seem to articulate recognition that there was a conflict in
process that defied national boundaries and was tied to fundamental tensions that existed
at the level of how people saw and identified themselves.
205 Alfred Korzybski, Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics
(Lancaster, PA: The International Non-Aristotelian Library Pub. Co., 1933), Book I, 247.
206 Nikki Slocum-Bradley, ed., Promoting Conflict or Peace Through Identity (Aldershot, England: Ashgate,
2008), 6-7.
reality that exist in tandem with identity constructions are critical to locating the problem
at its source and to selecting indirect approaches to problem resolution.
For the purposes of design, it is not only important to understand the implications of
identity and the boundaries that it creates. Recognition of the importance of boundaries to
the creation of a logic is useful for a designer as a basis for conceptual inquiry and
creativity. Consciously ‘re-bounding’ space can produce fresh insight into the realities of
any context under investigation. For example, rather than relying on national boundaries as
the explanation for the configuration of space, ask, “Where the boundaries would be if the
question were about the distribution of power, ethnic, or religious communities?” This
practice of deterritorialisation and reterritorialisation can serve as a technique for learning
and, when followed by inquiry into the sources of these various self-understandings, can
produce systemic understanding. In other words, deconstruction and reconstruction create
something new, and that is the basis of creativity and learning.
Doctrine: FM 5-0 207 “...Red teams assist the commander and staff with critical and
creative thinking and help them avoid groupthink, mirror
imaging, cultural missteps, and tunnel vision throughout the
conduct of operations. Red teams are part of the commander’s
staff at division through theater army. … Commanders use red
teams to provide alternatives during planning, execution, and
assessment to—
• Broaden the understanding of the operational environment.
• Assist the commander and staff in framing problems and
defining end state conditions.
• Challenge assumptions.
• Ensure the perspectives of the adversary and others are
appropriately considered.
• Aid in identifying friendly and enemy vulnerabilities and
• Assist in identifying areas for assessment.
• Anticipate cultural perceptions of partners, adversaries, and
• Conduct independent critical reviews and analyses of plans
and concepts to identify potential weaknesses and
FM 5-0 208 “Persistent conflict presents a broad array of complex, ill-
211 Mathias Albert, “On Boundaries, Territory and Postmodernity: An International Relations Perspective,” in
David Newman, ed., Boundaries, Territory, and Postmodernity (London: Frank Cass, 2002), 62-63.
212 Anthony Cohen, Signifying Identities: Anthropological Perspectives on Boundaries and Contested Identities
213 Majid Khadduri, War and Peace in the Law of Islam (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press, 1955), 157-158.
214 Ochs and Capps, “Narrating the Self,” 20-21.
Why is this important? Because when we mirror-image, we often ‘solve the wrong problem’
– we assume that a problem is existential, what is a problem for us is a problem for
everyone, and that our ‘solution’ is relevant in any context. For example, when European
missionaries were working to convert the indigenous tribes in North America during the
colonial period, there was a frustration at the very limited results which accrued from their
efforts. In the sparse written record from the perspective of the proselytized it became
apparent that the message of the Europeans offered no promises that were meaningful to
their world view. They had no aspiration for gold streets and pearl gates – what had value
to them were natural resources associated with nomadic life. Likewise, tribespeople who
had acquiesced to the ritual of Last Rights became apprehensive about their futures since
nearly everyone who received the Right died after. For them causality was “this ritual
causes death,” not “this ritual assures an afterlife in heaven.” So understanding the
differences between other and self has basic implications for holistic apprehension of the
For designers, differences, and difference, are ultimately what generate the boundaries for
relevant action. Moreover, they expose a scope for action to include exploiting the
intangible. It is in difference that we can begin to understand the systemic logic of the
adversary – of systems of opposition. By seeing actors as rational according to their own
logic, we can identify when we are saying the same things, but understand the frames of
reference for saying them come from different constructs. In the reasons for and sources of
difference between self and other, the ‘problem’ emerges along with an understanding of
the potential of the system for change.
The Other
Doctrine FM 5-0 215 “As part of building their situational understanding,
commanders consider how culture (both their own and
others’ within an operational area) affects operations.
Culture is the shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors,
and artifacts members of a society use to cope with the
world and each other. Culture influences how people
make judgments about what is right and wrong and
assess what is important and unimportant. Culture
provides the framework for rational thought and
decisions. What one culture considers rational another
culture may consider irrational.
Understanding the culture of a particular society or group
within a society can significantly improve the force’s
ability to accomplish the mission. Leaders are mindful of
cultural factors in three contexts:
• Awareness of the cultures within a region that the
organization operates.
• Sensitivity to the different backgrounds, traditions,
and operational methods of the various military (joint
and multinational), civilian (intergovernmental,
nongovernmental, and private), and host-nation
• Awareness of how one’s own culture affects how one
perceives a situation.
Understanding other cultures applies to all operations,
not just those dominated by stability. For example, some
enemies consider surrender a dishonor worse than death
whereas others consider surrender an honorable option.
Commanders use different tactics with the enemy
depending on the culture.”
219Yehudith Auerbach, “Forgiveness and Reconciliation: The Religious Dimension,” Terrorism and Political
Violence 17, no. 3 (2005): 472, 473.
220 Slocum-Bradley, Promoting Peace or Conflict, 1-2; 5; 7; 11.
221 David Newman, “Geopolitics Renaissant: Territory, Sovereignty and the World Political Map,” in David
Newman, ed., Boundaries, Territory and Postmodernity (London: Frank Cass, 2002), 4-5.
Anssi Paasi, “Boundaries as Social Processes: Territoriality in the World of Flows,” in David Newman, ed.,
Boundaries, Territory, and Postmodernity (London: Frank Cass, 2002), 69-70; 72; 76.
223 Michael Vlahos, “Fighting Identity: Why We Are Losing Our Wars,” Military Review (November-December
2007), 4; 7.
Something is asymmetric if it cannot be divided into two balancing parts. Dictionaries
exhibit a profound preference for explanation it in terms of what it is not – a lack of
symmetry. Interestingly, one suggestion is that it can be an absence of symmetry in logical
relations – or causal relationships. Traditionally from the perspective of the military,
asymmetry has been understood in terms of practical capabilities. In confrontations, even
competitions, between conventional militaries that identified victory and defeat in the
same terms – advantage was not necessarily thought of in terms of asymmetry. In conflicts
between adversaries with vastly different capabilities such as insurgents and professional
militaries public discourse focuses on proportionality while professionals retreat to
semantic debates that produce explanations based on their own rationality. Terms such as
‘radical,’ ‘extreme,’ ‘irrational,’ and ‘criminal’ are often an unreflective expression of a
world view that is endeavoring to make events comprehensible and its understanding of
capability and will relevant.
Design, however, acknowledges that asymmetry is, in fact, holistic. In the current context,
‘asymmetric conflicts’ are between systems that are based on and operate according to
different systemic logics, emergent from different perceptions of reality. Through meta-
questions, the source of an implied ontology is revealed. Viewed from this perspective,
practical differences between adversaries are only evidence of an asymmetry of thought.
The competition, and the field of competition, is no longer simply confined to the spatial.
Moreover, once the visible manifestation of the adversary becomes united with the
organizing logic that produced it, it becomes possible to challenge the adversary in ways
that are productive and meaningful according to their logic. These may be direct, indirect,
cognitive, and practical. Tensions within a worldview (at the place where an enemy system
finds its meaning) have the most transformative potential because asymmetric conflict
understood holistically is fundamentally about perceptions of reality, or realities, in
conflict. Within the context of holistic asymmetry, it is essential to locate sources of
identity. Because identity sustains conflict, understanding sources of identity
supports relevant action.
Doctrine FM 5-0 224 “...clearly discerning the motivations and reactions of
various population groups with respect to the friendly
force or the enemy often proves difficult. American ideas
of what is normal or rational are not universal. Members
of other societies often have different notions of
rationality, appropriate behavior, levels of religious
devotion, and cultural norms. These differences in
perspectives and culture add to the uncertain nature of
Design proposes that the cultural difference (cultural and
ontological asymmetry) is a focal point for learning and
self-reflection. This is particularly the case because it is
precisely those perceptions of reality that organize the
system and establish the parameters for ‘relevant’ action.
Doctrine FM 5-0 225 “...Understanding is more than awareness of information
or the immediate surroundings. In the context of the
cognitive hierarchy, understanding is knowledge that has
been synthesized and had judgment applied to it
[emphasis added] in a specific situation to comprehend
the situation’s inner relationships
(FM 6-0).
Situational understanding is the product of applying
analysis and judgment to relevant information to
determine the relationships among the mission variables
to facilitate decisionmaking (FM 3-0). As commanders
develop their situational understanding, they see
patterns emerge, dissipate, and reappear in their
operational environment. These patterns help them
direct their own forces’ actions with respect to other
friendly forces, civilian organizations, the enemy, the
terrain, and the population. While complete
understanding is the ideal for planning and
decisionmaking, commanders accept they will often have
to act despite significant gaps in their understanding.
The complex nature of an operational environment
requires both analysis and synthesis to build and
maintain situational understanding throughout the
conduct of operations. Analysis is the process of studying
226 Joseph Henrotin and Tanguy Struye de Swielande, “Ontological-Cultural Asymmetry and the Relevance of
Theory: Hirsch 228 “...modern armies must be ready to abandon linear
Military patterns of action in order to remain a capable fighting
force. At present armies provide their enemies with an
easily identifiable form, thus a clear target, in contrast the
enemy is able to conceal his form...this is the essence of
asymmetry. In asymmetric conflict, the issue of decision
is a political matter, while the strike is the military
interpretation. Once the strike has achieved its objectives
and effected a change in the circumstances, the learning
begins; the conditions are set for a different design.”
Theory: Lanir 229 There are two types of surprise that are the product of
Intelligence two approaches to utilizing information and generating
understanding: “Situational Surprise – a surprising event
caused by failures in the collection, analysis, judgment or
distribution of information about known phenomena, and
Fundamental Surprise – a surprising event which reveals
a personal, group or national mindset as irrelevant and
misleading in interpreting the occurrence.”
Philosophy: Jullien230 “…the definition that follows: That potential consists in
Eastern ‘determining the circumstances with a view to profiting
from them.’ Understood in this fashion, circumstances are
no longer something unpredictable that will turn out in a
particular way, always threatening to ruin any plan
imposed upon them. Instead, thanks precisely to their
variability, circumstances can progressively be turned to
advantage by the propensity emanating from the
situation…one accedes to a logic of unfolding… The
potential of a situation [is] variable; it cannot be
determined in advance, since it proceeds from continuous
adaptation; the assessments from which the potential is
deduced [combine] spiritual and physical features….[and]
the dimension of reciprocity lies at the very heart of what
constitutes the potential of a situation…”
Lai 231 “shi” is such an important concept that Sun Tzu…used it
for the title of a chapter in his Art of War….In this chapter
Sun Tzu has discussed four key aspects of shi. First, it is
the idea of qi and zheng. Zheng is the regular way of doing
Gal Hirsch, “On Dinosaurs and Hornets: A Critical View on Operational Moulds in Asymmetric Conflict,”
232 Secretary of Defense, Annual Report on the Military Power of the People’s Republic of China (Washington,
element of a conflict environment communication pathways among actors are often key
connectors among “nodes” in a larger system.
Strategic Communication
Doctrine JP 1 233 “The USG uses strategic communication (STRATEGIC
COMMUNICATION) to provide top-down guidance
relative to using the informational instrument of
national power in specific situations.
(1) Strategic communication is focused USG processes and
efforts to understand and engage key audiences to create,
strengthen, or preserve conditions favorable to advancing
national interests and objectives through the use of
coordinated information, themes, messages, and products
synchronized with the actions of all instruments of
national power. Strategic communication’s primary
communication capabilities are coupled with defense
support to public diplomacy (DSPD) and military
diplomacy activities to implement a holistic strategic
communication effort.
(2) The predominant military activities that support
strategic communication themes and messages are
information operations (IO), public affairs (PA), and
Strategic communication is most similar to PA and DSPD,
but should not be confused with them. The key doctrinal
point is that strategic communication planning must be
integrated into military planning and operations,
documented in operation plans (OPLANs), and coordinated
and synchronized with OGAs and multinational partners.
Strategic communication should not been seen as
something separate from operational planning, but
inherent to it.
233 United States, Joint Publication 1, Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States (Washington, DC: Joint
Communication in the War of Ideas (New York, NY: Peter Lang, 2008).
237 United States Army War College, Information Operations Primer, 10.
In strategic communication the focus is less on crafting the exact message the sender
intends, but more on understanding how an audience interprets a message as valid.
Authenticity requires the sender to explore the actors, philosophies, and cultural
symbols that signal to a given audience that the sender of a message is trustworthy
and an authentic representative for a given community. In this way, the content of the
message is less important to transmit to the audience than the building of a relationship of
sincere dialog among groups where an ongoing process of communication may occur.
Within design theory authenticity is central to the effectiveness of design methods in
facilitating group work. In addition, the purpose of many narratives is to demonstrate the
authenticity of a worldview, especially in relation to understanding foreign norms.
238 Joan Waugh, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant: A History of the Union Cause, Frank L. Klement lectures, no. 12
Theory: Luhman239 Communication is not about designing the right
Communication message to market, and then delivering it via mass
media. Rather, it is a “meaning-making” process across
audiences. Further, “meaning cannot simply be
transferred” as in the standard marketing or “ballistic”
model of communication theory. Meaning-making only
occurs through the development of a shared sense of
authenticity among member audiences to the dialog.
By creating a sense of trust that each side in a dialog is
an authentic representative for a given audience, mis-
communication happens less often. Also, a forum is
established where different interests can be
communicated with a sense that each party is sincerely
trying to come to a common understanding of the
meaning of the conflict and the positions of each side.
Theory: Paine 240 Quoting Sociologist Zygmunt Bauman: “Modernity
Anthropology makes all being contingent, and thus a ‘problem’, a
‘project’, a ‘task’. Lifting identity to the level of
awareness, making it into a task.” “There is…the
personal or private domain where authenticity is self-
originated, but there is also the public and group
domain where authenticity is proclaimed by authority
– an authority that either emanates from within the
group or is imposed upon it. [Postmodernism]
considers authenticity to be as much about what we
will be, or should be as about what we are. We must
not conceptualise authenticity as either given or as
unchanging, but as a process with relational and
contingent qualities. We can expect ‘the authentic’
itself to become dated… ‘the authentic is not immune
to culture-in-the-making even though common sense
tells us that because authentic is ‘genuine’ it is not
239 Niklas Luhman, Social Systems (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1995).
240 Robert Paine, “Aboriginality, Authenticity, and the Settler World,” in Anthony Cohen, Signifying Identities:
Anthropological Perspectives on Boundaries and Contested Identities (London: Routledge, 1999), 80-82.
the breadth and depth of the inquiry. As Lawson observes, “One of the essential
difficulties and fascinations of designing is the need to embrace so many different
kinds of thought and knowledge.”242 Like an architect, who must balance client,
legislators, and the architectural firm’s members, design team leaders must be mindful of
both the internal and external relationships of the team. A consideration related to this
function is how to keep the team on track while designing, which implies informal
leadership skills and the ability to manage an ad hoc organization with responsibilities that
cut across broad functional and hierarchical groups.
Organizing to Learn
Doctrine FM 5-0 243 “In leading design, commanders typically draw from a
select group within the planning staff, red team members,
and subject matter experts internal and external to the
headquarters. The commander selects these individuals
based on their expertise relative to the problem. The
commander expects these individuals to gain insights and
inputs from areas beyond their particular expertise—either
in person or through reachback—to frame the problem
more fully. Design serves to establish the context for
guidance and orders. By using members of the planning
staff to participate in the design effort, commanders ensure
continuity between design and detailed planning as well as
throughout the operations process. These are purpose-
built, problem-centric teams, and the commander may
choose to dissolve them once they complete the design
Doctrine FM 3-0 244 Doctrine leaves open the question of how commanders
“develop a personal and in-depth understanding of the
enemy and operational environment” before visualizing
their concept.
Theory: Lawson 245 Lawson wrote primarily about architectural design, but his
Design observation that “Design practices are intensely social
compared with, for example, legal or medical practices
where the partners and junior members work more in
isolation” holds true for military applications.
Theory: Gabarro and While most management texts focus on the top-down
Management Kotter 246 aspect of management, Gabarro and Kotter contend, at a
minimum, that one must appreciate the boss’s goals and
pressures. Gabarro and Kotter offer suggestions on how to
interact with one’s superior so that organizational goals get
Theory: Weick and The authors offer a theory that individuals and
Sensemaking Sutcliffe 247 organizations engage in sensemaking when faced with
situations that do not meet expectations or cannot be
explained with existing models. In such circumstances, the
organization probes the environment (i.e. acts) to construct
a retrospective explanation of the situation. “Sensemaking
involves the ongoing retrospective development of
plausible images that rationalizes what people are doing.”
Theory: Page 248 “A good starting point for thinking about how to leverage
Business diversity is to recognize (and then often restructure) the
nature of the task. The organizational theorist I. D. Steiner
distinguished between disjunctive tasks, those in which only
one person needs to succeed for the group to be successful,
and conjunctive tasks, those in which everyone’s
contribution is critical. Solving a vexing math problem is
disjunctive: the more diverse heads, the better. In football,
the offensive line’s task of protecting the quarterback is
conjunctive. If any one lineman fails to do his job, the
quarterback gets sacked. Diversity works best on
disjunctive tasks because multiple approaches can be tried
simultaneously, and one good idea means success for
Theory: Ancona and “…the critical knowledge needed to beat the competition
Organization Bresman 249 has become ever-more complex, fast advancing, and spread
out. The knowledge teams need to accomplish their task
increasingly cannot be found within the team or even in the
company itself. Instead, these teams have found it critical to
span their boundaries in pursuit of the knowledge they
Usage in Kirkpatrick 250 “The problem was in determining where to begin.”
246 John J. Gabarro and John P. Kotter, “Managing Your Boss,” Harvard Business Review (January 2005): 92-99.
247 Karl E. Weick and Kathleen M. Sutcliffe, “Organizing and the Process of Sensemaking,” Organization Science
251 Norman R. Augustine, “Managing the Crisis You Tried to Prevent,” Harvard Business Review (November-
Team Learning
Doctrine FM 6-22 255 In the discussion about team structures, FM 6-22 observes
that “teams are formed to share information and lessons
gained from experience.” Doctrine indirectly acknowledges
the role of team learning in solving problems.
Doctrine FM 5-0 256 “The commander works with the design team to evaluate
ideas and information from multiple perspectives. They
then synthesize their understanding as they work within
the design activities, leaving open for further exploration
those matters that cannot be understood on the basis of
current information.”
Doctrine FM 5-0 257 “Design is also an organizational learning methodology. The
design team organizes critical inquiry by questioning and
discussing their knowledge of the operational environment.
They develop models or hypotheses to compare against the
operational environment. Given higher directives, they
formulate conditions that define a desired end state and
develop approaches that aim to achieve those conditions.
When initial models fail to coherently explain behavior or
events, the design team reframes its understanding of the
situation. This cycle of inquiry, contextual understanding,
and synthesis includes rigorous debate about meaning.
Collaboration affords commanders opportunities to revise
their understanding or approaches so they can execute
feasible, acceptable, and suitable operational approaches to
achieve the desired end state.”
Theory: Senge 258 “Systems thinking requires mature teams capable of
Organizational inquiring into complex, conflictual issues.” Senge claims
Learning that discourse has two components: dialogue and
discussion. Relying on the work of Heisenberg, Senge offers
that the IQ of the team is (potentially) greater than the
Theory: Lawson 259 “Design cannot be practiced in a social vacuum. Indeed it is
Design the very existence of the other players such as clients, users
and legislators which makes design so challenging.” With
respect to team learning, Lawson shows that “a group,
which acts not just as a collection of individuals, but also in
a manner somehow beyond the abilities of the collective
individual talents.”
255 United States, FM 6-22, 3-9.
256 United Sates, FM 5-0, 3-5.
257 Ibid., 3-6.
258 Senge, The Fifth Discipline, 220-223.
259 Lawson, How Designers Think, 237; 242.
Usage in Schmitt260 “The design team should consist of a relatively small group
Context of key stakeholders with a compelling interest in the
outcome of the situation. The commander is necessarily a
central member because the ultimate responsibility for any
decisions rests with him. In effect, the process exists to
produce in the commander the insight that activates
intuition. This does not mean that the commander is
necessarily the chief designer driving the process and
responsible for originating all the ideas. But he should be a
direct participant, contributing but also learning from the
other designers. The design team should not consist of a
designated, segregated group of “expert designers” who
create a design and hand it down to others for planning and
execution. Rather, it should include those who will have to
live with the result, particularly the subordinate
commanders who will ultimately have to execute the plan.
The team may also include other key military and non-
military partners, as well as functional or other experts. The
design process will almost certainly include a recurring
discourse with the higher authorities to ensure that the
emerging design is consistent with expectations.
Diversity of perspective is a valuable trait in the
composition of the design team. It promotes the competing
ideas and opinions that are critical to a dialectic discourse
and militates against the development of group think.
Giving stakeholder groups representation in the design
team will tend to provide this diversity naturally. Including
“heretics” in the design team can likewise inject creative
tension into the design process.”
Usage in Weick 261 The need for team learning can be derived from Weick’s
Context description of a developing crisis. “Things seem
inexplicable. And to make it worse, many of our ways of
making sense of the inexplicable seem to have collapsed.
Our weaknesses come rushing to the forefront. The first
impulse is to grasp for some explanation, any old
explanation. And what we get hold of are the automatic
explanations we have lived with longest and invoked most
often. We often find the initial meaning of events by
drawing inferences from how we feel. Since many of us feel
frightened and out of control, then this must “mean” that
whatever we face is something we need to flee from or
fight. Neither explanation is profound. But either
explanation is better than nothing. Either explanation,
oddly enough, is soothing, since the prospects of having no
explanations at all and no ways to cope, are even more
Relationship Discourse Effective team learning enhances discourse.
Relationship Organizing Team learning includes learning how to better organize for
to Learn learning in design (learning to learn).
Military organizations do not have formally established and resourced “design teams.” As a
consequence, the design team leader holds an informal position and must rely on informal
leadership. “How do I lead peers, subordinates, and seniors in a team?” becomes a key
question. Leading design requires equal talent in facilitation and interpersonal
relationships, to build networks supporting the team’s work across organizations, as well
as within the organization itself. Ron Heifetz labels leadership in these circumstances as
“mobilizing adaptive work.”263
Karl E. Weick, “Leadership When Events Don't Play By the Rules,” Trying Times series, University of
Michigan, (2002): 1.
262 United States, FMI 5-2, 19.
263 Heifetz, Leadership Without Easy Answers, 69.
To begin to understand how to deal with complexity, assessment and interpretation skills
are essential. Complexity cannot be fully understood; however, the designer must work
within a contingent, changing, and ephemeral environment in order to achieve some desire.
Assessment and interpretation are essential initial steps for appreciating the environment,
and judging whether the current design is still relevant.
Doctrine FM 3-24 272 The purpose of design is to gain greater understanding,
identify proposed solutions, and develop the means to
Multiple attempts to gain understanding of complex systems, combined with the foresight
that one can only gain understanding through multiple interactions with the system,
generates a different knowledge of what actions do to generate understanding. This
iteration can be in virtual worlds of experiment without actual interaction, specific acts of
Doctrine FM 5-0 279 “Unlike steps in a sequential process, the design method is
iterative, flowing back and forth between understanding
the environment, problem framing, and developing an
operational approach in the operations frame. Hence,
when commanders have an idea arise, they can place it in
the appropriate activity to address the idea, even if the
idea is outside the design team’s current frame.”
Theory: Schön280 For Schön, there is an inevitable and powerful relationship
Design between the experience base of the designers and their
Education skill in practice. He believes, however, that practice can
itself only be gained through the experience of doing
design, while being coached by a more experienced
practitioner. This experience is gained through iteration.
Theory: Lawson 281 Lawson offers several techniques to enhance iterative
Design creativity. He discusses various generators, develops and
presents a Rubik’s Cube of design constraints, which
themselves enhance creative iteration. He also discusses
the generation of alternatives as a form of creative
Theory: Gharajedaghi 282 “Iteration is the key for understanding complexity.”
Systems “Successive iterations would yield a greater understanding
and more closely approximate the nature of the whole.”
Theory: Gharajedaghi 283 Gharajedaghi addresses iterative design through his
Systems process steps – searching, mapping, and telling.
Theory: Schön284 Schön believes that iteration includes reflection while
Design acting. To make use of this gained reflective ideation,
Education Schön recommends what he calls reciprocal reflection,
which also requires numerous iterations for effect. He
adds a third component to the iterative process – trust.
Design is conducted not in a strict sequence but in a realm of both internal and
external simultaneity. Internal simultaneity involves disciplined and coherent movement
amongst the cognitive spaces of design in order to generate understanding and concepts.
External simultaneity captures the reality of actual operations, where design, planning,
preparation, execution, assessment are all being conducted at the same time. Both forms of
simultaneity need to be harnessed by the design team.
Doctrine CACD 286 “Understanding the problem and conceiving a solution are
identical and simultaneous cognitive processes. For example,
if we formulate an insurgency as the result of a failed regional
economy, our solution will be different than if we formulated
the insurgency as the result of poor governance. The
formulation of the problem points in the direction of a
particular solution.”
Doctrine FM 6-0 287 Operations include assessment, planning, preparation, and
execution. We need to add design to this set of activities.
Simultaneity is implied in doctrine, real in actual operations,
and infrequently employed in training exercises. Design needs
to be conducted using aspects of all the activities of
operations in order to generate adequate knowledge and
develop appropriate actions.
285 Ulysses S. Grant, Memoirs (New York, NY: Literary Classics, 1990), 403-421.
286 United States, TRADOC Pam. 525-5-500, 10.
287 United
States, Field Manual 6-0, Mission Command: Command and Control of Army Forces (Washington, DC:
Headquarters, Department of the Army, 2003). 6-1 – 6-32.
(1973): 162.
Usage in COSSAC 292 The staff of the COSSAC had to deal with simultaneity, but
Context were severely hampered due to a lack of command and
control of the forces needed to act simultaneously with the
designing. This comes out most clearly in the discussion of the
need to prepare shipping and landing craft production quotas
well in advance of execution and the lengthy discussion of the
need to properly develop (execute) airpower operations for
both air command and for interdiction before the actual
invasion (paragraphs 8, 11, 13, 16, and others). Of even
greater interest in understanding simultaneity is their
assessment of the strength of the German ground forces a
year in advance – the design was based on an assessment of
propensity (paragraphs 14, 15, and 35). DRAWINGS
Drawing is characteristic of both the process and the products of design. Drawings are so
essential to design because they show relationships and organize information. Two
levels of understanding are essential here: first is the concept of doing, of making specific,
deliberate, and intentionally developed drawings. These drawings help the designers
establish a reflective conversation with the situation, but they also have real world impacts
– actions, social groupings, and other products are commissioned as a result of design
drawings. The second level of understanding involves the need to characterize the form of
various products based on their outcome desired. SAMS follows Lawson’s categorization of
design drawings, presentation drawings, and production drawings. Both concepts help the
leader of design teams focus both the process and the products of the design team.
Doctrine FM 5-0 293 All three cognitive spaces of design, as well as the final
product of design (the design concept) make use of drawing
to depict systemic relationships.
“The environmental frame is a graphic and narrative
description that captures the history, current state, and
future goals of relevant actors in the operational
environment… The problem frame is a refinement of the
environmental frame that defines, in text and graphics, the
areas for action that will move existing conditions toward the
desired end state… One method to depict the operational
approach is to use lines of effort, but it is not the only way.
Design teams require latitude to portray the operational
approach in a manner that best communicates its vision and
structure. However, it is important that narratives
accompany lines of effort to ensure they are understood…
The design concept is the formal output of the design method
conveyed in text and graphics that informs detailed
Theory: Schön294 Discussing various ways to generate creativity, Schön
Design recommends the creation of specific products, for example, a
Education scale drawing, to generate the intellectual, mental, and
emotional tensions that themselves stimulate creative ideas.
He also recommends creating examples to serve the same
end. Of course, for Schön, the very creation of an educational
practicum itself is the creation of a product which enhances
the process of learning.
Theory: Lawson 295 Lawson describes three very useful forms of drawings: design
Design which are generated during the design process as a generator
of ideas; presentation which are created to show the outcome
of the process to the client or others; production which are
generated as the process ends a design cycle in order to
stimulate and inform down-stream planning and execution
efforts. These “drawings” can also be word documents,
PowerPoint presentations, white board sketches, 3-d models
or any form of communication relevant to the design.
Drawn from Schön and with Slim as an example of doing reflection, this concept focuses the
student on the need to think about what mastery of practice is, how it is done, and the
merits of thinking about doing, both while and after. Reflection, critical thinking, and meta-
thinking are all closely related concepts. Together they enable the reflective practitioner to
master their craft through iterative reflection on action.
Theory: Schön298 Schön’s discussion of the ladder of reflection is the place to
Design start. For Schön, action without thought is not purposeful or
Education useful. The skilled designer must reflect frequently on both
his own actions and the actions of others in the design world.
For Schön, the designer has a double burden of both
execution of task and reflection on task.
Theory: Schön299 A careful, and somewhat obvious, distinction is made
Design between reflection in action and reflection on action.
Theory: Checkland Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) is an example of a reflective
Systems and approach to problem structuring. “This implies what is
Poulter300 probably the key step in really understanding SSM and its
use: grasping that the user…is consciously thinking about his
or her own thinking. This ‘meta-level’ thinking is not all that
common… This lifts the thinking to a level above that of
simply perceiving the complexity. It lifts it to a meta-level,
and makes the user able to inspect their own thinking and
then think about it. It is this shift from stance (a) to stance (b)
which increases the richness of thinking and enables insights
to emerge and formula-driven thinking to be avoided. It is the
(a) to (b) shift which turns a practitioner into a reflective
practitioner and defines SSM as an articulation of reflective
The conceptual framework then elaborated four highly interwoven ‘big ideas’ of design:
learning, difference, systems, and social creation. These four ideas highlight the cultural
shift needed for design thinking to take hold. Design promotes a shift from ballistic “fire
and forget” action and quick fixes to acting to learn; from valuing conformity to
appreciating difference; from reductionism to systemism; and from power leader to
discourse facilitator. As with any cultural change, each of these big ideas presents
significant implementation challenges, but equally significant payoffs for an Army engaged
in extremely complex enduring conflicts.
Last, twenty key design concepts expanded on the themes implicit within the four big ideas.
Each key concept established a connection with the Art of Design and provided pointers to
doctrinal, theoretical, and historical/practical references for the concept. An objective of
the theoretical component of SAMS design instruction is to familiarize students with these
key concepts. For the past five years, the language of design has been in a state of flux, as
new theorists with different lexicons have entered the melting pot of multidisciplinary
design theory. What one author calls a wicked problem, another refers to as an ill-
structured problem, a problem situation, a complex adaptive problem, a complex adaptive
system, or even a mess. While there are important subtle differences between these
phrases, there is also a shared concept that is important to design thinking: a design
problem is different in kind to a crossword puzzle, and cannot be solved using the same
logic. While the language of design will continue to evolve, the concepts will be far more
stable. Identifying the key concepts of design allows us to continue to search for better
ways to educate design theory without compromising coverage of the key concepts.
3. FM 5-0: DESIGN
This chapter establishes the fundamentals that guide the
application of design. It defines and explains the goals of design. It
discusses design in context and describes how leaders drive design.
Next, it describes the design methodology that includes framing the _________
operational environment, framing the problem, and developing a
design concept. The chapter concludes with a discussion of _________
3-1. Design is a methodology for applying critical and creative _________
thinking to understand, visualize, and describe complex, ill-
structured problems and develop approaches to solve them. _________
Critical thinking captures the reflective and continuous learning
essential to design. Creative thinking involves thinking in new,
innovative ways while capitalizing on imagination, insight, and
novel ideas. Design is a way of organizing the activities of battle
command within an organization. Design occurs throughout the _________
operations process before and during detailed planning, through
preparation, and during execution and assessment. _________
3-2. Planning consists of two separate, but closely related _________
components: a conceptual component and a detailed component.
The conceptual component is represented by the cognitive _________
application of design. The detailed component translates broad
concepts into a complete and practical plan. During planning, these _________
components overlap with no clear delineation between them. As
commanders conceptualize the operation, their vision guides the
staff through design and into detailed planning. Design is
continuous throughout planning and evolves with increased
understanding throughout the operations process. Design _________
underpins the exercise of battle command, guiding the iterative and
often cyclic application of understanding, visualizing, and _________
describing. As these iterations occur, the design concept—the
tangible link to detailed planning—is forged. _________
3-3. Design enables commanders to view a situation from multiple _________
perspectives, draw on varied sources of situational knowledge, and
leverage subject matter experts while formulating their own
understanding. Design supports battle command, enabling
commanders to develop a thorough understanding of the
3-13. The ability to seize, retain, and exploit the initiative is rooted
in effective design. Applying design helps commanders anticipate
events and set in motion the actions that allow forces to act _________
purposefully and effectively. Exercising initiative in this manner
shapes the situation as events unfold. Design is inherently _________
proactive, intended to create opportunities for success while
instilling the spirit of the offense in all elements of full spectrum _________
operations. Effective design facilitates mission command, ensuring
that forces are postured to retain the initiative and, through
detailed planning, consistently able to seek opportunities to exploit
that initiative.
