ACSM's Complete Guide To Fitness & Health, 2nd Edition
ACSM's Complete Guide To Fitness & Health, 2nd Edition
ACSM's Complete Guide To Fitness & Health, 2nd Edition
Preface vi
Acknowledgments viii
Credits ix
PART III Fitness and Health for Every Age
NINE Children and Adolescents: Birth to Age 17 207
Don W. Morgan
TEN Adults: Ages 18 to 64 229
Barbara A. Bushman
ELEVEN Older Adults: Ages 65 and Older 247
Robert S. Mazzeo
References 397
Index 423
About the ACSM 430
About the Editor 430
About the Contributors 431
Step one toward better health is already done! You have taken the first step by opening
this book in order to see what additional steps you can take to promote your health
and fitness. ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health, Second Edition, is unique in
the merging of research-based, scientific information with practical and adaptable
plans that you can use. Your choices related to physical activity and nutrition can have
a major impact on your current and future health. The Complete Guide provides you
with simple ways to assess your status and then, using insights gained, to enhance
your exercise program as well as to make optimal nutrition decisions that fit with your
personal goals.
The book is divided into four parts. Part I provides overviews and motivation to
be more active and make positive dietary choices. Part II looks at the various fitness
components and how you can include these elements in your exercise program. Part
III gets specific with nutrition and physical activity recommendations for various age
groups. Part IV expands discussion of diet and exercise to various medical and health
conditions. The entire book has been refreshed and updated from the first edition.
More specifically, part I includes introductory chapters that set the stage for the
following chapters, covering both physical activity and nutrition. These foundational
chapters are packed with usable information plus encouragement to make healthy
choices. Knowing what to do to improve health is nice, but, in order for this to be
meaningful, you need to actually take action. The Complete Guide is focused on help-
ing you link knowing and doing.
Part II focuses on the four elements of a complete exercise program: aerobic fit-
ness, muscular fitness, flexibility, and neuromotor fitness. An entire chapter is devoted
to each one of these fitness elements. The chapters clearly outline health and fitness
benefits of various exercise components, offer simple fitness assessments, explain
development of an effective exercise plan, and provide sample programs, pictures,
and descriptions of exercises. You will understand both the why and the how of a
complete exercise program after reading these chapters. Whether you are just starting
or are looking for ways to progress your current exercise program, these chapters offer
the guidance you need.
Part III includes nutrition and physical activity information specific to given age
groups and provides sample programs for the age group covered. Chapters for each
age group underscore the value of healthy choices over the lifespan. These chapters
clearly illustrate how you can benefit from physical activity regardless of age, whether
you are younger, older, or in between. Nutrition issues specific to the various age
groups are included to help you make the best food selections.
Part IV includes nutrition and physical activity recommendations unique to various
situations and conditions. Each chapter provides background related to a specific health
or medical condition and then provides guidance in using nutrition and exercise to
optimize health. For readers experiencing heart disease, diabetes, or cancer, there are
chapters showing the benefits of physical activity and a healthy diet. Similarly, osteo-
porosis, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, and depression can be affected by exercise and diet;
entire chapters are devoted to each of these areas. In addition, chapters are dedicated
to weight management and pregnancy.
The first edition of this book was an excellent resource, and with expanded topics
and fresh content, this second edition is a tremendous new resource you can use to
promote your personal health and fitness. The chapters are written by experts, provid-
ing scientifically-based guidance on optimizing health and fitness. You will continue to
use this book as a resource for content as well as encouragement. Health and fitness
are not destinations but a lifelong journey. You have many individual decisions every
day that add up to influence your health and thus your life. With a solid foundation
of health and fitness, you can live each day to the fullest. Embrace the journey and
keep stepping forward!
The first edition of this book provided readers from around the world with solid and
research-based guidance on promoting personal health and fitness. This second edi-
tion continues in that effort with extensive updates and a number of new chapters. As
with the first edition, specialists in various areas have generously contributed to this
book. A heart-felt thank you to each of them for their willingness to be part of this
project; the time and effort put forth have been significant. The level of knowledge
these specialists have is coupled with a passion for their topic areas that comes through
in their writing. In addition, I acknowledge the contribution of Drs. Peter Grandjean
and Jeffrey Potteiger who contributed within the American College Sports Medicine
review process, a key element of this publication to ensure that the material is based
on the most current research. The chapter critiques were thorough, and as a result,
this book is set apart from others that may rely on opinion or individual impressions.
I also acknowledge the contributions of the ACSM staff, Katie Feltman, and Angela
Chastain. In addition, I appreciate all the work of the staff at Human Kinetics: acquisi-
tions editor Michelle Maloney as well as developmental editor Laura Pulliam, managing
editor Caitlin Husted, photographer Neil Bernstein, and graphic designers Dawn Sills
and Nancy Rasmus. A project of this nature is a reflection of the dedicated efforts of
many individuals, and I humbly thank each one, even if not named specifically, for
making this second edition a tremendous resource.
Barbara Bushman
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Figure 1.1—Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture,
2015, Scientific report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. [Online]. Available: http://health.
gov/dietaryguidelines/2015-scientific-report/ [July 26, 2016].
Figure 1.2—Data from U.S Department of Health and Human Services Office of Disease Prevention and
Health Promotion, 2016, How to use data 2020. [Online]. Available:
How-to-Use-DATA2020 [July 26, 2016].
Figure 1.3—Data from U.S Department of Health and Human Services Office of Disease Prevention and
Health Promotion, 2016, How to use data 2020. [Online]. Available:
How-to-Use-DATA2020 [July 26, 2016].
Figure 1.4—Republished with permission of National Sleep Foundation, based on image available at http:// [September 16, 2016]. Permission conveyed
through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.
Figure 2.1—Reprinted with permission from the PAR-Q+ Collaboration and the authors of the PAR-Q+
(Dr. Darren Warburton, Dr. Norman Gledhill, Dr. Veronica Jamnik, and Dr. Shannon Bredin).
Figure 2.2—Adapted, by permission, from American College of Sports Medicine, 2018, ACSM’s guidelines
for exercise testing and prescription, 10th ed. (Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins).
Table 3.1—Adapted, by permission, from M.H. Williams, 2007, Nutrition for health, fitness, & sport, 8th
ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill), 404.
x Credits
Table 3.2—Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Nutrient Data Labora-
tory. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 28. Version Current: September
2015, slightly revised May 2016. Internet:
Figure 3.1—Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d., How to understand and use
the nutrition facts label. [Online.] Available:
ocumentsRegulatoryInformation/LabelingNutrition/ucm385663.htm#highlights [May 21, 2016].
Table 3.3—Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Nutrient Data Labora-
tory. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 28. Version Current: September
2015, slightly revised May 2016. Internet:
Table 3.4—Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture.
2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 8th Edition. December 2015. Available at
Table 3.5—Sources: Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, n.d., Dietary reference intakes.
[Online]. Available: [October 28, 2015];
U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d., MedlinePlus. [Online]. Available:
lineplus/ [October 5, 2015].
Figure 3.2—Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d., How to understand and use
the nutrition facts label. [Online.] Available:
labelingnutrition/ucm274593.htm [May 21, 2016].
Figure 3.3—USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
Figure 4.1—Adapted, by permission, from American College of Sports Medicine, 2014, ACSM’s behav-
ioral aspects of physical activity and exercise, edited by C.R. Nigg (Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins), 284.
Table 4.1—Reprinted from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity, 2011, Adding physical activity to your
life. [Online.] Available: [November
16, 2015].
Table 4.2—Sources: USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, n.d., ChooseMyPlate. [Online].
Available: [November 4, 2015]; Health Canada, n.d., Overcome barriers.
[Online]. Available:
[November 14, 2015].
Figure 4.3—Adapted from B. Bushman and J.C. Young, 2005, Action plan for menopause (Champaign,
IL: Human Kinetics), 188.
Figure 4.4—From ACSM, 2017, ACSM’s complete guide to fitness & health, 2nd ed. (Champaign, IL: Human
Kinetics). Adapted, by permission, from J. Buckworth, 2012, Behavior change. In Fitness professional’s
handbook, 6th ed., by E.T. Howley and D.L. Thompson (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics), 432.
Table 5.1—Adapted, by permission, from American College of Sports Medicine, 2018, ACSM’s guidelines
for exercise testing and prescription, 10th ed. (Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Figure 5.3—Adapted, by permission, from R.E. Rikli and C.J. Jones, 2013, Senior fitness test manual, 2nd
ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics), 76.
Table 5.2—Adapted, by permission, from R.E. Rikli and C.J. Jones, 2013, Senior fitness test manual, 2nd
ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics), 89, 90.
Table 5.3—Adapted, by permission, from The Cooper Institute, 2017, FitnessGram administration manual:
The journey to MyHealthyZone, 5th ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics), 86, 87.
Figure 5.4—Adapted from B. Bushman and J.C. Young, 2005, Action plan for menopause (Champaign,
IL: Human Kinetics), 35.
Table 5.4—Adapted, by permission, from American College of Sports Medicine, 2018, ACSM’s guidelines
for exercise testing and prescription, 10th ed. (Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins).
Table 5.6—Adapted, by permission, from American College of Sports Medicine, 2018, ACSM’s guidelines
for exercise testing and prescription, 10th ed. (Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins).
Table 5.7—Source: B.E. Ainsworth, W.L. Haskell, S.D. Herrmann, N. Meckes, D.R. Bassett Jr., C. Tudor-
Locke, J.L. Greer, J. Vezina, M.C. Whitt-Glover, and A.S. Leon, n.d., The compendium of physical activities
tracking guide. Healthy Lifestyles Research Center, College of Nursing & Health Innovation, Arizona State
University. [Online.] Available: [September
21, 2015].
Credits xi
Table 6.1—Data provided by The Cooper Institute. Physical Fitness Assessments and Norms for Adults
and Law Enforcement (2013). Used with permission.
Table 6.2—Data provided by The Cooper Institute, 1994. Used with permission. Study population for the
data set was predominantly white and college educated. A Universal DVR machine was used to measure
the 1RM.
Table 6.3—Source: Physical Activity Training for Health (CSEP-PATH) Resource Manual, © 2013. Adapted
with permission from the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology.
Table 6.4—Adapted, by permission, from The Cooper Institute, 2017, FitnessGram administration manual:
The journey to MyHealthyZone, 5th ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics), 86, 87.
Table 6.5—Adapted, by permission, from R.E. Rikli and C.J. Jones, 2013, Senior fitness test manual, 2nd
ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics), 89, 90.
Table 7.1—Adapted, by permission, from R.E. Rikli and C.J. Jones, 2013, Senior fitness test manual, 2nd
ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics), 89, 90.
Table 7.2—Adapted, by permission, from R.E. Rikli and C.J. Jones, 2013, Senior fitness test manual, 2nd
ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics), 89, 90.
Table 8.1—Adapted from B.A. Springer, R. Marin, T. Cyhan, H. Roberts, and N.W. Gill, 2007, “Normative
values for the unipedal stance test with eyes open and closed,” Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy
30(1): 8-15.
Table 8.2—Adapted from P.W. Duncan, D.K. Weiner, J. Chandler, and S. Studenski, 1990, “Functional
reach: A new clinical measure of balance,” Journal of Gerontology 45(6): M192-M197.
Figure 8.3—Adapted from H. Edgren, 1932, “An experiment in the testing of agility and progress in bas-
ketball,” Research Quarterly 3(1): 159-171.
Figure 8.4—Adapted from K. Pauole, K. Madole, J. Garhammer, M. Lacourse, and R. Rozenek, 2000, “Reli-
ability and validity of the T-test as a measure of agility, leg power, and leg speed in college-aged men
and women,” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 14(4): 443-450.
Table 8.3—Adapted from K. Pauole, K. Madole, J. Garhammer, M. Lacourse, and R. Rozenek, 2000, “Reli-
ability and validity of the T-test as a measure of agility, leg power, and leg speed in college-aged men
and women,” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 14(4): 443-450.
Table 8.4—Adapted, by permission, from R.E. Rikli and C.J. Jones, 2013, Senior fitness test manual, 2nd
ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics), 89, 90.
Figure 9.1(a-b)—Developed by the National Center for Health Statistics in collaboration with the National
Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2000. Available:
healthyweight/assessing/bmi/childrens_bmi/about_childrens_bmi.html [August 9, 2016].
Table 9.1—Reprinted with permission, from S.G. Gidding et al., 2005, “Dietary recommendations for
children and adolescents: A guide for practitioners,” Circulation 112(13): 2061-2075. © American Heart
Association, Inc.
Table 9.2—Data from USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion.
Table 9.3—Adapted from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2008, 2008 physical activity
guidelines for Americans. [Online]. Available: [August 10, 2016].
Figure 9.2—© Human Kinetics
Table 9.4—Adapted from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2008, 2008 physical activity
guidelines for Americans. [Online]. Available: [August 10, 2016].
Figure 9.4—Reprinted from Journal of Pediatrics 146(6), W.B. Strong, R.M. Malina, C.J.R. Blimkie, et al.,
“Evidence based physical activity for school-age youth,” 732-737, Copyright 2005, with permission from
Figure 10.1—Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Disease Prevention and
Health Promotion, n.d., Healthy people 2020. [Online]. Available:
How-to-Use-DATA2020 [September 2, 2015].
Table 10.1—Sources: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, Office
of Dietary Supplement, n.d., Vitamin and mineral supplement fact sheets. [Online]. Available: https:// [October 29, 2015]; and U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, n.d., Dietary guidelines. [Online].
Available: [November 4, 2015].
Table 10.2—Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture.
2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 8th Edition. December 2015. Available at
xii Credits
dietaryguidelines/2015/guidelines/chapter-1/a-closer-look-inside-healthy-eating-patterns/#table-1-1 [August
10, 2016].
Table 12.1—Source: American Heart Association, n.d., Understand your risk of heart attack. [Online]. Avail-
tack/Understand-Your-Risks-to-Prevent-a-Heart-Attack_UCM_002040_Article.jsp# [November 15, 2015].
Table 12.2—Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Institute, 2005, Your guide to lowering your cholesterol with TLC. [Online]. Available: https://www.nhlbi. [August 10, 2016].
Table 12.3—Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Institute, n.d., Following the DASH eating plan. [Online]. Available:
health-topics/topics/dash/followdash [August 10, 2016].
Figure 13.1—© Human Kinetics
Table 13.2—Adapted, by permission, from American College of Sports Medicine, 2018, ACSM’s guidelines
for exercise testing and prescription, 10th ed. (Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Table 13.3—Adapted, by permission, from American College of Sports Medicine, 2018, ACSM’s guidelines
for exercise testing and prescription, 10th ed. (Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Figure 15.1—Source: National Institutes of Health and Human Services, National Institute on Aging,
n.d., Alzheimer’s Disease fact sheet. [Online]. Available:
alzheimers-disease-fact-sheet#changes [August 10, 2016].
Table 15.2—Adapted from M.C. Morris, C.C. Tangney, Y. Wang, F.M. Sacks, D.A. Bennett, and N.T. Aggar-
wal, 2015, “MIND diet associated with reduced incidence of Alzheimer’s disease,” Alzheimer’s & Dementia
11(3): 1007-1014.
Table 16.1—Adapted from Institute of Medicine, 2011, Dietary reference intakes for calcium and vitamin
D (Washington, DC: National Academies), 349.
Table 16.2—Source: National Osteoporosis Foundation, n.d., A guide to calcium-rich foods. [Online].
Available: [September 16, 2016].
Table 16.3—Data from National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplement, n.d., Vitamin D fact
sheet for professionals. [Online.] Available:
[September 2, 2016].
Table 16.4—Adapted from Institute of Medicine, 2005, Dietary reference intakes for energy, carbohydrate,
fiber, fat, fatty acids, cholesterol, protein, and amino acids (Washington, DC: National Academies), 621-649.
Table 16.5—Adapted, by permission, from American College of Sports Medicine, 2018, ACSM’s guidelines
for exercise testing and prescription, 10th ed. (Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Figure 18.1—Adapted from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Institute, 1998, Clinical guidelines on the identification, evaluation, and treatment of overweight
and obesity in adults: The evidence report. [Online]. Available:
[September 22, 2016].
Table 18.2—Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture.
2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 8th Edition. December 2015. Available at
Table 19.1—From Institute of Medicine and National Research Council of the National Academies, Weight
gain during pregnancy: Reexaminining the guidelines. Adapted with permission from the National Acad-
emies Press, Copyright 2009, National Academy of Sciences.
Table 19.2—Reprinted with permission from Physical activity and exercise during pregnancy and the
postpartum period. Committee Opinion No. 650. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
Obstet Gynecol 2015; 126: e135–e142.
Table 19.3—Adapted, by permission, from J.M. Pivarnik and L. Mudd, 2009, “Oh baby! Exercise during
pregnancy and the postpartum period,” ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal 13(3): 8-13.
Part I
Fit, Active, and Healthy
Although many aspects of life may feel out of one’s control, you have choices each
day that can affect your fitness and health. Physical activity and nutrition are two areas
that have a major impact on many aspects of your life in regard to both disease risk
and daily function. Chapters 1 to 4 will help you to place scientifically-based recom-
mendations into the context of your life so you can tackle the challenge of establishing
healthy habits for the long term.
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Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices:
Physical Activity and Nutrition
What you do really does matter when it comes to your health. Your level of physical
activity along with dietary choices affects day-to-day function as well as your risk of
a number of diseases, including heart disease and some cancers. Healthy lifestyle
choices are made within the context of individual and biological factors, as well as
your home, work, and community environments (to help visualize this, see figure 1.1).
You are an individual and, as such, need an individualized plan of action to achieve
your health and fitness goals.
Rather than viewing healthy choices as distinct, unrelated activities, consider how
various influences in your life interact to promote, or challenge, your efforts to make
healthy choices. As you opened this book and started to peruse the pages, you have
already taken the first step toward improving your health and wellness. In the upcoming
pages, you will find research-based recommendations for exercise and dietary choices,
with chapters on many specific topics written by experts in their fields. The value of
these recommendations can be realized only when placed within the context of your
life and your experiences. Armed with this perspective, you can develop your action
plan to begin, or improve, your wellness journey. Time to jump on board!
4 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Influences or determinants
Household, and Community
social, and biological and
cultural factors environmental
factors factors
and private
Diet and
physical activity
patterns and
Healthy Health
weight Ac r n promotion
o s s th e li fe s p a
Physical Chronic
fitness and Healthy disease
function nutritional prevention
Health outcomes
FIGURE 1.1 Diet and physical activity, health promotion, and disease prevention across the
lifespan. E6843/ACSM/F01.01/547901/mh-R1
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2015.
a balanced diet in order to provide your body with needed nutrients for optimal func-
tion. Outcomes may be similar, but the mindset is one of pursuing health rather than
avoiding illness.
Wellness reflects physical, emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual, and occupational
aspects (11). Wellness exists across a continuum between the presence and the absence
of each dimension or aspect of life. Table 1.1 provides a brief definition and a pair of
terms reflecting the presence or absence of each wellness dimension. Take a moment
to consider where you fall on the continuum between two sample indicators listed for
each dimension. Wellness isn’t a static or all-or-none situation but rather is dynamic
and changing. At any time, you may find some dimensions to be more present than
others in your life. By adopting healthy behaviors, you can have greater balance in
each dimension and therefore a greater sense of well-being and health.
Wellness touches all aspects of life, and fully discussing all areas is beyond the
scope of this book. The focus of this book is physical wellness, and the following sec-
tions introduce the benefits of physical activity and a healthy diet. In addition, insights
into two areas that can affect physical wellness—sleep and stress management—are
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices 5
What are current activity levels in the United States?
Although the Surgeon General’s report gave high-level attention to the importance of
physical activity, it did not ultimately spark the increase in physical activity desired and
needed. Figure 1.2 shows the percentage of adults who engage in aerobic and muscular
activity and also the percentage who are not active during leisure time (26). In a perfect
scenario, 100 percent of people would exercise (aerobically and with resistance training),
and no one would remain inactive during leisure time. The most active age group is the
youngest; unfortunately, activity decreases and inactivity increases with age. Currently,
the percentages are far from ideal. Now is the time for everyone to increase physical
activity and find enjoyable ways to be more active.
40 Both aerobic
30 and muscular
No leisure-time
10 activity
18-44 45-64 65 years of age
years of age years of age and older
FIGURE 1.2 Percentages of Americans who engage in moderate aerobic activity and resistance
training and those who are inactive in their leisure time.
Data from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2016.
• Some physical activity is better than none. The greatest health risk comes from
being totally sedentary. Getting up and moving is important to start reducing
disease risk and claiming benefits. Some health benefits have been identified
with as little as 60 minutes of activity a week.
• A target of 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity activity provides significant
health benefits (additional benefits accrue to those who do more). An example
of moderate-intensity activity is brisk walking.
• If you are already active, additional benefits are possible for most health outcomes
if you increase the amount of physical activity by exercising at a higher intensity,
more often, or for a longer period of time.
• When one considers risks versus benefits, the benefits of physical activity out-
weigh possible adverse outcomes.
• Regular exercise, week after week and year after year, is the goal. Maintaining
such a program can produce both short-term and long-term benefits. Starting
early in life and continuing throughout the lifespan is recommended.
Current recommendations from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
continue to support the value of a comprehensive exercise program (1, 10). The upcom-
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices 7
ing chapters reflect these research-based guidelines, providing more detail on the
components of a balanced exercise program and the role that activity and nutrition
play in promoting health and fitness throughout the lifespan, as well as when people
are faced with special health conditions.
Both physical activity and exercise are valuable. Although similar in some ways,
there is a subtle difference between these two terms (1). “Physical activity” is the
appropriate wording to use to refer to movement of the body that takes effort and
requires energy above that required at rest. Day-to-day tasks such as light gardening,
household chores, and taking the stairs at work are examples of baseline physical activ-
ity. Including activities like these in your daily routine is helpful, but adding exercise
to your schedule provides additional health and fitness benefits. Exercise is a specific,
planned type of physical activity that is done in a structured manner to promote physi-
cal fitness. Going for a brisk walk with the purpose of increasing your aerobic fitness
or lifting weights to improve muscular fitness are both physical activity options that
fall under the category of exercise. Thus physical activity is a broader, umbrella term,
and exercise is one category of physical activity (i.e., all exercise is physical activity but
not all physical activity is exercise). Over the past few years, the value of both physical
activity (see Sit Less, Move More) and exercise has been supported. The focus of this
book is exercise, but realize that exercise is a type of physical activity and that the
terms are often used interchangeably.
Being active is one of the most important habits people of all ages can develop
to improve their health (1, 25). Why are physical activity and exercise so important
to your well-being? Children who are active are more likely to be at a healthy body
weight, perform better in school, and have higher self-esteem (22). They are also less
likely to develop risk factors for heart disease, including obesity (25). Adults who
exercise are better able to handle stress and avoid depression, perform daily tasks
without physical limitation, and maintain a healthy body weight; they also lower their
risk of developing a number of diseases (10, 25). Exercise continues to be important
for older adults by ensuring quality of life and independence; regular exercise boosts
immunity, combats bone loss, improves movement and balance, aids in psychological
well-being, and lowers the risk of disease (9). Physical activity and nutrition informa-
tion for children and adolescents is found in chapter 9, for adults in chapter 10, and
for older adults in chapter 11.
Although disabilities may affect one’s ability to be physically active, research sup-
ports the health benefits for avoiding inactivity and becoming as regularly active as
possible within one’s ability. An appropriate physical activity level can be determined
in consultation with a health care provider (25). Similarly, people with chronic medical
conditions should consult with their health care providers regarding the appropriate
types and amounts of activity (25). Chronic medical conditions encompass a wide range
of situations, including arthritis, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. Within the limitations of
their ability, adults with chronic medical conditions can obtain health benefits from
regular physical activity (25). Chapters 12 to 17 include nutrition and physical activity
recommendations unique to a number of chronic conditions, including heart disease,
high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporo-
sis, and arthritis. In addition, the value of regular physical activity and healthy dietary
choices is reviewed for weight management (chapter 18), pregnancy and postpartum
(chapter 19), and depression (chapter 20).
The benefits of a regular exercise program extend into many areas of life. Improve-
ments in body function as a result of exercise are well documented and are highlighted
in this chapter. In addition to physiological benefits, psychological and mental health
benefits can also be realized. Exercise appears to provide relief from symptoms of
depression and anxiety; in addition, exercise enhances well-being and quality of life
and is associated with a lower risk of dementia (10). Exercise also has the potential
to enhance emotional well-being and improve mood (21). Researchers continue to
explore why exercise promotes mental well-being. Potential reasons include offering
a distraction, increasing self-confidence, providing physical relaxation, and promoting
a positive body image (13).
Stated simply, exercise is the best prescription! No other “product” can provide so
many positive changes with so few side effects. To underscore this, take a moment to
review the impressive summary list of health benefits related to physical activity, for
all age groups, in table 1.2. The scientists working with the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services rated available evidence as strong, moderate, or weak based on
the type, number, and quality of the research studies (25). Only the health benefits
with at least moderate evidence are included in this table.
As a reader of this book, you can claim these benefits for yourself. Be encouraged!
Regardless of your current level of physical activity, the information provided in the
upcoming chapters will help you create a realistic, workable exercise plan that has the
potential to change your life for the better. Fitness is multifaceted, including health-
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices 9
Aerobic Fitness
The word “aerobic” means “with oxygen.” Your heart, lungs, and blood vessels work
together to supply your muscles with needed oxygen during aerobic, or cardiorespira-
tory endurance, exercise. Examples of aerobic exercises are walking, jogging, running,
cycling, swimming, dancing, hiking, and sports such as tennis and basketball.
Regular activity is associated with lowering risk factors related to heart disease
such as high blood pressure and unhealthy cholesterol levels (10). If you are already
somewhat active, you can further reduce your risk by engaging in additional physi-
cal activity. Cardiovascular health, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and
high cholesterol, is discussed in more depth in chapter 12, and weight management is
discussed in chapter 18. Aerobic activity also reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes (10).
Progression from prediabetes (elevated blood glucose levels that increase the risk of
developing diabetes in the future) to diabetes can be delayed or even prevented by
losing weight and increasing physical activity (2). Lifestyle modifications can have a
definite impact. In addition, physical activity can also help control blood glucose levels
in people diagnosed with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes (see chapter 13 for details).
Chapter 5 explains more fully the recommendations on aerobic activity as well as how
you can progress over time.
Muscular Fitness
Muscular fitness refers to how your muscles contract to allow you to lift, pull, push,
and hold objects. Muscular fitness can be improved with resistance training. As with
aerobic fitness, many exercise options are available, including lifting weights, using
resistance bands or cords, and performing body weight exercises such as push-ups
and curl-ups. The key is to find activities that you enjoy and that are available to
you. Chapter 6 provides details on various types and modes of activity that can help
strengthen your muscles, as well as specific exercises and how-to photos to help you
get started or improve your current resistance training program.
When you consider muscular fitness, the first picture in your mind might be a
competitive athlete with large muscles. Although increases in muscle size are possible
Why is it important to engage in aerobic exercise?
When you exercise so that your heart beats faster and you breathe at a quicker rate,
you are providing a positive type of stress on your cardiorespiratory system as well as
your entire body. This stress, or overload, is needed in order to improve fitness and
health. An inactive lifestyle does not provide this positive stress and therefore leads to
inactivity-related diseases such as heart disease. A sedentary lifestyle and obesity have
been described as “parallel, interrelated epidemics in the United States” with reference
to their contribution to the risk of heart disease (14). It is vital to find ways to fit physical
activity into your daily life.
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices 11
What typically happens to muscle
mass over the course of adulthood?
Adults have a real need to maintain resistance training because typically, over the course
of adulthood, the amount of muscle decreases while the amount of body fat increases
(9). Declines in muscle mass begin around age 40, and the decline accelerates after
around age 65 to 70 (9).
with resistance training, for most people a more relevant reason to include resistance
training is to improve muscle function in order to handle activities of daily living with
less stress. For example, sufficient muscular fitness will allow you to complete yard-
work with less relative effort or climb stairs more easily. Of course, improved muscular
fitness will also make recreational sport and athletic endeavors more enjoyable and
give you a competitive edge.
Muscular fitness is important for everyone throughout the lifespan. Children ben-
efit from activities that strengthen muscles such as climbing and jumping as well as
calisthenics (e.g., jumping jacks, push-ups, or other activities in which the body is
moved without needing any equipment) and more organized resistance training (25).
For adults, resistance training improves quality of life and limits the muscle losses
typically seen with aging.
In addition to promoting muscular strength, regular resistance training provides
other health benefits, including improving body composition and blood pressure (10).
Benefits of resistance training related to preventing or managing diabetes include
improving glucose levels and the body’s sensitivity to insulin (10).
Another aspect of your health that benefits from resistance training is bone strength
(1, 9). As muscles contract to lift, push, or pull a heavy object, a stress is placed on
the bone by way of connections between muscles and bones called tendons. When
a bone is exposed to this force, it responds by increasing its mass. This makes bones
stronger over time. Bone health is outlined in more detail in chapter 16.
Not to be ignored is the way resistance training can make you look and feel. Firm,
toned muscles can inspire confidence. Stronger muscles can give you a real boost as
you accomplish daily activities with greater ease and improve in competitive sport
as well. For all these reasons, resistance training is an important part of your weekly
activity plan.
Flexibility refers to the ability to move a joint through a full range of motion. Whether
you are focusing on your golf swing or more practical aspects of daily life such as
reaching for a high shelf in your closet, maintaining flexibility is important. Loss of
flexibility as a result of injury, disuse, or aging can limit your ability to carry out daily
activities. Flexibility can be maintained or even improved through a comprehensive
stretching program (1). Chapter 7 outlines stretches for all the muscle groups in the
body and discusses the benefits of including activities focused on improving range
of motion.
Conditions such as arthritis and joint pain can result in having difficulty moving
the joints through their normal range of motion. Although activity is beneficial in the
12 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Neuromotor Exercise
Neuromotor exercise training, also referred to as functional fitness training, includes
activities that improve balance, coordination, gait, agility, and one’s perception of
physical location within space (i.e., proprioception) (1). Many activities include com-
binations of neuromotor, resistance, and flexibility, for example, yoga, tai ji (tai chi),
and qigong (1).
Researchers have noted improvements in balance, agility, and muscular strength for
older adults who engage in functional fitness training. In addition, older adults lower
their risk of falling (1). Although most of the research studies have focused on older
adults, younger adults likely can reap benefits as well. Regardless of your age, reflect
on activities that occur over the normal course of the day when improved balance,
coordination, or agility would be valuable—for example, sidestepping around a puddle
on a busy sidewalk or juggling full bags of groceries when walking up stairs. Then,
consider how all the facets of neuromotor exercise training can affect enjoyment in
recreational activities or athletic endeavors. Examples are hiking with a loaded back-
pack, balancing on a surf- or skateboard, and playing basketball or soccer. It actually
becomes hard to think of activities that are not affected by functional fitness! Chapter
8 unpacks this often overlooked aspect of fitness.
Body Composition
Body composition refers to the makeup of your body. The body is made up of lean
tissue (including muscle) and fat tissue. Typically, the focus of body composition is the
relative amounts of muscle versus fat. Although the bathroom scale can help you track
your overall body weight, this measurement is general and does not reveal the amount
of fat compared to muscle. Excessive amounts of body fat are related to poor health
outcomes, and this is especially true for fat around the abdominal area (1). Chapter 18
discusses body weight management.
Whether you are looking to begin an exercise program or optimize the time you
are already investing in exercise, the upcoming chapters show you what to include as
well as how to track your progress. This book will help you balance the various fitness
components so you can maximize the benefits from your personal exercise program.
Considering a typical eating pattern in the United States,
what are areas of concern?
In comparison with recommendations, about 75 percent of Americans do not consume
adequate vegetables, fruits, dairy, and oils. In contrast, added sugars, saturated fats, and
sodium are overconsumed. Overall calorie intake is another area of concern, as many
eating patterns include too many calories (28). Consuming more calories than needed
results in weight gain over time.
Advisory Committee reviewed the most current research and evidence in order to
provide updates to the 2010 Guidelines. This review was guided by two realities (29).
First, the committee noted that about two-thirds of American adults are overweight or
obese and about half have at least one preventable chronic disease (see figure 1.3 for
percentages of Americans who are obese [26], realizing that prevalence is even higher
when one considers overweight in addition to obesity). Contributing factors include
poor dietary patterns, calorie overconsumption, and physical inactivity. Second, the
committee acknowledged the personal, social, organizational, and environmental con-
text in which lifestyle choices—nutrition and physical activity—are made. Each person
has a unique frame of reference, and, within that context, can develop optimal dietary
patterns along with adequate physical activity to promote health (28).
Dietary patterns are linked to potential risk of obesity and chronic diseases, such
as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some cancers (29). Researchers
are exploring potential relationships between dietary patterns and neurocognitive
disorders and congenital anomalies (29). Thus, one’s diet really does matter! The key
question is, what does a healthy diet look like? A healthy eating pattern includes veg-
etables, fruits, grains (with at least half being whole grains), fat-free or low-fat dairy,
and a variety of protein foods (e.g., seafood, lean meats and poultry, eggs, legumes,
nuts, seeds, soy products) while limiting saturated and trans fats, added sugars, and
sodium (28). Rather than dictating a single, stringent diet pattern, these strategies can
be individualized to fit within one’s health needs, dietary preferences, and cultural
2-5 6-11 12-19 20-44 45-64 65 years of age
years of age years of age years of age years of age years of age and older
19 18-19
16 14-17 15-16
Hours of sleep
12-15 14
13 11-14
11-13 12
12 10-13
11 10-11 10-11
9-11 10
10 9-10
8-10 9
9 8-9
7-9 7-9
8 7-8 7-8
6 6
6 5-6
Newborn Infant Toddler Pre-school School Teen Young adult Adult Older adult
0-3 4-11 1-2 3-5 age 14-17 18-25 26-64 65+
months months years years 6-13 years years years years
• Heart rate and blood pressure naturally fluctuate during sleep to promote car-
diovascular health.
• Cells and tissues are repaired as growth hormone is released during deep sleep.
• Immune function is promoted with the creation of cytokines that target infections.
• Hormones related to appetite change (leptin, which suppresses appetite, increases
while ghrelin, which stimulates appetite, decreases).
In addition, inadequate sleep can make daily tasks like learning, concentrating, and
reacting more difficult (15).
Changing behavior to obtain the sleep you need requires making a conscious
health choice. Implementing good sleep practices is key (see Tips for Better Sleep).
One common recommendation to promote better sleep is exercise. The National Sleep
Foundation has stated, simply, “Exercise is good for sleep” (17). Although some rec-
ommendations in the past have suggested that exercise near bedtime is detrimental,
newer recommendations encourage healthy adults to exercise without any limitation
related to time of day, other than ensuring that exercise time is not replacing time
needed for sleep (18).
16 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Influence of Stress
“I’m stressed out.” Likely this statement has crossed your lips or you have heard another
person utter these words. The reality is that everyone experiences stress at various
points in life. So, what is stress? At the most basic level, stress is defined as the brain’s
response to demands (16). Not all stress is the same. Different types of stress have been
identified, including acute stress, episodic acute stress, and chronic stress.
Acute stress stems from demands and pressures that result from recent events or
even events anticipated in the near future (5). These stressors are short-term—for
example, losing your car keys or handling a customer complaint at work. Common
symptoms include irritability, anxiety, tension headache, muscular tensions, digestive
system problems, and other physiological responses such as higher blood pressure,
faster heart rate, sweating, and even shortness of breath or chest pain.
Episodic acute stress occurs when acute stress is experienced frequently (5). Picture
the person who has taken on too many tasks, who is always late and rushing, who
seems to move from one crisis directly into another, or who suffers from ongoing worry.
Symptoms of episodic acute stress include persistent tension headaches, migraines,
high blood pressure, chest pain, and heart disease.
Chronic stress is ongoing, grinding stress that is unrelenting for long periods of time
(5). The health conditions that result from untreated chronic stress include anxiety,
insomnia, muscle pain, high blood pressure, and a weakened immune system (6). In
addition, stress can contribute to the development of heart disease, depression, and
obesity (6).
Short-term stress reflects those situations in which you respond and then return back
to a baseline state of relaxation. Long-term stress can be more troubling as the body has
to continue in an alert state. This has been described as taking a “sprint” mechanism
intended to occur for a brief time (see Fight-or-Flight Response) and forcing the body
into a “marathon” or ongoing situation with resulting breakdown and system failure
over time (12). Stress can affect almost every body system. Examples are muscular
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices 17
tension for the musculoskeletal system; diarrhea-constipation for the digestive system;
elevated stress hormones and blood sugar levels for the endocrine system; and increased
risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, or stroke for the cardiovascular system (3).
Chronic stress can bring feelings of being overloaded. Responses may be due to
positive or negative changes, and can be real or perceived (16). Common sources of
stress are money, work, the economy, family responsibilities, and personal health (4).
Do any (or all) of these ring true? Symptoms of stress reported in a recent survey
include feeling angry or irritated, feeling anxious or nervous, lacking motivation, feel-
ing fatigued, being depressed or sad, or feeling overwhelmed (4). Can you picture
yourself reacting in these ways?
Various approaches to dealing with stress have been proposed, including both
prevention and management (12). Being prepared for life situations can be helpful in
preventing stressors from having a negative impact. Of course, not all stressors can be
avoided, so management of one’s reaction is also important. One valuable tool used
routinely to help handle stress is regular participation in exercise (24). The role of exer-
cise in stress reduction is not yet clear, but active people appear to be able to buffer
stress more effectively than sedentary people do. In addition, healthy diets facilitate a
healthy state (see chapter 3 for current recommendations on healthy dietary patterns).
In addition to being active and eating well, other tools can be used to prevent or
manage stress. As you consider some of the following tips, realize that no one tool
works for all people, or even within all situations.
18 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Fight-or-Flight Response
The fight-or-flight response is intended to be beneficial for survival when one is faced with
a threat. The body gears up to act as needed, and in doing so, turns on some areas of the
body while shutting down others that are not immediately needed. When confronted with
an acute stress (e.g., being startled by a loud sound when walking on a darkened sidewalk),
the body prepares to deal with the potential danger or to escape. The responses that prepare
the body for action include these: the heart beats faster, blood pressure increases, breathing
becomes heavy, pupils dilate, and muscles tense. At the same time the body increases the
availability of glucose and fats to burn for fuel while shutting down areas not vital in the
moment such as immune function, reproductive capacity, and digestion (12).
• Plan your schedule. Being aware of and in charge of your schedule provides an
empowering feeling that helps to reduce the impact of stressful situations. Plan-
ning promotes effective time management.
• Avoid procrastination. Consider how stress can be prevented when a work-related
project is completed in advance of a deadline compared with procrastination that
brings on a hectic rush to beat the cutoff date.
• Relax with deep breathing. The process of consciously slowing your breathing
rate as you increase the depth of each breath helps to counteract the fast and
shallow breathing that is common when experiencing stress.
• Limit alcohol consumption. Although alcohol may reduce stress temporarily, rely-
ing on alcohol to cope with stress has the opposite effect and produces more
bodily stress.
• Talk to family and friends. Discussing stressful events with others you trust can
be beneficial both because it helps you “get it off your chest” and because you
might receive helpful recommendations.
If faced with stress that cannot be managed with basic techniques, consider getting
help from a psychologist or other licensed mental health professional (6).
Making healthy lifestyle choices can be a challenge, but developing healthy habits is
well worth the effort. Although some benefits have a long-term focus, such as promoting
heart health, others can be realized more immediately, such as stress reduction. Includ-
ing regular physical activity along with healthy nutrition promotes physical wellness.
Embracing Physical Activity:
A Complete Exercise Program
Getting started with an exercise program or finding ways to improve what you are
already doing can seem like a daunting task. To simplify the process of developing a
lifelong exercise habit, the Complete Guide proposes that you take two steps. The first
is to examine your goals and consider how an exercise program can fit into your life
(helpful pointers on goal setting and motivation are more fully explored in chapter 4).
The second is to determine the specifics of what to include in your personal exercise
Rather than being an exact formula, an exercise prescription is more like an old
family recipe handed down from generation to generation. Although instructions are
given along with a list of ingredients, the actual cooking process gets interesting. One
person might add more of a particular ingredient for a spicier dish, and someone else
might use a substitution if short on an item. Exact measurements would ruin the cook-
ing experience and would negate the opportunity to customize the dish. Individual-
izing the process personalizes the outcome. Similarly, your exercise program will be
based on solid guidelines and a list of “ingredients,” but then you will be presented
with options to allow you to make the exercise program your own. You are unique in
terms of your health status, your current level of activity, and your fitness goals. This
chapter discusses some preliminary health screenings recommended before begin-
ning, the basic guidelines and components of an exercise program (aerobic fitness,
muscular fitness, flexibility, and functional [neuromotor] fitness), and some insights
and considerations on personalizing that program.
20 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Please read the 7 questions below carefully and answer each one honestly: check YES or NO. YES NO
1) Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition OR high blood pressure ?
2) Do you feel pain in your chest at rest, during your daily activities of living, OR when you do
physical activity?
3) Do you lose balance because of dizziness OR have you lost consciousness in the last 12 months?
Please answer NO if your dizziness was associated with over-breathing (including during vigorous exercise).
4) Have you ever been diagnosed with another chronic medical condition (other than heart disease
or high blood pressure)? PLEASE LIST CONDITION(S) HERE:
5) Are you currently taking prescribed medications for a chronic medical condition?
6) Do you currently have (or have had within the past 12 months) a bone, joint, or soft tissue
(muscle, ligament, or tendon) problem that could be made worse by becoming more physically
active? Please answer NO if you had a problem in the past, but it does not limit your current ability to be physically active.
7) Has your doctor ever said that you should only do medically supervised physical activity?
If you answered NO to all of the questions above, you are cleared for physical activity.
Go to Page 4 to sign the PARTICIPANT DECLARATION. You do not need to complete Pages 2 and 3.
Start becoming much more physically active – start slowly and build up gradually.
Follow International Physical Activity Guidelines for your age (
You may take part in a health and tness appraisal.
If you are over the age of 45 yr and NOT accustomed to regular vigorous to maximal e ort exercise,
consult a quali ed exercise professional before engaging in this intensity of exercise.
If you have any further questions, contact a quali ed exercise professional.
If you answered YES to one or more of the questions above, COMPLETE PAGES 2 AND 3.
> continued
1. Do you have Arthritis, Osteoporosis, or Back Problems?
If the above condition(s) is/are present, answer questions 1a-1c If NO go to question 2
1a. Do you have di culty controlling your condition with medications or other physician-prescribed therapies? YES NO
(Answer NO if you are not currently taking medications or other treatments)
1b. Do you have joint problems causing pain, a recent fracture or fracture caused by osteoporosis or cancer,
displaced vertebra (e.g., spondylolisthesis), and/or spondylolysis/pars defect (a crack in the bony ring on the YES NO
back of the spinal column)?
1c. Have you had steroid injections or taken steroid tablets regularly for more than 3 months? YES NO
3. Do you have a Heart or Cardiovascular Condition? This includes Coronary Artery Disease, Heart Failure,
Diagnosed Abnormality of Heart Rhythm
If the above condition(s) is/are present, answer questions 3a-3d If NO go to question 4
3a. Do you have di culty controlling your condition with medications or other physician-prescribed therapies? YES NO
(Answer NO if you are not currently taking medications or other treatments)
3b. Do you have an irregular heart beat that requires medical management? YES NO
(e.g., atrial brillation, premature ventricular contraction)
3c. Do you have chronic heart failure? YES NO
3d. Do you have diagnosed coronary artery (cardiovascular) disease and have not participated in regular physical YES NO
activity in the last 2 months?
5. Do you have any Metabolic Conditions? This includes Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes
If the above condition(s) is/are present, answer questions 5a-5e If NO go to question 6
5a. Do you often have di culty controlling your blood sugar levels with foods, medications, or other physician- YES NO
prescribed therapies?
5b. Do you often su er from signs and symptoms of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) following exercise and/or
during activities of daily living? Signs of hypoglycemia may include shakiness, nervousness, unusual irritability, YES NO
abnormal sweating, dizziness or light-headedness, mental confusion, di culty speaking, weakness, or sleepiness.
5c. Do you have any signs or symptoms of diabetes complications such as heart or vascular disease and/or YES NO
complications a ecting your eyes, kidneys, OR the sensation in your toes and feet?
5d. Do you have other metabolic conditions (such as current pregnancy-related diabetes, chronic kidney disease, or YES NO
liver problems)?
5e. Are you planning to engage in what for you is unusually high (or vigorous) intensity exercise in the near future? YES NO
Do you have any Mental Health Problems or Learning Di culties? This includes Alzheimer’s, Dementia,
Depression, Anxiety Disorder, Eating Disorder, Psychotic Disorder, Intellectual Disability, Down Syndrome
If the above condition(s) is/are present, answer questions 6a-6b If NO go to question 7
6a. Do you have di culty controlling your condition with medications or other physician-prescribed therapies? YES NO
(Answer NO if you are not currently taking medications or other treatments)
6b. Do you have Down Syndrome and back problems affecting nerves or muscles? YES NO
7. Do you have a Respiratory Disease? This includes Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Asthma, Pulmonary High
Blood Pressure
If the above condition(s) is/are present, answer questions 7a-7d If NO go to question 8
7a. Do you have di culty controlling your condition with medications or other physician-prescribed therapies? YES NO
(Answer NO if you are not currently taking medications or other treatments)
7b. Has your doctor ever said your blood oxygen level is low at rest or during exercise and/or that you require YES NO
supplemental oxygen therapy?
7c. If asthmatic, do you currently have symptoms of chest tightness, wheezing, laboured breathing, consistent cough YES NO
(more than 2 days/week), or have you used your rescue medication more than twice in the last week?
7d. Has your doctor ever said you have high blood pressure in the blood vessels of your lungs? YES NO
8. Do you have a Spinal Cord Injury? This includes Tetraplegia and Paraplegia
If the above condition(s) is/are present, answer questions 8a-8c If NO go to question 9
8a. Do you have di culty controlling your condition with medications or other physician-prescribed therapies? YES NO
(Answer NO if you are not currently taking medications or other treatments)
8b. Do you commonly exhibit low resting blood pressure signi cant enough to cause dizziness, light-headedness, YES NO
and/or fainting?
8c. Has your physician indicated that you exhibit sudden bouts of high blood pressure (known as Autonomic YES NO
Dysre exia)?
9. Have you had a Stroke? This includes Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) or Cerebrovascular Event
If the above condition(s) is/are present, answer questions 9a-9c If NO go to question 10
9a. Do you have di culty controlling your condition with medications or other physician-prescribed therapies?
(Answer NO if you are not currently taking medications or other treatments) YES NO
9c. Have you experienced a stroke or impairment in nerves or muscles in the past 6 months? YES NO
10. Do you have any other medical condition not listed above or do you have two or more medical conditions?
If you have other medical conditions, answer questions 10a-10c If NO read the Page 4 recommendations
10a. Have you experienced a blackout, fainted, or lost consciousness as a result of a head injury within the last 12 YES NO
months OR have you had a diagnosed concussion within the last 12 months?
10b. Do you have a medical condition that is not listed (such as epilepsy, neurological conditions, kidney problems)? YES NO
10c. Do you currently live with two or more medical conditions? YES NO
If you answered NO to all of the follow-up questions about your medical condition,
you are ready to become more physically active - sign the PARTICIPANT DECLARATION below:
It is advised that you consult a quali ed exercise professional to help you develop a safe and e ective physical
activity plan to meet your health needs.
You are encouraged to start slowly and build up gradually - 20 to 60 minutes of low to moderate intensity exercise,
3-5 days per week including aerobic and muscle strengthening exercises.
As you progress, you should aim to accumulate 150 minutes or more of moderate intensity physical activity per week.
If you are over the age of 45 yr and NOT accustomed to regular vigorous to maximal e ort exercise, consult a
quali ed exercise professional before engaging in this intensity of exercise.
If you answered YES to one or more of the follow-up questions about your medical condition:
You should seek further information before becoming more physically active or engaging in a tness appraisal. You should complete
the specially designed online screening and exercise recommendations program - the ePARmed-X+ at and/or
visit a quali ed exercise professional to work through the ePARmed-X+ and for further information.
You are encouraged to photocopy the PAR-Q+. You must use the entire questionnaire and NO changes are permitted.
The authors, the PAR-Q+ Collaboration, partner organizations, and their agents assume no liability for persons who
undertake physical activity and/or make use of the PAR-Q+ or ePARmed-X+. If in doubt after completing the questionnaire,
consult your doctor prior to physical activity.
All persons who have completed the PAR-Q+ please read and sign the declaration below.
If you are less than the legal age required for consent or require the assent of a care provider, your parent, guardian or care
provider must also sign this form.
I, the undersigned, have read, understood to my full satisfaction and completed this questionnaire. I acknowledge that this
physical activity clearance is valid for a maximum of 12 months from the date it is completed and becomes invalid if my
condition changes. I also acknowledge that a Trustee (such as my employer, community/ tness centre, health care provider,
or other designate) may retain a copy of this form for their records. In these instances, the Trustee will be required to adhere
to local, national, and international guidelines regarding the storage of personal health information ensuring that the
Trustee maintains the privacy of the information and does not misuse or wrongfully disclose such information.
This document has been adapted (with permission) for inclusion in canfitpro documents.
FIGURE 2.1 > continued
Embracing Physical Activity 25
No Yes
If you do not currently engage in regular exercise, continue down the left side of the
flowchart and answer the two questions related to diseases and signs or symptoms. If
your answer is “no” to both of the questions, then you can begin with light to moder-
ate activity (i.e., intensity that causes a slight increase in heart rate and breathing) and
over time can continue to progress your exercise program as described in this book.
However, if you do have a known disease (even if you don’t have signs or symptoms
currently) or if you have signs or symptoms (even if you have not been diagnosed
with a disease), you should check with your health care provider before engaging in
26 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
exercise. Once you have received clearance to exercise, exercise at a light to moderate
level, with progression as appropriate given your health status.
If you do participate in regular exercise, continue down the right side of the flow-
chart. If you are experiencing any signs or symptoms, as described previously, then you
should stop exercising and check with your health care provider. After being cleared
to exercise, gradually progress with your exercise program as appropriate based on
your health status. If you do not have signs or symptoms but have been diagnosed
with disease, then recommendations related to checking with your health care pro-
vider depend on the level of exercise you are doing. If your exercise program focuses
on moderate-intensity activity (i.e., intensity that causes noticeable increases in heart
rate and breathing), then medical clearance is not required. However, if your exercise
program includes vigorous exercise (i.e., intensity that causes substantial increases in
heart rate and breathing), then medical clearance within the prior 12 months is recom-
mended (assuming no changes in signs or symptoms). If you have no known disease
and no signs or symptoms, then continue with your moderate- or vigorous-intensity
exercise program, or progress as appropriate.
Guidelines for selecting an appropriate level of activity and considerations for pro-
gressing your exercise program over time are introduced in the next section of this
chapter and described in more detail in the chapters in part II of this book.
Aerobic Fitness
Aerobic fitness is also known as cardiorespiratory endurance. Aerobic activities are
those that require oxygen to provide energy and are typically described as involv-
ing large-muscle groups used in a repeated or rhythmic fashion (1). One of the most
popular aerobic exercises is walking. Other examples are jogging, running, bicycling,
swimming, using aerobic equipment (e.g., elliptical machines, stair climbers), tennis,
and team sports (e.g., basketball, soccer). When you are engaged in these activities,
you can feel your breathing rate go up and your heart beat faster as your body strives
to bring needed oxygen to your working muscles.
You should engage in aerobic exercise three to five days per week (1, 3). The intensity
(i.e., how hard you are working) depends on your fitness level and your current level
of activity. Some general guidelines are outlined in table 2.1, including aerobic activity
targets for intensity and overall time spent in aerobic activities each week (for now, focus
on the aerobic training column; resistance training is discussed in the next section).
Note the gradual progression of intensity listed in the table—starting with light to
moderate (e.g., walking) and then progressing to moderate-intensity activity (e.g., brisk
walking) or even to more vigorous activity for those who so desire (e.g., jogging).
Intensity and duration are inversely related, meaning if one is higher the other will be
Embracing Physical Activity 27
TABLE 2.1 Aerobic and Resistance Training Targets Based on Activity Status
Activity status Aerobic training focus Resistance training focus
Beginner No prior activity: Focus is on light- to Select six exercises (one target-
(inactive with no moderate-level activity for 20 to 30 ing each of the following muscle
or minimal physical min over the course of the day. Accu- groups: hips and legs, chest, back,
activity and thus mulating time in 10-min bouts is an shoulders, low back, and abdomi-
deconditioned) option. Overall, your target is 60 to nal muscles). Begin with one set
100 min per week. of 10 to 15 repetitions twice per
Some prior activity (i.e., once you week. As you progress, your target
have met the target level of 60 to is one or two sets of 8 to 12 repe-
100 min per week): Focus is on light- titions done two to three days per
to moderate-level activity for 30 to week. (Note: For middle-age and
45 min per day. Accumulating time older adults with limited resistance
in 10-min bouts is an option. Overall, training experience, 10 to 15 rep-
your target is 100 to 150 min per etitions per set is recommended.)
Intermediate Fair to average fitness: Focus is on Select 10 exercises (one target-
(somewhat active moderate activity for 30 to 60 min ing each of the following muscle
but overall only per day. Overall, your target is 150 to groups: hips and legs, quadriceps,
moderately 250 min per week. hamstrings, chest, back, shoulders,
conditioned) biceps, triceps, low back, and
abdominal muscles). Your target is
two sets of 8 to 12 repetitions on
two to three days per week. (Note:
For middle-age and older adults
with limited resistance training
experience, 10 to 15 repetitions
per set is recommended.)
Established Regular exerciser (moderate to vigor- You can continue with the inter-
(regularly engaging ous): Focus is on moderate- to vigor- mediate plan (but simply add more
in moderate to vig- ous-intensity activity for 30 to 90 min weight as you adapt), or you may
orous exercise) per day. Overall, your target is 150 to want to consider splitting your
300 min per week (duration depends workout and focusing more on
on intensity; more information on specific muscle groups on a given
this concept is given in chapter 5). day (more information on this
option is given in chapter 6).
lower. For moderate-intensity activity, the target duration is greater (e.g., 150 to 300
minutes per week); for vigorous-intensity activity, the time spent is less (e.g., 75 to 150
minutes per week). One person may find walking 10 minutes before and after work,
and during the lunch hour when at work, an effective way to reach 150 minutes per
week of moderate aerobic activity. Another person may enjoy jogging for 20 to 25
minutes three days per week for a total of 75 minutes per week of vigorous-intensity
activity. The options are almost unlimited. The point of examining these recommenda-
tions is to highlight the ranges with regard to frequency, intensity, and time, with the
understanding that benefits continue to increase at higher levels of activity—although
scientists have not identified the upper limit at which no additional benefits will be
realized (4). Chapter 5 includes more details on aerobic exercise, including two basic
fitness tests that can be used to help you estimate your level of aerobic fitness (the
one-mile walking test and the 1.5-mile run test).
28 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Muscular Fitness
Muscular fitness training is typically referred to as resistance training and addresses
muscular strength, muscular endurance, and power (1). Consider muscular strength
and muscular endurance as the two ends of the muscular fitness continuum. Muscular
strength is the maximum amount of force a muscle or muscle group can produce.
Strength is focused on single-effort activity such as moving a heavy box or lifting a
loaded barbell. Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or muscle group to exert
a force repeatedly over time or to maintain a contraction for a period of time. Examples
of muscular endurance are lifting a small child repeatedly or continuing to hold up a
child so he can see over a crowd at a parade. Repeated or sustained contractions in
other activities such as yoga or rock climbing also require muscular endurance. Muscular
power incorporates the aspect of time. Power is greater when you are able to do the
same movement in a shorter time or when more work can be done in the same time.
