Gengas Exp Sueca
Gengas Exp Sueca
Gengas Exp Sueca
Generator Gas
The Swedish Experience from 1939-1945
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Solar Energy Research Institute
A Division of Midwest Research Institute
This document, originally available as a bookstore publication of the former Biomass Energy Foundation,
is now freely available as part of an archive of publications at
The Swedish Experience -Gas 1939-1945
3rd Edition with Index
A translation of the Swedish book GENGAS, which describes the conversion of the
Swedish motoring fleet and stationary engines to the use of gas generated from wood or
charcoal during the Second World Was.
ISBN 1-890607-01-0
le11rinted and Distributed llv Ille Biomass Eneruv Feundalian
1111 Smith Id., Golden, CO 80411
T his book "Generator Gas" (in Swedish Gengas) summarizes the scientific, technical
and Commercial information developed during World War II when Sweden, cut off
from fossil fuels, converted 40% of its entire motor vehicle fleet to burning wood. Again
we face a period when fossil liquid fuels are increasingly scarce and expehsive and when
we will have to find substitutes. We have translated this book because we believe the
information contained will save the enormous cost of rediscovering the data and
experience gained by Sweden, and will enable scientists and engineers engaged in
gasifier projects to build upon what is already known.
The gas generator for motor vehicles was developed at an astonishing speed during the
war years. It is quite possible that we may never need to use gas generators for vehicles
because we may develop electric cars or synthetic alcohol or gasoline fuels for portable
use. Nevertheless, we feel that the gas generator has a new important role for retrofitting
existing gas/oil boilers to biomass fuels, for operation of stationary engines for irrigation
and power generation, and possibly for operation of turbine engines. We believe that the
information in this book will speed development of these alternatives.
We would like to thank Prof Gunnar Hambraeus and the Swedish Academy of
engineering for permission to translate GEWNGAS, i:ind for additional information that
thy have supplied from more recent Swedish work. We would also like to thank Maria
Geuther of Boulder, Colorado, for translating the Swedish book into English. We have
enjoyed our share of the scientific editing of this very interesting chapter of technological
history and feel that our overall program in gasification at SERI is greatly strengthened
by our knowledge of the details found in this book.
Thomas B. Reed and Dan Jantzen January 1979
This is the 20th anniversary of the publication of GENERATOR GAS and we are
including a history of its publication and more recent gasifier developments for historic
interest. A Mr. Agua Das (later my co-author on other books) learned of the existence of
our first edition in 1979, but could not find it in libraries - until he learned it was in
Government Documents files and there was no ISBN number. When he finally found a
copy he decided to publish it in his TIPI (Technology in the Public Interest) Press. He
was in bed with the flu when he read it, so decided to make an index. He printed 500
copies, reduce to 5 112 X 8 in size for handy pocket reading (and to save printing costs).
We have included his index in this volume, but returned it to its original size.
In 1979 I met Prof Dick Bailie at the University of W. Virginia. He was the proud
owner of a 75 hp Swedish WWII gasifier which he bought for $150 (and shipped to the
U.S. for $900). SERUNREL gave him a contract to operate this gasifier on the new wood
pellets and also on oxygen. We were amazed to discover that the gasifier could operate
quite well on pellets and even more amazed that it would operate on 100% oxygen with
only a 50°C rise in hearth temperature! Later he gave that gasifier to SERI/NREL and it
was used in half a dozen projects.
In 1985 I met a Dr. Harry Lafontaine who had formed the Biomass Energy Foundation
(BEF). He had manufactured gasifiers during WW II as a cover for his Danish
Underground activities. Harry owned the JENSEN CIRCUS for several years before he
came to the U.S. and appreciated the value of showmanship. The limousine shown on the
cover was initially intended for the Shah of Iran, but when the Shah died, Harry
purchased it to demonstrate gasification at Eastern Universities and lecture on alternate
I joined the BEF and started reprinting books under the BEF Press name. Harry died in
1994 and left the BEF to me to continue his work in this field. We now list 12 books in
our catalogue (see end pages) and will be adding more. We have also given our books
ISBN numbers and this is ISBN 1-890607-01-0.
Based on our oxygen gasifier work SERUNREL permitted me to design a high pressure
oxygen gasifier to make synthesis gas for synthetic methanol, arrd Prof Graboski
(Colorado School of Mines) and I invented and developed .J new type of gasifier, the
"stratified downdraft gasifier" (a straight cylinder with no choke plate as shown in this
book). A principle advantage was that air entered the top of the bed, so the gasifier could
be scaled to any size. Not true with side nozzles. He eventually scaled this gasifier to 25
tons/day, 30 inch diameter and 75 tons/day, 50 inch diameter.
Since then I have continued to work on gasifiers and am currently writing a "Survey of
Biomass Gasification" in two volumes to detail the changes in the field since the
publication of this first book in 1979. Meanwhile, Dan Jantzen works at a high level in
the Winrock Foundation. We believe that gasifiers have a great future, as well as the
great past detailed in this book.
Thomas B. Reed, February 1998
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 22
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
Chapter 1
beforehand. In those cases where there was a starting fan it was hand operated and not
sufficiently effective. Generally, no modifications had been made to the engines, which
had relatively little power even when run with gasoline; and when run 'on generator gas,
down-shifting of the gears was required on even moderate inclines. Therefore, gasoline
was preferred for starting and warming up the engine; gasoline was also used to increase
the climbing ability of the car when necessary.
By the end of the 1920s the first charcoal gas generators were made in Sweden. They
used a downdraft design and were mainly intended for farm tractors, and were soon fol-
lowed by designs for trucks and cars. At the same time, an interest developed in wood as
a gas generator fuel, and the first wood gas generator in Sweden was designed by the
Widegren brothers and A. B. Svenska Flaktfabriken (The Swedish Fanfactory, Inc.). This
gas generator used a downdraft fire and was double jacketed with the rectangular section
enclosed in brick. This wood burning gas generator was tried out on trucks in the early
1930s, but there was considerable tar residue deposited in the motor and corrosion of the
crankshaft necks. Since the results of the experimental operations did not match expec-
tations and there was a lack of consumer interest, the work was not pursued.
At the Swedish Riksdag (Parliament) in 1930, bills were introduced to support generator
gas operation of motor vehicles; and in the following year a government committee was
appointed on the initiative of Ingeniorsvetenskapsakademien (The .Swedish Academy of
Engineering Sciences) to perform scientific and practical experiments with generator gas
driven vehicles. The committee received a government grant of 15,000 kronor*, and
experiments were carried out with three different t.ypes of gas generators.
In 1932 the Riksdag (Parliament) appropriated 200,000 kronor ($53,600 U.S.) for a loan
fund for car owners who wished to install gas generators. In addition, the vehicle tax was
reduced to half that imposed for operation on liquid fuel. The vehicle tax reduction
amounted in practice to 33%, due to the weight of the gas generator •. These measures
led to a rapid increase of generator gas operation in 1932, and the total number of gener-
ator gas operated cars in Sweden during the first half of 1933 reached about 250; practi-
cally all of these cars were equipped with charcoal gas generators. This increase, how-
ever, was followed by a drastic decrease mainly due, on the one hand, to the fact.that
many hastily produced gas generators were introduced on the market by inexperienced
manufacturers and proved to be seriously defective; and on the other hand, to the fact
that in the transition to generator gas operation, insufficient attention was paid to
whether the vehicle and type of traffic in question were actually suited for generator gas
operation. To this must be added the shortage of personnel knowledgeable in generator
gas technology, imperfect service, and the difficulty of obtaining suitable charcoal for
which there was no organized distribution.
The disappointment with generator gas operation was undoubtedly justified in many cases
because the technical conditions for satisfactory operation were not met. But even in
cases where the conditions for good results existed, the generator gas operatibn met with
resistance among most consumers. It was quite natural, of course, that to those con-
cerned with driving and car upkeep, the more convenient and cleaner operation with
liquid fuel was more attractive than was generator gas operation. It was also under·-
standable that the big oil companies did not welcome new competition.
Another factor of importance was that the generator gas operation was not necessi tat eel
by an obvious emergency but was supported by motives less app.arent to the ::t'l('rup.;i·.
man-reasons that had to do with military preparedness, forestry, and naticmnl ecoromy.
However, a small number of car owners, who either drove their own generator gas cur:; or
encouraged their hired chauffeurs with bonuses, continued with generator gas operation
and had good results, especially when they were able to solve the fuel problem by b:Jl'ninv,
charcoal from their own forest.
Military authorities showed an interest in generator gas as early as 1925 by buying tile
first Swedish truck adapted to such operation, which was tested with both charcoal mid
wood gas generators. In 1933, at the initiative of the Generator Gas Committee of th<'
Academy of Engineering Sciences, thorough experiments on a large scale were started hy
the Army on a number of different types and sizes of trucks equipped with modern (fol'
that time) types of gas generators. Civilian interest does not seem to have been particu-
larly stimulated by these tests. A contributing factor which was particularly unf avorabln
for generator gas operation was the relation between gasoline and charcoal prices in
Sweden; the approximate ratio between gasoline price per liter and charcc::il price per
kilogram in Sweden was 2:8; but in France, 4:3; in Austria, 6:4; and in Italy. ll:'i fos or
The increased interest for military preparedness caused the head of the Royal Ministry nt'
National Defense to engage three experts from the government to assist with an investi-·
gation concerning generator gas operation of motor vehicles. Under the name "The Gm~
Generator Committee of 1937r' the investigators started their work in Februnry rn:~7 and
delivered partial reports on December 9, 1937, [55] and a final report on July 8, l9:l9.
When wood gas operation was still considered to be in the experimental stage the
Committee initially planned on generator gas operation based on charcoal. It was estnb-
lished that the gas generators had been significantly improved since the experiments in
1931 to 1932. Among other things the heat of combustioh had risen from 550-580
kcal/Nm 3* (66-70 Btu/scf) since the early tests to 620-650 kcal/Nm 3 (75-79 Btu/scf).
The starting time had been reduced considerably by addition of an electric starting frm
and a central air nozzle into the gas generator. Thus direct starting on generntor p::1s
without the use of liquid fuel became possible and practical. Improvement in the dc<::if~n
of gas exhausts had brought about greater dependability, and interference by slag formn-·
tion or carbonization was minimized. Also, better nozzle designs eliminated the slag
formation on the hearth sides. Motor operation with generator gas was improved; idling
characteristics were almost equal to gasoline operation, and engine power per Ii ter of
cylinder capacity had been improved. Generator gas operation was considered most suit-
able for long nonstop driving, but the experiments had shown that satisfactory results
also could be obtained in very intermittent operation. With regard to the engines, the
opinion was that relatively large cylinder capacity and low rpm were of considerable
importance for obtaining favorable results.
1935 • •
1936 •
1937'. •
. ... .• ... .•• ..• ..• •. 109,096
119' 303
3, 914
1938 • . . .• • . .,. . •. 156,573 4,894 57,734 219,201
. • .• • •
The growth of the car fleet might have continued during the following years if the war
had not interfered. It is therefore natural that the automotive transportation system
experienced great difficulties caused by the outbreak of the war on September 1, 1939,
and by the accompanying commercial blockade, which created shortages in the supply of
liquid fuel to Sweden. Because of this, the right to drive motor vehicles powered by liq-
uid fuel and the right to buy such fuel were severely restricted as early as the first days
of September 1939. Further restrictions and even total prohibition seemed conceivable.
As mentioned in the preceding section, the final report of the Gas Generator Committee
of 1937 became available just before the war broke out and showed comparatively advan-
tageous and positive results, while at the same time about one hundred generator gas
operated motor vehicles were in practical use in the country. An inventory of alterna-
tives to gasoline and diesel oil pointed to generator gas as the only possible path. Thus,
'generator gas was placed in a good position. When the war broke out there were Swedish
charcoal gas generators already tested and fabricated.
As early as September 6, the head of the Royal Swedish Ministry of Supply appointed
experts to advise on questions concerning generator gas, to follow the developments in
the field, and to prepare and submit to the government proposals to hasten a transition to
generator gas operation. The experts were named "The Government Generator Gas
With the intention of furthering a transition to generator·gas operation with sound meth-
ods, the Generator Gas Committee recommended that the government take certain
measures ·similar to those proposed by the Gas Generator Committee of 1937. Among
other things, they recommended control over production, installation, and use of gas
generators including approval of design and construction, and licensing of construction in
assembly plants.
The Generator Gas Committee also proposed a prov1s1on for instruction courses· for
drivers and mechanics working with generator gas vehicles, provision for the production
and supply of charcoal, facilitation of loans and an increase of the loan fund (see below),
and finally, government acquisition of a number of generator gas operated tractors.
On November 10, the charter for the Generator Gas Committee, subordinate to the
National Swedish Industry Commission, was confirmed. According to the charter it was
the duty of the Committee to undertake necessary investigations and experiments to
perfect gas generator operation; to work for the production of technically excellent
generator gas units; and, through advice and directions, to ensure that the installation of
the units was managed satisfac~orily. The same day, the government authorized the
National Swedish Testing Institute for Agricultural Machinery, together with the
Generator Gas Committee, to promptly investigate the possibility of adapting farm trac-
tors to generator gas operation.
As early as March 20, 1933, the Inspector of Explosive Substances issued a bulletin of
precautionary measures for generator gas operation of motor vehicles. On October IO,
1939, the Inspector of Explosive Substances issued a new bulletin containing instructions
on the use and maintenance of gas generators. These instructions ·were soon replaced by •
joint instructions issued by the Generator Gas Committee and the Inspector of Explosive
Substances on November 28, 1939. The instructions were completed on April 23, 1940, by
the Generator Gas Committee, at which time advice was also given to assembly shops.
Complementary additions and revisions were made through the years by the successor of
the Generator Gas Committee, the Generator Gas Bureau, within the Government Fuel
Commission. (See Chapter 13.)
In September 1939, former producers of gas generators as well as certain automobile
manufacturers started large-scale production of gas generators after they had secured
licenses from the designers. Intensive work on new designs began in many places, mainly
for charcoal gas but also for wood gas generators. There was a high demand for gas
generators even though many people were skeptical and pursued a wait-and-see policy.
The charcoal gas generator market was initially controlled by three brands: Svedlund,
Greygas, and Volvo.
Indisputably, the early gas generators were not fully developed and had some technical
deficiencies. Also, the installation and servi~e turned out to be less than satisfactory
due to the shortage of trained personnel. There was also a lack of drivers familiar with
generator gas operation and aware of the necessity of systematic cleaning and care of
the generator gas apparatus, as well as the adaptation of driving techniques to the char-
acteristics of generator gas. Added to this were the great difficulties in many places of
acquiring charcoal at a reasonable price, since charcoal distribution was still not satis-
factorily arranged. Finally, the fire and poisoning risks associated with generator gas
operation became apparent.
Under these circumstances it is easily understandable that the generator gas operation in
the beginning was a source of miscalculation and loss for many people. This was true
especially in the professional trucking business, where the early expectations of genera-
tor gas were not met, resulting in serious economic consequences.
Steps to remedy these shortcomi~gs ·were undertaken immediately. In September 1939,
the Generator Gas Committee (in cooperation with the Army, a car company, and work-
ers' organizations) began educational courses for drivers and mechanics, which laid the
foundation for the furthering of generator gas operation. These study courses expanded
considerably during 1940, and training was given to around 15,000 drivers and mechanics
during the first generator gas years. Many were also trained by private initiative. The
Generator Gas Committee instituted a generator gas license for generator gas vehicle
drivers, proving that the person in question had passed a test in front of an inspector
and was a competent driver of a generator gas vehicle.
To the extent that the Generator Gas Committee had experts available, they gave much
advice; and in spite of many difficulties during the early period, they tried to make the
best of the generator gas operation. Undoubtedly, this· work was of great importance to
car owners, who for one reason or another could not handle the generator gas operation.
Funds were provided to the Generator Gas Committee for testing of existing types of gas
generators and for investigating their installation on different types of cars. During
September 1939, the Gas Generator Committee began testing various types of gas gener-
ators and issuing certificates of approval. This testing was not obligatory, but boosted
the sales of a manufacturer because it provided a guarantee of construction and per-
formance to the buyer of a gas generator. In connection with the testing the Generator
Gas Committee also had an opportunity to give advice to the manufacturers. During the
latter part of December 1939, the first 18 approval certificates were issued: 17 for char-
coal .gas and one for wood gas. Of the first 100 approval certificates, 64 were for char-
coal gas and 36 for wood gas. By the end of 1940 the number of certificates had grown to
177; by December 1941, to 370; and by December 1943, to 489, of which about 130 had, for
different reasons, been revoked. In November 1945, there were 503 types approved, dis-
tributed among 53 different companies, manufacturers, or designers. The approval cer-
tificates were divided approximately equally between charcoal gas operation and wood
gas operation. (See Chapter 13 for testing standards.) Later, testing of different auxil-
iary parts of generator gas operation was established; e.g., motor heaters, fire shields,
fire extinguishers. This was done partially in cooperation with other authorities and the
insurance companies.
The Generator Gas Committee considered an adequate supply and distribution system for
reasonably priced charcoal to be one of the most important conditions for effecting a
transition to generator gas operation. (See Chapter 3.)
One question that the Generator Gas Committee addressed early was whether the market
for gas generators should be left uncontrolled or should be subjected to some form of
government regulation and standardization. The latter alternative would have as its goal
to ensure that, as far as possible, only satisfactory types of gas generators would be
produced, thus protecting the buyers. On the other hand, the alternative of free devel-
opment would enc.ourage private work on inventions and private initiative, which in turn
would regulate prices and promote further development in the field.
In the fall of 1939, legal provisions were proposed to forbid the installation of gas genera-
tors on motor vehicles without a permit. This idea, however, was abandoned and the
market was left uncontrolled with the resulting advantages and disadvantages. Only for
obtaining loans from the Generator Gas Fund was it required that the gas generator be of
an approved type. In addition, restrictions concerning the installation and use of gas
generators were introduced in order to reduce the risks of fire and poisoning. Anyone
had the right to freely manufacture and sell a gas generator, as well as use it after a
motor vehicle inspector had inspected and approved the mounting. The disadvantage of
the free market approach was that a variety of poorly designed generators were pro-
duced, and many buyers suffered great losses not only in the form of poor gas generators
but also in the form of ruined motors. The number of different untested gas generators,
the so-called handicraft units, was indeed very large. Without a doubt, much material
and work could have been saved if from the beginning development had been aimed at a
limited number of types of gas generators with far reaching standardization.
Many times the related question has been raised regarding the possibly legally binding
character of certain of the instructions and precautionary directions of the Generator
Gas Committee (later, the Government Fuel Commission's Generator Gas Bureau). The
authorities, however, did not choose this policy, and therefore these instructions and
precautionary directions have only been found binding by a court of law to the extent
that failing to adhere to them could be considered negligence or recklessness, punishable
by law (i.e., causing fire, poisoning or other dam.age).
When the war broke out, close to 200,000 kr were available in the Generator Gas Loan
Fund. According to the regulations, loans of a maximum of 1,000 kr could be obtained, to
be paid over 5 years at 4% interest. The Gas Generator Committee of 1937 had proposed
that loans should be granted up to 80% of the cost of purchase and installation, up to a
maximum of 2,000 kr. The Generator Gas Committee brought out these proposals on
September ll, 1939, and also proposed that the fund should be increased to 2 million kr.
On November 10, 1939, the Government confirmed the various conditions and provisions
of the loan fund according to the Generator Gas Commission proposal. No installments
were required during the first year, after which one-tenth of the loan was to be paid off
every half year, at an interest rate of 3%.
At first the loan fund was not used a great deal. During the second half of 1939, 107 loans
were granted, of which 88 were for trucks; during the first half of 1940, 250 loans were
granted, of which 217 were for trucks. The loan terms were not considered especially
attractive, as long as collateral was required. Therefore, the Generator Gas Committee
proposed on March 9, 1940, an improvement of the loan terms by substituting for the
requirement of collateral a control of the borrower's solvency over a period of time. On
October ll, 1940, new loan provisions were confirmed by the goveri:iment with no pay-
ments due during the first six months and thereafter an installment of one-tenth of the
principal every four months. The requirement of collateral for the loan was handled by
the Royal Swedish Board of Commerce in consultation with the Emergency Committee.
During the second half of 1940 no less than 4,460 loans were granted; an additional 4,010
were granted during the first half of 1941. After that the number of loans decreased
rapidly. In 1942 a total of 21. 7 million kr were invested in the fund; and by January 1,
1942, the outstanding loans amounted to 15 million kr. By January 1, 1943, the outstanding
loans amounted to only 10.25 million kr and by January 1, 1944, to about 5,375,00Q kr.
During the budget year 1940/1941, a grant was also given to a government loan fund for
the acquisition of generator gas units for certain vessels. Only 12 loans were granted
from this. fund, for a total of 59,190 kr. During the same budget year grants were also
given for the acquisition of gas generators for fishing boats. Only 7,000 kr was used for
this purpose, which was given partly as grants, partly as loans, for five generator gas
By the end of November 1939, the number of generator gas vehicles had risen to about
800, and by the end of 1939 the estimate is about 1,500, mainly large and medium sized
trucks in addition to about 100 buses and a few private cars and tractors.
Around the end of 1939, generator gas installations declined because of the increased
opportunity to acquire rations of liquid fuel, mostly for the heavy trucking traffic. A
comparatively large amount of liquid fuel was imported, and the shortage of storage
facilities forced an increased distribution of fuel. Under these circumstances and due to
the difficulties related above for generator gas operation, many generator gas cars were
gradually taken out of use and many gas generators were dismantled. The manuf ac-
turers, who under the influence of the great rush in September had developed the produc-
tion of generator gas units on a large scale, suddenly saw their market threatened and
orders cancelled. Many farseeing owners of generator gas operated cars realized, how-
ever, that the increased supply of liquid fuel was temporary and continued operating with
generator. gas. According to the producers' information, over 3,100 gas generators had
been produced by April 1, 1940. However, the number of generator gas cars in use at this
time had hardly reached 1,000.
By the end of 1939, and during the first quarter of 1940, the matter of further measures
to improve and stimulate the generator gas operation gave rise to proposals and requests
from different organizations and individuals, among them the National Swedish Industry
Commission, the Chambers of Commerce of Stockholm and Gothenburg, the unions, and
professional truck drivers. Among other things, many craftsmen requested increased
authority and grants from the Generator Gas Committee. The craftsmen also proposed
subsidies for the designers of gas generators, and government assistance for the buyers in
the form of lower costs. It was also pointed out that the conditions for obtaining gener-
ator gas loans were not very attractive (see above), and government intervention was
once again requested for the supply of charcoal.
In view of these requests, the Generator Gas Committee proposed several measures,
including government purchase of 1,000 gas generators for government vehicles and for
military preparedness, improvement of the loan terms, tax exemption for generator gas
cars or equivalent subsidies, free educational cou~es, and increased grants for consulting
work by the Generator Gas Committee.
The change in the war situation in April 1940, and the shortage of liquid fuel rations
which followed, rekindled interest in gas generators. The generator gas cars returned to
use, dismantled gas generators were once again installed, production was renewed, and
installations increased rapidly. By mid-1940 the number of registered generator gas cars
reached about 3,000 and after that there was a rapid increase. In the beginning of
November 1940, all gasoline rations for civilian traffic were stopped. By the beginning of
March 1941, there were 40,000 registered generator gas cars; by the beginning of May
1941, 50,000; and by the beginning of July 1941, 60,000. Then the increase subsided rap-
idly; not, however, due to the lack of demand but to the restriction of the right to oper-
ate a car, necessitated by shortages of lubricating oil and later of rubber tires. Not until
November 1941 were there 70,000 generator gas cars in service, with a peak of 71,500 in
mid-December 1941.
On April 1, 1942, generator gas vehicle statistics were changed to include only the regis-
tered civilian generator gas cars (i.e., to exclude the military vehicles). During the three
years between April 1, 1942, and April 1, 1945, the expansion and composition of the car
fleet did not change rapidly. The change of the car fleet during the crisis period is dem-
onstrated by Figure 1 and Tables 2 and 3.
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One government action of 1940 was the establishment of Svenska Gengas AB (Swedish
Generator Gas Co.) with government funds. The task of the company was to stimulate
the production of generator gas units and to conduct experiments. The generator gas
company organized large-scale production of wood gas units and devoted considerable
attention to units for farm tractors, stationary engines, and boats. The company was
also to support and stimulate the production of generator gas fuel and organize its distri-
bution. The company started work in the middle of 1940.
Private Average
Date Cars Buses Trucks Mean
. . .. . .
1 April 1944 • 32, 962 3,526 34,439 70,927
1 Oct. 1944 • 34,716 3,531 34,416 72,663
1 April 1945 • 34,854 3,539 34,199 72, 592
As ordered by the Government on June 14, 1940, the Government Fuel Commission
started its work on July 1, 1940; the Generator Gas Committee was made part of the
Commission as the Commission's Generator Gas Bureau. During the summer of 1940 the
Generator Gas Bureau, together with the National Swedish Industry Commission, the
National Swedish Board of Crown Forests and Lands, and the National Swedish Testing
Institute for Agricultural Machinery, arranged long-term experiments using various wood
gas generators mounted on different types of trucks. The testing program was aimed at
investigating the practical problems of wood gas operation, including the preparation of
wood fuel in machines of different kinds, air drying of the wood, the suitability of differ-
ent sizes and shapes of wood, fuel consumption with different wood fuels, maximum driv-
ing speeds on different types of roads, etc.
A trend from charcoal gas operation toward increased wood gas operation was very strik-
ing during the initial period but decreased and changed to the opposite trend. A some-
what stabilized condition was reached when opinion formed that charcoal gas operation
was most suitable for discontinuous driving of private cars and smaller trucks (e.g.,
delivery vans) in urban traffic where fuel economy was not so important, and that wood
gas operation, on the other hand, was more suitable for constant heavy loads where fuel
economy was of great importance. In Table 2 the distribution between charcoal and
wood gas operation does not include, after April 1, 1942, the military vehicles which were
mainly driven with charcoal gas (about 10,000 at the end of the statistical period).
Farm tractors were converted to generator gas operation, which was very important for
the Swedish national food supply. Because the supply of motor kerosene and similar fuels
was scarce, it became necessary to gradually eliminate liquid fuel rations for tractors,
which could most easily be adapted to generator gas operation. In the fall of 1941 over
7,000 farm tractors were shut off from a supply of liquid fuel. Practically the entire
transition to generator gas operation for tractors was based on wood gas operation, for
which the fuel could be rather easily produced by the farmers themselves from their own
forests. The farmers could buy the government subsidized units for a price of 1,000 to
2,000 kr, not including installation. At the beginning of 1942, about 6,000 farm tractors
had been converted to wood gas operation. By the end of 1944, the number had reached
about 15,000. The entire number of tractors at this time has been estimated to be about
27 ,500, of which 5,000 were of simple design.
To a lesser extent, small seagoing cargo vessels and fishing boats had also been remod-
eled for generator gas operation, although only in cases where refueling could be done
frequently. Stationary engine generator gas operation had been initiated to some extent,
for instance, for stone-crushers, mills and portable sawmills in the forest areas. In the
latter case the fuel was made up of waste wood from the premises. Some industrial
hearth and forge furnaces, as well as heating furnaces for other purposes, had also been
successfully converted to wood-firing, partially with practically unchanged car units and
partially with special units.
Among many private initiatives for the promotion of generator gas, two generator gas
contests arranged by the Royal Automobile Club deserve mention. In September 1940,
the club arranged an economy contest for generator gas cars, with no less than 127 par-
ticipating private cars and trucks. In one big winter contest in February 1941, 129 private
cars and trucks participated in a long distance contest. Both contests gave remarkable
Although outside the scope of generator gas operation, it is of interest to note other car
fuels in use after the end of the 5-1/2 year war period, indigenous as well as imported.
On April 1, 1945, 240 cars were driven with acetylene gas, 531 with coal gas or methane
gas, 1,180 with electrical power, and 6,612 with liquid fuels of different kinds. Acetylene
gas operation reached its peak during the first part of the war with 769 cars on
November 1, 1941, then decreased to 240 cars on April 1, 1945. The entire number of civil-
ian heavy motorcycles decreased by April 1, 1945, to 10, 778, of which 939 were driven
with generator gas and 1,417 driven with electrical power.
The exceedingly rapid rate of development in the area of generator gas during the two
first years of crisis was succeeded by a quieter period characterized by some consolida-
tion, standardization, and inner development. The large number of different types of gas
generators underwent the "natural selection" which is normal for new designs. Together
with most of the "handicraft units," many approved types gradually disappeared, whereby
a needed thinning out among approved types was achieved.
By July 1, 1943, about 73% of the chareoal gas generators and about 81% of the wood gas
generators were of an approved type. Only seven types of charcoal gas generators and
two types of wood gas generators had over 1,000 generators in operation. About 59% of
the approved charcoal gas generators belonged to two types, Svedlund and Kalle. About
74% of the approved wood gas generators belonged to the Imbert or similar type. As late
as October 1, 1943, 35% of the private cars were equipped with gas generators of a non-
approved type; for buss es, the percentage was only about 8%; and for trucks, about 16%.
It is easy to understand why the figure for private cars is comparatively high. It is more
reasonable to experiment with a "handicraft unit" on one 1s own private car than on a
truck or a public bus. It is remarkable that the wood gas, to a much greater extent than
charcoal gas, stimulated private car owners to use homemade units. Thus, in the fall of
1943, less than 47% of the wood gas driven private cars had gas generators of a non-
approved type.
Concerning the practical and technical possibilities of generator gas, I would like to add
the following to the above history.
A characteristic of gas generators is to produce a gas-air mixture with lower thermal
value than a gasoline-air mixture. During the earlier phase of generator gas operation,
this characteristic led to the observation that one of the conditions for a practical and
satisfactory result with generator gas operation was a comparatively large cylinder
volume and a low engine rpm. To allow an increase of the motor compression ratio in
order to regain part of the lost motor power, the motor must be strongly built especially
in the bearings. Furthermore, the motor must have a well dimensioned inlet manifold
and a large range of ignition regulation.
Further, the load capacity of the vehicle should be sufficient, so that the weight of the
generator gas unit would not excessively diminish the load capacity. Thus, generator gas
operation was best suited for larger vehicles, with long daily routes and continuous driv-
ing without long interruptions. A further condition was that the gas generator should be
mounted on the car in such a way that the use of the vehicle would not be impaired.
During the last years of the war it was observed that the use of generator gas had
expanded to such an extent that it could be regarded as an adequate substitute for liquid
fuels-if economic factors were not considered. Generator gas operation had been used
on practically all kinds and sizes of motor vehicles with either four-cycle or two-cycle
engines, designed for either gasoline or diesel engines. Generator gas had been used on
rail-buses, on tractors with crude oil and kerosene engines, on boats of different size
categories, in stationary designs, and in heating furnaces of different kinds (e.g., hearth
Due to technical improvements the requirement that the generator gas engine must have
a large cylinder volume has been largely modified; the same may be said about the rpm
of the generator gas engine. Small, relatively high rpm engines as well as large slow
running engines have been driven with generator gas. The requirement remains, however,
that the engine must be strongly built in those cases where an increase of compression
takes place. Through such an increase in compression ratio the decrease of power can be
limited under certain circumstances.
Through various measures, among other things the elimination of the ceramic casting,
the generator weight has been brought down, in some cases to a considerable extent,
especially in small charcoal generators. Therefore, the requirement of comparatively
large load capacity of the vehicle has been moderated. The incentive to make the gener-
ator gas apparatus less expensive led to reduction of weight which was further motivated
by the scarcity of larger tires. Mounting of the _generator on the front of the car was
done so one did not have to reduce the permitted load or the number of passengers.
The requirement of continuous driving was diminished, because methods had been devel-
oped for an easy, dependable, and relatively fast start even after a comparatively long
driving interruption.
Finally, during the last years, progress had been made in the adaption of gas generators
to the vehicles both in function and appearance. Gas generators no longer detracted
from the fitness of the vehicles for use but were integrated as parts of the vehicles to a
greater extent than before.
The use of generator gas has been tested in Sweden on ship engines of up to 150 horse
power. Most suitable for generator gas operation are the two-cycle_ engines, which retain
their full capacity in such operation. One circumstance which initially reduced the
attractiveness of generator gas operation for ships is that dependability is of critical
importance for maneuverability in rough weather and in narrow passages. In the present
state of technical knowledge, however, practically 100% dependability and fully satisfac-
tory maneuverability can be achieved in generator gas operation of a sea ·vessel.
It can therefore be said that generator gas operation from a technical and practical point
of view is well adapted for use in practically all types of vehicles, including tractors.
Furthermore, it is well adapted for use on boats and for stationary engine operation.
It has also been observed that the fuel supply for this operation, even on a large scale,
does not have to be a great problem, at any rate not if one uses the fuel saving wood gas
operation (rather than charcoal). In general, there is plenty of waste wood and thinned
out wood available from forestry operations.
Chapter 2
The devices used for the production of generator gas are called gas generators. They
may be designed to operate according to two somewhat different principles: upward
burning (updraft) with the gas carried from the bottom upward (Figure 2); and downward
burning (downdraft) with the gas carried from the top downward (Figures 3 and 4). Gen-
erators with horizontal burning (crossdraft, Figure 5) and the Kalle generator (Figure 6)
work somewhat differently from the main types.
Fig. 2-5.
The type first used was the updraft generator, as illustrated in Figure 2. The air is taken
in through a grating in the bottom of the fuel container. Immediately above this grating
a burning zone is created. The gas obtained in this burning is reduced in the adjacent
reduction zone, and finally the fuel is freed from vapors and dried in the uppermost cool
part of the container.
Generator gas produced for motor propulsion should as far as possible be free from tars,
etc. The updraft generator yields tar-free gas only from fuels very poor in gas such as
coke, anthracite, and possibly charcoal. However, fuels rich in gas are suitable for the
operation of furnaces, particularly if subsequent combustion is carried out close to the
generator, where the gas need not be cooled and the tar mist and the tar drops can be
burned in the furnace.* In order to obtain gas as free from tar as possible, downdraft
The principle of the Kalle generator is demonstrated in Figure 6. Here the air is taken in
through a central pipe together with a certain amount of cinders, smoke, and gases with
a content of' carbon dioxide. The burning zone is formed around the lower end of the
pipe, and the reduction takes place immediately outside and above the burning zone. The
generator gas formed is sucked into a pipe, which encloses the air feed pipe.
Gas from
the Motor via the
Cyclone Filter
•'-~.....&..---. Generator Gas
Perforated Pipe
Container Burning
Principal Reactions
The combustible substance of a solid fuel is usually composed of the elements carbon,
hydrogen, and oxygen. In addition, there may be nitrogen and sulfur, but since these are
present only in small quantities they will be disregarded in this context. In complete
combustion, carbon dioxide is obtained from the carbon in the fuel, and water is obtained
from the hydrogen, usually as steam. The oxygen in the fuel will, of course, be a part of
the combustion products, and therefore the amount of oxygen needed for complete
combustion is decreased.
C + o2 =co 2 (1)
H 2 + 1/2 o 2 =H 20 (2)
The quantity of heat generated by the burning of the coal is to some extent dependent
upon the origin of the coal. Thus, the following quantities of heat are obtained from the
burning of 1 gram atom, i.e., 12.00 g coal, into carbon dioxide.
A heat quantity of 241.1 kJ (57 .6 kcal) results from the burning of 1 mole, i.e., 2.016 g,
hydrogen into water vapor.
The main combustible components of generator gas are carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and
methane. In addition, there may be small amounts of other hydrocarbons and tar vapor.
These, however, are not generated in the generator gas process itself but originate from
the products that are formed when the solid fuel is heated and decomposed (pyrolyzed).
In addition to the combustible gases, generator gas also contains a great deal of nitrogen
as well as carbon dioxide and water vapor. A gas containing a very small amount of
nitrogen may be obtained in some processes such as the production of "water gas" by
reduction of water vapor with carbon, or by gasification with oxygen instead of air.
These processes, however, are of no importance for producing generator gas for motor
The most important reactions that can take place in the reduction zone and between the
gases formed are given below. The stated heat quantities are in kJ (kcal) per mole,
where the burning of the carbon has been assumed to yield 401.9 kJ (96.0 kcal). A plus
sign indicates that heat is generated in the reaction; a minus sign, that the reaction
requires heat.
Equations (3) and (4), the main reactions of reduction, show that the reduction requires
heat. Therefore, the gas temperature will decrease during the reduction-unless a corre-
sponding quantity of heat is supplied from the outside.
Chemical Equilibrium*
The composition of the gas produced by a generator depends on the degree of equilibrium
attained in the various reactions. The ratio of reactants in a reaction at equilibrium is
usually expressed by the so-called equilibrium constant, k, which can be derived in the
following way.
If in a given space there are molecules of two gases that can react with each other, not
only will molecules of the same kind collide but molecules of different kinds as well. The
reaction velocity, (the change in concentration per unit of time in the substances partici-
pating in the reaction) is dependent upon the number of molecules present. If we assume
that n A molecules of the substance A and ns of the substance B will react with one
another and yield nA' molecules of a substance A' and nB' of a substance B', we can write
the following reaction equation:
The speed of this reaction is the product of the amount of A, the amount of B, and a
factor k, which is < 1, since not every molecular collision, but only a fraction of them,
bring on a reaction. The condition for two molecules to react ·with each other is that
they must have greater energy than the average molecule. We then arrive at the follow-
ing reaction velocity,
• CgB (9)
The two opposite reactions are striving toward equilibrium, and when equilibrium has
been reached, the two velocities v and v' must be equal, thus,
nA nB
v - v' =k . CA . Cs ( 11)
In place of the molar concentrations, the partial pressure of the gases p may be intro-
duced, provided that the laws for ideal gases apply. Then the equilibrium constant will
be defined as
nA, nB,
. PB'
K = (13)
p nA nB
. PB
where R is the gas constant, T the absolute temperature, and l:n is the algebraic sum of
the mole numbers of the substances participating in the reaction according to Equation
If l:n =0 and the same mole number appears on both sides of the reaction sign, the reac-
tion is independent of the pressure. If, for example, the mole number is bigger on the
right side, this means that the reaction is connected with a volume increase. A pressure
increase will then force the reaction back to the left.
The equilibrium constant KP is a function of the temperature; its value for various reac-
tions may be experimentally determined. The equilibrium constants of several reactions
have been determined directly from measurements of the partial pressures of gases at
different temperatures. However, the direct method suffers from the weakness that a
relatively long time is required for equilibrium to ensue. It is now possible, however, to
calculate the equilibrium constants from spectroscopic measurements. [17]
The equilibrium state of the reaction described in Equation (3) is expressed by the equi-
librium constant
p co
l\>B = Pco
The subscript B refers to Boudouard, who was the first to study this equilibrium thor-
If the reacting substances are carbon and pure carbon dioxide only, the partial pressure
of the two gases can then be calculated by means of the value of the equilibrium con-
stant according to Equation (16).
In gas generation with air, however, the nitrogen of the air must be taken into account.
The primary combustion equation for carbon may then be written
If the total pressure of the gases is denoted by p, the volumes of the various gases will be
2 2 2 2
p co P ·v CO v co
H'pB = - = = p •
Pco P ·vco vco
.2 2 2
1\,B = p • v co (19)
vco 2
With the help of Equations (19), (20), and (21) we can calculate the composition of the gas
at equilibrium, if we know the value of Kpa· In Table 4 the equilibrium constant and
composition are given for various temperatures for a pressure of 1 atmosphere (760 mm
This equation corresponds to the final result of the generator gas production from char-
coal. Thus, there is a heat release of ll8.4 kJ (28.3 kcal), equivalent to 118.4/401.6 = 0.295
of the combustion heat of the carbon. The heat generated would produce a gas tempera-
ture of about 1300°C, neglecting heat losses. If the hot generator gas is used immedi-
ately for combustion, all the heat of the carbon could theoretically be available. If, on
the other hand, the gas must be cooled without utilizing the sensible heat before combus-
tion, some heat loss will occur because of the cooling. Apart from other losses, if the
gas is chilled to room temperature the efficiency of the generator will be only about
70%, which would then be equivalent to the heating value of the gas.
To better use the energy of the carbon and also to limit the maximum temperature of the
generator, one may add for example, coke, anthracite, or completely dry charcoal, or
large or small quantities of water, which is best fed into the generator as steam with the
primary air. One may also, as in the Kalle generator of Figure 6, bring back exhaust
gases from the motor, which contain carbon dioxide but practically no oxygen.
When wood is used as a generator-gas fuel, normally no water needs to be added, since
the wood contains sufficient quantities of both physically absorbed water and chemically
combined water-frequently even unnecessarily large quantities. The situation is similar
for charcoal with a suitable moisture content-the heat-demanding reduction of water
vapor occurs as a consequence of the water mixture, and carbon monoxide and hydrogen
are formed as shown in Equation (4). If exhaust gases are added, heat will be absorbed by
the reduction of the carbon dioxide, according to Equation (3).
If water vapor is present in generator-gas production, the gas composition will depend
upon the so-called water-gas reaction expressed by Equation (5). The corresponding equi-
librium constant (independent of the pressure), is
Methane may conceivably be formed according to Equation (6) or (7). As a rule, however,
the formation of methane is of minor importance. The most favorable temperature for
methane formation is between 300°C and 400°C, and at higher temperatures the equilib-
rium is shifted toward rapidly decreasing quantities of methane. For the reaction of
Equation (6) the equilibrium constant may be written
The formation of methane can also be represented by Equation (7). It is of little impor-
tance which equation is used since Equation (6) may be obtained from Equations (7) and
(4); the latter reaction also takes place in the gas generator. For the reaction of
Equation (7) the equilibrium constant will be
The values of the equilibrium constants for the various reactions are compiled in Table 5
(mainly according to Gumz [17] ).
In Figure 7, the equilibrium constants are shown graphically. In this graph we have cho-
sen l/T as abscissa, where T is the absolute temperature {°K), and log K as ordinate.
With this system of coordinates we get practially straight lines for the equilibrium con-
The values of the equilibrium constants over a temperature range of 600 to 900°C are
shown in Figure 8.
A great many laboratory experiments have been conducted to determine the reaction
velocity for the reduction of carbon dioxide or water vapor with carbon. Figure 9 shows
the result of an experiment by Rambush [ll] on the reduction of carbon dioxide with
carbon in the presence of nitrogen for various reaction times. The experimental equilib-
rium curve in these experiments is equivalent to the time t = A curve representing
the values according to Table 4 has been drawn in the graph. The dashed curve repre-
sents the probable equilibrium curve. The· deviation between the two curves for t = 00
indicates that Rambush did not attain the states of equilibrium at the lower tempera-
tures, when the reaction velocities are low. According to Rambush's experiment, as
shown in the graph, considerable time is required for the carbon dioxide reaction, even if
the temperature is fairly high. It hardly seems probable to attain equilibrium with the
gas velocities normal for a gas generator.
According to Traustel's [47] experiments one can arrive at values in good agreement with
real experimental values by calculation of the gas composition in the gas generator using
the equilibrium equations. It is Traustel's opinion that the reaction velocities cannot be
applied directly, since they are determined in laboratories and are frequently obtained
from carbon and carbon dioxide in tubes, which are heated from the outside where the
heat transfer will not be very good. In practice, combustion takes place directly
zoo 17
100 v
so ~\
\ . I
\ ~~
\ J
\ /
""'~ \ v ~ t.,....--
t.,....-- i....--
\ Ii
~ ""'15~
v ·~ I'-.
I ~
v \ ""'""i\ -f:
I \
O,oos I/ ""
\ ~
500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100°C
Figure 7. Equilibrium Constants for Generator Gas Reactions
• P'co. K _ Pco · Pn,o. K _ PcH,. K _Pen,· Pu,o
KpB = - , u - ----, p.ll -- - 1- • .ll - - -3-
. Pco, Pco. ·Pu. P 111 Pco · P H 1
followed by the reduction; and through this burning, as well as through the catalytic
influence of ashes, a more rapid reduction occurs.
Experiments carried out in large industrial coke generators also show that equilibrium is
not attained in the reactions. [19] The main reactions take place in the hot layer imme-
diately above the slag zone. The experiments also show that there is no combustion into
exclusively carbon dioxide, which would give a very high temperature. --Instead, a mixture
of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide is formed during combustion, after which the
carbon is in part reduced with the coal into carbon monoxide. This latter experi-
ence corresponds with what has been found in the burning of carbon in oxygen at a very
low pressure. [16] According to experiments on the reaction between graphite and oxy-
gen, two different reaction processes occur depending upon the temperature.
8 I
6 I
5 I
4 I
L( " .. ~
z v-
I~ ~ ----
~ I ~
0,4 v
0,3 I
600 650 700 750 800 850 900.
Figure 8. Equilibrium Constants over the Temperature
Range 600-900°C
At temperatures between 900°C and 1300°C the theory suggests that the oxygen mole-
cules penetrate the graphite lattice according to Figure 10. The oxygen molecules 3-4
and 5-6 are between the first and second atom layers of the graphite, and molecules 1-2
react from the gas space outside. The oxygen molecules 1 and 4 react with carbon atom
8, and 2 and 5 react with carbon atom 9 to form two molecules of co 2; while oxygen
atoms 3 and 6 react with carbon atoms 7and10 to form two molecules of CO. The reac-
tion is then expressed by
4 C + 3 o 2 =2 co 2 + 2 CO (26)
The reaction does not occur at edges and corners but on the best developed surfaces.