3-14. The goals of design account for the interdependent
relationships among initiative, opportunity, and risk. Effective
design postures the commander to combine the three goals to
reduce or counter the effects of complexity using the initial _________
commander’s intent to foster individual initiative and freedom of
action. Design is essential to recognizing and managing the _________
inherent delay between decision and action, especially between the
levels of war and echelons. The iterative nature of design helps the _________
commander to overcome this effect, fostering initiative within the
initial commander’s intent to act appropriately and decisively when
orders no longer sufficiently address the changing situation. This
ensures commanders act promptly as they encounter opportunities
or accept prudent risk to create opportunities when they lack clear _________
direction. In such situations, prompt action requires detailed
foresight and preparation. _________
3-15. A campaign quality Army requires versatile leaders—critical
and creative thinkers who recognize and manage not just friendly _________
transitions but those of adversaries, as well as the operational
environment. Commanders must possess the versatility to operate _________
along the spectrum of conflict and the vision to anticipate and
adapt to transitions that will occur over the course of a campaign. _________
Design provides the cognitive tools to recognize and manage
transitions by educating and training the commander. Educated
and trained commanders can identify and employ adaptive, _________
innovative solutions, create and exploit opportunities, and leverage
risk to their advantage during these transitions. _________
3-19. The collective impact of these trends makes it likely that _________
persistent conflict will characterize the next century. Persistent
conflict is the protracted confrontation among state, nonstate, and
individual actors that are increasingly willing to use violence to
achieve their political and ideological ends. Conflicts will erupt
unpredictably, vary in intensity and scope, and endure for extended _________
periods. In a dynamic and multidimensional operational
environment, design offers tools vital to solving the complex, ill- _________
structured problems presented by persistent conflict.
3-20. Although the essential nature of conflict is timeless, its _________
character reflects the unique conditions of each era. Conflict is
invariably complex because it is fundamentally human in character. _________
As such, conflict is characterized by uncertainty, chance, and
friction. Design provides additional tools necessary to understand _________
this environment and to mitigate the adverse effects of complexity
on full spectrum operations. As modern conflict evolves, it is
characterized by several key factors: _________
• Conducted between and among diverse actors, both state
and nonstate, with the former frequently acting covertly,
and the latter sometimes acting through state sponsorship
or as a proxy for a state.
• Unavoidably waged among the people. _________
• Increasingly unpredictable and sudden, with the potential to
expand rapidly into unanticipated locations and continue for _________
unexpected durations.
Increasing potential for spillover, creating regionally and
globally destabilizing effects.
Waged in transparency.
• Increasingly likely to include hybrid threats, dynamic _________
combinations of conventional, irregular, terrorist, and
criminal capabilities adapting to counter traditional _________
3-21. Today’s operational environment presents situations so _________
3-37. During design, the commander and staff consider the
conditions, circumstances, and factors that affect the use of _________
capabilities and resources as well as bear on decisionmaking. As an
organizational learning methodology, design fosters collaboration
and dialog as commanders and staffs formulate conditions that
define a desired end state and develop approaches that aim to
achieve those conditions. When initial efforts do not achieve a _________
thorough enough understanding of behaviors or events,
commanders reframe their understanding of the operational _________
environment and problem. This cycle of inquiry, contextual
understanding, and synthesis relies on continuous collaboration _________
and dialog. Collaboration—especially with joint, interagency,
intergovernmental, and multinational partners—is fundamental to
success. Collaboration affords commanders opportunities to revise
their understanding or approaches so they can execute feasible,
acceptable, and suitable approaches to achieve desired conditions _________
or objectives.
3-38. Design is essentially nonlinear. It flows back and forth
between environmental framing and problem framing while _________
considering several operational approaches. No hard lines separate
the efforts of each design element. When an idea or issue is raised, _________
the commander can address it in the appropriate element, even if
the idea or issue is outside the current focus. The change in _________
emphasis shifts from focusing on understanding the tendencies and
potentials of actors in the operational environment, to
understanding how they relate to and affect the problem, to _________
understanding their likely contributions toward transforming
that exist among the relevant actors or other aspects of the NOTES
operational variables in the environmental frame.
3-52. Problem framing involves understanding and isolating the
root causes of conflict—defining the essence of a complex, ill- _________
structured problem. Problem framing begins with refining the
evaluation of tendencies and potentials and identifying tensions _________
among the existing conditions and the desired end state. It
articulates how the operational variables can be expected to resist
or facilitate transformation and how environmental inertia can be
leveraged to ensure the desired conditions are achieved. The staff
relies on text and graphics to articulate the problem frame. _________
The Problem Frame _________
3-53. The problem frame is a refinement of the environmental
frame that defines, in text and graphics, the areas for action that
will transform existing conditions toward the desired end state. _________
The problem frame extends beyond analyzing interactions and
relationships in the operational environment. It identifies areas of _________
tension and competition—as well as opportunities and
challenges—that commanders must address so to transform _________
current conditions to achieve the desired end state. Tension is the
resistance or friction among and between actors. The commander _________
and staff identify the tension by analyzing the relevant actors’
tendencies and potentials within the context of the operational
environment. _________
3-54. The commander and staff challenge their hypotheses and
models to identify motivations and agendas among the relevant
actors. They identify factors that influence these motivations and _________
agendas. The commander and staff evaluate tendencies, potentials,
trends, and tensions that influence the interactions among social, _________
cultural, and ideological forces. These may include political, social,
or cultural dispositions in one group that may hinder collaboration _________
with another group.
3-55. In the problem frame, analysis identifies the positive, neutral,
and negative implications of tensions in the operational _________
environment given the differences between existing and desired
conditions. When the commander and staff take action within the
operational environment, they may exacerbate latent tensions. _________
Tensions can be exploited to drive change, so they are vital to
to conditions that define the desired end state. Thus, the NOTES
operational approach enables commanders to begin visualizing and
describing possible combinations of actions to reach the desired
end state given the tensions identified in the environmental and
problem frames. As courses of action are developed during detailed _________
planning, the operational approach provides the logic that
underpins the unique combinations of tasks required to achieve the _________
desired end state.
3-59. One method to depict the operational approach is by using
lines of effort that provide a graphic to articulate the link among _________
tasks, objectives, conditions, and the desired end state. (See
appendix B [in FM 5-0] for more detailed guidance on developing _________
lines of effort.) Design offers the latitude to portray the operational
approach in a manner that best communicates its vision and
structure. Ultimately, the commander determines the optimal
method to articulate the operational approach. However, it is
important that narratives accompany lines of effort to ensure _________
Soldiers understand the operational approach.
Operational Initiative
3-60. In developing an operational approach, the commander and
staff consider how potential actions will enable the force to _________
maintain the operational initiative. The operational initiative is the
setting or dictating the terms of action throughout an operation _________
(FM 3-0). The staff evaluates what combination of actions might
derail opposing actors from achieving their goals while reinforcing _________
their own desired end state. This entails evaluating an action’s
potential risks and the relevant actors’ freedom of action. By
identifying the possible emergence of unintended consequences or
threats, commanders consider exploitable opportunities to create
effects that reinforce the desired end state. The staff explores the _________
risks and opportunities of action by considering exploitable
tensions. This includes identifying capabilities and vulnerabilities _________
of the actors who oppose the desired end state. The commander
and staff can then formulate methods to neutralize those _________
capabilities and exploit such vulnerabilities.
Resources and Risks
3-61. When creating the broad recommendations for action, the
commander and staff consider resources and risks. The staff _________
provides an initial estimate of the resources required for each
recommended action in the design concept. Rarely does one _________
302 The techniques in this chapter are drawn from doctrine and from three of the basic texts used in the
design course at SAMS. The doctrine includes United States, FM 5-0, The Operations Process. The reader is also
referred to the out of date United States, FMI 5-2, Design (Draft) dated 20 February, 2009 for further ideas,
especially terms useful in environmental and problem framing. The design texts are Lawson, How Designers
Think; Schön, Educating the Reflective Practitioner; and Gharajedaghi, Systems Thinking.
303Reference will be made to two student monographs from SAMS. The first, useful primarily as a source of
helpful terminology is Hayward, “Planning Beyond Tactics.” The second, useful for ideas of how to execute
design as a cognitive tool is Colonel John Marr’s “Learning Over Time: Using Rapid Prototyping, Generative
Analysis, Experts and Reduction of Scope to Operationalize Design,” (Monograph, School of Advanced Military
Studies, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 2010).
...the Army’s approach to design needs to consider that the concepts behind [it] are more
important than the specific design methodology itself. The Army design approach should focus
on teaching concepts such as Gharajedaghi’s systems and iterative thinking, Jullien’s
propensity and potential, Bar Yam’s competition and cooperation, and White’s discourse and
The first challenge is how to open the minds of the team members to the intellectual,
emotional and moral challenges of thinking critically about complex issues. The design
team leader assists environmental understanding, innovation, adaptation, and solution
creation through an approach using the three cognitive spaces of design. Following Peter
Peverelli, we define a cognitive space as “an association of any number of actors bound by a
certain shared cognitive element.” 304 A cognitive space has a social element and a cognitive
element. Cognitive spaces trigger organizing processes. In design, the environmental space,
problem space, and solution space are three cognitive spaces that help to organize
information about the environment, the problem, and the solution. The cognitive spaces
will be used continually throughout this chapter to structure the design inquiry. However,
they are also discussed in detail in Sections 4.3.3 – 4.3.5.
The first space, and the place most design teams start, is the understanding of the context,
the environment. The second space is to sort through the statement of the problem, and the
final space is to propose iterative solution steps. However, these spaces are not
independent. True, deep understanding of a complex situation requires near-
simultaneous movement in all three spaces.305 The challenge of organizing this work is
for the leader to stimulate ideas while protecting the team from both outside interference
and internal dissension.
One of the greatest challenges for the team leader is to manage the tension between the
design team’s need for time and the commander’s desire to initiate action quickly. Action
without a preliminary understanding of the environment can waste resources or stimulate
unforeseen and unwanted reactions. One technique to alleviate this conflict between
the commander’s desire to act and design team’s need to reflect is to generate
sensing or learning actions – blue acts designed to learn about the environment,
rather than to immediately achieve the desired conditions. This type of action must be
carefully considered by the team leader before they are recommended to the commander,
but their judicious use is important to both creating understanding and providing a form of
action for the commander and the larger organization306 (see also Sections 4.2.2 and 4.5).
This section has three parts – organizing the team for effective learning, approaches to
Peter J. Peverelli, Creating Corporate Space: In Search of Chinese Corporate Identity, Serie research
learning about the other in the environment, and techniques for creating common shared
There are several general techniques for stimulating learning. Team leaders should
encourage holistic thinking among the designers. It may be useful to organize some of the
work into three areas of exploration – asking what is the structure of the environment,
what are the functions of nodes and agents, and what are the purpose of actors, agents, and
organizations. 307 Organizing the asking of questions around these three larger questions
will stimulate ideas and inquiry.
Helpful to the encouragement of learning within the team is the expressing the challenge
facing the team as an instrumental problem. By this, we mean that the problem should
simultaneously be seen as fundamental and concrete – the problem can be manipulated
through praxis. When the team leader discusses the path forward inside the design
approach, it is couched in terms of a practical, executable set of actions with foreseeable (if
not predictable) results. 308 The very specific nature of actionable outcome from design, the
practical nature of the challenge, is a great stimulant to learning. The team leader must
carefully, and frequently, point out to the design team that specific outcomes are required –
generic, formless discussion without substantive outcome can be a waste of effort.
Another method for organizing the learning is to think operationally – asking what are the
dynamic behaviors, and then asking how they can be mapped during the inquiry. 309 The
actual nature of a problem, the concept that there is something in the environment
contrary to the desires of the national policy or regional strategy, is helpful for the design
team leader, who can use this discomfort, or tension between the current and the desired
set of conditions to harness the creativity of the design team, as explained next.
Schön outlined three issues for designers as they approach learning how to learn. For him,
the single key to effective learning is to embrace the complex challenge confronting the
team as a stimulating issue. In other words, the very complexity of the environment, the
very nature of its intellectual challenge, if accepted by the team and not denied, will be the
greatest single stimulator of learning. Another helpful challenge is the substantive nature of
the problem. Understanding that the problem has concrete knowable factors, a difficult
transition from the current state to a future state, and the need to have an
operationalizable way forward as an outcome of the design approach is also an effective
stimulator of learning. Finally for Schön, the very need to operationalize the design
outcome as specific forms of action, as concrete things, is an exceedingly effective tool for
learning. 310 Key to using these three characteristics to stimulate thinking is to avoid denial
of them, to encourage the team to embrace the difficult intellectual challenge of the design
tasks, and to involve those who enjoy intellectual challenges.
The design team leader allows his team to move in and out of the three cognitive spaces of
design, with clear intent, careful appraisal of outcomes achieved, and a disciplined yet
flexible approach. 311 While moving amongst the spaces, the team leader carefully creates a
free learning environment, encouraging all team members to engage in discussion,
maintaining a low-risk atmosphere 312 (see Sections and 4.4.2). Divergence in
opinion is encouraged and is essential for the creation of new ideas. Regulating
movement between the three spaces requires meta-cognitive awareness – thinking
about the way the team is thinking. The six thinking hats method in Appendix B offers
one framework for doing this. So-called “blue hat thinking” requires the design team to
jointly engage in meta-thinking and meta-questioning – questioning the current line of
The team leader must, at all costs, establish and maintain an atmosphere of trust within the
design team. 313 To facilitate trust, the leader should encourage comments from all,
restricting the discussion in terms of outcome needed, but not in terms of individual
restrictions. One form of control of the discussion in the team is to establish shared rules
and conventions inside the team (see 4.2.2).
To be effective, design must be a team effort. The team leader must encourage wide
engagement amongst all members of the team, and should avoid over-reliance on
individuals, especially his or her own ideas. The team leader is both an active facilitator of
the team and of the process – he watches and engages individuals on the team to produce
creative thought while skillfully monitoring and orchestrating where the inquiry is
going.314 The design team leader is responsible for recognizing when the team has achieved
synthesis, and guide the evaluation of new creations. The team leader must be strong and
secure enough to be practically invisible to the design inquiry while maintaining control
311For a discussion of the three cognitive spaces, see FMI 5-2, 13. For a very brief discussion, see United
States, FM 5-0, paragraphs 3-36 through 3-38.
312 Schön, Educating the Reflective Practitioner, 17.
313 Schön, Educating the Reflective Practitioner, 163ff.
314 Lawson, How Designers Think, 235, 237.
over the design timeline and the resulting products. The following quote, attributed to Lao-
tzu, who is regarded as the founder of Taoism, shows the enduring significance of this ideal.
To lead people, walk beside them … As for the best leaders, the people do not notice their
existence. The next best, the people honor and praise. The next, the people fear; and the
next, the people hate… When the best leader’s work is done the people say, ‘We did it
Rick Swain, who has frequently mentored SAMS students during design practica, provides
keen insight and practical advice into how to organize design team learning.
To lead collaborative learning in design teams, a commander must do three things. First, he
or she must make it clear that disagreement is invited, indeed considered a duty, for each
member of the design group. Second, the commander must demonstrate that this is so by
the way he or she responds when his or her understanding is challenged. Finally, it is
helpful if the commander, or group leader, remains in the middle distance from the process
itself, what Harvard Kennedy School of Business professors Ronald A Heifetz and Marty
Linsky call “taking the balcony perspective,” giving broad guidance, organizing the learning
group, and then standing outside the process of learning and observing how the group
works, intervening only by exception as the learning process unfolds…
There are two major parts of the design learning process. One is a research effort—seeking
information from whatever sources are available. The second part involves evaluating the
role that specific information plays in creating a provisional but comprehensive
understanding of the situation at hand, teasing meaning from factual data, and accepting
that the total available data are always incomplete and subject to revision. While some
design proponents believe only the interpretive function matters, it is more logical to
believe that more facts, well understood, are more likely to provide the desired, nuanced
understanding of the situation than a much smaller number of facts exquisitely tortured for
understanding. One of the most important qualities of a design effort is the extent to which
it draws on multiple perspectives and sources of expert counsel. On the other hand, the
design team must balance the desire for the greatest possible store of data with the need to
conduct an adequate cross-examination of the data it already possesses.
The learning process itself must be self-conscious and reflective. The design team must
organize its campaign of learning deliberately, in light of what it knows to begin with about
the nature of the situation and the commander’s requirements. Participants must frequently
pull back and take an introspective view of how their approach is working and how well the
members are collaborating. Then they must adjust their behavior as required. As new
information is developed, new lines of relevant inquiry will suggest themselves, and the
team should be reorganized to pursue them by either breaking off an inquiry team or
bringing in new experts. Sometimes just reorganizing subgroups will generate new
perspectives on stalemated problems. Periodically, the whole team must get together to
share its learning and test the findings of one group against the perspectives of others. At
the end of the day, time should be reserved to evaluate how the learning process itself is
going, identify required information, and develop a plan for continuation the next day. The
group should be self-critical, insisting on participation and contribution by all members and
on demeanor that respects the person while disagreeing, sometimes intensely, with the
understanding. Groups progress best that keep a running narrative, employed self-critically
to sharpen the logic of group conclusions. 315
SAMS Seminar 6, academic year 2008-09, emphasized the running textual narrative and
organized their design team effectively. Their after-action review recognized the benefits of
‘strategy control’ to enable cooperative creation, and identified several key design team
roles. Seminar 6 borrowed the phrase ‘strategy control’ from Chris Jones’ classic book
Design Methods, to mean a style of leadership where “the team leader loosely controls the
creative methodology through requirements for production.”316 The role of strategy
control focused on process rather than content, similar to the role of a facilitator in
effective meetings. In Seminar 6, the strategy controller monitored group tensions, looked
for dysfunctional behaviors, and reorganized the sub-teams seven times in six weeks to
maintain team effectiveness. Other team roles Seminar 6 created to structure their learning
included: narrative recorder, systemic designer, contextual work group member, and
observer/controller (OC). The narrative recorder writes a running narrative that “captures
knowledge; is a tool to achieve shared understanding; is an anchor for further exploration;
and either demonstrates completeness of logic, or reveals inconsistencies.” 317 The systemic
designer role is to sit outside the detailed working groups to focus on the overall system –
“to keep the forest in view while studying the trees.” 318 A systemic designer asks meta-
questions, encourages synthesis, and develops overarching hypotheses that are shared
with the research teams. The contextual work group member conducts focused research to
fill identified gaps in knowledge. The OC stays in the background, observes and takes notes
on the design process, and leads the after-action review.
In his monograph on design team organization, Brad Gill identified seven roles within a
design team. 319 They are: designer, designer (liaison officer), Subject Matter Expert (SME),
discourse leader, team leader, scribe, and senior leader. The designer conducts research,
engages in discourse, develops strategies for action, and reflects on the design activity. The
liaison officer, in addition to being a designer, interfaces between the design team and
planners or other important external agencies and partners. An SME provides deep
knowledge on a relevant topic, but is not a permanent member of the design team. The
discourse leader “facilitates group learning and critical thinking as they relate to
understanding the system.” The team leader has the same responsibilities as the discourse
leader, but also manages external interactions. The scribe records and manages all
guidance, sources, narratives, graphics, questions, issues and artifacts generated during
design. The senior leader initiates the activity and provides guidance. Each role may be
played by one or more persons; and one person may perform more than one role. A larger
design team might be expected to identify more specialized roles than a small design team.
However, this is not a necessary condition. Team roles should be structured by the nature
of the problem situation, rather than by the size of the team or any other a priori factor.
Other seminars structure their learning with similar roles to those considered above, often
using simpler terminology. A typical SAMS design team includes at least the following five
• Commander
• Design team leader
• Deputy design team leader
• Recorder
• Observer / Controller.
In addition, almost all SAMS design teams use focused SME injects to augment the
knowledge and experience resident within the core design team.
In the social psychology literature, one useful and popular classification of informal small
group roles divides members into three groups: those facilitating the accomplishment of a
particular task, those of building and maintaining the group, and those which satisfy
entirely individual needs. 320
The first category, task roles, is the set of roles that help to get the job done. The roles have
self-explanatory titles, such as initiator/contributor, information seeker, opinion seeker,
elaborator, coordinator, energizer, and evaluator/critic. Often, these roles require tough,
single-minded individuals to maintain focus on their role. These roles provide the rationale
for the group’s existence.
The second category, maintenance roles, is the set of roles that maintain the social cohesion
of the group. Example roles include supporter/encourager, harmonizer, tension reliever,
feeling expresser, and follower. These roles tend to the emotional life of the group, improve
the way it works, and consider the needs of individuals. Not only do maintenance roles
improve cohesion, they also open up the channels of communication within the
group, which is essential to generating new ideas and shared understanding within
The roles within the last category that satisfy purely individual needs are considered to be
dysfunctional, since they disrupt the group and weaken cohesion. Examples of
dysfunctional roles include the blocker, who takes a negative stand on all issues, the
deserter, withdraws into irrelevant side conversations, and the dominator, who
monopolizes the conversation. Awareness of dysfunctional group roles can enable design
team members to police their own behavior and avoid destructive patterns of interaction.
320 Kenneth D. Benne and Paul Sheats, “Functional Roles of Group Members,” Journal of Social Issues 4, no. 2
(1948): 41-49.
To create a learning system within design, all team members must pay attention to
both the formal and informal roles within the design team. Checkland’s soft systems
methodology provides a useful framework for identifying and improving the group
dynamics within a design team. 321 Using soft systems methodology, it is possible to
document formal and informal roles, the associated norms and values, and the politics of
how power is distributed. The use of rich pictures and purposeful activity models can
identify tensions and surface different worldviews. This gives the design team a better
understanding of the current distribution of roles, as well as guiding practical action to
improve the group dynamics.
If the challenges of understanding self stem from a lack of perspective, the challenges of
learning about the other derive from the difficulty of understanding a different logic. Or as
Henrotin and Struye de Swielande phrase it, “we fail to penetrate the rationality of the
adversary, never fully understand his Weltangschauung [worldview].”322 If we are to learn
about the other in design, then we need to find ways to penetrate rationalities and surface
The level at which we choose to distinguish between self and other will have the biggest
influence on the understanding that is generated. What levels are appropriate depends
mostly on the specific context of the design team and the problem situation. However, it is
almost always necessary to ask this question at more than one level based around more
than one identity. For example, it may be fruitful to ask about the boundary between self
and other at the following levels and their implied perspectives:
There are levels below, above, and between those suggested here that offer other valid
perspectives. The point of this list is that because there are always multiple levels and
multiple identities, there are multiple ways to define the other. The other is a concept that
is much broader than traditional concepts of enemy, although of course the enemy remains
an essential consideration in war.
Once the level of inquiry has been selected, the first step is to acknowledge that there is
indeed a logic underlying the narratives and actions of the other. Because conflict in
general, and war in particular, is bound up in hatred, discourses that demonize the other
abound that act as a barrier to learning about the other. The political rhetoric between the
U.S. and Iran illustrates demonizing discourse on both sides. Since 1979, the countries have
constructed two ‘grand images’ of evil and irrational actors: Great Satan and the Mad
Mullahs.323 In his analysis of this discourse, William Beeman writes:
When confronted with individuals whose actions are incomprehensible, the natural human
tendency is to assign them to a “residual” category within the culture. “Crazy,” “irrational,”
“evil,” “incompetent,” “moronic,” and “incomprehensible” are just a few of these
The conceptual tools needed to penetrate the rationality of the other are most mature
within the discipline of anthropology. In his classic text on anthropology, Clifford Geertz
provides an enduring metaphor for the task of understanding the other:
The concept of culture I espouse… is essentially a semiotic one. Believing, with Max Weber,
that man is an animal suspended in webs of significance he himself has spun, I take culture
to be those webs, and the analysis of it to be therefore not an experimental science in search
of law but an interpretive one in search of meaning. 325
323William O. Beeman, The “Great Satan” Vs. the “Mad Mullahs”: How the United States and Iran Demonize Each
Other (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2008).
324 Ibid., 69.
325 Geertz, The Interpretation of Cultures, 5.
To rationalize the logic of the other, it is not sufficient to merely highlight superficial
differences between cultures. Rather, it is important to explain the underlying dynamics
that perpetuate a different rationality. Seminar 5 from SAMS AMSP 2010 captured their
understanding of the system of opposition in Afghanistan in the presentation drawing
depicted in Figure 13. This depiction applies theoretical concepts from design education to
explain the observed patterns of behavior that oppose achievement of the friendly desired
system. Theoretical influences for this explanation include Thucydides’ trinity of fear,
honor and interest; Bar-Yam’s multi-level competition and cooperation; Clausewitz’s
trinity, represented in the center of the Afghan system of control; and Senge’s reinforcing
feedback loop that perpetuates a cycle of violence.
Teams are not organized as one unitary body, but are organized into factions, re-organized
on the fly, and engaged in different pursuits at different times, all at the initiative of the
design leader. Although the goal is a common shared understanding within the team
and the larger organization, the team is not monolithic and static.
Team leaders must be aware of natural factions arising within the team, and then use them
skillfully for the benefit of learning and creation. 326 Factions are particularly useful since
they generate cognitive competition between groups. These factions should be allowed to
prosper, as long as they positively contribute. A faction that begins to be non- or counter-
productive must be re-organized to benefit the larger team. Factions, the natural groupings
of like-minded individuals, or people with similar agendas, help stimulate wide-ranging
discussions. Factions can themselves be stimulated by bringing individuals into the team,
who represent specific influential agendas, sub-organizations or stakeholders.
Often, the team leader will choose to divide the team into small groups, and then
progressively combing groups until the whole design team is together. In 2010, Seminar 5
used this to great effect during their environmental frame. The OC presented the slide in
Figure 14 during their AAR. Initially, small teams and individuals were given specialized
topics to “deep dive” on. Team members were differently enabled by the different
knowledge they gained from individual research. The teams were then reorganized into
groups of three or four individuals to look at the same situation through three different
filters: enemy, friendly, and population perspectives. Next, the Seminar split into two teams
who were given exactly the same task in parallel, to map the current and desired systems.
Finally, the group synthesized the ideas generated by the parallel efforts to produce their
environmental frame. The Seminar found that this was effective in transforming deep
individual understanding into shared team understanding. They also noticed that as they
formed into larger groups, their products became simpler, which helped the transition
from design sketches to presentation sketches (see below).
Leading a particular organized approach to thinking can also be helpful. Taking an idea
from Gharajedaghi, the team can approach developing understanding through holistic
thinking.327 Holistic thinking, according to Gharajedaghi, consists of four aspects:
structure, function, process, and context/purpose. These four aspects of a system are
considered iteratively, with a pause for reflection and learning after every cycle. Since
structures exist to perform different functions, there is a link between function and
structure. There is also a link between structure, function, and process in any system.
Assessing the context, or purpose of activity will generally provide a synthesis of the other
three elements. However, the critical point is to evaluate these four entities, then reflect on
what you have learned about the entire system through the assessment. This process then
continues for as much time as you have available, in a cyclic and iterative fashion.
Lawson points out, quite correctly, that the design team leader must not lose the rapport
with and within the team. 328 Effective design cannot be accomplished if the team fails to
work together as a professional group. The team leader must make every effort to lead the
team with a positive and professional attitude despite the inevitable stress of the
Arguably one of the best techniques for stimulating shared understanding is the
construction of organized and purposeful discourse. Frequently organized around a
conceptual drawing or rich picture, the team leader uses these directed conversations as a
way to both stimulate new ideas and to share the current level of understanding amongst
the team as a whole. These conversations about a concept result in common language,
commonly understood concepts, and a common vocabulary – all critical steps toward a
common shared understanding.329 The conversation becomes one element of the team’s
shared experience.
An example of conversation organized around the rich picture is given in Figure 15 was
exhibited by Seminar 4 in 2010. Through discourse, it was recognized that the Joint Inter-
Agency Task Force–South was uniquely positioned to be the focusing lens for the Inter-
Agency. This recognition provided the persistent theme (which Bryan Lawson would call
the primary generator) for the entire campaign design.
The Seminar documented the process of coming to this understanding, which is given by
the narrative in Table 28. The evolution of terms and labels – naming and framing –
demonstrates the development of common understanding within the design team.
During the past year Seminar 4 was fortunate to have Joint Interagency Task Force-South located in
Tampa, Florida as our strategic sponsor for almost all of the design practicums and exercises.
At the beginning of the year we saw JIATF-S and their mission as a complicated drug problem. As
Axelrod and Cohen would describe, we saw a system that had a lot of moving parts but was not
Even after spending the first ten to fifteen minutes every class period on studying the topic of illicit
drugs we remained fixed on the complicated nature of production, distribution, and financial
returns of primarily cocaine in South America.
Returning to the products from design practicum I and II we concluded a need for JIATF-S to shift
its operational mindset to the offense.
• We recommended the command develop operational plans that accomplish strategic ends
by identifying the appropriate operational means.
• We created Lines of Effort to operationally focused intelligence to identify drug trafficking
organizations threats and trends.
• And by the end of DP II we assessed that JIATF-S should retain the operational offense
allowing JIATF-South, in accordance with its partners, to increase regional security and
reduce DTO operations.
Then we were invited by Rear Admiral Lloyd to visit his organization to further refine our design
and build the foundations for their unit’s campaign plan.
Seminar 4 packed up our bags and, tongue in cheek, reluctantly headed to Tampa, Florida amidst a
blizzard in Kansas to solve JIATF-S problems…
Upon our arrival we realized several real world impediments to our lofty advice given in Practicum
I and II. First we were not facing a complicated system but a complex system composed of
interacting agents, strategies, and elements in dynamic relationships. Each actor with its own
artifacts and environmental factors driving them to respond to goals and strategies in different
Along with Axelrod and Cohen, we attempted to harness the complexity of JIATF-S but first we
needed the life preserver of Mary Joe Hatch to understand the organizational structure of what
JIATF-S really was.
In previous DPs we defined the problem primarily as a drug issue but after exploring all facets of
the environment and dealing with multiple interagency partners Seminar 4 redefined the problem
as Illicit trafficking organizations or ITOs defined as any organization profiting from multi-
cargo, multi-modal illegal traffic.
As depicted on the slide displayed, the desired end result is a drastic decrease of the profitability of
these ITOs operating from South America to the rest of the world. This slide generated a visceral
reaction from the JIATF-S staff.
Another change in the design came from understanding how JIATF-S is uniquely positioned in the
interagency world. All partners are invited to participate as knights at the round table but are not
forced to sit there.
• Agents from multiple U.S. and multinational agencies come to JIATF-S because they are the
focusing lens for the IA.
• JIATF-S is the organization that holds the collective ability of the joint and interagency
community to disrupt ITO profitability through what we coined as interdiction power.
• Again this is the persistent theme through which the campaign plan framework was
Therefore, upon the completing DP III we realized, as Bar-Yam says, the organization had to be as
complex as the situation.
• It was no longer sufficient for JIATF-S to focus only on measuring metric tons of cocaine and
drug money seized in the air and maritime environments.
• The approach had to center on a holistic understanding of the illicit trafficking system.
• By changing the effectiveness, efficiency and scope of the organization’s support to
interdiction operations and become a learning organization with a long-term strategic
focus, capable of synchronizing a whole of government and international effort JIATF-S
could better disrupt ITO’s profitability across the continuum of illicit trafficking.
• The goal of this synchronization was to focus resources and capabilities to generate
Interdiction Power across the “cradle to grave” spectrum of case initiation, detection and
monitoring, law enforcement endgame, and legal prosecution.
1. Expanded the focus of detection and monitoring to include entire Illicit trafficking continuum
2. Developed a long term planning strategy that synchronizes Interagency and Partner Nations
3. Developed new Measures of Effectiveness and Performance relevant to the stated mission
By the end of the year Seminar 4 faced an adaptive challenge to refocus and reframe the narrative
and overall campaign plan of one of the largest interagency organizations in the United States.
The second intellectual challenge is to generate new ideas, in all three areas of design –
understanding the environment, problem identification and solution creation. Although
seemingly difficult, if not impossible, to be creative “on demand,” the creation of new ideas
can actually be stimulated with several relatively simple techniques. This section discusses
techniques for generating ideas. Subsection 4.2.2 centers on putting design into action,
from the cognitive perspective, including reflection, leading critical thinking, and critical
listening techniques. Two following subsections address “leading up” – the critical need for
effective discourse with your commander and his bosses – and the difficult task of
communicating understanding once achieved.
There are many valid techniques for generating ideas. Being explicit about known
information; generating ideas by changing the various forms of illustrating; capturing
initial large ideas and then manipulating them; using the input from outsiders as
constraints or liberators; and using pre-established intellectual frameworks for idea
stimulation are all effective methods discussed here. Brainstorming, affinity diagrams,
reversal, fractionation, analogies, sentence completion, options generation matrix, and
SCAMPER (which stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to other purposes,
Eliminate, Rearrange) are further techniques summarized in Appendix B.
Making explicit what you already know, and then using the explicit identification and
characterization as a stepping stone forward, is very effective. Frequently, a design team
will assume knowledge, or even assume other team member’s knowledge without really
understanding what is known. By rendering absolutely explicit, for the whole team, in small
Dan Roam, The Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures (New York, NY:
Portfolio, 2008).
