Cs1101s Exam 2017 Solution

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(Semester 1 AY2017/2018)

Time Allowed: 2 Hours


1. This assessment paper contains FIVE (5) questions and comprises TWENTY-FIVE (25)
printed pages, including this page and two sheets of scratch paper at the end.
2. The full score of this paper is 80 marks.
3. This is a CLOSED BOOK assessment, but you are allowed to use ONE A4 sheet of
4. Answer ALL questions within the space provided in this booklet.
5. Where programs are required, write them in the Source Week 11 language.
6. Write legibly with a pen or pencil. UNTIDINESS will be penalized.
7. Do not tear off any pages from this booklet.
8. Write your Student Number below USING A PEN. Do not write your name.

Student No.:

This portion is for examiner’s use only

Question Marks Question Marks

Q1 (17 marks) Q4 (14 marks)

Q2 (18 marks) Q5 (14 marks)

Q3 (17 marks)
(80 marks)

Question 1: Pairs, lists and trees [17 marks]

Recall from the lectures the definition of trees:
A tree of certain data items is a list whose elements are such data items, or trees of
such data items.

In this question, we restrict ourselves to trees of numbers. A tree of numbers thus is a list
whose elements are numbers or trees of numbers.

A. Box-and-pointer diagrams of trees of numbers [6 marks]

Draw the box-and-pointer diagrams of results of evaluating the following Source statements.

A.1. [1 mark]
pair(4, []);

A.2. [1 mark]

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A.3. [2 marks]

list(list(4, 5, 6), 2, 3, list(8, 9));

A.4. [2 marks]
pair([], pair([], pair([], [])));

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B. A notion of similarity [4 marks]

Recall the function equal from the lectures. When applied to two trees of numbers, equal
returns true, if and only if they have exactly the same structure (same pairs and empty lists)
and the same numbers at their leaves.
In this question, we would like to be a bit more liberal, and define two trees to be similar, if
they have the same structure and if the corresponding number leaves differ by at most 1.
similar(list(4, list(5,6)),
list(4, [], list(5,6))); // false (not same structure)

similar(list(4, [], list(5,6)),

list(5, [], list(4,7))); // true

similar(list(4, list(5,6)),
list(5, list(3,7))); // false (too big difference)
Define the function similar such that similar(tn1, tn2) returns true if tn1 and
tn2 are similar and false otherwise. You can assume that both tn1 and tn2 are trees of
numbers. Make your function as simple and clear as possible. You can assume that the
function is_number is available, with the obvious meaning.

function similar(nt1, nt2) {

if (is_empty_list(nt1) && is_empty_list(nt2)) {
return true;
} else if (is_number(nt1) && is_number(nt2)) {
return nt1 === nt2 || nt1 + 1 === nt2
|| nt2 + 1 === nt1;
} else if (is_pair(nt1) && is_pair(nt2)) {
return similar(head(nt1), head(nt2)) &&
similar(tail(nt2), tail(nt2));
} else {
return false;

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C. Counting differences [4 marks]

For two similar trees, the question arises at how many places they differ. Write a function
differences such that differences(tn1, tn2) returns the number of places where
tn1 and tn2 have different numbers. You can assume that tn1 and tn2 are similar trees of
differences(list(4, [], list(4,6), 8),
list(5, [], list(4,7), 8)); // returns 2
list(4,5,6,7)); // returns 0
Make your function as simple and clear as possible. You can assume that the function
is_number is available, with the obvious meaning.

function differences(nt1, nt2) {

if (is_empty_list(nt1)) {
return 0;
} else if (is_number(nt1)) {
return (nt1 === nt2) ? 0 : 1;
} else {
return differences(head(nt1), head(nt2))
differences(tail(nt1), tail(nt2));

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D. Incrementing trees of numbers [3 marks]

Recall the function map_tree from the lectures.

function map_tree(f, tree) {
return map(function(sub_tree) {
return ! is_list(sub_tree)
? f(sub_tree)
: map_tree(f, sub_tree);
Use map_tree to define a function increment such that increment(tn) returns a tree
that is similar to the given tree tn, where each number is incremented by 1. You can assume
that tn is a tree of numbers.
increment(list(4, [], list(4,6), 8)); // returns the same as

list(5, [], list(5,7), 9);

function increment(nt) {
return map_tree(function (x) { return x + 1; }, nt);

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Question 2: Key-value stores [18 marks]

Key-value stores are databases that use lists of strings as keys and strings as values. Today,
databases that use key-value stores such as Oracle’s NoSQL are popular for Big Data

A. Drawing stores [6 marks]

We shall use literal Source objects in order to implement key-value stores. For example, the
following Source object can be seen as a key-value store.
var my_key_value_store =
{"NUS": {"students": {"Chris" : {"mobile": "98765432",
"home" : "65432109" },
"Sam" : {"mobile": "44556677" } },
"staff" : {"Peter" : {"office": "65166632" } } },
"CERN": {"Tim" : {"office": "59843726" } } };
Draw the environment diagram of the environment after evaluating the program above.

