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4. IAS 28 Associates
Other situations where significant influence exists are when the investor:
๏ Representation on the board
๏ Participation in policy making process
๏ Material transaction between the two entities
๏ Interchange of managerial personnel
๏ Provision of essential technical information

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Chapter 3
Answer to example 1 – Statement of profit and loss, and statement of financial position
Statement of financial position as at 31st December 2017

$ $
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment (W) 12,320
Current assets
Inventories (W) 4,000
Trade and other receivables 9,290
Cash and cash equivalents 3,125
Total assets 28,735


Equity shares ($1) 5,000
Retained earnings (5,835 + 13,040) 18,875
Total equity 23,875

Non-current liabilities
Debentures 1,000

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 2,360
Tax payable 1,500
Total equity and liabilities 28,735

Statement of profit and loss for the year ended 31st December 2017
Revenue 66,980
Cost of sales (1,800 + 3,930 + 38,760 + 800 (W) + 480 (W) – 4,000 (W)) (41,770)
Gross profit 25,210
Distribution expenses (1,800 + 3,130) (4,930)
Administrative expenses (1,800 + 3,790) (5,590)
Operating profit 14,690
Finance costs (200) (200)
Investment income 250
Profit before tax 14,740
Income tax expense (200 + 1,500) (1,700)
Profit for the year 13,040

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Chapter 4
Answer to example 1 – Statement of cash flows
Statement of cash flows for the year ended [date]

$’000s $’000s
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit before tax 15,000
Finance cost 400
Investment income (180)
Depreciation 4,658
Profit on disposal of PPE (720)
Decrease in inventory (3,560 - 9,635) 6,075
Increase in receivables (6,405 - 4,542) (1,863)
Increase in payables (7,562 - 4,364) 3,198
Cash generated from operations 26,568
Interest paid (400)
Income taxes paid (W) (4,090)

Net cash from operating activities 22,078

Cash flows from investing activities

Purchase of property, plant and equipment (W) (23,340)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment (1,974 + 720) 2,694
Dividends received 180

Net cash used in investing activities (20,466)

Cash flows from financing activities

Issue of equity shares 1,869
Repayment of long-term borrowings (2,300)
Dividends paid (6,465 + 10,650 - 16,115) (1,000)

Net cash used in financing activities (1,431)

Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 181
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period (1,063 - 429) 634
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period (2,045 - 1,230) 815

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Chapter 5
Answer to example 1 – Revaluation increase
$’000 $’000
Property, plant and equipment 89,412 Depreciation 5,588

Revaluation reserve 25,412 Gain 27,000

Historic cost Revaluation

Revaluation reserve
($’000) ($’000) ($’000)

Cost (1.1.12) 80,000

Acc. Depn. (12,000)
(80,000/20) x 3 years
Carrying value (31.12.14) 68,000 95,000 27,000
Depreciation (4,000) (5,588) (1,588)
89,412 25,412

Answer to example 2 – Revaluation decrease

$’000 $’000
Property, plant and
8,000 Depreciation 1,750
Impairment (PL) 400
Impairment (OCI) 3,850

Historic cost Revaluation model Revaluation reserve

($’000) ($’000) ($’000)
Cost (1.1.13) 12,000
Acc. Depn.
(12,000/10) x 2 years
Carrying value (31.12.14) 9,600 14,000 4,400
(1,200) (1,750) (550)
Carrying value (before) 8,400 12,250 3,850
Impairment (400) (4,250) (3,850)
Carrying value
8,000 Nil

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Answer to example 6 – General borrowings

% $m Ave.
4% bank loan 4% 25 1
3% bank loan 3% 40 1.2
65 2.2

Weighted average = x 100%

= 3.38%

Capitalised = ($10m x 3.38%) + ($15m x 3.38% x 6/12)

= $0.59m

Answer to example 7 – Grants and depreciable assets

The property, plant and equipment will be capitalised on the statement of financial position as a non-
current asset at its cost of $10 million.
It will be depreciated over its 10 year useful life and therefore $1 million of depreciation will be charged
through profit or loss each year. The carrying value of the PPE will be reduced by the same amount each
The government grant is for a depreciable asset and so the $2 million will be spread over the same life as the
As Tweddle has met the conditions for the grant the $2 million will be recognised as deferred income on the
statement of financial position.
It will be spread/amortised over 10 years and therefore $0.2 million income will be shown in profit or loss
each year, with the deferred income being reduced by the same amount each year.
Tweddle will also split the deferred income at the reporting date between current and non-current liabilities.
The statement of cash flows will show a payment to acquire PPE of $10 million and grant income of $2
million in investing activities.
The depreciation and amortisation of government grants are both non-cash items in profit or loss and will
need adjusting in operating activities if using the indirect method.

