A Crash Course in Security Management: Learning The Keys To A Better Security Posture

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A crash course in

security management:
learning the keys to a
better security posture
A crash course in security management: 2
learning the keys to a better security posture

An evolving cyberthreat landscape

combined with shifting security
challenges can have a real impact on
your business.

It’s important to have intelligent

management of your security
solutions for better visibility into
your security, control over your
policies, and guidance on hardening
your security posture.
A crash course in security management: 3
learning the keys to a better security posture


How can companies protect a growing In this eBook, we’ll show you how to achieve
number of attack surfaces from increasing— intelligent security management using the
and increasingly sophisticated—threats? As following three key principles:
organizations find themselves managing
resources that are distributed across multiple Full visibility that helps you
environments, they’re facing many security understand the security state and
challenges, including increased complexity, risks across resources
lack of visibility, and ineffective response.

Built-in security controls to help you

In an effort to keep up, many organizations
define consistent security policies
deploy more solutions, often ending up with
multiple point solutions addressing specific
security concerns, within a single workload. Effective guidance to help elevate your
This leads to the loss of full visibility into the security through actionable intelligence
end-to-end security state—and that can and recommendations
have an impact on the overall security of
the organization.

The management of so many individual

controls, point solutions, and vendors for
security—coupled with the increasing “noise”
caused by their diverse and usually siloed data
sets—can become a burden and a security
vulnerability. In addition, disparate point
solutions are often difficult to integrate with
each other, making it harder to gain visibility
and insight into your security posture, let alone
respond effectively to threats.






A crash course in security management: 5
learning the keys to a better security posture


Understand your security state
Visibility 6

Visibility is the first step in
For users achieving intelligent security
For devices
management. You need insight
into your security state to identify
risks across resources in your
For apps and data

organization, so you can effectively

detect and respond to threats.

Here’s how Microsoft 365 security

management solutions help you
understand the security state of
your users, devices, apps, and data:
Visibility 7

Menu With users now connecting and demanding access anytime,

anywhere, on any device, identity has become the new security
For users perimeter. This makes securing user identities—without negatively
impacting the user experience—one of the most important aspects
For devices of modern cybersecurity.

Microsoft’s Identity and Access Management service, Azure Active

For apps and data
Directory (Azure AD), provides access, usage, and security reports
to gain visibility into the integrity and security of your organization’s
directory. With this information, a directory administrator can better
identify and mitigate possible security risks.

With Azure AD, you can review and analyze:

User-specific reports that display device and sign-in

activity data for a specific user

Activity logs that contain a record of all audited events within

the last 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days, as well as group activity
changes and password reset and registration activity

In addition, Azure AD provides deep visibility into privileged

identities to help you manage privileged accounts and monitor their
activities, because of the risk associated with their misuse. Azure
AD Privileged Identity Management can help you identify any
administrator roles that are being misused, giving you the ability
to discover, restrict, and monitor administrators and their access
to resources. Users who need administrative access can get it for a
preconfigured limited time (with just-in-time access) after they have
proven their identity with multifactor authentication.
Visibility 8

Menu With always-connected users, device security becomes paramount.

Therefore, security teams also need a solution that gives them
For users visibility into their endpoint security, the ability to quickly assess
the scope and root causes of incidents, and a rich toolset for
For devices investigation and remediation.

Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) includes

For apps and data
Windows Secure Score. For both security management and security
operations teams, Windows Secure Score provides real-time visibility
into the security state of their endpoints and how well they are
protected against the latest threats, while enabling them to address
configuration issues proactively to reduce their organization’s attack
surface. It recommends steps to improve the overall security posture
without the need to manually gather different reports from IT teams.

The Windows Secure Score dashboard provides a detailed view of

security control configuration, as well as:

Your current Microsoft Your Windows Secure

Secure Score Score over time

Windows Defender Improvement opportunities,

security controls including recommended actions
for each security control
Visibility 9

Menu Because of the sophistication and breadth of the cyberthreats that

modern enterprises now face, they need to secure their apps and
For users data at all times: at rest, in transit, and during processing. And with
the introduction of regulations such as the GDPR, data security and
For devices usage transparency are now more important than ever.