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B. Stores and the prototype chain [4 marks]

The string "__proto__" enjoys special treatment in Source (and JavaScript) objects.
Consider the following Source object.
var your_key_value_store =
{ "a" : { "b" : { "c" : "1", "e": "2" },
"__proto__" : { "f" : "3", "g": "4" } },
"__proto__" : { "h" : { "i" : "5", "j": "6" } } };
What is the result of the following operations:

B.1. [1 mark]

B.2. [1 mark]


B.3. [1 mark]


B.4. [1 mark]


We shall assume henceforth that "__proto__" does not occur in keys of key-value

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C. Storing values [4 marks]

A key-value store is initially empty, and thus is represented by the empty object.
function make_empty_key_value_store() { return {}; }
In order to add entries to the key-value store, we require a function put that takes a store as
first argument, followed by a key, which is a list of strings, followed by the new value that we
want to enter. The string elements of the key are used to successively access the properties of
the respective object, starting with the first element (also called the major key) and the whole
store. The process will create objects whenever necessary, on the path to where the value
After the following session, my_key_value_store_2 will refer to an object with the
same structure and values as the object my_key_value_store in Part A.
var my_key_value_store_2 = make_empty_key_value_store();
list("NUS", "students", "Chris", "mobile"), "98765432");
list("NUS", "students", "Chris", "home" ), "65432109");
list("NUS", "students", "Sam", "mobile"), "44556677");
list("NUS", "staff", "Peter", "office"), "65166632");
list("CERN", "Tim", "office"), "59843726");
Define the function put. The call put(store, key, new_value) should always
succeed in writing the string new_value to any store, such that it can later be retrieved
with the list of strings given in key. If the store already has a value (which might even be
an object and not a string) under the given key, that value is replaced by new_value.

function put(kvs, key, val) {

if (is_empty_list(tail(key)) {
kvs[head(key)] = val;
} else {
if (kvs[head(key)] === undefined) {
kvs[head(key)] = [];
} else {}
put(kvs[head(key)], tail(key), val);

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D. Retrieving values [4 marks]

In order to access a key-value-store, we need a function get that is applied to a store and a
key. The function get(store, key) should always succeed for a given store my_store
and a given list of strings key. If store contains the value val under key, the function
get should return val. If there is no string value under key, the function get should
return the value undefined. You can assume there are functions is_string and
is_object to check if a given value is a string or an object, respectively.
list("NUS", "students", "Chris", "mobile")); // "98765432"
list("NUS", "students")); // undefined
list("SFU", "students", "Chris", "mobile")); // undefined

function get(kvs, key) {

var next = kvs.(head(key));
if (next === undefined) {
return undefined;
} else if (is_empty_list(tail(key))) {
return (is_string(next)) ? next : undefined;
} else {
return get(next, tail(key));

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Question 3: Counting Sort [17 marks]

The sorting functions discussed in the lectures have in common that they use comparisons to
determine the order of the elements in the resulting sorted array. The worst-case runtime for
any such comparison-based sorting algorithms has order or growth Ω(n log n), where n is the
size of the array to be sorted, if no additional information is known about the elements in the
array or their order.
One way to do better than Ω(n log n) is to use operations other than comparisons. For
example, if we know that all elements of a given array are integers ranging from 0 to a
relatively small maximal value, we could use the integers as indices into an array, and use
array assignment and access as operations:
my_array[unsorted_array[i]] = …;
In this question, we are given an unsorted array of numbers unsorted, and a number max,
with the additional information that all elements are integers between 0 and max.

Possible values for unsorted and max could be:

var unsorted = [5, 1, 10, 2, 1, 5, 7, 3];
var max = 12;
Our strategy for sorting such arrays is to build an array that represents a histogram for the
values of the original array. The histogram indicates for each possible value 0 to max, how
many times the value occurs in unsorted. In the example above, the histogram would look
as follows:
var histogram = [0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
From such a histogram, we shall then generate the sorted array by placing as many copies of
the histogram indices into the target array as indicated by the histogram:
var sorted = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 7, 10];

The diagram below illustrates how the sorted array can be obtained from the histogram.

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A. Making arrays of zeros [3 marks]

It will be convenient to start with a histogram whose elements are all 0. Write a function
array_with_zeros such that a call array_with_zeros(n) returns an array of
length n whose values at indices 0 to n - 1 are all 0.

