G.C.R.G. Group of Institutions: Design of Intze Tank
G.C.R.G. Group of Institutions: Design of Intze Tank
G.C.R.G. Group of Institutions: Design of Intze Tank
SESSION- 2018-19
A water tank is used to store water to tide over the daily requirement. In the
construction of concrete structure for the storage of water and other liquids the
imperviousness of concrete is most essential .The permeability of any uniform and
thoroughly compacted concrete of given mix proportions is mainly dependent on
water cement ratio .The increase in water cement ratio results in increase in the
permeability .The decrease in water cement ratio will therefore be desirable to
decrease the permeability, but very much reduced water cement ratio may cause
compaction difficulties and prove to be harmful also. Design of liquid retaining
structure has to be based on the avoidance of cracking in the concrete having
regard to its tensile strength. Cracks can be prevented by avoiding the use of thick
timber shuttering which prevent the easy escape of heat of hydration from the
concrete mass .the risk of cracking can also be minimized by reducing the
restraints on free expansion or contraction of the structure. "Constturction of
Water Tank 120 K.L. capacity At DildarNagar Ghazipur U.P."
2. To make a study about the guidelines for the design of liquid retaining structure
according to IS Code.
3. To know about the design philosophy for the safe and economical design of
water tank.
4. To develop programs for the design of water tank of flexible base and rigid base
and the underground tank to avoid the tedious calculations.
5. In the end, the programs are validated with the results of manual calculation
given in Concrete Structure.
3. Storage reservoirs.
1. Springs.
2. Infiltration wells.
field of study. It comprises the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and
qualitative techniques.
A methodology does not set out to provide solutions—it is therefore, not the same
a discipline";
2. "the systematic study of methods that are, can be, or have been applied
within a discipline";
The methodology is the general research strategy that outlines the way in which
used in it. These methods, described in the methodology, define the means or
modes of data collection or, sometimes, how a specific result is to be calculated.
Methodology does not define specific methods, even though much attention is
or to attain an objective.
methods. Doing this shifts it away from its true epistemological meaning and
reduces it to being the procedure itself, or the set of tools, or the instruments that
should have been its outcome. A methodology is the design process for carrying
out research or the development of a procedure and is not in itself an instrument, or
Methodology and method are not interchangeable. In recent years, however, there
has been a tendency to use methodology as a "pretentious substitute for the word
confusion and misinterpretation and undermines the proper analysis that should go
one can test it. Scientists generally base scientific hypotheses on previous
theories. Even though the words "hypothesis" and "theory" are often used
A different meaning of the term hypothesis is used in formal logic, to denote the
antecedent of a proposition; thus in the proposition "If P, then Q", P denotes the
The quantity of water required for municipal uses for which the water supply
scheme has to be designed requires following data:
Water consumption rate (Per Capita Demand in litres) per day per head Population
to be served.
It is very difficult to precisely assess the quantity of water demanded by the public,
since there are many variable factors affecting water consumption. The various
types of water demands, which a city may have, may be broken into following
• Size of the city: Per capita demand for big cities is generally large as compared to
that for smaller towns as big cities have sewered houses.
• Presence of industries.
• Climatic conditions.
• Quality of water.
• Medically safe, the consumption will increase as people will not resort to private
wells, etc.
• Efficiency of water works administration: Leaks in water mains and services; and
unauthorized use of water can be kept to a minimum by surveys.
• Cost of water.
• Policy of metering and charging method: Water tax is charged in two different
ways: on the basis of meter reading and on the basis of certain fixed monthly rate.
• Seasonal variation: The demand peaks during summer. Firebreak outs are
generally more in summer, increasing demand. So, there is seasonal variation.
• Daily variation depends on the activity. People draw out more water on
Sundays and Festival days, thus increasing demand on these days.
• Hourly variations are very important as they have a wide range. During active
household working hours i.e. from six to ten in the morning and four to eight in the
evening, the bulk of the daily requirement is taken. During other hours the
requirement is negligible. Moreover, if a fire breaks out, a huge quantity of water is
required to be supplied during short duration, necessitating the need for a
maximum rate of hourly supply.
So, an adequate quantity of water must be available to meet the peak demand. To
meet all the fluctuations, the supply pipes, service reservoirs and distribution pipes
must be properly proportioned. The water is supplied by pumping directly and the
pumps and distribution system must be designed to meet the peak demand. The
effect of monthly variation influences the design of storage reservoirs and the
hourly variations influences the design of pumps and service reservoirs. As the
population decreases, the fluctuation rate increases.
Six columns of 600 mm diameter to be symmetrically place at 60° c/c.
Length of column = 12 + 1 = 13 m. Consider column to have a batter of 1 in 20,
α= 2.862° and cos α= 0.999; sin α= 0.050
Total load:
Load from Top = 3843667.62 N
Self wt. of 6 columns = 529300.00 N
Wt. of Bracing = 60000.00N
Total = 4432967.62 N
Load on each column due to W = 738828 N
Thrust on each column = 739567.50 N
Diameter at base = 5.10+(12/10) =6.30m
Wind Loading Considering Vb - 50 m/sec.
Vz =Vbk1k2k3 = 0.90Vbk2k3 taking k1 as0.90 for 25 yrs. life.