One of the primary ways Microsoft 365 gives you visibility into
For apps and data
your apps and data is through audit logs and reports to help you
understand what users are doing. Logs can be easily accessed and
searched via the Office 365 security and compliance center. Built-
in reports help you visualize the log data. For example, they can
show you how many people are violating data loss prevention
(DLP) policies across SharePoint Online, One Drive for Business, and
Exchange Online, or how many malicious attachments are being
stopped by Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection.

Microsoft Cloud App Security helps you gain additional visibility into
all cloud use in your organization, including Shadow IT reporting and
control and risk assessment. In addition, it parses the data from the
Office 365 Management Activity API to create alerts on anomalous
activity—such as someone logging in from a new location, logging
in at unusual intervals, or using an ISP that they normally don’t use.

These alerts can also be on specific activities, such as uploading or

syncing files to OneDrive with known ransomware extensions or
downloading a large amount of content from a SharePoint site that
has sensitive HR data.
A crash course in security management: 10
learning the keys to a better security posture


Define the data protection you need
Control 11

After you’ve gained visibility
For users into your security state, ongoing
For devices
control over your security posture
is the next step. You need to
create and customize consistent
For apps and data

security policies and enable

the controls that are crucial to
intelligent security management.

Here’s how Microsoft 365 security

management solutions help you
define policies and enable controls
for users, devices, and apps and data:
Control 12

Menu Microsoft 365 helps you defend your organization at the front
door by using conditional access and by controlling and protecting
For users privileged identities.

Azure AD is Microsoft’s Identity and Access Management

For devices
solution, and it’s designed to help organizations manage user
identities and associated access privileges. Azure AD can help you
For apps and data
secure and restrict data access with capabilities such as conditional
access, user and sign-in risk calculation, multifactor authentication,
and privileged identity management.

Azure AD Conditional Access provides a powerful framework for

regulating access in governance, risk, and compliance scenarios.
Conditional access policies can be applied based on device state,
application sensitivity, location, and user rules.

Additionally, Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security can protect

your data in real time from the most advanced threats using
identity protection capabilities that calculate the risk of every
access request and user, then apply automated remediation
actions as needed.

While any compromised account is bad, a compromised admin

account is catastrophic. It’s critical to minimize the probability and
number of accounts with admin privileges. Azure AD Privileged
Identity Management enables you to have the smallest possible
number of admin-privileged users by helping you set policies to
grant admin access only when needed, for only as long as needed,
and only in compliance with your elevation policies.
Control 13

Menu One of the most important security management practices is

the ability to quickly enable the full Windows Security stack and
For users configure it in a way that is compliant with your security policies.
Microsoft provides a centralized tool for managing all Windows
For devices Defender ATP components.

Your security administrators can use System Center Configuration

For apps and data
Manager or Microsoft Intune as their single, unified IT and security
configuration tool, which they can use to enable and configure all
Windows Security controls in one place. This is also very effective
for organizations that use role-based security to limit access and
control to the right people.
Control 14

Menu You can better control the security of your apps and data through
the Office 365 security and compliance center, a customizable,
For users centralized portal for important security and compliance features.
For example, you can easily set up DLP and data retention policies,
For devices configure how malware and spam are handled, and review threat
intelligence data.

For apps and data

The security and compliance center also makes it easy to configure
role-based security groups, giving people access to just the security
and compliance features they need, versus global administration
rights. This helps restrict access to administrative functions such as
billing, assigning licenses, and creating new users.

Another important new security analytics tool is Microsoft Secure

Score, which provides a single number to represent how your
configurations compare to best security practices. Secure Score makes
finding and enabling core security controls easier, including enabling
multifactor authentication, auditing, and security features from the
various Microsoft workloads. Secure Score also keeps historical data
of what controls you’ve enabled, so you can track and share your
progress and score with other members of your organization.
A crash course in security management: 15
learning the keys to a better security posture


Keep current with security intelligence
Guidance 16

Once you have controls in place
For users that define your optimal security
For devices
policies, you need to follow
up with ongoing intelligence
For apps and data
and recommendations that
will enable you to harden your
security posture.

