Natural Law: Jurist As The Well-Know Question What Is Truth?' Is To The Logician
Natural Law: Jurist As The Well-Know Question What Is Truth?' Is To The Logician
Natural Law: Jurist As The Well-Know Question What Is Truth?' Is To The Logician
The Christians -- Augustine (AD 354—430) equates natural law with man's Pre-
Fall state. Therefore, life according to nature is no longer possible and mankind
must instead seek salvation through the divine law and Christ’s grace. Gratian
(12th century) reconnected the concept of natural law and divine law. “The
Human Race is ruled by two things: namely, natural law and usages (mos, moris,
mores). Natural law is what is contained in the law and the Gospel. By it, each
person is commanded to do to others what he wants done to himself and is
prohibited from inflicting on others what he does not want done to himself.”
(Decretum, D.1 d.a.c.1; ca. 1140 AD)
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