Picture being able to rise quickly from a chair or move efficiently up a flight of stairs.
Most activities involve aspects of muscular strength, endurance, and power; thus, in
this book the term muscular fitness is generally used.
Table 2.1 offers guidance regarding resistance training for beginning, intermediate,
and established exercisers. Note that you may be doing aerobic exercise regularly
(and thus be in the “established” category) but may be a beginner when it comes to
resistance training. For this reason, you should consider each component separately.
Your muscular fitness training program should include exercises for the major muscle
groups—chest, shoulders, arms, upper and lower back, abdomen, hips, and legs (1).
You should also train opposing muscle groups to maintain muscle balance, which
helps you avoid injury (e.g., include both low back exercises and abdominal exercises).
Embracing Physical Activity 29
Your resistance training program consists of repetitions and sets. A repetition refers
to the act of lifting a weight one time; lifting the weight multiple times in succession
is called a set. Each muscle group should be trained in sets. You can repeat a given
exercise, or you can select different exercises that target the same muscle group. The
number of repetitions and sets depends on your goals. In general, individuals should
perform 8 to 15 repetitions and complete two to four sets of each exercise (1, 3). For
resistance training focused more specifically on muscular endurance, the repetition
number is typically higher (e.g., 15 to 25 repetitions) (1). For example, consider using a
body weight exercise like push-ups in which multiple sets of 25 could be performed.
To improve muscular fitness, you have to apply an overload, or stress beyond typical
use, to the muscle or muscle group. This concept of relative intensity of the resistance
training session is related to the number of repetitions and sets. If you cannot com-
plete eight repetitions, then the weight or resistance is too heavy. If you can exceed
15 repetitions, the weight or resistance is too light. When starting out, you may find
the need to make more frequent adjustments.
Including rest is key in order for the muscle to be able to adapt. When scheduling
resistance training sessions, do not train a given muscle group on two consecutive
days (1, 3). Some soreness may be experienced, but with gradual progression this can
be minimized. Consulting a fitness professional may be appropriate, especially if you
are unfamiliar with the various types of exercises or equipment. Muscular fitness can
be improved with resistance training, and examples of specific exercises are provided
in chapter 6, along with some simple muscular fitness assessments.
Flexibility is the ability to move a joint through its full range of motion, or in other words,
the amount of movement possible given the anatomical structure of the joint. Many
people consider flexibility a characteristic that either you have or you don’t. Although
some people naturally have a higher level of flexibility than others do, everyone has
the potential to improve flexibility even if gymnast-type flexibility isn’t a possibility.
The value of flexibility can be clearly seen in daily activities such as bending to tie
your shoes, looking over your shoulder to check for cars in traffic, securing a back
zipper, or engaging in recreational activities such as swimming or golfing.
Flexibility can vary greatly not only among people but also among the various
joints in the body. The ability to have full movement at the joint, also referred to as a
full range of motion, can be influenced by injury, disuse, and age. When a joint is not
used throughout its normal or potential range of motion, full movement of the joint is
lost over time. To improve flexibility, you need to include stretching exercises in your
exercise program (1, 3).
Stretching refers to exercises that move joints, along with the related muscles, ten-
dons, and ligaments, through their range of motion. Include stretching in your exercise
program at least two to three days per week, although daily time spent stretching pro-
vides greater potential benefits (1, 3). Typically, about 10 minutes allows you to stretch
the major muscle groups (neck, shoulders, back, pelvis, hips, and legs) (1). Chapter 7
includes more information about stretching, along with specific examples of stretches.
as well as to optimize agility and balance. Aging can result in a loss of balance and
agility, thus leading to an increased risk of falling. Balance-enhancing activities, often
referred to as neuromuscular exercises (because of the brain–nerve and muscle con-
nection), are recommended for adults in the form of activities such as tai chi, Pilates,
and yoga, and for older adults who are at risk of falling or who have impairments in
mobility (1, 3). Chapter 8 includes a number of activities that can be included as part
of a neuromotor exercise training program.
your scores along with the ranking for each assessment lets you watch for progress
over time. If you aren’t seeing improvement in a particular area, you may need to
increase your focus on that fitness component. If you are already at a good level of
fitness, then seek to maintain your fitness in that area.
Although the scores and rankings from fitness assessments are useful in establishing
a baseline as well as in marking your progress, your reasons for becoming active are
not likely linked to a number on a chart. More likely, your wake-up call was realizing
that lack of fitness prevents you from engaging fully in life activities. Consider the
following examples:
Aerobic Fitness
• Do you find yourself breathless going up a short flight of stairs?
• Do you avoid social or recreational situations that may involve physical activity?
• Are you unable to keep up with peers in recreational activities or sport competi-
Muscular Fitness
• Are you unable to lift a full bag of groceries from your vehicle?
• Do you struggle to hold your child or grandchild?
• Are you limited in your recreational pursuits by a lack of strength?
• Are you unable to reach over your shoulder to fasten a zipper?
• Do you find it difficult to look behind you to check for traffic when driving?
• Do you have to modify your movements (e.g., a golf swing) to compensate for
limited joint mobility?
Functional Fitness
• Do you find yourself unsteady when moving quickly from one position to another?
• Are you prone to falling?
Body Composition
• Are your clothes tighter than they were last year?
• Do you feel unhappy with your appearance because of weight gain?
• Does added body fat limit your enjoyment of recreational activities such as jog-
ging or cycling?
Although assessing each of the components of fitness is encouraged, acknowledge
that you are more than a score! Your quest for improved health and fitness relates to
how you function on a daily basis. Make the changes you need to fulfill your poten-
tial. The scores or rankings provided by the fitness assessments are simply intended
to help you monitor your progress.
health clubs, community fitness centers, and small storefront centers. Issues to con-
sider when making your choice are the services that are most important to you and
the cost of membership.
A great advantage of fitness facilities is the variety of options available for aerobic
and muscular fitness training. Most facilities have a number of treadmills, stationary
bikes, and elliptical machines, and many also include a swimming pool and areas to
play basketball and court-based sports. Likewise, many facilities offer a wide range of
weights and resistance machines for muscular fitness training. These options, along
with any number of group exercise classes and child care, make joining a fitness facil-
ity an attractive choice for many individuals and families.
When deciding whether to join a fitness facility, consider location, hours of opera-
tion, equipment, supervision, shower facilities, member services, and cost (see table
2.2). One other important part of your decision relates to the environment of the facil-
ity. Some exercisers are drawn to facilities that are family focused and more relaxed,
whereas others prefer a more serious athletic environment. Before joining, tour the
facility at the time of day you plan to exercise to get a clear picture. Many facilities
offer short-term memberships at very low cost, allowing you to see if the facility is a
good match for you. Careful consideration of each of these issues and others unique
to your circumstances can help you make your decision.
Rather than joining a health club or fitness facility, you may prefer to exercise in
the comfort and convenience of your own home. You can develop a very effective
fitness program at home with little to no equipment, or you may choose to look into
purchasing some exercise equipment. Examples of no-cost, equipment-free options
include calisthenics (such as push-ups, curl-ups, jumping jacks), walking or jogging
in place, flexibility exercises that require only a space on the floor, fitness-based pro-
gramming on public television, exercise DVDs from the local public library, or videos
available from reputable sources on YouTube and the Internet. With regard to the last
two options, it is beyond the scope of this book to evaluate all of the available fitness
programs, videos, and DVDs. If you choose these options, consider the credentials
of the people associated with the materials. In addition, take into account your own
personal style and follow the guidelines outlined in this book when choosing a home-
based program.
Although no-cost options present viable opportunities for physical activity, you may
want more variety in your home-based program. Purchasing some rather inexpensive
items can broaden the scope of activities you can do—for example, an exercise mat
for stretching or doing yoga, elastic tubing or medicine balls for resistance training, or
a stability ball to work on balance and coordination.
Exercise equipment is another consideration, depending on your budget and the
space you have available. The starting cost for exercise equipment likely is more than
a yearly membership to a local fitness facility or health club, but this may be a worth-
while investment when you consider the long-term use and convenience. If you decide
to purchase your own equipment for use at home, the challenge will be to meet your
personal fitness needs while simultaneously finding a good blend of price and qual-
ity. The following list of questions will help you purchase equipment that will provide
years of use rather than turning into a garage sale casualty:
• What are your fitness goals? If you plan to focus on a walking program, you don’t
need a treadmill with capabilities for an Olympian! However, if you have some
competitive goals in mind, be sure the equipment can withstand the rigors of
your training. Match your use with the construction and purpose of the equip-
ment and also the activities you most enjoy.
• How much space do you have available? Take time to measure your floor space.
A piece of equipment always looks much smaller in a showroom than it will in
your home. You will need some space around the equipment to allow for safe
usage, so calculate that into your plans. Some resistance training equipment has
a significant vertical component, so knowing ceiling height is also important.
• How much money do you want to spend? Home exercise equipment varies greatly
in price. Cost is always a consideration, but keep the first question in mind, too.
If a simple piece of equipment will fulfill your fitness goals, don’t be pulled into
purchasing more expensive equipment with options you will never use. Quality
should be a major consideration. One or two high-quality pieces of equipment
are better than a number of poor-quality items that do not provide the enjoy-
ment you anticipated.
• How does the equipment feel? You should try out any piece of equipment you
plan to purchase. You are not likely to buy a car based on viewing a picture in a
magazine. In the same way, you should take exercise equipment on a “test drive”
to ensure that it matches your needs. All moving parts should be smooth and
fluid, not jerky or rubbing. Also make sure the equipment fits—treadmill belts
should be long enough for your stride; stationary bikes should be adjustable to
allow about a 10-degree bend at your knee at the bottom of the pedal stroke;
and resistance training equipment should adjust to your limb lengths.
• Is assembly provided? When it comes to any home-based purchase, there are three
dreaded words: “to be assembled.” Some items may be simple to assemble, but
for others you may want to ensure that professional assembly is included in the
purchase price.
Embracing Physical Activity 35
If you start out with this list of questions, you will maximize the benefits of home-
based exercise equipment and realize years of enjoyment.
Checklist for selecting a qualified personal trainer.
Do you have a certification from a nationally recognized organization such as ____ Yes ____ No
the American College of Sports Medicine* or the National Strength and Con-
ditioning Association?
Do you have a college degree in the health and fitness field? ____ Yes ____ No
Do you participate in continuing education to stay current in the field? ____ Yes ____ No
Do you have certifications in CPR and first aid? ____ Yes ____ No
Do you have experience working with people similar to me in terms of age, ____ Yes ____ No
sex, and goals?
Do you use preactivity screenings and fitness assessments? ____ Yes ____ No
Do you include cardiorespiratory, muscular, and flexibility training in your pro- ____ Yes ____ No
*You can find ACSM-certified professionals in your area by looking at ACSM’s Pro Finder (see
From ACSM, 2017, ACSM’s complete guide to fitness & health, 2nd ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics).
36 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Deciding to take charge of your health and to improve your fitness is a powerful
resolution. Before getting started, a health status check is recommended to identify
any current concerns (including follow-up with your health care provider as needed)
in order to maximize safety when you are active. The benefits of physical activity are
so great that being active is recommended for most people. A complete exercise pro-
gram includes aerobic activity, resistance training, flexibility, and neuromotor exercise
training. With these tools in hand, reflect on your reasons for exercising and your
goals. Your exercise program will not be static but will likely change over time as you
continue to reflect on fitness assessments and develop new and more challenging goals.
Balancing Nutrition:
Dietary Guidelines
38 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Key recommendations from these Guidelines include following a healthy eating pat-
tern that accounts for all foods and beverages within an appropriate calorie level (32).
A healthy eating pattern includes the following:
• A variety of vegetables from all of the subgroups—dark green, red and orange,
legumes (beans and peas), starchy, and other
• Fruits, especially whole fruits
• Grains, at least half of which are whole grains
• Fat-free or low-fat dairy, including milk, yogurt, cheese, and fortified soy beverages
• A variety of protein foods, including seafood, lean meats and poultry, eggs,
legumes (beans and peas), nuts, seeds, and soy products
• Oils
A healthy eating pattern limits the following:
• Saturated fats and trans fats, added sugars, and sodium.
• Consume less than 10 percent of calories per day from added sugars.
• Consume less than 10 percent of calories per day from saturated fats.
• Consume less than 2,300 milligrams (mg) per day of sodium.
• If alcohol is consumed, it should be consumed in moderation—up to one drink
per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men—and only by adults
of legal drinking age.
These Guidelines are an excellent place to start on the path to a healthier diet. The
next step is to look at the nutrients and distribution you require to meet your energy
The thermic effect of food is the energy required to digest and absorb food. The
thermic effect of food is measured similarly to BMR, although the measurement time
is usually about 4 hours after you have consumed a meal. The thermic effect of food
is 10 to 15 percent of your TEE.
The thermic effect of activity is the amount of energy required for physical activity.
It can be measured in a laboratory when you are exercising on a stationary bike or
treadmill. The thermic effect of activity is the most variable of the three major compo-
nents of TEE because it can be as low as 15 percent for sedentary people and as high
as 80 percent for athletes who train 6 to 8 hours per day.
One other component of TEE that plays a role is nonexercise activity thermogen-
esis (NEAT), which is energy expended in unplanned physical activity. Nonexercise
activity thermogenesis is characterized by any unplanned physical activity that is not
exercise but is more than just sitting still. This can include taking the stairs instead of
the elevator, sitting on a balance ball at your desk, parking farther from your destina-
tion in a parking lot, fidgeting, and other calorie-burning activities. By figuring out
BMR, thermic effect of food, thermic effect of physical activity, and NEAT, an estimate
can be made of how many total calories a person would need in a single day, or the
individual’s TEE.
Although determining your energy needs in a laboratory is precise, you do not
need to go to that expense to estimate the number of calories you use. Simpler yet
less precise methods of estimation require first calculating your BMR based on your
age, sex, height, and weight (13, 19) and then adding in the thermic effects of food and
of activity, but this method can be rather time-consuming. For general purposes, the
easiest way requires some simple math that allows you to quickly estimate your energy
needs. Keep in mind that this method, although the simplest, is the least accurate and
should be used only as a rough estimation. See table 3.1 for the estimated daily caloric
intake needed to maintain your current weight (34). To calculate your needed daily
calorie intake, look at the first column, then find the activity level that best represents
your current status. If you know your body weight in pounds, multiply that number
by the estimated number of calories per pound in the second column; if you know
your weight in kilograms, look at the third column in the table.
Take a moment to do this calculation based on your body weight and activity level.
Keep in mind that your final estimate is just that—an estimate. Your actual daily calo-
rie needs may vary somewhat, but this provides an approximate starting point. To
maintain your body weight, this is about how many calories you should consume. To
lose or gain weight, you will need to adjust your food intake accordingly.
What is a calorie?
A calorie is defined as the heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1
degree Celsius. Because this is a relatively small amount, scientists use the larger unit
Calories (uppercase C), also called a kilocalorie (abbreviated as kcal). The Calorie, or
kilocalorie, is equal to 1,000 calories. Food labels in the United States display Calories,
or kilocalories. This is all pretty technical and does not reflect typical usage in everyday
language. In this book, the word “calories” refers to Calories, or kilocalories (i.e., 1,000
calories), which is common usage.
Balancing Nutrition 41
TABLE 3.1 Approximate Daily Caloric Intake per Unit of Body Weight Needed
for Maintaining Desirable Body Weight
Calories per
Calories per pound kilogram of body
Activity level of body weight weight
Very sedentary 13 29
(restricted movement, e.g., as for a patient
confined to home)
Sedentary 14 31
(most Americans, office job, light work)
Moderate activity 15 33
(weekend recreation)
Very active 16 35
(meets ACSM standards for vigorous exercise three
times per week)
Competitive athlete 17 or more 38 or more
(daily vigorous activity in high-energy sport)
Adapted by permission from M.H. Williams, 2007, p. 404.
Macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) provide energy for daily activities
and during exercise, recreational activity, and sport training. They provide slightly
different numbers of calories per gram, as follows:
• Carbohydrates provide about 4 calories per gram.
• Proteins provide about 4 calories per gram.
• Fats provide about 9 calories per gram.
These values show clearly that on a gram per gram basis, fat is much denser with
regard to calories than carbohydrate or protein. This is the reason a food high in fat
provides more calories than a food lower in fat. Chapter 18 provides additional infor-
mation on the macronutrients as they pertain to weight management. Although alcohol
is not a required nutrient, it has its own unique calorie content of 7 calories per gram.
Although some diets (e.g., the Atkins diet) seem to suggest that carbohydrates are the
villain when it comes to weight management, carbohydrates are actually vital for the
optimal functioning of your body. For example, your brain and central nervous system
rely on carbohydrate or glucose in the blood for energy. Carbohydrates are also an
important source of energy during physical activity. Without sufficient carbohydrate
42 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
in your diet, you will not be able to fully enjoy a vigorous workout or competition
because your body will not have the fuel it needs to perform.
Carbohydrates exist in the form of sugars, starches, and fiber. Sugars are naturally
found in items such as fruit and milk products. Sugar is also added to various products
for flavor and taste. Cutting down on products with added sugar is recommended (e.g.,
candy, nondiet soda, and fruit drinks). These are rather obvious, but checking food
labels can reveal added sugars that aren’t as obvious. When searching for added sugars
in foods, first check the ingredients list. Added sugars can be identified by many differ-
ent names, including brown sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, dextrose, high-fructose
corn syrup, glucose, honey, lactose, maltose, malt syrup, molasses, and sucrose. Be
especially careful when these items are listed among the first few ingredients on the
food label because components are listed in the order of predominance by weight
(31). Based on the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the recommendation is to
limit calories from added sugars to 10 percent per day (30, 32).
Focusing on fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain products maximizes the health
benefits of carbohydrates. Starches are a more complex form of carbohydrate that the
body can use for energy and are found in products such as vegetables, dried beans,
and grains. Starches are different from sugars because they are chemically composed of
long chains of sugars linked together. Consumption of whole grains can help prevent
cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and other chronic diseases mainly because
they are high in vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants (15, 25). More informa-
tion on disease prevention appears in part IV of this book.
The third category of carbohydrate—fiber—includes parts of food that the body
cannot break down and absorb. Sources of fiber include vegetables, fruits, and whole
grains. Consuming higher-fiber foods promotes greater feelings of fullness as well as
bowel health. Higher-fiber diets have been found to reduce the risk of diabetes, colon
cancer, and obesity (32). Table 3.2 provides examples of good sources of carbohydrates,
including the contribution made by fiber (29).
Approximately 45 to 65 percent of your calorie intake should be from carbohydrates
(10). This is a relatively wide range to account for the variety of nutritional approaches
while avoiding deficiencies or adverse health consequences. Out of this 45 to 65 percent,
strive to consume a variety of these types of carbohydrates. Typical diets tend to over
consume the simple sugars and under consume starches and fiber. The Daily Value
listed on food labels (see the full discussion later in this chapter) is based on 60 percent
of the calorie intake. If you are active, or if you are a competitive athlete, keeping your
carbohydrate intake near the upper end of this range provides sufficient fuel for your
working muscles. Now that you know about how many calories you need per day, as
figured from table 3.1, you can determine how much carbohydrate is recommended.
For example, for someone who needs 2,500 calories per day, approximately 1,125 to
1,625 calories should be from carbohydrate. This would be calculated as follows:
2,500 calories per day 0.45 (45%) = 1,125 calories from carbohydrate
2,500 calories per day 0.65 (65%) = 1,625 calories from carbohydrate
To determine the number of grams of carbohydrate you need, recall that each gram
of carbohydrate supplies 4 calories. Simply take the number of calories from carbohy-
drate and divide by 4 to determine how many grams you need:
Balancing Nutrition 43
Proteins are made of small units called amino acids, which are considered the building
blocks of the body. Proteins promote muscle growth and are required for many body
functions, including assistance with chemical reactions and hormones. Even though
proteins can provide 4 calories per gram, you typically do not use protein for energy
unless you are deficient in your intake of carbohydrate or fat. This is so the protein
you consume can be used to promote growth and for normal body functions. See
table 3.3 for the protein content of various foods (29).
Proteins should account for about 10 to 15 percent of total calories (AMDR is 10 to
35 percent for adults—see What Do All the Abbreviations Mean later in this chapter
for a definition of AMDR) (10). As with carbohydrates, a range is provided to account
for differences in diet and to suggest a safe upper limit. Depending on your total calo-
rie intake, you may be near the low or high end of this range. Your personal protein
44 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
requirement is based on your body weight; you should consume approximately 0.36
grams of protein for each pound of body weight. Simply multiply your body weight
in pounds by 0.36 to determine approximately how many grams of protein you need
to consume each day. If you know your body weight in kilograms, multiply that value
by 0.8 (3). For example, for a 150-pound or a 68-kilogram person, this would be fig-
ured as shown:
150 pounds 0.36 = 54 grams protein 4 calories/gram = 216 calories from
68 kilograms 0.8 = 54 grams protein 4 calories/gram = 216 calories from
Note that protein requirements are increased for athletes and are different depend-
ing on the sport, the intensity and frequency of the workout, and how experienced
Balancing Nutrition 45
the total number of calories from fat. Paying attention to serving size is key to determining
your overall calorie intake of each food item. As a quick guide to calorie intake, consider
the following (31):
• A food item providing 40 calories per serving is considered “low calorie.”
• A food item providing 100 calories per serving is considered “moderate calorie.”
• A food item providing 400 calories or more per serving is considered “high calorie.”
Throughout the course of a typical day, you will likely consume food items in various
categories. As long as you keep an eye on the total calories you consume over the course
of the day, you will be able to remain in energy balance (i.e., your consumed calories will
match the number of calories you expend).
the athlete is. Typical recommendations for strength-trained athletes (e.g., American
football players, bodybuilders) and endurance athletes (e.g., marathon runners) are
between 0.55 and 0.77 grams of protein per pound of body weight (or 1.2 to 1.7 grams
Do protein requirements change with age?
It is often believed that as individuals age, protein needs change. This is not necessarily
true for the average healthy adult. The Dietary Reference Intakes recommend that adult
males consume 56 grams of protein per day and adult females consume 46 grams of
protein per day, regardless of their age (29). It is important to remember that these
numbers are general guidelines for the average individual. Protein needs always vary
depending upon the individual.
46 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
of protein per kilogram of body weight) (3). Because many Americans already consume
more than the Recommended Dietary Allowance for protein, athletes or other highly
active people may already be consuming adequate protein. For those with inadequate
intake, increased focus on consuming a variety of protein foods is recommended (30).
Fats, also called lipids, are provided in the diet from such sources as animal protein,
butter, oils, nuts, and many refined products. Fats are often thought of as bad, a myth
perpetuated by the many fat-free products flooding store shelves. However, fats are
needed in appropriate amounts for normal functioning in the body (3). For example,
lipids are the main component of each cell in your body. In addition, fat is a major
source of energy, especially when you are at rest or performing low- to moderate-
intensity physical activity. Excessive consumption of fat is unhealthy, but concerns
also arise when fat intake is too low. A balanced approach to fat intake provides the
necessary amount of fat for optimal health.
Fats are present in a number of forms, including saturated fats, monounsaturated fats,
and polyunsaturated fats. These designations have to do with the chemical structure
of the fat. Trans fats are found naturally in some animal products (mainly meat and
dairy products), but also are a result of a manufacturing process called hydrogenation.
Hydrogenation changes the structure of a fat to make it more stable and as a result
more like saturated fats (which are solid at room temperature). Food companies hydro-
genate fat to increase the shelf life of the product, to make it taste more like butter, and
to save money because it is less expensive to hydrogenate oil than it is to use butter.
In general, health concerns result from consuming too much saturated and trans fats.
Trans fats have been shown to increase the “bad” cholesterol in blood (low-density
lipoprotein cholesterol, or LDL-C), even more so than saturated fats. Sources of trans
fats include animal products, margarine, and snack foods. The good news is that as a
result of health concerns, the food industry is reformulating many products to remove
or at least reduce the amount of trans fat. Many restaurants have also now gone “trans
Balancing Nutrition 47
fat free.” Companies that make processed food products are required to list the amount
of trans fat in their products. Although some products have labels that state they are
“trans fat free,” this actually means that they contain no more than 0.5 percent trans fat.
Monounsaturated fats, such as olive oil, canola oil, avocados, walnuts, and flaxseeds,
have been shown to be protective against heart disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
48 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
That is not to say that you can consume as much monounsaturated fat as you want;
however, selecting monounsaturated fats instead of saturated fats may lead to better
health (e.g., healthier blood cholesterol levels). Polyunsaturated fats, such as safflower
oil, corn oil, and fish oils, have also been shown to be protective against many diseases.
Fish oils (eicosapentaenoic [EPA] and docosahexaenoic [DHA]) have been shown to
decrease inflammation within the body and may protect against heart disease, type 2
diabetes, and arthritis. This does not mean that EPA and DHA are protective against
everything, but they are important to overall health. Therefore, you should try to con-
sume 2 to 3 ounces (56 to 85 g) of fatty fish (e.g., tuna, salmon, and sardines) at least
two days per week (30). Fish oil supplements may also be warranted (consult with
your health care provider to see if this is appropriate for you).
Saturated fats are found in products such as butter, cheese, meat, palm oil, and
whole milk. Because of the increased risk of disease associated with saturated fats,
less than 10 percent of your calories should come from saturated fats (30, 32), with an
even better target of less than 7 percent (32). Trans fats also should be limited to as
little as possible (30). Because of the focus on saturated and trans fats, the nutrition
labels on food products include total fat as well as the amount of saturated and trans
fats (see figure 3.1).
Although not technically a fat, cholesterol is in the lipid family and is found in animal
products. Your body needs a certain amount of cholesterol; thus, even if your diet
contained none, the liver would produce what your body needs. The problem arises
when cholesterol levels in the blood become too high. Total blood cholesterol levels,
as well as LDL-C levels, are predictors of heart disease (for more information, see
chapter 12). Although you consume cholesterol in your diet, a major factor influencing
your blood cholesterol levels is the amount of saturated and trans fats you consume.
Thus, limiting saturated fat intake to no more than 10 percent of your calories is rec-
ommended (no more than 7 percent is even better) (30, 32).
Total fat intake should be between 20 and 35 percent of calories (30). Most of these
calories should come from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (e.g., fish, nuts,
vegetable oils), and your consumption of saturated fat should be limited. For example,
for someone with a target of 2,500 calories per day, total fat intake should be between
20 and 35 percent of total calories. In this example, a target of 28 percent is selected
(middle of the range). This would be approximately 700 calories from fat and would
be calculated as follows:
2,500 0.28 = 700 calories
To keep saturated fat at no more than 10 percent of total calories, the calories from
saturated fat would total only 250, determined as follows:
2,500 0.10 = 250 calories from saturated fat
To determine how many grams this represents, the calories from fat can be divided
by 9 (recall that each gram of fat provides 9 calories). Thus, in this example, total fat
would be around 78 grams (700 / 9 = 78), and saturated fat would be no more than
around 28 grams (250 / 9 = 28).
Some of the food groups contributing to saturated fat intake are cheese, beef, milk
products, frozen desserts, snack foods (e.g., cookies, cakes, doughnuts, potato chips),
butter, salad dressings, and eggs. Making small changes in the foods you select could
result in meaningful decreases in the saturated fat and calories you consume. See table
3.4 for some comparisons between higher- and lower-fat food selections (30).
Balancing Nutrition 49
TABLE 3.4 Food Selection Alternatives for Lower Saturated Fat Consumption
Food Higher-fat option Lower-fat option
Cheddar cheese Regular cheddar cheese Low-fat cheddar cheese
(1 oz or 28 g) (6 g saturated fat; 114 calories) (1.2 g saturated fat; 49 calories)
Milk Whole milk, 3.24% Low-fat milk, 1%*
(1 cup) (4.6 g saturated fat; (1.5 g saturated fat;
146 calories) 102 calories)
Frozen desserts Regular ice cream Low-fat frozen yogurt
(1/2 cup) (4.9 g saturated fat; (2.0 g saturated fat;
145 calories) 110 calories)
Ground beef Regular ground beef, 25% fat Extra-lean ground beef, 5% fat
(3 oz or 85 g, cooked) (6.1 g saturated fat; (2.6 g saturated fat;
236 calories) 148 calories)
Chicken Fried chicken, leg with skin Roasted chicken, breast, no skin
(3 oz or 85 g, cooked) (3.3 g saturated fat; (0.9 g saturated fat;
212 calories) 140 calories)
Fish Fried fish Baked fish
(3 oz or 85 g) (2.8 g saturated fat; (1.5 g saturated fat;
195 calories) 129 calories)
Ranch dressing Regular ranch dressing Light ranch dressing
(2 Tbsp or 30 mL) (2.5 g saturated fat; (1.0 g saturated fat; 80 calories)
140 calories)
Mayonnaise Regular mayonnaise (1.5 g Light mayonnaise
(1 Tbsp or 13 g) saturated fat; 90 calories) (0.5 g saturated fat; 35 calories)
*Skim milk would decrease the saturated fat to 0 grams and only 80 calories.
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2015.
Micronutrients include vitamins and minerals. Minerals and vitamins, although part of
energy-yielding reactions in your body, cannot provide energy directly. Many have anti-
oxidant, or cell-protecting, functions (e.g., vitamins A, C, and E; copper; iron; selenium;
and zinc). It is important to consume the DRI amounts for vitamins and minerals (or at
least obtain 70 percent of the DRI) to maintain overall health (9, 10). It is beyond the
scope of this chapter to discuss all the vitamins and minerals in detail; however, table
3.5 provides a listing of the major vitamins and minerals, including common sources
as well as concerns with consuming too much or too little (11, 34).
You may be feeling overwhelmed thinking about consuming each of the macro-
nutrients and the micronutrients (all the vitamins and minerals) each day. However,
if you consume a diet that is varied, includes five to eight servings of fruits and
vegetables per day, and is composed mostly of whole foods and less of processed
foods, you will be doing your body good. You may also feel daunted by the idea of
consuming five to eight servings of fruits and vegetables per day, but remember that
these servings include fruits and vegetables (not five to eight servings of each!), and
that a serving can be a medium banana, 4 ounces (118 mL) of 100 percent fruit juice,
1/2 cup of broccoli, and the like. The website can help you better
understand serving sizes, as well as your particular requirements. See figure 3.3 for a
50 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
peek at the premise behind the plate (28). When making food choices, consider the
following simple guidelines:
• Whole grain is better than processed or white grain.
• More color is better than less color (e.g., dark green leafy vegetables, deep red
vegetables and fruits, and dark blue or purple fruits have more vitamins and
minerals than those with less color).
• Less-processed foods are best.
Often, contemplating how to improve your diet is difficult because it is hard to know
where to start. As with any change it is important to focus on short-term and long-term
goals. Consider a long-term goal of cutting down on fat intake as well as improving
the nutrient content of your diet (e.g., increasing consumption of whole grains, fruits,
DRI is an umbrella term. It includes the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR), the Recom-
mended Dietary Allowance (RDA), the Adequate Intake (AI), and the Tolerable Upper Intake
Level (UL). The DRIs are focused on the nutrition requirements of nearly all healthy people
(i.e., they focus on 97 percent of that population). The DRIs are set by a committee estab-
lished by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences.
• EAR—The nutrient values established when there is enough scientific information.
Once an EAR is established, an RDA can be established for that particular nutrient.
• RDA—Target values established by scientists with a focus on preventing nutrition-
related diseases.
• AI—Values set for nutrients when there is not enough scientific evidence to support
establishing the RDA.
• UL—The upper limits established for nutrients to prevent toxic consumption levels
(11). These were set because so many people take vitamin and mineral supplements.
The AMDR is not under the main umbrella of DRIs but rather provides ranges for the amount
of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins (i.e., macronutrients) you should consume. The macro-
nutrients are given in a range because the requirements vary among people more than those
of the micronutrients (i.e., vitamins and minerals, which are covered by the DRI).
It is not necessary to obtain 100 percent of the established DRI for every nutrient every
day; however, it is good to strive for at least 70 percent of the established DRI per day for
each nutrient (9, 10). As you will see later in this chapter, the AMDR also provides guidance
for dietary choices. All of the nutritional choices you make on a daily basis can make a dif-
ference for your health.
TABLE 3.5 Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamin (adults under 50)* Functions Deficiency Toxicity Food sources
Thiamin Males: Needed for car- Weakness, Not identified Fortified breads
(vitamin B1) 1.2 mg/day bohydrate and fatigue, and cereals,
Females: protein metabo- psychosis, whole grains,
1.1 mg/day lism and func- nerve damage lean meats
tioning of the (e.g., pork),
heart, muscles, fish, soybeans
and nervous
Riboflavin Males: Needed for (Rare) Fatigue, Not identified Lean meats,
(vitamin B2) 1.3 mg/day energy produc- sore throat, eggs, nuts,
Females: tion and red and swollen green leafy
1.1 mg/day blood cell pro- tongue vegetables, milk
duction and milk-based
fortified cereals
Niacin Males: Needed for Pellagra Liver damage, Poultry, dairy
(vitamin B3) 16 mg/day energy produc- (symptoms peptic ulcers, products, fish,
Females: tion and health include skin rashes, lean meats,
14 mg/day of digestive diarrhea, skin flushing nuts, eggs
system, skin, and dementia,
nerves and
Pantothenic Males and Needed for Rare Typically no Eggs, fish,
acid females: 5 mg/day energy toxicity milk and milk
(vitamin B5) production products, lean
beef, legumes,
Biotin Males and Needed for Rare Typically no Eggs, fish,
females: energy toxicity milk and milk
30 mg/day production products, lean
beef, legumes,
Vitamin B6 Males: Needed for Dermatitis, Neurological Beans, nuts,
1.3 to 1.7 mg/day protein sore tongue, disorders and legumes, eggs,
Females: metabolism, depression, numbness meats, fish,
1.3 to 1.5 mg/day immune and confusion whole grains,
nervous system fortified breads
functions and cereals
Folate Males and Needed for cel- Diarrhea, Not identified Beans and
females: lular growth, fatigue, legumes, citrus
400 mg/day replication, headaches, fruits, whole
regulation, and sore tongue, grains, dark
maintenance poor growth green leafy
poultry, shellfish
> continued
Table 3.5 > continued
Vitamin (adults under 50)* Functions Deficiency Toxicity Food sources
Vitamin B12 Males and Needed in red Anemia, Not identified Eggs, meat,
females: blood cell for- numbness, poultry, shell-
2.4 mg/day mation, neuro- weakness, fish, milk and
logical function; loss of bal- milk products
role in metabo- ance
Vitamin C Males: 90 mg/day Needed for Dry–splitting Gastro- Citrus fruits, red
Females: 75 mg/ its antioxidant hair, gingivi- intestinal and green pep-
day properties, iron tis, dry skin, disturbances pers, tomatoes,
absorption, and depressed (cramps and broccoli, greens
role in immune diarrhea)
connective function,
tissues (skin, slow wound
bones, and car- healing
Vitamin A Males: Important role Night Toxic at Eggs, milk,
900 mg/day in vision, as well blindness, higher doses, cheese, liver,
Females: as maintenance decreased birth defects kidney
700 mg/day of healthy immune (beta-carotene,
teeth, bones, function which can be
and skin converted into
a form of vita-
min A, is found
in orange and
dark green veg-
Vitamin D Males and Needed for Rickets Kidney Skin exposure
females: calcium (in children) stones; to sunlight; fish,
5 mg/day absorption and osteopo- calcium fortified milk
and for bone rosis, osteo- deposits in
growth and malacia, heart and
remodeling or both (in lungs
Vitamin E Males and Needed for Rare Increased risk Wheat germ,
females: its antioxidant of death at nuts, seeds,
15 mg/day properties and higher doses vegetable oils
has an impor- (400 IU or
tant role in higher)
Vitamin K Males: Major role in Excessive Not identified Green
120 mg/day blood clotting bleeding due vegetables and
Females: to clotting dark-colored
90 mg/day impairment, berries
more likely
to bruise
Mineral (adults under 50) Functions Deficiency Toxicity Food sources
Calcium Males and Needed for Numb- High Milk, cheese,
females: 1,000 bone growth ness, muscle amounts for yogurt, leafy
to 1,200 mg/day and mainte- cramps, con- a long time green vegetables
nance, muscular vulsions, leth- can increase
contractions, argy, abnormal risk of kidney
cardiovascular heart rhythms, stones
and nervous low bone
system func- mineral density
tions, hormone
and enzyme
Iron Males: Major role in Iron deficiency Fatigue, Dried beans,
8 mg/day oxygen trans- anemia, lack dizziness, eggs, liver, lean
Females: port in the of energy, nausea, red meat,
18 mg/day blood headache, vomiting, oysters,
(8 mg/day if 51 dizziness, weight loss, salmon, whole
years of age) weight loss shortness of grains
Zinc Males: Major role in Slow growth, Vomiting, Oysters, beef,
11 mg/day energy produc- impaired abdominal pork, lamb,
Females: tion, immune immune func- cramps, diar- peanuts,
8 mg/day function, and tion, hair loss, rhea, and peanut butter,
wound healing delayed heal- headaches legumes
ing of wounds, can occur
problems with with large
sense of taste amount of
and smell supplements
Chromium Males: Enhances the Impaired Not identified Beef, liver,
35 mg/day function of insu- glucose from dietary eggs, chicken,
Females: lin and involved tolerance sources bananas,
25 mg/day with metabo- spinach,
lism of fat and apples, green
carbohydrate peppers
Magnesium Males: Major role in (Rare) Muscle No estab- Dark green
400 to 410 mg/ proper muscle weakness, lished upper leafy veg-
day and nerve sleepiness limit for etables, nuts,
Females: function dietary whole grains,
310 to 320 mg/ intake soy products
Selenium Males and Helps with anti- (Rare) Joint, (Rare) Vegetables,
females: oxidant function bone disease, Selenosis (gas- fish, shellfish,
55 mg/day to prevent mental trointestinal grains, eggs,
cellular damage retardation upset, hair chicken, liver
loss, fatigue,
some nerve
> continued
54 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
and vegetables). A short-term goal might be, I will pack my lunch (including vegetable
sticks, lean meat sandwich on whole-wheat bread, piece of fruit, and a yogurt cup)
rather than stopping at fast-food restaurants each day for the upcoming week. This is a
SMARTS goal (see chapter 4 for more on SMARTS goals) (1). It is specific in terms of the
activity as well as the time frame. At the end of the week, you can reflect on whether
you packed a lunch (measurable). The goal provides for specific action to be taken
(i.e., it is action-oriented) and is an activity that can be accomplished without exces-
sive difficulty (i.e., it is realistic). A specific time frame is provided so that the action
starts now rather than being too open-ended (i.e., it is timely). And finally, as you set
goals, each will be self-determined. Following are other examples of short-term goals:
• To stop at a local farmer’s market each weekend for the next month to select
enough fruit to provide at least two selections each day
• To include a salad with romaine lettuce, tomatoes, onions, peppers, and carrots,
topped with low-fat vinaigrette dressing, for dinner on at least two days during
the upcoming week
Balancing Nutrition 55
• To replace an afternoon candy bar from the vending machine with a piece of
fruit and some almonds
Another, more in-depth way to monitor eating is to use an online tracking tool.
Online tracking tools allow you to enter in the foods you eat in a given day and give
56 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
you a breakdown of all your nutrients and the food groups you consumed within that
day. Although there are many online tools to use, SuperTracker (www.supertracker., developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), has an extensive
in-depth database (28). SuperTracker works by allowing you to track your meals by
entering them into a personal profile. After meals are entered, the online tool is able
to give an extensive breakdown of calories, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and micro-
nutrients. This can help you identify changes that you may need to make in your diet,
whether it be increasing or reducing the intake of a certain food group or nutrient or
increasing or changing your exercise routine (SuperTracker also allows for tracking of
physical activity).
Although many tools are available for use, it is important that you focus on your
own unique lifestyle and behaviors. Building on short-term goals and maintaining those
healthy behaviors will ultimately result in success at reaching your long-term goal.
Water is a required nutrient for all living beings. Water is important for hydration; how-
ever, it may be valuable for disease prevention as well. For example, researchers have
found a relationship between water intake and reduction of gallstones and kidney stones,
as well as between water intake and colon cancer (6, 7, 16, 27). Similarly, maintaining
a sufficient intake of water during flying may help reduce the risk of blood clots (12).
Balancing Nutrition 57
With respect to physical activity, water is important for hydration. When you are
active, you need to remain in a euhydrated (balanced) state (26). The DRI for water is
2.7 liters (91 oz or 11 cups) per day for women and 3.7 liters (125 oz or 16 cups) per
day for men (9). Water balance means that you are replacing the fluid you lose through
sweating and urine production.
This may sound daunting, but remember, hydration does not occur just from drink-
ing water. Water intake can be obtained from food, which makes up about 20 percent
of total water intake, and as well as from other beverages. Thus, although water is an
excellent source of fluid, other beverages, such as tea, milk, coffee, and 100 percent
juice, can also fulfill your fluid needs (9).
Sweating during exercise is one way the body tries to cool you (2). Sweat is com-
posed of water as well as other substances such as electrolytes (sodium, potassium,
and chloride) (17). The amount of electrolytes in sweat varies among people depend-
ing on sweat rate, fitness level, and electrolyte intake, as well as the temperature of
the environment. Sodium (salt) is one electrolyte you may have noticed dried on your
skin after prolonged sweating. Replacement of sodium lost in the sweat is not an issue
for most people, considering that, in general, Americans consume far more salt than
their bodies need (see chapter 12 for insight into how sodium intake can influence
blood pressure).
You should start focusing on water balance before you are active by consuming
fluids in advance of your exercise bout. While you are exercising, your goal should be
to avoid excessive dehydration. For shorter workouts (less than an hour), consuming
water is fine (26). For longer workouts, consider using a sport performance beverage
that provides fluids as well as some carbohydrate and sodium (14). Ideally, by con-
suming adequate fluids, you can avoid dehydration. One simple way to check your
Gaining Weight
Some people have a difficult time gaining weight. This can be a result of a higher than normal
BMR or a high physical activity level. When weight gain is a goal, the focus is on gaining
muscle and not fat weight. To do this in a healthy way, you should consume more frequent
meals with healthy snacks. For example, in addition to three main meals, consume three
snacks per day. Consuming about 300 to 500 calories more per day would result in about a
1-pound (0.45 kg) per week weight gain. Healthy snacks include yogurt, peanut butter and
jelly sandwiches, cereal with milk, fruit smoothies, and turkey sandwiches. It is also impor-
tant to continue to exercise to ensure that the weight gain is mostly muscle. In particular,
resistance training is an important factor for building muscle (see chapter 6 of this book for
more information on resistance training). Although it will take some time, the slower the
weight gain, the more likely it will be to consist of muscle gain and not fat or water gain.
Losing Weight
Weight loss is a more common goal than gaining weight. Losing weight involves a negative
energy balance. This can be achieved by increasing exercise and decreasing caloric intake.
See chapter 18, “Weight Management,” for more details on weight loss.
hydration status is to look at the color of your urine; it should be a clear, pale yellow
color (5). The darker the color of your urine the less hydrated you are. Another way
to track fluid lost during exercise is to check your body weight before and after your
workout. For each pound (0.45 kg) lost during exercise, you should consume about 16
to 20 ounces (475 to 600 mL) of water or sport performance beverage (26).
There are a number of supplements on the market today, resulting in a multibillion
dollar industry. It is beyond the scope of this chapter to discuss all of the nutritional
supplements that are sold. If you are thinking about taking a multivitamin–mineral
supplement, you should analyze your diet first to assess if a supplement is required.
The best way to obtain nutrients is through whole foods (e.g., fruits, vegetables, whole
grains; foods that are not processed). An analogy that can serve is this: If a bucket
is already full, there is no need to continue to fill it. If you are interested in taking a
supplement, you should first check with your primary health care provider. If you do
decide to take a multivitamin–mineral supplement, consider taking it every other day
to enhance your ability to digest and absorb it and to save money.
When considering a supplement, be cautious, as dietary supplements are not regu-
lated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Reports have been made of supple-
ments being contaminated or not containing what is stated on the label (i.e., either
more or less). One way to check the safety of supplements is to look for third-party
testers (e.g., NSF Certified for Sport, These testers take common
Balancing Nutrition 59
supplements and test them to see if their labels accurately represent what is actually
in them, check that no adulteration has occurred, and report on their safety.
The best way to know if a supplement is harmful, helpful, or neutral is to meet with
a Registered Dietitian, especially one who specializes in sports nutrition. In addition,
some supplements interact or interfere with medications. A Registered Dietitian will
be able to guide you on safe and correct choices. A reliable website that can also help
you to know if a supplement is beneficial or harmful is from the National Institutes
of Health (34): (and see the Drugs and Supplements
Motivation to Change
Developing and maintaining a physically active lifestyle involves attention to the issue
of motivation. Motivation is the determination, drive, or desire with which you approach
or avoid a behavior. Although this may seem to be a simple concept, many different
forces make up your motivation to embrace or withdraw from a given behavior. In
addition, behaviors tend to be ingrained over time and therefore are often difficult to
modify. This may be a positive characteristic for healthy behaviors already in place,
but may be an obstacle for change in those areas in need of improvement. However,
change is possible, especially with the use of basic principles of behavior modification.
62 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
is directed. Rather than being an on-and-off switch, motivation slides across a con-
tinuum ranging from no or low extrinsic motivation to intrinsic motivation (1). Figure
4.1 provides an overview of the various levels of motivation: amotivation, extrinsic
motivation (including external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation,
and integrated regulation), and intrinsic motivation (1).
Amotivation represents the absence of motivation (1). For example, if you are at this
level, you don’t expect exercise to meet your needs and thus you have absolutely no
interest in or intention to exercise. Amotivation often includes a “Why bother?” or
“What difference can exercise make?” mindset. This level of motivation may be the
result of negative experiences in the past that affect your beliefs about the purpose
and benefits of exercise. The same is true in relation to nutrition. If you don’t believe
dietary changes can benefit your health, you will have little desire to alter your eating
habits. To move beyond this level of motivation, consider the overwhelming evidence
provided throughout this book on the positive potential impact of exercise and diet.
Extrinsic Motivation
Extrinsic motivation results in engaging in a behavior for a particular outcome or is
based on outside factors (1). Levels of extrinsic motivation vary as to the degree to
which they are internalized. The least internalized form is external regulation (1).
Exercising in order to earn a T-shirt has an external focus. Selecting a side dish of
fruit rather than french fries to avoid negative comments from health-focused cowork-
ers is another example of external regulation. Motivation is based on seeking to gain
Intrinsic motivation
Enjoy the behavior
Integrated regulation
Behavior fits with other
goals and values
motivation Identified regulation
Realize personal value
of the behavior
Introjected regulation
Internal pressure due to
shame or guilt
External regulation
Want to gain rewards or
avoid negative consequences
No motivation
rewards or avoid negative consequences. Pressure to make healthy choices can also
come internally due to shame or guilt; this is referred to as introjected regulation (1).
An example is feeling guilty about not exercising after investing in a home treadmill.
Although these types of external motivation have the potential to stimulate exercise
initially or promote healthy dietary choices, because the behavior is not freely chosen,
the changes are often short-lived and the chances of dropping out are higher.
Shifting toward finding personal importance in a given behavior provides a greater
likelihood for sticking with the behavior for the long term. Acting on motivations to
exercise that are free of pressure and evaluation by others gives you the best chance
of sticking with your exercise plan. Identified regulation refers to believing in the value
or importance of a given behavior (1). An example is making nutritious dietary choices
because of your belief that eating well promotes health. The most internalized form of
extrinsic motivation is integrated regulation and involves engaging in behaviors that
are consistent with other goals and values (1). An example is exercising regularly as a
habit consistent with goals of losing weight and improving fitness.
Intrinsic Motivation
Intrinsic motivation exists when the reason for exercise is the fun and satisfaction
received from the exercise itself and when the reason for healthy food selections is
the enjoyment of the meal itself. Intrinsic motivation has the highest degree of self-
determination. This type of motivation is difficult to achieve because, in many ways,
it is less of an achievement and more of an experience.
Understanding the levels of motivation can help you develop healthy habits that
you will continue in the future. Moving from amotivation toward intrinsic motivation
is possible through education, positive encouragement, and successful experiences.
Although you may not always attain an intrinsic motivation, by adopting a positive
approach to exercise and nutrition you can advance to motives known to increase
participation and adherence. The following sections highlight some of the effective
strategies for increasing healthy behaviors (1, 2).
Enhancing Self-Efficacy
Self-efficacy is the confidence you have in your ability and is a key factor in making
changes in behavior. For example, do you believe you have the ability to be physi-
cally active? What and how you think about exercise affects the likelihood that you
will begin or continue being physically active. Some ways to increase self-efficacy are
included in this section (1, 2).
Are there different types of self-efficacy?
With regard to exercise behavior, two types of self-efficacy have been identified: task
self-efficacy and barriers self-efficacy (2). Task self-efficacy reflects your belief that you
can do a particular activity. Barriers self-efficacy represents your belief that you can do
that activity when faced with a barrier (e.g., limited time). Having belief in your ability
both to do an activity and to continue with an exercise program when challenges arise
is important when you are seeking to change a behavior.
64 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Mastery Experiences
Mastery experiences involve selecting activities that you are able to successfully com-
plete. This supports the premise “start low and go slow” when beginning with an
exercise program or a new activity (2). By starting with activities that you are able to
carry out, you can build your confidence to continue to exercise. Realize that the body
takes time to adapt when you are beginning to be physically active or advancing in
your current exercise program. Progression needs to start from where you are now
rather than where you want to be. This could also apply to changes in diet. Rather than
attempting a complete, abrupt overhaul of what you eat, consider some substitutions
that increase the healthfulness of your diet. You can build on this success over time.
Vicarious Experiences
Vicarious experiences involve observing peers who are having positive experiences.
For example, observing someone your age completing a 10K run may be inspiring
to you—suggesting that you can train and do the same in the future. Reading of
someone’s successful weight loss using sound nutritional practices and regular physi-
cal activity could promote confidence in your ability to lose weight, if needed, with
healthy choices. Seeing others like yourself realize success can promote your own
confidence in doing the same.
Verbal Persuasion
Verbal persuasion involves receiving encouragement from others. Receiving encourag-
ing feedback promotes confidence. Seek those who can provide that type of support
and consider how you can provide support to someone else as well. A buddy system
benefits both yourself and your health buddy! Feedback and support can even come
from social media through connections maintained with online support groups or
forums such as Facebook or Twitter (1).
Physiological Feedback
Physiological feedback includes many aspects such as enjoyment and positive mood.
Reflect on the improvements in your fitness that are realized with a regular physical
activity program and how these affect your ability to function in routine day-to-day
activities. With regard to nutrition, you can enjoy healthy food choices, realizing the
nutrients consumed provide energy for your daily activities.
Reasons to exercise
• Health benefits of regular exercise are clear
• Want to improve quality of life with better fitness
• Create a regular exercise routine with family and friends
Setting Goals
Goal setting is one of the most important aspects of successful behavior change (1, 2).
Without goals, you cannot develop a plan because you don’t know where you want
to go. That would be like going on a trip but never identifying the geographic loca-
tion of your final destination. To succeed, you need to develop both long-term and
short-term goals. Long-term goals are like your final destination; short-term goals are
the individual routes that will get you there.
66 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Short-term goals are those that can be realistically accomplished within a brief
period of time such as this week or this month. For example, if you have been totally
inactive, a short-term goal might be to walk around your neighborhood for 10 minutes
each night after work for the upcoming week. This short-term goal has some valuable
characteristics that you can remember with the acronym SMARTS, as follows (2):
• Specific: The activity has been clearly defined in terms of both length and loca-
tion. The goal is unambiguous with respect to what is desired.
• Measurable: At the end of the week, you can reflect back on whether you walked
each day after work. This is better than having a goal such as “I want to get in
better shape,” which would be hard to measure.
• Action-oriented: The goal includes an activity rather than generalities or an out-
come, such as improving fitness or losing weight. It is focused on what you will
actually be doing.
• Realistic: The location for the activity is convenient, and the length of the walk is
not excessive. Too often, goals are so far out of reach that they become a source
of discouragement rather than encouragement. Your goals should be relevant to
you and firmly based in the reality of what you can accomplish.
• Timely: This goal is linked with a specific time frame. Rather than being too
open-ended, the goal specifies the upcoming week. Without a time-centered
approach, you might be tempted to procrastinate starting or moving forward
with an exercise program.
• Self-determined: Rather than having someone else set your course of action, you
need to be the one to define your goals (and this will promote your self-efficacy
as well).
SMARTS short-term goals can provide wonderful encouragement and focus. In
addition, they can instill a sense of self-confidence that you can perform the activity.
By creating a series of short-term goals, you can build toward your long-term goals.
Long-term goals are those that you can achieve in the future—three months to a
year from now. With careful planning, meeting your short-term goals should lead to
accomplishing your long-term goals. For example, a long-term goal for a person who
is currently jogging only a mile at a time might be to complete a 5K (3.1 miles) race
three months from now without having to walk. To prepare for this race, the time
spent jogging needs to increase in order to progress from being able to run only about
one-third of the target distance to being able to run continuously for the entire 5K
distance. Short-term goals could be set weekly with increased distance (e.g., adding
an extra lap or two when running on the track). By mapping out short-term goals, an
effective plan can be established, leading to successfully meeting the long-term goal (1).
Continuing to set new goals or revising prior goals keeps you moving forward in
your journey toward improved fitness and health. Setting both short-term and long-term
goals in each of the fitness areas allows you to individualize your exercise program.
You may already be walking on a regular basis but see that you have neglected your
muscular fitness or flexibility. By including goals in all areas, you can create a bal-
anced exercise program. The same can be done with the various dietary components.
For example, are you consuming adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables? Are you
consistently replacing refined grains with whole grains? Is your sodium intake in the
recommended range? As you identify your own strengths and weaknesses, you can
Promoting Healthy Habits 67
How can I turn my goal from a dream into a reality?
Writing down your goals is helpful. Whether you put pen on paper or use technology
to document your goals, this process of clearly identifying your goals can give you an
opportunity to reflect on what you really want to accomplish with your exercise program
and with your nutritional plan, providing you with a clear reference point. Keep your
short-term goals prominently visible. Some people write their goals in their schedule
books or post them on a note board, mirror, or even the refrigerator. Smartphone apps
are also available for documenting and tracking goals. Find a method that works for
you, one that allows you to see your goals as a reminder of the actions you want to
take. You can check off completed short-term goals and add new ones as you progress
toward your long-term goals.
focus additional attention on the areas in which you struggle, and you can seek to
maintain your status in the areas in which you already have a solid foundation.
Reinforcing Behavior
Using rewards is another way to promote positive behavior change (2). External
rewards may be tangible (for example, purchasing a new pair of running shoes) or
even social (for example, praise and encouragement from a family member or friend).
Internal rewards come from within you. An example is the feeling of accomplishment
when you try a new activity or when you complete a workout that was challenging.
Although all rewards are beneficial, doing activities for internal rewards, or intrinsic
reasons, tends to be related to one’s ability to stick with a program for the long term.
If your family members or close friends do not support your desire to be active
or to improve your diet, seek out other support systems. Some people, when facing
their own health problems, may feel threatened by your resolution to move forward
to better health. Don’t let others sabotage your plans. Find people who have goals for
activity and nutrition similar to yours. By encouraging each other, you can generate the
motivation to continue. Hopefully, over time, your example will persuade your family
members and friends to also join you in making healthy lifestyle choices.
Promoting Change
Resolving to change is the first step, but actually changing the behavior is key to real-
izing health and fitness benefits. Various tactics can be included to promote behavior
change (6).
