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Geothermics, Vol. 5, pp. 41-50. Pergamon Press, 1977.

Printed in Great Britain



U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA 94025, U.S.A.

Abstract--Qualitative chemical geothermometers utilize anomalous concentrations of various "indicator"

elements in groundwaters, streams, soils, and soil gases to outline favorable places to explore for geothermal
energy. Some of the qualitative methods, such as the delineation of mercury and helium anomalies in soil
gases, do not require the presence of hot springs or fumaroles. However, these techniques may also outline
fossil thermal areas that are now cold.
Quantitative chemical geothermometers and mixing models can provide information about present
probable minimum subsurface temperatures. Interpretation is easiest where several hot or warm springs are
present in a given area. At this time the most widely used quantitative chemical geothermometers are silica,
Na/K, and Na-K-Ca.

Both qualitative and quantitative chemical geothermometers are used in exploration for
geothermal energy. The quantitative techniques currently available require chemical analyses of
thermal waters from springs or wells. In contrast, qualitative techniques may be used to look for
anomalous concentrations of various "indicator" elements in a large variety of hosts, including
soils, soil gases, fumaroles, hot and cold springs, and streams. It is assumed that the indicator
element has dispersed away from a heat source at depth. Soil and soil gas analyses offer
particularly attractive possibilities for detecting "blind" or hidden geothermal targets that have no
surface expression of thermal water.
This paper is not intended to be an exhaustive review of all the chemical geothermometers that
have been suggested and used. Rather, emphasis is placed on the geothermometers that have
received the most use and those that seem at this time to offer the most promise of future use. The
isotopic geothermometers are not discussed in this paper because they are treated elsewhere in this

Most qualitative geothermometers are based on the distribution and relative concentration of
volatile elements in waters and soils or variation in soil gas composition. Anomalously high
concentrations of volatile elements may accumulate above or around a relatively shallow heat
source, especially if subsurface boiling occurs. However, similar anomalous concentrations of
volatile elements may occur where favorable structures allow volatiles to escape from deep in the
crust where metamorphic reactions are in progress. Fossil (now cold) hot springs and ore deposits
also may exhibit halos of volatile elements that may be difficult to distinguish from halos due to
present-day activity.
White (1970) reviewed the qualitative geothermometers that had been suggested up to 1970.
Tonani (1970) suggests that enrichment of B, NH 4, HCO3, Hg, and H2S (which oxidizes to sulfate
and lowers the pH of the water) in near-surface waters may result from boiling at depth. The
volatiles are partitioned into the steam phase and are transported upward, eventually becoming
incorporated into shallow, relatively cold groundwater. According to White et al. (1971),
these are the same volatile elements most characteristic of vapour-dominated systems, and their
high concentrations in shallow groundwater may be indicative of such systems.
42 R. O. Fournier

Mahon (1970) noted that high C l / F and C1/SO4 ratios in liquids of a geothermal area generally
indicate high temperature in the system. He also noted that variations in CO2/N H 3, CO2/H 2, and
C02/H28 from fumaroles may indicate zones likely to be close to the deep hot water. When both
high and low ratios of these gases are found, the fumaroles with the lowest ratios may be closest to
the aquifer (Mahon, 1970). Sigvaldason and Cu611ar (1970) consider hydrogen in thermal gases
generally to be a qualitative indicator of high temperature, and state that " . . . amounts in excess of
0.5°/,i usually mean reservoir temperatures above 200°C ''.
Fournier and Truesdell (1970) noted that the mol ratio C1/(HCO 3 +CO3) is very useful in
distinguishing waters from different aquifers in Yellowstone National Park; higher ratios indicate
waters coming from hotter aquifers.
Gould (in Allen and Day, 1935) reported the association of mercury and thermal springs in
California, and Dall'Aglio et al. (1966) showed that the mercury content of stream sediments
defines a clear halo around the Larderello and Monte Amiata, Italy geothermal regions.
Prospecting for geothermal resources using Hg anomalies is likely to become more common in the
future owing to the recently developed, highly sensitive and fast method of detecting Hg in soils
and soil gas (Matlick and Buseck, 1975). However, by itself, an Hg anomaly is not likely to
distinguish between an active and a fossil hot spring system.
Anomalously high concentrations of nonvolatile trace elements also may be indicative of high
subsurface temperature. This would be true if the element tended to be easily leached from rock at
high temperature and not leached at low temperature. For instance, Brondi et al. (1973) report that
high concentration of Li in springs and streams in Tuscany gives a good indication of high
temperature at relatively shallow depths. This method of prospecting should be used with caution
because variation in trace metal content may be due to factors other than high subsurface
temperature, such as variations in rock type, variations in time that the water was in contact with
rock, and contamination due to agricultural and industrial processes.
A relatively new prospecting method based on variations in the helium contents of soil gas
(Friedman and Denton, 1976; Roberts et al.. 1975) may become important in the future.
Roberts (1975) reported good correlation between temperature gradients and observed helium
concentrations over the "blind" geothermal prospects at the Dunes, East Mesa, and Brawley
geothermal areas of the Imperial Valley, California.

The assumptions that are usually made in using compositions of spring and well waters to
estimate subsurface temperature have been discussed by White (1970) and by Fournier et al.
(1974). These assumptions may be summarized as follows:
1. Temperature-dependent reactions involving rock and water fix the amount or amounts
of dissolved "indicator" constituents in the water.
2. There is an adequate supply of all the reactants.
3 There is equilibrium in the reservoir or aquifer in respect to the specific indicator
4. No reequilibration of the "indicator" constituents occurs after the water leaves the
5. Either no mixing of different waters occurs during movement to the surface or
evaluation of the results of such mixing is possible.
The attainment of equilibrium in the reservoir will depend on a number of factors such as the
kinetics of the particular reaction, the temperature of the reservoir, the reactivity of the wallrock,
the concentrations of the indicator elements in the water, and the residence time of the water in the
reservoir at the particular temperature. Thus, in some situations, equilibrium in the reservoir may
be attained for some reactions and not for others.
Chemical Geothermometers and Mixing Models for Geothermal Systems 43
Whether or not a water reequilibrates after leaving a reservoir during flow to the surface
depends on similar factors: the rate of flow, the path of ascent, the type and reactivity of wallrock
traversed, the initial temperature of the reservoir, and the kinetics of the various reactions that may
occur. Different reactions may occur in an ascending water at different rates. Therefore, the
apparent last temperature of equilibration may be different for different chemical
geothermometers. The two main types of temperature dependent reactions that may be useful as
quantitative geothermometers are solubility and exchange reactions. Both are discussed later.

Solubilities of minerals generally change as functions of temperature and pressure. However,
with the notable exception of silica, solubilities of minerals have not been used extensively as
geothermometers. In most natural waters dissolved silica is not influenced by common ion effects,
the formation of complexes, and the loss of volatile components that make interpretations difficult
for most other dissolved constituents. In addition, the assumption of an adequate supply of all the
reactants is generally valid for silica but may not be valid for other reactants. For instance, a
geothermometer based on the solubility of CaF 2 (fluorite) will not work if the mineral fluorite is
not present where water-rock chemical equilibration takes place.
. . . . . . . . . i . . . . , . . . . ~ . . . . T . . . . r • .

700 ~' oo ~"



400 C

u 300

0 200


0 I00 200 300

Temperoture °C

Fig. I. Solubility of quartz as a function of temperature. Curve A shows the solubility in liquid water in equilibrium with
saturated steam. Curve B shows the amount of silica that would be left in the residual liquid after maximum loss of
steam upon adiabatic cooling to 100°C and one bar pressure. Taken from Fournier and Rowe (1966).

The silica geothermometer of Fournier and Rowe (1966) is based on the solubility.ofquartz and
is widely used to estimate subsurface temperatures in hot spring systems. The silica content of
water from a hot spring or well can be correlated with the last temperature of equilibration with
quartz, using Fig. 1. If the water sample is likely to have cooled mainly adiabatically (by boiling)
before sampling, use curve B which corrects for the maximum possible steam loss. If the sample
probably cooled mainly by conduction, use curve A. The quartz geothermometer probably works
best in the temperature range 150-225°C. At higher temperatures silica is likely to deposit during
ascent of the water. At lower temperatures other silica species such as chalcedony, cristobalite, or
amorphous silica may control dissolved silica (Fournier and Rowe, 1966; Fournier, 1970; Fournier
and Rowe, 1962; Arnorsson, 1970; Arnorsson, 1975).
44 R. O. Fournier

Equations relating the solubility, C, in mg SiO 2 per kg water to temperature in the range
0-250°C of various pure silica minerals are as follows:
Amorphous silica t,>c - 4"52 - l o g C 273"1~

/3 Cristobalite toc - 273-15
4.51 - log C

c¢ Cristobalite t~w = 273.15
4-78 - log C

Chalcedony toc = - 273"15
4.69 - l o g C

Quartz toc -
5"19 - log C

Quartz (after steam loss) t c - 273-15
5'75 log C

• Geotherm. grad. temp;oil field w a t e r

4 • Silica t e m p . ; oil field w a t e r
o Measured temp.~
Silico temp J ¢~r~ / No ~" I
o M e a s u r e d l e m p ; v r C - a / N o )I
3 + Fluid inclusion fillincj temp
Hemtey (1967)
Orville (1963)

o 2 o J
Z •• a~ o .~.~5 o Ocean
~ ./ j" o o

~1~o o ~ "
o o. ~ * s

.-''@" - o ° f o+ 171

I l I I I I I I L I I I I
1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 3,0 3.4
I031 T
600 400 :300 200 I00 50 25 0
Fig. 2. Na/K values tor natural waters relative to assumed equilibrium temperature. The lower dashed line combines
empirical curves of Ellis (1970) and White (1965). The upper dashed line combines experimentally derived curves
of Orville (1963) and Hemley (1967). The data points are tabulated in Fournier and Truesdell (1973) and this
illustration is taken from that paper.
Chemical Geothermometers and Mixing Models for Geothermal Systems 45
Using experimental data of Marshall and Slusher (1968), which give the solubility product of
anhydrite from 100 to 200°C at various ionic strengths, Sakai and Matsubaya (1974) used the
concentration product of Ca 2 ÷ and SO4z- to estimate subsurface temperatures in hot-spring
systems. Those estimated temperatures were in accord with temperatures estimated from the
oxygen isotope fractionation between sulfate and water. This anhydrite geothermometer probably
works best for thermal waters with relatively low concentrations of Ca 2÷ and HCO3 (that is, waters
in which the Ca 2+ concentration is not controlled bythe solution and precipitation of carbonate).

Exchange reactions
Equilibrium constants for exchange and alteration reactions are temperature dependent. In
such reactions, the ratios of dissolved constituents change with changing temperature of
equilibration. There are many possible constituents and reactions that may be useful. Examples
are Na/K ratios of alkali chloride solutions equilibrated with alkali feldspars (Orville, 1963,
Hemley, 1967), Na/K 'ratios in natural water s (White, 1970; Fournier and Truesdell, 1970; Ellis,
1970; Mercado, 1970; White, 1965), and N a - K - C a relations in natural waters (Fournier and
Truesdell, 1973).
Figure 2 shows Na/K ratios in geothermal well waters plotted as a function of the temperature
of the aquifer supplying the water. The Na/K ratio generally works well for estimating
temperatures of waters above 200°C. However, anomalously high estimated temperatures are
obtained if the water temperature is below 100°C. The N a - K - C a geothermometer (Fournier and
Truesdell, 1973) is proving to be more reliable than the Na/K geothermometer for low
temperature waters, as shown in Fig. 3. The equation for the solid line drawn in Fig. 3 is
log(Na/K) +fl log (~Ca-/Na) = - 2-24 (1)
273 + t°G
+Fluid inclusion filling temp. ~1
o Measured temp /
4 a S i l i c a temp J ~.
t O i l well water, geothermal ~ t~=l/3 9"
gradient temp, F ~" .-"a~..
• Oil welt water, silica t e m p . . I
. . ' J / °e.~
3 a Measured temp, ~: 4/5 .~j../j/ aa

~" 2 /" ~,o'. -'" o

o .~,-'~s~-" " ~



IA I.B 2.2 2,6 5.0 3.4
I0 3/T
600500 400 300 200 I00 50 25 0
Fig. 3. The middle line is the curve for geothermometry o f natural waters using the N a - K ~ a relationship suggested by
Fournier and Truesdell (1973). The two dashed lines show + ! 5 and - 15°C with respect to the middle curve. The
data points are tabulated by Fournier and Truesdell (1973) and this illustration is taken from that paper.
46 R. O. kburnier

in which concentration units are mol/kg a n d / / = 1/3 for water equilibrated above 100'~C, and [~=
4/3 for water equilibrated below 100°C. Paces (1975) recommends that a correction factor be
applied to equation (1) for waters less than 75 C with partial pressure of COz in the aquifer above
10 -4 atm. The correction factor, I, to be subtracted from the right side of equation (1) is
1 = -1-36 - 0.253 log P(o~ . (2)
This is consistent with the conclusion of Renner et al. (1975) that many temperatures predicted for
high CO2 spring waters of California seem to be unreasonably high.
The ratios xflC--a/K and x/-C~/Na also may be useful for estimating temperatures (Fournier and
Truesdell, 1973). According to Mahon (1970), Cusicanqui and Ellis found that springs supplied
most directly from hot aquifers have the highest Na/Ca ratios. This is probably due to the
retrograde solubility of calcium carbonate.

