21 Wycliffe New Testament 1st Peter

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1:1 Peter, apostle of Jesus Christ, to the chosen men, to the comelings of
scattering abroad [to the chosen comelings of dispersion, or scattering abroad], of Pontus, of
Galatia, of Cappadocia, of Asia, and of Bithynia,
1:2 by the before-knowing of God, the Father, in hallowing of Spirit, by
obedience, and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ, grace and peace be multiplied
to you. [after the prescience of God, the Father, into hallowing of the Spirit, into obedience, and
sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ, grace and peace to you be multiplied.]

1:3 Blessed be God, and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which by his great
mercy [which after his great mercy] begat us again into living hope, by the again-rising
of Jesus Christ from death [by the again-rising of Jesus Christ from dead],
1:4 into heritage uncorruptible, and undefouled, and that shall not fade, that is
kept in heavens for you [kept in heavens for you],
1:5 that in the virtue of God be kept by the faith into health, and is ready to be
showed in the last time [made ready to be showed in the last time].
1:6 In which ye shall make joy, though it behooveth now a little to be sorry in
diverse temptations;
1:7 that the proving of your faith be much more precious than gold, that is
proved by fire; and be found into praising, and glory, and honour, in the revelation
of Jesus Christ.
1:8 Whom when ye have not seen, ye love; into whom also now ye not seeing,
believe; but ye that believe shall have joy, and gladness that may not be told out,
and ye shall be glorified [forsooth ye believing shall have joy withoutforth in gladness
unnarrable, that is, that may not be told out, and glorified],

1:9 and have the end of your faith, the health of your souls. [bringing again the end
of your faith, the health of your souls.]


1:10 Of which health prophets sought, and searched into, that prophesied of the
grace to coming in you, [Of which health prophets sought out, and ensearched, that
prophesied of the grace to come into you,]

1:11 and sought which either what manner time the Spirit of Christ signified in
them, and before-told those passions, that be in Christ, and the latter glories. [seeking
which or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ signified in them, before-telling the passions,
that be in Christ, and the latter glories.]

1:12 To which it was showed [To whom it is showed], for not to themselves, but to
you they ministered those things, that now be told to you by them that preached to
you [that now be told to you by them that evangelized to you] by the Holy Ghost sent from
heaven, into whom angels desire to behold.
1:13 For which thing be ye gird the loins of your soul, sober, perfect, and hope ye
into that grace that is proffered to you by the showing of Jesus Christ [and hope ye into
that grace that is offered to you by the revelation, or showing, of Jesus Christ],

1:14 as sons of obedience, not made like to the former desires of your
unknowingness, [as sons of obedience, not together likened to the former desires of your

1:15 but like him that hath called you holy; that also ye self be holy in all living
[that and yourselves be holy in all living];

1:16 for it is written, Ye shall be holy, for I am holy.

1:17 And if ye inwardly call him Father, which deemeth without acception of
persons by the work of each man [the which without acception of persons deemeth after the
work of each man], live ye in dread in the time of your pilgrimage [in earth];

1:18 witting that not by corruptible gold, either silver [or silver], ye be bought again
of your vain living of fathers' tradition,
1:19 but by the precious blood as of the lamb undefouled and unspotted, Christ

1:20 that was known before the making of the world, but he is showed in the last
times, for you

1:21 that by him be faithful in God; that raised him from death [that raised him from
dead men], and gave to him everlasting glory, that your faith and hope were in God.

1:22 And make ye chaste your souls in obedience of charity [Ye making chaste your


souls in obedience of charity], in love of brotherhood; of simple heart love ye together

more busily.
1:23 And be ye born again, not of corruptible seed, but [of] uncorruptible, by the
word of living God, and dwelling into without end.
1:24 For each flesh is hay, and all the glory of it is as the flower of hay; the hay
dried up, and his flower felled down [+the hay drieth up, and the flower fell down];
1:25 but the word of the Lord dwelleth without end [into without end]. And this is
the word, that is preached to you [Soothly this is the word, that is evangelized to you].
2:1 Therefore put ye away all malice, and all guile, and feignings, and envies, and
all backbitings; [Therefore putting away all malice, and all guile, and simulations, or feignings,
and envies, and all detractions;]

