Personal Research Unit Plan
Personal Research Unit Plan
Personal Research Unit Plan
In an age where students have access to so much information right at their fingertips, it is important for them to know how to get the
most out of texts that are designed to inform them. Students need to know how to find information, assess the credibility of a
source, and how to communicate the things they have learned in a way that will be clear to others. Students must learn how
to think for themselves when presented with information, and that is the focus of this unit.
G.L.O. 4 – Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication
Resource Lines 7/8 NewsELA website allows for the same article Critical Literacy Campaign
to be modified for reading level while Project
Nonfiction Mentor Texts: maintaining content
Teaching Informational Research Paper
Writing Through Children’s
Literature, K-8 Research Presentation
Teaching and Learning Planning for
Day Outcomes Resources (Formative &
Activities Diversity
1 Reading for Informational Resource Lines 7/8 (p. 21-35) Formative
2.3 Understand Purposes Class discussion
Forms, Elements and Review – there are the three Brainstorming Activity
Techniques – main purposes for writing? (to
understand forms entertain, persuade, or to Summative
and genres inform) N/A
3.1 Plan and Focus – Go over different kinds of non-
focus attention fiction
2.3 Understand Issue Overview: Are Social Article Use Newsela to Formative
Forms, Elements, Networking Sites Good for our accommodate Pro-con t-chart
and Techniques – Society? networking/id/23704/ reading level for
understand Tammy Summative
techniques and Read through article as a class N/A
elements modelling the SQ3R method for
3.1 Plan and Focus –
focus attention Read critically, trying to figure
2 out what the point of view of
3.2 Select and the author of the article is. Do
Process – access they think social media is helpful
information/evaluate or harmful?
Have students make a pro-con t-
chart about social media listing
the benefits and downfalls for
individuals and for society.
3 2.3 Understand Read “Negative, positive effects Article Formative
Forms, Elements, of excessive social media use on emotional-health-social-media/id/31749/
and Techniques – teens studied” Summative
understand Use yesterday’s pro-con chart as Opinion Paragraph
techniques and pre-reading material and
elements continue to update this chart.
3.1 Plan and Focus – Have students write an opinion
focus attention piece on the effects of social
media. Outline the positive
3.2 Select and aspects, the negative aspects,
Process – access and then write a paragraph with
information/evaluate your own opinion about social
sources media.
2.3 Understand Read “New Study: Books Don’t Articles Formative
Forms, Elements, Take You Anywhere” together as Class Discussion
and Techniques – a class take-you-anywhere-1819563809
understand Summative
techniques and What is satire and why is it so N/A
elements dangerous? (Mini-Lesson) – ramifications/id/24809/
discuss websites like “The
3.1 Plan and Focus – Onion”, and how an age of
focus attention political satire makes it so
important for us to be critical
3.2 Select and readers especially when you’re
Process – access on the internet.
4 information/evaluate
sources Have students read “Suddenly,
many American readers have
decided fake news isn’t fake
anymore” and fill in a SQ3R plan
for it.
3.2 Select and Finding the real experts – Video on checking source credibility Formative
Process – evaluate checking the validity of sources Class Discussion
sources online. Who should you Credibility Checking Activity
believe? Summative
Credibility checking activity –
8 provide students with three
different resources and have
them decide which one they
think is real and which ones they
think are real and which ones
they think are fake.
2) Is musical study
important in our
educational system?
3) Do teenagers need
more sleep?
3.1 Plan and Focus – Lit. Circle Activity Day 2 Formative
focus attention Topic narrowing activity
Writing Assignment – students Summative
will use their literacy circle Opinion Paragraph
information to write an opinion
10 paragraph based on an issue
related to their topic.
3.1 Plan and Focus – Finding a Topic and Point for Nonfiction Mentor Texts p.13-35 Formative
focus attention personal research Expert Lists
Developing an essential question
for research Summative
Expert Trees – Have students
create a list of topics they are
quite knowledgeable about.
11 From each topic branch off to
show all of the different sub-
categories within that category.
Research time
3.2 Select and Review using KWL charts to fill in Formative
Process the gaps of your research, using Class Discussion
the unanswered wonder Observation/Conversation
13 3.3 Organize, Record, questions to guide searches
and Evaluate Summative
Research time
3.4 Share and Review Essay Writing Review – go over Formative
common errors from the last Conferencing
essay. (tone, sentence structure,
capitalization Summative
4.3 Share and Review Presentations – each student Students who are Formative
will have a few minutes to uncomfortable
present on their topic and then with making a Summative
they will answer their peers presentation to Presentation of Research
questions the whole class
21 can speak to me
Active Listening Exercise – about doing a
students will need to hand in a presentation just
chart with one thing they for me.
learned from each student’s