Here’s how Microsoft 365

security management solutions
deliver built-in intelligence and
recommendations for users,
devices, and apps and data:
Guidance 17

Menu Azure AD provides the first line of defense with risk-based

conditional access. With Azure AD, you get security reports in
For users three broad categories:

For devices Cases where a login is anomalous and associated with some
level of risk that the login is an attempt at unauthorized access
For apps and data
Cases with significant indication that a user’s credentials
have been compromised, either because they are showing
up frequently in risky logins or because they have been
discovered in unauthorized hands

Cases where your security posture could be improved,

meaning there are vulnerabilities in your defenses that
configuration changes can mitigate

Azure AD Identity Protection Security Reports provide you this

information, either in the Azure AD Portal or programmatically, so
you can integrate it into your SIEM or ticketing system.
Guidance 18

Menu Windows Secure Score gives your security teams better insight into
what security controls are available and which configurations can
For users help you achieve a better security posture for your organization.

For devices The Windows Secure Score dashboard recommends actions for each
Windows Defender security control. It lists all available configuration
options for each control and shows which ones are applied to which
For apps and data
machines, and a number next to each configuration shows how
much this additional configuration would contribute to your overall
score. If a threat gets detected, the associated alert also comes with
recommendations for containment and mitigation.
Guidance 19

Menu Microsoft 365 provides recommendations to help you harden your

security posture in two primary ways: through the Office 365 security
For users and compliance center and through Microsoft Secure Score.

The security and compliance center shows you what

For devices
recommendations the service has for your organization. Leveraging
machine learning, Office 365 interprets signals from your usage to
For apps and data
make recommendations on protecting data. For example, if you’re
not protecting tax documents, it might recommend that you create
a data retention policy to hold that content for seven years. If you
don’t have a data loss prevention policy for personally identifiable
information (PII), it can help you easily create one. The service
can even leverage information specific to your industry for more
customized recommendations.

Microsoft Secure Score helps you balance productivity and security.

Based on our best practices and data from customer support, you
receive recommendations on what security controls to enable to
better protect against threats such as data exfiltration, account
breaches, and elevation of privilege.

Powered by the Microsoft

Intelligent Security Graph

Microsoft’s security management solutions—including

those referenced in this eBook—are powered by the
Microsoft Intelligent Security Graph. The insights provided
by the Intelligent Security Graph are generated from a
massive amount of threat intelligence and security data
from a range of Microsoft products and partners across
devices and cloud services.

To defend against attacks that are fast and complex, the

Intelligent Security Graph utilizes machine learning and
artificial intelligence to detect and rapidly respond to
threats. The system collects, correlates, and learns from the
constant stream of data and updates continuously with the
newest threat information. This anonymized data is coming
from the hundreds of global cloud services we operate, and
from the more than 1 billion PCs worldwide that we update
every month. Human threat hunters, researchers, analysts,
and engineers fine-tune models and add further insight
and context. The data is also aggregated with external data
points from extensive research, partnership with industry
and law enforcement through our Digital Crimes Unit, and
our Cyber Defense Operations Center.
A crash course in security management: 21
learning the keys to a better security posture

Get started with intelligent

security management
Microsoft 365 provides optimized security management for your
organization’s users, devices, and apps and data, while minimizing
the need for multiple point security solutions and management
consoles. Microsoft 365 security management solutions enable
comprehensive visibility and control, and it provides you with built-in
guidance and recommendations.

Here’s how to get started:

1. Use Azure AD to secure identities in your environment.

2. Enable threat management for your devices through Windows

Defender Security Center.

3. Manage and control apps and data for your SaaS apps with Office
365 security and compliance center, Microsoft Secure Score, and
Microsoft Cloud App Security.

Ready to improve your organization’s security posture?

Learn more about intelligent security management

A crash course in security management: 22
learning the keys to a better security posture

Additional resources

Identity and Access Management

Learn about Azure Active Directory

Security Management for Devices

Learn about Windows Defender Security Center

Security Management for Apps & Data

Learn about Office 365 security and compliance center
Get an overview of Cloud App Security

© 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This document is provided “as-is.”
Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet
Web site references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it. This
document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property
in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this document for your internal,
reference purposes.

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