ELTU3-1 Good Intentions

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Good Intentions
A Dungeons & Dragons® Living
Forgotten Realms Adventure

By Elizabeth Chaipraditkul and

Pierre van Rooden
Reviewed by Michael Mockus and Greg Marks
Playtested by Gary Affeldt, Rick Brown, Jason Czerwonka,
Bryant Durrell, Josh Geurink, Maria Herro, Amanda Holdridge,
James Holdridge, Arjen Laan, Raoul Jaeger, Aaron Jiskra, Shaun
Klein, David Krolnik, David Lenk, Alan Patrick, Rob Prater, Andy
Scholman, Michael Schultz, Peter Seckler, Annemarie Smith,
Jeremy Strandberg, Galen Teschendorf, Phil Tobin, Jayce Trieskey,
Rick van de Wal, and Jesse Ziegler

A string of grisly murders has hit the town of Triel. Word on the streets is that insanity grips the townspeople and a
new cult is to blame. Are these just whispers in the dark or is there something more sinister behind it all? A Living
Forgotten Realms adventure set in Elturgard for characters of the Heroic tier (levels 1-10). This adventure is the first
part of the Sinister Intentions Major Quest. This is a roleplay-heavy adventure with multiple paths for the PCs to
pursue. We recommend that you allow 6 hours of playing time (instead of the usual 4 for a one-round adventure).

Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game
designed by Andy Collins, Rob Heinsoo, and James Wyatt.
This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of Wizards of the
Coast. To learn more about the Game System License (GSL), please visit www.wizards.com/d20.
This is an official D&D® play document. To find out more about official D&D play and to learn more on how you can schedule and run DUNGEONS
& DRAGONS game events of all sizes, visit our website at www.wizards.com/dnd, and click on “Events.”
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, RPGA, Wizards Play Network, Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual are trademarks of
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The Wizards Play Network Important DM Information
If you want to organize public Living Forgotten Realms As the DM of the session, you have the most important
games at a retail game store, you need to be associated role in facilitating the enjoyment of the game for the
with a Wizards Play Network (WPN) store. If you want players. You take the words on these pages and make
to organize public LFR games outside of a store, you them come alive. The outcome of a fun game session
should be associated with a Wizards Play Network store, often creates stories that live well beyond the play at the
but you can be an independent organizer too. To learn table. Always follow this golden rule:
more about the Wizards Play Network, visit
http://www.wizards.com/wpn Make decisions and adjudications that enhance the
If you want to organize LFR games at home, you fun of the adventure whenever possible.
don't need to be associated with the Wizards Play
Network. You don’t need to report your event to anyone, In support of the golden rule, we offer these guidelines:
and neither the DM nor the players need to have
DCI/RPGA membership numbers. Just find the • You are empowered to make adjustments to
adventure you want to play, download it, and have fun! the adventure and to make decisions about
Be sure to keep up with the LFR Community at our how the group interacts with the world. This is
campaign website: http://community.wizards.com/lfr especially important during non-combat
encounters, but you may also need to adjust the
Preparing for Play combat encounters for groups that are having too
easy or too hard of a time with the adventure.
In order to play this adventure, you’ll need copies of the
• Don't make the adventure too easy or too
D&D 4th Edition core rulebooks. These are the Player’s
difficult. Never being challenged makes for a
Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual, boring game, and being overwhelmed makes for
or the corresponding D&D Essentials products. Any a frustrating game. Gauge the experience of the
other rules referenced in this adventure will be noted in players (not the characters) with the game, try to
the New Rules Items section at the end of the feel out (or just ask) what they like in a game, and
adventure. attempt to give each player the experience
Throughout this adventure, text in bold italics they’re after when they play D&D. Everyone at
provides player information for you to paraphrase or the table should get a “chance to shine.”
read aloud when appropriate. Information about non- • Be mindful of pacing, and keep the game
player characters (NPCs) and monsters appears in the moving to ensure you finish on time. Watch for
full stat-block format with each combat encounter. For stalling, as play loses momentum when this
non-combat encounters, this information appears in happens. At the same time, make sure that the
abbreviated form in the adventure text. players don’t finish the adventure too early;
Along with this adventure, you’ll find a session provide them with a full play experience. Living
tracking sheet. If you’re playing this adventure as part of Forgotten Realms adventures are designed to be
a WPN event (see above), complete and turn in this played in about 4 hours; be very aware of running
sheet to your organizer directly after play. long or short, and adjust the pacing accordingly. If
that means you need to "call" a combat
Reading Monster Stat Blocks encounter when it is obvious that the PCs are
going to win, then feel free to do so.
Most of the information should be easy to understand, as
• Give the players appropriate hints so they can
it mirrors the information presented in the Monster
make informed choices about how to interact
Manual. Attacks may have a letter next to them
with the environment. Players should always
designating the type: M for melee, R for ranged, C for
know when enemies are bloodied or affected by
close, and A for area. Auras are designated with the O
conditions. Give them clues about how to
symbol, as well as the aura keyword.
interact with their surroundings so they can
A lower-case letter (used only for certain melee and
tackle skill challenges, combats, and puzzles
ranged attacks) denotes that the attack can be used as a
without getting frustrated by a lack of
basic attack.
information. Encourage immersion in the
adventure and give the players “little victories”
for figuring out a good choice from your clues.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 2

In summary, being the DM for a Living Forgotten Realms In the Rewards section, there is a baseline XP award
adventure isn’t about following the adventure’s text (the minimum amount a PC can earn). There are also
word-for-word; it’s about creating a fun, challenging one or more XP awards available for completing specific
game environment for the players. Chapters 1 and 2 of objectives as outlined by the adventure. Part of the DM's
the Dungeon Master’s Guide are filled with good job is to decide if and when the PCs have fulfilled each
information about being a DM for a D&D game. objective, even if they failed at some of the individual
encounters along the way.
Appropriate Character Levels
This adventure is written to support the entire Heroic Character Death
tier of play (levels 1-10). When a character dies during the course of an
Any character of the appropriate tier may play the adventure, the player always has at least one option
adventure, but the highest-level character in the party (Death Charity) and might have additional options (such
must be within three (3) levels of the lowest-level as the Raise Dead ritual). Most importantly, the DM
character in the party. must decide if the rest of the group has access to the
Living Forgotten Realms defines five adventure levels dead character's body.
within each tier. The choice of adventure level affects
the difficulty of most obstacles (particularly combat • Pay for the Raise Dead ritual. If the group has access
encounters and skill challenges) the PCs will face during to the body and chooses this option, the component
the adventure, and also determines the rewards cost is usually divided evenly amongst the group
available to the PCs for successfully overcoming those (although this is not required, it is generally
obstacles. The players must decide as a group which considered good form to share the costs). The
adventure level they want to play, and inform you of component cost is 500 gp for heroic tier, 5,000 gp for
their decision before beginning the adventure. We paragon tier, and 50,000 gp for epic tier). If a PC can
recommend that you calculate the average character cast the ritual, then the component cost is the only
level and use that as a starting point, but a group of cost. If the group must locate an NPC to cast the
experienced players might choose to "play up" for a ritual, that NPC charges a fee equal to 20% of the
greater challenge, while a group of less-experienced component cost.
players might choose to "play down" while they're • Use a power that returns dead characters to life.
learning the ropes. Certain characters gain powers that allow them to
The group may not choose an adventure level that is restore life without using the Raise Dead ritual or
more than three levels above the lowest-level character paying a component cost. For example, the warpriest
in the party. For example, a group with a level 2, level 3, (a cleric build from Heroes of the Fallen Lands) gains
and four level 5 characters may not choose to play the the resurrection daily utility power at 8th level. NPCs
level 6 version of an adventure because level 6 is more may not be used for this option unless an adventure
than three levels above the 2nd-level character. This specifically says so; a player character with the
group could choose to face the adventure at either level appropriate power must be at the table (assuming he
2 or level 4, but they will probably choose level 4 or she isn't the dead character) and all other
because that's the best fit for the group (the average conditions for using the power must be met. For
character level is 25/6 = approximately 4). example, resurrection may only be used at the end of
If (and only if) the group can't agree on an an extended rest, and the character must have died
adventure level, the DM may cast a tiebreaking vote. within the last 24 hours.
• Invoke the Death Charity clause. If the group
doesn’t have access to the dead character's body, or if
Failing to Defeat an Encounter they have the body but cannot afford (or are
If the group fails to defeat an encounter (for example, if unwilling) to pay for a ritual, the player can choose to
they have to flee from a combat because it’s too tough or return the PC back to life at the end of the adventure,
they fail too many checks during a skill challenge) it exactly as if the Raise Dead ritual had been used on
doesn't have to mean the end of the adventure. In most the dead character. The details of exactly how the
cases, both success and failure should lead to interesting character's body made its way back to civilization are
story outcomes. The PCs might miss out on some XP or up to the player, or this can be left deliberately vague.
treasure, but whenever possible, give them a chance to There is no direct cost for accepting Death Charity,
work around their failure and still bring the adventure but the character forfeits all non-XP rewards for the
to a successful conclusion. adventure (including gold, Story Awards, and the

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 3

opportunity to select a Treasure). The PC cannot Lasting Effects
participate in the same adventure a second time.
Sometimes a PC suffers a lasting effect that isn’t
Regardless of which option is chosen, any character automatically resolved by the end of the adventure, such
who dies during an adventure gains 20% less XP from as the death penalty or the later stages of a disease.
that adventure. In other words, characters that died Death Penalty: When a character dies and is
during the adventure earn 80% of the amount earned by brought back to life, that character usually suffers a
those characters that did not die during the adventure death penalty. For example, a character brought back by
(for example, if the rest of the party earned 500 XP, the the Raise Dead ritual or a warpriest's resurrection power
characters who died only earn 400 XP). suffers a -1 penalty to all attack rolls, skill checks, saving
If a character is killed in the final encounter, but the throws, and ability checks until he or she has reached
rest of the party prevails, then the DM may choose to three milestones. The player should record the
waive the 20% XP penalty if he or she believes that the character's death on his or her Adventure Log, and then
group as a whole would not have succeeded without the keep a running tally of milestones reached. Once the PC
dead character's sacrifice. The 20% penalty also does not has reached the third milestone since coming back to
apply in the event of a TPK (Total Party Kill), because life, the death penalty ends.
the DM should reduce the entire group's XP award to Sometimes the death penalty is paid by a character
reflect the fact that the party as a whole failed to other than the character that was returned to life. For
complete some or all of the adventure's objectives. example, if a sentinel uses the restore life power, there is
Sometimes, invoking the Death Charity clause is the a cost of four healing surges. These healing surges
only option to return a dead PC to life. For example, if cannot be regained until the PCs who spent the surges
the group suffers a TPK and no friendly NPCs know (which cannot include the character who was returned
where to find them, then it's unlikely that their bodies to life) have reached three milestones or taken three
can be recovered. The DM is the final arbiter of whether extended rests. The character(s) who spent the surges
or not a dead character's body can be recovered. track this on their individual Adventure Logs. As each
Remember, the Death Charity clause is always an character crosses the appropriate threshold, the death
option, no matter what happened to the PC. Returning penalty ends for that character, regardless of whether it
from the dead (by whatever means) is optional and up to is still active on other characters.
the player, but the decision must be made at the table Diseases: A disease lasts until it is cured or it
and recorded on the character's Adventure Log. Any reaches its final state. Normally, a PC makes an
character who chooses not to return from the dead is Endurance check after each extended rest to see if the
permanently retired from play. disease improves, worsens, or maintains its current
Mounts are not characters. These rules do not apply condition. At the end of an adventure, any character
if a mount is killed during an adventure. To resurrect a suffering from a disease must resolve the disease to
dead mount, the owner must pay 20% of the mount's either its cured or final state, using the necessary
market price at the end of the adventure in which the number of extended rests to do so. Other characters
mount died. adventuring with the PC may aid the afflicted character
during this time. If a disease reaches its final state and
the PC can get a Cure Disease ritual cast (and pay the
Milestones appropriate costs), they may do so.
Whether the characters succeed or fail in an encounter, Other Lasting Effects: Other effects that last
they generally reach a milestone after every second beyond the scope of the adventure should be resolved at
encounter following the start of the adventure or their the DM’s discretion. Effects that last for a well-defined
last extended rest. Some encounters do not count period of time (those that end after a certain number of
toward a milestone, usually because they are pure days or extended rests) should be resolved at the end of
roleplaying encounters or do not pose a meaningful the adventure in which the effect was obtained (unless
challenge to the party. If an encounter is not intended to otherwise specified, such as by a Story Award). Effects
count toward a milestone, it will say so. In particular, that use a benchmark of unknown duration (such as
you should not deny the players a milestone just because milestones) should be recorded on the character’s
they are having an easy time with the combat Adventure Log and tracked across adventures.
encounters. After each encounter, inform the players It is always the player's responsibility to inform the
whether that encounter counted toward the next DM at the beginning of an adventure if his or her
milestone. Reaching a milestone gives each PC another character is suffering from a lasting effect.
action point and affects some magic item powers.
ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 4
DCs by Adventure Level Arbosus' experiments have been funded by a cult of
Cyric. His own undead have been searching for people
Should you need to improvise the DC for a skill check, to test his substance on - which happen to be most
refer to the table below. conveniently the cultist members.
The substance has not yet had the right effect.
Adventure Easy Moderate Hard Instead of creating loyal undead, the people who are
Level DC DC DC experimented on go insane, and become near mindless
2 9 13 20 killers. Arbosus has carelessly let his failures go loose;
4 10 14 21 more interested in studying how they behave than in
6 11 15 23 keeping his own experiment secret.
8 12 16 24 Only a few days ago, Arbosus left on an expedition,
leaving his familiar, Bellavous, ‘in charge’ of the lair. In
10 13 18 26
reality, Bellavous has steadily gone insane over the last
weeks, and the lich simply left his familiar behind when
Adventure Background he moved to a new lair. The quasit never even noticed
In Triel, various violent incidents have occurred in the when Arbosus severed the bonds. Under Bellavous’
last few months, leading to several grisly murders. The direction things have steadily grown out of control.
suspects, who were arrested, all different people, were Now, the Order seeks to arrest The Way, while
found to have lost all reason and eventually gone quite another faction in Elturgard, the Dusk Talons from
insane. Iriaebor, have decided to aid the cult in escaping this
Initially the Order of Torm suspected it was due to very fate.
the plague events, as Triel had been hit quite hard in a
retaliatory strike by some of the armies that were driven DM’s Introduction
back from Elturel. However, the paladins also noticed
The PCs are approached by representatives of the Order
how some people in Triel are having secret meetings,
of Torm. The Order of Torm wants the PCs to investigate
and some of the murderers have been known to
The Way and arrest its members. They also receive an
invitation from Nualla A'Ashemmi, leader of the Dusk
The meetings have to do with a cult, known as The
Talons. Nualla believes that the Zhentarim are involved
Way. Little info is forthcoming, as few people seem to be
in the murders as she has been tracking some of their
willing to talk about it or admit their participation. The
agents to Triel. She wants the PCs to contact the cult and
Order fears that the cult is enticing people to evil deeds,
prevent their arrest. She is eager to ally with the cult and
and they are planning to locate the meeting place and
hopes the PCs can arrange that.
arrest the cult leaders.
When PC set out to investigate, they also find that
In truth, the cult is not behind the murders, though
the Lion’s Den, a merchant-sponsored guild, has an
their apparent involvement is not an entire coincidence.
interested in the events. They seek to calm the opposing
The cult, which preaches individual freedom and offers
parties, as they fear that an attack on The Way would
support for those who deal with the pain and
jeopardize freedom and hamper trade. They prefer the
frustrations of the last war, is holding its meetings in an
cult is not arrested, but also do not wish the cult to ally
old ruin.
with the Dusk Talons.
That ruin is close to the lair of a vassal-lich, an
The PCs may investigate the cult for either of these
undead being called Arbosus the Changer. Arbosus has
parties, and need to locate the meeting. Once they get
been investigating a dark substance, drawn from
there (and get to know the cult leader Dagg), an attack
extracts of the water below Boareskyr Bridge. The
by Arbosus' creatures makes clear that the cult is not to
location is famous for being the place where Bhaal, a
blame for the murders.
former god of murder, was killed by the god Cyric. His
Their patron asks them to locate the attackers’ lair
blood tainted the water, making them forever poisonous.
and find out what is going on. The lich himself is gone by
Arbosus expects his experiments with the waters –
the time the PCs find his lair (to be confronted in a later
which he calls the ‘essence of Bhaal’, may lead to a
adventure), but they find his minions, including his
process to create a new kind of enslaved undead-like
crazed familiar Bellavous.
creature, highly intelligent, with a passion for killing and
The PCs finally face the following choices:
immune to the effects of the Companion's light - in one
word, , ideal soldiers and assassins.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 5

• Whether to arrest The Way leaders or not, for According to Uold, the PCs may find some work if
preaching a religion that is against the High they go to the paladin’s barracks and ask for Cadwy.
Observer's decree A PC who is a member of the Order of Torm knows
• Whether to set up an alliance between The Way Cadwy as a paladin who is quickly rising in the Order’s
and the Dusk Talons ranks. These PCs may feel honor bound to aid Cadwy.
• Whether to expose the truth behind the Before the PCs can actually leave, however, they are
problems to the people of Triel, or hide evidence interrupted.
of the lich's experiments, and the allusion that
the Order of Torm somehow supported the The waitress, a young but skinny girl with sleek red hair
experiments stops at your table to hand you a note.
“I was asked to give this to you,” she mutters.
Fast Play Options
The girl’s name is Sherra. She is a niece of Uold and a
This adventure is robust with many complex combats fairly poor waitress – clumsy, inattentive and forgetful.
and many opportunities for roleplay. The adventure may The note she gave reads:
run longer than a typical 4 hours play session. Many
encounters have a section that explains opportunities to “Don’t talk to the paladins. Meet me first at the Soup in
shorten the play duration for that particular encounter.
the Cauldron. I’ll make it worth your while. Nualla.”
These sections are labeled Fast Play Options.
The bottom of the note shows a rough sketch of what
looks with some imagination like a hawk’s talon.
Player’s Introduction
This adventure starts in Scornubel. The PCs are in the Sherra did not take a good look at who gave the note,
Holy Avenger, an inn-and-tavern in the center of town. recalling only that it was a young half-elf woman with
Before continuing, give the players Handout I: dark hair and a starry necklace.
Factions in Elturgard. It will be needed for them to A PC who has QUES03 Zhentarim Liberator from
know what factions exist and what they stand for. Once SPEC1-1 Black Cloaks and Bitter Rivalries knows Nualla,
they have met the factions, give them Handout I-B, having freed her from Darkhold.
which describes the factions' goals for this adventure. A PC who is a member of the Dusk Talons knows
Read or paraphrase the following to the players: her as the Dusk Talons’ leader. To these PCs, this note is
a summons, rather than a request.
Since the Paladin’s Plague, the town of Scornubel has Regardless whether any PC recognizes her, Uold
not had a shortage for the need of hired help – especially balks. He knows quite well who the woman is, even
those good with weapons. Caravan guards are in short without an accurate description, and he does not
hesitate to explain:
supply now that the roads are not as safe as they used to
“You need not talk to the likes of this woman, goodsirs.
Still, it is uncommon to find the Order of Torm
We know Nualla A’Ashemmi. She is a Dusk Talon. Not
themselves seeking aid. Yet the proprietor of the Holy
any company for good and lawful citizens.”
Avenger, Uold Moin, has just claimed to you that such is
the case.
The PCs have now two potential meetings to attend:
Cadwy of the Order of Torm, or Nualla A’Ashemmi from
Uold is a follower of Torm, whose inn and tavern is
the Dusk Talons.
frequently visited by paladins of the Order. One of these
If the PCs want more info, they can ask around. See
paladins, Everyn Cadwy, has recently received a charge
Appendix I: NPCs for descriptions of Cadwy and Nualla,
to deal with problems in Triel, and exclaimed towards
and what PCs may learn about her through Streetwise
the inn keeper how he is understaffed to deal with it.
Uold made his own connection that Cadwy may be
looking for hired help – after all, prior to the war, Cadwy
was a contact for mercenaries sent out to deal with
bandits in the region. PCs who played SPEC2-1 H1 The
Scourge of Scornubel may have met Cadwy in that

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 6

motivation, he has some modest monetary rewards he
Encounter 1: Trouble in Triel can offer.
He explains:
Setup • Recently, several violent murders have shocked
Important NPCs: Everyn Cadwy, male paladin of the populace of Triel.
Torm, representative of the Order of Torm; Nualla • The murders were done by various people –
A’Ashemmi, half-elf female leader of the Dusk Talons inhabitants of Triel – some in the open and some
even during the day.
The PCs have been approached by two factions in • The murderers who were arrested turned out to
Elturgard. They need to decide who to visit. It is possible be entirely insane. For the people’s safety and for
to visit both factions, but it is not necessary. It is those of themselves, they are kept apart, and not
important that a party knows the opinions of all factions in the Dungeon of the Inquisitor as is normally
in Elturgard. the case.
This is why in Encounter 2 the PCs can meet briefly • The murder coincide with the emergence of a
with all factions. This allows PCs to make a more new cult has emerged in Triel.
informed choice on what to do later. • The cult is referred to as The Way and preaches
For now, run 1A: The Order of Torm or 1B: the Dusk anarchy and disobedience, and denies the gods.
Talons depending on what faction the PCs decide to talk • There is no hard proof of their involvement with
with. the murders, but rumors do place some of the
apprehended murderers among The Way’s flock.
• Regardless of their guilt or innocence, The Way is
Fast Play Options anathema to the just preaching of the Order,
The PCs have been approached by two factions in therefore, the High Observer has ordered that
Elturgard. They need to decide who to visit. It is possible The Way should be arrested and detained.
to visit both factions, but it is not necessary. In a time • Once in custody, the cultists will be questioned
consuming environment it is best to pick one. on the murders, and punished for their misdeeds.
It is important that a party knows the opinions of all • Cadwy has only few men, and all are warriors. He
factions in Elturgard. worries that a march into Triel and to the cult’s
If the PCs meet with one of the factions only hideout – once located – will panic people. That
summarize during Encounter 2 the motivations behind may cause people to resist and unnecessarily
the other faction. come to harm.
• The raid is planned in the evening two days after
1A: The Order of Torm today, when according to rumors the Way is to
have another gathering.
Everyn Cadwy can be found in the barracks outside the
massive fortress that the paladins lay claim to in What he wants the PCs to do is the following:
“I need you to help us get to The Way. For that, I want
A small contingent of soldiers is packing – preparing for
you to travel ahead, locate The Way and find its leaders
a march – when you arrive.
by tomorrow evening.
On mentioning the name ‘Cadwy’, directions are
Make sure all members will surrender peacefully to
given to a young man with blond hair who is heaving a
the forces of the Order, so we can take them into custody
large crate, stamped with the mark of the Order of
without them causing a panic.
Torm, on a cart. He looks up as you approach, then
We can then discern what they know of these
nods to his men to continue.
murders and continue our investigation.
“I am Captain Everyn Cadwy. You were sent to see
If in the course of your investigation you find
anything of import, make sure to report it
Once Cadwy hears how the PCs were directed to him,
he confirms that he could indeed use some help. He was
Cadwy can offer a small gold purse for the PCs’ trouble.
not really planning to hire adventurers, but maybe the
He can also arrange access to some magic items (see
PCs can help him. Cadwy assumes the PCs are
below). For those who show an interest and behave
interested in helping to earn the Order’s respect and
because it is a noble task. Should the PCs need other
ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 7
honorably, he will personally give a recommendation for • She therefore believes the Order’s aim is to
membership in the Order of Torm (see story awards). silence The Way rather than solve the murders.
• She does hope The Way may know more about
1B: The Dusk Talons what goes on. However, if The Way is not itself
involved, she does not want them to fall victim to
The Soup in the Cauldron is a simple affair, a low and a paladin’s blade.
wide building with long wooden tables and benches, • She knows the paladins plan a raid in the evening
where a soup and stew are ladled in large wooden bowls two days after today, when according to rumors
for only a copper piece. the Way is to have another gathering, so there is
some haste involved.
Nualla is sitting at one of the tables. The benches around
her are free, so she is easy to spot (the proprietors can What she wants the PCs to do is the following:
point her out).
PCs may wonder that Nualla, apparently a known “I want you to locate The Way and find its leaders by
thief, can wander around in Scornubel, but the truth is tomorrow evening and keep them out of the clutches of
that there are no warrants against her. Despite any the Order of Torm. Instead, bring them to one of our
rumors, the paladins have not yet found any solid encampments. We can then discern what they know
evidence against her or the Dusk Talons, and she is as about these murders, and bring their people to safety.
yet free to go where she pleases. While you are at it, we also like you to offer them
Nualla beckons the PCs to sit and briefs them as an alliance with us, the Dusk Talons.
And, as always, if in the course of your adventure
you find anything to discredit the Order, we will be very
“I know you have heard about the Order of Torm being
interested to hear about it.”
active in Triel. Before you decide to aid the tyrants there
in their suppression of the populace, I hope you can hear
Nualla offers cold hard cash for the PCs trouble. She can
me out.
also arrange access to some magic. (see below)For those
I believe the paladins are once again looking for an who show an interest, membership in the Dusk Talons
easy scapegoat for a foul crime. I simply want you to use may be an option for them. (see story awards).
common sense, and help some people prevent unjust
Ending the Encounter
She then continues to explain as follows: Once the PCs complete their briefing, they can continue
• Recently, several violent murders have shocked to Triel. It takes them two days to get there using normal
the populace of Triel. travel. They may also visit the other faction to hear them
• The murders were done by various people – out. Any character with familiarity in the region will be
inhabitants of Triel – some in the open and some aware of some of the faction goals in Player’s Handout I-
even during the day. B.
• Those murderers who were arrested are kept
apart from others. However, Nualla has heard Experience Points
that most are entirely insane. The PCs do not earn any XP for this encounter, and it
• The paladins now blame a movement that is does not count towards a milestone.
active in Triel. It is called The Way and it just
recently began activities in Triel. Treasure
• Nualla refers to The Way as a movement – rather There is no treasure in this encounter. Any treasure will
than a cult - though obviously a movement that be provided by one of the factions only after the work is
threatens the Order’s ideals. complete.
• Nualla does not know what the true nature of
The Way is. She heard they preach anarchy and
• Nualla however thinks the Zhentarim are the
cause of the murders. She does not explain why
she thinks this.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 8

with commoners who give you a wary gaze before they
Encounter 2: Paving the Way turn away.

Setup The PCs have free roam of the town of Triel. Some
Important NPCs: relevant information (for this adventure) is given below.
Liahanna Conmara, female tiefling merchant and At the end of the investigation the PCs are sent to
representative of the Lion’s Den; Merlanea Fylbr’in who takes care of Lil Yesterday.
Mot Kcop, male gnome entertainer and merchant; The following information can be gained from
Merlanea Fylbr’in, female human healer and priestess of talking to various townspeople, which takes some effort.
Ilmater; If you wish to keep this encounter short, you can have
Jared Mayson, male human healer; the PCs stumble on a simple rumor that Merlanea
Lil Yesterday, female human patient. Fylbr’in, a skilled healer, has lent her services to
members of The Way.
See Appendix I: NPCs for more background on some of • Most people are hesitant to speak to adventurers.
these NPCs. They know how much they have done for the
The PCs need to investigate the meeting place of region, but the townsfolk are also some of the
The Way. During their investigation the PCs find out people hit hardest by the waves of spell-plagued
that The Way is a cult that accepts people of all faiths creatures that were fought back from Elturel.
and alignments, though they are not able to ascertain More and more people blame both paladins and
concrete plans for the cult. If they choose to investigate adventurers for being unable to protect them.
the murderers they find that the murderers are violently • Recently, the murders added to the general
insane, and that their skin has taken on a grey pallor. paranoia in town.
PCs also learn of the Lion’s Den, a merchant- • The majority of the murders took place in the
sponsored adventurer group. marketplace, which is where most people end up
Important: Make sure the PCs encounter Liahanna who arrive in the city.
Conmara in Scene 2, who represents the Lion’s Den. • The murderers are being held in the local
This way the PCs learn the stance of this faction so they barracks. They are kept separate from other
can gain influence which may be of use in later criminals.
adventures. • The person to talk to about the prisoners is Jared
If the PCs have not spoken or considered both Mayson, the healer, at the barracks.
possible employers in Encounter 1, make sure they • On several occasions when the murders took
understand the motivations (see Handout I) of the rival place, a woman in torn skirts was seen. Reports
factions before they continue. If needed, you can use this say she was dancing to people’s screams. The
paladins have yet to catch and question her.
encounter to have them speak to an Order of Torm
• A gnome is giving away gold at his stand in the
paladin or a Dusk Talon rogue who can explain the
market. He is there morning, noon and night. He
faction’s stance.
might have seen more.
• Liahanna Conmara, a tiefling merchant, has asked
Fast Play Options questions about recent events. She also asked
If your players do not want to role play through this or if townsfolk to direct any adventurers her way. She
you have limited time to run the adventure, you can can be found at the market.
summarize the information in Scene 1 and have • Everybody has heard of The Way. All have an
someone inform them of directions to the Way meeting. opinion – some good, some bad.
It is important however that the PCs at least speak • Nobody however admits to being – or knowing –
to Liahanna in Scene 2, to hear the third faction’s a Way member.
Based on the information, PCs can go to Scene 2 to meet
Scene 1: Arrival In Triel Liahanna, Scene 3 to question the gnome, or Scene 4 to
visit the barracks and Jared Mayson.
The heavily barricaded town of Triel is quiet. The sun
hangs low atop the horizon. People go about their
business under the watchful eye of a handful of paladins
Scene 2: Liahanna Conmara
patrolling the town. The sleepy market place is filled Liahanna is a representative of the Lion’s Den Trading
Company. The PCs can find her in the marketplace. If

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 9

they do not look for her, she tracks them down instead. player offers up a gold or smaller coin if it is all they can
In that case, adjust the description below. afford, and Mot hides it under the cups. He then shuffles
the cups. If the player can find the coin, Mot pays them
A fiery haired tiefling curses to herself, kicking a broken an equal amount. If the player chooses wrong, Mot
wagon wheel. At the sudden movement the ponies pockets the coin. Mot is shrewd, he never wins more
pulling the wagon bray and kick up their heels. She than he thinks the player is comfortable loosing. He
hastily steps back and mutters a curse under her breath. does cheat, whether it is through distraction and
showmanship or through sleight of hand moving or
Liahanna is friendly and personable to the PCs, removing the coins. If called on it he will give the money
especially if they can help her with her broken wagon back. He is looking for the easy score and not wishing
wheel. She has a personal interest in them. She hopes to for confrontation. If the players are interested the game
interest the PCs, as capable adventurers, in the Lion’s can be replicated at the table, but be wary of slowing
Den. Though she does not specifically hire them at the down the adventure.
moment, she may have a way in which the PCs can • Mot is ‘in the know’ around town and he has
prove their worth – depending on how they go about seen some odd goings on recently.
dealing with their current mission: • Mot would be more than happy to speak to the
• Liahanna explains to the PCs the role of the PCs about what he has seen. He invites them to
Lion’s Den (see Handout I). They may gain the play a game for free gold while they do so.
Lion’s Den’s favor if they can prevent any • Mot saw one of the murders happen in the town
upheaval in Triel. center and was sure he saw the town crazy, Lil,
• Liahanna refers to The Way as a movement, there. He constantly has to shoo her away from
rather than a cult. his stand because she scares off customers.
• The Lion’s Den does not want the members of • He has seen her peeking through the windows of
The Way arrested, but they also do not want an the House of Ilmater. The House is really only a
alliance between The Way and the Dusk Talons. shrine, run by a priestess named Merlanea. Now
• The Den has had problems with the Talons in the if anyone knows any Way people, it would be her
past and they prefer if the resolution of this – she helps everyone.
situation does not favor a band of rogues. • Jared Mayson may know more about the
• Liahanna is willing to match whatever the other murders. He is a makeshift healer and is currently
factions are going to pay the adventurers for the caring for the murderers. These men, reputedly
situation to work on in the Den’s favor. all crazy, are kept in the barracks.
• Liahanna does not know much about the • Mot doesn’t think that The Way could have
specifics of the murders, but points the PCs to anything to do with the murders, “Those
‘that gnome’ (Mot Kcop). townsfolk dressed in robes like they are priests of
• Liahanna has also seen a woman in priestess Kelemvor? Yeah, right, and all the gold at my
robes entering and exiting the barracks. It is stand is free. I mean... play another game?”
obvious she is not from these parts, but she was •
noticeable as she worships Ilmater, rather than From here, the PCs can learn where Merlanea lives, and
Torm or Amaunator. that she knows more about the people in town.