Altering the medium of your expression of knowledge also can generate new
perspectives and creative thoughts. Simply moving from a drawing to a narrative, or
from a Word document to a PowerPoint presentation, or from a rich picture to a discussion,
can generate new ideas. Frequently, illustrating a point of view requires the illustrator to
gain new insights – drawing a perspective captures more nuances than simply describing it
verbally, for example. 332 Producing new perspectives and the creation of novel approaches
are the goal of creativity - using these new perspectives, even if seemingly forced or
awkward, will generate new ideas, and eventually assist in building novel approaches to
the environment at hand.
A good example of changing media is one of the in-class practical exercises from the design
instruction. The exercise involves constructing the influence diagram implied by two
paragraphs of an article by Captain Brad Fultz. The corresponding influence diagram is
shown in Figure 16.
What does security mean in a small war?
There is a popular axiom in the combat arms community: Fire without movement is wasted
ammunition, and movement without fire is suicide. This adage drives home the lessons of
fire and maneuver to the small unit leader. Similar to this is another proposed moral of
small wars: effective governance without established security is impossible, and
establishing security without effective governance is a waste of time and unnecessary risk
to combat troops lives. Security in small wars is directly connected to governmental
progress. The two are inseparable. Security establishment, at all levels of operations, from
the squad to the brigade must directly support the goal of establishing effective governance.
Security in a small war means that institutions are able to conduct business in a manner
that contributes to effective governance in accordance with local norms. To accomplish this,
institutions must be developed at the local level with local support. Providing the ability for
local governance to take place is the true measure of security in small wars. By using the
limited resources at hand of the US military it is essential that security is established at the
grassroots level, just like governance must be established at the grassroots level. The top-
down method of governance and security establishment is antithetical to the realities of the
traditional societies in which the US is currently conducting operations, and is a massive
waste of resources. Only when security and governance are established at the local level,
can these successes be transferred to centralized control, and not the other way around.
The influence diagram in Figure 16 is drawn according to the symbolic conventions given
in Appendix B. Rectangular boxes indicate decision variables, Rounded rectangles are
derived variables, circles are chance variables, and hexagons are measurable objective
variables. The first point this exercise draws out is that even two paragraphs of text can
make a large number of claims about the causal and influence network between variables
in the operational environment. Second, every team will generate a different influence
network, given exactly the same instructions, tools, and text. This shows that translating
between mediums is not an automatic task, but requires critical thinking and making
choices that frame what is shown in the influence diagram. Third, this demonstrates that
written text is often ambiguous in precisely what claims it makes about relations between
cause and effect. Laying out an argument in graphical form can clarify these relationships,
which can improve the quality of discourse. Last, seeing the argument in a different
medium will lead to different questions and different insights. For example, the methods
used by the counterinsurgent is a decision variable, yet the article only explores local
methods. Seeing the article in graphical form naturally leads to the question of what other
methods are available to the counterinsurgent. Graphical depiction of narrative can help
identify what relationships and variables are missing from the text. Conversely, writing a
narrative to accompany a design drawing forces the design team to tell the story that
animates the relations between parts of the system, and to develop the moral – the insight
or the ‘so what’ – that makes the drawing meaningful.
In every design challenge, an initial large idea, even if flawed, serves to generate additional,
more sophisticated ideas downstream. These initial ideas are referred to as primary
generators. 333 By deliberately using these initial ideas, the design team leader identifies
focal points for further discussion, creates discourse on the new ideas that refines
knowledge and understanding, and generates new concepts and creative ideas throughout
the design approach. Although these initial ideas frequently do not survive either energetic
discourse, or first contact with the actual environment, they are still powerful tools to force
the generation of new ideas better suited to increased understanding.
One likely source of primary generators are the ideas of outside agents – in the military
world frequently subordinate commanders or staffs, adjacent units, or senior officers. 334
The precise nature of primary generators from higher headquarters will often not emerge
until initial discourse with the higher commander (see section 4.23 above). Discourse with
the commander of the organization doing design is frequently an excellent source of ideas
that serve as generators. Joint and service doctrine can also be sources of initial generators.
Although doctrine and commander’s initial concepts may also be constraints, even
constraints serve as initial generators of ideas as the team attempts to work around the
impact of the constraints. 335
Another useful generator is the conflict of time with desired state. Frequently, the design
team leader can formulate an awareness of the passage of time, linked to some internal or
external time line, or discrete events, which then generate effective creative thinking about
boundaries, constraints, and enablers. An example is Admiral Sandy Woodward during the
Falkland Islands campaign. 336 Confronted with oncoming winter, limited time between
significant maintenance failures on his ships, and the need to conduct several lengthy
preparatory operations, he generated a series of strips of paper each depicting the
challenges of passing time. With these strips of paper, he then sequenced activities, and
relayed his concept to political authorities for approval, all based on the influence of time
on his operational ideas.
Other primary generators useful to the military design team are doctrinal concepts such as
METT-TC and PMESII-PT, or other pre-existing frameworks. 337 By using these intellectual
frameworks, the design team leader can "force" the formation of conceptual new ideas,
which although they will require alteration through the process, serve to generate further
concepts and ideas, usually as part of internal or external discourse. An example of how the
MIDLIFE framework was used to create an environmental frame is shown in Figure 17.
This sketch was created by Seminar 6 in 2010 and has been modified for this text to
improve readability in print format. MIDLIFE categorizes the environment by Military,
Intelligence, Diplomatic, Law Enforcement, Infrastructure, Finance, and Economic
variables. It is important to note that in Figure 17, the relationships between these
concepts are just as important as the categories themselves. Injects and flows from outside
the system are not considered separately, but how they impact the whole system.
The design team leader, however, is warned that the use of pre-existing templates and
analytic or synthetic constructs may present the challenge of trying to fit a system into a
framework initially designed within a completely different system. Due care must be
exercised that the unique nature of the system is accounted for – any effort to cram the
existent system into a pre-existing analytic tool must be avoided.
The leader establishes rules in discourse with the team. Rules are followed early in the
design approach when there is little firm knowledge in any of the three cognitive spaces.
These rules give the team a place to start, and a set of conventions to change or modify as
knowledge increases. Rules provide constraints on design inquiry and structure the
338 Schön, 34-42, 75; Gharajedaghi, Systems Thinking, 132-140; Lawson, How Designers Think, 291-301.
learning. Functional rules can include rules for data gathering, for creating inference and
meaning, for hypothesis testing, and for resolving disagreements. According to Schön, rules
govern inquiry for professionals, especially when dealing with routine issues. However,
rules are also useful when dealing with non-routine, or complex issues. Rules, combined
with reflection, provide new understanding of the complex issues which face designers.
Without rules, reflection would be very difficult to achieve, and nearly impossible to
communicate effectively. 339
Rules include guides to the practice of design, accepted and understood conventions,
constraints, the specific language of the design team, the tools in individual repertoires, and
patterns of behavior and inquiry. 340 Since the design team inevitably works in an artificial
world, rules help in bounding the inquiry, empower individuals in the team, and assist in
moving amongst the three spaces of design with effect and purpose. Design cannot be
unbounded, or there will be no progress. One of the critical tasks of the team leader is to
assess the bounds – the rules – of the team and change them as the situation
requires. Rules must also always be part of the common shared understanding of the team.
One of the more effective gatherings of the design team is to periodically reassess the rules
in effect at any particular juncture of design. The discussion which emerges from
disagreement over rules frequently generates new perspectives on the design itself. An
example of the rules of discourse adopted by Seminar 9 in 2009 is given in Table 29. These
rules were posted by the door as a constant reminder to the design team. Note that
Seminar 9 referred to their team leader as the Chief of Plans.
Rules of Discourse
• Chief of Plans will moderate!
• Speaker presents argument and reasoning.
• Assume that everyone, like you, is seeking truth. Listen in a spirit of humility so you
can learn from others, painful though that process may be. One technique to try is to
honestly ask yourself “what if what I believe about this really is wrong, and his/her
perspective really is right?” Keep this question in mind to help you non-defensively
consider others’ ideas.
• Every person is treated with respect. No personal attacks or comments. Say “I don’t
understand how those ideas relate” rather than “You can’t really believe that.” Ask
clarifying questions rather than making judgments about people.
• Listen carefully to each other – if you are thinking about how you’re going to
respond, you are probably not listening.
• No interruptions. To respond to someone speaking, raise your hand and the
discussion leader will note that you will speak next. When many hands are raised,
the leader will choose those who have not yet spoken to continue the discussion.
• Big Boy Rules are in effect. Keep this in perspective. Discourse, Murder Boards,
The “power leader” who tries to dominate the discourse can harm group dynamics in a
design team. Agreeing to and abiding by rules of discourse limits the ability of any one
individual to dominate discussions. This ensures multiple viewpoints can be expressed and
harnesses the collective intellect of the design team.
Conventions include the manner in which the team will agree to bound their inquiry,
including standard procedural matters and limits to authority or responsibility for certain
actions, events, or outcomes. In particular, issues that others may be relied upon to solve,
or concerns that are of interest, but are not deemed critical to forward progress, may be
acknowledged and then noted as outside the scope of the current design inquiry. Again, the
very discussion of these terms and concerns can generate significant insight.
Constraints are very useful for establishing rules. No design team can function without
effective limits on their effort. Constraints assist the team in providing left and right limits,
or boundaries, to their inquiry. The team leader, in concert with the commander,
continually assesses the value, and the limiting effect, of constraints on the team. His/her
efforts to rationalize the effective constraints are critical for team success, since improperly
imposed constraints will inhibit effective understanding, and unlimited work will not
effectively provide understanding. The team leader should initially develop, with the team,
a framework for identification of constraints – some form of shared understanding of what
are considered constraints, and why they are constraints. 341 Asking and answering the why
of constraints can itself be very liberating for the team. Design teams are always in search
of things they do not need to worry about. In this case constraints can take things off the
plate of the design team.
The rules of language assist the team in agreeing on how they will name developing
concepts or emergent ideas about the system. In the naming frequently are perspective
shifts, changes of insight, and generation of new conceptualizations. Naming, and the
use of specific terms, must be disciplined by the team leader – sloppy use of language and
terming may generate ideas, but they will frequently not be supportive of the team’s goal of
increased shared understanding. The challenging boundaries technique in Appendix B is
often useful for testing the boundaries implied by the use of language. It helps to clarify the
meaning of terms and consider whether the current language bounds the problem too
narrowly or too broadly.
Individuals bring specific, identified, and commonly understood tools to the design team.
Agreeing upon the identity of the team members, in other words, having the team agree
that some individuals are strong in certain skills, that they represent certain agendas and
external organizations, that the team can rely on them for certain tasks, empowers all
members of the team. One of the earliest tasks for the team leader is gain consensus on the
identities and representation of the members of the team. This is sometimes obvious, for
example the liaison officer from 2d brigade represents the agenda of the 2d brigade, but at
times roles may be challenging to identify and agree upon. The team leader also modifies
these repertoires as the team matures and develops, but must keep current a common
shared understanding of the formal and informal roles of each member.
Rituals of practice for a design team include routine meeting times, relatively stable core
membership in the team, a sequence of events inside each meeting of the team, agreed
upon outcomes for design sessions, usually decided at the beginning of the team meeting,
and established systems for external and internal communication.342 If all things for the
design team are in flux, if nothing has any degree of certitude, there is little chance of
effective designing. All rituals of practice are open to criticism, reevaluation, and generating
a new approach, but these must be agreed upon in group session. The team leader has
particular responsibility for moderating changes in the rituals of practice. He/she must be
self-critical and self-aware of the positive and negative impacts on the design team of
changing things as simple as times of meetings. Ritual of practice is particularly important
in developing the proper respect and trust internal to the design team. Willful but
thoughtless changing of rituals of practice is very disruptive of team cohesion. On occasion,
the team leader may want to generate disruption if the team has stagnated, but this must
be a careful and deliberate decision.
The design team should use virtual worlds as a method for generating ideas. Better known
as simulations or wargaming, virtual worlds enable the team to experiment with both the
substance of their environment, and with their own rituals of practice. 343 This two-fold
utilization is critical to team success. Adopting virtual worlds, which can vary from
elaborate computer simulations to something as simple as a chalk-talk on a
whiteboard, is a key technique for design. By creating what Colonel Jack Marr calls
“rapid prototyping,” the design team simultaneously generates options to consider and
new ideas stimulated by the need to create the prototypes. 344 Prototyping or using virtual
worlds in design should be characterized by rapid, frequent, disposable prototypes – the
goal is to generate discourse as the prototypes are designed, then to test their action in the
environment, either virtually or real. Prototypes should be tangible solutions to portions of
the environmental challenge. In the scoping or scaling the work, and in the discussion
about the boundaries of a particular prototype, rests greater understanding by the team.
The team leader calls for the creation of prototypes in a methodical, deliberate, and willful
manner, in an effort to move the design process forward. As tangible solution options are
generated, the team develops deeper understanding of the specific area of the environment
the prototype is designed against, and they learn to ask new questions of the remainder of
the environment. Prototypes can also result in real action by the organization. Real actions
in the environment can be an extension of the virtual work done by the design team.
Obviously more labor-intensive than virtual activities, real actions result in direct live
learning from the environment. The use of rapidly developed virtual worlds, combined
with real actions, leads to effective design (see Section 4.3.6). The virtual walkthrough
design method in Appendix B provides one method for doing this. Table 30 shows an
example of part of a wargame that Seminar 5 in 2010 used to test the efficacy of their
design concept.
LOOs Effect Consequences (Intended /Unintended)
Positive Negative
Basic • Sustainable • Needs of populace • Decentralized approach leads to
Services projects are meet through slow development which
• District / taking a negatively affects the view of the
Qawm focus decentralized government.
enhances the approach. They • Led to feuds over who is getting
legitimacy of determine where the focus on the resources
the eyes of the projects need causing security problems
the people to be focused. • Inter-Qawm rivalry over where
(governance) • The environment resources are placed. Could lead
fosters the to conflict and decrease in
necessary security security and legitimacy of
to enable project Afghan Government.
development. • Basic services provide a target
• District and local for insurgents and if government
level elections does not provide security it
hold the could serve to further
government delegitimize the Government.
accountable to the • Potential to hyper-inflate the
people and economy with without it being
facilitates project sustainable once the donor
development. nations stop support the efforts.
• As security and • Projects could empower the
basic services wrong individuals and
increase Donor delegitimize the Government.
nations might be • Could make the Afghan economy
willing to completely dependent upon the
reinforce success. IC.
An extension of the techniques of virtual worlds can be found in the ideas of Gharajedaghi
on the techniques for dealing with a complex system. He posits three general techniques –
searching, mapping, and telling a story. 345 Searching is the initial efforts toward
understanding. In searching, the design team evaluates how the system is currently
working, what obstructions exist in the system that interfere with achieving the desired
state, and develop an initial understanding of the interrelationship of the manifold actors in
the system. This is an iterative effort, with understanding increasing with each cycle of
searching. Of course, searching can be combined with the use of virtual worlds to increase
understanding. As in all things associated with design, the amount of time available for the
design team determines the depth, complexity, and specificity of understanding. A major
outcome of searching is the development, in discourse, of the key hypotheses and
assumptions of the design team. These must be explicit and periodically reviewed by the
team led by the team leader 346 (see Sections 4.3.3 and 4.4).
In mapping, the design team begins to classify individual phenomena into groups that share
motivations, essential characteristics, or common behaviors. Attempts are then made to
identify themes which bind groups – looking especially to determine the existence of
essential characteristics of the system and the emergent properties of the system. Key to
understanding any system is the awareness of grouped actors, or assemblages of shared
interests or motivations347 (see Section 4.3.3). According to Gharajedaghi, mapping
identifies the “second order machine,” the emergent properties of the current
system that create inertia and frustrates efforts to improve the system. The second
order machine must be recognized and dismantled before the system can be transformed.
In telling the story, the design team moves from developing its common shared
understanding to communicating this, in a compelling and credible story, to a wide group
of stakeholders both inside and outside the organization 348 (see Sections 4.2.4 and 4.5.2).
While the above seems contradictory to the Western view of logic, for Western minds,
power is a means to an end—it does succinctly capture the idea that the Indian’s personal
and national quest for power is what defines the way in which he/it both sees and acts.
The first element of the photo you focus on is the tattoo. The tattoo is clearly of India. But
look closer… not only do you see India, you also can see in the Northwestern corner of the
tattoo the inclusion of Kashmir (Pakistani and Indian sides). The significance of that cannot
be overstated. Widen your gaze to include the rest of the arm. That arm is the landscape of
the Indian—notice the smallpox scar… moving down from there you see young, but
muscular arm that rests upon the hands… clearly the man’s arms are crossed in a
provocative, self-assured manner. On the fingers you can see multiple rings…gold, silver,
diamonds—clearly the trappings of wealth. Widen your gaze a bit further to see the man’s
shirt—a bit wrinkled, cut-off sleeves, saffron in color. The man is clean-shaven, and wears a
gold necklace—perhaps a mid-twenties male who so far might look comfortable in an
upscale bar discussing the frailties of Westerners’ understanding of international relations
theory as applied to South Asia—or the alley out behind it? Please, pay no attention to the
unfocused scene you can see in the background. Streets that have not been swept. A
shoeless boy peers out from around a doorframe. He’s on a smoke break, coming out for
“fresh air.” Behind that door is a sweatshop where he makes pirated DVD’s of Bollywood
movies. His sister works two doors down, a seamstress making fashionable undergarments
for an upscale American lingerie retailer. Slumville. The boy and his unseen sister are both
Dalits—the lowest caste. Of course the caste system was outlawed years ago. Again, pay no
attention to the fuzzy background—pay strict attention to the power and bravado the man
in the foreground is trying to project. The boy is not even worth talking about—considering
the man in the foreground clearly is more powerful than the boy. Outside of the camera’s
field of view is the fact that the man seen here is looking toward his patron, wondering if he
still retains enough power to be deserving of transitory loyalty.
Referring back to the quote: The pursuit of power is acceptable. Those who have it deserve
loyalty, but not out of moral compunction. As soon as you transmit your relative lack or
waning power base, it is time to switch allegiance so as to climb up another rung on the
The question in every Indian’s mind—and in India’s “mind” as a whole—who can and
should it pick to align itself? (For now).
The very essence of complex problems faced by any design team generates another set of
perspectives useful for design. According to Lawson, four fundamental considerations
guide design – and the team leader should refer to these fundamentals frequently. 350 These
fundamentals are particularly useful when stuck, when the team reaches a point of
cognitive exhaustion and is out of steam. The first fundamental is to define your design
problem – not the problem of the environment, but the challenge the design team faces.
This presents a continual challenge for the team leader, since there exists a tendency to
want to understand every facet of the environment, and then try to develop solutions for
every problem. The design team must focus, instead, on those aspects of the environment
which are only contradictory to the desired conditions of ‘blue.’ However, blue may change
its desired conditions as the environment changes, so even blue’s desires can never be
comprehensively fixed.
The second fundamental is that nothing the design team does, from environmental framing
through assessment can ever be comprehensively stated. All communications are
approximations of the reality, so the team leader must modulate the desire to achieve
comprehensive understanding with the reality of its impossibility. This is a critical issue for
the design team leader – he/she must always keep in mind the approximate nature of the
team work, and should not attempt to further refine something that is already at a usable
level of awareness. Also critical to understanding the design approach is the awareness that
much understanding of the environment will not be attained until solutions are identified
and attempted. In iteration is the progress to the desired conditions, not in some form of
miraculous initial understanding, which is impossible.
The next fundamental is that all of the work of the design team is in essence a subjective
interpretation of reality. Additionally, linked to the concept that understanding emerges
from stimulating the environment through action, or identifying and attempting to
implement solutions, is that even then, awareness and satisfaction with action is a
subjective evaluation. There are no objective realities in design, or in complex
systems. Perspective yields different understanding, and this changes with changing
events and the passage of time.
The final fundamental is design problems tend to be organized hierarchically, and the team
leader should take full advantage of this characteristic. The advantage of hierarchical
organization, in other words, echelons of both different understanding and different
statements of desired conditions, is that the team leader can adjust the focus of the design
team, moving up and down the echelons of command or responsibility, to better
understand the complex environment. Taking advantage of essential characteristics of
complexity is frequently the way out of stagnation. (This fundamental is linked to the
ladder of refection discussed in Section 4.4.2; also see Section 4.3.5 for a discussion of
Lawson’s solutions.)
Reflection on action happens when the design is completed, or when a significant aspect of
the approach is thought to be complete. This is not as critical to the generation of a single
design approach, but it is arguably just as critical for the growth of the design team. Since
the core members of the team should be utilized for the next design effort, doing post-
design AARs as reflection on action will markedly improve the capability of the team, and
also the self-awareness of the team leader. Recording the designers’ expedition of learning
in writing can contribute to wider organizational learning within the design community of
look like?” The G3 assigned me to lead this project and recommended that I use SOD in the
process. He also gave me the latitude to pick my own team from across different sections.
The first thing I did was seek out professional help. I was not a member of the 2nd
Semester Design Seminar at SAMS, but Major Luis Fregoso (SAMS 2008), a USMA and SAMS
classmate of mine, was and he was working right down the street at Multinational Division-
Baghdad (MND-B, 4th ID) Headquarters. I met with him to discuss the project I was
working on and asked for advice. He gave me much useful information, especially advice on
the use of assemblages and reframing. I also re-read as much SAMS literature as I could. I
decided to use the SOD Seven Discourses as our template and then went about picking the
I had already sent out information about Design and SOD through friendly e-mails to
members of both G3 FUOPS and G5 Plans. As expected, some officers were interested and
some vehemently disagreed with the theories and principles behind it. I ensured I picked
officers with opposing viewpoints to be members of the team. Even though some disagreed
with Design and SOD, they were all willing to participate on the team. I gave the team a
quick initial brief on SOD and then we went to work.
We were on a very short timeline—two weeks—and most of the team did not have any
formal education in SOD. Additionally, there were two large unknowns—the US
Presidential elections of 2008 and the signing of the Iraqi Security Agreement, both had not
happened yet. We knew we had to take these into account in our design. We met 8 times for
2 hour sessions each, usually late at night, since we still kept our normal day jobs. In
between sessions, members of the team were given homework assignments to research
information for the upcoming session and were given essays about SOD to read in
preparation for the session. As a result, these officers were getting educated on SOD as we
developed our design. We met twice during this two week period to discuss our progress
with Colonel Flowers. While much of the team’s work still remains classified, Enclosure B
shows the declassified model of the Seven Discourses the team used.
At the end of the two weeks, the team attended choir practice and discussed our results
with the Commanding General, ADCs, Chief of Staff, G3, and Effects Coordinator. It was a
very good, open discussion about the Design Narrative we created. In the end, the
Commanding General decided agreed with most of our findings and decided to move the
project forward. He tasked the G5 Section with developing a plan for this new brigade and
work out the details. In the end, the Army agreed upon the current AAB structure that is
currently deploying to Iraq.
In conclusion, this Design effort was extremely useful in helping to develop a much needed
capability for the Army that is currently now deploying to Iraq. All members of the team
learned about SOD and design and all agreed that it gave them a better understanding of
the problem. Unfortunately, due to a myriad of reasons, neither design nor SOD was used
again in MND-C while the 10th Mountain Division was in charge.
Effective individual and group reflection also enhances the repertoire of the individual and
the group. 352 As team members learn from their individual reflection and participate in
352 Schön, Educating the Reflective Practitioner, 68.
group discourse and AARs, each individual increases the skills in their repertoire. The
repertoire of the team increases as well.
The outcome of the design team is only as effective as the quality of critical thinking
exhibited by the group. For Lawson, there are three useful concepts for critical thinking,
and three necessary skills. 353 Concepts helpful to critical thinking include the willful
manipulation of information to suit the purpose of the design team. Designers take existing
conditions, understand the interrelationship of the parts of a complex system, define a set
of desired conditions, and then manipulate parts of the system in an effort to achieve those
desired conditions. This manipulation of the system in turn aids understanding of the
system as it reacts to the manipulation, which iteratively helps refine subsequent actions.
Another useful concept is to conceive of the design effort as creating a coherent set of ideas
or beliefs. These beliefs emerge from the iterative cyclic of assessment, beginning with
analysis of the system, moving on to manipulation of the system, and adds synthetic
understanding of the relationships in the system with each iteration of action, reflection,
and understanding. Each cycle adds to the designer’s belief structure – using
Gharajedaghi’s fourfold holistic thinking (see Section 4.1.3 above) or some other system of
design synthesis. The value of the manipulated information and the coherency of the belief
set are tested through willful construction of a new reality. Often tested in virtual worlds,
the iterative cycle of manipulation and restructuring of the belief set eventually increases
the level of understanding of the system (see Sections 4.3.3 and 4.4).
The necessary skills, which the team leader must carefully cultivate, are technical
knowledge, imagination, and an aesthetic sensibility. Technical knowledge is self-
explanatory, but it should be clearly expressed in open discourse in the team. Each
individual should be acknowledged as an expert in some aspects of the design approach
and the system of interest. Each individual’s agenda should also be discussed openly, so the
team best understands each member’s authority and responsibility within the team.
Imagination is the goal of the team leader – he/she must approach the team in a manner
selected to maximize imagination and creativity. Aesthetic sensibility seems like a foreign
concept to most groups of military officers, at least when it comes to professional skills,
knowledge and attributes. However, for the design team, aesthetic sensibility is essential
for forward progress. For a military design team, this aesthetic sensibility is frequently an
expression of “it feels right.” Using intuitive feelings of rightness is a step, although it must
be carefully evaluated against the known understanding of the system and the desired
conditions for validity. Without an aesthetic sense of rightness, there are few guides to
correcting the team’s understanding of the system. The importance of aesthetics in design
is that it can produce resonance that leads to a cascade of positive side effects. Iconic
designs like the Golden Gate Bridge or the Sydney Opera House generate many positive
externalities. By adding to the cultural wealth of a city, these designs attract talented and
creative residents, stimulate investment, and are a magnet for tourism and trade. An
aesthetically elegant military design generates good press, is studied and emulated by
others, and can have far reaching influence beyond its immediate effects. T. E. Lawrence
created an operational design with such aesthetic appeal that it united rival tribes with a
shared vision for Arab freedom and made victory appear inevitable.
354 Lawson, How Designers Think, 7. See also Schön, Educating the Reflective Practitioner, 16.
Underlying the facilitator’s main task is the fundamental assumption that in-effective group
process and structure reduces a group’s ability to solve problems and make decisions.” 355
The reader should reflect on the difference between a facilitative approach and a “power
leadership” model that assumes that the leader has the best intuition, the most experience,
and the deepest knowledge of the problem situation. There certainly are many situations
where these assumptions do hold. However, familiarity and practice with the techniques of
facilitation enables a leader to effectively harness corporate intellect in situations where
these assumptions no longer hold. Because design is intended for novel, complex, and ill-
structured problem situations, a design team leader should be able to facilitate effectively
in situations where they do not personally have the answers. First and foremost, this
requires the ability to lead critical listening.
Here is my take on how this works. 1. The commander and staff both develop their
understanding of the problem. When the staff briefs their mission analysis to the commander,
they are briefing their “thesis” or narrative of the problem. The commander already has his
“thesis” or narrative of the problem in his head when he comes to the briefing. 2. If the two
“thesis’” or narratives are the same, then they have perfect mutual understanding…if not, then
their “thesis’” become the antithesis to the other which forces the discourse to take place.
Within this discussion the commander and staff help to fill in the missing elements of each
other’s “frames” or to confirm elements of the frames. Through this process, the real frame
emerges….i.e. the thesis-antithesis-synthesis process. This happened the other day with our CG.
We had been working on a project for two weeks. As we briefed him it became apparent that
he didn’t agree. So we began to deep dive on different aspects of our problem framing…we
found out info that our commander had gathered during a command visit that we didn’t have
any knowledge of. At the same time, we had intel that our commander had not seen and thus
we provided key info to help complete his frame. Out of this we all reached common
understanding…and all in less than an hour with the commander. I don’t think this process is
new. I think it is the staffing process that has always been used…but now we need to formalize
it as a key element of developing understanding.
In hierarchical organizations, “leading up” can be an uncomfortable subject. 357 The idea of a
subordinate telling military and civilian superiors how to think about a problem situation
requires suspending assumptions about how large organizations function and how senior
leaders gain shared understanding. Discourse between the commander and staff, with
commanders up the chain of command – and outside the military chain of command – must
occur to identify disagreements, to create a shared understanding, and to communicate the
learning from each of the three spaces that is essential to design.
Army doctrine identifies formal and informal leadership as two forms of team
leadership. 358 Leadership doctrine acknowledges the concept of shared leadership, which
occurs more frequently at the organizational and strategic level. 359 Informal leaders can
create and lead “chains of learning” that support the commander’s formulation of an
operational approach. Exercising informal leadership takes professional tact and
interpersonal skills. As discussed in the previous section, orchestrating a design effort
requires good facilitation skills to transfer knowledge gained through exploration and to
manage discourse among non-peers.
Commanders have an essential role in creating an open atmosphere for discourse – what
Heifetz termed a “holding environment” – so that “addressing difficult issues” or
accommodating “wide value differences” does not lead to divisive exchanges, ultimately
defeating the purpose of discourse. 360 Early discussion of design in a military context
recognized this need:
Commanders must teach and encourage subordinates to “Lead Up.” 361 That is to say,
commanders should be transparent with subordinates and convince them that their views,
ideas, and perspectives are invaluable to the success of the organization. The main
inhibitors of Design are stove-piping, micromanagement and a herd-mentality within the
command. The commander must take care to avoid organizational obstacles and be willing
to share the work of command, including allowing subordinates and staff officers to
exercise healthy initiative and experimentation…. None of this is new, of course. Good
357For a case study approach to the concept of leading up, see Michael Useem, Leading Up: How to Lead Your
Boss So You Both Win (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2001). Useem drew three examples from senior military
commanders’ experiences.
358 FM 6-22, 3-8.
359 FM 6-22, 3-9
360Ronald A. Heifetz and Marty Linksy, Leadership on the Line: Staying Alive through the Dangers of Leading
(Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2002), 102
361 LTG (P) Martin Dempsey, SAMS Graduation, 22 May 2008.
commanders have done it for years. The point here is that these conditions are essential for
the practice of Design. Where they are absent, Design simply won’t work. 362
The commander allows and encourages the free and open exchange of ideas to
create the understanding necessary for design. As recognized by this passage, design
can involve uncomfortable and oftentimes contentious issues and beliefs. Identifying
disagreements amongst stakeholders is a necessary and essential part of design. This
identification aids creative approaches. The tension amongst stakeholders, especially most
senior officials, is a great aid to moving forward – in both the identification and the
resolution of these tensions lies greater understanding. Understanding sources of tension
can aid in managing the interaction among the design team. Tensions do not solely arise
from individual participants. One perspective on stakeholders comes from Brian Lawson.
Lawson named four “generators of design constraints”: the designer, the client, users, and
legislators. 363 Lawson further differentiated constraints into internal and external forms,
and he classified them as radical, practical, formal, and symbolic constraints. 364 Lawson
then combined the generators, domains, and functions of constraints into a three-
dimensional model.365 Knowledge of this model can assist the team lead.
Practical guides to managing the relationship between the design team and the system of
stakeholders exist. John Kotter identified the social nature of modern organizations in
Power and Influence. Kotter outlined the management of relationships in three dimensions:
laterally (outside the chain of command), downward (with subordinates), and upward
(with superiors). Of note is the active role the subordinate must take “to get the support,
information, resources, and help needed from the boss to perform a difficult leadership job
in an effective and responsible manner….” 366 In a more recent collaborative piece, authors
Gabarro and Kotter used “Managing Your Boss” to mean “the process of consciously
working with your superior to obtain the best possible results for you, your boss, and the
company.” The boss-subordinate relationship is a two-way system involving mutual
interdependence between two fallible human beings. The authors say that
management theorists pay little attention to this necessary aspect of being a member of an
organization. While most management texts focus on the top-down aspect of management,
the authors contend, at a minimum, that one must appreciate the boss’s goals and
pressures. 367
Although Seminar 3 did not create a full narrative, they did provide notes to explain the
progression through seven builds of the storyboard from left to right, with three builds in
the first row and four builds in the second row. The notes are provided in Table 32.
…the commander HAS to be involved and accepting of the concepts or only a few insights will
make their way up the Chain of Command – and many political and other pressures will derail
most "Design" insights.
The social creation challenges are more difficult than the intellectual challenges associated
with your small design team and their relationship with the organization’s commander. In
the realm of social design, the team leader is required to construct functional relationships
with people and organizations that do not work directly or even indirectly for your
commander, develop relationships with organizations foreign to your concerns, and work
well with others when you have very little in common. The specific challenges facing the
design team leader are leading the team itself, leading repetitive and iterative work in all
three design spaces, integrating the work of his/her own team and the work of others, and
sorting out how to do the essential continuous assessment (see Section 4.4 for iteration and
Section 4.5 for adaptation and assessment).