Answer to example 8 – Investment property and change of use

Addlington will treat the property using IAS 16 for the first six-months of the year before applying IAS 40
once the change in use of the property took place.
The property will be depreciated for the first six-months of the year resulting in a depreciation expense
through profit or loss of $0.5 million ($20 million/20 years x 6/12), thus reducing the carrying value to $19.5
million ($20 million - $0.5 million).
The property is revalued to its fair value of $21 million on 1 July 2015 under IAS 16, giving a gain through
other comprehensive income of $1.5 million ($21 million - $19.5 million).
The property is now classified as investment property and no longer depreciated.
It is revalued to a fair value of $21.6 million at the reporting date with the gain of $0.6 million going through
profit or loss.

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Chapter 7 – Impairments
Answer to example 1 – Impairment
SFP (extract) SPLOCI(extract)
$ $
Non-current assets
PPE (W) 24,000 Depreciation (W) 5,000

Impairment (W) 1,000


Annual depreciation = = $5,000 per annum
10 years

Carrying value @ 31 December 20X9 = $50,000 − ($5,000 x 5 years)

= $25,000

Fair value less costs to sell = $24,000

($26,000 - $2,000)

Value in use = $5,000 x 3,791

= $18,995

Recoverable amount (higher) = $24,000

Impairment = $25,000 − $24,000

= $1,000

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Chapter 8 – Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued

Answer to example 1 – Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations
SFP (extract) SPL(extract)
$ $
Current assets
NCA-HFS (W) 68,000 Depreciation (W) 11,000

Impairment (W) 5,000

Annual depreciation = $120,000 / 10 years = $12,000 p.a.
Carrying value (30 November 20X4) = 120,000 – (12,000 x 3 years) – (12,000 x 11/12) = $73,000
Fair value less costs to sell = 70,000 – 2,000 = $68,000
NCA-HFS (lower) = $68,000
Impairment = 73,000 – 68,000 = $5,000

Answer to example 2 – Discontinued operations

31 December 2015
The operation is not being sold so cannot be classified as held for sale and neither is it a discontinued
operation as it is still operating until 31 March 2016. Angola is firmly committed to the closure but it hasn’t
taken place and so is included in continuing operations. A disclosure in the notes can be made of the
intention to close the operation in the following year.
31 December 2016
The operation is now classified as a discontinued operation as it has now ceased operating.

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Adomas Statement of Changes in Equity

Share Revaluation Retained Total

capital reserve earnings
$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000
Balance at 31 December, 2008 600 – 2,000 2,600
Material error – – (500) (500)
Restated balance 600 – 1,500 2,100
Surplus on revaluation of properties 300 300
Net gains not recognised in the Statement of Income 300 300
Net profit for the year 1,200 1,200
Balance at 31 December, 2009 600 300 2,700 3,600

Answer to example 2 – Accounting estimates

The change in method is a change in accounting estimate.
The changing of the capitalisation of finance costs is a change in accounting policy.

Chapter 10
Answer to example 1 – Inventory (cost)
Answer B

Answer to example 2 – Inventory (valuation)

Material cost 3
Labour cost 2
Total cost 11
NRV = $12 - $2 = $10
Total inventory valuation = (800 undamaged units x $11) + (200 damaged units x $10) = $10,800

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Answer to example 2 – Financial liabilities

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Finance cost 87 89 91 93

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
2% debentures (W) 1,947 1,996 2,047 -

Year B/f Cash C/f
1 1,900 87 (40) 1,947
2 1,947 89 (40) 1,996
3 1,996 91 (40) 2,047
4 2,047 93 (2,140) -

Answer to example 3 – Convertible Debentures

Alice is required to account for the convertible debentures on initial recognition based on substance and
using split equity accounting.
The liability is calculated on the assumption that there is no conversion option on the debt, so essentially
treated as a 100% loan redeem for cash. The initial liability is recognised at the present value of the future
cash flows, discounted at the rate of interest on similar debt without the conversion option.
This gives a figure of $94.7 million (see working below).
The difference between the liability and the net proceeds is recognised within equity at $5.3 million.
The subsequent accounting treatment of the debt is at amortised cost, whilst the equity balance is not
adjusted until conversion takes place in the future.
Year Cash flow DF PV
($m) (@ 6%) ($m)
1 4 0.943 3.772
(4% coupon x $100 million (par))
2 4 0.890 3.56
3 104 0.840 87.36
($4m plus $100 million (par at redemption)
=$94.7 million

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Answer to example 3 – Sale and leaseback (1)

(i) Transfer of asset is not a sale

Seller Lessor
• Continue to recognise the asset @ • Do not recognise the asset as it has not
$8.4 million and depreciate. been sold to the buyer.
• Recognise a financial liability @ • Recognise a financial asset @ transfer
transfer proceeds of $10 million. proceeds of $10 million.