If the PCs agree to look after the interests of the Lion’s Scene 4: The Barracks
Den, rather than those of their original employer,
Even from outside screams can be heard from deep
Liahanna can arrange access to some magic, and for
inside the barracks.
those who show an interest, a recommendation for
membership in the Lion’s Den.
The barracks are well guarded, not by paladins, but by
watchmen. If the PCs are working for the Order, they
Scene 3: Mot Kcop are quickly allowed inside. If they are not working for
Mot excitedly calls over the PCs to his stand, calling out the Order, they need to talk themselves past the guards.
“Free Gold”, in the market center. He is unarguably the In the end, if the PCs indicate they seek to find out what
most life that the PCs encounter in this market. The is going on, they are led in.
paladins eye him warily as he speaks to the PCs. No one, regardless of his influence or eloquence,
Mot is using the call of “Free Gold” to attract people can set any prisoner free or take him along. All
to his booth. He is running a simple shell game. The questioning must take place inside the barracks.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 10

• The most Jared has been able to glean off his
Inside, dim lights line the walls. In the back a young patients in rare moments of lucidity is that they
man in a stained apron tries desperately to calm a man are tormented by visions of murder and blood.
in a barred cell that is screaming and clawing at his
own ears. If the PCs wish they can speak to or examine any of the
murderers. Jared and the guards keep a watchful eye as
The man tending the prisoners is Jared Mayson. Jared is they question them.
wary to speak to adventurers as his family farm was
destroyed by the spell-plagued creatures that were A man, in his prime, shrieks at the top of his lungs.
driven back from Elturel. It takes some diplomatic talk Scratching at an open wound on his chest he gives you a
before he is willing to tell the adventurers what he toothless smile, “I’d love to wear your skin as a hat,
knows. want to trade?” He begins to laugh slamming his head
• Jared volunteered to help tend to the murderers, against the bars and shrieking once more.
as no one else in the town was willing to. He
hopes that perhaps they will be able to tell him The PCs may try a few skills to get some information
what is causing the attacks. from the murderers. A successful check can reveal some
• Jared’s girlfriend Tessa, “The girl with the most extra information:
beautiful golden locks you will ever see,” recently • Diplomacy or Religion DC Moderate: The PCs
stopped associating with him. She says it is calm one of the men. This does not produce any
because since his family lost the farm he does not coherent responses, but allows them time to
have enough money, but Jared suspects it is examine the prisoners as they are sedated for a
something else. time.
• He is afraid that Tessa has joined The Way after • Heal or Nature DC Moderate: The murderers are
becoming disillusioned with her life in Triel. Life infected with some sort of disease or virulent
is hard for people here and they do not see much drug. The disease seems to originate from some
protection from the gods. of the wounds on the murderer’s skin. A very
• Jared is a gods-fearing man and therefore thinks complicated soothing salve has been used on the
Tessa must believe their love could never work. wounds that only a very skilled healer would
• There are five people locked away in these know how to make.
barracks. After committing grisly murders, each • Arcana DC 20/21/23/24/26: The disease is the
were subdued, with difficulty, and arrested. All result of some kind of alchemical formula and
are violently insane. ritual employing necrotic magic.
• Jared is not skilled enough to nurse the • Perception DC Moderate: The murderers’ skin
murderers back to anything resembling mental has taken on a grayish pallor originating from
health, if that is even possible, but he uses a strange wounds. These specific wounds are
complex salve that seems to calm them down. deliberate cuts rather than the claw marks of the
• Jared has been getting help with his patients from murderers themselves. The darkest-grey piece of
Merlanea, a priestess of Ilmater. She is a skilled skin around the cuts is cold and leathery to the
healer with knowledge of tending the insane. If touch.
anyone ever made any sense out of the • If the PCs can convince Jared to let them cast
murderer’s rants, it is Merlanea. Speak With Dead on a deceased murderer, they
• Merlanea takes care of Lil, a local woman who find a target has no recollection of what has
lost her mind. happened in the days prior to his or her death.
• Lil normally follows Merlanea around. She is The last thing they remember is visiting a Way
barely lucid, and dances to the screams of Jared’s meeting.
patients. • While the rituals Cure Disease or Remove
• Jared knows where Merlanea lives, down a side Affliction can be used to heal one of the
street next to the market. murderers, Jared is reluctant to allow this. The
• Jared is dependent on Merlanea. He feels slightly level of the affliction is 20, and the murderers are
awkward because of that. While he considers her in poor health. If the ritual is cast and the PC
experienced, he feels she shows too much does not beat a DC 40 Heal check, the target
compassion to what he considers to be ruthless dies. If the target survives, he or she has no
killers. recollection of what has happened in the last

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 11

days. The last thing they remember is visiting a • Merlanea freely admits she knows members of
Way meeting. The Way. She aids anyone in need, but she does
From here, the PCs can learn where Merlanea lives, not give names.
and that she may know more about the murders. • She takes care of Lil because she was hired by an
older man to do so. She does not give specifics, as
Scene 5: Merlanea’s Home that is against her personal code.
• Merlanea wants to make sure that the PCs do not
Eventually, the PCs likely wish to speak to Merlanea,
plan to physically harm the followers of The Way
either because she is rumored to have contacts with The
before she tells them where their meetings are
Way, because she may know more about the murderer’s held.
conditions, or because she simply knows a lot about the • The Way consists of mostly townsfolk and only a
people in Triel. few outsiders. Merlanea wishes that they would
simply be left alone. This region has seen enough
In the side street is a row of modest houses. At the devastation without the necessity of imprisoning
indicated address a young elven woman in heavy robes poor townsfolk.
is in the process of planting flowers in a dying garden. • She realizes that she can’t stop the law and if the
She wipes a stray strand of hair from her face and nods PCs can prevent harm, she is willing to reveal the
to you. location where The Way meets.

The PCs must convince Merlanea (honestly or not) that The PCs may talk to Lil if they wish, but Merlanea keeps
they do not want to harm Lil and are only curious in a close eye on them.
knowing where The Way is situated. Merlanea is Lil has been driven quite mad, but has recovered
charged with taking care of Lil and does so at any cost, somewhat due to Merlanea’s help. Her back story can be
even if this means putting herself in harm’s way. found in Appendix I. Feel free to add in what you see fit
Merlanea was hired by Dagg of The Way to take if the PCs want to speak with her at length. If the PCs
care of Lil (who is also a member of The Way), but she get within an arm’s length of Lil she licks them to ‘taste
does not reveal this to the PCs. The PCs may sense, with their aura.’ A DC Moderate Passive Insight check
a Passive Insight check DC Moderate, that she is being reveals that Lil is trying to communicate something
deceptive about this, but will not betray Dagg or Lil. coherently to them, but the meanings they take from her
Intimidation and strong-armed tactics do not sway words are their own:
Merlanea into cooperation. If the PCs decide to go down • “Such pretty butterflies with whining auras, you
this road she refuses to talk to them any longer and have no idea about the skeleton in the closet do
summons the town guards if necessary. Otherwise, she you?”
provides the following information: • “Snakes are in my brain and I can’t get them out,
• Merlanea is a priestess of Ilmater and has I wish I had a broom. I guess I could crawl
recently moved to the town of Triel. through that tunnel, but then my soul would get
• Merlanea considers Jared inexperienced but well dirty.”
meaning. She feels he would learn much more if • “I swam in a river of blood once, it was bid by my
he would work less out of a feeling for duty and Lord, we got divorced then. Too many spinning
more out of a sense of love for the job. tops to take care of.”
• Merlanea has not personally seen any of the • “Have you ever seen that apple in the sky? I bit
murders happen herself, but she has several into it and found a worm, never could remove it.”
times been at the barracks to care for the At the end of this scene, the PCs should have the
murderers. location of The Way. If they got heavy-handed, they do
• Merlanea sympathizes with the murderers. She not get the location immediately. See ending the
does not condone their acts, but is saddened by encounter below.
any person driven to such insanity by the visions
in their mind.
• She heard rumors that connect The Way to the
Ending the Encounter
murders, but she doesn’t believe they are directly If the PCs act friendly with Merlanea she tells the PCs
involved, even though some murderers were where The Way’s meeting place is situated – a makeshift
members. shelter in the old ruins several miles north of town.
If the PCs use strong-arm tactics with Merlanea,
then they fail. Merlanea is not a woman to be

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 12

intimidated in her own home and expects the same
respect she gives everyone else.
If this happens, they do not find the information
until Cadwy arrives in town with his paladins. He then
gets the information by talking to Merlanea. The PCs
earn one failure towards the skill challenge in
Encounter 3.

Experience Points
The PCs do not earn any XP for this encounter, and it
does not count towards a milestone.

There is no treasure to be found in this encounter.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 13

The strange glow of the ruins is due to a residual
Encounter 3: The Way is radiation from the stone, only visible in the dark. A DC
Clear 20 Dungeoneering or Arcana check reveals that it is
called faerzress, a radiation left behind by the forces that
shaped the Underdark – which must be where the stone
Skill Challenge Level 2/4/6/8/10, came from. Locals call it moon-glow.
Complexity 1 (125/175/250/350/500
XP) Fast Play Options
Several of the scenes below are listed as optional. If you
Setup are playing this adventure in a limited time frame you
Important NPCs: may consider glossing over these scenes. If you do
Dagg, male changeling Way leader choose to play these scenes, be sure to keep them
moving. It is also suggested you tell the players which
Before continuing on, give the players Handout I-B, are the most common skills for the step or scene.
which described the factions' goals for this adventure.
The PCs head to the meeting place of The Way, Skill Challenge: Rounding up The
which is a run-down building several miles to the north Way
of the town. The building is a makeshift shelter built on
Goal: The PCs must make their way into the meeting
top and out of the crumbling ruins of a former
house of The Way. Once in the PCs must either round
settlement. The ruins are ancient and most townsfolk
up the members of The Way for capture by the paladins,
know nothing about them. Only a few learned sages
help The Way escape or arrange talks between The Way
know the ruins were once part of ancient Najara, the
and the paladins of Torm.
serpent kingdom.
Complexity: 1 (4 successes before 2 failures)
The skill challenge is set up in three stages – getting
Primary Skills: Athletics, Bluff, Diplomacy,
into the meeting place, surveying they area (and
Intimidation, Stealth
speaking to people) and finally either rounding up The
Other Skills: Insight, History
Way or helping them to escape.
It is important to stress to the PCs that the Order’s Victory: The PCs in good order round up the members
paladins want a non-violent encounter out of this, but of The Way to either get taken away by the paladins or
they are willing to use force if necessary. They sent out escape the paladins.
the PCs so that won’t be needed. It is also important to Defeat: Panic breaks out as the townsfolk do not know
point out to the PCs that there are too many members of what to do and have no real leadership in this matter.
The Way to simply barge into the meeting place and
proclaim that they must follow the PCs. This would Scene 1: My Friend is in There.
cause chaos and panic, which could lead to violence or Really… [1 success]
people getting hurt.
The meeting place of The Way is guarded by two
If a player asks to use an appropriate skill that is not
human men. It is made up of the lower floor of an old
on the list of suggestions allow them to do so, reward
tower, with a makeshift roof of boards and canvas.
When the players arrive outside the meeting place Many voices can be heard from inside. The guards
read this aloud: vigilantly watch who enters and exits.

By the time you arrive at the meeting place of The Way, The PCs must find a way into the meeting house. They
the sun has set and stars dot the night sky. From afar need one success to enter. Each failure draws additional
you can see the bordering ruins. In the night sky, what suspicion, making it harder for them to convince or lead
little remains of them seems to take on a faint glow. Like the cultists later.
Note: It is possible for the PCs split up to use
the rest of Triel the ruins have not fared well from the
different approaches (possibly sneaking in while
waves of creatures fought back from Elturel. Something
another distracts the guards). Possibly, you need some
of indeterminate beauty stood here once, though there
adjustments in later scenes to account for this.
are only glimpses of it now.
Regardless of their scheme though, this scene grants
at most 1 success towards the challenge.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 14

• The Way has not done anything of importance
Bluff [Moderate DC] (1 success, 1 maximum) in this region but they have been gathering
The PC convinces the guards they are cult members that more and more members.
the guards simply have never seen before. • Many people turn to The Way because they are
disillusioned with the gods seemingly playing
Diplomacy [Moderate DC] (1 success, 1 maximum) no direct role in their lives.
The PC convinces the guards that they mean no harm • Triel took the greatest burden of the Paladin’s
and ask to be let in. Plague. The Order of Torm failed to protect them,
Special: If the PCs mention why they are there, the yet they still dictate the law.
DC becomes 20/21/23/24/26. Regardless of success or • Dagg, the changeling, heads up this section of
failure, the PCs are led in by the guard to the back of the The Way. Members are not sure of the overall
room and this scene ends. Dagg is notified of the PCs’ organization of The Way (or if there really is
presence, and comes to talk to them first. See Scene 3. any at all.)
• If the PCs spoke to Jared about his girlfriend
Intimidate [Hard DC] (1 success, 1 maximum) Tessa, they find her here. With a Moderate DC
The PC scares the guards into letting them in the Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check
building. This is more difficult as it is not so easy to do (depending on their approach) they can
this without drawing unwanted attention. convince her to stop with the cult and return to
town to see Jared. This does not grant any
Stealth [Moderate DC] (1 success, 1 maximum) successes or failures.
The PC slips in through one of the unwatched gaps in • PCs that talked to Cadwy or who spent some
the ruin walls. time in Elturgard before realize that Dagg’s
preaching is heretical in Elturgard.
When the PCs get into the meeting room, read this • Moreover, they call for disobedience – possibly
aloud: even anarchy.
• Most members seem to agree with Dagg, but
The brightly lit room contains people of all shapes and others, mostly newer, are not so sure. Quite a
sizes. A pale-skinned man with a featureless face and few do not really dare to naysay the Order of
white hair stands upon a small crate finishing a speech. Torm.
“And this is why, my friends, the gods are so
dangerous. Should we follow them blindly? What Scene 3 (optional): Talking to Dagg
honor is it to ask blind devotion, peppered not with care,
but with fear? I say rise! Shake off the yoke. Do not do
[no successes]
what the Order commands you, but listen to your heart, The PCs may want to speak to Dagg or if they were
and follow that road. This is the Way.” blunt, the guards arrange for a meeting with him.
As the man finishes there is applause. The cult His description and back story can be found in
members turn to talk amongst themselves. Appendix I. He can explain all the information stated
previously about The Way.
In addition, while he does not know much about the
A DC 15 Nature check reveals the pale-skinned man
murders, he does know that several members of The
may be a doppelganger or changeling. in his natural
Way disappeared shortly after meetings. He therefore
form, something that is rather uncommon. PCs that ask
believes that whatever happened to them happened in
around learn that this is Dagg, one of The Way leaders.
the vicinity of the ruins. Dagg has been thinking about
moving the Way's meeting place due to this suspicion,
Scene 2 (optional): Do I Know You but has not yet found a suitable location, and did not
From Somewhere? [no successes] want to stop the meetings.
The PCs may want to speak to some of the members of If the PCs are here to warn The Way: Dagg is
The Way before they confront them. The PCs can learn willing to help the PCs round everyone up to escape and
the following information: meet Nualla (if they so wish), he is thankful that the PCs
• The cult is comprised mostly of townsfolk with a want to spare the townsfolk from prison. Move to Scene
few higher-ups from out of town. 4.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 15

If the PCs are here to arrest The Way: The PCs Diplomacy or Intimidate [Moderate DC] (1 success,
can try to arrest Dagg. He does not resist but shouts out 1 maximum)
an alarm. Move to Scene 5. The PC convinces the cultists to leave their valuables
If the PCs attempt to open negotiations: Dagg behind.
needs to be convinced that talks will help and so do the
paladins. Move to Scene 6. Problem 3: Encountering Patrols
Not all patrols can be entirely avoided. PCs have to get
Scene 4: Trust Me, I’m a past some watchposts regardless.
Professional [3 successes] Endurance [Moderater DC] (1 success, 1 maximum)
The PCs aid the members of The Way to sneak out and The PC hustles and pushes the cultists to exert
past the sentries the paladins have sent to arrest the themselves, moving faster and avoid patrols by using a
group. more difficult road.
If the PCs decide upon this without talking to
Nualla, they do not know where the camp is, but Dagg Stealth [Moderate DC] (1 success, 1 maximum)
does recall there is some encampment of trappers (in The PC uses his knowledge to sneak the cultists in small
reality Dusk Talon smugglers) to the north that groups past the patrol.
occasionally provide him with supplies – he hopes they
may help them now. Bluff [Hard DC] (1 success, 1 maximum)
The route they take does not take them directly to The PC buys time distracting the patrol, while the others
the village (where the Order‘s forces march from), but escape.
Cadwy posted several guards on other routes as well.
Moving a fair group of people unseen through the
wilds does not go orderly or smoothly. Below are a few
Scene 5: Cease and Desist [3
problems the PCs may encounter. This scene ends when successes]
the PCs reach either a total of 4 successes, or 3 failures. The PCs now must round up the members of The Way if
Note that if the PCs take too long, the paladins may they wish to arrest them. There are a few steps the PCs
arrive before they can leave. Treat such a situation as if can take in the process. Remember, a failure in this
the PCs encounter a patrol. challenge means that panic breaks out and the cultists
get hurt. This scene ends when the PCs reach either a
Problem 1: Navigating the Woods total of 4 successes, or 3 failures.
The PCs have to find their way through the woods,
preferably while avoiding patrols. Step 1: Prepare
PCs can cover a few exits or try to select the greatest
Nature [Moderate DC] (1 success, 1 maximum) trouble maker in advance. This step grants at most 1
The PC uses his woodland knowledge to blaze a trail, or success.
picks a way through the forest that is hard to follow and
covers their tracks. Dungeoneering or Perception [Moderate DC] (1
success, 1 maximum)
Perception [Moderate DC] (1 success, 1 maximum) The PC identifies some exits that the Cultists may panic
The PC keeps a look out to make sure that they are not and flee through, and make sure that these are guarded.
being followed. They help to evade the Order of Torm
members who are canvassing the area. Insight [Moderate DC] (no successes)
The PC identifies the biggest trouble makers. This gives
Problem 2: Getting Stuck them a +2 bonus on the first skill check they make in
A cart the cultists are dragging along gets stuck. Step 3.

Athletics [Moderate DC] (1 success, 1 maximum) Step 2: Announce

The PC helps the cultists to pack up what valuables they The PCs need to make an announcement of sorts in
have and transport it all to a communal cart, or helps order to round people up (unless Dagg already shouted
dislodge the cart as it gets stuck in the mud. a warning). Reward good role-playing by having some of
the cult members listen to them. Grant them a +2 bonus

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 16

to their next check in this step. This step grants at most 1 Scene 6: Can’t we talk about this? [3
Diplomacy [Hard DC] (1 success, 1 maximum) The PCs now must convince the members of The Way
The PC calmly asks people to surrender. This skill is and the Order of Torm to talk to each other and enter
difficult as the PCs either hold Dagg or he raises his into negotiations.
voice in protest. Both sides are agitated at the others presence.
Reward good role playing by having them visibly calm
Intimidate [Easy DC] (1 success, 1 maximum) when the PCs make an effort to speak to them.
The PC orders the attendants to surrender. This part has three steps: convince The Way to talk,
Regardless of success, this gives a -2 penalty on all wait for the paladins and convince them to talk, and
future Bluff and Diplomacy checks. then work towards a compromise.
This scene ends when the PCs reach either a total of
Step 3: Round Them Up 4 successes, or 3 failures.
After the announcement, some people are likely to resist
or attempt an escape. Initially, this will be a few, but if Step 1: Setting the Goal
the PCs do not stop or calm them a full panic breaks out. The PCs need to determine what the paladins and
cultists need agree on. A compromise is hard to
Athletics or Endurance [Moderate DC] (1 success, 1 achieve, but there is one both parties may eventually
maximum) both agree on: Dagg surrenders for questioning, and the
A cultist tries to escape out the back and the PC runs or paladins leave the rest of the members go free.
interposes himself to catch them. While PCs can set the compromise during the
negotiations, it is easiest if they know what they are
Bluff or Diplomacy [Hard DC] (1 success, 1 aiming for in advance.
The PC convinces some of the members that their plan Insight [Moderate DC] (no successes)
is the best and will result in the most favorable outcome The PC is able to judge the situation and determine a
for the townsfolk. This skill is difficult as the PCs either compromise both parties may agree on (see above).
hold Dagg or he argues against them.
History [Moderate DC] (no successes)
History or Religion [Moderate DC] (no successes) The PC uses his knowledge of politics, past conflicts, or
The PC uses argument to convince some of the dramatic bardic tales to pick a suitable compromise
members of The Way that the gods are not useless and both parties may agree on (see above).
do play a part in the lives of the average person. This
grants them a +2 bonus on the next Bluff or Diplomacy Step 2: Get People to Talk
check. If the PCs have a compromise, they now have to get
people to talk. The cultists, being trapped, have little
Intimidate [Moderate DC] (1 success, 1 maximum) choice, so Dagg reluctantly agrees to negotiations
The PCs scare some of the townsfolk into doing what (though whether he accepts the compromise is
they want. something else, see below).
Regardless of success, this gives a -2 penalty on all The paladins are another matter – the PCs need to
future History, Religion, and Diplomacy checks. convince Cadwy to enter negotiations. This step grants
only one success (and one success is needed to get them
Insight or Perception [Hard DC] (1 success, 1 to accept talks).
The PC identifies cultists trying to flee a fraction before Bluff [Hard DC] (1 success, 1 maximum)
they act, and can prevent their escape. This is difficult The PCs present the situation and the cultists defenses a
due to the sudden chaos and the threat of panic, but if a bit more desperate than necessary, making the arrest
PC identified the biggest troublemakers in Step 1, they seem rather more trouble than it is worth.
also eliminate one failure.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 17

Diplomacy [Hard DC] (1 success, 1 maximum) paladins. As they wait, Meyona attacks. Go to Encounter
The PCs try to convince Cadwy that most of The Way 4A.
members are innocent citizens and that negotiations If the PCs help the cultists escape, they arrive
will prevent harm. together at the encampment of the Dusk Talons. On
their arrival, Meyona attacks. Go to Encounter 4B.
Intimidate [Hard DC] (1 success, 1 maximum) If the PCs negotiated a truce, the paladins take Dagg
The PCs use subtle threats that make it appear as if they into custody. They leave, instructing the PCs to stay
may hamper the paladins should they continue their behind and arrange for the other members to leave
raid, or spread word of the paladin’s actions among the orderly once they are safely away. As they wait, Meyona
populace of Triel. attacks. Go to Encounter 4A.
Whether this check succeeds or not, future Failure: The PCs failed to subdue the cultists, or if
Diplomacy checks have a -2 penalty when used against they tried to make an agreement but failed, the cultists
the Order. panic and run in all directions. A few stay behind, but
chaos immediately erupts, and the paladins spread out
Step 3: Talk to the Cultists and Paladins to catch the members of The Way. In this panic, with
If the PCs have a compromise, they now have to talk to the paladins turning their backs to The Way hideout,
the cultists and try to get them to agree. They then can Meyona attacks.
go to the paladins (who are yet at some distance from If the PCs failed to aid the cultists’ escape, a
the meeting place) and try to get them to agree. desperate struggle ensues. Cultists panic and run in all
PCs may also attempt to get representatives together directions, with paladin patrols spreading out to capture
on neutral ground, and argue for a compromise there. them. The PCs eventually make it to the encampment
In either case, the PCs need to make Diplomacy with Dagg and a fraction of the cultist members. There,
checks to get to the compromise, and achieve at least Meyona attacks. Go to Encounter 4B.
one success on either side (possibly more). In all situations, if the PCs fail the skill challenge,
Checks need to be made until either the three cultists are caught in the chaos by Meyona’s
compromise is accepted (4 successes), or either side zombies, and carried off to Arbosus’ lair.
breaks off the negotiations (3 failures).
Experience Points
History [Moderate DC] (no successes) Each PC earns 25/35/50/70/100 experience points for
The PC sites other moments in history where it was succeeding in the skill challenge. This encounter does
more advantageous to open negotiations than possibly count towards a milestone.
risk the lives of innocent people. This gives a +2 to the
next Diplomacy check. Treasure
There is no treasure to be found in this encounter.
Insight [Moderate DC] (no successes)
The PC is able to read the feelings of either side. This
helps them express themselves better. This gives a +2 to
the next Diplomacy check for that side.

Religion [Hard DC] (no successes)

The PC uses their knowledge of Religion to wade
through the complicated ideologies of both sides and
come to some fundamental ideals that they can agree
on. This gives a +2 to the next Diplomacy check.

Diplomacy [Hard DC] (1 success, 2 maximum)

The PCs convince either Dagg or the Order of Torm to
agree to the compromise.

Ending the Encounter

Success: If the PCs subdued the cultists, they can
gather them together and await the arrival of the

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 18

While the PCs are dealing with the cultists, a
Encounter 4: With ghoulish adept of Cyric named Meyona mounts an
Murderous Intent attack. Meyona is allied with Arbosus. Bellavous,
Arbosus’ quasit familiar, sent her out to ‘forage’ for more
test subjects. With Arbosus gone for more than a week
Encounter Level 1/3/5/7/9 now, Meyona complied, if only to be out of the quasit’s
(525/775/1,050/1,550/2,100 XP) company.
She took with her a number of ghoul pack-mates
Setup and a horde of skeletal servants. If the PCs failed at
Encounter 3, several of the cultists who fled ran into the
Both Encounter 4a and 4b use the same monsters listed
undead arms and are even now dragged off to the lair.
below. See either Encounter 4a or 4b for the full text on
Where PCs encounter Meyona is dependent on
running the encounter depending on which path the
what they did in the skill challenge (Meyona used
PCs are experiencing.
guidance from her god to determine her course).
If they captured the cultists, Meyona moves into The
This encounter includes the following creatures at
Way hideout (Encounter 4a) while the PCs guard the
Adventure Level 2:
cultists in wait for the Order of Torm. Run Encounter
4 Decrepit Skeletons (S)
3 Ghouls (level 1) (G)
If the PCs aided the cultists’ flight, Meyona moved
Meyona, Adept of Cyric (level 2) (M)
ahead of them towards the Dusk Talons’ camp,
slaughtering the two agents there, and waiting for the
This encounter includes the following creatures at
cultists to come to her. Run Encounter 4b.
Adventure Level 4:
The creatures and treasure bundles are the same
4 Decrepit Skeletons (level 3) (S)
and their stats are listed in the following pages.
3 Ghouls (level 3) (G)
Meyona, Adept of Cyric (level 4) (M)
Scaling the Encounter
This encounter includes the following creatures at Make the following adjustments to the combat based on
Adventure Level 6: the number of PCs present.
4 Skeletal Legionaries (level 5) (S) Four PCs: Remove one ghoul.
3 Ghouls (G) Six PCs: Add four decrepit skeletons/skeletal
Meyona, Adept of Cyric (M) legionaries.

