Railway Nala Nirman
Railway Nala Nirman
Railway Nala Nirman
eq[; fpfdRlk v/kh{kd
iwoksZRrj jsyos@bTtruxj
i= la0 2017@esM@39@1@ukyk@U;w ekMy dkyksuh@dksV0 fn0
eS0 czts”k dqekj ;kno
vkyksd uxj] cjsyh
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izfrfyfi %& eq[; LokLF; fujh{kd@U;w ekMy dkyksuh@bTtruxj dks vko”;d dk;Zokgh ,oa lwpuk gsrqA
ARTICLE OF AGREEMENT made this ………………. day of ………… 2017 between ACMS/IZN
the President of India acting through, N.E. Railway, hereinafter called the “Railway” of the one part
and M/S ;kno bUVjizkbZtst vkyksd uxj cjsyh hereinafter called the “Contractor” of the other part.
WHEAREAS the contractor has agree with the Railway for the performance of the work
cleaning of Nala. In the schedule hereto annexed upon the general condition of the contract corrected
up to date and specifications of the N.E. Railway and the special conditions/specifications, if any, and
in conformity with the drawings hereinto annexed and whereas the performance of the said work is an
act which the public are interested.
Date : 18/09/17
Place : IZN
AGREEMENT for Cleaning of Nala
Prescribed form of Agreement duly filled in along with schedule of work and rates and other
conditions (1 to 3 pages) are enclosed here with.
The End