Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
Definition 1 – Integration
“HRM is a series of integrated decisions that form the employment
relationships; their quality contributes to the ability of the organizations and the
employees to achieve their objectives.”
Definition 2 – Influencing
“HRM is concerned with the people dimensions in management. Since every
organization is made up of people, acquiring their services, developing their
skills, motivating them to higher levels of performance and ensuring that they
continue to maintain their commitment to the organization are essential to
achieving organizational objectives. This is true, regardless of the type of the
organization – government, business, education, health, recreational, or social
Definition 3 – Applicability
“HRM planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement,
development, compensation, integration, maintenance and separation of human
resources to the end that individual, organizational and social objectives are
HRM is management function that helps managers to recruit, select, train and
develop members for an organization. Obviously HRM is concerned with the
people’s dimensions in organizations. HRM refers to set of programs, functions,
and activities designed and carried out
Core elements of HRM
People: Organizations mean people. It is the people who staff and manage
Management: HRM involves application of management functions and
principles for acquisitioning, developing, maintaining and remunerating
employees in organizations.
Integration & Consistency: Decisions regarding people must be
integrated and consistent.
Influence: Decisions must influence the effectiveness of organization
resulting into betterment of services to customers in the form of high quality
products supplied at reasonable cost.
Applicability: HRM principles are applicable to business as well as non-
business organizations too, such as education, health, recreation and the like.
1. Societal Objectives: To be ethically and socially responsible to the needs
and challenges of the society while minimizing the negative impact of such
demands upon the organization.
2. Organizational Objectives: To recognize the role of HRM in bringing
about organizational effectiveness. HRM is only means to achieve to assist the
organization with its primary objectives.
3. Functional Objectives: To maintain department’s contribution and level
of services at a level appropriate to the organization’s needs.
4. Personal Objectives: To assist employees in achieving their personal
goals, at least in so far as these goals enhance the individual’s contribution to
the organization. This is necessary to maintain employee performance and
satisfaction for the purpose of maintaining, retaining and motivating the
employees in the organization.
From Entry to the Exit of an employee in the organization
Scope of HRM can be described based on the following activities of HRM.
Based on these activities we can summarize the scope of HRM into 7 different
categories as mentioned below after the activities. Lets check out both of them.
HRM Activities –
1. HR Planning
2. Job Analysis
3. Job Design
4. Recruitment & Selection
5. Orientation & Placement
6. Training & Development
7. Performance Appraisals
8. Job Evaluation
9. Employee and Executive Remuneration
13.Safety & Health
14.Industrial Relations
7 Categories of Scope of HRM
1. Introduction to HRM
2. Employee Hiring
3. Employee and Executive Remuneration
4. Employee Motivation
5. Employee Maintenance
6. Industrial Relations
7. Prospects of HRM
1. Advisory Role: HRM advises management on the solutions to any problems
affecting people, personnel policies and procedures.
a. Personnel Policies: Organization Structure, Social Responsibility,
Employment Terms & Conditions, Compensation, Career & Promotion,
Training & Development and Industrial Relations.
b. Personnel Procedures: Relating to manpower planning procedures,
recruitment and selection procedures, and employment procedures, training
procedures, management development procedures, performance appraisal
procedures, compensation procedures, industrial relations procedures and health
and safety procedures.
2. Functional Role: The personnel function interprets and helps to
communicate personnel policies. It provides guidance to managers, which will
ensure that agreed policies are implemented.
3. Service Role: Personnel function provides services that need to be carried
out by full time specialists. These services constitute the main activities carried
out by personnel departments and involve the implementation of the policies
and procedures described above.
Role of HR Managers (Today)
1. Humanitarian Role: Reminding moral and ethical obligations to employees
2. Counselor: Consultations to employees about marital, health, mental,
physical and career problems.
3. Mediator: Playing the role of a peacemaker during disputes, conflicts
between individuals and groups and management.
4. Spokesman: To represent of the company because he has better overall
picture of his company’s operations.
5. Problem Solver: Solving problems of overall human resource management
and long-term organizational planning.
6. Change Agent: Introducing and implementing institutional changes and
installing organizational development programs
7. Management of Manpower Resources: Broadly concerned with leadership
both in the group and individual relationships and labor-management relations.
Role of HR Managers (Future)
1. Protection and enhancement of human and non-human resources
2. Finding the best way of using people to accomplish organizational goals
3. Improve organizational performance
4. Integration of techniques of information technology with the human
5. Utilizing behavioral scientists in the best way for his people
6. Meeting challenges of increasing organizational effectiveness
7. Managing diverse workforce
HRM Objectives Supporting HRM Functions
Social Objectives (3) Legal Compliance
Union Management Relations
Organizational Objectives (7) Human Resource Planning
Employee Relations
Recruitment & Selection
Training & Development
Performance Appraisals
Placement & Orientation
Employee Assessment
Functional Objectives (3) Performance Appraisals
Placement & Orientation
Employee Assessment
Personal Objectives (5) Training & Development
Performance Appraisals
Placement & Orientation
Employee Assessment
HRM Models
The defining features of HRM is popularly known as models. These
models provide analytical framework for studying HRM. They
provide characterization of HRM that establishes variables and
relationship to be researched. Four most common models are :