Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS)
Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS)
Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS)
System (WHRS)
for Reduction of Fuel Consumption,
Emissions and EEDI
Summary...................................................................................................... 5
Introduction.................................................................................................. 5
Description of the Waste Heat Recovery Systems.......................................... 6
Power concept and arrangement............................................................. 6
Power turbine and generator (PTG).......................................................... 7
Steam turbine and generator (STG).......................................................... 7
Main engine and WHRS system control.................................................... 9
Installation aspects................................................................................ 11
Power turbine WHRS solution................................................................ 12
Steam turbine WHRS solution................................................................ 12
Main Engine Performance Data................................................................... 15
Main engine tuning for WHRS................................................................ 15
Exhaust gas bypass with power turbine.................................................. 15
Exhaust gas bypass without power turbine............................................. 15
Exhaust gas boiler and steam systems................................................... 16
Single-pressure steam system............................................................... 16
Steam and water diagram – ME WHRS element..................................... 18
Main engine steam production power (SPP) guarantee........................... 18
Obtainable Electric Power of the WHRS....................................................... 20
Power and steam turbine generator output – dual pressure.................... 21
Payback time for waste heat recovery system........................................ 22
Emission Effects of using WHRS.................................................................. 25
WHRS Effect on Ship’s EEDI Value.............................................................. 26
Conclusion.................................................................................................. 27
Reference................................................................................................... 27
Nomenclature / abbreviations...................................................................... 28
Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS)
for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI
far the most attractive among the waste Jacket water Jacket water
heat sources of a ship because of the cooler 5.2% cooler 5.2%
heat flow and temperature. It is possi- Exhaust gas Exhaust gas and condenser
ble to generate an electrical output of 25.5% 22.9% (22.3%)
Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI 5
Today several different WHRSs are
WHR System - Configuration: MAN Diesel & Turbo
readily available. Depending on the Steam Turbine Power Turbine
1,5 – 5,5 MWel 0,5 – 3,5 MWel
level of complexity acceptable to the Dual pressure
owner and shipyard and the actual exhaust gas
boiler LP Generator
electrical power consumption onboard, LP HP
Renk AG
it is possible to choose between the fol- MAN Diesel & Turbo HP
GB1 GB2 Gearboxes 1 u. 2
lowing systems:
STG – Steam Turbine Generator Fig. 2: Waste heat recovery system principles
Steam turbine standalone generator an increase in the maximum obtain- ing the best suited propulsion power
(single or dual pressure) able steam production power for the and rpm for the ship – biggest possible
exhaust gas fired boiler – steam, which propeller – so as to ensure the lowest
PTG – Power Turbine Generator can be used in a steam turbine for elec- possible fuel consumption for the basic
Power turbine standalone generator. tricity production. performance of the ship. For more in-
formation on this topic, we refer to the
In the future, special variants and com- Also, the pressure drop in the exhaust MAN Diesel & Turbo paper “Basic Prin-
binations of the above systems may be gas bypass, which is part of the WHRS, ciples of Ship Propulsion”, see Ref. 1.
foreseen, particularly with the fulfilment can be utilised to produce electricity by
of Tier III concerning NOx from 2016 applying a power turbine. The main In many cases, WHRS will be able to
and other future regulations. WHRS principles are shown in Fig. 2. supply the total electricity need of the
ship as a standalone power source,
Description of the Waste Heat As mentioned before, WHRS consists but it can also run in parallel with a
Recovery Systems of different components, which may be shaft generator, shaft motor and aux-
Power concept and arrangement a “standalone” installation or a com- iliary diesel generating sets. This type
The principle of the WHRS-matched bined installation. of advanced power system requires
MAN B&W low speed diesel en- an advanced power management sys-
gine is that part of the exhaust gas Choosing a system for a project de- tem (PMS), with which the MAN Diesel
flow is byassed the main engine pends on the power demand onboard & Turbo engine control system is de-
turbocharger(s) through an exhaust gas the ship (electrical load at sea), the signed to communicate.