At temperatures above 1500°C the course of reaction is different. The solubility of the
oxygen in the graphite is then so small that the reaction from within does not occur; and,
therefore, the reaction cannot occur on the surfaces. However, because of the increased
temperature, the edges of the lattice are loosened and the oxygen can react there.
According to Figure ll, the suggested mechanism is that two oxygen molecules react
together with three carbon atoms, so that the reaction process will be
3 C + 2 0 2 =co 2 + 2 CO (27)
t I
Figure 10. Diagram of Figure 11. Diagram of
the Combustion of Carbon the Combustion of Carbon
at Temperatures Between at Temperatures Above
900 and 1300°C 1500°C
The reaction is with oxygen which has been absorbed on the surface, and not with oxygen
molecules hitting from the gas space. Within the range from 1300°C to 1500°C there is no
active mechanism for the burning of carbon.
In an ordinary combustion process, where there is a surplus of oxygen, there is a subse-
quent burning of the carbon monoxide; while in gas generation there is a reduction of the
carbon dioxide formed initially.
Thus, there are different views as to the possibilities of reaching the state of equilibrium
in a gas generator during gas production. Since this question is quite important for the
theoretical estimation of generator gas production, it will be discussed further.
If the reaction velocity during combustion or gasification could be infinitely great, the
reaction could then be concentrated to an infinitely thin layer; and chemical equilibrium
would be attained immediately. This would cause the generator gas formed initially at a
high temperature to adopt, at every moment during cooling, the composition correspond-
ing to the temperature. Experience proves, however, that combustion as well as gasifi-
cation requires a certain amount of time. In reality, a finite, sometimes fairly long time,
is required for the combustion or the gasification; therefore a corresponding volume is
required, such as the volume of a gas flame or the flames in a furnace.
If in this context we disregard the ignition process, where special factors may come into
play, the process of combustion and gasification is made up first of a physical transport
of oxygen, carbon dioxide, or water vapor to the fuel; then the real reaction between the
gas in question and the fuel, which is a chemical process; and finally a transport away of
the products formed. The time requirement for the entire reaction is then the sum of
the time required for the physical processes and the· reaction time of the chemical pro-
cess. If these times differ considerably, the slowest process will on the whole determine
the reaction time.
In general it may be said that the reaction time is directly proportional to a driving
force, and inversely proportional to a reaction resistance. If the reaction resistance is
denoted by W, it will be composed of the physical resistance, WRhys' usually the diffusion
resistance, and the chemical reaction resistance Wchem' according to Equation (28).
The driving force may be expressed as a concentration difference. It may be made pro-
portional to the difference between the concentration c in the reacting gas at a great
distance from the reaction zone and the equilibrium concentration a at the reaction sur-
face. We may then write the reaction equation
dt =
W +W
phys chem
where x is the rate of the reaction, t is the time, and f is a dimension constant dependent
upon the units chosen.
If the physical resistance is a clear diffusion resistance, the reaction rate should be
inversely proportional to the diffusion constant. This occurs when the flow to the fuel
surface is laminar. If the flow is turbulent, the physical resistance decreases when the
flow velocity increases and becomes inversely proportional to a mixing coefficient. The
physical resistance is generally not to a great extent dependent upon temperature.
The chemical resistance, on the other hand, is highly dependent upon the temperature, so
that the reaction resistance rapidly decreases when the temperature rises. When cata-
lysts influence the reaction rate, as a rule only the chemical resistance is influenced;
therefore, catalysts are not very important at high temperatures, as in burning processes.
At the temperatures encountered in the reduction process of gas generation and where
the chemical reaction resistance is relatively large, catalysts may, however, influence
the progress.
Both the physical and the chemical reaction resistances are on the whole inversely pro-
portional to the surface of the solid substance, and therefore, as is well-known, a large
reaction surface increases the reaption velocity. The reaction is shown graphically in
Figure 12, where the temperature is assumed to be the only factor influencing the reac-
tion velocity. The gas velocity and other factors which could influence the process are
consequently assumed to be constant.
Figure 12. Reaction Resistance, Figure 13. Reaction Velocity
W, as a Function of Temperature, dx/dt as a Function of the
T. (The dashed curves show the Temperature, T. (The dashed
resistance when a catalyst is curve shows the velocity
used.) when a catalyst is used.)
The reaction velocity, which according to Equation (29) is inversely proportional to the
reaction resistance, will then depend upon the temperature, as shown in Figure 13. If the
chemical reaction resistance can be brought down by a catalyst to, for example, 1/5 at all
temperatures, as shown by the d~shed curve in Figure 12, the total resistance will also be
decreased and the reaction velocity increased. Figure 13 shows that the increase of the
reaction velocity manifests itself primarily at lower temperatures. Even if the chemical
resistance could be brought down to zero by means of catalysis, unlimited velocity of
reaction could still not be achieved because of the remaining physical resistance.
It also appears from Equation (29) that the reaction velocity will go toward zero when
the concentration c approaches the equilibrium value a. This fact and the occurrence of
the reaction resistances make it impossible to attain the state of equilibrium theoreti-
cally in a finite time.
These discussions, however, give no indication as to whether it is practically possible to
reach the state of equilibrium in a reaction. Experimental determinations are needed to
decide this question; many have already been carried out, and the results of such experi-
ments are shown in Figure 9.
In an experiment by H. Edenholm and T. Widell [12] on the catalytic effect of soda on the
reduction of carbon dioxide with charcoal, the reaction resistance during the various
tests has been estimated. The expeciments were carried out with pure carbon dioxide
and charcoal and briquettes in an electric furnace. The incoming carbon dioxide was
preheated to the reaction temperature before it was passed over the charcoal layer. The
temperature was measured with thermocouples inside the reaction layer in two places, to
insure accurate measurement of the temperature actually present during the reaction.
The gas, having passed the reaction layer, was taken out for analysis through a water-
cooled probe. The carbon monoxide content values obtained in tests with charcoal with-
out a catalyst at various gas velocities are shown in Figure 14. The gas velocity is given
in m 3/s of added carbon dioxide, calculated at 20° C and per m 2 cross-section area of the
reaction pipe, disregarding that part of the area which is occupied by the charcoal. The
length of the reaction layer was 200 mm. If the volumetric efficiency of the briquettes
in the pipe is assumed to be 0.6 and that of the gas 0.4, then the reaction time at, for
instance, 0.015 m3 /m 2s and at 1000°C will be:
At 0.104 m 3;m 2s the reaction time will be 0.18 second, if the temperature is 1000°C.
The influence of soda as a catalyst is shown in Figure 15. The equilibrium curve drawn in
Figures 14 and 15 has been calculated with the help of values in Table 2 and Equation (16).
In the graphs it is shown that the states of equilibrium have not been reached at all du~
ing the tests, not even with a catalyst.
The reaction resistance has been calculated for the tests without catalysts and for the
tests with a 4.2% soda mixture. The result is shown in Figure 16. The continuous curves,
which give the total resistance, show that the reaction resistance at a constant tempera-
ture is decreased with increasing gas velocity.
At a single temperature the chemical reaction resistance should remain unchanged; thus,
the reduction of the reaction resistance should depend upon a reduction of the physical
resistance. From the tests we deduce that the physical resistance is approximately
inversely proportional to the 0.65th power of the gas flow. With the help of this relation
we can calculate the total reaction resistance at an infinitely great gas velocity, with
the physical resistance fixed at zero. This reaction resistance, which is shown with
dashed curves in Figure 16, then represents the chemical reaction resistance. The physi-
cal resistance is obtained as the difference between the total resistance and the chemi-
cal resistance. Figure 16 also shows that adding the catalyst does not seem to affect the
physical resistance. The chemical reaction resistance on the other hand is greatly
changed, and this is particularly prominent at low temperatures. Even with maximum
catalytic action, however, the reaction resistance increases rapidly when the tempera-
ture falls below 900° C. Hence, the reaction resistance is about five times as great at
'[j 11--__,f-----+---+--"----t---t-----i
50 ";}1--+----+--~--<----+---+---<
06{)~0--70~'0--8-0~0--9~0-0--I0~'0-0-l-I0~0--1-20_,__0__13_,00 °C
so60~0---''---70~0----8~00~~--s-o~o----,D~O-O_ _ _ll_O~O---,-~.L..------',300~
Figure 15. Reduction of Carbon Dioxide with Charcoal,using
Soda as a Catalyst
Reaction Resistance W
800°C as at 900°C for a gas velocitg of 0.07 m3/m 2s. This velocity is approximately
equivalent to a gas velocity of 0.4 m /m 2s in a gas generator, which is a very low value.
(0.14 Nm 3/cm 2h) · ,
According to this experiment, some reaction resistance remains even in the presence of a
catalyst at the velocities encountered in a real gas generator. Thus, it is impossible for
equilibrium to occur.
When water vapor is reduced with carbon, the circumstances are similar to those that
occur when carbon dioxide is reduced with carbon. The effects of temperature and time
upon the decomposition of water vapor are shown in Figure 17 according to the experi-
ments of Clement and Adams. Figure 17 is reproduced from the work of Lutz, [35] who
did not, however, define the quality of carbon used in the tests at different tempera-
tures. In both cases a solid substance participates in the reaction. The analysis of the
gas obtained with water vapor present is, however, as mentioned earlier, dependent on
the water-gas equilibrium. Only gaseous substances can participate in the water-gas
reaction; therefore, the prospects are greater that one would get closer to the state of
equilibrium here.
It is possible to get an idea of how close to equilibrium a gas generator is, by taking gas
samples from different parts of the reaction zone and at the same time measuring the
temperature at these points. The gas samples are analyzed and from the resillting
100 Charcoal 1100 0
0 80
Cll 60
p. /100°
0 40
20 ~~~~~+--+-='"'---+===~=1 '000°
~ 900°
2 s s
. .3 Sec 4 7 8
Reaction Time
Figure 17. Decomposition of Water Vapor with Coal,
According to Clement and Adams
analyses the equilibrium constant can be calculated; then, from Table 5 or Figures 7 and
8, the corresponding temperature can be determined. A comparison of the temperature
determined in this way and the measured temperature will show to what extent one is
approaching the state of equilibrium. In determining these values it is very important to
choose the sampling point so as not to have the gas temperature lowered by heat dissipa-
tion after the reaction is finished. It is also important to know· the water vapor content
of the gas, which may be determined either directly or through fuel analysis and analysis
of dry gases using the process described in the section "Calculation of Gas Quantity and
Generator Efficiency from Fuel and Gas Analysis."
Thus, according to Equation (23), for the water-gas reaction the equilibrium constant will
Pco • PH 0 vco · vH o
2 2 0.173 • 0.091
I\, =P_c_o_2-.-PH_2_ = ------=-----
0.100 • 0.171
= 0.92
VC02 • VH 2
2 2
=p co = (0.173)
0 100 = 0.30
Pco •
Generator Gas Co. The tests were conducted with hearths of various sizes, from 100 to
145 mm diameter. Tests were also carried out with Imbert's original hearth, using air
nozzles of various sizes. The generator was stationary and connected to a car with the
rear wheels on a dynomometer to measure the power at the rear wheels. The car engine
had six cylinders with side inlet valves, a cylinder capacity of 3.67 liters, and a compres-
sion ratio of 5.9.
The temperature was measured with sliding horizontal thermocouples in that part of the
charcoal bed situated between the hearth and the jacket of the generator, and also with a
vertically sliding thermocouple close to the center line of the generator. In all the tests,
which were carried out at car velocities of 35 and 70 km/h and maximum power, about
the same temperature distribution was obtained in the generator. In Figure 18 the results
of the measurements at 70 km/h are shown and in Figure 19 the results at 35 km/h. For
an Imbert generator with the original hearth, similar temperature curves were obtained
and are shown in Figure 20.
0870 I
o7/0 0710
''160 650
oZ2S 0500
0120 016(}
The temperature curves in Figures 18-20 are, on the whole, parallel to the outer mantle
of the generator. This indicates that the outer charcoal bed (a layer of relatively fine
charcoal, placed below and around the lower part of a wood gas generator to serve as a
gas-transmitting heat insulation, as a filter, and a bed for the charcoal in the hearth)
only serves as heat insulation; thus no extensive reduction occurs here. If a more exten-
sive reduction were to occur here, a more pronounced decrease in temperature in the
path of the gas flow would occur. The temperature is below 850°C in almost all of this
part of the generator. The concavity of the curves obtained in the upper part of the
outer charcoal bed is due to cooling the generator mantle by blowing cold air over it.
Measurements were also made without the outer charcoal bed and without the main part
of the coal bed normally situated below· the hearth, as shown in Figure 21. In this test
nearly the same power was obtained af the rear wheels, indicating that the gas reaction
was completed when the gas left the hearth, where a temperature of 820°C was meas-
•SOS 71,(J
662 0
In the tests represented by Figures 18 and 19, gas samples were taken immediately below
the hearth as well as after the generator, and the results are shown in Table 6.
As shown above, in the test with an outer charcoal bed, practically the same analysis was
obtained immediately below the hearth as at the outlet of the generator. This shows that
no significant conversions occur in the outer charcoal bed or in the charcoal bed below
the hearth. Thus, we may conclude from the temperature measurements that the reduc-
tion must be completed at temperatures of 900°C. The two analyses carried out in the
test without an outer charcoal bed are almost exactly equal, which shows that the cool-
ing of the gas has been f.ast enough to prevent a change of its composition.
Analysis: •
COz • • • • • • • 11.0 11. 8 lZ.O lZ.O
Oz• • • • • 0.1 0.1 o.z o.z
co. • • • • • • • 19.0 19.Z 18.Z 18.6
Hz• • • • • 18.8 19.3 17.4 17.3
Cn Hm • 0.1 0.1 o.z o.z
CH 4 • • • • • • • 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
Nz • • • • • • • • 50.Z 48.7 51.Z 50.9
As mentioned above, practically the same power was obtained in the test without an
outer charcoal bed, and Table 6 shows that the gas analyses in both tests were nearly
equal. The somewhat poorer result obtained in the test without an outer charcoal bed
may be explained in that the heat losses may have been somewhat greater in this case
than in the test with an outer charcoal bed, since the outer charcoal bed to some extent
serves as heat insulation.
The tests with hearth rings with diameters of 90, 100, ll5, and 145 mm gave on the whole
the same measured temperatures. The power was greatest for the 130-mm hearth.
In the tests with the Imbert hearth the 12-mm standard nozzles as well as 8.5-, 17-, and
24-mm nozzles were used. The power proved to be the highest with the original nozzles.
The temperature distribution was about the same with the various nozzle diameters. To
sum up the various tests with the generator, it may be said that the function of a genera-
tor may be affected by the choice of various nozzle diameters and hearth-ring diameters
(or the smallest bore of the hearth.) In the tested generator, the gas was almost com-
pletely developed within the hearth at a temperature above 850°C to 900°C. This tem-
perature limit for the reduction is about 100°C lower than what one would assume on the
basis of laboratory experiments on the reaction velocity. The tests with the generator do
not indicate that no reduction of practical importance takes place below 850°C to 900°C,
but only that the reduction may be regarded as practically completed at these tempera-
Another similar experiment has been carried out with a wood gas generator. [51] In this
experiment the air flow of the gas generator was obtained with a fan which sucked the
gas through the generator, radiator, and filter. The gas flow was measured with an ori-
fice flowmeter. As in the experiment previously mentioned the temperature was meas-
ured at various points in the charcoal layer, but, in addition, the gas was sampled imme-
diately below the hearth as well as in the gas exit on top of the generator. The generator
and the gas filters were placed on a stand which was vibrated by a motor-driven eccen-
tric device, so that the conditions of road operation would be simulated. The gas
extracted by the fan was flared.
The temperature curves obtained were rather like those shown in Figures 18-20 and
Figure 22 shows the results of measurements at a flow of generated gas of 1.7 Nm 3/min
(64. 7 scf/min). The shape of the hearth is shown in this picture. The outer mantle of the
generator had a diameter of 500 mm, and the smallest diameter of the hearth was 100
· The dependence of the temperature curves upon the power developed by the generator is
shown in Figure 23, where curve I refers to the center of the lower edge of the hearth,
curve II to the area below the lower outer edge of the hearth, and curve m to the gas
exit on top of the generator. This graph shows that the temperature of the coal bed at
first rises fairly rapidly when the power increases from the generator, but remains com-
paratively constant at higher power outputs.
O O,s l,o l,s 2,o NmJfmin
The analyses in Table 7 are converted into air-free gas. No measurable amount of meth-
ane could be noticed in the tests. The table shows that co 2, en Hm, and N2 increased
whereas· CO and l!2 decreased, and that also the heat value of the gas decreased while
passing through the outer coal bed. For the individual tests, greater differences are
usually obtained than these mean values; there are also tests where the gas has been
somewhat improved compared to these analyses.
Hence, it may be observed that on an average the gas quality is made somewhat worse
when the gas passes through the outer part of the coal bed. Thus, no reduction takes
place there. The damaging effect of the outer coal bed upon the reduction process itself
is most likely compensated for, however, by its function as heat insulation for the hearth.
Increase (+) or
Gas Exhausted Decrease (-) when
Gas Below
Analysis from the Top Gas Passes
the Hearth of the Generator through the
Outer Coalbed
cor • • • • • • • •. %
en m •
co • •
• •
• • • • • •
• • % 21.86 21.24 -0.62
Hz . .
• • • • •
• % 20.52 19.22 -1.30
• •
~If~c~iie·H;a~ Value
• • •
• • • % 46.44 48.16 +1.72
Through this heat insulation, the hearth may be kept at a high temperature so that the
reduction will proceed rapidly.
If the equilibrium temperature is calculated from the gas analyses,it appears again that
the state of equilibrium is not attained. To sum up, the reaction at temperatures below
900° C goes so slowly that in a generator for practical use there is no noticeable change
in the composition of the gas. ·
The Use of Catalysts
Since the limited reaction velocity must be considered in general to give poorer results
than a higher reaction velocity, efforts have been made to speed up the generator gas
reaction. The influence of catalysts has been touched upon in the foregoing sections. In
Figure 15 it was shown how addition of soda influenced the reduction process. According
to what has been observed in this context, the state of equilibrium cannot be attained
with the use of catalysts either, but the reactions may in some cases be speeded up con-
Also, a great number of other salts may act as catalysts in the reduction process. If
adding a catalyst is to be of any practical importance, the catalyst must be inexpensive.
Soda norm8lly is an inexpensive chemical. In a time of crisis, when the generator gas
operation of motor vehicles would be especially important, there may be, however, a
shortage of chemicals as well; therefore one can hardly count on using catalysts to a
large extent. In Sweden not very many tests have been carried out with catalysts.
In one case, however, there was an experiment by S. Perlstrom in Gothenburg, who added
saltpeter (NaN0 3) to charcoal intended for generator gas operation. This charcoal was
used for generator gas operation of a Mercedes-Benz car with a 38 hp motor. The power
increased in relation to regular charcoal by an estimated 10% to 20%. After 1-1/2 years'
operation, no salt or other deposits could be observed in the intake- manifold, the cylin-
ders, or the exhaust manifold; and in a chemical analysis the oil was found to contain no
residues of the saltpeter. For practical use of the method on a large scale, according to
Perlstrom, it would be necessary to make the charcoal into briquettes mixed with salt-
Conceivably, the saltpeter improves the gas generation by emitting oxygen as well as by
serving as a catalyst in the reduction of the carbon dioxide and water vapor. In the
experiment 0.5 kg of saltpeter was added to 10 liters of charcoal. The charcoal weight
being 1.4 kg/liter, the saltpeter will constitute 3.6 weight percent of the charcoal. The
decomposition of saltpeter takes place according to the formula
2 NaN0 3 =2 NaN0 2 + o 2
170 kg 22.4Nm 3
Thus, 0.13 Nm 3 oxygen is obtained from 1 kg saltpeter. This amount of oxygen is infini-
tesimally small in comparison with the amount of oxygen required for gas generation and
can hardly be of any importance. As a comparison it may be mentioned that 0.93 Nm 3
oxygen is needed to burn 1 kg pure carbon (C) into carbon monoxide (CO); i.e., 200 times
the amount of oxygen emitted by the saltpeter per kg charcoal. The improvement of the
power must therefore be attributed to the catalytic influence of the saltpeter.
If a catalyst directly mixed with the charcoal could be used, there should be no insur-_
mountable economic obstacles. If, however, the charcoal must be made into briquettes-
which would probably be the case-one would have to expect an increase in the price of
the fuel. Charcoal made into briquettes has certain great advantages, however (espe-
cially for vehicular operation), so a higher price may be justified.
Besides, the reaction rate of charcoal is so high that the improvement by using a catalyst
is of minor importance. When fuels with low reaction rates, such as anthracite and coke,
are used the importance of catalysts increases. Eight different substances have been
tested in experiments in England, [26] and the best results were obtained with soda. The
proportion needed to attain maximum catalytic effect was about 1% for anthracite; at
this level a relatively large improvement of the properties of the fuel for generator gas
use occurred.
Generator gas intended for motor operation, as shown in the preceding chapters, contains
combustible gases as well as noncombustible nitrogen and water vapor, and usually also a
small quantity of oxygen. All gases except water vapor are usually called 11 dry gases11 and
then one speaks of "quantity of dry gases", the "heating value of the dry gas11 etc. In
most gas analyses only dry gases are obtained. The water vapor content may be deter -
mined by condensation and absorption, or by the determination of the dew point of the
gas; it may also be calculated through gas and fuel analyses. If a gas has passed free
water surfaces or contains water vapor which has condensed, it may be considered to be
moisture saturated, and its content of water vapor is then unambiguously determined by
the temperature. The sum of the quantity of dry gas and water vapor is usually called
the total gas quantity or quantity of "wet" gas.
The following laws apply for a gas when the temperature or pressure changes, provided
that the gas is not close to the saturation point and may be considered to be an ideal gas.
If a gas is heated at constant pressure, its volume will increase in direct proportion to
the increase of the absolute temperature of the gas. The absolute temperature is stated
in degrees Kelvin (°K). If the temperature in °C is denoted t and the absolute tempera-
ture T, T = 273 + t. If, on the other hand, the temperature is kept constant and the pres-
sure increased, the volume of the gas will decrease inversely in proportion to the pres-
sure, which means that the product of the volume and the pressure is constant. If the
volume is denoted V and the pressure p, the ideal gas law states that
p • v
T = constant (31)
*In English units, the "standard state "is defined as 70°F and 760 mm
(1 a~mosphere), and measured in standard cubic feet, scf. To convert
Nm to scf multiply by 38.03.
_2_ 273
v0 = v . 760 273 + t
The quantity of water vapor accompanying a certain amount of dry gas may be deter -
mined from the saturation pressure of the water vapor and its relative humidity. If the
saturation pressure of the water vapor at a certain temperature is denoted p' and the
relative humidity <j>, the real pressur.e of the water vapor is <l> p'. If the total pressure of
the gas is p, the partial pressure of the dry gas will then be p- <Pp'. In l Nm 3 of dry gas,
the fraction of the water vapor, <I> , will then be:
P' Nm3/Nm3 (33)
p- <PP'
- L_ (34)
The saturation pressure of the water vapor (p') at various temperatures and the water-
vapor volume proportional to the volume of dry gases, <I> , are shown in Table 8. The
value of <I> is calculated here for a pressure of p = 760 mm Hg.
Temperature p' cp
oc mm Hg mbar at <I> =1
0 4.58 6.11 0.0061
5 6.54 8. 72 0.0087
10 9.21 12.28 0.0123
15 12.79 17.05 0.0171
20 17.54 23.38 0.0236
25 23.76 31.67 0.0322
30 31.82 42.42 0.0437
35 42.18 56.23 0.0587
40 55.32 73.75 0.0785
45 71.88 95.83 0.104
50 92. 51 123.3 0.139
55 118.0 157.3 0.184
60 149.4 199.2 0.245
65 187.5 250.0 0.328
70 233.7 316.9 0.443
75 289.1 385.4 0.614
80 355.1 473.4 0.8.76
If we know the dew point of the gas (i.e., the temperature at which water starts to con-
dense from the mixture of dry gas and water vapor), we may determine the volume of
water vapor proportionate to the volume of dry gas with the help of Table 8.
Table 9 is a survey of the gases that are of importance for generator gas production. The
last two columns of the table contain information about the air requirement for a com-
plete combustion of respective gases in Nm 3/Nm 3 and the heating value for a stoichio-
metric mixture in kcal/Nm 3• The last value is obtained by division of the effective heat
value of the gas by the sum of the gas quantity and the air requirement; i.e., 1 + the value
of the air requirement as stated in the table.
Table 9. GAS TABLE
For combustion of the various gases with air the following equations apply.
If the analysis of the gas mixture is known, the heating value and density of the mixture
can easily be -calculated with the help of the values in Table 9 by simple proportioning.
The procedure is shown in Table 10 or Figure 24.
Thus the result of the calculation is an effective heat value of 1139.7 kcal/Nm 3 (4.77
MJ/Nm 3; ll9 Btu/scf) and a density of I.Ill kg/Nm 3 (0.064 lb/scf).
When the generator gas is intended for motor operation it is also interesting to know the
heat value of a mixture of the gas with the quantity of air needed for burning: after all,
this value is one of the basic factors determining the power obtainable from the motor.
CnHm denotes so-called heavy hydrocarbons, which are determined in the
analysis by absorption in fuming sulfuric acid. In calculations, the
values for ethylene (C 2H4 ) are commonly used.
In calculating this mixed gas heat value one may, as in Table 9, allow for the air quantity
theoretically needed for complete combustion, the so-called stoichiometric air quantity.
This value may then be called the theoretical mixed heating value. Frequently, however,
in practice the combustion occurs with some excess air, so that a lower mixed heating
value than the theoretical is obtained. In calculating the mixed heat value the water-
vapor content of the gas or the air is usually not taken into account, since it normally is
no greater then about 2% to 3%. Since dry air contains 21% oxygen and 79% nitrogen
(including 0.9% argon) 1 mole oxygen in air is associated with 3.76 moles of nitrogen or
4.76 moles air.
Using the gas analysis from Figure 10 and the stoichiometric air ratios from Table 9, we
can then calculate the total air requirements for combustion, as follows:
Thus, the air requirement is 0.984 Nm 3 per Nm 3 dry generator gas with the analysis
given above. The total volume of generator gas plus air is then 1 + 0.984 = 1.984 Nm3;
consequently the theoretical mixed heat value is 2406 kJ/Nm 3 (575 kcal/Nm 3).
1140 kcal/Nm3
= 575 kcal/Nm3
1.984 Nm /Nm3
The flue-gas quantity and composition may be calculated in a similar way. Equations
(35), (36), (37), and (40) are used for this. If a surplus of air has been supplied in the
combination, an equivalent air quantity becomes a part also of the flue gas.
In the example above the oxygen content of the gas was only 0.1%; under these circum-
stances the oxygen plays only a minor role. Frequently, however, analyses show a con-
siderably higher oxygen content. Usually this is due to the fact that air has entered the
gas sample during or after the samgling; therefore it does not necessarily indicate a high
oxygen content in the gas. If, however, the heat value of the gas is calculated after such
an analysis, the results are frequently misleading. In that case, of course, not only the
oxygen content but the nitrogen content as well become too high. In order to use such
gas analyses with abnormally high oxygen contents, the analysis may be converted to
"airfree" gas, which is done in the following manner.
Assume that the oxygen content of the gas entirely originates from air that has a nitro-
gen quantity 3.76 times as large as the oxygen quantity which must then be subtracted.
The percentages of the remaining residue gas are then adjusted, so that the sum of the
remaining gas percentage values will be 100. The following example demonstrates the
procedure. Under circumstances which make it probable that air has entered the gas
sample, the following analysis is obtained:
C0 2 . . 8.6%
02. . . . . . 4.6%
co . . . . . 14.8%
H2· • 14.6%
N2 (residue). . . ... . 57 .4%
The nitrogen content equivalent corresponding to the oxygen content is 4.6 x 3.76 = 17 .3%
and the total air content consequently 4.6 + 17 .3 = 21.9%. After this quantity has been
subtracted there remains 78.1% airfree gas. The nitrogen quantity of this gas will be 57.4
- 17 .3 = 40.1%, calculated on the original gas. Divide this value and the above given val-
ues for C02' CO and H2 by 0.781, the following analysis of the airfree gas is obtained:
• . . 11. 0%
. 19 .0%
. • • 18.7%
• . • • . 51.3%
In this context it may be of interest to state the limits within which the gas analyses for
generator gas usually fall. The common analyses of coal gas and wood gas according to
Tobler [45] are shown in Table ll. The values are calculated for airfree gas; the real air
content of generator gas is usually 1% to 2%.
For estimates of the effective heat value of generator gas and the theoretical air quan-
tity for. complete combustion, one may use the nomographs in Figures 24 and 25. In these
nomographs the lines of calculation for the analysis given in the calculation example on
the preceding page have been drawn as an example. It should be observed that in the
co 2 % • • • • • • • • • • • • -'. 1-2 10-15
CnHm% • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0-0.1 0.2-0.4
co % • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 28-31 17-22
H2 % • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5-10 16-20
CH 4 % • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1-2 2-3
N2 %• • • • • 55-60 45-50
calculation of the heat value the sum CO + 5 · CnHm is used; in the calculation of the
theoretical air quantity, the sum CO + 6" CnHm and the difference CH 4 - 0.5 o2 are
The air quantity needed for combustion is approximately proportional to the effective
heat value of the generator gas; th~s, the change of the theoretical mixed heat value will
be considerably smaller than the change of the effective heat value of the generator gas.
It has been shown by Rosin and Fehling [39] that a straight-line relationship between the
effective heat value and the theoretical air quantity may be approximately established;
and for generator gas a good correlation is obtained by using the formula given by
H. Lundberg, [34]
~t = 0 •98 • 1000 - 0.13 Nm3 /Nm3 (41)
where ~tis the theoretical air quantity and Hi the effective heat value in kcal/Nm 3•
With Equation (39), the relation between the effective heat value of generator gas and
the mixed heat value may be calculated for a stoichiometric mixture with the air factor
n=l as well as at an arbitrary air factor n. The air factor is the ratio between the actual
and the stoichiometric air quantity, and the air excess may be expressed by the value n-1.
Thus, for the calculation of the mixed heat value we get the expression:
Mixed Heat Value ~ (42)
1 + .n(0.98 • 1000 - 0.13)
When using Equation (42), one rnust remember that this is not exact but is based upon an
approximate relationship. With Equation (42) the mixed heat value has been calculated
for a stoichiometric mixture (n=l), and also for a 20% air surplus (n=l.2) See Figure 26.
0 5 /!) IS 20 %Hz 800 900 1000 1100 1200 I.JOO /.t,(JO 150!) kca'ltvm3
Q) co 100--~-~-~--~-~----...
;:I Ctl
r""l 0
:> 1-1 ("")
.µ .µ z~Wol----+---+---+--:--+-:=-""f""'---+----1
Ctl Ctl-
Q) 1-1 r""l
~ ~ ~~01-=.-::;'t----::::=lo--......,,:~--+--+---t----t
Q) Q) ~
•r-l Q)
.µ Q) !-1~001----+---+----+--+---+---+----l
C) ..i:: ;::I
Q) .µ .µ
4-l ~
~ O -r-l
4-l 4-l _ _.__ _,__ __.._ _..___ _.__ _.__ __,
Ignition Velocity
In addition to the heat value, the burning velocity of the generator gas is important for
its use, especially in engine operation. The higher the burning velocity, the more com-
plete the combustion will be. The burning velocity has different values for each g~ and
it also changes with the air-gas mixture. The ignition velocities of various gases have
been determined experimentally by Bunte using escape tests with gas at room tempera-
ture. A few of Bunte's results are shown in Figure 27 (according to Gumz [17] ).
Figure 28 shows (according to Finkbeiner [15]) the burning velocity of a few different
gas mixtures whose analyses are given in the following table:
Gas a b c d
co 2 . . . .% 1.6 4.5 0.2 4.4
CnHm. . . . . . . .% 3.6 2.4
02. .% 1.0 0.2 0.4
co . . . . . . . . .% 5.5 20.8 47.0 29.1
H2· . . . .% 54.2 51.8 50.5 10.2
CH 4 • . . . . .% 27.2 14.9
N2. . .% 6.9 5.4 1.9 56.3
Burning Velocity
Burning Velocity
.I ,-'"'.\
I \
·, c
10. r
I . '
\ I
\ b
.\. \
co \
q_ \
Naturally, it is not possible to apply the values measured by Bunte directly to the com-
bustion of generator gas in an engine. Other experiments have shown that the ignition
velocity increases with rising temperature within the temperature range in question. The
flow conditions of the gases are also very important. (See for example W. Unger [48] ).
Figure 27 shows that hydrogen has a burning velocity nine times higher than carbon
monoxide and methane. A gas containing only carbon monoxide as a combustible compo-
nent has a low burning velocity and is therefore fairly difficult to burn effectively. If
the gas also contains a fairly large quantity of hydrogen, the ignition velocity increases
Calculation of Gas Quantity and Generator Efficiency from Fuel and Gas Analyses
The gas quantity generated from a given fuel quantity and the generator efficiency may
be calculated from the heat value of the fuel used and the gas analyses. These calcula-
tions are based upon element balances. The accuracy of the results depends on the accu-
racy of the analyses which have been conducted. If the duff or soot qmmtity from the
generator is large, one must also take this into account. During normal operation of a
generator which is functioning satisfactorily, the duff and soot quantities will be rela-
tively small; thus, these losses can be neglected, at least in estimates.
The analyses of the charcoal and wood fuels commonly in use seem to show hardly any
differences in the values of combustible substance. As an average value for charcoal the
following analysis may be adopted:
c. 89%
H 3%
0 8%
The effective heat value of this charcoal amounts to approximately 7880 kcal/kg. (33
MJ/kg) (14,200 Btu/lb). In the calculations one must allow for the ash content and mois-
ture content of the fuel. If the effective heating value is denoted Hi and is calculated on
the basis of combustible substances with Hib' the ash content denoted by A and the mois-
ture content F, we get
H.I = (1 - A - F) H.b - 585F
in which the number 585 represents the heat of vaporization of water at 20°C in kcal/kg.
For dry wood (allowing for the ash content) the following analysis may be considered
c 50.5%
H. 6.2%
0 42.8%
Ash 0.5%
- -
100 .0%
The effective heating value is 4540 kcal/kg (dry substance of wood), which is the mean
value for birch, spruce, and pine. For a moisture content of F we get the effective heat
The calculation method is shown in the following example, in which wood with a moisture
content of F has been assumed as fuel. Per kg wood we get the following composition in
C: (1-F) 0.505
If the number of molecules of the various gases is taken into account, the following
expressions give the yield:
2 4
(l-F)0.505 = 0.943 (1-F) Nm 3 gases containing C
22 4 (0.062 + 0.049F)
2 = 0.694 (I+ 0.79) Nm 3 gases containing H
2 4
(0.428 + 0.461F) = 0.299{1 + l.076F) Nm 3 gases containing O
In addition to this there is the oxygen supplied to the generator by the primary air.
If the volume fractions of the various gases contained in the dry generator gas are
denoted vCO , v0 , vCO' etc., the following formula applies:
2 2
The so-called heavy hydrocarbons, usually denoted CnHm are here counted as c 2H4,
which would seem to correspond to the real conditions.
If the primary air quantity supplied to the generator per kg wood is denoted L Nm 3, the
quantity of dry generator gas obtained per kf wood V Nm 3, and the water-vapor quantity
per kg wood in the generator gas VH 0 Nm , and if the air composition is assumed to be
0.21 o2 + 0.79N 2, we get the followin;f element balances:
In the four equations above, (46-49), there are only three unknowns, namely V, VH 0 and
L. If all measurements were exact, all equations could be satisfied by the m~sured
values of these quantities. In most cases, however, agreement would hardly be obtained
for all four equations, because of the difficulties involved in making exact measurements
and in obtaining representative samples. Taking into account the accuracy possible in
the various determinations and the build-up of the equations, it appears most suitable to
determine V from Equation (46) and VH 0 from Equation (47), in which the value of V
obtained from the former equation is put1nto Equation (47). If a determination of the air
quantity L also is desirable, it would probably be obtained most reliably from Equation
After V has been calculated, the generator efficiency may be calculated by knowing the
effective heat values of the gas and the wood. If the effective heat value of the dry gas
is denoted Hi gas and the dry gas quantity is V Nm 3 per kg wood, the generator effi-
ciency is determined from the expression:
V • H.1,gas
n = H.1,wood
It may also be of interest to calculate the losses. In this case, the heat value of the gas
that corresponds to the losses may be calculated. The relative size of the losses is 1-n,
and their quantity pez: kg wood amounts to
The heat content of the gas according to Equation (51) is, as shown above, an imaginary
quantity only, which corresponds to the temperature at which the generator gas leaves
the generator, if the generator has no heat losses.
In order to carry through the calculation above fairly exactly, the mean value of the gas
analysis during the combustion of the entire fuel supply must be known. As shown next,
the composition of the generator gas may vary considerably during the combustion of the
fuel load.
The calculation method given above may, of course, be used for other fuels as well, (e.g.,
peat, anthracite or coke); in which case, however, the analysis of the fuel must be known.
An average analysis may be used in the calculation for wood, however, and generally for
·charcoal as well.
The gas obtained from a generator may under various conditions show considerable varia-
tion of the analysis. The factors especially affecting the gas analysis are, in addition to
the moisture content of the fuel, the degree of combustion of the fuel load, the output of
the generator (i.e., gas quantity taken out per time unit), and rapid changes of the load.
Especially in wood gas generators, the gas composition varies according to the degree of
combustion. When the generator is first filled, the largest quantities of water vapor are
emitted from· the wood and as a consequence the poorest gas is obtained. As fuel is
consumed the gas improves, and the heat value reaches a maximum when the generator
charge is almost completely burnt.
Figure 29 shows how the heat value of the gas changes in a wood gas generator during
the burning of the fuel load, according to Hedlund. [20] The heat value of the gas as a
function of the load and as a function of the moisture content of the fuel as well is shown
in Figure 30. [20] The curves in Figures 29 and 30 show the resultS.of a test .with a
1500 I I l I I
-- --
co Generator Gas
. -I
;:l I
co -Stoichiometric
I> Gas-Air Mixture
co<!) r--
500 Full Gen Empty Gen
0 20 40 60 80 100
% Combustion of the Charge
Figure 29. Heat Values of Wood Gas
as a Function of the Degree of
:>.. 14% / v i----
H 1]00 - >--f-·· ,,.
- ....
0 VJ~ / L--'
1200 ~
v Generator Gas
~ 2/0, ,,,"
<!) 900
~ 80•n
- --
Stoichiometric Gas-Air Mixture
.µ 7().0 - •'
£ 600 -
0 o,s J,o l,s
Extracted Gas Quantity Nm /min
Figure 30. Heat Values of Wood Gas as a Function
of the Load in a Special Heat-Insulated Generator
at 50% Combustion of the Charge
wood-gas generator with a small hearth opening of 100 mm diameter. A quantity of gas of
1 Nm 3/min corresponds to a hearth loading of 0.77 Nm 3/cm 2hr. The curves in Figure 30
were obtained in a heat-insulated generator; in the standard generator somewhat lower
heat values were obtained.
Figure 30 shows that the generator gas becomes considerably lower in heat value with
increased moisture content of the wood. Figure 31 shows analyses obtained at 4% and
21% moisture content of the wood respectively, during various degrees of combustion. In
this graph the two curves beginning at 100% show the percentage of the original moisture
remaining in the wood. In order to achieve the best possible operation one should,
according to the tests, use as dry wood as possible and add new wood at the latest after
approximately 70% of the wood filling has burned.
' -- --
90 I\ k~r. 11 N m3
1400 ::::;-
0 \ - - -- t'
I '
1300 ~
--- - ~z;}o ~ o
~ 7iO \ \
·g 6...
- ·~ \
I IOj.
Hr ~
\ \
bO £'O
·a 4c ' '
- 30}
~ 3c
' '\
--- ..... ,-
-,:~ _,_
- -
-- ~~ %CO
p::: 20 '\
~ [',
_ '~
40 60 80
20 100
' ......
- i--..
% Combustion
Figure 31. H2, CO Content and Heat Value
of Wood a Function of·the Degree
of Combustion
- Moisture Content of Wood 4%
--- Moisture Content of Wood 21%
Great changes in the gas composition occur in wood gas generators during rapid load
changes. Figure 32 shows how rapidly the heat value of the gas may rise during engine
idle. If the load on the generator is rapidly decreased after a continuous high load to a
value of approximately the idling requirement of the engine, the primary-air quentity
sucked into the generator will be very small. Since the generator temperature still is
fairly high, however, the degassing of the wood will continue for a few minutes, and the
generator gas emitted during this period will have a very high heat value. Therefore,
when the engine is loaded again, more secondary air than normal must be supplied for a
short time to achieve complete burning and to avoid engine failure. During operation
with charcoal, changes in the heat value of the gas may also occur, but as a rule these
changes are less pronounced than those in wood gas generators.
I""'-- ......... Ga
~ ..!<l
:>-, ,..
A i:i:l t::
- Normal •
~ 1500
Driving H
.,..; (/)
. -i ::J m
t\l Theoretical 2,o
] ....._ p::; ;::..,
::::> /ODO
Air Requirement
<r:: ("')
t\l 1,2 .~<""ls
Q) Reaction-Equivalent .µ z
::z:: Gas-Air Mixture l,o CJ
I 0
a 5 JO JS
Time in Minutes
Figure 32. Change in Heat Value
of Wood Gas at Engine Idle
decomposition through heat is also called pyrolysis. A more or less sharply defined dry-
ing zone is usually situated above this charring zone.
In the heating of wood without access to air, the following characteristic factors may be
discerned: During the first stage of heating the moisture of the wood is released; this
happens mainly (at least in slow heating) at approximately 100°C and somewhat above
that. When the temperature rises further, a chemical decomposition of the wood sub-
stance is started during which only water vapor is emitted at first. This continues to
approximately 170°C to 200°C, at which temperature gases containing oxygen (at first
carbon dioxide, then also carbon monoxide and acid-condensable products) start separat-
temperature. The experiment time was 40 minutes at 250°C and 300°C and 10 minutes at
350°C and 400°C. In addition, tests with experimental times as short as 2.5 minutes were
made. The measured weight losses were at most 20% to 30% in wood with a moisture
content of 19%. The weight losses arise from the drying and beginning charring of the
material. The exposure.time was not long enough to realize a fairly complete charring of
the wood. In ordinary charring of wood in a furnace, a charcoal gain of approximately
36% is obtained at 400°C, calculated from dry substance wood. This corresponds to a
weight loss of 71%, a moisture content of 19% of the wood; i.e., more than double what
was obtained in Tobler's short experiments.
According to the experiments cited above it is hardly possible that the charring in a
wood gas generator-where the wood stays for 1 to 2 hours-takes place at such low
temperatures as furnace charring; the charring most likely takes place at considerably
higher temperatures. In spite of this fact, it may be interesting to study the results
obtained in charring experiments that have been carried out with longer experimental
times. Figure 33 shows the results of such charring experiments according to Bergstrom.
It shows that charcoal formation decreases with increasing temperature at the same time
that carbon content of the charcoal increases and hydrogen content decreases. Charring
in a wood gas generator will in all probability be similar to the results shown in Figure
33; but probably considerably higher temperatures are required in order to obtain the
same values of formation and analyses.
~rbon Content of Charcoal
\,+- Charcoal Fcrmed from Dry Wood
\ '\
\ ~ ....._ ,....___
1\.-Loss Due to Burning
\ of Charcoa~ I
\. Hydrogen Content
"-.... ~ i--._ of Charcoal -
I I!
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 f000°C
Figure 33. Charring of Wood at Various Temperatures
A so-called Geipert analysis of the wood may also be of interest. It consists of degassing
a wood sample in a quartz tube at 1100°C. Only a 15% to 16% charcoal formation was
obtained from such samples while the gas quantity emitted was high, 0.52-0.57 Nm 3 per
kg wood. The heat value of the gas was also high: 4600-4900 kcal/Nm 3 (19.25-20.50
MJ/Nm 3). The gas contained heavy hydrocarbons, approximately 40% carbon monoxide,
approximately 20% hydrogen, approximately 15% methane and only approximately ll% to
14% carbon dioxide. The heat that must be transferred to the wood in order to drive off
the main part of its volatile substances is fairly substantial. A graph of the amount of
heat needed to heat dry wood to various temperatures is shown in Figure 34 according to
the cited· experiments. [52] In the graph the amount of heat required for the heating is
shown by solid lines. The left curve shows slow heating, during which a temperature of
400°C is reached after 9 hours, and the right curve shows a faster heating to 500°C to
600°C, at which an average temperature of 500°C was reached after 1.5 hours. In the
latter case the self-charring occurred at about 400°C and the exothermic heat developed
caused the total added heat to decrease. The dashed lines in the graph show how far the
exothermic reaction has advanced at various times after the experiment was started.
The graph shows further that, at most, approximately 130 kcal/kg (544 kJ/kg) must be
supplied at the slower heating rate and approximately 200 kcal/kg (837 kJ/kg) at the
faster heating rate. That a larger heat quantity is required during faster heating is due
to the fact that the exothermic reaction requires considerable time, so that it cannot be
completely accomplished during fast heating.
kcav1cg kcaljkg
+ZOO l---+---+---+--::>l'"""""-+---t----1 soo t - - - - - + - - - - + - - - - t - - - - - 1
-300'----'-----.L.---,-L,.----J'----'---__,__:----' o""-----'--~----->~c--J
0 100 ZOO 300 t,OO 500 600 °C 0 100 2fJ(J 300 °C
When moist wood is used the heat requirement increases, of course, since heat is required
to vaporize the water. Figure 35 shows the heat supply required for various moisture
contents of the wood. For dry wood the right curve in Figure 34 was observed. For
example, for wood with a 10% moisture content, approximately 300 kcal/kg (1.25 MJ/kg)
is required for heating up to 400°C.