When the team leader begins the process of social construction, both of the immediate
design team, of SMEs who will inform the team, and of both personnel organic to the
organization, as well as the larger circle of coalition organizations, agencies, and entities,
he/she must be deliberate and willful in the construction. Membership and communication
of beliefs must be deliberate and not left to pre-existent groups or alignments. Each design
effort requires new and novel approaches to social organization – frequently the
most critical step of design is to organize, structure, and empower the various teams
for design. 369
As the team leader builds the concentric circles of design teams and their affiliates, he/she
must pay particular attention to the initial structuring of group dynamics, and then
continue to re-assess group dynamics as the design work progresses. This is not a matter
left to chance, but is deliberately assessed, analyzed, and corrected throughout the design
process. 370 An essential part of this group dynamics assessment is for the team leader to
assess his/her own leadership skills and correct his/her leadership deficiencies as the team
The team leader must also continually appraise the team’s perception of goals, assess the
functional and dysfunctional characteristics of the design group, work on developing team
norms (rituals of practice), and then lead the team through understanding and use of these
norms. 371 Seminar 7 from SAMS AMSP 2010 captured their top four best practices from
three design practica, shown in Table 33. It is interesting that three of four best practices
relate to issues of social creation. (Only their third lesson – keep asking why – did not
directly relate to group dynamics.) First, proximate designers, or SMEs outside the core
design team, were found to contribute best when they were included from the beginning of
design. Second, the relationship between the design team and the commander is probably
the most important relationship for the success of design. Last, functional teaming,
involving the forming and reforming of small and large groups within the design team, is
essential to maintaining team productivity and effectiveness.
Discourse is not just what is said, but also includes the actions and products of the
design team. Klaus Krippendorff identifies five features of discourse as a design
From this definition, we can see that discourse extends beyond dialog into all of the texts
and artifacts produced by design. Discourse requires a community of practice who are
actively reading, writing, and communicating with each other to improve the way they
design. Discourse habitually repeats its recurrent practices, which are simply the rules and
norms discussed in Section 4.2.2 above. A discourse draws its own boundary, meaning that
it defines what problems it solves, who belongs to the design community, and what are the
372 Klaus Krippendorff, The Semantic Turn: A New Foundation for Design (Boca Raton, FL: CRC/Taylor &
paradigmatic examples of good design. Lastly, a discourse must have a story justifying its
identity. The knowledge, values, and expertise of its practitioners provide justification to
outsiders of the success of a particular discourse. From a practical perspective, this broad
definition of discourse implies that the design team leader must pay attention to all five
features of discourse. They must be aware that the references the design team uses, the
communities of practice with which they interact, and even the room in which the
discussion takes place will all affect what is said and what it is interpreted to mean.
Discourse involves not just the dialog within the team but also the elevator speech that
team members can give to outsiders to explain what the designers are doing and why this
is of value.
Discourse is encouraged by active listening, good basic team leader leadership skills, the
positive group dynamics of the team, encouragement of different skills in each member of
the team, and empowering team members to engage in the discourse. The team leader can
use several techniques for empowering discourse. These techniques include asking team
members to demonstrate their current knowledge of the system through some
manipulation of the system in a simulation, and then ask the team to comment
constructively on the demonstration. The leader can also personally provide a movement
or an action that could be tested against the assumptions of the team, although the team
leader must exercise caution in providing his own belief structure as the final structure –
his/her thoughts are no more valuable or accurate than those of any member of the team.
The team leader could also encourage the use of telling part of the understanding of the
system, then encourage open questioning of the belief, adding other ideas from members of
the team as they develop and emerge. Perhaps the most effective discourse, either in
the team or with external entities, is a combination of telling, listening,
demonstrating, and moving elements of the system to encourage new ideas on how
the system operates and how the organization can influence the system toward the
desired goals. 373 Lawson agrees, discussing design in terms of selection of awareness
focus, combining ideas about the system, creating new interpretations, and pursuing
innovative solutions, all in the context of group discourse to stimulate deep, innovative
understanding. 374
The following example of design discourse took place during the main two week phase of
Exercise Omni Fusion 2009. A nine person375 stand-alone design team within the division
headquarters is attempting to design the division’s response to a fictitious conflict scenario
involving the imaginary countries of Elis and Attica. Coalition forces have successfully
repelled Attican forces involved in a hostile incursion into sovereign Elisian territory.
373 Schön, Educating the Reflective Practitioner, 102ff, 107ff, and 111.
374 Lawson, How Designers Think, 5. Also see his design process map on 37-38 for more information.
375The design team had six core United States team members (one with expertise in each of the PMESII
variables) and three multinational Army designers representing Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
Although a majority of design discourse occurred between these nine designers, other participants included
the CG, Deputy CG, G3, G5, G2, and the six members of the joint interagency coordination group.
However, remnants of the aggressor’s conventional force remain in theatre; Attica has a
nuclear program that threatens regional stability; the Elisian government is weakened and
has issues with perceptions of its legitimacy; tribal tensions have flared in the wake of the
invasion; and several tribes are known to have conducted terrorist activities, cross-border
smuggling, human trafficking, and are promoting separatist ideologies. The Commanding
General (CG) engages actively with the design team several times per day. He looks to his
design team for deeper understanding of the operational environment and engages in
discourse to help shape his strategy and to articulate his planning guidance. In this
discourse at the beginning of day three of the exercise, there are four active participants,
who we will call John, Paul, George, and Ringo.
John: We need to have a discourse on the operational approach. Paul, can you show
us your problem frame graphic on the whiteboard?
Ringo: The population is missing from both the graphic of the problem frame and the
Paul adds the population to the graphic as a bubble surrounding the Elisian
John: So what is the real problem here?
George: This was the CG’s guidance: I need you to clean up and prepare for entry of
Paul: Is 7 Division expected to be required to stabilize before Attica attack?
George: Yes, phase 2D has stability functions. Phase 2 to phase 3 depends on UN
Security Council Resolutions.
Paul: Phase 3 will kick our arse [sic]. None of phase 2 will unless we’re here for 5
years. This is a bifurcated problem: prepare for future operations South of the
border; or focus on caretaker actions to improve our AO. Whatever problem we
choose to address, the CG needs to accept this risk.
George: None of these tensions have come out previously in the design. It is the
difference between 90 days of stability or 5 years.
Paul: Does the PMESII framework bias us towards stability rather than major combat
John: Yes. It did a great job of informing our comprehensive analysis, but we
deliberately left off the variable of time. We were told not to go South of the
border, so we constrained our analysis to our AO. Also, we truncated the
environmental frame and the problem frame.
George: I’m responsible for the Military variable, this was my oversight. I failed to look
beyond phase 2D. I did not consider the temporal dimension.
Paul: So what are the required deliverables? We need to write up the risk assessment
for the CG to decide on the Corps bifurcation point. We need to revise the quad
chart overview. And we need to convert the whiteboard graphic into a
PowerPoint slide.
There are a number of insights on the nature of design discourse contained in this dialog.
1. Design drawings provide a focus for discourse. This particular design team had
resisted drawing early in their design work. Omni Fusion 2009 was interested in the
value of design in a time constrained environment, and it was felt that drawing –
starting from a blank slate – would waste valuable time. In spite of this initial
resistance, when Paul began sketching out the relationships to aid his own
understanding, the design team leader, John, asked him to share it with the group.
The problem frame was no work of art, but it provided focus for the discourse. It
prompted Ringo to notice what was not represented in the diagram. It also led to the
asking of new questions that had not been asked in the first two days of design
2. The real problem can emerge unexpectedly at any time. In this passage, Paul
introduces new language to describe his new appreciation of the problem: “This is a
bifurcated problem.” Prior to this point, the design team had been more focused on
the immediate symptoms of the conflict, such as border issues, insurgent activity,
and tribal tensions. Prompted by the design drawing, the design team realizes that
the real problem they need to address is to decide whether the main effort is to
prepare for conventional operations or to provide stability within the current AO.
Until the nature of the campaign they are fighting is established, the operational
approach cannot be determined, and the priority for addressing current and
potential crises cannot be set. Other members of the design team express surprise at
this new appreciation. As we have noted above, surprise is a key emotion in
design, because it triggers reflection in action. John blames the initial framing of
the environment and the problem, which in hindsight appears to have been overly
constrained by the PMESII operational variables, geographical limits on the
environmental frame based on the uncritical acceptance of guidance, and short cuts
taken in the time-compressed design approach. George assigns blame to the analysis
within the military variable of PMESII, for not adequately considering the temporal
aspect of the military problem. Of course, it is unnecessary to assign blame when
one realizes design is not a linear process. It is more important to continue to
provide opportunities for discourse than to expect to identify the ‘real problem’ up
3. Reframing can be caused by changes to understanding as well as real world events.
Omni Fusion programmed in two intentional reframing events to analyze how the
design team would respond. Ironically, the design team understood the scenario so
well that neither reframing event was a surprise. The understanding of the problem
expressed above caused a more significant ripple in the design team’s products and
approach than any real world event.
4. Discourse is freewheeling. The stated purpose at the beginning of discourse was to
determine the operational approach. Yet the outcome of this session was an
articulation of the risk of the birfurcated problem, requiring the CG to take a
decision; changes to the quad chart summary of the design to reflect the new
appreciation of the problem; and the creation of a presentation drawing to
communicate the insights of the design drawing to the CG. While it is essential to
impose structure on discourse to ensure progress, it is equally important to allow
unanticipated avenues to be explored and encourage meta-questioning that may
revisit earlier stages of the design methodology.
According to Schön, discourse includes the freedom in the group to conduct, without fear of
reprisal or silencing, hypothesis testing by all members of the team. 376 Since the team
developed the initial hypothesis as a team, the team discourse is the opportunity for all
reappraisals of the baseline hypothesis (see Section 4.3.3 for the use of hypotheses in
environmental framing).
377 Jack Kem, Friends of Design Meeting, Fort Leavenworth, March 2010.
Discourse may be freewheeling, but it is also purposeful. Often, it is useful to provide some
shape to the design discourse. In a Military Review article, Major Xander Bullock and Major
Bruce Vitor describe how to structure discourse within a broad framework of divergence,
transformation and convergence.
Divergence occurs when a team receives guidance and begins by tearing apart a problem or
situation to develop a more complete understanding. Divergence includes asking questions
and creating an understanding of the operational environment by looking at known facts
and assumptions with skepticism. In this divergent phase, it is important not to limit the
expertise to the field that seems most applicable. Divergence seeks transformation.
Transformation is the spark of insight, which illuminates the way forward for the designing
organization. It is common for teams to become stuck in the divergent phase because they
lack or have not developed the creative spark that will form the solution.
The transformative phase starts with a mass of divergent information and contrasts it with
the current problem understanding to determine possible outcomes. The design team is
ready to move forward from the transformative phase to the convergent phase in the form
of a “design concept” once a series of unifying ideas and concepts have been developed and
agreed upon.
The convergent phase is the one most familiar to the Army culture. In convergence, the
design team must be intentionally reductionist and cast aside much of the information and
products created during design creation to converge on a product and a singular
understanding of a situation. Lacking any one of these cognitive phases, a design will not be
complete. 378
The distinction between divergence, transformation and convergence was first introduced
by J. Christopher Jones in his classic book Design Methods. 379 This general schema maps
onto almost any design methodology, including the one used by SAMS. The terminology of
divergence, transformation and convergence was also used in the outdated FMI 5-2.
Students may find this to be a useful tool for guiding discourse throughout the three
cognitive spaces of design.
Major Xander Bullock and Lieutenant Colonel Bruce Vitor, “Design: How, not Why,” Military Review
The actual practice of design is learned by the team as they do design. The team leader,
even if a very experienced designer and leader, cannot simply lead the team into
understanding – he/she must have the team engage in design activities in order to increase
their understanding of both the subject of study and the actual practice of design. Design is
learned by doing design as a team – there is no substitute for this experience,
complemented with reflection on the other four pillars of design. 380
One of the most useful ideas for a team leader is to modulate the work of the team. 381 Some
work needs to be done by all members of the team engaged in discussion, other elements of
work can best be accomplished by a small sub-group of the team, and some work can best
be accomplished by individuals. The team leader must deliberately decide when to use
which technique, and he must be flexible to alter his decisions as the situation changes.
Large group work is optimal for shared understanding, and although slow at times, it is
essential that the large group be called together periodically to share their understanding
and exchange ideas about future progress.
Small group work, also deliberately modulated by the team leader, is used when the large
group has too many issues to sort through, or the expertise of all members of the group are
not needed for a particular inquiry or activity. The team leader must bear in mind that the
work of small groups is always subject to criticism by non-present SMEs. All the work of
small groups should be vetted in large forum, with all SMEs present. This not only provides
a chance for all to comment, but also shares understanding and provides an opportunity for
the team leader to construct "buy-in" by all members of the team.
Individual work is useful when a road block has been encountered, and the large group or
small groups are challenged to move beyond the blockage. Individual work is frequently
done by either the team leader or by trusted agents – those he can trust to carry a
significant work responsibility without unduly biasing their work. The best use of
individual work is to conduct reviews of work progress and develop schemes for forward
movement. These schemes should be presented to the large group as options, not as a fait
accompli. Individual work can also provide useful guidance for presentations, engagements,
and planned meetings of the team. Like small group work, individual work must be vetted
with all members of the team.
Major Rapone’s design sketch emphasizes relationships between actors in the Battle of
Chattanooga. In developing his “Cracker-line” Campaign, General U. S. Grant first examined
activities in 1863 in the larger context of the war. He described in his Memoirs how he
reflected on previous military events and ongoing operations. He then took those
considerations, along with specific guidance he received (designing constraints), and
designed his campaign. A historical review illustrates how he proceeded through what
today we call an environmental frame, a problem frame, and a design concept. He then
moved on to specific tasks and execution, but he remained cognizant of the larger issues
evolved from his design understanding. The design sketch in Figure 22 is an attempt to
capture the richness of this situation.
Major Rapone’s rich picture shows connections between individuals, such as Grant and
Thomas; organizations, such as the Military Division of the Mississippi and Army of
Tennessee; physical entities, such as the river and the railroad; as well as conceptual
factors, such as ‘loss of faith in Generals’ and the psychological impact of Chickamauga. The
use of a drawing discipline means that these factors are represented with different
symbols, and all relationships are labeled with descriptive text. The use of colors and icons
(flags, military graphics, and caricatures of the individuals) adds further richness to the
information depicted in the sketch. The quote on the bottom of the page says “confused
complexity to profound simplicity.” This drawing is not intended for an external audience.
Rather, it is the first step in mapping the complexity in order to have a reflective
conversation with the situation. The process of acknowledging and mapping the complexity
helps generate the insights of profound simplicity.
The presentation sketch is generally used to present understanding of the design team to
an outside-the-team individual, frequently the organization’s commander or more senior
commanders. These are difficult sketches, but in the challenge of creating understanding in
a person not in the design team, the team itself frequently hones its own understanding of
the issues at hand. The key principles to effective presentation sketches include using
commonly understood, doctrinal terms to describe the understanding. Using words
only understood by the design team will not aid the understanding of those not intimately
involved in the design itself. Another principle is to red-team the presentation with
personnel who have not been engaged in the design to gauge their increase in
understanding. Figure 23 is a good example of a presentation drawing, because it focuses
on the “so what?” of the understanding developed in the environmental framing.
The production sketch, likened to a blueprint or a contractor’s drawing, is the tool used to
transfer action to members of the organization outside the design team. In a manner
similar to the presentation sketch, the creation of a production drawing will frequently
hone the design team’s understanding of the issues. It is sometimes difficult to generate an
effective production sketch since the members of the design team may know the situation
so well that they are challenged to articulate it in enough detail for those outside the
design. In this case, it is frequently helpful to bring in an individual or a small group from
outside the design team to act as a "sanity check" on the creation of the production
drawing. Figure 24 illustrates the difference between a production drawing and a
presentation drawing created by Seminar 1 in 2009.
Another useful technique, helpful in these three drawings, and helpful elsewhere as well, is
to alter the media of the drawing effort. 383 If the team has been using a free hand drawing
on a whiteboard, simply altering the sketch to a map, or a PowerPoint slide format, can
generate new understandings and help identify additional issues of interest. Similarly,
reproducing a sketch or drawing as a narrative word document can generate new
perspectives. Design leaders are encouraged to alter the media of team products whenever
the team is blocked – a useful technique for generating new perceptions. The rich picture
table of contents above provides an example of how moving from a sketch to a PowerPoint
graphic prompted new perspectives, such as the importance of depicting reframing as an
integral part of the design doctrine.
Formulating includes efforts to understand the nature of the system, assisted by naming or
identifying components of the system, and by framing the system within certain, created
boundaries for focused understanding. 385 (Gharajedaghi’s fourfold iterative understanding
383 Lawson, How Designers Think, 217.
384 Lawson, How Designers Think, summary on 290-301.
385 Lawson, How Designers Think, 292-293.
concept is useful here – see Section 4.1.3; also see discussion of environmental framing in
Section 4.3.3.)
Moving, the making of alternatives, is the second powerful fundamental of design. To move
is to create a new understanding – which is then tested against the initial hypothesis of
understanding. In moving, the design team looks to its initial big idea, tests that against the
current understanding, and then interprets the actions of the system against this new form
of understanding. The team leader can also use developmental moves. These are
experimental novel approaches, identified and named, discussed in team meetings, and
then tested against the existent understanding to judge value and effectiveness.
Developmental moves can also be derivative from earlier moves, or from an emergent
understanding. The key to successful use of moves is to do many of them – if there are too
few, team members may become fascinated with one they generated, and involve their ego
in the maintenance of a particular move. All moves must be considered disposable –
their only function is to generate discourse and improve understanding. A design
method from Appendix B that is particularly useful for testing moves is a decision tree. This
method has been used in the field by Major Jason Pape to think through possible sequences
of actions and reactions in Korea.
After formulating and moving, representing – the making of design propositions – aids the
discourse by converting the discussion into a conversation about meaning. Bringing
together the ideas generated through multiple moves and through multiple iterations of
formulating, representing helps focus the discourse of the design team on the nature of the
system itself, and on the transformation(s) required to achieve the desired state(s). The
team leader plays a key role here, usually assisted by a small group of trusted agents, in
selecting several emergent understandings to represent for the team. However, the team
leader must also allow room for emergent representations to come from any team member
at any time, as well.
After formulating, moving and representing, the team develops a new holistic
understanding, relevant to this iterative cycle of understanding. This phase is evaluating. In
evaluation, previous awareness is compared to team criteria and team judgment for
validity of both the novel ideas and of the previous understanding of the system. Not all
new ideas are judged acceptable or useful – frequently this cycle results in the
abandonment of a particular train of thought. Yet even conceptual dead ends can result in
increased understanding of the system amongst the team. The judgment of the team is both
subjective and objective, with team members engaged I active discourse of both types of
Reflection is the critical component of this phase of design development. The team leader
must oversee reflection, but his/her main role is to encourage and require all team
members to engage in reflection. This is not the team lead’s reflection – it is the reflection
of the entire team, generated by individuals who then narrate their reflection for the team.
Figure 25 shows two slides from 1ID that attempt to build double loop learning into the
assessment activity in the operations process. This slide demonstrates both evaluation and
reflection on the 1ID campaign design by Major Jason Pape.
The design team is subject to many errors in the progress of design. The team leader must
be sensitive to these likely errors or faults, and be prepared to correct them, encourage the
team to learn from them, and move forward. 386 Errors include procrastination, non-
386 Lawson, How Designers Think, 114-116.
Various traps also await the design team. 387 Teams are frequently seduced by the use of
too-cute categories where they are trapped into thinking they have defined exactly right
categories for each of the actors or events in a system, and they are complete with their
understanding long before they actually have an effective understanding. Some teams will
endeavor to turn the systems understanding into a puzzle solution – where there is a right
answer, and they will refuse to come back from the pursuit of the right answer to return to
developing better understanding. Other teams will decide that their answer lies in
quantitative assessment to the exclusion of qualitative awareness – a trap sometimes
encouraged by the use of computer simulations and/or an over reliance on Operations
Research / Systems Analysis (ORSA) data collecting. Other design teams fall in love with a
particular set of solutions, because of their elegance, because they believe the commander
will like the solution, or because they are simply exhausted. For whatever reason, this
collective agreement on an iconic solution stops the development of real understanding.
Teams sometimes also confuse enthusiasm for an idea with the capability of the
organization to actually do something about the idea. All design teams need to be cautioned
to bound themselves within a reasonable, and clearly articulated, set of capability
limitations throughout the design approach.
methods for working in this space, so reference will be to the FMI 5-2 and various theorists
of design.
In the environmental space, work begins on the sketch and the narrative simultaneously. It
is an error to hold off work on one of the two until later – the crafting of both the sketch
and the narrative help generate useful questions, and answers, from the team. The choice of
where to begin is important for the team leader, but it is not as critical as ensuring there is
reflection in the activity of the environmental space, and that understanding is built
iteratively around a series of large-scale questions. The team leader should be methodical
in his positing of these large-scale questions, with deliberate efforts to share emerging
answers with the team, post developments in some common space, and convene periodic
discussions of progress made in understanding.
It is usually helpful to engage the commander as early as possible in this space, to receive
his constraints and initial guidance. However, the team leader needs to acknowledge that
as understanding develops, the initial guidance from the commander may be supplanted or
replaced with new and better understanding. The team leader should also engage with
other members of the organization’s staff, higher and lower headquarters, and other
members of the wider design community of practice. This wider engagement is to identify
subject matter experts who should be brought into the design team, as well as identify any
useful pockets of understanding or intelligence amongst the coalition.
Inside the design team, the team leader should discuss the constraints and boundaries of
the initial limits for the required environmental understanding, the organization for work,
timelines and limits on cooperation, if known. The team should begin its ritual of practice,
as discussed earlier. All members of the team should be kept informed of all changes of
both external guidance or input and internal developments from the design team.
Initiation of work can begin with the team developing its understanding, by using the
products of the sketch and the narrative to identify relevant actors in the environment,
their motivations, and the apparent connections amongst the actors. Part of this
assessment is the existence and potency of interior relationships amongst actors in the
system, and any effective relationships which appear to extend exterior to the bounds of
the system. Iterative movement helps develop more coherent understanding if this is not
done sequentially but simultaneously. It is critical that the team leader carefully modulate
the work effort, ensuring sharing of understanding, but also pacing team members in
As actors and their relationships are identified, attention must be paid to the boundary
conditions of the frame. Some important actors will have connections external to the initial
limits of interest, and the team leader must negotiate with the commander for expansions
or contractions of the boundary. The team leader must also discuss with the commander,
either individually or with the team present, the commander’s understanding of the
desired state from the perspective of U.S. or coalition policy, strategy, or objectives. All
discussions in the environmental space are prone to develop assumptions about
meaning, boundaries, and conditions, both extant and desired. These assumptions
must be carefully articulated, discussed in large team meetings, and verified both with the
commander, and his higher, and with virtual worlds simulating the environment. This must
be methodical and rigorous. The team leader is advised to make this absolutely explicit, and
an integral part of the ritual of practice.
A useful product from this frame starts with a narrative discussion of the meaning of the
relationships inside the environment. This is usually included in a larger discussion of the
historical, cultural, geographic, and other aspects of the current system, as well as a
forecast of the likely evolution of the system for a certain time into the future. This
statement must include an extensive discussion of the why of the system – why is it doing
what it is doing, and why will it go to some future state. Part of this narrative is the
tendency of the system – its likely future state and the potential(s) of the system – where it
could go given likely inputs from inside and outside actors. 390 The narrative and sketch also
includes discussion of alignment of actors into communities of interest or practice. 391
Additionally, there should be a discussion of the tensions in the system, both tensions in
support of the tendency, and tensions amongst elements of the system that could be used
to gain traction towards the desired state.
Tensions are fundamental to the characteristic of successful leaders Roger Martin calls
integrative thinking. An integrative thinker has “…the predisposition and the capacity to
hold two diametrically opposing ideas in their heads. And then, without panicking or
simply settling on one alternative or the other, they’re able to produce a synthesis that is
superior to either opposing idea”. 392 Just like opposable thumbs, Martin’s metaphor of the
opposable mind is proposed as an explanation for how constructive tension between
conflicting ideas can be a generator of synthesis. Tensions should not be seen as
undesirable in design, but rather as a source of creativity. Martin offers insight into six
features characteristic of integrative thinkers, capable of leveraging constructive tension:
Stance about the world
1. Existing models do not represent reality; they are our constructions.
2. Opposing models are to be leveraged, not feared.
3. Existing models are not perfect; better models exist that are not yet seen.
Stance about self
4. I am capable of finding a better model.
5. I can wade into and get through the necessary complexity.
6. I give myself the time to create a better model. 393
The most challenging aspect of the environmental frame for the team leader is to
acknowledge that the work will never get beyond a certain point of understanding, usually
a point well short of commander and design team members’ expectations. Additionally,
there is usually an expectation of a finite, finished product from the environmental frame,
but complex systems cannot be understood, even incompletely, until they are acted upon.
This is a critical point of reference – until the problem and solution spaces are cognitively
populated by design team members, and until the organization begins, at least virtually, if
not actually, to act on the environment, the narrative and sketch of the environment are, at
best, incomplete, and more likely just wrong. It is essential that the narrative and the
sketch both clearly identify the meaning relevant to the system, and the structures of
meaning relevant to the actors in the system. 394
A critical, but exceedingly difficult task for the team is to identify, and use, criteria for
relevancy. This is essential since any system generates a practically infinite number of
actors and interrelationships. Some form of relevancy test must be continually
administered to bound the work of the design team. It is most useful if relevancy is
determined in broad discourse of all the design team, to include the sub-groups working in
the problem and solution spaces. Meetings to discuss the criteria of relevance are arguably
the most important meetings for the environmental space. It is recommended that
negotiations on relevancy criteria include the commander and senior members of the staff,
especially early on in the process. 395 This is the most effective way to bound work, but it is
also very dangerous – if done incorrectly, the design will exclude some critical, perhaps
essential, actors from consideration.
393Ibid., 115-116.
394See Lawson, How Designers Think, for a discussion of narrative, meaning, and naming of actors and
relationships, 267-269.
395 Lawson, How Designers Think, helpful in describing negotiations over meaning, 272
the solution only needs to solve the immediate problem (even though they somewhat
recognize there are sequels to this problem). Some of the solutions our planning team is
proposing is because we understand the context for which the problem exists, and we also
understand that there is tremendous opportunity that our solution (or solutions) to the
immediate problem could help set the conditions to solve the sequels and network into other
command initiatives, but it would require a more comprehensive plan to leverage
opportunities and find ways to mitigate other potential challenges. But the committees don’t
seem to be interested in anything that goes beyond solving the immediate problem or taking a
more comprehensive/holistic approach to connect the problems and solutions together, nor is
any one planning team able to capture and present such proposal. They are falling into a trap
of establishing planning committees (several so far) that compartmentalize problems and
solutions that do not understand networked connections and that fail to connect problems
and solutions that exist at different times.
By choosing to view the operational environment as a system, the design team emphasizes
the interconnected and interdependent nature of actors, goals, problems, and events. The
systems view encourages integrative solutions that account for complex interactions
between parts of the system. It would be much simpler if instead of taking a systems
approach, we could consider different problems and sub-problems as independent. Then
we could break them down, solve them in isolation, and expect cumulative progress
towards the desired end state. Unfortunately, for complex ill-structured problems, this
approach does not work. Initial progress towards the desired end state is soon
overwhelmed by the unintended side effects and long term effects of ignoring
Recognizing positive feedback loops within a system allows designers to identify areas of
leverage, where comparatively small injections of energy can lead to large changes in
patterns of behavior. In contrast, negative feedback loops provide stability and diminishing
returns on injections of energy in other regions of the system. Negative feedback loops are
essential for regulation and stability, because they require so much more energy to
overcome. Most situations contain a mixture of positive and negative feedback: of change
396 Alex J. Ryan, “The Foundation for an Adaptive Approach: Insights from the Science of Complex Systems,”
and stability. Thinking about the mix of positive and negative feedback loops within a
system encourages designers to consider the underlying sources of the observed patterns
of behavior in the operational environment.
Senge calls recurring structures of positive and negative feedback “systems archetypes.” 397
The systems archetypes reveal an incredibly elegant simplicity underlying the complexity of
management issues. As we learn how to recognize more and more of these kinds of
archetypes, it becomes possible for us to see more and more places where there is leverage
in facing difficult challenges, and to explain these opportunities to others. 398
One of these archetypes is ‘shifting the burden.’ The shifting the burden archetype arises
when an underlying problem generates symptoms that demand attention, yet the root
cause is difficult to address. 399 Decision makers look for quick fixes, which mask the
symptoms but leave the underlying problem untreated. As a consequence, the problem
actually gets worse, and will inevitably resurface. Shifting the burden is a pattern of
behavior caused by two negative (stabilizing) feedback loops. Changes in the severity of the
problem symptom can be balanced out by the two stabilizing loops – the quick fix and the
fundamental solution. The difference: the quick fix operates immediately but only
temporarily, while the fundamental solution solves the problem, but there is a time delay
before the symptoms are affected. An over-reliance on the quick fix can make it appear as if
the problem has gone away, reducing the pressure to implement the fundamental solution.
The shifting the burden pattern is worse if the quick fix has side-effects. The side effects
create a third feedback loop between the symptoms, the symptomatic solution, and the
fundamental solution. However, this is a positive (reinforcing) feedback loop. In this
situation, relying on the quick fix solution triggers a viscous cycle that actually erodes the
effectiveness of fundamental solutions at an accelerating rate.
discussion by ignoring an additional loop involving ‘poor intelligence,’ which has the same effect as the
‘provide security’ – ‘indiscriminate measures’ – ‘feelings of resentment’ loop.
the side effects generated by the indiscriminate use of force. This fuels resentment within
the population, which undermines the perception of Government legitimacy. Baker’s
model, depicted in Figure 26, is a simple example of how systems thinking can identify
feedback loops that explain one of the dilemmas of fighting a counterinsurgency. Security is
an essential precursor to the just rule of law, yet applied indiscriminately, it risks
undermining the legitimacy of the very Government it is intended to support.
Systems archetypes provide useful building blocks for thinking about systems, because
they are inherently nonlinear (the building blocks are loops). However, most operational
environments are extremely high dimensional. They have hundreds of variables that
interacting through weak causal chains that are constantly evolving. In contrast, our
description of Baker’s model contained just five variables: ‘popular support for insurgents,’
‘provide security,’ ‘indiscriminate measures,’ ‘feelings of resentment,’ and ‘rule justly.’ If we
want to understand more realistic models of reality as networks of positive and negative
feedback loops, we need to be able to build dynamic graphic representations of the
operational environment as a system. Appendix G includes reviews of software tools for
modeling complex systems.
Several SAMS AMSP seminars have developed more extensive influence diagrams or
system dynamics models in order to better understand the operational environment as a
system. In Figure 27, Seminar 3 from 2009 used an influence diagram to highlight sources
of instability. In the same year, Seminar 6 considered both positive and negative feedback
to identify balancing and reinforcing loops in the SOUTHCOM area of interest, which is
depicted in Figure 28. In October 2009, U.S. Navy Pilot Captain Brett Pierson from the
Warfighting Analysis Division of J8 in the Joint Staff presented a system dynamics model of
Afghanistan at SAMS. The full model is shown in Figure 29. This model has been briefed on
hundreds of occasions, including to the Commander, International Security Assistance
Force (ISAF) General Stanley McChrystal. It has been widely discussed in the blogosphere
and even parodied on Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. To the lay
person, the only meaning conveyed by this “spaghetti diagram” is that Afghanistan is
The model pushes the application of system dynamics to its limits by attempting to display
the full complexity of Afghanistan as an interdependent whole. In spite of its complexity, it
still falls well short of the true complexity of Afghanistan. The variables are aggregated to
the national level, so no distinction is made between villages, districts, or provinces. Cross
level effects (bottom-up influences from the districts or top-down pressure from the
international community) cannot be easily accounted for in this model. The interactions
with neighboring countries are not represented, and the international community is
aggregated to several variables focused mostly on the U.S. Mental, moral, and physical
factors are all idealized as either stocks or flows. The flows represent causal links between
variables, so they cannot account for other kinds of relationships (such as semiotic links).
The choice of variables frames the system from a very Western perspective. The flows
between variables represent hypotheses that are difficult to validate individually, and
impossible to validate collectively. Because of the high dimensionality of this model, the
underlying equations are inherently unstable, meaning that even if the model was perfectly
accurate, it would tell us very little about the time evolution of the system. Although the
model represents dynamics, there is no novelty and no adaptation in this system – the
feedback loops themselves never change.
What, then, is the value of such an elaborate model? One advantage over traditional
approaches is that many people who are working pieces of the problem may not be aware
of their impact on other parts of the system. Such an overarching model provides a way to
trace potential pathways of unintended consequences. Captain Pierson coined the term
“loops of operation” to show how seeing lines of effort in the context of the whole system.
Another advantage is that having a systems model allows a more sophisticated approach to
assessment, capable of accounting for nonlinearities and time lags. As with Senge’s more
simplified systems archetypes, Pierson’s model suggests high leverage points of
intervention. There may even be some utility in showing people such an intricate model of
Afghanistan, as an antidote to simplistic linear solutions accompanied by the illusion that a
single individual is capable of understanding how Afghanistan really works.