2:2 as now born young children, reasonable, without guile, covet ye milk [of full
teaching], that in it ye wax into health;
2:3 if nevertheless ye have tasted, that the Lord is sweet.
2:4 And approach ye to him, that is a living stone, and reproved of men [To whom
ye going nigh, a quick stone, reproved soothly of men], but chosen of God, and honoured;

2:5 and yourselves as quick stones be ye above builded [and yourselves as quick stones
be above builded] into spiritual houses, and an holy priesthood, to offer spiritual
sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
2:6 For which thing the scripture saith, Lo! I shall set in Sion the highest corner
stone, chosen and precious [For which thing the scripture holdeth, Lo! I shall put in Sion the
highest stone, a corner stone, chosen, precious]; and he that shall believe in him, shall not
be confounded.
2:7 Therefore honour to you that believe; but to men that believe not, the stone
whom the builders reproved, this is made into the head of the corner;
2:8 and the stone of hurting, and the stone of stumbling, to them that offend to
the word, neither believe it, in which they be set. [+and the stone of hurting, and the stone
of offence, to them that offend by word, neither believe, in which and they be put.]

2:9 But ye be a chosen kin, a kingly priesthood, holy folk, a people of purchasing,
that ye tell the virtues of him, that called you from darknesses into his wonderful


2:10 Which sometime were not a people of God, but now ye be the people of God;
which had not mercy, but now ye have mercy.
2:11 Most dear, I beseech you, as comelings and pilgrims, to abstain you from
fleshly desires, that fight against the soul;
2:12 and have ye your conversation good among heathen men [having your
conversation, or life, good among heathen men], that in that thing that they backbite of
you, as of misdoers, they behold you of good works, and glorify God in the day of
2:13 Be ye subject to each creature of man, for God; either to the king, as to him
that is higher in state [as precellent, or more worthy in state],
2:14 either to dukes, as to those that be sent of him to the vengeance of misdoers,
and to the praising of good men [forsooth to the praising of good deeds, or good men].
2:15 For so is the will of God, that ye do well, and make the unknowingness of
unprudent men to be dumb. [For so is the will of God, that ye doing well, make the
unknowingness of unwise men to be dumb.]

2:16 As free men, and not as having freedom the covering of malice, but as the
servants of God.
2:17 Honour ye all men, love ye brotherhood, dread ye God, honour ye the king.
2:18 Servants, be ye subject in all dread to lords, not only to good and to mild [not
only to good and mild], but also to tyrants.

2:19 For this is grace, if for conscience of God any man suffereth heavinesses, and
suffereth unjustly. [Forsooth this is grace, if for conscience of God any man suffereth sorrows, or
heavinesses, suffering unjustly.]

2:20 For what grace is it, if ye sin, and be buffeted, and suffer? But if ye do well,
and suffer patiently, this is grace with God.
2:21 For to this thing ye be called. For also Christ suffered for us, and left
ensample to you [leaving to you example], that ye follow the steps of him.
2:22 Which did not sin, neither guile was found in his mouth.
2:23 And when he was cursed, he cursed not [Which, when he was cursed, cursed not];
when he suffered, he menaced not; but he betook himself to him, that deemed him


2:24 And he himself bare our sins in his body on a tree [Which he himself suffered, or
bare, our sins in his body on the tree], that we be dead to sins, and live to rightwiseness,
by whose wan wound ye be healed.
2:25 For ye were as sheep erring, but ye be now turned to the shepherd, and bishop
of your souls.
3:1 Also women be they subject to their husbands; that if any man believe not to
the word [+Also women be subject to their husbands; that if any believe not to the word], by
the conversation of women they be won without word.
3:2 And behold ye in dread your holy conversation.
3:3 Of whom be there not withoutforth curious adorning of hair, either doing
about of gold, either adorning of clothing; [Of which be not withoutforth curious adorning
of hair, or doing about of gold, or adorning of clothing of vestments;]

3:4 but that that is the hid man of heart, in uncorruption, and of mild spirit [in
uncorruptibility of quiet and mild spirit], which is rich in the sight of God.

