Huna Psychology: An Introduction: Basic Concepts
Huna Psychology: An Introduction: Basic Concepts
Huna Psychology: An Introduction: Basic Concepts
Huna (tm) is not an "occult" system-- that is, hidden from all but a
"favored" adherents or "initiates." It is based on knowledge of human
psychology and of how the various parts of the human personality
function. When you learn how the psyche works, you will be able to see
how it functions properly and with the greatest effectiveness. Huna em-
phasizes normal living in every way and makes everyday life more
liveble. In times of stress, Huna offers effective relief in any
situation. As
Max Freedom Long put it, "If you are not using Huna, you are working
too hard!"
Basic Concepts
Because you are conscious of your own existence, you realize that
you are alive and that a process of thinking is taking place. You are
aware of your body and its various functions, both voluntary and in vol-
untary. The part of you that is all of these things-- the real you, so
speak-- enables you to be conscious of the fact that you exist as a
ual or psychic "person" in addition to the body in which you seem to
live. It is natural, therefor, to speak of YOU and YOUR BODY as two
parts, whether they are actually separate or not.
The symbol of the triangle suggests that once all three selves are
working together with perfect union and harmony, we have perfect com-
munication among the three selves. Even though we often speak of
separate functions of the individual three selves, remember that they
must always work together to function effectively. When we refer to an
individual self, we must always include the others in proper relation to
that part. It is at this stage of harmony that there is "direct" contact
the middle self to the High Self, because all three are a harmonious
three-self team. This is the perfect or whole person.
All three selves have their proper part to play in the life of each
of us,
and they must work together to accomplish whatever is desired,
whether solving a problem in the present, or trying to work for a better
future. When the three selves work harmoniously together, things can
happen that may appear to be "miracles." But when you know the
proper and normal functions of the three selves and how they work to-
gether, the miracles will seem to be in no way "supernatural."
The ideal to which we aspire is to become a complete person, with
all parts united. As Max Freedom Long expressed it: "Our task as middle
selves is primarily that of learning to work consciously and properly
both the low [basic] self and the High Self."
The kahuna used the symbol of water for Mana. When he wished to
accumulate a surcharge, be breathed deeply and visualized Mana rising
like water rising in a fountain, higher and higher until it overflowed.
body is pictured as the fountain and the water is the Mana. Another
image that can be used is filling a sphere with light and mentally seeing
your entire body surrounded by this sphere and fully illuminated.
An Exercise
Or a Mental Attitude
A Sense of Well-being
The High Self not only takes from us the vital force it needs, but
returns a compensating force to us. This is vital to our health and well-
being. This return can be pictured as a shower of Mana falling from the
up-welled fountain, as a gentle mist, a "rain of blessings." Thus the
three-fold communication symbolized by the triangle is complete. After
consciously contacting the High Self for the purpose of sending a gift
of Mana and also presenting a "prayer-picture," the kahuna ended his
prayer with these words: " The prayer takes its flight. Let the rain of
blessings fall."
Daily contact and guidance in all of our lives may be had from the
High Self as our Divine Connection-- but only if requested. All the more
reason to discover for yourself the basic concepts of Huna and how
they may be put to practical use in your own life-- the three selves and
their functions as a unified team and the importance of understanding
how Mana, the life force, can be increased and utilized to bring about a
better life now and for the future.
Step One
DEVELOPING THE HYPNOTIC WILL. Begin at once to learn to use
hypnotism, Mesmerism, and the two in combination. To do this you will
begin at once to practice accumulating mana (life force) surcharges.
When you can accumulate a very large surcharge, you can then
begin practicing to learn Mesmerism, which is causing the mana
surcharge to flow through your hands or along your line of vision into a
subject, carrying with it well-made mental pictures or thought-form
clusters (which you will have made in advance by the use of your
If your mana, which is the vital force of the body, is sufficiently
accumulated and is discharged strongly into the subject, it will over-
power the basic self in him and force him to accept the mental pictures
as his own, then react to them. Healing magic is performed in this way.
The subject can be made to relax, to sleep, and so on. If the shock
of mana is sufficient, and the thought-form cluster made with enough
power, it can break up and replace complexes in the basic self of the
subject. If there are spirits fastened to the subject, and if he has
brought to turn over a new leaf so that he will refuse to respond to the
promptings of the spirits, they may be driven out of him and
commanded to stay away, after first being broken away by the Mesmeric
shock of the mana you have projected.