In a gas generator the time available for charring of the wood is relatively small; thus,
the heating rate will most likely be considerably higher than in the cited tests. It seems
probable then, that the heat supply needed for charring will be higher than shown in
Figures 34 and 35, possibly 400 kcal/kg (1.67 MJ/kg) at a 10% moisture content of the
wood. In the case of a higher moisture content probably a higher drying temperature will
be required, and then a higher charring temperature will be required for the process to
take place sufficiently fast.
When using wood with a high moisture content it would be advantageous to use a genera-
tor designed such that at least part of the moisture may be removed from the wood
before it enters the charring zone.
When wood is charred the volume of the wood decreases. The volume of the charcoal
obtained from the charring is 50% to 70% of the volume of the wood used.
Fuel Analyses
Standard methods for fuel analyses are used to rate generator gas fuels, but other special
methods are used as well. In many cases simplified methods may be used because the
accuracy requirements are not as great as, for example, in the delivery of large fuel
quantities. Besides the usual fuel analyses there are, however, analyses determined by
the special requirements of the fuels with reference to the operating conditions of the
generator. Information about some analytical methods developed for generator-gas fuels
is presented in the following paragraphs.
For generator-gas wood it has usually been considered sufficient to determine the mois-
ture content. This has been done either in the usual way by drying in a drying cabinet; by
distillation with xylol; or with an electric moisture-content meter (Figure 36), based on
the fact that the electric conductivity is dependent upon the moisture content. The
accuracy of the electric moisture-content meter is relatively low, approximately + 1%
moisture content, but is quite sufficient for most cases.
Methods of analysis for charcoal have been described by Bergstrom and Jansson; [3] they
deal with methods for the control of charcoal deliveries in the iron industry as well as
special methods for generator-gas charcoal.
The exact moisture content is hard to determine during drying in a drying cabinet at
110°C, due to the fact that the charcoal may absorb oxygen and also emit carbon dioxide
when heated in air. A more reliable and accurate method is distillation with xylol, which
is carried out in a special device. The ash content and calcination loss may be deter -
mined with standard methods. The Charring Laboratory, [28] however, has worked out a
simplified method for determining the moisture content and calcination loss of charcoal.
In this method an ordinary kerosene stove is used to heat the samples. This makes it
possible to use the method in small laboratories with simple equipment.
Figure 36. Electric Meter for
Measuring Moisture Content,
8-24% Measuring Range
Even if the loss due to burning is satisfactorily low for a sample of generator-gas char-
coal, there may be a risk of charring, if the charcoal bulk consists of well charred and
badly charred charcoals. Bergstrom and Jansson [3] have described a method used in
Sweden for deter·mining the tar quantity emitted during the heating. The sample (100-
125g) is placed in a one-liter stainless steel retort and is heated to 500°C, while a weak
flow of nitrogen is passed through the retort; the emitted tars are condensed in a conden-
sation system attached to the retort. The tar quantity is determined by extraction with
ether. Similar methods are used in England, [8] where smaller sample quantities are used
and the tar is collected in a different way. The samples are heated to 600°C in the
English method.
The tendency of charcoal to duff* is also a factor that must be taken into account in the
quality grading. A device for determining this property is mentioned by the Charring
Laboratory. (27] The device consists of a cylindrical drum having a diameter of 300 mm
and a length of 250 mm, which is rotated around the horizontal axis. A 150-mm high
radial metal sheet is attached inside the drum as a carrier for the charcoal sample. A
500-g charcoal sample with a piece size of 20-60 mm is put into the drum and rotated a
total of 500 revolutions with a velocity of 20-40 rpm. After this, the duffing loss is
determined by sifting through a 10-mm mesh screen. After the duffing loss, the charcoal
may be classified into five different hardness grades according to Table 12.
One property of generator gas fuels of special importance is the reaction ability. In
Sweden charcoal has been used almost exclusively rather than coal; for this fuel the
reaction rate is so high that it has not been considered necessary to determine it. When
wood is used as fuel there is even less gas produced than with charcoal; therefore, wood
does not cause any troubles either in this respect. In other countries, however, anthra-
cite and bituminous-coal coke are used to a large extent as generator-gas fuel.· These
fuels have a relatively poor reaction rate, which is why determining this property
A method of directly determining the reaction velocity by the reduction of carbon diox-
ide with charcoal has already been mentioned, but this method can not be used in opera-
tion or routine analyses.
A method better suited for such purposes as well as certain scientific experiments has
been developed in England, namely the critical air blast test (C.A.B.). This test is car-
ried out with a fuel bed in a cylindrical vertical pipe with an internal diameter of 40 mm.
The thickness of the fuel bed should be at least 25 mm and the fuel sample should be
crushed so that it may be sifted through a 14-mesh B.S. screen (1.41-mm mesh width),
after which the amount that passes through a 25-mesh B.S. screen (0.71-mm mesh width)
is sifted away. In the crushing one should avoid getting too fine a powder. The fraction
0.71-1.41 mm is used for testing the reaction ability. The fuel sample is ignited with an
electric heating element while an air flow of 0.07 L/s (0.150 cu ft/min) is blown through.
As soon as the fuel starts glowing, the current is switched off and at the same time the
air supply is reduced to a value calculated to be immediately above the critical air supply
and is kept constant for 20 minutes. After this time has passed, the air supply is
increased again to 0.07 L/sec (0.150 cu ft/min) and the fuel bed is observed.
If, after 20 minutes with this increased air supply, no glowing is obtained, the air supply
used earlier was below the critical value. By repeating the tests with new fuel samples
one may find the critical value. The air supply used in this test and measured in cu
ft/min is called the CAB value. Thus, a low CAB value corresponds to a high reaction
ability and vice versa. Table 13 gives the CAB values of a few different fuel samples.
An experiment on the reaction rate of various types of coke and also of mixtures of vari-
ous types of coke has been run in the Netherlands. [29] For example, the CAB value
0.004 was obtained for peat coke made at a low temperature, whereas 0.024 was obtained
for peat coke manufactured at 1050°C to 1100°C. For "wood-coke'"manufactured at the
same high temperature, 0.026 was obtained. These figures show the high degree of
dependence of the reaction rate upon the coking temperature. As a comparison, it may
be mentioned that the value 0.055 is recommended for coke intended for central heaters,
although there is a tendency to lower the value to 0.040. Coke with a CAB value of
0.070 is not sufficiently reactive for this purpose.
The figures are not general", but merely examples
of values obtained. A low CAB value indicates a
high reaction rate.
Charcoal . . . . . . . .
Low-Temperature Coke
.. .. . . . . 0.003
Anthracite • • • .....
High-Temperature Coke (gas works) • • •
High-Temperature Coke (coke oven). 0.070
Chapter 3
The fuels suitable for generator gas operation in Sweden consist of products from forests
and peat moors. Before they can be used for generator gas production, the raw materials
must be more or less extensively processed, depending on the type of gas generator for
which the fuel is intended, as well as the type of raw material. The processing is compli-
cated not only by the purely technical demands on the quality, selection, and greatest
possible utilization of the generator gas fuels manufactured from the raw materials, but
also by special circumstances prevailing during times of crisis due to shortages of labor
and transportation. Added to this is the necessity of conserving the raw material, par-
ticularly if, as is the case with forests, it normally has other uses in the national econ-
To produce suitable generator gas fuels while observing these restrictions is a factor
equally as important for generator gas operation as is the production of gas generators
fit for operation. These circumstances are touched upon by Hilding Bergstrom, one of
the authors of the report "Utilization and Processing of Inferior Lumber, Waste, and
By-Products in the Forest Industry," published in 1942 under the name 11The Norrland
Investigation,"* by the Swedish Industrial Institute for Economic and Social Research.
When wood is used for motor operation, only a half or third as much is
needed as when the wood is processed first to charcoal for motor opera ton.
This difference in consumption represents large quantities of wood and
during a time of crisis it must be considered decisive, since no efforts must
be spared to save fuel, transportation, and labor. There are good opportu-
nities through continued technical development to overcome the inconven-
iences that still affect generator gas operation with wood. In estimating ·
the future prospects for using wood waste for generator gas, one should,
therefore, count upon using wood directly.
The continuous development of wood gasification since 1942 supports these views,
although charcoal gas operation may still be justifiable for purely technical reasons in a
few special cases. New progress in gas generator design under more tranquil circum-
stances and the benefit of past experience would undoubtedly create a better basis for
generator gas operation in the case of a future embargo on imported fuel. The authori-
ties must see to it that such development work is indeed carried out during normal times,
although it may not be required until times of future crises or war. Technical progress of
this kind would be, for instance, the design of gas generators which would be as indepen-
dent as possible of the type, size, shape, or moisture content of the fuel. Devices for
continuous drying of the wood gas fuel in the generator itself would greatly decrease the
cost of manufacture, storage, and distribution of the fuel. A general changeover to
wood gas operation only, would mean a substantial resolution of the entire generator gas
problem and make standardization possible for gas generators as well as their fuels.
In Sweden we are, as mentioned, obflged to resort mainly to peat and wood for raw mate-
rials in manufacturing generator gas fuel. Our peat moors are not completely explored
and there are different views as to how big they are. According to one report [49] they
contain six billion tons of dry material; consequently, they could become very important
for the manufacture of generator gas fuel, if fully satisfactory operation of gas gener-
ators could be achieved with peat or peat coke.
Since peat contains considerably more ash than wood, and since peat ash in many cases is
relatively fusible (and therefore easily causes slag formation), practically all generator.
gas fuel in Sweden has been manufactured from wood as a raw material up to the pres-
ent. The gas generators that have been built have been designed specifically for wood or
charcoal. If large-scale generator gas operation once again is required, the wood
resources of the country would be used first.
In this context it is generally recommended that forest and lumber mill so-called waste
(Figures 37 and 41) should be used first for generator gas operation. Certain objections
may be made to this generalization. Because of the recent enormous progress in the area
of wood processing, particularly in the sulfate and wallboard industries, hardly any waste
wood exists which, from a purely technical point of view, is useless for industrial process-
ing. The determination of what is still called waste wood in felling are based on factors
such as transportation (floating possibilities, forest roads, etc.), wages, market prices,
etc.; and therefore the limits vary a great deal. According to the Norrland Investigation
in 1942 it is estimated, for the Norrland area, that in felling with the proposed minimal
dimensions, approximately 20% to 25% waste is generated that cannot be profitably
processed for paper and lumber. Such waste consists of tops, hranches, thinning mate-
rial, partly decayed wood, etc.
Due to transportation costs, etc., most of this "waste" is also, from an economic view-
point, unsuitable for car wood. What was earlier called waste unfit for use in lumber
mills, i.e., edgings, etc., shingles and splinters (amounting to approximately 30% and 13%
respectively of the so-called wood balance), is now (1950) practically 100% used, the
former for sulfate and wallboard industries, the latter for heating the drying ovens in
lumber mills.
The use of available wood raw material for generator gas production in the case of a
general forced changeover to generator gas operation in Sweden would depend, irrespec-
tive of the kind, shape, and dimensions of the raw material, upon conditions related to
the general situation of crisis; for example, transportation conditions and availability,
availability of labor, military demands, civil defense demands, storage and distribution
possibilities, etc. Although the use of good wood for fuel purposes should be avoided,
generally under these special circumstances it may be necessary and sometimes even
economical to use first grade industrial wood for production of generator gas fuel.
Where local conditions permit, however, branches, tops, thinning material, stumps, etc.,
should of course be used; for example for tractors on farms with wood supplies. There-
fore, it is very important that gas generators be made useable for operation with as many
available fuels as possible; and also, on the other hand, that generator gas fuels be stan-
dardized in as few grades as possible, so that they can easily be manufactured from vari-
ous existing types of raw material.
For transportation to meet the present requirements of towns, fishing, small industries,
etc., the need for raw wood for generator gas operation is estimated to be approximately
five million solid cubic metres (m 3) per year; this is equivalent to approximately 100 mil-
lion hectolitres (hL) of bulk generator gas wood chips, or approximately 800,000 tons of
gasoline. If operation is only with charcoal, the same amount of raw wood would produce
less than half this amount of motor fuel. In 1944 approximately 25 million hL of car wood
and as much car charcoal was manufactured, the total corresponding to approximately
3.75 million m3 wood raw material. For a comparison see the tabulation below by the
Central Bureau of Statistics of the total felling in Sweden during 1937.
Large quantities of stumps originate from wood cutting in the forests; however, nowa-
days such stumps consist mainly of root wood, since the felling is done as close as possi-
ble to the ground surface. The use of stump and root wood is mainly a question of trans-
portation possibilities and labor availability. Old pine stumps and trunks (so-called
tore*), are an exceedingly useful raw material for manufacturing tar products, motor
fuel, lubrication oils, turpentine, etc. Such manufacturing is usually done in retort fur-
naces. However, these products may also be produced directly by extraction with suita-
ble solvents; for example, sulfite alcohol. In this way no carbon is created as a byprod-
uct. In the investigation mentioned above, the supply of economically workable tore in
Norrland amounted to approximately one million or more cubic meters. From this quan-
tity of raw material may be produced approximately ll0,000 tons of lubrication oils;
approximately 20,000 tons of turpentine; great quantities of methanol and motor fuels;
and approximately 160,000 tons of small size charcoal of a good but fairly brittle quality
suitable for operating, for example, small private car generators. The charcoal quantity
corresponds to approximately 75,000 tons of gasoline. In better designed retort furnaces
and charring furnaces, so-called A-tar may be produced as a byproduct of the charring;
this tar may be used, for example, for operating glow plug engines (surface ingition
engines) in fishing boats and the like.**
As was shown in Table ll, the combustible components in generator gas consist primarily
of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and methane. The effective heat value of generator gas
when charcoal is used as fuel varies between 1,100 and 1,350 kcal/Nm 3 (4.60 - 5.65
MJ/Nm 3; 133 - 163 Btu/scf); and with wood as fuel, between 1,200 and 1,400 kcal/Nm 3
(5.02 - 5.86 MJ/Nm 3; 145 - 170 Btu/scf). For well designed ~as generators and fuels with
a moderate moisture content 1,300 kcal/Nm 3 (5.44 MJ/Nm ; 157 Btu/scf) could be con-
sidered an average for both charcoal and wood gas. For this heat value there will be a
heat value of approximately 600 kcal/Nm 3 (2.51 MJ/Nm 3; 67 Btu/scf) in the stoichiomet-
ric gas mixture as shown in Figure 26. For gasoline the corresponding theoretical mixed
heat value would be 850 kcal/Nm 3 (3.55 MJ/Nm 3; 95 Btu/scf); consequently, generator
gas has only 70% of the heating value for gasoline, which corresponds to a 30% loss of
power in generator-gas operation relative to gasoline operation.
The effective heat value for the most important gas generator fuels in Sweden is given in
Table 14.
As shown in the table an effective heat value of 4540 kcal/kg may be calculated for a
mixture of spruce and pine as well as for birch. At a moisture content of F, the follow-
ing effective heat value is obtained according to Chapter 2, Equation (44):
*Old pine stumps are especially rich in turpentine and rosin. We have
no equivalent English word.
**This may refer to a semidiesel type operation using pyrolysis oil from
the stumps.
Heat Value Basis
Spruce Wood ••
Pine Wood • • •
.. .. .. . .. 4570
Dry Substance
Dry Substance
Birch Wood • 4540 Dry Substance
Beech Wood • 4370 Dry Substance
Alder Wood •
Aspen Wood ••
.. ... 4510
Dry Substance
Dry Substance
Charcoal from Stacks • 7950 Combustible Substance
Furnace Charcoal • 7850 Combustible Substance
Peat • • • • • • • • • 5000 Combustible Substance
Peat • • • • • • 3400 5% Dry Basis Ash Content and
25% Moisture Content
If, for the comparison between wood and charcoal, the average moisture content of wood
is assumed to be 20% and that of charcoal 10%, the effective heat value of wood will be
3520 kcal/kg as shown in Equation (44), whereas 6600 kcal/kg may be assumed for char-
coal. The relation between these two values, approximately 1.85, will be the relation
between wood and charcoal consumption at equal efficiency. As shown in Chapter ll,
approximately this value has also been obtained in practical operation, which shows that
about the same efficiency is obtained from wood as from charcoal.
The specific fuel consumption b (in kg/hp · hr) may be calculated according to the for-
b = (52)
ng • n mot • H.1
where n g is the efficiency of the generator; n mot' that of the motor; and Hi, the effec-
tive heat value of the fuel. Assume as an average the efficiencies n =0.8 and nmot =
0.22; then the specific fuel consumption with the average heat values ~ove will be:
In gasoline operation the specific fuel consumption at constant motor efficiency will be
approximately 275 g/hp • hr if the effective heat value is 10,500 kcal/kg. If the gasoline
density is 730 kg/m 3, the effective heat value per litre will be 7665 kcal/L. Then one
litre gasoline theoretically corresponds to approximately 2.7 kg wood or approximately
1.45 kg charcoal. (One gallon of gasoline corresponds to 22.5 lb of wood or 12.1 lb of
Operation with generator gas has considerable disadvantages relative to gasoline, due to
increased driving in lower gear, fuel consumption when standing still, firing and starting
up the generator, etc. In ordinary varied highway driving it has been calculated that one
Litres Equivalent
Price in
% Weight Gasoline per Price for
Fuel 1945
Moisture kg/hL Hectolitre Gasoline
Fuel kr/L
Car Wood
Hardwood • 20 33 11.0 3.50 0.32
Softwood • 20 25 8.3 2.50 0.30
Mixed Wood 50/50 • 20 29 9.7 3.10 0.32
Car Charcoal
Hardwood Charcoal. 10 20 12.1 5.50 0.46
Softwood Charcoal.
Mixed Charcoal 50/50
. 10
The table, as well as experience, shows that in general the same motor performance is
obtained from one hL wood as from one hL charcoal, which is approximately 55% more
expensive to buy. The price of gasoline in 1947 was 0.37 kr/L and in 1948 0.68 kr/L.
In comparing various fuels it is also important to take into account the consumption of
raw materials in their product~on. If on the average 80 kg of charcoal or 375 kg of wood
are obtained from one cubic metre of charcoal wood, the raw-material consumption for
charcoal in relation to the raw-material consumption for wood (using the values given
above) will be:
375 . 1.65
= approx. 2.5
3 • 80
Thus, the raw-material consumption for charcoal will be approximately 2.5 times as
great as wood for generator gas production.
Car Wood
Raw Wood
The wood felled in the forest to be used for purposes of heating or fuel for power consists
mainly of so-called firewood, which is sawed into one-metre lengths and split lengthwise
(Figures 38 and 39). The cross section usually is a circle segment or sector shape and
varies considerably in size. On the ~verage there are 50 to 80 wood pieces per stacked
cubic metre, which is the basic measurement for such lumber. Wood of smaller diameter
is only cross-cut, i.e., not split lengthwise, with approximately 80 to 200 wood pieces per
m 3. Wood of even smaller dimensions (so-called clearing or thinning wood) and branches
and tops which have fallen down during cutting (Figures 40 and 41) are usually cut as long
round logs. In all cases, after further processing of the raw material to car wood,
approximately ll hL of car wood ·may be obtained per m3 of raw material, in reality.
Besides firewood and logs, so-called slabs (edgings) and other wastes from the lumber
industries may be used for the product.ion of car fuel (Figure 37). In today's generator
designs such wood is more likely to bridge (hold up in the generator). In addition, much
waste occurs as splinters and splits, which cannot be used at all in these generators. The
same is true for rough bark (so-called crust bark); cones, however, can be used. Due to
their greater density, beech and birch in particular are somewhat heavier per volume unit
than softwood with the same moisture content; likewise, fir and pine are somewhat
heavier than spruce.
The greater porosity of softwood (coniferous wood) probably causes somewhat faster
reactions in generators than do the denser hardwoods; and this is also true for the various
types of charcoal. Oak is hardly suitable for generator use, and since this high grade
wood is needed almost entirely for other purposes, it should, of course, not be used.
Green wood felled in the winter has a moisture content of approximately 30% to 35%;
wood felled in the summer, 40% to 55%. In favorable weather during spring and summer,
air-dried firewood has a moisture content of 15% to 25%. If the wood is cut into short
lengths when green, the drying takes place much faster. The shorter the individual wood
pieces, the more rapidly they dry (down to lengths of approximately 5 cm), whereas
lengthwise splitting is of minor importance in this respect. According to tests, where
air-dried car wood of 20% moisture content was immersed in water for 12 hours, the
moisture content increased to approximately 42%. Another eight days' immersion did not
cause any measurable increase of the moisture content. Thus, it is important to protect
finished and dried car wood from rain and humidity.
Wood used as generator gas fuel comes in three basic forms, car blocks, car billets, and
car chips, as shown in Table 16 and Figures 42 to 44.
Shorter lengths of car wood of the same thickness produce-at etn increased manufactur-
ing cost-a greater percentage of solid mass; in other words, the space in a one-
hectoli tre sack will be better used in this way, which is of importance, since ti'lis product
is sold by the hectolitre. It should be determined whether generator gas fuel, like
Figure 38. One Stacked Cubic Figure 39. Piles of
Meter of Firewood Firewood Along a Highway
Commercial Production Approximate Approximate
Raw Material Method Dimensions Solid Mass
A. Car Blocks
1. Thick Blocks Sawed and Split Crosscut 8 cm X 25 cm 2 50%
Firewood and Split
2. Thin Blocks Sawed, Round Fire- Crosscut 6 cm X 20 cm 2 48%
wood and Split
B. Car Billets
l. Thick Billets Thin, Round Fire- Crosscut 8-9 cm X 25-75 mm dia. 54%
wood, Thick with Saw
Round Logs
2. Thin Billets Thinner, Round Crosscut 6 cm X 25-50 mm dia. 52%
("stick firewood") Logs (clearing with Saw
wood in general)
c. Car Chips
l. Thick Chips Same as B.l Squared 8-9 cm X 25-75 mm dia. 46%
2. Thin Chips Same as B.2 Squared 6 cm X 25-50 mm dia. 44%
virtually all other solid materials or products, should be sold by weight or by volume. In
selling by weight, moisture controls would be necessary. This requires a simple, reliable,
and rapid method for moisture analysis.
Generator gas wood is produced partly on a small scale for household use, partly on a
large scale with special machines and at central storage yards.
When the car wood is split lengthwise or crosswise, the various pieces must be com-
pletely separated and not allowed to hang together with splinters, knots, etc., which
could cause bridging in the generators. If the splitting work is done while the wood is
Figure 42. Car Blocks
In large-scale production of car wood, machines are used to split the wood (Figure 45).
Cutting machines with one or two steel blades are used to produce car chips from thin
---rourr_d wood, saplings, or fairly straight branch wood; i.e., the normal waste from forestry
thinning or felling operations. The diameter of the thicker end should not exceed approx-
imately 10 cm. The cut is done either at an oblique angle or at a right angle (Figure 46).
In the former case the wood dries out faster but the waste is somewhat greater. Such
chopping machines are also called "wood eaters" (chippers) and operate at 2 to 3 hp with
a working capacity of 20 to 50 hL/hr of car chips with approximately 5% waste. The
solid mass of the wood is approximately 45%.
I 7
Figure 46. Various Methods for Cutting Wood Chips.
a) The wood is cut at a right angle to the longitudinal
grain. b) The wood is cut at a right angle to the
longitudinal grain, but with an oblique cutting angle.
c) The wood is cut at a 30° - 45° angle to the
longitudinal grain.
A combined sawing and splitting machine is used to produce car blocks. In this case,
firewood is used as raw material, but the machines may also be used in the production of
car chips from round wood or saplings. The power consumption varies between 3 and 9 hp
and the work efficiency between 10 and 35 hL/hr of car chips. Approximately 15% of the
firewood goes to waste. The machines may also be equipped with shaking screens for a
careful separation of the waste and a fan for removing the sawdust.
The energy consumption of various machines making finished car wood is estimated to be
approximately as follows:
For chopping machines. approximately 0.05 kWh/hL
For crosscutting and
splitting machines • • • approximately 0.15 kWh/hL
If the wood gas generators could be made more "omniverous" and less sensitive to the
bridging and clogging caused by sawdust, splinters, etc., it would be possible to make the
production of car wood less expensive.
The number of car-wood mills in Sweden was greater than 4,000 on January 1, 1945. The
total quantity of manufactured car wood during 1943 to 1945 amounted to approximately
25 million hL per year, corresponding to 200,000 tons of gasoline. The experience from
the production of generator gas wood on a large scale is given in the appendix.
Car Charcoal
Raw Charcoal
When wood is charred, most of the volatile components are removed. The charring proc-
ess is shown graphically in Figure 33 (Chapter 2), and the change of the chemical com-
position in Table 17, below. During charring in a retort furnace the valuable volatile
components are collected, which is not the case during charring in stacks or, as a rule, in
charring furnaces.
Air-dried wood (15%-25% moisture content) is used as a basic material when the wood is
charred to "raw charcoal," for subsequent use as commercial car charcoal. The wood
may consist of fire wood, logs, small pieces, branch wood, stumps, etc., but it is impor-
tant for the charring that all the wood being processed is of the same type (hard or soft),
and that the pieces are of similar shape and size. The charring should not proceed rair
idly. At excessively high temperatures brittle material is obtained, and at too low tem-
peratures the charring is incomplete and uneven (calcines). From one m3 of fire.wood
approximately 4.5 hL of car charcoal are obtained as an end product; i.e., less than half
of the car wood that may be obtained from the same quantity of raw material (11 hL).
When the raw charcoal is crushed to car charcoal, approximately 20% to 30% fine char-
coal and charcoal dust (duff) is obtained. Of this, the fine charcoal in particular is valu-
able for gas generator operation, where it is used for special types of charcoal gas gener-
ators (for example Kalle generators).
The charcoal dust frequently must be considered a loss. Charcoal produced from hard-
wood is denser, heavier, and more mechanically resistant than softwood charcoal; the
latter also emits more charcoal dust. However, softwood charcoal reacts somewhat
faster in the generator and this is advantageous, especially during intermittent operating
The weight of various kinds of charcoal per hL is shown in Table 18 •
charcoal) • • • • • • • • 15-17
Softwood Charcoal (Slabs) •• • 13-15
Mixed Charcoal (60 hardwood
40 softwood) • • • • • • • • 17-19
Incompletely charred wood (calcines) causes breakdowns in gas generators, since these
generators, in spite of downdraft burning, are not designed for cracking possible tar
products into useful components; therefore, the motor or the filtering apparatus runs a
risk of being gummed up by tar.
In charring wood three principal methods are used: (1) charring in stacks; (2) charring in
charring furnaces; and (3) charring in car-type and retort furnaces.
Charcoal burning in stacks has taken place for centuries in Sweden and is used nowadays
mainly to produce charcoal for the ironworks. In earlier times it was also used for rock-
blasting. About 2 million m3 are still used annually for these industries. The charring
takes place nowadays in charring-stacks with chimneys (Figures 47 and 48), which are in
some ways more advantageous than older types of charring stacks. (In addition, see
Bergstrom [2] ). The quality of charcoal from stacks as a rule is good, but the charcoal is
fairly often mixed with sand, soil, etc. Such impurities do not cause great inconvenience
in industrial use, but, in the production of generator gas, may cause a breakdown in
motor operation due to slag formation. This kind of charring demands great skill and
takes a long time to learn. Charring in stacks is also highly seasonal, which is a great
disad.vantage from the standpoint of military preparedness.
Charring in metal or brick charring furnaces does not demand as great skill and is faster
than charring in stacks. [1,2] The furnaces are usually simple, made either of brick or
metal using the principle of the charring-stack with a chimney (Figures 49 and 50). In
most cases tar products are not collected; this is particularly uneconomical in a large-
scale production, when the wood resources of the country are considered. Only as an
exception are there arrangements for collection of tar products (raw tar, etc.); and this,
mainly in large plants.
Figure 47. Typical Charring
Stack with Chimney
Figure 49. Schematic of Brick Charring Furnace
The extraction of tar and byproducts in wood charring may be done following various
principles. Descriptions of furnace types and methods have been given by, among others,
Bergstrom. [1,2] A great number of memoranda concerning experiences of operation
with various structures and with more recent furnace designs have been given at pyroly-
sis conferences, arranged by the Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences from 1941 to
1944. [60,61,62]
Furnaces may be classified in two gooups: smaller furnaces, built for extracting tar from
decayed stumps (tore), usually called retort furnaces; and larger industrial plants for
charring regular wood, car-type furnaces, or retort furnaces. In charring of tore, rela-
tively little charcoal is obtained and it is considered to be a byproduct; whereas in the
larger plants charcoal is frequently of about the same importance as the liquid products.
As shown in Table 21, only a minor quantity of raw charcoal is obtained from the tore
furnaces. Therefore these furnaces will not be examined further.
Several older types of construction of large charring furnace facilities are in use; for
example, "car-type" furnaces with fans for internal gas circulation, from which tars are
obtained, which are particularly suitable for motor operation. A car-type furnace of
another kind, the "Aminoff furnace" is shown diagrammatically in Figure 52. This fur-
nace has outside gas circulation and heating of the gas in a special device. The wood is
loaded onto cars which are brought through a sluice and slowly pulled through the char-
ring space. After charring is finished the charcoal and the cars are cooled in a charcoal
cooler. A furnace type with vertical retorts and outer gas circulation has long been used,
for example, at the Skanska Vinegar Factory, Inc., in Perstorp (Sweden), and furnaces of
the same design have been constructed during the crisis in other places as well.
Outlet for
Pyrolysis Gas
Thermometer Burner for
Pyrolysis Gas
Water from Burner for
Cooling Tower
Cooler for AAA
Cooling Liquid
lGenerator Gas
y,;~---Furnace Shaft
Charcoal Cooler
0 2 3 4m
Charcoal Cooler
Sluice Gate
Pyrolignious Acid
Raw Tar
Figure 52. Diagram of an Aminoff furnace. (7-8 car loads
of 10 m~ each are charred in one furnace unit per 24 hours.)
Figure 53. Diagram of the Swedish Generator Gas Co. Charcoal
A new type of charcoal furnace has been designed by the Swedish Generator Gas Com-
pany. [60,61] The principle for this is illustrated in Figure 53, and a picture of one given
in Figure 54. This furnace is specifically intended for the charring of wood which has
been broken up into small pieces beforehand. Therefore, the charcoal does not have to
be crushed into smaller pieces as is required for furnaces which work with larger pieces
of wood. The additional cost of breaking up the wood is compensated by decreased
charcoal-dust loss and elimination of the cost of crushing. The furnace consists of three
retorts vertically arranged: the uppermost for drying the wood, the second for charrin~
and the lowest for cooling the charcoal. The charring retort, containing 16.5 m
generator gas wood, works with outside gas circulation; the tar products are extracted in
the condensor connected to the gas path. The gain has been 90 to 95 hL charcoal and 270
to 350 kg tar per retort, and three to four charring cycles have been completed in 24
Car-type furnaces and retort furnaces produce tar oils, turpentine, motor tar, raw meth-
anol, and other important products; the charcoal obtained as a byproduct is somewhat
brittle, but of high quality. These furnaces usually work with softwood as raw material
in order to obtain tar products suitable for motor operation. There are, as mentioned
above, suitable small furnace types for utilizing stumps (tore) and such waste; the num-
ber of these increased considerably toward the end of the crisis, whereas the number of
charring furnaces decreased (see Table 19).
Retort Charring
Furnaces Furnaces
Of the retort furnaces operating in 1945 no less than 186 were so-called "stump furnaces."
It should be noted that at times over 5,000 privately owned charring furnaces were in
operation at the same time. The total charcoal consumption during the years 1938 to
1944 according to information from the National Swedish Fuel Commission is shown in
Table 20.
Approximately 17% waste has been estimated for burning raw charcoal into car charcoal,
corresponding to a conversion figure of raw-charcoal/car charcoal of 1.2:1.0. The quan-
tity of charcoal produced in 1943 is shown in Table 21. The iron industry probably used
approximately 40% and vehicular traffic approximately 60% of this charcoal.
Table 20. CHARCOAL CONSUMPTION 1938-1944
Stacks . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. approx
Charring Furnaces.
approx • 39%
• 39%
Charcoal from Large Charcoal Furnaces. . . . . . approx • 17%
Charcoal from Retort Furnaces. . . . . . . . . . approx • 5%
Production of Commercial Car Charcoal
Charcoal obtained from charring wood that has been cut into small pieces may be used
directly as generator gas charcoal, but as a rule the raw charcoal from charring-stacks
and furnaces is crushed into suitable sizes; thus, commercial car charcoal may be
obtained .in various sizes. The various grades are shown in Table 22.
Coarse grade
car charcoal. • Charring - stack and Crushing and screening 1-6 cm
furnace charcoal
Fine charcoal • 1-3 cm
Charcoal dust (duff) •• Waste in the charring Taking out, screening, Powder
process, crushing, manual gathering
transportation, and
To utilize the considerable quantities of charcoal dust (duff) fro~ generator gas produc-
tion, specific generators have been designed and briquettes produced on a small scale.
Charcoal dust is created not only during the production of the common charcoal grades
and during transportation, etc., but also during long-term storage because of changes in
weather conditions; charcoal of more porous consistency emits the most charcoal dust.
Production of Car Charcoal in Machines
Machines for crushing raw charcoal into commercial car charcoal are as a rule crushers
combined with sorting devices such as screens, fans for charcoal-dust sucking, etc. (Fig-
ure 55). In order to decrease the charcoal-dust waste the crushing must be done in sev-
eral stages. Power consumption may be estimated as approximately five to six kW at 80-
120 hL/hr. On an average the grades of such machines will be approximately 78% coarse
charcoal, 12% charcoal granules, and 10% charcoal dust. Sometimes, due to demand, it
has been advantageous to concentrate on the production of fine charcoal at the expense
of coarse charcoal. In that case the charcoal-dust fallout will be much greater, 35% or
Semicharred Wood
So-called semicharred wood may be considered to fall somewhere between wood and
charcoal. It is produced by having the wood dried and heated at approximately 250°C in
a furnace. The gain from the raw material is then approximately 80% calculated from
the dry substance of the wood. The wood undergoes a chemical change as shown in Table
23; also see Figure 33 in Chapter 2.
Combustible Substance
.. .. ... ... •• .• •• •.• •• •..... .•• %%% 51.0
• • • •
Effective Heat Value kcal/kg 4565 4915
The semicharred material is brown and does not emit soot. However, due to cost, such
wood is of no importance for practical generator gas operation.
Peat and peat coke for generator gas operation should be of especially low ash content
and suitable piece size. Naturally, a low moisture content is also a valuable property.
The production of peat. for fuel purposes may be done by several different methods. In
Sweden, the most important are the machine-peat method and the cutter-milling peat
method in combination with subsequent briquetting. [32,49]
The machine-peat method produces, after semidrying, irregularly shaped pieces of peat
approximately 25 cm long and with an approximately 5 X 8 cm cross section. (See Figure
56.) These pieces of peat are too large to be used in gas generators and have to be
crushed or divided in some other way into smaller pieces, which creates additional costs
as well as dust losses that must be screened away. The generator gas fuel must be of a
uniform size (see Figure 57).
The briquettes, which are manufactured by pressing the machine-cut peat, do not seem
to be very suitable for generator gas operation since they have shown a tendency to fall
apart or stick to each other. Some peat briquettes are shown in Figure 58.
One kind of peat fuel that probably could be used as generator gas fuel is Klint's peat
pellets, which are made from raw peat directly shaped into dried pellets of suitable sizes.
Manufacturing peat coke is considerably more difficult than charring wood, since greater
heat must be supplied for the charring of peat. Many furnaces intended for charring
wood are, however, also suitable for charring peat, particularly furnaces in which hot
gases circulate.
Operation results with peat briquettes and peat coke are given in Chapter 10.
Figure 56. Sun-drying of peat. (Peat stacks in the
Brown Coal
f (Peat
Figure 58. Peat Briquettes
The production of various kinds of briquettes for gas generator use is relatively expen-
sive, but, as a rule, the fuel is excellent with high heat value, little ash content, and high
weight per unit volume. The difficulty in briquetting is to find a suitable binding agent.
Dried sulfite lye has proven to be unsuitable since it is soluble in water; thus the bri-
quettes, which in this case contained charcoal dust as raw material, could not tolerate
dampness. Briquettes of charcoal and wood in equal parts have been tried with some
success. Briquettes of peat were mentioned above. Briquettes of charcoal dust (duff)
with tar as a binding agent have proved to be usable. Pressed briquettes of brown coal,
of the same type used in Sweden for central heating of houses, were used in other coun-
tries to a large extent in wood gas generators. The production of charcoal briquettes has
been kept especially secret, and little has been published. The technical development in
this area could probably be said to be far from finished.
Car-Fuel Packing
Car wood as well as car charcoal was packed mainly in paper sacks (Figure 59). Other
types of packing, such as net sacks of paper yarn, were used occasionally. The sacks
were filled manually by the small producers, whereas the big producers frequently had
special filling machines. The sacks, when filled, were closed with a soft metal wire
which was twisted together with a drill shaft. The sacks were chiefly of three sizes,
containing 1 hL, 1/2 hL, and 1/3 hL. The last-mentioned small sack was used mostly for
charcoal for Kalle generators. Sacks for 1 hL of generator gas wood were made of three
sheets of 80-g sulfate bag paper, whereas the other sacks were made of two sheets of
80-g paper.
Figure 59. Packing Generator Gas Charcoal
The sacks were made with either glued, sewn or stapled bottoms (Figure 60). They usu-
ally were furnished with advertising prints in one or two colors. The small producers of
generator gas fuel, however, used sacks without print, since the printing would be too
expensive for the small quantities in question.
The paper sacks were usually manufactured in special sack machines and their durability
was controlled by several different special tests, such as bursting tests (Figure 61), falling
tests, dampness tests, heat and cold tests.
The total deliveries of paper sacks for generator gas fuel in Sweden is stated in approxi-
mate figures in the list below, according to information given by Sture Andre, President
of the Stromsnas Mill.
Number in Value in
Year Millions Million kr
1940 21.9 3.0
1941 47.8 6.7
1942 55.2 7.7
1943 48.5 6.8
1944 40.8 5.7
1945 36.5 5.0
Figure 60. Machine for Producing Canister Sacks with Wide
Bottoms (Strornsnas Mill, Inc.)
Paper sacks of the type described above cannot, however, be burned up in the generators,
due in part to ash formation and in part to their possibly causing bridging of the fuel. A
suitable packing, one that burns rapidly without considerable ash formation and does not
interfere in the process, would be a substantial improvement--also esthetically, since the
innumerable generator gas fuel sacks on the roads are not attractive. Such packings
have been tested, but the results have not been sufficiently good for commercialization.
One method would be to use sacks with a durable outer cover and a thinner inside sack
that can go with the fuel into the generator. The outer sacks would not be thrown away,
but returned when fuel is bought next time.
Figure 61. Bursting Tests in a Specially Made Testing
Device (Stromsnas Mill, Inc.)
populated areas. Private initiative in such situations cannot be relied upon, due to rela-
tively great investment risks, etc. Since it is in the interest of society that the traffic
system is not thrown into confusion, it is desirable for generator gas fuel to be produced,
stored, and distributed under government auspices during times of crisis. This was the
case to a large extent during the past time of crisis (see Chapter 1). In this context it
should be observed that the rayon regulations, which were passed for motor traffic with
the intel)tion of saving rubber and lubrication oil, have proven to be an impediment as
well extra expense for the distribution of generator gas fuel.
Car charcoal has less resistance to mechanical strains and has greater flammability and
sensitivity to impurities (gravel, soil, etc.), and hygroscopic properties compared to car
wood. Thus the direct costs of storage, distribution, quality control, etc., will be consid-
erably higher for car charcoal than for car wood, as well as additional indirect costs due
to material losses, time losses, etc.
Distribution and Storage of Car Charcoal
The mechanical durability of raw (i.e., not crushed and packed) charcoal is poor. Through
transportation, transshipments, and storage during its way from the charring stack or the
charcoal furnace to the consumer, up to 40% to 50% of the raw charcoal might be con-
verted to dust. This charcoal dust was utilized only to a small extent. The charcoal dust
losses may be kept to about 20% to 25% if the charcoal is packed at the place of produc-
tion, the charcoal furnace. Charcoal from stacks in the forest generally contain soil and
sand impurities, which must be carefully separated. Thus, such raw charcoal must be
transported to places where there are sorting devices and then charcoal dust losses can-
not be avoided.
By transferring the entire charcoal production process, from raw wood to charcoal ready
for sale, to large plants within typical forest and wood industry areas the following
advantages are gained.
After car charcoal has been packed, the possibility of maintaining quality control until it
is used in the generator is small and, as a rule, can only take place through spot checks.
The difficulties in this respect brought about a rather strong competition between car-
charcoal producers and the creation of special brands, [38] which was, of course, an
advantage for the consumers, who had an opportunity to obtain regular and assured sup-
ply of a guaranteed quality product.
Car charcoal absorbs humidity from the air (see Figure 62) and gives off charcoal dust
due to changes in temperature, especially under the pressure that is created by stacking
in the storage facilities. Storage in these facilities should be on a wooden, not cement,
floor; in the latter case the lowest layer of charcoal sacks have their contents ruined by
dampness. Provided that crosswise stacking is used, car charcoal can tolerate a consid-
erable stacking height, up to 50 layers of sacks.
Car wood should also be stored in as dry a place as possible, although it is far less hygro-
scopic than car charcoal. Its greater mechanical strength relative to charcoal makes
distribution and storage a relatively simple problem from a technical point of view.
i~ HzO in
the Charcoal
._CharcoalA • J
II 8
I /
• / c
/ ..:> "
/v--- • I I
n I
/i I I
JO 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90 100%
Humidity in the Air
Figure 62. Graph Showing Variation in Moisture Content of
Charcoal with Relative Humidity of the Air.
In order to stimulate production the prices of charcoal were increased. The government
appropriated funds as subsidies for the construction of small charcoal furnaces in order
to rapidly increase charcoal production. To further the development of charring in fur-
naces, the Government Fuel Board later had drawings made for charring furnaces of
various sizes, units for utilizing by-products from charring furnaces, and a few types of
small retort-furnaces. Furthermore, the government appropriated grants for arranging
courses in charcoal manufacturing technique. Widespread course activities were
achieved in this way, especiany in the north. Due to these measures, there was a consid-
erable increase in charcoal production.
In a letter of December 14, 1939, the Generator Gas Committee petitioned the govern -
ment to make arrangements to create a financially strong commission to be in charge of
the charcoal trade and its regulation. However, as early as November 1939, an associa-
tion named "Car Charcoal Association, Inc.," had been created after deliberation
between various interested parties, with shareholders mainly from the car- and generator
gas manufacturers. The object of the association was to oversee the production and dis-
tribution of adequate car charcoal at a reasonable price. The association cooperated
closely with the government bodies and received government loan guaranties, which
made it easier for the association to attain its ends. In January 1940, quality standards
for car charcoal were drawn up. These were later revised by the National Swedish Fuel
Commission and were expanded to contain more detailed requirements for car charcoal
and car wood. (Technical Memoranda from the National Swedish Fuel Commission, No.
9, May 1941.)
When a general changeover to generator gas operation came into question in April-May
1940, government authorities discussed proposals for, among other things, measures to
satisfy the country's need for generator gas fuel. One measure was the creation of the
Swedish Generator Gas Co., which took over the business of the Car Charcoal Associa-
tion and devoted itself to the production and sales of generator gas fuel on a large scale.
The unexpectedly rapid growth of generator gas operation put the supply of generator gas
fuel to the tesL During the spring and summer of 1940 it could hardly have been foreseen
that the number of generator gas cars in operation would grow by about 30,000, of which
two-thirds were charcoal gas operated.
The rapid increase toward the fall of 1940 therefore caused a concern for the winter and
the needs for generator gas fuel together with an estimated great need of wood for
households and industries. In September 1940, the Fuel Commission estimated the need
for generator gas fuel (car charcoal and car wood) which would arise in case of an unre-
stricted changeover to generator gas operation, paying due attention to the most impor-
tant traffic needs and certain other purposes within the agriculture and road systems, as
well as other areas where generator gas could easily replace liquid fuel. An annual quan-
tity of over 50 million hL was estimated; this need, however, could not be expected to
arise until the latter part of 1941. For an assumed wood gas operation averaging 40%, a
consumption of car charcoal and car wood could be assumed in an approximate proportion
of 50/50 takil}g into account the larger consumption of trucks and buses. Approximately
3.3 million m3 raw charcoal would be needed for the production of the car charcoal. The
estimate for the entire car fuel quantity was that approximately 8.2 million m3 of wood
would be consumed. Since the iron industry during the period 1915 to 1919 had used on an
average of 4.2 million m3 charcoal per year, and around 1940 was estimated to use only 2
million m3, the charcoal needed for the generator gas operation did not seem alarmingly
great; at any rate, not if the car fuel would consist of wood to a large extent. Possibly a
shortage of personnel skilled at charring in stacks could be expected, but on the other
hand, furnace charring had made great progress during the last years. Charring courses
were arranged. In addition, charcoal could be produced from hardwood, which had previ-
ously not been used for this purpose. Therefore, it was the opinion of the Fuel Commis-
sion that there was no reason, in the long run, to object to a free development of genera-
tor gas operation from the viewpoint of fuel acquisition.