Counterconditioning involves using a behavior that circumvents the problem (5). For
example, if you want to cut down on time spent sitting and watching TV, you instead
Promoting Healthy Habits 69
make an appointment to meet a friend for a walk at a nearby park. On the nutritional
front, you may want to avoid the draw of the vending machine, so you plan ahead by
bringing an appealing and nutritious snack.
Rather than attempting abrupt changes, fading reflects a more gradual reduction in
an undesired behavior as you increase the desired behavior (5). Extreme changes in
diet or in exercise can be overwhelming. Instead, make a series of smaller changes.
Reducing time spent sitting while gradually increasing the time spent exercising would
be manageable. Dietary changes also can be promoted with fading. As you shift your
food and beverage choices to healthier options, you will promote new habits that can
be continued.
Stimulus Control
Surround yourself with reminders to make healthy choices (5). Having a bowl of fresh
fruit on the kitchen counter and hanging a picture of a favorite hiking trail on your
wall are ways to keep a focus on healthy behaviors. Stimulus control provides a posi-
tive and uplifting framework that can promote development of healthy habits.
Overcoming Barriers
Breaking down barriers often requires creativity, assistance from others, and careful
planning (2). What factors are getting in your way when it comes to exercise or good
nutritional choices? Table 4.1 explores some physical activity barriers and includes help-
ful suggestions on how to overcome those barriers (8). Frequent barriers to making good
nutritional choices and tips on overcoming the barriers are included in table 4.2 (4, 7).
Promoting Healthy Habits 71
Preventing Relapse
Relapse prevention skills help you maintain your behavioral change efforts even when
faced with situations that may increase the likelihood of a lapse or a poor health choice
(2). Learning to avoid situations can help you avoid a complete relapse. For example,
consider the time you plan to exercise. If you know that mornings are typically a rushed
time for you, don’t schedule a workout class at that time, as you may be more likely
to skip the class. On the nutritional front, buffets, by their “all-you-can-eat” nature,
72 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Self-monitoring involves observing and recording your behaviors as well as your
thoughts and feelings (1). Keeping tabs on your exercise and nutrition helps keep you
on track. Just as regular car maintenance gives you worry-free driving, taking a few
moments to check your body’s progress ensures that you are still on course to meet
your goals. One way to do this is to write down what you have accomplished each
week along with your reflections on those activities.
Although logging your exercise accomplishments or your dietary choices can be
done using paper and pencil (see figure 4.3 for a simple example of an exercise log),
other options are available. Technology provides many interesting possibilities on
monitoring behavior. For physical activity, consider a heart rate monitor, pedometer,
or other commercial activity tracker. In addition to tracking physical activity, many
smartphones have options to help monitor dietary intake. Whether recording on paper
or using technology, monitoring your behaviors can help you check progress toward
your goals. By tracking behavior as well as how you felt about the experience, you
can reflect on your progress, including observation of barriers to achieving your goals.
No matter the method used, the key is to take time to reflect. Look for trends and
patterns. Do you find that your approach to the weekend promotes or reduces your
Activity log.
Comments (heart rate, rating of perceived
exertion, health status, environmental
Day A-M-F-NM* Time or distance conditions, etc.)
Weekly summary A: # workouts = ______; # minutes =______
activity? As seasons change, do you struggle to maintain a regular exercise routine? Does
eating out affect your dietary choices or are you able to maintain a healthy approach
to your food and beverage selections? What dietary substitutions have you made, and
how have they influenced your overall diet? A reflective and mindful approach can help
you to make any needed adjustments in order to continue moving toward your goals.
Writing a Contract
How strong is your intention to be active and make healthy dietary choices? What are
you doing to bridge the gap between your intentions and taking action? Many of the
techniques discussed throughout this chapter promote this link. You may also find
developing a contract to be effective. Contract components may include a clearly stated
goal (remember the SMARTS characteristics), benefits of reaching the goal, what steps
will be taken to meet the goal, what activities promote meeting the goal, what barriers
inhibit reaching the goal and how you will overcome those barriers, and short-term
goal(s). See figure 4.4 for an example of an exercise contract (3).
76 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Deciding to take charge of your health and to improve your fitness is a powerful
resolution. Understanding the basic components of fitness and what constitutes a
healthy diet gives you the tools you need. With tools in hand, you must reflect on what
is important to you. Putting your goals down on paper and examining your reasons
for exercising and making nutritious dietary choices will give you a perspective that
allows you to create an individualized approach. Effective planning considers goals,
available resources, and social support. Finding ways to overcome barriers and recover
from setbacks or temporary lapses is key to developing a lifelong approach to health.
This is not a static process but an evolution that continues to be refined as you develop
new and more challenging goals.
Part II
Exercise and Activity for
Building a Better You
A complete exercise program includes activities that promote aerobic fitness, muscular
fitness, flexibility, and neuromotor fitness. You will gain insight into the importance
of each area and acquire the tools to create an individualized program that fits with
your health status, fitness level, and personal goals. Chapters 5 to 8 contain specific
activities that you can make part of your exercise program. No matter whether you are
just starting out or are already a regular exerciser, these chapters guide you in taking
the next steps in developing your complete exercise program.
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Improving Your
Aerobic Fitness
Consider how you can feel breathless when going up a flight of stairs quickly—your
body is showing the need for oxygen. “Aerobic” means “with oxygen,” and aerobic
fitness, otherwise referred to as cardiorespiratory endurance, pertains to how well
your body is able to take in oxygen and put that oxygen to use. Activities that involve
large-muscle groups engaged in dynamic movement for prolonged periods of time are
considered aerobic (2, 6). Your cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels) and
your respiratory system (lungs and air passages) work together during longer-duration
activities to supply working muscles and organs with the oxygen they need. Examples
of aerobic activities include walking, jogging, running, cycling, swimming, dancing,
hiking, and team sports such as basketball and soccer.
80 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
consider consulting with your health care provider to ensure you are ready for exercise
testing. Additional considerations are provided for each assessment described in the
following sections.
a b
FIGURE 5.1 (a) Carotid and (b) radial artery pulse locations.
82 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
What is a typical resting heart rate for an adult?
For most adults, the number is between 60 and 100, but if your heart rate is lower than
60 or higher than 100 after multiple resting measurements, you should mention this to
your health care provider.
Exercise heart rate is just as easy to measure as resting heart rate, but because heart
rate steadily returns to a resting rate once you stop physical activity, finding your pulse
and beginning your count immediately upon stopping is important. Take your pulse
for 15 seconds and multiply the resulting number by 4. The answer is your exercise
heart rate in beats per minute.
If manually taking your pulse is too
difficult, consider making an investment
in a heart rate monitor (an example is
shown in figure 5.2). A heart rate monitor
allows for a constant real-time readout of
your heart rate by way of a transmitter
(worn around the chest) that electronically
communicates with a receiver that looks
like a wristwatch. Heart rate is displayed
on the receiver in beats per minute. The
cost of heart rate monitors varies widely
depending on their features (e.g., pro-
grammable heart rate zones, memory
features to download to a computer after
a workout, timekeeping functions). The
simplest models that display only heart
rate typically cost around $25. They are
very durable and allow for easy checks of
your heart rate during exercise.
FIGURE 5.2 Heart rate monitor.
another option. Each test and the associated calculations produce an estimation of your
aerobic capacity. Use that result and the numbers provided in table 5.1 to determine
your fitness level by age and sex (2).
TABLE 5.1 Fitness Levels for Aerobic Capacity* in Males and Females
Males 20 to 29 30 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 59 60 to 69
Superior 66.3 or higher 59.8 or higher 55.6 or higher 50.7 or higher 43.0 or higher
Excellent 57.1 to 66.2 51.6 to 59.7 46.7 to 55.5 41.2 to 50.6 36.1 to 42.9
Good 50.2 to 57.0 45.2 to 51.5 40.3 to 46.6 35.1 to 41.1 30.5 to 36.0
Fair 44.9 to 50.1 39.6 to 45.1 35.7 to 40.2 30.7 to 35.0 26.6 to 30.4
Poor 38.1 to 44.8 34.1 to 39.5 30.5 to 35.6 26.1 to 30.6 22.4 to 26.5
Very poor 38.0 or lower 34.0 or lower 30.4 or lower 26.0 or lower 22.3 or lower
Females 20 to 29 30 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 59 60 to 69
Superior 56.0 or higher 45.8 or higher 41.7 or higher 35.9 or higher 29.4 or higher
Excellent 46.5 to 55.9 37.5 to 45.6 34.0 to 41.6 28.6 to 35.8 24.6 to 29.3
Good 40.6 to 46.4 32.2 to 37.4 28.7 to 39.9 25.2 to 28.5 21.2 to 24.5
Fair 34.6 to 40.5 28.2 to 32.1 24.9 to 28.6 21.8 to 25.1 18.9 to 21.1
Poor 28.6 to 34.5 24.1 to 28.1 21.3 to 24.8 19.1 to 21.7 16.5 to 18.8
Very poor 28.5 or lower 24.0 or lower 21.2 or lower 19.0 or lower 16.4 or lower
*Aerobic capacity or VO2max expressed in mLkg−1min−1.
Adapted by permission from American College of Sports Medicine, 2018.
84 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
40 yd 35 yd 30 yd
yd 5
25 d
yd 0
50 d
5 yd 10 yd 15 yd
Improving Your Aerobic Fitness 87
A warm-up that consists of a minimum of 5 to 10 minutes of low- to moderate-level
activity is essential (2). The intent of the warm-up is to increase the temperature of
the muscles, thus preparing the body for the demands of the endurance conditioning
phase, or main focus, of the workout. A warm-up prepares your heart, lungs, and
Endurance conditioning
0 10 40 50
Time (min.)
FIGURE 5.4 Overview of aerobic exercise session.
Adapted from B. Bushman and J.C. Young, 2005, p. 35.
88 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
muscles for the endurance conditioning phase of your aerobic training session (2) and
may reduce the risk of injury (6). Think of the warm-up as an on-ramp to a freeway.
The on-ramp gives you time to bring your vehicle up to the speed of traffic to avoid
an accident. The faster the traffic is, the longer the on-ramp should be. In the same
way, your warm-up should be longer if the intensity of the conditioning phase is high.
Warm-up activities may include some light calisthenics or lower-level activities
similar to what you will be including in the conditioning phase. For example, if your
program includes brisk walking for the conditioning phase, then the warm-up could
include slower-paced walking. If the conditioning phase includes a more intense activ-
ity such as running, then jogging would be appropriate in the warm-up. The point is
to gradually increase the intensity from resting levels to the intensity you plan for the
conditioning phase.
The recommended frequency of aerobic exercise is three to five days per week.
How many days you exercise depends on your goals and the intensity that is most
appropriate for you. Although as few as a couple of days per week of activity can
provide benefits, regular physical activity provides more benefits and has a lower risk
of musculoskeletal injury than sporadic activity (2, 6). You will need as few as three
days per week if you are engaging in vigorous activity, but at least five days per week
is recommended if you plan on moderate-intensity activity. For example, if you enjoy
running (a vigorous activity), three days per week will provide you with health and
fitness benefits. However, if you plan on a walking program (a moderate-intensity
activity), then at least five days per week would be better. If you enjoy mixing types
and intensities of activity, then a weekly combination of three to five days of moder-
ate and vigorous activity is recommended (2, 8). For example, you may walk a couple
days per week and jog on another couple days. This would be considered two days
per week of moderate activity (i.e., walking) and two days per week of vigorous activ-
ity (i.e., jogging), allowing you to meet the recommended amount of physical activity.
Improving Your Aerobic Fitness 89
As the intensity of activity increases, so do the potential health benefits. To promote
health and fitness benefits, your exercise must place some stress on your cardiorespi-
ratory system. In other words, you should notice an increase in your heart rate and
breathing. When speaking of intensity, fitness professionals generally use the terms
moderate and vigorous (2, 8). To help visualize this, consider moderate-intensity activ-
ity to be equivalent to brisk walking and vigorous-intensity activity to be equivalent
to jogging or running (8).
A variety of simple methods are available to help you quantify the intensity of your
exercise bout. One method is to monitor your relative level of effort. Although this is
subjective (i.e., you determine how easy or hard you are exercising), a numerical scale
can help guide you to appropriate levels of activity. The U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services’ Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans suggests a scale of 0 to 10.
Sitting at rest is 0, and your highest effort level possible is 10 (8). Moderate-intensity
activity is a 5 or 6 on this effort scale. Vigorous-intensity activity is at a level of 7 or
8. This method allows you to individualize your exercise based on your current level
of cardiorespiratory fitness (8). For an example of applying this scale, see figure 5.5.
Another method, called the talk test, can also be used to establish exercise inten-
sity (2). If you are working at an intensity that increases breathing rate but still allows
you to speak without gasping for breath between words, you are likely exercising
at a moderate intensity. The goal would be to exercise to the point at which speech
would start to become more difficult. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
suggests that moderate-intensity activity allows you to talk but not to sing, whereas
more vigorous activity results in an inability to say more than a few words without
pausing for a breath (8).
Heart rate monitoring can also be helpful for determining your intensity level,
although it is a bit more technical than the subjective measures of effort level and the
talk test. Maximal heart rate can be estimated by subtracting your age in years from
220 (2). Thus for a 40-year-old, estimated maximal heart rate would be 180 beats per
minute (i.e., 220 − 40 = 180). You will not be exercising at maximal heart rate, but
rather at a percentage of that value; the percentage will depend on your target level
of intensity (2). Multiply your estimated maximal heart rate by the activity factor from
table 5.4 to determine your target heart rate.
____ estimated maximal heart rate ____ activity factor
= target exercise heart rate in beats per minute
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
FIGURE 5.5 Sample scale for where activities fall within the various intensity levels.
90 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Note that your heart rate can also be influenced by environmental conditions (e.g.,
hot, humid environments) as well as medications (e.g., beta-blockers used for migraines
and heart disease can lower heart rate). The calculated value should be used in conjunc-
tion with relative perception of effort or the talk test (2). You can adjust your workload
up or down depending on your perception of effort on a given day.
Recognize, too, that you can vary your intensity during the conditioning phase. Ath-
letes often use interval training, which includes some time at higher intensity followed
by lower-intensity exercise. This provides a unique stress on the body that translates
into improved aerobic fitness. This principle can be used for general exercise programs
as well (2). For example, if you are just beginning to exercise, you could include a few
minutes at a faster walking pace within your conditioning phase. Alternating between
lower and higher intensity provides variety as well as a stimulus to improve your
aerobic capacity, no matter your current level of fitness.
The duration of each of your exercise sessions is determined by the amount of time you
are able to commit as well as your current fitness status. If you are a beginner, don’t
worry about some arbitrary time goal; rather, find an activity that you can do continu-
ously for 10 minutes. Increase the duration of the exercise session as it becomes easier
to complete. Add a couple of minutes per session until you reach about 30 minutes of
aerobic exercise per day. Depending on your initial fitness level, this may take weeks
or even a month or more. The key is to keep going and make progress.
If you have already been doing some exercise (or have now built up to 30 minutes
of continuous activity) and feel comfortable with moderate-intensity activity for this
length of time, decide whether you want to maintain your current intensity and go for
a bit longer, or if you want to begin to increase the intensity. Time and intensity are
like a teeter-totter. When you increase intensity, you generally decrease the length of
the session. If you decrease intensity, you will need to increase the time you spend
exercising to achieve full health benefits. A general rule of thumb from the Physical
Activity Guidelines for Americans is that 1 minute of vigorous-intensity activity can be
counted as the same as 2 minutes of moderate-intensity activity (8). For example, a
15-minute run would provide the same health benefit as a 30-minute walk.
Labels are difficult to apply universally, but table 5.5 provides some terminology
related to activity status that was introduced in chapter 2. For the purposes of this
book, beginners are those who currently have limited activity. As you can see in the
table, beginners are focusing on very light to light activity and build up to 100 to 150
minutes per week of light to moderate activity. The intermediate level of activity reflects
Improving Your Aerobic Fitness 91
people who are somewhat active and are moderately conditioned. The focus at this
stage is increasing moderate-intensity aerobic activity to 150 to 250 minutes per week.
Typically, people at this level are of fair to average fitness levels. Established exercisers
are those who have been engaged in regular exercise for at least six months. Fitness
levels vary according to genetic potential as well as personal fitness goals. Typically,
established exercisers have average to excellent aerobic fitness.
The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends working toward a
minimum of 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity activity, or 75 minutes per
week of vigorous-intensity activity (8). If you are already physically active at this level,
then consider increasing your activity to gain additional health and fitness benefits.
For you, a new target of 300 minutes per week of moderate-intensity activity, or 150
minutes per week of vigorous-intensity activity, would be a potential goal (8).
How can interval training be designed to provide
variety in an exercise program?
Interval training occurs when exercise intensity varies during an exercise session. This
type of training provides many options, as you can change the number, duration, and
intensity of various phases of the exercise session (2). For example, you could engage in
moderate exercise at a level 5 (on the10-point exertion scale) for 2 minutes followed by
3 minutes of vigorous exercise at a level 7 (on the 10-point exertion scale) and repeat
that sequence four times for a total of 20 minutes for the exercise session. To provide
variety, you can change the time spent or the intensity of each of the different intervals.
For example, 2 minutes at level 6 followed by 2 minutes at level 8 could be repeated five
times for a total of 20 minutes for the exercise session. The options are almost limitless
and can be individualized based on your current health and fitness status (2).
92 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Type or Mode
Aerobic activities are grouped into four categories along with recommendations on who
would most appropriately engage in the given activity (see table 5.6) (2). Exercises in
group A are recommended for everyone because they are relatively simple activities
that can be started at a low level of effort. Group B activities are more vigorous and
thus are most appropriate if you already have a good fitness base (i.e., you have been
exercising regularly and have determined your fitness level to be at least in the fair to
average range). Group C activities are those that have a definite skill component and
thus may require some learning before being used as a fitness tool. Group D activi-
ties are recreational and, because intensity varies depending on the situation, are best
reserved for people who are regularly active and have a good fitness base. Do not
consider these groupings progressive (e.g., that group C activities are better than group
B activities), but rather as a way to classify various aerobic exercises.
The concept of volume reflects a summary or overall amount of activity. One way to
provide a summary of your aerobic exercise is to determine the calories you use when
engaging in your aerobic activities each week. When considering the activity recom-
mendations in the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, a reasonable target is
at least 1,000 calories per week (2). Calculating calories burned can be helpful when
you are interested in losing weight, but it is also a great way to pull together the four
parts of your aerobic exercise prescription—frequency, intensity, time, and type of
activity—into one number. Whether you do the same activity each day or change it
up, you still can take a look at your weekly total to ensure that you are on track with
just a few calculations.
To keep things simple, researchers have created a unit of measure called a metabolic
equivalent, or MET. A MET is equal to the oxygen cost at rest (i.e., 1 MET = resting
level = 3.5 milliliters of oxygen per kilogram body weight per minute). Multiples of a
MET are then applied to various activities. For example, walking at 3.5 miles per hour
(5.6 km/h) is equal to 4 METs. In other words, you are working four times harder
when walking at 3.5 miles per hour than you are when seated in a resting position.
Metabolic equivalent values have been determined for a wide variety of activities (see
table 5.7 for some examples of basic activities) (1).
Once you know the MET value for a given exercise, you can estimate how many
calories you burned per minute by inserting that value into the following formula
(numbers in bold are constants—in other words, they do not change):
____ MET value of activity 3.5 ____ body weight in kg ÷ 200
= ____ calories burned per minute
Insert the MET value for the activity and then your body weight (to convert from
pounds to kilograms, multiply your weight in pounds by 0.454 to determine your
weight in kilograms). For an example on how this can be used, see Checking Volume
of Aerobic Exercise.
Progression is how an exercise program is advanced over time. Many factors must be
considered, including current health and fitness status, training responses, and goals
(2). The key is gradual progression rather than making abrupt or significant changes
in one of the FITT components. If you are just starting, to optimize safety and avoid
injury, the recommendation is “start low and go slow” (2). Table 5.5 reflects this concept
of slowly increasing the volume of exercise. Rather than increasing frequency, inten-
sity, and duration all at once, you want to gradually introduce changes. For example,
initially, you may simply increase the time spent in activity. As you adjust to this level
of activity, you may then want to cut back the time a bit and increase the intensity
slightly. Reflect on the overall volume of exercise to help make sure your progression
is gradual. As you make adjustments to your program, give yourself time at a particular
volume of activity to ensure you are able to maintain this new level before trying to
move forward.
The cool-down should consist of a minimum of 5 to 10 minutes of low- to moderate-
level activity (2). The cool-down provides an opportunity for body systems to gradu-
ally return to preexercise levels. A cool-down is recommended to allow the heart to
slow down in a controlled manner, thus avoiding negative changes in heart rhythm.
In addition, if you stop your activity too abruptly, blood that was circulating to the
working muscles can pool in your legs, resulting in a drop in blood pressure. A cool-
down also helps to gradually decrease body temperature, which naturally increased
during the endurance phase. Activities included in a cool-down are similar to those in
the warm-up, but the intensity needs to gradually diminish toward resting levels (2).
A proper cool-down is driven by both practical issues (e.g., avoiding fainting from
a drop in blood pressure) and safety issues (e.g., avoiding negative changes in heart
rhythm). The cool-down is like a freeway off-ramp. When shifting from freeway speeds
to those appropriate on city streets, time is needed for an adjustment. In a similar
way, the cool-down allows the body to adjust back toward normal resting levels. The
higher the intensity of your conditioning phase, the longer your cool-down should be.
Improving Your Aerobic Fitness 97
Sample cross-training program at a health club.
Stage Time point Warm-up Workout* Cool-down
Beginner Initial week Slow, easy Pick one activity each day at a light level Slow, easy
walking pace of exertion (level 3 or 4) for 10 min at walking pace
for a couple least twice a day for a total of 20 min for a couple
of minutes each day (three days per week). Select of minutes
from walking on the treadmill or station-
ary biking. Your weekly total should be
60 min.
Progression Slow, easy Each week add 10 min to your weekly Slow, easy
walking pace total until you reach 100 min of activ- walking pace
for 5 min ity (e.g., 20 min five days per week). for 5 min
Potential activities include treadmill
walking, stationary biking, and using a
stair climber. Stay at this duration and
increase your intensity over the next
couple of weeks from light (level 3 or 4)
to moderate (level 5 or 6). Once you are
comfortable with this time and intensity
for a couple of weeks, continue to add
10 to 15 min per week until you reach
150 min.
Final week Easy walking Exercise at an intensity that involves a Easy walking
pace for 5 to moderate level of exertion (level 5 or 6) pace for 5 to
10 min for 30 to 60 min (three to five days per 10 min
week). Activities may include treadmill
walking; stationary biking; or using a
stair climber, elliptical trainer, rowing
machine, or Nordic ski machine. Your
weekly total should be 150 min.
Intermediate Initial week Easy walking Exercise at a level that feels moderate Easy walking
pace for 5 to (level 5 or 6) for 30 to 60 min (three to pace for 5 to
10 min five days per week) using a treadmill, 10 min
stationary bike, stair climber, elliptical
trainer, or Nordic ski machine. Your
weekly total should be 150 min.
> continued
98 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
The examples in figures 5.6 and 5.7 show a progression from beginner to established
exerciser. Depending on your current status, you may be at the start of the table as a
beginner or already in the established, or maintenance, phase. If you are just begin-
ning to exercise, progress slowly and base your advancement on how your body is
responding to the exercise. If you are in the established, or maintenance, phase, keep
tracking your activity. Also, stay focused on the FITT-VP factors as discussed previ-
ously, and if you are becoming bored with your current activity program, consider
other modes of exercise or joining an exercise group.
As you move along in your exercise journey, increase the duration (time) first; once
you are comfortable with the activity at the longer session length, then consider increas-
ing the intensity. To avoid injury, do not increase the session duration and intensity at
the same time. Although placing a stress on the body is necessary for improvement,
excessive overload can result in injury as well as frustration. To keep steady forward
progress, refer to table 5.5 for general guidance.
Improving Your Aerobic Fitness 99
In addition, as you examine the sample programs, once again consider the FITT-VP
factors as discussed earlier and how each relates to your fitness goals. Don’t forget about
enjoyment. As you create your plan of action, consider the types of activities that you
enjoy and that also are accessible to you. Joining a health club can be a great way to
increase your access to a variety of activities (equipment as well as group classes). If
you don’t want to join a health club, you can easily find aerobic activities at no cost.
Walking and running trails are becoming more common in cities; many malls open
their doors early to allow walkers to use the corridors before the stores open; and your
local library has many aerobic exercise videos that you can use in the privacy of your
own home. To get started, you need to pick a day and take the first step—literally as
well as figuratively.
Muscular fitness is a global term that includes muscular strength, endurance, and
power. Muscular strength refers to the ability to lift a heavy weight one time, muscular
endurance is the ability to lift a lighter load several times, and muscular power refers
to ability to exert maximum effort in a very short period of time. Muscle-strengthening
activities that involve all the major muscle groups are recognized as an essential com-
ponent of an overall fitness program for both adults and youth (1, 6).
Just as aerobic fitness is improved by stressing the heart and lungs, muscular fit-
ness requires a stress, or resistance, to be placed on the muscles. Resistance training
(also called strength training) involves the use of a variety of activities that include
free weights (barbells and dumbbells), weight machines, elastic tubing, medicine balls,
stability balls, and body weight. Resistance training does not refer to one specific mode
of conditioning but rather to an organized process of exercising with various types of
resistance to enhance muscular fitness.
When correctly performed and sensibly progressed over time, resistance training
can be a safe, effective, and enjoyable method of exercise for people of a wide range
of ages, fitness levels, and health conditions (1, 20). While resistance training has been
a part of sport programs for many years, public health recommendations now aim to
increase participation in muscle-strengthening activities for all youth and adults (28,
33). With instruction on developing proper exercise technique and guidance on sensi-
bly progressing the exercise program, resistance training can offer observable health
and fitness value.
102 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
30). Resistance training results in stronger muscles and therefore an increased capac-
ity for force production, which is not achievable with solely aerobic-based training.
Because muscles function as the engine of your body, they must be used regularly
to avoid disuse atrophy (i.e., a reduction in muscle size) and age-related declines in
physical performance.
You don’t need to be a competitive athlete to benefit from resistance training; it is
equally important from a health and fitness perspective. The benefits of resistance
training include favorable changes in body composition, metabolic health, and quality
of life. Resistance training activities can increase lean muscle mass, reduce body fat,
fortify bone, lower blood pressure, improve blood lipid and cholesterol levels, and
enhance your body’s ability to use glucose (2, 12). These benefits can optimize your
day-to-day functioning while limiting the development of chronic diseases such as
diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis (30, 32). Of paramount importance, regular
participation in a resistance training program can help adults preserve their muscle
health to maintain independent physical functioning with advancing age (23, 27).
Skeletal muscle represents about 40 percent of one’s total body weight and influ-
ences a variety of physiological processes and disease risk factors (26). The increase
in muscle tissue that results from resistance exercise is accompanied by an increase
in resting metabolic rate; the decrease in muscle tissue that results from a sedentary
lifestyle is accompanied by a decrease in resting metabolic rate. Muscle mass declines
about 5 percent each decade after age 30, and this loss can reach 10 percent per decade
after age 50 (15). This gradual decrease in muscle mass and metabolism is associated
with the gradual increase in body fat that typically occurs with age. Calories that were
previously used by muscle tissue (now smaller as a result of disuse) are stored as fat.
On the other hand, resistance training raises resting metabolic rate and results in more
calories burned on a daily basis. In theory, if you resistance train and gain 2 pounds
(~1 kg) of muscle mass, your resting metabolic rate should increase by about 20 calories
per day (29). Thus, performing resistance training throughout your life can help you
Enhancing Your Muscular Fitness 103
recharge your metabolism, facilitate physical function, and maintain your health (30).
In addition to the effect of muscle on metabolism, another benefit of regular resistance
training is an increase in bone mineral density that may reduce the risk of osteoporosis
(8, 9, 11). On top of the direct effect of strength-building (and weight-bearing) exercises
on bone, the act of muscles pulling on bones during resistance exercises may also be
a potent stimulus for new bone formation in certain people. This potential benefit is
of particular importance to women who are at increased risk of functional limitations
as a result of age-related losses of bone mass.
Strong muscles serve as shock absorbers and balancing agents that help dissipate
the repetitive landing forces from weight-bearing activities for active people and also
reduce the risk of falling in older adults (3, 31). As such, a resistance training program
that requires agility and balance may be the most effective way to enhance movement
control and avoid injury (1, 10). Moreover, strength-building activities are particularly
important for decreasing physical discomfort associated with low back pain, which is
a growing health care concern (31).
Regular participation in resistance training activities that are consistent with your
needs, goals, and abilities can improve muscle function, enhance quality of life,
and lower the risk of premature all-cause mortality (18, 25). The health and fitness
benefits are clear. You can also realize benefits linked to personal appearance. Firm,
toned muscles are possible with regular resistance training. Whether you are seeking
to improve in recreational or sport activities or just to look and feel better, resistance
training should be part of your fitness program.
What is the typical impact of aging on
muscle and metabolism?
As a person ages, decreases in muscle along with a lower resting metabolic rate result
in less than optimal changes in body composition. For example, consider a 160-pound
(72.6 kg) male with 15 percent body fat at age 30. He therefore has 24 pounds (10.9 kg)
of fat weight and 136 pounds (61.7 kg) of lean weight, which consists of muscle, bone,
blood, skin, organs, and connective tissue. If he weighs the same (160 pounds) at age
50, his body composition will have changed by about 20 pounds (9 kg)—10 pounds (4.5
kg) less lean weight and 10 pounds (4.5 kg) more fat—and he will now be 21 percent
body fat. Of course, this increase in percentage of body fat and decrease in lean weight
would have a negative impact on his appearance, health, and fitness.
104 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
the “fair” category. With regular resistance training she will see her strength improve
as she tracks her progress. A weight she could lift only 10 times will be lifted more
often before fatiguing, or she will be able to lift a heavier weight for those same 10
TABLE 6.1 Interpretation of Upper Body Strength for Males and Females*
20 or
Males younger 20 to 29 30 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 59 60+
Superior 1.76 or 1.63 or 1.35 or 1.20 or 1.05 or 0.94 or
higher higher higher higher higher higher
Excellent 1.34 to 1.32 to 1.12 to 1.00 to 0.90 to 0.82 to
1.75 1.62 1.34 1.19 1.04 0.93
Good 1.19 to 1.14 to 0.98 to 0.88 to 0.79 to 0.72 to
1.33 1.31 1.11 0.99 0.89 0.81
Fair 1.06 to 0.99 to 0.88 to 0.80 to 0.71 to 0.66 to
1.18 1.13 0.97 0.87 0.78 0.71
Poor 0.89 to 0.88 to 0.78 to 0.72 to 0.63 to 0.57 to
1.05 0.98 0.87 0.79 0.70 0.65
Very poor 0.88 or 0.87 or 0.77 or 0.71 or 0.62 or 0.56 or
lower lower lower lower lower lower
20 or
Females younger 20 to 29 30 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 59 60+
Superior 0.88 or 1.01 or 0.82 or 0.77 or 0.68 or 0.72 or
higher higher higher higher higher higher
Excellent 0.77 to 0.80 to 0.70 to 0.62 to 0.55 to 0.54 to
0.87 1.00 0.81 0.76 0.67 0.71
Good 0.65 to 0.70 to 0.60 to 0.54 to 0.48 to 0.47 to
0.76 0.79 0.69 0.61 0.54 0.53
Fair 0.58 to 0.59 to 0.53 to 0.50 to 0.44 to 0.43 to
0.64 0.69 0.59 0.53 0.47 0.46
Poor 0.53 to 0.51 to 0.47 to 0.43 to 0.39 to 0.38 to
0.57 0.58 0.52 0.49 0.43 0.42
Very poor 0.52 or 0.50 or 0.46 or 0.42 or 0.38 or 0.37 or
lower lower lower lower lower lower
*Bench press weight ratio = weight lifted divided by body weight.
Data provided by The Cooper Institute. Physical Fitness Assessments and Norms for Adults and Law Enforcement (2013). Used
with permission.
106 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
TABLE 6.2 Interpretation of Lower Body Strength for Males and Females*
Males 20 to 29 30 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 59 60+
Well above 2.27 or higher 2.07 or higher 1.92 or higher 1.80 or higher 1.73 or higher
Above 2.05 to 2.26 1.85 to 2.06 1.74 to 1.91 1.64 to 1.79 1.56 to 1.72
Average 1.91 to 2.04 1.71 to 1.84 1.62 to 1.73 1.52 to 1.63 1.43 to 1.55
Below 1.74 to 1.90 1.59 to 1.70 1.51 to 1.61 1.39 to 1.51 1.30 to 1.42
Well below 1.73 or lower 1.58 or lower 1.50 or lower 1.38 or lower 1.29 or lower
Females 20 to 29 30 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 59 60+
Well above 1.82 or higher 1.61 or higher 1.48 or higher 1.37 or higher 1.32 or higher
Above 1.58 to 1.81 1.39 to 1.60 1.29 to 1.47 1.17 to 1.36 1.13 to 1.31
Average 1.44 to 1.57 1.27 to 1.38 1.18 to 1.28 1.05 to 1.16 0.99 to 1.12
Below 1.27 to 1.43 1.15 to 1.26 1.08 to 1.17 0.95 to 1.04 0.88 to 0.98
Well below 1.26 or lower 1.14 or lower 1.07 or lower 0.94 or lower 0.87 or lower
*Leg press weight ratio = weight lifted divided by body weight.
Data provided by The Cooper Institute, 1994. Used with permission. Study population for the data set was predominantly white
and college educated. A Universal DVR machine was used to measure the 1RM.
FIGURE 6.4 Push-up for youth.
TABLE 6.4 FitnessGram Standards for Healthy Fitness Zone* for Curl-Ups
and Push-Ups for Youth
Curl-up Push-up
Age Boys Girls Boys Girls
5 2 or more 2 or more 3 or more 3 or more
6 2 or more 2 or more 3 or more 3 or more
7 4 or more 4 or more 4 or more 4 or more
8 6 or more 6 or more 5 or more 5 or more
9 9 or more 9 or more 6 or more 6 or more
10 12 or more 12 or more 7 or more 7 or more
11 15 or more 15 or more 8 or more 7 or more
12 18 or more 18 or more 10 or more 7 or more
13 21 or more 18 or more 12 or more 7 or more
14 24 or more 18 or more 14 or more 7 or more
15 24 or more 18 or more 16 or more 7 or more
16 24 or more 18 or more 18 or more 7 or more
17 24 or more 18 or more 18 or more 7 or more
17+ 24 or more 18 or more 18 or more 7 or more
*The values listed represent the healthy fitness zone and indicate that the child has a sufficient fitness
level to provide important health benefits. Being below the value listed indicates a need for improvement.
Adapted by permission from The Cooper Institute, 2017, pp. 86, 87.
Enhancing Your Muscular Fitness 111
a b
a b
TABLE 6.5 Normal Ranges for Fitness Test Scores for Older Adults
Males 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 80–84 85–89 90–94
Chair stand test 14–19 12–18 12–17 11–17 10–15 8–14 7–12
(number of stands)
Arm curl test (number 16–22 15–21 14–21 13–19 13–19 11–17 10–14
of repetitions)
Females 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 80–84 85–89 90–94
Chair stand test 12–17 11–16 10–15 10–15 9–14 8–13 4–11
(number of stands)
Arm curl test (number 13–19 12–18 12–17 11–17 10–16 10–15 8–13
of repetitions)
Adapted by permission from R.E. Rikli and C.J. Jones, 2013, pp. 89, 90.
Enhancing Your Muscular Fitness 113
Muscular fitness assessments that are consistent with each individual’s training
experience and fitness goals can provide useful information. In addition to comparing
performance to that of others of the same age and sex, periodic assessments can help
to gauge the effectiveness of your resistance training program. For safety purposes,
individuals with health concerns should seek consultation from a health care provider
before performing any fitness test.
Progressive Overload
The progressive overload principle states that to enhance muscular fitness, you must
exercise at a level beyond the point to which your muscles are accustomed. This goes
back to the idea of having to stress the muscle to get a positive response. Doing the same
workout month after month will not maximize benefits. The principle of progression
refers to consistently boosting the training stimulus or load at a rate that is compatible
with the training-induced adaptations that are occurring (21). Following the principle
of progressive overload requires that you provide your muscles with a new stimulus
when they have adapted to the current overload. You can do this in a variety of ways:
• Increase the number of repetitions. Typically, 8 to 12 repetitions is recommended
for muscular fitness (for middle-age and older adults starting exercise, 10 to 15
repetitions is recommended). People focusing on strength development may select
fewer repetitions, whereas those focusing on muscular endurance may include
up to 15 to 20 repetitions (1).
• Increase the number of sets for a given muscle group. You could do additional sets
of the same exercise, or you could add another exercise that targets the same
muscle group. For example, the chest muscles could be trained with two sets
of the chest press or one set of the chest press and one set of the dumbbell fly.
• Increase the resistance. The increase in weight needed will vary depending on
the exercise but is often prescribed according to the increments available (e.g.,
next-weight dumbbell, increasing by one plate on a weight machine).
When providing an overload, select one of these options at a time. Although you
want to provide a new stress on the muscle, you do not want to overtax the muscle
or supporting structures to the point of injury.
Although every training session does not have to be more intense than the last ses-
sion, the principle of progressive overload states that the training program needs to
be increased gradually over time to realize gains. For example, if you have been able
to easily complete a given workout for a couple of exercise sessions, it may be time
to make changes to provide an overload once again in order to keep the resistance
training program fresh, challenging, and effective. If you are able to perform a given
exercise for one or two repetitions over your target number for two training sessions
114 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
in a row, this indicates that you are ready to increase the resistance while returning
to the original target repetition range.
The principle of regularity states that exercise must be performed several times per
week on a habitual basis to enhance physical fitness. Although training once per
week may maintain training-induced gains, more frequent workouts are needed to
optimize gains in health and fitness (1). In short, the adage “use it or lose it” is true
because you will lose strength gains if you do not progress your program over time
and perform resistance training on a regular basis (21). Although consecutive days of
heavy strength training for the same muscle groups are not recommended, regularly
training each major muscle group two to three times per week, with at least 48 hours
separating training sessions for the same muscle group, is recommended to enhance
muscular fitness.
The principle of specificity refers to the distinct adaptations that take place as a result
of the training program. In essence, every muscle or muscle group must be trained to
make gains in muscular fitness (see figure 6.7 for the location of the major muscle groups
in the body). Exercises such as the squat and leg press can be used to enhance lower
body strength, but these exercises will not affect upper body strength. What’s more,
the adaptations that take place in a given muscle or muscle group will be as simple or
as complex as the stress placed on them. For example, because tennis requires multi-
joint and multidirectional movements, it seems prudent for tennis players to perform
resistance exercises that mimic the movements of the sport. For tennis players who
need strong leg muscles to move across the court, lunges are unbeatable exercises to
improve lower body performance. Lunges performed in different directions actually
simulate steps used in game situations.
The specificity principle can also be applied to the design of resistance training
programs for adults who want to enhance their abilities to perform activities of daily
life such as stair climbing and household chores, which also require multijoint and
multidirectional movements. For example, climbing stairs may be difficult as a result
of poor lower body strength. By sensibly progressing from single-joint exercises such
as leg extensions to multijoint exercises such as leg presses and dumbbell step-ups,
you can improve your stair-climbing ability. These multijoint exercises specifically
strengthen the quadriceps and gluteals, which are used in stair climbing.
The warm-up for resistance training should include 5 to 10 minutes of low- to moderate-
intensity aerobic activities and muscular endurance activities (lower resistance with a
Enhancing Your Muscular Fitness 115
Exercise Choice
A limitless number of exercises can be used to enhance muscular fitness. Exercises can
generally be classified as single joint (i.e., body part specific) or multijoint (i.e., struc-
tural). The dumbbell biceps curl and leg extension are examples of single-joint exercises
that isolate a specific body part (biceps and quadriceps, respectively), whereas the
chest press and squat are multijoint exercises that involve two or more joints. Although
it is important to incorporate multijoint exercises into a resistance training program,
be sure to select exercises that are appropriate for your exercise technique experience
and training goals. When learning any new exercise, start with a light weight to master
the technique of the exercise before increasing the weight. To maximize gains and
minimize the risk of injury, all resistance training exercise should be performed with
proper exercise technique in a controlled manner.
Your choice of exercise should also promote muscle balance across joints and
between opposing muscle groups (e.g., quadriceps and hamstrings). Of particular
importance is the inclusion of exercises for the abdominal and low back musculature.
It is not uncommon for beginners to focus on strengthening the chest and biceps
and not spend adequate time strengthening the abdominal muscles and lower back.
Pectoralis major
Biceps brachii
Rectus abdominis
External oblique
Finger flexors
Adductor longus
Rectus femoris
Vastus medialis “Quadriceps”
Vastus lateralis
Tibialis anterior
Teres major
Triceps brachii
Latissimus dorsi
Finger extensors
Gluteus maximus
Biceps femoris “Hamstrings”
118 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Strengthening the midsection, or trunk area, may not only enhance body control during
performance of free weight exercises such as the squat, but may also reduce the risk of
injury (10). The resistance training program suggestions in this chapter promote muscle
balance by including the appropriate muscle groups (see table 6.6 and figure 6.8).
Exercise Order
There are many ways to arrange the sequence of exercises in a resistance training ses-
sion. Traditionally, large-muscle group exercises are performed before smaller-muscle
group exercises, and multijoint exercises are performed before single-joint exercises.
Following this exercise order allows you to use heavier weights on the multijoint exer-
cises because fatigue will be less of a factor.
Perform more challenging exercises earlier in the workout when your neuromuscular
system is less fatigued. In general, it seems reasonable to follow the priority system
of training in which exercises that will most likely contribute to enhanced muscular
fitness are performed early in the training session. The sample resistance training
programs presented in this chapter include exercises that reflect this sequence (see
table 6.6 and figure 6.8).
Number of Repetitions
One of the most important variables in the design of a resistance training program is
the amount of weight used for an exercise (7). Gains in muscular fitness are influenced
Sample resistance training programs.
Number Number of Number of days
Stage* Exercises** of sets repetitions per week***
Beginner Moving through this level typically takes about two to three months, although you
should remain at this level until you feel comfortable enough to advance.
Do a total of six exercises. Select one 1 to 2 8 to 12 2 to 3
exercise from each of the following body (10 to 15
areas: hips and legs, chest, back, for older
shoulders, low back, and abdominal adults)
Intermediate to Moving through the intermediate to the established level typically takes 3 to 12
established months depending on your level of consistency.
Do a total of 10 exercises. Select one 2 8 to 12 2 to 3
exercise from each of the following body (10 to 15
areas: hips and legs, quadriceps, for middle-
hamstrings, chest, back, shoulders, age and
biceps, triceps, low back, and abdominal older adults
muscles. starting
More advanced Do a total of 10 exercises. Select two 2 to 3 8 to 12 2 to 3
(complete all exercises from each of these larger-
15 exercises) muscle group areas: hips and legs, quad-
riceps, hamstrings, chest, and back.
Do a total of five exercises. Select one 2 8 to 12 2 to 3
exercise from each of these smaller-
muscle group and trunk areas: shoulders,
biceps, triceps, low back, and abdominal
*The time spent at each stage will depend on your muscular fitness level. Transition slowly between the stages (e.g.,
over time a beginner can add additional exercises or increase the number of sets to move toward the intermediate level
of resistance training).
**Different exercises can be performed on different days.
***Schedule your training days so that at least 48 hours separates training sessions that target the same muscle group.
120 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
by the amount of weight lifted, which is inversely related to the number of repetitions
you can perform. As the weight increases, the number of repetitions you can perform
decreases. Although you should never sacrifice proper form, the training weight should
be challenging enough to result in at least a modest degree of muscle fatigue during
the last few repetitions of a set. If this does not occur, you will not achieve the desired
gains from your resistance training program.
Because heavy weights are not required to increase the muscular strength of
beginners, weights corresponding to about 60 to 80 percent of the 1RM for 8 to 12
repetitions are recommended for adults (10 to 15 repetitions for middle-age and older
adults with limited resistance training experience) (1). Although weights that can be
lifted more than 15 times are effective for increasing local muscular endurance, light
weights rarely result in meaningful gains in muscular strength. If you are a beginner,
the best approach is to first establish a target repetition range (e.g., 8 to 12), and then
by trial and error determine the maximum load you can handle for the prescribed
number of repetitions. If multiple sets of an exercise are performed, the first set may
be performed for 12 repetitions before fatigue occurs whereas the last set may be
performed for about 8 repetitions.
Although it may take two to three workouts to find your desired training weight
on all exercises, keep in mind that the magnitude of your effort will determine the
outcome of your strength training program. For example, training within an 8RM to
12RM zone means that you should be able to perform no more than 12 repetitions with
a given weight using proper exercise technique. Simply performing an exercise for 8,
9, 10, 11, or 12 repetitions does not necessarily mean you are training within the 8RM
to 12RM zone. You should be stopping because of the onset of muscle fatigue, not
just because you have reached a predetermined number. However, regardless of the
number of repetitions, it is important to maintain proper technique on every repetition
to optimize adaptations and reduce the risk of injury.
Number of Sets
The number of sets performed in a workout is directly related to the overall training
volume, which reflects the amount of time the muscles are being exercised. For begin-
ners, even one set can provide benefits. Healthy adults should perform two to four
sets for each muscle group to achieve muscular fitness goals (1). Although single-set
protocols can enhance your muscular strength if you are a beginner, multiple-set pro-
When should the weight lifted be increased?
Consider how many repetitions are currently possible. For example, initially it may be
possible to lift a 20-pound (9 kg) barbell only eight times. As training continues and
muscular fitness improves, this repetition number increases from 8 to 12 before fatigue
(i.e., repetitions number 11 and 12 are a bit of a struggle to complete). Increasing the
repetitions is one way to overload the muscle. When you are able to easily complete 12
repetitions in two consecutive training sessions, this is evidence that the muscles have
adapted to the overload and now it is time to progress to a higher weight to provide
greater resistance. The repetition number will drop back and the process of increasing
number of repetitions from 8 to 12 will start over again.
Enhancing Your Muscular Fitness 121
tocols have proven more effective in the long term, with evidence of a dose response
for the number of sets per exercise (14, 19). That is, greater gains in muscular fitness
can be expected with additional sets per exercise (up to a point). What’s more, you do
not need to perform every exercise for the same number of sets. As a general recom-
mendation, perform more sets of large-muscle group exercises than of smaller-muscle
group exercises.
You can use different combinations of sets and exercises to vary the training stimu-
lus, which is vital for long-term gains. For example, if you complete one set of two
different exercises for the same muscle group (e.g., leg press and leg extension), the
quadriceps on the front of the thigh will have performed two sets. From a practical
standpoint, your health status, fitness goals, and time demands should determine the
number of sets you perform per muscle group.
Repetition Velocity
Strength-building exercises should be performed at a controlled, or moderate, veloc-
ity during the lifting and lowering phases. Movement control can be defined as the
ability to stop any lifting or lowering action at will without momentum carrying the
movement to completion. Uncontrolled, jerky movements not only are ineffective but
also may result in injury. Intentionally slow velocities with a relatively light weight (e.g.,
a 5-second lifting phase and a 5-second lowering phase) may be useful to enhance
muscular endurance, but this type of training is not recommended to optimize gains
in muscular strength (20). Although different movement speeds have proven effective,
if you are a beginner, you should perform each repetition at a moderate speed, with
about 2 seconds for the lifting phase and 3 seconds for the lowering phase. A longer
lowering phase places more emphasis on the eccentric muscle action, which is impor-
tant for muscle growth and strength development (20).
The cool-down brings the body systems back to resting levels. Just as the warm-up
led into the conditioning phase, the cool-down helps to transition the body from the
higher demands of the conditioning phase to the lower levels of physiological demand
seen at rest. Shifting to moderate-intensity and then low-intensity aerobic and muscular
endurance activity will lower your heart rate and blood pressure gradually and safely
(1). See Safety First for additional ways to maximize safety when training.
Safety First
Your resistance training program should be based on your health status, fitness training
experience, and goals. As discussed in chapter 2, you should assess your health status before
participating in strength-building activities. In some cases, specialized exercise programs are
needed for those with preexisting medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart
disease, or diabetes. Thus, if you have a medical concern or issue, you should consult with
your health care provider before resistance training.
Recognizing that resistance training to improve general fitness is different from training
to enhance sport performance will further promote the development of and adherence to
safe, effective, and enjoyable programs. If you have little experience with resistance train-
ing, you are strongly encouraged to seek instruction from a qualified fitness professional,
because most injuries are the result of improper exercise technique or excessive loading (13,
17). Qualified fitness professionals can provide instruction on proper warm-up procedures,
offer advice on specific methods of progression, and monitor the magnitude of your effort,
which in turn can have a positive impact on training adaptations (16, 22).
Knowing proper breathing techniques will help you avoid the Valsalva maneuver, which
can occur if you hold your breath while lifting. Not exhaling can increase pressure in the chest
cavity, which can increase blood pressure to harmful levels. To avoid this effect, continue to
breathe normally by inhaling before you start the lift, exhaling during the lifting–exertion
phase (as you lift against gravity), and then inhaling again as you return to the starting posi-
tion. Using this technique will allow you to lift weight correctly and safely.
Following are general safety recommendations for designing and performing a resistance
training program:
• Maintain a regular breathing pattern when lifting and lowering weights. Do not hold
your breath; rather, inhale before you start the lift, exhale during the lift, and inhale
as you return to the starting position.
• Make sure the exercise environment is well lit, clean, and free of clutter. Tripping or
falling over resistance training equipment can be avoided by following this guideline.
• Learn proper exercise technique from a qualified fitness professional. If you have little
easy to use; other equipment requires balance, coordination, and high levels of skill.
A decision to use a certain type of resistance training should be based on your health
status, fitness goals, training experience, and access to professional fitness instruction
if needed. Common types of resistance training involve the use of weight machines;
free weights; body weight exercises; and a broadly defined category that involves the
use of balls, bands, and elastic tubing (table 6.7 summarizes the advantages and dis-
advantages of various types of resistance training). These types of resistance training
typically include dynamic movements that involve a lifting (concentric) and lowering
(eccentric) phase through a predetermined range of motion.
Weight machines train all the major muscle groups and can be found in most fit-
ness centers. They are relatively easy to use because the exercise motion is controlled
by the machine. For this reason, weight machines are a good option if you have not
done resistance training before, are relatively new to this type of training, or are out of
shape or deconditioned. Also, weight machines are ideal for isolating muscle groups.
As a result, they often do not mimic sport activities or activities of daily life as well
as some free weight exercises do. For general health and convenience, however, they
Enhancing Your Muscular Fitness 123
experience with resistance training, have someone with appropriate qualifications show
you how to do resistance training exercises and assist you with making any needed
• Perform warm-up and cool-down activities. Taking time for warming up and cooling
down helps your body to transition safely into and out of your workout.
• Move carefully around the strength training area. Resistance training by its nature is
equipment intensive. Dumbbells, barbells, and weight plates are all potential tripping
• Do not use broken or malfunctioning equipment. Check for frayed belts or cables
before using any resistance training machine. Fittings should be tight, and all belts
and cables should be in good condition.
• Use collars on all plate-loaded barbells and dumbbells. Collars are devices placed on the
ends of barbells and dumbbells to hold the individual weight plates in position. Without
these fasteners in place, the weight plates could shift or even fall off, causing injury.
• Be aware of proper spotting procedures when using free weights. A spotter is a person
who is in a position to assist you when you are using free weights. Because free weights
are not supported by cables or any other devices, a spotter’s role is to help guide or
lift a weight if you have difficulty with the resistance.
• Avoid jerky, uncontrolled movements while resistance training. Maintaining controlled
movements maximizes the benefits of your workout and also helps you avoid injury.
• Periodically check all training equipment. Checking equipment for cleanliness as well
as any signs of wear and tear (e.g., frayed cables or belts) and making needed correc-
tions will help keep your resistance training sessions safe and enjoyable.
• Regularly clean equipment pads that come in contact with the skin. Pads become
soiled with sweat; maintaining a routine of wiping off contacted surfaces promotes
good hygiene.
What would be a good circuit of
exercises at a fitness center?
Depending on available equipment, you will want to select exercises that target the major
muscle groups. The following is an example of a program for an established exerciser
with 10 body areas targeted:
• Hips and legs: Machine leg press or dumbbell squat
• Quadriceps: Machine leg extension
• Hamstrings: Machine leg curl
• Chest: Machine or dumbbell chest press
• Back: Machine lat pull-down or machine seated row
• Shoulders: Machine overhead press or dumbbell lateral raise
• Biceps: Machine biceps curl or dumbbell biceps curl
• Triceps: Machine triceps press or dumbbell lying triceps extension
• Low back: Machine back extension
• Abdominal muscles: Machine abdominal curl
provide an effective method of resistance training. Although weight machines fit the
typical male or female, smaller body size may require a seat pad or back pad to adjust
body position to create a better fit.
Free weights, such as barbells and dumbbells, are inexpensive and can be used for
a wide variety of exercises that require greater balance and coordination. Although it
may take longer to master proper exercise technique using free weights compared to
weight machines, proper fit is not an issue because one size fits all. Free weights also
offer a greater variety of exercises than weight machines because they can be moved
in many directions. Another benefit of free weights is that they require the use of
additional stabilizing and assisting muscles to hold the correct body position to per-
form an exercise correctly. As such, free weight training can occur in different planes
of motion and is ideal for enhancing performance during activities of daily life. This
is particularly true regarding the use of dumbbells because they train each side of the
body independently. However, unlike weight machines, several free weight exercises,
such as the bench press, require the aid of a spotter who can assist the lifter in case
of a failed repetition. Spotters should be able to handle the weight lifted and should
know when to intervene.
Body weight exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, and curl-ups are among the oldest
modes of strength training. Obviously, a major advantage of body weight training is
that equipment is not needed and a variety of exercises can be performed. On the
other hand, a limitation of body weight training is the difficulty in adjusting the body
weight to the strength level of the person. Exercise machines that allow you to perform
body weight exercises such as pull-ups and dips using a predetermined percentage of
your body weight are available. Even if you do not have the strength to lift your entire
body weight, these machines provide assistance, allowing participants of all abilities
to incorporate body weight exercises into their strength training programs and feel
good about their accomplishments.
Enhancing Your Muscular Fitness 125
Stability balls, medicine balls, and elastic tubing are inexpensive, safe, and effective
alternatives to weight machines and free weights. Stability balls are lightweight, inflat-
able balls (about 45 to 75 centimeters in diameter) that add the elements of balance
and coordination to any exercise. Medicine balls come in a variety of shapes and sizes
(about 2 pounds to over 20 pounds, or 1 kilogram to over 9 kilograms) and stress
muscles as you hold, catch, and throw them. Training with elastic rubber cords, or
bands, involves generating force to stretch the cord and then returning the cord in a
controlled manner to its unstretched state. The more the cord is stretched, the greater
the force needed to move through the range of motion. Different colors of cords reflect
different amounts of resistance.
Can muscular fitness be improved
without access to a fitness center?
Although membership at a fitness center has many advantages, you can also improve your
muscular fitness at home. Resistance bands and ankle weights are relatively inexpensive
purchases. In addition to exercises that use body weight, these can target the major
muscle groups. For example, a beginner program with six exercises might look like this:
• Hips and legs: Ankle weight hip flexion and extension or band leg lunge
• Chest: Band seated chest press or modified push-up
• Back: Band seated row
• Shoulders: Band upright row
• Low back: Prone plank or kneeling hip extension
• Abdominal muscles: Curl-up
exercise or attempting to correct any flaws in your exercise technique. Also, keep in
mind that you do not have to perform every exercise for the same number of sets.
