D&R Greenway Project
D&R Greenway Project
D&R Greenway Project
The project team is proposing a set of two-way barrier protected bike lanes under the Bridge Street underpass to make the connection
between South Trenton and the downtown bike lane network. This configuration will not take away any vehicular lanes under the bridge, but
will use the excess space to safely allow cyclists to get from one end to the other.
A barrier is being proposed to keep vehicles out of the bike lane here. Which barrier type would you prefer to see here?
Option 1: Low barrier with flex posts Option 2: Higher barrier with reflective marking
Photo simulation
Lamberton Street
Two-Way Parking Protected Bike Lanes
As an alternative to the riverfront trail, the project team is proposing a second route that utilizes the unused
space on the one-way section of Lamberton Street between Cass Street and Riverview Park. Both sides of street
parking and the current one-way travel lane will be preserved with this configuration. This route will make for a
much more direct connection to downtown Trenton, and better connects the South Trenton neighborhood into
the regional trail and city bike lane networks.
2’-3’ Buffer
Photo simulation
Project Location
This project