It should be mentioned that, among other measures, the National Swedish Forest Indus-
tries, Inc., was created with government assistance.
1. Wood fuel, ready to burn in gas generators for motor operation, shall be sold under
the term "car wood."
2. Car wood shall be sold with information about the kind of wood (see instructions,
Item 1):
a. Hardwood
b. Softwood
c. Mixed wood, with information about mixing proportions
5. Car wood shall be practically free from sawdust and splinters. Splitting must be
complete, so that the pieces are completely separated (see Instructions, Item 4).
Car wood shall be free from rough bark (see Instructions, Item 5).
Car wood shall be practically free from decay (see Instructions, Item 6).
Car wood shall be dry:
The moisture content of general samples taken from car wood must not
exceed 25% (see Instructions, Item 7).
Car wood whose moisture content in general samples does not exceed 17% is
considered to be extra dry.
The limit values of the moisture content above are valid with a permissible
variation of two units.
6. The following data shall be given on packages of car wood: Car wood, volume in
hL, kind of wood and mixing proportions, manufacturing method and assortment,
degree of dryness, and manufacturer.
Example of Designation
1. Charcoal ready to burn in gas generators for motor operation shall be sold under
the term "car charcoal."
2. Car charcoal shall be sold with information about the kind of wood (see Instruc-
tions, Item 8):
a. Hardwood Charcoal
(I) Charcoal of beech (other heavy kinds of hardwood except for oak)
(2) Charcoal of birch
(3) Charcoal of alder, aspen (other light kinds of hardwood and oak)
b. Softwood charcoal
c. Mixed charcoal, with information about the mixing proportions
3. Car charcoal shall be sold with information about the charring method:
a. Fine grade-1-3 cm
b. Coarse grade-1-6 cm. In the coarse assortment no more than 10% may be of
1-:-2 cm dimensions.
5. Car charcoal shall be dry, solid and as far as possible free from charcoal dust. It
shall be thoroughly charred, free from calcines, and practically free from foreign
substances such as soil, sand, rocks, metal particles, and other impurities.
a. The quality shall correspond at the least to the following analysis values (see
Instructions, Item 9). Moisture content-18%, ash content-5%, loss due to
b. Car charcoal is considered as prime with at least the quality shown in the
following analysis values (see instructions, Item 9). Moisture content-10%,
ash content-3%, loss due to burning-15%.
c. Loss due to burning means the weight loss in a dry sample when heated with-
out air supply to 800°C to 850°C. An analysis of car charcoal shall be made
on general samples. The following permissible variations on the above-
mentioned percentages are then valid. Moisture content-2 units, ash
content-I unit, and loss due to burning-3 units.
6. The following data shall be shown on packages of car charcoal. Car charcoal-
volume in hL (when packed), kind of wood and mixing proportions, charring method
and assortment, and manufacturer (see Instructions, Item 10).
Example of Designation
1. When information is given on the packing about the kind of wood, the following
rules should be observed.
Unmixed wood is indicated by the name of the kind of wood. For pure softwood,
however, the term soft may be used. Mixed hardwood shall, if the mixture is of
various kinds of wood, be named hard, to which may also be added the approximate
proportion of the most valuable kind of wood, for example Hard Beech 30%. If only
two kinds of hardwood are part of the mixture, these should be named with their
respective percentages, for example Beech 30%-Birch 70%. When hardwood and
softwood are mixed, the approximate mixture proportions shall always be stated,
for example, if only one kind of hardwood is used Birch 40%-soft 60% and if sev-
eral kinds of hardwood are used for example, Hard 40%-Soft 60%. Oak wood must
not be more than 1/3 of the entire quantity, unless so stated.
2. As for the manufacturing method, sawn wood is called ~ blocks, by which is
meant sawn and split wood, sawn unsplit roundwood, as well as a mixture of both
assortments. Sawn unsplit wood is sometimes called round billets. If more than 3/4
of the car wood consists of such wood it is suitable to give the wood a special term,
namely car blocks (billets) or only car billets. Car blocks may contain a small
amount of car chips (see below); however, no more than 1/3.
3. Wood cut with an axe or chopping machine is called car chips. Car chips may con-
tain car blocks.
4. The wood pieces shall be completely separated from each other. A few pieces
sticking to each other is permissible, however, if the wood otherwise is of the
recommended quality.
5. Car wood shall, according to the regulations, be free from rough bark. Thus, there
must be no crust-bark or other rough bark; for example, the kind of rough bark
frequently occurring on loose-grained spruce. Removal of the bark under all cir-
cumstances is advantageous and makes the wood dry faster and more easily, espe-
cially when it is the kind of wood, such as aspen, that is difficult to dry.
6. Car wood must not be decayed. However, rotten knots in hardwood are permissi-
7. In summer-dried wood, the moisture content rarely exceeds 25%. Such wood is
called dry.
The degree of dryness required for wood to be called extra dry is a maximum mois-
ture content of 17%. It is obtained during the best drying time (April-July) through
air drying of cut up pieces over a long period, under cover; but during other times
of the year only through artificial drying. Because of air humidity, however, the
moisture content of such wood may increase again, under certain circumstances up
to 20% to 22%, even if protected from rain. This means that extra dry wood must
be stored in dry facilities or be protected in some other way. "Percentage" in this
context means weight percentage when nothing else is stated; i.e., the gross weight
of the fuel.
8. For car charcoal, the kind of wood is stated just as for car wood; car charcoal is
considered to be a mixture of hard and soft wood only if the hardwood portion
amounts to at least 25%.
9. Charcoal complying with the minimal requirements of the regulations in Item 5 for
car charcoal (moisture content, ash content, loss due to burning), is obtained from a
charring process that has been carefully carried out with suitable wood, indepen-
dent of the charring method. Charcoal is considered to be solid charcoal when, in a
given manufacturing method, it is obtained from careful and not too rapid cha!'ring
of suitable wood.
Car charcoal manufactured by furnace charring frequently has lower moisture
content and ash content than those stated. Charcoal from charring-stacks usually
has low loss due to burning.
The loss due to burning is a measure of the volatile substances contained in the
charcoal. Low loss due to burning consequently means, among other things, a
decreased risk of tar formation.
In order to obtain and keep the quality necessary for prime grade car charcoal,
special care is required in the charring process as well as in transportation and
storage of the charcoal. To reach this quality in charring in furnaces it is impor-
tant that the charring process is not rushed, and that the charring temperature is
kept sufficiently high. During charring in stacks it is necessary to prevent the
charcoal from being contaminated by sand, etc., or from becoming wet. Charring
with a chimney and cold extinguishing (damming the charring stack) would seem to
be the best method for obtaining good charcoal.
"Percentage" means weight percentage based on the gross weight of the fuel, unless
otherwise stated.
A simple method for analyzing charcoal has been worked out by the Charring Labo-
ratory and is described in publications by the Swedish Ironmaster's Association,
"Charring in a Furnace," and "Manufacturing of Charcoal for Generator Gas Oper-
Charcoal or Wood?
The question of generator gas from charcoal or wood has been heatedly debated during
the generator gas epoch (especially in its beginning), and experience has gradually
brought forth the more correct position of. charcoal and wood. Both kinds of fuel are
justified in Sweden; rationally, they must really only be limited to the appropriate area
of use for each, so that each may be done justice. Chapter 2 shows that wood gas opera-
tion means better fuel economy for the car. During the war the prices of car charcoal
and car wood resulted in 60% greater cost for charcoal gas operation then for wood gas
Opposing opinions have been heard concerning other factors affecting the operating cost
estimates (rate of interest and maintenance). Among other things it has been said that
wood gas operation would result· in greater service costs than charcoal gas operation; a
detailed study of available statistics concerning this detail makes it clear, however, that
such a statement is, on the whole, exaggerated. In reality, many reliable operators are
of the opinion that wood gas operation is also superior from the viewpoint of service.
Thus it could rightfully be said that, with skilled maintenance, both charcoal gas and
wood gas operation are practically equal in this respect; if there should be, in a few rare
cases, some small difference to the disadvantage of wood gas, it would not be so great as
to counterbalance the fuel economy advantages of wood gas operation.
From a politico-economic point of view the situation is more complicated.
On one hand, wood gas operation does save forest resources (see Figure 63), as was shown
in the preceding paragraphs. During the latter part of the generator gas epoch about as
much car charcoal as car wood was consumed in Sweden, approximately 25 million hL per
year of each kind. But as the charcoal gas operation consumed approximately 50% of the
generator gas fuel, it made use of approximately 70% of the wood needed for the entire
quantity of generator gas fuel. If our entire generator gas operation had been based upon
wood gas, the quantity of wood needed for motor fuel production would have decreased
by more than 40%. A corresponding decrease of workhours for felling and chopping and
transportation would have been the result. At the same time the work of charring the
generator gas fuel would ha~e been eliminated. These opportunities for saving are
important factors in a critical situation with a shortage of labor, especially skilled labor,
and transportation.
200 L
18 hL Gasoline
Gas Wood
Round Wood
Charring 6 to 7 hL Gasoline
On the other hand, it has been pointed out that rational charring, utilizing all byproducts,
yields large quantities of byproducts that are valuable for the nation's economy, so that
charcoal operation is well justified and useful for the nation, in spite of its larger wood
Thus the applications of car wood and car charcoal become clearly defined. In the case
of an oil embargo, however, other factors involving organization seem to make wood gas
operation more advantageous (labor supply, transportation, storage, distribution condi-
tions, etc.).
To this may be added that the quality of car wood is not very dependent upon the wood
raw material and the manufacturing method, whereas the quality of car charcoal is
highly dependent upon the manufacturing method in respect to the combustible substance
as well as impurities causing functioning difficulties. It is often said that charcoal oper-
ation means faster adaptation to changes of load than wood gas oper~tion; this, however,
is not due to the kind of fuel, apart from the fact that a smaller piece size and more
porous fuel increases the reaction surface. This is why fine charcoal and charcoal dust,
in generators designed for this purpose, have certain advantages in this respect. As a
matter of fact, the so-called slow response of generator gas operation to changes of load
and the relation between maximum power and idling characteristics are mainly due to
the quality of design of the gas generator (for example, hearth size, hearth insulation,
resistance in pipes and filters, etc.), and the adaptation of the design to the fuel and the
conditions of operation, in wood gas as,, well as charcoal gas operation.
Chapter 4
From a technical viewpoint the gas generator is a device in which a solid fuel is trans-
formed into a gaseous fuel, usually without the use of an outside artificial heat source.
It is desirable that this transformatjon take place with as little loss of the energy content
of the solid fuel as possible.
From the viewpoint of use, the ideal gas generator should be suitable for all solid fuels
and thus be universally usable. Attempts have been made to design such gas generators,
but the results have not been satisfactory for fuels specifically distinct from each other.
This is due to the fact that the fuels used for gas generation may be classified into two
main categories: (1) "tar free," i.e., prime grade charcoal and coke; (2) "tar emitting, 11
i.e., wood, peat, and, to some extent, incompletely charred charcoal. A gas generator
for category 1 is mainly only a space in which charcoal is burned to co 2 with an immedi-
ate reduction of co 2 to CO by means of glowing charcoal. On the other hand, a gas
generator for category 2 must contain not only the combustion-reduction space just
mentioned but, in addition, a space in which the basic fuel is dried and pyrolyzed through
heating into charcoal that is continuously fed out and is suitable for combustion. Fur-
thermore, the combustion must take place under such circumstances that the volatile
tars created in the fuel container may be utilized by being rendered harmless during their
passage through the combustion zone.
A "universal generator" must be of the latter type; and, in addition, be so designed that
during operation with tar-free fuel the entire "primary" part of the production process
may be passed over without altering the temperature conditions in the hearth to an
extent detrimental to the function of the generator. This has proved to be a very diffi-
cult, and from a practical standpoint, perhaps an unsolvable problem.
Therefore, the development of generators has proceeded along separate paths for the
main groups of fuels-in Sweden's case mainly charcoal and wood. (In other countries,
especially where the forest resources are limited, the gas generators have been designed
for more abundant fuels such as anthracite, brown coal, brown-coal coke, peat, pressed
straw, etc.)
The simplest design of a gas generator is feasible, as pointed out above·; when fuels are
used whose volatile components have been removed beforehand. The difference in design
between charcoal and wood gas generators is primarily in the gas generator itself; but
there are also some differences in secondary deviCes such as gas cleaners and gas cool-
ers, depending upon, for instance, the unequal moisture contents of wood gas and char-
coal gas. (See Chapter 5).
In designing a gas generator, one must take into account the circumstances under which
it is to be used. Greater demands with respect to combustion properties and cleanliness
are made on a gas generator for motor operation than on a gas generator for heating
purposes. Furthermore, the demands made on a gas generator for vehicular operation are
generally higher than for stationary motors, where weight is of minor importance.
In Sweden gas generators have been used mainly for operating motorized vehicles. The
features of gas generators desirable for such operation may be summarized as follows:
( 1) Simple design and use of suitable materials to ensure safety of operation
( 2) Low weight
( 3) Simple and inexpensive installation
( 4) Simple maintenance with the various parts easily accessible for inspection
and cleaning
( 5) Capability of easily changing damaged or worn parts
( 7) Great flexibility during load variations with respect to both gas production
and the requirement of clean and tar-free gas during all load conditions as
well as during prolonged idling
( 8) Small pressure drop, so that the best possible motor efficiency is obtained
(For two-cycle motors this is of particular importance.)
( 9) High heat value of the gas produced, and easy ignition in a suitable mixture
with air
To facilitate driving and to prevent damage to the gas generator or the motor it is also
desirable that the gas generator be equipped with instruments that indicate pressure,
temperature, and fuel supply. Since the stresses on various parts of a gas generator vary
to a great extent, it is important to design the generator to make it easy to replace parts
which are rapidly worn or damaged; especially to replace welded connections with bolted
connections, etc. Maintenance should be facilitated by making drain cocks and drain
plugs, ports, etc., easily accessible.
Thus the designer of a perfect gas generator for vehicular operation must consider many
factors and must have intimate knowledge of the physical and chemical processes which
determine the function of the gas generator. Systematic cleaning and maintenance as
well as a driving technique adapted to the fuel are required to make the gas generator
function well.
Introduction to Charcoal Gas and Wood Gas Generators
The manner in which these requirements are to be met is highly dependent upon the fuel
used. A charcoal gas generator, which usually is not designed to give total combustion
and decomposition of tar gases from incompletely charred charcoal, is sensitive to the
quality of the charcoal,. depending on the shape of the hearth. In addition, the high
combustion temperature may make strong demands on the material used in the most
exposed parts, especially the primary air nozzles. The most critical parts of a wood gas
generator are the fuel container and the hearth.
Due to the properties of charcoal, the fuel container of a charcoal gas generator may be
made from thinner material. Also, since the cleaning and cooling of charcoal gas (due to
the insignificant moisture content of the gas) are comparatively simple and require less
cooling surface than in the case of wood gas, a charcoal gas generator can be more easily
designed for light weight than a wood gas generator.
The greatest advantages of a wood gas generator are to be found in lower fuel costs and
greater opportunities for the owner to prepare his own fuel. On the other hand, a wood
gas generator seems to require more extensive maintenance during intermittent opera-
tion. As for operational properties, no difference in efficiency has been shown to exist
between charcoal and wood gas during brake tests. In practical operation, however, wood
gas has been found to be somewhat superior for steady power; this may be of importance
in heavy traffic and for stationary motors with peak loads.
In comparing the suitability of charcoal gas and wood gas for motor operation one must
also determine if there is a difference in motor wear and oil consumption. The determin-
ing factor is the degree of purity of the generator gas and the secondary air.
Gas from a charcoal gas generator is relatively free of water and corroding components,
but it generally contains a considerable amount of ash and charcoal particles, which may
cause mechanical wear and thickening of the lubrication oil if allowed to enter the
motor. Thus the cleaning problem in charcoal gas operation is of a purely mechanical
kind and may be satisfactorily solved by means of cyclone and cloth filters coupled in
series. (Until about 1940 only cloth filters were used.)
At the gas outlet the wood gas contains a considerable amount of ash and soot, as well as
water vapor and possibly ~istillation products from the pyrolysis in the fuel container (if
these have not been cracked in the combustion and reduction zone). These impurities in
the form of gas or vapor made it necessary to use a more complicated cleaning process
than for charcoal gas. ·
If the dimensions of the gas cleaning devices and the gas generators are adequate, wood
gas operation may be considered as harmless as charcoal gas operation for motors. When
the war started, however, the charcoal gas technique was more advanced, and it is quite
natural that wood gas operation was generally considered dangerous for motors, and
indeed it was in many cases.
In thiS context one must not disregard a circumstance that does not directly concern the
gas generator but that nevertheless has greatly contributed to abnormal motor wear;
namely, inadequate cleaning of the secondary air. This has probably caused most of the
motor pamage that has been blamed on generator gas operation. This assumption is
supported by the fact that generator gas-driven stationary and marine motors generally
have shown quite insignificant wear and that the effective air cleaners later used in
generator gas-driven ground vehicles contributed to a significant decrease in motor wear
and oil consumption.
Parallel with the qualitative equalization between charcoal and wood gas generators
during the war years, there has also ·been a quantative equalization. Table 24 shows the
distribution of civilian motorized vehicles in various categories by the end of 1944.
Capacity, kg Large
Generator Gas Private Buses a Agricultural
Motor- Total
Category Cars Tractors
Up to Over Cycles
2,000 2,000
. . .. .. ..
Charcoal Gas 30,496 7,095 8,547 1,625 855 approx • 300 approx. 48,920
Wood Gas 4,072 1,909 16,774 3,121 4 approx • 15,000 approx. 40,880
aThe number of buses includes all gas generators mounted on trailers and those few used for oper-
ating passenger cars.
The table shows that charcoal gas operation was predominant for private cars, light
trucks, and motorcycles, whereas wood gas operation accounted for the majority of the
other categories. If the number of wood gas generators for stationary motors, heating
purposes, ships, etc., is included, the total number of wood gas generators in Sweden
would seem to be as great as the number of charcoal gas generators. The total number
of gas generators in Sweden reached about 100,000 by the end of the war, involving a
considerable capital investment, including the cost of adapting motors, installation, and
service facilities. It would seem to be of great importance to choose a few types of gas
generators for large-scale standardized production in case of any future general change-
over to generator gas operation. Thus previous experience may be used and, in case of a
fuel embargo, the most suitable fuel may be used at the same time that costs of manu-
facture, operation, and maintenance are minimized.
The gas generators described below, which categorized according to the fuel
required, represent the types in most common use. In addition, a few other designs of
special interest are discussed.
In Sweden, the technical development of charcoal gas generators has been greatly influ-
enced by the nature of the available fuel and by the requirement of minimum weight for
use in private, due to strain on the vehicle tires. The obvious advantages of char-
coal generators, which require a carefully specified charcoal quality, have resulted in
production of the desired quality charcoal.
Charcoal gas generators may be grouped into three main categories based on the type of
combustion: (1) up-draft, (2) down-draft, and (3) cross-draft. The Kalle generator may be
considered a fourth type. (See Figures 2-6, Chapter 2.)
1. In an up-draft gas generator. the combustion air enters underneath the fuel bed.
The generated gas rises upward in the fuel container and is sucked through a gas
outlet above the combustion zone.
Advantages: Small pressure drop, good thermal efficiency, relatively high power
during motor operation, little tendency toward slag problems.
Disadvantages: Great sensitivity to the tar and moisture content of the charcoal;
relatively long time required for start-up; risk of "burning out" the charcoal (i.e.,
poor reaction capability) through heavy load, especially if the gas outlet is high up.
2. In a down-draft gas generator the combustion air enters the fuel bed through one or
several nozzles above the combustion zone, and the generated gas is sucked down -
ward through and out of the hearth close to the bottom of the generator.
Disadvantages: Very high sensitivity to slag formation, fairly high pressure drop.
Before and during the import restrictions of liquid fuel, charcoal was produced in Sweden
mainly through charring in stacks. This charcoal was intended almost entirely for the
iron industry, and irregularity in the degree of charring, piece size, and moisture was not
of great importance. However, when this charcoal was used in gas generators for vehicu-
lar operation, the disadvantages of uneven quality (especially in the degree of charring)
became obvious. For satisfactory operation the gas generators had to be adapted to the
irregularities of the charcoal quality. When the advantages and disadvantages of the
three main categories of charcoal gas generators are considered, it is clear that only the
down-draft system was suited to the circumstances; the other two systems experienced
difficulties due to their sensitivity to the tar content of incompletely charred charcoal
and to excessive and uneven moisture content of the charcoal.
Thus it is understandable that during this time down-draft charcoal gas generators,
namely, the Swedlund and Gragas types, were used almost exclusively. An effort was
made to introduce cross-draft charcoal gas generators on a large scale during the first
part of the war, but it failed because of the unsuitability of Sweden's charcoal for this
system. It was not tried again, although Sweden's improved charring furnaces later pro-
duced enormous quantities of good quality charcoal. This excellent fuel made possible
the use of gas generators of an entirely new type (Kalle) with very low weight (down to
45 kg) and short start-up time (approximately 30 seconds). This new type was designed
for a charcoal size of about 10 mm, whereas the charcoal size of traditional generator
types was usually from 20 to 40 mm for average size models and up to 60 mm for the
very largest truck generators having tt hearth diameter of 275 to 310 mm.
The war years, however, did not produce a gas generator especially designed for using
briquette fuel. Such a gas generator would considerably increase the distance travelled
per litre of fuel and make it possible to utilize the considerable quantities of charcoal
dust resulting from crushing charcoal for generator gas operation.
The upper part of this gas generator is a fuel container; the lower part, a hearth with
ashbin. The fuel container is made of iron plate and shaped to accommodate various
installations: usually the section is square or, for trunk adaptation on private cars, rec-
In the top is a round fuel port, usually of pressed sheet metal, equipped with a resilient
locking device to function as a safety valve during positive pressure operation of the
generator; e.g., during ignition of the generator gas in the container, after the port has
been opened and air has entered. A seal between the port and the container is effected
by packing with asbestos twine or rubber.
The hearth section of the generator consists chiefly of a cylindrical iron-plate case with
the bottom welded on. The ceramic hearth, located in the upper half of this case, rests
on the gas ring. This ring is an inverted, somewhat acute-angled L-section whose nearly
vertical shank constitutes a continuation of the hearth cone and goes down so near the
grate that coarse pieces of charcoal cannot pass through the narrow opening and be car-
ried by the gas flow. The gas ring is made of heat-resistant material. The cast grate,
also of heat-resistant material, is made in four parts to eliminate thermal stress. It is
center mounted on a shaft which goes through the bottom of the hearth case, and can be
turned from the outside by means of a shaker arm attached to the shaft.
The primary-air intake consists of a pipe joint in a bottom corner of the fuel container.
During heating, the primary air flows through a pipe (bent in two 90° elbows and contain-
ing a check valve} upward-inward-downward to a central primary-air nozzle screwed onto
the inner end of the pipe. The nozzle, made of kanthal or f errochrome, extends down -
ward into the upper part of the ceramic insert; the insert expands upward in a trumpet
shape. The distance between the nozzle orifice and the grate varies, according to the
size of the generator, between 414 and 468 mm.
49 n n 24 11
22 ----1---- 70
51 67
53 '-"'-'~~>--21
19 A 63
57 15 58
13. Grate sectors. 15. Shaking arm. 16. Ash port. 19A. Upper brick.
19B. Lower brick. 21. Inspection port. 22. Damper. 23. Fuel Container.
24. Fuel port. 25. Gas outlet. 28. Steampipe. 41. Asbestos insulation.
42. Generator mantle. 49. Ringbolt with wingnut. 50. Asbestos gasket.
51. Pipe with damper. 52. Ring gasket. 53. Pipe sleeve. 54. Gas ring.
55. Grate ring. 56. Grate holder. 57. Grate-holder bearing.
58. Packing screw on the grate port. 59. Angular bolt. 60. Copper-
asbestos gasket. 61. Support ring for the gas ring. 62. Asbestos ring.
63. Asbestos gasket. 64. Conical coil spring. 65. Asbestos twine.
66. Asbestos twine. 67. Inspection port handle. 68. Air nozzle.
69. Asbestos gasket. 70. Air-nozzle pipe. 71. Fuel clamp attachment.
72. Fuel clamp. 73. Rubber gasket on the port.
Figure 64. Downdraft Charcoal Gas Generator, the Swedlund System.
(Brick hearth)
An ignition tube on the approximate level of the air nozzle orifice passes through the
hearth case and the ceramic insert. It is closed during operation by a spring-loaded lid.
Through this ignition tube the fire may be inspected. In the side of the hearth case, near
the bottom edge, is a large, square hole through which the space inside the narrow open-
ing between the grate and ring may be reached for raking out ashes and fuel residue. The
ash hole is covered by a hinged ash port equipped with an asbestos gasket and a stretch-
ing device for sealing purposes.
A device has sometimes been used with the Swedlund generator for producing water
which mixes with the primary air and, while passing through the hearth, is reduced to
hydrogen and carbon monoxide thus increasing the hydrogen content, heat value, and ease
of ignition of the generator gas. This device consists of a small low-pressure boiler,
which is heated by the hot generator gas flowing through a jacket from the gas genera-
tor. Water runs to the boiler from an elevated container, and the water level in the
boiler is kept constant by means of a float in the boiler intake. Water vapor produced in
the boiler is carried through a thin pipe into the primary-air conduit immediately before
the primary-air intake of the gas generator.
The Swedlund generator is characterized by its relatively great insensitivity to the tar
content of the charcoal: Because of the ceramic casing, such high temperatures may be
maintained over the entire highly constricted passage area below the primary-air nozzle,
that possible tar vapors are decomposed. The generator gas does not have to pass
through the grate on its way to the gas outlet, so that temporary clogging of the grate by
charcoal dust and ashes does not involve a significant fall of pressure in the generator.
The gas i~ removed at a high temperature, which is important because of the reduced risk
of re-creation of co 2.
The Gragas generator (Figure 65) was designed by Graham Lundquist, Inc., before the war
and was produced during the war in significant numbers by many licensees. The funda -
mental idea was to develop a charcoal gas generator not encased in brick and with as lit-
tle tendency as possible toward bridging of the fuel during its movement downward in the
The upper part of this type of generator is a fuel container, generally of rectangular
cross section. The fuel container tapers to a funnel shape, which in turn becomes cylin-
drical. A flat base is welded to it. Both upper and lower sections are made of black
sheet metal. A one-piece grate, located at some distance from the base, rotates on a
tripod-mounted central shaft. An inspection port opens to the space immediately above
the grate; an ash port, to the ashbin below.
The primary-air intake, fitted with a check valve and flame arrestor, is located fairly
high on the side of the fuel container. From the intake, the air flows through a pipe bent
90° downward to a kanthal nozzle screwed onto the pipe end.
A gas outlet is located in the ashbin wall. The upper end of the outlet pipe is under the
center of the grate; a cover protects the orifice from falling combustion residues. Below
the grate the pipe extends downward, then out through the wall. The gas passes through
the grate as well as through the narrow opening between it and the mantle; the move -
ment toward the outlet pipe takes place under a distinct direction change which involves
some separation of coarse dust particles. The gas is emitted at a high temperature, thus
reducing the risk of re-forming co 2.
The Gragas generator may be considered to lack a hearth in the strickest sense. To pro-
tect the mantle plate around the gasification zone from high temperatures, the fuel
itself is used as insulation: The lower part of the generator must be dimensioned such
that there is always a layer of charcoal, sufficient for a satisfactory temperature
decrease, around the high temperature gasification zone. The system has functioned
satisfactorily, but the Gragas generator is relatively sensitive to the tar and moisture
content of the charcoal, which may cause operational disturbances particularly during
startup. Tars may find their way down through the relatively cool insulating charcoal
mantle, and thus get into the gas.
A "gas-mantle pipe" is inserted through a fitting in the generator roof; its upper orifice is
connected to the lower basin of a diaphragm case containing a large-diameter, horizontal
metal diaphragm; the diaphragm is equipped with an indicator pin, with a knob on top.
Figure 66. Charcoal ~as Generator for Fine Charcoal (Kalle System).
The mantle pipe extends into the generator almost to the bottom of the upper section,
and is equipped at the lower end with a small flange with a circular opening directed
toward the center; a branch of this pipe passes through the generator case and serves as
the gas outlet.
The center part of the diaphragm consists of a rigid metal plate with a fairly large cen-
ter hole, which opens out into the primary-air pipe attached to the plate. The primary-
air pipe extends into the aforementioned gas-mantle pipe and is dimensioned so that a
cylindrical ring mantle is created between the two pipes. On the somewhat reduced
lower end of the primary-air pipe is attached a cylindrical grating with a diameter large
enough that an annular space is created between the inner side of the grating and the
primary-air pipe, while the outer side of the grating extends with a working fit into the
gas-mantle pipe. The nonperforated bottom of the grating is supported by the primary-
air pipe shoulder, which is created at the upper end of the reduced section. Finally, the
primary-air nozzle is pushed onto the primary-air pipe until it is supported by the bottom
of the grating, after which the grating and the nozzle are locked to the pipe with a radial
locking screw. The nozzle is made of kanthal. Around the upper part of the primary-air
pipe a coil spring is attached with the upper end supported by the central disk of the
diaphragm and the lower end placed on the edge of an inward-flanged cuff and set into
the gas-mantle pipe. Thus the diaphragm and the primary-air pipe "float" in resting posi-
tion on the coil spring, and the respective design lengths are adapted so that a large part
of the grating is covered by the gas-mantle pipe.
The primary...:air intake, equipped with a protective cover, flame arrestor, and check
valve, opens out into the upper basin of the diaphragm case from which the air may flow
to the primary-air pipe through an opening in the center of the diaphragm disk. Through
part of this opening a vertical nozzle (whose upper end, reaching out into the open, is
covered by a screw cap) extends into the primary-air pipe. This nozzle is used during
ignition of the generator fire and, in addition, it has a fundamental function for operation
of the generator. The nozzle is connected by a short pipe socket to a pipe running from a
cyclone cleaner specifically designed for the Kalle gas generator (the so-called wind
screen) through which coarse charcoal particles, separated from the generator gas and
mixed with exhaust gases from the motor operated by the gas apparatus, are fed into the
gasification zone of the generator. This flow of co 2 from the exhaust is required to
order to keep the generator temperature down to an acceptable level, so that the nozzle
does not burn up and the charcoal brought back with the exhaust improves the operating
Since the wind screen in the Kalle generator participates in gas generation, it will be
discussed within that context. The wind screen is basically an ordinary cyclone cleaner
with a reversed conical bottom section, equipped with a sharp-edged strainer plate
against which larger pieces of charcoal are ground up during screening. In addition, its
dimensions are such that very small particles of dust that should not be brought back to
the generator, remain in the gas and are carried by it to the cloth filter/cleaner of the
gas generator.
The Kalle generator works as follows: charcoal is loaded until the fuel container is
nearly full. The charcoal should have an individual piece size of from 4 to 20 mm and, if
the generator is to function without disturbances, must fulfill the following minimal
requirements: moisture content, 10% maximum; ash content, 3% maximum; loss due to
burning, 15% maximum. After the starting fan has been turned on, an ignited generator-
gas match is dropped down through the ignition hole, whose lid is then screwed on. A few
pumpings with the indicator hasten the heating. When the fan has been running for 30 to
40 seconds, it is shut off and the motor is turned over with the automatic starter, with
the ignition switched on, while the secondary-air valve slowly is opened. Not until the
motor ignites and runs smoothly and a certain amount of exhaust gas containing carbon
dioxide is fed through the primary-air nozzle has the Kalle generator reached its normal
state of operation. If this gas admixture does not develop, the primary-air nozzle and
the grating will burn up within a few minutes.
This is due to the fact that the reaction zones of the generator are very efficiently insu-
lated by the charcoal around them and the reacting volume is small because of the small
size of the fuel, so that only an extremely concentrated reaction zone is created. During
the reaction between air and dry charcoal, a considerable heat surplus results, which
would produce too high a temperature. In order to obtain heat equilibrium, the primary
air is mixed, as mentioned, with about 25% exhaust gas brought back from the motor;
during reduction of the carbon dioxide in the exhaust gas so much heat is absorbed that
an acceptable temperature is maintained automatically. Since the return gas also con-
veys the charcoal grains separated in the cyclone cleaner back to the generator, the fuel
economy of the Kalle generator is very good.
The fact that the grating can be moved vertically plays a very important role in the
function of the generator. When the generator is used for car operation, the negative
pressure in the gas outlet, and thus in the lower diaphragm basin, will vary constantly and
the center disk of the diaphragm, to which the grating is attached, will move vertically.
Because the grating moves, it is constantly scraped clean, so that it cannot clog up. It
also acts to regulate itself according to the momentary gas requirement: When the gas
pedal is let up, the grating is pulled into the primary-air pipe; when the gas supply is
increased, the grating automatically creeps forward in proportion to the negative pres-
sure, depending on the speed of the motor. The charcoal particles which are loosened
from the grating in the scraping process are fed down into the oxidation zone below.
There they are caught by the blast from the primary-air nozzle and are carried away by
the circulating gas flow, while their surface temperature rapidly increases. Some do
stick on the grating, while others go into circulation until they have been more or less
transformed into gas. The main part of the charcoal mass contained in the reaction zone
is in constant motion in a cavity which automatically changes shape and size according to
the velocity of the gas flow. When, for instance, the gas requirement is increased and
the grating, as well as the nozzle, consequently goes deeper into the charcoal mass, the
nozzle blasts up more charcoal which also starts moving. A large part of it gets stuck on
the now exposed grating surface, where an exceedingly effective reduction zone is
formed because the reduction efficiency of this clean-blasted charcoal reaches an opti -
mum level. The circulation of the charcoal particles also contributes to keeping the
generator free from slag; assuming, of course, that the charcoal does not contain any
impurities such as soil, rocks, etc. The fine slag powder for med during combustion is
blown out through the grating and is finally caught in the cloth filter.
The principles of the Kalle generator make it the most interesting charcoal gas generator
designed so far, and its great flexibility' makes it useful for motors of greatly varied
sizes. It was manufactured during the war in three types: "junior" for motors with up to
2-litre cylinder volume, "standardn for 2 to 4-litre cylinder volume, and nsenior" for 4 to
6-litre cylinder volume. It is very light; for instance, the entire "standard" generator
model weighs no more than 50 kg. Provided that the fuel fulfills the previously men-
tioned minimal quality requirements, and that the return-gas delivery is properly
adjusted, the Kalle generator has proven to be extremely safe in operation and easily
maintained, and its fuel economy has been very good. During intermittent operation the
fast start with the Kalle generator has been of very great importance as well as the fact
that it keeps the fire burning during an interval of several hours of standby operation.
Thus after such an interval one does not have to re-ignite the generator but can just fan
it directly into operation. Finally, the generator has one valuable quality from the view-
point of safety; when the gas delivery from the generator is shut off, no positive pressure
is developed in the system (provided that the charcoal is of the prescribed quality);
therefore the Kalle generator, unlike other gas generators, is not dangerous for approxi-
mately 20 minutes after having been shut off.
The two disadvantages of the Kalle generator have already been touched upon: (1) It
cannot function without problems on inferior quality fuel. (2) If the return-gas system
does not function properly or is adjusted incorrectly, the nozzle and the grating will soon
be ruined. The former disadvantage may be eliminated through carefully controlled
charcoal production-actually the Kalle generator necessitated production of such "Kalle
charcoal" during the war; the latter may be avoided through proper and careful assembly
according to the directions of the manufacturer.
The first Mako type (about 1940) was designed on the same principle as the Gragas but
with an added inverted conical sheet-metal hearth, and with a gas outlet from the ring
space between this hearth and the cylindrical case. However, the blasting effect from
the central nozzle opening out only 250 mm over the grate caused thermal stresses too
great for the generator grate and bottom, especially in the case of low filling. There-
fore, in 1941 an entirely new Mako 118 11 was designed, which became very popular during
the latter half of the war, especially for operation of private cars.
Mako SI (Figure 67), which was intended for front installation, has the generator, cyclone
cleaner, cooler, and cloth filter built together in one unit. The generator case consists of
two main parts: the upper egg-shaped fuel container of 1.25-mm ordinary iron plate, and
a lower cylindrical (365 mm diameter) nhearth" of 4-mm ordinary iron plate (with no
surface treatment of any kind). The bottom of the hearth consists of 3-mm iron plates.
Approximately 80 mm above the bottom, a flat ring of 5-mm iron plate is welded in as
peripheral support for the circular grate. The grate (250 mm diameter) is cast iron with
7% chrome, and turns around a vertical center bolt of the same material. At the top the
bolt is shaped as a triple-armed support with an extending square center pin, correspond-
ing to a square hole in the middle of the grate. The center bolt is stored in a stainless
steel pipe (Uddeholm stainless No. 5), positioned and welded into the bottom of the gen-
erator, and it can be turned with a shaker arm under the base. The gas is emitted
through a rectangular hole in the side of the ashbin to a gas outlet box welded to the
case, from which a pipe rises to the intake of the cyclone cleaner.
At the top, the hearth side is reinforced with a 2" X 3/16" flat iron bushing, bent in a ring
along the inside of the hearth. At the upper edges of the hearth side and the bushing
ring, a ring pipe of 1-1/4" gas pipe is welded on. A welded intake pipe for primary air
leads to the ring pipe, obliquely from the front. This intake pipe is equipped at the ori-
fice with a flame arrestor and a check valve. Four 14-mm air nozzles of kanthal are
evenly distributed around the periphery, going from the ring pipe toward the hearth axis.
The nozzles are screwed into heads welded onto the ring pipe and inclined a few degrees
downward. Finally, the top of the ring pipe is welded onto the bottom of the fuel con-
Fire is ignited in the genera.tor through a pipe socket equipped with a screw plug in the
side of the fuel container near the bottom. For raking out slag, there is an ash port with
the center approximately at grate level; refilling is done through an ordinary filling port
equipped with a strong sealing ring of reinforced rubber·.
Mako SI is intended for motors with 2.5-4 litre cylinder volume; the entire gas generator
weighs 75 kg. A smaller type was also manµfactured, Mako S Junior, for 1-2.5 litre
motors with a total weight of only 45 kg; as well as a larger model for 4-5 litre motors.
The Mako SI works satisfactorily with charcoal of various sizes from dust to 60 mm;
however, it runs best on the 20-40 mm size, which was produced during the war specifi-
cally for this type of generator. It is also relatively insensitive to somewhat inferior
quality charcoal, and it requires very little maintenance.
(2) Charring of the wood with extraction of chemically bound water, carbon diox-
ide, carbon monoxide and other gases, tars, acetic acid, etc.;
Intake with-+~-111t
Flame Arrestor
Inspection Port
Shaking Device
for Grate
Figure 68. Wood Gas Generator. Imbert
Type, Hesselman Motor Corporation, Inc.
This functional division into an upper and lower section relates to the construction in
certain cases (e.g., Swedish Generator Gas Co.), where the two parts usually are joined
with flanges which have been bolted together, and the gas outlet is located in the lower
part. In most wood gas generators used so far in Sweden (Imbert), such a constructional
division is not followed because the fuel container does not also serve as an outer case.
Instead, the generator is surrounded by an outer jacket in which the generator gas flows
up through the annular space between the container and the outer mantle, and the gas
outlet is placed near the top of the generator. In this type the fuel container, the conical
lower part, and the hearth with the ring-nozzle device create a welded unit inserted into
the outer mantle (see Figure 71). The double-jacketing of the upper part of the generator
was considered advantageous from the viewpoint of heat economy; later research seems
to indicate that generator gas with a higher heat value may be obtained without the
heavy double-jacketing, through condensation of the water content of the wood with the
help of a fuel container specifically designed for this purpose (see Figure 70). If such
condensation is effective, it would be possible to use wood with a moisture content up to
approximately 50% (i.e., completely undried wood), whereas in a "traditionaln wood gas
generator the moisture content must not exceed approximately 25%. It should be clearly
emphasized, however, that the moisture of the wood is mainly dead weight, which lowers
the heating value of the gas and the efficiency of the gas generator. Condensation of
this moisture may make it possible to use very moist wood; but, even equipped with such
a device, a generator produces better gas with dry wood.
Fuel Container
The size of the fuel container usually determines the weight of the generator. For car
operation low weight is always desirable for the gas generator; therefore, the size of the
fuel container must be limited. For private cars, the volume of the fuel container for
Figure 71. Hearth Inset with Fuel Container
and Air-Pipe Rings, the Imbert System.
(Note the many welding spots.)
charcoal gas was usually under 1.5 hL and for wood-gas between 1 and 2 hL. Wood gas
generators for trucks usually had 2-3 hL fuel ·container volume; those for buses, 3-6 hL.
If, as is frequently the case for buses, the gas generator is installed in a trailer intended
for this purpose, the strict weight limitation requirement is alleviated to some extent.
The same is true, of course, for stationary generators.
The inside of the fuel container, including the lid, contacts the generator gases. These
gases contain acids, particularly acetic acid; therefore, the inside surface must consist of
some material which is not easily corroded and rapidly destroyed by these acids. Stain-
less steel has proven to be the best material for these parts; it shows hardly any corro-
sion damage even after several years of use. Aluminum, on the other hand, has in some
cases proved to be less suitable, due to the ammonium hydroxide content of the wood
gas. [40]
If the fuel container is equipped with a condensation pocket, the lower part of the pocket
should not be separated from the inside of the container by a dense wall, preventing gas
circulation between the wood space and the pocket. The dividing wall should be perfo-
rated part way up from the bottom. (Figure 70). The pocket should be equipped with an
effective drain to a condensate container placed outside the generator, and the perfora-
tion of the condensation-water mantle must not extend all the way to the bottom of the
pocket, so that condensate may run back into the wood space through the lowest holes in
the mantle. The condenser may be made of stainless steel, aluminum, or copper. In a
generator without a condensation pocket, a special precondenser may be installed after-
Devices for drying the wood in the fuel container have proven to be of fairly low effi-
ciency during operation of the generator under load. On the other hand, they have been
able to counteract the disadvantages of the water condensation during idling and periods
of rest, and thus prevent the charcoal bed from getting wet, which in turn makes starting
easier. The Monorator, designed in Finland, was another step in this direction. [31] This
device has an expanded fuel store, which has only one simple sheet metal wall, as
opposed to the. usual double-jacketed wall of the generator, so that the fuel along the
inside wall of the mantle is positioned outside the upward heat radiation of the oxidation
zone; thus it stays comparatively cool and is not charred. (See Figures 72 and 73.)
The Hearth
During operation the wood is gradually dried out and moves slowly downward through the
fuel container toward the hearth, passing first through the usually cylindrical oxidation
area, then through a conical transition area where charring takes place. In the oxidation
or combustion zone, several air nozzles are usually directed radially toward the center
from a ring-shaped chamber. The real hearth begins with this zone, which is constricted
below the air intake to obtain a sufficiently high temperature for total combustion and
cracking of the tar gases. Beyond the constriction, there is frequently an expansion
through which the lower part of the hearth becomes hourglass shaped.
The conical passage for the wood, which is constricted downward, is important for the
function of the gas generator. Charring takes place very rapidly and within a compara-
tively small volume due to the higli temperature close to the oxidation zone. Ideally,
charring should keep pace with fuel consumption, so that the quantity of prepared char-
coal in the generator remains constant; under such circumstances, the charcoal bed of
the generator does not need to be supplemented or reduced during extended operation.
Through selection of a suitable cone angle the cross-section reduction of the charring
funnel corresponds to the volume reduction during the charring, and the fuel is just
charred through when entering the oxidation zone, but not charred at too early a stage of
fuel passage; this is important for gas quality.
Heat resistant alloy is the desirable choice of material for the lower conical part of the
fuel container, the charring zone. In both single- and double-jacketed wood gas genera-
tors it is, as a rule, surrounded by generator gas with a temperature ranging from 500° C
to 600°C and, consequently, has a high wall temperature.
As mentioned earlier, the oxidation and reduction processes take place within the hearth.
In the oxidation or, as it is frequently called, the combustion zone, combustible gases and
part of the charcoal produced are burned with the primary air. In addition, decomposition
of distillation gases that are damaging to the motor takes place in the combustion zone.
These decomposition processes require a high temperature, which is obtained by intensi-
fying combustion in the constricted part of the hearth in the lower part of the combus-
tion zone. The more pronounced the cross section reduction, the greater the tempera-
ture increase, within certain limits; thus the tendency is to make the opening relatively
small. This, on the other hand, creates a greater flow resistance in the hearth with a
subsequent pressure drop, which decreases the efficiency of a generator-driven motor
during full speed, and thus the maximum motor power output.
The problem to be solved by the designer is therefore to make the minimum passage area
of the hearth as large as possible without allowing the temperature in any part of the
passage opening to drop below the value needed for satisfactory decomposition. For this
purpose it is necessary to minimize the heat emission from the hearth outward; there-
fore, it is disadvantageous to use the hearth wall as an inside wall in a ring mantle in
which the primary air is preheated, because the heat needed for this must be taken from
the combustion zone.