3:5 For so sometime holy women hoping in God adorned themselves, and were
subject to their own husbands.
3:6 As Sara obeyed to Abraham, and called him lord [calling him lord]; of whom ye
be daughters well-doing, and not dreading any perturbation.
3:7 Also men dwell together, and by knowing give ye honour to the woman's
frailty, as to the more feeble, and as to even-heirs of grace and of life, that your
prayers be not hindered. [Also men together dwelling, after science, or knowing, giving honour
to the woman’s vessel, or body, as to the more sick, as and to even-heirs of grace of life, that your
prayers be not letted.]

3:8 And in faith all of one will, in prayer be ye each suffering with other, lovers of
brotherhood, merciful, mild, meek; [Forsooth in faith all of one understanding, or will, in
prayer be ye compassionate, or each suffering with other, lovers of fraternity, merciful, mild, meek;]

3:9 not yielding evil for evil, neither cursing for cursing, but on the contrary
blessing; for in this thing ye be called, that ye wield blessing by heritage.
3:10 For he that will love life, and see good days, constrain his tongue from evil,
and his lips, that they speak not guile [that they speak no guile].


3:11 And bow he from evil, and do good; seek he peace, and perfectly follow it [and
perfectly sue it].

3:12 For the eyes of the Lord be on just men, and his ears on the prayers of them;
but the face of the Lord is on men that do evils [forsooth the cheer of the Lord is on men
doing evils].

3:13 And who is it that shall harm you, if ye be followers and lovers of goodness [if
ye shall be good followers]?

3:14 But also if ye suffer any thing for rightwiseness, ye be blessed; but dread ye
not the dread of them, that ye be not disturbed. [+But and if ye suffer any thing for
rightwiseness, ye be blessed; but dread ye not the dread of them, that ye be not distroubled.]

3:15 But hallow ye the Lord Christ in your hearts, and evermore be ye ready to [do]
satisfaction to each man asking you reason of that faith and hope that is in you, but
with mildness and dread,
3:16 having good conscience; that in that thing that they backbite of you, they be
confounded, which challenge falsely your good conversation in Christ.
3:17 For it is better that ye do well, and suffer, if the will of God will, than doing
evil. [Soothly it is better, if the will of God will, ye well-doing, to suffer, than evil-doing.]
3:18 For also Christ once died for our sins, he just for unjust, that he should offer to
God us [that he should offer us to God], made dead in flesh, but made quick in Spirit.
3:19 For which thing he came in Spirit, and also to them that were closed together
in prison;
3:20 which were sometime unbelieveful, when they abided the patience of God in
the days of Noah, when the ship was made [when the ark, or ship, was made], in which a
few, that is to say, eight souls were made safe by water.
3:21 And so baptism of like form maketh us safe [The which thing and baptism of like
form maketh us safe]; not the putting away of the filths of flesh, but the asking of a
good conscience in God, by the again-rising of our Lord Jesus Christ,
3:22 that is in the right half of God, and swalloweth death [he swallowing death], that
we should be made heirs of everlasting life. He went into heaven [He gone into
heaven], and angels, and powers, and virtues, be made subject to him.


4:1 Therefore for Christ suffered in flesh, be ye also armed by the same thinking;
for he that suffered in flesh ceased from sins,
4:2 that that is left now of time in flesh live not now to the desires of men, but to
the will of God. [that he live not now to the desires of men, but to the will of God, that that is
more of time in flesh.]

4:3 For the time that is passed [Soothly the time passed] is enough to the will of
heathen men to be ended, which walked in lecheries, and lusts, in much drinking of
wine, in unmeasurable eatings [in oft eatings], and drinkings, and unleaveful
worshipping of maumets [and unleaveful worshippings of idols].
4:4 In which now they be astonished, in which thing they wonder, for ye run not
together into the same confusion of lechery, and blaspheme [blaspheming].
4:5 And they shall give reason to him, that is ready to deem the quick and the
4:6 For why for this thing it is preached also to dead men, that they be deemed
by men in flesh, and that they live by God in spirit. [+For why for this thing to dead men
it is evangelized also, that they be deemed soothly after men in flesh, but that they live after God
in spirit.]

4:7 For the end of all things shall approach [Forsooth the end of all things shall nigh].
Therefore be ye prudent, and wake ye in prayers;

4:8 before all things have ye charity each to other in yourselves always [all-gates]
lasting; for charity covereth the multitude of sins.