This encounter includes the following creatures at Fast Play Options

Adventure Level 8:
If the adventure is running long at this point, it is
4 Skeletal Legionaries (S)
suggested to end to combat once at least half of the
3 Ghouls (level 7) (G)
undead have been defeated and Meyona is bloodied.
Meyona, Adept of Cyric (level 8) (M)

This encounter includes the following creatures at Ending the Encounter

Adventure Level 10: See Encounter 4a or 4b.
4 Skeletal Legionaries (level 9) (S)
3 Ghouls (level 9) (G) Experience Points
Meyona, Adept of Cyric (level 10) (M) The PCs do not earn any XP for this encounter, but it
does count towards a milestone.
Special: It is possible that the PCs are accompanied by
cultists and paladins. The cultists are non-combatants. Treasure
They panic and either run or hide (see Encounter 4A). Among Meyona’s possessions the PCs find an orb of light
The paladins are capable fighters. If any of them are (Treasure A; see New Rules).
present, add another ghoul for each paladin, and have
the paladins fight these ghouls ‘off screen’ (off the map),
defeating their opponents when the PCs finish theirs.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 19

Encounter 4: With Murderous Intent (Adventure Level 2)

Adept of Cyric (level 2) Level 2 Controller (Leader) Ghoul (level 1) Level 1 Soldier
Medium natural humanoid (ghoul, undead) XP 125 Medium natural animate (undead) XP 100
HP 39; Bloodied 19 Initiative +5 HP 31; Bloodied 15 Initiative +6
AC 21, Fortitude 12, Reflex 15, Will 14 Perception +3 AC 17, Fortitude 13, Reflex 15, Will 12 Perception +0
Speed 8 Darkvision Speed 8, climb 4 Darkvision
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necroticVulnerable 5 radiant Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic
O Uneasy Grave • Aura 5 Weakened Paralysis
Any nonminion ghoul ally within the aura that drops to 0 hit points Whenever the ghoul takes radiant damage, one creature immobilized
becomes a decrepit skeleton at the start of its next turn. or stunned by the ghoul can make a saving throw against one of those
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC m Claws • At-Will
Hit: 1d8 + 2 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends). Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
R Grave Grasp (Implement) • At-Will Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends).
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +5 vs. Reflex M Ghoulish Bite • At-Will
Hit: The target is restrained (save ends). Attack: Melee 1 (one immobilized, restrained, stunned, or unconscious
R Call to Feast (Implement) • Recharge5 6 creature); +6 vs. AC
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +5 vs. Will Hit: 3d8 + 4 damage, and the target is stunned (save ends). The target
Hit: The target is immobilized (save ends). One of the adept’s allies also attracts the essence of Bhaal contracts filth fever.
that is adjacent to the target can make a melee basic attack against the Str 14 (+2) Dex 19 (+4) Wis 11 (0)
target as a free action. Con 15 (+2) Int 10 (0) Cha 12 (+1)
A Grave Dust Cloud (Implement, Necrotic, Zone) • Encounter Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common
Attack: Area burst 1 within 5 (living creatures in burst); +5 vs. Equipment longsword, shortbow, 20 arrows
Fortitude Note: Added filth fever to the bite.
Hit: 1d8 + 5 necrotic damage.
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the Decrepit Skeleton Level 1 Minion Skirmisher
encounter. Any living creature that enters the zone or ends its turn there
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 25
takes 5 necrotic damage.
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +5
Skills Religion +6, Stealth +10
AC 16, Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception +2
Str 14 (+3) Dex 19 (+5) Wis 14 (+3)
Speed 6 Darkvision
Con 15 (+3) Int 12 (+2) Cha 17 (+4)
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Equipment holy symbol of Cyric
m Longsword (Weapon) • At-Will
Effect: The skeleton can shift 1 square before the attack
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 4 damage.
r Shortbow (Weapon) • At-Will
Effect: The skeleton can shift 1 square before the attack
Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 3 damage.
Str 15 (+2) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 14 (+2)
Con 13 (+1) Int 3 (-4) Cha 3 (-4)
Alignment unaligned Languages -
Equipment longsword, shortbow, 20 arrows

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 20

Encounter 4: With Murderous Intent (Adventure Level 4)

Adept of Cyric (level 4) Level 4 Controller (Leader) Ghoul (level 3) Level 3 Soldier
Medium natural humanoid (ghoul, undead) XP 175 Medium natural animate (undead) XP 150
HP 55; Bloodied 27 Initiative +6 HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +7
AC 23, Fortitude 14, Reflex 17, Will 16 Perception +4 AC 19, Fortitude 15, Reflex 17, Will 14 Perception +1
Speed 8 Darkvision Speed 8, climb 4 Darkvision
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necroticVulnerable 5 radiant Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic
O Uneasy Grave • Aura 5 Weakened Paralysis
Any nonminion ghoul ally within the aura that drops to 0 hit points Whenever the ghoul takes radiant damage, one creature immobilized
becomes a decrepit skeleton at the start of its next turn. or stunned by the ghoul can make a saving throw against one of those
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC m Claws • At-Will
Hit: 2d6 + 2 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends). Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
R Grave Grasp (Implement) • At-Will Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends).
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex M Ghoulish Bite • At-Will
Hit: The target is restrained (save ends). Attack: Melee 1 (one immobilized, restrained, stunned, or unconscious
R Call to Feast (Implement) • Recharge5 6 creature); +8 vs. AC
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +7 vs. Will Hit: 4d6 + 4 damage, and the target is stunned (save ends). The target
Hit: The target is immobilized (save ends). One of the adept’s allies also attracts the essence of Bhaal contracts filth fever.
that is adjacent to the target can make a melee basic attack against the Str 14 (+3) Dex 19 (+5) Wis 11 (+1)
target as a free action. Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2)
A Grave Dust Cloud (Implement, Necrotic, Zone) • Encounter Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common
Attack: Area burst 1 within 5 (living creatures in burst); +7 vs. Equipment longsword, shortbow, 20 arrows
Fortitude Note: Added filth fever to the bite.
Hit: 2d6 + 5 necrotic damage.
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the Decrepit Skeleton (level 3) Level 3 Minion Skirmisher
encounter. Any living creature that enters the zone or ends its turn there
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 38
takes 5 necrotic damage.
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +6
Skills Religion +8, Stealth +11
AC 18, Fortitude 15, Reflex 16, Will 15 Perception +3
Str 14 (+4) Dex 19 (+6) Wis 14 (+4)
Speed 6 Darkvision
Con 15 (+4) Int 12 (+3) Cha 17 (+5)
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Equipment holy symbol of Cyric
m Longsword (Weapon) • At-Will
Effect: The skeleton can shift 1 square before the attack
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 5 damage.
r Shortbow (Weapon) • At-Will
Effect: The skeleton can shift 1 square before the attack
Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 4 damage.
Str 15 (+3) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 14 (+3)
Con 13 (+2) Int 3 (-3) Cha 3 (-3)
Alignment unaligned Languages -
Equipment longsword, shortbow, 20 arrows

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 21

Encounter 4: With Murderous Intent (Adventure Level 6)

Adept of Cyric Level 6 Controller (Leader) Ghoul Level 5 Soldier

Medium natural humanoid (ghoul, undead) XP 250 Medium natural animate (undead) XP 200
HP 71; Bloodied 35 Initiative +7 HP 63; Bloodied 31 Initiative +8
AC 25, Fortitude 16, Reflex 19, Will 18 Perception +5 AC 21, Fortitude 17, Reflex 19, Will 16 Perception +2
Speed 8 Darkvision Speed 8, climb 4 Darkvision
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necroticVulnerable 5 radiant Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic
O Uneasy Grave • Aura 5 Weakened Paralysis
Any nonminion ghoul ally within the aura that drops to 0 hit points Whenever the ghoul takes radiant damage, one creature immobilized
becomes a skeletal legionary at the start of its next turn. or stunned by the ghoul can make a saving throw against one of those
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC m Claws • At-Will
Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends). Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
R Grave Grasp (Implement) • At-Will Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends).
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +9 vs. Reflex M Ghoulish Bite • At-Will
Hit: The target is restrained (save ends). Attack: Melee 1 (one immobilized, restrained, stunned, or unconscious
R Call to Feast (Implement) • Recharge5 6 creature); +10 vs. AC
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +9 vs. Will Hit: 4d6 + 6 damage, and the target is stunned (save ends). The target
Hit: The target is immobilized (save ends). One of the adept’s allies also attracts the essence of Bhaal contracts filth fever.
that is adjacent to the target can make a melee basic attack against the Str 14 (+4) Dex 19 (+6) Wis 11 (+2)
target as a free action. Con 15 (+4) Int 10 (+2) Cha 12 (+3)
A Grave Dust Cloud (Implement, Necrotic, Zone) • Encounter Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common
Attack: Area burst 1 within 5 (living creatures in burst); +9 vs. Equipment scale armor, heavy shield, longsword, 3 javelins
Fortitude Note: Added filth fever to the bite.
Hit: 2d6 + 7 necrotic damage.
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the Skeletal Legionary (level 5) Level 5 Minion Soldier
encounter. Any living creature that enters the zone or ends its turn there
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 50
takes 5 necrotic damage.
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +8
Skills Religion +9, Stealth +12
AC 21, Fortitude 18, Reflex 18, Will 16 Perception +4
Str 14 (+5) Dex 19 (+7) Wis 14 (+5)
Speed 5 Darkvision
Con 15 (+5) Int 12 (+4) Cha 17 (+6)
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Equipment holy symbol of Cyric
m Longsword (Weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Hit: 6 damage.
Effect: The legionary marks the target until the end of the legionary’s
next turn
r Javelin (Weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Hit: 6 damage.
Effect: The legionary marks the target until the end of the legionary’s
next turn
Str 18 (+6) Dex 19 (+6) Wis 14 (+4)
Con 16 (+5) Int 3 (-4) Cha 3 (-2)
Alignment unaligned Languages -
Equipment scale armor, heavy shield, longsword, 3 javelins

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 22

Encounter 4: With Murderous Intent (Adventure Level 8)

Adept of Cyric (level 8) Level 8 Controller (Leader) Ghoul (level 7) Level 7 Soldier
Medium natural humanoid (ghoul, undead) XP 350 Medium natural animate (undead) XP 300
HP 87; Bloodied 43 Initiative +8 HP 79; Bloodied 39 Initiative +9
AC 27, Fortitude 18, Reflex 21, Will 20 Perception +6 AC 23, Fortitude 19, Reflex 21, Will 18 Perception +3
Speed 8 Darkvision Speed 8, climb 4 Darkvision
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic
O Uneasy Grave • Aura 5 Weakened Paralysis
Any nonminion ghoul ally within the aura that drops to 0 hit points Whenever the ghoul takes radiant damage, one creature immobilized
becomes a skeletal legionary at the start of its next turn. or stunned by the ghoul can make a saving throw against one of those
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC m Claws • At-Will
Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends). Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
R Grave Grasp (Implement) • At-Will Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends).
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +11 vs. Reflex M Ghoulish Bite • At-Will
Hit: The target is restrained (save ends). Attack: Melee 1 (one immobilized, restrained, stunned, or unconscious
R Call to Feast (Implement) • Recharge5 6 creature); +12 vs. AC
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +11 vs. Will Hit: 4d8 + 6 damage, and the target is stunned (save ends). The target
Hit: The target is immobilized (save ends). One of the adept’s allies also attracts the Essence of Bhaal.
that is adjacent to the target can make a melee basic attack against the Str 14 (+5) Dex 19 (+7) Wis 11 (+3)
target as a free action. Con 15 (+5) Int 10 (+3) Cha 12 (+4)
A Grave Dust Cloud (Implement, Necrotic, Zone) • Encounter Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common
Attack: Area burst 1 within 5 (living creatures in burst); +11 vs. Equipment scale armor, heavy shield, longsword, 3 javelins
Fortitude Note: Added filth fever to the bite.
Hit: 2d8 + 7 necrotic damage.
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the Skeletal Legionary Level 7 Minion Soldier
encounter. Any living creature that enters the zone or ends its turn there
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 75
takes 5 necrotic damage.
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +9
Skills Religion +10, Stealth +13
AC 23, Fortitude 20, Reflex 20, Will 18 Perception +5
Str 14 (+6) Dex 19 (+8) Wis 14 (+6)
Speed 5 Darkvision
Con 15 (+6) Int 12 (+5) Cha 17 (+7)
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Equipment holy symbol of Cyric
m Longsword (Weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 7 damage.
Effect: The legionary marks the target until the end of the legionary’s
next turn
r Javelin (Weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 7 damage.
Effect: The legionary marks the target until the end of the legionary’s
next turn
Str 18 (+7) Dex 19 (+7) Wis 14 (+5)
Con 16 (+6) Int 3 (-3) Cha 3 (-1)
Alignment unaligned Languages -
Equipment scale armor, heavy shield, longsword, 3 javelins

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 23

Encounter 4: With Murderous Intent (Adventure Level 10)

Adept of Cyric (level 10) Level 10 Controller (Leader) Ghoul (level 9) Level 9 Soldier
Medium natural humanoid (ghoul, undead) XP 500 Medium natural animate (undead) XP 400
HP 103; Bloodied 51 Initiative +9 HP 95; Bloodied 47 Initiative +10
AC 29, Fortitude 20, Reflex 23, Will 22 Perception +7 AC 25, Fortitude 21, Reflex 23, Will 20 Perception +4
Speed 8 Darkvision Speed 8, climb 4 Darkvision
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic
O Uneasy Grave • Aura 5 Weakened Paralysis
Any nonminion ghoul ally within the aura that drops to 0 hit points Whenever the ghoul takes radiant damage, one creature immobilized
becomes a skeletal legionary at the start of its next turn. or stunned by the ghoul can make a saving throw against one of those
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC m Claws • At-Will
Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends). Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
R Grave Grasp (Implement) • At-Will Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends).
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +13 vs. Reflex M Ghoulish Bite • At-Will
Hit: The target is restrained (save ends). Attack: Melee 1 (one immobilized, restrained, stunned, or unconscious
R Call to Feast (Implement) • Recharge5 6 creature); +14 vs. AC
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +13 vs. Will Hit: 4d8 + 8 damage, and the target is stunned (save ends). The target
Hit: The target is immobilized (save ends). One of the adept’s allies also attracts the Essence of Bhaal.
that is adjacent to the target can make a melee basic attack against the Str 14 (+6) Dex 19 (+8) Wis 11 (+4)
target as a free action. Con 15 (+6) Int 10 (+4) Cha 12 (+5)
A Grave Dust Cloud (Implement, Necrotic, Zone) • Encounter Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common
Attack: Area burst 1 within 5 (living creatures in burst); +13 vs. Note: Added filth fever to the bite.
Hit: 2d8 + 9 necrotic damage. Skeletal Legionary (level 9) Level 9 Minion Soldier
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 100
encounter. Any living creature that enters the zone or ends its turn there
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +10
takes 5 necrotic damage.
AC 25, Fortitude 22, Reflex 22, Will 20 Perception +6
Skills Religion +11, Stealth +14
Speed 5 Darkvision
Str 14 (+7) Dex 19 (+9) Wis 14 (+7)
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic
Con 15 (+7) Int 12 (+6) Cha 17 (+8)
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal, Common
m Longsword (Weapon) • At-Will
Equipment holy symbol of Cyric
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 8 damage.
Effect: The legionary marks the target until the end of the legionary’s
next turn
r Javelin (Weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 8 damage.
Effect: The legionary marks the target until the end of the legionary’s
next turn
Str 18 (+8) Dex 19 (+8) Wis 14 (+6)
Con 16 (+7) Int 3 (-2) Cha 3 (0)
Alignment unaligned Languages -
Equipment scale armor, heavy shield, longsword, 3 javelins

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 24

Meyona has cloaked herself and her ghouls in a
Encounter 4A: With ritual illusion (Traveler’s Camouflage).
Murderous Intent – The Way Check the PCs passive Perception against the
undead’s Stealth check on the chart below to see
Hideout whether they spot any undead:
This encounter occurs shortly after the PCs subdued the
cultists, once the paladins have left after the Monster Stealth Check by EL
negotiations, or when the cultists panic and scatter, with Creature EL1 EL3 EL5 EL7 EL9
the paladins on their heels. In the latter case, several Skeletons 15 16 18 19 20
cultists that bolted run right into the arms of the Ghouls 21 23 24 25 26
approaching undead. Meyona 27 28 29 30 31
Have the PCs set themselves up in the ruins as they
wish (they can put guards outside, but not off the map). This takes into account the likelihood that the undead
Also let them place on the map any cultists they skeletons are more than 10 squares away and obscured
captured, and note whether these are restrained or not. by walls at the start of combat If the PCs are closer than
If the PCs succeeded in Encounter 3, read: 10 squares add 2 their Perception check)
For those who see the skeletons read:
You have only a handful of Way members to guard. If
you strain, you can hear the sound of clanging armor, Something approaches through the woods. Moonlight
paladins in plate on the move. glints on bone, revealing empty rib cages and the
Then, a strange, inhuman screech sounds through grinning skulls of the living dead.
the night.
For those who also spot the ghouls read:
If the PCs failed in Encounter 3, read:
Quick and stealthy like shadows, grotesque men, with
The night is filled with the sound of people running and slavering fangs and tongues lolling out of their mouths
the clang of armor of paladins in plate in pursuit. Only skitter through the woods, running towards the gaps in
a handful of Way members stayed behind, with only the ruined walls.
you to watch them.
The sound of the paladins diminishes as they get PCs who failed the Perception check are surprised. Roll
further into the woods. initiative and start with a surprise round for the undead
Then, a strange, inhuman screech sounds through and the PCs who made their Perception check (the
the night. That was not a paladin or cultist! cultists are surprised).

Meyona is a ghoulish adept of Cyric that was sent out by Features of the Area
Bellavous to capture more creatures for
Illumination: Night has fallen, and the area is in
low light, including the ruins, which are lit by low
She has sent a large group of undead to face the
quality torches and candles.
paladins. Their combat takes place off the map and does
Boulders and dead wood: Boulders and dead
not involve the PCs.
wood are difficult terrain. A creature directly behind a
She herself is out for the ruins. She has her skeletal
boulder or dead wood square, gain partial cover.
warriors approach from the bottom of the map. She and
Dense Woods: Woods are difficult terrain. A
her undead try to approach unseen through the woods.
creature in a woods square gains partial concealment. If
Her plan is to send in the skeletons, who should then
there is more than one square of woods between a
distract the PCs and allow the ghouls and herself to
creature and its attacker, it has total concealment.
attack from behind.
Ss’thar’tiss’ssun Statue (dotted lines): The ruin
If all PCs are inside, the setup on the map is the
once held two grotesque statues of snake-like creatures.
situation at the start of combat. It is assumed the PCs are
One of these has been entirely reduced to rubble
rounding up the last cultists.
(difficult terrain), but the other is mostly intact.
Adjust the situation if any action of the PCs makes
The statues were once imbued with old Sarrukh
this approach unlikely to go unnoticed (in that case, the
magic. Some of these wards are still active in the
skeletal undead likely start deeper in the woods).
indicated areas.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 25

When a creature in the area becomes bloodied, a Check: At the end of each extended rest, the target makes
spectral animated snake coils up and wraps around the an Endurance check if it is at stage 1 or 2.
creature, restraining it (save ends). • Misses the Easy DC: The stage of the disease
Cultists: The cultists seem obvious targets for the increases by 1.
ghouls. However, if they are restrained, Meyona is smart • Beats the Easy DC: No change
enough to realize she doesn’t have to bother with them • Beats the Moderate DC: The stage of the disease
(she knows she is not likely to get away while the PCs decreases by 1.
are still alive).
If the PCs did not restrain them, the cultists panic The skeletons initially attack from range, trying to draw
(except for Dagg, if he was captured). They try to flee the PCs out so the ghouls can attack them from behind.
from the danger (initially the skeletons), likely walking They have orders to move into melee when the PCs
right into another one. Treat the cultists as minions (AC engage the ghouls or when they run out of javelins or
12, other defenses 10), except they have no attacks. arrows.
They count as neither enemies nor allies for purposes of
powers or moving through occupied squares. Ending the Encounter
A Hard DC Diplomacy check as a minor action
Meyona is the only creature that has any sanity left –
can convince one cultist to become a temporary ally and
though not much. If the PCs did not destroy her, they
stay. A cultist that stays can be ordered with a minor
can get her to talk. She grins maniacally and gloats that
action to perform one non-attack action per round, such
she and her followers have already taken enough
as make or carry a light, move, or make a Heal check to
subjects for experimentation by her master. If the PCs
stabilize someone.
failed in Encounter 3, she is actually speaking the truth,
Paladins: If any paladins are near when the attack
as other zombies under her command already captured
starts, these have their own opponents to deal with. Run
the cultists that fled and dragged them away. If they
these combats off screen.
succeeded, she is bluffing (Insight vs. her Bluff to realize
Tactics Regardless, the paladins are shocked by this turn of
Meyona tries to stick with the ghouls so they can stay in events. Their priority at this point becomes to ensure the
reach of her aura and her call to feast power. She waits to safety of The Way members – even if they are criminals
see where melee combat centers to place her grave dust in the paladins’ eyes, they need to be protected.
cloud. She lets her ghouls move into combat before using They ask the PCs to investigate where Meyona came
call to feast. She resorts to grave grasp if call to feast does from. They suspect that Meyona’s master is the cause of
not recharge, and only resorts to melee if forced to. the troubles. If they have been praying in the ruins,
Meyona is aware of the dangers some statues pose, turning those who come there insane, it clarifies why so
and while she doesn’t know the effects of those in these many murderers are Way members.
ruins she stays away from them. Meyona can tell the PCs where the creatures were
The ghouls are not so smart. They seek melee, taken. She does not reveal what experiment they are for.
hoping to immobilize or restrain a PC so they can use She sniggers that she doesn’t want to ruin the surprise.
their ghoulish bite. Note that any PC bitten by a ghoul is She is even willing to lead the PCs to the ruins (so she
exposed to essence of Bhaal (a variation of filth fever). They can turn on them later).
must save at the end of the encounter or contract stage 1 She doesn’t fear destruction, knowing she served
of the disease. her patron, Cyric, well, and even expects to be rewarded
with a second chance. She boldly states that they will
Essence of Bhaal Level 2/4/6/8/10 meet again, when the PCs finally destroy her.
Stage 0: The target recovers from the disease Some PCs may have contracted Essence of Bhaal. A
Stage 1: While affected by stage 1, the target loses a DC 15 Heal check confirms that the disease is similar to
healing surge what affected the insane in the barracks, though it is a
Stage 2: While affected by stage 2, the target loses a much milder form.
healing surge. The target also takes a -2 penalty to AC, Continue to Encounter 5.
Fortitude, and Reflex.
Stage 3: While affected by stage 3, the target loses all
healing surges and cannot regain hit points. The target
also takes a -2 penalty to AC, Fortitude, and Reflex.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 26

Encounter 4A: With Murderous Intent – The Way Hideout
Tile Sets Needed
Sinister Woods x2

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 27

and bushes).If the PCs are closer than 10 squares add 2
Encounter 4B: With their Perception check)
Murderous Intent – The For those who see the skeletons read:

Dusk Talons’ Camp Something is hidden among the trees and the wreckage
This encounter occurs when the PCs reach the Dusk of a cart. Moonlight glints on bone, revealing empty rib
Talon’s camp. If the PCs failed Encounter 3, several cages and the grinning skulls of the living dead.
cultists got lost while avoiding the Order of Torm. They Hidden among the bushes are grotesque men, with
have walked right into the arms of Meyona’s undead. slavering fangs and tongues lolling out of their mouths.
The PCs approach from the bottom of the map. They eye you hungrily.
Have them set up as they wish. Also let them place on
the map any cultists that accompany them. For those who also spot the ghouls read:

Several tents are placed close to a set of large stones. The Quick and stealthy like shadows, grotesque men, with
stones, smooth and polished, embossed with the images slavering fangs and tongues lolling out of their mouths
of snakes, stand in a large circle. A strange distortion is skitter through the woods, running towards you.
visible between the stones, though that may just be an
optical illusion. PCs who failed the Perception check are surprised. Roll
Signs of a recent battle are everywhere: torn cloth, initiative and start with a surprise round for the undead
and a cart that has collapsed under a great weight. A and the PCs who made their Perception check (the
giant skeleton lies in front of one of the tents. cultists are surprised).
There are no bodies anywhere. The scene is eerily
quiet. Features of the Area
Illumination: Night has fallen, and the area is in
Meyona, the ghoulish adept of Cyric that was sent out by
low light.
Bellavous to capture more creatures for
Bushes: Bushes are difficult terrain. A creature in
experimentation, is in one of the tents, while the ghouls
or behind a bush square, gains partial concealment.
are hidden. She has set her skeletal warriors to stand
Boulders: Boulders are difficult terrain. A creature
guard in cover, and attack from range anyone who
behind a boulder gains partial cover.
approaches. She hopes the skeletons will be obvious
Tent: A creature inside a tent has total concealment.
targets for the PCs, allowing herself and her ghouls to
Someone adjacent or inside a tent can use a standard
attack with surprise.
action to collapse the tent. This makes it difficult terrain
Adjust the situation if PCs scout ahead and
instead. A creature inside a tent when it collapses is
therefore know more about what goes on.
restrained (save ends).
Meyona has cloaked herself and her ghouls in a
Trees: The trunk of a tree is blocking terrain.
ritual illusion (Traveler’s Camouflage). She and one
Giant Skeleton: This undead ally of Meyona was
ghoul are in the circle of standing stones, taking cover
slain by the Dusk Talons. It is still slightly animate
behind the stones. The rest have hidden in bushes or
(Hard DC Perception check to notice when adjacent).
behind trees or the upturned cart.
A creature that ends its turn in a giant skeleton’s square
Check the PCs passive Perception against the
is grabbed and restrained (save ends).
undead’s Stealth check on the chart below to see
Standing Stones: This group of standing stones is
whether they spot any undead:
quite old and may have been part of the old Najara
Empire. It acts as a teleportation circle, and is used by
Monster Stealth Check by EL
the Dusk Talons to move forces about. The portal is not
Creature EL1 EL3 EL5 EL7 EL9
connected to Arbosus’ lair (Meyona came here through
Skeletons 15 16 18 19 20 mundane means).
Ghouls 21 23 24 25 26 The stones do have a peculiar effect: any creature
Meyona 27 28 29 30 31 that starts its turn inside the circle gets a free move
action at the start of its turn (before any other actions).
This takes into account the likelihood that the undead This action may only be used for actual move actions (it
skeletons are more than 10 squares away and in can’t be changed into a minor action).
concealment or cover (behind the cart, the circle stones,

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 28

Cultists: The cultists flee as soon as the undead Ending the Encounter
attack. Meyona doesn’t bother with them unless they get
Meyona is the only creature that has any sanity left –
into an area attack spell in the first round (after that,
though not much. If the PCs did not destroy her, they
most cultists are likely off the map), expecting to be able
can get her to talk. She grins maniacally and gloats that
to round them up once she has dealt with the PCs.
she and her followers have already ‘taken enough
Treat the cultists as minions (AC 12, other defenses
subjects for experimentation by her master’. If the PCs
10), except they have no attacks. The cultists count as
failed in Encounter 3, she is actually speaking the truth,
allies for purposes of powers or moving through
as other zombies under her command already captured
occupied squares.
the cultists that fled and dragged them away. If they
A Moderate DC Diplomacy check as a minor
succeeded, she is bluffing (Insight vs. her Bluff to realize
action check can convince one cultist to stay. A cultist
that stays can be ordered with a minor action to perform
Shortly after the fight, two Dusk Talon agents
one non-attack action per round, such as make or carry
surface (provided no paladins are present at the time).
a light, move, or make a Heal check to stabilize
They had been lying low after the attack on their
comrades. They are shocked by this turn of events.
Their priority at this point is to ensure the safety of The
Tactics Way members – they explain how they can use the
Meyona tries to stick with the ghouls so they can stay in portal to transfer the members to a safe place and from
reach of her aura and her call to feast power. She waits to there back home.
see where melee combat centers to place her grave dust They also suggest Dagg talks to Nualla. Dagg turns to
cloud. She lets her ghouls move into combat before using the PCs to ask whether that is wise. Note down what
call to feast. She resorts to grave grasp if call to feast does each PC gives as advice as it affects their status with the
not recharge, and only resorts to melee if forced to. various factions.
The ghouls seek melee, hoping to immobilize or The Dusk Talons ask the PCs to investigate where
restrain a PC so they can use their ghoulish bite. Note that Meyona came from. They suspect that Meyona’s master
any PC bitten by a ghoul is exposed to essence of Bhaal (a is the cause of the troubles. If they have been praying in
variation of filth fever). They must save at the end of the the ruins, turning those who come there insane, it
encounter or contract stage 1 of the disease. clarifies why so many murderers are Way members.
Once they are done, they can return here. Nualla will
Essence of Bhaal Level 2/4/6/8/10 wait for them.
Stage 0: The target recovers from the disease Meyona can tell the PCs where the creatures were
Stage 1: While affected by stage 1, the target loses a taken, but do not reveal what experiment they are for.
healing surge She sniggers that she doesn’t want to ruin the surprise.
Stage 2: While affected by stage 2, the target loses a She is even willing to lead the PCs to the ruins (so she
healing surge. The target also takes a -2 penalty to AC, can turn on them later).
Fortitude, and Reflex. She doesn’t fear destruction, knowing she served
Stage 3: While affected by stage 3, the target loses all her patron, Cyric, well, and even expects to be rewarded
healing surges and cannot regain hit points. The target with a second chance. She boldly states that they will
also takes a -2 penalty to AC, Fortitude, and Reflex. ‘meet again’, when the PCs finally destroy her.
Check: At the end of each extended rest, the target makes Some PCs may have contracted Essence of Bhaal. A
an Endurance check if it is at stage 1 or 2. DC 15 Heal check confirms that the disease is similar to
• Misses the Easy DC: The stage of the disease what affected the insane in the barracks, though it is a
increases by 1. much milder form.
• Beats the Easy DC: No change Continue to Encounter 5.
• Beats the Moderate DC: The stage of the disease
decreases by 1.

The skeletons initial attack from range, trying to draw

the PCs out so the ghouls can attack them from behind.
They have orders to move into melee when the PCs
engage the ghouls or when they run out of javelins or

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 29

Encounter 4B: With Murderous Intent – The Dusk Talons’
Camp Map
Tile Sets Needed
Ruins of the Wild x2

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 30

Encounter 5: Sentries of The snake heads represent the World Serpent,
the Sarrukh’s deity.
Ss’thar’tiss’ssun • Ss’thar’tiss’ssun was abandoned millennia ago. It
was briefly the site for the original serpent
kingdom of Najara, and briefly the location of a
When the PCs follow the creature’s tracks or Meyona’s
human settlement called Serpent’s Cowl.
directions, they lead to an old complex of ruins, which
• Rumors say Najara once again lays claim to the
hide the entrance to Arbosus’ lair.
• However, these ruins were a mere outpost for
Little remains of the heavily overgrown ruins of a small the Sarrukh, and it is unlikely that it holds any
stone fortress. The walls that remain are only a foot creatures from Najara.
high, worn down by time, and most of the complex is
buried under a large hill. The ruins are actually above-ground viewpoints,
Elaborate stonework can still be made out, a connected through underground tunnels to the central
crumbled whisper of a forgotten era. outpost complex. Various viewpoints are spread out to
cover more ground, while keeping the outpost's
When the PCs look around, they stumble on the two underground defenses in one place. From the complex,
entrances: two tunnels lead in each compass direction to an
aboveground building, most of which are now totally
The opposite side of the hill is partly excavated and the overgrown. The PCs are looking at the most southern
digs have revealed the stone heads of two enormous entrance tunnels. The tunnels could be collapsed, so that
snakes. Each of them are twenty feet high and are when one entrance was assaulted, the others could be
spaced about a hundred feet apart. Their fanged used to retreat to safety.
mouths are wide open and two sets of emerald-colored Almost all tunnels are now collapsed and hidden,
eyes gaze down upon you. The two heads offer access to never really looked into by the local population. The
partially cleared tunnels leading downwards. tunnels the PCs found were cleared by Arbosus, the first
to get access to the lair for millennia.
The PCs are not the first to visit these tunnels. If they The PCs have to choose one of the two tunnels (left
investigate the tunnels, they find: or right). There is no discernable difference between the
• The left tunnel is covered with many tracks of two.
passing, suggesting a well travelled – and guarded Each leads to the complex, and each leads to two
- entrance. A hundred feet in lies a corpse which different encounters (see Ending the Encounter below).
seems to have been drained of blood by several The taint of the Sarrukh and the magic of Arbosus
puncture wounds on various places on the body. have created warped walls and surely sinister place.
• The right tunnel has fewer tracks. No such There is a sense of quiet loss here.
carnage exist as in the left tunnel, but PCs do find The ruins are filled with monsters diseased and
tracks of some large lizard in the ancient stone driven insane by experimentation. There is no logic left
(Hard DC Nature identifies it as that of a in most monsters, they are husks filled with hate and the
medium-sized dragon). need to murder.
As the PCs enter the tunnels, read:
Meyona came through the left tunnel. As one of Arbosus
followers, she is safe from the stirges and the blood The walls are slick and partly covered in mold, taking
elemental. on an eerie green glow. Something here has been
With a DC 25 History check, PCs know the corrupted, perhaps something not wholly innocent itself,
following of these ruins: but this place has been repurposed. This place is not
• The ruins are an outpost, one of the most what it once was.
southern created to protect the ancient city of
Ss’thar’tiss’ssun, which lies further north. If a PC contracted the Essence of Bhaal in Encounter 4
• Ss’thar’tiss’ssun was made thirty thousand years their vision is flooded with blood and visions of harming
ago by the Sarrukh.
innocents (read the following text for those characters).
• The Sarrukh are one of the five progenitor, or
Creator Races, of Faerûn. They were an evil race
A smell of blood hits your nostrils. The walls are oozing
that created the nagas and the yuan-ti.
maroon rivers and all of a sudden you are taken by

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 31

horrible visions. You see yourself committing acts of Experience Points
murder and violence, all of them chaotic and without Each PC earns 25/35/50/70/100 experience points for
purpose. Unable to stop it, you relish in every thrill, navigating the ruins. Each combat in the ruins counts
ecstasy coursing through you body, you hunger for more towards a milestone individually.
destruction and… Your eyes clear. You are standing in
the same glowing hallway as the smell of stirred dust Treasure
and mold hits your nostrils. There is no treasure in this encounter.