Logically, the outside of the hearth should be heat insulated and the metal material of
the hearth should be protected from thermal stress as much as possible; therefore, the
insulation should be placed on the inside of the hearth plate. Ceramic hearth inserts are
not very suitable for this purpose from a practical standpoint, because they can easily be
damaged by stirring in the hearth. A good solution to the heat-insulation problem is the
V-hearth, described in a later section, in which ashes formed during combustion and col-
lected in a ring pocket in the hearth are used as insulation. The hearth may then be
made of nonalloyed or low-alloy iron.
A hearth that is not insulated on the inside makes very high demands on the material,
since the temperature in the hottest spot of the combustion zone normally is over 1300°C
and under some circumstances may rise to between 1400°C and 1500°C.
In the lower part of the hearth below the constriction, reduction of carbon dioxide and
water vapor takes place. To prolong the time during which the gas remains in the reduc-
tion zone, it is desirable to decrease the gas velocity there by gradually increasing the
cross-section area. The processes in the reduction zone use up heat and therefore cause
a decrease of temperature in the dir~ction of the gas flow. The dimensions of the reduc-
tion part of the hearth should be designed so that the temperature at the lower hearth
opening does not go below approximately 800u C, even during low load.
Various solutions have been tried, to obtain a foundation for the glowing charcoal in the
reduction zone. The oldest solution, and until recently, the most commonly used, is to
place the lower hearth opening 10 to 15 cm above the bottom of the generator (or an ash-
separating grate), filling the space under and around the lower part of the hearth with
charcoal of individual piece sizes such that the gas can easily pass through the charcoal
layer. It was believed that an advant&geous so-called outer reduction was gained, the
size of which was automatically varied to fit the load. Swedish tests, however, have
shown that there is no foundation for this opinion and that the charcoal bed, through its
relatively low temperature, may actually make the generator gas poorer by promoting
some reaction to co 2.
These tests indicate that the gas, while passing through the ring space around the hearth,
should be kept either at a high temperature or be rapidly cooled; the space may therefore
be free and equipped with heat insulation at the outer wall. The bottom of the generator
should be heat insulated. Porous concrete of suitable piece size may be advantageously
used as a foundation for the reduction charcoal; this porous bed allows gas to pass
through without abnormal pressure drop.
In Russia, they have to a large extent done without any kind of bed underneath the
hearth, with good results; instead a grate has been placed approximately 20 mm under
the hearth opening. This design would seem to make very high demands on the heat
resistance of the grate material as well as on the lower part of the hearth, if special
measures are not taken to distribute the gas flow over the periphery of the opening.
In all wood gas generators an asymmetric outflow of gas from the hearth occurs, based
on the law of least resistance, by which the gas has flowed out preferentially over some
part of the periphery of the opening; this causes a "bend" of the reduction cone in the
main direction of the flow. Once this deformation has started, the bending effect then
intensifies. Even hearths of extremely strong materials may, in this way, be ruined rela-
tively quickly. (See Chapter 10, Figures 252 and 254.) Such an oblique load on the hearth
is neutralized to some extent if the gas, after leaving the hearth, must overcome a
resistance evenly distributed over the flow area; for instance, during passage through a
bed of charcoal or porous concrete.
The requirements on the materials of the hearth are, of course, highly dependent upon
the temperature at which the hearth works. Hearths without inside insulation (e.g., the
prevalent Imbert type) must be made of high-alloyed ferro-material to be reasonably
curable. The pre-war Imbert hearth contained over 20% chrome and 20% nickel. These
hearths proved to be durable enough for approximately 20,000 km of bus operation during
predominantly high load. Since the circumstances of crisis made it necessary to elimi-
nate the nickel admixture altogether and to limit the chrome content to 6%, the durabil-
ity of the hearth was decreased to approximately 2,000 km. However, during operation
of private cars with generally low load, the durability was several times greater and, on
the whole, satisfactory•.
The unsatisfactory durability of the hourglass-shaped alloyed hearths is caused by the
1. A shape that causes thermal stress in the material and during uneven and varied
heating causes cracks and deformation.
2. The poor heat conductivity (approximately half of the ordinary castings), which
causes the hearth to warp during uneven heating; i.e., in case of local overheating
due to air leaks in the cleaning doors, pipes to the air nozzles, or at connection
3. Uneven mixing of the components contained in the casting. Special, rotating fur-
naces are required to provide even mixing.
One very obvious disadvantage from the viewpoint of operating economy is that any seri-
ous defect in the hearth makes it necessary to replace the entire hearth, which is both
expensive and time consuming. To get around this disadvantage it would be better to
design the hearth in several parts so that parts that are easily damaged can be removed
and replaced. This is one of the thoughts behind the V-hearth, designed by V. Blomquist
of the Swedish Generator Gas Co., which was installed toward the end of the war in
existing generators to replace wornout original hearths.
In its simplest design, the V-hearth (see Figures 18 and 74) consists of a hearth mantle
welded together of two truncated plate cones with the points directed toward each other,
so that the point of the lower cone penetrates that of the upper cone, thus creating a
ring-shaped conduit in which a cast-iron ring is loosely placed. The hearth mantle was, in
the beginning, made of 5-mm aluminized black plate with its upper edge welded onto the
nozzle ring of the generator. When the generator was used, a protective wall of ash and
charcoal particles was built up in a few minutes around the inside of the hearth mantle.·
This insulation wall, 'which was soon packed together to a relatively solid consistency and
was maintained during operation, protected the hearth mantle from severe thermal
stress. The only metal part more exposed, especially around the opening, is the hearth
ring. Thus the hearth ring will inevitably be subject to damage. When cast with "normal
care" it lasts for 400 to 500 hours of driving during normal full load. It is very inexpen-
sive and may be replaced without the use of tools, in a minute or so while cleaning the
generator; therefore, the cost of replacement is of no importance. The good heat con-
ductivity of the nonalloyed cast iron contributes considerably to the relatively great
durability of the hearth ring; thus it may be debated whether anything is gained by manu-
factur-ing the ring of alloyed material, which is more heat resistant but possesses poorer
heat conductivity.
Constriction Ring
by Ashes
· V-Hearth,
Hearth Mantle
Figure 74. V-Hearth of Sheet Metal with a
Cast Hearth Ring of Nonalloyed Iron for
Installation in Generators of Various Makes.
In the designs with a welded hearth mantle, there was sometimes a tendency toward
descaling on the inside of the lower cone of the hearth mantle, after extended heavy
driving. To secure long life, the ~antle was later manufactured of metal plate alloyed
with 6% chrome, and finally of cast steel with a 6% chrome content. In the latter case
the V-hearth was supplemented with an upper part, consisting of a nozzle ring fitting the
hearth, with a funnel for direct connection to the lower end of the fuel store and with
dimensions to fit the store. Such a hearth is virtually indestructable, apart from the
easily removable hearth ring. Since hearth rings of various inner diameters may be put
into the hearth mantle, one and the same generator can easily, through ring changes, be
adjusted to various hearth loads. (See Chapter 6, Figure ll8.)
Figure 76 shows a German generator for wood, peat, or brown coal, which, like the
V-hearth, has a removable hearth ring. [7]
The foil owing may be added to the above views on the insulation of the wood gas genera-
tor. A wood gas generator has a thermal efficiency of about 80%; i.e., a fifth of the heat
value of the fuel is lost, partly through radiation, partly with heat physically bound in the
generator gas. Efforts have been made to decrease these losses through various designs;
• e.g., through insulation of the fuel storage to prevent heat radiation from the outside
walls of the generator, through leading the hot gas up around the fuel storage between
the outer and inner mantles, through preheating the primary air, etc. With the exception
of the last method, however, these measures do not appear to be useful. The reaction
ability of charcoal is impaired by very high charring temperature and long charring time
in the generator, which may be observed, for instance, in up-draft generators. As men-
tioned in the preceding section, it may be more advantageous to promote condensation
and dehumidification through extreme cooling of the walls of the fuel storage. As shown
in Chapter 2, for instance in the tests by the Steam Heat Institute, it is the heat-
consuming reduction zone of the generator that, by insulation, should be prevented from
unnecessarily emitting its heat. In keeping the temperature there as high as the design
and the properties of the hearth material permit, the velocity of the reduction process is
increased as is the heat value of the gas at a given gas velocity. Experimental tests have
shown that the reduction process in normal generators may be considered completed at a
temperature of approximately 850°C to 900°C. To maintain the gas quality, the gas
should be cooled fairly rapidly; i.e., immediately after leaving the hearth the gas should
be conducted out of the generator via the shortest path, and cooled down ("frozen in
equilibrium") to prevent the decomposition of CO to co 2 and carbon.
Figure 75 is a picture of a generator intended for wood and brown coal; the figure shows
that the incoming primary air is conducted past the heavily insulated hearth and that the
emitted gas goes out between the outer wall of the generator and the air intake, which is
arranged concentrically around the hearth. In this way, the gas is cooled off and the
primary air heated. Particularly in stationary generators where there is no forced air
available for cooling the generator gas, such cooling by incoming air is of great
advantage. The picture also shows that the outer charcoal bed has been completely
removed, and the generator fuel is carried directly by a grate. It has been determined
that no reduction takes place outside the lower edge of the hearth; on the other hand,
there is a risk of re-creation of carbon dioxide and free charcoal in an outer bed, which is
why such a design is suitable from this point of view.
To protect the hearth material and further improve the local hearth insulation, ash-
keeping hearth designs are highly advantageous. The V-hearth has such a design, as does
the Zeuch gas generator shown in Figure 76. These designs also have easily removable
hearth rings, whereby the specific hearth load of the generator may easily be adjusted
within certain limits for various operating conditions.
Hearth Load
The concept of hearth load plays a very important role in dimensioning a wood gas gener-
ator hearth. The hearth load is the quantity of prepared generator gas, reduced to nor -
mal cubic meters per hour, divided by the smallest passage area in cm 2 of the hearth·
(Nm 3/cm 2-hr). Thus the hearth load is dimensionally a velocity although it is customarily
expressed as a numerator and a denominator. The hearth load expressed in this way is
called Bh and the imaginary velocity of the prepared gas, in its normal state, through the
smallest passage area of the hearth vh (m/s). The following relations are obtained from
the definition of the hearth load.
Practically, the load range for all wood gas generators is fairly narrow between an upper
limit Bh max' above which the gas quality is made poorer due to charcoal dusting in the
combustion zone, and a lower limit Bh min' below which the gas, due to too low a
temperature in the hearth or in certain parts of it, will contain unacceptably large quan-
tities of tar. The relation between Bh max and Bh min' which could be called the flexi-
bility of the generator, is of great importance in operation with widely varying load (e.g.,
car operation). As great a flexibility as possible is desirable in such a case, and the
numerical value of the flexibility becomes, to a certain extent, an operating quality
In Imbert wood gas generators and Q.ther similar types, the Bh max reaches about 0.9 in
continuous operation and the Bh min stays within a range of 0.3 to 0.35. This gives a
flexibility between 2.6 and 3.0. Tests on V-hearths have given practically the same val-
ues of Bh max' whereas Bh min has been less than 0.2. An eight-hour test with Bh =0.05
on a V-hearth wood gas generator from the Swedish Generator Gas Co. (with a heat-
insulated lower part) during operaton of a 2-cycle engine, has been carried out without
abnormal tar content in the gas. The V-hearth has thus given the generators a flexibility
of at least 4.5 as opposed to the maximum value of 3.0 for a hearth designed with metal
only. For the test with Bh = 0.05, a flexibility of 18.0 was obtained, which is a unique
It is possible to attribute the very good idling properties of the V-hearth exclusively to
the good heat insulation of the combustion zone, but there is still one other factor
involved. The ash mantle, which is continuously recreated, extends to the same height as
the nozzle openings, and creates between these openings local "insulation cushionsn in the
hearth, whose passage cross-section thus becomes, as it were, an "~on 11 (where n is the
number of nozzles). Thus, the creation of cool zones between the nozzles is prevented,
and this seems to contribute considerably to the fact that no tar escapes through the
hearth even at a very low load.
The great adaptability of the generator is a very important property from an economic
viewpoint, particularly during intermittent car operation and during generator gas oper-
ation of fishing boats, which sometimes must remain for hours with the motor idling.
Only with a V-hearth has idling, in the strict sense, become possible in wood gas opera-
tion without decrease of the continuous maximum power. Thus, wood gas operation with
widely varying load may be said to have taken a rather large step forward.
As mentioned in the introduction, in a few cases primary air has been delivered from
above through a central air nozzle. This method, however, has a tendency to cause hang-
ing of the wood around the air pipe and the nozzle. There have been a few exceptions
where the primary air has been fed into the combustion zone from below through a cen-
tral pipe running through the hearth; the pipe is capped by a nozzle part with a closed top
end and equipped with a number of radial nozzle holes. The object of this device was to
preheat the air intensely; the principle of this procedure is, however, incorrect, in that
the heat is taken from the heat-consuming reduction zone.
In most wood gas generators the primary air is fed in through a ring of nozzles, evenly
distributed over the periphery at or immediately below the lower opening of the charring
funnel, and directed radially inward toward the hearth axis (Figures 68-76). This system
is probably most suitable. As for conducting the air from the primary air intake to the
nozzles, various solutions have been tried. In an Imbert generator the intake leads to a
distribution chamber, from which air pipes, bent in an arch around the hearth, run indi-
vidually to each nozzle except for one which is directly connected to the distribution
chamber. This method is hardly ideal; the air is not evenly heated and distributed. Weld-
ing a distribution mantle onto the outside of the hearth either with one air intake through
the generator case or with two opposite intakes, has also been tried. It has been difficult
in practice to prevent cracking, due to thermal stress, in this design. A third method has
been tried experimentally in connection with a V-hearth: air intake, distribution ring,
and hearth mantle were all cast in one piece. This design gave good results but is rela-
tively heavy. All the systems mentioned take more or less heat from the hearth, which is
incorrect in principle. In the last mentioned design, however, the quantity of heat car-
ried off is fairly insignificant. Preheating of the air is not sufficiently effective in any
of the types mentioned. This could be improved by passing the primary air through a
heat exchanger before the intake.
Figure 69 shows a design for primary air delivery used in one of the stationary generators
of the Swedish Generator Gas Co., made so that parts may be replaced without welding.
The air intake is placed at the top of the generator and opens out into an upper distribu-
tion ring, from which four primary-air pipes, evenly distributed around the periphery, go
downward near the inside of the generator to a nozzle ring, which is supported by a ring-
shaped shoulder on the inner mantle. · ~he lower half of the fuel storage is double-
jacketed. The emitted gas flows through the ring space, which results in a certain
amount of heat insulation. In the upper part of the generator is a ring-shaped
condensation-water pocket which drains to an outside collector.
The upper distribution ring stimulates the condensation of water vapor derived from the
wood. No dangerous thermal stress occurs in the air-feeding devices, and the peripheral
primary-air pipes promote practically no hanging of the wood in the fuel container. One
disadvantage is that the design is relatively heavy and, therefore, suitable only for sta-
tionary or marine purposes.
There is no solid, scientifically documented basis for the choice of the most suitable
number, diameter, and placement of the nozzles. Unfortunately, a systematic investiga-
tion of these questions has been neglected and in the practical design one has had to try
to apply, at random, certain findings from experience. The operational results of genera-
tors designed in this way have been satisfactory in many ways, which seems to indicate
that the range for the best device does not have narrowly drawn limits. This is very
fortunate, because a narrow optimal range would certainly involve a very high sensitivity
of the generator to variations in load, moisture of the wood, etc.
The relation between the total nozzle area (Am) and the smallest passage area of the
hearth (Ah) varies in generators with good operational properties within very wide limits,
between about 3% and 14%. It is customary to use high values for this ratio for small
hearth diameters and low values for large ones. This procedure is based on the opinion
that there should be a greater air velocity in the nozzles of large hearths, and then
greater penetrating ability of the air streams towards the hearth center. Whether the
change of air velocity in this way is really desirable or necessary has never been
satisfactorily investigated, but for the time being is merely an unproven assumption. In
reality, this procedure may be seen as a result of the simple and inexpensive method of
using the same nozzle device for several greatly different hearth diameters.
The Imbert generators, which were used during the war in very great numbers and which,
on the whole, had .very good properties, used the nozzle devices shown in Table 25. In
Table 26 corresponding data for the Swedish Gas Generator Co.'s SGB 600 model genera-
tor, with a V-hearth, are given. "'
Hearth Nozzle A
Number of 100~
Type Diameter, Diameter,
mm mm i\i
60 10 5 13.9
80 10 5 7.8
90 10 5 6.2
100 10 5 5.0
100 12 5 7.2
500/16 115 12 5 5.5
130 12 5 4.3
139 12 5 4.3
550/17 and 550/21
150 12 5 3.2
650 170
80 12 5 11.2
100 12 5 7.2
(for cars)
130 12 5 4.3
Hearth Nozzle A
Number of 100~
Type Diameter, Diameter,
mm mm i\i
90 12 8 14.2
100 12 8 11.S
115 12 8 8.7
SGB 600 12 12
130 10.2
145 12 12 8.2
160 12 12 6.8
The data of the tables are shown graphically in Figure 77, where the "theoretical" air
velocity Vm is given at 0°C and 760 mm Hg in the nozzles with no regard to the design,
valid for a hearth load of 0.9 Nm 3/cm 2hr on the condition of the primary-air consump-
tion being 0.6 Nm 3 per Nm 3 prepared gas. The table and figure values are based on the
following formulas:
• n (55)
Ah = the smallest passage area of the hearth in cm 2
Am = the total nozzle area in cm 2
= 2.5 rn/s
100 4nf~
As shown in Figure 77, the air velocity of the SGB600 is considerably lower than that of
the Imbert. The former was designed and used in operation of slow two-cycle engines, in
which the gas was sucked out ln a pulsating manner; however, iP operating four-cycle
engines the gas withdrawal hardly shows noticeable pulsation. It has been proven by
100 m
Ah" m/s
15 10
Swedish Gas
\~ Generator to. 600 - II
\- Soort
/me ert
\ I- 12
\ ' VB Nezzles I- 13
10 '\ \\ \ J
,,. 112 Nozzles
- 14
\\ ' \ /,
\. \ .,._ lSGB BOl 16
I - 17
\ ',\ I\. ~ 8 Nozzles
12 I - 18
\ \ k /ml ert PAS "f'-.. I"- .. / ~ozzles: 20
- 21
I - 23
"'\. ~
'° -- !mi ert 650
......., >-- 24
"" "" "'r':
- 30
G u.- /m, ert 550 >-- 35
>-- 40
- 45
50 !GO 1:.0 2.'JOmm
Hearth Diameter dh
Figure 77. Graph Showing the Relation between the Total
Nozzle Area and the Smallest Hearth Section, Air Velocity,
etc., as a Function of Hearth Diameter at a Hearth Load
of 0.9 Nm3/cm2hr.
practical operation that, for such two-cycle operation, a considerably lower air velocity
than in four-cycle operation may be used without impairing combustion.
The great variation shown in the graph, of Vm with the hearth diameter of Imbert type
generators, could probably be reduced considerably. Table 27, drawn up on the basis of a
proposal from Hesselman Motor Corporation Ltd., bears upon nozzle devices for Imbert
generators and is characterized by an even, moderate increase of the air velocity in the
nozzles with the hearth diameter.
The values of the two columns to the right in Table 27 are shown in the graph of Figure
78. The values measured for the system evidently differ insignificantly from the contin-
uous curve.
The nozzle devices of this system are suitable for an Imbert type wood gas generator
with an original hearth, which is used for operating four-cycle engines with many cylin-
ders. Such generators have been tested in operation where the original hearth has been
replaced by a V-hearth; good results have been· obtained without changing the nozzles;
thus a dimensioning similar to that shown in the table is certainly also suitable for
V-hearths during operation of four-cycle engines with several cylinders.
dh = Diameter of the hearth constriction
~m = Nozzle diameter
1\ = Area of the hearth constriction
~ = Total nozzle area
v = "Theoretical .. air velocity in the
mmax nozzle~ du2ing a hearth load of
0.9 Nm /cm hr
dh d A v
n 100--'!!. mmax
mm mm
~ mis
9 5 6.3 23.8
80 (11) (9.5) (15.8)
10 5 6.2 24.2
90 (12) (8.9) (16.8)
16 7 4.95 30.3
(20) (7.8) (19.:l)
22 7 4.65 32.3
(24) (9) (7 .1) (21.2)
24 7 4.5 33.5
(26) (9) (6.8) (22.1)
__. ....
....--- 0
Vm r---.,. _ ~
/ / 0
- 30
JA>"' ....
~~ v ,_
) Vo
............... .....__ Am
- -
s a
4 v
100 200 300mm
Hearth Diameter dh
Figure 78. Graph of Suitable Nozzles for Operating
Four-Cycle Engines with Several Cylinders.
On the other hand, in operating slow two-cycle engines with few cylinders, it is desirable
to increase the nozzle diameter so much that Vm is decreased to approximately two-
thirds of the values given for the four-cycle engines. The values suitable for two-cycle
engines and corresponding nozzle diameters are given in Table 27 within the parentheses.
Concerning the influence of air velocity on temperature in the combustion zone of the
generator, it may be said that a decrease of vm by using larger nozzles causes a decrease
of the maximum temperature in the hearth; and that a hearth, well insulated toward the
outside, functions satisfactorily with a lower Vm than an uninsulated hearth.
As for the diameter of the nozzle ring (dr) in relation to the diameter of the hearth con-
struction (dh), a series of values from good generators are dotted into the graph of Figure
79; on the basis of this dotted scale, a continuous mean curve is drawn. In a similar way,
the diagram demonstrates the relation between the diameter of the nozzle-opening circle
(dr ) and the smallest hearth diameter dh. The mean curve for this relation is dashed.
dr dr1
dh I dh
' ~
ilo{ .
:--..., ~
,-Jz... ~
-. . 0 )
-· l_ --,.._
0 I-<>-
70 100 ISO 200 250 3£ Omm
Hearth Diameter ~
• -d .dh} .Hesselman Motor
- r · )I(
=if SGB 800
0 =dr, :dh h
.A = d'i SGB 600
Figure 79. Diameter of Nozzle Ring and Nozzle Opening
in Relation to Hearth Constriction, as a Function of
Hearth Diameter, for Various Generator Makes.
Similarly, in Figure 80 there is a dotted scale elaborated for the relation between the
height above the hearth construction of the nozzle plane (h) and the diameter in the
hearth construction (dh). A mean curve is also drawn for this.
~~ •
A ~
- •) • r--
100 ISO 200 250 300mm
• Hesselman Motor Hearth Diameter dh
o SGB 800
.t::. SGB 600
Figure 80. Height of the Nozzle Plane above the
Hearth Constriction for Various Generator Sizes.
Both these diagrams are based upon generators of the Imbert type. If, from the two
mean curves, the volume of the effective combustion space is calculated, consisting of a
truncated cone with the height h ·and the areas ir d2rl:4 and ird 2h:4, respectively, of the
two parallel surfaces, and if this volume is divided by the gas volume produced at a cer-
tain hearth load, the result for the entire generator family will be a time constant.
If, for instance, the generally assumed maximum hearth load of 0.9 Nm 3/cm 2hr is chosen
to be the denominator, the result of the division determined by the mean curves will be
O.ll second for all generators. This time is calculated, however, on the assumption that
the space in question does not contain any solid substances and that the temperature is
0°C. If, for example, it is assumed that charcoal takes up 0.6 of the total volume and the
gas then 0.4, and that the temperature is 1200°C, the real time will be merely approxi-
mately 0.01 s. Consequently, this means that the dwell time of the gases in the space
above the hearth construction is 0.01 s.
To date, no general rule for dimensioning of the hearth has been given in the specialist
literature. The dimensioning system put forth here-with the mean curves in Figures 79
and 80 as bases-is intended to make up for this lack. The system is based on an empiri-
cal foundation and gives satisfactory results. That does not mean, however, that a
hearth with dimensions differing from the system must be, or probably will be, a poor
hearth. On the contrary, the system appears to allow for fairly significant deviations
without obviously unfavorable consequences; it does seem, however, that the ratio h/dh
should not be made greater than as shown in the mean curve of Figure 80.
The part of the hearth below the narrowest section should be made a truncated cone,
with height dh and the opening diameter 2.5 dh. The increased passage area downward is
intended to cause a considerable gas velocity decrease, and thereby an increase of the
time that the gas spends in the presence of charcoal at a temperature higher than
approximately 800°C. This is advantageous for producing maximum reduction. On the
other hand, the expansion must not be so great that the temperature at the opening goes
below about 800° C, since the lower temperature to some extent seems to stimulate a
re-formation of co 2. The norms ,given above for dimensioning are values which have
given good results from experience.
Due to the considerble drop in temperature, practically no reduction takes place outside
the hearth (see Chapter 2). Due to this fact, it is unimportant whether the space below
the hearth opening is filled with a bed of charcoal or some other porous material (e.g.,
porous concrete) or whether it is filled with any material at all. In practically all wood
gas generators in Sweden a bed of charcoal or porous concrete, resting on a shaking,
grate, is placed at approximately the distance dh below the hearth opening and approxi -
mately 0.5 d above the bottom of the generator. The spaces above and below this grate
are made accessible from the outside by a relatively large ash port. It is vital for proper
operation of the generator that this port be tightly sealed.
Judging from tests carried out by government authorities in Germany during the war, it
appears that peat with low ash content could give satisfactory operation in wood gas
generators provided that the diameters of the primary-air nozzles are increased so much
(on the order of 50%) that the temperature in the combustion zone will stay below the
fusing point of the ashes, approximately 1250° C. This test was carried out in an Imbert
generator with the smallest hearth diameter at 130 mm and with five standard 12-mm air
nozzles. The gas cleaning system was the usual one with wet cleaners and cork cleaners;
the cooler was a standard type with 1.17 m2 cooling surface.
This gas generator was first run for two hours on an Opel-Blitz truck whose motor had a
3.5-L cylinder volume and a 68-hp engine developing peak efficiency on gasoline at 3400
rpm. The peat size was 40-60 mm and the water content of the peat 20% to 22%. With
the 12-mm air nozzles intended for wood, the hearth temperature became very high (over
1400° C) at which the peat coke formation became too small and the coke burst into
pieces. By increasing the nozzle diameter to 20 mm (which involved a lowering of the
temperature in the combustion zone to 1100° C) these djsadvantages were eliminated;
according to the reports the generator rendered a practically tar-free gas, and the
peat-coke formation was so good that no charcoal had to be fed into the reduction zone
through the ports, even during extended operation. The composition of the gas was about
the same as in wood operation. The series of tests was completed with long distance
tests with a 3.5-ton Magirus truck, equipped with a 7.4-L diesel motor with 90-hp peak
efficiency during oil operation. The peat consumption with a 3-ton load on the truck was
approximately 10 kg/lOkm. The operational properties of the truck when using peat gas
proved to be good throughout, and the maintenance requirement was, on the whole, the
same as in wood gas operation. The gas cooler had to be flushed every 1000 km and the
grate shaken each morning in order to remove dust and ashes from the reduction cham-
ber. Particularly interesting is the information that, during the tests (which included
highway driving: Cologne-Hamburg-Lubeck-Berlin), no slag formation was observed in
the generator. Peat fuel with an ash content of approximately 2% and 20% to 25% mois-
ture was used.
Unfortunately, no tests have been made in Sweden with a similarly reduced temperature
in the hearth, and therefore slag formation has not been overcome. In exceptional cases,
where peat coke very low in ash was used as fuel in charcoal gas generators, the slag
formation was so insignificant (somewhat more than 1% of the coke weight) that satisfac-
tory continuous operation could be maintained.
Figure 75 shows a generator intended for peat, and the generator in Figure 76 is also
suitable for this fuel.
Chapter 5
General Conditions
The influence of gas temperature and pressure upon engine power may be estimated on
the basis of the general-state equation of gases:
Thus, heating the gas mixture by 10°C would cause a power loss of about 3%, and a pres-
sure drop of 100 mm water would cause a loss of about 1%. The mean value of the tem-
perature of the generator gas in practical operation, after cooling and before mixing with
secondary air, is approximately 40° C.
The impurities of motor fuels or impurities originating in fuel combustion in the cylinders
may be classified in two main categories: those that affect the engine construction
directly, either mechanically by abrasion or chemically by corrosion (rust, acids); and
those that cause thickening of the lubrication oil, and thereby cause damage indirectly by
disturbing th_e lubrication process. The so-called mechanical impurities consist mainly of
iron particles originating mostly in abrasion between the sliding surfaces of the engine
during operation on liquid fuels, and in the case of generator gas operation probably also
originating in the gas; and silica, which probably causes the most direct abrasion of the
engine. The latter originates mainly in dust sucked in with the air and is always highly
mixed with minerals containing quartz. In generator gas operation however, particularly
in the case of charcoal gas, a substantial part of the impurities would seem to come from
the fuel and possibly from the primary air as well. The importance of the air cleaner is
obvious for generator gas operation. The air may contain considerable quantities of dust,
as shown in Table 28.
Air in mg/m3
In the case of 200 mg dust per m3 air, a car with a 2-L engine would, when driving 100 km
without an air cleaner, suck in 26 g dust. If the main part of this dust enters the crank-
case oil, this corresponds to about 1% by weight of the oil.*
The question as to the extent that these impurities in the crankcase oil originate in the
gas generator poses a very difficult problem and has not been thoroughly investigated.
Carbon dioxide and sulfur oxides can form corrosive acids in the engine cylinder in the
presence of condensed water, but these gases are harmless as long as the water remains a
vapor. (The minimum temperature for preventing corrosion in the motors is 60°C to
70°C.) Wood and charcoal do not contain sulfur, as opposed to fossil fuels. On the other
hand, small quantities of acetic acid, carbolic acid formed by phenols (aromatics) and
carbonic acid formed by carbon dioxide sometimes are found in the pipe system of the
gas generator. Due to the high alkali content of the gas during normal operating condi-
tions with generator gas, these acids usually react. (In the condensate-cooler container
of a wood gas generator there are significant quantities of ammonia as well, 4-10 g/L.)
Therefore, they are of little consequence for motor corrosion. Wood gas, however,
affects aluminum, copper, etc.
Unlike liquid fuel operation, generator gas operation does not produce crankcase oil dilu-
tion, which is, of course, a considerable advantage. This fact frequently means that the
oil thickening and lubrication oil consumption during generator gas operation seem
greater than is really the case. The higher rotation speed during generator gas operation
involves an increase of the oil consumption.
During operation with liquid fuels the "nonmechanical" impurities in the crankcase oil
consist mainly of soot (carbon) and resins. The resins originate in cracked fuel in the
cylinders, and also from oxidation products from poor lubrication oil. Lead and iron
oxides are also to be found to a considerable extent, from the antiknock agents in the
gasoline. During generator gas operation the impurities are, according to numerous anal-
yses, composed mainly of alkali compounds (70%-80% of the total ash content). In both
cases it is these impurities that cause thickening of the oil, thereby disturbing the lubri-
cation process. The lubricating ability of the oil, which is dependent on its molecular
structure, is not altered by these impurities. After the used lubrication oil, has been
filtered, whereby particles as small as 0.1 µ (i.e., of colloidal size) are retained with the
help of modern devices, the oil is as good as new. Gradually, it will become saturated
with such substances, which can then no longer be dissolved in it and then are precipi-
tated. Recent research in the field (Coordinating Research Council, USA) also indicates
that impurities are also precipitated earlier in the presence of condensation water, espe-
cially in modern lubrication oils with additives intended for heavy operation.
Deposition takes place everywhere that the oil goes in the engine and where there are
"cold walls" on which the omnipresent water vapor is condensed. The deposits are slimy
at first, since they contain much oil and water, but dry out and become harder and harder
during periods of full load and high operational temperature of the engine. Intermittent
operation with many cold startings is, therefore, a significant cause of engine fouling for
gasoline or generator gas operation. Since generator gas operation involves higher oper-
ational temperatures of the engine, and since drivers generally are reluctant to shut off
the engine during occasional stops and prefer to keep a high idle speed, the formation of
condensation water is likely to be smaller during generator gas operation, even if some
water vapor accompanies the gas.
In this context it should be pointed out that when 1 kg gasoline is burnt in the cylinders,
about the same quantity of water is formed. However, in the crankcase system for gen-
erator gas driven two-cycle engines, where the gas is sucked into the relatively cold
crankcase, much fouling takes place during operation. It should be possible to keep the
thickening of the oil by solid impurities during generator gas operation of cars, below
0.5% by weight for a driving distance of 100 to 150 km. (46]
There are many divergent opinions as to the acceptable content of solid dust particles in
the gas after cleaning. French regulations allow 5 mg/m 3 for charcoal gas operation and
20 mg/m 3 for wood gas operation; other specifications are: 50 mg/m 3 for both charcoal
and wood gas [15]; 20 mg/m 3 (H. Lutz & E. Kuhl, "Examinations of Gas-Cleaning
Devices," Berlin 1942), among others. In practice the dust content is much higher, as
indicated by many tests, ranging from 50-200mg/m 3, with the lowest values found when
cloth filters are used and the highest for baffle-plate cleaners, which at the same time
act as coolers (see below).
Provided that the air cleaner for the secondary air is functioning properly, an average
dust content in the mixer pipe of 10 to 20 mg/m 3 is quite satisfactory. When a high con-
tent of silicon and iron compounds are involved, the above-mentioned maximum figure
should probably be divided in half.
Depending on the design and type of generator, the temperature of the gas leaving the
reduction zone is decreased from about 800° C to about 300° C to 400° C during wood gas
operation and to 400°C to 500°C during charcoal gas operation; this temperature
decrease takes place immediately outside the gas outlet at a full hearth load. Wood gas
contains more water vapor than charcoal gas; thus its dewpoint is higher. On an average,
the dewpoint may be set at 40°C to 60°C for wood gas and at 30°C to 35°C for charcoal
gas at the gas oulet. In the generator a significant heat quantity is associated with the
water vapor of the gas. Thus, during cooling, more heat must be transported away by a
moisture saturated gas than by a dry gas for a given decrease of temperature, as shown
in Figure 81. The moisture content, measured in g/m 3, is determined by the dewpoint
(see Figure 82); thus, cooling devices of a wood gas generator should have a significantly
greater capacity than those of a charcoal gas generator. When measuring the moisture in
volume units, for example as a percent of the volume of dry gas, the total gas pressure
must be taken into account. (See Chapter 2 and Table 8.) The pressure in the gas affects
the dewpoint. Figure 83 shows that the dewpoint becomes lower at lower pressure and
vice versa.
Knowledge of the moisture proportions of generator gas is needed for designing both
cooling and cleaning devices. Condensation of water in the wood gas may be considered
to be cleaning as well, since large quantities of dust particles are precipitated, the dust
grains constituting condensation nuclei for the water droplets. In cleaning charcoal gas,
where cloth-filter cleaning is prevalent, it is important that the gas not be cooled down
too much before entering the cloth cleaner, producing condensation on the cloths. Cool-
ing between the generator and the engine must be well adapted to this purpose. These
facts will be discussed in more detail in connection with the cleaning problem.
At 70 km/hr a sample was also taken in the generator immediately below the hearth,
where the tar content was found to be 0.47 g/m 3; this indicates that part of the tar had
been separated in the generator since, at the same load, the tar content outside the
KcatjNmJ ,mmH9
140 140 9/m
ltO 12 24
22 u, m3
4 £'.108
JOO 90 80 70 60 50 40 JO 20 10 C -20 -/0 D 10 20 JO 40 50 60 70 80 C
generator at the gas outlet was only 0.34 g/m 3• Tests by Professor H. List ("Examina-
tions of Vehicular Generators during Softwood and Hardwood Operation, 11 Vienna, 1940)
indicate that the average tar content in the gas conduit before the cleaners is approxi -
mately 1 g/m 3, a rather high value that would be much lower with modern generator
designs. Thus, under normal circumstances there is no risk that engines equipped with
modern devices would get clogged with tar. Deposits that may be caused by the cooling
effect of the secondary air in the mixer or intake pipe by the engine, and that are some-
times considered to contain tar, co1:1sist in reality of soot and ashes mixed with water
which have been deposited due to condensation caused by the cooling. The tar-like odor
originates in the phenols present in the gas (aromatics arising during dry distillation of
wood, which give tar its characteristic smell). The acid content from phenols and carbon
dioxide as well as from possible small quantities of acetic acid during wood gas operation
is small; thus the gas and the condensation water practically always become alkaline (as
mentioned above), which is important for the choice of material for the cooling and
cleaning system, but is absolutely harmless to the engine.
When the gas is cooled, water is condensed; this is true especially for wood gas. If the
dewpoint of the wood gas is, for instance, 60° C at the gas outlet, it will contain approxi -
mately 130 g water per m3 as shown in Figure 82. If we assume that 1 kg wood will give
2.5 Nm 3 wood gas, this moisture content will correspond to about 325 g water per kg
wood; for air-dried wood (20% moisture content) this corresponds to approximately 400 g
water per kg of dry wood. In terms of volume, the water vapor in this case constitutes
approximateiy 25% of the dry gas (compare Table 8). If cooling goes down to 40°C, the
moisture content will be approximately 150 g/kg dry wood; i.e., about 250 g water per kg
wood is condensed. If the temperature is lowered to 20°C, approximately 350 g/kg is
condensed. For charcoal gas, at a dewpoint of 35°C, about 100 g water per kg dry char-
coal material is obtained if the charcoal is assumed to have a 12% moisture content (i.e.,
only a few percent water vapor by volume). Condensation caused by the secondary air is
given in Figure 84, where the gas is considered to be moisture saturated and to have a
temperature of 40° C, while the air temperatue is 20° C. The mixing proportion is 1:1 and
the temperature of the gas/air mixture is ~onsequently 30°C. Water is then always con-
densed as soon as the humidity of the air exceeds 62%. In order to prevent such conden-
sation, the secondary air may be preheated. Figure 85 shows a device for this.
In addition to condensing surplus water in the generator gas, the main function of the
cleaning apparatus is to separate the solid dust perticles. When leaving the reduction
zone in the generator the gas contains considerable quantities of dust. The main portion
of the dust has already been separated in the generator through suitable generator con-
struction (low gas velocity through an enlarged gas area, change of the gas flow
Relative Humidity
<d 1,01------+----1-----+--+----1
~ Condensation
max. 3. 5 g/m3 ~-,,_.
4-l . 301------+----l-
•rl 2 0 1 - - - - - + - - - - -
10 20 30 40C
Secondary Mixed Wood Gas
Air Gas
Figure 84. Condensation in the Mixer D.ue to Mixing with Secondary
Air. (From Nils Gustafsson,"Car Engines and Engine Fuels")
Air filter--~>llT=~
Exhaust pipe
Figure 85. Heating of Secondary Air by Exhaust Gas Heat from the
Engine (Hesselman).
direction, perforated plates, etc.) and the filtering effect of the charcoal or concrete
bed. For collecting these ashes and the charcoal dust there is an ashbin, as a rule with a
shaking grate~ The dust content of the ga~ outlet varies with the load of the generator.
The greater the gas velocity, the more dust is carried along. There are some test results
concerning the size and variation of dust quantity with gas velocity. Figure 86 shows
results from tests with charcoal gas and wood gas generators. Due to the difference in
design of the· generators, these curves cannot be directly compared. As a rule, a some-
what greater dust content is to be expected in charcoal gas generators, where the gas is
generally taken the shortest way from the reduction zone. In the case of wood gas gen-
erators, the gas frequently is brought upwards through the wood store for heating the
Total soot quantity
Removed by cyclone
':3 /1'7'-·--t--:.r~<-t---J
so 60 70 80
10 20 30 "'°
Figure 86. Dust Concentration Related to the Load in Wood and Charcoal
Gas Generators. Full load on the generator corresponds to 80 Nm3/hr
(Gas Generator Co, Orebro)
fuel (which as a matter of fact is inappropriate and does not increase the generator effi-
ciency), or through a heat exchanger for heating the primarl air. A mean value for gen-
erator fas in general is 3-5 g/m 3 of dust at a load of 100 Nm /hr and about half of that at
50 Nm /hr. Figure 87 shows a graph listing measured quantities of dust at the gas outlet
from wood gas generators of various makes, in which the measured soot quantities fall
within the dashed area and are stated in g per m3 gas. The abscissa of the graph gives
the generator load in Nm 3/hr. Table 29 gives the particle size measured by means of
screening tests on wood gas soot from an Imbert type generator, conducted by the Char-
ring Laboratory, Stockholm. In Figure 88 the dust residue is shown as a function of the
particle size.
Approximately 80% of the soot, especially the coarser and heavier particles, are sepa-
rated in the cyclone cleaner nearly always found in current designs of gas generators for
both charcoal and wood. The remaining 20%, mostly with a particle size below 60µ, is
then separated by the rest of the cleaning system. In tests, two cyclones have been
connected in series but the result was less than satisfactory, due to the fact that the fine
soot remaining in the gas after the first cleaner is affected only to a small degree by the
second. As shown in Figure 86, if the raw gas at a generator load of 100 Nm 3/hr contains
5 g soot per m3 gas, an estimated 4 g/m 3 will be separated by the cyclone cleaner, after
which the rest of the system must separate as much as possible of the remaining 1,000
mg/m 3 with a particle size mostly below 60 µ. This gas cleaning is most thorough with a
cloth filter (except for electrostatic precipitators which would hardly seem to be of
practical importance for generator gas operation). Through such filtering, dust down to
0.5 µ may be separated. However, the cloth filters are very sensitive to moisture and
mechanical impact and they frequently require special design in order to function satis-
factorily (large dimensions, heating devices). It is especially important that the intervals
between the necessary cleaning of the collected impurities from the filters are long
enough, and that damage to the cloths does not mean damage to the engines. Therefore,
the cloths must always be used in combination with suppression or safety filters.
Figure 89 schematically shows various cooling and cleaning equipment for wood gas oper-
ation-motor vehicles, stationary motors and boats-as well as for charcoal gas operation
of motor vehicles. Also included is a device for the use of cloth filters for wood gas
operation with secondary heating of the gas before the cloth cleaner, using the engine
exhaust gases. Before that, the wood gas has passed a cyclone cleaner and a condensa-
tion-water cooler. The various standard cooling and cleaning systems developed by prac-
tical operating experience will be discussed later. In general it may be said that there is
room for significant technical progress in this area.
Heat Transfer
Cooling of generator gas involves heat transfer from the hot gas to the surrounding
colder air. The condition for having heat transmitted from one point to another is that
there is a temperature difference between the points. In this way, there is always a
tendency toward an equalization of this difference in temperature. Heat may be trans -
mitted in different ways, by conduction, convection, and radiation.
Heat conduction is heat tranmission from one part to another within the same body or
between two bodies attached to each other. Heat conduction may tak_e place in solid and
liquid substances as well as in gases.
Convection is heat tranmitted due to inner movements in a gas or liquid. If the move -
ment is solely a consequence of density differences due to temperature differences, it is
free convection; if the movement is imposed by external means, it is forced convection.
Heat radiation occurs because a body always radiates heat, and the heat flow is deter -
mined by the temperature and properties of the surface. The higher the temperature,
the greater the radiation intensity and thus the heat flow. A hotter surface will emit
greater heat to a cooler surface than the cooler radiates to the warmer, whereby heat
· will be transmitted to the cooler body. Most important is the radiation from solid bodies,
but certain gases such as carbon dioxide and water vapor (but not oxygen and nitrogen)
also may emit heat through radiation, so-called gas radiation.
In general the transmission of heat is composed of various elements and frequently com-
prises both conduction and radiation as well as convection. In a generator gas cooler
consisting of a pipe through which the gas is carried, heat transmission from the gas to
the inside of the pipe takes place virtually exclusively through convection and only to a
very small extent through radiation. For gas radiation to be of importance, very high
temperatures are required as well as a great concentration of ges, as, for instance, in
fumaces. Heat is transmitted through the pipewall by conduction, and if the pipe is
A. Charcoal gas
apparatus for motor
B. Wood gas
apparatus for
C. Wood gas
apparatus for
;2-cycle ignition
bulb motor with
pulsator for boat.
D. Wood gas
.apparatus with
cloth cleaner
and preheating of
gas for motor
covered by soot or dust, the heat must also be transmitted through this layer. Finally,
heat is transmitted from the outside of the pipe to the surrounding air by convection.
Heat radiation to the surroundings is also of some importance, especially at high temper-
atures. If the cooler is installed in a car for instance, forced convection takes place due
to the motion of air relative to the car, whereby the car's speed determines the heat
transfer coefficient.
The heat transfer coefficient, usuany written a, denotes the heat quantity transmitted
per surface unit and time unit at a temperature difference of luC. If the heat quantity is
calculated in kcal, the surface in m2 and the time in hours (hr), the dimension for a. will
be kcal/m 2hr°C. The heat conductivity,!.. , of a material denotes the heat quantity per
surface unit and time unit, passing through a wall of the material at a temperature dif-
ference of luC/m of wall thickness. The dimension for /.. is then kcal/m 2hr°C/m=
The temperatures produced by heat transmission through a wall with a dust covering are
shown schematically in Figure 90. The entire temperature fall tg - tQ, is, then divided
into a temperature fall on the gas side, one in the wall, one in the dust coating and one
on the air side. For the heat quantity transmitted per time unit, <I> , i.e., the heat flow,
we have generally
<I>= kA (t -t) (57)
g 2
where k is the heat transfer coefficient and A is the area of the heated surface. The
dimension fork is the same as for a., i.e., kcal/m 2hr°C.
Temperature t
tl - -- - - - --
Figure 90~ Heat Transmission from Gas to Air through a Wall of Thickness
o with a Dust Film of Thickness o1 • (Boundary layers of Agan the gas side
and A1 on the air side.)