While designers would find the model in Figure 29 of interest for potential insights it may
shed on the operational environment, they would never construct this kind of systems
model themselves. That is because the purpose of building systems models in design is not
to mirror reality as accurately as possible, but rather to have a reflective conversation with
the situation. Systems models also serve as an excellent source of questions to focus
discourse. For these purposes, simple models that can be easily discarded are more
conducive to creative designing. A design team would build a much simpler model of
Afghanistan at the national level, but they would also build multiple models at different
levels and from different perspectives, to allow zooming in and out. These models would be
classified as design drawings, for the internal understanding of the design team, rather
than for external consumption.
A nice example of a systems model created by designers is provided in Figure 30. The
model is considerably simpler to understand compared with Figure 29, yet in some ways it
is more comprehensive. It uses the vertical dimension of the drawing to represent four
levels within the system. Key actors at each level are shown, as well as relationships,
coordinating mechanisms, and tensions within the system. By distilling the system down to
the essential actors for expanding the Qawm, this graphic works as a presentation drawing,
capable of communicating insights to external audiences. Although this individual frame is
not dynamic, it is one of several slides that explores the dynamics of expanding the Qawm,
including the new tensions the desired expansion could create.
Several other key systems concepts are useful for understanding the operational
environment as a system. Insights from complex systems science emphasize bottom-up
sources of order. For designers, this translates to considering informal as well as formal
mechanisms of control and influence. The source of patterns observed within the system
may be self-organizing from the bottom-up, not just planned and executed from the top-
analog of military design in the civilian sector, and has a wide and accessible literature on
how to use a systems approach to structure problems.
The biggest lesson from systems theory is that the way to cope with complexity is through
adaptation. Adaptation allows a system to improve its fit with its environment, so it is most
applicable to your own system. However, a corollary of the need to improve our own ability
to adapt is the desirability of disrupting the adversary’s adaptive cycles.
Adaptation is a process variation and selective retention. 403 Biological evolution, human
learning, machine learning, and cultural evolution are all examples of adaptation. Without
an internal or external source of variation, there is no possibility of change, so variation is
an essential prerequisite for adaptation. Selective retention inhibits some variants
(negative feedback) and reinforces others (positive feedback) with a bias towards retaining
fitter variants. In simple terms, adaptation is nothing more than a principled and sustained
application of trial and the elimination of error.
However, there are many ways this simple algorithm can be implemented within the
design of operations. Tradeoffs exist because there is no one right way to organize your
own system. The best way to organize depends on the context, which is in constant flux.
There are a number of tradeoffs that have been identified within complex systems science,
403 Donald T. Campbell, “Blind variation and selective retention in creative thought as in other knowledge
listed in Table 34. Adaptation can be used to manage these interrelated systems tradeoffs
at multiple levels within your own system.
Tradeoff Description
Adapted Adaptability Adapted to current context or adaptable to
future contexts
Exploration Exploitation Exploit the current best strategy or explore
Competition Cooperation Agents compete to achieve individual goals or
cooperate to achieve a shared goal
Independence Interdependence Agents separated to maintain independence or
connected to create interdependence
Innovation Integration Organizational orientation towards innovation
and creativity or integration and control
Bottom up Top down Decision making and change initiated from the
top of the hierarchy down or from the bottom up
Decentralized Centralized Control is centrally coordinated or
independently implemented in parallel
Specialization Multitasking Agents are heterogeneous and highly specialized
or homogeneous and able to perform multiple
Induction Deduction Agents act on rules generalized from past
experience or by deducing logical consequences
of assumptions
Deterministic Random The system’s behavior is completely determined
by the input or uniformly random regardless of
the input
Chaos Order System is unstable and changes quickly or
system is stable, ordered and robust to
Bar-Yam uses case studies from across military conflict, ethnic violence, international
development, engineering, health care, and education to explore the application of complex
systems insights to real world problems. His book Making Things Work provides many tips
for how to organize your own system in response to a complex environment. 405 Bar-Yam
focuses on evolutionary forms of adaptation to cope with environmental complexity. Some
of the most relevant advice to military organizations includes:
404 This table also appears in Ryan, “Foundation for an Adaptive Approach,” 83.
405 Bar-Yam, Making Things Work.
• The first step to reducing the likelihood of failure in a complex task is to simplify the
objectives as much as possible (p. 228).
• Five ways to reduce the likelihood of errors: feedback correction, eliminating steps,
redundancy, automation, and reducing the local complexity of the task (p. 137).
• Specialization is an important and effective technique for reducing complexity (p.
• Teams can handle much more complexity than individuals can (p. 155).
• Systems should be networked only when the demands on different parts of the
system are linked, and not otherwise. There are benefits to connections but also to
subdivisions between parts, depending on the environment (p. 49).
• Systems designed for large scale, repetitive tasks have a very different structure
than systems designed for high complexity, fine scale tasks (p. 106).
• Partitioning the system into large scale, repetitive tasks that can be solved
efficiently, and fine scale complex tasks that require tailored treatment, improves
overall system effectiveness (pp. 124-125).
• Large scale, uniform approaches to complex problems can produce some initial
success, but fail over time in the details, piece by piece (p. 185).
• Evolution, involving competition and cooperation over multiple levels, is the basic
mechanism for improving the fit between a system and its environment (pp. 71-85).
• An evolutionary process can be designed by creating an environment that fosters
continuous innovation in the system itself, which explores possibilities as rapidly as
possible (p. 230).
• In complex systems, the main role for management is to create the environment in
which the systems create themselves (p. 159).
• The more complex the system, the more valuable individual differences and
variation become (pp. 166, 181).
• In highly complex systems, effective change should arise from local experiments (p.
• Evolutionary processes always try multiple paths to success, rather than relying on
a single global plan (p. 215).
• Use multiple criteria for success, to ensure that evaluating success and failure
encourages many different ways to be successful. Allow for different rates of
learning, broaden what counts for assessment, and allow selection pressures to
operate as a force for change. (pp. 189-194).
• Sustainable development has to be “natural,” it must fit within the history and
context of the system (p. 209).
• Redundancy plays an important role of achieving reliability and security in a
complex and dynamic environment (p. 234).
• Systems with smaller, independent parts innovate faster, but cannot perform all the
functions that larger scale integrated systems can perform – there is a tradeoff
between innovation and integration (p. 237).
• Evolutionary processes can be accelerated by simulation or through virtual worlds
(p. 237).
• Negotiating new boundaries can reduce patterns of conflict and violence within a
system (p. 257).
• The complexity of the organization must match the complexity of the tasks it is
required to perform (p. 259).
Bar-Yam summarizes with the following advice for organizing your own system:
When large scale tasks are identified, then one can adopt the traditional approach of
centralizing authority, instituting standards, imposing uniformity, planning upgrades and
improving efficiency. When complex tasks are identified, then one should adopt the complex
systems evolutionary approach of distributing decision, action and authority, setting
functional goals and directions for improvement, supporting individual initiative,
measuring effectiveness in the field, instituting redundancy, forming cooperative teams, and
creating rules that promote competition with performance feedback at the functional team
level. 406
When the team leader and/or the commander decide to shift priority effort to the problem
space, and the bulk of the design team moves into the problem space, they should be
introduced to the space by those members of the team who have been working there from
the start. The team leader must ensure the sub-group active in the problem space is linked
with the discourse in the environmental space, and kept aware of all changes in the
environmental narrative and sketch. As the team settles into discussing the nature of the
problem, a small element should be left in the environmental space to continue to update
those products.
In the problem space, the focus is on making specific the areas where transformation of the
existing, or forecasted future conditions, into desired conditions can occur. Much of the
work in the problem space is concerned with the tensions in the system, both
positive and negative. Figure 31 shows the tensions between the observed and desired
system for Seminar 8 in 2009. The graphic clearly lays out the relationship between the
observed system, the desired system, and the tensions, which leads to a problem statement.
A useful concept from obsolete doctrine is limits or zones of tolerance. Although not
discussed in FM 5-0, FMI 5-2 added the very useful concept of zones of tolerance to the
language of design. 408 Zones of tolerance are depictions, in sketches or text, of the
acceptable limits of a system’s future state from the perspective of various potent actors, to
include the friendly organization. By scoping the nature of the problem in terms of a range
of outcomes all of which are acceptable, the design team is enabled to generate actions in
the solution space with less concern for precise future outcomes. Another advantage of the
use of zones of tolerance is the often very informative discourse with higher commanders
about the nature of the zones of acceptability. In these engagements, the commanders and
designers tend to learn significant insights into the range of acceptable outcomes, insights
that would not be gained through a simpler discussion of end states or desired objectives.
In 2010, SAMS Seminar 3 developed a useful articulation of how they framed their problem.
The first part of Figure 32 shows a graphical depiction of the problem and a concise
problem statement, which identifies perceptions of trust as the important issue.
The second part of Figure 32 shows the process Seminar 3 used to identify the problem.
This involved beginning by looking for differences in relationships between actors in the
observed system. These “What?” questions identified surface differences, which were
explored by “Why?” questions. This directed the inquiry from information towards ideas
and conceptual differences between the actors. Continually asking “Why?” dug deeper
towards sources of difference – in this case, perception of trust. Having reached an
explanation, the team translated this explanation back into a tangible description of the
desired system. Now, the problem statement could capture the difference between the
observed and desired systems, along with the logical explanation for the difference.
In a discussion of the solution space, care must be given to the manner in which the design
team works its way through solving the problem confronting it. Lawson offers some
solutions to the challenges of working in the solution space. 410 He recommends a series of
options for beginning work the design team leader may find useful. The first option is to
choose solution options from pre-existing solutions out of past experience of the
organization, from doctrine, or from some form of pattern book. This method has a low risk
of spectacular failure, since the organization has some initial familiarity with the solution
approach, but it also has a limited chance of deep success, since pre-existing ideas are
brought to bear on a unique design challenge. Another technique is to simply copy an
existing solution from another problem set. This has similar failures, and minor successes,
as the pattern book approach. Another, more useful technique, is to use established rules or
doctrines for micro-behavior to move a discussion of comprehensive solution forward. By
limiting the behavior of the subordinate units of an organization to tasks they are familiar
with, the design team is then bounded to consider a limited range of options. If this enables
forward progress, it is useful as a technique, although the unique nature of complex
systems informs the team that these solutions will not be exact, or possibly even effective,
matches to the unique system being addressed. Another useful technique is to discuss
solutions in terms of analogies, not to copy a solution over, but to stimulate thought about
unique solutions by thinking in terms of analogous situations and solutions.
Any or all of these techniques can be combined in the solution space. Whichever are
selected by the team leader, he/she should encourage the team to develop multiple
possible solution sets, again as a means to stimulate creative thinking by the team. The
team can then select from this set of possible solutions divergent ideas to again stimulate
creative discourse. A significant question for the team leader involves the number of
solutions to capture, assess, and brief to the commander. More than one is always better –
in the contest between solutions, the team and the commander will generate new ideas.
Too many, however, is counter-productive to effective discourses.
The third example of an operational approach presented here in Figure 35 departs from the
tradition of representing time as flowing horizontally from left to right. Instead, Seminar 1
in 2010 used a quad chart to map out current, undesired, acceptable, and desired states of
the system (a technique that was also used by Seminar 8 in 2009). This provides graphical
depiction of the short-, mid-, and long-term solutions to the situation, as well as
highlighting events that would cause a reframing of the problem and solution. Each of these
sketches has different strengths and weaknesses in terms of what they show and what they
hide about the proposed operational approach. Hence it is always useful to develop
multiple visualizations, as well as capturing detailed understanding of the operational
approach within the accompanying narrative.
Doctrine clearly depicts design as occurring in three spaces, but just as clearly states that
the design team must work simultaneously in all three spaces to achieve understanding. 411
Effective design requires the team work in multiple spaces simultaneously, as organized by
the team leader. 412 However, the design team, usually through the team leader or his
411 United States, FM 5-0, paragraph 3-38.
412 Lawson, How Designers Think, 296ff.
designated trusted agent, must maintain contact with the relevant boards, cells, and
working groups in the organization. The team must also maintain effective contact with
subordinate and superior echelons, especially making and maintaining contact with civilian
representatives of critical non-military agencies. Critically important to the success of the
organization, the design team leader must represent the understanding of the commander
and the design team in every engagement he, and members of the team, have with the
detailed planning staff and current operations personnel. Especially important is the
seamless integration of design with the assessment personnel of the organization (see
below for more ideas and techniques on all of these integration efforts).
One of the strengths of the design approach is its inherent appeal to members of
government agencies beyond the military. Both the terminology and the concepts of design
are less foreign to civilian personnel than the military-specific language of the Joint
Operations Planning Process of the Military Decision Making Process. The design approach
also encourages a freer ranging discussion, especially evident to civilians, than the
processes of JOPP or MDMP. Since design encourages reflections, iteration, re-
construction of understanding and cognitive discourse about the nature of systems,
problems and solutions, civilian members of the team are more likely to engage in
the design spaces than in either detailed planning or current operations. 413
Figure 36 and Figure 37 show two examples of integrated design concepts developed by
Seminar 9 in 2009 and Seminar 4 in 2010 respectively. Seminar 9 shows the logic of how
their whole design concept fits together, from the problem statement to the theory of
action, and how their lines of effort contribute to transforming from the observed to the
desired system. Seminar 4 develops lines of effort to guide short term tactical action, while
acknowledging that strategic communication and changing the narrative are critical to
operational and strategic success.
413 Lawson, How Designers Think, 296ff for bringing problems and solutions together in open discussion.
believe sufficient understanding can be gained before ever interacting with a complex
situation is to ignore the precepts of complexity. In a context where cause and effect are
ambiguous or even counter-intuitive, initial understanding will never be holistic or
accurate. To gain holistic and relevant awareness, multiple engagements over time,
with adequate space for reflection and learning, are essential.
The design team leader must deliberately control the iterative actions that emerge from the
design team’s efforts. This iterative work is in coordination with the larger organization,
and organizations beyond your own. Iteration can take place in many ways, some internal
to the design team, others in more open engagements with the rest of the organization or
with the larger system itself. Team leaders should take full advantage of iteration as
opportunities for themselves and their team members to reflect on previous understanding
and actions, and attempt to re-configure knowledge and understanding. Several techniques
are helpful. The first is to conceptualize iteration in one form as confronting understanding
as represented in a sketch, a drawing, or in the words of a text document.414 The team
leader should encourage members of the design team to engage older works in an effort to
re-construct, through iteration, old ideas and then configure new conceptions. By using
artifacts of work, the capturing itself is an opportunity for reflection, and so is the effort
undertaken to explain the artifact to other members of the team. Both events can, and
should, generate discourse through iterative reflection.
Iteration also occurs with every engagement outside the design team. Particularly useful
iterative engagements should occur with the personnel engaged in detailed planning and
current operations. The design team leader must encourage effective iterative reflection
and re-construction in these engagements, always striving to make them into opportunities
for adjusting and improving the understanding of all participants. Particularly useful
iteration should occur with the personnel responsible for all forms of assessment in the
organization (see Section 4.5.3 below).
The key concept of iteration describes how design interacts with other activities in the
operations process. In his monograph applying design to military transformation, where
there is no exact equivalent of the operations process, Major Luis Cepeda identified a fourth
cognitive space for the iteration “…required to plan, implement and assess the myriad of
interactions that result within the system.” 415 According to Cepeda, “[t]his new dimension
is where the transformational design process physically and/or cognitively interacts with
the environment: political authorities, geography, enemy, public opinion, populace attitude,
allies, and media, amongst many others.” 416 Cepeda calls this new dimension the
engagement space.
(Monograph, School of Advanced Military Studies, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 2010), 54.
416 Ibid., 51.
Iteration also, of course, occurs in the actions inside the system, in the actions the
organization takes in accordance with the design and detailed planning efforts. Here, the
design team leader has a clear responsibility to inject stimulating questions while engaging
personnel responsible for monitoring the results of the planned and executed actions. The
team leader also has a responsibility to ensure similar questions are asked of unplanned
actions by the organization. Close engagement with intelligence personnel is necessary to
gain the same iterative reflection on threat or adversary actions as well. It is critical for the
design team, through the organizing efforts of the team leader, to maintain contact with all
active elements of the organization in order to increase learning through iterative analysis,
synthesis, and reflection.
Figure demonstrates iteration in the way tensions were represented by Seminar 2 in 2010.
The first model of tensions emerged in the first couple of days of a six week design effort.
The influence of this early sketch is still apparent in the final tensions presentation sketch
shown in Figure 38. However, the two intermediate sketches between the initial and the
final sketch demonstrate a total of four iterations in the way tensions were seen within the
Strategic Communication system. By the third iteration, most of the components of the
sketch had stabilized. However, the color coding from the second iteration was
reintroduced and extended for the final iteration to visually depict more information in the
final sketch.
Use of virtual worlds, wargaming, simulations and effective discourse are all tools for
developing greater understanding of the environment before action. They are also useful
for testing actions before operationalizing them in the actual system itself. Arguably the
most useful application of virtual worlds is in testing the outcome of actual actions in the
real system, after they have occurred. This assessment-linked use of virtual worlds while
actions are occurring aids in both increasing understanding of the complex system and in
honing the next set of blue actions.
Another form of moving up and down the ladder of reflection is to modulate which space
the team works in at any time. Although some members of the design team should be
assigned to all three spaces at most times, when stuck, the team leader may move all
members to one space to stimulate new perspectives and ideas. Alternatively, the team
leader may move responsible individuals around the spaces to gain fresh perspectives. All
of this is determined by the team leader’s assessment of the progress of the design team.
This technique is also useful for generating new ideas along a commonly held
preconception. Asking the team to reflect from a new perspective will generate differing
factions, and will frequently result in an increased understanding of the issue.
The transition to planning is frequently considered one of the more challenging aspects of
design. However, it is actually straight forward, if one keeps in mind several of the key
tenets of design. First, the movement from design to planning is not based on a single
product, but an iterative common shared understanding of the context, the problem, and
initial ideas for problem management or solution. Although the bridge from design to
planning is sometimes expressed in a particular document, the creation and sending of the
document does not absolve the design team from continual engagement with the rest of the
organization. This should not be a “hand off and forget it” effort. Second, the
communication to the rest of the organization will never be fully completed – additional
engagements with the rest of the staff and all echelons of commanders are essential for
success. Third, as expressed by General Dempsey in the forward to FM 5-0, design allows
commanders to understand the environment “before entering the visualize, describe,
direct, lead and assess cycle.” 419 Focusing on the understand aspects of battle command
during design is the “get out of jail free” card for all challenges of the transition to planning
– the team leader must keep in mind that if a subject or an issue it is not concerned with
understanding, it is a planning function, not a design product.
Additionally, it may be helpful to use design, and its products, to establish the fundamentals
of assessment for the operation or campaign. Although this is not clear from FM 5-0, most
experienced planners understand that the difficulties of assessment are moderated if it is
begun as early as possible. 420 Beginning assessment “understanding” belongs correctly to
the world of design. Given design is now helpful in the initial stage – understand – and in
the final stage – assess, the design team has clarity on what needs to be done and what can
be assigned to the detailed planning (see Section 4.5.3).
The doctrinal products of design are collectively referred to as the design concept. The
design concept, which can include the by-products of the design itself, a problem statement,
initial commander’s intent, initial planning guidance, and the mission narrative, is
incompletely defined in FM 5-0. 421 If the design team keeps in mind the iterative nature of
complex problem solving, some of the ambiguity in doctrine falls away. Rather than being
overly concerned with future friendly actions, the design team should focus clearly on
understanding, include environmental, problem, and operational approach understanding,
and with assessment. Commander’s intent and guidance can be expressed as the outcome
of understanding and with a look forward to the critical assessment concepts. This will be
sufficient for the detailed planners to pick up the primary execution planning
The mission narrative, however, requires both broader and more specific work from the
design team. This document should be focused in two directions: toward clear
information/strategic communication understanding of the situation and toward clear
understanding of the need to communicate with interagency, coalition, and host-nation
partners. Keeping the mission narrative focused on these two issues, again with one eye on
understanding and one eye on assessment, the design team will not over burden itself with
issues more appropriate to detailed planning Focus on these two will also clearly provide a
useful document for the commander, for the more senior officials, and for the staff.
To streamline the transition to detailed planning, the design team should simply capture its
earlier presentation and design drawings and narratives, avoiding extensive rewrite of
previous products. 422 If the design team has used clear and unambiguous language while
designing, there should be no need to rewrite products.
One of the best examples to date of capturing the learning from design to guide detailed
planning is the report “A Design Concept for Moving Beyond Strategic Communication”
written by SAMS Seminar 2 in 2010. The report explains both the findings of the seminar’s
inquiry and the design methodology used to explore the issue of strategic communication,
including both narratives and presentation drawings developed during design. The
introduction of the report is shown in Table 35. For the full report, see Appendix G.
The DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (Joint Publication 1-02) defines the
phrase strategic communication for the Department as “Focused United States Government
efforts to understand and engage key audiences to create, strengthen, or preserve
conditions favorable for the advancement of United States Government interests, policies,
and objectives through the use of coordinated programs, plans, themes, messages, and
products synchronized with the actions of all instruments of national power.” However,
this recitation of a dictionary definition does not explain how this term is interpreted and
The 20th century presented the Army with the challenge of revolutionizing its training and
doctrine in order to maintain dominance. The 21st century presents an equal challenge for
the Army to revolutionize the way it communicates to achieve commensurate information
dominance. The information domain and cyberspace are the decisive terrain in 21st
Century warfare. Currently, the United States Army is not optimized for success in this area
and must quickly grasp the gravity of its current stance. The modern operational
environment is increasingly devoid of traditional states, borders, and militaries. Instead,
the new battlefield deals increasingly with both the physical environment and the
communication environment where weapon systems and lethality combine with
perception management as the keys for ultimate success. This evolution necessitates a
significant change in the way the Army understands strategic communication and has
fundamentally changed the necessary communication skills required for the US Army to
meet national objectives at home and abroad.
quickly. The strategic communication process is always a work in progress, one that is
inherently aspirational in its goals. Nonetheless, it is a critical process, one that the Army
must be committed to improving.
Emergent thinking is coalescing around the notion that strategic communication should be
viewed as a process, rather than as a set of capabilities, organizations, or discrete activities.
In its broadest sense, “strategic communication” is the process of integrating issues of
audience and stakeholder perception into policy-making, planning, and operations at every
level. Echeloned empowerment, laws, and regulations must be operationalized to create
the communication environment needed in the United States Army.
Although imprecise, the term strategic communication connotes the qualities of effective
communication that most directly impact operational effectiveness. It provides a shared
starting point for discussing communication as well as what must be done to leverage the
latent communicative potential inherent in the Army.
The School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) undertook a design effort, drawing from
communication theory, Army doctrine, and insights from communication practitioners. The
theoretical research considered a broad range of topics from interpersonal
communications to communicating via new media. The design considered communication
practices from across the force and compared these against communication theory to
identify and examine areas for improvement. Additionally, subject matter experts in
strategic communication from the fields of government, politics, business, and academia
informed the design by providing recommendations based on their respective areas of
expertise. By applying the design methodology, the SAMS design team applied critical
thinking skills toward understanding the Army’s strategic communication efforts.
There are many techniques for carrying design into the detailed planning. Doctrine
specifies that the design team is drawn from the planning staff to encourage effective
sharing between the conceptual and detailed planning efforts. 423 Other techniques include
assignment of members of the design team to specific detailed planning actions. It is
recommended that the use of assessment tools be the primary method of integrating the
efforts of the design team and the detailed planners. If assessment is used carefully, it
captures the essential outcomes of blue action to achieve the desired conditions. This focus
is sufficient for coordinating the work of designers and detailed planners (see Section
423 United States, FM 5-0, see paragraph 3-32 for design team make up, see paragraphs 2-37 through 2-40 for
In leading the communication process it is imperative that the team not confuse traditional
ideas about product “marketing” with strategic communication. Leading strategic
communication means establishing an environment within the design team that reflects
this understanding. Communication within the team and among the team and external
audiences, including commanders, interagency partners, in-theater communities, etc.,
should be viewed through this lens.
The hardest part in leading Strategic Communication is to guard against the tendency to
confuse Strategic Communication with Information Operations. The institutional history of
the military focuses on hands-on, “can-do” techniques. Strategic Communication is
frustrating, slow, and often ineffective because of the complexities of how different
audiences transmit and receive meaning. Leading effective strategic communication
means setting the right expectations for the role of strategic communication without
creating an atmosphere that dismisses its importance. One of the best ways to do this is to
remind team members that the communication process is not a one-time act, but a long-
term series of acts in a larger campaign. And just like with any kinetic campaign, strategic
communication must be strategic. In other words, a communication campaign must focus
its message to maintain clarity and must limit the audiences it addresses. At the same time
strategic communication does not limit the means of communication. A good leader will
maintain an adaptive strategic communication plan that shifts to accommodate changes in
how its key audiences receive and understand messages. Groups frustrated with the pace
and hit-and-miss nature of communication will quickly lose this adaptability. 424
In their practicum design concept, SAMS Seminar 6, academic year 2009, incorporated
Strategic Communication as a central element of their approach. In looking at their
environmental frame Seminar 6 asked, “What kind of reality has this particular system that
we are trying to influence constructed for itself?” 425 In asking the question this way the
Seminar recognized two concepts emphasized in Design: the need to understand the way
foreign communities create a sense of identity (the problem of the other), and the
centrality local concepts of authenticity play in facilitating cross-cultural communication.
For SAMS Seminar 5, academic year 2010, the first element of their Strategic
Communication design was to focus their efforts on supporting the Qawm – the local
Afghan institution that spoke with the most authentic voice to the community. “The
‘Support the Qawm’ theme’s intent is to provide a reinforcement of the traditional social
structures in Afghanistan and to bolster the capability of local leadership mechanisms,”
424 Workshop in Strategic Communication, University of Missouri School of Journalism, February 17-19, 2010.
425 SAMS Seminar 6, Academic Year 2009-10 Strategic Communication Narrative.
The slide below in Figure shows the themes emphasized by the seminar and the trend of
effort over time. Also note the definition of Strategic Communication at the top of the slide.
If understanding and assessment are the two key cognitive spaces for the linkage of design
to detailed planning, they are also the linkage to preparation, execution, and assisting the
commander in leading the force. 426 In doctrine, assessment is only loosely linked to design,
usually solely through a need to reframe if the mission is not functioning, and if the plan
needs to be completely redone. 427 This is inadequate, since the design team leader is the
staff officer most familiar with the environment, the problem framing and the concepts of
the operational approach. The design team leader must pursue active involvement in all
organizational assessments, including being named the staff officer responsible for the
assessment working group. Assigning that critical task to an operations officer or to an
ORSA officer, as recommended by doctrine, hinders the effectiveness of design. 428
426 See Lawson, How Designers Think, Chapter 5 for a detailed discussion of assessment.
427 See United States, FM 5-0, Chapter 6 for a discussion of assessment.
428 United States, FM 5-0, paragraph 6-61 calls for “operations officer, plans officer, or senior ORSA staff
section serves as the staff lead for the assessment working group.”
Without effective assessment, any action is simply a shot in the dark. With effective
assessment, the organization learns the value of its environmental, problem and solution
space understandings, the currency of its detailed planning, and the relationship of current
operations on the organizations’ overall understanding. Assessment must be linked to all of
these forms of cognitive awareness. Lawson refers to assessment as empowering an
integrated response to a whole range of issues which emerge when engaging the system. 429
Designers, especially leaders of design teams, must embrace the idea that they have a
critical responsibility in the creation of effective assessment for the organization. Creating
assessment “tools” must begin as soon as design starts – if left to a later stage of design, it
will not be integrated into initial understanding, and initial actions by the organization will
tend to be conducted without direct and powerful linkage to the assessment system. In the
environmental space, designers will identify particular nodes, relationships, and entities in
the system that can be specifically assessed for changes of state, changes of relationship, or
alterations in narrative meaning. These ideas must be captured and provided to a
designated member of the design team responsible for incorporating ideas on assessment.
In the problem space, the design team should identify similar items linked to the statement
of the problem, with particular emphasis on issues that confirm or deny the validity of the
problem conceptualization, through reactions of the system to action.
In the solution space, as the operational concept is developed, there are two primary
threads for assessment. The first is to be able to assess whether the actions required by
design actually appear to impact the nature of the problem, or the nature of the
understanding of the system. The second form of solution space assessment is whether the
actions to be conducted are actually linked in space, time, and function with each other. The
system will react to actions, usually in ways not precisely foretold, and the organization
itself may not be able to effectively coordinate its own actions, as desired in the design or in
detailed planning. Both areas require effective assessment, usually in rather different
As the organization moves into detailed planning, preparation, and actual execution of
operations, the design team leader must re-assess the effectiveness of the assessment tools
generated in design, assist the detailed planners with validating their assessment tools, and
monitor assessment developments in current operations. Participation by design team
members in organizational after action reviews (AARs), as well as assisting in the conduct
of detailed planning AARs and leading AARs in the design team are all essential steps in
maintaining effective assessment.
The feedback we received from the field indicates that not all command climates are
permissive for the explicit use of the design methodology. This is understandable, given
that design is relatively new, and SAMS graduates are usually the only members of the staff
to have had formal education in design and participated in multiple reflective design
practica. If current processes are already working, there may be a reluctance to deviate
from the status quo.
Graduates who have found themselves in this situation have requested methods for
informal design. Fortunately, other graduates have provided us with examples of their own
experience, which often includes adopting a design mindset, even when they do not use
design terminology within their operational planning teams or in their products. The
ability to internalize design yet still explain activities in commonly understood language is
an extremely useful skill, regardless of the command climate. A feature of great design is
that the design itself does not detract attention away from the purpose of the design. In
Table 36, we summarize the advice from our students in the field on how to design without
explicitly taking a design team through the methodology provided in FM 5-0.
Design. As such, our first name – the Design team – changed into the Planning
Initiatives Group (PIG) – the idea of the CJ5 who likes to call us “the PIG.” We
changed it to the Inter-staff Initiatives Group to note our multiple staff section
makeup. Bottom line is that I think we are doing “underground Design” – using some
of the things we have learned, but couching it in different language to make it
palatable. What we conclude and the “so what” are more important in the end to our
“clients.” And, just as in sales – you HAVE to know what your client wants.
• Design – at least in some of the doctrinal concepts and foundational literature –
seems to assume that one can get at fundamental problems and issues and that you
can target these base issues directly. Unfortunately – politics forces the environment
into a different shape than the one that exists on the “fundamental” level. In other
words, the State Department, the Justice Department, the U.S. Government, the
GIRoA, and even different commands and branches within the military (and our
own command!) are as much a part of the environment and obstacles in the way of
solutions as the insurgents are. You have to get away from spending a lot of time
thinking all “blue” forces are monolithic and driving towards the same goals. You
have to understand the inner politics and networks of “us” as much as you do – or
maybe even more at this level – than you do “them” – and you have to take into
account the most likely and most dangerous COAs of these entities. The so what is
that even with Design you can’t develop this “magical solution” that will get at the
heart of the problem – because we, from our own structures, make the complex
even more wickedly complex. You acknowledge the heart of the problem, but then
very quickly get into what you will pragmatically be able to accomplish – and how. I
think Design literature sometimes seems to promise we can get at fundamental
problems instead of symptoms – but I would caution against thinking that simply
identifying fundamental problems means you can actually start to get at these
fundamental problems. Instead it just might frustrate you
more!” Major Grant Martin
“Dissipative Groups. I have used two different methods. One is using a normal JPG the other
is using the other guys in my section. Depending on who the members are, I generally don’t
tell them what I am doing because different stuff scares people…they don’t like new ideas,
so instead I just tell them we are doing a modified mission analysis…they are comfortable
with mission analysis. So what I have done with ill structured problems or no structured
problems is do a quick frame in my mind to identify the what I think the main elements of
the problem based on my “thesis” of the problem. I take these and tell the JPG or other staff
members to go do research on the area paying particular attention to certain aspects. So we
generally have three day between projects, so I give them a day. When we come back
together, then we go through their findings and discard what looks like it doesn’t matter to
the problem, and we dig deeper on the next round on either aspects found during the initial
research or we move to other aspects to do research on. So we can quickly develop a frame
and identify the key elements around which to spend most of our time.
The other method which is a modified version of this has emerged in the last couple of
months within my section where we have all learned each other strengths and weaknesses.
We use internal process for very quick turnaround problems. So the lead will quickly frame
what he thinks the problem is…again, I used to use MA, now I largely use problem framing
openly because they understand it well enough…then we send that out to the other seven
members of our division for review. In reviewing it, each individual will add or take away
from the frame based on their expertise and critical eye. It has been interesting how quickly
we can frame complex problems. What has also happened is that we have learned from
each other and try to frame with the idea of what the other guys will focus on, and in doing
so, each lead tries to head the reviewers off at the pass. So we have actually made ourselves
more critical from multiple points of view which has been interesting to see. Then as a third
level of dissipation, each person sends his response back to the other members of the
division, which causes another set of discussions about the problem helping everyone to
synthesize the real problem and solutions.