For example,
should return the array [0, 0, 0, 0, 0].

function array_with_zeros(n) {
var a = [];
for (var i = 0; i < n; i = i + 1) {
a[i] = 0;
return a;

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B. Making a histogram [4 marks]

Write a function make_histogram that takes an array of non-negative integers and a

number max as arguments. You can assume that all integers in the array are less than or equal
to max. The call make_histogram(arr, max) should return an array of length
max + 1 that indicates for each number 0 to max the number of times the element occurs in
arr. For example, the resulting histogram for the array unsorted on Page 11 and
max = 12 is the array:
[0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
Define your function as simply and clearly as possible, and make use of the function
array_with_zeros in Part A if you think it helps.

function make_histogram(array, max) {

var len = array_length(array);
var histogram = array_with_zeros(max+1);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i = i + 1) {
histogram[array[i]] = histogram[array[i]] + 1;
return histogram;

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C. Entering copies [3 marks]

To fill the result array, we may need a function enter_copies such that
enter_copies(arr, n, v, start) enters into arr exactly n copies of a given
value v, starting at index start. For example, consider the array
var some_array = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
The call
enter_copies(some_array, 4, 8, 2);
should enter 4 copies of the value 8 into some_array, starting at position 2. Thus, after the
call, some_array should have the form [1, 1, 8, 8, 8, 8, 1, 1, 1].

function enter_copies(a, n, value, from) {

if (n === 0) { // done
} else {
a[from] = value;
enter_copies(a, n - 1, value, from + 1);

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D. Generating sorted array [5 marks]

We now generate a sorted array from a given histogram. For each index i of the histogram,
we enter the given number of copies of i into the sorted array, starting from 0. For example,
generate_sorted([0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]);
should return the array [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 7, 10].

function generate_sorted(histogram) {
var sorted_array = [];
var len = array_length(histogram);
var sorted_pointer = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i = i + 1) {
histogram[i], i, sorted_pointer);
sorted_pointer = sorted_pointer + histogram[i];
return sorted_array;

E. Complexity of counting sort [2 mark]

We can now define the overall sorting function

function counting_sort(unsorted, max) {
return generate_sorted(make_histogram(unsorted, max));
The basic operation for this algorithm is array access and assignment, which we will call
array operations. We define the size of a sorting problem as the maximum of the length of
the given array unsorted and max, which is the given limit for the largest value of the
array. Characterise the number of array operations for running
counting_sort(unsorted, max), using Ө-notation.

The number of array operations for solving a sorting problem of size n using
counting sort has order of growth:

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Question 4: Digital Orrery [14 marks]

An orrery is a mechanical clockwork model of the solar
system, or parts of it. The image on the right shows an orrery
at the Museum of the History of Science in Oxford. Jerry
Sussman—one of the original authors of the CS1101S
textbook—created a digital orrery, and used it in 1988 to
predict the behaviour of the solar system for 845 million
years, to study if it exhibits chaotic behaviour. In this
question, we will lay the foundation for a simple digital
orrery using Source.

A. [4 marks]

First, we shall define a coordinate system relative to which

we position the bodies in the solar system. We limit
ourselves to a classical, 3-dimensional, Euclidean space and
choose a heliocentric ecliptic rectangular coordinate system, where the centre of the sun has
coordinates (x: 0, y: 0, z: 0), and the Earth always has (z: 0). As units, we will use million
kilometres. A possible location for the center of the Earth could be characterized by the
Source object:
({ x: 145.9, y: 76.4, z: 0.0 });
Define a function Body that allows us to create such objects, using
var earth = new Body(145.9, 76.4, 0.0);
Add methods get_x, get_y, get_z that enable access to the coordinates as in
earth.get_x(); // returns 145.9

function Body(x, y, z) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;

Body.prototype.get_x = function() { return this.x; };

Body.prototype.get_y = function() { return this.y; };
Body.prototype.get_z = function() { return this.z; };

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B. [6 marks]

Now we could define a few bodies in our digital orrery as follows:

var earth = new Body(145.9, 76.4, 0.0 );
var moon = new Body(145.3, 76.1, 0.001);
var sun = new Body( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
var system = list(earth, moon, sun);
Draw the environment diagram for this program, including the function Body, its methods,
and the frames that result from calling Body.

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C. [4 marks]

For our orrery to work, we need to keep track of the speed of the bodies, and not just their
position. For this we assume we can use ‘speed’ objects. Define a function MovingBody
that allows you to create new bodies using
var moving_earth = new MovingBody(145.9, 76.4, 0.0,
// initial_speed_of_earth is given object stating speed of earth
Your function MovingBody should inherit from the function Body and make use of Body
in its definition.
Also define a method get_speed such that we can retrieve the current speed of
moving_earth by
var current_earth_speed = moving_earth.get_speed();

function MovingBody(x, y, z, speed) {

Body.call(this, x, y, z);
this.speed = speed;


= function() { return this.speed; };

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Question 5: The Source meta-circular evaluator [14 marks]

A. Repeated parameters [5 marks]

JavaScript’s strict mode alerts the programmer of various obvious programming errors using
exceptions. In this question, you are required to simulate one aspect of the behaviour of strict
mode in the meta-circular interpreter for Source (MetaSource) by displaying error messages.