Using the same notation for the heat transfer coefficient, etc., as in Figure 90 we obtain
the following expression:
1 1 1
kA = a/g + A.Ag+ A~JI. + a/1JI.
1 1 0 01 l
k = ag + ~ + iJ
+ a.JI.,,,
This expression may also be used with sufficient accuracy for cylindric pipes, if the heat
surface is calculated for the side where the heat resistance is the greater; i.e., the heat
transfer coefficient the lower.
Fins may be used to improve the heat transmission, so that the surface is enlarged on one
side, usually the air side, where the heat transfer coefficient generally is the lowest. In
such cases Equation (59) cannot be used, but Equation (58) must be used in the calcula-
Equation (59) shows that the heat transfer coefficient k is reduced when the terms on the
right side become greater. The greatest influence is, of course, exerted by the larger
term; i.e., the lowest value of CL and >.. /8 • In order to improve the value of k, one should
try to improve the lowest value of CL and A/ 8.
Heat conductivity is high for metals; e.g., for copper 330, aluminum 175, iron 45, alloyed
steels 10-30 kcal/mhr°C. For wood the heat conductivity varies between approximately
0.1 and 0.3; heat insulation materials have even lower values, such as asbestos 0.13 and
glass wool 0.03. For charcoal the value is approximately 0.05 and for a loose dust layer
one could calculate with 0.03 kcal/mhr°C. These values are valid at room temperature.
For iron the conductivity decreases somewhat at an increasing temperature, whereas it
. rises for heat-insulation materials. Thus, the heat conductivity for glass wool at 100° C is
0.045; at 200°C, 0.062; and at 300°C, 0.09 kcal/mhr°C.
The heat transfer coefficient during convection is, as mentioned, highly dependent upon
the gas or air velocity and, in addition, upon the shape of the heated surface. (See, for
example, Schack, ''Industrial Heat Transfer," 2nd ed., Dusseldorf, 1940.)
The magnitude of the heat transfer coefficient at various air velocities is shown in Fig-
ure 91, calculated with the help of Equations (60) and (61).
During gas flow inside pipes, not only the gas velocity and temperature are of impor-
tance, but also the pipe diameter. If the gas velocity in m/s is denoted w0, converted to
0° C, 760 mm Hg, and the pipe diameter in meters is denoted d, for air in turbulent flow
kcal/m2hr 0 c
60 .,, ~/
20 /
It 6
10 12
~ ~
I~ 16
18 ~o
Figure 91. Convective Heat Transfer Coefficients for a Level Surface
as a Func.tion of Air Velocity.
we obtain (according to Schack) the following expression for the heat transfer coef-
Somewhat higher values are obtained for generator gas than for air, but this difference is
of minor importance; therefore, we may also use Equation (62) for generator gas, and be
on the safe side in sizing the cooling surfaces. In Figure 92 the heat transfer coefficient
is given for air at 20°C, for a few different cases. At a higher temperature the heat
transfer coefficient is obtained by using Equation (62). Thus an increase of the tempera-
ture to 100°C leads to a 4% increase of the heat transfer coefficient; an increase to
300° C leads to a 13% increase.
The heat transfer coefficients, calculated according to Equations (60) to (62) refer to air
with no condensation of water vapor. If water vapor is condensed at the same time as
the gas is cooled, which happens as soon as the dewpoint of the gas is reached, a consid-
erably greater heat transfer takes place. In a generator gas cooler such a high heat
transfer coefficient is obtained that the corresponding heat resistance usually does not
have to be taken into account, being much smaller than the heat resistance at the air
The heat transfer coefficient at the air side is highly dependent upon the shape of the
cooling surface. For plane surfaces or surfaces with a great radius of curvature, Equa-
tions (60) and (61) may be used in the calculation. Frequently the cooler is made in the
shape of pipes between which the air flows. For such a pipe arrangement, the heat trans-
fer coefficient may be calculated according to Equation (63). It is valid for air at 20° C
and pipes in a row, the spacing between the pipes being as large as the pipe diameter d; w
is the air velocity at 20° C. In Figure 93 the heat transfer coefficient is given according
to Equation (63) for a few different cases.
kcal/m2hr 0 c
o.___ _,___~---~--__,
0 5 10 15 20 m.fs
Figure 92. Heat Transfer Coefficient for Air at 20°c during Flow in
Pipes as a Function of the Velocity w0 at o0 c, 760 nun Hg.
kcal/m2hr 0 c
Figure 93. Heat Transfer Coefficient(s) for Air at 20°c Flowing
Across Pipes in a Row with the Spacing between Pipes Equal to
the Pipe Diameter; w is the Air Velocity at 20°~.
a ~3.8 _w_ _ kcal/m2hr°C (63)
Figures 91 to 93 show how great is the influence of velocity on the heat transfer coeffi-
cient. In order to have small heat surfaces, high velocities are necessary. However, the
velocity cannot be chosen at random. If there is no arrangement for a special fan, on the
air side we must depend on the velocity of the vehicle; and on the gas side the velocity
must be limited due to pressure losses. To achieve high engine power the pressure losses
must be small on the gas side so that the volumetric efficiency of the engine will be high.
We may assume that the pressure loss is approximately proportional to the square of the
velocity. When installing the generator gas radiator in front of the ordinary radiator of a
car, so that the engine fan may be used to suck the air through the generator gas cooler,
the corresponding increase of fan work must be taken into account. The heat resistance
in the wall of the radiator may be neglected in comparison with the heat resistances
occuring at the gas side and air side. For an iron radiator with a wall thickness of 1 mm
we get:
:\ 45
o = 0 • 00 I = 45 '000
This value cannot, of course, affect the calculation of the heat transfer coefficient
according to Equation (59). Thus there is no reason from a technical viewpoint to choose
materials with higher conductivity. If there is a thick dust film on the radiator, however,
the effect may be decreased considerably; this is the case particularly if the radiator is
designed for high gas velocities and consequently high heat-transfer coefficients, as
shown in Figure 94.
.~ 30
a: =20
The heat quantity transmitted per hour by radiation from a body with absolute tempera-
ture Tl' to a body with absolute temperature T2' may be expressed by the equation
T 4
~ = 4.96 e $ A[ ( 10 ~) (64)
Here e denotes the emissivity factor, 4> the angle coefficient, and A the surface. The
emissivity e, being 1 for a "black body," is dependent on the surface properties of the two
bodies, their shapes, and positions in relation to each other. For a polished iron surface e
is approximately 0.3, but for a surfpce covered by mill scale e: is approximately 0.65.
These values are valid at 20°C. At 130°C, an e value of 0.8 has been obtained for iron
with an oxidized surface. The angle coefficient 4> expresses how the surface is geometri-
cally utilized from the viewpoint of radiation. If the entire surface of the radiating body
can radiate in all directions, 4> =l, but if part of the surface is obscured in one way or
another 4> will be less than 1. For instance, in a radiator constructed of a number of pipes
placed beside each other, the pipes will obscure each other to some extent, so that <P will
be less than 1. In many cases 4> may be calculated approximately as the relation between
the size of the surface that surrounds the device in question, and the heating surface A
exposed to convection.
As shown in Equation (64) the temperature T1 greatly affects the radiation; above all,
this radiation manifests itself at higher temperatures. This is also indicated by the
curves in Figure 95, which shows the amount of heat transmitted by radiation and con-
vection at various wall temperatures. The curves are calculated for ¢ = 0.65. It may
also be of interest to see what proportion of the total stated heat quantity is to be classi-
fied as radiation. In Figure 95 this is stated for a few different values of the heat trans-
fer coefficient during convection. The diagram is calculated with e: = 0.65 and <P = l; this
means that the heating surface is unobstructed in relation to the surroundings. For a
pipe cooler, for instance, the values would be lower than those shown in the graph.
The air usually used as a cooling medium is supplied by the vehicle motion or a fan. In
generator gas operation of stationary engines and boat engines, water is sometimes used
as a cooling agent, and the much higher heat transfer coefficients of water must be
taken into account in sizing the cooling surfaces.
When there is an unlimited supply of cooling air, which is most often the case, it is of
minor importance whether the radiator is arranged parallel or perpendicular to the flow.
Only when the air supply is limited may something be gained in arranging the cooler
perpendicular to the flow.
The size of the cooling surface is dependent on the gas flow, gas temperature before the
cooler, water vapor content of the gas, desired final temperature, and heat transfer
In order to cool G Nm 3/hr of generator gas from the temperature tgl to the temperature
tg 2 , the following amount of heat must be removed:
~ =G • c • (t - t ) kcal/hr (65)
1 p gl g2
.- ~
v ~
. -
~.,/CJ;,; . .--..-
/ ~
cP~ / , v
o.., J( .<.' ~ / ~
!-I 70
L~/ ~
,__ '!>. .:i.·o:_!.!
~so00 ~'.P, ~;:.1 co~
13 4000 -
j I ~'A .... i..--
~ 20o:-
Iv .$/
./..J ~.
1J IS00'-
~ 1000
~ 700
::i:: so0 II
zo.0 I
/Si0 I
0 100 200 300 4/JO 500 600 700 800 !JOO C 0
Figure 95. Heat Transfer by Radiation and Convection. Outer
Temperature 20°c, £$=0.65(according to Tobler)
In estimates the gas quantity is usually assumed to be 2 Nm 3 per hp-hr. In sizing the
cooling surface, the operating conditions must also be taken into account. For mobile
engines using vehicle motion for cooling, large heat quantities must be removed during
slow driving in low gear with a heavy load where the cooling effect of the air is rela-
tively poor.
Instead of using the specific heat of the generator gas we may calculate cooling require -
ments from the enthalphy i, which is frequently more convenient. Equation (65) may
then be written:
In Table 30 the enthalpy is given for various temperatures of air, for dry wood gas of
average analysis, and for water vapor. The differences between the values for air and
dry wood gas are not great, and for dry charcoal gas a value in between may be assumed.
For water vapor, however, the enthalpy is considerably higher than for the other gases;
therefore the calculations for water vapor must be separate, especially in more accurate
estimates. The specific heat for the same gases is given in Figure 97.
Table 30. ENTHALPY OF GASES IN kcal/Nm 3
434 1-----+--
When the gas has been cooled to the dewpoint, water starts to condense, and the heat of
evaporation emitted in this way must also be removed. If the condensed water quantity
is fl Gv kg/hr, and the heat of evaporation of the water at the temperature of interest is
r kcal/kg, the equivalent heat quantity will be
2 = fl Gv · r kcal/hr
4> (67)
The total heat quantity will then be''the total of '4>1 and <I> 2 according to Equations (66)
and (67), which constitutes a rather complicated function. Figure 81 shows the total heat
quantity that must be removed when cooling generator gas with various dewpoints.
The temperature difference between the gas and the air will be changing during the
entire cooling process; therefore, the heating surface area must be calculated step by
step, especially since the specific heat and the heat transfer coefficients also change
with the temperature. When the dewpoint for the gas is reached, an especially radical
change of the specific heat takes place, which then will include the heat of evaporation;
the heat transfer coefficient at the gas side also changes considerably.
If we assume a constant specific heat and a constant heat transfer coefficient, which we
may do for short intervals, we can mathematically calculate the relation between the
cooling of the gas and the size of the heating surface; thus arriving at
- Ge
p (68)
When water vapor is condensed, the process will be that shown in Figure 99, which has
been calculated using the heat transfer coefficient 14 kcal/m 2hr, and the dewpoint of the
gas assumed to be 40°C. For estimates we may assume that the total heat quantity that
must be transported away during condensation in relation to the heat quantity without
condensation is 15:1 at a dewpoint 50°C, 9:1 at 40°C, and 5:1 at 30°C.
When it leaves the charcoal gas generator the gas has been cooled from approximately
800° C to 400-500° C mainly by radiation from the generator walls. Heat losses in the gas
pipe leading from the generator are considerable, due to the high temperature near the
generator (see Figure 96). Heat losses are increased by air convection, especially that
due to vehicle motion which occurs in most mobile installations. Depending on the loca-
tion of the generator and the length of the gas pipe leading to the engine, the amount of
0 2 4 6 8 IQ 12 14 16
Cooling surface, m2
Figure 98. Cooling of 100-Nm3/hr Generator Gas without
Condensation at Various Heat Transfer Coefficients, Air
Temperature 20°C (infinite air quantity)
~ 70t--+--llr-+-~-
~ 60t--~--=-
~ so t----t~...-+\--~~
~ 4()1----+~-"=~.!c-'""""='~...:±
0 2 4 6 8 JO 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Cooling surface, m2
Figure 99. Generator Gas Cooling as a Function of the Cooling
Surface at Various Generator Loads, Including Condensation of
Water Vapor Below 40 0 C
cooling in the pipe may be sufficient, at least for small charcoal gas generators, so that a
special cooler will not be necessary, particularly if the gas pipe is equipped with a suit-
able number of fins to increase the cooling surface.
For generators installed in the front of charcoal gas driven motor vehicles and for char-
coal gas generators installed in special trailers, the cooling device will be rather simple,
generally consisting of a suitable number of coiled pipes running horizontally over each
other. The charcoal gas should not be cooled below 80°C to 90°C before entering a cloth
cleaner, in order to safely prevent condensation of water vapor present in the gas. (When
10% moisture-content charcoal is used, the dewpoint is approximately 25°C-30°C, and for
very wet charcoals 50° C-60° C.) Since the mechanical strength of most organic filter-
cloth materials deteriorates (turns brittle) during periods of operation at temperatures
above 120° C and are heat-damaged at temperatures exceeding 200° C, the cooling should
be adapted to keep the temperature of the gas within an acceptable temperature range
of 80° C to 120° C during a continuous load. This is made easier if the cooling surface can
be regulated, for instance by shunts which are manually closed or opened for connecting
or disconnecting appropriate parts of the cooling-pipe system. It can also be done auto -
matically by a thermostat control (see Figure 169).
The cooling coils for cars are generally made of polished metal, which, apart from
appearance, improves the heat transmission. Insulating dust formation on the pipes is
prevented or more easily removed when the pipes are smooth and corrosion-free than
\Yhen they are made of ordinary iron. (See Figure 94, which shows the considerable insu-
lating effect of dust.) The nature of the pipe material in itself is, as mentioned earlier,
of no practical importance for the heat transmission.
In the case of charcoal gas generators of relatively great capacity such as those for large
trucks, buses, stationary engines, etc., a rather large cooling surface is generally
required; this implies special cooling devices for speeding up the cooling process. For
motor vehicles this is particularly true if the generator must be insulated (for instance,
between wood walls behind the driving compartment) and the cooling by radiation is con-
siderably decreased. Such coolers are generally of a flange, plate, or pipe type and their
·placement depends upon considerations of space, availability of wind, etc. (see more
details in Chapter 6). Earlier, so-called baffle-plate coolers were used for charcoal gas
driven car generators, at the same time servirig as dust separators (i.e., gas cleaners).
They consisted of sheet iron pipes with a diameter of approximately 200 mm, with per-
forated transverse walls fixed inside some distance from each other (Figure 100). When
these devices were used for wood gas operation, where considerable quantities of conden-
sation water are formed, they were designed for condensation cleaning with a container
and water draincock, etc. In charcoal gas generators, their cleaning function was grad-
ually replaced by cyclone and cloth filters, and the cooling function by the less bulky pipe
cooler. Also, in wood gas generators this type of cooling cleaner has largely been
replaced by more efficient devices.
For both wood and charcoal stationary gas generators a finned cooler was sometimes
used, where the effect of the air convection could be magnified by spraying water from
the outside, when running water or a water pump was available (Figure 101). However,
cooling fins for gas coolers in stationary operation are not always favorable. When there
is no wind they obstruct the rising air flow created by the heat if they are horizontal, and
insulating dust layers are frequently collected between the fins.
- Gas outlet
t-1 Cooling pipe
'°' ,.,,
,,,, '\ t !
,,,,, '_,
,, '·
,, '
....... ,,, ._ _,
General Discussion
Gas that has been cleaned is, on the whole, free from tar when it leaves the gas genera-
tor. It is also free from substances that are harmful to motor operation and that can be
separated or neutralized only chemically. The function of the gas cleaning is then to
mechanically separate solid dust particles in the gas. Additionally, in the case of wood
gas, as large a quantity of water as possible must be condensed by cooling. The cooling
must be more extensive than with charcoal gas because the secondary air otherwise may
cause condensation, when the wood gas is cooled to approximately 40°C before the
mixer. As pointed out in the preceding section, deposition of solid dust particles takes
place with condensation of the water vapor. If such a dust deposit is formed past the
ordinary cleaners, the sludge will have a smell similar to tar from harmless phenols
occurring with the gas, but tar deposits will not occur in the conduits to the engine.
Possible tar mists, rarely exceeding 0.5 g/m 3 at the gas outlet, are practically always
. ~
rendered harmless m the system's cleaner.
Separation of solid dust from the generator gas is principally accomplished in the ways
described below; it should be noted that, in practice, the dust separation is accomplished
by using several cleaning mechanisms at the same time. The cleaner frequently receives
its designation from the intended main mechanism for each design.
At a low gas velocity large and heavy dust particles are not readily carried along by the
gas flow, but sink to the bottom due to their weight.
In the case of rotation or change in direction of the gas flow, some dust particles may be
thrown out of reach of the captivating force of the gas flow due to the effect of inertial
forces. Cyclone cleaners work according to this principle.
Adhesion of dust particles to immobile surfaces (e.g., the walls of the cleaner, filter
material, etc.), as well as to each other, so that bigger and heavier particles are formed,
is important in all cleaning devices. The larger the total friction or contact surface for
the gas during its flow, the larger quantity of dust is separated. Dry ashes in themselves
have little adhesion, which is the reason that moistening them with water or oil greatly
improves the cleaning effect. A delayed flow is also thought to provide time for finer
dust particles to lose their electric charge, thus making possible their combining to form
bigger dust grains that are more easily precipitated mechanically.
d. Washing
Ordinary air cleaners for automobiles use oil, which is considerably more efficient than
water in separating and retaining the dust. However, oil cleaning is not commonly used
for generator gas cleaning, although FM charcoal gas generators and "Olso" wood gas
generators (Figure 102) use this method. When generator gas bubbles through a water
layer, a rather small cleaning effect is obtained. Moderately moistened dust easily sticks
together and does not whirl up so easily with the gas flow; therefore, a small water sup-
ply in the bottom of the coarse cleaner is frequently used to retain the dust. One advan-
tage of water-washed walls in the gas stream is that heat transfer is frequently increased
in this way. Also, water, since it splashes back and forth, seem to separate some dust in
the gas through a direct impact effect. This has been proven empirically. In scrub
cleaners both gas and filter materi8ls (coke, etc.), are showered with water (see Figure
Gas intake
e. Condensation
The water vapor of the gas is, to a large extent, condensed with the dust particles as
condensation nuclei. The dust is then precipitated together with the water and forms
sludge. In order to achieve a good cleaning effect, intense cooling and relatively high gas
temperature are required before the gas enters the cooler.
Here a direct separation takes place through the fine mesh of the filter, which only lets
through dust particles beiow a certain size (1-0.5 µ ). As a rule, fabric of cotton, linen,
etc., is used, but also cellulose fabric has proved to be useful. Recently, some products
from the wallboard industry have exhibited good filtering properties. For cloth cleaning
the temperatures must be above the dewpoint, and rather frequent manual cleaning of
the filter is required, generally by compressed air.
g. Separation in a High-Voltage Electric Field
This procedure (the Cottrell method) is based upon the fact that dust particles (also tar)
in a rectified high-voltage electric field migrate from the negative electrode to the
grounded positive electrode and are deposited there. The original Cottrell method
requires very high voltages (approximately 40,000-60,000 V). In more recent devices for
lower voltages (approximately 15,000 V) the dust goes from the positive to the negative
electrode. This device involves some consumption of electricity.
Cleaner Designs
Gas Supplies. The lower part of the gas generator has a large flow area, which gives the
gas a low velocity. In this way most of the big dust particles are separated and fall down
into the ash bin because of their weight. (In wood gas generators the charcoal or porous
concrete beds also have the effect of filters.) In some cases there are cleaners specifi-
cally designed according to this principle; in these, the gas velocity is alternately
decreased and increased (for instance, using baffle-plate cleaners). Such gas stores are,
however, not always to the advantage of motor operation, since they may cause devia-
tions from the proper mixing proportion of gas/air in case of changes in load. The clean-
ing effect of such a device hardly compensates for this disadvantage. However, the prin-
ciple is applied intentionally to most cleaners with a relatively large volume.
Centrifugal or Cyclone Cleaners. In cyclone cleaners the gas is supplied tangentially in
the cylindrical upper part of the cleaner. In the center of the cleaner is a "driving pipe";
the gas is first forced down into the cleaner, then sucked upward by this pipe. Three
forces in the cyclone affect the dust particles in the gas: the frictional force of the gas
in its flow direction; the centrifugal force when the gas being taken in tangentially is
forced to spiral down into the cleaner; and finally the force of gravity. The frictional
force of the gas and the centrifugal force increase when the gas flow approaches the
center of the cleaner where the outlet is located, but the centrifugal force increases
faster. Since these forces counterbalance each other, dust no longer flows in spirals but
in concentric circles (Figure 103); the force of gravity makes the dust particles fall down
to the ashbin in the bottom of the cleaner, out of reach of the gas flow. In fact the
process is even more complicated because, among other things, double whirls are formed
which to a large extent interfere with the dust separation. The degree of separation
depends up the size of the dust particles, or really upon their rate of fall. Coarse parti-
cles are more easily separated than fine ones.
Spiral flow
/ Circular flow
/Radial flow
The gas velocity has the following effect: at first the degree of separation increases
with increasing velocity until a maximum value is reached, after which the degree of
separation decreases again with further increase of the gas velocity. The dust content of
the gas has a minor effect on the degree of separation. In addition, changes in load
temporarily affect the dust quantity and dust size, which makes the cleaning function
somewhat unpredictable. However, well-designed cyclone cleaners have demonstrated
extraordinarily good dust-separating properties; according to practical experiences
approximately 80% separation ability may be expected, in which, as mentioned above,
the particularly large and heavy dust particles are separated.
Cyclone cleaners are generally of a dry type. Some moisture may be of advantage,
however, in preventing precipitated ashes from whirling up. There are also wet cyclone
cleaners (working with water), for instance in the wood gas generators produced by the
Swedish Fan Factory, Inc. (Figure 104). A couple of common dry cyclones are shown in
Figures 105 and 106. Some cyclones are also equipped with control valves used to keep
the gas velocity at the inlet as constant as possible. In order to obtain a high gas veloc-
ity, the cyclone should be placed fairly close·to the generator, so that the temperature of
the gas will be high and its volume relatively great. In order to obtain as great cleaning
effect as possible, the cleaner and its ashbin must be absolutely tight, which is the reason
that the ash-emptying ports must be carefully sealed.
From generator
l Valve
Gas inta~-1-
- -. -- - r"'-,-
' .... I _,,
Gas intake-
Volume Filters (Adsorption or "Fine Cleaners"). In these gas cleaners, the weight of
dust particles and their inertial forces (determined by velocity, weight, and direction of
movement) act together with outer resistance forces; the resulting bumps or friction
against surfaces, corners, and edges separate the particles from the gas flow. To store
the separated particles away from the flow, dust containers are provided with a filtering
layer made of suitably sized pieces and bits (preferably of reasonably homogeneous size
and shape) of "raschig-rings"*, coke, pebbles, porous concrete, cork, glass, steel, or wood
wool, etc., through which the gas must pass. Zigzagging through the filter mass, the gas
is subject to bumps, friction, change of direction, change of velocity, etc. In this case
too, some moisture content of the mass helps to retain the dust.
In a wood gas generator sufficient moisture is obtained through water condensation of
the gas, since the voluminous cleaners bring about considerable cooling. In such cases a
container with a drain cock for the condensed water is needed. The most common
cleaner of this type for motor vehicles is the cork cleaner, filled with bits of cork. Wood
wool is also used; this material, however, lumps together during heavy condensation, and
is hardly suitable. These types of cleaners require periodic cleaning, which should be
done by flushing with water. A few common designs are shown schematically in Figure
107. The cleaners must, of course, be arranged so that the gas cannot take a short cut
past the filter mass.
Gas outlet
Gas pipe
Scrubber Cleaners. Cleaners for generator-driven boats and stationary engines fre-
quently use water supplied by gravity or by a water pump. A scrubber, often used in such
cases, is at the same time a cooler and coarse, and fine cleaner. Figure 108 shows a
design used to a fairly large extent in Sweden for pulsator-driven motorboats and ships.
It consists of a tall cylindrical container, horizontally divided by two perforated wall
partitions into three chambers. The lower chamber is a wet cyclone, equipped with a gas
inlet and a bottom drain with a water lock for the cooling and cleaning water. From here
gas is sucked up into the middle chamber which is partially filled with coke, raschig-rings
(rings made of ceramic pipes), etc. The filter layer is flushed from above, with water
from a pipe entering through the chamber wall. In this way, not only effective cooling is
achieved but also direct washing of the gas as well as cleaning of the filter pieces. From
here the gas is sucked further up through a layer of cork in the top chamber, and from
there to the gas outlet to the engine•. In the feed line for the gas to the scrubber is
another water inlet whereby the gas and the pipe walls are sprayed. This enhances both
cooling and cleaning, since heat transmission is improved by wet walls and since, in
addition, the water washes out some dust. Scrubber type cleaners are mainly used in
cases where water is available and when weight and size are of little importance.
For motor vehicles, however, condensation coolers and cleaners of a different type are
generally used, and are preferably placed in front of the ordinary motor radiator of the
vehicle (Figures TIO and Ill). The water necessary for cleaning is obtained through con-
densation of the water vapor in the wood gas. After draining and cleaning, some water
should be added, as a rule, so that the cleaner can function properly from the start. This
device consists of an ordinary pipe cooler, connected with and placed above a relatively
spacious condensation-water container, which is divided in two chambers by a partition
wall. One chamber is connected with the gas inlet and the other with the gas outlet.
Thus, the gas passes from the inlet up into the cooler and from there down into the out-
let. Since fhe gas, when entering, is relatively warm and is intensely cooled, a signifi-
cant amount of water is condensed. This water runs down along the inside of the cooler
pipes to the container. During operation, the water splashes, thereby effecting a signifi-
cant cleaning. The condensation water carries the precipitated dust down to the con-
tainer. This type of cleaner requires a subsequent dry fine-cleaner, usually consisting of
the cork cleaner previously described. Sometimes the cork cleaner is built together with
the water container of the condensation cleaner (Figure TIO). During the later generator
gas epoch cloth cleaners were used instead of cork cleaners-in some cases even placed
,i;=;~a..E ... =.<..,
Inspection port
Drain cock~~~-f~~~===:::=~~::::l:::t:Z§~~~:::::;::::;:::::::;:!ll.
before the condensation cooler-with, however, varying results. The cloth cleaner is no
doubt the most efficient device for fine cleaning; but for wood gas, extensive safety
precautions against condensation-water precipitation are necessary. The wet cleaners
have proven very efficient for motor vehicles with wood gas operation and they are
nearly indispensable. Even better results could be attained if the dimensions and tem-
peratures were properly adapted-which frequently was not the case during the generator
gas epoch.
Cloth Filters. Filters in which the gas must pass through fine-meshed "nets" of organic
materials, for instance fabric cloths (cotton, linen, rayon, etc.), have proven to be
extraordinarily effective for the relatively water-free charcoal gas. In practice, how-
ever, they should be preceded by rough cleaners, such as cyclones, to separate the large
particles which may mechanically harm the cloth filters, before they enter the cleaner
(in particular, glowing particles must be prevented from coming into contact with the
cloths). Rough cleaners also reduce the total soot quantity, which at the gas outlet in
the generator is approximately 5 g/.tn 3. The cyclone cleaner removes approximately 80%
of the soot so the cloth cleaner has to separate most of the remaining approximately 1000
mg/m 3. A cyclone cleaner before the cloth cleaner, of course, makes it easier to clean
the cloth cleaner, but the resulting gas cleaning will be somewhat worse than if only a
cloth cleaner is used; as a matter of fact, motor wear has been less with the use of only a
cloth cleaner than in combination with a cyclone. This seems to be due to the fact that
the fine dust is more efficiently separated when it is mixed with coarser dust. In spite of
this disadvantage it has, for the reasons mentioned, been proven advisable to connect a
cyclone cleaner before the cloth cleaner.
The cloth cleaner used in connection with such rough cleaners must be manually cleaned
fairly frequently to remove the collected ashes. This work, which can only be done
manually, in addition to the sensitivity of the cloth cleaner to moisture and temperatures
above 120° C, constitutes the greatest disadvantage of this otherwise extraordinarily
effective cleaner. Due to the great risks of damaged cleaner cloths, cloth cleaners must
always be combined wtth safety filters. To reduce the drop in pressure with cleaners of
this kinds, their volume is made fairly large. With various designs, however, it has been
possible to get a large filter surface although the outer dimensions are comparatively
small. The filter cloths are then arranged in a great number of discs, sacks, concentric
cylinders, pleated cylinders with a star-shaped cross section and even in accordion shape,
etc. (see Figure 112). In the design, the effect of pressure variations upon the cloths must
be carefully taken into account so that they do not press against each other or against
the cleaner walls, when pressure changes take place in the cleaner. Other considerations
such as accessibility and exchangeability of the cloths, protection against mechanical
damage, sealing outward, the simplest possible cleaning of the cloths, employment of
ashbins, etc., are also important. The dust separated by the cloths should automatically
fall down into the ashbin through the "breathing" of the filter during operation. The fil-
ter cloths are frequently placed on a common framework so that they may be removed
for cleaning all at one time. A supply of compressed air is, as a rule, necessary for the
manual cleaning which must be done periodically.
When cloth cleaners are used it is advisable, especially during intermittent operation, to
employ an adjustable cooling of the gas before it is sucked into the cleaner. This may be
done by an arrangement of shunts, which, when necessary disconnect or connect certain
radiators. The adjustment may be done manually-possibly with the aid of a remote read-
ing thermometer-or automatically with a thermostat. (See Figure 169, Chapter 6.)
In order to make the cloth cleaner safer in operation, many special designs have been
developed especially to make their use possible for the moisture-saturated wood gas. In
order to use cloth cleaners in this case, the wood gas should have its dewpoint reduced by
cooling and water condensation followed by subsequent heating, so that there is no risk of
having the cloths get wet. Placing the cloth cleaners near the wood gas generator in
order to obtain a high temperature, thus preventing water condensation on the cloths,
does not eliminate the risk of their getting wet when cooling takes place during a short
interruption of operation or during intermittent operation. The acceptable temperature
range for cloth filters, when charcoal gas is used, is 80° C to 120° C, as mentioned earlier.
These limits, which are already narrow, will be considerably narrower in the case of wood
gas operation, since the dewpoint is considerably higher than for charcoal gas operation;
this fact makes satisfactory operation impossible without the special measures men-
tioned above. When calculating the temperature conditions for the cloth filter for a
wood gas generator, we must allow not only for continuous operation but also for stop-
ping or idling. Great post-condensation of the wood gas is common. In this case, it may
be advisable to place a precondensor in the generator, as has been tested by the Army.
The device shown in Figure 890 would seem to be correct in principle. It shows a wood
gas generator with, in consecutive order; a cyclone cleaner, a condensation or wet
cleaner, heating of the cooled gas by exhaust heat of the engine, and a cloth filter.
After the cloth cleaner, a simple cooler may be added, to obtain a more suitable gas
temperature. The latter cooler would not seem to be necessary, however, during most of
the year, since the secondary air, which constitutes about half of the gas mixture, has a
low temperature due to Sweden's latitude, so that the temperature of the gas leaving the
cloth cleaner is reduced.
In tests undertaken by Statens Vattenfallsverk in 1944 on a wood gas driven car with cloth
cleaning (Figures ll3 and ll4), the results were good from the viewpoint of cleaning, which
was to be expected, but poorer in maximum power and maintenance requirements, in
comparison with ordinary devices (cork cleaners) for wood gas generators. As for Figure
ll4, where the, cleaner, which in the other case was built onto a cyclone cleaner, was
placed near the generator, the heat conditions will probably not be good for the durabil-
ity of the cloths. The use of cloth cleaners in wood gas operation has not reached its
final development-as well as gas cleaning on the whole-but it seems to have good pros-
pects.· (The experiences from these tests are discussed in more detail in Chapter 10.)
Electrofilters. Figures ll5 and ll6 show a schematic for Lurgi electrofilters. The neces-
sary direct current high voltage is obtained in three stages. First, an alternating-current
generator is operated with the help of direct current obtained from the car battery, after
which the eight volt alternating current obtained in this way is stepped up to 15,000 volts,
and finally is transformed again into direct current by a mechanical rectifier placed on
the common shaft. The cleaner itself (Figure ll6) consists of three main parts: a dry
filter in the lower part; above that, in the center part, an electrofilter composed of
Engine exhal}St
for heating
-Gas outlet
·Fan outlet
~-~-Gas outlet
Ash bin
Figure 114. Cloth Cleaner Combined with a Cyclone Cleaner and
Placed Immediately After the Generator.
concentric plate cylinders; and in the upper part a heating device to which heat is sup-
plied from the exhaust gases of the engine. The electrofilter consists of two vertical
electrode cylinders and three insulated hanging electrode cylinders, the latter positive
and the former negative and grounded. As with cloth filters, this filter must be com-
bined with a safety filter because of interruptions of service, in this case by flash-overs
etc. The dry filter in the lower part may consist of raschig-rings and in the bottom there
is a certain quantity of water to moisten the ashes and prevent them from whirling. The
filter must be taken apart and cleaned after 8 to 50 hours of operation, depending upon
the fuel. The filter involves a rather small pressure drop. It everrseparates drops of tar
and is, under normal circumstances, more efficient in dust separation (below 0.5µ) than
cloth filters. The current consumption is, according to reports, approximately 140 W.
However, the filter is expensive to procure and to use and it would seem to be subject to
interruptions of service.
8/15000 v Ground
Drive shaft
111~1 'IElectrostatic
DC Motor 8V generator
Figure 115. Schematic of an Electrofilter for Generator Gas
Operation (Lurgi System)
High voltage cable
I I ~·
I I I I Positive electrode
I (hanging)
I Negative electrode
----Gas outlet
Chapter 6
When generator gas is to be used for the operation of combustion engines it must be
thoroughly cleaned, and cooled to a temperature appropriate for filling the engine cylin-
der. The engines suitable for geneyator gas operation, with power output usually less
than 200 hp, are extraordinarily heterogeneous not only in design, operating conditions,
and size, but also in application and how they are installed. Mobile engines especially
have been built to fit into vehicle chassis, boats, etc., in the most practical way, care-
fully utilizing the space and giving the best weight distribution; therefore, a relatively
heavy and bulky gas generator installed with cleaner, cooler, piping, etc., must create
various difficulties. The gas generator must be adapted to minimize such difficulties,
while at the same time supplying the greatest possible power with high reliability. In
addition, the installation must provide easy accessibility for service and repair.
2. Adaptation to the way in which the engines are installed and used.
The last point is discussed further in Chapter 8, "Installation of Gas Generator11 in con-
nection with relevant regulations.
The varying nature of motor operation has been a great obstacle to standardization
efforts in the production of gas generators. A more extensive standardization of the
generator gas field would have involved considerable front-end costs, which were not
incurred due to the more or less temporary nature of the generator gas operation. To the
extent that large and well-equipped business firms, including several large car and engine
manufacturers, produced gas generators, the conditions of standardization were
improved; the technical control exercised by the authorities contributed to this.
The maximum gas requirement of the engine is determined by its cylinder volume and its
ma."\imum rpm. About half of the sucked-in gas/air mixture may be considered, on an
average, to be generator gas. Due to the relatively low heat value of generator gas, it is
of the utmost importance that the capacity of the gas generator be adapted to the gas
requirements of the engine, so that as great a volumetric efficiency as possible is
obtained with a satisfactory gas quality. The need for great maximum power is espe-
cially pronounced ir. trucks, tractors, power tools, etc. These two factors are to some
extent independent. An oversized gas generator (that is, the flow areas of the generator)
causes little drop in pressure and consequently good cylinder filling for the engine, but
the gas quality may be poorer because the reaction temperature in the generator hearth
will be insufficient at the low gas velocities caused by the large flow areas. On the other
hand, an undersized gas generator, which is chiefly characterized by too small a hearth
area, results in good gas quality as a rule, but frequently also in constriction of the gas
flow and consequently a drop in pressure and reduced maximum power of the engine. The
gas temperature in the generator may, in such cases, sometimes become so high that
vital parts of the generator are burned; also, the increased gas velocity may increase the
ash content of the gas produced to such an extent that the cleaning system is not able to
fulfill its function. "'
As shown in Chapter 4, ''Shape and Design of the Gas Generator," the suitability of the
generator depends to a considerable degree upon its adaptability to variations in the gas
requirements during operation. This elasticity of the generator should be automatic,
although a manual adjustment of the gas generator could be conceivable if operation is
characterized by only two pronounced engine load conditions (full load and no-load),
which is the case for some working machines such as fishing boats.
The automatic adaptability of the generator for varying loads is of the utmost impor-
tance for most mobile engines, which run under constant conditions only for short periods
of time. This elasticity of the generator is usually expressed as the relation between the
largest and the smallest hearth load of the generator (Nm 3/hr per cm 2 of the smallest
hearth area) at which the gas velocity, according to experience, provides a satisfactory
gas quality and pressure for the engine, and at loads which the generator can maintain
continuously. This is of particularly great importance for wood gas generators, where a
low specific hearth load may cause tar formation problems. Frequently, the rather great
moisture content causes a temperature reduction in the hearth, so that the gas quality is
lowered and the risk of tar formation is increased if the temperature is not kept high by
a relatively high gas velocity •. For wood gas generators of an ordinary design (Imbert
types), the values 1.2 and 0.3 for maximum and minimum hearth load have been found to
be suitable. These values give a ratio of 4 as an expression of the elasticity of the gen-
erator. We may assume that the hearth load, which really is an expression for the gas
velocity, corresponds approximately to the number of revolutions of the engine. Thus,
the ratio of 4 denotes the approximate relation between the greatest and the smallest
number of revolutions of the engine during operation. It appears that this figure, espe-
cially for car engines, should be at least twice as large in order to attain fully satisfac-
tory intermittent operation. As shown in Chapter 4, with a special hearth design
equipped with a V-hearth, about 0.9 maximum and 0.05 Nm 3/cm 2hr minimum hearth load
was obtained during 8-hour tests, corresponding to a value of approximately 18 for the
elasticity of the generator. This would seem to indictate that adequately designed wood
gas generators may attain a fully satisfactory automatic adaptability for variable operat-
ing conditions. Continuous evaporation of wood moisture in the generator's fuel storage
(e.g., by a monorator or other similar design) would further improve the idling ability of
the wood generator. The idea that, due to the type of fuel, charcoal gas generators are
in principle more suitable for intermittent operation than adequately designed wood gas
generators cannot be considered founded on fact. On the other hand, gas generators
operated with small charcoal lumps or charcoal dust have great advantages due to their
lesser weight and dimensions, when built into small cars and motorcycles; also, the small
grain size of the fuel gives a large reaction surface and, consequently, greater reaction
ability than is the case for wood gas generators and charcoal gas generators for large
size charcoal.
The design of ordinary wood gas generators makes it very important to carefully adapt
the minimum hearth area to the operating conditions of the engine. In the beginning the
generators were designed in a few sizes, with the size almost always given by the outer
diameter of the generator level with the air intake. A single minimum hearth area cor-
responded to each size. Practical experience, however, soon forced the manufacturers to
produce a whole series of hearth sizes for each generator size. Since the hearths were
worn out much faster during operation than other parts of the generator, the designers
tried to facilitate hearth exchange by special devices (Figure ll7). In this way, several
small industries came into existence for production of replacement hearths with or with-
out an air intake, intended for exchange. These did not always contribute to the quality
of the spare parts. In the exchange, however, an improved adaptation to the operating
conditions of the engine could frequently be obtained. The exchange, however, required
welding and other kinds of garage work, frequently causing inconveniently long interrup-
tions for operating the vehicle. The V-hearth, mentioned earlier, was in this respect a
significant improvement, since the adaptation could be done in a few minutes by
exchanging a cast-iron ring in the hearth (Figure ll8).
Table 31 lists the most common sizes of generators. Some standardization is also indi-
Outside Fuel
Hodel Height Diameter
:lake Dimension Volume Comments
Designation mm of Hearth
mm hL
Charcoal gas
Swedlund system:
Hagglund & Sons K-5-L 1800 550a 275 3.0
(K-6-L) 1855 550a 290 3.0
K-7-L 1905 590a 310 3.5
K-8-L 1960 660a 320 4.3
Generator Gas Co. S-5 1588 460a 275 2.00
S-6 1642 525a 275 2.75
s-7 1677 570a 275 3.25
S-8 1950 655a 385 4.30
Wood gas
Hesselman:. 50/13 1850 5oob 130 2.0 charcoal bed excluded
55/ 15 1850 55ob 150 2.7
Bolinder/Trim:. 13/50 1850 5oob 130 2.0
15/55 1850 55ob 150 2.7
17 /55 1850 55ob 170 2.7
(at a heavy load)
17 /75 2330 750b 170 6.0 charcoal bed excluded
(bus motors)
17 /75 1600 15ob 170 3.2
l.Julf & Co •• 130/550/170 1700 55ob 130 2.4 charcoal bed excluded
150/550/170 1700 55ob 150 2.4
150/650/210 2100 650b 150 3.4
170/650/210 2100 650b 170 3.4
a Square
bcross section
Figure 117. Spare Parts for
for an Imbert-Type Wood Gas c.
Generator. Figure 118. Wood Gas Hearth
A. Hearth cone of alloyed with Replaceable Hearth Ring
cast steel. and Automatic Ash Insulation
B. Hearth cone with air (V-Hearth).
intake and charring cone A. Changing the hearth ring.
to be connected to the B. Complete hearth with
inner mantle. primary air intake and a
C. Complete inner mantle hearth ring placed inside.
with hearth and air intake. C. Hearth ring (cast iron).
Table 32, taken from a gas generator catalogue for Scania-Vabis, 1942, shows the sizes of
gas generators on the market for the various engine types of the car manufacturers.
Engine Generator Model Designation
401 4 110 x 136 5.17 50 80 S-5 K-5 13/50 50/13 130/ 500/ 170
1664 6 110 x 136 7.75 75 130 S-7 K-7 15/55 55/15 150/550/170
16641 6 110 x 136 7.75 75 130 S-7 K-7 15/55 55/15 150/550/170
601 6 110 x 136 7.75 75 130 S-7 K-7 15/55 55/15 150/550/170
801 8 110 x 136 10.34 100 180 S-8 K-8 170/650/210
Note: At a heavy load, 170 mm cross section should be used instead of 150 mm cross section.
Table 33 lists smaller types of wood gas generators for passenger cars, etc.
Generator Size
Bore Diameter of the Hearth
Outer Diameter at Air Intake
400 mm 60 mm
400 mm 70 mm
450 mm 70 mm
450 mm 80 mm
As indicated by the type designations in Tables 31 to 33, the outer diameter of the gener-
ator at the air intake, the diameter of the hearth for the gas flow througn,and sometimes
the total height of the generator were usually listed. The fuel storage areas of. the gen-
erators varied considerably in shape and size, depending upon how they were built and
what the operational needs were. .·
It is interesting that the number of hearth sizes listed in the tables increased more and
more with experience, so that in the end there was a choice of a series from 55 mm up to
210 mm, with a 5- to 10-mm increment for the various diameters for the common sizes
(400, 450, 500, 550, 650 and 750 mm) of wood gas generators intended for engines from
20 to 200 hp. In many cases there was some overlapping of hearth sizes for two close
generator sizes. A 500-mm generator, for instance, could have hearths up to 140 and
150-mm bore diameter; a 550-mm generator, hearths down to 130 and 140 mm diameter.
These adaptations were attained empirically and they were never tested theoretically.
The nature of the fuel with regard to charcoal formation and very intermittent operating
conditions could be of importance here.
When the gas generator is adapted to the engine's gas requirement, it should be noted
that the gas requirement increases up to 70% if a supercharger is installed on the engine.
How the gas generator is built in is frequently determined from case to case. In this
chapter, the installation itself is not_.discussed (see Chapter 8); it should be done compe-
tently and in accordance with safety regulations. In this section, adaptation of the gas
generator refers to its design, with regard to the ways in which a certain engine or whole
series of similar engines are used and installed. For instance, weight, space, air resis-
tance, and aesthetic considerations are of importance in designing the gas generator for
automobiles; for tractors, boats and stationary engines, etc., certain technical require -
ments must be met.
The adaptation of the gas generator to automotive operation is a complicated and diffi-
cult matter. No matter how competently a gas generator is installed in a car, it involves
considerable interference with the initial overall design. Therefore in the beginning of
the generator gas epoch, to simplify installation the complete gas generator was usually
installed on trailers; in this way, only minimal changes had to be made to the car. Fig-
ures ll9 to 125 show various designs of such trailers. Some trailers were made self-
supporting, but others were designed as semitrailers with some of the weight resting on
the rear frame structure of the car. Inthe latter case some reinforcements were
required, but on the other hand, driving and backing, etc., were made easier.