bypass. ship’s running profile (hours at different
main engine loads at sea), the accept- Particularly for container ship designs,
As a result, the total amount of intake able payback time for the proposed WHRS has found its place where it
air and exhaust gas is reduced. The WHRS solution based on the running contemplates a technological step
reduction of the intake air amount and profile and the space available on the forward in lowering fuel consumption
the exhaust gas amount results in an ship, among others. and CO2 emissions of the ship, but the
increased exhaust gas temperature interest for WHRS solutions is spread-
after the main engine turbocharger(s) A very important part of selecting the ing to other ship types with the aim of
and exhaust gas bypass. This means best WHRS for a ship project is choos-
6 Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI
Funnel (boiler) creasing the exhaust gas temperature
Turbochargers before the boiler without using a power
Exhaust gas turbine
Efficiency between 3 to 5% of Board grid creasing the exhaust gas temperature
main engine SMCR power Width: 2 - 3 m
Fig. 4: Schematic diagram of the TCS-PTG system When part of the exhaust gas flow is
bypassed the turbocharger, the total
reducing total fuel costs, ship EEDI fig- The exhaust gas bypass valve will be amount of air and gas will be reduced,
ures, and emissions. closed at an engine power lower than and the exhaust gas temperature af-
about 50% SMCR, where the engine ter the turbocharger and bypass will
Power turbine and generator (PTG) will run with the same high efficiency as increase. This will increase the obtain-
The simplest and cheapest system for a normal MAN B&W low speed two- able steam production power for the
consists of an exhaust gas turbine (also stroke engine. exhaust gas fired boiler.
called a power turbine) installed in the
exhaust gas bypass, and a generator Using a TCS-PTG WHRS solution will By installing a steam turbine (often
that converts power from the power provide a 3-5% recovery ratio, depend- called a turbo generator), the obtaina-
turbine to electricity onboard the ship, ing on the main engine size. ble steam production from the exhaust
see Fig. 4. boiler system can be used for electric
For more information on TCS-PTG, see power production. The steam turbine
The power turbine and the generator Ref. 2. is installed on a common bedplate with
are placed on a common bedplate. The the generator in the same manner as
MAN Diesel & Turbo TCS-PTG power Steam turbine and generator (STG) the power turbine and the generator.
range is shown in Fig. 5. The second system is installing the Fig. 6 shows the STG solution.
exhaust gas bypass and, thereby, in-
TCS-PTG stands for Turbo Compound
System – Power Turbine Generator and
is an MAN Diesel & Turbo product.
TCS-PTG based on TCR - series
Type max. Pel
The power turbine is driven by part of TCS-PTG18 1,070 kW
the exhaust gas flow which bypasses TCS-PTG20 1,560 kW
the turbochargers. The power turbine TCS-PTG22 2,700 kW
produces extra output power for elec- TCS-PTG based on TCA - seriers
tric power production, which depends Type max. Pel
on the bypassed exhaust gas flow TCS-PTG55 4,020 kW
TCS-PTG66 5,670 kW
Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI 7
which shows a system that, in many
conditions, reduces the fuel costs of
the ship considerably by being able to
cover the total electric power needs
in many conditions onboard the ship.
Otherwise, a shaft power motor (PTI/
PTO) connected to the main engine
shaft could be an option, see Fig. 8,
making it possible to add either electric
power to the ship grid if needed, or to
boost propulsion by supplying the elec-
tric power to the PTI.
Steam turbine, power turbine, and The combined WHRS ST & PT sche-
generator (ST-PT) matic diagram can be seen in Fig. 8,
8 Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI
Exh. gas boiler LP steam drum
sections: LP
LP Evaporator
LP-circ. pump
HP Preheater HP-steam Dual pressure steam system
LP Superheater
Steam & power turbine unit
HP Evaporator
HP-circ. p.
HP Superheater
ME scavenge air feed water
Exhaust gas
Jacket Feedwater
water pump
Hot well
The limits are fluid as the opinion on ac- Main engine and WHRS system
ceptable payback time differs among control
shipowners. Still, the above guidelines The main engine control and the WHRS
may be very useful when evaluating a control must be able to function as an
new ship project and the potential for integrated part of the total control sys-
utilising WHRS advantages. tem of the ship, which means that inte-
gration between the systems shown in
Fig. 9 must be in place.