This also works at senior level. In fact on Friday we went through this same technique, but
this time from the 0-4 to the 0-8 level in about two hours, which we hadn’t done before. We
have been working on a proposal that required GCC approval. The combatant commander’s
staff is divided on whether they support the proposal or not. So they have developed three
other COAs in addition to ours to brief the GCC commander. We were reviewing their slides
with our CG Friday morning and he was getting frustrated because there seemed to be
something missing…in this case, a problem frame. There were four solutions, but it seemed
like no one agreed upon the problem. So I quickly framed the problem with a strategic and
theater problem, facts, assumptions, and forces available. Once I got this done, it quickly
became apparent that only two of the COAs were feasible, acceptable, and suitable for the
problem. The other two answered the wrong problem. So that was very interesting and
timely for this discussion!” Major Derek Jones
“Fifth Column of Wisdom: A Survivor’s Guide to Informal Design
Words matter. The cascading of words from audience to audience is a perilous game of
logic. When one hears that “To be great is to be misunderstood,” the comforting if mistaken
corollary that “to be misunderstood indicates greatness” must be banished. So it is with
design. As an approach to hiding design in the open, the following discussion offers
opportunities for practitioners to apply critical thinking and creative communication in an
environment where the lingua franca is PowerPoint, Excel, and MDMP. Next slide.
The requirements to orchestrate informal design can be viewed along a continuum
between buying time and getting buy-in. The command climate within a unit will indicate
the level of permissiveness for a group of planners to sit around the dry erase board for
hours and not come away with tangible product. The staff climate within a unit will
dampen or encourage the use of “other people’s product” or, in other words, the extent to
which a staff officer is measured against the wear and tear on the keyboards’ shortcuts to
“cut” and “paste.” Upon careful consideration of how many hours in a given month can be
set aside for gaining understanding and how many minutes must be devoted to clear
demonstrations of the outputs of the planning work, then and only then can the planning
team assemble under cover of “meeting” or “OPT.”
The extreme case bears some examination. Those places where the mention of “design”
brings an almost pathological revulsion and memories of an inarticulate, incomprehensible,
and annoying Design Proselytizer pushing a multi-colored diagram with circles and arrows
may someday fade away into history along with the Advanced Guard Main Body. In the
meantime, planners faced with a design-hostile workplace must use the language well
within the comfort zone. Mission Analysis is a perennial favorite. Gathering the planning
team under the auspices of mission-analysis-without-a-mission is not as difficult as one
might initially think. This is where standards come in.
A training-based approach to conducting mission analysis is a formidable way to begin
disarming the resistance to more formal design. Teach a class on mission analysis using a
practical example relevant to the design problem. By providing clear structure with agenda
items and expected training outcomes, a “class” on mission analysis takes a staff through
the relationships of facts and assumptions as they bear on a sample problem. The language
of problems remains firmly planted in the doctrine that many grew up with, as does the
construct of task and purpose; task conditions and standards; and purpose, method, and
endstate. Building a framework in which the movement toward “what is going on” rests on
geography, forces, and conditions can ease the sleight of hand where specified and implied
tasks spring from the questioning behind “why is it going on?”
Importantly, when leadership wanders in and sees the inevitable whiteboard graffiti spilled
all over the room, words like “essential tasks” and “assumptions” provide context. Again,
every hour spent not in meetings and not making products for meetings must have a
justification with a price tag: we accomplished this, captured it this way, and this is where
and how our work directly relates to the job at hand.
The transition from training to learning is where informal design pays off. Staff officers
fixated on completing their appropriate Annex can be brought in during course of action
analysis exercises to see where their expertise and input shape wargaming for everyone.
Key leaders can see how the groundwork taking place during “training” sessions directly
supports the future requirements for detailed planning. By directing the learning toward
identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the staff, planning team leaders determine
where and how to couple staff sections together to leverage consistent movement towards
overall level of understanding. Gaining a feel for the dynamics of the staff during “training”
lays out a way forward when the breakout occurs.
Eventually, the light goes on within the staff. Whether from the very beginning or through
the slow churn of informal design, there comes a time when the momentum of looking at
the relationships relevant to the problem can be exploited. The critical factor is whether
the staff at this time is ahead of, in line with, or behind the commander. The cases in which
the staff is in line with or behind the commander simply require the staff to do what they
do best: work harder. In the special case where the staff is ahead of the commander (purely
hypothetical for the sake of argument), or where there is an unavoidable gap between the
commander and the staff from within the staff itself, informal design comes in to play again.
The language of design in this special case is either problematic or counter-productive. It is
imperative that the forums for discussion, the decision briefings, and the written and
graphic products consistently portray a mature level of understanding well within the
boundaries of planning products. No commander wants a mission analysis brief that
displays the level of work put in by the staff. The purpose is the communication of the
analysis, namely seventeen slides of “so what.” Or less. The challenges associated with
presenting analysis sequentially (MA brief, COA development, COA analysis, etc) are where
and under what pretext to inject new understanding. The curse of the combat operations
daily FRAGO and the just-in-time directed course of action cannot be left unaddressed.
Conveniently, the tried and mostly true running estimate serves a purpose here.
Just inside the threshold of gaining buy-in from within the staff and from the commander,
informal design can leverage another technique consistent with MDMP. While
commander’s guidance and intent span a wide range of qualities in terms of timeliness,
completeness, and usefulness, the judicious shaping of commander’s critical information
requirements (CCIR) throughout the planning and execution phase assists in the
commander-staff dialogue. The chain of reasoning that links observations to decisions to
actions, as depicted for example in a decision support matrix, can be leveraged early on to
support design requirements. Consider what an intelligence, surveillance, and
reconnaissance (ISR) plan for assumptions really looks like.
Both internally and externally, the questions of what to look into, what to look at, what to
look for provide a powerful and insightful engagement tool for the commander, the staff,
higher headquarters, collaborators, and subordinate units to at the very least see each
other. By balancing a discussion of “information requirements” with the methods and
means for getting after them, planning leads can harness the looping nature of design well
within the mechanics of an organization versed in servicing targets and moving on.” Anon.
Finally, the design team leader must understand, accept, and cope with the gravest
challenge of all – maintaining personal intellectual flexibility. Two things assist the design
team leader in this task – the first is the presence of a top cover individual. Some officer,
preferably senior to the design team leader, should prevent interference from competing
demands, questions, and tasks from senior officers on the design team.
The other thing which can greatly assist the team leader is a set of trusted agents in the
team itself. These trusted agents can act as foils for reflection to bounce new ideas off and
ensure the rituals of practice remain relevant, rather than stifling intellectual flexibility. An
example of reflection on the design methodology is provided in Figure 41.
—Thomas Berry
A critical component of design, especially for long duration campaigns and for extremely
ambiguous environments is the idea of reframing. Reframing is the altered
understanding of any of the three design spaces which causes the organization to
rethink the nature of that design space. Described in doctrine as when a plan must be
entirely re-conceived, reframing actually applies in many circumstances, in many different
ways. 430 Reframing of the environmental frame may occur at any time during design,
during detailed planning, or during actual operations. The reframe based on the
environmental frame is due to a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of the
system. Reframing of the problem statement may occur during design, but is more likely to
occur during detailed planning when physical requirements are identified that were
overlooked in design., It may also occur during actual operations, but is unlikely to occur
during preliminary design itself, since new inputs into the problem space will frequently
not be powerful enough to generate a reframe. Reframing of the operational approach most
frequently occurs during actual operations, although it may occur during detailed planning.
This form of reframe usually results from a successful encounter in the system which did
not produce the anticipated results. Reframing inside detailed planning is also possible,
although this will usually affect only the problem or solution spaces of design. Reframe,
despite the doctrinal statement about complete re-design and re-planning, may not require
wholesale change of actions, plans, or even design. It will, however, always be significant,
or it is simply an adjustment and not a reframe.
Reframing is a big hairy deal!
The first concern of the design leader is to validate the need to reframe. Secondly, the
leader must arrange for an engagement with the commander to discuss the need for the
reframe and the downstream effects of reframing. The leader must constantly be aware of
the tension and anxiety caused in the design team upon reframing. However, reframing is
not to be feared or avoided, since reframing is one of the most effective generators of
creative new ideas and paths to solutions. 431 When is becomes apparent that reframing is
necessary, usually from what Schön refers to as “backtalk” from the system, the design
team, with the advice and consultation of the commander, re-assesses which portions of
the design conceptualization require reframing. 432 If the backtalk was extensive, and
revealed significant gaps in the baseline understanding of the system, reframing may go all
the way back to foundational understanding in the environmental space. If the backtalk
was less fundamental, and related more to either the awareness of the problem set or a
See FM 5-0, paragraphs 3-68 through 3-71 for a useful, nuanced discussion of reframing. Paragraphs 6-2
and 6-33 limit the discussion of reframing only to the development of an entirely new plan.
431 Lawson, How Designers Think, 275.
432 Schön, Educating the Reflective Practitioner, 157.
difference in the possible solutions, then work would be prioritized in the appropriate
space of design. Like other work in design, however, there should be presence in all three
spaces of design simultaneously, coordinated and integrated under the leadership of the
design team lead. It is critical that this occur during reframing, since the initial assessment
of the backtalk may be in error, and the team may well determine that the error that led to
the backtalk was based on another, or perhaps all three, design spaces.
Reframing should also be coordinated with the detailed planning team(s) and with current
operations. Since the backtalk frequently occurs in the realm of current operations, careful
observation of the current system is the responsibility of the design team. Some
mechanism, some element of a learning organization, should be employed to gain and
maintain situational awareness and understanding through current operations to the
design team, or at least an element of the design team.
While coordinating reframing activities with both the detailed planning personnel and with
current operations, care should be taken that higher and lower echelons are also informed
of the reframe, the reason for the adjustment, and likely actions to result.
“Since I have been at the TSOC, I have been involved in developing a strategic appreciation,
TSOC vision, SOF Theater Strategy, SOF Theater Campaign Planning, DoD Counterterrorism
Strategy and Campaign Planning, and a global planning effort which included all GCCs.
What my Design education did for me was allow me to think bigger and help frame
problems quickly in my head so that I could concisely describe what we needed to do or at
least provide an initial solution to problem framing that then generated discussion. On
more than one occasion I have taken over planning efforts that were being led by 0-5s and
0-6s because they were unable to frame the problem to begin the planning effort.” Major
Derek Jones
“As the Chief of Plans for the 25th ID, MND-N, we used the design process for all of our
complex problems; Border Security, Kurd-Arab Relations.” Major Jeff Powell
“I just recently redeployed from Iraq and was in the plans shop. We however did not use
Design because we fell in on a Division HQs that was pretty wedded to their current
campaign design and did not want any changes to it.” Major Tom Wilson
“At the division level I have not used design. There are clearly applications for its use,
Parliamentary Election support, Transition to Phase IV: Stability Operations, Reduction of
Forces, however, the 1AD command climate is averse to its use. Command climate and unit
culture are critical to the application of design. At the divisional level, if the command
group is unfamiliar with Design, it won’t happen. The culture within 1AD is very linearly
focused, checklist oriented. There is little to no systemic thinking, the command general is a
SAMS graduate but either is unaware of Design, or is averse to its use; despite a climate that
almost requires a systemic approach and the application of Design thinking. When I arrived
to the division the first question posed to me by the Chief of Staff and the commanding
general was, ‘Why the F@#$ did you go to SAMS?’ ” Anon.
“I would like to share...there is room for Design in our Army - particularly when working
for former SAMS planners like our CG, MG Brooks. I actually face a problem that is opposite
most of my peers...instead of facing push-back from my sponsor, it’s the staff who’s
resistant. Our CG is asking for Design, begging for it almost. But very few on the staff are
comfortable giving him what he wants and we’re only recently finding direct access to him
in a small-group setting.” Major Jason Pape
“After attempting to use a piece of design to create an Environmental Frame, it became
obvious to me that the free-form design methodology was anathema to the Corps Staff and
the situation at hand. I was to brief the MNC-I commander an initial Mission Analysis Brief
on Friday, only 5 days after my arrival in theater. With this deadline and the lack luster
response from the Corps Staff when confronted with a blank slate and a confusing way
ahead, I immediately reverted to the JOPP… The withdrawal of forces from Iraq while
continuing to conduct FSO while transitioning to Stability Operations with a force cap of
50K troops while coordinating with the inter-agency to build a long lasting strategic
partnership with Iraq is daunting. If any problem warranted Design, it is this one. The
process however, is not conducive to the personnel and processes in USF-I.” Anon.
“Let me get this straight…We are still teaching that Design mess there at SAMS? I expected
that to die when Commanders in the field were complaining that we are graduating with
pie-in-the-sky design concepts, but cannot spell MDMP. I have used Design in the sense of
JP 5-0; often, but I have not opened the “Art of Design” manual SAMS is so excited about.”
“The first project upon arrival at my unit following graduation was Unified Endeavor
(Division MRX). This was clearly not a planning intensive exercise. I used this time to
develop a campaign concept for our deployment and used several of the ‘Design Tools.’ One
particularly was developing CCIR clusters to develop the DST. Linking multiple CCIR
categories across our LOEs to identify how all supported decision making. The Affinity
Diagram really helped and several staff sections now use that and Mind Mapping when
examining problems and solutions. Use of these tools also, identified CCIR that were not
linked to decisions and needed to be rewritten or thrown out.
I have used many design tools and language in developing our Operational Design for the
RC. Just briefed COMIJC this morning on it via VTC. We described Operational Environment,
complexity, actors, agents, tensions (Environmental / Problem Frame). In our Operational
Design, I merged traditional 5.0 language and some design language. I wrote a script for the
brief as a narrative to explain our understanding. I have been a big fan of using narrative in
notes pages of our briefs, especially to explain complex slides, definitions and ideas.
(Reference NYT article on PowerPoint433). So far the briefing has been well received by all,
and created a better understanding for those not at the brief, especially when we send
I have a core group of folks using design and design tools when examining problems. The 2,
3, 35, myself, and my planners form the core of this group. The challenge is the majority of
staff officers and plans reps are not familiar with design, complexity theories or its terms of
reference. The most important part is to create avenue for the CG, and DCG's to participate
in the process. To implement design you must get the “power brokers” in the Division on
board and then it starts to promulgate. Key players are the 2, 3, 5; secondary players are
the CHOPS, 35, 4, 9. They need to know the influence of each position within the staff. The
35 and the CHOPS can be more important than a primary. Good relations with the 2, 3 and
CHOPS, and 35 breed good planning, and a unified front to the command group.
I was assigned a CPT that just graduated from the Career Course. His first task was the
collaborative planning related to the major force introduction to Afghanistan. He reviewed
Draft FM 5.2, several design tool products and discussed these with our planners. He
developed and briefed multiple courses of action, one later approved by the Commanding
433Elisabeth Bumiller, “We Have Met the Enemy and He Is PowerPoint,” New York Times, April 26, 2010. (accessed May 17, 2010).
General, for the employment of surge forces in Afghanistan accounting for the multiple
variables in the environment to achieve the Division's objectives, decisive operation and
decisive point. He fully integrated the application of design to understanding the
environment, problem and development of viable solutions at the General Officer level.”
Lieutenant Colonel John Hale
“General staffs and joint staffs have a lot of institutional hesitation to accept Design as a
way to frame a given problem. Operational planning teams often jump directly into mission
analysis, COG analysis, etc, without performing the due diligence on scoping the problem.”
Major Joe Jackson
“I haven’t formally used Design in the year since graduation, however I find myself using
concepts and critical thinking skills on a daily basis. It has enhanced my ability to examine
problems and get to the root of issues, particularly when asked to provide comment on
Strategic/Policy issues which affect my ASCC-level command.” Major Royal ‘Sim’ Ripley
“Unfortunately, I have no design experiences to offer you, although my SAMS design
education has surely influenced the way I think and the lens with which I now look
through.” Lieutenant Colonel Daniel “SHIP” Lasica, USAF
“I have not used a deliberate design approach in my post-SAMS assignment. I have used
MDMP with a mind more open to the concepts of design. I credit SAMS as having imparted
“how to think”, and SAMS is the only school I can honestly say that about.” Major J. P.
“I still think that Design is the best way to attack the complex problems we encounter in the
field. In my job as the J4 Plans for SOCAFRICA, I try to introduce Design (without the Design
lexicon) with varying degrees of success.” Major Don Fuqua
“No, we did not use design in the field. I joined my unit mid-deployment to Iraq, and what
they called design was set in stone and we were not allowed to change because the CoS felt
that it was still valid despite dramatic changes in the situation or conditions in which we
operate. Consistency was valued higher than constant never ending improvement. The
Division Staff that I worked on was under-utilized and very open in admitting to its
Dysfunctional nature. We never conducted an MDMP, so don’t feel bad that we didn’t
update/change/improve the design at any point in the deployment.” Anon.
“- During the JPG for the command’s OPORD to support COMISAF’s campaign plan we
discovered not many people knew much about the command outside of their lanes. After a
month, the JPG were THE holistic command thinkers.
- Three members of the SAG, 5 of the J5, 1 of the J3, 1 of the J7, 1 of the J2, and one from the
air guys (CAPTF) got together and formed a “Design” group with the blessing of the SAG
and J5 chiefs. (we have 1 Aussie, 3 Brits, 2 US AF, 1 Dutch officer, and 5 US Army guys). We
meet right now for an hour a night- with a plan to go to 2-hour meetings once a week after
the first week.
- We are working on what to do with ourselves right now- with these ideas: 1) work to
inform commander on alternative concepts than what he is getting through normal chain of
command; 2) prepare for 6 month assessment on the command OPORD (and possible new
JPG convening); 3) offer the command a “think-tank”-like group that can offer a more
holistic view of the command and possibly a more objective view with insights into second
and third order effects; 4) disseminate information throughout the command on issues we
uncover that are hard to “see” from the matrixed staff perspective; 5) review all of the JPG
assumptions, outputs, and the OPORD itself; 6) inform doctrine writers on our insights into
the practicality of Design.
- We are discussing now who to get to “sponsor” us- to give us strategic guidance and who
we would report to. Candidates are the CG, the CG’s deputy, or one of the other G.O.s. Also
discussing what kind of Afghan representation – if any – to attempt to get.
For obvious reasons this matchup works very well for us since it provides an individual to
collect, organize, and store our data. Additionally, he is a systems guy/ ORSA as well as a
meta-question type who serves to question what we are doing and why we are doing things
that way. The G4 MAJ acts as my deputy and works the contracts while representing the G4
side of the house. The warrant officer is our link into the ACE and although he is a core
member he still works in the G2 section which helps to maintain a strong link there. As for
outside help, we have reached out to ADSO, PACOM, the FAOs, country teams, SAMS
Seminar, BAH, SMEES, and relevant staffers depending on where our focus was. Upon
reporting in, the team was to brief the CG the very next morning. They were trying to get
their slides together and were not sure exactly what they should be presenting to the CG. I
jumped in had them fix their slides at least to meet the CG's requirements and to facilitate
getting a read-ahead upstairs. After I ran the slides by the G5, he had me go ahead and brief
the CG the next morning. After that brief and acquiring an understanding as to what the CG
wanted I reorganized our way ahead and had the team go back and redo the environmental
frame from a more strategic perspective, then from an Army to Army perspective. The next
time we briefed the CG a month later I was able to show him both and environmental frame
and problem frame with a logic for transformation. This allowed him to think out loud and
gave our FAOs enough information to improve their products for the upcoming Executive
Steering Committee and HQDA Staff Talks in India.
Upon returning from India we pulled in key staff elements into an OPT and worked two
weeks developing an Operational Approach. Upon briefing this to the CG, LTG Mixon gave
us guidance to socialize this with PACOM, HQDA, and the Embassy. We also added to our
list SOCPAC and MARFOR. Since then, we have been holding a number of meetings with
these elements to collaborate and get feedback. We are due to travel to HQDA the third
week of May and back to India the end of May. I intend to back-brief the CG on the feedback
we received and hand this off to Plans for development of an India Country (Campaign)
Plan to be completed by August. In addition to India we moved on to Indonesia/ SE Asia
and began doing an Environmental Frame for this region as well. Some lessons we learned
was to give some outside agencies (i.e. ADSO, BAH, Indonesia Country Team) and internal
(ACE) a heads up on information briefs we needs so these briefs were ready upon starting
our environmental frame. Being in a HQ we had to be reasonable and keep our OPTs to half
days and be flexible to who could show or not. One aspect we applied in both cases was
examining the country in question from a strategic perspective of how the country in
question saw itself, those relevant actors within the region and how the country viewed
them and vice versa. We then asked what the so what of all this meant.
Understanding that politics drives what an Army does, we first examined the current state
and propensity at the strategic level (we used DIME) and the desired state based upon USG
and PACOM objectives. From this we identified positive and negative tensions for
convergence and divergence to our desired state and then tried to identify the specified
countries military strategy and did the same thing at that level. Once again we asked
ourselves what all of this meant. Of note, when identifying tension we combined those
tensions that would impact our achieving the desired state along with tension/friction
created by systems of opposition and support. A number of times while doing India we
have gone back into the environmental space, especially when a country came up or an
event happened that might impact our operational approach. Additionally, as we hand this
off to the planners we see ourselves going from the supported to the supporting.
The design team has a special relationship with the CG in that we are in some ways his
think tank that can develop on his ideas or questions. With this we for the most part can get
on his calendar whenever we need to brief him without having to go through the chain of
command for approval. The same goes for the read ahead slides. We do not have to run
these through the CoS of G3 for their input prior to the CG seeing it. We do however, as a
courtesy to them provide them a read-ahead as well. Of note, this has not been an issue and
has been accepted by the COS and G3 due to the quality of our products. I am sure if we
went in there one time with junk, they would want to get involved.
Additionally, although the CG was willing to give design a try, since our MTOE does not
support a Design Team, our existence is only matched by our relevance to what we bring to
the table. I was under this understanding coming out of my first brief so I constantly
questioned as we developed our products; are we giving the CG not just what he wants but
what he needs? It appears that we are meeting these requirements and have therefore got
the support of the COS, G3 and G2 in our efforts and also got a budget approved for our
travel to these countries. Because we were able to link strategic objectives to the tactical
execution we also earned support. Our successes so far has earned me the opportunity to
brief the USARPAC staff on design at a staff off-site last month, a place at the table for the
India ESG, and the opportunity to do another training/ China design this summer. I would,
however, be remiss to say that without have the CG and the G4 as supporters it would have
been difficult to get to where we are at. We have also started sharing products with
I would have to say that SAMS very well prepared me for my assignment here. More than
anything it is in the way to think and address problems through critical thinking skills and
be able to back this with history and doctrine. Bottom line, with the SAMS moniker come
great expectations to live up to but the education in my view provides a firm foundation for
meeting these expectations. Ultimately, though, it is up to the individual to perform versus
just riding the SAMS reputation.” Lieutenant Colonel James “Buddy” Frick
Blakesley, Major Paul J. “Operational Shock and Complexity Theory.” Monograph, School of
Advanced Military Studies, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 2005.
Enabler: Major Blakesley, British Army, applies complexity theory to the concept of
operational shock. The early literature on systemic operational design by Shimon Naveh is
reviewed as an example of a systems approach to operational art.
Bell, Major Christopher J. “Is Systemic Operational Design Capable of Reducing Significantly
Bias in Operational Level Planning Caused by Military Organizational Culture?” Monograph,
School of Advanced Military Studies, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 2006.
Enabler: Major Bell explores the application of systemic operational design to biases in
planning caused by ethnocentrism and reductionist epistemology. Bell concludes that the
future of operational design and planning lies in improving individual and collective
abilities to learn more effectively than rivals.
Enabler: Lieutenant Colonel Dalton, Canadian Army, compares the Canadian Forces’
classical elements of operational design with systemic operational design. Dalton concludes
that the theoretical underpinnings of systemic operational design are better matched with
the contemporary operating environment, and recommends further exploration by the
Canadian Forces to adapt their approach to operational design.
Davison, Major Ketti C. “Systemic Operational Design (SOD): Gaining and Maintaining the
Cognitive Initiative.” Monograph, School of Advanced Military Studies, U.S. Army Command
and General Staff College, 2006.
Enabler: Major Dixon claims that the less than impressive response to Hurricane Katrina
was exacerbated by an absence of operational art and systemic thinking in the interagency
arena. Dixon explores the potential for systemic operational design to improve interagency
cooperation, both domestically and overseas.
Groen, Major Jelte R. “Systemic Operational Design: Improving Operational Planning for the
Netherlands Armed Forces.” Monograph, School of Advanced Military Studies, U.S. Army
Command and General Staff College, 2006.
Enabler: Major Groen, Armed Forces of the Netherlands, applies systemic operational
design to the problem of planning defense reorganization. Changes to the existing
operational planning process are recommended to incorporate insights from systemic
operational design.
Lopez, Major Rafael. “On Learning: Metrics Based Systems for Countering Asymmetric
Threats.” Monograph, School of Advanced Military Studies, U.S. Army Command and
General Staff College, 2006.
Umstead, Major Robert K. “Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer: Operational
Design for a Nuclear-Armed Iran.” Monograph, School of Advanced Military Studies, U.S.
Army Command and General Staff College, 2006.
Enabler: Major Umstead, United States Air Force, applies systemic operational design to the
issue of a nuclear-armed Iran. Systemic operational design is used to suggest an approach
that simultaneously pursues economic growth and regional stability while disrupting
foreign networks that support nuclear proliferation.
Bernard, Major Barrett M. “Systemic Operational Design: Bringing Efficacy to the
Operational Level of War.” Monograph, School of Advanced Military Studies, U.S. Army
Command and General Staff College, 2007.
Enabler: Major Barrett contends that the elements of operational design are incapable of
linking the tactical employment of forces to strategic objectives. A case study on the Global
War on Terrorism is used to compare the elements of operational design with systemic
operational design. Barrett asks and answers three questions on the continuing relevance
of the elements of operational design, the relevance of the principle of mass for the 21st
Delacruz, Major Victor J. “Systemic Operational Design: Enhancing the Joint Operational
Planning Process.” Monograph, School of Advanced Military Studies, U.S. Army Command
and General Staff College, 2007.
Enabler: Major Delacruz critiques current joint doctrine on operational design, arguing it
lacks coherence and completeness. Delacruz investigates the potential of systemic
operational design’s discourse to operate in parallel to the doctrinal elements of
operational design to develop a designing-based approach to the joint operation planning
Enabler: Major DiPasquale’s inquiry centers on the concept of discourse within systemic
operational design. By taking a linguistic anthropological perspective on agency, narrative
and artifact structure, and socio-cultural relationships, DiPasquale identifies how choices in
narrative content influence the efficacy of design discourse.
Hayward, Major Edward P. W. “Planning Beyond Tactics: Towards a Military Application of
the Philosophy of Design in the Formulation of Strategy.” Monograph, School of Advanced
Military Studies, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 2008.
Enabler: Major Hayward, British Army, was awarded best monograph for his exposition of
design philosophy. Drawing on Deluze’s philosophy of difference, Hayward distinguishes
between form, function and logic to explain the philosophy of design. The practical
significance of this is realized by connecting the design approach with strategy formulation.
Herman, Major Bradley J. Jr. “The Army’s Military Decision Making: Adequate or Update
and Expand?” Monograph, School of Advanced Military Studies, U.S. Army Command and
General Staff College, 2008.
Enabler: Major Herman argues that the US Army missed the signs of threats that emerged
following the end of the Cold War, due to inadequacies in the existing military decision
making process. He argues that the US Army must adopt measures at all levels in order to
better understand the complexities of the operating environment, including systemic
operational design and the effects based approach to operations.
Enabler: Major Hibner seeks to identify the most effective military approach to achieving
understanding of the complex problems posed by the Global War on Terror. In his paper,
he compares the effectiveness of four approaches – FM 3-0’s operational variables
(PMESSI-PT), joint doctrine’s concept of system of systems analysis, systemic operational
design, and the emerging doctrine contained in TRADOC Pamphlet 525-5-500, Commanders’
Appreciation and Campaign Design.
Enabler: Lieutenant Colonel Schaefer, German Army, examines the implications of strategic
transformation for the German Army. He argues that an improved decision process, based
on modern and post-modern change theory, concepts of a learning organization, and
elements of integrated emerging strategic design, can produce an effective and efficient
readiness model for German Army transformation.
Enabler: Major Wise examines the changing nature of sanctuaries, and their value to
insurgent groups. He argues that planners must use systemic operational design in order to
develop a holistic, qualitative, and systemic operational approach to meet the challenges
posed in the operating environment.
Bullock, Major Xander L. “Engineering Design Theory: Applying the Success of the Modern
World to Campaign Creation.” Monograph, School of Advanced Military Studies, U.S. Army
Command and General Staff College, 2009.
Enabler: Major Bullock examines design from the perspective of engineering design theory,
and develops an argument for the incorporation of design thinking at the strategic and
operational levels. Bullock concludes that design is the next evolution of the military craft,
and that its adoption will enable intelligent campaign creation.
Gill, Jonathan B. “Enabling Design.” Monograph, School of Advanced Military Studies, U.S.
Army Command and General Staff College, 2009.
Enabler: Mr Gill, Battle Command Battle Laboratory, argues that the introduction of design
into the Army has focused largely on the development of theory. His paper examines the
practical issues arising from the practice of design, and he identifies the gaps in areas of
organization, management, and the support environment that should be addressed if the
Army is to maximize the advantages of the design approach.
Enabler: Major McHenry examines the emergence of design. He addresses the ability of the
Army to understand ill-structured, or wicked problems, and compares the application of
design with the application of existing Army doctrine to address those problems. He
concludes that the doctrinal precept of battle command provides a complete expression for
addressing ill-structured problems.
Papanastasiou, Major Bill A. “More Than Just Plan, Prepare, Execute, and Assess: Enhancing
the Operations Process by Integrating the Design and Effects-Based Approaches.”
Monograph, School of Advanced Military Studies, U.S. Army Command and General Staff
College, 2009.
Enabler: Major Papanastasiou evaluates the effects based approach to operations and
design and attempts to integrate the practical elements of both constructs into the cyclic
operations process of plan, prepare, execute, and assess. He concludes that design provides
a superior approach while operating in complex environments.
Augustine, Norman R. “Managing the Crisis You Tried to Prevent.” Harvard Business Review
(November-December 1995).
Enabler: Augustine’s experience with crisis provides insight to the recognition and
management of crises within large organizations. He provides a practical explanation of
what happens when routine organizational flows and relationships are interrupted.
Banach, Colonel Stefan J. “Educating by Design: Preparing Leaders for a Complex World.”
Military Review (March-April 2009).
Enabler: COL Banach lays out where the school is in the pursuit of something to assist us in
the contemporary operating environment.
Lakoff, George and Mark Johnson, Metaphors We Live By. Chicago: The University of Chicago
Press, 2003.
Enabler: Lakoff and Johnson go beyond the classical understanding of metaphor – figures of
speech, typically viewed as characteristics of language alone; to claim that metaphor use is
pervasive in everyday life, not just in language, but in thought and action. Use this reading
to challenge your own meta-cognitive awareness – how much is your own thought process
shaped by metaphor, particularly for understanding abstract concepts?
Lanir, Tzvi. Fundamental Surprises: The National Intelligence Crisis. Tel Aviv: Dvir, 1984.
Enabler: “Fundamental Surprises” explores existing theory and practice relative to surprise,
surprise prevention, and its utility in the increasingly complex environment, and finds it
wanting. Lanir proposes an alternative understanding of the nature, function, and effect of
surprises, develops the concept of “fundamental surprise”, and suggests that surprise
indicates/reveals more about self than the other. Self-reflection is part of learning and
frame of reference for understanding difference, and change is so fundamental to the
underlying purpose of design. Lanir uses the 1973 War to dissect these ideas.
Lanir, Tzvi and Gadi Sneh. “The New Agenda of Praxis.” 2000.
Enabler: Lanir and Sneh tie together many of the concepts together that comprise design
thinking. Of particular importance is resolution of deconstruction through praxis.
Ochs, Elinor and Lisa Capps. “Narrating the Self.” Annual Review of Anthropology. 1996.
Enabler: Ochs and Capps look at the relationship between narrative, self, and how we make
sense of our experience in context. They provide insights self-awareness and for
deconstructing how/where narrative, discourse and society intersect. Their work is a
useful reference for analyzing how we can initiate meta enquiry about the other as well.
Schön, Donald A. Educating the Reflective Practitioner. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1987.
Enabler: Schön discusses the need for reflective practice in the modern world. His
discussion of the difference in educating applied practitioners and educating theoretical
scientists is appropriate for our discussion today. Reflection in action, practice, and the
design process as reflection in practice, are the hallmark ideas of Schön. The identification
of essential things, which is part of the problem framing, is Schön’s major point in Chapter
4. Schön also makes a major point of identifying changing states, or changing the system, as
a major component of problem framing, or in his terminology, problem solution. In Chapter
5, Schön describes the valued outcome of discourse between a coach and a student. Schön
lays out some very useful concepts for sorting through the need to design, the need to
formulate a design concept, the issue of group effort, all tied into individual and group
Weick, Karl E. Sensemaking in Organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1995.
Enabler: In the midst of crisis, ambiguous, conflicting information frequently leads to
incorrect or incomplete diagnosis of what must be done to remedy the situation. The
novelty of a situation may dislocate existing frames of reference. The absence of guidance
from the next higher echelon, coupled with directives to “do something,” can lead to the
efficient solution to precisely the wrong problem.
Adler, M. “Critical Thinking Programs: Why They Won't Work.” Education Digest (1986).
