Baptism Questions
Baptism Questions
Baptism Questions
13. Once you are Baptised, does that mean for sure that you will go to heaven?
No, not if you die in a state of unrepented mortal sin.
14. How many types of Sacramental Oils are used by the Catholic Church?
There are 3 types of Sacramental Oils used by the Catholic Church
1) The Oil of Catechumens
2) The Oil of the Sick
3) Sacred Chrism
18. What does plunging & rising up again from the water symbolize?
The symbolic plunging & rising up again from the water reminds us that a new Catholic enters
into Christ’s death & then rises to a new life of grace.
19. Who instituted the Sacrament of Baptism?
Baptism was instituted by the Lord Jesus by His Baptism in the River Jordan & by His words to
Nicodemus saying.
1) -“ Most assuredly I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of
God …. Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water & the Spirit, he
cannot enter the Kingdom of God” (John 3).
2) & by saying to the Apostles, “Go therefore & make disciples of all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father & of the Son & of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).
20. When you are Baptised what roles do you take on?
When we are baptised, we take on three Christ-like roles:
1) A Priest
2) A Prophet &
3) A King
• There are two different types of priesthood, that which is celebrated through the Sacrament of
Holy Orders, & the common priesthood of the people.
• All who are Baptised & Confirmed are called to live out the common priesthood.
• We live the common priesthood by building up the Church & by living lives of faith, hope, &
• A prophet in the Old Testament was someone who proclaimed the coming of the Messiah &
called for repentance.
• There were many prophets, & the last prophet was John the Baptist.
• We are all called to be prophets & to proclaim the Good News of Christ in our world today.
• Jesus Christ came as our King not to be served but to serve.
• We are called to participate in the kingly role of Christ by imitating him in his love & service
to others.
• We live for the Kingdom of Heaven where we will live in eternal happiness with the Great
21. How can we live out our role in the common Priesthood?
We can do this through prayer. We can pray & ask God to increase the virtues in us. At the
beginning of the rosary on the three beads before the decades start, we ask for an increase in
faith, hope, & charity. We can also live these out by doing acts. We can act in faith by choosing
to believe in God & all that He has shown us through Jesus Christ. We can do this by fully
participating at Mass & actively listening & responding. We can read the Gospels & share what
we learn about Christ with others. The virtue of hope gives us a desire for eternal life & the
happiness of heaven. We can act in hope by doing things in our lives that are worthy of heaven,
by avoiding sin, & frequenting the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In charity, we love God above
all else & love our neighbor. We can live out this aspect of our common priesthood by loving
God first, then those around us, in our family & our community.