As a rule of thumb, we recommend the following: The WHRS control, together with our
Main engine power > 25,000 kW → Combined ST and PT main engine, can be offered both for
our ME and MC engine types.
Main engine power < 25,000 kW → PTG or STG (e.g. with super heater)
The development of the WHRS and
Main engine power < 15,000 kW → PTG or ORC (organic Rankine cycle) main engine controls is based on the
ship owner’s demand for full control
and optimum fuel consumption in all
operational modes. Due to competition,
focus is very much on fuel economy
because of the continuously increasing
fuel oil prices.
Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI 9
A central part of this is the ship’s power
management system, which controls
the different power sources onboard,
so that minimum fuel consumption can
be pursued for the different sailing con-
Speed setp. Min. speed
ditions. Etc. for SG
of exhaust bypasses must always be The WHRS control system must give
The engine control and the WHRS within the allowed bypass amount se- the position of the power turbine con-
control have to be strongly integrated lected for the particular engine WHRS trol valve, so that the engine control
because the WHRS steam turbine and tuning. Fig. 11 shows the control of system can compensate by controlling
power turbine use the energy in the ex- these valves. the EGB valve position.
haust gas to recover energy. So the dy-
namics of the main engine will influence The blue curve in Fig. 11 slopes down- The power turbine control valve con-
the behaviour of the steam turbine and wards after 100% main engine load. trols the exhaust gas amount to the
power turbine. This is to balance the thermal protec- power turbine and, thereby, controls
tion of the main engine while at the the power turbine output to the genera-
The connection between the main en- same time maximizing the energy for tor.
gine and WHRS can be seen in Fig. 10, the power turbine, both within the max-
showing the exhaust gas flow between imum allowed turbine pressure (pscav).
engine, power turbine and exhaust
Steam from
The basis for this layout of the connec- Power Turbine Speed
and Load
Exhaust Boiler
tions between the engine and WHRS Boiler
10 Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI
Installation aspects
% Nominal combined bypass area
140 The decisive aspects when choosing a
If PT control valve closed setting 120 WHRS installation for a new ship project
will follow MinBP curve 100
are the size of the system and the com-
PT control valve can operate freely plexity of the piping and cabling, and
between 0 – MaxBP other preparations to be considered by
If PT control valve setting < MinBP MaxBP
the shipyard.
EBP control valve will open, so the MinBP
area sum will be MinBP All WHRS generator systems are pre-
Increased signal may increase pared on a common bedplate, where
EGB control valve setting to above 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 the different components already are
MinBP Load installed and assembled. The main
concerns of the shipyard are therefore
Fig. 11: Control strategy of the WHRS ST-PT system – bypass control to find space in the machinery room on-
board – near the main engine installa-
In the same way, the steam turbine The power management system (PMS) tion – for foundation, piping and cabling
governor system controls the steam of the ship is configured so that it priori- between these main components.
amount being fed into the steam tur- tises the power sources in the following
bine and, thereby, also the output to way:
the generator. In addition, the steam
turbine governor system also controls 1. WHRS generator
the generator output frequency be- 2. PTO generator (if installed)
cause of the slow reaction to steam 3. Auxiliary diesel generators
changes. 4. PTI motor (if installed)
When producing too much electric So if power from the WHRS generator
power, the (high pressure) superheated is available, it will be utilised first If more
steam to the steam turbine is controlled power is needed, then the PTO genera-
by a speed control governor through tor should be utilised and, after this, the
a single throttle valve, which means diesel generators. This will support a
that the surplus steam is dumped via low fuel consumption for the ship. The
a dumping condenser. When the gen- PTI motor will be used to boost propul-
erator is operating in parallel with the sion if the WHRS generator generates
auxiliary diesel generators, the gover- more power than needed by the ship.
nor operates in the normal way to give
correct load sharing.
Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI 11
nection between them in order to sup-
port high efficiency of the WHRS.
12 Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI
With WHRS including steam turbine,
more space is required in the engine
room and casing areas. Steam exhaust
boilers, normally as a dual pressure
system, will include the following main
LP economiser
LP super heater
LP steam drum
HP economiser
HP superheater
HP steam drum
Pumps, etc.