Enabler: Adler rejects the idea of standalone “how to” programs of instruction designed to
improve pupils’ critical thinking skills.
Enabler: Religion, as an often significant component of self, individual, and group self-
understanding and identity, creates a different dynamic in conflict which makes irrelevant
traditional approaches of conflict resolutions and conceptions of “peace.”
Augier, Mie and Kristian Kreiner. “Rationality, imagination and intelligence: Some
boundaries in human decision-making.” Industrial and Corporate Change 9, no. 4
(December, 2000). Available through ProQuest:
Enabler: Augier and Kreiner compare Herbert Simon, George Shackel and James Marsh on
notions of bounded rationality. It is useful to our efforts at thinking about thinking to
consider decision-making models that aim at intelligence and creativity.
Enabler: This is a very accessible piece that explores how we learn and, from that, how we
can consciously create new understanding. He identified ‘difference’ as essential to
learning. This principle is foundational to Design as an approach to learning and
Enabler: Beyerchen suggests that the enigma of Clausewitz’s work owes to his realization
that war is fundamentally non-linear, and as such is unique in ways that cannot be
predicted. He offers important and clear distinctions between linear and non-linear that
clarify the current context and are useful to thinking about difference. His work ties
together all of the issues and themes we have discussed thus far.
Bjorge, Gary J. Moving the Enemy: Operational Art in the Chinese PLA’s Huai Hai Campaign.
Leavenworth papers, no. 22. Fort Leavenworth, KS: Combat Studies Institute Press, 2004.
Enabler: Bjorge discusses the application of Sun Tzu – and the idea of propensity and
potential – in a few short pages of his extended work on the Huai Hai Campaign.
Booth, Ken. “Security and Self: Reflections of a Fallen Realist.” York Centre for International
and Security Studies, Occasional Paper Number 26. North York, Ontario: Centre for
International and Strategic Studies, 1994.
Enabler: Booth grapples with the cognitive shifts made necessary by the end of the Cold
War as he proposes that we think about thinking, how we think, and the sources of the
thoughts that animate us. Though in a different context and as a security specialist, he
echoes some of Zvi Lanir’s thoughts on the need for self-reflection: if we indeed see things
as we are. He looks at theories about sources of identity, and identity construction in
relation to Realism and argues that “[i]nstead of positivism’s ‘seeing is believing’, the social
world is…constructed by the phenomenon of believing is seeing.” Realism was in effect
then deterministic. Booth proposes a ‘critical security studies’ in the move away from
realism and toward acceptance of a complex world. He is the author of Strategy and
Ethnocentrism, which was seminal for its exploration of the relationship between cultural
predispositions and the theory and practice of strategy.
de Atkine, Norville. “Why Arabs Lose Wars.” Middle East Review of International Affairs 4,
no. 1 (March, 2000).
Enabler: de Atkine explores the implications of culture for behavior; in this case of Arab
culture adopting methods of conventional warfare.
Deleuze, Gilles and Fé lix Guattari . A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1987.
Enabler: Deleuze and Guattari explore the relationship between the state and its war
machine. They propose that warriors (the army) are not part of the state – rather they are
nomads who exist from the outside and threaten the authority of the state. Likewise the
nomadic science of the military keeps infiltrating royal science, undermining its axioms and
Enabler: Dietrich critiques four common myths regarding creativity: creativity is divergent
thinking; creativity is in the right brain; creativity occurs in a state of defocused attention;
and altered states of consciousness facilitate creativity.
Geertz, Clifford. The Interpretation of Cultures. New York, NY: Basic Books, 1977. Also
available at:
Goldstein, Jeffrey. “Emergence, Creativity, and the Logic of Following and Negating.” The
Innovation Journal 10, no. 3 (2005).
Enabler: Explores the utility of narrative and narrative creation to generating learning and
emergent understanding in relation to emergence.
Henrotin, Joseph and Tanguy Struye. “Ontological-Cultural Asymmetry and the Relevance
of Grand Strategies.” Journal of Military and Strategic Studies 7, no. 2 (2004).
Enabler: The Authors challenge the notion that asymmetry is only practical and technical
and propose that we are likely to continue facing opponents that are not like us, but have a
command of our logic. They continue by discussing how we will likely remain vulnerable
owing to what Ken Booth would call the ‘fog of culture’ and our own ethnocentrism.
Hirsch, Gal. “On Dinosaurs and Hornets: A Critical View on Operational Moulds in
Asymmetric Conflict.” Royal United Services Institute Journal (August 2003).
Enabler: Gal Hirsch gives us a practical example of the utility of deconstruction for thinking
about space and application of power differently. SOD was employed to shape IDF analysis
and operations from the late 1990s through mid 2006.
Enabler: Makes the argument that the world as it is represented is only a conception – “as if
it were a world in order”. You should read this with the question in mind: “What is the
anthropological significance of fictionalizing?” It rebounds what you see and understand
with the opportunity for different perspective and understanding. “Literature permits
limitless patterning of human nature…we can see that it lends itself to a culture-bound re-
patterning.” This recognition should help to facilitate understanding of other(s) in context.
Jullien, Francois. A Treatise on Efficacy: Between Western and Chinese Thinking. Trans. Janet
Lloyd. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2004.
Enabler: Jullien is a staple for thinking about systemic logic and responses that reflect that
logic. The understanding of systemic propensity and potential you gain will be important to
you as you do design and plan, as will the concept of efficiency. He makes clear distinctions
between linear thinking and direct action and systemic thinking and non-linear approaches
toward systemic change. By contrasting Western and Eastern thinking, Jullien emphasizes
difference as a generator of critical thought.
Kent, Glenn A. Thinking About America’s Defense. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation
Enabler: Kent has a contrarian view of analysis, and believes that analysts should not be in
the business of making recommendations to decision makers.
Khadduri, Majid. War and Peace in the Law of Islam. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press,
1955, 157-158.
Enabler: Khadduri’s work is significant, not only because of his authority, but also because
he wrote on Islamic law in 1955 when the context was not characterized by the polemics of
today. In fact things across the ME and Islamic world were quite happy relatively speaking.
The mandates had been relinquished and the modern nation states were getting underway
as secular entities. Khadduri was writing as a scholar and his work reveals the logic of
Islamic law that we are loathe to consider today for its incorrectness. The systemic logic
that he outlines is important as an example of holistic asymmetry and for what it can teach
us about the current context.
Lai, David. Learning from the Stones: A Go Approach to Mastering China’s Strategic Concept
Shi. Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 2004.
Enabler: This article offers interesting insight into the Chinese conception of propensity –
in relation to current Chinese policy. The intention is not that you look at Chinese policy,
but at the concept of shi and what it means in relation to Design thinking. What does the
“propensity of things” or “potential born of disposition” imply for the military planner?
Why is it important in asymmetric conflict? Play Go online at:
Enabler: General Mattis’ prescription against EBO is a starting point for our discussion of
the differences between EBO and design.
Enabler: Naveh's paper is a reflection on the theoretical and practical dilemmas that faced
the IDF in the context of an ongoing "small war" in which preponderant power was
irrelevant and conventional thinking about time, space, and success - traditional
boundaries - were not useful or even applicable. He finds existing theory/understanding of
asymmetric conflict deficient and any system for learning absent. In its place he proposes,
among other things, a notion of holistic asymmetry, and reflective learning in action
through the central role of the operational level.
Newman, David, ed. Boundaries, Territory and Postmodernity. London: Frank Cass, 2002.
Paul, Richard and Linda Elder. Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning
and Your Life. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2001.
Enabler: Paul and Elder clearly articulate a useful set of standards and categories for
critical thinking.
Plato, and John Henry McDowell. Theaetetus. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1973. Available at:
Enabler: Note the method of questioning Socrates uses to uncover the implications and
logical contradictions of different positions.
Purvis, Trevor and Alan Hunt. “Discourse, Ideology, Discourse, Ideology…” British Journal of
Sociology 44, no. 3 (1993).
Enabler: This analysis of primary sources provides a current specific example of the Islamic
law laid out by Khadduri.
Enabler: Roemer is a good follow-on to Ochs and Capps “Narrating the Self.” It explores the
relationship between self and story. Our purpose for reading this selection is to explore the
ways in which Positivism influences – or not – how we see the world, and act in it. It should
generate reflection on how we define ourselves and how that self-understanding pre-
determines what we see and understand about the world. If you were to read the entire
book, you would see that Roemer is a pessimist, arguing that the traditional story has lost
its meaning because the source of power and control implicit the Positivist plot has become
irrelevant in the current context.
Slocum-Bradley, Nicki, ed. Promoting Conflict or Peace through Identity, Ashgate, 2008.
Enabler: Looks at sources of “nation” and posits the role of identity constructions in
creating conflict and the utility of this understanding for conflict management.
Vlahos, Michael. “Fighting Identity: Why We Are Losing Our Wars.” Military Review
(November-December, 2007).
Enabler: Vlahos identifies the intangible sources of conflict and the irrelevance of
conventional force and traditional diplomacy in identity conflicts.
Enabler: Architectural theory was the conceptual source for SOD. Weizman provides an
account of Aviv Cohavi's use of SOD to design operations. What you should get out of these
articles which outline the practical application of design thinking – is how theory provides
a basis for new thinking and action that reflects it for its different form.
White, Hayden. The Content of the Form: Narrative Discourse and Historical Representation.
Baltimore, MD: The John Hopkins University Press, 1987.
White, Hayden. Tropics of Discourse: Essays in Cultural Criticism. Baltimore, MD: The John Hopkins
University Press, 1978.
Enabler: White provides insights into the nature and purpose of narrative and a definition
of discourse that is useful to design. He also suggests constraints on our cognitive processes
and the implications of that for our understanding of what is real or actual.
Arendt, Hannah. On Revolution, New York, NY: The Viking Press, 1963.
Enabler: Arendt discusses here the differences between war and revolution. In particular,
she notes the rise of revolution and the idea of freedom connected to it as a modern
phenomenon (in contrast to the long history of warfare and its disconnect from the
freedom rationale).
Bar-Tal, Daniel. “Why Does Fear Override Hope in Societies Engulfed by Intractable
Conflict, As It Does in the Israeli Society?” Political Psychology 22 (2001).
Enabler: Bar-Tal discusses the differences between the human fear response and hope
response. How does the nature of these differences affect the problem of modifying group
behavior through the communication of threat and violence?
Bar-Yam, Yaneer. Making Things Work: Solving Complex Problems in a Complex World.
Boston, MA: NECSI Knowledge Press, 2004.
Bousquet, Antoine. The Scientific Way of Warfare: Order and Chaos on the Battlefields of
Modernity. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 2009.
Enabler: Bousquet’s book examines how developments in science have changed the way
war is understood and fought. He argues that metaphor explains how different discourses
interact, and uses this to construct a framework that weaves together history, philosophy,
science and military theory to address the question: “How has war, an activity traditionally
dominated by institutions extolling the virtues of hierarchical command and submission to
orders, come to be understood essentially in terms of decentralized networks of
combatants connected together by horizontal information links?”
Brin, David. “Disputation Arenas: Harnessing Conflict and Competitiveness for Society’s
Benefit, Journal of Dispute Resolution.” 15, no. 3 (2000). Available at:
Enabler: Checkland and Poulter provide an updated explanation of perhaps the most
successful systems methodology for intervening in social systems. The concepts of
problematical situations, rich pictures, transformation, root definitions, and control actions
are just some of the tools explained here that apply directly to military design.
Cialdini, Robert. Influence Science and Practice. Boston, MA: Pearson A&B, 2009.
Enabler: This gives the ground work for the author’s learning and some examples to
reinforce his ideas.
Cialdini, Robert B. and Noah J. Goldstein. “The Science and Practice of Persuasion.” Cornell
Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly. 43, no. 2, 2002.
Enabler: Robert Cialdini lays out six principles of influence. His thesis is that these six
principles govern how one might influence another or ways to establish one’s self (or one’s
organization) as a legitimate authority on a particular subject. The principles are; liking,
reciprocity, consistency, scarcity, social validation, authority.
Collender, Michael and Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Deller. “Scoping Complex Systems for
the Joint Task Force Commander.” Campaigning (Fall, 2008).
Enabler: Meaning, narrative, understanding, encompassing the physical world into mental
conceptualizations, all these and more are the heart and soul of sorting out an
environmental frame. Despite the opaqueness of their language, our two authors make
several useful points. One is the need to understand the deep interconnectivity of blue
actions inside of the environmental system, the need for discourse as a mode of developing
understanding, and the idea of focusing assessment and evaluation on teleology, or goals
and motivations.
Cohen, Eliot A. and John Gooch. Military Misfortunes: The Anatomy of Failure in War. New
York, NY: Vintage Books, 1991.
Enabler: Cohen and Gooch develop and illustrate a framework for a systems approach to
analyzing historical failure in war. One of their conclusions is that the ability to adapt is the
most important attribute
Corman, Stephen R., Angela Trethewey, and Bud Goodall. “A 21st Century Model for
Communication in the Global War of Ideas From Simplistic Influence to Pragmatic
Complexity.” Consortium for Strategic Communication, Arizona State, 2007.
Enabler: This article explains the basic message influence model by Shannon and Weaver
that is still in use today. The Pragmatic Complexity Model (PCOM) is introduced and the
idea that information operations (IO) and strategic communication (without the ‘s’) are
Corman, Stephen R. and Jill S. Schiefelbein. Communication and Media Strategy in the Jihadi
War of Ideas, Report #0601, Consortium for Strategic Communication, Arizona State
University, 2006.
Enabler: Discusses the importance of the Jihadi strategic communication concept and
provides six recommendations for improving U.S. strategic communication in response.
Enabler: Instead of message discipline, control, singular message, and repetition this theory
states that message influence requires abandoning a simple model of linear control over
meaning. Optimal messages consist of many things, correct words, sentiments, themes,
delivery, medium, and timing – and all of these may yet again be different with each sub-
Dörner, Dietrich. The Logic of Failure: Recognizing and Avoiding Error in Complex Situations.
New York, NY: Basic Books, 1996.
Enabler: This book is easy to read yet has significant implications for design and planning
in complex situations. Chapter 4 on information and models is particularly useful.
Enabler: In this approach, The Integrated Approach, Ferguson provides guiding principles
for writing a multiyear strategic communication plan. This approach is very similar to
design. The main ideas are to think broadly, think globally, write from the perspective of a
larger organization, and don’t adopt bias. An organization’s strategic plan must be the basis
for the communications plan. The communications plan must be nested in and support the
overall plan.
Enabler: This paper examines the application of a critical thinking framework for the Army,
based on Paul and Elder’s critical thinking model.
Gharajedaghi, Jamshid. Systems Thinking: Managing Chaos and Complexity: A Platform for
Designing Business Architecture. New York, NY: Elsevier, 2006.
Enabler: Gharajedaghi’s use of four aspects, function, structure, process and context, are
very useful in sorting out relevance in a complex system. The book also addresses
techniques such as searching, mapping and constructing the narratives as aids to problem
Enabler: This theory is in response to what is seen as two main failures of communication
in public diplomacy. They are; a reliance on an outdated one-way model of influence and an
inability to prepare for and respond to Jihadi media and message strategies. The key
concept of this communications theory is that one must allow for and empower local
interpretations of meaning to build relationships because you cannot always fully
understand or trust audiences.
Enabler: This paper will help to understand power laws, which are characteristic of
complex systems, and explores how this can give rise to clumpy casualty statistics and
common patterns across diverse theatres, such as the Iraq war and the Colombian war.
Johnson, Steve. Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities and Software, London:
Penguin, 2001.
Enabler: Like any good popular science book, Johnson’s Emergence captures the
enthusiasm and excitement of recent breakthroughs in complex systems science, without
being overly careful to define terms or state assumptions and limitations. As you read
Emergence, apply what you have learned about critical thinking to identify caveats that are
missing from this narrative, and boundary judgments that are not made explicit. Also, try to
understand the transition from theory to practice. How has understanding of the
mechanisms of self-organization, adaptation and emergence helped businesses to produce
robust and scalable solutions?
Lehrer, Jonah. “The neuroscience of screwing up.” Wired Magazine (February, 2010).
Available at:
Enabler: This article links current understanding of neuroscience with critical thinking, the
logic of failure, and paradigm shifts in science. Within design, this has implications for
creating diverse teams to overcome individual limitations.
MacDonald, Charles Brown. The Decision to Launch Operation MARKET-GARDEN. CMH pub,
70-7-19. Washington, DC: Center of Military History, U.S. Army, 1990.
Enabler: Read Chapter 19. Examine the rationalization of assumptions and the role of
critical thinking in Operation Market Garden.
Norman, Douglas and Michael Kuras. “Engineering Complex Systems.” MITRE Technical
Report. 2004. Available at:
Enabler: This survey provides an overview of the systems approaches that are most
relevant to defense.
Ryan, Alex J. “The Foundation for an Adaptive Approach: Insights from the Science of
Complex Systems,” Australian Army Journal, VI, no. 3 (2010). Available at:
Enabler: This article is a summary of concepts from complex systems science that are
relevant to the design course. It identifies seven insights that are useful for the design of
complex systems.
Enabler: Ulrich combines systems thinking with critical thinking to address the critical yet
often implicit topic of boundary judgments. Critical Systems Heuristics provides a tool that
is useful for bounding the environmental and problem frames during design.
U.S. Army War College. Information Operations Primer. Ft. Belvoir: Defense Technical
Information Center, 2007.
Enabler: This reading actually gives the definition for Strategic Communications, goals, and
objectives from the QDR.
Vego, M. N., Systems versus Classical Approach to Warfare, Joint Forces Quarterly, issue 52,
1st quarter 2009. Available at:
Enabler: Not everyone agrees that a systems approach to warfare is needed. Vego is one of
the more vocal and articulate critics of applications of systems thinking (including design)
to warfare.
Alberts, David S. and Richard E. Hayes. Power to the Edge. Information Age Transformation
Series. Washington, DC: DOD Command and Control Research Program, 2005.
Fuller, Sally Riggs and Ramon J. Aldag. “Challenging the Mindguards: Moving Small Group
Analysis beyond Groupthink.” Beyond Groupthink. Paul‘t Hart, Eric K. Stern, and Bengt
Sundelius, eds. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1997.
Enabler: This essay provides a useful counterpoint to Decision Making and the groupthink
model represented by Janis. Fuller and Aldag question the heuristic value of the groupthink
model, offering instead the General Group Problem Solving model as an alternative.
Gabarro, John J. and John P. Kotter. “Managing Your Boss.” Harvard Business Review
(January, 2005):
Enabler: While most management texts focus on the top-down aspect of management, the
authors contend, at a minimum, that one must appreciate the boss’s goals and pressures.
Gabarro and Kotter offer a menu of typical behaviors leading to ineffective boss-
subordinate relationships. Reflect on how their suggestions might work in a strongly
hierarchical organization.
Hatch, Mary Jo. Organization Theory. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Enabler: Hatch is not a theorist of organizations; she is more properly a theoretician. She
claims that one must use multiple perspectives to approach organization theory. The multi-
perspective approach attempts to view the components of organizational activity from
each of the four camps—classical, modern, symbolic-interpretive, and postmodern. She
does not attempt a synthesis, choosing instead to take a trip around the fence line, looking
at each of six core concepts separately (Part II, Chapters 3-8). This makes it a bit difficult to
piece together the strands, since the emphasis in any one chapter shifts from modern to
postmodern, depending on the concept under consideration. Part III (Chapters 9-12)
highlights four current areas of concern for organization theorists.
Heifetz, Ronald A. Leadership Without Easy Answers. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of
Harvard University Press, 1994.
Enabler: You will see terms borrowed from Heifetz’s explanation of leadership scattered
throughout the design literature. Heifetz outlines leadership in terms of adaptive work.
These illustrations are of lesser importance than getting to the conclusions Heifetz makes
about the nature of adaptive leadership. Of interest to future staff officers, Heifetz has two
chapters in Part III on how one leads when he/she does not occupy a formal position of
Janis, Irving L. and Leon Mann. Decision Making. New York: The Free Press, A Division of
Macmillan Publishing Company, 1977.
Enabler: Janis is the originator of the groupthink concept. Groupthink is a term pioneered
by Irving Janis to describe group behavior leading to faulty collective decision making. This
book incorporates some of his later research into the phenomenon of making decisions
under stress. The conflict model of their study provides some useful background
understanding as you structure learning during design in small groups. The authors are
principally concerned with making decisions under stress. They establish the stage for
their research questions by observing “human beings, programmed as they are with
emotions and unconscious motives as well as with cognitive abilities, seldom can
approximate a state of detached affectedness when making decisions that implicate their
own vital interests or those of their organization or nation.”
Kotter, John. Power and Influence beyond Formal Authority. New York, NY: Free Press, 1985.
Enabler: Kotter’s book starts with a simple premise that management texts do not cover the
conflict, struggle, manipulation, antagonism, fighting, and disagreements that occur
throughout organizations. His work considers the many dimensions of interaction.
Lawson, Bryan. How Designers Think: The Design Process Demystified. Amsterdam: Elsevier,
Enabler: Lawson addresses some of the basic concepts, and the place of design in the world
of architecture. Lawson adds to our discussion the ideas of multiple actors as “generators of
design problems.” He also adds a very useful concept – the idea of design constraints. In
Chapter 7, he talks of the critical role of future in design. The concepts of the generation of
multiple alternatives, and of parallel lines of thought, are the highlights of Chapter 12. In
Chapter 13, he offers several pitfalls for the designer – things we must be wary of as we
approach a design concept. In Chapter 14, he describes the positive, and negative, aspects
of design as a team effort.
Senge, Peter M. The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. New
York: Doubleday/Currency, 2006.
Enabler: We will consider one specific aspect of Senge’s theory, that of team learning. Team
learning requires dialogue. Dialogue and discussion are potentially complementary, but
most teams lack ability to distinguish between the two and to move consciously between
Commander, US Joint Forces Command. “Memorandum for U.S. Joint Forces Command,
Subject: Vision for a Joint Approach to Operational Design.” October 6, 2009.
Enabler: Emerging senior officer concept for the Joint use of design. Over the next several
months, keep General Mattis’ thoughts in mind as you develop your own philosophy of
United States Army. Field Manual 3-24, Counterinsurgency. Washington, DC: Headquarters,
Department of the Army, 2006.
Enabler: Recent doctrine that is part of the dialogue about the role of design in security
United States Army. Field Manual 5-0, Operations Process. Washington, DC: Headquarters,
Department of the Army, 26 March 2010.
Enabler: The newly released FM 5-0 is assigned here to begin bringing operations process
doctrine into our discussion. There should not be a dividing wall between the art of design
and the operations process, so we use this doctrine to explore the relationship of problem
framing with the doctrine of battle command.
United States Army. Field Manual 3-0, Operations. Washington, DC: Headquarters,
Department of the Army, February 2008.
United States Army. Field Manual 3-0, Operations. Washington, DC: Headquarters,
Department of the Army, 2008. Chapter 7.
Enabler: Information systems are everywhere meaning that individual actions may have
strategic implications at anytime. Effective employment of information aids in achieving
success. It is a combat multiplier. Information superiority is the operational advantage
derived from the ability to collect, process, and disseminate an uninterrupted flow of
information while exploiting or denying an adversary’s ability to do the same. There are
five information tasks that the Army conducts: information engagement, command and
control warfare, information protection, operations security, and military deception.
Knowledge management is the art of gaining and applying information throughout the
Army and Joint Force.
United States Army. Field Manual 3-0, Operations. Washington, DC: Headquarters,
Department of the Army, 2008. Chapter 6.
Enabler: Review the Elements of Operational Design. Consider how these, combined with
MDMP and JOPP, shape the ability of a military organization to manage a crisis as described
by Augustine. How do they contribute to sensemaking?
United States Army. Field Manual 3-07, Stability Operations. Washington, DC: Headquarters,
Department of the Army, October 2008.
Enabler: The Army’s doctrine on stability operations posits a fundamental tension between
the nature of stability operations and planning. Read this to grasp how Army doctrine
explains the role of understanding and its relationship to planning for stability operations.
United States Army. Field Manual 3-13, Information Operations (Draft). Washington, DC:
Headquarters, Department of the Army, 2009.
United States Army. Field Manual 6-0, Command and Control. Washington, DC:
Headquarters, Department of the Army, 2003. Appendix B.
Enabler: This is a good discussion of the uses of information and brings in the tactical piece.
United States Army. Field Manual 6-0, Command and Control. Washington, DC:
Headquarters, Department of the Army, 2003. Chapters 2 and 3.
Enabler: Refresh your understanding of the nature of command. Consider the distinctions
between command and leadership as you read this chapter. Control is the systemic element
of C2. Review Chapter 3 to refresh your understanding of the three elements of control and
the principles.
United States Army, Field Manual 6-22, Army Leadership. Washington, DC: Headquarters,
Department of the Army, 2008.
Enabler: Army leadership doctrine already recognizes the challenge of leadership without
authority and the need to influence others beyond the chain of command. Use this
opportunity to reflect on the challenge of getting others to participate in design and
planning, given that some may not understand or embrace the methodology.
Joint Staff, U.S. Department of Defense. Joint Publication 5-0, Joint Operations Planning.
Washington, DC: Joint Chiefs of Staff, December 2006. Chapter 4.
Enabler: Our formulations of design concepts should not be done in a vacuum. Eventually,
design concepts need to be transferred into either the JOPP or MDMP operations systems,
or into some other form of tool to turn into action steps. JP 5-0, Chapter 4, offers the bridge
supports on the planning side of the chasm between design and planning. Investigating
what is expected in the initial stages of JOPP offers a manner for the construction of the
bridge itself from the near side ideas of design to the far side ideas of planning and
Enabler: This is not doctrine, but it is an initial attempt to prescribe the format of the
document(s), which serve a bridging function from design into planning.
Enabler: This precursor to FMI 5-2, Design provides an understanding of the doctrinal
heritage of design. Of practical value are the questions you might ask during framing as
described in the manual.
United States Army. Field Manual Interim 5-2, Design. Washington, DC: Headquarters,
Department of the Army, 2009.
Enabler: FMI 5-2 was the basis for chapter 3 of FM 5-0 on design and offers an expanded
discussion of design methodology.
Clausewitz, Carl von. On War. Ed. and trans. Michael Howard and Peter Paret. New York,
NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1993.
Enabler: Book One, Chapter Three, “Military Genius.” This section is the closest Clausewitz
comes to a discussion of leadership. As you read this passage, consider how Clausewitz’s
view of military genius contrasts (favorably or not) with the views of Heifetz, Fuller, and
Army doctrine.
Gole, Henry G. The Road to Rainbow. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2003.
Enabler: Major Wedemeyer’s project did not occur in a vacuum. You should understand the
difficulty of interwar planning and the scope of military efforts directed at understanding
the future. In particular make note of the difficulties that the planners operated under
given the strategic circumstances and lack of clear political direction.
Enabler: Grant, in the “cracker-line” campaign, clearly places his efforts in the larger
context of 1863. At the start of this reading, we see Grant taking stock of various ongoing
operations, and accounting for the effects of previous military events. He is given some
specific instructions (designing constraints) and begins to design the environmental frame,
problem frame, and eventually a design concept for his “space.” He proceeds to execution,
of specific tasks, but also keeps an awareness of the connections to the larger issues.
Kirkpatrick, Charles E. An Unknown Future and a Doubtful Present, Writing the Victory Plan
of 1941. Washington, DC: Center of Military History, 1992.
Enabler: Chapters 3 and 4 form the heart of the discussion about Wedemeyer’s experience
with a “stupendous” problem.
Enabler: A careful examination of the chapter, including the rather strange note on page
202, is illuminating of the reality of thinking about managing problems. Note – the internet
version left out the interesting footnote to the first sentence of the second to last
paragraph: “Not perhaps as successfully as here. I thought out my problems mainly in
terms of the Hejaz, illustrated by what I knew of its men and geography. These would have
been too long if written down; and the argument has been compressed into an abstract
form in which it smells more of the lamp than of the field. All military writing does, worse
Mao, Tse-tung. “Problems of Strategy in China's Revolutionary War” in The Art of War. El
Paso, TX: El Paso Norte Press, 2005.
Enabler: This brief excerpt allows you to explore (or more likely review) Mao’s thoughts on
war and generalship.
Slim, Field Marshal William J., 1st Viscount Slim. Defeat into Victory. New York, NY:
Macmillan, 1986.
Enabler: Slim clearly believed that complexity was the normal situation for a corps
commander in World War II. Despite claims of others, complexity is not a figment of the
contemporary operating environment.
COSSAC, Staff of. “Digest of Operation Overlord, 7 July 1943. (43) 32 Final.”
Enabler: This original document is an of an initial problem statement. One question this
document raises, did they frame the right problem? This questioning is an essential aspect
of the art of design.
Stewart, Richard W. Staff Operations: X Corps in Korea, 1950. Fort Leavenworth, KS: Combat
Studies Institute, 1991.
Enabler: X Corps found itself in an untenable position in December 1950. As a result, the
entire corps was ordered to conduct a withdrawal by sea. Read this monograph to
understand the organization the corps staff used to manage the operation.
Enabler: Sandy Woodward, as a senior Royal Navy officer, commanded the British assault
on the Falkland Islands. His description of his design concept, his evaluation of the
environment, the problem, and his initial design concept, is classic – if typically Navy in that
it is fully command-centered, with little input from a staff. The image of him in his office
afloat with his little strips of paper will stay with you for some time.
Albert, Mathias. “On Boundaries, Territory and Postmodernity: An International Relations
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Ancona, Deborah, and Henrik Bresman. X-Teams: How to Build Teams That Lead Innovate,
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Banach, Stephan J. and Alex J. Ryan. “The Art of Design: A Design Methodology.” Military
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Bateson, Gregory. Steps to an Ecology of Mind. New York: Ballantine Books, 1972.
Beeman, William O. The “Great Satan” Vs. the “Mad Mullahs”: How the United States and Iran
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Bousquet, Antoine. The Scientific Way of Warfare: Order and Chaos on the Battlefields of
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Brown, Tim. “Design Thinking.” Harvard Business Review 86, no. 6 (2008).
Bullock, Major Xander L. “Engineering Design Theory: Applying the Success of the Modern
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Clausewitz, Carl von. On War. Edited and translated by Michael Howard and Peter Paret.
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Cohen, Eliot A. and John Gooch. Military Misfortunes: The Anatomy of Failure in War. New
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The structure and organization for this appendix are based on an unpublished manuscript by Lt Col
Richard King of the Australian Defense Forces titled Thinking Skills Resources. His paper is used in the
curriculum of the School of Advanced Military Studies. He can be contacted at:
[email protected]
Within his paper, Lt Col King catalogued and described 29 primary techniques for critical thinking. The
order and explanation of those techniques within this document derive from King’s work. Where
applicable, King’s specific descriptions or examples are noted. In other cases, new examples were
generated or were taken from additional research and sources. Many of the techniques are common
applications in critical thinking, while others (as described) have been enhanced by commercial
instructional enterprises. Credit is given as appropriate.
Lt Col King’s effective thinking framework is shown on the next page. In his model he separates the
framework into divergent and convergent thinking, and he further establishes a taxonomy with four
2. Generate options
4. Implement an option
In King’s methodology, two of the 29 techniques (Mind Mapping and The Six Thinking Hats) apply across
all four steps, while the others are most appropriate to a specific step of the methodology, as shown.
Practitioners of design should consider this when performing as design team leaders or members. This
document and King’s taxonomy will be useful tools when one must assess where the team is at in the
endeavor, particularly if techniques are needed to move forward.
Utility: Describes where this particular tool or technique may be useful or relevant. Also shows where
caution should be taken.
Examples: If displayed, amplifies the explanation, furnishes new issues, or provides examples of the
technique discussed. If taken from a source, then that source is identified.
Source: (King 1) Provides the reference (or in some cases, one or two of numerous possible references)
to the technique.
Utility: At the beginning of a problem to represent and manage ideas and information graphically. Serves
as a graphical outline. Stimulates creativity and identifies relationships between ideas. Can be used by
individuals and in groups. Other applications include:
Source: (King 1) Popularized by Buzan, Tony and Buzan, Barry, The Mindmap Book, BBC Books, London, 1997.
CGSC Copyright Registration #10-429 C.
Explanation: Group members analyze the problem from different mental states by “wearing” different
colored hats. The group leader specifies what hats to “wear,” and discussions follow just from that hat’s
perspective. All can wear the same hat or mix it up to move past emotional arguments, though better
collaboration occurs if everyone “wears” the same hat at the same time and hats are “changed” in
If the group is being too subjective or even too critical, the leader may ask the members to put on their
white hats and proceed. If the group is being too optimistic about outcomes and no downsides are
identified, the leader may direct a discussion with black hats.
Source: (King 2) By Edward De Bono “Six Thinking Hats” (1985) Also see Mind Tools at
Caveat: Some people will be offended by the questioning, seeing it as badgering or disrespectful. The
questioner could request: “Help me understand this; why …?”
Note that the initial guidance (conduct drown proofing training) opened the door for a potential
extensive training program the unit may not have been able to conduct. By questioning, a better course
of action was revealed (since the mission will not expose these soldiers to water, we’ll just assess
proficiency in order for the chain of command to know who the weak or non swimmers are).