Be warned that if you project a surcharge and hurtful mental
to or at a subject, and these fail to be accepted by his low self, or
blocked from action by his High Self or by his spirit friends who may be
watching over him, the force and the mental picture will rebound, often
with greatly increased power, and lodge in your own basic self, making
the victim. Use the evil eye or spell-casting methods at your peril.
be warned that all about you are witting and unwitting magicians who
may be consciously or unconsciously projecting mana and mental
images at you-- weak or strong, good or bad.
Begin at once to practice becoming hurtless and helpful in your
every thought and deed. Learn to radiate good and helpful and loving
thoughts and do all you can to do good. In this way you will soon build
permanent wall of radiation around you which will act as a great magnet,
of which you are the center. It will attract the good by its positive
and repel the bad. If you suspect that many bad thought-form clusters of
sickness, bad luck, etc. or many spirits of an evil nature, are already
bothering you from former projections against you by magicians, or
because you have been bad enough to attract to yourself equally bad
spirits, begin at once to use this affirmation frequently:
Step Two
STRENGTHEN YOUR WILL. This is a continuation of the step you
learned to take earlier. After you become proficient in the use of the
Mesmeric force or low mana, begin to strengthen your middle-self WILL,
or mana-mana. You must first take on a fair surcharge of low mana
because, without this being present in your body, the middle self
(conscious mind) cannot get enough of it to make up a batch of strong
will power. This power is developed by daily use of exercises of holding
your mind and full attention on something for as long as you are able.
Make a mental picture of the face of a loved one and hold it before your
minds eye without allowing the face to change in any way. When it
"slips" and begins to change or fade, rest a minute or two. Accumulate
a little more mana, and try again. Keep a watch by you and note how
long you can hold mental pictures. At first you may find a few seconds
your limit. When you have practiced daily for several years, you will be
able to hold the basic self to the task as long as five minutes, and will
then have developed will power strong enough to create, by a few
minutes of this concentrated attention on a mental picture, POWERFUL
THOUGHT-FORM CLUSTERS which can be projected by the
Mesmeric method described in Step One.
If you wish to know whether you have a strong will now, test with
Biometer (Note: this refers to the scale used for psychometric analysis
readings described in Max Freedom Long's book "Psychometric
Analysis," and the accompanying scale for measuring vital force.) Tests
made at intervals will show whether your practice is getting results. Be
warned that if you develop your hypnotic or middle-self will without at
same time developing the ability to become GOOD and BETTER day by
da, you will soon have a very unbalanced biometric pattern and it will
begin to cause you much more breakdown and trouble.
Some imitation magicians- those not having been trained thoroughly
in Huna- use their hypnotism openly. Beware of these unless you have
obtained their signature, written with their own pen and with ink, and
have tested it on the Biometer to learn whether they are "black" or
"white" magicians. The black will show a perfect will-pattern but almost
no personality circle, or, if a circle shows, it will be counter-
and usually far from round.
In your own work as a budding magician, avoid the use of hypnotic
suggestion as something apart from the Mesmeric element. Use
Mesmerism as in Step One, with the hypnotic will simply as an adjunct to
aid in creating the very strong mental picture of the GOOD condition
which you wish to implant powerfully in the basic self of those whom you
help and heal. NEVER ADMIT THAT YOU ARE A MAGICIAN, just say
that you have a natural gift for healing and will be happy to try to use
if the one needing help will turn over a new leaf, etc.
Helping others to turn over a new leaf and to become ready to be
healed is the GOOD DEED at its best. Remember this always.
part of this work. Contact must be established with the ones to be
helped. A hand-shake will string an aka thread between you which will
make it possible for your basic self to make contact at any time. Or the
basic self can follow the aka thread that is fastened to a signature
written in ink. This contact is telepathic in its nature, and you can
with Mesmeric force a mental picture of healing which has been
constructed through the use of your WILL. Practice will enable you to
become more and more powerful as you go along. Also, results build up
slowly if the magical treatment is repeated over and over.