Fig. 14: 3,000 kW WHRS MARC_HRS-ST system with condenser and vacuum system
Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI 13
Fig. 16: Container ship engine room and casing arrangement - Fig. 17: Container ship engine room and casing arrangement – horizontal section
transversal section
The ship designers must make reserve velocity distribution below the exhaust The back pressure of the whole exhaust
space for all components in the ma- boiler is required to secure the boiler system must also be carefully checked
chinery arrangements and casings – a manufactures’ stipulated steam output to ensure that main engine data are not
typical arrangement for a container ship figures, see Fig. 18. Computational fluid affected negatively, see Fig. 19.
can be seen in Figs. 16 and 17. dynamics (CFD) calculation methods
can be used to place guide vanes cor- If scrubbers are added to fulfil IMO or
The exhaust boiler (LP & HP) is as big rectly in the exhaust flow in the piping local ECA sulphur regulations, engine
as the main engine, see Fig. 16, a point system. data can be calculated for higher back
that surprises shipyards which have not pressures, if required.
built ships with WHRS included.
14 Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI
Exhaust System: Back pressure calculations nec-
Main Engine Performance Data Parameters Open exhaust gas bypass for
Main engine tuning for WHRS power turbine
MAN Diesel & Turbo offers main en-
Exhaust gas bypass, approx. 8 to 12%
gines tuned for WHRS, which results in
Reduction of total exhaust gas amount, ap- -13%
an increase in total system efficiency as
described in the introduction – details
Total increase of mixed exhaust gas tem- +50°C.
about the WHRS tuning of our engines perature after bypass, up to
are given in the following. Increased fuel consumption 1.2% i.e. 2 g/kWh
without an exhaust gas bypass, Table I. Reduction of total exhaust gas amount, ap- -13%.
Total increase of mixed exhaust gas tem- +65°C.
Exhaust gas bypass without power
perature after bypass, up to
Increased fuel consumption 1.2% i.e. 2 g/kWh
If only the steam turbine solution is
chosen as application, the exhaust gas Table II
Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI 15
Because the exhaust gas bypass is not
fitted with an exhaust gas turbine, the
Exh. gas boiler
mixed exhaust gas temperature will in- sections:
crease further by about 15°C, as stated Steam
in Table II. drum
For engines tuned for WHRS, MAN Die-
sel & Turbo can issue a data report on Superheater Circ. pump
request, which contemplates the ba-
sis for the layout of the whole WHRS,
including exhaust boilers, steam and Exhaust gas Steam Sat. steam
for heating
power turbine, condenser, etc. MAN Surplus turbine
Diesel & Turbo in Copenhagen can be valve
contacted for engine data.
Condenser Feedwater
Exhaust gas boiler and steam sys- pump
The exhaust gas boiler and steam tur-
bine systems analysed in this paper are
Hot well
based on the single and dual steam
pressure systems. A higher number
of pressure levels is possible, as used
within power plant technology, but for Fig. 20: Process diagram for the single pressure exhaust gas boiler system
16 Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI
When using the dual-pressure steam
Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI 17
when the engine load is below 30% Both of these heat exchangers are the possibility of dumping steam if re-
SMCR, or in case of other malfunctions used to heat up the steam system feed quired by the operational condition.
of the steam system. water to a temperature level just below
the evaporation temperature for the se- MAN Diesel & Turbo furthermore rec-
Today, the dual steam pressure system lected steam pressure. ommends that a bypass line is ar-
is more or less the standard on large ranged for the ME WHR element to se-
container ships applying WHRS. The steam water diagram, Fig. 24, cure a continuous flow through the heat
shows the connections between the exchanger. If the water in the HP drum
Steam and water diagram – ME different parts in the system – the LP reaches a high level, the feed water ac-
WHRS element and HP economisers, their circulation cess to the drum will be closed and the
As described in the introduction, WHRS pumps, feed water pumps, vacuum bypass line will be opened and used for
utilises the otherwise wasted energy condenser, LP and HP drums, hot-well securing the flow through the ME WHR
in the exhaust gas, but we also utilise tank, etc. element.
the energy in the ME jacket water (high
temperature freshwater cooling circuit) Control valves in front of the steam tur-
and the ME scavenge air cooling by ap- bine cover both start up functions and
plying an ME WHR element.