This combat encounter is designed to be a mini dungeon

drawl. The PCs should play through two encounters
before coming to Encounter 6 (see Ending the
It is impossible to take any kind of rest in the
tunnels. There is a constant droning sound that prevents
them from doing so. The sound is maddening and it
would be more harmful to the PCs to take a rest than to
keep going. PCs realize this before they enter!
A Silence ritual (or similar) can offset this effect.
The droning noise does subside enough following
this encounter and the PCs become aware of this. They
may take a short rest just prior to Encounter 6.
You may allow the PCs to explore further, but note
that any additional encounters beyond the first two do
not grant more xp, and PCs do not get any rests in

Fast Play Options

The combats in Encounters 5A-5D are intended to last
shorter than standard encounters. They are brief
skirmishes that should end relatively quickly.
Each encounter lists a few additional victory
conditions. These conditions end the encounter, even if
creatures are still standing, and consider the PCs
victorious (even if they surrender to Usk).
Make sure players (and thus their PCs) become
aware of these possibilities.

Ending the Encounter

If the PCs choose the left tunnel, run Encounters 5A and
If they choose the right tunnel, run Encounters 5C,
and 5D.
You can also select two encounters depending on
the PCs, and what would best suit the party.
When the players have completed two encounters
in Encounter 5 they move further into the complex.
There they can take a short rest before they continue on
to Encounter 6.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 32

5 feet (1 square) down. This effect can be suppressed for
Encounter 5A: Sentries: the duration of the encounter with a dispel magic or
Bloodsucking Vermin similar effect. It is possible to look out of the darkness,
but not to look in it. Hence, the PCs cannot see the
undead stirges that move around on the bottom. A PC
Encounter Level 1/3/5/7/9 may be able to hear the stirges if the PCs’ passive
(450/650/900/1300/1800 XP) Perception beats the stirges’ take 10 Stealth check.

Setup Features of the Area

This encounter includes the following creatures at Illumination: Darkness. The area is covered in
Adventure Level 2: magical darkness (everything one square or lower inside
8 stirge suckerlings (level 1) (S) the rifts) is impenetrable.
2 death husk stirges (level 2) (D) Rift: the rift is filled with magical darkness up to 5
feet below the platforms.
This encounter includes the following creatures at A creature that is inside the darkness can look out of
Adventure Level 4: the darkness, but a creature cannot see anything inside
8 stirge suckerlings (level 3) (S) the darkness unless it has blindsight or darkvision. A
2 death husk stirges (level 4) (D) creature with blindsight can see as far as its sight allows.
A creature with darkvision can see 5 feet (one square)
This encounter includes the following creatures at inside the darkness.
Adventure Level 6: A creature that falls inside the rift takes 1d10
8 stirge suckerlings (S) damage per 10 feet fallen (2d10 at EL 2/4/6 and 3d10
2 death husk stirges(D) at EL 8/10).
Climbing back up requires a DC 15 Athletics check.
This encounter includes the following creatures at Bridges: The bridges are difficult terrain. They
Adventure Level 8: sway, making it difficult to keep balance. A creature on a
2 stirge suckerling swarms (level 7) (S) bridge that cannot fly grants combat advantage.
2 death husk stirges (level 8) (D) Broken Bridges: In addition to granting combat
advantage like a normal bridge, a broken bridge is
This encounter includes the following creatures at unstable. A non-flying creature that takes a move action
Adventure Level 10: must make a DC 15 Acrobatics check or sink through
2 stirge suckerling swarms (level 9)(S) the boards. It falls prone and is restrained.
2 death husk stirges (level 10) (D) A restrained creature can make a DC 15
Acrobatics/Athletics check to free itself. If it fails, it
As the adventurers enter the area, read: drops through the bridge and falls inside the rift.
Acidic Slime: This appears as the water areas on
The corridor opens up in a large space. Several feet the map. A non-flying creature that enters these squares
ahead, the earth drops away into a rift. A strange, must make a DC 15 Acrobatics check when it takes a
impenetrable darkness hangs over the depths, cloaking move action or slide 1d4 squares in a random direction,
what is on the bottom. and take 5/6/8/9/10 acid damage. This only happens
Slippery ooze covers the surface of the rocky once per move action unless the PC leaves and then
outcrops. Rickety bridges span the rifts. Not all of them reenters the slime in the same move action.
look safe, A DC 15 Dungeoneering check allows a PC to
identify the effects of the acidic slime.
This part of the complex was shaken by a massive
earthquake centuries ago. It is the lair of a set of undead Tactics
stirges – creatures whose nature has changed drastically This encounter is fairly easy in regards to number and
by taking their diet from the Bhaal-blood infected level of opponents, but the terrain favors the creatures.
undead. While not particularly smart, the stirges do know
The rifts drop 20 feet (four squares) at EL 2/4/6 and that the bridges inconvenience creatures. Hence, unless
30 feet (six squares) at EL 8/10 towards a rocky bottom, attacked earlier, they wait until several PCs are on the
but the space is filled with a magical darkness that starts bridges (or fall inside the rift) before they attack.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 33

They prefer to stick on one PC, swarming it and
sucking it dry before they move to another.
The death husk stirges hide among the normal
suckerlings, hoping to be confused with them until it

Scaling the Encounter

Make the following adjustments to the combat based on
the number of PCs present.
Four PCs: Remove one death husk stirge.
Six PCs: Add 4 stirge suckerlings or one stirge
suckerling swarm.

Fast Play Options

This encounter ends with the PCs victorious when:
• The death husk stirges are destroyed. The
remaining suckerlings or suckerling swarms were
under their control, and scatter harmlessly when
they are gone. Make sure PCs learn (after a round
of combat) that the death husk stirges control the
• The PCs leave the map on the other side. The
stirges do not pursue and are considered

Ending the Encounter

The encounter ends when the PCs reach the other side
of the map and leave the area. Any stirges that are not
destroyed do not follow.
The corridor continues on from here, and PCs can
move to the next encounter (Encounter 5B, 5C, or 5D,
or to Encounter 6 if this is the second Sentries of
Ss’thar’tiss’ssun encounter).
Note that the PCs do not get a short rest unless this
is the last encounter in the tunnels.

Experience Points
The PCs do not earn any XP for this encounter, but it
does count towards a milestone.

There is no treasure in this encounter.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 34

Encounter 5A: Sentries: Bloodsucking Vermin (AL 2)

Stirge Suckerling (level 1) Level 1 Minion Lurker Death Husk Stirge (level 2) Level 2 Skirmisher
Small natural beast (undead) XP 25 Small natural animate (undead) XP 125
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +7 HP 39; Bloodied 19 Initiative +7
AC 15, Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 11 Perception +5 AC 16, Fortitude 12, Reflex 16, Will 14 Perception +4
Speed 2, fly 6 Darkvision Speed 2, fly 6 Darkvision
Resist 5 necrotic; Vulnerable 2 radiant Immune poison; Resist 10 necrotic
Nimble bloodsucker Necromantic Flyer
While the stirge has a creature grabbed, the stirge gains a +2 bonus to A death husk that takes radiant damage cannot fly until the end of its
AC and Reflex. next turn; if in the air, it falls.
m Bite • At-Will m Bite• At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC. While a stirge has a Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
creature grabbed, it can use bite only against that creature, and it hits Hit: 2d6 + 3 damage, and the death husk recharges rotted blood.
automatically C Rotted Blood (Necrotic) • Encounter
Hit: 3 damage, and the stirge grabs the target (escape DC 13). Until Attack: Close Blast 3 (living creatures in blast); +5 vs. Fortitude.
the target is no longer grabbed by any suckerlings, it takes damage at the Hit: 1d6 + 3 necrotic damage, and the target is blinded until the end
start of its turn equal to the number of stirge suckerlings grabbing it. The of the stirge’s next turn.
target takes this damage only once each turn, regardless of how many Effect: undead in the blast can shift 2 squares as a free action.
suckerlings are grabbing it. MOVE ACTIONS
Rotting Strike (Necrotic) • Encounter Effect: The death husk flies 4 squares. This movement does not
Trigger: The stirge suckerling hits with a melee basic attack during its provoke opportunity attacks.
Effect: The targets takes ongoing 2 necrotic damage (save ends). C Necrotic Miasma (Necrotic) • At-Will
Skills Stealth +8 Trigger: The death husk stirge drops to 0 hit points.
Str 7 (-2) Dex 16 (+3) Wis10 (+0) Attack (No Action): Close Burst 2 (living creatures in the burst); +5 vs.
Con 12 (+1) Int 1 (-5) Cha 4 (-3) Fortitude
Alignment evil Languages - Hit: 5 necrotic damage, and the target is weakened until the end of its
Applied spirit of undeath and rotting strike from the Orcus blood next turn.
cultist theme Skills Stealth +10
Str6 (-1) Dex19 (+5) Wis 16 (+4)
Con 15 (+3) Int 4 (-2) Cha 7 (-1)
Alignment evil Languages -
Added the Stealth skill

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 35

Encounter 5A: Sentries: Bloodsucking Vermin (AL 4)

Stirge Suckerling (level 3) Level 3 Minion Lurker Death Husk Stirge (level 4) Level 4 Skirmisher
Small natural beast (undead) XP 36 Small natural animate (undead) XP 175
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +8 HP 55; Bloodied 27 Initiative +8
AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 16, Will 12 Perception +6 AC 18, Fortitude 14, Reflex 18, Will 16 Perception +5
Speed 2, fly 6 Darkvision Speed 2, fly 6 Darkvision
Resist 6 necrotic; Vulnerable 3 radiant Immune poison; Resist 10 necrotic
Nimble bloodsucker Necromantic Flyer
While the stirge has a creature grabbed, the stirge gains a +2 bonus to A death husk that takes radiant damage cannot fly until the end of its
AC and Reflex. next turn; if in the air, it falls.
m Bite • At-Will m Bite• At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC. While a stirge has a Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
creature grabbed, it can use bite only against that creature, and it hits Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage, and the death husk recharges rotted blood.
automatically C Rotted Blood (Necrotic) • Encounter
Hit: 4 damage, and the stirge grabs the target (escape DC 14). Until Attack: Close Blast 3 (living creatures in blast); +7 vs. Fortitude.
the target is no longer grabbed by any suckerlings, it takes damage at the Hit: 1d6 + 5 necrotic damage, and the target is blinded until the end
start of its turn equal to the number of stirge suckerlings grabbing it. The of the stirge’s next turn.
target takes this damage only once each turn, regardless of how many Effect: undead in the blast can shift 2 squares as a free action.
suckerlings are grabbing it. MOVE ACTIONS
Rotting Strike (Necrotic) • Encounter Effect: The death husk flies 4 squares. This movement does not
Trigger: The stirge suckerling hits with a melee basic attack during its provoke opportunity attacks.
Effect: The targets takes ongoing 3 necrotic damage (save ends). C Necrotic Miasma (Necrotic) • At-Will
Skills Stealth +9 Trigger: The death husk stirge drops to 0 hit points.
Str 7 (-1) Dex 16 (+6) Wis10 (+1) Attack (No Action): Close Burst 2 (living creatures in the burst); +7 vs.
Con 12 (+2) Int 1 (-4) Cha 4 (-2) Fortitude
Alignment evil Languages - Hit: 5 necrotic damage, and the target is weakened until the end of its
Applied spirit of undeath and rotting strike from the Orcus blood next turn.
cultist theme Skills Stealth +11
Str6 (+0) Dex19 (+6) Wis 16 (+5)
Con 15 (+4) Int 4 (-1) Cha 7 (+0)
Alignment evil Languages -
Added the Stealth skill

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 36

Encounter 5A: Sentries: Bloodsucking Vermin (AL 6)

Stirge Suckerling Level 5 Minion Lurker Death Husk Stirge Level 6 Skirmisher
Small natural beast (undead) XP 50 Small natural animate (undead) XP 250
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +9 HP 71; Bloodied 35 Initiative +9
AC 19, Fortitude 16, Reflex 18, Will 15 Perception +7 AC 20, Fortitude 16, Reflex 20, Will 18 Perception +6
Speed 2, fly 6 Darkvision Speed 2, fly 6 Darkvision
Resist 7 necrotic; Vulnerable 3 radiant Immune poison; Resist 10 necrotic
Nimble bloodsucker Necromantic Flyer
While the stirge has a creature grabbed, the stirge gains a +2 bonus to A death husk that takes radiant damage cannot fly until the end of its
AC and Reflex. next turn; if in the air, it falls.
m Bite • At-Will m Bite• At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC. While a stirge has a Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
creature grabbed, it can use bite only against that creature, and it hits Hit: 2d6 + 7 damage, and the death husk recharges rotted blood.
automatically C Rotted Blood (Necrotic) • Encounter
Hit: 5 damage, and the stirge grabs the target (escape DC 15). Until Attack: Close Blast 3 (living creatures in blast); +9 vs. Fortitude.
the target is no longer grabbed by any suckerlings, it takes damage at the Hit: 1d6 + 7 necrotic damage, and the target is blinded until the end
start of its turn equal to the number of stirge suckerlings grabbing it. The of the stirge’s next turn.
target takes this damage only once each turn, regardless of how many Effect: undead in the blast can shift 2 squares as a free action.
suckerlings are grabbing it. MOVE ACTIONS
Rotting Strike (Necrotic) • Encounter Effect: The death husk flies 4 squares. This movement does not
Trigger: The stirge suckerling hits with a melee basic attack during its provoke opportunity attacks.
Effect: The targets takes ongoing 4 necrotic damage (save ends). C Necrotic Miasma (Necrotic) • At-Will
Skills Stealth +10 Trigger: The death husk stirge drops to 0 hit points.
Str 7 (+0) Dex 16 (+5) Wis10 (+0) Attack (No Action): Close Burst 2 (living creatures in the burst); +9vs.
Con 12 (+3) Int 1 (-3) Cha 4 (-1) Fortitude
Alignment evil Languages - Hit: 5 necrotic damage, and the target is weakened until the end of its
Applied spirit of undeath and rotting strike from the Orcus blood next turn.
cultist theme Skills Stealth +12
Str6 (+1) Dex19 (+7) Wis 16 (+6)
Con 15 (+5) Int 4 (+0) Cha 7 (+1)
Alignment evil Languages -
Added the Stealth skill

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 37

Encounter 5A: Sentries: Bloodsucking Vermin (AL 8)

Stirge Suckerling Swarm (level 8) Level 7 Brute Death Husk Stirge (level 8) Level 8 Skirmisher
Medium natural beast (swarm, undead) XP 300 Small natural animate (undead) XP 350
HP 98; Bloodied 49 Initiative +7 HP 87; Bloodied 43 Initiative +10
AC 19, Fortitude 19, Reflex 19, Will 17 Perception +5 AC 22, Fortitude 18, Reflex 22, Will 20 Perception +7
Speed 2, fly 6 Darkvision Speed 2, fly 6 Darkvision
Resist 8 necrotic; half damage from melee and ranged attacks Immune poison; Resist 10 necrotic
Vulnerable 4 radiant; 5 against close and area attacks TRAITS
TRAITS Necromantic Flyer
O Blood Frenzy • Aura 1 A death husk that takes radiant damage cannot fly until the end of its
Any enemy that starts its turn in the aura takes ongoing 5 damage next turn; if in the air, it falls.
(save ends). If that enemy is already taking untyped damage, that STANDARD ACTIONS
damage increases by 5. m Bite• At-Will
Swarm Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
The swarm can occupy the same space as another creature, and an Hit: 2d6 + 9 damage, and the death husk recharges rotted blood.
enemy van enter its space, which is difficult terrain. The swarm cannot C Rotted Blood (Necrotic) • Encounter
be pulled, pushed, or slid by melee or ranged attacks. It can squeeze Attack: Close Blast 3 (living creatures in blast); +11 vs. Fortitude.
through any opening that is large enough for at least one of the creatures Hit: 1d6 + 9 necrotic damage, and the target is blinded until the end
it comprises. of the stirge’s next turn.
STANDARD ACTIONS Effect: undead in the blast can shift 2 squares as a free action.
m Swarm of Suckerlings • At-Will MOVE ACTIONS
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC. Nimble Wing • At Will
Hit:2d8 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends). Effect: The death husk flies 4 squares. This movement does not
TRIGGERED ACTIONS provoke opportunity attacks.
Hungry Flight • At-Will TRIGGERED ACTIONS
Trigger: An enemy moves away from the swarm. C Necrotic Miasma (Necrotic) • At-Will
Hit (Immediate Reaction):The swarm flies up to its fly speed to the Trigger: The death husk stirge drops to 0 hit points.
triggering enemy’s square or a square adjacent to that enemy. This Attack (No Action): Close Burst 2 (living creatures in the burst); +11 vs.
movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. Fortitude
Rotting Strike (Necrotic) • Encounter Hit: 5 necrotic damage, and the target is weakened until the end of its
Trigger: The stirge sucklerling hits with a melee basic attack during its next turn.
turn. Skills Stealth +13
Effect: The targets takes ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends). Str6 (+2) Dex19 (+8) Wis 16 (+7)
Skills Stealth +12 Con 15 (+6) Int 4 (+1) Cha 7 (+2)
Str10 (+3) Dex19 (+7) Wis14 (+5) Alignment evil Languages -
Con 18 (+7) Int 1 (-2) Cha 4 (+0) Added the Stealth skill
Alignment evil Languages -
Applied spirit of undeath and rotting strike from the Orcus blood
cultist theme

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 38

Encounter 5A: Sentries: Bloodsucking Vermin (AL 10)

Stirge Suckerling Swarm (level 9) Level 9 Brute Death Husk Stirge (level 10) Level 10 Skirmisher
Medium natural beast (swarm, undead) XP 400 Small natural animate (undead) XP 500
HP 118; Bloodied 59 Initiative +8 HP 103; Bloodied 51 Initiative +11
AC 21, Fortitude 21, Reflex 21, Will 19 Perception +6 AC 24, Fortitude 20, Reflex 24, Will 22 Perception +8
Speed 2, fly 6 Darkvision Speed 2, fly 6 Darkvision
Resist 9 necrotic; half damage from melee and ranged attacks Immune poison; Resist 10 necrotic
Vulnerable 4 radiant; 5 against close and area attacks TRAITS
TRAITS Necromantic Flyer
O Blood Frenzy • Aura 1 A death husk that takes radiant damage cannot fly until the end of its
Any enemy that starts its turn in the aura takes ongoing 5 damage next turn; if in the air, it falls.
(save ends). If that enemy is already taking untyped damage, that STANDARD ACTIONS
damage increases by 5. m Bite• At-Will
Swarm Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC
The swarm can occupy the same space as another creature, and an Hit: 2d8 + 9 damage, and the death husk recharges rotted blood.
enemy van enter its space, which is difficult terrain. The swarm cannot C Rotted Blood (Necrotic) • Encounter
be pulled, pushed, or slid by melee or ranged attacks. It can squeeze Attack: Close Blast 3 (living creatures in blast); +13 vs. Fortitude.
through any opening that is large enough for at least one of the creatures Hit: 2d6 + 9 necrotic damage, and the target is blinded until the end
it comprises. of the stirge’s next turn.
STANDARD ACTIONS Effect: undead in the blast can shift 2 squares as a free action.
m Swarm of Suckerlings • At-Will MOVE ACTIONS
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC. Nimble Wing • At Will
Hit:3d6 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends). Effect: The death husk flies 4 squares. This movement does not
TRIGGERED ACTIONS provoke opportunity attacks.
Hungry Flight • At-Will TRIGGERED ACTIONS
Trigger: An enemy moves away from the swarm. C Necrotic Miasma (Necrotic) • At-Will
Hit (Immediate Reaction):The swarm flies up to its fly speed to the Trigger: The death husk stirge drops to 0 hit points.
triggering enemy’s square or a square adjacent to that enemy. This Attack (No Action): Close Burst 2 (living creatures in the burst); +13 vs.
movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. Fortitude
Rotting Strike (Necrotic) • Encounter Hit: 10 necrotic damage, and the target is weakened until the end of
Trigger: The stirge sucklerling hits with a melee basic attack during its its next turn.
turn. Skills Stealth +14
Effect: The targets takes ongoing 6 necrotic damage (save ends). Str6 (+3) Dex19 (+9) Wis 16 (+8)
Skills Stealth +13 Con 15 (+7) Int 4 (+2) Cha 7 (+3)
Str10 (+4) Dex19 (+8) Wis14 (+6) Alignment evil Languages -
Con 18 (+8) Int 1 (-1) Cha 4 (+1) Added the Stealth skill
Alignment evil Languages -
Applied spirit of undeath and rotting strike from the Orcus blood
cultist theme

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 39

Encounter 5A: Sentries: Bloodsucking Vermin Map (AL 2-6)
Tile Sets Needed
Ruins of the Wild x1

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 40

Encounter 5A: Sentries: Bloodsucking Vermin Map (AL 8-10)
Tile Sets Needed
Ruins of the Wild x1

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 41

The blood ooze still resides in the pool, but since it is
Encounter 5B: Sentries: under the murky water it is invisible. It stays put and
Blood Bath doesn’t move until a PC gets in melee range. Until that
time, it is impossible to perceive.
The wall at the end is a one-way illusory wall.
Encounter Level 1/3/5/7/9 Behind it, Bellavous placed his own sentinels: gnoll
(450/650/900/1300/1800 XP) archers. They blindly follow him, for some reason
believing he is the vanguard of a demonic invasion. The
Setup gnolls follow the quasit’s every order, but they are
getting bored.
This encounter includes the following creatures at
They are eager to fight the PCs, using the cover of
Adventure Level 2:
the wall, though while they try to keep quiet, a PC may
1 blood ooze (level 2) (B)
notice their soft giggling (check the PC’s passive
2 gnoll huntmasters (level 1) (A)
Perception vs. the gnolls’ take 10 Stealth at the start of
the encounter. Make sure to account for the -1
This encounter includes the following creatures at
Perception penalty for being 10 or more squares away).
Adventure Level 4:
The gnolls wait until the PCs enter the room, then
1 blood ooze (level 4) (B)
they start firing.
2 gnoll huntmasters (level 3) (A)

This encounter includes the following creatures at Features of the Area

Adventure Level 6: Illumination: Low light.
1 blood ooze (level 6) (B) Bath: The bath is one square deep. Creatures that
2 gnoll far fangs (level 5) (A) do not have a swim speed move at half speed and
cannot shift. It takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls with fire
This encounter includes the following creatures at powers or weapon attacks with weapons not from the
Adventure Level 8: spear or crossbow group.
1 blood ooze (B) The ooze is not hampered by the water.
2 gnoll far fangs (level 7)(A) Doors/Alcoves: The small doors in the walls open
up in small closets. These are not large enough to fit a
This encounter includes the following creatures at small or medium creature.
Adventure Level 10: Secret Doors: A secret tunnel runs from one
1 blood ooze (level 10) (B) corridor to the gnoll hideout. A creature adjacent to a
2 gnoll far fangs (level 9) (A) secret door spots it with a DC 15 Perception check.
One-Way Illusory Wall: The wall is an illusion
As the adventurers enter the area, read: that appears as a solid wall but can be stepped through
without difficulty if a creature is so inclined.
The smell of copper hangs in the air and most of the The illusory wall is however only visible from one
room here is filled with a red, slick surfaced pool. At the side – it blocks line of sight only in one direction (from
far end a wall is sculpted with leering demonic faces, the bottom side of the map to the top side). It is possible
their mouths wide as if shouting at some unseen force. to look (and attack) through it without hindrance from
The walls have several side doors, some of them the top side of the map.
open or shattered into pieces. The illusion reacts superficially (with sound and
The surface is slick with water and large portions visual effects) to effects such as attacks that target it. The
are filled with rubble. attacker may make a Moderate DC Insight check as a
free action to notice something amiss when an attack
This was originally a bath room for the original denizens hits it.
of .Ss’thar’tiss’ssun. Arbosus converted it to a laboratory The wall is hit automatically by an attack that targets
for the creation of an elemental creature from Bhaal’s it. When it sustains 20/35/50/65/80 points of damage,
essence. His experiment succeeded, but the summoned the entire illusion dissolves.
blood ooze proved near-mindless and uncontrollable. Someone adjacent to the wall can make a Moderate
Arbosus abandoned it and left it behind as a sentry DC Thievery or Arcana check as a standard action to
against any intruders.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 42

instantly dispel the illusory wall or by effects such as Treasure
dispel magic. There is no treasure in this encounter.
Rubble: Rubble is difficult terrain.

The blood ooze attacks from the bath. It fights only in
melee but refuses to get out of the bath: if no PC gets in
range, it instead stays underwater (or drops back
underwater as a move action) and then readies an attack
for when someone gets near again. As long as it has a
valid melee target within range it will not drop to the
bottom of the pool. While underwater, there is no line of
sight or line of effect towards the ooze. Ooze spawn do
leave the bath but do not leave the room.
Note that the ooze may attack a gnoll if it is the only
creature adjacent.
The gnolls fire from behind the wall. They do not
show themselves and try to give the impression that the
many-faced wall is a trap. They get too excited to
maintain this for too long – every round, they get a bit
louder, and the PCs have a +2 cumulative bonus on
their passive or active Perception checks for every
round after the first to hear the gnolls.

Scaling the Encounter

Make the following adjustments to the combat based on
the number of PCs present.
Four PCs: Remove one gnoll.
Six PCs: Add one gnoll.

Fast Play Options

This encounter ends with the PCs victorious when:
• The PCs defeat the blood elemental. The archers
flee when the ooze is dead.
• The PCs leave the map through one of the
corridors. The archers and ooze does not pursue.

Ending the Encounter

The encounter ends when the PCs follow one of the
branching corridors (to the left or right) side of the map
and leave the area. The archers and ooze do not follow.
The corridors continues on from here, and PCs can
move to the next encounter (Encounter 5A, 5C, or 5D,
or to encounter 6 if this is the second Sentries of
Ss’thar’tiss’ssun encounter).