Taking k2 and k3 both as unity.
pz = 0.60 v2 = 0.60 (45)2 =1215 N/m2
P1 = [7.5+0.450)(5.0(7.69)(2/3)(1.60)+(7.69+5.10)(1.60)/2] (1215)(0.70)
= 49915N
taking shape factor as 0.70
This acts at a height = 12 +1/2(1.60 + 5 +1.6)
P2 = Due to column, Bracing and circular Girder
= [(5.50) (0.600) + Vi (0.60) (4.0) (6.0)] (1215) (0.70)
+(5.50) (0.300) (1215) (0.70)
= 10333.58N at l2m above G.L.
=325 149.50
=667 575.50
= 91 7161.50
Referring to Fig. For XX axis
∑y2 = 4(D*√3)2/8 = 3/4d2
For YY axis ∑x2 = 2(D/ 2)2 + 4(D/4)2 =3/4D2
For bending about XXaxis,due to win d loading Referring to line 3-3.
V1 = V4 =0
And V2 =V3 = V5 = V6 = ±917161. 50/(3/4(6.10)2 (√3/4(6.10)
= ± 86 807.12M
For bending about YYaxis,
V1 =V4 = 91716 1.50*6.10
V2=V4 = V5=V6=± 50118.1 N
Maximum Thrust in column = 739567.50 + 100236. 23 /0.999
=83994 N At point 3-3,
On each column H= 878.5/6 =14634.17 N Vertical load
at (3) due to W.L. = 100236.23 N.
B.M on column = 14634.17(2)-100236.23N
= 19244.72 Nm
(Refer Fig.) design of column can be done by limit state method M - 20
Concrete Fe 415 steel. Self wt. of a column = 81530 N
Case-I:Pu =1105720.80 N
MUy=23093.664 Nm.
CaseII : P u = 1089589.38N
Muxx =24705.17 N
With 600φcolumn
Use d/D = 0.10
=497.54 mm2
Alternatively, the downward load may be calculated from the weight of water and
tank bottom of the part i.e. W2 less upward reaction of the support as shown in fig.
For section which cuts the tank bottom inside the support, the reaction has to be
considered with the weight of water and tank of the annular part.
Similar in the case of intze reservoir as in fig(a) which combines a truncated dome
with a spherical segment. Patterns of the two forces Nφ1 and Nφ2 at point A are
shown in fig(b).To eliminate horizontal forces on the supporting ring girder,it is
necessary that Nφ1cosα1 = Nφ2cosα2.
(3) Floor and bottom slab (4) floor beams, including circular girder
Among these the circular types are proposed for large capacities. Such circular
tanks may have flat floors or domical floors and these are supported on circular
The most common type of circular tank is the one which is called an Intze Tank. In
such cases, a domed cover is provided at top with a cylindrical and conical wall at
bottom. A ring beam will be required to support the domed roof. A ring beam is
also provided at the junction of the cylindrical and conical walls. The conical wall
and the tank floor are supported on a ring girder which is supported on a number of
Usually a domed floor is shown in fig a result of which the ring girder supported
on the columns will be relieved from the horizontal thrusts as the horizontal thrusts
of the conical wall and the domed floor act in opposite direction.
. (1) The dome at top usually 100 mm to 150 mm thick with reinforcement along
the meridians and latitudes. The rise is usually l/5th of the span.
(2) Ring beam supporting the dome. The ring beam is necessary to resist the
horizontal component of the thrust of the dome. The ring beam will be designed for
the hoop tension induced.
(3) Cylindrical walls: This has to be designed for hoop tension caused due to
horizontal water pressure.
(4) Ring beam at the junction of the cylindrical walls and the conical wall. This
ring beam is provided to resist the horizontal component of the reaction of the
conical wall on the cylindrical wall. The ring beam will be designed for the
induced hoop tension.
(5) Conical slab, this will be designed for hoop tension due to water pressure. The
slab will also be designed as a slab spanning between the ring beam at top and the
ring girder at bottom.
(6) Floor of the tank. The floor may be circular or domed. This slab is supported on
the ring girder.
(7) The ring girder: This will be designed to support the tank and its contents. The
girder will be supported on columns and should be designed for resulting bending
moment and Torsion.
(8) Columns: These are to be designed for the total load transferred to them. The
columns will be braced at intervals and have to be designed for wind pressure or
seismic loads whichever govern.
(9) Foundations: A combined footing is usual provided for all supporting columns.
When this is done it is usual to make the foundation consisting of a ring girder and
a circular slab.
Suitable proportions for the Intze. for case(1) suggested by Reynolds. Total
volume ~0.585D3
For case (2), the proportion was suggested by Grey and Total Volume is given by
V2 = π.h/12(D2+d2+d) =0.10263 D3
Volume V =o.4693 D3
Volume V= 0.493 D3
Storage of water in the form of tanks for drinking and washing purposes,
swimming pools for exercise and enjoyment, and sewage sedimentation tanks are
gaining increasing importance in the present day life. For small capacities we go
for rectangular water tanks while for bigger capacities we provide circular water
tanks. Design of water tank is a very tedious method. Particularly design of under
ground water tank involves lots of mathematical formulae and calculation. It is also
time consuming. Hence program gives a solution to the above problems. There is a
calculation. The program gives the least value for the design. Hence designer
should not provide less than the values we get from the program. In case of
theoretical calculation designer initially add some extra values to the obtained
means by which to connect to or link to, another object. The first object in this
relation is said to refer to the second object. It is called a name for the second
object. The second object, the one to which the first object refers, is called the
referent of the first object. A name is usually a phrase or expression, or some other
References can take on many forms, including: a thought, a sensory perception that
physical object or an energy projection. In some cases, methods are used that
References feature in many spheres of human activity and knowledge, and the term