(ii) Transfer of asset is sale

Seller Lessor
• Derecognise the asset @ $8.4 • Recognise purchase of the asset @ $10
million1 million (fair value = proceeds)
• Recognise lease liability @ PV of
• Apply lessor accounting
lease rentals2
• Recognise a right-of-use asset, as a
proportion of the previous carrying
value of underlying asset 3
• Gain/loss on rights transferred 4

DR Bank $10,000,000
DR Right of use asset3 (W2) $6,486,257
CR Lease liability2 (W1) $7,721,735
CR PPE – Building1 $8,400,000
CR Gain on transfer4 $364,522

(W1) Lease liability = PV of lease rentals at rate implicit in the lease = $1 million x AF1-10@5%
Lease a = $1 million x 7.722 = $7,721,735

(W2) $ $
Right-of-use retained 7,721,735 77.22% 6,486,257
Rights transferred 2,278,265 22.78% 1,913,743
Total 10,000,000 100.0% 8,400,000

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Answer to example 3 – Onerous contract

(a) Yes, a legal obligation under the purchase contract

(b) Give notice, and buy the Give notice, buy the Cancel the
cloth for 2 more months cloth, and sell contract
and produce immediately without notice
Cost 2 × 900 × $7 12,600 2 × 900 × $7 12,600 2 × $700 1,400
Labour cost 2 ×900/3 × $4 2,400
Sell 2 × 300 dresses × $22 13,200 Sell 2 × 900 × $6.25 11,250
Loss (1,800) Loss (1,350) Loss (1,400)

There is therefore an unavoidable loss of $1,350. This should be provided for in the Statement of Financial
Position and expensed through the Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income. In the
Notes to the Financial Statements, there should be an explanation of the circumstances and the
uncertainties concerning timings, amounts and assumptions

Answer to example 4 – Restructuring

(a) There is neither a legal nor constructive obligation, because no obligating event has yet occurred. The
directors could change their minds, and decide to keep the Kaunas factory open. Therefore, no
provision is appropriate.
(b) There is a detailed plan, the impact of which has been communicated to suppliers and the workforce.
Paulius has therefore raised the valid expectation in the minds of those affected. Although not a legal
obligation, there is a constructive obligation arising from some past event, involving the probable
outflow of economic resource. A provision is therefore appropriate in the amount which represents
the best estimate of the costs of closing the Kaunas factory.

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Chapter 15
Answer to example 1 – Current tax
Statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 March 2015 (extract)

Profit before tax X
Income tax expense (3,500 – 400) (3,100)
Profit for the year X

Statement of financial position as at 31 March 2015 (extract)

Current liabilities
Tax payable 3,500

Answer to example 2 – Tracy (ignoring deferred tax)

20X5 20X6 20X7
($000s) ($000s) ($000s)
Profit before tax 2,000 2,000 2,000
Income tax expense (100) (500) (520)
Profit after tax 1,900 1,500 1,480

20X5 20X6 20X7
($000s) ($000s) ($000s)
Profit before tax 2,000 2,000 2,000
Add: depreciation 1,000 1,000 1,000
Less: tax depreciation (2,500) (500) (400)
PCTCT 500 2,500 2,600
Tax @ 20% 100 500 520

Cost 5,000
Tax allowance X5 (50%) (2,500)
Tax allowance X6 (20%) (500)
Tax allowance X7 (20%) (400)

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4. Movement in opening and closing position

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
$ $ $
Closing position 3,500 5,125 5,344
Opening position Nil 3,500 5,125
Movement 3,500 1,625 219
↑ Liability ↑ Liability ↑ Liability

Answer to example 5 – Revaluations

There is a gain on revaluation at the year-end of $330,000 ($800,000 - $470,000) that is shown through other
comprehensive income.

The deferred tax is calculated in the standard fashion but the carrying value is based upon the revalued

Year 1
Carrying value (revalued amount) 800,000
Tax base 420,000
Temporary difference 380,000
Deferred tax position @20% 76,000
(CV > TB)
The deferred tax liability must be recorded at $76,000 at the end of the first year but careful consideration
must be given to the movement in the deferred tax liability as t is higher than what it is expected to be given
the asset was revalued.

DR Profit or loss (β) 12,000

Other comprehensive income
DR 66.000
($330,000 gain on revaluation x 20%)
CR Deferred tax liability 76,000

Chapter 16
Answer to example 1 – Transaction price
The three-year interest-free credit period suggests that the $10,000 selling price includes a significant
financing component.

The selling price is therefore discounted to present value based on a discount rate that reflects the credit
characteristics of the party (customer) receiving the financing i.e. 5%.

Therefore the transaction price is $10,000/(1.05)3 = $10,000 x 0.8638 = $8,638.