Experience Points
The PCs do not earn any XP for this encounter, but it
does count towards a milestone.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 43

Encounter 5B: Sentries: Blood Bath (AL 2)

Blood Ooze (level 2) Level 2 Elite Brute Gnoll Huntmaster (level 1) Level 1 Artillery
Large natural beast (blind, ooze) XP 250 Medium natural humanoid XP 100
HP 82; Bloodied 41 Initiative+0 HP20; Bloodied10 Initiative +2
AC 14, Fortitude 15, Reflex 13, Will 13 Perception +2 AC15, Fortitude13, Reflex14, Will12 Perception +9
Speed 4, climb 4 Blindsight Speed 8 Low-light vision
Immune blinded, gaze effects; Resist 5 acid TRAITS
Saving Throws +2; Action points 1 Pack Attack
TRAITS The gnoll’s attacks deal 5 extra damage to any enemy that has two or
O Aura of Impending Death• Aura 2 more of the gnoll’s allies adjacent to it. (The blood ooze is NOT an ally).
While the blood ooze is bloodied, each enemy that enters the aura or STANDARD ACTIONS
starts its turn there takes 1 necrotic damage. m Handaxe (Weapon) • At-Will
Chameleon Defense Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
The blood ooze blends with the blood in the bath. It has partial Hit: 1d8 +1 damage, or 1d8 + 3 while the gnoll is bloodied.
concealment against enemies that are more than 3 squares away. R Longbow (Weapon) • Encounter
Ooze Attack: Ranged 30 (one or two creatures); +8 vs. AC
While squeezing, the ooze moves at full speed rather than half speed, Hit: 1d10 + 4 damage, or 1d10 + 6 while the gnoll is bloodied.
it doesn’t take the -5 penalty to attack rolls, and it doesn’t grant combat Skills Stealth +10
advantage for squeezing. Str 16 (+3) Dex19 (+4) Wis14 (+2)
STANDARD ACTIONS Con 14 (+2) Int 8 (-1) Cha 7 (-2)
m Slam (Acid) • At-Will Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Equipment leather armor, handaxe, longbow, 30 arrows
Hit: 2d6 damage, and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends).
Flowing Form• At-Will
Effect: The blood ooze shifts up to 4 squares.
Split• Encounter
Trigger: The blood ooze becomes bloodied.
Effect (No Action): The ooze splits into two creatures, each with hit
points equal to one-half its current hit points. Effects on the original ooze
do not apply to the second one.
Str13 (+2) Dex 8 (+0) Wis12 (+2)
Con 11 (+1) Int 1 (-4) Cha 1 (-4)
Alignment unaligned Languages -
The blood elemental is a reflavored black pudding with aura of
impending doom from the Orcus blood cultist theme chameleon defense
from the snaketongue cultist theme.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 44

Encounter 5B: Sentries: Blood Bath (AL 4)

Blood Ooze (level 4) Level 4 Elite Brute Gnoll Huntmaster (level 3) Level 3 Artillery
Large natural beast (blind, ooze) XP 350 Medium natural humanoid XP 150
HP 122; Bloodied 61 Initiative+1 HP32; Bloodied16 Initiative +3
AC 16, Fortitude 17, Reflex 15, Will 15 Perception +3 AC17, Fortitude15, Reflex16, Will14 Perception +10
Speed 4, climb 4 Blindsight Speed 8 Low-light vision
Immune blinded, gaze effects; Resist 5 acid TRAITS
Saving Throws +2; Action points 1 Pack Attack
TRAITS The gnoll’s attacks deal 5 extra damage to any enemy that has two or
O Aura of Impending Death• Aura 2 more of the gnoll’s allies adjacent to it. (The blood ooze is NOT an ally).
While the blood ooze is bloodied, each enemy that enters the aura or STANDARD ACTIONS
starts its turn there takes 2 necrotic damage. m Handaxe (Weapon) • At-Will
Chameleon Defense Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
The blood ooze blends with the blood in the bath. It has partial Hit: 2d6 + 1 damage, or 2d6 + 3 while the gnoll is bloodied.
concealment against enemies that are more than 3 squares away. R Longbow (Weapon) • Encounter
Ooze Attack: Ranged 30 (one or two creatures); +10 vs. AC
While squeezing, the ooze moves at full speed rather than half speed, Hit: 1d10 + 6 damage, or 1d10 + 8 while the gnoll is bloodied.
it doesn’t take the -5 penalty to attack rolls, and it doesn’t grant combat Skills Stealth +10
advantage for squeezing. Str 16 (+4) Dex19 (+5) Wis14 (+3)
STANDARD ACTIONS Con 14 (+3) Int 8 (+0) Cha 7 (-1)
m Slam (Acid) • At-Will Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC Equipment leather armor, handaxe, longbow, 30 arrows
Hit: 2d6 + 2 damage, and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends).
Flowing Form• At-Will
Effect: The blood ooze shifts up to 4 squares.
Split• Encounter
Trigger: The blood ooze becomes bloodied.
Effect (No Action): The ooze splits into two creatures, each with hit
points equal to one-half its current hit points. Effects on the original ooze
do not apply to the second one.
Str13 (+3) Dex 8 (+1) Wis12 (+3)
Con 11 (+2) Int 1 (-3) Cha 1 (-3)
Alignment unaligned Languages -
The blood elemental is a reflavored black pudding with aura of
impending doom from the Orcus blood cultist theme chameleon defense
from the snaketongue cultist theme.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 45

Encounter 5B: Sentries: Blood Bath (AL 6)

Blood Ooze (level 8) Level 6 Elite Brute Blood Ooze Spawn (level 8) Level 6 Minion Brute
Large natural beast (blind, ooze) XP 500 Medium natural beast (blind, ooze) XP 63
HP 198; Bloodied 99 Initiative+5 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +5
AC 18, Fortitude 20, Reflex 18, Will 16 Perception +3 AC 18, Fortitude 20, Reflex 18, Will 16 Perception +3
Speed 4, climb 3 Blindsight, tremorsense 10 Speed 4, climb 3 Blindsight, tremorsense 10
Immune blinded, gaze effects; Resist 15 acid Immune blinded, gaze effects; Resist 15 acid
Saving Throws +2; Action points 1 TRAITS
O Aura of Impending Death• Aura 2 While squeezing, the ooze moves at full speed rather than half speed,
While the blood ooze is bloodied, each enemy that enters the aura or it doesn’t take the -5 penalty to attack rolls, and it doesn’t grant combat
starts its turn there takes 3 necrotic damage. advantage for squeezing.
Chameleon Defense STANDARD ACTIONS
The blood ooze blends with the blood in the bath. It has partial m Slam (Acid) • At-Will
concealment against enemies that are more than 3 squares away. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. Fortitude
Ooze Hit: 9 acid damage, and the ooze shifts up to its speed.
While squeezing, the ooze moves at full speed rather than half speed, Str15 (+5) Dex 14 (+5) Wis11 (+3)
it doesn’t take the -5 penalty to attack rolls, and it doesn’t grant combat Con 19 (+7) Int 1 (-2) Cha 1 (-2)
advantage for squeezing. Alignment unaligned Languages -
STANDARD ACTIONS The blood elemental is a reflavored black pudding spawn
m Slam (Acid) • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 4d6 + 4 acid damage. Gnoll Far Fang (level 5) Level 5 Artillery
Effect: Before or after the attack, the ooze shifts up to its speed. Medium natural humanoid XP 200
C Engulf (Acid) • At-Will HP50; Bloodied25 Initiative +7
Attack: Close Blast 3(creatures in blast); +9 vs. Fortitude AC19, Fortitude17, Reflex19, Will16 Perception +9
Hit: 4d6 + 4 acid damage, and the ooze grabs the target (escape DC Speed 8 Low-light vision
M Melt (Acid) • At-Will Pack Attack
Effect: Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by the ooze). The target takes The gnoll’s attacks deal 5 extra damage to any enemy that has two or
2d6 + 13 acid damage and loses a healing surge. It takes 9 extra acid more of the gnoll’s allies adjacent to it. (The blood ooze is NOT an ally).
damage if it has no healing surges. STANDARD ACTIONS
TRIGGERED ACTIONS m Handaxe (Weapon) • At-Will
Split• Encounter Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Trigger: An enemy hits the ooze with a weapon attack. Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage, or 2d6 + 6 while the gnoll is bloodied.
Effect (No Action): A blood ooze spawn appears in an unoccupied R Fang Bow (Weapon) • Encounter
square closest to the pudding. Attack: Ranged 30 (one or two creatures); +12 vs. AC
Str15 (+5) Dex 14 (+5) Wis11 (+3) Hit: 2d10 + 2 damage, or 2d10 + 4 while the gnoll is bloodied.
Con 19 (+7) Int 1 (-2) Cha 1 (-2) A Hungry Arrows (Weapon) • Encounter
Alignment unaligned Languages - Attack: Area burst 2 within 10 (enemies in burst); +12 vs. AC
The blood elemental is a reflavored black pudding with aura of Hit: 2d10 + 2 damage, or 2d10 + 5 while the gnoll is bloodied. The
impending doom from the Orcus blood cultist theme chameleon defense target takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
from the snaketongue cultist theme. Skills Stealth +12
Str 17 (+5) Dex21 (+7) Wis15 (+4)
Con 14 (+4) Int 9 (+1) Cha 7 (+0)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Equipment leather armor, handaxe, fang bow (longbow)

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 46

Encounter 5B: Sentries: Blood Bath (AL 8)

Blood Ooze Level 8 Elite Brute Blood Ooze Spawn Level 8 Minion Brute
Large natural beast (blind, ooze) XP 700 Medium natural beast (blind, ooze) XP 88
HP 218; Bloodied 109 Initiative+6 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +6
AC 20, Fortitude 22, Reflex 20, Will 18 Perception +4 AC 20, Fortitude 22, Reflex 20, Will 18 Perception +4
Speed 4, climb 3 Blindsight, tremorsense 10 Speed 4, climb 3 Blindsight, tremorsense 10
Immune blinded, gaze effects; Resist 15 acid Immune blinded, gaze effects; Resist 15 acid
Saving Throws +2; Action points 1 TRAITS
O Aura of Impending Death• Aura 2 While squeezing, the ooze moves at full speed rather than half speed,
While the blood ooze is bloodied, each enemy that enters the aura or it doesn’t take the -5 penalty to attack rolls, and it doesn’t grant combat
starts its turn there takes 4 necrotic damage. advantage for squeezing.
Chameleon Defense STANDARD ACTIONS
The blood ooze blends with the blood in the bath. It has partial m Slam (Acid) • At-Will
concealment against enemies that are more than 3 squares away. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. Fortitude
Ooze Hit: 10 acid damage, and the ooze shifts up to its speed.
While squeezing, the ooze moves at full speed rather than half speed, Str15 (+6) Dex 14 (+6) Wis11 (+4)
it doesn’t take the -5 penalty to attack rolls, and it doesn’t grant combat Con 19 (+8) Int 1 (-1) Cha 1 (-1)
advantage for squeezing. Alignment unaligned Languages -
STANDARD ACTIONS The blood elemental is a reflavored black pudding spawn.
m Slam (Acid) • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. Fortitude Gnoll Far Fang (level 7) Level 7 Artillery
Hit: 4d6 + 6 acid damage. Medium natural humanoid XP 300
Effect: Before or after the attack, the ooze shifts up to its speed. HP62; Bloodied31 Initiative +8
C Engulf (Acid) • At-Will AC21, Fortitude19, Reflex21, Will18 Perception +10
Attack: Close Blast 3(creatures in blast); +11 vs. Fortitude Speed 8 Low-light vision
Hit: 4d6 + 6 acid damage, and the ooze grabs the target (escape DC TRAITS
16). Pack Attack
M Melt (Acid) • At-Will The gnoll’s attacks deal 5 extra damage to any enemy that has two or
Effect: Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by the ooze). The target takes more of the gnoll’s allies adjacent to it. (The blood ooze is NOT an ally).
2d6 + 15 acid damage and loses a healing surge. It takes 10 extra acid STANDARD ACTIONS
damage if it has no healing surges. m Handaxe (Weapon) • At-Will
TRIGGERED ACTIONS Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Split• Encounter Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage, or 2d6 + 9 while the gnoll is bloodied.
Trigger: An enemy hits the ooze with a weapon attack. R Fang Bow (Weapon) • Encounter
Effect (No Action): A blood ooze spawn appears in an unoccupied Attack: Ranged 30 (one or two creatures); +14 vs. AC
square closest to the ooze. Hit: 2d10 + 4 damage, or 2d10 + 6 while the gnoll is bloodied.
Str15 (+6) Dex 14 (+6) Wis11 (+4) A Hungry Arrows (Weapon) • Encounter
Con 19 (+8) Int 1 (-1) Cha 1 (-1) Attack: Area burst 2 within 10 (enemies in burst); +14 vs. AC
Alignment unaligned Languages - Hit: 2d10 + 4 damage, or 2d10 + 6 while the gnoll is bloodied. The
The blood elemental is a reflavored black pudding with aura of target takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
impending doom from the Orcus blood cultist theme chameleon defense Skills Stealth +13
from the snaketongue cultist theme. Str 17 (+6) Dex21 (+8) Wis15 (+5)
Con 14 (+5) Int 9 (+2) Cha 7 (+1)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Equipment leather armor, handaxe, fang bow (longbow)

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 47

Encounter 5B: Sentries: Blood Bath (AL 10)

Blood Ooze (level 10) Level 10 Elite Brute Blood Ooze Spawn (level 10) Level 10 Minion Brute
Large natural beast (blind, ooze) XP 1000 Medium natural beast (blind, ooze) XP 100
HP 238; Bloodied 119 Initiative+7 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +7
AC 22, Fortitude 24, Reflex 22, Will 20 Perception +5 AC 22, Fortitude 24, Reflex 22, Will 20 Perception +5
Speed 4, climb 3 Blindsight, tremorsense 10 Speed 4, climb 3 Blindsight, tremorsense 10
Immune blinded, gaze effects; Resist 15 acid Immune blinded, gaze effects; Resist 15 acid
Saving Throws +2; Action points 1 TRAITS
O Aura of Impending Death• Aura 2 While squeezing, the ooze moves at full speed rather than half speed,
While the blood ooze is bloodied, each enemy that enters the aura or it doesn’t take the -5 penalty to attack rolls, and it doesn’t grant combat
starts its turn there takes 5 necrotic damage. advantage for squeezing.
Chameleon Defense STANDARD ACTIONS
The blood ooze blends with the blood in the bath. It has partial m Slam (Acid) • At-Will
concealment against enemies that are more than 3 squares away. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. Fortitude
Ooze Hit: 11 acid damage, and the ooze shifts up to its speed.
While squeezing, the ooze moves at full speed rather than half speed, Str15 (+7) Dex 14 (+7) Wis11 (+5)
it doesn’t take the -5 penalty to attack rolls, and it doesn’t grant combat Con 19 (+9) Int 1 (+0) Cha 1 (+0)
advantage for squeezing. Alignment unaligned Languages -
STANDARD ACTIONS The blood elemental is a reflavored black pudding spawn
m Slam (Acid) • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. Fortitude Gnoll Far Fang (level 9) Level 9 Artillery
Hit: 4d6 + 8 acid damage. Medium natural humanoid XP 400
Effect: Before or after the attack, the ooze shifts up to its speed. HP74; Bloodied37 Initiative +9
C Engulf (Acid) • At-Will AC23Fortitude21, Reflex23, Will20 Perception +11
Attack: Close Blast 3(creatures in blast); +13 vs. Fortitude Speed 8 Low-light vision
Hit: 4d6 + 8 acid damage, and the ooze grabs the target (escape DC TRAITS
16). Pack Attack
M Melt (Acid) • At-Will The gnoll’s attacks deal 5 extra damage to any enemy that has two or
Effect: Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by the ooze). The target takes more of the gnoll’s allies adjacent to it. (The blood ooze is NOT an ally).
2d6 + 17 acid damage and loses a healing surge. It takes 11 extra acid STANDARD ACTIONS
damage if it has no healing surges. m Handaxe (Weapon) • At-Will
TRIGGERED ACTIONS Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Split• Encounter Hit: 2d6 + 8 damage, or 2d6 + 10 while the gnoll is bloodied.
Trigger: An enemy hits the ooze with a weapon attack. R Fang Bow (Weapon) • Encounter
Effect (No Action): A blood ooze spawn appears in an unoccupied Attack: Ranged 30 (one or two creatures); +16 vs. AC
square closest to the ooze. Hit: 2d10 + 6 damage, or 2d10 + 8 while the gnoll is bloodied.
Str15 (+7) Dex 14 (+7) Wis11 (+5) A Hungry Arrows (Weapon) • Encounter
Con 19 (+9) Int 1 (+0) Cha 1 (+0) Attack: Area burst 2 within 10 (enemies in burst); +16 vs. AC
Alignment unaligned Languages - Hit: 2d10 + 6 damage, or 2d10 + 8 while the gnoll is bloodied. The
The blood elemental is a reflavored black pudding with aura of target takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
impending doom from the Orcus blood cultist theme chameleon defense Skills Stealth +14
from the snaketongue cultist theme. Str 17 (+7) Dex21 (+9) Wis15 (+6)
Con 14 (+6) Int 9 (+3) Cha 7 (+2)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Equipment leather armor, handaxe, fang bow (longbow)

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 48

Encounter 5B: Sentries: Blood Bath Map
Tile Sets Needed
Dungeon Tiles Master Set: the Dungeon x1

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 49

Encounter 5C: Sentries: From Features of the Area
Illumination: Low-light
Above and Below Ceiling: The room is twenty feet high.
Loose Floor Tiles (T): When a creature enters a
Encounter Level 1/3/5/7/9 marked floor tile, it breaks apart. The creature must
(450/650/900/1300/1800XP) make a saving throw or drop inside the pit the loose
floor tile creates, taking 1d10+2/1d10+4/1d10+
This encounter includes the following creatures at
6/2d10+4/2d10+6 damage from the fall and the tile
Adventure Level 2:
shards. The pit is 10 feet deep and takes up the space of
2 Centipede Swarms (level 1) (C)
1 square.
1 Wyrmling (level 2) (W)
A creature that makes its saving throw stops it’s
movement before it enters the square. If it was forcibly
This encounter includes the following creatures at
moved, it falls prone. A creature can make a Moderate
Adventure Level 4:
DC Perception check as a minor action to see if any
2 Centipede Swarms (level 3) (C)
tiles within 3 squares are dangerous. A pit or a square of
1 Wyrmling (level 4) (W)
which a PC knows it to be a loose tile counts as
hazardous terrain.
This encounter includes the following creatures at
The centipede swarms have no problem crossing
Adventure Level 6:
these tiles due to their light weight. They do not cause
2 Centipede Swarms (level 5) (C)
the floor tiles to break.
1 Wyrmling (level 6) (W)
Caskets: The caskets are blocking terrain and
provide cover.
This encounter includes the following creatures at
Rubble: The rubble is difficult terrain. The corridor
Adventure Level 8:
ends after 4 squares, where it is entirely blocked due to
2 Centipede Swarms (level 7) (C)
a cave in.
1 Wyrmling (level 7) (W)

This encounter includes the following creatures at Tactics

Adventure Level 10: Usk fights from the ground, using flight only to move
2 Centipede Swarms (level 9) (C) from one place to another. It knows about the floor tiles
1 Wyrmling (level 9) (W) but is too dim-witted to remember where they are. Note
that it is a clumsy flier, so it does not fight well while
As the adventurers enter the area, read: flying.
It attempts to keep away from the PCs attacks. The
You enter a dark room and hear the sound of dripping centipede swarms try to stick together to get their racial
water off in the distance. The walls are wet to the touch bonuses. They focus on PCs that fall prone.
and crumble slightly when weight is placed on them. At By the time Usk is bloodied, she has recognized that
your approaching footsteps you hear small creatures the PCs are likely not Arbosus minions. She continues to
skittering into the shadows. fight, but an Intimidate (or Diplomacy) check vs. her
Will defense can cause her to surrender or accept a
This part of the underground lair has been mostly truce. If she surrenders, the centipedes disperse and
abandoned due to the loose floor tiles. It is the terrain of scuttle away.
the orium dragon wyrmling Uskadrekaron (or Usk, for
short). Usk knows about Arbosus, but does not belong to Scaling the Encounter
the lich’s entourage. Instead, she is here to study the Make the following adjustments to the combat based on
ruins of Ss’thar’tiss’ssun. She is young, overly curious, the number of PCs present.
and very territorial. She believes the PCs to be minions Four PCs: Remove one centipede swarm.
of Arbosus. She therefore attacks on sight, using her own Six PCs: Add one centipede swam.
magic to compel the vermin in the room to join her.
Both the wyrmling and the centipedes wait for the
PCs to enter the room before they attack (trying to hide
Fast Play Options
behind the casket’s cover), being opportunistic rather This encounter ends with the PCs victorious when:
than defensive.
ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 50
• The PCs defeat Usk. Make sure they know that Experience Points
Usk controls the centipedes. Also, once Usk is The PCs do not earn any XP for this encounter, but it
bloodied, make sure they realize that the dragon does count towards a milestone.
looks insecure, and that they can use Intimidate
to force her surrender, or Diplomacy (using the Treasure
same rules as for Intimidate) to have Usk accept a
There is no treasure in this encounter.
• All PCs surrender to Usk. While this is not likely
to occur, allow PCs to realize that an orium
dragon is an unlikely ally for the creatures
encountered so far, so that they may consider
that option. Usk stops the fight if all PCs
surrender (i.e. stop fighting and lay down arms or
retreat). This does count as a victory if the PCs
take the initiative for this, as Usk then realizes
her mistake.

Ending the Encounter

The encounter ends when the PCs defeat Usk.
If Usk still lives, she can give the PCs some
• It angers Usk that these ruins have been so
defiled, plus the diseased creatures have not
been making it easy for her to complete her
• The ruins are a Sarrukh outpost. Usk can tell
everything about the complex as written in the
introduction of Encounter 5.
• Usk knows a lich named Arbosus took the
complex recently. He has been performing
strange experiments, but Usk has stayed clear.
• Usk is searching for old draconic lore that she
hopes to find in Ss’thar’tiss’ssun.
• If a PC mentions Tyrangal (a local woman they
may have met), Usk knows of her, but is unsure
what to think of her. If the PCs mention her true
form, Usk believes Tyrangal mingles too much
with humanoids.
• She knows of a potion in the potion room that
can help the adventurers in upcoming fights and
she explains to them which one to take to harden
their armor (gain a +2 on all defenses till the end
of their turn). This only applies to one use of the
potion room!
Usk swears she is not one of Arbosus’ creatures. If the
PCs let her go, she is willing to see past the PCs slight of
attacking her (conveniently ignoring that she started the
The corridor continues on from here, and PCs can
move to the next encounter (Encounter 5A, 5B, or 5C,
or to Encounter 6 if this is the second Sentries of
Ss’thar’tiss’ssun encounter).

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 51

Encounter 5C: Sentries: From Above and Below (AL 2)

Orium Dragon Wyrmling Level 2 Elite Soldier Centipede Swarm (level 1) Level 1 Brute
Medium Natural Magical Beast (dragon) XP 250 Medium natural beast (swarm) XP 100
HP 68; Bloodied 34 Initiative +5 HP24; Bloodied12 Initiative +2
AC 18, Fortitude 17, Reflex 15, Will 14 Perception +1 AC13, Fortitude13, Reflex14, Will9 Perception +0
Speed 6, fly 8 (hover), overland flight 10 Darkvision Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb) Darkvision
Resist 5 acid Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks
Saving Throws +2; Action points 1 Vulnerable 10 against close and area attacks
m Bite (Acid) • At-Will O Swarm Attack • Aura 1
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Each enemy that starts its turn within the aura takes 3 damage plus 2
Hit:1d8 + 2 damage plus 1d6 acid damage extra damage per centipede swarm adjacent to the enemy.
m Claw • At-Will Swarm
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC The swarm can occupy the same space as another creature, and an
Hit: 1d6 + 2 damage, and the target is marked until the end of the enemy van enter its space, which is difficult terrain. The swarm cannot
wyrmling’s next turn. be pulled, pushed, or slid by melee or ranged attacks. It can squeeze
M Draconic Fury • At-Will through any opening that is large enough for at least one of the creatures
The wyrmling makes two claw attacks and one bite attack. it comprises.
C Breath Weapon (Acid) • Encounter • Recharges when first bloodied STANDARD ACTIONS
Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in blast); +7 vs. Fortitude m Swarm of Mandibles (Poison) • At-Will
Hit: 1d8 + 1 acid damage, and a wyrmling vaporous serpent minion Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
appears in any single unoccupied square in the blast. It acts just after the Hit: 1d6 +1 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends); a
wyrmling in the initiative order. creature already taking ongoing poison damage is also weakened (save
Skills History +6, Insight +7, Intimidate +7 ends). The centipede swarm’s attack deals 1 extra damage for each
Str 19 (+5) Dex 15 (+3) Wis 10 (+1) centipede swarm adjacent to it.
Con 17 (+4) Int 10 (+1) Cha 13 (+2) TRIGGERED ACTIONS
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Draconic Survival instinct • At-Will
Added common as a language. Trigger: The centipede swarm is hit by an area or closed attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The centipede swarm shifts 3 squares.
Wyrmling Vaporous Serpent Level 2 Brute Minion Str 9 (-1) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 10 (+0)
Con 14 (+2) Int 1 (-5) Cha 6 (-2)
Medium Natural Beast XP 31
Alignment unaligned Languages -
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative -2
AC 15, Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 12 Perception -2 Adjusted attack and damage values
Speed 6 Darkvision
Resist 10 acid
m Bite• At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 5 acid damage
Str 16 (+5) Dex 10 (+2) Wis 4 (-1)
Con 12 (+3) Int 4 (-1) Cha 4 (-1)
Alignment unaligned Languages ---
Adjusted attacks and damage for brutes.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 52

Encounter 5C: Sentries: From Above and Below (AL 4)

Orium Dragon Wyrmling Level 4 Elite Soldier Centipede Swarm (level 3) Level 3 Brute
Medium Natural Magical Beast (dragon) XP 350 Medium natural beast (swarm) XP 150
HP 115; Bloodied 47 Initiative +6 HP44; Bloodied22 Initiative +3
AC 20, Fortitude 18, Reflex 16, Will 15 Perception +2 AC15, Fortitude14, Reflex15, Will11 Perception +1
Speed 6, fly 8 (hover), overland flight 10 Darkvision Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb) Darkvision
Resist 5 acid Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks
Saving Throws +2; Action points 1 Vulnerable 10 against close and area attacks
m Bite (Acid) • At-Will O Swarm Attack • Aura 1
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Each enemy that starts its turn within the aura takes 4 damage plus 3
Hit:1d8 + 4 damage plus 1d6 acid damage extra damage per centipede swarm adjacent to the enemy.
m Claw • At-Will Swarm
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC The swarm can occupy the same space as another creature, and an
Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage, and the target is marked until the end of the enemy van enter its space, which is difficult terrain. The swarm cannot
wyrmling’s next turn. be pulled, pushed, or slid by melee or ranged attacks. It can squeeze
M Draconic Fury • At-Will through any opening that is large enough for at least one of the creatures
The wyrmling makes two claw attacks and one bite attack. it comprises.
C Breath Weapon (Acid) • Encounter • Recharges when first bloodied STANDARD ACTIONS
Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in blast); +9 vs. Fortitude m Swarm of Mandibles (Poison) • At-Will
Hit: 2d6 + 1 acid damage, and a wyrmling vaporous serpent minion Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
appears in any single unoccupied square in the blast. It acts just after the Hit: 1d6 +3 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends); a
wyrmling in the initiative order. creature already taking ongoing poison damage is also weakened (save
Skills History +7, Insight +7, Intimidate +8 ends). The centipede swarm’s attack deals 1 extra damage for each
Str 19 (+6) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 10 (+2) centipede swarm adjacent to it.
Con 17 (+5) Int 10 (+2) Cha 13 (+3) TRIGGERED ACTIONS
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Draconic Survival instinct• At-Will
Added common as a language. Trigger: The centipede swarm is hit by an area or closed attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The centipede swarm shifts 3 squares.
Wyrmling Vaporous Serpent Level 4 Brute Minion Skills Stealth +9
Str 9 (+0) Dex 17 (+4) Wis10 (+1)
Medium Natural Beast XP 44
Con 14 (+3) Int 1 (-4) Cha 6 (-1)
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative -1
Alignment unaligned Languages -
AC 17, Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 14 Perception -1
Speed 6 Darkvision Adjusted attack and damage values
Resist 10 acid
m Bite• At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Hit: 6 acid damage
Str 16 (+6) Dex 10 (+3) Wis 4 (+0)
Con 12 (+4) Int 4 (+0) Cha 4 (+0)
Alignment unaligned Languages ---
Adjusted attacks and damage for brutes.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 53

Encounter 5C: Sentries: From Above and Below (AL 6)

Orium Dragon Wyrmling Level 6 Elite Soldier Centipede Swarm (level 5) Level 5 Brute
Medium Natural Magical Beast (dragon) XP 500 Medium natural beast (swarm) XP 200
HP 147; Bloodied 63 Initiative +7 HP64; Bloodied32 Initiative +4
AC 22, Fortitude 20, Reflex 18, Will 17 Perception +3 AC17, Fortitude17, Reflex18, Will13 Perception +2
Speed 6, fly 8 (hover), overland flight 10 Darkvision Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb) Darkvision
Resist 5 acid Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks
Saving Throws +2; Action points 1 Vulnerable 10 against close and area attacks
m Bite (Acid) • At-Will O Swarm Attack • Aura 1
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC Each enemy that starts its turn within the aura takes 5 damage plus 4
Hit:1d8 + 6 damage plus 1d6 acid damage extra damage per centipede swarm adjacent to the enemy.
m Claw • At-Will Swarm
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC The swarm can occupy the same space as another creature, and an
Hit: 1d6 + 6 damage, and the target is marked until the end of the enemy van enter its space, which is difficult terrain. The swarm cannot
wyrmling’s next turn. be pulled, pushed, or slid by melee or ranged attacks. It can squeeze
M Draconic Fury • At-Will through any opening that is large enough for at least one of the creatures
The wyrmling makes two claw attacks and one bite attack. it comprises.
C Breath Weapon (Acid) • Encounter • Recharges when first bloodied STANDARD ACTIONS
Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in blast); +11 vs. Fortitude m Swarm of Mandibles (Poison) • At-Will
Hit: 2d6 + 3 acid damage, and a wyrmling vaporous serpent minion Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
appears in any single unoccupied square in the blast. It acts just after the Hit: 1d6 +5 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends); a
wyrmling in the initiative order. creature already taking ongoing poison damage is also weakened (save
Skills History _8, Insight +8, Intimidate +9 ends). The centipede swarm’s attack deals 1 extra damage for each
Str 19 (+7) Dex 15 (+5) Wis 10 (+3) centipede swarm adjacent to it.
Con 17 (+6) Int 10 (+3) Cha 13 (+4) TRIGGERED ACTIONS
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Draconic Survival instinct• At-Will
Added common as a language. Trigger: The centipede swarm is hit by an area or closed attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The centipede swarm shifts 3 squares.
Wyrmling Vaporous Serpent Level 6 Brute Minion Skills Stealth +10
Str 9 (+1) Dex 17 (+5) Wis10 (+2)
Medium Natural Beast XP 63
Con 14 (+4) Int 1 (-3) Cha 6 (+0)
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +0
Alignment unaligned Languages -
AC 19, Fortitude 18, Reflex 17, Will 16 Perception +0
Speed 6 Darkvision Adjusted attack and damage values
Resist 10 acid
m Bite• At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 6 acid damage
Str 16 (+6) Dex 10 (+3) Wis 4 (+0)
Con 12 (+4) Int 4 (+0) Cha 4 (+0)
Alignment unaligned Languages ---
Adjusted attacks and damage for brutes.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 54

Encounter 5C: Sentries: From Above and Below (AL 8)

Orium Dragon Wyrmling Level 8 Elite Soldier Centipede Swarm (level 7) Level 7 Brute
Medium Natural Magical Beast (dragon) XP 700 Medium natural beast (swarm) XP 300
HP 179; Bloodied 79 Initiative +8 HP84; Bloodied42 Initiative +5
AC 24, Fortitude 22, Reflex 20, Will 19 Perception +4 AC19, Fortitude19, Reflex20, Will15 Perception +3
Speed 6, fly 8 (hover), overland flight 10 Darkvision Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb) Darkvision
Resist 5 acid Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks
Saving Throws +2; Action points 1 Vulnerable 10 against close and area attacks
m Bite (Acid) • At-Will O Swarm Attack • Aura 1
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC Each enemy that starts its turn within the aura takes 6 damage plus 5
Hit:1d8 + 8 damage plus 1d6 acid damage extra damage per centipede swarm adjacent to the enemy.
m Claw • At-Will Swarm
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC The swarm can occupy the same space as another creature, and an
Hit: 1d6 + 8 damage, and the target is marked until the end of the enemy van enter its space, which is difficult terrain. The swarm cannot
wyrmling’s next turn. be pulled, pushed, or slid by melee or ranged attacks. It can squeeze
M Draconic Fury • At-Will through any opening that is large enough for at least one of the creatures
The wyrmling makes two claw attacks and one bite attack. it comprises.
C Breath Weapon (Acid) • Encounter • Recharges when first bloodied STANDARD ACTIONS
Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in blast); +13 vs. Fortitude m Swarm of Mandibles (Poison) • At-Will
Hit: 2d6 + 5 acid damage, and a wyrmling vaporous serpent minion Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC.
appears in any single unoccupied square in the blast. It acts just after the Hit: 1d6 +7damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends); a
wyrmling in the initiative order. creature already taking ongoing poison damage is also weakened (save
Skills History +9, Insight +9, Intimidate +10 ends). The centipede swarm’s attack deals 1 extra damage for each
Str 19 (+8) Dex 15 (+6) Wis 10 (+4) centipede swarm adjacent to it.
Con 17 (+7) Int 10 (+4) Cha 13 (+5) TRIGGERED ACTIONS
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Draconic Survival instinct• At-Will
Added common as a language. Trigger: The centipede swarm is hit by an area or closed attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The centipede swarm shifts 3 squares.
Wyrmling Vaporous Serpent Level 8 Brute Minion Skills Stealth +11
Str 9 (+2) Dex 17 (+6) Wis10 (+3)
Medium Natural Beast XP 88
Con 14 (+5) Int 1 (-2) Cha 6 (+1)
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +1
Alignment unaligned Languages -
AC 21, Fortitude 20, Reflex 18, Will 17 Perception +1
Speed 6 Darkvision Adjusted attack and damage values
Resist 10 acid
m Bite• At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 8 acid damage
Str 16 (+7) Dex 10 (+4) Wis 4 (+1)
Con 12 (+5) Int 4 (+1) Cha 4 (+1)
Alignment unaligned Languages ---
Adjusted attacks and damage for brutes.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 55