This preparatory period is designed to gradually enhance your physical abilities as
you start the process of resistance training. If you have a very low level of fitness, you
may need a longer period of time before you can participate in a resistance training
program designed to maximize gains in muscular fitness. A major goal of this training
phase is to learn correct form and technique for a variety of upper body, lower body,
and midsection exercises while practicing proper training procedures. Table 6.6 out-
lines resistance training exercises that use weight machines, free weights (dumbbells),
and your own body weight.
Once you are comfortable with the level of exercise at the beginner level, you are
ready to move to the intermediate level. Typically, this takes around two to three months,
although this time may be shorter or longer depending on your initial fitness level.
The intermediate level begins once you have progressed through the beginner level,
or you can start at this level if you are already engaging in some resistance training.
The intermediate activities are broader in scope than the beginner activities and also
increase the overall volume (increasing the number of exercises and sets). Depending
on the consistency of your training, you may spend three months to a year or more
at the intermediate level.
After 6 to 12 months of consistent training, you may appropriately be classified as
“established.” At this point you can continue with the intermediate-level exercise format
but increase the weight, or resistance, over time (recall the concept of progressive
overload). Figure 6.8 includes a “more advanced” category for those looking to increase
their focus beyond health-related levels of resistance training. More advanced resistance
training can provide additional muscular fitness benefits and includes exercises for
different body parts on separate days of the week (thus increasing the overall training
volume and the time you spend training).
By varying the program variables such as the choice of exercise and number of sets,
you will start to achieve specific goals in health and fitness. Although every workout
does not need to be more intense than the previous one, varying your program helps to
prevent boredom and training plateaus that eventually lead to a lack of adherence and
dropout. As you perform additional sets, keep in mind that your effort determines your
training outcomes. Thus, feelings related to exercise exertion should be an expected
and welcome part of the training process. A major goal is to gain confidence in your
ability to perform strength-building exercises while maximizing training adaptations.
After the first few months of resistance training, improvements in muscular fitness
occur at a slower rate. People who started resistance training with great enthusiasm
sometimes become disappointed when gains in muscle strength are less dramatic
during the third month of training. You need to understand that a workout that was
effective during the first few months may not be effective in the long term. Once
your body adapts to the training program, no additional gains will take place unless
the training program is altered. In short, to make continual gains in muscular fitness
and achieve specific health and fitness goals, you need to work harder and engage
in a more challenging training program. This is particularly important if you want to
maximize gains in muscular fitness (21).
Because of the demands of training, you need to allow time for adequate recovery
between workouts for a given muscle group. For example, more advanced lifters may
perform a whole-body workout only twice per week or a greater number of sessions
Enhancing Your Muscular Fitness 127
per week using a split routine in which only certain muscle groups are selected on a
given day. For example, a lifter may train the lower body on Monday and Thursday
and the upper body on Tuesday and Friday. In any case, all lifters should appreciate
the importance of adequate recovery between demanding resistance training workouts.
For continued gains in muscular fitness, you must sensibly alter your resistance
training program over time so your body is continually challenged to adapt to the new
demands (21). To clarify, every workout does not need to be harder than the previ-
ous workout; rather, a systematic progression of the exercise program is needed for
long-term gains in muscular fitness. Even though beginners will improve at a faster
rate than more experienced lifters, manipulating the program variables every couple
of weeks will limit training plateaus and reduce the likelihood that you become bored
with your training program and lose your enthusiasm for resistance training.
Although improving at the same rate over the long term is not possible, you have
to place greater demands on the musculoskeletal system gradually if you want to
make steady gains in muscular fitness. In addition to increasing the amount of weight
you lift, you can also progress your training program in other ways. You can perform
additional repetitions with the current weight, add more sets to your program, and
incorporate different exercises or types of equipment into the program to provide pro-
gressive overload. The key to long-term training success is to make gradual changes
in the program to keep it effective, challenging, and fun.
Resistance training is an essential component of adult fitness programs and can
offer observable health and fitness gains when properly performed and sensibly pro-
gressed over time. The importance of the training-induced changes from resistance
training should not be underestimated because they can have a meaningful impact
on your physical function and quality of life (20, 30). Although many exercise options
are available, resistance training programs based on sound training principles and
consistent with your needs, goals, and abilities are most likely to result in favorable
adaptations. In general, perform resistance training two to three days per week (with
48 hours between sessions), do two to four sets of 8 to 12 repetitions of each exercise
(10 to 15 repetitions for middle-age and older adults starting exercise), and target each
of the major muscle groups.
a b
Adjust the machine so your knees are bent about 90 degrees, with feet flat on the
foot pads (a). Your knees and feet should be in line with your hips. Exhale and push
your feet and legs forward by pushing through your heels until your knees are nearly
straight (b). Do not lock your knees.
Enhancing Your Muscular Fitness 129
Dumbbell Squat
Choose your desired or
appropriate dumbbell
weights. Spread your feet
about shoulder-width
apart; your knees and
feet should be in line with
your hips (a). Bend slightly
at the hips and then bend
your knees until your
thighs are parallel to
the floor (b). Your knees
should not go beyond
your toes. Pause briefly;
then return to the starting
position. Keep your chest
up throughout the move-
ment to avoid excessive
forward lean.
a b
Dumbbell Step-Up
Choose your desired or
appropriate dumbbell
weights. Stand with a
dumbbell in each hand
facing a step (or bench).
Place one foot on the
step (a) and then step up
with the other foot while
keeping torso upright
(b). Step back down and
return to the starting
position. Repeat with
opposite leg. Begin with
body weight only to learn
proper form.
a b
130 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
a b
a b
Ankle weights are needed for this exercise. Stand about 12 inches (30.5 cm) from
a chair with your feet slightly apart. Bend forward slightly and hold on to the back
of the chair for balance (a). Lift one leg backward without moving your upper body
forward or bending your knee (b). Pause briefly; then return to the starting position
and repeat on the opposite side.
Enhancing Your Muscular Fitness 131
a b
Start in a stride position with one foot in the middle of the band and the other foot
extended behind your body. Pull the band tight by bending your elbows to allow your
hands to be at shoulder height (a). Lower your body toward the floor while keeping
your shoulders over your hips and your front knee over the ankle of your front foot
(b). Return to the starting position and perform the desired number of repetitions.
Repeat on the opposite side.
a b
Adjust the machine so your knee joints are in line with the machine’s axis of rotation
and the leg pads are just above your ankles (a). Straighten both knees until they are
fully extended (b), pause briefly, and then return to the starting position and repeat.
132 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
a b
Ankle weights are needed for this exercise. Sit tall in a chair with your feet flat on the
floor (a). Lift one leg by straightening your knee until the leg is parallel to the floor (b).
Pause briefly; then return your leg to the starting position and repeat on the opposite
a b
Adjust the machine so your knees are in line with the machine’s axis of rotation and
the roller pads are under your ankles (a). Grasp both handles. Pull the roller pad toward
your hips until both knees are bent at least 90 degrees (b). Pause briefly; then return
to the starting position and repeat.
Enhancing Your Muscular Fitness 133
a b
Ankle weights are needed for this exercise. While wearing ankle weights, stand tall
behind a chair and grasp the chair back (a). Bend one knee and raise your foot toward
your buttocks without moving your thigh (b). Pause briefly; then return to the starting
position. Repeat on the other side.
a b
Adjust the seat so that the handles are aligned at midchest level. Sit with your back
against the seat pads and grasp the bar handles with an overhand grip (a). Push the
handles forward until your elbows are straight and fully extended but not locked (b).
Pause briefly; then return the handles to the starting position and repeat.
134 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
a b
Choose your desired or appropriate dumbbell weight. Lie on a bench with your knees
bent and your feet flat on the floor. Your head, shoulders, back, and buttocks must
maintain contact with the bench during the exercise. Hold the dumbbells at the side
of your chest with your thumbs wrapped around the handles and your elbows bent
about 90 degrees (a). Press the dumbbells upward over your chest until your arms are
straight (b). Return to the starting position and repeat. A spotter should be nearby to
assist you if needed.
a b
Choose a band color or thickness. Sit in a chair and wrap the band around the back
of the chair. Hold the ends of the band at chest level with your elbows bent (a). The
band tension should be tight. Press both arms straight out in front of your body (b).
Pause briefly; then return to the starting position and repeat.
Enhancing Your Muscular Fitness 135
Modified Push-Up
Stand 2 to 3 feet (61-91
cm) from a wall and
place your palms on the
wall at shoulder height
(a). Your palms should
be placed slightly wider
than your shoulders.
Keeping your back
straight, bend your
elbows until your nose
almost touches the
wall (b). Pause briefly;
then press away from
the wall and return to
the starting position.
Moving your feet far-
ther away from the wall
increases the difficulty
of this exercise. As you
gain more strength in a b
your upper body, prog-
ress to bent-knee push-ups on the floor (see figure 6.2) and finally to full push-ups
(see figure 6.1).
a b
Adjust the seat height and extend your arms overhead to grasp the bar (a). Your
palms should face forward with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width. Lean
back slightly, and pull the bar downward to the top of your chest (b). Tuck your chin
to allow the bar to freely pass in front of your face. Focus on pulling your elbows in
toward your body. Return to the starting position and repeat.
136 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
a b
Move the seat so your shoulders are level with the machine handles and your chest
is against the chest pad. Grasp the handles and sit tall with your chest up (a). Pull
the handles backward while moving your shoulder blades together (b). Return to the
starting position and repeat.
a b
Choose your appropriate or desired dumbbell weight. Stand near the left side of
the bench and place your right knee and the palm of your right hand on the bench,
keeping your right arm straight and your torso almost horizontal. Hold the dumbbell
in your left hand with your palm toward the bench (a). Pull the dumbbell toward the
side of your chest by bending at the elbow and the shoulder (b). Return to the starting
position and perform the desired number of repetitions. Repeat on the opposite side.
Enhancing Your Muscular Fitness 137
a b
Choose a band color or thickness. Sit on the floor and wrap the band securely around
both feet. The middle of the band should be placed at the center of your feet. Point
your toes slightly forward to prevent the band from slipping. Fully straighten your elbows
with your palms facing each other (a). The band tension should be tight in both your
hands. Pull the band toward the sides of your body while keeping your back straight
(b). Pause briefly; then return to the starting position and repeat.
a b
Adjust the seat height so the handles are aligned with or slightly above your shoulders.
Grasp the handles and sit up straight with your head, shoulders, and back against the
pad and your feet flat on the floor (a). Push the weight up over your head until your arms
are fully extended but not locked (b). Pause briefly and return to the starting position.
138 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
a b
Choose your appropriate or desired dumbbell weight. Stand with your feet shoulder-
width apart. Hold a dumbbell at the side of your body with your palms facing in and
your elbows slightly bent (a). Raise both arms out to the sides until they are horizontal
(b). Pause briefly; then return to the starting position and repeat.
a b
Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your
palms facing your thighs and your elbows pointing outward (a). Bend at the elbows
and lift both dumbbells to shoulder level (b). Keep your elbows pointed outward
during the upward movement. Pause briefly; then lower the weights to the starting
position and repeat.
Enhancing Your Muscular Fitness 139
a b
a b
Adjust the seat height so your upper arms are resting flat against the arm pad and
your elbow is aligned with the machine’s axis of rotation. Grasp the handles firmly
and position your body so your chest is up and your shoulders are back (a). Curl your
hands toward your shoulders until your elbows are fully flexed (b). Return to the start-
ing position and repeat.
140 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
a b
a b
Enhancing Your Muscular Fitness 141
a b
a b
Choose an appropriate or desired dumbbell weight. Lie on a bench with your knees
bent and your feet flat on the floor. Your head, shoulders, back, and buttocks must
maintain contact with the bench during this exercise. Hold a dumbbell in each hand
with your thumb wrapped around the dumbbell and both arms fully extended above
your shoulders (a). Bend your elbows and slowly lower the dumbbells toward (but
not touching) the side of your head (b). Return to the starting position and repeat. A
spotter should be nearby to assist you if needed.
142 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
a b
Adjust the seat so your navel is aligned with the machine’s axis of rotation. Sit with
your back against the pad, your feet on the foot pad, and your arms folded across your
chest (a). Slowly lean backward (extending the torso) with the back in contact with the
pad (b). Pause briefly; then return to the starting position and repeat.
Enhancing Your Muscular Fitness 143
Prone Plank
Lie facedown on the floor with your feet behind your body. Support your weight on
your knees and forearms (a). Keep your back flat and your head in line with your torso.
Breathe normally as you hold the position for the desired number of seconds. To increase
difficulty, lift your knees and support your weight on your toes and forearms (b).
Kneel down in the crawl position with your arms directly below your shoulders (a).
Extend your right leg backward until it is parallel to the floor while keeping your shoul-
ders and hips level (b). Pause briefly; then return to the starting position and repeat
on the opposite side.
144 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
a b
Adjust the seat so your navel is aligned with the machine’s axis of rotation (a). Curl
your torso forward while fully flexing your trunk (b). Pause briefly; then return to the
starting position and repeat.
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor (a). Place your
hands on your thighs. Curl your shoulders and upper back off the floor while sliding
your hands up your thighs toward your kneecaps (b). Your low back should remain in
contact with the floor. Pause briefly; then return to the starting position and repeat.
Enhancing Your Muscular Fitness 145
Diagonal Curl-Up
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor (a). Place your
hands on your thighs. Curl your shoulders and upper back off the floor while sliding
your left hand toward your right kneecap (b). Your low back should remain in contact
with the floor. Pause briefly; then return to the starting position and repeat on the
opposite side.
Flexibility may not have the same health benefits as aerobic or muscular fitness, but it
is an important part of your overall physical fitness. Many activities require flexibility
(e.g., golfing, swimming, dancing), and daily activities are also affected by flexibility
(e.g., reaching, bending, twisting) (2, 3). Flexibility varies between individuals and is
affected by joint types, differing muscle lengths, ligaments, tendons, muscles, skin, and
age (17). Understanding flexibility and its role in exercise programming is essential for
a well-balanced exercise regimen.
Flexibility Factors
Flexibility is the ability of a joint and surrounding muscle to move through a full or
optimal range of motion (6). Improving range of motion at a joint eliminates awkward
and inefficient movements, allowing you to move more fluidly. You can appreciate
this throughout your day-to-day activities and in any recreation or sports you may do.
Maintaining or improving your range of motion through flexibility exercises helps you
move more efficiently (3, 4, 7). For example, if you improve range of motion in your
hips and hamstring muscle groups, which are located at the back of your thighs, you
can ease the task of reaching down to pick up a grocery bag or bending over to tie
your shoes, as well as increase your stride when jogging or running.
Several factors influence flexibility, including age, sex, joint structure, and physical
activity level (4, 17). Females tend to have a slightly greater range of motion at most
joints than males do. This is usually explained by differences in joint structure and is
often observed in joints in the upper body (e.g., shoulders, elbows, wrists, neck), with
the exception of the trunk, in which males tend to have a greater range of motion than
females (9). Flexibility typically decreases with age, resulting in many significant changes
in the neck, shoulder, and trunk region (9, 19). You can minimize these changes by
adhering to a regular stretching program. Specific activities you can incorporate into
your stretching routine are outlined in this chapter.
148 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
How can routine activities affect flexibility?
Routine daily activities including desk work can cause slumped-forward shoulders (inter-
nally rotated humerus) as well as lower back pain. To combat this, it is important to
include dynamic and static stretches of the chest, shoulders, neck, and hips.
Does stretching prevent or reduce muscle soreness?
Researchers have not proven that stretching before or after an exercise session adds
benefits or protection against muscle soreness (11). Stretching has not been found to
attenuate the structural mechanisms that contribute to soreness, including microtears
to the muscle fibers, accumulation of calcium ions, cellular inflammation, or swelling.
Increasing Your Flexibility 149
This chapter describes a small subset of tests that are available to assess flexibility.
Each joint and body segment is unique. Two assessments covered in this chapter are
the sit-and-reach and the back-scratch test. These tests provide a snapshot of flexibility
in the trunk and hips as well as the upper arm and shoulder.
Sit-and-Reach Assessments
The sit-and-reach is one of the most common tests of flexibility and reflects hamstring
flexibility (muscles on the back of the thigh) and possible low back flexibility as well
(3). There are various versions of the assessment for adults, older adults, and children.
a b
FIGURE 7.1 Sit-and-reach for adults.
150 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
a b
• Use table 7.1 to interpret the results of your sit-and-reach test. Normal ranges
are shown; if your score is over the range listed, consider yourself above average
and if your score falls short of the range listed, consider yourself below average.
TABLE 7.1 Normal Ranges for Chair Sit-and-Reach for Older Adults in
60 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84 85 to 89 90 to 94
Males −2.5 to −3.0 to −3.0 to −4.0 to −5.5 to −5.5 to −6.5 to
+4.0 +3.0 +3.0 +2.0 +1.5 +0.5 −0.5
60 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84 85 to 89 90 to 94
Females −0.5 to −0.5 to −1.0 to −1.5 to −2.0 to −2.5 to −4.5 to
+5.0 +4.5 +4.0 +3.5 +3.0 +2.5 +1.0
Adapted by permission from R.E. Rikli and C.J. Jones, 2013, pp. 89, 90.
TABLE 7.2 Normal Ranges for Back-Scratch Test for Older Adults in Inches
60 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84 85 to 89 90 to 94
Males −6.5 to −7.5 to −8.0 to −9.0 to −9.5 to −9.5 to −10.5 to
0.0 −1.0 −1.0 −2.0 −2.0 −3.0 −4.0
Females −3.0 to −3.5 to −4.0 to −5.0 to −5.5 to −7.0 to −8.0 to
+1.5 +1.5 +1.5 +0.5 +0.0 −1.0 −1.0
Adapted by permission from R.E. Rikli and C.J. Jones, 2013, pp. 89, 90.
154 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
To improve flexibility, perform flexibility exercises at least two to three days per week
for a minimum of 10 minutes (3). Note that this is considered a minimum; stretching
on a daily basis as part of a warm-up or cool-down is effective in improving range
of motion.
Increasing Your Flexibility 155
The question of how far to stretch (i.e., the intensity of the stretch) is a common one.
Typically, stretching exercises are done to the point of mild tightness without discom-
fort within the range of motion of the joint(s) (3). If a given stretch creates discomfort,
release slightly—a stretch should not be painful. Over time, you may be able to move
the joint farther as your flexibility improves, but the stretch should never cause pain.
If it does, back off slightly.
You should hold a single flexibility exercise for 10 to 30 seconds (3, 5). In general,
longer hold times have not been found to provide additional benefits for improving
joint range of motion (3). However, older adults may benefit from holding the stretch
for 30 to 60 seconds (3).
Two of the most common methods of stretching to improve flexibility are static and
dynamic. Both methods involve moving a joint or joints to the end of the range of
motion. With static stretching, the position is held, whereas dynamic stretching involves
continuous movement of the joint(s). Static stretching is more commonly used after
an activity because some activities requiring strength, power, or endurance may be
156 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Should you perform static or dynamic stretches
before or after a workout?
You may want to perform dynamic stretching before the workout, as these activities
encourage large movements that raise the heart rate and increase blood flow to the
muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Incorporating a dynamic warm-up has the potential to
reduce injury as well as to prepare the body for the upcoming workout (12). But don’t
forget the static stretches following the workout. The musculoskeletal system is warm
and ready for these lengthening exercises.
impaired by static stretching before the activity (3). Dynamic stretching can be done
before activity, following a general warm-up of the muscles (20).
Static stretching is undoubtedly the most common method used to improve flexibility.
Static stretching consists of slowly moving a joint to the point at which you feel tension
and then holding that stretch for 10 to 30 seconds (3). Remember, do not place your
joints in any position that causes pain. As you hold the stretch, the tension should
lessen as the muscle lengthens. Each static stretch should be repeated two to four times
to accumulate 60 seconds per stretch.
Dynamic stretching involves moving parts of your body through a full range of motion
while gradually increasing the reach and speed of the movement in a controlled manner.
An example of this is arm circles; you begin with small, slow circles and gradually
progress to larger and faster circles until you reach the full range of motion of the
shoulder joint. Many people think dynamic stretching involves bouncing or jerking
motions—it does not! The goal is to move the joint in a controlled manner within a
normal range of motion in order to minimize the risk of injury (4). To avoid the muscle
soreness that often results from novel movements, introduce dynamic stretches into
your stretching program gradually, particularly if you are not accustomed to this type
of stretching. Dynamic movements are typically repeated 5 to 12 times within a time
frame that varies depending on the motion (approximately 30 to 60 seconds).
158 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
before or after the conditioning phase of general fitness activities. Although not con-
clusive, some research suggests that static stretching could interfere with sports that
require muscular strength, power, or endurance (3). Thus, in the following sample
programs, dynamic stretching follows the warm-up (before the conditioning phase of
the workout), and static stretching is part of the cool-down.
Sample dynamic stretching program.
Body part Stretch*
Arms and shoulders Arm circle
Shoulder shrug
Hips and buttocks Pendulum leg swing (front to back)
Pendulum leg swing (side to side)
Internal and external hip rotation
Hip circles
Side shuffle
Quadriceps Butt kick
Hamstrings High knees
Ankles Dynamic foot range of motion
Full body Soldier walk
Wood chop
Power skip
*The descriptions and photos of these stretches can be found at the end of the chapter, beginning on page 173.
Increasing Your Flexibility 159
Sample progressive static stretching program.
Stretches by level of progression*
Body part Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Neck Forward flexion Forward flexion Forward flexion
Lateral flexion Lateral flexion Lateral flexion
Levator scapulae stretch Levator scapulae stretch Levator scapulae stretch
Shoulders Arms across chest Arms across chest Arms across chest
Wall hold Wall hold
Upper back Arm hug Kneeling cat Pillar–overhead reach
Low back Supine rotational stretch Supine rotational stretch Supine rotational stretch
Chest Chest stretch Progressive chest stretch Progressive chest stretch
Biceps Biceps wall stretch Biceps wall stretch Biceps wall stretch
Triceps Elbow behind the head Elbow behind the head Elbow behind the head
Hips and Seated hip rotator stretch Supine hip rotator stretch Supine hip rotator stretch
buttocks Butterfly stretch Butterfly stretch Butterfly stretch
Kneeling hip flexor Standing hip flexor Standing hip flexor
stretch stretch stretch
Hamstrings Seated hamstring stretch Standing hamstring Standing hamstring
stretch stretch
Quadriceps Prone quadriceps stretch Side-lying quadriceps Standing quadriceps
stretch stretch
Calves Seated calf stretch Standing calf step stretch Standing calf step stretch
(gastrocnemius) (gastrocnemius)
Standing calf stretch Standing calf stretch
(soleus) (soleus)
*The descriptions and photos of these stretches can be found at the end of the chapter.
the elbow behind the head later in this chapter, you could hold a towel in the hand
of the arm you are stretching and provide assistance with the stretch by gently pulling
on the towel with the other hand placed behind your back rather than on the elbow.
When using a stretching aid, be careful not to jerk or pull your limb into an awkward
or painful position.
Flexibility Stretches
The exercises to improve flexibility that have been listed throughout this chapter are
provided here, organized by type—either static or dynamic. Each stretch includes a
description and photos to help you perform it correctly.
160 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Static stretches, as discussed in detail previously in this chapter, are simple exercises that
you can use to improve your flexibility. Remember to always warm up before stretching.
Forward flexion: Facing forward, move your head forward
to tuck your chin into your chest; hold.
Levator scapulae stretch: Sit up straight on a chair. Put your hand up over your shoulder
and bring your elbow back, pointing your elbow up to the ceiling. Use your left hand
to pull your head forward and to the left; hold. Repeat on other side (6).
a b
Increasing Your Flexibility 161
Arms across chest: Facing forward, straighten
your right arm and draw it across your chest.
Your arm should be as straight as possible,
and you should feel gentle tension in your
right shoulder. Grasp your right arm with your
left hand and apply gentle pressure with your
left hand to increase the tension in your right
shoulder. Repeat on the other side.
Wall hold: Stand with your right side facing a wall. Place your hand on the wall at
shoulder height with elbow straight and thumb pointing down (a). Turn your body away
from the wall and maintain the rotation of your arm; hold (b). Repeat on the other side.
a b
162 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Upper Back
Arm hug: Cross your arms around your body with your elbows pointing forward. Let
your upper body round, and squeeze your arms toward each other.
Kneeling cat: Adopt a crawl position on your hands and knees (a). Draw in your
abdominal muscles and contract your buttocks, and then round your spine throughout
its entire length (b).
Increasing Your Flexibility 163
Low Back
Supine rotational stretch: Lie face
up on the floor and bend your
knees so that your feet are flat
on the floor. Straighten your arms
out from your sides across the
floor to stabilize your upper body
(a). Slowly move both legs with
your knees bent to the right side
of your body while keeping your
upper back against the floor and
your abdomen oriented toward
the ceiling (b). Repeat by moving a
your legs to the left side.
164 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Chest stretch: In this stretch, your shoulders should
be relaxed, not elevated. Straighten your arms
toward your back, keeping them at or a little
below shoulder height. A good cue for this stretch
is “open arms wide.”
Biceps wall stretch: Position your arm from your
hand to your inner elbow against a wall and turn
your body away from it, exhaling slowly. Repeat
on the other side.
Elbow behind the head: Facing forward, bring your
right arm up, bend from your elbow, and drop your
hand behind your head, trying to reach your left
shoulder with your right hand. The left hand can
be placed on the right elbow to assist with this
stretch. Repeat on the other side.
166 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
a b
Supine hip rotator stretch: Lie faceup on floor with your knees bent so your feet are
flat on the floor and cross your right ankle onto your bent left knee (a). Lift your left
foot off the floor and wrap your hands around your left leg and draw it into your body
(b). Focus on opening up your right knee until tension develops in the outer portion
of your right thigh. Repeat on the other side.
Increasing Your Flexibility 167
168 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Standing hip flexor stretch: Stand erect and keep your hands on your hips. Step for-
ward with your left foot into a lunge position (a). Your left foot will be in front of your
body and your right foot will be behind your body; your right heel may be elevated
to facilitate this movement. Shift your hips forward and maintain this position, feeling
tension develop in your hips, quadriceps, and buttocks (b). Repeat on the other side.
a b
Seated hamstring stretch: Sit upright on the floor with both legs straight and hands
resting on your legs (a). Slowly walk your hands forward toward your feet, keeping
your chest lifted (b).
a b
Increasing Your Flexibility 169
Standing hamstring stretch: Standing upright, bring your right foot slightly ahead of
your left foot. Slowly draw your hips back while slightly bending your left knee and
straightening your right knee (a). Bring the toes of your right foot off the floor and
toward your body (b). Hold and then return to the starting position. Repeat with the
other leg.
a b
Prone quadriceps stretch: Lie facedown on the floor with your legs straight. Draw
your right heel back toward your buttocks using your left hand. Be sure to keep your
knees together.
170 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Side-lying quadriceps stretch: Lie on the floor on your right side. Bend your left knee,
keeping your knees and hips in a straight line (keep your knees together and do not
twist your leg to the side). Draw your left heel back toward your buttocks with your
left arm. Repeat on the other side.
Standing quadriceps stretch: While in a standing position (you can hold on to a chair
for support), bend your right knee toward your buttocks. Grasp your right ankle with
your left hand. Be sure to keep your knees close together and your ankle behind your
buttock; do not twist your leg outward. Gently pull your thigh back slightly. Repeat
on the other side.
Increasing Your Flexibility 171
Seated calf stretch: Sit upright with both legs straightened out in front of you (a). Draw
your toes toward your upper body (b).
a b
Standing calf step stretch: Stand with your legs extended on the edge of an immovable
step and grasp a banister or handrail for support. Move your right foot so your heel
back is off the edge of the step (a). Slowly drop your right heel until tension develops
in your right calf (b). Repeat on the other side.
a b
172 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Standing calf stretch (gastrocnemius): Stand about 3 feet (0.9 m) from a wall and put
your right foot behind you, ensuring that your toes are facing forward. Keep your
heel on the ground and lean forward with your right knee straight. Rotating the toes
in and out slightly will target the medial and lateral parts of this muscle separately.
Repeat on other side.
Standing calf stretch (soleus): Stand away from a wall and put your right foot behind
you and be sure your toes are facing forward. Lean forward at the ankle while bend-
ing the right knee and keeping your heel on the ground. Because the knee is flexed,
tension is taken off the gastrocnemius and placed on the soleus. Repeat on other side.
Increasing Your Flexibility 173
Dynamic stretches, as discussed in detail previously in this chapter, are more active than
static stretches. Remember to always warm up before any stretching activity.
a b
174 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
a b
Pendulum leg swing (side to side): Place both hands on the back of a chair for balance.
Swing your left leg out to the left (a), and back across your body to the right (b). Begin
with small swings and progress to larger swings. Switch to the opposite leg.
a b
Increasing Your Flexibility 175
Hip circles: Place your hands on your hips and feet spread wider than your shoulders.
Make circles with your hips in a clockwise direction for 6 to 10 repetitions. Then repeat
in a counterclockwise direction.
Side shuffle: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, your knees slightly bent, and
your hands on your hips. Take one step to the left with your left foot (a); then bring
your right foot in to meet your left foot (b). Begin with small steps, progress to larger
steps, and then progress to a shuffle. Switch to the opposite direction.
a b
Increasing Your Flexibility 177
Butt kick: Begin marching in place. Pull your heel in closer toward your buttock with
each step. Progress to moving forward (walking or jogging) while kicking your buttocks.
High knees: Begin marching in place. Raise your knees higher and higher with each
step. Progress to moving forward (walking or jogging) with high knees.
178 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Dynamic foot range of motion: Sit upright in a chair with both legs together and
straightened in front of you. Point your toes away from your body and pull your toes
toward your body (a). Rotate your feet clockwise and counterclockwise (b).
a b
Combined Movements
Soldier walk: Simultaneously rotate your right arm forward and raise your left leg
(straight). Reach your right hand toward your left lower leg and toes. Switch to the
opposite side. Progress to alternating to the opposite side and then to walking while
alternating sides.
Increasing Your Flexibility 179
a b
The importance of training specific body systems to improve health, fitness, and
function has been discussed in the previous chapters. When trained properly, the
cardiorespiratory and muscular systems provide individuals with the strength and
stamina needed to perform a variety of simple and complex activities ranging from
sitting, standing, and stepping to skipping rope, walking down stairs, or even run-
ning a marathon. Historically, the emphasis of health and fitness programs has been
on challenging the cardiorespiratory and muscular systems and improving aerobic
capacity, muscular fitness, and flexibility. However, over the past few decades, the
importance of training another essential body system known as the neuromuscular
system has been established.
The neuromuscular system is a complex and interconnected network that links the
brain, spinal cord, and extremity nerves with sensory receptors and muscles located
throughout the body. The role of the neuromuscular system is to integrate sensory
information and, based on this information, to coordinate the appropriate muscle
actions needed to produce a desired movement. The relationship between the various
components of the neuromuscular system is similar to that of a musical conductor and
the musicians in an orchestra. The conductor (the brain and spinal centers) is charged
with directing the musicians (the muscles) in order to perform a specific musical piece.
The conductor communicates with the musicians and directs them on how and when
to play their instruments so that the correct notes are played with sufficient clarity,
pitch, precision, and tempo (sensory information). If conducted effectively, the musi-
cians execute a highly complex and precisely orchestrated musical performance (the
desired motor task). Like the conductor directing musicians, the neuromuscular system
uses sensory cues to control the muscles’ actions with sufficient precision, coordina-
tion, and speed.
The neuromuscular system coordinates every motor task completed throughout the
day, and the amazing part is that the majority of these tasks are performed with little
182 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
to no conscious effort. Even a simple task like getting dressed requires coordinated
muscle activity. While getting dressed, did you consider engaging the muscles of your
trunk, hips, and legs as you leaned forward to put on your shoes? Most likely you did
not put a lot of thought into engaging all the muscles that were needed to carry out
this activity. You simply considered the task that needed to be completed, and the
right muscles were activated at precisely the right time. This is your neuromuscular
system at work, and it has the extraordinary job of coordinating every muscle action
for every movement you perform throughout the day.
The neuromuscular system helps people navigate their surroundings efficiently,
effectively, and safely. Whether you are training for sport or for general health, this
system is essential to maintaining balance, agility, coordination, and body awareness.
Improving neuromuscular function may significantly reduce the risk for future falls and
some musculoskeletal injuries (2, 15). Muscular fitness, cardiorespiratory endurance, and
flexibility are important for long-term health and fitness; however, it would be difficult
or even impossible to coordinate the thousands of muscle actions required to perform
activities such as standing, walking, running, or jumping without a fully functional
neuromuscular system. Fortunately, like the other body systems, the neuromuscular
system can be trained to help the body respond more rapidly and economically to
the physical demands faced in everyday life. The most effective means of training the
neuromuscular system requires a targeted exercise strategy, which for the purposes
of this chapter is referred to generally as neuromotor training. Neuromotor training,
sometimes also referred to as functional fitness or sensorimotor training, involves spe-
cific exercises that challenge the neuromuscular system and are aimed at improving
balance, agility, coordination, reaction time, and proprioception. This chapter outlines
some of the important health and fitness benefits that can be derived from neuromotor
training and details useful training tips to help you develop a personalized neuromotor
training program based on your individual goals and needs.
mental conditions and body position (12). In addition, because of the highly dynamic
and multidimensional nature of neuromotor training, it is likely that this type of
training may induce greater changes in the nervous system, resulting in improved
skill acquisition and retention, when compared to more stationary, one-dimensional
exercises (2).
Multifaceted physical activities such as tai chi and yoga involve varying combinations
of neuromotor, resistance, and flexibility exercise and have become popular training
methods for individuals ranging from professional athletes to the aging population. Tai
chi and yoga provide individuals with low-impact and relatively safe forms of neuromo-
tor exercise that can directly benefit balance, motor control, and proprioception (11, 25).
In recent years, the term functional training has become popular within health, fitness,
and athletic training settings and is used to refer to a specific form of exercise training.
Historically, functional training was used as a rehabilitation strategy to engage patients
in exercises that closely resembled, if not entirely replicated, normal activities of daily
living. Over the past decade, functional training, as a form of neuromotor training, has
become a very popular training method. Although the exercises prescribed for athletes
and healthy adults may require greater function and skill compared to those used in
clinical settings, the principles of functional training, when used among healthy adults,
still retain their clinical roots by basing exercise strategies on movement patterns that
mimic activities in daily life or athletic competition.
A more detailed description of some of these activities is provided later in this chap-
ter. Some of the possible benefits of functional training are improved agility, reaction
time, muscle force production, and body control (3). Improvements in these areas
can directly affect how well people react to changes in their environment, especially
when faced with rapidly changing conditions such as those experienced when one
trips, stumbles, or loses balance.
Despite the potential value of participating in neuromotor training activities in non-
clinical settings, much still needs to be learned about the optimal duration, frequency,
and intensity of training for long-term, sustainable health and fitness benefits. Definitive
exercise recommendations for neuromotor training across all ages and ability levels
have not been established; however, it is likely that benefits exist for anyone participat-
ing in physical activities that require agility, balance, and other motor skills or anyone
who may be deficient in any of these areas (11).
Neuromotor Assessments
Similar to developing training programs for other components of fitness, it is helpful
to first establish baseline measures of neuromotor function. There are a number of
assessments that have been developed and that can be used to establish your starting
point. These assessments range from very sophisticated laboratory measures to tests
you can perform in your own home with minimal equipment. This section provides
simple assessments you can perform at home or with a qualified exercise professional,
including the 4-stage balance test, standing reach test, Edgren side-step test, agility
T-test, and the 8-foot up and go (this is typically used for older adults only). Additional
assessments within this book, such as the chair-stand test for muscular fitness included
in chapter 6, may also be helpful for older adults (16). A selection of two or three tests
should be sufficient to track functional neuromotor improvements over time, including
balance, agility, coordination, and body awareness.
184 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
a b c d
FIGURE 8.1 Four-stage balance test sequence.
Sharpening Your Functional Fitness 185
a b
• Note the number (in inches or centimeters) on the measuring stick that corre-
sponds to the location of your knuckles at the reaching position.
• Calculate the difference between the start and end reaching position.
• Use table 8.2 to determine your standing balance range (7). If you used a yard-
stick, convert your reach noted in inches to centimeters by multiplying by 2.54
(for example, a 6 inch reach would be 15 cm).A standing reach score less than
6 inches (15 cm) indicates a significant increased risk for falls, and a score of 6
to 10 inches (15-25 cm) indicates a moderate risk for falls.
1 3 ft 2 3 ft 3 3 ft 4 3 ft 5
FIGURE 8.3 Edgren side-step test.
Adapted from H. Edgren, 1932.
Sharpening Your Functional Fitness 187
• The test is scored based on the total number of line or cones crossed after 10
seconds. Since normal ranges are not available, use this assessment to track your
score over time to see improvement. A better score is a higher number of lines
or cones crossed during the 10-second period.
Agility T-Test
This test assesses agility in a forward,
C 5 yd B 5 yd D
side, and backward direction (18). You
will need a tape measure, cones, and a
stopwatch. The following steps outline
the setup and results:
• Set out four cones as illustrated in
figure 8.4: 5 yards (4.6 m) and 10
10 yd
yards (9.1 m) apart (21).
• Start at cone A.
• When ready, start the stopwatch
and move as quickly as possible to
cone B and touch the cone with
your right hand.
• Then, sidestep left to cone C and
touch the cone with your left hand. A
• Then, sidestep to the right to cone Start
D and touch the cone with your
right hand. FIGURE 8.4 Agility T-test.
Adapted from K. Pauole, K. Madole, J. Garhammer, et al.,
• Sidestep to cone B, touch the cone 2000.
with your left hand, and step back-
ward to the start position at cone
A. Stop the stopwatch and record
the total time taken to complete
the test.
• Use table 8.3 to compare results
and track progress.
TABLE 8.3 Ranges for Agility Fitness in Males and Females in Seconds
Males Females
Excellent <9.5 <10.5
Good 9.5 to 10.5 10.5 to 11.5
Average 10.5 to 11.5 11.5 to 12.5
Poor >11.5 >12.5
Adapted from K. Pauole, K. Madole, J. Garhammer, et al., 2000.
188 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
TABLE 8.4 Normal Ranges for the 8-Foot Up and Go Test for Older Adults
in Seconds
60 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84 85 to 89 90 to 94
Males 3.8 to 5.6 4.3 to 5.9 4.4 to 6.2 4.6 to 7.2 5.2 to 7.6 5.5 to 8.9 6.2 to 10.0
Females 4.4 to 6.0 4.8 to 6.4 4.9 to 7.1 5.2 to 7.4 5.7 to 8.7 6.2 to 9.6 7.3 to 11.5
Adapted by permission from R.E. Rikli and C.J. Jones, 2013, pp. 89, 90.
Neuromotor training exercise is recommended at least two to three days per week
to improve balance and mobility (11). Note that this is only a suggested minimum;
individuals who regularly participate in low-impact neuromotor training exercises
such as tai chi, qigong, or yoga may be capable of performing these activities more
frequently and may obtain additional health and fitness benefits without increasing the
risk of injury (25). Neuromotor training exercises involving weighted resistance and
explosive, high-impact activities (i.e., jumping, bounding, high-speed multidirectional
agility) may place a greater physical stress on muscles, joints, and connective tissues.
Under these training conditions, less frequent sessions of two or three days per week
may be needed to allow for adequate recovery between sessions and to reduce risk of
musculoskeletal injury. You may also consider fewer neuromotor training sessions if
you are performing high-impact neuromotor exercises in conjunction with other forms
of fitness training such as maximal strength training or high-volume aerobic training.
The principle of overload states that in order to provide benefits from training, the
intensity of exercise must be above and beyond that which is demanded of the body
190 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
on a day-to-day basis. To date, the intensity prescription for many neuromotor exer-
cises, especially those targeting balance, has not been clearly established or adequately
measured in research studies (9). Attempts at increasing neuromotor training intensity
for the purposes of overloading the neuromuscular system have included increasing
the duration of training and increasing the difficulty of the exercises (i.e., single- versus
double-leg stance, narrow versus wide base of support, unstable versus stable sur-
face) (9). The challenge is that the way in which people experience the intensity of
balance, agility, coordination, and proprioceptive exercise can vary greatly. Monitoring
movement quality may be helpful for assessing how demanding an activity is on your
neuromuscular system. For example, if you are unable to maintain good form on any
given exercise, then the exercise may be too advanced or your neuromuscular system
may have become overwhelmed by the demands of the activity. In either case, if you
are unable to maintain proper posture, body segment alignment, or balance while
exercising, this may be a good indicator that your body has been challenged above
and beyond its normal capabilities, and a short rest period may be needed before
Current recommendations suggest that approximately 30 to 45 minutes should be
devoted to neuromotor training for each session throughout the week (17). This should
provide you with enough time to perform between 6 and 10 exercises depending on
the demands of the specific activities you choose. Keep in mind that the neuromus-
cular system responds best to high-quality repetitive movements, so as your training
progresses you may need to increase your training time as long as movement quality
and body control are not compromised.
Because the neuromuscular system is so heavily involved in the body’s capacity to learn
new activities, the principle of specificity may be one of the most important components
to consider when developing a neuromotor training program. To illustrate this point,
consider the task of learning to ride a bicycle. Riding a bicycle requires the development
and coordination of a specific set of skills. You may have used or heard the saying
“It’s like riding a bike.” This comparison reflects the neuromuscular system’s ability to
adapt to the specific demands of an activity and to easily recall motor skills related to
that activity at a later time. It may take many hours or even days to develop the skills
needed to effectively ride a bicycle. Yet the more you challenge your neuromuscular
system, the more proficient your body becomes at the task of riding. Eventually, your
neuromuscular system commits to memory the specific muscle actions needed to pedal,
balance, and steer; and what started off as a challenging activity becomes very easy.
The neuromuscular system is so proficient at learning and retaining information that
even after many months or years have passed, you can climb back onto a bicycle and
begin riding as if no time had passed at all.
Adhering to the specificity principle is critical to the development of an effective
individualized neuromotor training program. Improvements in neuromotor function
are specific to the types of activities you perform. If you want to reduce your risk
for falling, then you must perform activities that challenge your upright stability and
balance. If your goal is to improve coordination and agility for athletic competition,
Sharpening Your Functional Fitness 191
then your training program must include sport-specific activities that challenge your
neuromuscular system in this way. Lower extremity muscle strength can be improved
through performance of repeated bouts of the seated leg press; however, improve-
ments in seated leg strength may not translate to improved athletic performance if
the neuromuscular demands of seated exercise are dramatically different from those
experienced while evading tackles on the football field. Consequently, a multicompo-
nent program involving task-specific neuromotor exercise may provide greater func-
tional and performance benefit than one-dimensional exercise programs that focus
on individual components of muscular strength, aerobic fitness, and flexibility (23). In
addition, those forms of training that use various movements with and without visual
feedback may be the most beneficial for improving specific components of neuromotor
function such as proprioception and body awareness (2).
One of the most important aspects of neuromotor training is ensuring that you per-
form each exercise with the best form and technique possible. Your neuromuscular
system learns from your repeated movement patterns. If you consistently perform an
exercise incorrectly or in a way that does not engage the appropriate muscles in the
right sequence or pattern, you may run the risk of “wiring” your neuromuscular system
with the wrong series of muscle recruitment strategies. If you are new to exercise,
knowing your physical limits and recognizing how your body responds to fatigue may
be a challenge. Consulting a qualified exercise professional, even if only for a few ses-
sions, may be helpful to guide you through proper exercise technique and form. This
may better prepare you to recognize the signs of muscular fatigue and breakdown in
movement performance and put you in a better position to optimize the benefits of
your neuromotor training program.
Exercise progression and progressive overload are important concepts for all training.
In order to maximize the potential benefits of neuromotor training, it is important to
consistently and continuously challenge your neuromuscular system with activities
that exceed the demands of your daily activities. For example, if sitting predominates
in your day, then simple standing activities may be sufficient to challenge many neu-
romotor fitness domains. However, if your day involves significant time on your feet
and possibly lifting, carrying, or moving objects, then it is likely that you will need to
begin your neuromotor training program with more dynamic standing activities and
possibly incorporate various standing surface conditions to optimize your benefits.
Although there is currently no clear consensus as to the most effective strategy for
improving neuromuscular function through progressive neuromotor training, some logi-
cal progressions have been proposed. These progressions can be employed to ensure
that your neuromotor training program effectively challenges your balance, coordination,
agility, and proprioception (10). Table 8.5 provides a few examples of ways in which
your neuromotor training program can be progressed through increasing degrees of
difficulty. You can advance your neuromotor training program in almost an infinite
number of ways, and no one way is necessarily better than another.
Progression of your exercise program will be based on your baseline level of physical
conditioning and your personal comfort with performing different neuromotor exercises.
192 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
For example, you may find it more difficult to perform dynamic tasks (such as sidestep-
ping or braided walking) and therefore need to begin your training with less dynamic
stationary standing exercises. Likewise, you may find that stationary standing activities
on firm, flat ground are very easy and therefore would need to begin with more dif-
ficult neuromotor activities like balancing on one foot while standing on an unstable
surface. The focus of progression is to select exercises and levels of difficulty based
on activities that are challenging but can be completed safely without increasing your
risk of injury.
194 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
a b
a b
a b
196 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Agility exercises are used to challenge your body’s ability to move and respond to
changes in direction.
Follow the instructions for the Agility C 5 yd D
B 5 yd
T-Test assessment earlier in this chapter.
You will set up four cones in a T-shaped
configuration (see figure 8.7) and then
move from one cone to another by step-
ping forward, sideways, and backward.
Complete as many circuits as possible
10 yd
Adapted E6843/ACSM/F08.04/548286/mh-R1
from K. Pauole, K. Madole, J. Garhammer, et al.,
Sharpening Your Functional Fitness 197
198 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Sharpening Your Functional Fitness 199
4-Square Agility
Begin by cutting two pieces of
tape and placing them on the
floor, one crossing the other
through the center. Label the
squares 1, 2, 3, and 4. Begin
with both feet in square 1.
When you are ready, work your
way from square 1 to square
2 to square 4 to square 3 and
back to square 1 by stepping
with both feet to the side, back- a
ward, to the side, and forward,
respectively (a-d). Complete
this sequence 10 times con-
secutively. Make it your goal to
complete each circuit as quickly
as you possibly can but safely.
To increase the challenge of this
exercise, transition from step-
ping to jumping from square
to square, making sure not to
touch the lines in the center
with your feet. Additionally, you b
can an increase the challenge by
varying the number sequence
(e.g., 4-1-3-2, 4-2-3-1, 1-4-2-3,
200 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
The exercises in this section range from simple movements (e.g., push-ups) to more
complex movements (e.g., up–down plank) that may be more appropriate once you
have established a foundation of neuromotor training. Chapter 6 includes a number
of these exercises (e.g., push-up options and prone plank).
Sharpening Your Functional Fitness 201
In addition to push exercises, the opposing movement—pulling—should be included
in your neuromotor training program. Chapter 6 presents a number of options such as
row exercises. Another option including the push-up position with the row movement
is described in this section.
202 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Step-Over Hurdle
Place a small box (e.g., shoe
box) or taped line on the
floor. Stand with your right
shoulder facing the box (a).
When ready, lift your right
knee toward the ceiling and
step over the box to your
right (b). Place your right
foot on the ground (c), and
lift your left foot over the box
so that your left shoulder is
now facing the box (d and
e). Repeat this exercise from
side to side until the desired
time or number of repetitions
has been completed.
a b
c d e
Sharpening Your Functional Fitness 203
a b
204 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
a b c
Although researchers are still seeking to identify the optimal frequency, intensity,
time, type, and progression of neuromotor exercise, one thing is clear: Whether one is
training for sport or for general health, neuromotor training is a recognized and neces-
sary component of a comprehensive exercise training program. In the coming years,
with advances in research and professional practice, exercise professionals and the
broader exercise community will gain a much better understanding of the important
role that neuromotor training plays in helping individuals of all ages and ability levels
maintain optimal health, fitness, function, and quality of life.
Part III
Fitness and Health
for Every Age
Regardless of your age, physical activity and nutrition are key factors in promoting
health. Chapters 9 to 11 provide age-specific recommendations related to nutrition and
exercise. You will see how it is never too early or too late to develop healthy habits.
This page intentionally left blank.
Children and Adolescents:
Birth to Age 17
It is never too early in life to start developing healthy habits. Active youth have a better
chance of growing into healthy adults. Risk factors for chronic diseases such as heart
disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and osteoporosis have their roots early
in life (40). Regular physical activity and healthy dietary habits are two ways to lower
the chance of developing risk factors for chronic lifestyle diseases (19).
Kids who are active on a regular basis display higher levels of aerobic and muscular
fitness, decreased body fat, and stronger bones (13, 21, 33). Children and youth who
regularly engage in physical activity also have better mental health and well-being (21,
33). Although the benefits of physical activity are well established, the activity levels
of youth are below desired levels, with only about 25 percent of U.S. youth meeting
recommended physical activity guidelines (37, 40). The percentage of children and
youth who take part in health-producing physical activity also decreases with age (6).
Similarly, a gap exists between recommended diets for youth and what the majority
of youth actually consume (19). Thus, it is vital that adults provide opportunities for
children and adolescents to be physically active and make good nutrition choices.
Because children and adolescents are not small versions of adults, this chapter
specifically addresses healthy eating for youth, including how adults can encourage
children and adolescents to make healthier eating choices. The chapter also lays out
physical activity recommendations that are appropriate for youth, from infancy through
late adolescence, and describes practical ways for youth to be active in home, school,
and recreational settings.
Focus on Nutrition
As discussed in chapter 3, good nutrition is important for attaining optimal health and
promoting growth and physical development (41). Children who are 2 years of age and
older should eat a diet in which sufficient (but not excessive) calories come from a
208 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
variety of nutrient-dense foods and beverages (including fruits and vegetables, dietary
fiber, whole grains, fat-free and low-fat dairy products) while limiting the intake of
solid fats, cholesterol, sodium, extra sugars, and refined grains. Motivating children to
eat well can be challenging, and the majority of U.S. youth are falling short of meeting
national dietary guidelines (7, 16, 31, 39).
Childhood is a pivotal time to encourage healthy dietary choices, and adults can
play an important role in modeling a positive attitude toward nutrition and health (38).
Children can watch parents and caregivers snacking on fruits, vegetables, and whole
grains and including these foods in family meals. Shopping with your children can
also serve as an opportunity to teach them about healthy foods, and you can team
up with your child in the kitchen to tear lettuce for a salad, add veggie toppings to
a pizza, develop a great-tasting fruit smoothie, or experiment by making a new type
of trail mix.
Providing youngsters with a variety of foods at home enables them to obtain the
nutrients they need from different food groups while building their food “repertoire.”
Healthy choices for protein include seafood, lean meat and poultry, eggs, beans, peas,
soy products, and unsalted nuts and seeds. Serving a variety of fresh, canned, frozen,
and dried fruits and colorful vegetables (dark green, red, and orange), along with peas
and beans, can sustain healthy growth and development. Whole wheat bread, oat-
meal, popcorn, quinoa, and brown or wild rice are healthy choices for nutrient-packed
whole-grain foods, and low-fat milk and yogurt can provide essential nutrients while
keeping calorie intake in check (41).
Although the “clean plate club” was used in the past to prompt kids to eat, the cur-
rent recommendation is to encourage them to stop eating when they are full rather
than when their plates are clean. Children who understand this concept are less likely
to become overweight (38). Offering a number of healthy eating options and letting
children make food selections allows them to decide what to eat while still allowing
you to provide needed guidance. Because youngsters often don’t eat enough at a meal
to tide them over until the next meal, a good option is to plan for three meals, plus a
couple of snacks, each day (38). Snacks should be nutritious and should not substitute
for meals skipped. Whenever possible, try to avoid serving sugary snacks like soda
and juice drinks, cakes, cookies, ice cream, and candy on a regular basis. Instead, have
different types of fruits available for youngsters to eat in between meals and encourage
children to create healthy snacks from ingredients like dry whole-grain cereal, dried
fruit, and unsalted nuts or seeds.
Although younger children are influenced to a great extent by parents, caregivers,
and other adults, older children and adolescents eat more meals and snacks outside
of the home and make more personal decisions about what to eat. One factor that
can have a strong impact on food choices is the media. Consider, for example, the
number of television advertisements that focus on sugar-laden breakfast cereals, cook-
ies, candy, and fast-food restaurants. Then count the number of advertisements for
fruits and vegetables (if you can find any at all). Of course, there is no comparison!
Because adolescents tend to consume more sweetened beverages, french fries, pizza,
and other fast-food items, many older youth do not meet healthy eating recommenda-
tions for fruits, vegetables, dairy foods, whole grains, lean meats, and fish. This results
in too much fat in the diet and insufficient intake of nutrients such as calcium and
iron, as well as vitamins A, D, and C and folic acid. Unfortunately, many adolescents
skip breakfast and actually consume about one-third of their calories from snacks,
with sweetened beverages being a major contributor (19).
Children and Adolescents 209
Making good nutrition choices is especially important for older boys and girls, as
this is a time of active physical growth and development and a period in their lives
when they begin to make personal decisions regarding dietary habits. It’s important
to remember that there are no magic foods that can increase health and fitness; from
a nutrition perspective, eating vegetables, fruits, whole grains, protein foods, and
fat-free and low-fat dairy foods is the ticket to good health (19). Learning how to pre-
pare healthy meals and snacks can also help reduce the consumption of sweets and
high-calorie snacks like candies, cookies, and ice cream. For older girls, eating smart
includes consuming fat-free or low-fat milk, cheese, and yogurt to build stronger and
denser bones, as well as engaging in weight-bearing physical activities like walking,
running, and skating (38).
nutrient content is relatively low. Ideally, foods should be high in nutrients (i.e., nutri-
ent dense) relative to the number of calories they contain. Table 3.4 gives examples
of reduced-calorie, lower-fat alternatives to foods with a higher fat content. In addi-
tion to making simple substitutions, adults can make other changes that can address
overweight and obesity in youth, such as the following (41, 42):
• Limit fast-food meals.
• Limit screen time (TV, computer).
• Don’t let youth skip breakfast.
• Keep a check on portion size.
Taken together, these are action-oriented steps that can help address the growing
problem of overweight and obesity in youth.
Following the Dietary Guidelines provides the best nutrition for kids.
Children and Adolescents 211
the nutrients needed to power routine daily activities, moderate and vigorous physical
activity, and sport performance.
Normal growth requires good nutrition (38). As with adults, children’s weight in
relation to height can be assessed easily via the body mass index (BMI). However,
use of BMI is a bit more complex for youth because weight and height change with
age, and the relationship between body fatness and weight and height also varies with
age. Consequently, BMI charts that are specific for age and sex must be used for youth
between the ages of 2 and 20 (see figure 9.1 or go to
FIGURE 9.1a Body mass index for age charts for boys.
From ACSM, 2017, ACSM’s complete guide to fitness & health, 2nd ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics). Developed by the
National Center for Health Statistics and the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2000.
212 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
FIGURE 9.1b Body mass index for age charts for girls.
From ACSM, 2017, ACSM’s complete guide to fitness & health, 2nd ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics). Developed by the
National Center for Health Statistics and the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2000.
and enter “BMI calculator” into the search window for an easy online calculator and
individualized interpretation of BMI) (11). Once the child’s BMI has been calculated
(see figure 18.1), follow the horizontal line matching the BMI value until it intersects
with the vertical line for the child’s age, and note the percentile line closest to this
point of intersection.