Step Three
RUBBING ALADDIN'S LAMP. No magician should be without a
good Aladdin's Lamp. Go to a junk shop at once and buy one. Take it
home and accumulate as large a surcharge of mana as you can. Then
build up your will to a high point of concentration and create a mental
picture of what you wish to have the Genie of the Lamp do for you
when you rub the Lamp and he appears to do your bidding. Millions of
people in the past twenty centuries may have rubbed a Lamp without
getting the slightest response. Their trouble has been that they did not
know that the "oil" needed to fill this type of Lamp is not oil at all,
is a large surcharge of mana. So build up your surcharge, make your
mental image, and then rub your Lamp. If you don't have a Lamp,
remember that it is only a symbol-- the symbol of LIGHT. Just think of a
genie who embodies all the goodness and so all the LIGHT you can
imagine. Then rub something! Rub your hands together and affirm:
Step Four
drawing of magic or ritual circles, pentagrams, and such things belongs
to the outer or symbolic side of magic, it needs to be said that a few
physical things can be used by the magician as points around which to
build mental pictures or images with a mixture of aka substance,
thought-forms and mana.
TO MAKE A RABBIT'S FOOT EFFECTIVE, for instance, it is not
enough to preserve such a foot and carry it on your person. The foot
must be gazed upon and concentrated upon a few minutes each day
for a number of days, and the student must picture the foot as a center
about which he is building layers, day after day, of that plaster made
thought, mana and aka substance. As all mental pictures are made of
these three ingredients, and as a mental picture is as enduring as any
strong memory (which is, in actuality, constructed of these three
elements), the picture of a radiating center of GOOD surrounding the
foot of the rabbit soon becomes a very real thing. But the foot must be
encased in thoughts of GOOD FOR ALL, not just for its owner, or it will
be valueless. THIS IS A SECRET WHICH FEW KNOW. To become a
center which will attract good and ward off evil, the foot must be used
connection with the bringing of good to others as well as to the owner,
and it must be used when possible to ward off or remove evil in the
same way.
ANY OBJECT, LUCKY PIECE, OR AMULET may be treated in the
same way. Shrines are centers into which GOOD has been poured in
this way by a saint or magician and made strong and enduring to radiate
back to the worshiper all the good he radiates to it in worship. Such a
center may be filled daily with fresh mana, and the good spirits may be
invited to come to it daily to obtain enough mana to give them power to
perform good deeds on the mental and physical levels. Like birds
coming to refresh themselves in the bird bath in your garden, and then
going to clear out hurtful insects, so the good spirits will soon begin
come, taking the water of mana and looking to see what requests you
have left with the mana for them to fulfill. Your requests are mental
pictures of things you desire the spirit friends to bring about if they
Pour a mana surcharge into your magic center, along with the mental
pictures of good conditions desired for yourself and friends. The
will soon be coming daily to take the mana and to assist. But try not to
disappoint them by forgetting to leave mana and good requests for them
daily, otherwise they will soon scatter and go elsewhere. Just as a
center of good can be made in this way, a center of bad may be
established if one is not careful. The student who makes a rabbit's foot
center with the desire to get more than he gives, is guilty of breaking
first rule of magic-- that of being greedy and hurtful to the extent that
wishes to take things from others so that he may enjoy benefits. Keep
cleansed yourself. Keep your center clear of all things not fully GOOD
for everyone. You cannot steal and hold good things for long. Payment
must eventually be made. On the other hand, one can buy almost any
good thing with the coin of good thoughts accompanied by good deeds.
A "wall of protection" can be built around yourself or a loved one
the same way with the help of the Spirit of the Light. Put only good
the wall and it will allow only good to pass in and out through it... And
ends the lesson. Here is MAGIC for you... for the taking.
Light-Switch Huna
by Dr. E. Otha Wingo
A Simple System for Using the Huna System Without Theories, History, or Explanations of
Special Terminology.
The reason for this is that a picture left with the Higher
will continue to be worked on and some parts of it will come into
thus bringing about imperfect and often undesirable results. Cancel the
picture (blueprint) and start over, using whatever parts of the previous
plan are suitable to you and making sure that all the process is done
Light-Switch Huna
Everyday Huna
Some of the "little" things of everyday life in which Huna
can be used: