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Arbor Data Sheet

Pravail Security Analytics


Hunt advanced attacks in real-time

The most devastating advanced attacks are those that operate “under the radar” and do a
lot of damage before they are detected. In order to effectively—and quickly—identify these
attacks, organizations must get familiar with the traffic patterns in their network and be
able to investigate anomalies as soon as they are discovered.

The Pravail Security Analytics On-Premise solution gives organizations an unprecedented

Key Features and Benefits and detailed view of the attacks in any captured network traffic. It allows security analysts
Explore and Understand Attacks to analyze data in real time. Powerful visualizations display data from multiple perspectives
Across the Entire Network (attacker, target, location or attack type)—enabling security analysts to quickly assess the
Upload network packet captures from security posture of the organization. Once an indicator of compromise has been identified,
anywhere in the network, not just where Pravail Security Analytics provides the analyst with actionable intelligence, allowing confir-
you have a security enforcement point,
to get an unprecedented view of attack
mation of the details and extent of the attack. Further, Pravail Security Analytics provides
risk across your entire global network. a look back in time, re-evaluating existing data with new attack information to ensure a
complete picture of compromise.
Simple Setup, Immediate Analysis
Because Pravail Security Analytics deals Using Pravail Security Analytics On-Premise, organizations have the ability to:
with uploaded full packet captures,
• Identify anomalies in network traffic patterns in real time.
there is no need to integrate with other
security systems or logs, and no need • Investigate and explore attacks without having any data leave the network.
to configure complex parsers. Analysis • Analyze and process data faster and with more accuracy.
occurs the moment Pravail Security
Analytics starts receiving data. • Create attack timelines for threats that may have compromised the system months
before discovery.
Interactive Visualization and • Pinpoint attacker location by country or city or ISP (ASN).
Fine-Grained Control
Analyze packet captures whenever or
• Scrutinize target hosts to uncover where infections may have spread.
however the organization requires. This
allows for real-time analysis or post
compromise research. Organizations
can also evaluate captures in scales
of minutes or days, as well as view
attacks in older data.

Reveal Undetected Attacks

Whenever updated Threat Intelligence
is available, Pravail Security Analytics
searches your historical traffic to find
previously undetected zero day attacks.

Enhanced IR and Forensics Main visualization of

Understand network events and attack analyzed packet captures
indicators. View packet captures and
data at custom intervals to determine
attack infection and propagation.
Pravail Security Analytics On-Premise Specifications
Pravail Security Analytics On-Premise solution is deployed using a Controller appliance
and distributed Collectors. The Collectors are available as appliances enabling organiza-
tions to scale out storage or processing capabilities for high speed capture points, or for
deployment into multiple locations to provide distributed coverage. The Controller is used
to store and analyze the security analytics data as well as manage the Collectors.
Pravail Security Analytics Controller
All deployments of the Pravail Security Analytics On-Premise solution must include
at least one Controller, as it’s the primary device for security analysts to interact with.
The Controller is responsible for:
• Running the Web Interface and User Interface of the application.
• Receive PCAP uploads and assign them to a collector for storage and processing.
• Storage of the security analytics metadata including:
• Metrics and counters.
• Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) results for all packets relating to an attack.
• Queries against the meta data.
• Management of the threat intelligence feeds and custom feeds.
• Issuing the command to Loop stored data on the Collectors (automatic
and customer initiated).
• Management of key pairs between Controller and all Collectors (encryption
and authentication of the session between Controller and Collectors).

Features 6115

Security Analytics Data Storage (Raw) 15 TB

Hard Drives 8 x 2 TB SATA 7200 RPM

Size 2 RU

Cluster Interface Options 4 port SFP options for 10/100/1000 Copper and GE SX/LX Fiber

Management Interfaces 2 x 10/100/1000 Copper

Processor 2 x XEON ES-2658; 2.1 Ghz/20 MB; 8 Core Processors

Memory 64 GB

Power Supplies Dual AC or DC Power

Pravail Security Analytics Collectors

The Collector appliance processes network streams (Live Capture Points) or Packet
Capture files (Non-Live Capture Points), sending metrics and metadata to the Controller
for storage, visualization and querying. It uses a mirrored copy of the traffic taken from
either a network tap or via a mirror port on a network appliance (switch or load balancer)
and adds no latency to the network flow. The Collector is responsible for the following
functions in Pravail Security Analytics:
Corporate Headquarters
• Writing PCAP files to disk (for uploaded PCAPs).
76 Blanchard Road
• Writing real time streams to disk in the form of PCAPs.
Burlington, MA 01803 USA
• Analyze real time streams for matches against enabled attack signatures. For dis-
Toll Free USA +1 866 212 7267
covered attacks, perform analysis of PCAP data and extraction of security analytics
T +1 781 362 4300
metadata including:
North America Sales • Metrics.
Toll Free +1 855 773 9200 • Counters.
• Deep packet inspection information.
Europe • Encapsulation and sending of security analytics metadata to the Controller.
T +44 207 127 8147 • Looping existing stored data against delta changes to rules (feeds and custom
signatures) to find previously undetected attacks.
Asia Pacific
T +65 68096226 Features 6015 6064

Maximum Capture Points 1 1
Packet Capture Storage (Raw) 15 TB 64 TB

Hard Drives 8 x 2 TB SATA 7200 RPM 16 x 4 TB SATA 7200 RPM

© 2014 Arbor Networks, Inc. All rights
Size 2 RU 3 RU
reserved. Arbor Networks, the Arbor Networks
logo, Peakflow, ArbOS, Pravail, Cloud Signaling, Capture Interface Options 4 port SFP options for 10/100/1000 Copper and GE SX/LX Fiber
Arbor Cloud, ATLAS, We see things others
can’t.™ and Arbor Networks. Smart. Available. Management Interfaces 2 x 10/100/1000 Copper
Secure. are all trademarks of Arbor Networks, Processor 2 x XEON ES-2658; 2.1 Ghz/20 MB; 8 Core Processors
Inc. All other brands may be the trademarks
of their respective owners. Power Supplies Dual AC or DC Power

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