Children and Adolescents 213
Based on guidelines established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
a BMI value between the 5th percentile and less than the 85th percentile is considered
to fall within the healthy weight category (10). The BMI range for being classified as
overweight is between the 85th and less than the 95th percentile, and a classifica-
tion of obesity is indicated if BMI is equal or greater than the 95th percentile. A BMI
that is less than the 5th percentile indicates underweight. As BMI does not take into
account body composition (i.e., the relative contribution of fat and lean tissue to over-
all body weight), it is appropriate to schedule a visit with a health care provider for
further evaluation and consultation for a child who is classified as overweight, obese,
or underweight using the BMI calculation.
Consuming an appropriate number of calories and foods from various categories
results in optimal nutrition. Table 9.1 provides age-specific daily calorie and serving
size recommendations for grains, fruits, vegetables, and milk and dairy items for boys
TABLE 9.1 Daily Estimated Calories1 and Recommended Servings for Children
and Adolescents
1 year 2 to 3 years 4 to 8 years 9 to 13 years 14 to 18 years
Calories2 900 kcal 1,000 kcal 1,400 kcal for 1,800 kcal for 2,200 kcal for
males; 1,200 males; 1,600 males; 1,800
kcal for females kcal for females kcal for females
Fat 30 to 40% 30 to 35% 25 to 35% kcal 25 to 35% kcal 25 to 35% kcal
kcal kcal
Milk, dairy3 2 cups6 2 cups 2 cups 3 cups 3 cups
Lean meat, 1.5 oz 2 oz 4 oz for males; 5 oz 6 oz for males;
beans 3 oz for females 5 oz for females
Fruits4 1 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cups 1 1/2 cups 2 cups for
males; 1 1/2
cups for females
Vegetables4 3/4 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cups for 2 1/2 cups for 3 cups for
males; 1 cup for males; 2 cups males; 2 1/2
females for females cups for females
Grains5 2 oz 3 oz 5 oz for males; 6 oz for males; 7 oz for males;
4 oz for females 5 oz for females 6 oz for females
Calorie estimates are based on a sedentary lifestyle. Increased physical activity will require additional calories: By
0 to 200 kilocalories/day if moderately physically active and by 200 to 400 kilocalories/day if very physically active.
For youth 2 years and older; adopted from Table 2, Table 3, and Appendix A-2 of the Dietary Guidelines for Ameri-
cans (2005), Nutrient and energy contributions from each group
are calculated according to the nutrient-dense forms of food in each group (e.g., lean meats and fat-free milk).
Milk listed is fat-free (except for children under the age of 2 years). If 1 percent, 2 percent, or whole-fat milk is
substituted, this will use, for each cup, 19, 39, or 63 kilocalories of discretionary calories and add 2.6, 5.1, or 9.0
grams of total fat, of which 1.3, 2.6, or 4.6 grams are saturated fat.
Serving sizes are 1/4 cup for 1 year of age, 1/3 cup for 2 to 3 years of age, and 1/2 cup for 4 years of age. A
variety of vegetables should be selected from each subgroup over the week.
Half of all grains should be whole grains.
For 1-year-old children, calculations are based on 2 percent fat milk. If 2 cups of whole milk are substituted, 48
kilocalories of discretionary calories will be used. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that low-fat
or reduced fat milk not be started before 2 years of age.
Reprinted with permission from S.G. Gidding et al., 2005.
214 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
and girls. Because the calorie recommendations in this table are for an inactive child,
about 200 calories would need to be added for a moderately active child, and 200 to
400 calories per day would need to be added for a very physically active child (19).
While table 9.1 can be helpful in providing guidelines for caloric intake for children
from 1 to 18 years of age, the number of calories that youth need for healthy growth
and development depends on various factors, such as age, sex, physical activity levels,
and genetics (43). Nonetheless, it is possible to create sample meals that are healthy,
composed of foods from each major food category, and also cater to your child’s
tastes and food preferences. One way of planning a healthy meal is to select a food
item from each food group listed in table 9.2 (note that these are examples of items in
amounts that might commonly be consumed and do not necessarily reflect a defined
serving size).
Based on the information presented in table 9.2, here are examples of meals for
breakfast, lunch, and dinner:
• Breakfast: One banana, a slice of whole-grain bread with peanut butter, and
low-fat milk
• Lunch: Turkey sandwich with cheese, dark leafy lettuce, tomato, and red peppers
on whole wheat bread, 6-ounce yogurt snack pack, bottle of water
• Dinner: One whole wheat tortilla with chicken, low-fat cheese, chopped tomato,
and romaine lettuce
As you can see, many combinations of foods in the four major food groups can be
put together in creative ways to make healthy, tasty meals for youth of all ages.
What are ways a family can develop healthy eating patterns?
The following tips can help a family eat well (38):
• Make half your grains whole. Select whole-grain foods more often (e.g., whole
wheat bread, brown rice, oatmeal, low-fat popcorn).
• Vary your veggies. Eat a variety of vegetables, and in particular, seek out dark
green and orange vegetables (e.g., spinach, broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes).
• Focus on fruits. Fruits can be part of meals or snacks, whether they are fresh,
frozen, canned, or dried.
• Eat calcium-rich foods. Low-fat and fat-free milk and other milk products should
be consumed several times a day to help build strong bones.
• Go lean with protein. Protein can be found in lean or low-fat meats, chicken,
turkey, and fish, as well as dry beans and peas.
• Change your oil. Good sources of oil are fish, nuts, and liquid oils (e.g., corn,
soybean, canola, and olive oil).
• Don’t sugarcoat it. Check labels and choose foods and beverages that do not
have sugar and sweeteners as one of their primary ingredients.
216 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Do all children and adolescents need a medical screening
before engaging in physical activity?
Most healthy children and adolescents can begin a physical activity program without a
visit to a physician or health care provider (3). However, if a preexisting condition exists
(e.g., asthma, diabetes, or obesity), or if there are any other special circumstances or
concerns, then consulting with a physician or health care provider before increasing activ-
ity is warranted. Often, simple adjustments can be made to the activity program, such
as starting out with a lower amount of activity and progressing more slowly. For youth
involved in competitive sports, a sport physical is typically required to ensure that no
health conditions exist that could limit the ability to endure the rigors of a particular sport.
Children and Adolescents 217
motivating very young children to be active, which includes serving as active role
models and creating environments that facilitate play and movement exploration. The
overall position of NASPE is that all children from birth to age 5 should engage daily
in physical activity that promotes movement skillfulness and a foundation in health-
related fitness (24).
Increasing physical activity levels to 20 to 30 minutes three or more days a week has
been shown to improve bone health, motor skills, aerobic fitness, and some aspects
of self-esteem in children 2 to 5 years of age (36). Based on evidence that physical
activity behavior tends to track during early childhood (30) and that a sizable portion
of preschool-aged boys and girls do not meet current activity recommendations to
improve physical fitness and competency in performing motor skills (23), it is important
to provide a wide range of opportunities for children to be active during the earliest
years of life.
suspended mobile, and playing and moving while taking a bath. Many toys and objects
used for play by infants can be found at home or can be purchased inexpensively.
Recommended Activity Settings for Infants Infants should be placed in settings during
the day that are safe and promote movement and exploration of their surroundings. If
the play environment is too small, or if the infant is placed in a sedentary or restric-
tive setting (e.g., a baby seat or playpen) for extended periods, a delay may occur in
learning and practicing fundamental behaviors such as rolling over, sitting, crawling,
creeping, and standing. Play equipment should be nontoxic, should contain no sharp
edges or points, and should be free of pieces that can be swallowed. Playing, rolling,
and crawling activities can be performed on a rug or blanket in a floor-based setting
that is at least 5 feet by 7 feet (1.5 by 2.1 m) (24).
Toddlers (1 to 3 Years)
Once a child can walk, a new vista of physical activity choices emerges. Learning to
stand and walk in an upright, hands-free posture allows the toddler to acquire and
refine fundamental movements (e.g., walking, running, jumping, leaping, throwing,
catching, kicking, bouncing) that form the basis of many sport, fitness, and dance
activities. Although the ability to perform these core movement patterns is a partial
by-product of physical growth, an environment that is supportive and stimulating and
that provides opportunities for the toddler to safely engage in structured and unstruc-
tured physical activity is also essential. Regular exposure to age- and developmentally
appropriate physical activities helps toddlers become more confident in their attempts
to master their physical environment while developing cardiorespiratory endurance,
strength, balance, and flexibility.
FITT Profile for Toddlers When alert and awake, toddlers should engage in multiple
bouts of short-burst, moderate to vigorous physical activity in indoor and outdoor
settings. Although the length of these bouts will vary depending on the age and
developmental stage of the child, at least 30 minutes of structured physical activity
and at least 60 minutes (and up to several hours) of unstructured physical activity
should be accumulated each day. Toddlers should not be sedentary for longer than 60
minutes at a time except when sleeping (24). Structured physical activities for toddlers
are planned and directed by a parent or caregiver and can include activities such as
action-oriented follow-along songs, dancing to rhythms of taped music or music videos,
moving through an obstacle course that provides opportunities to employ manipulative
or movement skills, and simple chase games. Unstructured physical activity is initiated
by the toddler during exploration of the surrounding environment. Examples might
include playing on and around playground structures, moving on a variety of riding
toys (e.g., tricycles, scooters) while wearing a safety helmet, and digging and building
in a sandbox. A toddler’s interest in being physically active can be enhanced through
the use of age-appropriate toys and equipment in a variety of movement environments.
Recommended Activity Settings for Toddlers Indoor and outdoor play areas for tod-
dlers should meet or exceed recommended safety standards and be large enough to
facilitate large-muscle activities. Play environments should also be childproof, acces-
sible, and inviting. Each toddler should have a minimum indoor activity space of 35
square feet (3.3 sq m) of activity room and an outdoor activity space of at least 75
square feet (7 sq m) (24).
Children and Adolescents 219
Preschoolers (3 to 5 Years)
The preschool years are an optimal time to learn and refine fundamental movements
and locomotor activities in a variety of settings so that the child can develop motor
skill proficiency before entering kindergarten. Performing a gross motor skill is the
result of a learned sequence of movements that allow preschoolers to complete physi-
cal tasks in a smooth and coordinated fashion. Promoting the development of needed
movement patterns at this stage of life will carry forward into the future. The period
from 3 to 5 years of age is also a good time to help children develop good nutrition
habits; expend enough calories to ward off excessive weight gain; and increase heart
fitness, muscular strength, flexibility, and bone density. The physical activity profile
of a preschooler depends on a number of factors, including age, maturity, ability,
and previous exposure to motor learning and development, as well as their natural
activity patterns, which feature spontaneous and intermittent movement (36). Parents
and caregivers should also keep in mind that at a given age, preschoolers can exhibit
varying degrees of proficiency in performing motor tasks.
FITT Profile for Preschoolers Par-
ents and caregivers of preschool-
ers should plan structured physical
activity sessions that are moderate
to vigorous in intensity and that
last between 6 and 10 minutes. A
minimum of 60 minutes of struc-
tured physical activity should be
accumulated daily (24). Although
preschool children have the capac-
ity to sustain structured, devel-
opmentally appropriate physical
activity for longer durations (e.g.,
30 to 45 minutes), they should also
be encouraged to accumulate mul-
tiple shorter bouts of structured
activity spread throughout the day.
In addition to engaging in struc-
tured activity, preschoolers should
participate in inside and outside
unstructured physical activity last-
ing at least 60 minutes to several
hours a day at self-selected inten-
sity levels. With the exception of
sleeping, periods of sedentary
activity lasting more than 1 hour
should be avoided (24).
Preschoolers can enjoy an array
of structured physical activities,
including obstacle courses that
promote movement and manipu- Climbing on playground structures is fun and also
lative skills, mimicking animal helps to build muscular fitness.
220 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
What type of physical activity should
children and adolescents do?
The physical activity profile of children and adolescents should feature activities that
stimulate the aerobic system, increase muscular fitness, and produce stronger bones.
School-aged youth should also participate in activities that are enjoyable and appropri-
ate for their age, developmental status, and personal preferences. A variety of physical
activities, games, and sports can be used to meet the recommended guidelines.
Children and Adolescents 221
Kids of all ages enjoy bike riding, which is a great way to increase aerobic fitness.
FITT Profile for Aerobic Fitness The majority of children’s daily 60-minute activity
period should incorporate rhythmic, large-muscle, moderate to vigorous aerobic physi-
cal activities. Moderate-intensity activity can be considered a level 5 or 6 on a 10-point
scale of effort (in which 0 is sitting at rest and 10 is the highest level of effort possible)
(40). Vigorous-intensity aerobic activity (level 7 or 8 on the 10-point scale) should also
be performed at least three days a week (40). Youth frequently engage in short bursts
of activity interspersed with brief rest intervals; any time spent in moderate or vigorous
aerobic activities can be counted toward meeting the aerobic guidelines. However, a
majority of the 1-hour target time should be spent being active. For example, during a
20-minute recess, a child might accumulate 12 minutes of physical activity in periods
lasting between a few seconds and several minutes and 8 total minutes of rest. Some
activities, such as bicycling, can be classified as either moderate or vigorous depend-
ing on how intensely energy is being expended. Table 9.3 lists aerobic activities for
children and adolescents that can be performed at moderate or vigorous intensities.
FITT Profile for Muscular Fitness and Bone Strengthening Current recommendations
are that a portion of the 60-minute period of daily physical activity of children and
adolescents include muscle-strengthening activities at least three days a week (40). The
primary targets of strengthening should be the major upper and lower body muscle
groups (legs, hips, back, abdomen, arms, chest, shoulders). Table 9.4 lists games and
resistance training exercises that promote muscle strengthening and can be included
as part of indoor or outdoor play activity. An example of a properly aligned weight
machine is shown in figure 9.2.
222 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
The ACSM supports the use of resistance training for youth provided that the
training program is properly designed and competently supervised (14). Myths still
abound regarding resistance training for youth, including the idea that growth plates
can be injured, resulting in stunted growth, or that strength gains are not possible
Children and Adolescents 223
How young is too young to start resistance training?
Strength training has been used with boys and girls as young as 7 to 8 years of age
(13). Options include using rubber tubing or weight machines designed specifically for
children. Younger children may also be able to engage in muscle-strengthening activities
such as push-ups (either regular or modified) or sit-ups. The goal of resistance training
is to improve musculoskeletal strength as part of a well-rounded fitness program that
also features the development of endurance, flexibility, and agility.
224 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
greatest gains in bone mass occur just before and during puberty (22, 40), engaging in
weight-bearing activities during the childhood and adolescent years can have a posi-
tive impact on bone health later in life (22). As with muscle-strengthening activities,
bone fitness activities should be performed at least three days a week as part of the
60-minute period of daily physical activity (20). Table 9.4 identifies various activities
that can be used to increase bone strength in school-aged youth.
Children and adolescents who do not meet the aforementioned guidelines should
gradually raise their physical activity levels over time by initially aiming to be active
more frequently, for longer time periods, or both (40). As levels of physical activity
start to improve, the activity intensity can also be raised gradually as well. Youth who
are following the physical activity recommendations should consider becoming even
more active, especially in view of recent research suggesting that additional health
benefits can be realized when minimum recommended levels of physical activity are
exceeded (20). Lastly, youth who exceed the recommended activity guidelines should
continue to maintain their level of performance and vary their physical activity routines
to avoid overtraining, boredom, or injury (40).
Although children and adolescents can meet the recommended physical activity
guidelines by participating in the activities listed in tables 9.3 and 9.4, they should also
look for opportunities to be active throughout the day. Examples of lifestyle physical
activity include walking or riding a bicycle with friends, taking a “physical activity
break” from studying or playing video games, or helping with active household chores
such as vacuuming and washing the family car. Having a posted checklist is one way
to visually promote these lifestyle activities. After all the items have been checked off,
a small reward may be given (e.g., gift card, tickets to a sporting or fitness event, new
exercise clothes). An even simpler approach to promoting physical activity in young-
sters is to maximize outside time and minimize inside time (it’s much harder to be
sedentary when you’re outdoors and very easy to be sedentary when inside). Parents,
family members, and teachers who participate in regular physical activity can also be
real-life models of how to integrate activity and movement into everyday living.
Fitness assessment progress chart for youth*.
Current 6-month assessment 1-year assessment
One-mile run ____ HFZ or above ____ HFZ or above ____ HFZ or above
____ Needs improvement ____ Needs improvement ____ Needs Improvement
Curl-up ____ HFZ or above ____ HFZ or above ____ HFZ or above
____ Needs improvement ____ Needs improvement ____ Needs improvement
Push-up ____ HFZ or above ____ HFZ or above ____ HFZ or above
____ Needs improvement ____ Needs improvement ____ Needs improvement
Sit-and-reach ____ HFZ or above ____ HFZ or above ____ HFZ or above
____ Needs improvement ____ Needs improvement ____ Needs improvement
BMI for age ____ Percentile ____ Percentile ____ Percentile
*HFZ = Healthy Fitness Zone.
From ACSM, 2017, ACSM’s complete guide to fitness & health, 2nd ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics).
226 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
When looking at ways to encourage activity, the PYFP suggests some ways that
family members can become more active:
• Provide children with toys and play equipment (e.g., balls, kites, jump ropes) that
can be used during play and physical activity.
• Encourage youngsters to learn or try to perform a new physical activity.
• Limit time spent watching television and don’t place a TV in a child’s bedroom.
Children and youth who are 2 years of age and older should limit TV viewing to
a maximum of 2 hours daily.
• Spend time together as a family performing an activity that requires moving, like
going to the park, exploring trails, or biking on a greenway.
See what other activities are enjoyed by the family and make ongoing plans to be
active together.
What are some practical ways to encourage activity and
healthy eating for a child who is overweight?
Developing a plan in consultation with the child's pediatrician along with talking over
options with the child is key. The following are some ideas:
• Create an activity chart on which the child tracks physical activity (e.g., walking to
school, taking the dog for a walk around the neighborhood park, riding a bike),
and create a chart for the parents as well. The first one to reach 300 minutes of
activity chooses the next weekend family outing (e.g., window shopping at the
mall, a picnic at a local park, a day at the beach). At that point, everyone starts
over and again works up to 300 minutes. This encourages each family member
to find ways to increase activity, and the low-level competition can create a fun
atmosphere of encouraging more activity.
• Limit TV viewing to one program per night. Replace television viewing with
physical activity such as shooting baskets, playing Frisbee golf, or doing dance
videos together. Replacing screen time with fun activities not only provides more
physical activity, but also cuts down on the consumption of unneeded calories
from snacking that often goes along with TV viewing.
• Commit to decreasing the number of visits to fast-food restaurants. Preparing
some bulk meals on the weekend allows the family to quickly and easily prepare
workday and school-day meals.
• Eat breakfast together. Setting the alarm clock to go off 20 minutes earlier allows
time for breakfast together.
• Replace soda with low-fat milk for the child at breakfast and dinner. Water fla-
vored with a lemon can be substituted at other meals and snacks.
All of these changes are steps toward helping the family increase physical activity and
create a more nutritious diet.
Children and Adolescents 227
90 Prescriptive physical
6 months
Relative emphasis (%)
80 activity, emphasis on
70 health, fitness,
60 behavioral outcomes
30 General physical
20 activity, emphasis
on motor skills
Newborn 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Age (years)
FIGURE 9.4 Relative contributions of motor skill development and prescriptive physical activity
during childhood and adolescence.
Reprinted by permission from Strong, Malina, Blimkie, et al., 2005, p. 736.
If you are a healthy adult between the ages of 18 and 64 years, this chapter is for
you. (If you are between the ages of 50 and 64 years and have a chronic condition or
functional limitation, then chapter 11 provides more appropriate guidance.) Adulthood
should be a time of experiencing life to the fullest. With robust health and fitness, you
can fully embrace your diverse roles within your family, community, and workplace.
Unfortunately, throughout this age span, a shift toward sedentary behavior tends to
occur (6). The tendency is to become more inactive in leisure time rather than pursue
active recreational options (see figure 10.1). In addition, although ideally 100 percent
of adults would engage in both aerobic activity and resistance training, the percentage
Both aerobic
and muscular
40 increase No leisure-time
Inactivity activity
Activity d
e creases
18-24 25-44 45-54 55-64
years of age years of age years of age years of age
FIGURE 10.1 Percentage of American adults engaging in moderate aerobic activity and resistance
training and those who are inactive in their leisure time.
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
230 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
of adults engaging in these activities decreases with age (6). Even though this is a bit
discouraging, let’s focus on the positive side—and on you! By reading this book and
applying the recommendations, you are taking steps to change your personal health
path. By focusing on nutrition and physical activity, you can claim a healthier and
more active life.
Focus on Nutrition
Nutrition is the process of taking food into your body so your body can use that food
to provide energy for daily activities and exercise. Too often the word “nutrition” brings
to mind unappealing foods without taste. Healthy eating does not mean surviving on
dry toast and celery sticks. A balanced diet should include a variety of appetizing foods
that provide needed nutrients, as described in chapter 3. Food can have non–nutrition-
related functions as well. For example, social celebrations, holiday get-togethers, and
expressions of support for a family facing an illness or tragedy often include food. Food
is part of everyday life. Rather than seeing nutrition as an obstacle, you can focus on
positive food choices as part of your emphasis on a healthy lifestyle.
You may be asking yourself, does nutrition really have much of an impact? To drive
home the importance of nutrition, consider that an estimated 16 percent of deaths
in men and 9 percent of deaths in women have been attributed to missing the mark
with regard to nutrition (4). The following sections will help sharpen your focus on
optimizing your diet.
Physical activity is a key factor in maintaining health and fitness during adulthood.
Adults 231
TABLE 10.1 Examples of Food Sources for Nutrients and Fiber Often Lacking
in the Adult Diet
Nutrient Examples of food sources
Calcium Milk, yogurt, cheese
Spinach, kale, broccoli
Fish with soft bones that are consumed (e.g., sardines, salmon)
Other calcium-fortified products (e.g., cereals, some orange juice)
Potassium Potato or sweet potato, baked with skin
Tomato paste, puree, juice, and sauce
Milk, yogurt
Clams, halibut, yellowfin tuna, salmon, snapper
Cooked lima beans, soybeans, Swiss chard, acorn squash
Vitamin D Fatty fish (e.g., salmon, tuna, mackerel)
Fish liver oils
Fortified products (e.g., milk, many breakfast cereals)
Also can form in the body through the interaction of sunlight on the skin
Fiber Beans (navy, kidney, black, white, pinto, lima, great northern)
Bran or oat bran cereal
Whole wheat pasta
Apple, pear, raspberries, blackberries, dates
Hazelnuts, pecans, pistachios, almonds
Iron Lean meats, poultry, seafood
Legumes (beans and peas)
Dark green leafy vegetables
Other iron-fortified products (e.g., breads, cereals)
Sources: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Dietary Supplement and Office of Disease Prevention and Health
232 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
What is the recommended intake of folic acid?
Folate is one of the B vitamins found naturally in many foods (e.g., beans and peas, fruits,
dark green leafy vegetables, dairy products, poultry and meat). Folic acid is a synthetic
form of the vitamin found in fortified foods and supplements (9). Fortification of grain
products with folic acid was implemented in the United States to reduce the incidence
of neural tube defects. It is recommended that all women capable of becoming pregnant
consume 400 micrograms of folic acid daily (from fortified foods, supplements, or both)
in addition to the amount of folate consumed as part of a healthy eating pattern (8).
of iron, include foods rich in vitamin C (e.g., orange juice along with fortified cereal),
which enhances the body’s ability to absorb the iron (8).
What can I do to reduce salt in my diet?
Consider the following ways to reduce salt consumption (10):
• Check the Nutrition Facts label and select lower-sodium options.
• Prepare your own food without salting during cooking, and limit adding salt at
the table.
• Substitute herbs and spices for salt to flavor food (e.g., no-salt seasoning blends,
pepper, rosemary, basil).
• Select fresh rather than processed products when possible.
• Examine sodium content of condiments like ketchup and salad dressings; select
low- or no-sodium options and watch portions.
Dietary Focus
Adults should focus on an adequate intake of all vitamins and minerals and, in particu-
lar, those listed previously as often being underconsumed. The foods and beverages
234 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
you consume create your eating pattern and should reflect your cultural and personal
preferences (8). Meeting nutrient needs while staying within limits in some areas (e.g.,
saturated fats, added sugars, sodium, calories) is the focus. An example of the Healthy
U.S.-Style Eating Pattern (2,000-calorie level) is shown in table 10.2.
To keep a positive viewpoint on nutrition, focus on dietary patterns rather than a
list of “good foods” and “bad foods.” Recommendations include these (9):
• Focus on a dietary plan that is rich in vegetables, fruit, whole grains, seafood,
legumes, and nuts.
• Keep your dietary plan moderate for low- and nonfat dairy products.
• Dietary patterns should be lower for red and processed meat and low in sugar-
sweetened foods and beverages as well as refined grains.
Does alcohol have any place in the dietary pattern of adults?
Alcohol should be consumed only by adults of legal drinking age, and there are situations
in which alcohol is not recommended (e.g., during pregnancy, when one is taking certain
medications, before driving). The Dietary Guidelines does not recommend that individu-
als start to drink alcohol; if they do, moderation is recommended (i.e., up to one drink
per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men) (8). Alcohol contains about 7
calories per gram and thus should be accounted for within one’s overall dietary intake.
Simple changes can have an impact over time. Bringing an apple, orange, or a
container of cut vegetables to work may help you avoid grabbing a less nutritious,
high-calorie item from a vending machine. Ideally, food selections should be nutrient
dense. This simply means that the food item packs the biggest punch possible with
regard to vitamins, minerals, and fiber for the least number of calories (8). Compare
100 calories of jelly beans to 100 calories from orange slices. First, the orange offers a
greater quantity (over a cup’s worth) for the same 100 calories (see figure 10.2). Second,
the orange provides calcium, potassium, vitamin C, and folic acid among other vitamins
and minerals. In contrast, 100 calories of jelly beans (about 25 pieces) provides some
potassium and sodium along with added sugar. The potassium in the orange slices is
over 375 milligrams compared to 10 milligrams in the jelly beans. This simple example
clearly demonstrates the benefits of consuming natural, nutrient-dense foods.
With these guidelines in mind, you may realize that your current diet is right on
track, or you may see that changes are needed. If some changes are desired, consider
a series of substitutions rather than a sudden overwhelming overhaul. Food should be
enjoyed, and with some attention, it can also be good for your health.
FIGURE 10.2 Nutrient density: Compare 100 calories of jelly beans to 100 calories of orange slices.
236 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
most important investments you can make for your future and that of your family. If
you have been reading from the beginning of this book, you are aware of the impres-
sive list of benefits from exercise—physical as well as mental. Your personal health is
valuable, but it requires attention on a regular basis.
Each day you have the opportunity to make investments in your future health. As
with a financially solid retirement plan, you need to start early and continue for the
greatest benefit. You don’t need to spend hours per day to be healthy, but it does require
a time commitment. Take a moment to reflect on the reasons you can benefit from
including exercise in your weekly plan. This reflection is a process you will want to
repeat in the future because your areas of focus will likely change over time. Chapters
2 and 4 offer additional guidance about formulating your personal expectations and
goals, as well as hints for fitting exercise into your busy schedule.
The benefits of exercise for adults of all races and ethnicities, both males and
females, have been clearly documented (1, 3, 5). As discussed in more detail in chapter
1, physical activity reduces the risk of premature death from heart disease as well as
some cancers. If you improve your fitness with regular aerobic exercise, you can reap
the rewards of lower blood pressure, better cholesterol levels, and a decreased risk of
both heart disease and stroke. Regular exercisers can also lower the risk of develop-
ing type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, and breast cancer. In addition, adults who engage
in a regular activity regimen have a healthier body weight and body composition as
well as other benefits such as increased bone strength, improved sleep quality, and
lower risk of depression. These benefits are impressive—and are yours for the taking!
In view of the numerous health benefits of regular exercise, it is surprising how
many people are not active. Although the reasons vary widely, for some, fear of being
injured or having a heart attack during physical activity overrides any potential benefits
they might gain from being active. Risks of adverse events during physical activity are
real, but for most people they are outweighed by the benefits (5).
To help minimize risks, begin at a low to moderate intensity and build your fitness
slowly over time (1). Complete the preparticipation screening provided in chapter 2.
If needed, consult with your physician or health care provider to determine whether
you need to modify any general exercise guidelines because of your personal health
history and current activity status.
Aerobic Fitness
Aerobic fitness refers to your body’s ability to take in and use oxygen during physical
activities. Assessment of aerobic fitness can require complex laboratory measurements,
but chapter 5 outlines two simple ways to estimate your fitness (for more details on the
one-mile walking test and the 1.5-mile. run test). The final score from whichever test
you complete is an estimate of your VO2max, or the maximal amount of oxygen your
body can use during activity. The higher the value is, the better your aerobic fitness
is. You can compare your score to those of others of your sex and age in table 5.1.
Adults 237
As you may have noted when looking up your score, VO2max tends to decrease with
age. Loss of fitness occurs as a result of the physical changes associated with aging,
but it also is influenced by activity level. Sedentary, or inactive, lifestyles speed up the
age-related decline in fitness. In contrast, maintaining a physically active lifestyle with
focused attention on aerobic activities can help you retain your fitness. Although a
balanced exercise program isn’t the elusive fountain of youth, maintaining (or begin-
ning) an exercise program will provide a better quality of life.
The U.S. government’s Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, as well as ACSM,
recommends that adults engage in regular aerobic physical activity (1, 5). The following
provide substantial health benefits:
• Moderate-intensity aerobic activity at least 30 minutes per day five days per week
(or a weekly total of at least 150 minutes), or
• Vigorous-intensity aerobic activity at least 20 to 25 minutes per day three days
per week (or a weekly total of 75 minutes), or
• A combination of moderate-intensity and vigorous-intensity aerobic activity at
least 20 to 30 minutes per day three to five days per week
Moderate intensity refers to activities that noticeably increase your heart rate and
breathing. An example is brisk walking. Vigorous-intensity activities substantially
increase heart rate and breathing. Examples are jogging and running. For more details
on aerobic fitness, see chapter 5.
For additional health benefits such as lowering the risk of colon and breast cancer,
the Physical Activity Guidelines suggests a greater amount of physical activity, which
can be achieved by one of the following targets (5):
• 300 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week, or
• 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity, or
• A combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity (e.g., approximately
40 to 60 minutes per day three to five days per week)
Exceeding these levels may provide even more benefits (e.g., a lower risk of prema-
ture death), although scientists have not yet determined what the upper limit is above
which no additional health benefits accrue (5).
Muscular Fitness
Muscular fitness includes muscular strength (how much you can lift in one maximal
effort), muscular endurance (maintaining a muscle contraction or contracting a muscle
repeatedly without tiring), and power (rate of muscular action) (1). Muscular fitness is
a vital component of an exercise program (5). Loss of muscle is a common result of
aging and is technically referred to as sarcopenia. As muscle function is lost, the abil-
ity to generate force declines (2). This loss of muscle translates into difficulty lifting,
pushing, pulling, and other activities of daily living. In addition, muscular fitness is
vital for full participation in most recreational and sporting activities.
The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans and ACSM both suggest resistance
training a couple of days per week to maintain muscular fitness or improve your cur-
rent fitness level (1, 5). You should resistance train each of the major muscle groups
two to three times per week, ensuring that you have at least 48 hours of recovery
time between these sessions (i.e., don’t resistance train the same body part two days
238 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
in a row). Each session should include two to four sets of 8 to 12 repetitions and a rest
between sets of 2 to 3 minutes (1). For more details on resistance training, see chapter
6, which includes assessments of muscular fitness and activity suggestions.
Flexibility is a fitness attribute that can influence your ability to perform activities in
your day-to-day life. The ability to reach, bend, and turn provides freedom of motion.
Many recreational activities and sports also benefit from a full range of motion (e.g.,
golf, tennis, and swimming). Therefore, stretching is recommended for all adults.
Stretching should target all of the major joints in the body and should be done when
the muscles are warm in order to be most effective (1). ACSM recommends that adults
stretch at least two to three days per week. When using static stretching, hold the
stretch for 10 to 30 seconds and repeat this in order to complete a total of 60 seconds
of stretching for each activity. For example, if you hold the stretch for 15 seconds, you
would repeat this four times (i.e., 15 4 = 60). For dynamic stretching, be sure to use
controlled movements and bring the targeted body part through its range of motion.
More complete details on flexibility and stretching are found in chapter 7.
Neuromotor Fitness
Neuromotor fitness includes balance, coordination, gait, agility, and proprioception (this
refers to your sense of body position as you move in your environment) (1). Although
neuromotor training is more often a focus for older adults for fall prevention, younger
adult athletes may find help with injury reduction due to improved balance and agility
(1). Few research studies have examined benefits in adults, but consider the potential
benefit for movements you engage in every day (3). Neuromotor fitness affects your
ability to effectively function during routine physical activities—thus the alternative
term often used is functional fitness (1). Unlike the situation with other components
of fitness, precise recommendations are not yet established. You may want to consider
including some of the activities from chapter 8 a couple of days per week.
Can fitness be achieved on a budget?
Cost doesn’t need to be a barrier. You can include exercise for little to no cost. If your
employer provides a fitness facility at the workplace, you may be able to adjust your
schedule to take advantage of this opportunity. Outdoor activities like walking or hiking
can provide great aerobic benefits. If the outdoors isn’t an option due to weather or
safety concerns, consider walking at a shopping mall. Your own residence is another
potential exercise location. You can include body weight exercises (e.g., push-ups, sit-
ups) for free. For another no-cost option, check out workout DVDs at your local library
to try some new activities like aerobic dance or power yoga. You could also purchase
some inexpensive resistance bands to focus on muscular fitness.
may find that you are able to easily progress through the levels of the program, or
you may need to take an extra couple of weeks at each level. The ACSM recommends
the following (1):
• Aerobic activity: Typically three to five days per week depending on the intensity
of the activity
• Resistance training: Typically two to three days per week
• Stretching for flexibility: A minimum of two to three days per week
• Neuromotor training: Two to three days per week suggested
Each activity in figures 10.3 through 10.5 presents a range of days to match your
goals as well as your strengths and weaknesses. The simple fitness assessments in
chapters 5 through 8 can provide some insight into areas in which you may need to
spend some additional time. Repeating the fitness assessments periodically (e.g., every
three to six months) can be helpful for charting your progress. This is covered in the
next section on tracking your progress.
Sample intermediate-level exercise program for adults*.
Stretching and
Week Aerobic Resistance activities** Comments
1-2 Three or four Two days per Two or three You should be doing aerobic activ-
days per week; week; one or days per week; ity for a total of 100 to 150 min per
30 to 45 min two sets, 8 to 10 min of week (moderate-intensity activity). For
per day; moder- 12 reps of 8 stretching activi- resistance training, include exercises for
ate intensity to 10 different ties with addi- biceps and triceps (in addition to the
(level 5 or 6) exercises*** tional option for body areas previously targeted) and add
agility and bal- exercises for the quadriceps and ham-
ance exercises strings in the second week, so you will
have included a total of 10 exercises
(see chapter 6 for details).
3-5 Three to five Two days per Two or three The focus for the next three weeks is to
days per week; week; one or days per week, increase the time you spend in aerobic
30 to 50 min two sets, 8 to 10 min of exercise or to increase the intensity, but
per day; moder- 12 reps of 10 stretching activi- don’t do both at the same time. If you
ate intensity different exer- ties with addi- feel more comfortable with
(level 5 to 6) cises*** tional option for moderate-intensity activity, 150 min per
agility and bal- week is appropriate. If you feel ready to
ance exercises increase intensity (e.g., jogging rather
than walking), you can cut back the
time to 20 to 30 min per day and still
realize the same benefits (note that
the target for vigorous-intensity activ-
ity is 75 min per week). You may want
to consider a mix of moderate- and
vigorous-intensity activity as well (see
chapter 5 for more details). Continue
with your resistance training program.
6-10 Three to five Two or three Two or three For your aerobic activity, you can either
days per week; days per week; days per week, increase the time spent per day or
30 to 60 min two sets, 8 to 10 min of increase the number of days per week.
per day; moder- 12 reps of 10 stretching activi- Ultimately, you want your weekly total
ate intensity exercises*** ties with addi- to be 150 to 200 min of moderate-
(level 5 or 6) tional option for intensity activity or 75 to 100 min of
agility and bal- vigorous-intensity activity (recall that 2
ance exercises min of moderate activity equals 1 min
of vigorous activity) or a combination
of moderate and vigorous activity. For
your resistance training, consider trying
some different exercises this week
while still targeting the same muscle
groups (see chapter 6 for details).
*All activity sessions should be preceded and followed by a 5- to 10-minute warm-up and cool-down.
**Include stretching activities after aerobic exercise to improve flexibility. Target all the muscle groups, holding each stretch
for 10 to 30 seconds, repeated for a total of 60 seconds. For specific stretches to target the major muscle groups, see chapter
7. You may also want to include some additional activities for agility and balance (i.e., neuromotor exercises) as shown in
chapter 8.
***Resistance training is more fully outlined in chapter 6. Select one exercise for each of the following body areas: hips
and legs, chest, back, shoulders, low back, and abdominal muscles. As you progress, you will expand the number of body
areas you target by adding quadriceps and hamstrings as well as biceps and triceps. This provides 10 body areas to target.
Examples of exercises you can include for each body area are found in table 6.6.
Sample established exercise program for adults*.
Stretching and
Weeks Aerobic Resistance activities** Comments
1-2 Five days per week Two or three days Two or three days Congratulations on your ongoing
for moderate exer- per week; two per week, mini- commitment to exercise. To find
cise sets, 8 to 12 reps mum; 10 min of specific aerobic activities, see chap-
Or: of 10 different stretching activities ter 5. Ultimately, you want your
Three days per week exercises*** with additional weekly total to be 150 to 300 min of
for vigorous exercise option for agility moderate-intensity activity or 75 to
Or: and balance 150 min of vigorous-intensity activity
Three to five days exercises (recall that 2 min of moderate activ-
per week for a mix ity equals 1 min of vigorous activity)
of moderate and or a combination of moderate and
vigorous exercise vigorous activity. See chapter 6 for
details on resistance training activities
to include.
3-4 Two or three days Two or three days Three days per For the next couple of weeks, try
per week of moder- per week; week, minimum; mixing up your activities. Try a new
ate activity and one two sets, 8 to 12 10 min of stretch- aerobic activity or change the inten-
or two days of vigor- reps of 10 differ- ing activities with sity of an activity you already do on
ous activity ent exercises*** additional option a regular basis. Continue with your
for agility and resistance training program.
balance exercises
5-7 Five days per week Two or three days Three days per Continue with your aerobic training
for moderate exer- per week; week, minimum; program. For your resistance training,
cise two sets, 8 to 12 10 min of stretch- consider trying some different exer-
Or: reps of 10 exer- ing activities with cises (see chapter 6 for details). If you
Three days per week cises*** additional option typically use machines, try a couple
for vigorous exercise for agility and of new exercises using dumbbells
Or: balance exercises to provide your muscles with a new
Three to five days challenge. Be sure to maintain good
per week for mod- form when trying new activities.
erate and vigorous
8-10 Five days per week Two or three days Three days per Continue with your aerobic training
for moderate exer- per week; week, minimum; program. For your resistance training,
cise three sets, 8 to 10 min of stretch- consider doing three sets rather than
Or: 10 reps of 10 ing activities with two (see chapter 6 for details). You
Three days per week exercises*** additional option may need to cut back on your reps to
for vigorous exercise for agility and add the additional set.
Or: balance exercises
Three to five days
per week for mod-
erate and vigorous
*All activity sessions should be preceded and followed by a 5- to 10-minute warm-up and cool-down.
**Include stretching activities after aerobic exercise to improve flexibility. For specific stretches to target the major muscle
groups, see chapter 7. You may also want to include some additional activities for agility and balance (i.e., neuromotor
exercises) as shown in chapter 8.
***Resistance training is more fully outlined in chapter 6. Select one exercise for each of the following body areas: hips and
legs, chest, back, shoulders, low back, abdominal muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings, biceps, and triceps. Examples of exercises
you can include for each body area are found in table 6.6.
Adults 243
every four to six months would likely provide sufficient feedback because changes will
likely be less dramatic. The rate of improvement will naturally slow down the more
fit you become because you will be getting closer to your maximal capacity. At this
point, increasing the time between assessments to six months will still help you gauge
your status without becoming an undue burden. Figure 10.6 is a chart for recording
your scores or rankings.
By tracking your workouts, you can watch for signs of improving fitness. Between
fitness assessments, you can note your progress in less objective ways, including the
following for aerobic conditioning:
• Your resting heart rate is lower.
• When doing the same activity, your heart rate and perception of effort are lower.
Fitness assessment progress chart for adults.
Assessment 1
(baseline) Assessment 2* Assessment 3**
Body composition assessments
Body mass index
Waist circumference
Cardiorespiratory fitness assessments
Rockport One-Mile
. Test
(VO2max estimate) or
. run test
(VO2max estimate)
Muscular fitness assessments
1-repetition maximum
(for strength)
Push-up test
(for endurance)
Flexibility assessments
Sit-and-reach test
Back scratch test
Neuromotor fitness assessments
4-stage balance test
Single-leg stand time
Standing reach test
Edgren side-step test
*From baseline: Two months for a beginner, three months for an intermediate exerciser, and four months for an
established exerciser
**From baseline: Four months for a beginner, six months for an intermediate exerciser, and eight months for an
established exerciser
From ACSM, 2017, ACSM’s complete guide to fitness & health, 2nd ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics).
244 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
• Your heart rate returns to resting levels faster following your workout.
• You are able to complete the same number of minutes of activity, but at a higher
• You are able to continue longer at the same intensity.
• You are increasing the total time you spend exercising each week.
For resistance training, you may observe the following as evidence of improvements:
• You are able to lift the same weight 12 times rather than just 8 before becoming
• You are able increase the weight lifted or the resistance you overcome.
• You are able to complete more body weight exercises (e.g., push-ups, curl-ups).
• You increase the number of sets completed targeting a particular muscle group.
For flexibility, you may observe that you are able to reach farther or hold a position
with less tension than you could earlier in your stretching program. With neuromotor
fitness training, you may find that you are more stable when moving or have improved
ability to respond to challenges to your balance or agility.
As you progress from week to week, ask yourself a couple of simple questions:
• Is the same workout easier than it was last week?
• Are you able to complete longer workouts or add additional exercises?
• Do you find you feel energized by your exercise program?
If you answer yes to the questions, you are right on track. If you answer no to any of
the questions, you may need to slow the pace of your progress or adjust your workouts
to ensure that your body has sufficient time to adapt. Because each person is unique,
a cookie-cutter approach to exercise does not work. To improve, you need to provide
your body with a new challenge, but you also need to allow your body enough time
to respond and improve. This is why increases in time or intensity are done slowly
over a number of weeks. When assessing the success of your exercise program, don’t
forget the real key to a successful exercise program—enjoyment! Continue to look for
activities that you enjoy doing so you can maintain your activity.
To keep an eye on your progress, consider tracking your weekly workouts. Figure
10.7 is a summary chart that may be helpful. Writing down your workouts can be
helpful so you can look back on them. An activity chart provides a weekly accounting
of how many sessions have targeted aerobic fitness, muscular fitness, flexibility, and
neuromotor fitness (see figure 4.3 for an example).
Regardless of your current fitness level, recording your exercise and reflecting on
your progress allow you to check off short-term goals (e.g., increasing the number
of minutes per week, increasing the intensity, including different resistance training
exercises) as you continue to move to your long-term goals (e.g., reaching the “good”
category for aerobic fitness, losing weight, improving your flexibility).
Adults 245
Fitness progress chart for adults.
Number of Number of Number of
Total time spent in resistance resistance sessions
aerobic exercise (min of training training per week of
moderate and vigorous sessions per exercises Number of stretching
activity per week) week per session reps per set activities
Week 1 Moderate: ____ min
Vigorous: ____ min
Week 2 Moderate: ____ min
Vigorous: ____ min
Week 3 Moderate: ____ min
Vigorous: ____ min
Week 4 Moderate: ____ min
Vigorous: ____ min
Week 5 Moderate: ____ min
Vigorous: ____ min
Week 6 Moderate: ____ min
Vigorous: ____ min
Week 7 Moderate: ____ min
Vigorous: ____ min
Week 8 Moderate: ____ min
Vigorous: ____ min
Week 9 Moderate: ____ min
Vigorous: ____ min
Week 10 Moderate: ____ min
Vigorous: ____ min
From ACSM, 2017, ACSM’s complete guide to fitness & health, 2nd ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics).
Adulthood can be a hectic and busy time. Too often, personal health and fitness
take a back seat just when you can least afford it. Taking charge of your diet and
physical activity will provide many benefits (e.g., lower risk of heart disease and type
2 diabetes), as well as a better quality of life. Within your diet, keep a focus on fruits,
vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products while avoiding the overconsump-
tion of fat (especially saturated and trans fats), sodium, and sugar. Physical activity along
with a solid nutritional plan will help you maintain your desired body weight as well
as promote your overall fitness. Aerobic activities, resistance training, and stretching
together provide a comprehensive program to maximize the benefits to your health.
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Older Adults:
Ages 65 and Older
If you remember one message from this chapter it should be this: It is never too late to
reap the health and functional benefits from regular participation in physical activity.
The health benefits relate to the reduction in risk factors associated with a number of
diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and osteoporosis. The functional
benefits include improvements in stamina, strength, flexibility, and balance. The risk
of falling will also be reduced as you enhance your muscle strength and balance.
These adaptations contribute to your ability to maintain an independent lifestyle and
a high quality of life in the later years. You will be able to continue to participate in
activities associated with daily living such as shopping, gardening, and playing with
your grandchildren without limitations. These are just a few of the many benefits that
accompany regular involvement in a physical activity program.
Remaining sedentary or physically inactive actually contributes to many well-
documented health risk factors that have generally been attributed to the “aging
process.” Additionally, other physiological and psychological factors such as a reduc-
tion in cardiovascular and skeletal muscle function, as well as declines in cognitive
performance, were thought to be a normal part of the aging process. However, recent
studies suggest that, while a portion of these changes may be due to growing older,
a significant factor is an increase in sedentary behavior associated with older popula-
tions (24). Chronic sedentary behavior is associated with increased risk for at least 35
chronic diseases and clinical conditions (6) and increased mortality (death) rates (27).
In addition, chronic sedentary behavior contributes to a reduction in aerobic capacity,
muscle strength, and overall metabolic function.
To achieve these many benefits from regular physical activity, you do not need to
exercise as intensely or for as long as competitive athletes. Many older adults resist
starting an exercise program for fear of injury, falling, or soreness from an intense
bout of exercise. The good news is that you can participate in moderate-intensity
exercise such as walking, swimming, and bicycling and still receive both the health
and the functional benefits from your time spent being physically active. As you will
248 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Can declines in health over the years be attributed to the
normal aging process?
The decline in health and functional capacity previously attributed to the aging process
is more likely a result of a chronic sedentary lifestyle. Many negative age-related changes
can be significantly avoided or delayed by regular physical activity. Getting active is the
best choice to make to promote health and fitness.
see throughout this chapter, the rewards from participation in a physical activity pro-
gram, including the maintenance of an independent lifestyle, lower health risks, and
overall improved quality of life, clearly outweigh any risks associated with engaging
in regular physical activity. To promote safety when starting to become more physi-
cally active or when increasing your exercise program, refer to the screening process
outlined in chapter 2.
Focus on Nutrition
Having a healthy diet is important
regardless of your age. Eating well
contributes to good health and vitality.
The recommendations in the Dietary
Guidelines for Americans (26), put forth
by the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, provide general guide-
lines for people of all ages. The core
recommendations can be summarized
as follows:
• Follow a healthy eating pattern
across the lifespan. This includes
maintaining energy (caloric) bal-
ance to keep your body weight
stable. Control caloric intake to
match calories burned through
daily activities and exercise while
ensuring adequate nutrient intake.
• Choose a variety of nutrient-dense
foods, including a variety of fruits
and vegetables, whole grains,
low-fat milk and proteins (fish,
lean meat, eggs, nuts, and beans),
grains, and oils.
• Decrease consumption of foods
and beverages that are higher
in trans fats, saturated fats, salt A diet consisting of a variety of fruits and
(sodium), and refined sugar. vegetables is essential for healthy aging.
Older Adults 249
and trans fats added to products such as microwave popcorn, cookies, margarine, and
crackers contribute to your risk of heart disease. You should minimize the intake of
these types of fats. Finally, too much sugar can affect your body’s ability to respond
to the hormone insulin, which is the initial step leading to the development of type
2 diabetes. Reduce the amount of sweets consumed in candies, cakes, cookies, and
so on. Also, carefully read the label on products, as many prepared food items have
added sugar (e.g., ketchup).
Understanding the Need for or Lack of Need for Specific Supplements
Advertisements for supplements are abundant and pop up in many venues including
television, the Internet, and magazines. Dietary supplements, which come in a variety
of forms (pills, powders, extracts, liquids), are substances to be used if your diet is
deficient in key nutrients. Supplements may also be taken to improve your health by
lowering your risk for a disease (e.g., heart disease, arthritis). These products may
contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, proteins, or herbs. The National Insti-
tute on Aging recommends that to get the proper amount of needed nutrients, you
should eat a variety of healthy foods (18). If you do so, you will not require the use
of supplements that can be expensive as well as harmful in some cases. However,
some dietary supplements can help older adults who do not meet specific nutrient
needs within their daily diet. These special circumstances generally involve calcium,
vitamin D, or vitamin B12. Thus, taking supplements containing these nutrients may
be recommended by your health care provider, as mentioned earlier.
Eating habits and requirements may change as one ages, but enjoying the foods
and beverages consumed is key to making nutritious choices a lifelong habit. Healthy
eating can be individualized through consultation with a Registered Dietitian or through
resources available from MyPlate tailored specifically for older adults (for more infor-
mation, see
located in the brain are altered with age. As a result, sleep is lighter and more frag-
mented (less continuous periods of sleep; rather, episodes broken up into shorter
blocks, including daytime sleeping) (4, 28). Also, the total sleep time for a given day
may be reduced. You may find that you are going to sleep earlier as well as awakening
earlier compared to the pattern in your younger days. You may also find yourself falling
asleep during the daytime while watching TV or reading. Over time, these types of
sleep disruptions can be associated with depression and anxiety disorders, cognitive
and memory impairment, fatigue, and an increased risk for falls (12).
However, there is good news regarding the benefits of regular physical activity on
overall sleep quality. Regular endurance exercise appears to be an effective treatment
to significantly improve sleep quality in older adults who suffer from chronic sleep
problems, including insomnia (15, 19). In addition to improving the quality of your
sleep, regular exercise can reduce the time it takes you to fall asleep as well as reduce
the need for or the dosage of sleep aids you may be currently taking. This is impor-
tant, as these drugs, frequently used to help with sleep problems (sedative hypnot-
ics), are often associated with side effects such as sleepwalking, daytime drowsiness,
and dizziness (21). Other types of exercises, such as tai chi and yoga, have also been
shown to be beneficial in reducing sleep problems in older adults (9). These benefits
can be realized in as little as one month’s time after the beginning of such an exercise
program but are generally observed after three to six months. In order to continue
to receive these benefits you will need to stick with your exercise program, as any
long-term stoppage will result in a reversal of these sleep benefits. Regular exercise
is a simple, nonpharmacologic treatment that can be safely implemented to improve
both the quality of sleep and overall quality of life in older adults.
What type of activities should be included
to promote cognitive function?
A complete exercise program that includes aerobic activity, muscle-strengthening activ-
ity, and balance and flexibility exercises appears to provide the most benefits. The good
news is that the advantages possible for cognitive function and memory are in addition
to the myriad of other health and fitness benefits.
Older Adults 253
Aerobic Fitness
Endurance or aerobic activities will improve your stamina and allow you to engage
in a variety of activities for a longer period of time. For example, you will be able to
work in the garden or yard much longer before you feel tired or fatigued. Similarly,
improvements in your aerobic fitness will allow you to go on hikes, play with your
grandchildren for an extended period of time, or play several sets of tennis. Endurance
exercise produces these benefits by enhancing the health and function of your heart,
lungs, and circulatory system. Additionally, regular participation in endurance activities
greatly improves your health by lowering several risk factors associated with a variety
of diseases. This will result in the reduction or prevention of a number of diseases
that are common in older adults, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain
types of cancers (11, 23). The health and functional benefits associated with regular
participation in an endurance exercise program are numerous.
Key risk factors related to the development of heart disease are significantly improved
with endurance exercise (23). These include cardioprotective adaptations such as
a reduction in the “bad” cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein [LDL]-cholesterol), an
increase in the “good” cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein [HDL]-cholesterol), lower
Muscular Fitness
Muscular fitness training has many rewards beyond stronger muscles. These rewards
range from making it easier for you to get into and out of your car, climb stairs, and
carry objects to improving your balance and reducing the risk of falls and broken bones.
Strength training should be performed at least two times per week focused on the
major muscle groups (legs, arms, shoulders, chest, abdominal muscles, and back). For
a given muscle group, find a weight that you can lift ~8 to 12 times (repetitions) before
fatiguing (if you are just starting with resistance training, a range of 10 to 15 repeti-
tions might be preferable). For example, when doing an arm curl to strengthen your
Older Adults 255
biceps, you may find that you can lift a 5-pound (2.3-kg) dumbbell 10 times but not
11. Thus this would be a good weight for this exercise. After resting for a few minutes,
repeat the same exercise. Do the same routine for the other major muscle groups. Do
not hold your breath while performing your strength exercises. Lift the weight slowly
(about 2 seconds) and return the weight slowly (about 3 seconds). Over time, as you
become stronger, you should increase the weight you are using to continue to chal-
lenge your muscles and remain in the 8- to 12-repetition range. If you do not have
access to handheld weights, you can use common kitchen items such as soup cans
or water bottles. Also, the use of resistance bands may make certain exercises easier
for you to perform.
In addition to increasing your strength, a resistance training program will help you
maintain and possibly increase your muscle mass. This is critical for enhancing your
quality of life at many levels. A common problem among older adults in the United
States today is a significant loss in muscle mass (known as sarcopenia). Connected
with this loss in muscle mass is a loss in strength, which has direct implications for
your ability to go about activities associated with daily living. Maintaining your muscle
mass and strength will enhance your quality of life by improving your mobility, bal-
ance, and overall independence. Finally, strength training is extremely valuable in
promoting healthy bones. The mechanical stress placed upon your bones while you
are doing resistance exercises stimulates the bone to become stronger, thereby lower-
ing the risk of age-associated osteoporosis (a disease that makes bones brittle). This is
especially important for the bones in your upper body, as they receive little stimulation
and benefit from endurance exercises that rely primarily on the legs.
Flexibility, or limberness, is defined as the ability to move joints and muscles through
their full range of motion. Unfortunately, an individual’s flexibility generally declines
with age. However, with regular and proper stretching exercises, your flexibility can
be well maintained throughout life. The significance of achieving proper flexibility
will translate into an enhanced quality of life and safety by maintaining a good range
of motion in all joints.
Ideally, stretching should occur when your muscles are warm and your body tem-
perature is raised. Many people combine their stretching program with their endurance
exercise session. A good time for stretching is after an endurance workout, while the
muscles and joints are still warm. For best results, you should stretch at least two days
per week for a minimum of 10 minutes. Each stretch should be accomplished to a degree
of mild tightness in the muscles. Do not stretch to the point of pain or discomfort. Try
to do each particular stretch three or four times per session. Static stretches, in which
you hold the stretched position, should be done for 30 to 60 seconds (13). Remember
to keep breathing while the stretch is being held. Also, it is important to slowly initiate
the stretched position, avoiding any bouncing or jerking motions.
