Matlab For Dynamicm Channel
Matlab For Dynamicm Channel
Matlab For Dynamicm Channel
P.M.Papazoglou1, D.A.Karras2, R.C.Papademetriou3
Abstract - The rapid evolution of cellular technology and the augmentative user demand for advanced mobile services leads
the industry to develop more efficient network structures. The increasing number of cellular users and the demand for
broadband mobile communications (3rd and 4th generation) drives to the research of new methodologies for the design of
cellular networks and services. Simulation environments more than ever offer the opportunity to develop and study with low
cost new structures and methods for the implementation of new services. This paper thoroughly reviews centralized and
distributed DCA schemes in terms of simulation characteristics and needs and proposes a comprehensive simulation system
incorporating their principles, entities and concepts involved. The proposed system is implemented in Java, in order to
create a high performance generic simulation environment with the future capability of internetworking. The system is
designed with the goal to be efficient in simulating large scale generic cellular telecommunication systems. Moreover,
another goal of the proposed system is to serve as a test bed for the evaluation and development of DCA schemes
(especially for educational purposes) involved in such large scale cellular systems towards their planning as effective
cellular mobile radio networks.
Keywords - cellular network, simulation model, channel allocation scheme, simulation environment
communication system. The role of a channel assignment When the cell channels are divided in two groups –
scheme is to allocate channels to cells or mobiles in such a standard channels and borrowable channels – we have the
way as to minimize: a) the probability that the incoming Simple Complex Channel Borrowing Scheme (SCCB). In
calls are dropped, b) the probability that ongoing calls are Borrowing with Channel Ordering (BCO) we use channel
dropped, and c) the probability that the carrier-to- priorities to define the borrowing order. Other FCA
interference ratio of any call falls below a prespecified variations are Sharing with Bias (SHB), channel
value. In literature, many channel assignment schemes have Assignment with Borrowing and Reassignment (CABR),
been widely investigated with a goal to maximize the and Ordered Dynamic Channel Assignment with
frequency reuse. The channel assignment schemes in Rearrangement (ODCA) [8].
general can be classified into three strategies: Fixed Non borrowing schemes are mostly based on hand-of
Channel Assignment (FCA) [1,2], Dynamic Channel strategies where an available channel is difficult to locate.
Assignment (DCA) [1,3], and the Hybrid Channel
Assignment (HCA) [1]. In FCA, a set of channels are DCA variations
permanently allocated to each cell based on a pre-estimated
traffic intensity. In DCA, there is no permanent allocation As we mentioned before, centralized and distributed
of channels to cells. Rather, the entire set of available versions are the main variations of the DCA scheme.
channels is accessible to all the cells, and the channels are
assigned on a call-by-call basis in a dynamic manner. One Centralized DCA schemes
of the objectives in DCA is to develop a channel
assignment strategy, which minimizes the total number of The First Available (FA) is the simplest method where the
blocked calls. The FCA scheme is simple but does not adapt first available channel within the reuse distance encountered
to changing traffic conditions and user distribution. during a channel search is assigned to the new call. Future
Moreover, the frequency planning becomes more difficult blocking probability is a very important factor for the
in a microcellular environment as it is based on the accurate channel selection in a new call. Locally Optimized
knowledge of traffic and interference conditions. These Dynamic Assignment (LODA) examines this probability in
deficiencies are overcome by DCA but FCA outperforms order to assign a new channel. The Mean Square (MSQ)
most known DCA schemes under heavy load conditions[2]. scheme selects an available channel that minimizes the
To overcome the drawbacks of FCA and DCA, HCA was MSQ between cells that use the same channel.
proposed by Kahwa et al.[1], which combines the features
of both FCA and DCA techniques. DCA schemes can be Distributed DCA schemes
implemented as centralized or distributed. In the centralized
approach[1] all requests for channel allocation are The distributed DCA schemes are based on signal quality
forwarded to a channel controller that has access to system computations around the initiated calls. More precisely, are
wide channel usage information. The central controller then based on co-channel distance, signal strength measurement
assigns the channel by maintaining the required signal and signal to noise interference ratio. Locally Optimized
quality. I distributed DCA [3], the decision regarding the Least Interference DCA algorithm (LOLIA) [6] is a known
channel acquisition and release is taken by the concerned variation and computes the interference among users that
base station on the basis of the information from the use the same channel and examines the signal quality in
surrounding cells. As the decision is not based on the global comparison with a defined threshold.
status of the network, it can achieve only suboptimal
allocation compared to the centralized DCA and may cause One of the most important characteristic of a cellular
forced termination of ongoing calls. network is that a certain number of calls will fail to
establish an initial connection. We can state two measures
Many channel allocation schemes have been proposed. for dealing with unsuccessful call attempts: the never
There are many variations of the FCA, DCA and HCA serviced new calls, and the delayed successful calls (waiting
schemes. for initial connection).