4:9 Hold ye hospitality together without grudging [without grutching];

4:10 each man as he hath received grace, ministering it into each other [ministering
each to other], as good dispensers of the manifold grace of God.

4:11 If any man speaketh, speak he as the words of God; if any man ministereth, as
of the virtue which God ministereth; that God be honoured in all things by Jesus
Christ our Lord, to whom is glory and lordship into worlds of worlds. Amen.

4:12 Most dear brethren, do not ye go in pilgrimage in fervor, that is made to you to
temptation [Most dear, do not ye go in pilgrimage in fervor, that is made to you into
temptation], as if any new thing befall to you;


4:13 but commune ye with the passions of Christ, and have ye joy, that also ye be
glad, and have joy in the revelation of his glory. [but ye communing to the passions of
Christ, have joy, that and ye gladding withoutforth, have joy in the revelation of his glory.]

4:14 If ye be despised for the name of Christ, ye shall be blessed; for that that is of
the honour, and of the glory, and of the virtue of God, and the Spirit that is his, shall
rest on you [for that that is of the glory and virtue of God, and the Spirit that is his, resteth on

4:15 But no man of you suffer as a manslayer, either a thief, either curser, either a
desirer of other men's goods; [Forsooth no man of you suffer as a manslayer, or a thief, or
curser, or desirer of other men’s things;]

4:16 but if he suffer as a christian man, shame he not, but glorify he God in this

4:17 For time is, that doom begin at God’s house [For time is, that doom begin of God’s
house]; and if it begin first at us, what end shall be of them, that believe not to the
4:18 And if a just man scarcely shall be saved, where shall the unfaithful man and
the sinner appear [where shall the unpious man and sinner appear]?
4:19 Therefore and they that suffer by the will of God [And so, and they that suffer
after the will of God], betake their souls in good deeds to the faithful maker of nought.


5:1 Therefore I, an even-elder man, and a witness of Christ's passions, which also
am a communer of that glory, that shall be showed in time to come; beseech the
elder men, that be among you, [+Therefore I, even-elder and a witness of Christ’s passions,
beseech the elder men that be in you, which also am a communer of that glory that shall be showed
in time to come,]

5:2 feed ye the flock of God, that is among you, and purvey ye, not as
constrained, but willfully, by God [purveying not constrainingly, but willfully, after God];
not for love of foul winning, but willfully,
5:3 neither as having lordship in the clergy, but that ye be made ensample to the
flock, of will. [+neither as having lordship in the clergy, but made form, or example, of the flock,
and of intent, either will.]

5:4 And when the prince of shepherds shall appear, ye shall receive the crown of
glory, that may never fade [that shall never fade].


5:5 Also, ye young men, be ye subject to elder men, and all show ye together
meekness [+Also ye younger men, be subject to elder men, forsooth all show ye together
meekness]; for the Lord withstandeth proud men, but he giveth grace to meek men.

5:6 Therefore be ye meeked under the mighty hand of God, that he raise you in
the time of visitation [that he raise you in the day of visitation],
5:7 and cast ye all your busyness into him, for to him is care of you. [ye casting into
him all your busyness, for to him is care of you.]

5:8 Be ye sober, and wake ye, for your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion goeth
about, seeking whom he shall devour.

5:9 Whom against stand ye, strong in the faith, witting that the same passion is
made to that brotherhood of you, that is in the world [witting the same passion to be
done to that your brotherhood, that is in the world].

5:10 And God of all grace, that called you into his everlasting glory, you suffering a
little [in Christ Jesus], he shall perform, and shall confirm, and shall make firm [he
shall perform, shall confirm, and shall make firm].

5:11 To him be glory and lordship, into worlds of worlds. Amen.

5:12 By Silvanus, [a] faithful brother to you as I deem, I wrote shortly; beseeching,
and witnessing that this is the very grace of God, in which ye stand.
5:13 The church that is gathered in Babylon, and Marcus, my son, greeteth you
well. [The church that is gathered at Babylon greeteth you well, and Marcus, my son.]
5:14 Greet ye well together in holy kiss. Grace be to you all that be in Christ.


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