Key areas to focus on, where flexibility generally decreases with age, include the
neck, shoulders, back, and legs. Chapter 7 includes a number of activities that can be
included in your stretching program. The benefits of maintaining and improving your
flexibility are many. As a result of the loss of flexibility in the neck and back associ-
ated with aging, some older individuals have difficulty turning around to look behind
them (e.g., when backing out of a parking space). This, of course, can be dangerous
as it limits full visibility. Other benefits associated with improved flexibility include
bending over to tie your shoes or to pick objects up off the floor, reaching objects
located a little bit higher, as in kitchen cabinets or closets, and twisting or achieving
range of motion when executing a golf or tennis swing.
Neuromotor Training
Balance is defined as your ability to move or to remain in a stable position without
losing control or falling. It is essential to maintain your balance as you age. Millions
of older Americans are rushed to emergency rooms each year as a result of fall-related
injuries. Consequences of these falls can be severe, resulting in fractures of the arms,
legs, and hips as well as serious head traumas. These injuries may result in permanent
disability and in some cases are life threatening. Hip fractures alone account for about
260,000 hospital visits per year among individuals 65 years and older (8). Approxi-
mately 95 percent of these hip fractures are caused by falling, frequently leading to
long-term functional impairment, nursing home admission, and increased mortality (5).
Physical limitations may result in a lack of ability to perform activities of daily living
(16). Women, who are more prone to age-related osteoporosis, have up to 75 percent
of all hip fractures (25). A number of people who fall develop a fear of falling. This
frequently causes them to limit their activities, contributing to reduced mobility, loss in
leg strength, and poor balance, which in turn actually increases their risk of falling (17).
The best results for balance and stability are seen when coupled with improve-
ments in strength (as discussed previously) and, in particular, leg strength. Stronger leg
muscles provide superior support for both forward–backward motions and lateral or
side-to-side movement and balance. The motions are common components of activities
associated with daily living such as shopping, gardening, and playing with small chil-
Older Adults 257
dren. To help promote balance, various exercises can be performed two to three days
per week, each exercise lasting 10 to 30 seconds. Examples of balance (neuromotor)
exercises are included in chapter 8. The benefits in maintaining and improving your
balance are well worth the time spent. The most important benefits are the reduction
in the rate of falls and subsequent injuries related to such falls.
Fitness assessment progress chart for older adults.
Assessment 1
(baseline) Assessment 2* Assessment 3**
Body composition assessments
Body mass index
Waist circumference
Aerobic fitness assessment
6-min walk test
Muscular fitness assessments
Chair stand test
Arm curl test
Flexibility assessments
Sit-and-reach test
Back-scratch test
Neuromotor assessments
4-stage balance test
Standing reach test
8-foot up and go test
*From baseline: Two months for a beginner, three months for an intermediate exerciser, and four months for an
established exerciser.
**From baseline: Four months for a beginner, six months for an intermediate exerciser, and eight months for an
established exerciser.
From ACSM, 2017, ACSM’s complete guide to fitness & health, 2nd ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics).
Importantly, do not get discouraged during the first few weeks of starting your
physical activity program. Initially, your muscles may feel sore or may ache. This is
natural, and these sensations will disappear as you continue with your activity level.
In sticking with your program you will see some rewards relatively soon (weeks to
months) and others that may not be as obvious. For example, any benefits relating
to your blood sugar levels or blood pressure will not be recognized until your next
checkup with your doctor. Keeping track of your progress can be a useful motivational
tool. Figure 11.4 provides a simple chart whereby you can track your fitness progress
over the course of 10 weeks.
Finally, life can get busy. Unfortunately, it seems that being physically active is the
agenda item frequently put on the back burner. Please remember how important being
active is to your health and well-being. Make it a high priority in your daily routine.
Sample beginner exercise program for older adults*.
Weeks Aerobic** Resistance Stretching*** exercise Comments
1-3 Three days Two days per Two days per Two days Walking is an easy beginning aerobic
per week; week; one week; 10 min per week; activity. Select a comfortable pace. If
10 to 20 set, 10 to 15 of stretching 10 min of you haven’t been very active, target
min per day; reps of six activities balance 10 min at a time for your aerobic
light inten- different activities activity. Include some stretching activ-
sity (level 3 exercises**** ities (see chapter 7) after your walk.
or 4) For resistance training, see chapter
6 for details on what activities to
For balance training, see chapter
8 for details on what activities to
4-6 Three days Two days per Three days per Two or three The focus for the next three weeks
per week; week; one or week; 10 min days per will be getting comfortable with at
15-25 min two sets, 10 of stretching week; 10 least 20 min of aerobic exercise at
per day; to 15 reps of activities min of bal- least three days per week. Gradually
light to six different ance activi- increase your intensity to a moderate
moderate exercises**** ties level by the sixth week.
intensity Continue with your resistance train-
(level 4 or 5) ing program and add an additional
set by week 5. Add an additional
session of balance training by the
sixth week.
7-9 Three or Two days per Three days per Three days For the next three weeks, try to
four days week; two week; 10 min per week; increase your total time spent in
per week; sets, 10 to of stretching 10 min of moderate aerobic activity (either 40
20-30 min 15 reps of six activities balance min per day three days per week or
per day; different activities 30 min per day four days per week).
moderate exercises**** Continue with your resistance train-
intensity ing program, completing two sets
(level 5) per exercise and adding more weight
if you are able to do 15 repetitions
relatively easily.
10-12 Three or Two days per Three days per Three days Over the past couple of months you
four days week; two week; 10 min per week; have been developing a good aerobic
per week; sets, 10 to of stretching 10 min of and muscular fitness base. For some
25-35 min 15 reps of six activities balance variety, you can consider other activi-
per day; different activities ties such as biking or swimming (for
moderate exercises**** more ideas, see chapter 5). If you like
intensity walking, you can also keep doing
(level 5 or 6) that. For your resistance training pro-
gram, consider adding some variety
and trying some other exercises (see
chapter 6 for details).
*All activity sessions should be preceded and followed by a 5- to 10-minute warm-up and cool-down.
**Intensity is based on a 10-point scale with 0 being rest and 10 your highest effort level. Moderate intensity is a level 5 to 6.
***Include stretching activities after your aerobic exercise to improve flexibility. For specific stretches to target the major
muscle groups, see chapter 7.
****Resistance training is more fully outlined in chapter 6. Beginners will select one exercise for each of the following
body areas: hips and legs, chest, back, shoulders, low back, and abdominal muscles.
From ACSM, 2017, ACSM’s complete guide to fitness & health, 2nd ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics).
Sample established exercise program for older adults*.
Weeks Aerobic** Resistance Stretching*** exercise Comments
1-3 Five days per week Two days per Two or three Three days Congratulations on your
for moderate exer- week; two sets, days per per week; ongoing commitment to exer-
cise (level 5 to 6) 8 to 12 reps week; 10 min 10 to 15 min cise. To find specific aerobic
Or: of 10 different of stretching of different activities, see chapter 5. For
Three days per week exercises**** activities neuromotor resistance training, see chapter
for vigorous exercise exercises 6, and for stretching and neu-
(level 7 to 8), romotor exercise training, refer
Or: to chapters 7 and 8.
three to five days
per week for a mix
of moderate and
vigorous exercise
4-6 Two or three days Two days per Two or three Three days For the next couple of weeks,
of moderate activ- week; two sets, days per per week; try mixing up your activities.
ity and one or two 8 to 12 reps week; 10 min 10 to 15 min Try a new aerobic activity or
days of vigorous of 10 different of stretching of different change the intensity of an
activity exercises**** activities neuromotor activity you already do on a
exercises regular basis. Continue with
your resistance training pro-
gram and balance training.
7-9 Five days per week Two or three Two or three Three days Continue with your aerobic
for moderate exer- days per week; days per per week; training program. For resis-
cise two sets per week; 10 min 10 to 15 min tance training, consider trying
Or: exercise, 8 to 12 of stretching of different some different exercises (see
Three days per week reps of 10 activities neuromotor chapter 6 for details). If you
for vigorous exercise different exercises typically use machines, try a
Or: exercises**** couple of new exercises using
Three to five days dumbbells to provide your
per week for a mix muscles with a new challenge.
of moderate and Be sure to maintain good form
vigorous exercise when trying new activities.
10-12 Five days per week Two or three Two or three Three days Continue with your aerobic
for moderate exer- days per week; days per per week; training program. Consider
cise two or three week; 10 min 10 to 15 min doing three sets instead of
Or: sets per exercise, of stretching of different two during one of your resis-
Three days per week 8 to 12 reps activities neuromotor tance training sessions (see
for vigorous exercise of 10 exercises chapter 6 for details). You may
Or: exercises**** need to cut back on your reps
Three to five days to add the additional set.
per week for a mix
of moderate and
vigorous exercise
*All activity sessions should be preceded and followed by a 5- to 10-minute warm-up and cool-down.
**Intensity is based on a 10-point scale with 0 being rest and 10 your highest effort level. Moderate intensity is a level 5 to 6
and vigorous is a level 7 to 8.
***Include stretching activities after your aerobic exercise to improve flexibility. For specific stretches to target the major muscle
groups, see chapter 7.
****Resistance training is more fully outlined in chapter 6. Select one exercise for each of the following body areas: hips and
legs, chest, back, shoulders, low back, abdominal muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings, biceps, and triceps. Examples of exercises
you can include for each body area are found in table 6.6.
From ACSM, 2017, ACSM’s complete guide to fitness & health, 2nd ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics).
262 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Fitness progress chart for older adults.
Number of Number of Number of Number of
Total time spent in resistance resistance sessions sessions
aerobic exercise (min of training training per week of per week
moderate and vigorous sessions per exercises stretching of balance
activity per week) week per session activities exercises
Week 1 Moderate: ____ min
Vigorous: ____ min
Week 2 Moderate: ____ min
Vigorous: ____ min
Week 3 Moderate: ____ min
Vigorous: ____ min
Week 4 Moderate: ____ min
Vigorous: ____ min
Week 5 Moderate: ____ min
Vigorous: ____ min
Week 6 Moderate: ____ min
Vigorous: ____ min
Week 7 Moderate: ____ min
Vigorous: ____ min
Week 8 Moderate: ____ min
Vigorous: ____ min
Week 9 Moderate: ____ min
Vigorous: ____ min
Week 10 Moderate: ____ min
Vigorous: ____ min
From ACSM, 2017, ACSM’s complete guide to fitness & health, 2nd ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics).
This page intentionally left blank.
Cardiovascular Health
266 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Cigarette Smoking
While tobacco use has declined in the United States, there are still far too many people
who smoke. In 2013, approximately 18 percent of adults and 16 percent of high school
students smoked. The AHA estimates that nearly one-third of heart disease deaths are
attributable to smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke (15). Of recent concern is
the use of e-cigarettes and the possibility that they may serve as a gateway to traditional
cigarettes. If you are a smoker, quitting immediately is one of the most important things
you can do to improve your overall health. Many smokers require assistance before
quitting—consult your health care provider for additional information.
High Cholesterol
Elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood contribute to the development of CVD. Values
above 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) increase risk for CVD. Unfortunately, nearly
31 million U.S. adults have cholesterol values above 240 mg/dL (15). In addition to the
importance of assessing the total amount of cholesterol in the blood, it is common to
check for levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, which is often referred
to as “bad” cholesterol, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, which is often
referred to as “good” cholesterol. Low-density lipoprotein values below 100 mg/dL
and HDL values above 60 mg/dL are desirable. Individuals with CVD should strive
for even lower LDL values to decrease their risk of having a cardiovascular event (21).
While proper nutrition and regular exercise are important lifestyle modifications to
help reach optimal cholesterol levels, many adults with CVD also require medication
to get their LDL levels down to an acceptable range. If your cholesterol is too high,
you should work with your health care provider to take steps to lower your levels to
recommended ranges in to order decrease your risk of having a cardiovascular event.
268 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
The most common class of medications used is known as statins. In rare situations,
statin use can lead to rhabdomyolysis (skeletal muscle protein is abnormally released
into the blood, with subsequent damage to the kidneys). W hen someone taking a
statin performs exercise, muscle discomfort or pain could be a result of the medication
rather than the exercise. People in this situation should report any uncommon muscle
discomfort or pain to their health care provider.
Physical Inactivity
Having a sedentary lifestyle is major risk factor for CVD. Nearly 31 percent of adults
in the United States do not engage in any leisure-time physical activity (15). This is a
major public health issue. Having a high level of habitual physical activity has its own
independent health benefits, but high activity levels also favorably influence several
other risk factors such as obesity, prediabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pres-
sure. Exercising regularly also helps to maintain mobility in old age and to prevent
frailty. Quality of life measures are higher in adults who exercise regularly. The standard
recommendation is for adults to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic
activity per week, which can be accomplished with brisk walking, or 75 minutes of
vigorous-intensity exercise per week (25). Additional details regarding exercise recom-
mendations are provided later in this chapter.
Excess body weight is a leading cause of death and disability in the United States.
Being overweight or obese makes it more likely that you will have other cardiovascular
risk factors. In particular, people who are overweight or obese are far more likely than
others to have type 2 diabetes. Sixty-nine percent of adults in the United States are
classified as overweight or obese, and these high rates are viewed as a public health
crisis. Unfortunately, far too many children are classified as overweight or obese;
approximately 32 percent of children between 2 and 19 years of age fall into this cat-
egory. Sadly, obese children usually become obese adults (15).
A healthy diet provides many potential benefits for health and for risk factor reduction.
The relationships between nutrition choices and cholesterol levels, blood pressure,
and heart disease highlight the value of heart-healthy eating (as discussed in greater
detail in the next section).
Cardiovascular Health 269
Focusing on Nutrition
Nutrition plays an important role in cardiovascular health. Poor nutrition is considered
a risk factor for elevated cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and heart disease.
Unfortunately, the average American diet increases risk for all of these conditions. The
typical American diet is high in refined grains, added sugars, and red and processed
meats while falling short in key food groups such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains,
and dairy (22). In particular, you should thoughtfully review the composition of your
diet and consider changing the types of fats you eat and lowering your sodium intake
and the calories you consume while increasing whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, and
vegetables to promote optimal heart health. Indeed, research has shown that a healthy
dietary pattern is beneficial for reducing CVD risk (22).
Are fruit juices an ideal source to meet serving
recommendations for fruit consumption?
While fruit juices do come from fruit, they also provide a lot of calories and contain no
fiber, so it is best to get fruit from whole sources.
270 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Fat and Cholesterol Recommendations While most people have heard the recommen-
dation to eat a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet, or a heart-healthy diet, you may not know
that the source of fat in your diet is the most important consideration as opposed to
overall content. Health agencies such as the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND)
and the AHA recommend keeping dietary fat between 25 and 35 percent of your daily
caloric intake. While this may not seem low enough to you, the type of fat you con-
sume is very important to heart health. Several types of dietary fat exist, as discussed
in chapter 3. Saturated fats contribute to the blocking of your arteries by increasing
LDL-cholesterol levels. Several large research studies have revealed that for every 1
percent increase in calories from saturated fatty acids as a percent of the total calories
consumed, LDL-cholesterol levels rise about 2 percent in individuals who have high
blood cholesterol levels (12). For every 1 percent reduction in saturated fatty acid intake,
serum cholesterol is reduced by approximately 2 percent. Therefore, AHA and the
American College of Cardiology both recommend that less than 7 percent of your daily
calories come from saturated fats (11). Saturated fat is predominantly found in animal
sources such as meat and dairy products including fatty beef, lamb, pork, poultry with
skin, beef fat, lard, and cream, butter, and cheese (5). Another type of fat called trans
fat should be consumed as little as possible because it tends to increase LDL-cholesterol
similarly to saturated fatty acids (11), as well as decrease HDL cholesterol (6). If you
see the words “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated” on the ingredient list for a
food, that food item contains trans fats. Examples of foods containing trans fat include
stick margarine, shortening, some fried foods, doughnuts, cookies, crackers, muffins,
pies, and cakes. You should limit your intake of these types of products. Finally, your
cholesterol intake is still important to consider. Cholesterol not only comes from the
foods you eat but can also be produced by the body. Limiting your body’s production
of cholesterol and reducing blood cholesterol levels are best achieved by reducing your
cholesterol and dietary saturated fat intake. Cholesterol is found in foods such as meat
(particularly those with lots of visible fat); processed meats such as sausage, bologna,
salami, and hot dogs; egg yolks; whole milk; cheeses; shrimp; lobster; and crab. You
can easily lower the cholesterol content of your diet by choosing lean cuts of meat
with minimal visible fat and leaner cuts of beef such as round, chuck, sirloin, or loin.
So, if saturated and trans fats as well as cholesterol are the types of fat you should
limit, what should you consume? Unsaturated fats are recommended to make up most
of the fat you consume (as covered in chapter 3). These fats are known as monoun-
saturated and polyunsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats can be found in oils such
as canola, peanut, and olive oil. Polyunsaturated fats are generally found in vegetable
oils but also include the omega-3 fats. Omega-3 fats are found in several types of fish
including salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, lake trout, albacore tuna, and sardines but
can also be found in oils including canola and soybean. Omega-3 fats are thought to
decrease your risk of heart disease; adding two servings of baked or grilled fish (about
3.5 ounces or about 100 grams) to your diet each week is one way to increase your
intake of healthy fats such as the omega-3 fats and is recommended by the AHA (4).
If you are unable to get your omega-3s from fish, your health care provider may rec-
ommend fish oil supplements. The AHA recommends that people with heart disease
get 1 gram of omega-3 fatty acids from a combination of EPA and DHA (two types of
omega-3 fats) daily (9).
Dietary Sodium Recommendations While lowering your intake of foods such as satu-
rated fat that increase cholesterol levels in the body is important, lowering sodium intake
Cardiovascular Health 271
What are some ways to reduce sodium consumption?
If you add table salt to your food, a great place to start is to get rid of the salt shaker,
though this will not be enough. Shopping wisely and reading labels are very important.
Looking for labeling on packages that say “very low sodium,” “low sodium,” “lite in
sodium,” “reduced sodium,” “sodium-free,” or “salt-free” is a great way to reduce
sodium consumption.
is equally so. Most Americans consume far too much sodium. The U.S. Department
of Agriculture estimates that the current average intake for both men and women is
~3,300 milligrams of sodium (23). Many organizations recommend sodium reduction,
including AHA, AND, and the World Health Organization. The Dietary Guidelines for
Americans recommends 2,300 milligrams of sodium or less per day; and for those
with established hypertension, a lower target of 1,500 milligrams per day is the aim
(22). These recommendations are based on research studies that have documented a
decline in blood pressure with dietary sodium restriction (9, 20). More recently there
has been a push to recommend the 1,500 milligrams per day level for most Americans.
So, where does all this sodium come from? Well, 75 percent of typical sodium intake
comes from processed, prepackaged, and restaurant foods. Most food items found in
a box or a can contain sodium (even breakfast cereals!). Therefore, looking closely at
food labels and comparing products to find one with less sodium is recommended.
Other Recommendations Weight control is also important for decreasing your risk
for CVD or even for managing your heart disease or blood pressure (8). Anyone who
is overweight or obese (to check your body mass index [BMI], see p. 352-353) should
focus on reducing total calorie intake and burning more calories through exercise.
Studies have reported that weight loss can lower blood pressure, as well as improve
overall cardiovascular health (for more details on weight management, see chapter 18).
A critical review of your own diet and the decision to consume fruits, vegetables, and
whole grains in preference to high-fat, highly processed options are very conducive
to weight loss.
Finally, there has been speculation about the benefits of alcohol in relation to heart
health. The AHA recommends moderation when it comes to alcohol consumption.
This corresponds to one to two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for
What about red wine and heart disease?
Some researchers have suggested that red wine may be associated with the reduced
mortality seen with heart disease in some populations. Unfortunately, it is not clear if
it is truly the wine or the grapes themselves or other components in red wine that may
contribute to the reduced mortality. Further, it is difficult to separate out other lifestyle
factors that may play a role. There has been evidence to suggest that drinking wine or
alcohol in some populations can increase HDL cholesterol. However, regular exercise can
do the same and has many more benefits.
272 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
women (8). Drinking too much alcohol can increase some fats in the blood (i.e., tri-
glycerides). In addition, alcohol intake can influence blood pressure. For those who
consume alcohol on a regular basis, reducing alcohol intake has been shown to lower
resting blood pressure.
fish into your diet. The overall recommendation for hypertensive adults is to adopt
the DASH eating plan; the number of servings for each of the food group categories
depends on your overall caloric intake (see table 12.3 for some general guidelines for
the number of servings from various food groups). DASH is organized by servings for
most food groups. The following are examples of DASH servings:
• Grains—1 ounce or equivalent; 1 slice bread
• Fruits—1/2 cup cut-up fruit or equivalent; 1 medium fruit
• Vegetables—1/2 cup cooked vegetables or equivalent; 1 cup raw leafy vegetables
• Meats, poultry, and fish—1 ounce cooked meats, poultry, or fish or one egg
• Nuts, seeds, and legumes—2 tablespoons peanut butter, 1/3 cup or 1 1/2 ounces
of nuts, 1/2 cup cooked beans, or 1 cup bean soup
• Fats and oils—1 teaspoon soft margarine or vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon mayon-
naise, 1 tablespoon regular salad dressing or 2 tablespoons low-fat dressing
• Sugars—1 tablespoon jam or jelly, 1/2 cup regular gelatin, or 1 cup regular lem-
There are a few additional considerations related to diet if you are on medication.
For instance, individuals who are on warfarin (i.e., Coumadin) should keep their vita-
min K intake consistent to maintain stable levels of the drug in their body. Vitamin K
is found in green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, Swiss chard, romaine lettuce,
green leaf lettuce, mustard greens, and collards, as well as broccoli and asparagus.
People taking diuretics may experience increased frequency of urination and as result
may excrete more minerals, such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium,
in their urine. Consult with your health care provider if you have any concerns before
making any changes to your diet.
will regularly check your electrolyte levels, but you should let your doctor know if you
get dizzy or light-headed after an exercise bout (2).
A general recommendation for exercise session duration is between 20 and 60 min-
utes, although you can begin with only 5 to 10 minutes per session and then gradually
build up. If you are interested in weight loss, you probably want to get as close to 60
minutes per session as you can in order to maximize the calories that you burn. Also,
you can strive for one continuous session or several sessions of at least 10 minutes
each throughout the day (2).
Aerobic activities should form the backbone of your exercise routine. A reasonable
goal for most adults is to expend about 1,000 calories (kcal) per week with the aerobic
exercise program (or higher if your goal is to lose weight) (see chapter 5, p. 93, for
steps to calculate the number of calories burned). This will vary depending on your
weight, and it is important to emphasize that you will derive health benefits even if
you are well below this value. No standard rate of progression is recommended for
all individuals. The key is that the rate of progression for intensity and duration be
should gradual to avoid injury (2).
Another way to reduce the risk of injury is to ease into and out of your exercise
session. Warm-up should consist of low-intensity activities for approximately 5 to 10
minutes, typically doing the conditioning activity at a lower intensity than during the
conditioning phase. An example is a period of slow walking prior to engaging in a
more brisk pace for the conditioning phase. Following the conditioning activity, a
cool-down should consist of low-intensity activity for approximately 5 to 10 minutes.
Stretching and range of motion activities can also be incorporated into the warm-up
or cool-down but should follow rather than precede the light activity.
The focus in this section thus far has been on aerobic exercise training, but it is
important to highlight that resistance exercise training is also recommended on two
to three days per week for individuals with CVD. Resistance exercise training should
be included for improved muscle strength; however, isometric exercises (exercises in
which a contraction is maintained or held in one position) should generally be avoided
because they can lead to excessive increases in blood pressure. The intensity should
generally be moderate. Remember to breathe normally while lifting (i.e., don’t hold
Are there any special exercise considerations for those with
high cholesterol or high blood pressure?
The general principles of the exercise prescription detailed in this chapter also apply to
individuals with dyslipidemia (i.e., high cholesterol). However, typically, healthy weight
maintenance is emphasized for individuals with high cholesterol. This means that caloric
expenditure during the exercise session should be increased; in general, this is accom-
plished by exercising five or more days per week (rather than only three times) and
exercising for 50 to 60 minutes per session (rather than 20 to 30 minutes).
Individuals with high blood pressure also benefit from regular exercise. Each exercise
session can lead to a reduction in blood pressure; therefore near-daily or daily exercise is
recommended (five to seven days per week). Moderate exercise intensity is also recom-
mended; high-intensity exercise is not needed to derive the blood pressure–lowering
effect of exercise. However, since blood pressure can decline immediately after exercise,
an active cool-down is important to prevent blood pressure from declining too much.
276 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
your breath when lifting). For those with high cholesterol or high blood pressure,
typically two to four sets of 8 to 12 repetitions for each of the major muscles groups
are recommended (2). For additional information on resistance training and examples
of exercises for the various muscle groups, see chapter 6.
Flexibility training is also beneficial for all adults, including those with CVD. In addi-
tion, although there are no recommendations unique to persons with CVD, inclusion
of neuromotor exercise may be considered as part of a general exercise program. More
information on flexibility and neuromotor exercises is presented in chapters 7 and 8 (2).
While the focus of this section is on the components of a structured exercise program,
it is important to adopt a physically active lifestyle in general. Sedentary behaviors (i.e.,
a lot of sitting) can be detrimental, even in people who exercise regularly. Pedometers
are one way to help promote regular physical activity, and most guidelines suggest a
reasonable goal of 5,400 to 7,900 steps per day (2).
Influence of Medications
Sometimes lifestyle changes—the front line in cardiovascular risk reduction—are just
not enough. You may need adjunctive drug therapy to better control certain risk fac-
tors. Of course, taking medication(s) does not take the place of the positive lifestyle
modifications discussed in this chapter. Keep focused on heart-healthy nutrition choices
and regular physical activity, understanding that medications may be needed in addi-
tion to those lifestyle behaviors to achieve goals.
Although a detailed description of cardioprotective drugs is outside the scope of this
chapter, this section discusses medications used to address high cholesterol and high
blood pressure. With any medication, additional considerations are the potential for
interactions with food or other medications and for side effects or adverse reactions.
Because of the complexity of this issue, ongoing consultation with your health care
provider and pharmacist is recommended.
Lipid-Lowering Medications
Various types of drugs can be used to lower cholesterol, and they act on the body
in differing ways. Many of the lipid-lowering drugs affect activity in the liver, so liver
function should be routinely checked as a precaution against liver damage. One class
of lipid-lowering medications is the statin drugs. Statins are powerful medications
used to treat high blood cholesterol levels. These drugs block cholesterol production
in the liver. Because the body needs a certain amount of cholesterol to function, it
compensates by drawing on cholesterol present in the bloodstream. This reduces the
amount of cholesterol that could damage arteries. Statins do have a downside. In rare
cases, statins can cause elevations in some liver enzymes and ultimately result in liver
damage. Thus, patients who use statin medications should have their liver enzymes
evaluated once or twice yearly. In addition, statins are associated with muscle inflam-
mation, a condition called rhabdomyolysis. The usual complaint is muscle soreness or
pain. When someone who is exercising is taking a statin, muscle discomfort or pain
may be a result of the medication and not the exercise. If you take a statin and notice
any uncommon muscle discomfort or pain, report it to your health care provider.
Beta-blockers are one such medication. In addition, beta-blockers are used to relieve
angina (chest discomfort) and to ward off heart rhythm disturbances. Beta-blockers
decrease the work of the heart by inhibiting the activity of the sympathetic nervous
system, which is responsible for increasing heart rate and blood pressure. Thus, both
heart rate and blood pressure are suppressed in individuals taking beta-blockers. As
a result, heart rate ranges are often not used to set intensity. An option to consider is
the use of the relative scale (e.g., working at a level 5 on a 10-point scale) as discussed
in chapter 5.
Other common medications used to help lower blood pressure include the following:
• Diuretics, commonly referred to as water pills, which increase urine output
• Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, which block the production of
a hormone that can elevate blood pressure
• Calcium channel blockers, which relax blood vessels
These medications lower blood pressure through different mechanisms of action.
How each person responds to a given medication varies, so your health care pro-
vider will choose the most appropriate medication(s) for you. Your response will be
monitored, and often dosage or type of medication will be adjusted to achieve blood
pressure goals.
As reviewed in this chapter, a healthy diet and regular physical activity are both
critical to achieve optimal cardiovascular health. Positive lifestyle choices are espe-
cially important for those with CVD, including heart disease and stroke. Proper diet
and regular exercise favorably influence multiple risk factors and therefore lower your
risk for disease. Adopting a healthy lifestyle will cause you to feel better, have more
energy, and have an improved quality of life.
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280 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Causes of Diabetes
The origin of type 1 diabetes differs from that of type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is an
autoimmune disease, which occurs when your body attacks its own cells (2). In type
1 diabetes, the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin are destroyed. Thus, insulin
cannot be produced to lower your blood glucose after meals and snacks. As a result,
blood glucose is not able to enter the cells, causing glucose levels in the blood to
become elevated. A high level of glucose in the blood is called hyperglycemia. Hyper-
means a high level, and glycemia refers to blood glucose concentrations. As a result
of the deficiency in insulin production, type 1 diabetes must be treated with insulin,
given as injections, delivered via an insulin pump, or sometimes inhaled.
Type 2 diabetes occurs when body cells cannot properly use the insulin produced
by the pancreas (2). This is called insulin resistance (i.e., impaired insulin action in
which body cells are resistant to the action of insulin). Insulin normally allows glucose
to enter cells in the body to provide energy; but with insulin resistance, the glucose
cannot enter the cells and thus remains in the blood. In type 2 diabetes, the body’s
ability to produce insulin usually decreases over time, which also contributes to hyper-
glycemia. As a result, some people with type 2 diabetes must also take supplemental
insulin to control their blood glucose levels.
Obesity is associated with the development of type 2 diabetes, in particular upper
body fat stores (i.e., an apple-shaped physique) (43). In the past, type 2 diabetes was
called adult-onset diabetes because of the typically older age of onset. Unfortunately,
the increased incidence of obesity and sedentary lifestyles has resulted in type 2 dia-
betes developing at earlier ages (6), thus exposing people to elevated blood glucose for
longer periods of time and increasing their risk of health complications, such as kidney,
eye, nerve, and heart disease. Other factors in addition to excessive body weight and
inactivity increase the chances of developing diabetes (2):
• Prediabetes (see the sidebar How Do I Know If I Have Prediabetes or Diabetes?)
• Age (greater than 45 years old)
• Family history (parent or sibling)
• Other health concerns, including low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high
triglycerides, high blood pressure
• Certain racial and ethnic groups, including non-Hispanic blacks, Hispanic Ameri-
cans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, American Indians, and Alaska Natives
• Women who had gestational diabetes or have had a baby weighing 9 pounds (4
kg) or more at birth
Although a number of factors cannot be changed (e.g., your race or age), you can
control your body weight and physical activity level. These factors are the focus of
this chapter.
Focusing on Nutrition
Weight loss may be a useful goal for people with type 2 diabetes who are overweight,
and preventing excessive weight gain if you have type 1 diabetes can help keep your
insulin action high and your insulin needs lower (9). Sustaining a weight loss of as
little as 5 to 7 percent of body weight can lead to a decrease in insulin resistance
and improvement in blood glucose control, therefore allowing for a reduction in the
amount of medication taken (37). Weight management is discussed in detail in chapter
282 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
18; therefore the nutrition focus in this chapter is on the benefits of balancing carbo-
hydrates, fats, and proteins in your diet to control blood glucose levels.
Dietary Macronutrients
The three macronutrients that provide energy for activity and routine body function-
ing are carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Everyone, including persons with diabetes,
benefits from an appropriate balance of these three nutrients. Obviously, because dia-
betes results from a break in the link between food eaten and the body cells receiving
energy, diet is a major consideration in managing diabetes. Food choices do not need
to be a frustrating mystery—just giving your diet some extra attention will allow for
better control of the disease.
The macronutrients supply your body with energy or calories, although each of
these nutrients has a different primary role. Protein helps to build muscle, while fat
is important as a source of stored energy and contributes to the health of your brain,
nerves, hair, skin, and nails. Carbohydrate is a major fuel source for your body, espe-
cially during physical activity, and is the primary supplier of energy for your brain,
nerves, and muscles.
While each of these nutrients affects your blood glucose in different ways, carbohy-
drates in your diet have the greatest impact on the amount of glucose in your blood
because they are turned into glucose quickly. You should check your blood glucose
before and after meals to learn how foods affect your blood levels, particularly those
containing a lot of carbohydrate (such as potatoes, bread, rice, and pasta). Focus on
keeping portion sizes in check, which is helpful if weight loss is a goal and also helps
manage your blood glucose levels by providing a good balance of carbohydrate, fat,
and protein.
Fiber Intake
Dietary fiber, found in plant-based foods, is also a critical component of the meal plan
for anyone with diabetes. Fiber cannot be digested completely because it resists acids
and other digestive enzymes in the stomach and thus does not add extra calories to
your diet. Fiber is found in foods such as oats, oat bran, ground flaxseed, beans and
fruits, wheat bran, apple peel, and most vegetables.
Dietary fiber has many health and metabolic benefits (39). Fiber adds bulk and
helps move food waste out of the body more quickly. Fiber also helps you feel full and
can support your weight loss efforts. From a diabetes and health standpoint, dietary
fiber may reduce blood glucose and cholesterol, all while slowing the digestion of
carbohydrates to glucose, thereby keeping your blood glucose more stable. A high
intake of dietary fiber, specifically cereal and fruit fiber, has been shown to lower the
risk of heart disease by trapping fat and cholesterol during the digestive process and
eliminating cholesterol through the stools. A good target intake is at least 20 to 35
grams of fiber per day.
Carbohydrate Intake
Your first reaction might be to avoid carbohydrates as a way to keep your blood glucose
levels in check, but your body needs the fiber that is found in carbohydrate-based plant
foods. Carbohydrates are also your body’s first choice of fuels during many physical
activities, and not having enough in your diet may limit your ability to exercise opti-
mally. Many people with diabetes count the grams of carbohydrate in foods to help
Diabetes 283
How can I know how much carbohydrate is in a food item?
To determine the grams of carbohydrate in a given product, consult the package label.
Be sure to check the serving size because serving sizes can be quite small—you may
actually consume more than just one serving in a meal. For more details on reading food
labels, see chapter 3.
them control their blood glucose levels, and others choose carbohydrates based on
the glycemic index (how rapidly the food item raises blood glucose levels) (8). The
exact amount of carbohydrate you should consume varies based on how active you
are, the medications you take, and your overall insulin action. Typically, starches and
sugars are factored into your daily total, whereas fiber and nonstarchy vegetables are
not. Examples of nonstarchy vegetables are salad greens, peppers, tomatoes, beans,
carrots, cauliflower, and onions.
As you review food labels for the number of carbohydrates in a given product, you
may run across “sugar-free” products that contain sugar alcohols, which are reduced-
calorie sweeteners (usually about half the number of calories of sugar). Your blood
glucose response to different products may vary; but in general, sugar alcohols (like
sorbitol) have less of an impact on your blood glucose level than other carbohydrates.
Although helpful in reducing calories and the effect on your blood glucose, sugar alco-
hols are not completely calorie-free and may cause a laxative effect or other intestinal
symptoms in some people.
Along with carbohydrates, do not forget to include proteins as well as fats to bal-
ance your meals, manage your body weight, and control your blood glucose levels
most effectively. If your goal is to lose weight, the calories you consume must be less
than the calories your body uses for basic functions, daily activities, and exercise. If
some of your diabetes medications are causing you to gain weight (or keeping you
from losing weight), talk to your health care provider about which medications may
help you lose weight while controlling your blood glucose.
increases, which can result in higher blood glucose levels during exercise. Higher blood
glucose levels can also occur transiently after very intense exercise, such as sprinting
or heavy resistance training (47). When blood glucose levels are controlled, moderate-
intensity exercise can reduce blood glucose by increasing blood flow to the muscles,
which increases the rate of glucose absorption into the cells (20).
Type 2 diabetes involves dual defects in insulin action (i.e., manner in which insulin
helps cells take up glucose from the blood) and insulin secretion (i.e., body’s ability
to secrete insulin) (2). Exercise plays a major role in the control of type 2 diabetes
(15). Being active significantly improves insulin action, and it decreases the amount
of insulin needed for your body to lower blood glucose levels. Even in insulin users,
improved insulin action can lead to decreases in the amount of insulin needed (46).
Weight loss can also decrease abdominal fat, which can further improve insulin action
and overall blood glucose levels.
Exercise is also well known to help prevent the onset of diabetes. People who have
prediabetes and a family history of diabetes should focus on both diet and exercise to
promote weight loss as a way to prevent type 2 diabetes. In one well-known study, the
Diabetes Prevention Program, people who had a high probability of developing diabetes
reduced their risk by 58 percent as a result of lifestyle interventions that included daily
exercise, changes in diet, and average weight loss of about 12 pounds (5.4 kg) (32).
pressure (e.g., heavy resistance training) (16). Avoid contact sports and heavy lifting if
you have severe nonproliferative retinopathy. Anyone with unstable proliferative dia-
betic retinopathy should focus on low-impact cardiorespiratory exercises like walking,
swimming, and stationary cycling, and people should never do any exercise if they
have a retinal hemorrhage.
Another potential concern is peripheral neuropathy, which is nerve damage that can
alter the sensation of the hands and feet as well as your balance (17). Falls are more
common with this condition, as are joint and soft tissue injuries. Proper footwear is
a must to prevent blisters or ulcers. Inspect your feet both before and after exercise
for blisters or ulcers, using a mirror placed on the floor under your foot if that makes
it easier for you to see. If you have had foot ulcers or foot deformities, schedule an
appointment with a podiatrist to be measured for shoes that fit well. Lower-impact
activities, such as swimming and stationary biking, are preferred in these cases to limit
complications, although aquatic activities are not an option with unhealed ulcers (17).
Since diabetes may also result in nephropathy (kidney damage), a kidney evaluation
before starting an exercise program is suggested. One sign of kidney damage is the
presence of proteins in the urine. Kidney damage can be exacerbated by strenuous
activity because of the sudden increases in blood pressure, leading to further damage
to kidney function (29). Blood pressure medications called angiotensin-converting
enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers protect kidney function and
may be considered when one is faced with these conditions (24).
Although avoiding hypoglycemia is the goal, at times your blood glucose levels may
drop. Always have some easily absorbed sources of glucose with you. When glucose
levels are low (less than 70 mg/dL), consume a glucose-containing product that will
rapidly become available in your blood (e.g., glucose tablets, hard candies, regular
soda, or juice). Since fat and protein slow down the movement of glucose from the
intestine into the blood, other snacks such as peanut butter and crackers or granola
bars are better to use once glucose levels have risen or to prevent a later drop. To
avoid overshooting and becoming hyperglycemic, a general recommendation is to
consume 15 to 20 grams of carbohydrate and then wait 15 minutes to see how much
your blood glucose level rises (13). If your glucose is still low, repeat the process. Let-
ting those with whom you exercise know about your diabetes is important just in case
your glucose levels drop so low that you become unconscious. If this happens, they
can call for emergency assistance.
To avoid hypoglycemia, be consistent with your carbohydrate intake with regard to
meal timing and exercise. Maintaining a regular time of day for your exercise routine
is also helpful, and monitoring your blood glucose before and after exercise is a good
idea especially if you take insulin or other oral medications that stimulate insulin
release. If your exercise bout is prolonged, you may also want to check your blood
glucose level during exercise if possible. Keeping blood glucose between 100 and 250
mg/dL (and no higher) optimizes safety by helping you avoid both hypoglycemia and
hyperglycemia (14).
In individuals taking insulin or oral medications that increase the body’s insulin
secretion, physical activity can cause hypoglycemia if medication dose or carbohy-
drate consumption is not altered. Individuals on these therapies may need to ingest
some added carbohydrate if preexercise glucose levels are <100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L),
depending on whether they can lower insulin levels during the workout (e.g., with an
insulin pump or reduced preexercise insulin dosage), the time of day exercise is done,
and the intensity and duration of the activity. Hypoglycemia is less common in diabetic
patients who are not treated with insulin or medications that cause insulin release, and
no preventive measures for hypoglycemia are usually advised in these cases. Intense
activities may actually raise blood glucose levels instead of lowering them (2).
You should also take special care if you exercise later in the day due to the potential
for hypoglycemia to occur following the exercise session after you have gone to bed
for the night, especially if you use insulin. Delayed-onset hypoglycemia is a phenom-
enon that typically occurs 6 to 15 hours after exercise (36). It appears to be a result of
the liver and muscles replenishing their glucose stores after exercise. This underscores
the need to monitor your blood glucose during that time and to eat an extra snack if
necessary. If you need a snack, it should contain both carbohydrate (about 15 grams)
288 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
and protein (7 to 8 grams) to have a more lasting effect (30). Consult with your health
care provider to solidify your plan of action based on your type of diabetes as well as
the medications you are taking.
If you take insulin or are on a medication that stimulates insulin release (e.g., sul-
fonylureas or meglitinides; see table 13.4 later in this chapter for more information),
be sure to check your glucose level before exercise. If your blood glucose level is
low before an exercise bout (less than 100 mg/dL), you may need to consume some
carbohydrate to avoid hypoglycemia during exercise, especially if you use insulin; but
this really depends on how you manage your insulin doses and timing and the type
of activity you do (47). Depending on the duration and intensity of your exercise ses-
sion, you may need to take in additional carbohydrate and other food before, during,
and after exercise to prevent hypoglycemia (14, 31).
On the opposite end of the spectrum from hypoglycemia is hyperglycemia, or high
blood glucose. With type 1 diabetes, if your blood glucose is elevated (greater than
250 to 300 mg/dL), you may need to postpone or at least decrease the intensity of the
exercise session (see figure 13.2 for a decision-making flowchart). You can base your
decision on how you are feeling as well as whether you have ketones in your urine.
Ketones make your blood more acidic, potentially causing ketoacidosis, a condition
Diabetes 289
What is diabetic ketoacidosis, and how can I avoid it?
When your blood glucose levels remain elevated, the glucose needed for energy cannot
enter your cells. As a result, fat is used for energy, resulting in the production of ketones
(acids), which first build up in the blood and eventually also appear in the urine. You can
check for ketones with a simple at-home urine test.
Situations that may result in ketones include insufficient insulin or inadequate calorie
intake. Usually, ketoacidosis develops slowly, but if you become sick and are vomiting,
it could develop within a few hours. Early signs include thirst or a dry mouth, frequent
urination, high glucose levels, and high ketones in the urine. Over time other symptoms
may appear, including constant feelings of tiredness, dry or flushed skin, nausea or vom-
iting, fruity-smelling breath, and confusion. Diabetic ketoacidosis is a serious medical
condition, and if you have these signs or symptoms, drink plenty of water and contact
your health care provider immediately (10).
that, if ignored, can cause coma and death (see What Is Diabetic Ketoacidosis, and
How Can I Avoid It? for more information). Ketoacidosis is more commonly found with
type 1 diabetes than with type 2 diabetes.
The American Diabetes Association suggests the following general guidelines to
help keep your glucose levels in check (3):
• Avoid physical activity if your blood glucose is greater than 250 mg/dL and you
have ketones in your blood or urine.
• Use caution if your glucose is above 300 mg/dL even if ketones are not present.
If your blood glucose level is elevated but you find no ketones in your urine and you
feel well, then moderate-intensity exercise is appropriate and may actually be helpful
in lowering your blood glucose level. However, if you have ketones in your urine, you
should postpone exercise and contact your health care provider if you have not already
FIGURE 13.2 Decision-making flowchart for exercise for people with type 1 diabetes.
290 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
established a response plan for such situations. Often, treatment includes the adminis-
tration of insulin to regain normal glucose levels, along with adequate hydration (10).
For type 2 diabetes, additional carbohydrate is not typically needed before exercise
because hypoglycemia is not common unless one is being treated with insulin or
insulin-stimulating medications (see the previous recommendations on carbohydrate
consumption if these medications are included in your treatment plan). Other medica-
tions (e.g., metformin, thiazolidinediones, and alpha-glucosidase inhibitors) do not tend
to cause hypoglycemia and thus do not require that you take in additional carbohy-
drate. With regard to hyperglycemia and type 2 diabetes, when ketones are present,
vigorous exercise should be avoided. However, light to moderate exercise may actually
help lower your blood glucose levels, especially if the high glucose level occurs after
a meal (18). The American Diabetes Association suggests that as long as you feel well,
are adequately hydrated, and have no ketones in your urine, it is not necessary to
postpone exercise based on hyperglycemia alone. To optimize your safety when exer-
cising, discuss your medical situation, including the medications you are taking, with
your health care provider so you will know what steps are most appropriate for you.
blood glucose levels are affected. Consult chapter 5 for suggestions on beginning or
advancing in your aerobic training program.
Resistance Training Resistance training can lower A1c levels and confer other health
benefits as well (see chapter 6 for more details on resistance training) (28). Including
both aerobic exercise and resistance training can optimize the benefits related to man-
aging your glucose levels (15, 21). A few precautions do need to be mentioned. If you
have microvascular disease, be aware of the potential concerns about damage to the
eyes, kidneys, and joints. Straining while lifting weights can lead to an increased risk of
bleeding and retinal detachment for those with proliferative and severe nonproliferative
eye disease. Resistance training may not be appropriate if you have unstable diabetic
retinopathy. Also, be careful if you have nerve involvement; you are more susceptible
to foot ulcers and bone damage because of the lack of sensation and weakening of the
muscles and ligaments in the foot. If you have nephropathy (kidney damage) related
to diabetes, strenuous activity can increase protein excretion. With these precautions
in mind, you can implement a safe and effective resistance training program. Increas-
ing your muscle mass while reducing fat tissue can decrease insulin resistance and
improve blood glucose control. Having stronger muscles can also improve your bal-
ance, posture, ability to move, and daily functions.
The goal of resistance training is to focus on exercises involving the major muscle
groups including the legs, back, chest, arms, shoulders, thighs, and abdominal area.
Table 13.2 provides resistance training recommendations for type 1 and type 2 diabe-
tes based on the FITT principle (15). Details regarding the many exercise options for
resistance training are in chapter 6.
Flexibility Flexibility is also an integral part of an exercise program for people with
diabetes (26). Typically, static stretching is recommended. This involves placing the
body into a position that creates tension in the muscles and holding that position for
15 to 30 seconds. Dynamic stretching done during movement can also work. Table 13.3
provides flexibility recommendations for persons with any type of diabetes based on
the FITT principle (15). Details regarding stretching are found in chapter 7.
Balance Training Particularly if you are middle-age or older, you will want to add one
more activity to your weekly routine: functional fitness training that includes elements
292 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
of balance training (23). Everyone starts to lose some natural balance with aging, but
having diabetes can accelerate the loss and increase your risk of falling and losing
your ability to live independently well into your later years (38). If you lose any of
the feeling in your feet, this can alter the way you walk (your gait) and increase your
risk, and having autonomic neuropathy that makes you dizzy when you stand up also
raises your risk. Balance training can be as simple as practicing standing on one leg
at a time. Resistance training that works the lower body or the core muscles improves
your ability to balance while standing and walking. In addition, flexibility exercises
that work the full range of motion around your joints can improve balance, as well as
some alternative activities like tai chi and yoga. Even taking up dancing can help you
stay on your feet at any age.
Influence of Medications
Diabetes can be controlled with the appropriate use of medications, including oral and
injected medications (for type 2) as well as insulin injections (for type 1 mainly but
also for some with type 2). A general understanding of how these medications work
will help you see how they can fit into your total treatment plan.
As with all medications, there are side effects as well as situations in which certain
medications may not be appropriate. Some of these issues are outlined in table 13.4.
For optimal outcomes, becoming more physically active and making other healthy
lifestyle changes should be in conjunction with medication use. Exercise can contribute
to weight loss, which can decrease insulin resistance and improve glucose tolerance.
Exercise also increases insulin sensitivity and makes the body work more efficiently.
In most people with well-controlled type 2 diabetes, most medications do not need
to be adjusted for exercise. However, two classes of diabetes medications to watch
closely are the sulfonylureas and the meglitinides, both of which can cause hypogly-
cemia (41). Insulin use also increases the risk of hypoglycemia. Discuss your exercise
program with your health care provider to see if any of these medications need to be
reduced on the days you exercise.
Frequent monitoring of blood glucose levels before, during, and after exercising is
important to avoid potential problems (22). When you are exercising and losing weight,
your overall medication doses may need to be decreased or discontinued. Work with
your health care provider to adjust your medications (especially insulin if that is part
of your treatment plan), instead of snacking and taking in more calories to prevent or
treat hypoglycemia. When you are trying to lose weight, having to eat more to balance
your glucose level will sabotage your efforts. Instead, enjoy the benefit of exercise for
your body and be pleased that you have taken positive steps to decrease your reliance
on medications.
What is an insulin pump, and how does it work?
Insulin pumps are small devices that are attached either directly to the body or indirectly via
a tube (figure 13.3) to deliver insulin continuously throughout the day in a way intended
to mimic the natural activity of the pancreas. Insulin levels can be adjusted up (when
one is eating) or down (when one is being active) with a couple of button pushes. This
gives users more flexibility with respect to timing meals as well as engaging in activity.
For physically active people, the ability to more precisely administer insulin and reduce
levels during and following exercise can make it easier to avoid hypoglycemia (13). In
addition, the pump takes the place of separate insulin vials and syringes so it is much
simpler to handle, especially for active, on-the-go people and youth.
Diabetes 295
Regular exercise and a sound nutritional plan are the two cornerstones of manag-
ing and thriving with diabetes. Your individualized exercise program should include
aerobic activity as well as resistance training, stretching, and possibly balance training.
Your exercise program should improve your health and blood glucose control without
worsening or causing health-related complications. A health care provider or diabetes
educator can be helpful with regard to making adjustments in medications and insulin
when you are starting or expanding your exercise program. In addition, diet is a key
part of managing blood glucose levels effectively. With type 1, balancing your intake
of carbohydrate, fat, and protein will help you with sustained blood glucose control.
With type 2 diabetes, attention to calories consumed is an asset for weight loss. A
better diet is an essential complement to your exercise program to achieve the greatest
possible control over your diabetes and your overall health.
The cancer journey can begin many ways. For some, it begins with an abnormal
screening test. For others, it begins with a symptom. Yet, for others, the journey begins
with the diagnosis of a family member, followed by genetic testing. It was estimated
that 1,658,370 Americans would be diagnosed with cancer in 2015 (2). Of these, it was
estimated that 66.5 percent would live five or more years after their cancer diagno-
sis. For diagnoses of breast and prostate cancers, approximately 89 and 99 percent,
respectively, of all incident cases are expected to live at least five years beyond their
diagnosis. Five-year survival after endometrial, colon, and lung cancers is 82, 65, and
17 percent, respectively. These widely differing survival rates are a reflection of two
realities. First, “cancer” should really be “cancers,” plural. There are over 200 types of
cancer. Further, progress in early detection and treatment success has varied greatly
across these many different types of cancer. As a result, the population of 14.5 million
cancer survivors alive in the United States today is tremendously diverse (7).
Causes of Cancer
Cancer occurs when a small number of cells in a particular body system begins to
replicate more quickly than expected and without normal and expected planned cell
death. All cells in the body replicate themselves, and all cells in the body should
undergo planned cell death. When genetic changes occur, cells may begin to grow
out of control. If the cells are replicating quickly and have no ability to spread to
another part of the body, the growth (also called a tumor) is considered benign. If the
cells have the characteristics that would allow them to grow beyond the tissue where
they start, spreading through the blood or lymphatic vessels, the tumor is considered
malignant. There are many reasons cells start to grow more quickly and fail to die
as expected. People may have a gene mutation that was present at birth, passed on
by a parent. An example is the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations. Both substantially
298 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
increase the lifetime risk for breast and ovarian cancer among those who test positive
for these mutations. Another reason for genetic changes that might contribute to the
development of cancer is environmental. An example is exposure to asbestos and the
development of mesothelioma.
Finally, there are lifestyle factors that explain the development of cancers as well.
Cigarette smoking is the number one preventable cause of cancer. If you smoke and
your goal with lifestyle change is to reduce your risk of cancer, quitting smoking should
be your highest priority. In addition, it is estimated that one-third of all cancers in the
United States are preventable with exercise, healthy eating, and weight control (9).
Therefore, the exercise and nutrition information in this book is relevant for cancer
prevention. It is also important to recognize that the reason any given person develops
cancer is complex. People should not feel that they “caused” their cancer through their
actions or inactions. This chapter focuses on how to recover the best possible function
you can after a diagnosis of cancer.
Focusing on Nutrition
Every few years, the American Cancer Society (ACS) gathers a group of experts to
discuss guidelines for nutrition (and physical activity) for people who have been diag-
nosed with cancer. The most recent publication from this process is from 2012 (12).
The experts divide the nutrition guidance into sections: active treatment and recovery,
living free of cancer or with stable disease, and living with advanced cancer. The most
recent version of these guidelines from ACS is summarized in table 14.1 (12) and dis-
cussed in the following section.
If you are currently undergoing active treatment, your dietary focus should be on
making sure you meet your nutrient and calorie needs, maintain a healthy body weight,
avoid losing muscle mass, manage side effects related to nutrition, and improve qual-
ity of life. If you are struggling with any of these issues, ask for help. You can request
that your doctor make a referral to a Registered Dietitian or another type of nutrition
professional to help you as part of your cancer care team.
Many patients consider using nutritional supplements during cancer treatment. There
are two things to know about nutritional supplements and cancer treatment outcomes.
First, your doctor needs to know what you are using, given that some supplements may
decrease the effectiveness of conventional treatments. Second, there is no evidence
that nutritional supplements improve cancer treatment outcomes. In general, focus
on getting your nutrients from food-based sources rather than supplements. During
Cancer 299
TABLE 14.1 Guidelines for Nutrition After Cancer From the American Cancer
Time point during
the cancer journey Nutrition goals Nutrition advice
During treatment and Focus on ensuring that all nutrient Consult with a Registered
recovery and calorie needs are met Dietitian or other qualified
Maintain healthy weight nutrition professional.
Avoid losing muscle mass Tell your doctor about any vitamin
Prevent or manage nutrition- and mineral supplements you
related side effects take (they may interfere with
Improve quality of life
Disease-free or living Set and achieve goals for weight Get to and stay at a healthy
with stable disease management weight.
Be physically active Be active.
Maintain healthy dietary patterns Eat a variety of healthful foods
from plant sources; limit the
amount of processed meat and
red meat you eat; eat 2½ cups
or more of vegetables and fruits
each day; choose whole grains
rather than refined grain products.
Living with advanced Maintain well-being Consult with a Registered
cancer Improve quality of life Dietitian or other qualified
Meet nutritional needs nutrition professional.
Change diet to address Medicines are available to increase
symptoms or side effects appetite if needed.
Maintain body weight Nutritional supplements can help
maintain body weight.
recovery from treatment, there may still be symptoms and side effects of treatment
that could be helped by specific nutritional interventions. Achieving and maintaining a
healthy body weight remains important, whether this means losing or gaining weight.
Nutrition counseling can assist with both of these issues.
When you are at the point of living disease-free or with stable disease, the ACS
recommendations for achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight remain in
place. There is increasing evidence that being overweight or obese is associated with
a worse prognosis for people who have had a diagnosis of cancer. The nutrition guid-
ance for cancer survivors is to eat a variety of healthy foods from plant sources, limit
the amount of processed meat and red meat, consume 2.5 cups or more of vegetables
and fruits each day, and choose whole grains rather than refined grain products.
For persons living with advanced cancer, the focus of nutrition guidance is on
controlling symptoms and ensuring adequate calorie and nutrient intake. Medicines
that can increase appetite might be used. The use of nutritional supplements and
intravenous feeding can also be helpful in some patients with advanced cancer. The
ACS website ( has much more detailed information about the role of
nutrition across the cancer journey, from diagnosis to prevention of cancer recurrence
and for those living with advanced cancer (1).
300 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Where can I find a fitness professional to help guide me in
my exercise program?