4.0 bar g
LP steam
EVA LT SP 144 °C
SUP FT LP circ.
LP economizer
10.0 bar g steam
HP steam system
To soot drum
FT Drain
FT SUP FT HP circ. M.E. scavenge air
ME WHR 90 °C
element A
HP economizer
80-85 °C
ME Jacket 45 °C Deaerator
Feed water
Vacuum 40 °C
Fig. 24: Recommended steam and water diagram for a dual pressure WHRS
18 Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI
Main engine steam production
power (SPP) guarantee
Today, MAN Diesel & Turbo offers en-
gine data for engines tuned for WHRS.
It also includes a steam production
power (SPP) guarantee, guaranteeing
the energy level available for the ex-
haust boiler.
kj kgh
SSP[kW]=1.60[ ____
] × (MixedExhaustGasTemp[°C] - 160[°C]) × ExhGasAmount[ __ ] × _____
h 3600s
Considering that the required matching For other reference conditions, the fol-
parts for the turbocharger and power lowing corrections of the exhaust gas
turbine are unknown before running the temperature and amounts apply at a
specific engine, it is necessary to have retained cylinder max. pressure:
sufficient tolerance on the guarantee
Exhaust Gas Exhaust Gas
Temperature Amount
Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI 19
MAN Diesel & Turbo WHRS Package
MDT can select exhaust boiler sup- Fig. 25: MAN Diesel & Turbo product portfolio incl. WHRS options
20 Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI
Power and steam turbine generator To ensure reliable WHRS output data
output – dual pressure for a project at ISO condition, the ship’s
When ship project information, as men- HP service steam data must also be
tioned in the previous section, is avail- given at ISO condition. A higher WHRS
able, we will be able to put together the output can be ensured if part of the
best WHRS that meets the needs of the ship’s service steamfor heating is de-
ship. livered by the low-pressure (LP) steam
Fig. 27 presents a typical data set for a
large container ship project with a full
WHRS with both steam and power tur-
HP Service Steam
Flow t/h 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Pressure bar(a) 10.7 9.7 9.2 7.7 6.9 6.8
Recoverly rate:
LP Steam at Turbine inlet
8.6% at 90% SMCR
Pressure bar(a) 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
Temperature °C 148 148 148 148 148 148
Service steam:
Flow t/h 3.92 3.39 3.09 2.28 1.787 1.45
1.0 ton/h
Condensing Steam
At ISO conditions
Pressure bar(a) 0.057 0.052 0.049 0.045 0.045 0.045
Temperature °C 35.3 33.6 32.5 31.0 31.0 31.0
Flow t/h 15.75 14.27 13.40 11.27 9.88 8.42
Steam turbine kW 2,477 2,248 2,108 1,766 1,539 1,280
Power turbine kW 1,836 1,515 1,360 1,766 754 526
Total Generator Output kW 4,313 3,763 3,468 2,747 2,293 1,806
Fig. 27: WHRS recovery output data for a large container ship.
Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI 21
Main engine load – % SMCR
MAN 10S90ME-C9.2 4,000
WHRS Recovery – kW(e) 3,500
Power: 48,510 kW
Bypass: 11.6% 2,500 Winter
Recovery rate: 8.6% Tropical
at 90% SMCR
Service steam: 1.0 ton/h 500
At ISO condition, Tropical 500 60 70 85 90 100
and Winter Main engine load – % SMCR
Fig. 28: WHRS recovery output data for a large container ship
22 Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI
Fig. 30: Container ship operation profile
WHRS will provide an acceptable pay- The above given operational profile for
back time, the above running patterns a container ship is typical for the situa-
must be transformed into engine loads tion today where operation is affected
and running hours for the engine load – strongly by high fuel prices and low
an example for a container ship project container fees.
is shown in the following figures.
Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI 23
Based on the operational profile and
WHRS output, the pay-back time for
this project can then be calculated, see
Fig. 31. Fig. 32 shows the operational
profile and WHRS output in a graphic
Fig. 32: Large container ship project operational profile and WHRS outputs
24 Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI
Fig. 33: Large container ship payback calculation for WHRS – net present value
Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI 25
WHRS Effect on Ship’s EEDI Value
WHRS is not only good for the fuel
economy of the ship, but also for the
IMO required energy efficiency design
index (EEDI), which is required for all
new ships with keel laying after 1 Janu-
ary 2012.