FCA variations The service quality in the busy period of the day may be
expressed as the grade of service [5] or. Two requirements
Channel borrowing and non borrowing schemes can be set in order to measure GoS level or Quality of
Service [9]:
In channel borrowing schemes [7], a cell can borrow a
channel from an adjacent cell only if there is no free • GoS, loss system : probability of blocking < x%
channel in initial cell. After the use of the borrowed or congestion < x%
channel, the channel returns to its initial cell. Known
schemes in channel borrowing category [7] are the Simple • GoS, delay system : probability (waiting time > z
borrowing (SB), Borrow from the Richest (BFR) and sec) < x%
Borrow First Available (BFA) scheme. In SB, after the
initial channel assignment in each cell if there is no free Another quality metric can be the signal to noise
channel for a new call, the needed channel can be borrowed interference C/(N+I) ratio compared to a predefined
from a neighboring cell. In the case of the BFR scheme, the threshold.
available channel is borrowed from a neighboring cell that
holds the greatest number of free channels (for borrowing) The simulation system
compared to other neighboring cells. Without any
optimization when borrowing, BFA scheme is the simplest Our system is a generic simulation system for cellular
because the borrowing is based on the first available communications of 3rd and towards 4th generation in order
channel [7]. to perform simulations not in ad-hoc wireless networks.
The number of communication channels, the number of
users and other simulation parameters can be configured
using a special configuration text file. The supported
channel allocation schemes for a given cellular network are
distributed DCA and centralized DCA. As we mentioned in
previous section, the whole program was built in Java in
order to have the capability of future extensions in any
In order to build a sufficient simulation system it is
necessary to take in consideration some basic aspects of the
operation of the cellular network which are:
In addition, in centralized DCA the new free channel after the new user and the base station. Channel allocation is
the call termination returns in the channel pool. successful if a free channel is found in the cell and the
Figure 3, shows the logic diagram of that procedure. C/(N+I) constraint is fulfilled (fig.4).
1 − x2 / 2
f ( x) = e . In the user movement procedure,
firstly we generate a Gaussian number e.g. x1 and the
corresponding f(x1) when x1 ∈ [ −0.5, 0.5] . If another
Gaussian number e,g x2, where x2 ≥ f ( x1 ) a user
move is generated.
Simulation results
Example results
1 2 3 4 5
Figure 5 – channel reuse
Channel RE-USE per CELL
Blocking probability 90
0.5 80
Channel Reusability
0.2 40
0 10
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Sim time 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Figure 6 - blocking probability
Cell Number
Figure 8 - channel reusability per cell
If the received power of each user is high enough, we can
make the assumption that the interference from other users
Number of Cell Congestions
can be ignored. Thus, we can compare the simulated 200
blocking probability with the theoretical which is 180
⎛ n − 1⎞
⎟ ( vh )
s 160
Num of Congestions
= s⎝
s ⎠ 140
∑ ⎟ ( vh )
⎜ 100
i =0 ⎝ i ⎠ 80
0.12 0.9
0.1 0.8
Blocking probability
0.08 0.7
0.06 DCA-drg,ch5,nm
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 0.2
Sim time
Figure 7 - Dropping probability 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Other graphs include the number of reallocation, forced Figure 10. Blocking probability of various channel assignment schemes (5
channels per cell)
calls and channel reusability during the simulation time.
Finally, apart from the statistical matlab commands that the
simulation program produces there are two more graphs Figure 10, shows that centralized DCA (DCA crr - random
that show the channel reusability per cell and the number of call arrival, random move) with user movement or not have
congestions per cell respectively (fig. 8 & 9). higher blocking probability than distributed DCA (DCA
drr/drg random/Gaussian movement) which means that
distributed DCA is more suitable for network with limited Conclusions & Future work
number of cells.
There is no doubt that cellular network simulation is a very
BLOCKING,channels per cell=32 complicated procedure. From the point of view of network
designer the development and research of various channel
allocation schemes must be faced from the lowest starting
0.8 point. The type and the number of parameters that the
Blocking probability
Communications, pp.10-31,1996
300 [8] S.Jordan, “Resource Allocation in Wireless
250 Networks”, Journal of High Speed Networks,
200 DCA-crr,ch32,nm vol.5,no.1,pp.23-24,1996
DCA-drr,ch32,nm [9] M.Salamah and H.Lababidi, “Dynamically
150 DCA-drg,ch32,nm
DCA-crr,ch32,m adaptive channel reservation scheme for cellular networks”,
Elsevier Computer networks, article in press, 2005
50 [10] R.L.Banrodia, Et al, “Parsec: A parallel simulation
environment for complex systems”, IEEE Computer,
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
21(10):77-85, Oct.1998
Figure 13 - cell congestions (32 channels)