Answer to example 2 – Allocation of price

The performance obligations and allocation of total price are as follows:

Provision of home cinema system (9,000/11,000 × $10,000) = $8,182

Provision of maintenance contract (2,000/11,000 × $10,000) = $1,818

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Chapter 17
Answer to example 1 – Functional currency (1)
1 December 2015

DR Purchases $97,561
CR Payables $97,561

= 400,000 Dinar = $97,561


31 December 2015
Retranslate the monetary balance (payable) at the closing rate (4.3 Dinar:$1)

= 400,000 Dinar = $93,023


Reduction in payables = $97,561 - $93,023 = $4,538

DR Payables $4,538
CR Profit or loss $4,538

Do not retranslate the non-monetary balance (inventory), and leave it at $97,561 at the reporting date.
10 January 2016
Translate the payment at the exchange rate on the day of the transaction

= 400,000 Dinar = $90,909


DR Payables $93,023
CR Bank $90,909
CR Profit or loss $2,114

Chapter 18
No examples in the chapter

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Answer to example 2 – Diluted EPS

i) Convertible loan stock

500m + 400k
Diluted EPS = = 49.4c per share
1,000m + 12.5m

(W1) Extra earnings = $500,000 x (1 – 0.2) = $400,000

(W2) Extra Shares = $10m x 125 shares / $100 = 12.5m

ii) Share options

Diluted EPS = = 48.2c per share
1,000m + 37.5m

No. shares under the option 100m

No. shares at full market value
100 x $2.50/$4.00
Fully diluted EPS
Earnings Shares
($m) (m)
Basic 500 1,000
Options - 37.5
Convertibles 0.4 12.5
500.4 1,050 47.6c
Both the basic EPS of 50c and the fully diluted EPS of 47.6c are to be disclosed.

Chapter 20
Answer to example 1 – ROCE
ROCE = PBIT / Net debt + equity x 100%
ROCE = 10,200 / 35,600 + 6,900 x 100% = 24%
Answer B

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Chapter 23
Answer to example 1 – Basic consolidation
Peter Group
Other assets
(1,500 + 1,200)
Total assets 2,700

Equity share capital 1,000

Retained earnings 1,100
(400 + 200)
Total equity and liabilities 2,700

Answer to example 2 – Basic consolidation (continued)

Peter Group
Other assets
(1,900 + 1,450)
Total assets 3,350

Equity share capital 1,000

Retained earnings
(=1,400 + (100% x (900 – 750))
(500 + 300)
Total equity and liabilities 3,350

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Answer to example 5 – Basic consolidation (revision)

(a) Goodwill

$ $
Cost of investment 1,380,000
NCI at acquisition 450,000
Net assets
Share capital 1,000,000
Retained earnings 480,000
Goodwill 350,000

(b) Non-controlling interests

NCI at acquisition 450,000
NCI% of post-acquisition profits
25% x (660,000 – 480,000)
NCI at reporting date 495,000
(c) Other figures
(i) Investment = $nil
(ii) Other assets = 4,500 + 2,400 = $6,900,000
(iii) Share capital = $2,000,000 (100% P only)
(iv) Retained earnings = 2,040 + [75% x (660 – 480)] = $2,175,000
(v) Liabilities = 1,840 + 740 = $2,580,000

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W4) Non-controlling interests

NCI @ acqn (W3) 200

Add: 20% x 300 (W2) 60

W5) Group retained earnings

100% P 800
Add: 80% x 300 (W2) 240

Answer to example 7 – Unrealised profits

Non-current assets
(900 + 500)
Goodwill (W3) 650

Current Assets
(700 + 600 – 10 (PUP))


Share Capital 500

Retained earnings (W5) 992
Non-controlling interest (W4) 248

Current liabilities
(1,100 + 500)

W1) Group Structure




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Chapter 24
Answer to example 1 – Basic consolidation (revision)
Revenue 11,600
(8,400 + 3,200)
Cost of sales (6,300)
(4,600 + 1,700)
Gross profit 5,300
Operating expenses (2,160)
(2,200 + 960)
Profit before tax 3,140
Taxation (740)
(600 + 140)
Profit for the year 2,400

Profit attributable to:

Equity shareholders (β) 2,320
Non-controlling interest 80
(20% x 400)

Answer to example 2 – Basic consolidation (mid-year acquisition)

(1,645 + (6/12 x 1,280))
Cost of sales
(1,205 + (6/12 x 990))
Gross profit 882
Distribution costs
(100 + (6/12 x 70))
Administrative expenses
(90 + (6/12 x 50))
Profit before interest and tax 632
Finance costs
(55 x (6/12 x 30))
Investment income
(10 – (80% x 10))
Profit before tax 564
(35 + (6/12 x 28))
Profit for the year 515

Profit attributable to:

Equity shareholders (β) 503.8
Non-controlling interest
(20% x (6/12 x 112)

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