When taking WHRS output at index WHRS added to this 11,000 teu con-
condition, as shown in Fig. 36, to be tainer ship reduces the EEDI from
3,600 kW of innovative energy efficien- 13.114 to 12.009 g CO2 / dwt x mile,
cy technology – attained EEDI can be i.e. a reduction of 9.2%.
calculated as shown in Fig. 37.
26 Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI
Fig. 36: 11,000 TEU Container ship WHRS.
Fig. 37: 11,000 teu container ship with WHRS – attained EEDI
Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI 27
Conclusion Reference
This paper shows that significant fuel [1] Basic Principles of Ship Propulsion,
cost savings can be achieved by add- MAN Diesel & Turbo SE, Copenhagen,
ing a WHRS to a ship project. Whether Denmark, December 2011.
a full WHRS (ST & PT), a standalone
WHRS (ST) or a standalone PTG solu- [2] TCS-PTG Savings with Extra Power,
tion are selected, all of these solutions MAN Diesel & Turbo SE, Augsburg,
offer large fuel savings. Germany, December 2011.
Fuel reductions of between 4-11% are [3] Soot Deposits and Fires in Exhaust Gas
possible, depending on the selected Boilers, MAN Diesel & Turbo SE, Co-
WHRS solution, main engine power penhagen, Denmark, March 2004.
level, electric need at sea, operational
profile, etc. The larger the engine pow- [4] BIMCO EEDI Calculator, link:
er, the greater the possible fuel saving. https://www.bimco.org/Products/EEDI.
In addition to large fuel savings, a
WHRS gives large CO2, NOx, SOx and
particulate reductions to the benefit of
the environmnet.
28 Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI
Nomenclature / abbreviations
CAMS Control Alarm and Monitoring System
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics – a tool to simulate exhaust
gas flow into the exhaust boiler
EEDI Energy Efficiency Design Index
EGB Exhaust Gas Bypass – used in connection with engine tuning
EVA Evaporator - steam
HP High Pressure - steam
LP Low Pressure - steam
MARC MDT product name for the steam turbine unit sizes –
Modular ARrangement Concept.
MARC_HRS MDT product serie where steam turbines is used in connec-
tion with Heat Recovery System (HRS)
MARC_HRS-ST MDT product name for Steam Turbine Generator (STG)
MARC_HRS-STPT MDT product name for a full WHRS ST and PT generator unit
ME-ECS Engine Control System for MDT ME engines – electronically
MaxBP Maximum Bypass
MinBP Minimum Bypass
ORC Organic Rankine Cycle – energy recovery system based on
synthetic fluid for energy transportation
PMS Power Management System – system to control energy pro-
ducers (Aux. diesel gensets, WHRS unit, PTO) and energy
PTG Power Turbine Generator unit
PTI Power Take In – electric motor or Power Turbine, where the
produced mechanical power is used for propulsion boost or
boost of a PTO solution (Renk)
PTO Power Take Off – generator driven by main engine via gears
(Renk solution) or generators mounted directly on propulsion
drive line.
RCS RPM Control System for main engine
SG/SM Shaft Generator/Shaft Motor control
SFOC Specified Fuel Oil Consumption
SMCR Specified Maximum Continuous Rating
SPP Steam Production Power – a value for the available exhaus-
tenergy for steam production
STG Steam Turbine Generator unit
ST-PT Steam and Power Turbine generator unit
SUP Super Heater - steam
TCS-PTG MDT product name for PTG – Turbo Compound System –
Power Turbine Generator unit.
WHR Waste Heat Recovery
WHRS Waste Heat Recovery System
Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) for Reduction of Fuel Consumption, Emission and EEDI 29
All data provided in this document is non-binding. This data serves informational
purposes only and is especially not guaranteed in any way. Depending on the
subsequent specific individual projects, the relevant data may be subject to
changes and will be assessed and determined individually for each project. This
will depend on the particular characteristics of each individual project, especially .
specific site and operational conditions. Copyright © MAN Diesel & Turbo.
5510-0136-00ppr Aug 2012 Printed in Denmark