On The Job Training

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on the job training (OJT)

Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/on-the-job-training-OJT.htmlEmployee

training at the place of work while he or she is doing the actual job. Usually a professional trainer (or
sometimes an experienced employee) serves as the course instructor using hands-on training often
supported by formal classroom training. See also off the job training.

Written or recorded account of a proceeding (such as an interview or court case) that remains a
permanent evidence of the subject matter. See also off the record.

&raining is an act of increasing knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job.

On-the-job training (O &% has been used successfully as training procedure from the beginning of
recorded history. &his can be an effective training method or lack of training can cause many problems
by not providing the skills and knowledge needed by the worker (*lippo" +,, %. eing a /01 student
one must know how to be naturally happy because sometimes guests don2t only seek for the food we
serve but the service we provide. 3e also need to be productive and notto complain at some point that
we are commanded by those who are higher than us because they know how to reward us as we work
hard. &hese things can be used in schools" offices" and other industry.4ttitude defines character and
character defines lifestyle. In the restaurant operations" attitude is the most important in the hospitality
industry. If an employee does not have a good attitude" it will affect the establishment2s reputation (
uked" +,,5%.6oncurrently knowledge and understanding can also be furtheradvanced through planned
7teaching and learning8 in the actual work setting. 4n efficient on-the-job training or O & program is
vital for developing the highly skilled employees needed for a

business2 success. O & has many advantages as a planned training program" such as predictable
training outcomes and a manageable process. &his can also gain or improve educational attainment
andeconomic status.On-the-job training focuses on the ac)uisition of skills within the workers
environment generally under normal working conditions. &hrough on the job training workers ac)uire
both general skills that they can transfer from one job to another andspecific skills that are uni)ue to a
particular job. On-the-job training typically includes verbal and written instruction and demonstration.
Observation and hands-on practice and imitation are who party the O &. On-the-job training is the
oldest form of training. 9rior to the advent of off-site training classrooms" the only practical way of
learning a job is working alongside an experienced worker in a particular trade or profession. On-the-job
learning is a practical method that offers an easier" more effective method to ensure that education is
constantly improving(1anask" +,,+%.*ocus of training and development activities is on change and:or
improvement in knowledge" skills" and attitude of employees ( esimone" +,,+%.0estaurant practicum
exposes the students to a new world where they can learn the actual operation in the restaurant. It

also enhances the capabilities of every student to do work with confidence (3alker" +,,;%.&he students
easily relate to the situations and experiencesnew to them. &hey can easily adapt to the situations they
are into. Students nowadays are flexible that is why they can easily gain knowledge. 4 study of different
experiences has shown one important effect in hospitality industry. &he students will probably pass
through a period of shyness and self-consciousness towards many people but after they would
undergone that period" the students develop more confidence in themselves (4rduser" +,, %One goal
of a performance is to judge the level of competency students achieve in doing trainings (9arker" <ouie
=O2 ywer" +,,$%. &herefore" performance assessments can also produce useful information for
diagnostic purposes to assess what students know. &hese assessment strategies can also be used to
monitor students2 processing skills and problem-solving approaches" as well as their competence in
particular areas while simulating learning activities.

&raining needs assessment is one of the factors that determine success of training to bring the said
change (I)bal" +,,5%.4ssessment of on-the-job training is one of the problems of students. &here are
offices that are very conservative on giving final grades of students. Students are also making hard time
adjusting on their time and the prolong hours of the training.4nd also to determine if the program
developed and enhanced the students2 knowledge and skills that is re)uired in order to become more
responsive to the demands of /otel and 0estaurant 1anagement profession. 4nd to know if it develops
the value of professionalism" love of work" and commitment to the people they served" felt and
experienced the actual world of workin different industry.


<ocal <iterature It is important for employees to have good working habitssince it gives them the drive
to succeed in their careers.>stablishing these habits not only improve the )uality of workyou put in but
also it allows one to have more time for theirpersonal life since time management is also developed.
evelopinggood work habits provides you with the chance of being more

productive and well-appreciated at work. 4pplying a positiveattitude towards the tasks at hand can
influence other peoplearound you as well. ?O9I@OA.com provide a list of good work habitto develop
such asB #.% Set up a goal or a mission and apply astrong work ethic to provide you that sense of
direction neededto accomplish )uality tasks in the shortest time possible. +.%&hink positive. o not
think of the complexities of your jobinstead" consider these difficulties as a challenge. eal withthe
problem" do not avoid them. AouCre going to have to face thesame problem eventually. D.% t is a good
work habit to giveimportance to good attendance and punctuality. oing so can getyou off to a good
start and it can be a positive asset on yourpart. 4pply neatness" orderliness and speed by cleaning up
and gettingorgani!ed. It allows you to work faster since itCs easy to findthings when the workplace is
clean and sorted out properly. .%9lan your day ahead of time. &his is one of the most
importantamong the good work habits you should develop. <ist things thatyou should prioriti!e to work
the next day. &his could guide youwhenever you get side tracked and forget what your originalpurpose
was. 5.% 3ork smarter" not harder. 1anage your time wellEsegregate activities into time wasters or
maximum use of time.&ime wasters such as telephone calls and dealing emails can justbe kept short
and on topic as well as keeping email accounts

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