Trailers for gas generators have both advantages and disadvantages; namely,
For reasons that are difficult to explain, generator gas trailers for passenger cars were
not as widely used as the advantages would seem to indicate. Perhaps one contributing
factor was that modifications in the design of the car and body, caused by installing a gas
generator, were considered of no importance since the car would be scrapped anyhow
when new cars using gasoline appeared on the market again. However, for big bus enter-
prises the trailer system was retained because it was considered highly advantageous for
servicing the generator and for the continuous use of the buses. This made it simpler to
go back to liquid fuel, than if the buses had been converted to gas generators (Figures
During times of unreliable and uneven oil supply, a wood gas generator installed in a
trailer would seem to be a great help to car owners dependent upon the operation of their
vehicles. This would make it possible to alternate driving on liquid fuel and generator
gas according to the fuel supply situation.
When gas generators were first built into automobiles~ the space and weight problems
came to the fore. For passenger cars and buses the matter of appearance was also
important. The smaller the cars or the engines, the more important the matter of weight
and space; therefore, small cars ran on charcoal gas, since charcoal gas generators were
lighter and of less volume than a wood gas generator. The weight of the fuel itself was
less important since the fuel storage area of the generators rarely could hold more than
1. Fan switch.
2. Grease cup for
reversing valve.
3. Charcoal container.
4. Gas pipe to engine.
5. Grease cup for
6. Hitch for fitting
to the car.
7. Expansion pipe.
8. Gas cooler.
9. Pivot wheel.
Figure 121. GMC Pivot Unit.
142 32 ··~
Figure 122. GMC Pivot Unit (dimensions in cm).
1.5-2 hL, which involved no more than 15-20 kg weight difference between charcoal and
wood. As for ordinary charcoal gas generators (Swedlund, Gragas, etc.) the advantages in
space and weight were not decisive. Not until the introduction of small charcoal and
charcoal-dust generators (above all, the Kalle generator) did the advantages of low
weight and small dimensions become decisive. An average sized Kalle unit weighs only
about 50 kg and can be entirely installed in the front of the car without impairing weight
distribution, center of gravity, visibility, air resistance, etc. (Figure 126). The only real
disadvantage is the fuel problem, which is not to be disregarded. The production of suit-
able small charcoal depends upon the demand for retort furnaces where fine charcoal is a
byproduct, thus making the Stipply fairly limited. As shown in the design description
(Chapter 4), the Kalle generator is characterized by very fast reaction ability at various
loads and short startup time. The fuel costs, however, are considerable and the sensitiv-
ity to the quality of the fuel fairly great.
Figure 123. Trailer with a Self-
contained Gas Generator for a Bus
Figure 126. Kalle Gas Generator for Fine Charcoal,
Installed in Front.
A useful improvement was carried through in this field, when several car manufacturers
started to produce gas generators for their large models of passenger cars. As a rule the
gas generator was then installed at the rear of the cars, in a way so that the trunk space
of the car would not be limited. The fuel store was shaped to decrease the air resistance
and to harmonize with the shape of the car itself as far as possible (Figures 127 and 128).
Sometimes the gas generator could swing backward to make it possible to keep the trunk
space (Figure 129). As for servicing the gas generator, the components were arranged so
that the wood gas generator could easily be cleaned by water spraying and the cloth
cleaner of the charcoal gas generator by compressed air. The spare tire and the fuel
store were often placed on the roof of the car.
It has already been mentioned that, when equipping buses for generator gas operation,
trailers were used to a large extent by big transportation enterprises. In other respects
there were great differences in how the gas generators were built into various buses
(Figures 130 and 131). To the extent that buses were equipped with large storage spaces
for luggage (e.g., mail buses), the gas generator had to be placed so as not to limit this
space; for this, the methods used were similar to those for passenger cars. Gas genera-
tors for buses were characterized by very large fuel stores in the engines, holding 3-6 hL
of wood or charcoal. What has been said here about highway and city omnibuses was also
true for rail buses. However, generator gas trailers were seldom used for rail buses (see
Figure 132).
For equipping trucks with gas generators, aesthetic considerations were generally of
minor importance; therefore, existing gas generators could be installed in most cases
without extensive changes and adaptations to the exterior. Here, the weight of the gas
generator itself was also of minor importance. It varied between 250-300 kg, most often
distributed so that the front axle carried about 2/3 of the additional weight. The genera-
tor was then placed immediately behind the cab. Since the front tires of trucks are
Figure 130. Trunk Unit for Buses.
Thus it was an emergency measure to install so-called "bogie axles" (the arrangement of
a third, nondriving axle behind the rear axle); this frequently increased the legal cargo
capacity of the truck. When semitrailers were used, the space and gross weight distribu-
tion of the gas generator was made much easier (Figure 134). Detailed provisions were
Figure 132. Charcoal Gas-Driven Railbus (Ostergotland's
Narrow-Gage Railroads).
issued by the authorities concerning the installation of gas generators on trucks. (See
Chapter 8). In charcoal gas generators the gas cleaner and cooler were installed in
appropriate places underneath the truck bed, keeping the weight distribution as good as
possible; easy accessibility and sufficient ground clearance were also taken into account.
For wood gas generators with their relatively large condensation coolers and cleaners, it
was natural to place the cooler at the front of the truck, in order to utilize the wind and
the radiator fan.
Figure 137. Wood Gas-Driven Road Grader.
It is quite natural, of course, that tractors should be operated with wood gas, due to the
availability of wood for household use on the farms. Since tractors to a large extent run
at full load, the operating temperature is relatively high, which contributes to good
results with wood gas. Their relatively low speed, however, makes it necessary to pay
close attention to the problem of cooling. A large cooler installed in the front should
normally be arranged.
For road rollers, graders and other,. mobile equipment with drivers' cabs, there are
requirements of safety precautions against the carbon monoxide hazard as well as against
fire; otherwise the gas generator conditions are similar to those of tractors.
• A need for a protected place for the relatively large fuel store.
• Special regulations by the National Swedish Ships' Inspectorate with reference to
the operational safety of the ship, fire hazard, and carbon monoxide hazard (labor
• Relatively constant operational conditions with a maximum load and in many cases
also long periods of idling (fishing, canal boats, etc.)
Since wood is considerably less hygroscopic than charcoal, it can be more easily pro-
tected from moisture; also, since the cloth filters used in charcoal gas generators are
very sensitive to moisture, wood gas generators are, as a rule, preferred for boat opera-
tion. It is also much easier to procure wood than charcoal during voyages. Since ships,
as a rule, have to go considerable distances without being able to renew the fuel supply,
adequate space must be made for fuel on board, which limits the cargo space. In addi-
tion, the fuel must be protected from moisture and from being splashed. However, the
wood must be expected, as a rule, to contain a larger moisture quantity than on land;
therefore, the generators should be· equipped with devices for continuous evaporation of
water by condensation in the fuel store of the generator. For this purpose, the generator
Figure 140. Charcoal Gas-Operated Motor Boat.
may be built according to the monorator principle (see Chapter 4), equipped with a spe-
cial precondensor or possibly with an inside, ring-shaped pocket in the fuel store made of
perforated stainless plate, welded to the inner side of the generator plate and with an
outlet to a special condensation-water container with a drain cock on the outside of the
The need for a high temperature in the reduction zone of the generator is perhaps even
greater for boats than in other cases, due both to the greater moisture content and to the
extended periods of idling involved in certain kinds of fishing. For this, good insulation is
required as well as the best possible adjustment of the hearth size to the gas require -
ments of the engine, etc.
For oceangoing boats, the saltwater corrosion must be taken into account. It was neces-
sary to use more stainless metals in the generator and cleaning devices. Aluminum and
aluminum alloys gave satisfactory results, which was important since the raw material
could be obtained domestically. Also aluminum coating of steel plate by various methods
was used in some cases.
The ample water supply made it possible to use very efficient cleaning and cooling
devices for the gas generators including scrubbers (Figure 108) and wet cyclones. In such
cases, special devices for draining the shower water, a water lock, etc., must be
A distinction may be made between vessels with and without decks with regard to gas
generator installations. According to the directions issued by the Swedish Board of
Commerce, gas generators intended for ships are always to be placed in the open air,
thus on deck in the case of those with decks. It is then of the utmost importance that
the heavily used deck space be utilized in the best way. The various parts of the gas
generator must be placed so that they do not interfere with derricks, capstans, fishing
tools, sheets, halyards, etc., and the steersman must have a clear view. There are
detailed regulations regarding fire arid carbon monoxide hazards as well as seaworthiness
and maneuverability; each gas generator installation in a ship employing a crew was to be
inspected by the National Swedish Ships' Inspectorate. This also applied to the installa-
tion of various components such as water locks, pipe joints, lids, etc.
The wartime experiences seem to indicate that generator gas operation of certain ships
and boats, for instance, motor sailing vessels, timber boats, smaller fishing boats, marine
small boats, etc., was satisfactory when suitable gas generators were used and the
engines were changed for this purpose. On the other hand, generator gas operation wa.s
not suitable for large fishing vessels which frequently have to stay at sea for long periods
of time. In this case a combination with diesel operation would be conceivable, in which
the diesel would be used during the fishing itself and as a reserve, while the wood would
be used for sailing to and from the fishing place. (Various installations for ships and
boats are shown in Figures 140-143.)
In the case of generator gas operation for boats, certain difficulties were added which
were not as common on land; namely, the unfamiliarity of the boat owners with genera-
tor gas operation, the shortage of skilled mechanics and repair shops along the coasts,
etc. Therefore, gas generators had to be installed with particular care. Moreover, the
need became apparent for spare parts that could easily be replaced at sea. Generators
were therefore designed so that a great many parts (fuel store, hearth, etc.), could easily
be replaced without any real mechanical work; i.e., without welding. (For products of
the Swedish Generator Gas Co., see Figure 69.)
Stationary Engines
For stationary operation the gas generator does not need to be adapted as much to the
weight and space limitations as in other cases. On the other hand, the fuel cost is usually
of particularly great importance. Therefore wood gas generators are the best for sta-
tionary engines. The operating conditions make it necessary to pay special attention to
cooling since there is no wind related to vehicle motion. When gas generators are used in
gravel crushers, etc., the demands on the gas and air cleaning systems are also increased.
Since the small power requirement in this case makes it desirable that the engine unit be
portable, at least locally, "semi-mobile" installations of complete gas generators came
into use for direct connection to the air intakes of stationary engines.
The gas generator, consisting of a cooler, cleaner, and sometimes also a starting bat-
tery, starting fan, illumination lamp, etc., was installed in a chassis on wheels or runners
(Figures 144-146). The stationary engines operated by gas generators were usually two-
cycle ignition-bulb motors, converted according to the pulsator system, in which full
diesel power was obtained. Their operating conditions were relatively constant, consist-
ing of long periods of maximum load, sometimes separated by rather long periods of idl-
ing. Seldom were there the partial load conditions found in car operation. These engines
were mainly used for stone crushers, small saw mills, central power stations, threshers,
pumping plants, etc.
Special Equipment for Gas Generator Adaptation
For starting, operational control, improved power, maintenance and supervision, etc., the
gas generator had to be equipped with various devices, instruments, and tools, which
were manufactured by special industries and only rarely by the generator manufacturers.
Starting Devices
Special gas generator matches were used which burn with a hot flame for a relatively
long time to ignite the fuel in the generator. They are usually inserted into the ignition
pipe incorporated in the generator wall. These matches consist of a rather loosely com-
pressed material, mainly aluminum with nitrates as oxidation agents. In one end is a
more sensitive "scratch substance," which can be ignited against the friction surface of
an ordinary match box. [4]
A generator may be fired or started with the help of the engine, which is started up with
liquid fuel, after which the engine compression is partially utilized for sucking gas from
the generator. This is, however, a fairly slow process requiring expert knowledge and
experience. A fan is more commonly used to start the generator. This fan is sometimes
hand-operated in the case of tractors, but, as a rule, is electrically operated from a bat-
tery (Figure 147). If there is a battery for igniting or starting the engine, it is of course
used, but as a rule it should be reinforced or excha1¥ed for a larger battery, since in
addition to the fan operation (150-200 W for 1.5-1.75 m /min), there is increased work for
the starter in the case of generator gas operation.
A. B.
' c.
Figure 147 •· Various Gas Generator Fans. A and B: Operated by
an electric motor C: Ha,nd operated.
The fan is either used to cr-eate negative pressure (a suction fan) or to blow in air (a pres-
sure fan). The pressure fan makes it possible to evaporate water vapor and tar mists
from the fuel store when the filling cover is open during the beginning of the starting
period, but it also involves a greater carbon monoxide hazard due to the positive pressure
in the gas generator. Suction fans are usually used for wood gas generators and pressure
fans for charcoal gas generators. In order to maintain the suction in the generator during
idling conditions and a decreased load on the engine, a combination of a suction and blow-
ing fan and a branch pipe with a check valve (in Sweden called "Automix" and in Denmark
"SIMO-lefstart") may be used. The branch pipe is attached between the fan and the
engine in the gas/ air pipe. The fan, which may also be used as a starting fan, sucks gas
and air (only gas in starting the gerlerator), mixes them, and blows the mixture to the
engine. If the suction power of the engine is small, the excess gas/air mixture, forced
for ward by the fan, goes out into the atmosphere, thereby maintaining combustion in the
gas generator. The fan may be switche1 on or off by hand or automatically by centrifu-
gal weights. The rotation speed of ti· fan may be regulated by a rheostat. The same
electrical energy is consumed for the fan operation as for two headlights of a car. This
device is shown in Figures 148 to 150.
Figure 150. Auto-Mix Starter with a Combined Suction and
Pressure Fan.
Kroll-Solex Starter. Figure 151 demonstrates the principle of a starter, which uses an
ejector placed in the exhaust pipe of the engine (or in a pipe connected in parallel with
it) to start the generator. By using a suitable jet nozzle, the suction may be considerably
increased during idling, so that startup time will be shortened. This device has many
advantages in addition to the lessened drain on the battery, but the availability of some
liquid fuel is required.
T-connection Gas damper Air damper
:!:- - - A i r
Exhaust-gas ejector
Figure 151. Kroll-Solex Starter Using Suction Effect of
Exhaust Gases from the Engine.
Engine Heaters. To facilitate starting the engine during cold weather, thus saving the
battery, various makes of engine heaters are used, which may be fueled by charcoal or
alcohol or in some cases electrically (electric heaters in the cooling water). The engine
heaters are hooked up to the cooling water system of the engine and circulate the water.
For charcoal firing the device is similar to a double-jacketed cylindric iron stove. The
pipe for the cooling liquid runs between the jackets. Firing can be accelerated through a
blasting effect with the help of the generator fan (Figure 152). Figure 153 shows an
engine heater that works according to the same principle but which is fired by alcohol; in
this case the alcohol container is fitted into a cylindrical protective cover of sheetmetal
outside the container jacket. Inside this there is an alcohol burner and a brass spiral for
the cooling liquid.
Figure 152. Engine Heater Fired
by Charcoal.
Before the engine is started, the generator gas conveyed by the fan should be tested for
its suitability for engine operation. This is usually determined by the color and purity of
the flame after ignition.
One interesting device is a combination engine heater, air preheater, and mixture indi-
cator called Sermi (Figure 154). The fan gas is conducted to a burner and is there burned
with air added. This air comes from the air jacket of the heater that surrounds the water
container; thus, the air is quickly preheated and the heat of the flame is increased. The
preheater has a window through which first gas, then a mixture of gas and preheated air,
flows and is ignited. As the mixture, through careful adjustment by the secondary-air
control, becomes more correct, the flame is shortened like that of a Bunsen burner, and
finally vanishes with a puffing sound down into the combustion space in the preheater.
This means that the engine is ready to start. Initially the gas is thrown from the pre-
heater to the cylinders because the suction of the engine affects a check valve. (Com-
pare the device used for SIMO and Automix, Figures 148-150.)
Air cleaner (not part of
the preheater)
Secondary-air pipe
(Cold air)
Secondary-air pipe
"Window" of (Heated air)
preheat er
P recond ensors
To evaporate the excess moisture in the wood of a wood gas generator, a condensation
pocket may be incorporated in the fuel container. In a generator that lacks such a device
a precondensor may be installed between the fuel store of the generator and its lid frame
(see Figure 155). The precondensor consists of a sheet metal jacket with an inside col-
lecting channel for condensation water and a drain valve through which the water is car-
ried to an outside container with a drain cock. This device is, as a rule, made of stainless
steel because of the acid content of the gases. The utility of such precondensors is espe-
cially great after driving is finished, when much condensation usually takes place in the
generator, and the fuel above, in,and below the hearth usually becomes quite wet. This is
prevented to a large extent and makes subsequent starting easier. This device is partic-
ularly useful if cloth filters are used in generator gas operation.
Preheater Heat Exchanger
In connection with the descriptions of the generator design and the cleaning and cooling
apparatus for wood gas, it was mentioned that part of the heat of the wood gas produced
in the generator is used to preheat the primary air. Also, the engine exhaust gases can
be used for heating purposes; for instance, to heat the secondary air in order to avoid
condensation of wood gas water in and after the mixer (Figure 85), or to heat the gas
before the cloth filter (especially important for cloth filters in wood gas generators), so
that the cloths will not be wet by condensation water (Figure ll3). Since cooling of the
gas between the cloth cleaner and the mixer is usually significant and the dewpoint of
the gas would seem to stay around 40°C at the mixer, some condensation may be caused
by the relatively cold secondary air. In this case, it is better to incorporate a condensa-
tion water pocket with a drain cock than to preheat the air, thereby decreasing the
degree of wetting.
Gas Mixer
Special gas mixers are used to mix generator gas with the required quantity of secondary
air for combustion. Such a gas mixer controls the air flow in relation to the generator
gas flow at the same time that it effects ·an intimate mixture of generator gas and air.
The latter is particularly important in the case of engines with several cylinders, since
there will be an uneven distribution of combustible gas to the various cylinders in case of
poor mixing. In order to effect a satisfactory mixture, some drop in gas pressure in the
mixer must be accepted, which, as mentioned earlier, involves a decrease of the maxi -
mum engine power. On the other hand, a mixer with a small pressure drop and poor
mixing may affect the engine power even more unfavorably, which is why an optimum
should be sought. It" may frequently be advisable to design the mixer for a relatively high
drop in pressure, up to 500-600 mm of water.
Regulation of air quantity may be done either manually or automatically . An automatic
device is very helpful, especially for car operation, since the driver then does not have to
be concerned with this detail. Automatic mixers give a constant mixing ratio of gas and
air, but the types used so far do not automatically regulate the ratio according to the
thermal value of the gas. The latter seems to be of minor importance, however, since
this adjustment can be done by hand.
Figure 156 shows a simple device (the Italian Imber Company) and Figure 157 a Swedish
mixer. One of the best known automatic mixers was the Platen mixer, Figures 158 and
159. The membrane at the bottom (Figure 158) regulates the damper according to the
pressure in the gas inflow, which depends upon the gas flow. To be fully satisfactory this
automatic generator gas mixer regulating the air quantity should be combined with an
additional device for mixing generator gas and air. In Figure 160 a mixer is shown with a
venturi-pipe nozzle shaped to recover the pressure.
To engine
Figure 156. Ordinary Generator- Figure 157. Hesselman Gas
Gas/Secondary-Air Mixer Generator Mixer.
The secondary-air control should be designed for precision adjustments; i.e., it should
have a high gear ratio. For control devices on the dashboard there are a great many
different standard parts on the market; a few common types are shown in Figure 161.
Bowden flexible cable is generally used for the control.
Figure 161. Single and
Figure 160. F'inkbeiner's
Double Controls for
Principle for a Gas
Gas Generator Operation.
Generator Mixer.
As mentioned in a different context, the possibility of increasing the gas generator power
by simultaneously adding liquid fuel such as gasoline, is limited since the liquid fuel uses
available air, thus significantly decreasing the generator draft. Some power increase
may be obtained, however, if the quantity of liquid fuel added is well balanced. An
example of this is to be found in the device used by the National Swedish Road Adminis-
tration for snowplowing trucks (Figure 162). In addition to normal devices for switching
the auxiliary carburetor and the generator gas pipe on and off for alternating driving on
gasoline and generator gas, there is a device for the addition of gasoline when the gas
throttle (C) is fully open. At this point, by further pressing the gas pedal (D) against a
spring in the pedal stop (d1) via the lever (c4), the carburetor supplies an additional small
quantity of a liquid fuel/air mixture, whereby a much-needed power addition is obtained
for snowplowing trucks during frequently heavy loads. · ·
When driving under constant operating conditions (e.g., boat operation, stationary engines
for operating certain work machines, compressors, etc.), centrifugal governors should be
used to keep the rotation speed constant and independent of changes in load. Such an
automatic rotation-speed governor (see Figures 163-164) of the type used for ships, etc.,
which are rebuilt with pulsators, has an axle mounted in a case and operated from the
engine shaft; centrifugal weights rotate with this axle and, by means of levers, move a
sleeve placed on the regulator axle against a pull-off spring when the rotation speed
increases. The sleeve is connected with the regulatory damper of the engine by levers
and drag links. If there is a tendency for the rotation speed to decrease for some reason,
the sleeve affects the damper so that it increases the opening of the valve, and vice
versa. The pressure of the spring against the .sleeve may be changed through a screw
device. In this way it is possible to make adjustments for continuous operation with
I I'I1, ~1 0
t _!. 111 __ / /
I f-·. -·-
From gas generator
Figure 162. Device for Use on Snow-Plowing Trucks, to Increase
Power by Adding Alcohol Fuel.
various, practically constant, rotation speeds. This device not only makes adjustment
easier for generator gas operation but it also increases the reliability of operation. Such
regulators may be used for both quantitative and qualitative regulation of engine speed.
Air Cleaners
The need~for air cleaners for automobiles and tractors in order to reduce crankcase oil
fouling and cylinder wear, etc., had been realized for a long time and air cleaners were a
part of the standard equipment in most cases. In general, these air cleaners were badly
maintained by car owners, who frequently forgot to clean them before clogging caused
extensive air constriction. During the gas generator epoch, the importance of these air
cleaners for reducing engine wear became obvious. The design of common air cleaners is
shown in Figure 165. As a rule, they are of the oil-bath type. The air enters through a
ring-shaped opening between the outer wall and the lid at the upper edge of the cleaner.
At the bottom, the heavier dust particles strike a shelf and are caught and retained by an
oil bath. After that, the air is sucked up through the filter insert, bringing some oil from
the oil store, whereby the filter is kept moist so that finer dust particles are retained
there. Air filters for cars, which are also suitable for secondary air in generator gas
operation, are usually cleaned after approximately 3000 km of driving and hold about 1/2
L oil (motor oil SAE 30).
A simple and efficient air cleaner has been manufactured from filter material obtained
during wood defibration. This porous material lets the air through without significant
loss in pressure, but retains the dust. Air cleaners with inserts of such cellulose material
(dry filters} are very simple; they consist of a sheetmetal cylinder that has, inside, a
concentrically arranged filter cylinder made of cellulose plate and held by a steel nut or
the like; it is designed so that the air entering axially between the filter and the plate
cylinders must pass the filter, after which it leaves in the opposite direction closer to the
cylinder axis leading to the carburetor.
Where the air intake is placed is also important. In the case of rail buses it proved to be
best to place the air intake and the cleaner on the roof. To place it, as was done earlier,
underneath the engine hood was not advisable, since dust would whirl up from the ground
when the engine was at the rear.
Safety Filters
When cloth filters are used (mainly in charcoal gas generators), frequently those made of
organic material-and thus sensitive to mechanical injury-tear, especially if the gas
temperature is kept high to avoid water condensation. The material becomes fragile
above approximately 120° C and is easily damaged. Should this happen, considerable quan-
tities of dust and everything not retained in the cyclone cleaner would be taken into the
engine if there were no trap or safety filter. Such filters are clogged fairly quickly if the
function of the main cleaner is impaired. The drof in pressure then warns the driver.
The filter usually consists of a net of 500 mesh/cm bronze or brass wire (Figure 166) or
of dense metal wool moistened by oil. The trap filters must be designed to cause a
minimal fall in pressure in the gas conduit and they must be placed so that they are eas-
ily accessible.
Control Devices
For continuous control of the gas generator during operation, remote manometers and
remote thermometers are sometimes advantages. The manometers can measure negative
pressure at various points of the gas generator or pressure differences before or after a
cleaner. As a rule, it would seem to be most useful to know the pressure immediately
after the generator and immediately before the mixer. Figure 167 shows schematically a
device for measuring pressure for wood gas generators.
Condensation cleaner
~ Fine cleaner
Wire netting Cooler
Figure 168. In certain German generators manometers are
supplied as standard equipment. (I. For the negative
pressure after the generator) (II. For the negative
pressure immediately before the mixer)
Figure 168 shows how manometers are placed on a truck. Thermometers (bi-metal type)
placed after a cooler or before a cloth cleaner can be very useful if they can be read
from the driver's seat. If the cooler can be manually adjusted through shunts for varying
the cooling effect, the driver's thermometer control is often suitable. In this respect a
thermostat-controlled regulation of the damper device of the shunt is also conceivable
(Figure 169).
There are some devices to control the level of the fuel store in the generator which,
however, have not been used extensively in practice. A bi-metal thermometer, for
instance, placed in the upper part of the generator and readable from the driver's seat, is
useful in that it can prevent the fuel store from sinking too far down and causing damage
through the temperature increase. This condition can be noticed through a sudden
increase of power of the engine, but usually the damage is already done by then. The
temperature in the generator is, however, highly dependant upon various conditions
(loads, wind speed, moisture, etc.), so the device cannot be particularly accurate. Figure
170 shows schematically another device for controlling the fuel level.
Miscellaneous Equipment
In the equipment of the gas generator there are miscellaneous safety devices to prevent
fire in the air intake of the generator, as well as fire extinguishers, water supplies, etc.
(Figure 171). These are specified in more detail in ordinances issued by the authorities.
r~-~::::: '"'F1:.-- -----~:r:·.-_.--""70 .1 -"""'2:1
The wood gas generator installation consists of a generator similar to the Imbert type,
after which follows, in order: a dry cyclone cleaner; a condensation cleaner with a
cooler, where the starting fan usually is placed; a fine cleaner, usually a volume filter
with cork as filter material; a mixer; an air cleaner; and finally, often a specially
designed inlet pipe, equipped with a separate so-called garage carburetor for driving
indoors and for starting purposes. The cooler and the condensation cleaner are usually
placed, as previously mentioned, before the radiator of the vehicle (also see Figure 133).
Not until the last years of the generator gas epoch were cloth cleaners instead of cork
cleaners brought into use to some extent, especially in the army when exhaust heat was
used for heating in some cases. Wood gas cloth cleaners, however, are not completely
satisfactory in practice.
For reasons already mentioned, boats generally used wood gas generators. After the
generator a dry or wet cyclone followed-if the usual equipment for vehicles with
condensation cleaners, cooler, and cork filter was not used-and, in addition, a scrubber
with a water pump and a water lock as shown in Fi~re 89C.
For two-cycle ignition bulb type engines the wood gas generators on runners described
above were used to a large extent (Figure 145). They consisted of the generator produced
by the Swedish Generator Gas Co., having a V-hearth, cyclone condensation cleaner with
a flange cooler, and a cork cleaner. Usually this generator was also equipped with a
battery, starting fan, and in some cases an illumination lamp.
The rest of the various gas generators were equipped according to the choice of the cus-
tomers and the manufacturers, with miscellaneous equipment parts such as heat
exchangers, condensation pockets with drain cocks, manometers, thermometers, etc., for
improved reliability and control. Standard generators were frequently modified with, for
instance, special insulation of the hourglass-shaped hearths common in Imbert genera-.
tors, by exchange of these for a V-hearth or other hearth type, and condensors placed in
the upper part of the generators, etc. Also various kinds of automatic mixers, engine
heaters, starting improvers (Auto-Mix, Simo, Sermi, etc.), were used.
The designs were developed and improved during most of the generator gas epoch, which
is the reason that there was no complete standardization. The need for a technical
authority to control and approve all the new designs in the generator gas field proved to
be great. This control was exercised by the Generator Gas Bureau under the National
Swedish Fuel Commission; it issued regulations concerning carbon monoxide hazards and
fire safety (in cooperation with the National Swedish Ships1 Inspectorate, fire insurance
companies, etc.), and gave advice concerning increased reliability of service, etc. The
Generator Gas Bureau issued, for all individual cases, approval certificates for the new
designs, to the extent that they helped the adaptation of the gas generators to engine
operation. Also, the Swedish Generator Gas Co. was founded with government funds;
only one section of this company dealt with new designs in the field of wood gas genera-
tors, and suitable modifications of certain types of engines. The main task of this com-
pany was in the field of generator gas fuel, but the company also had a stabilizing effect
on the prices of gas generators through a considerable production of wood gas generators,
especially for tractors; it also rebuilt ignition bulb engines according to an improved
system (the pulsator system), made improvements in the operation of wood gas genera-
tors during idling and low rotation speed, among other things through the V-hearth, and
encouraged the use of domestic materials rather then imported alloyed metals, etc.,
which were difficult to obtain.
Chapter 7
The power range for combustion engines suitable for wood or charcoal gas lies, with few
exceptions, between approximately IO and 200 hp. In practice, these are mainly mobile
engines for transport service, farming, and fishing; and semimobile (i.e., easily movable)
engines for stationary operation of stone crushers, compressors, etc. Basically, all
combustion engines can be modified for operation with generator gas, but of course the
costs of conversion vary, depending upon the original design and the engine's operating
conditions. With the present gas generators, engine reliability is, on the whole, satisfac-
tory. The operating conditions of some kinds of mobile engines are affected negatively
by the shorter distances travelled in generator gas operation. The suitability for conver-
sion to generator gas operation must be weighed in each individual case against the eco-
nomic conditions at the time when conversion is being considered.
It is usually of little significance for the engine modification whether the gas generator
is to be operated with wood, charcoal, or good peat. With regard to the technical proper-
ties of operation, charcoal gas generators (especially those using fine charcoal) seem to
be more suited for small high-speed engines than wood gas generators of current designs,
mainly due to lesser weight and dimensions. The fuel cost will be higher, however, with
From a thermodynamic viewpoint, generator gas driven engines work with combustion at
a constant volume with a special ignition device; therefore, diesel and antechamber
engines must be rebuilt to fulfill these conditions. Generator gas engines are regulated
simply by varying the volume of gas entering the chamber; i.e., a ready-mixed gas/air
mixture, volume regulated by a damper, is sucked into the engine during the intake
stroke of the engine to the combustion space. Injection engines, regulated by variation
of the fuel quantity-for which the regulation is then qualitative-are also usually
changed in this respect. Two-cycle engines that suck fuel and air into the crankcase are
an exception, in that it has proved to be favorable for power and fuel economy to supply
generator gas directly to their combustion spaces by positive pressure. This is done to
avoid flushing losses and leaks and also because the suction of the crankcase is inade-
quate, especially during idling. Rotation speed regulation is then done qualitatively by
means of a damper placed in the gas conduit.
The chemical composition and moisture content of gas produced in the generators
depends upon the magnitude and variation of the hearth load. Thus, engines with more
constant operating conditions and whose design is characterized by a relatively large
cylinder volume, low rotation speed, large valve areas, etc. (greater volumetric effi-
ciency), generally are better suited for generator gas operation than are small high-speed
engines with widely varying operating conditions. For two-cycle engines with small
negative pressure the modification will be more complicated, even though their rugged
construction and, as a rule, constant operating conditions compensate for this to some
Stationary engines and Iarge truck engines for long distance driving are more suitable for
generator gas operation than are the engines of passenger cars or trucks for city traffic.
The conversion costs in each individual case are affected by these general conditions.
All engines that are to be rebuilt for generator gas operation must be redesigned and
modified, in order to increase the engine power and reliability that are decreased by the
special properties of the generator gas.
Figure 172. Heat Value of Fuel-Air Mixtures as a Function of
Excess Air for Generator Gas and Diesel Operation.
As a rule, the compression, and thereby the thermal efficiency of the engine is increased,
according to the relation term =1 - l- ; here denotes the compression ratio,
=Cp/Cv the exponent during adiabatic expansion, and Cp and Cv the specific heat
during constant pressure and constant volume. As shown in Figure 173, the higher the
compression ratio becomes and the greater the original compression ratio with liquid
fuel, the smaller the increase. This fact, of course, is not valid for diesel engines, etc.,
where the compression ratio must instead be decreased for several reasons. The genera-
tor gas/air mixture has in itself a great nondetonating quality (octane value approxi -
mately 105); therefore, measures to increase the compression ratio of the engines for
generator gas operation are limited only by considerations of the increased mechanical
stress through increased combustion pressures. In Figure 174 theoretical combustion
pressures are· given for liquid fuels and generator gas as a function of various values of
the compression ratio according to Hubendick, and corresponding values measured in
experiments respectively by Richardo, Pye, and Finkbeiner (according to Tobler). Mod-
ern car engines work with compression ratios of up to seven and according to SAE infor -
mation, we may within a decade expect further increases up to nine and ten, for which
fuels with octane numbers of 95-100 already (1947) are being produced. Such engines are
not designed to stand any further compression increase for possible changeover to gener-
ator gas operation, and for this reason it would probably not be necessary to make any
engine modifications as are required in practice for the present car designs. It is a
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15
Figure 173. Percent Increase of Thermal Efficiency Due to
Increased Compression Ratio, According to Expression nt=I~e -x
£=4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II
Compression ratio
Figure 174. Combustion Pressures in Engines as a Function
of Compression Ratio. (Thick lines are values determined
experimentally, fine lines are calculated values.)
different matter in the case of engines which work with fairly low e-values; for instance,
tractors and certain other large two- or four-cycle engines. Design measures for various
types of engines in these cases are described later under the respective engine headings.
The other measure for power increase during generator gas operation is supercharging.
Theoretically, the following power may be obtained according to the gas laws.
Nk Tn •
Nn - Tk
Here Nk is the power during compressor operation; Nn, the power without a compressor;
Tn, absolute temperature without a compressor and Tk with a compressor; p, the total
pressure of the gas without a compressor; and p1, the pressure increase through it. Natu-
rally, one must allow for a certain power loss through the operation of the compressor.
In some designs the power loss through the compressor has been too significant to make
the device worthwhile. On the other hand, exhaust-driven turbines, which will be dis-
cussed later on, have greater development possibilities. For a given mechanical stress
increase on the engine, theoretically the supercharger operation seems to give a greater
power increase than increased compression. If the combustion pressure in a compressor-
. driven generator gas engine is as great as during gasoline operation, approximately 90%
of the gasoline power will be obtained.
The above-mentioned power losses during generator gas operation amount to about 45%
to 50% in comparison with gasoline operation, and approximately 20% in comparison with
operation with diesel or antechamber engines. They can, as a rule, be only partially
regained through various measures for the engines and then at the expense of the original
safety margin. The decreased power means, for cars, a decrease of the average speed
and a rather significant decrease of the acceleration ability (Figure 175), which may be
considered equivalent to the difference between the maximum power delivered at the
rear wheels of the car and the driving resistance in the form of rolling and air resistance,
which is denoted as the normal load curve in the graph.
For boats, where the propulsion force is about proportional to the third power of the
velocity, the decrease of the peak output (top performance) for the engine during genera-
tor gas operation will not be as disadvantageous for the maximum speed as for cars. A
decrease of the maximum power of the boat engine by 30% decreases the maximum
speed only by approximately 10%. As will be shown later on, full engine power and even
some power increase is obtained during pulsator operation of two-cycle engines.
However, it may be said that most engines of high-speed cars are oversized; therefore,
the power decrease during generator gas operation actually involves only an insignificant
decrease of the average speed and increased trouble with changing gears. The latter may
be reduced, however, by choosing a lower final drive ratio which is often available from
various spar~part warehouses. For heavy trucks and tractors, the decrease of the peak
power output is more inconvenient, but on the other hand, the design possibilities fOI"
power improvements in these cases are usually good.
Propulsion force of gasoline
Generator gas power may be lower than necessary due to pressure losses in the pipes,
poor mixing proportions for gas and air, too high temperature and moisture content, etc.
Improvements should be made in these respects for all types of engines.
In carburetor engines, the pressure loss in the intake manifold is significant, not only
because of the construction of the carburetor but also because of the special shaping of°
the inlet pipe to obtain a good uniform mixture of the liquid fuel drops with the air and
to prevent them from being deposited on the inside walls of the pipe. For this reason,
the manifold has a rather rough inner surface and a great many sharp bends (for turbu-
lence), a relatively small passage area to obtain high velocity (somewhat below the aver-
age velocity in the valve opening), and a so-called "hotspot" for heating the gas mixture.
All these facts are unfavorable for generator gas, where the pipe should have a smooth
inner surface, and bends of a large radius, and as large a, passage area and short a length
as possible. In order to avoid heating the gas-air mixture, especially in charcoal gas
driven engines, the hotspot device should be disabled, since heating may affect the vol-
umetric efficiency unfavorably. Figure 176 shows the heat value of the generator gas/air
mixture before the engine (i.e., in the intake pipe), in percentage of the value at ()°C and
760 mm Hg, as a function of the gas and air temperature and the pressure. For instance,
at an air temperature of 25°C, a gas temperature of 40°C and a pressure of 680 mm Hg
(approximately 80 mm pressure drop in the intake pipe), a power loss of no less than
about 23% occurs, which demonstrates how essential these facts are for generator gas
operation. Figure 177 shows "normal" values of the pressure loss or the resistance in the
generator gas piping and the intake pipe at velocities from 20 to 90 km/hr for an auto-
mobile. The resistance at the highest speed in the intake pipe itself is 40 mm Hg, or
approximately 540 mm water. During operation, the resistance of the gas generator may
increase, through fouling, to several meters of water. According to the general equation
of state of the gases, a pressure decrease of 100 mm water or a heating of the fuel air by
10°C is equivalent to a power decrease of 1% and 3% respectively.
.----.---r----.----..---.----.~ ~
1-1 ,.c::
::i +.I•
10 20 30 40 so 60C
mm Hg
... v'"" . b c
v ft.e't
t. 1.e't1
---- --
/ - se\>a'ta
-::::: e::::: -- - .__-'At. I
20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90 km/h
Figure 177. Pressure Losses in the Gas and Gas-Air
Pipe to the Engine at Various Speeds for a Generator
Gas-Driven Car, According to Gustafsson. [18]
The range between the lower combustion limit at maximum excess air to the upper
combustion limit with a maximum fuel/air ratio is very great for the generator gas/air
mixture; many times greater than for the gasoline/air mixture. This makes it possible to
regulate mixing the generator gas with secondary air by hand with a simple damper. The
function of automatic mixers is conditioned by the pressures in the gas and air manifold;
they regulate the air quantity in relation to the gas quantity in a constant proportion
independent of variations in pressure,., for instance from soot formation, in the gas pipe
from the generator. These regulators, however, as mentioned earlier, cannot change the
air mixture according to the quality of the generator gas, which during intermittent
conditions frequently may undergo rather great changes that also change the stoichio-
metric air requirement. For this reason there should first of all be a device for manual
adjustment of the secondary air, perhaps in combination with an automatic mixer for
more constant operating conditions.
Excessive moisture content in the generator gas also causes power decrease. If the wood
in a wood gas generator contains 20% moisture, corresponding to ordinary air-dried car
wood, approximately 0.3-0.4 kg water will form from 1 kg wood in the generator; this
water will accomp_any the wood gas in the form of water vapor. During mixing with
secondary air, which has a significantly lower temperature, there is a tendency for the
water vapor to condense; this can cause the small soot particles always present in the
generator gas to be deposited on the walls as dirt deposits that contain water and are
similar to tar. By preheating the secondary air such condensation can be avoided, but the
dust in the gas will then enter the engine. It is often best to locate the inevitable con-
densation caused by the secondary air at an accessible part of the pipe system with a
condensation-water collector with a draincock. The effect of the moisture content of
the wood on thermal value and power is shown in Figures 178 and 179 (also see Figure 30).
In general, good gas cleaners, mixers, and condensors cause pressure losses of up to a
couple of hundred mm water column; this disadvantage is, however, outweighed by the
advantages that have been proven in practice.
Carburetor Engines
Most mobile engines suitable for generator gas operation are of the four-cycle carburetor
type intended to be operated with gasoline or, in the case of tractors, with engine kero-
sene. They can be relatively easily converted to generator gas operation. The extent of
engine modification will depend on whether or not the power requirement is of decisive
significance for the operational purpose. On the whole, the engine changes will include
the foil owing measures.
/OOOi---l----l---!----+--+---!---~-....---l50 ~
4 ~ ,--+---+---'-----lf---+----+--+---<20 ~ :
m 5 M ~ ~ ~
l ~ ~%
Moisture content of the wood
Figure 178. Effect of Moisture Content of the Wood on the
Power of a Wood Gas-Driven Engine. (Schlapfer).
..... Load
' .....
-··-- .......... .......
a. Installation of a garage carburetor with a tank.
b. Sealing of the engine and pipe system.
c. Control of the air and oil cleaner.
a. Compression increase.
b. Supercharger construction and installation.
c. Replacement of the intake pipe.
d. Lower final drive/gear ratio.
Passenger cars and small trucks (delivery trucks) can usually be operated satisfactorily
with the generator gas power obtained through the measures in items I and II in the list
above. The existing carburetor and also, as a rule, the fuel tank are removed, after
which the intake manifold is connected to the pipe for the generator gas/air mixture and
parallel with the garage carburetor, which is to be used for starting and driving indoors.
The throttle and ignition systems are changed for generator gas operation. The air
cleaner and secondary-air piping details are discussed in Chapter 6. The relatively small
high-speed engines are nowadays almost always overpowered for their operational
requirements; the power decrease of 40% to 50% caused by the measures just described
for the conversion to generator gas involves fewer disadvantages than might be expected.
Cars of this kind are, as a rule, converted to generator gas operation only out of neces-
sity and the decrease of average speed and the increased gearshifting requirement during
generator gas operation must be accepted, since use of the car is made possible during
times when liquid fuel cannot be obtained.
As these engines generally have compression ratios of about seven, the power increase
through further increase of the compression is hardly justified from a technical or eco-
nomical viewpoint. In Figure 173 it was shown that an increase of the compression ratio
from seven to nine leads to an increase of the generator gas power by approximately 10%;
Figure 174 shows that at the same time the combustion pressure is increased from
approximately 30 to 40 kg/cm 3, which may have dangerous mechanical consequences for
the engine. Also, problems may arise with ignition at a compression ratio as high as nine.
On the other hand, much may be gained by replacement of the intake manifold (Figure
180), in some cases up to a 10% to 15% power improvement. A 10% lower final drive ratio
sometimes can also considerably improve the drivability and decrease the gearshifting
requirements. In many cases there are final drives available with various gear ratios for
standard cars.
Large trucks, tractors, and power tools often need the greatest possible power; more
extensive changes may be justified for this reason. Operating conditions and engine
design are also usually favorable for generator gas operation, since these engines, as a
rule, have rather constant operating conditions, low rotation speed, and low compression.
The compression ratio for truck engines is rarely higher than 5.5-6 and for tractors run-
ning on engine kerosene, at the most 4.5. In this case good results may be achieved by
increasing the compression ratio. This is done by decreasing the volume of the engine's
combustion space-in the case of f}athead engines, with a new cylinder head; in the case
of overhead valve engines, with new higher pistons. When a new head is installed it
should have a shape suitable for the combustion chamber so that the intended power gain
through the compression increase is not eliminated by impaired combustion conditions or
a decreased volumetric efficiency. It is not, as a rule, advisable to plane off the existing
cylinder head since this almost always involves a constriction of the intake gas just above
the inlet valve. This is clearly demonstrated in Figure 181 which shows the shape of a
modern combustion chamber for flathead engines. Figures 182 and 183 show high com-
pression pistons for overhead valve engines. If the engines are worn, the cylinders should
usually be rebored when the pistons are exchanged. The piston head should be given a
shape such that whirl formation will be facilitated. If the compression ratio has been
increased for generator gas operation, then it must be restored to its normal value when
going back to gasoline operation.
Block Piston
Figure 181. Combustion Space in a Slide-Valve Engine,
According to Richardo's Principles. (If the cover is
planed off there will be a constriction at x.)
Power increase through a supercharger will be described later on in this chapter. Since
such a device is relatively expensive, it has not been common so far for cars. It is,
however, not improbable that certain types of exhaust-gas-driven compressor devices
will prove to be favorable for generator gas operation in that they increase the net power
without significantly increasing the mechanical stresses on the engine.
Mobile genuine diesel engines of a four-cycle design and of a size that makes them suit-
able for operation with generator gas are rare. A preferred compromise is the ante-
chamber engine, which works with a somewhat lower compression ratio and runs more
Figures 182-183. Special Pistons for Increased Compression
for Generator Gas Operation (overhead valve engine).