Ascending hot water may cool by boiling (adiabatically), by conduction, by mixing with shallow
colder water, and by combinations of these processes. Chemical analyses of spring waters may
provide information about which of these processes are occurring in a given hot spring system.
Waters that ascend quickly and directly from aquifers with little conductive cooling are likely to
have chemical compositions that reflect rock-water equilibrium at the aquifer temperature. Where
the aquifer is at a temperature below atmospheric boiling, the water can emerge at about the
aquifer temperature. But where the aquifer is at a higher temperature than the atmospheric boiling
temperature, the water will cool adiabatically, emerge as a boiling spring, and the separation of
steam during the ascent must be considered.
Where waters ascend either slowly or indirectly to the surface, conductive cooling is likely to
occur. Even water from a spring with a large rate of flow may cool considerably by conduction if it
moves horizontally for a long distance at a shallow level. In this case, different springs along the
flow path or springs with different rates of discharge could have different temperatures but similar
Where hot ascending waters cool by mixing with cooler groundwater, springs with different
temperatures are likely to have different chemical compositions. For instance, variations in
chloride and boron are likely to be greater among individual springs of a group than can be
explained by varying steam loss. In this event, mixing models may indicate the original
temperature of the hot-water component.

The water in many hot springs consists of mixtures of deep hot water and shallow cold water.
Partial or complete chemical equilibration may or may not occur after mixing. If chemical
equilibrium is established after mixing, the chemical geothermometers indicate temperatures of
the mixed water, not the hot water component. Accordingly, whether or not equilibrium is
established after mixing, the temperature of the hot water component cannot be estimated from a
solubility relation unless the mixing is taken into account. In contrast, an estimated temperature of
the hot-water component based on an exchange reaction using a ratio of dissolved constituents
may be little affected by mixing provided that (1) the deep hot water is relatively concentrated in
the indicator elements and the shallow water is very dilute in respect to those same elements, and
(2) little or no chemical reaction occurs after mixing to change the relative concentrations of the
indicator elements. Dilution will have an effect upon the N a - K - C a geothermometer because the
square root of the concentration is involved in the calculation.
Fournier and Truesdell (1974) described two mixing models that may be applied to springs with
large rates of flow and temperatures below boiling. To apply either model, the silica content and
temperature of the warm spring and the cold water must be known. In model 1, the enthalpy of the
Chemical Geothermometers and Mixing Models for Geothermal Systems 47

hot water plus steam that mixes with and heats the cold water is the same as the initial enthalpy of
the deep hot water. In other words, the deep hot water may boil before mixing, but all the steam
condenses in the cold water. In model 2, the enthalpy of the hot water in the zone of mixing is less
than the enthalpy of the hot water at depth owing to escape of steam during ascent. In both models
it is necessary that the initial silica content of the deep hot water is controlled by the solubility of
quartz and that no further solution or deposition of silica occurs before or after mixing.
The original procedure for applying these models is cumbersome. Truesdell and Fournier
(1977) have devised a much simpler procedure utilizing a plot of dissolved silica versus enthalpy, as
illustrated in Fig. 4. For the situation in which no steam is lost before mixing, plot the silica and
heat contents (enthalpies) of the cold and warm spring waters as two points, A and B, and draw a
straight line through these points to intersect the quartz solubility curve (note that below 100°C the
temperature in degrees Celsius is numerically equivalent to cal/g. Point C then gives the original
silica content and enthalpy of the deep hot water. The original temperature of the hot-water
component is then obtained from steam tables (Keenan et al., 1969).

. . . . ? . . . . , . . . . i . . . . i . . . . I ' ' / ' l . . . . ,.

800 /

600 ~/ ..~

~ 400

300 ,EX_,

0 IO0 200 300

Enthalpy, cal./g

Fig. 4. Dissolved silica-enthalpy graph for determining the temperature o f a hot-water component mixed with cold water
yielding warm spring water. See text for explanation. Taken from TruesdeU and Fournier (1977).

For the situation in which the maximum amount of steam is lost from the hot water before
mixing, plot the silica and heat contents of the cold and warm spring waters as two points, A and
D, in Fig. 4. Draw a straight line through those points and extend that line to the enthalpy of the
residual liquid water at the assumed temperature of separation and escape of steam, ca. 100°C. In
this case the residual liquid water before mixing will have an enthalpy of ca. 100 cal/g, point E of
Fig. 4. To obtain the original enthalpy of the hot-water component, move horizontally across the
diagram from point E to the maximum steam loss curve, point F. The original silica content of the
hot-water component is given by point G. If steam is assumed to escape from water at a
temperature above 100°C, the original enthalpy of the hot water will lie at a value along a
horizontal line, between the maximum steam loss curve and the quartz solubility curve (no steam
48 R. O. Fournier
loss). The distance along the horizontal line between the two curves and away from the maximum
steam loss curve will be in the proportion
Hx 100
H q - 100
where Hx is the enthalpy of liquid water in cal/gat the assumed steam separation temperature, and
Hq is the enthalpy of liquid water where the horizontal line intersects the quartz solubility curve.
The above mixing models cannot be applied to boiling springs because heat is carried away in
steam after mixing. Under some conditions, however, a different mixing model may be used to
calculate subsurface temperatures deeper in the system than would be obtained from the usual
method of applying the silica or quartz geothermometer (Truesdell and Fournier 1975; Fournier et
al., 1975; Fournier and Rowe, 1966). The boiling springs model makes use of a plot ofenthalpy vs
chloride (Fig. 5), and it works best where the initial temperature of the hot-water component is
above 200°C. In using the model it is necessary to assume that (1) no heat loss or gain occurs before
or after mixing; (2) re-equilibration with quartz occurs after mixing (most likely to occur > 200°C);
and (3) silica is not precipitated during ascent of the mixed water to the surface sampling point.

Mixing model for boiling hot springs

Ioss lines

-- Deep hot water

=o si02 \ \\\7~

\\ \
S~ S~ ~ ~ S~
/ Hot springs
Cold w a t e r
0 Chloride

Fig 5. Hypothetical plot of enthalpy relative to chloride for various waters that result from the mixing of hot and cold
waters. Enthalpiesof deep waters are estimatedusingthe silicacontent of hot-springwaters. Taken fromTruesdell
and Fournier (1975).

The construction and use of the enthalpy versus chloride plot are discussed by Truesdell and
Fournier (1975). In brief, the chloride content of the cold water, of steam, and of hot-spring waters
issuing at surface boiling temperature ( H S 1 through HSn in Fig. 5) can be represented on this plot.
Lines from the hot-spring waters towards the average composition and enthalpy of the separated
steam (HS 1 to steam, etc. in Fig. 5) represent the variation in enthalpy and chloride content of the
liquid water fraction caused by the process of steam separation during passage to the surface. The
points AQ1 and AQ, on each of these lines are fixed from the temperature indicated by the silica
geothermometer applied to the respective springs, assuming adiabatic cooling and with water
enthalpy obtained from steam tables (Keenan et al., 1969). The dilution line shows the heat and
chloride contents of waters that would result from mixing of a deep hot water with cold, dilute
shallow water. Points AQ3 to AQ, are shown below the dilution line because silica is likely to
Chemical Geothermometers and Mixing Models for Geothermal Systems 49

precipitate from high-temperature ( > 225°C) waters during movement to the surface and enthaipy
is estimated from the silica content of the emerging spring water.
If a spring water is thought to cool mainly by conduction, a slightly higher estimated subsurface
temperature and enthalpy would be obtained using the silica geothermometer, and the chloride
content of the deep water would be the same as that of the emerging spring water (i.e. a point AQ x
would plot directly above the point HS x instead of along a line pointing to steam). A more
complete discussion of the problem of treating data where both adiabatic and conductive cooling
may have occurred is given in Fournier et al. (1975).

Chemical techniques are relatively fast and inexpensive and should be a part of any geothermal
energy exploration and evaluation program. Interpretation of analytical results, however, is not
always easy. In some places accurate reservoir temperatures are given directly by geothermometers
such as silica, Na/K and Na-K-Ca. In other places mixing models must be used to estimate
temperatures of reservoirs deep in the system.
Even where leakage of thermal water to the surface is not obvious, high underground
temperature may be indicated by anomalously high concentration in groundwater soil and soil gas
of elements that disperse away from high-temperature environments.

Acknowledgements--I wish to express my appreciation to D. E. White and L. J. P. Muffler for reading the original
manuscript and offering many constructive criticisms.

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