A Crash Course in Security Management: Learning The Keys To A Better Security Posture
A Crash Course in Security Management: Learning The Keys To A Better Security Posture
A Crash Course in Security Management: Learning The Keys To A Better Security Posture
security management:
learning the keys to a
better security posture
A crash course in security management: 2
learning the keys to a better security posture
How can companies protect a growing In this eBook, we’ll show you how to achieve
number of attack surfaces from increasing— intelligent security management using the
and increasingly sophisticated—threats? As following three key principles:
organizations find themselves managing
resources that are distributed across multiple Full visibility that helps you
environments, they’re facing many security understand the security state and
challenges, including increased complexity, risks across resources
lack of visibility, and ineffective response.
A crash course in security management: 5
learning the keys to a better security posture
Understand your security state
Visibility 6
Visibility is the first step in
For users achieving intelligent security
For devices
management. You need insight
into your security state to identify
risks across resources in your
For apps and data
One of the primary ways Microsoft 365 gives you visibility into
For apps and data
your apps and data is through audit logs and reports to help you
understand what users are doing. Logs can be easily accessed and
searched via the Office 365 security and compliance center. Built-
in reports help you visualize the log data. For example, they can
show you how many people are violating data loss prevention
(DLP) policies across SharePoint Online, One Drive for Business, and
Exchange Online, or how many malicious attachments are being
stopped by Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection.
Microsoft Cloud App Security helps you gain additional visibility into
all cloud use in your organization, including Shadow IT reporting and
control and risk assessment. In addition, it parses the data from the
Office 365 Management Activity API to create alerts on anomalous
activity—such as someone logging in from a new location, logging
in at unusual intervals, or using an ISP that they normally don’t use.
Define the data protection you need
Control 11
After you’ve gained visibility
For users into your security state, ongoing
For devices
control over your security posture
is the next step. You need to
create and customize consistent
For apps and data
Menu Microsoft 365 helps you defend your organization at the front
door by using conditional access and by controlling and protecting
For users privileged identities.
Menu You can better control the security of your apps and data through
the Office 365 security and compliance center, a customizable,
For users centralized portal for important security and compliance features.
For example, you can easily set up DLP and data retention policies,
For devices configure how malware and spam are handled, and review threat
intelligence data.
Keep current with security intelligence
Guidance 16
Once you have controls in place
For users that define your optimal security
For devices
policies, you need to follow
up with ongoing intelligence
For apps and data
and recommendations that
will enable you to harden your
security posture.
For devices Cases where a login is anomalous and associated with some
level of risk that the login is an attempt at unauthorized access
For apps and data
Cases with significant indication that a user’s credentials
have been compromised, either because they are showing
up frequently in risky logins or because they have been
discovered in unauthorized hands
Menu Windows Secure Score gives your security teams better insight into
what security controls are available and which configurations can
For users help you achieve a better security posture for your organization.
For devices The Windows Secure Score dashboard recommends actions for each
Windows Defender security control. It lists all available configuration
options for each control and shows which ones are applied to which
For apps and data
machines, and a number next to each configuration shows how
much this additional configuration would contribute to your overall
score. If a threat gets detected, the associated alert also comes with
recommendations for containment and mitigation.
Guidance 19
3. Manage and control apps and data for your SaaS apps with Office
365 security and compliance center, Microsoft Secure Score, and
Microsoft Cloud App Security.
Additional resources
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