Strict mode insists that function parameters are unique. For example, a function
function power(x, x) {
return x === 0 ? 1 : x * power(x, x – 1);
lists x twice as parameter of power. Like JavaScript, MetaSource accepts this program
although this is clearly a programming error and the meaning of the program is not clear.

Modify the implementation of function definition in MetaSource such that any function
definition where the function parameters are not unique displays an error and returns
undefined. For example, the evaluation of the function definition above will lead to the
display of the string
“parameters in function definition not unique”
and the value undefined.

Hint: Recall function definition is implemented for MetaSource as follows:

function evaluate_function_definition(stmt,env) {
return make_function_value(

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function distinct(xs) {
if (is_empty_list(xs) || is_empty_list(tail(xs))) {
return true;
} else {
if (is_empty_list(member(head(xs)))) {
return distinct(tail(xs));
} else {
return false;

function evaluate_function_definition(stmt,env) {
var params = function_definition_parameters(stmt);
if (distinct(params)) {
return make_function_value(
} else {
display("parameters in function \
definition not unique”);

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B. Property assignment to primitive values [3 marks]

JavaScript allows property assignment to primitive values such as boolean values, numbers
and strings. Any such attempts are just ignored by the JavaScript evaluator. For example,
true["aaa"] = 1; // has no effect
"bbb" . ccc = 2; // has no effect
123["ddd"] = 3; // has no effect
All these property assignments succeed in JavaScript, but have no effect. Most of the time,
such operations will be a programming error, and the author intended something else.
JavaScript’s strict mode therefore generates an exception in these situations.
Modify property assignment such that error messages are displayed, in the examples above:
"expecting array/object/function value before [, found value true"
"expecting array/object/function value before [, found value 'bbb'"
"expecting array/object/function value before [, found value 123"
Hint: Recall the current implementation of evaluation property assignment for MetaSource
as follows.
function evaluate_property_assignment(stmt,env) {
var obj = evaluate(object(stmt), env);
var prop = evaluate(property(stmt), env);
var val = evaluate(value(stmt), env);
obj[prop] = val;
return val;
You can assume that the builtin functions is_object, is_array and is_function are
available and return true if and only if their argument is a Source object, Source array or
Source function, respectively.

function evaluate_property_assignment(stmt,env) {
var obj = evaluate(object(stmt), env);
var prop = evaluate(property(stmt), env);
var val = evaluate(value(stmt), env);
if (is_object(obj) || is_array(obj) || is_function(obj)) {
obj[prop] = val;
return val;
} else {
display("expecting array/object/function \
value before [, found value " +
return undefined;

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C. The Essence of evaluation? [6 marks]

JavaScript supports a function eval that takes a string as argument, parses it, evaluates the
parsed program, and returns the result. This question explores what environment can or
should be used for the evaluation.

Recall that primitive functions such as pair, head and tail are defined for MetaSource as
// the global environment has bindings for all
// builtin functions, including the operators
var primitive_functions = list( pair("pair", pair),
pair("head", head),
pair("tail", tail),

// setup_environment makes an environment that has
// one single frame, and adds a binding of all variables
// listed as primitive_functions ...
// The values of primitive functions are objects tagged
// with "primitive" whose “implementation” is the tail
// of the pair
function setup_environment() {
var initial_env = enclose_by(an_empty_frame,
for_each(function(x) {
{ tag : "primitive",
implementation: tail(x) },

return initial_env;

var the_global_environment = setup_environment();

// parse_and_evaluate
function parse_and_evaluate(str) {
return evaluate_toplevel(parse(str),
Our approach to provide JavaScript’s eval function in MetaSource shall be to add a line for
eval as follows:
var primitive_functions
= list(pair("pair", pair),
pair("head", head),
pair("tail", tail),
pair("eval", parse_and_evaluate),

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Using this modification of the evaluator, what are the results of the following Source

C.1. [2 marks]
var x = 1;
parse_and_evaluate("eval('var x = 2; x + x;');");

C.2. [2 marks]
var x = 1;
parse_and_evaluate("var x = 2; eval('x + x;');");

C.3. [2 marks]
var x = 1;
parse_and_evaluate("var x = 2; \
function f(x) { \
return eval('x + x;'); \
} \

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(Scratch paper. Do not tear off.)

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(Scratch paper. Do not tear off.)

——— END OF PAPER ———

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