Source: (King 3)
Utility: To validate existing assumptions, especially in complex situations. Aids group understanding and
also serves to potentially eliminate assumptions which may be constraining. Ensures assumptions are not
taken for granted.
Caveat: can be time consuming.
Utility: (King 5) Aids in framing a problem. Most utility in complex problems or when the problem
appears to be too restrictive.
Putting boundaries on an issue helps to define it. Writing an issue down leads people to see the
boundaries as fixed when perhaps they are bad boundaries in the first place. By challenging the
preconceived boundaries, new perspectives may evolve; one may also discover that the original
boundaries are either too restrictive or too broad.
Resembles Schön’s use of boundaries to generate creativity.
Step 1: How can we reduce the SAMS reading list to make the lessons easier for students?
Step 2: How can we reduce the SAMS reading list to make the lessons easier for students?
Step 3:
• reduce: Do we mean authors or pages? How do we measure difficult readings against less obtuse
writing? So what?
• SAMS reading list: How do we compare “read for understanding” against “scan” in the lesson plan?
Should all students be required to read every source (even those which are just recommended)?
How does online material count? So what?
• lessons: How must the readings tie into the classroom discourse and the instructors’
presentations? So what? What is sacrificed if students are lectured to without their reading
assigned material?
• easier for students: Does reading load or page count equate to easier work? So what? Should SAMS
make the work easier, and if so, what is the threshold? Are there times when other SAMS
requirements make preparatory reading problematic? There used to be a requirement for two
monographs, so why is there a problem?
Source: (King 5)
The "six serving men” come from a Rudyard Kipling poem. They are who, what, where, when, why, and
how in relation to the situation and problem. Like meta-questioning.
Step 1: How might SAMS change the students’ reading requirements to be more palatable?
Step 2: (Shown below in bold)
Step 3: (Shown below after the questions in bold)
• Who says there’s too much reading? Who says there isn’t enough? Is it faculty, students, spouses?
How many hours per day are spent reading?
• What is on the reading list? What isn’t included on it? Do we only mean the required readings, or
are recommended readings included?
• Where are reading materials made available? Where they are not made available? Must the
readings be done in the library? Are there enough books for each student? Can they be made
available online?
• When does the student actually read? When are readings not done by students? Can resources be
shared, or must they be made available to all students simultaneously? What is the daily study
regimen for students?
• Why do people think there is too much reading required? Why do some people think it is adequate
or even insufficient? In what manner is the load determined? Do they think there is goodness in
the reading regimen?
• How are reading lists developed, and how are they currently being read? How do students skip
readings, and how do they get away with it? How frequently are lists changed, and who approves?
How are lists deconflicted among modules?
Source: (King 6) Myriad sources with this common approach. Also see
Utility: To explore for Information; in strategic planning, provides for accumulating, analyzing, and
distributing information in order to identify trends, potential, opportunity, and threats. Has similar
objective as SAMS Environmental Frame: develop understanding after which priority issues can be
further developed. When taken fully, it is similar to the entire design methodology. Good for a learning
organization. Also like MDMP Mission Analysis.
Explanation: Resembles “triangulation” looking at a situation from various angles and perspectives.
First determine who is responsible for the process. Then steps are:
Step 1: Review and update general socioeconomic and country/area situation information.
Step 2: Take stock of existing "in-house" information.
Step 3: Actively collect and assess scanning information from other organizations.
Step 4: Access existing networks.
Step 5: Select additional techniques to complement and supplement information available
More info at:
Principles of environmental scanning (from CUCE *):
• Explore "both sides of the ledger" to gain a complete picture: needs and opportunities; assets and
limitations; barriers and aids
• Think micro and macro
• Use multiple "lenses" to look at the same information or situation: economic, social, cultural,
environmental, health, technological, and political lenses; immediate, near-term, longer-term
considerations; past, present, future perspectives
• Look for ways to “triangulate” information: ways to confirm, expand upon, or potentially
contradict an observation; additional sources that could be helpful; important information gaps
• Think beyond felt needs and opportunities consider also: expressed needs and opportunity –
evidenced by what people do; comparative needs and opportunity – identified by comparisons to
other situations;
• Look for evidence on how CCE is perceived: credibility, roles, value, etc.
• Identify what you don’t know as well as what you do; think about other possible sources.
Source: (King 7) Michael Duttweiler: [email protected] & *Cornell University Cooperative Extension at
Utility: A strategic planning model to look at a problem initially. Must have a desired end state already
established. It is an aid in assessing an organization’s resources and capabilities as well as external
environmental influences, good and bad. Applicable in crisis scenarios.
Caveat: Overly subjective based on perceptions. Not prescriptive.
Explanation: SWOT is a method for examining internal and external conditions so that strategies can be
developed. Strengths and weaknesses are internal in origin, while external conditions are described as
opportunities and threats.
Internal factors can include processes and procedures, human resources status, organizational culture,
proficiency, owned resources, training, and structure. Analysis should address what should be
maintained and what should or could be improved.
External factors can be alliances, social and cultural patterns, economics and politics, etc.
In analysis, users must attempt to minimize or eliminate weaknesses or threats or turn them into
opportunities. It resembles the approach of identifying propensities which can be addressed by systems
of transformation or opposition. The SWOT diagram (below left) is a good tool for analysing the
(internal) strengths and weaknesses of an organization and the (external) opportunities and threats
emanating from the environment. The results of analysis must be assessed in terms of fitting into the
environment. A “next step” cousin methodology is TOWS (on the right).
Utility: To determine the root cause(s) of a problem, to identify areas for data collection, or to study why
a process is behaving the way it does. Fishbone diagrams, also called Ishikawa Diagrams, Cause and Effect
Diagrams, and Root Cause Analysis Diagrams, are used to explore potential or real causes (or inputs) that
result in a single effect (or output). A good technique for group work.
• Put the main problem on the right at the “head” of the fishbone.
• Use brainstorming to identify 3-6 possible causal groups or “bones” (the 4 M’s of "Materials",
"Machines", "Manpower", and "Methods,“ as shown, are common in industry).
• Draw the diagram by sub-dividing the groups into process variables, generally to 4-5 levels.
• When completed, there will be ample areas to examine and correct, if applicable. Analysis follows.
• Then the team should rank order the most likely causes of the situation being examined.
Image to be included
Utility: To aid when group dynamics are problematic or when many ideas need to be surfaced.
Brainstorming can stand alone, or it can be used in conjunction with other techniques.
• Size of group- 6-15
• Leader- controls group
• Facilitator- Assists leader
• Note taker
• Time required- 20+ minutes
• Warm-up- practice or comedy
• Follow-up- allow process for post
session ideas
• Evaluation- Session to consider the
• Feedback- Final results
Four Rules:
1. Criticism is ruled out
2. Freewheeling is welcomed
3. Quantity is wanted (breeds quality)
4. Combination and improvement are
Two Principles:
1. Defer judgment
2. Quantity breeds quality
Utility: These techniques ensure there is more active participation from group members than in standard
brainstorming. Helps those reluctant to speak up.
Gallery Method
Simulates the environment of an art gallery. Participants develop ideas individually or in groups and
then vote for the ideas in a ‘gallery’.
1. Participants work individually or in groups to generate ideas.
2. Ideas recorded on butcher paper; sheets displayed around the walls of room.
3. Once all sheets are displayed, the participants circulate and browse.
4. Participants vote for the ideas they believe are most useful or important.
5. The votes are tallied and the key ideas are recorded separately.
Brain Writing Pool (Arthur B. VanGundy) Group of 5-8 people, sitting around a table:
1. Each person writes four ideas on a sheet of paper.
2. Each person places their sheet of paper of four ideas in the center of the table and exchanges it for
another sheet with somebody else’s ideas.
3. Person reads the ideas on the sheet of paper selected; uses them to stimulate new ideas; adds their
ideas to the sheet and then exchanges it for another one from the ‘pool’.
4.Continue the process for about 15 minutes.
Utility: Can follow brainstorming. Organizes large amounts of data or ideas into natural relationships.
Useful for complex issues, in chaos, or when there is no group consensus. Taps into the group’s intuition
and creativity. Best with max of 5-6 participants.
Utility: Reversal is a useful technique that leverages the fact that we initially find it easier to identify
negative thoughts and ideas than positive ones. Similar to Negation in Engineering Design Tactics.
Explanation: Creates a hypothetical solution, reduces that solution to its necessary components, and then
critiques and nullifies each component in order to generate ideas.
In what ways might we decrease heat injuries among soldiers during training in tropical areas?
Step 1: Write the issue down: In what ways might we decrease heat injuries among soldiers during
training in tropical areas?
Step 2: Reverse the issue statement in any way (subject, verb, or object): In this case we might
reverse the problem statement to be: In what ways might we increase heat injuries among soldiers
during training in tropical areas?
Step 3: Write down ideas relating to the reversed statement. Then reverse each ‘negative’ idea to
generate a positive idea.
• Hold the training during the hottest season. This leads to an option of holding the training during
the coolest season.
• Hold the training during the hottest part of the day. This leads to an option of holding the training
(or at least the strenuous activities) during the coolest parts of the day (early morning or evening).
• Hold the training in a hotter climate. This leads to an option of holding the training in a cooler
climate (or even another country).
• Don’t give the soldiers enough water to drink. This leads to an option of giving the soldiers more
water to drink (and perhaps drinks with additives to reduce the incidence of heat injuries).
• Don’t provide any shade. This leads to an option of providing more shade.
• Don’t provide any respite from the heat. This leads to an option of providing respite from the heat
(through scheduling strenuous activities with rest breaks).
• Don’t educate staff to identify the symptoms of heat injuries. This leads to an option of educating
staff to identify the symptoms of heat injuries.
Utility: Fractionation is another method of using divergent thinking to contend with numerous factors or
items of data. It aids in generating options by breaking an issue into parts and then examining the
resulting parts to seek solutions that address the problem at hand. In effect, it simplifies large, difficult
problems by creating smaller components for greater examination and solutions. Fractionation helps to
overcome the difficulty that occurs when, over time, issues, habits and ideas tend to be grouped together
into patterns. Eventually, people see the forest for what they believe it to be, but they may have lost sight
of what is happening to the trees. While useful in contending with complex problems, fractionation is
ideal in resolving complicated problems.
Factorization is included in traditional engineering tactics.
Explanation: Any method of fractionating is useful. To alleviate the problem of the forest and trees,
sometimes unconventional or less-obvious fractions offer greater creativity.
Otherwise, “traditional” breakdowns are good.
Fractionation is not analysis, but it aids analysis by creating manageable elements. When it deals
with artifacts, it must be understood that relationships are not reflected.
Utility: Allows one to resolve an issue in the context of a different issue seeking novel approaches or
perspectives. While it works best with simple problems, multi-step problems can also be addressed with
analogies. When the new situation is befuddling and the group doesn’t know where to start, referring to a
more-familiar situation can be helpful.
Included in traditional Architectural tactics and is part of Broadbent (individual) and Synectics (Group)
analogical searches.
In what ways can we ensure the security and safety of the installation?
Step 1: Security
Step 2: Securing an installation is like:
• Guarding a prison
• Protecting a city
• Guarding your home
Step 3: Protecting a city involves:
• Being vigilant
• Preventing trespassing or intrusions in public and private places
• Alerting citizens
• Reacting to disasters and crimes
Step 4:
• Determine how and where to patrol and set up electronic surveillance
• Assess perimeter fencing and key buildings
• Examine access control checkpoints
• Study how mayors and city managers inform the public
• Review training programs and operational policies for police and firemen
Utility: Encourages people and groups to examine a situation from different perspectives.
Similar in some respects to Analogies, but is more randomised.
Step 1: State the issue (or an aspect of the issue) in the form of an incomplete sentence.
Step 2: Complete the sentence.
Step 3: Free associate with the completed sentence.
Step 4: Develop the ideas.
Utility: Morphology is the scientific study of form and structure. This method aids analysis and problem
solving by exploring novel solutions. Problems with multiple components or multiple processes can be
addressed with morphological analysis. Same as engineering function analysis or Alexander’s function
Step 1: How can we better structure our airfield for safety and efficiency?
Step 2: Airfield
Step 3:
Hangars Ramps/AC Parking ATC Crew Space
Step 4:
Hangars Ramps/AC Parking ATC Crew Space
one large long taxiway only in tower one large area
tents surrounding hangar in ops rooms with units
more but small keyholes units and tower none
Step 5: There are 3x3x3x3 = 81 possible options
Step 6: Feasible options:
1. One large hangar, A/C parking surrounding it, ATC in a tower, one large area for crews. This is a
“central” arrangement where access is convenient, but there is little room for expansion if more
units, crews, or aircraft are added.
2. Numerous small hangars, A/C parked on a long taxiway, ATC in both towers and unit operations,
crews remain with units. This arrangement calls for “distributed” airfield operations which are
unit-focused. Centralization is impossible, but it accommodates growth.
Utility: SCAMPER is an acronym for possible actions a group might use to seek new and novel solutions
or problem definition.
Utility: To analyze options and consequences, surface unforeseen reactions, and offer insights into the
likely success, failure or consequences of a plan of action. Like a map drill or “rock drill,” helpful when it is
impossible to “get on the ground.” Akin to a virtual rehearsal or wargaming. Helps identify and thus avert
problems. Groups or individuals can perform this. Useful in temporal assessment.
Step 1: Define the issue you need to deal with as a series of actions.
Step 2: Imagine you are taking each of the actions; for each one ask the following questions:
• What exactly is required (in full detail)?
• Do I believe that the required action is possible?
• Is this action related to another action?
• If it is related to another action, then will it help or hinder the overall process?
Step 3: Adjust the series of actions as required by the answers given to the questions in Step 2.
Step 1: The Military Academy accepts and prepares 1500 new cadets in one day, culminating in a
swearing in ceremony in the afternoon.
Step 2: New cadets must be received, examined, measured for and receive uniforms, and trained to
march; also must get haircuts, eat lunch, meet their chain of command, find their rooms, and accept
issue of equipment – all in 8 hours or less. Each station has specific requirements, and each cadet
must be “tracked” for progress in order to be ready for the afternoon formation. It is the responsibility
of the cadet and academy cadre to make this happen.
Step 3: A virtual walkthrough by the cadre is paramount to ensuring that every detail of each station
is set up, timed, and tracked. (This will be followed by an actual walkthrough.) Resources are shifted
and explanations are provided where necessary. Events and activities are timed. On the actual day of
arrival, new cadets will appear at different times and with different levels of preparation, so the cadre
must be prepared and agile in order to steer cadets to the most important stations. At 1600 in the
afternoon, all 1500 new cadets must be in formation, in the correct place, in military uniform, and
trained to march. They then receive a briefing on the oath of office and are sworn in. Rehearsals are
Source: (King 18) See FM 6-0, Appendix F for a full description of rehearsals
Utility: To analyze options objectively. A comparison matrix is a tabular method of ranking and
evaluating competing options. Also called a decision support matrix (DECMAT) or template (DST). This
technique is familiar to most Army officers.
Explanation: Start by defining the problem (“To determine ….”) Then list facts and assumptions germane
to the problem. Now:
Source: (King 19) See also FM 5-0, Army Planning and Orders Production
Explanation: Begins with description of current and desired states and what is likely to occur if there are
no change agents (SAMS “propensities”). Then agents, pro (driving forces) and con (restraining forces),
are identified as follows:
Utility: Useful when a visual representation of logic and reasoning is helpful to understanding a complex
situation. Also helps groups see where they are in an evaluation process by identifying key reasons or
objections for discussion.
Explanation: Identify the problem or problem statement in the center of the “map.” Then prepare boxes
for each “reason” to support the proposition, as well as the key objections, and connect with arrows.
Develop additional sub-arguments for each of those reasons and rebuttals for the objections; also connect
with arrows. Use colors to visibly reflect pro or con. In the example below, green supports the argument,
red opposes it, and grey identifies the rebuttals.
The example below is very simple. Actual argument maps can be quite lengthy.
See Dr. Tim Van Gelder, director of AUSTHINK Consulting, for information on hypothesis mapping as a
cognitive tool ( He also describes hypothesis mapping at: somewhat similar in form, it
begins with a hypothesis and builds the evidence and counter-evidence downward.
Utility: Also called a decision network or relations diagram. Useful for visually displaying the
components of a decision: certainties and uncertainties, outcomes, the decisions themselves, (called
variables or nodes) and the relational influences brought on by them. Can begin as a subjective analysis
and be developed into an objective/quantitative one.
Explanation: A simple relations diagram shows actors, places the bases of influence arrows with those
actors, and points the arrow to that entity being influenced. A more developed diagram represents a
decision situation.
Develop gunnery
training plan
Tank crews
Train battalion gunnery
tank gunnery qualified
A decision that you can control; a decision node
Source: (King 22) Refined by Professor Ronald Howard from Stanford University. Also see
Graphic adapted from:
CGSC Copyright Registration #10-432 C
Utility: Used to take a goal and apply more detailed sub goals and actions. Allows team members to think
and participate in goal development and then help to create activities to meet those goals.
Example: (Note only one set of sub-goals are shown at each junction)
SAMS mission: Educate future leaders of our armed forces, our allies, and the interagency at the graduate
level to be agile and adaptive leaders who think critically at the strategic and operational levels to solve
complex ambiguous problems.
• Develop innovative leaders who are willing to accept risk and experiment
• Develop adaptive leaders who excel at the art of command
• Develop officers who anticipate future operational environments
• Enable officers to apply critical and creative thinking skills in order to solve complex problems
• Train officers to demonstrate mastery of operational art and doctrine
• Develop officers who can synthesize the elements of national power in JIIM operations
• Develop officers who can demonstrate effective communications
• Ensure officers can perform thorough academic and practical research
• Ensure officers can perform briefings for senior officers and government leaders
• Ensure officers can use a wide variety of graphics and technology
• Ensure officers can synthesize and write at the graduate level
• Students prepare and submit two written analytical papers per block to be evaluated by faculty.
• Students are assessed weekly by seminar leader for classroom written work.
• Students research for and write one 40-page monograph to be evaluated by a faculty team.
• Students prepare and submit other written products as required.
• Students receive remedial training if below standards.
Source: (King 23) See Michael Brassard, “The Memory Jogger” pp 156-164
Utility: Process Decision Program Chart. A tool to examine what can go wrong in a plan and develop
measures or contingency plans to repair or ameliorate the effects. Could be used to develop branches
and sequels to a plan. Team input is useful.
Step 1: Determine the steps or phases to achieve the goal (more substeps can be added)
Step 2: Identify and branch any likely problems off each step
Step 3: Identify possible and reasonable responses off each likely problem; branch them
Step 4: Choose most effective countermeasures and build them into a revised plan
Increase size
Utility: Enables you to quantify decision making; useful when the outcomes of decisions are uncertain;
places a numerical value on likely potential outcomes; allows comparisons to be made between different
possible decisions and shows relations to follow-on decisions.
Caveat: Probabilities aren’t givens. Also doesn’t clearly show dependencies among variables.
Explanation: There are various versions of decision trees, some reflecting probabilities and others the
raw numbered results. Begin with known variables, and place them with their data into a matrix.
Indicate the outcomes (the independent variables) for each circumstance. Start the tree with a root node
showing the total outcomes, and then branch down according to the variables.
Example: The coach wants to know the likelihood of a 1st down on 3rd-and-long situations. He can pass
short, pass long, or run, and he gauges the choices against temperatures > or < 50°. The record is shown
on the matrix on the left. The decision tree (below) shows he has a good chance of a 1st down by running
if the temp is < 50°, while he should pass if the temp is > 50°.
Run 98 Fumble
Pass 40 Intercept
Explanation: Prepare a matrix that shows each activity in the process, the time it takes, and any
relationships to other activities (e.g., must follow activity X). Then convert the data on the matrix to a
diagram. Determine the critical path.
Utility: Builds on flowchart format to graphically reflect complex interrelationships. Helps to understand
a process in order to analyze it and make improvements. Also useful for representing newly designed
processes. Describes, prescribes, and explains the process. Various commercial software programs
available for generating models. Models can be current (as-is) or desired (to-be). There are many types of
process models.
Explanation: For IDEF0 model: show function box (at right) and the activity in the box. ID controls
(things that control how we do the activity (e.g. laws, SOPs, or budgets); inputs (resources consumed or
altered by the activity); mechanisms (resources required for the activity but not transformed or
consumed (e.g. staff or buildings); and outputs (what is produced by the activity). Then add other
activities in similar fashion to describe the entire process.
A process model generally has an activity map (below), an explanatory text, and a glossary for definitions.
Basic model. See wiki/File:IDEF_Box_Format.jpg
Source: (King 27) Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing (ICAM) IDEF0 developed by USAF in the
1970s as a function model. See
Utility: To plan, organize, and manage resources to achieve goals and objectives on a project or
operation. Project management differs from a process in that the former has an end state while the latter
does not.
Explanation: There are a variety of approaches that fall under the general title of Project Management. A
general overview can be seen at A few examples are
shown below.
Traditional approach:
Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM): Similar to Critical Path Method, but it assesses both
most likely and safest duration estimates , determines buffers from those, and then collects the
buffers at the end of the project. Duration times are “locked” and the critical chain events are closely
monitored when they are active.
Extreme Project Management (XPM) is used to manage very complex, uncertain projects.
Emphasizes managing stakeholders more than schedules. Embraces change and rapid feedback. See:
PRINCE2: (Projects IN Controlled Environments; at right). A model for organizing, managing, and
controlling projects. A standard for project management in the UK. Each component in the model has
requirements. See
Process-based Management: More for achieving a vision than directly managing projects or
activities. That translates into a strategy, structure, and personnel needs from which tasks and
activities evolve. CMMI (below) is one approach. See
Utility: “Plus-Minus-Interesting” technique. A simple way to examine a plan in effect to determine what
went well, what didn’t, and what could be analyzed later, like an AAR (post facto). Also useful for
assessing a course of action before execution by weighing pros and cons (a priori). Avoids pre-judging a
course of action.
There is a net (positive) score of +7 for applying for SAMS. Major Jones is therefore positively inclined to
attend without any seriously negative issues being identified. Items in the “interesting” category could
also be scored, though some PMI advocates say these are neither positive nor negative. In any case,
“interesting” aspects are opportunities for further exploration (e.g., Who are the interesting people?
What are the post-SAMS assignments?)
Source: (King 29) Developed by Edward de Bono in Serious Creativity: Using the Power of Lateral
Thinking to Create New Ideas
Analysis “Breaking down of complex wholes into their constituent parts in order to
improve our understanding of them. It involves taking things apart to see how they do
work”. 2 See also synthesis.
Appreciation The act of estimating the qualities of things and giving them their proper
value; understanding the nature, meaning, quality or magnitude of a situation. 3 Whereas
facts may be analyzed (see analysis), situations requiring operational art must be
Approach Ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or problem situation. See also
operational approach.
Attractor “A point or set of points that attracts all nearby states of a dynamical system”. 4
Cognitive space “[A]n association of any number of actors bound by a certain shared
cognitive element”.6 A cognitive space has a social element and a cognitive element.
Cognitive spaces trigger organizing processes. In design, the environmental space, problem
space, and solution space are three cognitive spaces that help to organize information
about the environment, the problem, and the solution. A cognitive space is broader than a
1Mark Unewisse and Anne-Marie Grisogono, “Engendering Flexibility in Defence Forces,” 14th ICCRTS,
Complex “[T]he essence of complexity is related to the amount of variety within the
system, as well as how interdependent the different components are.” Contrast complex
with complicated. See also complex adaptive system.
Condition A broad description of actual or potential circumstances. See also end state.
Context The set of circumstances that surround a particular event, action or system.
Design (noun) The artifacts (drawings and narratives) produced through the act of
designing. See also design (verb).
Design (verb) A “method of critical and creative thinking for understanding, visualizing,
and describing complex problems and the approaches to resolve them”. 8 See also design
Dialog “In dialogue, there is the free and creative exploration of complex and subtle issues,
a deep ‘listening’ to one another and suspending of one’s own views.” 9
Discourse An organized way of talking, writing, and acting accordingly.10 See also
narrative, problematization.
Drawing, design Drawing produced by designers “not to communicate with others but
rather as part of the very thinking process itself which we call design”. 11 See also
presentation drawing and production drawing.
2006, 11.
11 Lawson, How Designers Think, 26.
End state “The set of required conditions that defines achievement of the commander's
objectives”. 12
Emergence Relationships between parts of a system give rise to novel properties that are
not properties of the parts in other combinations. Emergence is both spatial (emergent
properties span multiple parts) and temporal (emergence is dynamic, and as a system’s
relationships change, new properties will emerge).
Feedback Where the output of a system loops back and modifies subsequent inputs to the
system. A negative feedback loop stabilizes the system by damping perturbations away
from equilibrium. A positive feedback loop destabilizes the system by amplifying
perturbations. Feedback is the underlying source of complexity, emergence, and
nonlinearity. Adaptation and evolution require both positive and negative feedback loops
to generate and retain novelty.
Form The visualized physical arrangement of organizations, materiel and actions. Form is
the tangible expression of the design’s function and logic.
national experiences and theoretical crossroads, ed. Peter Wagner, Carol H. Weiss, Bjorn Wittrock, and Hellmut
Wollman (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991), 263.
Frame, environmental A “graphic and narrative description that captures the history,
current state, and future goals of relevant actors in the operational environment”.16 The
graphics may include both design drawings and presentation drawings.
Frame, problem A “refinement of the environmental frame that defines, in text and
graphics, the areas for action that will move existing conditions toward the desired end
state. Whereas the environmental frame focuses on actors and relationships, the problem
frame focuses on tensions”. 17
Function An intended purpose for a design. The functions identified in design are always
underpinned by a logic, and form follows from function.
Logic The principles that guide the reasoning of an actor in a particular situation. See also
form and function.
Metacognition “Knowledge that takes as its object or regulates any aspect of any cognitive
endeavor”. 20 See also meta-question.
Narrative “[T]ales that tellers and listeners map onto tellings of personal experience…
Narratives situate narrators, protagonists, and listener/readers at the nexus of morally
organized, past, present, and possible experiences… A narrative of personal experience is
far more than a chronological sequence of events. In his Poetics, Aristotle discerned that
narratives have a thematically coherent beginning, middle, and end… Interweaving human
conditions, conduct, beliefs, intentions, and emotions, it is the plot that turns a sequence of
events into a story or a history… In contrast with paradigmatic thinking, which emphasizes
M. Scandura and C. J. Brainerd (Alphen a.d. Rejn, The Netherlands: Sijthoff and Noordhoff, 1978).
Nonlinear The output of a system varies disproportionately with the input. In technical
terms, a system is linear if and only if f(a+b)=f(a)+f(b) for all possible inputs a and b;
otherwise it is nonlinear. Assuming a system is linear greatly simplifies analysis, however
almost all real world systems are nonlinear.
Objective The clearly defined, decisive, and attainable goals towards which every military
operation should be directed. The specific target of the action taken (for example, a definite
terrain feature, the seizure or holding of which is essential to the commander’s plan, or, an
enemy force or capability without regard to terrain features). 22 See also planning, end
Operational approach A “visualization of the broad general actions that will produce the
conditions that define the desired end state”. 23
Perspective The position or point of view from which events and experiences are
categorized, made sense of and explained. Stakeholders interpret the same problem
situation differently because they have different perspectives.
Planning “Planning helps commanders anticipate events and set in motion the actions that
allow forces to act purposefully and effectively… Planning involves projecting thoughts
forward in time and space to influence events before they occur.”25
Potential The inherent ability or capacity for growth, development, or coming into being.
The potential reveals how much the propensity of the system can be changed through
intervention. 26
Problem statement “[C]learly defines the problem or problem set that commanders must
manage or solve. Commanders can determine the problem statement by comparing the
existing conditions in the operational environment to the desired end state. It broadly
describes the requirements for transformation, acknowledging the anticipated opponents
and obstacles”. 29
Propensity The organic tendency of the system, which does not account for the influence
of external actions. The propensity of a system is not deterministic. It identifies a range of
possible futures if the system is allowed to evolve without intervention. 32 See also
Reframing “[A]lternative framing (or reframing) is seeing the situation in ways that extend
beyond our normal expectations in different ways to our default settings”. 33 See also frame.
28 Checkland, Peter. Systems Thinking, Systems Practice. Chichester, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons, 1981,
29 United States, Field Manual 5-0,Operations Process (Draft). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Department of
Strategy A prudent idea or set of ideas for employing the instruments of national power in
a synchronized and integrated fashion to achieve theater, national, and/or multinational
objectives. 35 Contrast with tactics.
System, closed A system that does not exchange matter, energy, or information with its
environment. A closed system is self-contained and is not significantly affected by external
influences. Contrast with open system.
System, complex adaptive An open system that changes its structure and behavior in
response to external stimuli in order to increase its fitness. See also adaptation, evolution.
System, open A system that exchanges matter, energy, or information with its
environment. An open system changes its structure and behavior over time, so it may
respond differently to the same stimuli. Contrast with closed system.
System of systems Distinguished from large but monolithic systems by the independence
of their components, their evolutionary nature, emergent behaviors, and a spatial or
geographic extent that means information exchange is more important than flows of matter
or energy. 38 See also assemblage.
Systemic Relating to the entire system; holistic; not localized in any one area.
Systems approach, hard: Use of precise and, when possible, quantitative techniques
intended to produce one or more views and a dynamic model of the system of interest. 39
Contrast with soft systems approach.
39 United States, Art of Design v.1.0.
interventions that are feasible and desirable from all perspectives. 40 Contrast with hard
systems approach.
Tactics: The employment and ordered arrangement of forces in relation to each other. 41
Contrast with strategy.
Tension “The resistance or friction among and between actors”. 42 Tension arises from
differences and can be exploited as a source of transformation.
Thinking, critical Deliberate, conscious and reflective evaluation of facts, assumptions and
inferences from multiple perspectives in order to appreciate the consequences of actions
and beliefs. See also creative thinking, reflective thinking.
Thinking, convergent “[T]he stage after the problem has been defined, the variables have
been identified and the objectives have been agreed. The designer’s aim becomes that of
reducing the secondary uncertainties progressively until only one of many possible
alternative designs is left as the final solution to be launched into the world”. 43 See also
divergent thinking and convergent thinking.
Thinking, divergent “The act of extending the boundary of a design situation so as to have
a large enough, and fruitful enough, search space in which to seek a solution”.44 See also
creative thinking, convergent thinking and transformative thinking.
Thinking, reflective “[I]n distinction from other operations to which we apply the name of
thought, involves (1) a state of doubt, hesitation, perplexity, mental difficulty, in which
thinking originates, and (2) an act of searching, hunting, inquiring, to find material that will
resolve the doubt, settle and dispose of the perplexity”. 45 See also critical thinking.
Tolerance The permissible range of variation for a concept, action, or outcome. The
concept of tolerance enables designers to evaluate their strategic sponsor’s guidance and
directives in light of what is acceptable and why, and to consider design actions through a
lens that encompasses a wider space for action over time. 47 Contrast with objective.
• How do I create an environment where the organization learns from both success
and failure?
• How do I recognize and learn from “near misses” in order to prevent failure?
• How do I decriminalize mistakes to promote reporting and learning from error?
• What theory of learning is most appropriate to the current context?
• What is the primary reference for our learning?
• How can I seek evidence that would disconfirm my hypotheses and assumptions?
• How can I position the force to exploit unforeseen opportunities?
• What possible unintended consequences could the operational approach generate?
How would I know? How can I mitigate against unintended consequences?
• How can I build reflection into designing, planning, preparing, and executing the
• What probing actions could provoke the adversary to respond and reveal
information about their organization and intent?
• How can I degrade the system of opposition's ability to adapt?
• How can I capture my learning for the benefit of future operations? Who needs to
know what I have learned?
• How can I build and/or mobilize the system of transformation that is working
towards the desired end state?
• How can I disrupt, disaggregate, and/or isolate the system of opposition that is
working against the desired end state?
• How can I exploit sources of complexity and uncertainty to disrupt and disorient the
• How can I balance exploitation of the current strategy with exploration of
alternative strategies?
• How can I balance sources of competition and cooperation within the system to
move towards the desired state?
• Within the system of command, what parts should be interdependent and what
parts need to be independent?
• How does my organization resolve the tradeoff between integration and innovation?
• Does the current operational environment require synchronized large scale effects
or decentralized effects tailored to the local context? Or both?
• How do I resolve top-down and bottom-up flows of information and control?
• What decisions need to be centralized and what should be decentralized?
• How do I manage the rate of change of my organization to maintain a productive
level of distress?
• What indirect changes to the environment will help to achieve my goals?
• What observed facts and patterns of the current system are symptoms of a problem?
• What are the competing versions of ‘reality’ that we can observe in the system and
where do they originate?
• What are the sources of difference between the observed system and the desired
• What are the sources of meaning, and ‘reality’ in this environment and what
manifestations portray this logic?
• What indicators would reveal that the logic of our design has been violated?
• What emergent trends indicate that our design has transformed the environment?
• What conditions would require a reframing of the environment, problems, and
operational approach?
• What emergent trends indicate the irrelevance of the existing theory and the
necessity for reframing?
Name Rank
Branch Unit
Design experience
How long (years, months) have you been consciously using How many times have you designed in a real world situation?
What recommendations do you have for the next version of the student text?
Please attach all supporting evidence (design drawings, presentations, narratives, photographs, etc.).
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