This document contains a list of 38 employees with their attendance status. It includes each employee's code, identification number, name, and attendance status which is noted as "H" for all. The key at the bottom explains that "H" stands for "Hadir" which means present. This appears to be an attendance report for a group of 38 employees showing that all were present on that date.
This document contains a list of 38 employees with their attendance status. It includes each employee's code, identification number, name, and attendance status which is noted as "H" for all. The key at the bottom explains that "H" stands for "Hadir" which means present. This appears to be an attendance report for a group of 38 employees showing that all were present on that date.
This document contains a list of 38 employees with their attendance status. It includes each employee's code, identification number, name, and attendance status which is noted as "H" for all. The key at the bottom explains that "H" stands for "Hadir" which means present. This appears to be an attendance report for a group of 38 employees showing that all were present on that date.
This document contains a list of 38 employees with their attendance status. It includes each employee's code, identification number, name, and attendance status which is noted as "H" for all. The key at the bottom explains that "H" stands for "Hadir" which means present. This appears to be an attendance report for a group of 38 employees showing that all were present on that date.
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1 20308780257795BE2E01 20308780188001 Dyah Anisa Rahmawati, S. Pd H
2 203087802577F1CA5501 1161750651210023 DEWI NURHIDAYATI H 3 20308780257CF2EE9A01 20308780192001 FAIZ MUBAROK H 4 2030878027C56E510A01 20308780194001 Indra Ardiyanto, S. Pd H 5 2030878027C56E513E01 20308780194002 Nur Rohmah Hidayati, S. Pd H 6 2030878029F6224A4601 4856737640110022 Muchtar Hayuni H 7 203087802A191F571C01 20308780190001 FARID BURHANUDDIN H 8 203087802A194D00FA01 20308780195001 TAUHID ADI TOMO H 9 203087802A194D013501 20308780189001 ARIEK ARYANI H 10 203087802A194D015501 20308780194004 ZULFIKA SETIAWAN BUDI H 11 203087802A194D019301 20308780194003 FITRIANA PUTRI RAHMAWATI H 12 2030878053B3573B014A 5137737639200013 ABDUL HANIF H 13 2030878053B3573B024B 20308780181001 AGUNG SUPRIYANTO H 14 2030878053B3573B0333 2442760661120003 AHMAD NUGROHO H 15 2030878053B3573B0421 4360750652200053 ASLAR H 16 2030878053B3573B0509 8237757658300043 ATIK SULISTYAWATI H 17 2030878053B3573B062E 3048745647300013 B DWI INDRIYANI H 18 2030878053B3573B0856 1161758659120003 BUSRANI BUDI UTAMA H 19 2030878053B3573B0A08 5759758660200002 HASANNUDIN H 20 2030878053B3573B0B02 1059755656300013 IHTIYATI FAIZAH H 21 2030878053B3573B0C56 2254741642200003 IMRON ROSYADI H 22 2030878053B3573B0D1A 20308780185001 KURNIA KRISTIANTO H 23 2030878053B3573B0E45 20308780185002 KURNIAWAN NUR HIDAYAT H 24 2030878053B3573B0F43 8845754656200002 MEI ISSYAUKI H 25 2030878053B3573B112B 6540745648200003 MUH SUKRON H 26 2030878053B3573B121B 2548750652300013 NIKMATUL FATONAH H 27 2030878053B3573B142E 9133744648300013 RAHMAWATI ALWATHONIYAH H 28 2030878053B3573B150F 20308780187001 RINA SUSI CAHYAWATI H 29 2030878053B3573B1843 3642750653300002 SUKATIYAH H 30 2030878053B3573B191C 8338741643300063 SULASTRI H 31 2030878053B3573B1A2A 9447744646200002 SURATNA H 32 2030878053B3573B1B19 5960745647300012 SUWAI BATUL ASLAMIYAH H 33 2030878053B3573B1C62 7836757658300022 THOYIBAH HANDAYANI H 34 2030878053B3573B1D0E 0955744646300052 TRIYATUN H 35 2030878053B3573B1E4C 2437745647220003 WAHYU WIGATI H 36 2030878053B3573B1F27 0750748650300012 YENI SUSILAWATI H 37 2030878053B3573B2041 4861740641200002 ZAMZURI H 38 2030878053B3573B210A 0546740643300022 ZUBAIDAH H (H=Hadir, I=Ijin, S=Sakit, T=Terlambat, A=Alpa, J=Tanpa Jadwal)