The ACSM, along with the ACS, has developed a certification that recognizes fitness
professionals with expertise in working with cancer patients. Certified Cancer Exercise
Trainers (CETs) can design and administer fitness assessments and exercise programs
based on an individual’s cancer diagnosis, treatment, and status. To find a CET near you,
see the ACSM’s Profinder webpage:
TABLE 14.2 Guidelines on Indications for the Need for Preexercise Evaluation
Type of preexercise Supervised exercise
Condition evaluation recommended recommended?
Survivors of early-stage cancer who have None No
no comorbid health conditions (e.g., heart
disease, diabetes, obesity) and who had a
high level of activity before diagnosis
Persons with peripheral neuropathy, Evaluation by an outpa- Determined by out-
musculoskeletal issues, cancer in the tient rehabilitation clinician come of evaluation
bones, poor bone health, possible heart (physical or occupational
disease therapist) or physician
Persons who have had lung or abdominal Physician clearance before Yes
surgery or ostomy; those with cardiopul- exercise and evaluation by
monary disease, lymphedema, extreme an outpatient rehabilita-
fatigue, known cardiac disease tion clinician (physical or
occupational therapist) or
302 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
(10, 16). There are three categories in both sets of guidelines: low-risk individuals who
can exercise unsupervised without prior evaluation, moderate-risk individuals who
are advised to undertake an evaluation to determine whether they need supervision,
and high-risk individuals who are advised to find a supervised exercise program for
their own safety.
The majority of individuals diagnosed with cancer are over age 65 and have at least
one other chronic disease diagnosis at the time of cancer diagnosis (e.g., hypertension,
obesity, asthma, arthritis). Therefore, the beginning exercise program draws heavily
from the advice in chapters that focus on those specific conditions and the chapter on
exercise for older adults. Ideally, starting an exercise program in a supervised setting
helps to ensure that the exercises are being done properly before one continues the
program in a community or home setting.
or intensity can be increased. The intensity can be increased by 10 percent per week,
as can the time. However, it might be advisable to increase one of these per week, not
both. That could mean increasing time one week and intensity another week.
Various types of aerobic exercise can be included in your exercise program. One
common approach is a walking program. For those with balance or peripheral neu-
ropathy, however, a stationary bicycle might be the best first step to aerobic fitness.
The most important aspects of choosing a type of aerobic exercise are safety and
enjoyment. If you get hurt or don’t enjoy the activity, you won’t keep doing it regularly.
Resistance Training Resistance (strength) training is not just for young people and isn’t
just about lifting heavy weights in order to create bigger muscles and look better on the
beach. Strength training can help cancer survivors regain strength that is lost during
active treatment and is also helpful for promoting bone health (13, 15, 18). Strength
training can help older adults by ensuring that they continue to have the strength to
get on and off the toilet, climb stairs, carry groceries, and do other common functional
tasks. Older adults lose muscle mass as they age, and cancer treatment can exacerbate
that process. Strength training may be more important than aerobic exercise for some
The recommended frequency of strength training is two to three times per week.
The time it takes per session may vary, but 20 to 30 minutes is adequate. The type
could include dumbbells, variable-resistance machines, or strength training activities
performed in a class.
Even if you have done strength training in the past, it would be advisable to start
with very low levels of resistance during and after your cancer treatment. There is often
a period of inactivity during active cancer treatment. This can result in loss of muscle
mass and strength. Adjuvant treatments (e.g., chemotherapy and radiation) may also
result in loss of muscle mass and strength. Thus, to avoid injury, it is recommended
that those living with and beyond cancer start with low resistance. If you are using
dumbbells, this would translate to 1 to 5 pounds (0.45 to 2.3 kg) per exercise. If you
are using variable-resistance exercise machines at a fitness facility, start with one or
two plates on each machine.
The type of strength training you do is not as important as doing it regularly. If you
prefer to exercise at home, you might want to get a set of dumbbells or adjustable-
weight dumbbells. If you enjoy exercising with others, you might like using variable-
resistance machines in a circuit or in a class led by an instructor.
Progression of resistance should be slow after a cancer diagnosis for several rea-
sons. First, many survivors experience a period of inactivity between the time of
diagnosis and the time when the surgeon indicates it is safe to begin normal daily
activities again. Deconditioning occurs when exercise is stopped. The extent of the
deconditioning is determined by the length of time spent not exercising. When one
is starting or returning to exercise after a period of deconditioning, there is a higher
likelihood of muscle injury from overdoing. There is also an inflammatory response
that occurs when one progresses resistance too much (e.g., a 50 percent increase, such
as going from 5 to 10 pounds [2.3 to 4.5 kg] from one session to the next). This is per-
tinent because cancer-related fatigue is thought to be related to inflammation. Further,
an inflammation-related adverse effect of cancer treatment called lymphedema can
cause swelling of the area of the body affected by cancer. Lymphedema results from
an increase in protein-rich fluid, which can happen with increased inflammation and
304 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
can occur in the arms, breasts, and torso of breast cancer survivors and in the lower
body after bladder, testicular, and gynecologic cancers, as well as after melanoma.
Although cancer survivors can safely do resistance training, in order to avoid increas-
ing inflammation or muscle injury after deconditioning, they are advised to start with
Cancer 305
that affects healthy tissue, but adverse effects continue to be documented. The effects are
localized to the part of the body that received radiation. If radiation was received on the chest
wall, it may cause damage to the heart and lungs. Development of arrhythmias (changes in
heart rhythm) is the most common radiation-associated adverse effect with regard to the
heart. Pulmonary fibrosis can also occur due to radiation to the chest wall. Radiation lower
on the torso may result in gastrointestinal changes, including irritable bowel syndrome.
Damage to soft tissue continues as well, which can result in stiffness and altered range of
motion in the area that received radiation. For example, breast cancer survivors may find
that they become tight (less flexible) on the side of the upper body that received radiation.
The encouraging news is that exercise can be helpful for this issue.
Adverse Effects of Chemotherapy
Unlike what occurs with radiation, the effects of chemotherapy are systemic and thus the
adverse effects may affect multiple body systems. The specifics of body systems affected and
the nature of the changes vary according to the class of chemotherapy drugs. For example,
anthracyclines are a class of drugs commonly used for breast cancer that can damage the
heart, increasing risk for cardiomyopathies and heart failure. By contrast, all of the chemo-
therapy drugs that are platinum based (with names that end with “-platin”) cause peripheral
neuropathy (i.e., damage to nerves that can cause weakness, numbness, and pain) that may
be permanent. Knowing what chemotherapy drugs were used in your treatment is important
so that you can be aware of the adverse effects that might be associated with those drugs.
Knowledge is power: Knowing what the possible adverse effects are allows you to know
when to speak up with your doctor to ask for screening or treatment. Table 14.3 provides
more details on these effects and whether there is evidence that exercise can help with the
issue (8, 11, 14, 15, 16).
low weights (below 5 pounds [2.3 kg] for dumbbells, one or two plates on variable-
resistance machines) and progress resistance in the smallest possible increments. As
always, allow changes in symptoms to be your guide. Finally, if you find that you need
to take an “exercise holiday” (e.g., because of caring for an ill relative, vacation), be
306 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
sure to back off on the resistance used in your strength training exercises. If you take
three weeks off, start over with the lowest weight and rebuild. To avoid injury and
any excessive inflammatory responses, maintain a regular strength training routine
performed at least twice weekly. But make sure you have at least one day between
each session to allow the muscles to recover.
The exercises you perform should work the major muscle groups: chest, back, shoul-
ders, arms (biceps and triceps), front of thighs, back of thighs, buttocks, and calves.
You should also do exercises for the muscles commonly referred to as the core: the
abdominal muscles and lower back. The exercises shown in chapter 6 of this book
would form an excellent program for cancer survivors. The only change would be to
start at a low weight and to progress more slowly than indicated in chapter 6.
Flexibility and Neuromotor Exercises With age, range of motion generally decreases,
which can make it difficult to perform common activities that require reaching or
twisting. The deconditioning that commonly surrounds diagnosis and surgery for
cancer patients can also increase stiffness. To maintain a healthy range of motion and
optimal function of all muscle groups, it is useful to do flexibility exercises. In addi-
tion, although specific benefits related to cancer have not been studied, inclusion of
neuromotor exercise involving balance, agility, coordination, and gait may be considered
as part of a general exercise program, especially for older adults (3). The flexibility
program outlined in chapter 7 would be an outstanding program for cancer survivors,
and options for neuromotor exercises are provided in chapter 8. No adaptations are
needed unless symptoms indicate otherwise.
Influence of Medications
A broad variety of medications are prescribed to cancer patients and survivors that may
affect both the ability to exercise and the potential benefits of exercise. Since reviewing
all possible options is beyond the scope of this chapter, consider this general advice
Are there benefits of yoga for cancer survivors?
There is evidence that yoga can help cancer survivors sleep better (11). Further, many
cancer survivors enjoy yoga for the benefits of relaxation and quality of life improvements.
The challenge in recommending yoga to cancer survivors is that there are many types of
yoga, and not all of them would be suitable for cancer survivors. Vinyasa, Bikram, Hot,
Ashtanga, Power, Jivamukti, and Kundalini yoga might be more advisable for cancer
survivors who had been practicing these types of yoga for a long time before diagnosis.
The forms of yoga that might be more advisable for cancer survivors include Yin, Hatha,
Iyengar, and Restorative yoga. Ultimately, there is no hard and fast rule to determine
what is safe for a specific person. Thus, use caution when approaching yoga in all forms
by starting slowly, progressing slowly, and letting symptoms be your guide. This is good
advice for all other forms of exercise as well. There is value to moving more. If you are
attracted to a form of exercise that isn’t discussed in this chapter and wonder whether
it would be advisable for you as a cancer survivor, there is a simple way to proceed: with
caution. Do a small amount of the activity and see how it feels. Progress the time and
intensity gradually. And, as always, allow your symptoms to be your guide.
Cancer 307
Can exercise really help following chemotherapy?
Problems sleeping and persistent tiredness are common. Although it seems counterin-
tuitive, a program of aerobic activity helps with fatigue. In addition, yoga has benefits
for sleep outcomes in cancer patients, as well as the expected benefits for balance and
muscular fitness. Consult with your health care provider for recommendations on local
programs specifically designed for cancer survivors (e.g., YMCA or hospital-based fit-
ness centers).
that applies to all cancer survivors: Ask your doctor and pharmacist what effects your
medications have on the body beyond the purpose for which they were prescribed.
Ask whether the medication will alter your ability to exercise safely or the likelihood
that exercise would be beneficial. If there are body systems affected by your medica-
tions, be aware of any changes you experience in your ability to exercise or in how
your body adapts to the exercise. And as always, start slowly, progress slowly, and let
your symptoms guide you.
There is compelling scientific evidence that exercise is safe and beneficial for those
on a cancer journey, from the point of diagnosis through to the balance of life. There
was a time when cancer doctors would tell their patients to rest, take it easy, and
not push themselves. More recently, that advice has changed. Three major national
organizations have issued guidance that cancer survivors should avoid inactivity and
exercise regularly, both during and after treatment. Survivors who do so can experi-
ence improved physical function and quality of life, among other benefits.
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Alzheimer’s Disease
310 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
How does the brain work to regulate daily activities?
The brain is a phenomenal organ that allows each person to carry out every aspect of
daily living, from internal body functions such as breathing and digestion to conscious
functions such as speaking, moving, and making decisions. The brain is made up of
more than 100 billion nerve cells or neurons and is served by over 400 billion tiny blood
vessels called capillaries. The vast majority of the brain consists of the left and right
cerebral hemispheres, which are connected by a large bundle of nerve fibers. Each of
these cerebral hemispheres has an outer layer (cerebral cortex) where the brain regulates
cognitive functions such as learning, remembering, and decision making; controlling
voluntary movements; and processing sensory information.
sion of short-term memories to long-term storage in other areas of the brain) but then
spreads to other areas of the brain, eventually affecting one’s cognitive abilities. By
the final stage of Alzheimer’s, the damage is pervasive and brain volume significantly
While Alzheimer’s can occur early in life, 95 percent of the cases are late onset and
occur after the age of 60 years. Early-onset Alzheimer’s is thought to be caused by
gene changes inherited from a parent, but a small number of cases currently have no
specifically identified cause. The more prevalent late-onset form results from a variety
of factors that occur and progress over decades. These include possible genetic muta-
tions (such as the apolipoprotein E gene, or APOE), environmental and social factors,
and poor lifestyle choices.
Since Alzheimer’s disease develops over a period of many years, the condition can go
unrecognized until outward symptoms are displayed. Early in the Alzheimer’s disease
process, symptomatic changes are very subtle. You or your loved one may experi-
ence memory problems that are fairly mild but slightly greater than expected based
on age, but they generally do not interfere with everyday activities. As Alzheimer’s
progresses, memory challenges increase and other cognitive difficulties are manifested,
such as personality and behavior changes, difficulty handling money and paying bills,
challenges with multistep tasks such as dressing and cooking, and wandering. At the
severe stage of Alzheimer’s, people lose their ability to communicate, often becoming
completely dependent on others for their daily care and perhaps requiring admittance
to a care facility.
Focusing on Nutrition
A nutritious diet with appropriate portion sizes is critical for overall health and well-
being, regardless of one’s current age and health status. Consuming appropriate nutrients
and calories is especially important if you are an older adult striving to maintain your
physical and mental functions, independence, and associated quality of life.
Although healthy eating patterns have been associated with a lower risk of cogni-
tive decline, there is no definitive answer yet about the role lifestyle factors may play
in reducing Alzheimer’s disease risk (29, 42, 44, 51). However, healthy food choices
and regular physical activity can help manage your waistline, lower the risk of chronic
diseases, and improve overall health and well-being.
The strongest evidence so far suggests that what’s good for the heart also benefits
brain health. Memory loss in Alzheimer’s disease is linked to the abnormal clumping
312 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
of protein in the nerve cells, causing them to malfunction and die. The presence or
absence of vascular disease may explain why some people develop characteristic
Alzheimer’s plaques and tangles but do not develop cognitive decline. The role of ath-
erosclerosis in the development of cognitive impairment and dementia may be related
to the degree of atherosclerotic calcification in the brain (9). Eating a heart-healthy
diet, one rich in fruits and vegetables and lower in saturated fat, appears to help keep
the mind and body healthy.
Diet Plans
Both the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan and the Mediter-
ranean diet have been found to help reduce heart disease and may also lower dementia
risk (45). The longevity of people living in the Mediterranean region has led to research
on the role their traditional diet may play. While there is no one “Mediterranean” diet,
the typical meal plan consists of plant-based foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains,
nuts, legumes), seafood, and olive oil while limiting intake of red meat, sweets, and
eggs. Most of the fat in a Mediterranean diet comes from unsaturated sources (fish,
nuts, and olive oil) (27, 32). Consider these tips on adopting a Mediterranean-inspired
• Include fruits and vegetables at every meal and choose them for snacks as well.
• Switch from refined to whole-grain bread, cereal, rice, and pasta products.
• Nuts and seeds supply protein, healthy fat, and fiber. Limit your portion to no
more than a 1-ounce serving (approximately 1/3 cup), as they are high in calories.
• Eat fish at least twice per week. Limit red meat to no more than a few times per
• Use spices and herbs to flavor foods instead of salt.
Wine is commonly consumed in the Mediterranean diet. Moderate intake is defined
as no more than 5 ounces (148 mL) of wine daily in women and men older than age 65,
and in younger men no more than 10 ounces (296 mL) daily. Although some research
indicates that light to moderate alcohol intake may have a positive impact on dementia
risk, the U.S. Dietary Guidelines make it clear that no one should begin drinking or
drink more often on the basis of potential health benefits (44).
The DASH eating plan is lower in sodium than the typical American diet (less than
2,300 milligrams daily). It limits intake of saturated fat and emphasizes foods rich
in potassium, calcium, magnesium, and fiber. The plan is based on research studies
sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), which showed
that DASH lowers high blood pressure, improves levels of fats in the bloodstream,
and reduces the risk of developing heart disease. The DASH eating plan emphasizes
daily intake of vegetables, fruits, fat-free or low-fat dairy products, more whole grains,
lean protein (fish, poultry, legumes, nuts, seeds) and vegetable oils and less sodium,
sweets, sugary beverages, and red meats. The DASH plan recommendations are sum-
marized in chapter 12 (37).
Researchers from Rush University in Chicago combined elements from the heart-
healthy Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet to create the MIND diet (Mediterra-
nean–DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay). The Rush Memory and Aging
Project found that people whose diet most closely conformed to the MIND diet had a
53 percent lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s. Participants who had moderate adher-
ence demonstrated a 35 percent reduced disease risk. High adherence to the DASH
and the Mediterranean diets also conferred protective benefits (30).
The MIND diet focuses on 10 brain-healthy foods and five foods you should limit
to avoid “brain drain” (see table 15.2). The diet was specifically designed to include
Does type 2 diabetes impact the risk of
developing Alzheimer’s?
Type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease have been thought to be independent disorders
whose incidence increases with aging. Evidence now suggests that having diabetes
increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and that insulin resistance may
contribute to amyloid deposition in the brain (2, 4, 49). Even among people who do
not have diabetes, higher blood glucose levels have been associated with a greater risk
of dementia (16). The results of these studies reinforce the importance of achieving and
maintaining optimum levels of blood sugar.
the foods and nutrients that evidence has shown to be good for the brain. Researchers
believe that people who follow the diet for long periods of time acquire the greatest
protection from Alzheimer’s. The MIND diet includes the following components:
• Plant-based foods (berries, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and whole grains)
• Olive oil as a healthy fat source
• Eating fish at least once a week and poultry twice per week
• Drinking wine in moderation
Nutritional Supplements
The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health reports that there is no
convincing evidence from a large body of research that any dietary supplement can
prevent the worsening of cognitive impairment. This includes research on the use of
ginkgo biloba, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B and E, Asian ginseng, grape seed extract,
and curcumin (derived from turmeric root) (31). Research on the use of Huperzine A,
a moss extract that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine, also demonstrated
no effect in delaying or preventing Alzheimer’s disease (5, 33, 34).
The Role of Antioxidants As you age, damaging molecules called free radicals can
build up in nerve cells and may play a role in the development of Alzheimer’s. Research
results on the use of antioxidants (natural substances such as vitamins E and C, beta-
carotene, flavonoids) that are thought to help protect the body from the damaging
effects of free radicals have been mixed (18, 23, 48).
A recent research review found no convincing evidence that vitamin E is of benefit
in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment (20), although
some studies suggest that consuming a diet rich in vitamin E and vitamin C may be
associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s (29). Vegetable oils, almonds, and sun-
flower seeds are among the richest sources of vitamin E, and significant amounts are
found in green leafy vegetables and fortified cereals (35). Sources of vitamin C include
citrus fruits, broccoli, peppers, and fortified foods and beverages.
Vitamin D Studies have demonstrated an association between vitamin D deficiency
and increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease (2, 7). Vitamin D deficiency is common
among older adults due to reduced sun exposure and their skin’s decreased ability to
synthesize vitamin D. Fish liver oil and fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel
are natural sources of vitamin D. Small amounts are also found in beef liver, cheese,
Alzheimer’s Disease 315
and egg yolks. Foods fortified with vitamin D such as milk, orange juice, and breakfast
cereal provide the majority of vitamin D in the American diet. While it appears there
is a link between vitamin D and the development of Alzheimer’s, more research is
needed to determine cause and effect.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Increased intake of omega-3 fatty acids, such as docosahexae-
noic acid (DHA) found in fish, may also have beneficial effects on brain function (50,
53). Docosahexaenoic acid is one of the most abundant fatty acids in the brain and is
critical for healthy development and function. Its anti-inflammatory effects promote
cardiovascular health and may also be beneficial to the brain (17, 26). Thus far, research
in relation to dementia risk has yielded mixed results, so there is not yet sufficient
evidence to recommend DHA or other fatty acid supplements to treat or prevent
Alzheimer’s disease (5, 6, 12, 40).
Homocysteine and B Vitamins An elevated level of the blood protein homocysteine
is an established cardiovascular risk factor and also appears to increase the risk of
Alzheimer’s disease. Certain B vitamins (folate, B6, B12) have been shown to lower blood
homocysteine levels, leading to hopes that supplementation may prevent or halt the
progression of Alzheimer’s. However, while supplementation can lower homocysteine
levels, studies generally have not reported improvements in cognitive performance,
and additional research is needed (13).
Resveratrol Resveratrol, a compound found in red grapes that has both anti-
inflammatory and antioxidant properties, has been correlated with a lower risk of
dementia in a small number of studies (47). Researchers continue to explore whether
resveratrol therapy can delay or alter memory deterioration and functional decline in
Alzheimer’s disease.
Because there is no known cause or cure for Alzheimer’s disease, people are often
tempted to try dietary supplements or “medical foods” that are touted to boost brain
health. Supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration as strin-
gently as medications, and there may be concerns regarding their effectiveness and
safety as well as potential reactions with other medications. Always check with your
physician before using supplements or alternative therapies.
Start Now
It is never too early or too late in life to get started; the benefits are substantial and too impor-
tant not to take advantage of. Remember, most chronic health conditions like Alzheimer’s
develop over long periods of time and ultimately impair your quality of life.
Exercise Regularly
The key to gaining fitness and preventing Alzheimer’s and other chronic health conditions
is consistency over time. You should be physically active on most if not all days of the week.
Move More
Look for ways throughout the day to move and try to avoid extended periods of sitting when
at home or at work. See Sit Less, Move More in chapter 1.
Set Goals
Strive to meet or even exceed the recommended guidelines for your age group as discussed
in chapters 10 and 11. At a minimum you should build up to and maintain at least 150
minutes or more of moderate-intensity exercise each week (e.g., five 30-minute sessions of
walking, cycling, swimming, or some other form of aerobic activity you enjoy). As your fitness
improves, including short bouts of higher-intensity exercise can stimulate further fitness gains.
Mix It Up
Incorporate a number of different exercise activities into your routine; mix it up and don’t
do the exact same thing day after day.
Be Social
Maintaining social links and interacting with others may be an important component in
preventing Alzheimer’s. Consider participating in a group exercise class. Most fitness centers
and many community centers offer group classes that range from chair exercises for older
adults to more intense aerobic activities such as spinning, functional training, and step aero-
bics. Dancing can be fun and is an excellent aerobic activity that connects you with others.
Consult a Professional
Degreed and certified professionals such as Personal Trainers, Exercise Physiologists, and
Clinical Exercise Physiologists can assist you with developing your exercise program and
provide guidance as you progress along your health and fitness journey. Ask your health
care provider if this might be beneficial for you.
Alzheimer’s Disease 319
on the amount, intensity, and type of physical activities that promote optimal brain
health, considering all the health benefits of being active, there is no reason to wait to
get started. Since cognitive decline and the development of Alzheimer’s disease occur
over a period of many years, the sooner you can incorporate physical activity into
your daily routine, the greater the benefits may be. Now is the time to get moving!
• Choose activities that are enjoyable; the key is remaining physically active for as
long as possible.
• Walking is an excellent activity and does not require complicated equipment.
Activities such as gardening, cleaning, cooking, and dancing are also beneficial.
• Some form of resistance training should be incorporated. If a fitness facility is
accessible, this could include weight machines and other available equipment.
Resistance bands and cords can easily be incorporated at home, as can a variety
of body weight exercises.
• Start slow; even 10-minute sessions spaced throughout the day are beneficial.
• As ambulation becomes limited, seated exercise activities can be incorporated.
• Establish a calm and soothing environment that is devoid of loud noises and
distractions; familiar, calming music can be helpful.
Over the past century, numerous medical and public health advances have served
to significantly increase lifespans, allowing more and more people to live into their
90s and beyond. Parallel to enhanced longevity is a substantial increase in the risk of
developing Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. While additional research
is required to carve out the definitive underlying causes, it is apparent that a number of
lifestyle factors play a significant role. The health benefits derived from being physically
active and consuming a nutritious diet are far-reaching and include the health of your
brain. Nutritional and physical activity habits are important components for preventing
the development of Alzheimer’s disease in some people and delaying manifestation
of symptoms in others, and are important treatment interventions in those who have
symptomatic Alzheimer’s.
Osteoporosis and Bone Health
Imagine the internal structure of bone as being like the wood foundation of a house.
The process of osteoporosis is similar to what happens during a termite infestation in
a home’s foundation. At some point, so much wood is consumed that the strength of
the foundation is compromised and it begins to fail. This is not unlike the progression
of osteoporosis; over time, the internal architecture of bone is eroded as a result of a
number of factors that eventually increase your risk for fracture. The term osteopenia,
or low bone mass, refers to a condition of reduced bone density that has not yet pro-
gressed to osteoporosis. Those diagnosed with this condition should still be monitored
to ensure that the condition does not get worse. Figure 16.1 shows a comparison of
healthy bone and bone affected by osteoporosis.
a b
322 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Osteoporosis is the most common disease affecting the skeleton and is one of the
most important public health issues facing America. More than 50 percent of women
and 25 percent of men over the age of 50 will suffer an osteoporotic fracture at some
time in their lives (12). Sadly, one in six women will experience a hip fracture, the
most devastating type of osteoporotic fracture (3). This risk is equal to a woman’s
chance of developing breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer combined (17). Newest esti-
mates of hip fracture show that while the number of hip fractures among women will
decrease slightly over the next 20 years, the number of hip fractures among men will
rise more than 50 percent (21). While education, new medications, and improvement
in healthy behaviors may explain the reduction of fractures in women, the fact that
men are now living longer explains the staggering projections for osteoporosis and
subsequent fracture.
Fracturing a bone is a serious complication of osteoporosis. Fractures can cause severe
pain, affect posture and appearance, and even be deadly. Fractures of the spine can
cause a person to lose height and become permanently hunched over. An estimated
20 percent of people who fracture a hip die within one year due to complications of
the broken bone or the surgery to repair it. Most who survive a hip fracture never
regain their previous level of independence. Although an osteoporotic fracture can
be devastating, the good news is that because osteoporosis progresses slowly, you
can take a number of steps throughout your life to reduce your risk of developing it.
Causes of Osteoporosis
During growth and young adulthood, the skeleton is busy changing in size, shape, and
density to ultimately support the physical needs of an adult. In adulthood, the skel-
eton remains relatively stable but is still constantly undergoing a process called bone
remodeling, in which bone repairs and replaces itself in roughly the same amount.
Many processes, however, can “uncouple” bone balance. With normal aging, bone
breakdown outpaces replacement, causing up to 1 percent of bone to be lost per year
after around age 30. Certain conditions—such as estrogen loss from menopause or
reduced testosterone in men, an overactive thyroid gland, diabetes, certain autoim-
mune diseases and cancers, and gastrointestinal disorders like celiac disease or irritable
bowel syndrome—may increase bone breakdown and slow down bone replacement,
causing further overall loss of bone. On the other hand, pharmaceutical agents that
stop the breakdown of bone, as well as physical activity, which causes bone to be
built, can cause a net bone gain.
Because bone is a dynamic tissue throughout life, strategies to slow bone breakdown
and to build new, stronger bone are useful at any life stage. Some of the factors you
can control, and others you cannot (see Risk Factors for Osteoporosis). Take a look
at figure 16.2. On the left side of the scale are factors that have a positive influence
on bone; the right side of the scale includes factors that have a negative influence.
Positive factors may contribute to bone gain while negative factors may cause bone
loss. If you’re interested in learning more about your risk for osteoporosis, the World
Health Organization has adopted a scientifically validated tool that predicts 10-year
probability of sustaining an osteoporosis-related fracture called the WHO Fracture
Risk Assessment Tool, or FRAX. This tool enhances patient assessment by integrating
clinical risk factors alone or in combination with your bone mineral density (if you
know it):
Positive factors Negative factors
Physical activity Smoking
Adequate calcium, Sedentary lifestyle
vitamin D, and Poor diet
protein intake Excessive alcohol
Hormonal balance consumption
Loss of estrogen
Bone balance
324 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Smoking and alcohol consumption are two lifestyle factors you can manage. Avoid
smoking, being in contact with secondhand smoke, and excessive alcohol consump-
tion, as these influence the absorption of key nutrients. Other controllable factors that
affect the health of your bones include reproductive hormone levels, dietary adequacy
(namely, of calcium and vitamin D), and physical activity. Near or at the onset of
menopause, typically around age 50, women’s bodies produce less estrogen. This loss
of estrogen can cause bone to be lost two to five times more quickly than bone loss
as a result of age alone. Although estrogen and hormone therapy have been shown
to effectively stop menopause-related bone loss (2), many women choose not to take
hormones because of a history of breast cancer or other concerns, such as a potential
increased risk of heart attack or stroke (6). For men, age-related reductions in testos-
terone and estrogen may also contribute to fracture risk. Although some men with
osteoporosis also have low testosterone levels, low testosterone does not inevitably
lead to osteoporosis.
Most of the options for maintaining normal hormone levels are drug related and are
discussed later in this chapter, but some behaviors can also influence hormone levels.
In particular, you should avoid excessive exercise training coupled with strict dieting.
Women who exercise excessively and restrict their eating are prone to disturbances
in their menstrual cycle as a result of low estrogen levels caused by low energy avail-
ability. In other words, you must consume enough calories each day to support the
amount of exercise you do. The amount and type of exercise recommended in this
book would not put someone at risk for such a problem. This chapter explains which
types of exercise are best for your bones to keep them healthy while helping you
better understand all the factors that influence your risk of osteoporosis so you can
make the best choices.
Focusing on Nutrition
The quality of your diet can influence the health of your bones. A healthy, well-
balanced diet as outlined in chapter 3 should provide the necessary building blocks
for healthy bones. Even with the best efforts, however, your diet may fall short of
meeting recommended levels. In this case, dietary supplements may help you meet the
recommended dietary intake. In particular, calcium and vitamin D are two nutrients
of importance for healthy bones, as is adequate protein, which supports muscle and
improves absorption of calcium from the diet.
Calcium is a critical mineral for bone health, and the body strongly defends its blood
levels of calcium. Humans are not very good at moving calcium from the food eaten
into the bloodstream, and this gets worse with age. Therefore, dietary calcium rec-
ommendations also increase with age (see table 16.1 for age-related calcium intake
recommendations) (10).
What are common food and beverage sources of calcium?
As with all nutrients, calcium is most usable by the body when it is ingested in the form
of food. Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese are high in calcium; other foods
such as nuts, fish, beans, and some vegetables are less calcium dense but can help you
achieve your calcium requirement (see table 16.2 for examples of calcium-rich foods)
(17). Many nondairy foods are now fortified with calcium, such as orange juice, bread,
and cereals, but be sure to read the label because some foods contain more fortification
than others.
It is vital that growing children get as much calcium in their diets as they can because
it may make a large difference in their bone health when they are adults. For adults,
studies show that calcium intake at or above recommended levels cannot increase
bone density but is very important in preventing bone loss over time. Excessive cal-
cium intake, on the other hand, could contribute to kidney stone formation in certain
people, and taking more than 2,500 milligrams per day should be avoided.
When you cannot consume sufficient calcium in your diet, supplements in the
form of calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, and calcium citrate may be warranted.
Supplements should be evaluated on the basis of their elemental calcium content (usu-
ally between 200 and 600 mg per tablet or chew), and not on the overall milligrams
of calcium compounds. Because the stomach can absorb only about 500 milligrams
of calcium at a time, it is best to spread supplements throughout the day.
Some supplements made from bone meal, dolomite, or unrefined oyster shells
may contain substances such as lead or other toxic metals and should be avoided.
One way to help ensure that the supplement you are taking is safe and effective is to
look for products that have a USP symbol on the label, which stands for United States
Pharmacopeia. This is a nongovernmental, official public standards-setting authority.
Unfortunately, testing of supplements is voluntary, so not all suitable products have
this notation.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is another nutrient important to bone health because it helps the body
absorb and store calcium. Low vitamin D levels are related to low bone density and
increased risk of fractures (23). The recommended daily intake of vitamin D is 600
international units (IU) for adults and pregnant and lactating women (800 IU for those
over the age of 70), which can be obtained from food and sunlight. Vitamin D–rich
foods include eggs, fatty fish, and cereal and milk fortified with vitamin D (see table
16.3 for examples of foods rich in vitamin D) (17). Based on recent research studies
linking vitamin D supplementation to reduced risk of fractures and some chronic dis-
eases, the Institute of Medicine is considering increasing the recommended intakes.
Studies suggest that intakes in the range of 800 to 1,000 IU per day of vitamin D are
associated with better health outcomes (1, 17) and are well below the 2,000 IU daily
limit that would avoid any harmful effects of excess vitamin D.
Vitamin D is sometimes referred to as the sunshine vitamin because when UV rays
from the sun make contact with the skin, vitamin D is formed. Minimal sun exposure
(to feet, hands, and face) of about 15 to 20 minutes per day is usually enough to get
most of the needed daily vitamin D, although this ability does decline with age. Sun-
screen can reduce vitamin D synthesis by the skin, and deficiencies may also occur
in those who are housebound, reside in extreme northern latitudes, do not consume
vitamin D–fortified foods, or have kidney or liver disorders that interfere with normal
vitamin D metabolism.
Protein makes up about half of the volume of the bone and about one-third of its mass.
Though it may seem confusing, research has shown both pros and cons about protein
in the diet and the impact on bone health—but really, it’s the amount of protein that
matters. Protein helps balance hormones and improves absorption of calcium from
food. Very high protein diets can cause too much calcium to be lost in the urine, but
very low protein diets hamper the body’s ability to grow and repair bone. Most older
adults do not consume enough protein and should increase their intake to recom-
mended levels in order to support muscle and bone health. Research has shown that
increasing protein along with fruits and vegetables in the diet is the best approach for
keeping calcium loss at a minimum (9).
Protein intake requirements are based on a person’s body weight because of the
wide variation in lean mass based on body size. Table 16.4 lists protein requirements
based on nitrogen balance studies across the lifespan (11).
high-impact activities such as basketball, volleyball, soccer, jogging, and tennis. These
activities can damage the new hip or loosen its parts. Resistance exercises that cause
hip abduction or adduction (swinging the leg from side to side) should generally be
avoided initially to prevent dislocation of the new hip. Recommended exercises often
include walking, stationary bicycling, and swimming.
Rehabilitation after vertebral fracture should include exercises to maintain proper
posture while moving and exercises specifically aimed at strengthening the back
extensor muscles (the muscles that help you stand up straight). Gentle yoga and tai
chi are excellent activities to increase postural awareness and muscle strength and to
improve balance. The goals of this type of program should be to reduce pain, improve
mobility, and contribute to a better quality of life.
Is walking enough?
Walking is often advocated as a weight-bearing exercise that is good for bones. True,
walking is weight bearing, but unfortunately, most research studies of inactive women
who begin a moderate walking program fail to find any effect of walking on bone mass.
Survey studies show that women who walk fracture less often than women who are
inactive. However, it is possible that walkers also engage in other healthy behaviors that
could lower their fracture risk, such as better calcium intake or less smoking.
Only two walking studies out of many showed a positive effect of walking on spine
bone mass (but not the hip). In these studies, however, women walked at a very fast
race-walking pace of around 5 to 6 miles per hour (8 to 9.6 km/h), which is much faster
than the usual 2 to 3 miles per hour (3.2 to 4.8 km/h) pace of most women. Because
walking confers so many other benefits to the body, if you love walking, don’t stop!
Increasing the intensity of your walking program to include bursts of very fast walking
or walking briskly up hills, however, will burn some extra calories and keep your heart
healthy as well as help your bones.
330 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
The best program is one that incorporates multiple types of activity and applies the
principles of training with bone health in mind. Table 16.5 outlines the basic guide-
lines for exercise to promote bone health and overall fitness, and each exercise type
is covered in more detail in the following sections. With respect to bone, exercise is
site specific. In other words, a particular bone must be directly stressed to receive
benefits. A multimodal program can provide multiple benefits for musculoskeletal,
cardiorespiratory, and metabolic health plus reduce the risk of injury.
Aerobic Exercise Moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise can improve or maintain bone
mass of the hip and spine and has additional benefits to the cardiovascular, muscular,
and nervous systems. To challenge the skeleton, the aerobic exercise should be weight
bearing, although rowing may have particular benefit to the spine. Examples of weight-
bearing aerobic exercises that have been shown to build or preserve bone density
when done at moderate to vigorous intensity include aerobic dance, fast walking (5
miles per hour or faster, or 8 km/h), jogging (may begin with walking and intermittent
jogging), stair climbing or bench stepping, tennis, and rowing.
The general recommendation for aerobic exercise aimed to improve bone health is
to reach a minimum target of 30 minutes of continuous moderate-intensity exercise five
days each week for a total of 150 minutes. Another option is 75 minutes of vigorous-
intensity exercise per week (about 20 to 25 minutes three days each week), similar to
the general public health recommendations for physical activity described in chapter 2.
To see more improvement, you can increase the amount of exercise by increasing
the intensity, duration, or frequency. Generally, the upper range for effective aerobic
exercise is 60 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise five to seven days per week. Any
more than this and your risk of injury or burnout increases.
If you already have been diagnosed with osteopenia or mild osteoporosis, a low- to
moderate-intensity exercise program is recommended to improve bone mass or prevent
or slow further bone loss. If you have advanced osteoporosis or have had a recent
fracture, this type of program may be too rigorous. Consult your health care provider
to determine the level of activity suitable for your circumstances.
Resistance Training Resistance or strength training can have a positive effect on bone
because the strong muscle contractions required to lift, push, or pull a heavy weight
place stress on the bones. Resistance exercises can be done using weight machines,
free weights such as dumbbells and barbells, weighted vests, elastic tubing, or elastic
bands. In general, strength training using any means of applying sufficient resistance
will maintain or slightly improve hip and spine bone mass (14, 15, 16).
Resistance training has an added benefit of strengthening muscles that are important
for fall prevention and to perform strength-based tasks such as lifting groceries, rising
from a chair, and climbing stairs. Strong leg muscles can also contribute to better bal-
ance and locomotion, which reduces the risk of falls. In addition, resistance exercise
can help to lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and aid
in weight reduction. There are many good reasons to include resistance training in
your exercise plan.
Resistance exercise, like aerobic exercise, must be slightly rigorous to affect bone.
Low-intensity resistance training like sculpting or toning exercises performed with
light weights and for many repetitions generally does not help because this type of
training doesn’t place enough force on the bones. See the sample exercise program
for a beginning progression. This level gives you an opportunity to become familiar
with resistance training and start to build a base of strength. Try to do most of your
332 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
resistance training exercises while standing, which engages smaller muscles and is
much more functional.
Resistance exercise is recommended for everyone, especially older adults who may
have had some bone and muscle loss from age. Following proper guidelines, even
90-year-olds have safely performed resistance exercise. For complete details on resis-
tance training, including specific exercises, see chapter 6. Resistance exercise may be
new for you, but it could make a real difference in your life, so give it a try.
Flexibility and Neuromotor Training Stretching at least two to three days per week
should be part of your exercise program to maintain or improve your flexibility and
joint mobility (see chapter 7 for details). In addition, neuromotor exercises are also
Osteoporosis and Bone Health 333
What strategies can be used at home to avoid falls?
Use these simple strategies to avoid a fall in the first place.
• Wear supportive, low-heeled shoes rather than walking in socks or slippers.
• Ensure that rooms are well lit.
• Use a rubber mat in the shower or bathtub.
• Use the handrails when going up and down stairs.
• Avoid the use of area rugs, but if you do have them, use skid-proof backing and
secure corners to the floor or carpet underneath.
• Keep floors and walkways clutter free.
• Keep phone and electrical cords out of the way.
• If needed, keep glasses handy rather than moving about with impaired vision.
• Realize the potential influence of medications on balance, and talk with your
health care provider about any medications you are taking.
• Consider the fact that some hip fractures occur as a result of tripping over small
valuable. People with weak legs, poor balance, and gait problems are much more
likely to fall than those who are strong, are stable, and move easily. Because falls are
a leading cause of fracture, along with weak bones, focusing on fall prevention is key.
For a list of proactive steps you can take to prevent falls, see “What strategies can be
used at home to avoid falls?”
For specific suggestions on functional (neuromotor) exercises, see chapter 8. Some
nontraditional forms of exercise (such as tai chi) have also been shown to reduce the
risk of falls, suggesting that both muscle strength and the ability to transfer weight
while in motion can maintain stability. Many research studies underscore how impor-
tant strong muscles are for fall prevention.
Influence of Medications
If you have known osteoporosis, medical treatment that reduces your risk of fracture is
important. New drugs continue to be developed, and new formulations of current drugs
are being made to improve effectiveness while reducing side effects. It is important
Sample multimodal beginner exercise program*.
Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun.
Week 1 Bench Three sets One set of Three sets Walk at a Day off or See
step** at of four 8 to 12 reps of six two- steady pace stretch Wednesday
slow, steady two-footed of upper and footed (with short
pace for 15 jumps from lower body jumps from bursts of
to 20 min the ground; strength the ground; faster walk-
stretch training exer- stretch ing) for 15
cises*** at a to 20 min
weight you
can’t lift more
than 12 times
Week 2 For week 2, note the increased time for aerobic activity and number of sets and
repetitions for jumps and strength.
Bench Four sets One set of Four sets Walk at a Day off or See
step** at a of six two- 8 to 12 reps of eight steady pace stretch Wednesday
slow, steady footed of upper and two-footed (with short
pace for 20 jumps from lower body jumps from bursts of
to 25 min the ground; strength train- the ground; faster walk-
stretch ing exercises stretch ing) for 20
using the to 25 min
same weight
as week 1
Week 3 For week 3, note the increased intensity for aerobic and strength training and
number of repetitions for jumps.
Bench Four sets Two sets of See Tuesday Walk at a Day off or See
step** for of eight 8 to 12 reps steady pace stretch Wednesday
20 to 25 two-footed of upper and (with bursts
min at a jumps from lower body of faster
faster pace the ground; strength train- walking or
than week 2 stretch ing exercises, jogging) for
increasing the 20 to 25
weight from min
week 2
Week 4 For week 4, the time per session is increased.
Bench Five sets Two sets of See Tuesday Walk at a Day off or See
step** for of eight 8 to 12 reps steady pace stretch Wednesday
25 to 30 two-footed of upper and (with bursts
min at the jumps from lower body of faster
same pace the ground; strength walking or
as week 3 stretch training jogging) for
exercises, 25 to 30
using the min
same weight
as week 3
*Every exercise session should include a 5- to 10-minute warm-up before exercise and a 5- to 10-minute cool-down afterward.
The cool-down period is a perfect time to include flexibility exercises for good mobility and function.
**The bench step exercise can be replaced by any aerobic activity listed in chapter 5, including aerobic dance, walking (try
adding intermittent jogging), tennis, or rowing.
***Include exercises for the hips and legs, chest, back, shoulders, low back, and abdominal muscles. Examples of exercises
to target these areas can be found in chapter 6.
Osteoporosis and Bone Health 335
to remember, however, that although many of these drugs can effectively reduce fracture
rates by up to 50 percent, none are 100 percent effective. Thus, it is important to con-
sider all of the factors that contribute to fracture risk (e.g., exercise, nutrition, falling) to
ensure that you follow a comprehensive program that may include drug management.
Most of the drugs currently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) for the management of postmenopausal osteoporosis are called antiresorptives.
They increase bone density by rendering the cells that break down bone inactive while
leaving alone those cells that form bone. Drugs in this category include estrogens,
calcitonin, bisphosphonates, denosumab, and selective estrogen receptor modulators.
Two drugs have been shown to reduce fracture by actually stimulating bone-forming
cells: parathyroid hormone (brand name, Forteo) and strontium ranelate (brand name,
Protelos). The latter, however, has recently been restricted to use in those with severe
osteoporosis due to an increased risk for heart attack.
The class of drugs called bisphosphonates is currently the most widely used to
reduce osteoporotic fractures. Several forms of bisphosphonates are currently available:
alendronate (brand name, Fosamax or Fosamax Plus D), risedronate (brand names,
Actonel, Atelvia), ibandronate (brand name, Boniva), zoledronic acid (brand names,
Reclast and Zometa), and calcitonin (brand names, Fortical and Miacalcin), just to name
a few. On average, these drugs increase bone density by 4 to 8 percent at the spine
and 1 to 3 percent at the hip over the first three to four years of treatment (2, 5). This
small increase can actually reduce the risk of vertebral fractures by 40 to 50 percent and
nonvertebral fractures (including hip fractures) by as much as 20 to 40 percent (7, 18).
Despite the impressive potential of bisphosphonates to reduce fractures, new studies
are questioning their long-term safety. These drugs remain in the skeleton for decades,
and bone turnover can be affected for up to five years after the drugs are discontinued.
Recall that bone remodeling is a natural process that allows the body to repair micro-
damage due to everyday wear and tear. If bisphosphonates prevent breakdown and
bone renewal, the concern is that bone could become brittle. Furthermore, the rare
but serious disorder called osteonecrosis of the jaw (a condition characterized by pain,
swelling, infection, and exposure of bone) has been associated with bisphosphonate
use, mainly in patients receiving high doses in combination with cancer treatment.
While experts have not come to a concrete consensus on how long bisphosphonate
therapy should be continued, preliminary clinical recommendations state that 3 to 5
years of treatment is probably sufficient for someone with mild risk of fracture, 5 to 10
years of treatment for those with moderate risk of fracture followed by a drug “holiday”
of 3 to 5 years, and 10 years of treatment for those with high risk of fracture followed
by a 1- to 2-year drug holiday and reevaluation (4).
Hormone therapy (HT, combination of estrogen and progesterone) and estrogen
therapy (ET) offset the estrogen-related bone loss associated with menopause and
even cause a slight increase in hip and spine bone density that plateaus after three
years of use. Studies show that HT and ET reduce the incidence of fractures of the hip
and spine by 30 to 50 percent. Hormone therapies are currently approved to reduce
postmenopausal bone loss as a means to prevent osteoporosis but are ineffective at
preventing bone loss in men. To be most effective at preventing bone loss, therapy
should begin close to, if not a few years before, the menopausal transition. After the
publication of the Women’s Health Initiative study in 2002, the role of long-term post-
menopausal HT and ET for the prevention and management of osteoporosis became
controversial because of a suspected increased risk of cardiovascular events.
336 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Arthritis is a chronic disease affecting joints, muscles, and sometimes other body
systems. Because of the resulting pain and disability, arthritis is the leading cause of
impaired functioning in adults and affects more than 52.5 million Americans. There
are more than 100 forms of arthritis, though the most common forms are osteoarthritis
(OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), fibromyalgia, and the spondyloarthropathies (SA) (6).
Osteoarthritis is primarily joint specific while the others are systemic and affect more
than just the joints, although even OA has systemic inflammatory responses.
The most common symptoms of arthritis, regardless of the type, are stiffness, joint
or muscle pain, and fatigue. Unfortunately, you may have stopped exercising when you
started to have this joint or muscle pain, believing that the activity would make your
pain worse or speed up the degenerative process. However, proper exercise actually
decreases pain. Exercise does not speed up the joint degeneration; rather it helps you
maintain normal function.
Causes of Arthritis
Trauma to a joint, abnormal biomechanics (movement), or repetitive joint stress can
damage the articular cartilage (the special covering within the joint that absorbs stress
and smooths motion) (9, 34). As the damage progresses, the joint space narrows and
the bone underlying the cartilage experiences abnormal stresses and deforms. How-
ever, for some people, there is no identifiable cause for their arthritis; and with the
systemic forms of arthritis, an abnormal immune system response is often the cause
of the joint destruction.
There are several risk factors for arthritis. Although some, such as age and sex,
cannot be altered, addressing some of the other risk factors may help to control the
discomfort of arthritis. Risk factors include the following:
• Age. Your risk increases with advancing age.
• Sex. Females are at higher risk for most types of arthritis.
340 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
• Overweight and obesity. Increased body weight may result in increased stress on
the joints and may alter biomechanics.
• Previous joint injury. Joint injuries usually cause long-term changes to the joint
surface and lead to the development of arthritis. In addition, muscle strength may
decrease after an injury, transmitting more force through the joint and altering
• Occupation. Jobs that require sustained positions or repetitive motions place
increased stress on the involved joints (e.g., butchers must use sustained grips,
with repeated impact, and thus have a higher incidence of hand arthritis).
• Smoking. Smoking is a risk factor for RA and can also lead to complications fol-
lowing joint replacement.
Arthritis is often self-diagnosed during the initial stages. Most people do not go to
the doctor until the pain and perhaps loss of motion limit their activity. Diagnosis of
arthritis is done by correlating a health history and a physical examination to X-ray
and various laboratory test results (1, 4, 7). Some people have little joint damage but
significant pain, whereas others have significant damage and little pain. Regular activity
appears to diminish the presence of pain. Laboratory tests are most helpful in diagnos-
ing the systemic arthritis diseases.
As noted previously, stiffness is the most common symptom of arthritis, and thus
its presence is used to help diagnosis the disease. Generally, if morning stiffness lasts
less than 30 minutes, the condition is OA; most of the systemic forms result in stiff-
ness that lasts at least an hour. Osteoarthritis is initially limited to one or two distinct
joints, whereas RA is diagnosed by the presence in multiple joints, and fibromyalgia
has distinct muscle tenderness at points all over the body.
Types of Arthritis
The two most common forms of arthritis are OA and RA (1). Osteoarthritis is most common
(85 percent of arthritis is in this form). It is a local degenerative joint disease and as such
most commonly affects the hands, hips, knees, and spine. One or more joints may be
affected. Damage to the joint may be due to trauma, infection, mechanical stress, or often
an unidentified cause (27). For many with OA, initial symptoms include aching within a joint
or stiffness after prolonged sitting. Cartilage damage within the joint is the main problem
with OA, and over time the joint may become deformed and lose motion.
Rheumatoid arthritis is the second most common form (1 to 2 percent of the adult popula-
tion, although it can occur at any age). The cause is unknown, but risk factors include age
and being female. Unlike OA, which is more localized, RA is body-wide (systemic) and affects
tissues throughout the body. Symptoms develop slowly and include fatigue, weight loss,
weakness, and general joint pain. Similar to what occurs with OA, joints become deformed
and motion becomes difficult.
Two other common systemic conditions are fibromyalgia and SA (a category). Fibromy-
algia is an arthritis-related condition found more often in women than in men that causes
widespread muscle tenderness. With fibromyalgia, numerous “tender points” occur in vari-
ous places (e.g., neck, shoulders, back, hips, arms, legs) when pressure is put on the area.
Several forms of SA exist; ankylosing spondylitis is the most common. This condition causes
back pain and eventually complete immobility in joints of the spine.
Arthritis and Joint Health 341
Focusing on Nutrition
Maintaining an appropriate body weight decreases the risk of developing arthritis;
it also helps lessen pain if you already have arthritis (27). Experts speculate that
decreased weight results in less force to the joint. If you are overweight, you can use
exercise and proper nutrition to control your weight. A loss of as little as 10 pounds
(4.5 kg) has been shown to decrease the pain associated with arthritis (26). Because
obesity is a risk factor for arthritis, you may want to consult chapter 18, which focuses
on weight management. The nutritional guidelines outlined in chapter 3 provide a solid
plan for ensuring optimal nutrition. Some nutritional supplements may be helpful and
are discussed in “Influence of Supplements” later in this chapter.
Another concern with arthritis is joint instability and laxity (32). As the joint becomes
more degraded and the joint space narrows, the tissues that normally stabilize the
joint become slack. When this happens, they are no longer able to properly control
the joint movement. In addition, the joint often becomes slightly deformed and out of
alignment. Instability is the sensation of the joint “giving way” when you are active
and is not necessarily related to laxity, though it is related to a decrease in function.
You may need a brace to provide stability and alignment if you are engaging in
activities that stress a joint prone to laxity or joint instability. If joint alignment is the
primary problem, especially for the lower extremity, you may benefit from an orthotic,
which is an insert placed in a shoe to correct the alignment of the foot (33). Correction
of foot position has been shown to decrease knee pain.
If you are having any of these issues, consider consulting with a health professional
with expertise in orthopedics or sports medicine. In particular, a professional evalua-
tion is a good idea if you are experiencing your knee giving way with pain, clicking,
or catching. Shoulders also are a joint at risk for being unstable.
If you have arthritis in the lower extremity, proper shoes are a must. Your shoes
should provide support as well as cushioning. Good shoes can help with minor align-
ment problems, whereas worn shoes can turn minor problems into major discomfort.
What type of shoes are recommended?
The right shoes can have a major impact on your enjoyment of exercise. A good shoe
does not have to be the most expensive. These are some qualities to look for in a shoe:
• A sole that provides shock absorption and cushioning.
• Good arch support.
• A roomy toe box that accommodates toe deformities.
• A snug fit along the width of the shoe, especially in the heel counter. When
purchasing, walk or jog around the store in the shoes—the heels should not slip.
• Secure closure. Lace-up is preferable, but Velcro may be necessary if you have
trouble managing laces because of arthritis in your hands.
• A design appropriate for the activity.
Also, if you have orthotics, be sure to bring them along when you shop for shoes so
you can try them in the shoes before making your purchase.
Arthritis and Joint Health 343
Aerobic Exercise Aerobic fitness is often lower in people with arthritis than in those
of the same age without arthritis. Much of this is likely due to decreased activity. Fur-
thermore, some of the systemic forms of arthritis such as RA bring a higher risk of
heart disease, implying that aerobic activity is important to help to reduce the cardiac
disease risk. Not only does aerobic exercise improve circulation to the muscles and
joints, but also the rhythmic nature of the activities helps lubricate joints and provides
nutrition to the joints, thereby decreasing pain. Aerobic exercise is one of the easiest
ways to reduce the stiffness associated with arthritis. You can safely follow the guide-
lines for aerobic activity outlined in chapter 5, though you may want to make a few
modifications (3).
If you have not been doing much physical activity, you should start at a lower
intensity (e.g., two to three 10-minute sessions a day) until your joints get used to the
increased activity. This will also allow you to develop your lower extremity (thigh and
leg) strength before engaging in higher-intensity or longer-duration sessions. Increased
strength helps absorb forces around your joints, such as the knees, which should help
decrease the stress through the joint and the pain.
Although walking is often the easiest and most functional aerobic activity, if you are
a runner, there is no reason to give up running. Running does not increase the speed
of joint breakdown; many regular runners report less pain with regular training. If you
have severe joint instability (the sensation of the knee giving way or buckling), you
might want to start with cycling or pool activities until you can decrease the instabil-
ity. Some exercise ideas to address joint instability appear at the end of this chapter.
If your arthritis is more advanced and you have access to a pool, aquatic activities
are an option to consider, although the cardiovascular benefits are not as good as
with land exercises (11). The buoyancy helps to unload your weight-bearing joints and
allows you to work on joint motion as well. Because the shoulder joint is less stable,
if you have arthritis in your shoulders, you should start shoulder stability exercises
before swimming. Water activities in general are great for arthritis, but not everyone
with arthritis in the shoulders tolerates swimming laps.
If you prefer group activities, many facilities have special classes for people with
arthritis. Such classes may not be rigorous enough to build aerobic fitness, but they
may be good for alternate training days. Tai chi can help improve lower extremity
strength, improve flexibility, and provide some aerobic benefits (18). Aquatic classes
are another alternative, especially if you are looking for activities with reduced weight
bearing. Other group aerobic classes can be good as long as you make sure to modify
movements that seem to stress your involved joint(s) and start at an appropriate inten-
sity based on your level of fitness.
Warm-up activities are particularly important for people with arthritis, especially
those who are very stiff. Before your exercise session, loosen up the joints and muscles
Does running cause arthritis?
Although running affects joints more than walking does, scientists have not found
evidence that links running, in itself, with arthritis. Actually, moderate levels of running
may decrease the symptoms and loss of function associated with arthritis compared to
being inactive.