Encounter 5C: Sentries: From Above and Below (AL 10)

Orium Dragon Wyrmling Level 10 Elite Soldier Centipede Swarm (level 9) Level 9 Brute
Medium Natural Magical Beast (dragon) XP 1000 Medium natural beast (swarm) XP 400
HP 211; Bloodied 105 Initiative +9 HP104; Bloodied52 Initiative +6
AC 26, Fortitude 24, Reflex 22, Will 21 Perception +5 AC21, Fortitude21, Reflex22, Will17 Perception +4
Speed 6, fly 8 (hover), overland flight 10 Darkvision Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb) Darkvision
Resist 5 acid Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks
Saving Throws +2; Action points 1 Vulnerable 10 against close and area attacks
m Bite (Acid) • At-Will O Swarm Attack • Aura 1
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs. AC Each enemy that starts its turn within the aura takes 7 damage plus 6
Hit: 1d8 + 10 damage plus 1d6 acid damage extra damage per centipede swarm adjacent to the enemy.
m Claw • At-Will Swarm
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs. AC The swarm can occupy the same space as another creature, and an
Hit: 1d6 + 10 damage, and the target is marked until the end of the enemy van enter its space, which is difficult terrain. The swarm cannot
wyrmling’s next turn. be pulled, pushed, or slid by melee or ranged attacks. It can squeeze
M Draconic Fury • At-Will through any opening that is large enough for at least one of the creatures
The wyrmling makes two claw attacks and one bite attack. it comprises.
C Breath Weapon (Acid) • Encounter • Recharges when first bloodied STANDARD ACTIONS
Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in blast); +15 vs. Fortitude m Swarm of Mandibles (Poison) • At-Will
Hit: 2d6 + 7 acid damage, and a wyrmling vaporous serpent minion Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
appears in any single unoccupied square in the blast. It acts just after the Hit: 1d6 +9damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends); a
wyrmling in the initiative order. creature already taking ongoing poison damage is also weakened (save
Skills History +10, Insight +10, Intimidate +11 ends). The centipede swarm’s attack deals 1 extra damage for each
Str 19 (+9) Dex 15 (+7) Wis 10 (+5) centipede swarm adjacent to it.
Con 17 (+8) Int 10 (+5) Cha 13 (+6) TRIGGERED ACTIONS
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Draconic Survival instinct• At-Will
Added common as a language. Trigger: The centipede swarm is hit by an area or closed attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The centipede swarm shifts 3 squares.
Wyrmling Vaporous Serpent Level 6 Brute Minion Skills Stealth +12
Str 9 (+3) Dex 17 (+7) Wis10 (+4)
Medium Natural Beast XP 100
Con 14 (+6) Int 1 (-1) Cha 6 (+2)
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +2
Alignment unaligned Languages -
AC 23, Fortitude 22, Reflex 20, Will 19 Perception +2
Speed 6 Darkvision Adjusted attack and damage values
Resist 10 acid
m Bite• At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 9 acid damage
Str 16 (+8) Dex 10 (+5) Wis 4 (+2)
Con 12 (+6) Int 4 (+2) Cha 4 (+2)
Alignment unaligned Languages ---
Adjusted attacks and damage for brutes.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 56

Encounter 5C: Sentries: From Above and Below Map
Tile Sets Needed
Dungeon Tiles Master Set: the Dungeon x1

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 57

The spawn were held prisoner in force cages but
Encounter 5D: Sentries: An when Arbosus left the magic drained and the creatures
Explosive Situation got out. Bellavous has not yet realized that they have
escaped. The spawn have used the time to lay claim to
the potion room.
Encounter Level 1/3/5/7/9 They have been drinking Arbosus’ experimental
(450/650/900/1300/1800XP) mixtures at random and while they had lost most of
their humanity to begin with, the potions turned them
Setup into even greater menaces.
The creatures are utterly insane and attack anything
This encounter includes the following creatures at
that is not part of their group.
Adventure Level 2:
The crazed humans are all decrepit humans with
8 Crazed Human Goons (H)
grey skin and boils on their bodies (as if diseased). They
2 Tainted Bhaal Spawns (B)
wield clubs or whips.
The Bhaalspawn are only barely humanoid. They
This encounter includes the following creatures at
grow tentacles in place of their arms and their bodies
Adventure Level 4:
are deformed (at higher levels bloated to gigantic
8 Crazed Human Goons (level 4) (H)
2 Tainted Bhaal Spawns (level 4) (B)

This encounter includes the following creatures at Features of the Area

Adventure Level 6: Illumination: Low-light
8 Crazed Human Lashers (H) Potion Shelves/Tables: Potion shelves line the
1 Bhaal Spawn (B) walls of this room and potion tables stand about. If a
character is forced into a square with a potion shelf or
This encounter includes the following creatures at table, potions break and mix into a vile concoction.
Adventure Level 8:
8 Crazed Human Lashers (level 8) (H) C Potion Burst (Acid)
Attack: Close burst 1 (creature in burst); +5/7/9/11/13 vs. Reflex
1 Bhaal Spawn (level 8) (B)
Hit: 1d8 +5/2d6+5/2d6+7/2d8+7/2d8+9 acid damage
Effect: The attack area becomes difficult terrain.
This encounter includes the following creatures at
Adventure Level 10: Potions: As a minor action, a creature of at least
8 Crazed Human Lashers (level 10) (H) small size that is adjacent to a shelf or table can take a
1 Bhaal Spawn (level 10) (B) potion drink it.
Roll 1d6 and use the following chart to determine
As the adventurers enter the area, read: effects:

A musty smell hits your nose and laughing fills your D6 Effect
ears as you enter the room ahead. Bottles upon bottles 1 The creature grows sluggish. It takes a -2 penalty
can be seen lining the walls of this ancient room. Most of to all defenses until then end of its next turn.
the labels on the bottles are unreadable, but a few 2 The creature’s skin turns white and its eyes
simply have a large red cross over them. A tentacle completely black. It takes a -2 penalty to Bluff,
reaches out from the darkness grabbing a filled bottle Diplomacy, and Perception checks until it takes
and then moments later throwing it to the floor… an extended rest.
empty. 3 The target of the creature’s deepest hatred flashes
in front of their eyes. The creature is dazed until
This part of the underground lair has been turned into a the end of its next turn.
potion room. The creatures inhabiting this room are 4 The creature becomes one size larger until the end
more failed experiments. In this case, they are what of the encounter (up to huge size). Its reach
Arbosus refers to as Bhaal Spawn- humans tainted by increases by 1.
the essence of Bhaal, turned into creatures that are not 5 The creature becomes one size smaller until the
merely insane, but entirely warped. end of the encounter (down to tiny size). Its reach
decreases by 1 (to a minimum of 1).

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 58

6 The creature’s skin toughens. It gets a +2 to
defenses until the end of its next turn.

The crazed humans use the room’s limited size to try
and gain benefits from each other’s proximity.
The Bhaal spawn(s) try to grab PCs so the crazed
humans can swarm them.
The creatures drink potions in between actions
when possible, as they believe it will help them in the

Scaling the Encounter

Make the following adjustments to the combat based on
the number of PCs present.
Four PCs: Remove 4 crazed human goons or 4
crazed human lashers.
Six PCs: Add 4 crazed human goons or 4 crazed
human lashers.

Fast Play Options

This encounter ends with the PCs victorious when:
• The PCs defeat the Bhaal spawn. The crazed
humans collapse, gibbering madly.

Ending the Encounter

The encounter ends when the PCs defeat the creatures.
If the PCs leave the room, the creatures follow (possibly
into the next encounter). If they like, PCs can take along
some potions to the next encounter.
The corridor continues on from here, and PCs can
move to the next encounter (Encounter 5A, 5B, or 5C,
or to Encounter 6 if this is the second Sentries of
Ss’thar’tiss’ssun encounter).

Experience Points
The PCs do not earn any XP for this encounter, but it
does count towards a milestone.

There is no treasure in this encounter.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 59

Encounter 5D: Sentries: Explosive Situation (AL 2)

Crazed Human Goon Level 2 Minion

Medium natural humanoid , human XP 31
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +3
AC 15, Fortitude 13, Reflex 11, Will 11 Perception +2
Speed 6
Mob Rule
The human goon gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses while at least
two other human goons are within 5 squares of it.
m Club (Weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 5 damage.
Aura of Madness
Trigger: A creature starts its turn within 3 squares of the human goon
Effect (Opportunity Action): The human goon slides the triggering
creature 1 square.
Psychic Feedback
Trigger: The human goon drops to 0 hit points.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): Each enemy adjacent to one or more
human goons takes 2 psychic damage.
Str14 (+3) Dex11 (+1) Wis 12 (+2)
Con 12 (+2) Int 9 (+0) Cha 13 (+2)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common
Equipment club
Human goon with adjusted alignment and Those Who Hear theme

Tainted Bhaal Spawn Level 2 Controller

Medium aberrant humanoid (blind, human) XP 125
HP 34; Bloodied 17 Initiative +1
AC 16, Fortitude 14, Reflex 15, Will 13 Perception +3
Speed 4 Blindsight 5
m Root Lash • At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage, and the target is grabbed. The tainted Bhaal
spawn can grab one target at a time.
M Constrict • At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one or two creatures); +6 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage, and the Bhaal spawn sustains the grab.
Pulling Roots
The tainted Bhaal spawn shifts 2 squares and slides any creature
grabbed by it 2 squares into a square adjacent to it.
Str14(+3) Dex17(+4) Wis13(+2)
Con 10(+1) Int8 (-3) Cha 6 (-1)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages ---
Based on Tainted root pod, changed to aberrant humanoid
(human), adjusted damage to new rules. Increased Int.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 60

Encounter 5D: Sentries: Explosive Situation (AL4)
Crazed Human Goon (level 4) Level 4 Minion
Medium natural humanoid XP 44
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +4
AC 17, Fortitude 15, Reflex 13, Will 13 Perception +3
Speed 6
Mob Rule
The human goon gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses while at least
two other human goons are within 5 squares of it.
m Club (Weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Hit: 6 damage.
Aura of Madness
Trigger: A creature starts its turn within 3 squares of the human goon
Effect (Opportunity Action): The hanged one slides the triggering
creature 1 square.
Psychic Feedback
Trigger: The human goon drops to 0 hit points.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): Each enemy adjacent to one or more
human goons takes 2 psychic damage.
Str14 (+3) Dex10 (+1) Wis 10 (+1)
Con 12 (+2) Int 9 (+0) Cha 11 (+1)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common
Equipment club
Human goon with adjusted alignment and Those Who Hear theme

Tainted Bhaal Spawn (level 4) Level 4 Controller

Medium aberrant humanoid (blind, human) XP 175
HP 50; Bloodied 25 Initiative +2
AC 18, Fortitude 16, Reflex 17, Will 15 Perception +4
Speed 4 Blindsight 5
m Root Lash • At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage, and the target is grabbed. The tainted Bhaal
spawn can grab one target at a time.
M Constrict • At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one or two creatures); +8 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage, and the Bhaal spawn sustains the grab.
Pulling Roots
The tainted Bhaal spawn shifts 2 squares and slides any creature
grabbed by it 2 squares into a square adjacent to it.
Str14(+4) Dex17(+5) Wis13(+3)
Con 10(+2) Int8 (-2) Cha 6 (+0)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages ---
Based on Tainted root pod, changed to aberrant humanoid
(human), adjusted damage to new rules. Increased Int.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 61

Encounter 5D: Sentries: Explosive Situation (AL6)
Crazed Human Lasher Level 6 Minion
Medium natural humanoid (human) XP63
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +6
AC 17, Fortitude 15, Reflex 13, Will 13 Perception +3
Speed 5 Darkvision
Immune disease, poison
If a creature starts its turn adjacent to at least 3 crazed human rabble,
it is immobilized until the end of its turn and takes 5 damage.
m Whip Lash (Weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 7 damage.
Aura of Madness
Trigger: A creature starts its turn within 3 squares of the human
Effect (Opportunity Action): The human lasher slides the triggering
creature 1 square.
Psychic Feedback
Trigger: The human lasher drops to 0 hit points.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): Each enemy adjacent to one or more
human lashers takes 2 psychic damage.
Str16 (+6) Dex14 (+5) Wis 8 (+2)
Con 16 (+6) Int 7 (+1) Cha 3 (-1)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common
Equipment whip
Hanged one reflavored to human lasher with Those Who Hear theme
applied, Changed alignment, adapted damage to new rules, and
removed flight. Increased Int.

Bhaal Spawn Level 6 Elite Controller

Large aberrant humanoid (human) XP 500
HP 142; Bloodied 71 Initiative +5
AC 19, Fortitude 19, Reflex 17, Will 15 Perception +9
Speed 6, burrow 6 Tremorsense
Saving Throws +2; Action points 1
Grinding Tentacles (Acid)
At the start of the Bhaal spawn’s turn, any creature it is grabbing takes
1d8 + 6 acid damage.
Threatening Reach
The Bhaal spawn can make opportunity attacks against all enemies
within its reach (4 squares).
m Tentacle • At-Will
Attack: Melee 4 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 7 damage, and the target is grabbed (until escape).
C Tentacle Fury • Recharge 5 6
Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in burst); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 7 damage, and the target is grabbed (until escape).
Skills Stealth +10
Str20 (+8) Dex15 (+5) Wis 13 (+4)
Con 15 (+5) Int 8 (+2) Cha 10 (+3)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common
Phalagar reflavored to humanoid, Changed alignment, adapted
damage to new rules.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 62

Encounter 5D: Sentries: Explosive Situation (AL 8)
Crazed Human Lasher (level 8) Level 8 Minion
Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 88
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +7
AC 19, Fortitude 17, Reflex 15, Will 15 Perception +4
Speed 5 Darkvision
Immune disease, poison
If a creature starts its turn adjacent to at least 3 crazed human rabble,
it is immobilized until the end of its turn and takes 5 damage.
m Whip Lash (Weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 8 damage.
Aura of Madness
Trigger: A creature starts its turn within 3 squares of the human
Effect (Opportunity Action): The human lasher slides the triggering
creature 1 square.
Psychic Feedback
Trigger: The human lasher drops to 0 hit points.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): Each enemy adjacent to one or more
human lashers takes 2 psychic damage.
Str16 (+7) Dex14 (+4) Wis 8 (+3)
Con 16 (+7) Int 7(+2) Cha 3 (+0)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common
Equipment whip
Hanged one reflavored to human lasher with Those Who Hear theme
applied, Changed alignment, adapted damage to new rules, and
removed flight. Increased Int.

Bhaal Spawn (level 8) Level 8 Elite Controller

Large aberrant humanoid (human) XP 700
HP 158; Bloodied 79 Initiative +6
AC 21, Fortitude 21, Reflex 19, Will 17 Perception +10
Speed 6, burrow 6 Tremorsense
Saving Throws +2; Action points 1
Grinding Tentacles (Acid)
At the start of the Bhaal spawn’s turn, any creature it is grabbing takes
2d6 + 6 acid damage.
Threatening Reach
The Bhaal spawn can make opportunity attacks against all enemies
within its reach (4 squares).
m Tentacle • At-Will
Attack: Melee 4 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 7 damage, and the target is grabbed (until escape).
C Tentacle Fury • Recharge 5 6
Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in burst); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 7 damage, and the target is grabbed (until escape).
Skills Stealth +11
Str20 (+9) Dex15 (+6) Wis 13 (+5)
Con 15 (+6) Int 8 (+3) Cha 10 (+4)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common
Phalagar reflavored to humanoid, Changed alignment, adapted
damage to new rules.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 63

Encounter 5D: Sentries: Explosive Situation (AL 10)
Crazed Human Lasher (level 10) Level 10 Minion
Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 125
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +8
AC 21, Fortitude 19, Reflex 17, Will 17 Perception +5
Speed 5 Darkvision
Immune disease, poison
If a creature starts its turn adjacent to at least 3 crazed human rabble,
it is immobilized until the end of its turn and takes 5 damage.
m Whip Lash (Weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 9 damage.
Aura of Madness
Trigger: A creature starts its turn within 3 squares of the human
Effect (Opportunity Action): The human lasher slides the triggering
creature 1 square.
Psychic Feedback
Trigger: The human lasher drops to 0 hit points.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): Each enemy adjacent to one or more
human lashers takes 2 psychic damage.
Str16 (+8) Dex14 (+5) Wis 8 (+4)
Con 16 (+8) Int7 (+2) Cha 3 (+1)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common
Equipment whip
Hanged one reflavored to human lasher with Those Who Hear theme
applied, Changed alignment, adapted damage to new rules, and
removed flight. Increased Int.

Bhaal Spawn (level 10) Level 10 Elite Controller

Large aberrant humanoid (human) XP 1000
HP 174; Bloodied 87 Initiative +7
AC 23, Fortitude 23, Reflex 21, Will 19 Perception +11
Speed 6, burrow 6 Tremorsense
Saving Throws +2; Action points 1
Grinding Tentacles (Acid)
At the start of the Bhaal spawn’s turn, any creature it is grabbing takes
2d8 + 6 acid damage.
Threatening Reach
The Bhaal spawn can make opportunity attacks against all enemies
within its reach (4 squares).
m Tentacle • At-Will
Attack: Melee 4 (one creature); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 9 damage, and the target is grabbed (until escape).
C Tentacle Fury • Recharge 5 6
Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in burst); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 9 damage, and the target is grabbed (until escape).
Skills Stealth +12
Str20 (+10) Dex15 (+7) Wis 13 (+6)
Con 15 (+7) Int 8 (+4) Cha 10 (+5)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common
Phalagar reflavored to humanoid, Changed alignment, adapted
damage to new rules.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 64

Encounter 5D: Sentries: Explosive Situation Map (AL 2/4)
Tile Sets Needed
Dungeon Tiles Master Set: the Dungeon x1

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 65

Encounter 5D: Sentries: Explosive Situation Map (AL 6/8/10)
Tile Sets Needed
Dungeon Tiles Master Set: the Dungeon x1

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 66

constrained it, lurks a monstrous creature. Barely
Encounter 6: The Lich’s human, its skin is mostly missing, and it is covered in
Vassal blood. It radiates hatred.

If the PCs failed in encounter 3 read:

Encounter Level 3/5/7/9/11
(725/975/1450/1950/2900 XP) Also inside the pentacle lie three other human figures.
Blood pools around them, and they breathe with
Setup difficulty.
This encounter includes the following creatures at
Adventure Level 2: The three cultists (c on the map) were captured after
3 Ogres (level 3) (O) Encounter 3 by Bellavous’ minions. They are bound and
1 Horrid Bhaal spawn (level 2) (B) gagged, wounded and slowly dying as the pentacle
leaches their life away. The PCs must rescue them while
Bellavous, Quasit (level 3) (Q)
fighting the monsters.
The ogres are mercenaries provided by the cult of
This encounter includes the following creatures at
Cyric. They have slowly been corrupted by the Bhaal
Adventure Level 4:
3 Ogres (level 5) (O)
1 Horrid Bhaal spawn (level 4) (B)
Bellavous, Quasit (level 5) (Q) Features of the Area
Pentacle: The pentacle sizzles with energy as
This encounter includes the following creatures at electric arcs leap over its surface. A creature that enters
Adventure Level 6: the pentacle or starts its turn there is slowed.
3 Ogres (level 7) (O) Portals: There are three portals in the area. A
1 Horrid Bhaal spawn (level 6) (B) creature that enters a portal immediately exits from a
Bellavous, Quasit (Q) random portal (roll 1d6, and select a side as numbered
on the map). A creature that exits a portal is also dazed
This encounter includes the following creatures at until the end of their next turn. A portal is considered
Adventure Level 8: hazardous terrain.
3 Ogre Juggernauts (level 9) (O) Cultists (c): The cultists are lying in a pentacle. The
1 Horrid Bhaal spawn (level 8) (B) pentacle leaches a cultist’s life away as long as it is
Bellavous, Quasit (level 9) (Q) within 5 squares. A cultist dies after 4 rounds of
leeching unless the PCs prevent it. The exact mechanics
This encounter includes the following creatures at are apparent to anyone who is a ritual caster, or anyone
Adventure Level 10: who makes a DC 15 Arcana check as a free action
3 Ogre Juggernauts (level 11) (O) (allow the PCs to take 10 on these checks).
1 Horrid Bhaal spawn (level 10) (B) The PCs can save a cultist in two ways. They can
Bellavous, Quasit (level 11) (Q) stop the leech on one cultist with a Moderate DC
Arcana or Thievery check as a standard action.
If the PCs failed Encounter 3, there are also: Alternately they can move a cultist – once it is 5
3 Way cultist prisoners (c) squares from the pentacle, the leech stops (though
renews if the cultists is brought closer again). Besides
The PCs reach Arbosus’ lair. Remind them that the forced movement effects, a PC can make a Moderate
drone has stopped and they can now take a short rest DC Athletics check to move a cultist half his speed as a
before continuing. move action (the increased difficulty lies in the cultist’s
As the adventurers enter the area, read: increased resistance due to delirium).
Every time the Bhaal spawn looses a leech on a
The corridor opens into a huge antechamber. Several cultist, it takes a -1 cumulative penalty on all its
huge ogres mill around. A small red, winged creature defenses. The penalty goes away when the leech is re-
flies in the background screeching orders. established.
A glowing pentacle is inlaid in the floor. Inside,
covered in broken chains that must once have

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 67

If the PCs kept Bellavous alive, they may also learn this
The ogres and Bhaal spawn follow the orders of
information from questioning him:
Bellavous now that Arbosus has left. The ogres knock the
• Bellavous was Arbosus’ familiar before he left
PCs into the portals when possible in hopes of dazing
this place.
them. They try to use blood feast and mark of Bhaal to
• Arbosus was a lich. He was quite old but not as
finish of bloodied opponents.
old as the one he was working for.
Bellavous tries to stay out of the reach of the PCs
• Bellavous claims Arbosus knows nothing real,
and darts around the map. It uses dictum early, hoping to
and that it was itself the true mastermind over
keep out of the fight and have others fight for it. Note
the process. A bit of probing reveals that the
that when it orders a dominated creature to attack, it
quasit is incapable of such research, but it is
becomes visible.
delusional and believes it as a fact.
The Bhaal spawn uses incite frenzy whenever there is
• The lich has been gone for around two weeks
a PC inside range that is yet unaffected. Otherwise, it
and since then Bellavous has, “taken his natural
channels the pentacle energies into a shock bolt. When it
place” and put himself in charge of the ruins.
is bloodied, it frenzies and only rends flesh.
• He knows the weapons were brought to
The Bhaal spawn and the ogres are loyal to
Arbosus by a man garbed in the clothes of a
Bellavous and fight to the death. Bellavous tries to flee if
Paladin of Torm, but he did not meet him
he sees that all his minions are dead and there is no
chance for him to win. If fleeing is not an option or likely
to be successful he will surrender. He considers fleeing Experience Points
when more than half of his minions are dead or he is
Each PC earns 125/175/250/350/500 experience
points for defeating the monsters and finding Arbosus’
If flight is not an option he will surrender. He
journal. They receive an additional 25/35/50/70/100
barters for his life and freedom the information he
experience if all the cultists survive.
knows about Arbosus (see below).
Scaling the Encounter Upon the searching the area, the PCs find a variety of
Make the following adjustments to the combat based on magical headgear. (This unlocks Treasure B – any
the number of PCs present. Uncommon head slot item of the PC’s level + 1 or less.)
Four PCs: Remove one ogre or ogre juggernaut.
Stopping the leech on a cultist costs a move action
instead of a standard action.
Six PCs: Add one ogre or ogre juggernaut.

Ending the Encounter

When the PCs search the area they find the following
• The PCs receive a page from Arbosus’ journal –
Handout II
• Arbosus’ journal reveals that he is trying to
create a new superior breed of undead. Among
other things, these creatures will be resistant to
the light of Elturgard’s Companion.
• The undead are created using something called
the essence of Bhaal. From the notes, it seems to
be a necrotic liquid, obtained from the area
around Boareskyr Bridge.
• Arbosus mentions in his notes receiving outside
funding from his work.
• A few boxes of weapons with the seal of the
Paladins of Torm are found in the lair.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 68

Encounter 6: The Lich’s Vassal (AL 2)

Ogre (level 3) Level 3 Brute Quasit (level 3) Level 3 Controller

Large natural humanoid (giant) XP 150 Tiny elemental humanoid (demon) XP 150
HP 60; Bloodied 30 Initiative +3 HP 43; Bloodied 21 Initiative +6
AC 15, Fortitude 18, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception +1 AC 19, Fortitude 12, Reflex 17, Will 15 Perception +8
Speed 8 Speed 8 Darkvision
m Greatclub (Weapon) • At-Will O Tempter’s Influence• Aura 2
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to saving throws.
Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage. STANDARD ACTIONS
R Rock (Weapon) • At-Will m Bite (Poison) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Attack: Melee 0 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage. Hit: 1d6 + 6 damage, and the target grants combat advantage (save
M Grand Slam (Weapon) • Encounter ends).
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +8 vs. AC C Cyric’s Dictum (Charm) • Encounter
Hit: 2d8 + 3 damage, and the ogre pushes the target up to 2 squares Attack: Close burst 5 (one enemy in burst); +6 vs. Will
and knocks it prone. Hit: The target is dominated (save ends). When a dominated target
Miss: Half damage, and the target falls prone. attacks, the quasit becomes visible.
Blood Feast • Encounter C Evil Temptation• At-Will 1/round
Trigger: A bloodied enemy is hit by this creature. Attack: Close burst 3 (one creature in burst); +6 vs. Will
Effect (Free Action): One of this creature’s allies adjacent to the Hit: The target is dazed (save ends). The effect also ends if the target
triggering enemy can make a basic attack against that enemy as a free makes an attack against one of its allies.
action. Invisibility (Illusion) • At-Will 1/round
Mark of Bhaal • Encounter Effect: The quasit becomes invisible until it makes an attack roll.
Trigger: One of this creature’s enemies becomes bloodied. Treacherous Escape (Illusion, Poison, Teleportation, Zone) • Encounter
Effect (Free Action): Allies of this creature within 5 squares of the Effect: The quasit creates an illusory duplicate of itself in its current
triggering enemy can shift 5 squares to a square adjacent to that enemy space, turns invisible until the end of the encounter or until it attacks,
as a free action. and teleports 5 squares. If any creature attacks the illusion, the illusion
Skills Athletics +13 disappears and creates a zone in a burst 2 centered on the illusion. Any
Str 21 (+6) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1) creature that enters the zone or starts its turn there takes 5 poison
Con 20 (+6) Int 4 (-1) Cha 6 (-1) damage. The zone lasts until the end of the encounter.
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Giant TRIGGERED ACTIONS
Equipment greatclub, 4 rocks Variable Resistance • Encounter
Ogre with blood feast and mark powers of Yeenoghu’s death pack Trigger: The quasit takes acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage.
theme (reflavored to Bhaal). Added Athletics. Effect (Free Action): The quasit gains resist 10 to the triggering damage
type until the end of the encounter.
Skills Bluff +11
Str 8 (+0) Dex 21 (+6) Wis 14 (+3)
Con 11 (+1) Int 10 (+1) Cha 16 (+4)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Quasit with dictum and treacherous escape from Faithful of Graz’zt
theme (reflavored to Cyric). Added Bluff as a skill.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 69

Horrid Bhaal spawn (level 3) Level 2 Controller
Medium natural humanoid XP 125
HP36; Bloodied18 Initiative +3
AC16, Fortitude13, Reflex14, Will15 Perception -2
Speed 6
m Claw• At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 2d4 + 3 damage.
m Rend Flesh • At-Will
Requirement: The Bhaal spawn must be affected by horrific visage.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 2d12 + 1 damage.
R Incite Frenzy (Psychic) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +6 vs. Will
Hit: 1d6 + 1 psychic damage, and the target cannot use encounter
attack powers, daily attack powers, or utility powers (save ends).
Aftereffect: The target is dazed until the end of its next turn.
R Shock Bolt (Lightning) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +5 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d10 + 1 lightning damage, and the target is slowed until the end
of the Bhaal spawn‘s next turn.
C Horrific Visage (Healing, Psychic) • Encounter
Trigger: The Bhaal spawn is first bloodied.
Attack (No action): Close burst 2 (enemies in burst); +6 vs. Will
Hit: 1d6 + 1 psychic damage, and the Bhaal spawn pushes the target
3 squares.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, the Bhaal spawn cannot use any
power except rend flesh.
Skills Arcana +11
Str 12 (+2) Dex15 (+3) Wis15 (+3)
Con 12 (+2) Int 20 (+6) Cha 16 (+4)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common
Reflavored Enigma of Vecna, Changed alignment and
removed weapons.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 70

Encounter 6: The Lich’s Vassal (AL 4)