344 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
that are stiff. A good way to warm up is to do some gentle rhythmic activities, start-
ing with small movements and increasing the range of the movements as you loosen
up. The objective is controlled movement with a slowly increasing range of motion.
Resistance Training Resistance training may be one of the most important fitness
activities you can do to reduce symptoms and protect your joints (5, 13). When there
is pain around a joint such as your knee, the nervous system can also inhibit muscle
contraction. For many, this results in a knee buckling unexpectedly, usually secondary
to pain. After starting a strengthening routine, people with this concern have less pain
and fewer problems with their knees giving way. Some have found that strengthening
alone does not decrease their joint instability. In such instances, combining strengthen-
ing with some balance and movement activities has proven effective (14, 32).
You can safely follow the guidelines for resistance training outlined in chapter 6. A
program of two to three days per week that emphasizes the major muscle groups is
appropriate (3). Start at a lower level of exertion and gradually work up to a moderate
level in order to allow your body time to adapt. A resistance that allows you to do
one set of 10 to 15 repetitions in a controlled manner is a good start and is adequate
for obtaining some strength benefits.
If you prefer to exercise at home, you can start with a few dumbbells and cuff
weights or use resistance bands. Many resistance bands have handgrips and cuffs so
you can do upper or lower extremity exercises (see figure 17.1 for an example of a
shoulder-strengthening exercise using a resistance band). Resistance bands allow you
to progress the resistance with the use of different densities of tubing (see chapter 6
for more information).
You can also do resistance training without equipment by simply using your own
body weight. For example, the wall sit, as shown in figure 17.2, is an easy way to
strengthen the front of the thigh, or the quadriceps. This exercise decreases the amount
Arthritis and Joint Health 345
Single-leg stance Shift to stand on just one leg (hold the other
foot off the ground a couple of inches, or
about 5 cm), holding for 10 sec. Repeat five
times on each leg. Increase to 30 sec and
repeat five times on each leg. Then, progress
to a single-leg stance on a foam pad, holding
for 10 sec, and repeat five times on each leg.
Water-based activities*
Braiding Walk sideways, alternating placing one leg behind or in front of the other
for 10 ft (3 m), both to the left and to the right. Repeat three times in
each direction.
Crossover walking Bring your leg across the midline with each step for 10 ft (3 m), both
forward and backward. Repeat three times in each direction.
Leg raises Raise your leg forward and backward as well as right and left for each leg.
Repeat five times in each direction.
*Include water activities two to three times per week; start in chest-deep water and then progress to waist-deep
water. Warm up by walking back and forth for 10 minutes.
348 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
the pool to remove the influence of gravity on the joint and decrease the chance of
the knee buckling while doing the activity. Furthermore, if the knee does give way,
you are protected by the water against falling. Once you are not having pain with the
activities and can do them without your knees giving way, you can progress to land
activities or alternate between water- and land-based activities.
Influence of Medications
Acetaminophen is recommended for people with mild to moderate pain due to arthri-
tis. The most common, though still rare, side effects are upper gastrointestinal (GI)
bleeding and liver damage. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) are the next
type of medication taken to help control the pain of arthritis. The strength ranges from
medications that are available over the counter (aspirin and ibuprofen) to stronger
forms that require a prescription and have different modes of action within the body.
As with acetaminophen, GI bleeding is a possible side effect. Naproxen sodium also
has the potential of raising blood pressure and lower extremity swelling. Some of the
prescription anti-inflammatories have a decreased risk of GI bleeding but may have
some cardiovascular-related risks (20).
If you have a systemic form of arthritis, you are likely to be on a disease-modifying
antirheumatic drug (DMARD), glucocorticoid (steroid), or biologic drug (2). Possible
side effects include liver and kidney damage and, with the steroids, a risk for infections.
On the positive side, these drugs are the most effective for pain relief and for slowing
the associated joint deterioration. Because these drugs affect the immune system, you
may need to slightly decrease the intensity of your program. A summary of the benefits
and possible side effects of common arthritis medications is presented in table 17.1.
Influence of Supplements
A few nutritional supplements have been shown to decrease the pain associated with
arthritis. A positive aspect of these supplements is that they do not have the health
risks associated with some of the medications. For this reason, they could be worth
Flaxseed contains both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, but research related to
arthritis has been limited, and there are some side effects. Flaxseed can alter the
absorption of some medications and thins the blood, so you should check with your
physician if you are considering this supplement.
Newer research has looked at the use of other antioxidants that can be found in
different types of foods (12). Cherry juice has been shown to decrease inflammatory
markers in the blood for some individuals (23). Supplementation of vitamin C (ascorbate)
or vitamin E (-tocopherol) reduced the progression of OA and had anti-inflammatory
effects (31).
Exercise is important for people with arthritis. A balanced exercise program that
includes aerobic activities, resistance training, stretching, and neuromuscular training
(i.e., balance and agility) can help you maintain normal function. Medications used
for arthritis can have side effects in addition to the intended benefits. Exercising may
allow you to reduce the amount of medication you take to control pain. Although
supplements are widely advertised, few have proven to be beneficial. Some people
benefit from a combination therapy of glucosamine and chondroitin or from fish oil
(omega-3 fatty acids). In addition to physical activity, a healthy diet helps to maintain
an appropriate body weight; overweight and obesity are concerns related to risk of
developing arthritis as well as the pain associated with arthritis.
Weight Management
Weight management is a struggle for many people, but controlling body weight has
many health benefits. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has
classified the American society as “obesogenic” due to the environmental factors that
promote excessive intake of unhealthy, high-calorie foods coupled with physical inac-
tivity. This combination has resulted in a culture primed to make its citizens gain body
fat. This transformation toward overfatness has not occurred overnight. The number of
overweight and obese Americans has gradually increased over the past 20 years. For
adults 20 years of age and older, approximately 69 percent are overweight or obese;
35 percent of these adults are classified as obese (4).
352 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
For example, if you weigh 150 pounds and are 5 feet 5 inches (65 inches), your BMI
calculation would look like this:
[150 ÷ (65)2] 703 = 25.0
Body mass index (BMI) calculator.
Normal Overweight Obese
BMI 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
(inches) Body weight (pounds)
58 91 96 100 105 110 115 119 124 129 134 138 143 148 153 158 162 167
59 94 99 104 109 114 119 124 128 133 138 143 148 153 158 163 168 173
60 97 102 107 112 118 123 128 133 138 143 148 153 158 163 168 174 179
61 100 106 111 116 122 127 132 137 143 148 153 158 164 169 174 180 185
62 104 109 115 120 126 131 136 142 147 153 158 164 169 175 180 186 191
63 107 113 118 124 130 135 141 146 152 158 163 169 175 180 186 191 197
64 110 116 122 128 134 140 145 151 157 163 169 174 180 186 192 197 204
65 114 120 126 132 138 144 150 156 162 168 174 180 186 192 198 204 210
66 118 124 130 136 142 148 155 161 167 173 179 186 192 198 204 210 216
67 121 127 134 140 146 153 159 166 172 173 185 191 198 204 211 217 223
68 125 131 138 144 151 158 164 171 177 184 190 197 203 210 216 223 230
69 128 135 143 149 155 162 169 176 182 189 196 203 209 216 223 230 236
70 132 139 146 153 160 167 174 181 188 195 202 209 216 222 229 236 243
71 136 143 150 157 165 172 179 186 193 200 208 215 222 229 236 243 250
72 140 147 154 162 169 177 184 191 199 206 213 221 228 235 242 250 258
73 144 151 159 166 174 182 189 197 204 212 219 227 235 242 250 257 265
74 148 155 163 171 179 186 194 202 210 218 225 233 241 249 256 264 272
75 152 160 168 176 184 192 200 208 216 224 232 240 248 256 264 272 279
76 156 164 172 180 189 197 205 213 221 230 238 246 254 263 271 279 287
Adapted from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 1998.
Weight Management 353
Body mass index is commonly used because it is very easy to measure and also
correlates strongly with the percentage of body fat. Excess levels of body fat contribute
to a number of health concerns including heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, stroke,
and some cancers. Typically, body fat levels are higher as BMI increases. As shown
in table 18.1, a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 kg/m2 is considered normal or healthy (1);
this is because BMI within this range is associated with the lowest risk of developing
a chronic disease or of dying. People classified as overweight have an increased risk
of disease and death, and those who are obese have the highest risk of developing a
number of diseases (4, 5).
Calculating your BMI is a useful starting point for determining whether you would
benefit from losing weight. One thing to keep in mind is that BMI does not distinguish
between simply having a higher weight than expected and having excess fat. For
example, because muscle is much denser than fat, a very muscular male athlete with
low body fat could have a BMI that classifies him as overweight or obese. His weight
would be higher than expected for his height, but he would not be overfat and thus
not at a higher risk for disease based on body composition. If your BMI is 25 kg/m2 or
Extreme Obesity
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
172 177 181 186 191 196 201 205 210 215 220 224 229 234 239 244 248 253 258
178 183 188 193 198 203 208 212 217 222 227 232 237 242 247 252 257 262 267
184 189 194 199 204 209 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 261 266 271 276
190 195 201 206 211 217 222 227 232 238 243 248 254 259 264 269 275 280 285
196 202 207 213 218 224 229 235 240 146 251 256 268 267 279 278 284 289 295
203 208 216 220 225 231 237 242 248 254 259 265 270 278 282 287 293 299 304
209 215 221 227 232 238 244 250 256 262 267 273 279 285 291 296 302 308 314
216 222 228 234 240 246 252 258 264 270 276 282 288 294 300 306 312 218 324
223 229 235 241 247 253 260 266 272 278 284 291 297 303 309 315 322 328 334
230 236 242 249 255 261 268 274 280 287 293 299 306 312 319 325 331 338 344
236 243 249 256 262 269 276 282 289 295 302 308 315 322 328 335 341 348 354
243 250 257 263 270 277 285 291 297 304 311 318 324 331 338 345 351 358 365
250 259 264 271 278 285 292 299 306 313 320 327 334 341 348 355 362 369 376
257 265 272 279 286 293 301 308 315 322 329 338 343 351 358 365 372 379 386
265 272 279 287 294 302 309 316 324 331 338 346 353 361 368 375 383 390 397
273 280 288 295 302 310 318 325 333 340 348 355 363 371 378 386 393 401 408
280 287 295 303 311 319 326 334 342 350 358 365 373 381 389 396 404 412 420
287 295 303 311 319 327 335 343 351 359 367 375 383 391 399 407 415 423 431
295 304 312 320 328 336 344 353 361 369 377 385 394 402 410 418 426 435 443
354 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
greater, use your judgment to determine whether you should make weight loss your
goal. If you are an athletic person with large muscles and defined musculature, then BMI
may not be the best tool for determining your level of body fatness. In such situations,
having body composition (percent body fat)
measured may be of value, although these
techniques require the assistance of a quali-
fied fitness professional (5).
Body fat distribution is also a predic-
tor of health risk associated with obesity.
Accumulation of fat around the abdominal
area, often referred to as an apple-shaped
physique, carries a higher health risk than
fat around the hips and thighs (pear-shaped
physique). Taking a measurement of your
waist circumference is one way to look more
closely at abdominal obesity:
• In a standing position, place a tape
measure horizontally near your belly
button, just above your hip bones, as
shown in figure 18.2.
• Make sure the tape is snug but not
compressing the skin.
• Take the measurement once you have FIGURE 18.2 Site for measuring waist cir-
comfortably exhaled (1). cumference.
Waist measures of more than 35 inches (89 cm) for women or more than 39 inches
(99 cm) for men classify people as being at increased risk for developing chronic
disease (1). Use of both BMI and waist circumference can be helpful in tracking your
success at managing your weight (5).
Causes of Obesity
The shape and size of your body is due to a combination of genetic and environmental
factors working in unison. Though our genes have not changed over the years, our
environment has changed significantly. There is now an abundance of high-calorie,
cheap foods and a decreased level of physical activity. In general, your genes create
starting points and boundaries that shape how fat or muscular you are likely to become.
Although these genetic limits are beyond your control, this does not mean that your
Weight Management 355
body size is set. Environmental factors such as behaviors and lifestyle choices, includ-
ing food selections and your level of physical activity, ultimately determine how close
to your genetic potential you become (4).
Genetic Factors
Genetics play a role in determining a person’s height, weight, body fat distribution, and
metabolism. Research studies of twins reared apart having similar body weights and
adopted children resembling their biological parents in body type support the genetic
influence. Determining the impact of genetic factors is difficult, but genetics may con-
tribute from 50 to 90 percent of a person’s body weight. This means that somewhere
between 10 and 50 percent of one’s body weight is a result of environmental factors
and lifestyle choices. In addition to body fat, people also tend to inherit specific body
types, such as tall and thin or short and stout. This is important to remember because
some people may not be able to achieve a desired body shape no matter how hard
they train or how diligent they are about food choices. For example, a very tall and thin
person may never be able to put on enough muscle mass to look like a bodybuilder; a
very muscular, stocky person may never achieve extreme thinness. Another factor out
of your control is where body fat is deposited. Some people naturally gain body fat
around the abdominal area whereas others accumulate fat in their hips and thighs (10).
Other areas of genetic research include the concept of a thrifty gene and the set
point theory. The thrifty gene notion proposes that humans slow their metabolism
and store more body fat in times of food scarcity. This may have been an important
survival mechanism many years ago in times of famine, but is not so desirable today
when one is restricting food consumption voluntarily to lower body weight. Whether
there is actually a specific gene associated with this phenomenon is a question scien-
tists continue to examine. In any case, your body’s attempt to protect you when you
restrict calories can make it difficult to lose weight.
The set point theory proposes that the brain, hormones, and enzymes work in unison
to regulate body weight at a genetically determined level. Any attempt to change your
body weight from the set point initiates a series of body responses that ultimately
result in a return to your genetically predetermined weight. These body responses may
include becoming more efficient at storing fat or controlling metabolism, hunger, or
feelings of fullness through the action of various hormones. As tempting as it may be,
you should not use the set point theory as an excuse to conclude that weight control
is impossible. You may not attain aesthetic perfection, but you can achieve and main-
tain a body weight and composition that are best for your health and well-being (10).
What is a healthy body weight?
Sometimes the number is not the most important thing. People may have an unrealistic
expectation about body weight (e.g., returning to their high school weight) that may
not be achievable or desirable. A healthy body weight is one at which you are free of
or are managing chronic disease, feel good, and can complete physical activities with
ease. This may or may not be the number in a formula or a body weight maintained
during early adulthood.
356 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Environmental Factors
Your environment is another factor that determines your body weight. Although
genetic factors limit what you can accomplish, healthy behaviors and choices, such as
choosing the correct foods and portion sizes, getting sufficient quantity and quality of
physical exercise, and learning behavioral modification techniques, certainly can help
you reach your genetic potential. Overeating and underexercising are often learned
behaviors that can become lifelong habits. Children who are not taught to eat a healthy
diet and who are not encouraged to engage in voluntary physical activity begin their
lives at a clear disadvantage when it comes to maintaining a healthy body weight. It
is very difficult to break old habits when the new behaviors, although healthier, are
perceived as comparatively unpleasant. Telling children who typically eat ice cream
while watching television after school that they instead should eat an apple and then
play outside may generate a less than enthusiastic response. Over time, new habits can
be established by building on small positive changes. Behavior modification strategies
are discussed later in the chapter.
Energy Balance
Understanding the concept of energy balance (EB) is critical if you want to understand
how body weight is regulated in human beings. Energy balance in its simplest form is
simply a comparison of the amount of energy consumed as food with the amount of
energy expended through the combination of resting metabolism, activities of daily
living, and voluntary physical exercise. The three possible states of EB are positive,
negative, and neutral. Positive EB occurs when you consume more energy (calories)
than you expend, resulting in weight gain. Negative EB occurs when you expend
more calories than you consume, resulting in weight loss. Neutral EB occurs when
the amount of calories you consume equals the amount that you expend as shown
in figure 18.3 (10).
Energy balance is most meaningful when it is measured over a reasonably long
period of time. Being out of EB for one day has no discernible impact on body weight,
but being out of EB over several weeks or months can cause significant weight gain or
loss. Whereas the small daily positive EB is not discernible to the naked eye, being in
positive EB for long periods is definitely noticeable. Unfortunately, most people notice
that they are in positive EB only after they have gained weight.
Although the concept of EB is relatively straightforward, actually implementing a
weight loss program is not quite as simple. Seeking the advice of qualified nutrition
and exercise professionals, such as a Registered Dietitian or an ACSM-certified exercise
professional (see chapter 2 for information on finding a certified professional), is a
wise approach if you are unsure how to most effectively balance dietary intake with
regular physical activity.
Many external factors control your food intake and physical activity patterns. Factors
that influence food intake include cultural rituals; childhood experiences; educational
Weight Management 357
Calories Calories
consumed expended
Weight maintenance
(calories “in” equal calories “out”)
Calories Calories
consumed expended
Calories Calories
expended consumed
and socioeconomic status; nutrition knowledge; convenience; and food flavor, texture,
and appearance (10). Motivation, perceived lack of time, and lack of knowledge may
contribute to the choice not to exercise. Qualified nutrition and exercise practitioners
have the knowledge and skills to help you control the factors that determine whether
you are in positive, negative, or neutral EB.
The term resting metabolism is actually a misnomer because the body is never truly
at rest. Inside your body a constant array of activity is occurring that must be fueled at
all times. For example, your heart beats about 70 times per minute, your neurons fire
at lightspeed 24 hours per day, and your white cells are constantly fighting invaders
and replacing old or damaged tissue. All of these activities that keep you alive and
allow you to look basically the same from one day to the next are exceedingly costly
from an energy standpoint. So, your resting metabolism is essentially what makes you
“you,” and the more of “you” there is, the greater your RMR is. Thus, it is not surpris-
ing that RMR is highly related to body mass, particularly the amount of muscle you
have. Skeletal muscle is a highly active tissue that contributes a great deal to resting
metabolism. The quantity of skeletal muscle in your body is something that you can
control to some extent through resistance training, which is discussed further in the
section on physical activity.
A second component of TEE includes all energy burned off during physical exer-
cise. This is also known as the thermic effect of activity. It represents any movement
your body performs above the resting level and includes fidgeting, doing chores, and
participating in formal exercise. This component makes up 15 to 30 percent of the TEE
in most people; however, it is the most variable. For example, it may be lower than
15 percent in a very sedentary person and more than 50 percent in a marathoner. As
long as you do not have a physical disability, this is the component over which you
have the most control. You can choose how many calories you burn through various
forms of physical activity (1, 10).
The third component of TEE encompasses all the activities that occur in the body
after consumption of food, including digestion, absorption, and the transport and
storage of nutrients throughout the body. This incremental energy cost of eating, also
known as the thermic effect of food, is a relatively small (5-10 percent) component of
TEE. The thermic effect of food is not something you can control to any significant
extent for the purpose of weight management. Some diet books claim that you can
increase the thermic effect of food by exploiting the fact that more energy is required
to digest and metabolize carbohydrates and proteins than fats, but the total number
of extra calories burned using these techniques is not very high and probably not
worth the effort.
360 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
includes your age, sex, physical activity level, height, and weight. Once you complete
this you will be given your energy expenditure estimate and be directed toward sug-
gested meal plans to help achieve your goals. If you are trying to lose weight, you can
set your profile based on a weight loss goal or a daily calorie reduction. Once your
profile is complete, you can look up the nutrition information for food items; track
your weight, daily food intake, and physical activity; set goals; and even keep track
of your favorite recipes.
Please be aware that this site is designed for people who are free of disease or
medical conditions that could affect nutrient requirements. It does not replace the
advice of a Registered Dietitian who is trained to address the unique needs of people
with various medical conditions. Rather, the MyPlate website is a tool to help you get
started in managing your body weight.
It is important to understand that these methods provide only estimates that should
not be accepted as absolute values. The estimates are designed to meet the average
requirements, but there are interindividual differences that cannot be ignored. You
should use these estimates as a starting point but be prepared to adjust your food
consumption if you are not progressing as expected. If you consume the suggested
amount of calories and your body weight changes unexpectedly, then you will need
to adjust your calorie intake up or down depending on your desired outcome.
The MyPlate website can help you estimate energy expenditure during exercise.
In addition, if you are using exercise equipment, many devices display the number
of calories burned during an exercise session. If you plan to use such readings to
help manage your body weight, be sure to enter your age, weight, and sex into the
machine’s console to achieve the most accurate estimate of calories burned; otherwise,
the estimate you receive will be based on the average person and may not be accurate
for you. Also, try to use the machines as they were designed to be used. For example,
hanging on to the side bars while walking on a treadmill produces erroneous calorie
expenditure results because not all of your body weight is being supported throughout
the exercise as is assumed in the calorie calculations.
What is a safe rate of weight loss?
The effects of rapid weight loss can include a starvation response in which your meta-
bolic rate is lowered more than with normal weight loss. This makes it even harder to
maintain that weight loss. The National Institutes of Health recommends weight loss of
0.5 to 1 pound (0.2 to 0.45 kg) per week for those with a BMI 27 to 35, 1 to 2 pounds
(0.45 to 0.9 kg) per week for those with a BMI greater than 35.
Weight Management 361
Losing as little as 10 percent of your current body weight can be beneficial to health.
Once you have met this initial goal, you should try to maintain that weight loss for
three to six months before deciding whether an additional 5 to 10 percent weight loss
is warranted. Weight maintenance between cycles of weight loss is believed to allow
the body to adjust to its new weight and gives you time to master the behaviors it
took to achieve it. Of course 10 percent is not a magic number, but the general idea
is that once you’ve maintained a modest weight loss for a lengthy period of time, you
have likely made permanent lifestyle changes that will support your new lower weight
and allow you to attempt further weight loss without overwhelming your resolve. A
recommended amount of weight loss is 0.5 to 1 pound (0.23 to 0.45 kg) per week if
your BMI is between 27 and 35 kg/m2 and 1 to 2 pounds (0.45 to 0.9 kg) per week if
your BMI is greater than 35 kg/m2. It is desirable to achieve a moderate weight loss of
5 to 10 percent over approximately six months. This slow and steady approach may
be the best way to sustain weight loss and prevent regain (9).
Nutrition and physical activity together are important in weight management. The
upcoming sections highlight how you can manage your body weight through dietary
choices as well as exercise.
Focusing on Nutrition
Nutrition is an important part of the equation when one is managing weight. The foods
and beverages you consume determine the calories you add to your body each day.
Keeping the calories you consume in balance with the calories you expend helps you
maintain your body weight.
Macronutrient Intake
As you learned in chapter 3, the macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) are
required in the diet in relatively large amounts. On average, carbohydrates and pro-
teins contain 4 calories per gram, whereas fats contain 9 calories per gram and thus
are more energy dense. Keep in mind that all three macronutrients are required for
optimal health. No single distribution of calories from carbohydrate, fat, and protein
is widely accepted as the most effective for weight management (9). This is reflected
in the percentage ranges for each of the macronutrients that are presented in the
upcoming sections.
Carbohydrate’s Effect on Weight The primary function of dietary carbohydrate is to fuel
body activities. The simplest form of carbohydrate found in the human body is glucose
(a sugar). Glucose is the sole fuel source for your brain and central nervous system, so
it is absolutely critical in your diet. Glucose also powers skeletal muscle contractions,
particularly during intense physical activity. Glucose essentially has three fates in the
body: (a) It powers cellular activity; (b) it is stored in the muscles and liver in a dif-
ferent form of carbohydrate called glycogen; and (c) it is converted to fat and stored
in adipose tissue throughout the body. Although all three fates occur simultaneously,
the third tends to predominate only when carbohydrate ingestion exceeds the body’s
energy needs. Thus, it is possible to gain fat tissue by overconsuming carbohydrates.
Weight Management 363
Insulin also has a role in promoting fat storage in the body. Insulin is a hormone
released by the pancreas (a small organ located in your abdomen) that helps to store
carbohydrate in body cells in response to eating carbohydrates. The higher the con-
centration of carbohydrate consumed, the greater the amount of insulin secreted into
the blood. If you consume a diet high in carbohydrate but not in excess of your energy
needs, you will not gain weight. However, a diet high in carbohydrate that exceeds
your energy needs creates an environment in which insulin-facilitated fat storage is
prominent. You should consume enough carbohydrates to allow your body to perform
appropriate levels of physical activity, but not so much that it puts you into positive
EB and results in fat storage (10).
The current adult recommendation for carbohydrate is 45 to 65 percent of total
energy intake (7). Relatively sedentary people do well at the low end of the range,
and very active people require higher amounts of carbohydrate to support elevated
energy demands. Many diet books promote a low-carbohydrate diet for weight loss,
but current scientific evidence does not support this approach. Most research using
low-carbohydrate diets shows significant short-term weight loss, but the long-term
success rate is not well established (9). The failure to exhibit sustained success prob-
ably is the result of a very restrictive diet coupled with insufficient lifestyle changes.
Protein’s Effect on Weight Normally, dietary carbohydrate and fat supply the body with
virtually all the fuel it needs, thereby sparing protein for its other important functions.
Protein contributes significantly as a fuel source only when blood glucose drops to
very low levels, such as during the late stages of very long-duration exercises. Adults
should consume protein equal to 10 to 35 percent of their total energy intake (7).
Because dietary protein tends to keep you feeling fuller longer, you should consume
protein with each meal and snack in order to curb overeating (10).
Fat’s Effect on Weight Similar to carbohydrates, dietary fat provides the body with
fuel. The current recommendation for adults is to consume 20 to 35 percent of total
energy intake in the form of dietary fat (1). Also like carbohydrate, fat consumed in
the diet has three metabolic roles: (a) It is used to power the body’s activities, (b) it is
stored in adipose tissue as body fat, and (c) it is converted to an entirely different form
called ketones, which some cells can use in place of glucose. The first two roles are
the most common; the third tends to occur only when dietary carbohydrate intake is
too low and blood glucose levels fall below normal levels.
Because dietary fat is the most energy-dense macronutrient and is easily converted
to body fat, consuming a low-fat diet seems to be an obvious approach to take to
modify your body weight. Furthermore, reduced-fat diets may have beneficial effects
on other health conditions such as high blood lipids (9). A low-fat diet can be a useful
strategy as long as you are not overconsuming other macronutrients. For example, it
is easy to find fat-free foods at the grocery store, but many of these foods contain an
abundance of carbohydrates and calories. A word of caution about low-fat diets: Low fat
does not mean no fat! Some dietary fats are absolutely essential to human life; without
them, body cells would literally break apart. This is why current recommendations set
a floor at 20 percent of total energy intake.
Set Realistic Goals Both weight loss and weight maintenance take work and plan-
ning, so be sure to set and regularly reevaluate your goals in order to succeed. When
establishing your goals, refer to the discussion in chapter 4 of SMARTS goals, which
reflect the characteristics of effective goals in that they are specific, measurable, action-
oriented, realistic, timely, and self-determined (1). Instead of “I will try and make better
food choices,” consider the specific goal “This week I will bring lunch from home three
times.” To keep goals measurable, replace the general goal “I will drink less soda” with
“I will replace my afternoon soda with plain iced tea.” An action-oriented and realistic
goal might be “I will preplan three breakfasts, lunches, and dinners this week” rather
than “I will eat perfectly for the next seven days without a mistake.” Maintaining a
time line is also valuable. For example, instead of “I will search the Internet for recipes
when I get a chance,” consider “I will find five healthy recipes that I will try over the
next two weeks.” Determining the right goals for yourself will help you achieve suc-
cess. Once you have met your SMARTS goals, you can establish new ones for future
use, and eventually you will develop some positive habits.
Pay Attention to Portions There is much evidence that portion control is an effective
method for weight loss and maintenance (9). At first it may seem burdensome to weigh
or measure items, but eventually it becomes a habit. A great place to start learning about
portions is the Choose MyPlate website (, which provides
information about appropriate portion sizes for each food group. You should also pay
attention to the portions (serving sizes) on food labels. A food item that looks like a
single serving may actually comprise several portions. At home, weigh and measure
for a while and use the same dishes consistently. With practice, you will be able to
easily estimate the portions without the use of a scale or measuring device. Check
your portion sizes over time because they tend to creep up.
As with some diet plans, many promoters of dietary supplements promise easy weight
loss. A dietary supplement is defined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as
“a product (other than tobacco) added to the total diet that contains at least one of the
following: a vitamin, mineral, amino acid, herb, botanical, or concentrate, metabolite,
constituent, or extract of such ingredients or combination of any ingredient described
above” (11). Dietary supplements are regulated by the FDA and are considered foods,
not food additives or drugs. This means that the tests for efficacy and public safety
are not as extensive as they are for food additives or drugs. Food additives and drugs
must be tested for years to prove that they work and are safe before they are approved
by the FDA. In contrast, supplements are not approved before they are placed on the
market for sale.
Whereas nutrient content and health claims must be approved by the FDA, structure–
function claims do not. But how do you tell the difference between these claims?
The only way to tell for sure is to read the label and package carefully. If the pack-
age bears the warning “This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
disease,” the claim has not been investigated and approved by the FDA. Be wary in
this case because there may not be an extensive amount of research data to support
the claims or promises made by the manufacturer (11, 12).
It would be amazing if you could lose body fat simply by swallowing a pill. If this
were possible, the obesity epidemic would suddenly be history, the pill would be
acclaimed worldwide, and the manufacturer would likely win a Nobel Prize. Because
none of this has happened to date, you should be skeptical when evaluating the merits
of any weight loss supplement. Even without an exhaustive review of every supple-
ment on the market, it is pretty clear that no currently existing supplement definitively
produces significant weight loss and long-term safe weight maintenance. Until sound
scientific evidence supports the use of a particular weight loss supplement, you would
do better investing in healthy foods and pursuing a physically active lifestyle.
Overweight and obesity is a growing problem. Both genetic and environmental fac-
tors contribute to body weight and body fat patterns. A key concept in weight manage-
ment is energy balance—you must tailor your food intake to your energy expenditure
to achieve your goals. No single macronutrient distribution is best for everyone trying
to maintain or lose body weight. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are all important
nutrients that play a role in health and wellness. Based on the current scientific data,
the best strategy for successful long-term weight management is food portion control
and regular physical activity. It is easy to say that you are going to eat less and exercise
more, but it takes quite a bit of effort to make this part of a long-term lifestyle. Behavior
modification involves restructuring your environment to reduce actions and habits that
contribute to weight gain. Registered Dietitians with expertise and training in weight
management, certified exercise professionals, and cognitive behavioral therapists are
great resources to help you learn and use these strategies.
Pregnancy and Postpartum
Historically, pregnancy was often thought of as a time requiring rest and limited physi-
cal activity, but today the majority of pregnant women in the United States choose to
engage in at least some exercise (13). If you are currently pregnant or thinking about
becoming pregnant soon, the good news is that exercise can improve your health
outcomes during pregnancy and postpartum (i.e., the first year after birth) (22). Even
better, research also indicates that exercising during pregnancy may improve child
health outcomes too.
This chapter touches on some nutritional areas to consider as well as highlighting
the benefits of different types of exercise during pregnancy, goes over common con-
cerns about exercise during pregnancy and some precautions, and gives tips about
how to incorporate exercise and healthy nutrition into your life during pregnancy and
the postpartum period.
370 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
Focusing on Nutrition
Nutrition during pregnancy takes on special importance since it affects both maternal
and fetal health. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) states that the key
components of a healthy pregnancy include appropriate weight gain, healthy nutrition,
and safe food handling (30).
TABLE 19.1 Recommended Ranges for Total Weight Gain During Singleton
Pregnancy by Prepregnancy Weight Status
Prepregnancy BMI (kg/m2) Recommended weight gain
Underweight (18.5) 28 to 40 lb (13 to 18 kg)
Normal weight (18.5 to 24.9) 25 to 35 lb (11 to 16 kg)
Overweight (25.0 to 29.9) 15 to 25 lb (7 to 11 kg)
Obese (30.0) 11 to 20 lb (5 to 9 kg)
Adapted by permission from Institute of Medicine and National Research Council of the National Academies, 2009, p. 2.
by about 340 calories and 450 calories, respectively, but calories add up quickly so
it’s important to eat nutrient-packed foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Multiple births require additional calorie intake, but researchers have not precisely
determined these energy requirements (30).
Where can I get healthy meal plans for
pregnancy and postpartum?
You can use to help you devise
a healthy meal plan during your pregnancy and postpartum. All women of childbearing
age should be sure to eat foods high in folic acid (green leafy vegetables and fortified
grains). During pregnancy and postpartum, talk to your health care provider about other
dietary supplements.
Due to mercury levels in fish, do not eat shark, swordfish, king mackerel, or tilefish
if you’re pregnant. Lower mercury content seafood (e.g., shrimp, canned light tuna,
salmon, pollock, catfish) is considered safe and encouraged because of its beneficial
fatty acid content at 8 to 12 ounces (225-340 g; about three servings) per week.
Thus, although good nutrition is always important for your health, dietary choices
are especially important during pregnancy when your body needs extra energy and
nutrients to ensure that both you and your baby stay healthy. In addition to the recom-
mendations regarding iron and folate supplements to ensure healthy birth outcomes,
you should consume at least 8 to 10 cups (64-80 fl oz) of fluid per day to stay hydrated
(30). You can use the Daily Food Plan for Moms (see
pregnancy-breastfeeding) to create food plans that meet energy needs (i.e., ~2200 to
2900 calories per day for most pregnant women) while ensuring that all food groups
are covered.
Women who exercise during pregnancy should take additional care to make sure
to balance energy expenditure with energy intake. In other words, make sure to eat
extra calories to make up for the ones you burn while exercising—pregnancy is not
the time to lose weight! More details on calculating calories burned for an activity
based on your body weight are found in chapter 5. Recall that once you know the
MET value (metabolic equivalent; a unit of measure reflecting the amount of oxygen
used) you can also determine the calories burned per minute during the activity using
the equations on page 93. Your total number of calories burned depends on how long
you exercise at a given intensity. If you choose to exercise vigorously during pregnancy
or pursue athletic training for competition, you may wish to meet with a Registered
Dietitian to make sure you and your developing baby’s energy and nutrient needs are
being met. For more information on general nutrition recommendations see chapter
3, which includes details on the Dietary Guidelines recommendations.
What are examples of “moderate” and “vigorous” activities?
It is recommended that pregnant and postpartum women engage in 150 minutes per
week (30 minutes, five days per week) of moderate aerobic physical activity. Moderate
activities you might like include walking, swimming, bicycling (10 to 13 miles per hour
[16 to 21 km]), dancing, and aerobics. Women who are already vigorously active can
most often maintain those activities. Vigorous activities include jogging, fast bicycling
(14 miles per hour [22.5 km] or faster), hiking, and singles tennis. You can use the talk
test to help determine your intensity: During moderate activities, you are able to talk in
complete sentences, while during vigorous activities you may be able to say only a few
words at a time (2). Talk to your health care provider and listen to your body to adjust
the intensity of your physical activity.
Benefits of Exercise
Exercise before as well as during pregnancy is associated with lower risk for excessive
gestational weight gain, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and preterm delivery (22).
Exercise during pregnancy also appears to be a safe and effective way to maintain
blood glucose within normal limits among women who are already diabetic or who
374 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
How to stay active after baby’s birth?
Home-based activities might include walking around the neighborhood or on a treadmill
to promote aerobic fitness or using resistance bands for muscular fitness. In addition,
community-based activity programs can provide social aspects in addition to opportuni-
ties to be active. For example, some communities have exercise programs specifically for
mothers and their babies at shopping malls. With babies happily riding in their strollers,
the moms power walk, resistance train with tubing or bands, and stretch. Not only are
these exercise sessions invigorating, they also provide a chance to chat with other new
Pregnancy and Postpartum 375
retention at six weeks and one year postpartum compared to less active women (26,
34). While being active during pregnancy or the postpartum period (or both) does not
seem to reduce the occurrence of postpartum depression, exercise prescriptions have
been effective at alleviating depressive symptoms among women with postpartum
depression (33, 34).
Therefore, current recommendations endorse regular exercise as part of a healthy
pregnancy and postpartum period. Research shows that exercise is both safe and ben-
eficial during pregnancy. While it is recommended that women get at least 150 minutes
per week of moderate activity during pregnancy, more specific recommendations for
aerobic fitness, muscular fitness, and flexibility training are not available (34). Some
women choose to continue running 50+ miles (80+ km) per week during pregnancy
with no ill effect, while others choose to start walking or swimming during pregnancy.
Women who already have an exercise program before pregnancy are advised to con-
tinue the same program until they feel the need to modify it by decreasing intensity,
frequency, or duration of exercise. Women who are not already active are advised to
begin moderate exercise during pregnancy to improve their own health as well as their
child’s health. As outlined throughout this book, a balanced exercise program includes
aerobic and muscular fitness, along with flexibility. This section outlines some special
considerations for pregnant women regarding exercise.
in physical activities as long as she checks with her health care provider first. More
intensive monitoring of maternal and fetal health may be warranted for women with
relative contraindications.
Pregnant women face unique barriers to exercise, including fatigue, lack of time,
morning sickness, increasing physical and joint discomfort, and lack of child care for
other children (12, 22). In order to overcome these barriers, you should seek to incor-
porate exercise into your daily life. Exercise sessions can be broken up into smaller
bouts to ease fatigue and time constraints. If you experience low back or joint pain,
you may wish to pursue non–weight-bearing activities like swimming, cycling, or water
aerobics. An abdominal support band can also help to support the pregnant belly during
weight-bearing exercise and ease discomfort. In the postpartum, you may choose to
include your baby in your workout by using a jogging stroller. It is also a good idea
to try exercising with a friend or a group, especially during postpartum when many
women encounter feelings of depression or feel shut off from the outside world.
Exercise prescription during pregnancy and postpartum does not differ from exercise
prescription at any other time, except for the need to avoid or modify certain activities
and monitor the baby’s well-being (see table 19.3). You should maintain open com-
munication about your exercise program with your health care provider. Additionally,
you can check on your baby’s health by monitoring weight gain during pregnancy
to ensure that you are gaining recommended amounts and by recording your baby’s
activity patterns, such as kicking or rolling, during the day. Knowing normal activity
patterns can help you determine whether a change occurs with exercise. In general, the
baby should move several times within the first half hour after exercise in the second
and third trimesters (10). If the baby stops moving or decreases the amount of usual
activity throughout the day, you should contact your health care provider.
If you were already doing vigorous activities before becoming pregnant, you can
feel good about continuing those activities throughout pregnancy, although you may
choose to make some practical changes to your exercise routine later in pregnancy. If
you are not already an exerciser when you become pregnant, research supports that
starting a moderate aerobic exercise program like walking or swimming is both safe
and beneficial.
Women often ask “How much do I need to exercise?” or “How much is too much?”
during pregnancy. While the guidelines provide direction for a minimum amount of
exercise (i.e., 150 minutes per week of at least moderate activity), they do not address
an upper limit for exercise during pregnancy (34). Instead, women who were already
active before pregnancy are advised to continue normal exercise routines until symp-
toms tell them to stop. Basically, if it feels good, it’s probably OK to keep doing it
during pregnancy. The ACOG also gives a list of warning signs that call for terminating
exercise during pregnancy (2):
• Vaginal bleeding
• Regular painful contractions
• Amniotic fluid leakage
• Dizziness or headache
• Chest pain
• Muscle weakness affecting balance
• Calf pain or swelling
• Shortness of breath (before exercise)
Pregnancy and Postpartum 377
Symptoms don’t always need to be dramatic. Warning signs are relative to each
woman and should be interpreted in light of your exercise and medical history. Many
women simply report the need to decrease exercise intensity, duration, or frequency
later in pregnancy. Now, more than ever, it is important to listen to your body!
Some women fear that exercise might hurt their baby and perceive vigorous or high-
impact activities as unsafe (21). While such fears are unwarranted based on current
research results, precautions should still be followed. Specifically, you should not engage
in contact sports (e.g., ice hockey, boxing, soccer, basketball), activities with a high
risk of falling (e.g., downhill skiing, waterskiing, surfing, off-road cycling, gymnastics,
horseback riding), scuba diving, or sky diving (2). You should also be cautious about
trying new activities that require balance and coordination, like lifting free weights,
since the risk of falling increases due to a changing center of gravity and increases in
joint laxity. Maintaining a normal body temperature during activity can also be harder
during pregnancy, so avoid exercising in hot and humid conditions (including “Hot
yoga” or “Hot Pilates”), and use a fan when exercising indoors on a treadmill or other
exercise machine. Table 19.3 summarizes common exercise concerns during pregnancy
and suggests modifications to lessen any risk (28).
In the postpartum period, many women are concerned about how exercise might
affect breastfeeding. From a comfort perspective, enlarged breasts from lactation pose
a problem for exercise; thus it takes some effort and planning to coordinate breast-
feeding and exercise. Breastfeeding also requires a lot of water, so drinking plenty of
water before, during, and after exercise is important. Feeding or pumping immediately
before working out can ease discomfort associated with enlarged breasts. Also, many
women choose to wear two sport bras or use an elastic bandage wrap to give more
support while exercising. Importantly, research shows that milk volume and nutrient
content are not negatively affected by exercise (4). So you can choose to be active
during the postpartum period and reap the many benefits associated with exercise
while knowing you are not depriving your infant in any way.
What is a good way to encourage physical activity?
Realizing the benefits of physical activity for mom and baby provides a strong incentive
to make exercise a priority. One simple way to help track activity is to purchase a simple
pedometer or activity tracker to count daily steps. Wear the pedometer for several typi-
cal days to determine your baseline level of activity and then develop a plan to increase
activity toward 10,000 steps per day. Many smartphones now have step counting capa-
bilities and mobile apps that can track your activity too. It can be fun to use these to
see your activity level over time, work toward goals, and even compete against friends
and family members.
Pregnancy and Postpartum 379
for yourself. Pedometer-based programs (like walking 10,000 steps/day) have been
effective at helping overweight women stay within recommended weight gain ranges
during pregnancy (32).
Resistance Training Very little research has considered resistance training and mus-
cular fitness during pregnancy, which is reflected by the lack of recommendations for
resistance training. In theory, heavy lifting could reduce blood flow to the developing
baby and result in poorer growth; however, this has not been documented. Rather,
the few research studies examining resistance training compared to no exercise during
pregnancy found no differences in length of gestation or birth weight (6, 7). One small
study found that pregnant women with gestational diabetes assigned to resistance
exercise training with elastic bands had better glucose control than women assigned
to the control group, but these findings need to be replicated in a larger study (11).
Thus, although it likely isn’t harmful, the possible benefits of resistance training during
pregnancy have yet to be determined.
Past studies on resistance training during pregnancy involved light to moderate
weightlifting programs that used machines, resistance bands, or body weight activi-
ties rather than free weights. For details on the various methods of resistance training,
see chapter 6. Typically, lifting free weights during pregnancy is not advised due to
increasing instability associated with changes in the center of gravity and increased
joint laxity as pregnancy progresses. To avoid balance issues, you may want to modify
programs to use weight machines or resistance bands in place of free weights. Given
380 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
the lack of research studies about possible benefits or adverse effects of resistance
training during pregnancy, you should work with a health care provider or fitness
professional to develop an appropriate resistance training program.
In general, resistance training programs should include low-resistance, high-repetition
exercises for the major muscle groups rather than powerlifting activities, which are con-
traindicated during pregnancy. As outlined in chapter 6, resistance training on two to
three days per week is recommended, including exercises for the major muscle groups
and completing 12 to 15 repetitions to the point of moderate fatigue (5). Extra care
should be taken to avoid breath holding (called the Valsalva maneuver) while lifting.
Instead, exhale during the exertion or muscle-shortening phase of each exercise. You
should also modify exercises to avoid lying on your back (supine position), especially
late in pregnancy when the weight and location of the baby may decrease the normal
return of blood to the heart (2). This can ultimately cause an unwanted drop in blood
pressure. Although not traditionally thought of as strength training, Kegel exercises
(voluntarily squeezing muscles of the pelvic floor) are recommended during pregnancy
and postpartum to reduce pregnancy-related urinary incontinence (4).
Recently, prenatal yoga and Pilates classes have grown in popularity. While sys-
tematic research on the efficacy of yoga or Pilates to improve pregnancy outcomes
is still scarce, no adverse effects have been reported. Yoga and Pilates may improve
pregnancy outcomes by helping to strengthen core muscles that help with labor and
delivery and by improving maternal stress and mood. There is growing evidence that
participation in yoga during pregnancy is associated with decreased symptoms of
maternal stress, anxiety, and depression (15). A smaller body of literature supports
decreases in low back and pelvic pain associated with yoga during pregnancy; however,
effects on birth weight and preterm delivery have been mixed (16). More research is
needed to determine what types of yoga have the best effects and whether effects are
driven by mindfulness or breathing techniques, physical stances, or a combination of
factors. It should be noted that Bikram yoga (aka “Hot yoga”) and “Hot Pilates” are
not recommended during pregnancy due to concerns about increased maternal core
temperature possibly leading to neural tube defects in the fetus and increased risk of
muscle damage, dizziness, and fainting in the mother (2, 8). In addition, some yoga
positions, such as those lying on the floor, may need to be modified in order to avoid
loss of blood flow return to the heart (2).
Joint laxity (i.e., the feeling of joint “looseness” and flexibility) increases throughout
pregnancy in preparation for labor and delivery. As a result, the risk for injury to joints
and surrounding tissues (ligaments) is higher in pregnancy, and you should be cautious
about rapidly changing direction during exercise to avoid ankle or knee sprains and
other injuries. As with any exercise program, it is important to include proper warm-up
and cool-down periods when exercising during pregnancy. All major muscle groups
should be stretched during the cool-down when the muscles are warm.
As with any healthy adult, pregnant women should target at least 10 minutes of
stretching including four or more repetitions of individual stretches on at least two to
three days per week. Chapter 7 provides information on stretching programs.
Although these general recommendations on stretching are appropriate, some special
considerations should be noted. Due to greater joint laxity, pregnant women should
be especially careful not to “overstretch” past the point of discomfort. Some stretching
Pregnancy and Postpartum 381
exercises, especially those for the lower body, might also need to be modified later
in pregnancy to account for the “baby bump” and to avoid lying on the back for too
long (see “Lower Body Stretches for Pregnancy” for several suggested stretches). In
addition to being an important part of an exercise routine, regular stretching may also
help lessen low back pain during pregnancy.
Pregnancy is an exciting time of life for a woman, and it’s the perfect time to make
changes to nutrition and activity patterns not only to improve your own health, but
also to ensure a healthy start for your infant. For women who already exercise, there
is no reason to make drastic changes to your routine as long as you talk with your
health care provider. Common sense should be used, however, and you should listen
to your body and modify activities as needed. Women who don’t already exercise
can begin at any time, but it’s important to start slow and progress as appropriate.
Just as at any other time in life, consultation with your personal health care provider
before starting an exercise program can help ensure that you are proceeding in the
best manner possible.
382 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
a b
Pregnancy and Postpartum 383
Calf Stretch
Stand an arm’s length away from a wall and extend arms until the palms are flat on
the wall, slightly above shoulder height (a). Step back with the right foot, straighten
the right leg, and bend the left leg toward the wall (b). Both feet should be flat and
pointed toward the wall. Weight should be balanced between feet and hands. You
should feel the stretch in your right calf. Switch leg positions and repeat on the left side.
a b
a b
What Is Depression?
While everyone feels sad or down on occasion, someone with clinical depression has
persistent symptoms that interfere with daily functioning. Symptoms of depression
include these:
• Depressed mood or feelings of sadness
• Loss of interest or pleasure in previously enjoyed activities
386 ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health
While anyone can be affected by depression at any time, certain factors are associ-
ated with increased risk of developing depression:
• Being female
• Having a family history of depression
• Having experienced a previous bout of depression
• Having low social support or social isolation
• Having a chronic health condition
• Experiencing stressful life events
• Low levels of physical activity
Women are about twice as likely to suffer depression as men. People who have a
family history of depression are more likely to suffer depression themselves. In addi-
tion, someone who has had a prior episode of depression is significantly more likely
than others to experience a subsequent episode. Other risk factors include stressful
life events, social isolation, and having a chronic health condition (40). Finally, being
physically inactive has been shown to increase risk for depression, providing further
support for the important role of physical activity in promoting mental as well as
physical health (19). Having these risk factors does not mean that you will become
depressed; however, if you are aware of the risk factors, you can be more alert to the
signs and symptoms for yourself or loved ones.
nephrine, serotonin, and dopamine. These medications include the older and now less
commonly used monoamine oxidase inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants, as well
as the newer, safer selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin and
norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) (49). Newer medications that have unique
mechanisms of action (atypical antidepressants) or that combine different mechanisms
of action (multimodal antidepressants) are commonly used. More recently, the use of
antidepressant medications that target other brain chemicals, such as glutamate, or
that target brain communication pathways related to depression has increased, with
the hope of improving treatment outcomes (49).
Clinical and research experience has revealed that not every medication is effec-
tive for every person. Unfortunately, medication selection is often a “trial and error”
approach, with challenges in matching individuals with the antidepressant medication
that is most likely to benefit them. If you take an antidepressant medication, you may
feel some improvement in the first couple of weeks, but the full benefits are not gener-
ally seen for a couple of months. It may take several attempts or even a combination
of medications to find a prescription that fully relieves depression, so it is important to
talk with your doctor about your medication and symptoms. Even after you get better,
your doctor will want you to continue medication for a period of time to maintain
improvement and protect against relapse (8).
Focusing on Nutrition
Balanced nutrition is an important consideration in the treatment and prevention of
depression. However, because changes in appetite and weight are a symptom of depres-
sion, nutrition can be particularly problematic. In addition, people with depression
often have low motivation and difficulty planning and problem solving, which makes
maintaining a healthy diet even more difficult. People who are feeling down, anxious,
or stressed may make poor food choices for comfort, while other people may skip
meals altogether. Some antidepressant medications are associated with weight gain,
which is another reason physical activity is important.
For purposes of mental health, people should generally follow the recommended
guidelines for nutrition according to their age and calorie needs (56) (see chapter 3 for
dietary guidance). In addition, some evidence indicates that people with depression
may have lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins (B12, folate), and other miner-
als and amino acids that affect brain function (48). A health professional or dietitian
may recommend a vitamin supplement if your diet is not providing adequate nutrients.
and early morning (46). These benefits are in addition to the effects of exercise on the
overall symptoms of depression. The following are other benefits:
• Low cost
• Convenience
• Accessibility
• Fitness and health benefits
• Few negative side effects
• Alterability of the routine to meet needs and goals
• Greater individual control
Cognitive function, such as learning, remembering, and using information, is fre-
quently disrupted in depression and can create significant and persistent difficulties in
daily functioning. Similar to the observations of exercise effects on sleep, various levels
of exercise have been shown to directly improve cognitive functions, independent of
changes in overall depressive symptoms. Higher levels of exercise have been associ-
ated with additional benefits, particularly with respect to spatial working memory, or
tasks that measure how one works with visual and spatial information (21). However,
there are few studies in this area, so more research is needed.
help you calculate calories you burn during exercise. Expending about 1,000 calories
per week has been shown to have beneficial health effects and provide mental and
physical health benefits (5, 18).
Other considerations for exercise dose are frequency and duration. Most research
on exercise and depression has used a traditional exercise format of three to four
times per week for 30 to 45 minutes per session (52). However, benefits have been
seen with a variety of exercise programs. Research has shown that exercising for a
shorter duration but more frequently (five days per week) and for a longer duration less
frequently (three days per week) both result in a reduction of depression symptoms
and remission of depression (18). Thus, there are many effective options. Some people
prefer doing longer-duration exercise a few days a week while others prefer perform-
ing shorter bouts more often. People who have trouble finding time for exercise may
prefer to break their sessions into shorter 10- to 15-minute bouts over the course of
the day (43). You may find that more frequent bouts are less intimidating while still
helping to reduce stress, improve thinking, and energize you.
It is important for people with symptoms of depression who would like to begin
exercise to gradually increase their physical activity level over a period of a few weeks
until they reach an adequate dose. This helps one develop physical fitness, prevents
Have a Goal
Although many options for physical activity can help you on your journey to physical and
mental health, set goals that meet your needs, preferences, and schedule. Goals provide
direction and motivation. Make sure you set small, short-term goals that are realistic. For
someone with depression, motivation is likely to be a problem. A realistic goal such as walk-
ing for 15 minutes a day can help you get started. Make sure you don't try to set too many
goals at once. Focus on one type of physical activity first; then you can try new activities as
you reach your goals.
frustration, and assists in planning and problem solving. While you may notice some
improvement in mood when you first begin exercising, significant improvements in
depression usually take several weeks, similarly to what is seen with pharmacotherapy
and psychotherapy. Full relief of symptoms may take several months of consistent
Resistance Training Although not as widely studied as aerobic exercise, resistance
exercise or strength training has been shown to have beneficial effects with regard to
reducing depression (50). General recommendations for strength training as outlined
in chapter 6 are to do resistance exercises two to three days per week, including the
major muscle groups of the chest, back, arms, shoulders, hips, legs, and core, per-
forming two to three sets of each exercise for 8 to 12 repetitions (43). One study using
resistance training as a depression intervention reported greater symptom reduction at
higher intensity (80 percent one-repetition maximum [1RM]) compared to lower inten-
sity (20 percent 1RM) in an exercise program of three days per week for eight weeks
(51). Generally, studies using resistance training have included two to three sessions
per week with a duration of approximately 45 to 60 minutes, similar to the time spent
in aerobic exercise programs (50).
success. Also, pairing physical activity with something you like such as listening to your
favorite music, watching a television show, or spending time with a friend can help you
find enjoyment in exercise.
Identify Resources
Creating or making use of an environment that supports your physical activity can help you
be more active and reach your goals. Examples include community resources like parks,
trails, and fitness centers; mobile apps and technology; and educational information such
as DVDs, social media, and magazines. Many businesses and malls have courses mapped
out to help promote activity and help you track how far you’ve walked.
As to types of exercise, you have a variety of options for mental health promotion,
including aerobic, resistance, and mindful exercise. Although this topic is not as widely
studied in relation to depression, you can also be active by playing sports and enjoying
other lifestyle activities such as walking and gardening. Consider doing your physical
activity at a moderate pace, and aim for 150 minutes per week. But doing any physi-
cal activity is better than none; you can start at a lower level and then work your way
toward a healthy dose of exercise that fits with recommendations. It is often useful to
have a fitness professional help you plan your exercise routine and provide supervision
as you get started. Most of the studies on depression have given participants exercise
treatment using supervised exercise programs or a combined program of supervised
and home-based exercise. If you are concerned about depression or another health
condition, it is important that you consult with your health care provider to ensure
that your symptoms do not get worse and to receive advice about the safest, most
appropriate type of exercise for you.
Depression is a very common disorder that can occur at any time throughout the
lifespan, and it significantly affects daily functioning in many areas. A variety of treat-
ments are available, including medication and psychotherapy, and communication with
a health care provider is important to monitor depressive symptoms and other concur-
rent health conditions. Exercise can also be an effective intervention for depression,
both as a stand alone treatment and when added to other therapy. Using behavioral
strategies can help promote adherence to exercise and should be incorporated as a
part of physical activity adoption and maintenance.
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424 Index
Michelle Kulovitz Alencar, PhD, CCN, currently an assistant
professor of kinesiology at California State University, Long
Beach, is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist and ACSM Certified
Exercise Physiologist. Her research interests are in obesity
treatment, assessments, and management through fitness and
Nicholas H. Evans, MHS, is a member of the ACSM and
the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. He is an
ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist and a research
coordinator working in neurorehabilitation and neurophysiol-
ogy in the Beyond Therapy program and Hulse Spinal Cord
Injury Laboratory at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, Georgia.
In addition, Evans is a graduate student in the Department of
Applied Physiology at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His
clinical and research interests include the effects of exercise
and therapeutic interventions on neuromuscular function and
neural plasticity following neurological injury and disease.
About the Contributors 433