Ogre (level 5) Level 5 Brute Quasit (level 5) Level 5 Controller

Large natural humanoid (giant) XP 200 Tiny elemental humanoid (demon) XP 200
HP 80; Bloodied 40 Initiative +4 HP 59; Bloodied 29 Initiative +7
AC 18, Fortitude 20, Reflex 17, Will 16 Perception +2 AC 21, Fortitude 14, Reflex 19, Will 17 Perception +9
Speed 8 Speed 8 Darkvision
m Greatclub (Weapon) • At-Will O Tempter’s Influence• Aura 2
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +10 vs. AC Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to saving throws.
Hit: 2d10 + 5 damage. STANDARD ACTIONS
R Rock (Weapon) • At-Will m Bite (Poison) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +10 vs. AC Attack: Melee 0 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage. Hit: 1d8 + 7 damage, and the target grants combat advantage (save
M Grand Slam (Weapon) • Encounter ends).
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +10 vs. AC C Cyric’s Dictum (Charm) • Encounter
Hit: 2d10 + 3 damage, and the ogre pushes the target up to 2 squares Attack: Close burst 5 (one enemy in burst); +6 vs. Will
and knocks it prone. Hit: The target is dominated (save ends). When a dominated target
Miss: Half damage, and the target falls prone. attacks, the quasit becomes visible..
Blood Feast • Encounter C Evil Temptation• At-Will 1/round
Trigger: A bloodied enemy is hit by this creature Attack: Close burst 3 (one creature in burst); +8 vs. Will
Effect (Free Action): One of this creature’s allies adjacent to the Hit: The target is dazed (save ends). The effect also ends if the target
triggering enemy can make a basic attack against that enemy as a free makes an attack against one of its allies.
action. Invisibility (Illusion) • At-Will 1/round
Mark of Bhaal • Encounter Effect: The quasit becomes invisible until it makes an attack roll.
Trigger: One of this creature’s enemies becomes bloodied Treacherous Escape (Illusion, poison, teleportation, zone) • Encounter
Effect (Free Action): Allies of this creature within 5 squares of the Effect: The quasit creates an illusory duplicate of itself in its current
triggering enemy can shift 5 squares to a square adjacent to that enemy space, turns invisible until the end of the encounter or until it attacks,
as a free action. and teleports 5 squares. If any creature attacks the illusion, the illusion
Skills Athletics +13 disappears and creates a zone in a burst 2 centered on the illusion. Any
Str 21 (+7) Dex 14 (+4) Wis 11 (+2) creature that enters the zone or starts its turn there takes 5 poison
Con 20 (+7) Int 4 (-1) Cha 6 (+0) damage. The zone lasts until the end of the encounter.
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Giant TRIGGERED ACTIONS
Equipment greatclub, 4 rocks Variable Resistance • Encounter
Ogre with blood feast and mark powers of Yeenoghu’s death pack Trigger: The quasit takes acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage.
theme (reflavored to Bhaal). Added Athletics. Effect (Free Action): The quasit gains resist 10 to the triggering damage
type until the end of the encounter.
Skills Bluff +11
Str 8 (+1) Dex 21 (+7) Wis 14 (+4)
Con 11 (+2) Int 10 (+2) Cha 16 (+5)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Quasit with dictum and treacherous escape from Faithful of Graz’zt
theme (reflavored to Cyric). Added Bluff as a skill.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 71

Horrid Bhaal spawn (level 4) Level 4 Controller
Medium natural humanoid XP 175
HP52; Bloodied26 Initiative +4
AC18, Fortitude15, Reflex16, Will17 Perception -1
Speed 6
m Claw• At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Hit: 2d4 + 5 damage.
m Rend Flesh • At-Will
Requirement: The Bhaal spawn must be affected by horrific visage.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Hit: 2d12 + 3 damage.
R Incite Frenzy (Psychic) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +8 vs. Will
Hit: 1d6 + 3 psychic damage, and the target cannot use encounter
attack powers, daily attack powers, or utility powers (save ends).
Aftereffect: The target is dazed until the end of its next turn.
R Shock Bolt (Lightning) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d10 + 3 lightning damage, and the target is slowed until the end
of the Bhaal spawn‘s next turn.
C Horrific Visage (Healing, Psychic) • Encounter
Trigger: The Bhaal spawn is first bloodied.
Attack (No action): Close burst 2 (enemies in burst); +8 vs. Will
Hit: 1d8 + 1 psychic damage, and the Bhaal spawn pushes the target
3 squares.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, the Bhaal spawn cannot use any
power except rend flesh.
Skills Arcana +12
Str 12 (+3) Dex15 (+4) Wis15 (+4)
Con 12 (+3) Int 20 (+7) Cha 16 (+5)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common
Reflavored Enigma of Vecna, Changed alignment and
removed weapons.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 72

Encounter 6: The Lich’s Vassal (AL 6)

Ogre (level 7) Level 7 Brute Quasit Level 7 Controller

Large natural humanoid (giant) XP 300 Tiny elemental humanoid (demon) XP 300
HP 100; Bloodied 50 Initiative +5 HP 75; Bloodied 37 Initiative +8
AC 19, Fortitude 21, Reflex 18, Will 17 Perception +3 AC 23, Fortitude 16, Reflex 21, Will 19 Perception +10
Speed 8 Speed 8 Darkvision
m Greatclub (Weapon) • At-Will O Tempter’s Influence• Aura 2
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +12 vs. AC Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to saving throws.
Hit: 2d10 + 7 damage. STANDARD ACTIONS
R Rock (Weapon) • At-Will m Bite (Poison) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +12 vs. AC Attack: Melee 0 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage. Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage, and the target grants combat advantage (save
M Grand Slam (Weapon) • Encounter ends).
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +12 vs. AC C Cyric’s Dictum (Charm) • Encounter
Hit: 2d10 + 5 damage, and the ogre pushes the target up to 2 squares Attack: Close burst 5 (one enemy in burst); +6 vs. Will
and knocks it prone. Hit: The target is dominated (save ends). When a dominated target
Miss: Half damage, and the target falls prone. attacks, the quasit becomes visible..
Blood Feast • Encounter C Evil Temptation• At-Will 1/round
Trigger: A bloodied enemy is hit by this creature Attack: Close burst 3 (one creature in burst); +10 vs. Will
Effect (Free Action): One of this creature’s allies adjacent to the Hit: The target is dazed (save ends). The effect also ends if the target
triggering enemy can make a basic attack against that enemy as a free makes an attack against one of its allies.
action. Invisibility (Illusion) • At-Will 1/round
Mark of Bhaal • Encounter Effect: The quasit becomes invisible until it makes an attack roll.
Trigger: One of this creature’s enemies becomes bloodied Treacherous Escape (Illusion, poison, teleportation, zone) • Encounter
Effect (Free Action): Allies of this creature within 5 squares of the Effect: The quasit creates an illusory duplicate of itself in its current
triggering enemy can shift 5 squares to a square adjacent to that enemy space, turns invisible until the end of the encounter or until it attacks,
as a free action. and teleports 5 squares. If any creature attacks the illusion, the illusion
Skills Athletics +13 disappears and creates a zone in a burst 2 centered on the illusion. Any
Str 21 (+8) Dex 14 (+5) Wis 11 (+3) creature that enters the zone or starts its turn there takes 5 poison
Con 20 (+8) Int 4 (+0) Cha 6 (+1) damage. The zone lasts until the end of the encounter.
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Giant TRIGGERED ACTIONS
Equipment greatclub, 4 rocks Variable Resistance • Encounter
Ogre with blood feast and mark powers of Yeenoghu’s death pack Trigger: The quasit takes acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage.
theme (reflavored to Bhaal). Added Athletics. Effect (Free Action): The quasit gains resist 10 to the triggering damage
type until the end of the encounter.
Skills Bluff +11
Str 8 (+2) Dex 21 (+8) Wis 14 (+5)
Con 11 (+3) Int 10 (+3) Cha 16 (+6)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Quasit with dictum and treacherous escape from Faithful of Graz’zt
theme (reflavored to Cyric). Added Bluff as a skill.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 73

Horrid Bhaal spawn Level 6 Controller
Medium natural humanoid XP 250
HP68; Bloodied34 Initiative +5
AC20, Fortitude17, Reflex16, Will17 Perception +0
Speed 6
m Claw • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 2d4 + 7 damage.
m Rend Flesh • At-Will
Requirement: The Bhaal spawn must be affected by horrific visage.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 2d12 + 5 damage.
R Incite Frenzy (Psychic) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +10 vs. Will
Hit: 1d6 + 5 psychic damage, and the target cannot use encounter
attack powers, daily attack powers, or utility powers (save ends).
Aftereffect: The target is dazed until the end of its next turn.
R Shock Bolt (Lightning) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +9 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d10 + 5 lightning damage, and the target is slowed until the end
of the Bhaal spawn‘s next turn.
C Horrific Visage (Healing, Psychic) • Encounter
Trigger: The Bhaal spawn is first bloodied.
Attack (No action): Close burst 2 (enemies in burst); +10 vs. Will
Hit: 1d8 + 3 psychic damage, and the Bhaal spawn pushes the target
3 squares.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, the Bhaal spawn cannot use any
power except rend flesh.
Skills Arcana +13
Str 12 (+4) Dex15 (+5) Wis15 (+5)
Con 12 (+4) Int 20 (+8) Cha 16 (+6)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common
Reflavored Enigma of Vecna, Changed alignment and
removed weapons.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 74

Encounter 6: The Lich’s Vassal (AL 8)

Ogre Juggernaut (level 9) Level 9 Brute Quasit (level 9) Level 9 Controller

Large natural humanoid (giant) XP 400 Tiny elemental humanoid (demon) XP 400
HP 121; Bloodied 60 Initiative +6 HP 91; Bloodied 45 Initiative +9
AC 21, Fortitude 23, Reflex 19, Will 19 Perception +6 AC 25, Fortitude 18, Reflex 23, Will 21 Perception +11
Speed 8 Speed 8 Darkvision
m Greatclub (Weapon) • At-Will O Tempter’s Influence• Aura 2
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +14 vs. AC Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to saving throws.
Hit: 4d8 + 4 damage. STANDARD ACTIONS
R Rock (Weapon) • At-Will m Bite (Poison) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +14 vs. AC Attack: Melee 0 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 3d6 + 6 damage. Hit: 2d6 + 7 damage, and the target grants combat advantage (save
M Juggernaut Push (Weapon) • Recharge5 6 ends).
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. Fortitude C Cyric’s Dictum (Charm) • Encounter
Hit: The ogre pushes the target 1 square and knocks it prone. The ogre Attack: Close burst 5 (one enemy in burst); +6 vs. Will
then shifts 1 square to the square the target vacated. The ogre can push Hit: The target is dominated (save ends). When a dominated target
the target an additional number of squares equal to the ogre’s speed, attacks, the quasit becomes visible..
shifting an equal number of squares and remaining adjacent to it. The MINOR ACTIONS
target takes 1d8 damage for each additional square the ogre pushes it. C Evil Temptation• At-Will 1/round
TRIGGERED ACTIONS Attack: Close burst 3 (one creature in burst); +12 vs. Will
Blood Feast • Encounter Hit: The target is dazed (save ends). The effect also ends if the target
Trigger: A bloodied enemy is hit by this creature makes an attack against one of its allies.
Effect (Free Action): One of this creature’s allies adjacent to the Invisibility (Illusion) • At-Will 1/round
triggering enemy can make a basic attack against that enemy as a free Effect: The quasit becomes invisible until it makes an attack roll.
action. Treacherous Escape (Illusion, poison, teleportation, zone) • Encounter
Mark of Bhaal • Encounter Effect: The quasit creates an illusory duplicate of itself in its current
Trigger: One of this creature’s enemies becomes bloodied space, turns invisible until the end of the encounter or until it attacks,
Effect (Free Action): Allies of this creature within 5 squares of the and teleports 5 squares. If any creature attacks the illusion, the illusion
triggering enemy can shift 5 squares to a square adjacent to that enemy disappears and creates a zone in a burst 2 centered on the illusion. Any
as a free action. creature that enters the zone or starts its turn there takes 5 poison
Skills Athletics +13 damage. The zone lasts until the end of the encounter.
Str 24 (+11) Dex 15 (+6) Wis 15 (+6) TRIGGERED ACTIONS
Con 21 (+9) Int 4 (+1) Cha 6 (+2) Variable Resistance • Encounter
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Giant Trigger: The quasit takes acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage.
Equipment greatclub, 4 rocks Effect (Free Action): The quasit gains resist 10 to the triggering damage
Ogre juggernaut with blood feast and mark powers of Yeenoghu’s type until the end of the encounter.
death pack theme (reflavored to Bhaal). Added Athletics. Skills Bluff +11
Str 8 (+3) Dex 21 (+9) Wis 14 (+6)
Con 11 (+4) Int 10 (+4) Cha 16 (+7)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Quasit with dictum and treacherous escape from Faithful of Graz’zt
theme (reflavored to Cyric). Added Bluff as a skill.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 75

Horrid Bhaal spawn (level 8) Level 8 Controller
Medium natural humanoid XP 350
HP84; Bloodied42 Initiative +6
AC22, Fortitude19, Reflex18, Will19 Perception +1
Speed 6
m Claw • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d4 + 9 damage.
m Rend Flesh • At-Will
Requirement: The Bhaal spawn must be affected by horrific visage.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d12 + 7 damage.
R Incite Frenzy (Psychic) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +12 vs. Will
Hit: 1d6 + 7 psychic damage, and the target cannot use encounter
attack powers, daily attack powers, or utility powers (save ends).
Aftereffect: The target is dazed until the end of its next turn.
R Shock Bolt (Lightning) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +11 vs. Reflex
lightning damage, and the target is slowed until the end of the Bhaal
spawn‘s next turn.
C Horrific Visage (Healing, Psychic) • Encounter
Trigger: The Bhaal spawn is first bloodied.
Attack (No action): Close burst 2 (enemies in burst); +Hit: 1d10 + 712
vs. Will
Hit: 1d8 +5 psychic damage, and the Bhaal spawn pushes the target 3
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, the Bhaal spawn cannot use any
power except rend flesh.
Skills Arcana +14
Str 12 (+5) Dex15 (+6) Wis15 (+6)
Con 12 (+5) Int 20 (+9) Cha 16 (+7)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common
Reflavored Enigma of Vecna, Changed alignment and
removed weapons.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 76

Encounter 6: The Lich’s Vassal (AL 10)

Ogre Juggernaut (level 11) Level 11 Brute Quasit (level 11) Level 11 Controller
Large natural humanoid (giant) XP 600 Tiny elemental humanoid (demon) XP 600
HP 141; Bloodied 70 Initiative +7 HP 107; Bloodied 53 Initiative +10
AC 23, Fortitude 25, Reflex 21, Will 21 Perception +7 AC 27, Fortitude 20, Reflex 25, Will 23 Perception +12
Speed 8 Speed 8 Darkvision
m Greatclub (Weapon) • At-Will O Tempter’s Influence• Aura 2
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +16 vs. AC Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to saving throws.
Hit: 4d8 + 6 damage. STANDARD ACTIONS
R Rock (Weapon) • At-Will m Bite (Poison) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +16 vs. AC Attack: Melee 0 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 3d6 + 8 damage. Hit: 2d6 + 8 damage, and the target grants combat advantage (save
M Juggernaut Push (Weapon) • Recharge5 6 ends).
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. Fortitude C Cyric’s Dictum (Charm) • Encounter
Hit: The ogre pushes the target 1 square and knocks it prone. The ogre Attack: Close burst 5 (one enemy in burst); +6 vs. Will
then shifts 1 square to the square the target vacated. The ogre can push Hit: The target is dominated (save ends). When a dominated target
the target an additional number of squares equal to the ogre’s speed, attacks, the quasit becomes visible..
shifting an equal number of squares and remaining adjacent to it. The MINOR ACTIONS
target takes 1d8 damage for each additional square the ogre pushes it. C Evil Temptation• At-Will 1/round
TRIGGERED ACTIONS Attack: Close burst 3 (one creature in burst); +14 vs. Will
Blood Feast • Encounter Hit: The target is dazed (save ends). The effect also ends if the target
Trigger: A bloodied enemy is hit by this creature makes an attack against one of its allies.
Effect (Free Action): One of this creature’s allies adjacent to the Invisibility (Illusion) • At-Will 1/round
triggering enemy can make a basic attack against that enemy as a free Effect: The quasit becomes invisible until it makes an attack roll.
action. Treacherous Escape (Illusion, poison, teleportation, zone) • Encounter
Mark of Bhaal • Encounter Effect: The quasit creates an illusory duplicate of itself in its current
Trigger: One of this creature’s enemies becomes bloodied space, turns invisible until the end of the encounter or until it attacks,
Effect (Free Action): Allies of this creature within 5 squares of the and teleports 5 squares. If any creature attacks the illusion, the illusion
triggering enemy can shift 5 squares to a square adjacent to that enemy disappears and creates a zone in a burst 2 centered on the illusion. Any
as a free action. creature that enters the zone or starts its turn there takes 5 poison
Skills Athletics +13 damage. The zone lasts until the end of the encounter.
Str 24 (+12) Dex 15 (+7) Wis 15 (+7) TRIGGERED ACTIONS
Con 21 (+10) Int 4 (+2) Cha 6 (+3) Variable Resistance • Encounter
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Giant Trigger: The quasit takes acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage.
Equipment greatclub, 4 rocks Effect (Free Action): The quasit gains resist 10 to the triggering damage
Ogre with blood feast and mark powers of Yeenoghu’s death pack type until the end of the encounter.
theme (reflavored to Bhaal). Added Athletics. Skills Bluff +11
Str 8 (+4) Dex 21 (+10) Wis 14 (+7)
Con 11 (+5) Int 10 (+5) Cha 16 (+8)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Quasit with dictum and treacherous escape from Faithful of Graz’zt
theme (reflavored to Cyric). Added Bluff as a skill.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 77

Horrid Bhaal spawn (level 10) Level 10 Controller
Medium natural humanoid XP 500
HP100; Bloodied50 Initiative +7
AC 25, Fortitude 22, Reflex 21, Will 22 Perception +2
Speed 6
m Claw • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 9 damage.
m Rend Flesh • At-Will
Requirement: The Bhaal spawn must be affected by horrific visage.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs. AC
Hit: 2d12 + 11 damage.
R Incite Frenzy (Psychic) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +16 vs. Will
Hit: 2d6 + 10 psychic damage, and the target cannot use encounter
attack powers, daily attack powers, or utility powers (save ends).
Aftereffect: The target is dazed until the end of its next turn.
R Shock Bolt (Lightning) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +15 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + 10 lightning damage, and the target is slowed until the end
of the Bhaal spawn‘s next turn.
C Horrific Visage (Healing, Psychic) • Encounter
Trigger: The Bhaal spawn is first bloodied.
Attack (No action): Close burst 2 (enemies in burst); +16 vs. Will
Hit: 1d8 +9 psychic damage, and the Bhaal spawn pushes the target 3
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, the Bhaal spawn cannot use any
power except rend flesh.
Skills Arcana +15
Str 12 (+6) Dex15 (+7) Wis15 (+7)
Con 12 (+6) Int 20 (+10) Cha 16 (+8)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common
Reflavored Enigma of Vecna, Changed alignment and
removed weapons.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 78

Encounter 6: The Lich’s Vassal Map
Tile Sets Needed
Arcane Towers x1

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 79

Conclusion: Endings and Ending the Encounter: Negotiations
If the PCs opened negotiations, they can meet with
Beginnings Cadwy at the barracks of guards in Triel. The paladins
are displeased with the PCs. If they succeeded, they are
Setup annoyed with the PCs drawing their own plan rather
Important NPCs: than following orders. If they failed, they are upset with
Everyn Cadwy the panic that ensued, forcing the paladins to use force
Nualla A’Ashemmi in the arrest of the cult members.
Liahanna Conmara Dagg, if he was captured, has already been sent to
Elturel. If any cultists were arrested due to the PCs
With Bellavous defeated, the PCs can return to their failure, Cadwy expects they will be released soon, once
employers. The mystery of Arbosus will be resolved in a the Order knows who they are. Most likely, they will be
alter adventure. sentenced to labor on the roads for several weeks ‘to
They return to either the Order of Torm or Nualla. If learn the error of their ways’.
the PCs succeed in the combat in Encounter 6 they Cadwy refuses to pay the PCs as they did not follow
uncover the fact that what was happening in the ruins orders. However, after their meeting with Cadwy,
was some sort of ritual to make undead-like creatures Liahanna Conmara approaches the PCs, and offers to
and also find implications that members of the Order of pay them the originally agreed upon amount instead.
Torm may be involved (though it is unclear who these If the PCs were successful, she is pleased:
are and whether this is truthful).
“Bravo! To break a truce with the Order is not an easy
task. I am very pleased to see that this was solved
Ending the Encounter: The Way without upsetting the fragile balance in the region.
Arrested Perhaps, if you prove willing and able to keep this
If the PCs had the Way arrested, they can meet with balance, we can talk some time about how we can be of
Cadwy at the barracks of guards in Triel, where the Way use to one another?”
is being held until the High Observer decides on their
punishment. She offers the PCs a selection of magical items that the
Dagg, if he was captured, has already been sent to guild’s warehouses (see Treasure, below).
Elturel. If they failed, she applauds that they tried, but finds
If the PCs succeeded in arresting the Way, Cadwy is it unfortunate that they could not prevent all the
pleased, and pays them the agreed upon amount of mayhem, and wonders if they are up to such tasks.
money: Proceed to Concluding the Adventure.

Cadwy nods with an air of righteousness to you and Ending the Encounter: The Way
thanks you for your service, “You have been a great
asset to the Paladins of Torm and the Laws of our land.”
The PCs head to the portal where they agreed to meet
He offers the PCs a selection of magical items from the Nualla. If the PCs succeeded in saving all the members,
Order’s vault (see Treasure, below). she is very pleased, and pays them the agreed upon
If they failed, he is upset. The panic that ensued amount of money:
caused several members to be wounded, and a fair
number to escape. The act draws the scorn of the Nualla nods to you with a smile playing about her lips.
population, with the Dusk Talons already spreading “You have done a good thing and the Dusk Talons
word on the heavy-handedness of the Order. He will not forget this.”
grudgingly pays them the agreed upon amount of money
‘for their trouble’ She offers the PCs a selection of magical items from the
Cadwy expects most people will be released soon, Dusk Talons stash (see Treasure, below).
once the Order knows who they are. Most likely, they If they failed, she is disappointed that some people
will be sentenced to labor on the roads for several weeks got hurt or captured, but pays them anyway,
‘to learn the error of their ways’. acknowledging they at least tried.
Proceed to Concluding the Adventure.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 80

If one or more PCs told Dagg to negotiate with her, have been involved, the Lion’s Den believes that the
she is extra pleased. If they didn’t, she is disappointed majority of the Paladins are trying to do good. They offer
but understands their reservations. She expects that in to keep Arbosus’ journal in a personal safe for the PCs.
time, she will have another chance. The Way would like the information shared with
Proceed to Concluding the Adventure. people. They believe that the townsfolk should be able to
protect themselves against further attacks and this can
Experience Points only be done when they are not left in ignorance. The
The PCs do not earn any XP for this encounter, and it Way has no interest in the journal.
does not count towards a milestone. In all cases, the choice is up to each individual PC
(note: PCs can make different choices!). The Way and
Treasure the Dusk Talons are known opponents of the Order, and
The PCs each earn 75 / 125 / 225 / 450 / 675 gp from any rumors they would spread are generally ignored.
their employer (or from the Lion’s Den). The Order and Den, on the other hand, have no means
If the PCs succeeded in Encounter 3, one of the to force the PCs to be quiet, though doing so will
factions presents them with an additional reward. See definitely cause them to be marked as troublemakers.
Bundle C. Each PC earns ELTU01 Arbosus Journal
Ask the players what they do with Arbosus’ journal
Concluding the Adventure and note this on the story award (storing it in a safe of
the Lion’s Den counts as keeping it).
What is left for the PCs is to decide what to do with the
Also have each player individually circle on the story
information they found in Arbosus’ Lair. They uncover
award what their PC does with the information.
that what was happening in the ruins was some sort of
If half or more players decide to spread the
ritual to make extraordinary undead-like creatures,
information, read:
using a strange substance that is linked to Baahl, the
former god or murder. More shocking, they found
The information you found in Arbosus’s lair causes a
evidence of members of the Order of Torm supplying
shock throughout the people of Elturgard when it hits
Arbosus, implying they may be involved, though it is
the street. Though many of the people are skeptical to
unclear who these agents are and whether the PCs
the veracity of the information, it has shaken this
reading of the situation is correct.
society’s view on the laws of the region.
The PCs may speak to all relevant NPCs before
doing anything with the information.
If more the than half of the players decide not to
The Dusk Talons would like the PCs to expose the
spread the information, read:
information of the Order’s involvement. They believe
the order will otherwise cover it up, and the truth will
You decided not to spread the information you found in
never come out. Nualla also believes that the Order of
Torm is too focused on their doctrine. They do too much Arbosus’s lair. The paladins of Torm are thankful. As
to hinder a normal person’s way of life and business. The time passes, however, there is no word on any of the past
information should be spread so the people know the events, until finally word reaches you that the High
Order’s is not infallible. Nualla is very interested in Observer ordered the murder suspects to be
Arbosus’ journal, as she hopes it will hold clues against incarcerated in the Dungeon of the Inquisitor.
the Cyricists.
The Order of Torm believes that the information Once this is determined, determine whether the PCs
should not be revealed until it is certain what is really have earned favor with one of the factions in Elturgard:
going on. They feel they have the authority and presence
of mind to decide this moment. They believe revealing it A PC earns favor with the Order of Torm if:
now will undermine their authority and cause unrest in • they successfully arrested the Way and the PC
the region. They see no other need to reveal it. They did not disclose the information.
therefore order the PCs to keep this information to
themselves and ask them to hand in Arbosus journal – A PC earns favor with the Dusk Talons if:
though they do not force the PCs to do so. • they successfully helped the Way members
The Lion’s Den would like the information kept escape and the PC told Dagg to talk to Nualla or
quiet because it will affect trade. The Den believes in the • they successfully negotiated between the Order
greater good and though the Paladins of Torm might and the Way and the PC disclosed the

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 81

A PC earns favor with the Lion’s Den if:
• they successfully negotiated between the Order
and the Way and the PC did not disclose the
information or
• they successfully helped the Way members
escape but the PC told Dagg not to talk to Nualla,
and the PC did not disclose the information.

Also, any PC who was ever infected with the Essence of

Bhaal should note on their log sheet that they had been
infected and if they have been cured (or not).

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 82

character receives the listed amount of gold, less any
Rewards Summary amounts that they did not find or earn, and may
At the conclusion of the adventure, the PCs earn XP, additionally select one Treasure from the following list.
gold, access to Treasures, and possibly Story Awards. All A Treasure may give the PC more gold, a magic
totals listed here are per PC. item, or something else of value. Each player makes one
and only one selection for their character; multiple
Experience Points and Base Gold players may choose the same Treasure. Some of the
listed Treasures may not be available if the PCs did not
All PCs earn at least the Minimum XP for playing the
complete the objective specified in the adventure to
adventure. In addition, the Major and Minor Objectives
unlock that Treasure.
are worth the listed XP awards if successfully completed
If a character buys or sells gear during the
(as determined by the DM, following the guidelines
adventure (or pays for services, such as NPC ritual
specified in the adventure). The PCs may be given
casting) add or subtract the amount from the base gold.
partial awards if the DM determines that they
If a player selects a Treasure that gives their character
completed part, but not all, of a given objective.
more gold, add that amount to that character’s base gold
Any character that died during the adventure
award. It is possible and permissible for a character to
receives 20% less XP than the rest of the party, unless
spend more gold than he or she earns during an
there was a TPK, in which case the entire party
adventure, but characters may not spend gold that they
presumably failed to achieve at least some of the listed
do not have. For details on selling items, see the Living
objectives. Even with the 20% penalty, a character may
Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide.
not fall below the Minimum XP for the adventure.
If a player selects a magic weapon or suit of armor
for their PC that is not specific on the type of item listed,
Minimum Possible Experience
they must select the exact item at the time they choose
225 / 320/ 450 / 640 / 900 XP
that bundle. For example, if a duelist’s weapon +1 is listed
as a Treasure, a player selects the form of the weapon
Minor Objective
amongst the choices possible for that magic item (light
Encounter 3: Succeed in the skill challenge.
blades). If the player selects the item as a +1 duelist’s
25 / 35 / 50 / 70 / 100 XP
dagger, the player writes that information down on the
PC’s adventure log and the item is forever after that
Minor Objective
specific weapon.
Encounter 5: Navigating the ruins.
Certain Treasures have a minimum Adventure
25 / 35 / 50 / 70 / 100 XP
Level listed. That Treasure is not available if the group
played below the listed AL. However, those who played
Minor Objective
at a higher AL can always choose from the lower-level
Encounter 6: All the cultists survive
options. (Treasures X, Y, and Z are always available at
25 / 35 / 50 / 70 / 100 XP
every Adventure Level.)

Major Objective Each PC Selects One of the Following:

Encounter 6: Defeat the monsters and attain
Arbosus’ journal
Treasure A: orb of light (Heroic tier Rare item; a
125 / 175 / 250 / 350 / 500 XP
character who chooses this item gets Story Award
RARE01 Orb of Light.)
Maximum Possible Experience
Available at all ALs; Found in Encounter 4
425 / 600/ 850 / 1200 / 1700 XP

Treasure B: An Uncommon head slot item of the

Base Gold per PC
character’s level + 1 or less from a player resource.
75 / 125 / 225 / 450 / 675 gp
Available at all ALs; Found in Encounter 6

Treasure Treasure X (Choose an Item): The character finds a

All potential NPC payments or rewards, any treasure Common or Uncommon permanent magic item of the
that the PCs could have looted during the adventure, player's choice. The item must come from a player
and other monetary awards are included in the “Base resource (as defined in the LFR Campaign Guide).
Gold per PC.” At the conclusion of the adventure, each

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 83

The player may choose a Common magic item of
the character's level + 2 or less, or an Uncommon magic ELTU02 Reputation
item of the character's level or less. The character must You have performed a mission for one of the influential
have an available found-item slot, and only permanent factions of Elturgard and earned some favor with them.
magic items may be chosen with this option (no This may become important in future adventures.
consumables, ammunition, etc.) Circle below the ONE organization with which you
earned a favor in this adventure:
Treasure Y (Consumable plus Gold): The character • The Order of Torm
• The Dusk Talons
finds a potion of healing plus additional gold. The player
• The Lion’s Den
should write the consumable gained on their Adventure
Log. Consumable items obtained in this fashion do not
This Story Award also counts as a recommendation to join
take up found-item slots.
the circled faction’s Meta-Organization.
AL 2: potion of healing plus 0 gp .
AL 4: potion of healing plus 25 gp
AL 6: potion of healing plus 100 gp
AL 8: potion of healing plus 250 gp
AL 10: potion of healing plus 400 gp

Treasure Z (More Gold): The character finds or is

given coin, gems, jewelry, art objects, ritual components,
or other non-magical valuables (in addition to his or her
Base Gold).
AL 2: 50 gp
AL 4: 75 gp
AL 6: 150 gp
AL 8: 300 gp
AL 10: 450 gp

Story Awards
Award these if the PC completes the condition for the
award in the adventure. Pass out certificates to the
players for their story awards.

ELTU01 Arbosus’ Journal

You uncovered the journal of Arbosus, a lich who worked
on strange experiments using what he refers to as “the
essence of Bhaal.”
You had several choices what to do with the journal.
Circle the choice your PC made:
• You kept it.
• You gave it to Nualla A’Ashemmi and the Dusk
• You gave it to the order of Torm.
• You gave it to Liahanna as a representative of the
Lion’s Den.
You also uncovered sensitive information that could
damage the Order of Torm’s reputation. You had the
choice to disclose this information to the population, or to
keep it private.
Circle what your PC did with this information:
• You disclosed the information
• You kept the information quiet
This Story Award begins the Sinister Intentions Major Quest.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 84

New Rules
RARE01 Orb of Light
You must choose this item as your Treasure from ELTU3-1 and spend a found-item slot in order to take this
certificate. This item counts as one of the Rare items you are allowed to possess (1 at Heroic tier, 2 at Paragon tier, 3
at Epic tier). Thereafter, the item’s level automatically adjusts to the highest version (up to +6) that is within 4 levels of
your character level. You do not need to pay any gold or spend additional found-item slots in order for the item to
level up. This item is attuned to you; it cannot be used by other characters, nor can you sell it.

Orb of Light Level 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Rare

This orb appears to be a large, faintly glowing white pearl. When worn or wielded by a character capable of using a holy symbol
as an implement, its surface shows an image of that character’s deity.
Lvl 5 (+1) / Lvl 10 (+2) / Lvl 15 (+3) / Lvl 20 (+4) / Lvl 25 (+5) / Lvl 30 (+6)
Implement (Holy Symbol)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1d6 radiant damage per plus (or +1d10 radiant damage per plus against undead creatures).
Power (Encounter, Radiant, Weapon): Standard Action. Effect: You use radiant smite (Paladin Attack 1) with your
currently wielded melee weapon.
Power (Daily, Channel Divinity, Implement, Radiant): Standard Action. Effect: You use the Turn Undead cleric class
feature as if you were a cleric of your current character level, using this item as the implement. This does not count
against your normal usage limit of Channel Divinity powers for the encounter.
Power (Daily, Implement): Standard Action. Effect: You make the following attack against each undead creature within
10 squares.
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: You pull the target 8 squares.

Reference: Custom LFR version of the orb of light artifact found in Open Grave. This version is NOT an artifact (it does not
have a Concordance score, etc.) The ability to speak, read, and write Supernal was intentionally removed from this
version of the item (instead, it auto-levels to match your character level).

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 85

Appendix I: NPCs
Nualla A'Ashemmi Streetwise DC 15: Liahanna is liked around these parts
and took on her parents’ business when they retired. She
Female half-elf (unaligned)
trades in rare antiquities and oddities. She is a member
Appears in: QUES1-1 of the Scornubel merchant’s guild.
Streetwise DC 20: Liahanna is a gambler, under the
Nualla is a pretty half-elven woman with long, dark right stakes she can be goaded into a game of Three
hair. She wears a necklace with the stars and eyes of Dragon Ante at any time. She is also one of the
Selûne around her neck. merchants that initiated the founding of the Lion’s Den,
a select group of adventurers that serve the interests of
Personality: Pragmatic and driven. the merchants of Elturgard.
History: Nualla is the daughter of Sememmon and
Ashemmi. She has made it her life’s work to oppose the
Zhentarim at every turn. A year ago she was caught by
Merlanea Fylbr’in
the Zhents and held prisoner, until a Group of Female elf missionary of Ilmater and healer (lawful
adventurers freed her. A PC who has QUES03 good)
Zhentarim Liberator belongs to this group and has
Nualla's favor. This slight elven woman in heavy robes greets everyone
The following information can be gained with a with a nod and open arms. Her somber countenance
Streetwise check: denotes a grace that is befitting to her outward
Streetwise DC 10: Nualla is the leader of the Dusk appearance.
Talons, reputed thieves guild in Iriaebor, though they
style themselves as ‘retainers-for-hire’. Personality: Quiet, respectful, graceful.
Streetwise DC 15: She is the daughter of
Sememmon and Ashemmi, the Renegades of Darkhold History: Merlanea came to Elturgard not too long ago
who turned from the Black Network before the from her travels throughout the land. She used to be
Spellplague. dedicated to serving her chosen deity, Ilmater, from a
Streetwise DC 20: Nualla was briefly captured by temple in Neverwinter. However, she did not agree with
the Zhentarim, but adventurers rescued her. She has an what she saw in how people practiced their faith and the
intimate knowledge of Darkhold's structures, and politics behind their worship, so she left.
Since then Merlanea has traveled the lands serving her
Liahanna Conmara deity in the way that she sees fit; the suffering from the
Paladin’s Plague is what led her to Elturgard.
Female tiefling Lion’s Den trader (good) Merlanea was hired by The Way to take care of Lil
Yesterday, who she is very fond of. She sees something
Liahanna Conmara is a tall, athletic tiefling; she has a in Lil she recognizes in herself and therefore wishes to
confident posture and a determined look upon her face. understand Lil, and therefore herself, better.
Her maroon colored eyes flit from side to side, her face
wreathed in auburn locks, obviously on the lookout for Streetwise DC 15: Merlanea is a priestess of Ilmater
something. and a skilled herbalist. She knows many salves and
potions especially relating to the healing of wounds and
Personality: Strong, feisty, good-hearted. mind altering effects.
History: Liahanna was found at an orphanage by her Streetwise DC 25: Merlanea had her own fit of
human adopted parents at an early age. All she can madness years back when she was a young girl. It is said
remember of her life before the orphanage is flames and this is why she left her old temple, though she simply
anger. However, this does not get Liahanna down; she is says they had a, ‘disagreement on the issue of faith.’
mostly a happy-go-lucky woman, though she can have
fits of brashness. These ‘strong armed’ fits have helped
her through more than a few trade negotiations and
allowed her rise through the ranks of the Lion’s Den

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 86

Lil Yesterday his followers know of him he has had a checkered past,
sprinkled with crime and other unsavory acts before he
Female human former priestess of Cyric found The Way. Whatever the case he seems to be
(unaligned) extremely loyal to The Way now, pledging his life to save
people from the tyranny of the gods.
This woman sits upon the ground humming to herself
and pulling out strands of her own golden locks. Her Streetwise 15: Dagg has the reputation to genuinely
hair is disheveled and scars can be seen around her care about members of The Way and opposing the
neck. She pauses for a moment of seeming lucidity and Order of Torm. It is obvious to anyone who knows him,
looks down at herself, her clothing and seems as if she is he considers much more than he lets on.
about to break into tears, but then simply keeps Streetwise 25: Dagg lived for some time posing as a
humming and pulling at her hair. human man. He had a pregnant wife and a farm.
Nothing is known about what happened, but his wife is
Personality: Spacey (at best). not here now.
History: Lil is a former priestess of Cyric. It was only
after the death of her twin sister that she realized
following the Prince of Lies was not beneficial. To tear
Everyn Cadwy
herself from the grasp of the church of Cyric she Male Human (Lawful Good)
believed she had to rip her psyche away in addition to Appears in: SPEC2-1
her body. She poisoned herself, destroying any sense of
reality, in order to escape. Everyn stands around six and a half feet tall, with good
Lil was taken in by The Way and nursed back to the posture and a winning smile. His sandy blonde hair is
best possible health she could manage to be in. Now, Lil worn loose around his face and his armour is
is quite insane from her traumatic experience. Lil has impeccably clean. This is a man who takes pride in his
moments of lucidity, coming to the horrible realization appearance, both in and outward.
of what she has done, but mostly she is simply zany.
Personality: Everyn is stiff, but fair and warms up to
Streetwise DC 15: Lilian is known for licking passersby people the more he knows them. He is more than
to read their aura. A smart person would stand at least willing to listen to reason and has calmed down much
arms length away from her. since his younger years.
Streetwise DC 25: Lilian was once known a Lilian History: Everyn Cawdy grew up in a Merchant family
Kel’talorn. She was a high ranking member of the based in Elturgard and had a happy childhood. Unlike
Church of Cyric. Lilian was born in the city of Eturel, many people in this region his life isn’t marred with a
along with her twin sister Tylian, to a noble family. At a horrid past and because of this Everyn is resilient to the
young age they both ran away from home and their horrors he sees as Paladin of the Order of Torm. He
parents met unfortunate ends only a few years after. joined the Order because he wanted to help those who
did not grow up as lucky as he did and he believes that
Dagg the Law can protect the less-fortunate people. He is
genuinely and simply a good guy.
Male changeling co-leader of The Way (unaligned) The following information can be gained with a
Streetwise check:
While Dagg is a changeling, he rarely alters his shape. Streetwise DC 10: Everyn is a Paladin of Torm and
He normally appears in his natural form: a pale has had interactions with Adventurers before. Perhaps,
androgynous person, around 6 feet in height with pale the most suspicious thing about him is that there is
grey skin and cloud colored hair. His face is almost nothing suspicious.
featureless. A smile plays on his lips as he brushes back Streetwise DC 15: Everyn is the owner of a small,
his hair, which is held at a knot at the back of his head. white, fluffy dog by the name of Gigi. It is a dog he
He is dressed in simple clothing and appears to be in the inherited from his mother when she passed away.
later years of his life. Streetwise DC 20: Everyn has a younger brother
Jalden who is also in the Order if Torm. He often has to
Personality: Charismatic, jaded, nonchalant. cover up lazy mistakes that Jalden makes while on duty;
History: Dagg claims to have seen it all and a little more however, Everyn stays ever loyal to his family ties.
that he wouldn’t have cared to see to boot. From what

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 87

Appendix II: Map of the Outpost of Ss’thar’tiss’ssun

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 88

Appendix III: Elturgard
The following information was drawn from the Forgotten into unexplored crevices and tunnels. They are never
Realms Campaign Guide (pages 124-125) and can be seen again, on or below Faerûn.
used for reference and shared with players.
Elturgard Lore
Elturgard History DC 15: Elturgard is a relatively small island of
Elturgard is a theocracy ruled by those who are certain order and hope in an inhospitable swath of the Western
they walk the path of righteousness. The paladins of this Heartlands. Over the years, hundreds of people fleeing a
land take pride in their moral clarity and pursuit of mummy’s curse, a vampire’s service, or some other
good. undead involvement have arrived here, settling in
Elturgard is dominated by a “second sun” that Elturel in particular. The forests surrounding this land
hovers eternally in the sky above the city of Elturel, have grown wild and dangerous.
making this a realm of endless daylight. Creatures of A pocket of plagueland festering several miles to the
darkness cannot abide even the sight of the city. south has a habit of spewing forth occasional
Unlike most countries, Elturgard has a state religion: monstrosities. About a year ago, a massive army of
Torm is revered in the temples that dot the landscape. plaguechanged creatures emerged from the plagueland
and laid siege to the city of Elturel. Although the
The Companion invasion was turned back thanks to the assistance of a
large number of heroes (as detailed in the adventure
The second sun of Elturel, called the Companion (also
ADCP2-1 The Paladins' Plague), the city was significantly
known as Amaunator's Gift), is harmful to undead that
damaged and is still in a rebuilding mode.
come near the city of Elturel, and its sight is unpleasant
to them anywhere in the region of Elturgard.
Streetwise DC 25: In some quarters, Elturgard has
The touch of the Companion's light is quite
garnered a reputation for being too righteous. Many
uncomfortable to undead creatures. Undead player
problems attend its inflexible laws, inquisitorial
characters suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls, ability and
persecution of evil, and bold plans for “setting Faerûn
skill checks, and damage rolls while fighting within the
area of the Companion's influence. The light does not
visibly burn or otherwise mark undead PCs, so they are
still able to attend meetings, participate in the Scornubel
roleplaying, and so forth. This effect is less than what Scornubel is a sprawling city along the north shore of
occurs to normal undead monsters. the River Chionthar, which flows east to west (to Elturel,
Undead PCs are required to disguise themselves Baldur’s Gate and the Sea of Swords). At the eastern
while traveling in the city to avoid being attacked on edge of the city, the River Reaching flows from out of the
sight by clerics and paladins of Amaunator and Torm. north and merges with the Chionthar. Both caravans
Any reasonable disguise will succeed as the city is not in and river craft provide much trade which is the life
a state of high alert (no check required). blood of the city. In the center of the city, a citadel of
paladins, visible from most points of the city, provide a
Dungeon of the Inquisitor constant reminder of the rule of law. There is no bridge
over the River Chionthar or the River Reaching in this
Those who trespass against the laws of Elturgard three
times are thrown into the Dungeon of the Inquisitor.
To the west, there is a glow in the night sky from the
This vast, subterranean maze lies deep beneath the
Companion over Elturel which always is in the sky.
streets of Elturel, and its population is constantly being
Even at this distance, the light from the Companion is
replenished by new lawbreakers. Parts of the dungeon
unpleasant for undead and they do not like to look at it.
consist of natural caverns discovered during the
excavation, and their full extents and final destinations
have yet to be determined. Strange sounds infrequently Scornubel Lore
echo from unknown cavities—sometimes rushing water History DC 15: Scornubel nearly failed in the decades
is heard, other times the enraged roars of vicious following the Year of Blue Fire, when trade fell to almost
behemoths ring out. From time to time, dungeon nothing. The city elders allowed it to be annexed into
prisoners on mining detail escape their captors and dash the realm of Elturgard and the protection of the paladins

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 89

helped stabilize the city. It did change the city’s
previous exclusive focus on profits though.

Reaching Woods Lore

History DC 10: The Reaching Woods which lies to the
east of Scornubel was barricaded by the paladins 20
years ago. The woods are purportedly filled with gnolls
who worship demons and goblins.

Streetwise DC 15: Rumor has it that the gnolls have

eaten, enslaved, or driven off all other humanoids in the

Najara is one of the largest and most potent kingdoms in
western Faerûn, though few are aware of that fact.
The land is littered with impressive ruins, including
ancient serpentfolk strongholds, Netherese settlements
abandoned for centuries, and the remnants of the
collapsed human kingdom of Boareskyrr.

Forest of Wyrms
Snake-Infested Forest
Despite the underlying rocky terrain, the Forest of
Wyrms is composed of great redwoods and thick pines
that soar to staggering heights. All manner of serpents
reside therein. Small communities of yuan-ti are
common, and the place is home to several youthful
green dragons, whose alliance with the yuan-ti is
tenuous at best.
Several locations of interest lay in the forest,
including Ss’thar’tiss’ssun, one of the most ancient ruins
in Faerûn, and Thlohtzin, an old lich stronghold turned
slave citadel by its new yuan-ti residents.
Although most steer clear of the ancient ruin,
sinister human and tiefling slavers travel to Thlohtzin to
sell their merchandise for ancient gold. The slaves are
then reapportioned throughout Najara.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 90

Appendix IV: DM’s Aid Encounter Flow

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 91

Handout I: Factions in Elturgard
Since the war several months ago Elturgard has been paladins, having no issue with using some
struggling to rise from the ashes and in that struggle, unconventional means to achieve it.
various groups have been trying to determine the Under the leadership of Nualla A’Ashemmi, the
direction of the region’s development. Talons actively oppose and strike at the Zhentarim who
There are many of these groups, but three factions reside in Darkhold. The fight is primarily due to a
have a real chance to influence and lead the region to personal vendetta by Nualla. The few successes in this
greatness – though each has very different ideas... struggle, especially when preventing attacks on trade
caravans on the Dusk Road, have gained them some
The Order of Torm popularity in the region.
The Order has been ruling Elturgard for the past
decades. The Order is formed with a mix of paladins
and other devotees of Torm, supported by the faith of
Amaunator. The Order of Torm desires a strict, orderly
region devoted to the edicts of their god.
While they bring safety and stability, their rule is
seen as too restrictive by some. This is especially true for
those of other faiths, who feel they do not have freedom
to spread the word of their God. Also, merchants feel
hampered in their trade and especially now the safety of
the region is no longer assured.

The Lion’s Den

The Merchant’s Guild in Elturgard seeks to bring
prosperity to the region. They desire free trade and
freedom of choice.
The Merchant's Guild support a separate
organization of adventurers to deal with local problems
this group is known as the Lion’s Den. 'The Den' is
composed of mostly well meaning adventurers – though
some prefer to call them mercenaries.
While the guild has means to bring prosperity to the
region, some feel that only money motivates the guild.
During the war, the guild master himself fell victim to
corruption. However, the guild assures that this is a
thing of the past and that they keep tabs on all their
People of many different faiths in Elturgard support
the Lion's Den. Most of these are good-aligned faiths,
including the faiths of Sune, Tymora, and of course

The Dusk Talons

The Dusk Talons are a group of thieves and brigands
from Iriaebor, a town that has not fallen to the sway of
the Order of Torm. The Talons style themselves as
‘retainers for hire’, apparently serving those who spend
the coin to hire them, though they seem to have several
unknown criteria for their would-be employers.
The Talons are a major influence in Iriaebor. They
desire freedom and oppose the restrictive rule of the
ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 92
Handout I-B: Faction Goals
Faction goals: In this adventure, all factions desire to
find out who is behind the murders. However, they do
not directly task you with this. Each faction however has
some separate goals they desire you to help them with.
These are listed with each faction.

The Order of Torm

The Order desires to establish Torm’s law in Triel. To
that end, they want to arrest the members of The Way –
if not for the murders then for preaching heresy.
They also desire any insights on what goes on and
who is involved to be reported to them (and only them).
This is so they can determine how the information can
be used and who will gain access to it, for the good of the

The Lion’s Den

The Lion’s Den wishes to bring reason to the area and is
willing to bend the truth a little if that helps their goals.
They prefer to see The Way go free, as they fear
rounding them up will cause unrest and may lead to
even more restrictions that will reduce trade. On the
other hand, they do not wish to see the Way ally itself
with the Dusk Talons.
Information that is available should be dealt with
carefully – information that is potentially disrupting
should be kept to private eyes – preferably those of the

The Dusk Talons

The Dusk Talons do not believe The Way is involved in
the murders. They seek to aid members of The Way in
avoiding arrest in hopes that it will open up a way to
negotiations for an alliance, or at least a base in Triel.
If any information is uncovered on what really goes
on, it should be made public, even (or maybe especially)
if it is disruptive.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 93

Handout II: Arbosus’ Journal

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 94

Handout III: Murderers and Victims

Murderer 1 – Arlhym
The first murderer was Arlhym, a farmer who lost of his crops to the war. Arlhym went crazy just outside the gate and
attacked a guardswoman, strangling her before the other guards could drag him away. Arlhym was seen as a
troublemaker and blamed the Order for the loss of his farm. He was known to be a member of the Way.
Arlhym was knocked out with force and locked in jail; he hung himself in his cell.

Murderer 2 – Nemehn
The second murderer is Nemehn. Nemehn was a fanatic supporter of the Way spreading pamphlets until the Watch,
on the Order of Torm’s prompting, put a stop to it and fined him for ‘rioting.’ After that incident many people were
not eager to admit their involvement with the Way. Nemehn’s attack was unsuspected: he appeared in the market
one day, raving madly, grabbed a knife from a fish monger and started stabbing people at random.
He killed the fishmonger’s wife and an older man before he was brought down by a guard’s blade. He is held in
the barracks, but is not expected to live long due to the wounds he suffered in the fight.

Murderer 3 – Duyf
The third murderer is Duyf, a guard. Duyf was still in armor and bearing weapons when he went on a rampage in the
marketplace, killing four people, before his fellow guards killed him with a volley of crossbow bolts.
None of the guards had foreseen Duyf’s descent into madness.

Murderer 4 – Led Nymh

The fourth murderer is Led Nymh. Led is a ‘coinlass’ and her friends say that she periodically visited the Way.
She was arrested fairly easily, because her friends found her in her room, covered in blood, silently and almost
serenely stabbing at the corpse of her customer. Led is held in the barracks.

Murderer 5 – Hared the Bear

The fifth murderer is Hared ‘The Bear’, a giant man who haled cargo all his life. Hared broke the necks of two people
and wounded several more before the guards could subdue him. Hared is now held in the barracks.
It is not known if Hared visited the Way, but people say he had stopped showing up in the taverns for the last
week, possibly visiting clandestine meetings instead.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 95

Handout IV: Event Summary
The results of this adventure will have an impact on the future development of the Elturgard Story Area. We
appreciate your participation in this survey.
If you are at a convention, we recommend that each DM fill out the form on paper and deliver the filled in form
to the organizers, who can then answer the survey online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/LFRELTU0301.
If you run this adventure at home, or at a public event where the event organizer is not going to enter the survey
data, please visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/LFRELTU0301 to complete the questionnaire.
The survey period closes on 01 April 2011. The adventure remains playable after that date, but Event Summary
results will be tabulated at the end of the survey period and that will be the official result for the campaign as a whole.

If played at a convention, what slot:

DMs Name:

Question 1. Which faction did the PCs work for? Question 6. Was Bellavous the Quasit able to
a. The Order of Torm escape?
b. The Dusk Talons a. No
c. The Lion’s Den b. Yes
d. The party split and tried to work for multiple
factions. Question 7. Did any members of the cult (The Way)
e. none die due to any failure or inaction of the PCs?
a. No
Question 2. Who has Arbosus’ Journal? b. Yes
a. PCs kept it
b. Nualla A’Ashemmi, Dusk Talons Question 8. How many of the PCs contracted filth
c. Order of Torm fever from the essence of Bhaal in Encounter 4? (0 to
d. Liahanna, Lion’s Den 6)
e. Was not recovered
Question 9. Please ask the players to rate the
Question 3. Did the PCs arrest any members of The adventure, and the DM should do likewise. You may
Way? use whatever criteria you wish.
a. No
b. Yes How do the players rate this adventure on a scale from
1-5, where 1 is the worst possible rating, 3 is average,
Question 4. Did the Dusk Talons and The Way form and 5 is the best possible rating?
an alliance?
a. No 1 2 3 4 5
b. Yes
How does the DM rate this adventure on a scale from 1-
Question 5. Did the PCs reveal the nature of 5, where 1 is the worst possible rating, 3 is average, and
Arbosus’ experiment to the public, or did they hide 5 is the best possible rating?
the truth?
a. They hid the truth. 1 2 3 4 5
b. They revealed the truth.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions Page 96

__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________
(character name) (character name) (character name)

Has Received Story Awards From: Has Received Story Awards From: Has Received Story Awards From:
(cross out those not received) (cross out those not received) (cross out those not received)

ELTU3~1 Good Intentions ELTU3~1 Good Intentions ELTU3~1 Good Intentions

ELTU01 Arbosus’ Journal ELTU01 Arbosus’ Journal ELTU01 Arbosus’ Journal
You uncovered the journal of Arbosus, a lich who You uncovered the journal of Arbosus, a lich who You uncovered the journal of Arbosus, a lich who
worked on strange experiments using what he refers worked on strange experiments using what he refers worked on strange experiments using what he refers
to as “the essence of Bhaal.” to as “the essence of Bhaal.” to as “the essence of Bhaal.”
You had several choices what to do with the You had several choices what to do with the You had several choices what to do with the
journal. Circle the choice your PC made: journal. Circle the choice your PC made: journal. Circle the choice your PC made:
• You kept it. • You kept it. • You kept it.
• You gave it to Nualla A’Ashemmi and the • You gave it to Nualla A’Ashemmi and the • You gave it to Nualla A’Ashemmi and the
Dusk Talons. Dusk Talons. Dusk Talons.
• You gave it to the order of Torm. • You gave it to the order of Torm. • You gave it to the order of Torm.
• You gave it to Liahanna as a representative • You gave it to Liahanna as a representative • You gave it to Liahanna as a representative
of the Lion’s Den. of the Lion’s Den. of the Lion’s Den.
You also uncovered sensitive information that could You also uncovered sensitive information that could You also uncovered sensitive information that could
damage the Order of Torm’s reputation. You had the damage the Order of Torm’s reputation. You had the damage the Order of Torm’s reputation. You had the
choice to disclose this information to the population, choice to disclose this information to the population, choice to disclose this information to the population,
or to keep it private. or to keep it private. or to keep it private.
Circle what your PC did with this information: Circle what your PC did with this information: Circle what your PC did with this information:
• You disclosed the information • You disclosed the information • You disclosed the information
• You kept the information quiet • You kept the information quiet • You kept the information quiet
This Story Award begins the Sinister Intentions Major This Story Award begins the Sinister Intentions Major This Story Award begins the Sinister Intentions Major
Quest. Quest. Quest.

ELTU02 Reputation ELTU02 Reputation ELTU02 Reputation

You have performed a mission for one of the You have performed a mission for one of the You have performed a mission for one of the
influential factions of Elturgard and earned some influential factions of Elturgard and earned some influential factions of Elturgard and earned some
favor with them. This may become important in favor with them. This may become important in favor with them. This may become important in
future adventures. future adventures. future adventures.
Circle below the ONE organization with which Circle below the ONE organization with which Circle below the ONE organization with which
you earned a favor in this adventure: you earned a favor in this adventure: you earned a favor in this adventure:
• The Order of Torm • The Order of Torm • The Order of Torm
• The Dusk Talons • The Dusk Talons • The Dusk Talons
• The Lion’s Den • The Lion’s Den • The Lion’s Den

This Story Award also counts as a recommendation This Story Award also counts as a recommendation This Story Award also counts as a recommendation
to join the circled faction’s Meta-Organization. to join the circled faction’s Meta-Organization. to join the circled faction’s Meta-Organization.
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
(character name) (character name)

Has Recovered a Relic During the Adventure: Has Recovered a Relic During the Adventure:

ELTU3~1 Good Intentions ELTU3~1 Good Intentions

RARE01 Orb of Light RARE01 Orb of Light
You must choose this item as your Treasure from ELTU3-1 and spend a found- You must choose this item as your Treasure from ELTU3-1 and spend a found-
item slot in order to take this certificate. This item counts as one of the Rare item slot in order to take this certificate. This item counts as one of the Rare
items you are allowed to possess (1 at Heroic tier, 2 at Paragon tier, 3 at Epic items you are allowed to possess (1 at Heroic tier, 2 at Paragon tier, 3 at Epic
tier). Thereafter, the item’s level automatically adjusts to the highest version (up tier). Thereafter, the item’s level automatically adjusts to the highest version (up
to +6) that is within 4 levels of your character level. You do not need to pay any to +6) that is within 4 levels of your character level. You do not need to pay any
gold or spend additional found-item slots in order for the item to level up. This gold or spend additional found-item slots in order for the item to level up. This
item is attuned to you; it cannot be used by other characters, nor can you sell it. item is attuned to you; it cannot be used by other characters, nor can you sell it.

Orb of Light Level 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Rare Orb of Light Level 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Rare

This orb appears to be a large, faintly glowing white pearl. When worn or wielded by a This orb appears to be a large, faintly glowing white pearl. When worn or wielded by a
character capable of using a holy symbol as an implement, its surface shows an image character capable of using a holy symbol as an implement, its surface shows an image
of that character’s deity. of that character’s deity.
Lvl 5 (+1) / Lvl 10 (+2) / Lvl 15 (+3) / Lvl 20 (+4) / Lvl 25 (+5) / Lvl 30 (+6) Lvl 5 (+1) / Lvl 10 (+2) / Lvl 15 (+3) / Lvl 20 (+4) / Lvl 25 (+5) / Lvl 30 (+6)
Implement (Holy Symbol) Implement (Holy Symbol)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1d6 radiant damage per plus (or +1d10 radiant damage per plus Critical: +1d6 radiant damage per plus (or +1d10 radiant damage per plus
against undead creatures). against undead creatures).
Power (Encounter, Radiant, Weapon): Standard Action. Effect: You use radiant Power (Encounter, Radiant, Weapon): Standard Action. Effect: You use radiant
smite (Paladin Attack 1) with your currently wielded melee weapon. smite (Paladin Attack 1) with your currently wielded melee weapon.
Power (Daily, Channel Divinity, Implement, Radiant): Standard Action. Effect: Power (Daily, Channel Divinity, Implement, Radiant): Standard Action. Effect:
You use the Turn Undead cleric class feature as if you were a cleric of your You use the Turn Undead cleric class feature as if you were a cleric of your
current character level, using this item as the implement. This does not count current character level, using this item as the implement. This does not count
against your normal usage limit of Channel Divinity powers for the encounter. against your normal usage limit of Channel Divinity powers for the encounter.
Power (Daily, Implement): Standard Action. Effect: You make the following Power (Daily, Implement): Standard Action. Effect: You make the following
attack against each undead creature within 10 squares. attack against each undead creature within 10 squares.
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: You pull the target 8 squares. Hit: You pull the target 8 squares.

Reference: Custom LFR version of the orb of light artifact found in Open Grave. Reference: Custom LFR version of the orb of light artifact found in Open Grave.
This version is NOT an artifact (it does not have a Concordance score, etc.) The This version is NOT an artifact (it does not have a Concordance score, etc.) The
ability to speak, read, and write Supernal was intentionally removed from this ability to speak, read, and write Supernal was intentionally removed from this
version of the item (instead, it auto-levels to match your character level). version of the item (instead, it auto-levels to match your character level).
Event Name: _______________________________ Event Code: __________________________
(This number was given to the organizer when the event was scheduled)

S ess i o n T r ac k i n g
Adventure Title: ______________________________________________ Session Number: ____
(For administrative use only)

D u n g e o n MMaste
/ / Start Time: :
Give hour in military time standard (p.m. hours
Date of Play: = hour +12). Don’t record the exact minute the
Month Day Year Hour Minute adventure played. Instead list the closest 30- DM Name: _____________________
minute interval the game was scheduled to start
at (30 or 00).
A legal table has no less than four players, and no more than six players.
RPGA Number: May be less than a 10-digit number.

Player WIN/DCI
Name Number

a b c

6 Dungeons & Dragons is a trademark of Wizards of the

Coast LLC. © 2011 Wizards of the Coast LLC

Event Name: _______________________________ Event Code: __________________________

(This number was given to the organizer when the event was scheduled)

S ess i o n T r ac k i n g
Adventure Title: ______________________________________________ Session Number: ____
(For administrative use only)

D u n g e o n MMaste
/ / Start Time: :
Give hour in military time standard (p.m. hours
Date of Play: = hour +12). Don’t record the exact minute the
Month Day Year Hour Minute adventure played. Instead list the closest 30- DM Name: _____________________
minute interval the game was scheduled to start
at (30 or 00).
A legal table has no less than four players, and no more than six players.
RPGA Number: May be less than a 10-digit number.

Player WIN/DCI
Name Number

a b c

6 Dungeons & Dragons is a trademark of Wizards of the

Coast LLC. © 2011 Wizards of the Coast LLC

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