Volvo and Scania-Vabis
The antechamber engines are, as a rule, designed so that the antechambers are replace-
able; they also have an electric heater plug for starting a cold engine. By taking out the
antechambers and inserting suitable plugs, the compression ratio can be adjusted. The
resistance of the electric ignition devices to high pressure primarily determines how far
the compression ratio is to be decreased. Frequently its maximum is fixed at approxi-
mately 9.5 to 10. In some engines the pistons also must be exchanged for shorter ones or,
rather, pistons with concave heads, so that combustion takes place mainly inside the
piston. Instead of the heater plugs just mentioned, ordinary spark plugs are put in with
heat ranges that correspond to the high pressures and combustion temperatures. The
existing intake manifold can often be used, since, even in oil operation, it is designed to
give the smallest possible pressure loss as opposed to the case in carburetor engines. As
has already been pointed out, diesel engines (excess air ratio approximately 1. 7) and also
the antechamber engines (excess air ratio approximately 1.4) work with relatively large
amounts of excess air. This is the reason that the thermal value of the fuel mixture of
an oil-fueled engine frequently is only insignificantly greater than that of a good genera-
tor gas mixture (excess air ratio approximately 1.1). The power decrease involved in the
changeover to generator gas is therefore fairly trivial. Since the bearing pressures are
decreased during generator gas operation, thinner oil may be used in the engine, whereby
starting is facilitated and also some power increase obtained. Figure 184 shows an ante-
chamber engine rebuilt for generator gas operation with a simple intake pipe and a start-
ing carburetor. Since the compression ratio after the generator gas changeover still is
relatively high, 9.5 to 10, gasoline cannot be used when driving with a garage carburetor
without a high proportion of alcohol or tetraethyl lead to increase the octane number.
Figure 184. Antechamber Engine, Rebuilt for Generator
Gas Operation (Scania-Vabis)
Hesselman Engines
The Hesselman engine is a low pressure injection engine with an electric ignition device.
In order to obtain the necessary mixing of fuel and air, this engine has the pistons and
combustion space specially shaped to or.; 1in an intense whirling, which is also favorable
for generator gas operation. The Hesselman engines can easily be converted to generator
gas by removing the injector devices and connecting to the generator gas pipe, and
installing a garage carburetor in the usual manner. A compression increase is not neces-
sary as a rule, since these engines most often work with a somewhat higher compression
ratio ( £ = approximately 7) than the carburetor engines. Suitable threaded plugs are put
into the threaded holes for the injector nozzles.
Due to their simplicity and reliability, and because they can be operated with inexpensive
fuels, two-cycle ignition-bulb engines have come into widespread use in many areas of
importance for the economy; for instance, ship engines, power equipment, stationary or
semimobile-stationary operation of electric generators, lumber mills, farming, gravel
crushers, etc. The possibility of also operating these engines with generator gas is there-
fore of great importance.
There are certain difficulties involved in generator gas operation of two-cycle engines.
For instance, the gas-air mixture cannot be sucked immediately into the combustion
space but must be added either through the crankcase or by a special pump. (The latter
is more common.)
The gas-air mixture, in spite of all cleaning devices, always contains some solid particles
and water vapor, which during condensation are immediately deposited as dirt. The
tendency to deposit is much greater in two-cycle than in four-cycle engines, since
condensation of moisture in the fuel mixture in the two-cycle engine is not prevented or
counteracted by compression and combustion heat.
Ignition-bulb engines have a relatively weak and pulsating suction that puts high demands
on the design of the gas generator, especially under idling conditions. Flushing the cylin-
ders with an excess fuel-air mixture involves fuel losses that may affect generator gas
operation very unfavorably with regard to distance travelled, as in the case of boats.
Introducing the generator gas into the crankcase also involves some risk of leakage of
toxic carbon monoxide. The ignition with glow plugs normally used for these engines
cannot be used for generator gas operation. Ignition with the help of liquid fuel and a
turbulence chamber for generator gas operation has also proved unreliable. Electric igni-
tion with a spark plug-as a rule, two for each cylinder-is not only most reliable, but
also provides the best power, since the ignition time can be set to fit the operating con-
Two systems for the conversion of ignition-bulb engines to generator gas operation are
characterized by the way fuel is supplied to the engine cylinder. In the ordinary way,
fuel is supplied by the crankcase (the crankcase system) or else directly to the cylinder
through controlled or gravity-operated valves activated by overpressure. This pressure is
obtained either through a separate gas pump operated from the engine, or by the pumping
effect of the crankcase, although the generator gas is not allowed to enter the crank-
case. About the same or even greater power is obtained for generator gas operation with
the latter system. This is due less to increased filling than to an improved shape of the
combustion chamber and the advantages of the electric ignition. [5,6]
The Crankcase System (Jonkoping's Engine Factory, Inc.). In the crankcase system,
the changes for generator gas operation are limited to the following:
Starting usually is accomplished with liquid fuel, and for changeover to generator gas
operation the gas generator must be fully ready for operation, rendering combustible gas.
If the generator were to be fanned up by the engine, considerable fouling of the inlet
valve and engine crankcase would take place.
/Spark plug
Gas mixer
Shutoff valve~
\starting fan
Gas Pump (Skandiaverken, Inc.). In the system with a separate gas pump, air is taken
through the regular air intake of the engine into the crankcase, thence to the combustion
space in the cylinder. Its head design with an ignition bulb is, however, exchanged for a
cylinder cover with a valve, operated from the crankshaft and mechanically operated by
means of an eccentric for taking in generator gas, and an electric ignition device with, as
a rule, two spark plugs per cylinder. A reciprocating pump or compressor operated from
the engine shaft pumps the generator gas from the gas generator to the cylinder through
the mechanically operated valve. Regulation of engine speed is done by means of a but-
terfly valve (throttle) arranged in the gas pipe to the compressor; thus there is no quali-
tative filling regulation in this case. Through this device, schematically shown in Figure
186, good results are obtained for both power and fuel economy. This conversion is,
however, relatively expensive, which is why it is more suitable for large single or multi-
cylinder ignition-bulb engines, such as those for ships.
Gas pipe
2-cycle separator
Ventilation pipe
Figure 186. Two-cycle Ignition-bulb Engine, Converted
to Generator Gas Operation with a Separate Gas Pump.
In order to make the conversion less expensive it would be conceivable to use gravity
operated valves, which open automatically through the pressure changes. Due to the
mode of operation of such valves, some power decrease due to pressure drop must be
taken into account as well as risks of functional trouble through fouling.
The Pulsator System (Swedish Generator Gas Co., Blomquist). In the pulsator system,
pressure variations in the crankcase 1il'e utilized to suck the gas from the gas generator
and force it into the combustion space; thus a special gas pump is not needed. Flushing
and combustion air is sucked into the crankcase in the usual way through a one-way valve
(see Figure 187), but is fed into the valve through a short pipe equipped with a damper.
During the induction strokes of the piston through an adjusted constriction of this damper
an underpressure is obtained in the crankcase corresponding to the flow resistance in the
gas generator. As in the gas pump system, the head of the engine cylinder is replaced by
a cylinder head with a mechanically operated valve and electric ignition.
Power is regulated by means of a damper placed in the pulsator pipe; it increases or
decreases the pumping power of the crankcase in relation to the gas generator. Here, as
in the case of the gas-pump device, there is qualitative filling regulation. By combining
the regulating damper with a centrifugal regulator it is possible to maintain constant
engine speed independent of load changes for the engine (within limits governed by the
engine design).
For high-speed ignition-bulb engines the pulsator principle, as described above, proved to
be unsuitable. In such cases the pulsator pipe running from the crankcase is connected to
the side of the cylinder opposite the pulsator valve (in this instance, a one-way valve),
through which the gas sucked in from the gas generator immediately reaches the over-
head valve of the cylinder. Gas resistance is thus reduced to a minimum, which makes a
higher rpm possible. With this device, however, the specific fuel consumption is
increased (Figure 188).
Valve rocker
Spherical arm shaft Connecting rod
ball bearing shaft Rocker Overhead valve cover
Section A-A
Through standardization of the cylinder cover and the valve device, in combination with
a spacer (designed for various types of engines) between the cylinder block and the pulsa-
tor cover, it has been possible to adjust the pulsator system (Figures 189-190), with only a
few variations, to a great number of two-cycle engines of extremely heterogenous types
and dimensions.
Figure 189. Pulsator Converted Low-speed One-cylinder
Ignition-bulb Engine.
I Air
To generator
The air channel between the crankcase and the cylinder was shut off by a covering plate.
The air valves on the regulator side were replaced by two flapper valves. To these were
connected a distribution chamber for air and a mixing chamber for generator gas/air with
a damper-regulated pipe to the cylinder cover. The cylinder cover was replaced by a
special cover with automatic valves and spark plugs.
The engine was equipped with a magnet device and cam-controlled starting valves. The
device works in the following way. The piston, during its upward movement, sucks in
only air to the crankcase through the intake valves. During the downward stroke, the air
in the crankcase is compressed and forced out through one-way valves to the distribution
chamber, from which some goes to the gas generator primary air, and some to the mixing
chamber secondary air, where it is mixed with generator gas from the generator, which
during the air inflow from the crankcase is subjected to overpressure. The gas/air mix-
ture passes from the mixing chamber through a regulating damper to the valves of the
head. When the escape gate, during the downward stroke of the piston, has been uncov-
ered, pressure in the combustion space is somewhat lower than atmospheric pressure,
whereas the generator gas mixture outside the inlet valves has some overpressure. The ,
gravity-operated valves are automatically opened and they let in the gas mixture which
during the upward stroke of the piston is compressed and ignited by means of ·the spark
plug. Here, there is quantitative filling regulation. In order to obtain low spring tension
of the inlet valves, sometimes up to six are arranged in the cover. The entire conversion
is costly but renders, as do the gas-pump and pulsator systems, full oil power. The
gravity-operated valves invite functional trouble, however, especially because they are
highly dependent upon the purity of the generator gas mixture .to prevent clogging.
Overpressure in the generator makes it impossible to refill fuel during operation, unless
changeover to liquid fuel is possible in the meantime.
Two-Cycle Carburetor Engines
An increasing number of two-cycle carburetor engines for outboard motors, motorcycles,
and small cars have come into use in recent years. Due to small dimensions and high rpm
they are, in principle, not well suited for operation on generator gas, although the con-
version would be rather simple because of their design, which theoretically is in accor-
dance with the conditions for generator gas operation. As their lubrication under normal
conditions is almost always done by- mixing lubricating oil in the liquid fuel, a special
injection device for lubricating oil must be arranged for generator gas operation, as a
rule in the transfer pipe to the combustion pipe. There has not been any appreciable
factory production of gas generators for these small engines, but handy engine owners
have kept their machines running with homemade gas generators, which, however,
require extremely careful and skilled maintenance.
It is conceivable that, if the number of small engines of this type increases considerably,
a solution of the generator gas problem will be brought forth by necessity. Briquettes
with a high heat value would seem to be a suitable fuel in that case.
Ignition Method
The ignition process in an engine cylinder may be divided into the ignition time, which is
the time required to reach ignition temperature after local heating of the gas mixture,
and the combustion time, which is the time required to achieve combustion. [10a,26a] It
can be mathematically proven that the energy needed for ignition is decreased when the
rate of the energy supply is increased. Experiments by the American, Morgan, showed
that the greatest possible volume of gas has its temperature increased to ignition (cor-
responding to a minimum of ignition time) by a spherical heat source. An electric spark
between the electrodes of the spark plu% at the first moment appears as a bright glow
during a very short time, about 1 µs (10- s), immediately followed by an electric arc of
relatively long duration, about 500-1000 µ s. The former part is called the capacitive
component of the spark and it has, in spite of the high voltage and high current strength,
relatively insignificant energy due to its short duration. The latter part of the spark is
called the inductive component and carries most of the electric energy supplied to the
spark plug. It has been experimentally established that the fuel mixture is ignited with-
out the assistance of the high-energy electric-arc component of the spark. The electric
energy excess from the ignition device, appearing in the shape of a more or less "thick"
spark, is mainly used as a reserve. It is utilized when the flash-over resistance between
the spark plug electrodes, for various reasons, has increased and the voltage requirement
at the spark plug has increased accordingly. Too great energy in the spark is harmful to
the life of the electrodes.
It will be seen from the foregoing that ignition by an electric spark should be more
favorable than any other known ignition method for engines, owing to the fact that such
a great energy quantity is supplied in such exceedingly short time by the capacitive
component of the spark.
The combustion time itself is conditioned by the spreading velocity of the ignited "flame
front" of the gas volume. From an engine design viewpoint this time, which is signifi-
cantly longer than the ignition time, would seem to be of the greatest importance. The
flame velocity is conditioned by the chemical properties of the gas mixture, pressure,
temperature, moisture, etc., as well as by the turbulence and diffusion. The combustible
components of generator gas are carbon monoxide and hydrogen, the former with a low
flame velocity of approximately 0.5 m/s maximum, the latter with a high flame velocity
of approximately 3 m/s maximum (see Chapter 2). For gasoline, the corresponding value
is approximately 3 m/s. Wood gas, due to its higher content of hydrogen, is somewhat
better off in these respects than charcoal gas. Thus, generator gas has, due to its chemi-
cal composition, poorer combustion characteristics than gasoline. Added to this is the
fact that, during operation, generator gas as opposed to gasoline constantly undergoes
considerable changes of chemical composition, pressure, moisture, etc., whereby the
average combustion rate becomes lower than. is indicated by the figures mentioned
above. This is true even for constant operation, but to an even larger extent for varying
operating conditions, as in the case of motor vehicles.
The time available for combustion of the gas mixture in the engine is, especially at
higher rpm's, very limited. In order to obtain as complete combustion as possible, the
ignition must take place before the piston reaches the top dead center of the compres-
sion stroke; the higher the rpm, the earlier. For engines with varying rpm, the ignition
advance must therefore be constantly changed with the rpm, which frequently is done
automatically with the help of a centrifugal regulator. But also in engines with more
constant operating conditions (stationary engines, boat motors, etc.), it should be possible
to change the ignition setting in the case of generator gas operation to meet various
demands during starting as well as during operation. This can only be done manually.
Electric spark ignition is the only ignition method where the time of ignition can be con-
trolled in this way, automatically and manually, and, therefore, is the only possible alter-
native for generator gas operation. Engines that normally work with other ignition
methods, such as compression ignition (diesel and antechamber engines) or ignition bulb,
must be equipped with an electric apparatus for spark ignition when being converted to
generator gas operation.
The demands on the electric equipment for ignition and starting in generator gas opera-
tion are greater than for gasoline engines. Therefore it is not always possible to use
existing electric systems for engines with electric ignition, when changing over to gas
operation. Some changes and parts replacement may be necessary.
On the whole; the same views concerning the suitability of battery or magneto ignition
are valid for the ignition system for generator gas operation as for gasoline operation.
They are both equally reliable and have similar ignition properties if they are well
designed. Since it is beyond the scope of this section to deal more closely with the func-
tions of these different systems, only wiring diagrams are given for them here (Figures
192 and 193). Most motor vehicles have battery ignition, in spite of the higher initial
costs (before mass production), which probably is due to the need for illumination and the
possibility of using electric starting. Since the starting requirements are significantly
Sometimes it is necessary to keep the magneto ignition for economic reasons; for
instance, in tractors, stationary engines, or boat motors. In such cases the magneto must
give off a sufficiently powerful spark during starting. The magneto should be equipped
with an impulse starter, since the directly connected magneto, as opposed to the battery
ignition apparatus, gives low voltage at low rpm's. The impulse starter consists of an
elastic coupling between the drive shaft and the magneto shaft and a cam device which
periodically retains and releases the magneto shaft, at which time a spring twists the
magneto axle a few degrees with great speed at the same moment that the contact
breaker opens and the spark is produced. The increased speed gives the spark greater
energy. When the engine has reached a few hundred revolutions per minute, the device is
switched off automatically by centrifugal weights.
A higher voltage at the electrodes of the spark plugs is required if the compression ratio
increases, if there are deviations from the stoichiometric mixing proportion, if the elec-
trode distance increases and the electrode tips are deformed, if the moisture increases,
if the turbulence increases, or if there is increased soot-fouling of the spark plug insula-
tor where the current that has been lost must be compensated for .through increased
energy. As already mentioned, the later arc component of the ignition spark contains
large energy reserves, 50 to 60 times more than are normally required, which are not
used under ordinary circumstances. In case of impaired flashover conditions for the igni-
tion spark, these reserves are used more or less for increasing the voltage of the spark
plugs. During the past generator gas epoch, it was found that the above-mentioned fac-
tors affecting voltage were of greater importance for generator gas operation than for
gasoline operation, which permitted an increase in maximum power output of the ignition
device. In modern engines, where the maximum voltage of the ignition system is 10-20
kV, any further power increase would not seem to be necessary for the electric system,
apart from the engine-starting circuit. For the engines of the 1940s and older engines
with an ignition voltage of 7-10 kV, certain changes should, however, be carried out. (See
Thanderz. [44a])
Ignition-Bulb Engines
As mentioned, an electric ignition system must be used for generator gas driven ignition-
bulb engines, whether they work with a pulsator, gas pump, or crankcase system. In
cases where there is no space for a battery and where it is difficult to arrange operation
of the current distributor and the generator, magneto ignition may be considered. This
mainly applies to some tractors and, in a few cases, boat motors. As a rule, battery igni-
tion should be used, whereby an electric starting engine and starting fan may be
installed. This is especially important for tractors where there is no flywheel starter.
Figure 194 demonstrates a mechanism for an oscillating contact breaker in a pulsator-
converted ignition-bulb engine. Also an ordinary rotating contact-breaker mechanism
may be considered in many cases.
Contact breaker
Figure 195 demonstrates a wiring diagram for the battery-ignition system suited for
generator gas operation of a two-cylinder ignition-bulb engine with a special ignition coil
for each spark plug. A control lamp indicating when the ignition is on is also a part of
this device.
A great number of ignition-bulb engines are started by the flywheel's being pulled up in
the wrong rotation direction against the compression. The ignition must then be set so
that the ignition spark is timed correctly under such conditions. Figure 196 demonstrates
an example of contact-breaker cams for this purpose. In order to facilitate the start, a
buzzer device is sometimes used, whereby a flow of sparks may be fed to the cylinder
during the start. The buzzer is disconnected by hand after the start. In the case of
magneto ignition this method of starting the engine must also be taken into account.
Spark Plugs
The same rules for the choice of a spark plug with proper heat number apply to generator
gas operation as to gasoline operation. The heat number depends upon the length of the
spark plug insulator; the shorter it is, the faster the heat is removed and the "colder" the
spark plug and vice versa. The numbering, usually in "heat numbers," originates in the
Bosch-scale (see Figure 197), where the heat numbers correspond to the number:of sec-
onds during which the plug can run in a special testing engine without preignition. !
It is
possible that a scale with a more practical basis for numbering will be used in the fore-
seeable future; namely, the IMEP scale. IMEP means the Indicated Mean Effective Pres-
sure, where the heat number figure corresponds to the highest indicated engine power
SEA 112. 3
Ground contact
G23 DH95T2
, - ......,
I ( .\-\
-..._v \
\ \ \
\ \ \ ~--..,,.........
Operation Start
Figure 196. Contact-Breaker Cams for the Backstroke Starting
Spark for Starting Large Ignition-bulb Engines.
Figure 197. The Heat Numbers of the
Spark Plugs Depend Mainly Upon the
Length of the Porcelain Insulator.
45 Warm Plug and 145 Cold Plug
that the plug can stand without auto-ignition of the fuel/air mixture. A spark plug insu-
lator should keep a normal working temperature of 400° to 500°C in order to be 11self-
cleaning," by which is meant an ability to burn away existing deposits of soot, etc.
However, the temperature should not exceed 900°C, since such a high temperature would
cause preignition in the engine. Nowadays, excellent insulation materials are available,
such as andalusite and aluminum silicate. Such insulators should be glazed for generator
gas operation by a base material of feldspar and quartz, so that deposits can more easily
be removed. Modern spark plugs for gasoline engines are not glazed in this way, because
tetraethyl lead forms an electrically conductive lead glass with the glaze. The new
metallic-looking 11sintox11-spark plugs may also be used (base material sintered aluminum).
On the whole, in generator gas operation it is advisable to use spark plugs with somewhat
higher heat numbers than in gasoline operation, especially to faciliate the start. The
spark plug clearance (gap) varies with different engine types. In general it should be
adjusted somewhat more frequently during generator gas operation than gasoline opera-
tion, or after approximately 5,000 km or 100 hr driving.
Ignition Cables
The ignition cables should be dimensioned for the increased voltage and current intensity.
Modern plastic materials such as neoprene have started to replace the old enameled
cables. The plastic material is better than materials used formerly for severa! reasons.
It is more resistant to dielectric losses (in the high voltage wires), to heat,oil, gasoline,
water, etc., and it has greater mechanical durability. Also, it more effectively shuts out
the air, whereby electric radiation (the "corona effect") has no tendency to form ozone
and nitric oxides, which have a drying effect on rubber and cable casings and which cor-
rode the conducting metal.
The ignition cables should be installed well separated from each other (see Figure 248), in
order to prevent induction phenonmena such as "glow ignitions".
energy is supplied to the spark plugs. The need for sparkover voltage between the spark
plug electrodes varies considerably and may be several times greater under unfavorable
circumstances than during normal operating conditions. Too great an excess of energy is,
as mentioned, unfavorable for the life of the electrodes, even though a large amount of
energy may be advantageous at a cold start. As a measure of suitability of the ignition
device for generator gas operation, a spark length of approximately 7 mm (sparkover
ability) was used in Sweden under ·atmospheric pressure in a testing device of 3-point
type. This corresponds to an electrode voltage of approximately 14 kV in the combustion
space of the engine. "'
Q) so -~--.----.----.------,
+.I ~01-----l~~
~ 30
•r-l 20 ~~Y-<:1-~'----'t------'t-------i
·r-l /0° ......~.t--l----1----1-------l
/000 2000 3000 4f]00
Crankshaft RPM
Figure 198. Ignition-Advance Field during Generator
Gas Operation (Shaded). (Solid curve, advance suitable
for generator gas operation; dashed curved, for gasoline
operation) From the Robo Company Catalogue.
and later, the ignition voltage is, as a rule, over 10 kV and in some types up to 20 kV.
When such engines are changed over to generator gas operation, the electric ignition
equipment would not seem to need any improvement. In addition there was great
improvement, after the war, of electric system design and material. In particular, the
modern synthetic plastic materials have helped to protect cables and devices from chem-
ical and mechanical attacks. The difficulties with the electric devices of the past gener-
ator gas epoch will therefore be reduced in the future.
The problem of lubrication during generator gas operation is concerned with the follow-
ing facts typical for such operation.
1. Thinner oil than normal.
2. Increased fouling.
3. Higher mean rpm.
With the gas- cleaning improvements of current gas generators, the risks of increased
wear of the engine due to impaired lubrication are rather small, provided that adequate
lubricating oil is used. One cause of impaired lubrication disappears in the case of gen-
erator gas operation; namely, dilution with noncombusted fuel, for instance from chok-
ing. The generator gas contains no substances which can be directly corrosive to the
engine. However, conveyed dust particles (soot, ashes, etc.), may cause increased fouling
of the engine (precipitated by 'water condensation), especially in the wintertime and dur-
ing intermittent operation. In the case of wood gas operation, the moisture content of
the gas may be inconveniently high.
Experience from the blockade period has proven that poorer lubricating oils and consid-
erably prolonged driving periods between oil changes, as well as increased rpm due to the
power decrease during generator gas operation, did not cause significant damage to the
engines, as had been expected. This may be due to the fact that the car owners were
aware of the risks and more careful than usual in keeping the cleaning devices in good
condition. The relatively high operating temperatures during generator gas operation and
a decreased number of cold starts (since the engine rarely is shut off in generator gas
operation due to starting difficulties) probably also helped in decreasing the fouling of
the engine. Modern research in the field has shown that "overcooling, 11 rather than over-
heating, causes lubrication trouble due to increased fouling of the engine. Almost all dirt
deposits take place in the presence of condensation water and as a consequence of
mixed-in water. In the pipes from the gas generators, there are almost always a great
many small whirling ash particles, etc., no matter how good the cleaning is; these parti-
cles are deposited as tar-like dirt as soon as condensaton water is formed. By keeping
the engine running, the risks of condensation-water formation are decreased. Black
fouled crankcase oil usually does not have an impaired lubricating ability, but in the
presence of water the dirt is precipitated and deposited in the engine, thereby disturbing
the circulation process. An increased number of oil changes, careful collecting of the oil
for cleaning, and improved cleaning devices (cloth filters for wood gas operation, etc.)
are all effective means of protecting the engine against rapid wear and of minimizing the
oil consumption. Especially engines with intermittent operating conditions require care-
ful supervision, in these respects, since the risk of condensation water formation is great
in this case.
During generator gas operation, the crankcase oil often thickens considerably (alkali
compounds); therefore, thinner oil than normal should be used.
Supercharger Operation
Due to lack of space and complications arising from the need for special cooling, great
power losses for operation, etc., superchargers that are mechanically operated from the
engine have not become popular for generator gas operation. Add to this, that in spite of
an existing supercharger, the need for acceleration still may make rebuilding the engine
necessary for increased compression. This considerably raises the price of conversion to
generator gas operation.
According to tests carried out by the Generator Gas Committee of 1937, (56] consider-
ably better results were obtained with a screw-type supercharger than with a centrifugal
type. Figure 201 shows the results of tests with a Volvo truck equipped with a screw
supercharger, manufactured by the Ljungstrom Steam Turbine Company.
In a mechanically driven supercharger, the outlet pipe is often equipped with an over-
pressure valve, through which a possible excess of the gas/air mixture (as in case of a
decreased load of the engine) is brought back through a return pipe to the inlet pipe of
the supercharger. The gas suction is decreased considerably in this way. In order to
retain under such circumstances sufficient suction in the generator, the overflow gas
mixture is, according to a Finnish design, emitted into the open air (Fabricius) instead of
to the supercharger inlet. The fuel loss caused by this is said to be quite insignificant.
Air Supercharger Turbine Exhaust gases
filling part b=i=~=Q..
When supercharger operation is planned for engines, it must be observed that larger gas
generators than normal must be used to meet the increased gas consumption. Operation
of the supercharger by means of an exhaust turbine is also of interest (Figures 199 and
200). The compressed air is divided so that one part goes to the gas generator, which
then will be under overpressure, and one part to the mixer. A similar air distribution was
mentioned earlier in connection with conversion of a two-cycle Bolinder Munktell sys-
tem. A disadvantage of this overpressure procedure is the leakage risk in the generator
and the pipes, and that the fuel cannot be refilled during generator gas operation. In
supercharger operation, the specific fuel consumption is somewhat lower than in genera-
tor gas operation without a supercharger. In supercharger operation it is particularly the
peak output (Figure 202) that increases, which is of great value for generator gas opera-
Generator gas 1. Power with a
with a supercharger
I I I i i
0,4 I I.Yi
·~ 60
1_,vj I ~
~ 50
I / I 00
J::~ I v 12 ... -~i m <Ll
v, . . - - 0.4 ,.c ~
/i 11! LJ ;::l
v- ~ti)
13 I/ I Qz• <Ll tll
20 4() 60
, ,,
,_ ~v I
I .I
p. <Ll
Qt ;::l ~
en P.
Speed 2 4 " 8 1(}()(J 12 14 '' 1a '""c rpm
Figure 201. Rear-Wheel Power of a Figure 202. Diagram Showing
Volvo LV94D with and without a the Power Increase during
Supercharger, and Showing the Supercharger Operation.
Supercharger Pressure Increase.
Chapter 8
Standardized gas generators designed for motor vehicles and produced in large numbers
are, as a rule, easy to install. In these cases, the manufacturers have already taken into
account not only operational properti~s, appearance, etc., but also easy installation. This
fact, which is favor able for the vehicle owners, applies first of all to passenger cars and
also to some extent to tractors; i.e., generally so-called type-inspected motor vehicles
(see below). Usually it is the car and engine manufacturers themselves who produce the
complete gas generators to fit their own designs.
These instructions usually concern some examples for trucks and passenger cars; they
may be used where applicable for other installations as well.
Circulars issued by the National Swedish Fuel Commission and the Generator Gas Bureau
give some regulations for generator gas installation, mainly for motor vehicles. These
regulations were required and had to be followed, above all those pertaining to safety
concerning carbon monoxide and fire hazard. The regulations also contained advice that
"should be" followed; namely, advice for maximum power, reliability, etc. lri order to
receive a driving permit, it was necessary to fulfill at least the required regulations.
For so-called test types of gas generators for motor vehicles and power tools, it was
required, among other things, that the manufacturer supply installation drawings with all
dimensions given, material information, etc., accompanied by a guarantee of adequate
material and work. The most important regulations included:
Each vehicle that is subject to the regulations in the motor vehicle ordinance, is equipped
with a gas generator, or has had a gas generator replaced, must be submitted for a first-
time inspection or a repeat inspection by a motor vehicle inspector as soon as possible, or
at the latest within 14 days from the date of purchase or replacement.
The gas generator must be installed so that the generator gas, as much as possible, is
prevented from entering the driver's cab or any space intended for passengers.
The driver's cab or any other covered car body should not be heated by a device into
which exhaust gases of the engine are conducted. Air from the air intake under the hood
must not be used for heating or ventilation of the vehicle, nor should ventilation be done
by fan extraction.
The ventilation and oil-filling openings in the crankcase of the engine must be equipped
with a discharge pipe angled back and out to the right side of the vehicle (sloping down -
ward in order to avoid a liquid lock). The orifice of the pipe must be pointing to the rear.
The oil filler is to be equipped with a tight cover and the oil gage rod with a tight pack-
ing. The exhaust port to the fuel pump is to be closed.
The valve hood covering the valves is to be tight. If the valve hood is equipped with a
ventilation pipe it is to have its outlet outside the engine hood at a distance of at least
0.25 m behind the radiator of the engine.
Vehicles or machines equipped with a gas generator with a pressure fan should not use a
circulation fan or windscreen wiper operated by vacuum from the inlet manifold of the
engine, due to risk of poisoning.
Driver's Cab
The driver's cab should, when possible, be equipped with an exit at both sides. When fully
opened, the door must leave a free opening of at least 400 mm width. The gas generator
must not be installed so that it infringes on the driver's space. The floor in a covered car
body or driver's cab or a space intended for passengers must be well fitted and tight. The
wall between the engine and the driver's cab or the space intended for passengers must
be as tight as possible.
The Gas Generator
The gas generator must be designed and installed so that fire hazards, as far as possible,
are prevented (Figures 203 and 204).
If the distance between the generator and a combustible part of the vehicle or its cargo
is less than 30 cm, a safety wall must be built around the generator to the required
extension and height; also, woodwor~ belonging to the vehicle and located closer to the
generator than 30 cm must be plated (see Figures 203 and 204). If the cargo reaches a
height greater than the generator within a distance of 1 m from it, the safety wall must
extend to the full height of the cargo. The safety wall must be light and of sufficient
strength (of sheetmetal or of wood, plated toward the side of the generator). A plated
car body may be considered to be a safety wall. If the cargo consists of inflammable
goods, special attention must be paid to protection from ignition.
The distance between the generator and the safety wall must not be less than 10 cm. If
the distance is between 10 and 15 cm, an insulation wall must be placed in the space
between the generator and the safety wall; the distance from the center of the insulation
wall to the generator or the safety wall must not be less than 5 cm. The insulation wall
is to be made of noncombustible material and strong enough not to warp.
The space between the generator and the safety wall is to be appropriately covered to
prevent fuel from falling down during refilling. This cover, which may be made of net-
ting, perforated sheet metal, etc., must not,however, interfere with the air circulation
around the generator.
When the generator is installed in the trunk space, no matter what the distance to com-
bustible material, a safety wall as well as an insulation wall must be arranged in the
trunk space and in a way which provides sufficient ventilation around the generator. The
trunk-space door must not be replaced by a cover of an inflammable material, such as
pegamoid (fabrikoid), cloth, etc. (Figures 205-207).
Primary-Air Intake
The primary-air intake is to be equipped with a self-closing valve and a flame guard as
well, both of types approved by the Generator Gas Bureau. The self-closing valve should
be lockable from the outside, or else there should be another lockable shut-off device
approved by the Generator Gas Bureau and easily accessible, in addition to the return
The primary-air intake should be placed at least 0.7 m from the nearest opening or door.
Preferably, the primary-air intake of the gas generator should consist of a pipe extended
to be level with the upper edge of the fuel container. The opening of the pipe should be
designed to make a connection possible to the ventilation device in the garage. The
device for ignition through the primary-air intake must also be of a type approved by the
Generator Gas Bureau and so designed that it cannot be left open after ignition has
Truck body of sheet
metal or plated wood
(=safety wall) Dust collector
> Af least Safety wall
30 cm
is plated up
to a distance of 30 cm
from the nearest point
Insulation wall Insulation wallof the generator.
Figure 203. Assembly Schematic for a Truck Generator
"'The wooden spar is plated
.......~~_-__•L-UP to a distance of 30 cm
from the nearest point of
the generator.
11 B The distance from the
-{ generator or the safety
At least 10 cm
wall to the center of
the insulation wall
Insulation wall
Safety wall of sheet
metal or plated wood
At cm 1 At least 10 cm
~sulation wall
Section A-A
At least
Insulation wall
Dust collector\ Insulation wall
At least 10 Dust collector\
Safety wall of
sheet metal or
plated wood
At least 10
The distance from the
generator or safety wall plated wood
to the center of the Safety wall of sheet
insulation wall must not metal or plated wood
be less than 5 cm. Fig. 20s. Fig. 207.
Figures 205-207. Rear Installation of a Passenger Car Generator.
Ground Clearance
The clearance between the lowest part of the gas generator and the ground should be
adequate. When the generator is placed between the axles of the vehicle, an adequate
clearance is approximately 20-25 cm; when installed at the front or at the rear, approxi-
mately 25-30 cm, all measured when the vehicle is loaded.
Gas Conduit, Gas Cleaner, and Gas Cooler
The gas pipe and the gas cleaner between the gas outlet from the generator and the gas
cooler are also to be insulated from woodwork in the same way as the gas generator. In
the case of a completely double jacketed wood gas generator, the gas pipe (including the
cyclone cleaner and cloth cleaner) may, from the standpoint of insulation, be considered
as a gas cooler up to a length of 2.5 m from the gas outlet of the generator. In the case
of a wood gas generator with a clotl1 cleaner preheated by exhaust gases, it must be insu-
lated as a gas cooler, no matter what the length of the gas conduit between the genera-
tor and the cloth cleaner. For other designs of gas generators, the Generator Gas Bureau
gives directions on an individual basis.
Woodwork belonging to the vehicle, located closer than 15 cm to the gas cooler, must be
plated. The distance between the gas cooler, complete with fittings, and combustible
materials must not be less than 4 cm. If the distance is between 4 and 6 cm, an insula-
tion wall of noncombustible material must be installed; the distance from the center of
the insulation wall to the gas cooler or combustible material must be no less than 2 cm.
In the case of a charcoal gas generator, the gas cooler should preferably not be placed
beneath the truck bed, especially if freight is carried which may be damaged by moder-
ate heat. ··
The gas cooler must be free to expand in the direction of the gas conduit as well as in the
longitudinal direction of the cooler itself. To neglect this would involve a risk of leaks
due to thermal stress, a risk of fire in the system, and if cloth cleaners are used, ruined
cloths. The installation should always be made so that the cooler can be effectively
If a fan is placed under the hood, special attention must be paid to the tightness of the
fan and the fan duct.
If the damper in the fan outlet is combined with a switch for the fan, the spring of the
damper must, in order to prevent the damper from possibly starting up the fan through
the spring force, be mounted so that the greatest tension in the spring is obtained at a
fully open damper position.
In an installation with a starting fan or compressor, the fan outlet must be mounted so
that gas cannot enter the hood, or any space intended for the driver, passengers, or
cargo. When. the outlet is installed, it must be remembered that the gas is lighter than
the surrounding air.
In a large bus with a permanently installed gas generator, the fan outlet must be
extended so that the outlet opens out over the top of the chassis, at least 1.0 m from the
nearest opening or door. In the case of a bus equipped with a gas generator installed in a
special trailer, the fan outlet must be extended to the upper edge of the fuel container,
no less than 1.5 m above the ground.
In motor vehicles other than buses, the fan outlet should preferably be directed upward
and open out to the right of the centerline of the vehicle, at least 1.5 m above the ground
and at least 0.5 m from the nearest opening or door, opening out over the roof. An alter-
native, which, however, may involve a certain risk, is to direct the outlet horizontally
outward to the right, where it must open out at least 0.7 m from the nearest opening or
door. If there is a device in the vehicle which can turn on the fan automatically, the fan
outlet should then be extended so tpat it opens out over the roof of the vehicle. The
device for automatic fanning must be equipped with a special switch, to deactivate it
There must be no cover over a fan outlet which is directed upward; it could give the fan
gases an undesirable flow direction. The outlet should also be arranged so that the
flame, during testing of the gas, cannot cause a fire in the vehicle, the cargo or the sur-
roundings. It is advisable to place a special test-ignition pipe, equipped with a tap that
opens when the gas is tested, in a fan outlet pipe which is directed upward.
In power machinery, the fan outlet must open out at a height over the ground or the
driver's cab which insures that the fan gas is carried off well above the driver's head.
The fan outlet should be equipped with a turning 90° pipe bend.
A fan outlet, which is to be connected to a mechanically operated exhaust device, must
be dimensioned and designed (Figure 208) to fit a standardized connection of the device.
Secondary-Air Intake
The secondary-air intake must not be placed under the engine hood or in a space intended
for the driver, passengers or cargo.
The secondary-air intake for a gas generator with a pressure fan must be arranged in
accordance with the above regulations for a fan outlet.
The secondary-air intake in a gas generator with a suction fan must be placed at least 0.4
m from the nearest opening or door. In the case of a bus with a gas generator equipped
with a suction fan, the above regulations which require the secondary-air intake to be
equipped with a fan outlet would apply.
It must be ensured that the gas cannot escape from the gas mixer. A tight-fitting
damper or shut-off device must always be placed before the automatic mixer, either in
the gas pipe or in the secondary-air duct. Damper shafts, wires, and control devices
must be in good condition.
All dampers must be working correctly and in a way so that gas or air cannot pass uncon-
trolled. When starting with liquid fuel, it is important that the changeover valve com-
pletely closes off the generator gas.
The air intake to the carburetor must be equipped with a tight-fitting lid which is kept
closed when the engine is not run on liquid fuel; otherwise the air intake of the carbure-
tor must be connected to the secondary-air intake.
The damper blade is
to be chamf erred
pointed A=70°. Hole r/J 2
\ /,,~ Welded
Fuel Tank
In vehicles which are converted to generator gas, the fuel tank must be placed suffi-
ciently far from the generator, fan outlet, and engine heater for solid, liquid, or gaseous
fuel. It is sufficiently far if the fuel tank is placed outside the chassis frame on the side
of the vehicle opposite to the gas generator; or, when the gas generator is placed on a
trailer or in the trunk, if the distance between the generator and the fuel tank is at least
1 m. However, a container with liquid fuel and holding at the most 5 L may be placed
closer to the generator at a distance of at least 0.5 m. It must be permanently
mounted in a suitable, protected place outside the engine hood.
A fuel tank placed under the engine hood must not be connected to the engfoe and must
not contain liquid fuel. A pipe to the fuel container must not be soldered.
Piping as well as joints and flange connections must be tight. A gas pipe must not be run
through the driver's cab or any space intended for passengers, unless the pipe is seamless
or has a pressure tested seam.
The gas pipe and the secondary-air duct should be sufficiently thick. Unnecessary pipe
bends, pipe lengths and welding seams as well as wrinkled pipe bends should be avoided,
since they cause power loss. A rubber hose may be used only for short joints (no more
than 100 mm) in a straight pipe and not until after the gas cooler. The pipe ends must be
equipped with a retention bead if the distance between the pipe ends exceeds 1/4 of the
pipe diameter. A rubber hose joint must not be used under the car floor or the fender. A
reinforced rubber hose may be used between the gas generator in a trailer and the motor
vehicle as well as in hinged, swiveling, and folding gas generators. A metal hose may not
be used for the gas pipe, fan outlet, or secondary-air duct.
In the case of gas generators on trailers, which usually are disconnected from the motor
vehicle when put into the garage, there must be a special device (see Figure 209) on the
trailer, which closes the outlet of the gas pipe mounted on the trailer when the genera-
tor is disconnected from the gas pipe of the vehicle.
' ¢ff
- - · - · · ------··-i
' i
. ''
The gas pipe from wood gas generators must have an incline toward the condensation-
water container. Where necessary, a screw plug must be attached for draining condensa-
tion water. Open drain holes are not permitted.
In power machinery the exhaust gases should preferably be drawn off upward, and the
exhaust pipe must open out well above the operator's head, even when he must stand up
to maneuver the equipment.
Great poisoning risks are involved if the exhaust pipe opens out over an opening or door
in the vehicle. This should be taken into account particularly in vehicles with a
specially-built car body; e.g., a delivery van or a car with a covered platform.
Device for Adding Liquid Fuel During Generator Gas Operation
Any device (not a carburetor} for adding liquid fuel during generator gas operation must
be of a type tested and approved by the Generator Gas Bureau. For the use of such a
device, the following ·directions are to be followed:
l. The fuel container must be placed lower than the device. If the device is equipped
with a float the container may, however, be placed differently. The container,
which must not be equipped with an automatic filling device, must be assembled in
full accordance with the issued directions.
2. There must be an easily accessible shut-off device in the pipe from the fuel con..:.
Hydrostatic Test
After a sufficient number of test drives a hydraulic test .. 1ust be conducted on the gas
generator before delivery. There is a risk that thermal stress and settling after the
assembly may have caused leaks in the gas generator. Hydrostatic testing should be done
with air at a pressure of no less than 0.2 atmosphere. The tightness is tested by brushing
on soapy water.
Other Directions
Devices for fastening the gas generator to the chassis of the car must be of adequate
dimensions. Drilled holes for the supporting beams of the gas generator must not be so
large or placed in such a way that the frame is weakened; drilling the beam flanges
should be avoided.
When mounted in front of the radiator, the gas generator must not hide the headlights.
An approaching driver, who is in front of the vehicle at an angle of 30° to the right or the
left of the center line of the vehicle, must be able to see both headlights.
A simple test of this is made by standing in front of the vehicle on the center line of the
vehicle and taking 10 steps ahead of the headlights and after that 6 steps to the side at a
right angle. From this position, both headlights should be visible. Otherwise, the head-
lights must be moved or additional ones mounted.
Note: In the Welding Commission a proposal has been worked out for directions for
assembly-welding of certain pipes or pipe systems (pipe-welding standards); these regula-
tions will be issued by the National Swedish Insurance Office in its capacity of managing
the Labor Inspectorate Head Agency. According to this proposal, among other things,
welding jobs involved in the manufacturing and assembly of gas generators with pipes
may be carried out only by enterprises which have been approved by the Labor Inspector-
ate for such jobs (pipe-welding licensees).
In addition to the directions in the circulars of the Fuel Commission, special regulations
were approved by the National Swedish Inspectorate of Explosives and Flammable Liquids
on trucks, which were to transport explosives of the "first class." For ships with
employees, special regulations were issued by the Board of Commerce, the Ships' Inspec-
From the viewpoint of weight distribution and v1s10n, it is advisable to place the gas
generator on the right side of the vehicle if it is a left-hand-drive truck. In some cases,
large containers or cylinders for the vehicle brakes may present an obstacle, in which
case left-side installation would be preferable~ Such a position may also be advantageous
with regard to the nature of the gas generator and the tubing (especially in wood gas
generators, where the cork cleaner is not built as a unit with the wet cleaner and the
If the truck is to carry long loads (beams, pipes, etc.) that are placed along the sides of
the vehicle past the cab, the gas generator must be placed close to the longitudinal cen-
ter of the vehicle either in front of the radiator, behind the cab, or in case of no trailer,
possibly at the rear.
Usually, the generator is suspended on two channel irons (Figure 2ll) placed behind the
cab gable across the frame members of the cab and is fastened to the fastening flange
intended for this purpose. It is most important that the prescribed minimum distance to
the ground, 250 mm, be maintained. The distance between the beams is adapted to the
outer diameter of the generator. Sometimes, the cyclone cleaner is attached to the
opposite side of the vehicle on the same beams, which must then be somewhat bent or
supplemented with adequate braces since the cyclone cleaner frequently has a smaller
diameter than that of the generator. If possible, the cyclone should be located on the
same side as the generator in order to decrease the risk of condensation-water formation
and also to_ avoid heating the truck bed too much. For the same reasons it is sometimes
advisable not to place the cooler of a charcoal gas generator on top of the chassis frame
underneath the 'truck bed (in case of cargo sensitive to heat; Figure 212). Frequently, the
cooler for the charcoal gas generator may be fastened to the top of the cab, where a
good wind-cooling effect may be expected.
When the generator and the cleaners are attached, the maximum width allowed for the
vehicle must not be exceeded, particularly in the case of the generator mounts. If the
distance between the generafor and the wooden beam under the truck bed is sufficient,
the only change is the mounting of the two channel irons. If the distance is too small,
the wooden beam has to be cut and the truck bed must be supported in a different man-
ner, with an iron plate, etc. If a separate fastening flange is supplied for the generator it
should be carefully welded to the generator jacket after having been fitted to maintain
the prescribed distance, so that the mantle is not damaged. A separate flange is usually
supplied for the gas outlet in the generator. First a place for it should be marked out,
not too close to the hood; a 75-100 mm hole is cut out with a welding torch, after which
Figure 211. The Generator and Cleaner are Often Placed Between
the Same Transverse Channel Irons.
the flange is welded. The cutout must be done obliquely with the flame, so as not to
damage the jacket, and the outer jacket must not be dented. The edges of the hole
should be bent outward. If they point inward, they may cause soot to deposit in the gen-
The generator should be insulated from woodwork according to the regulations (Figures
213 and 214). The conduit between the generator and the cyclone cleaner may be insu-
lated with asbestos in the wintertime in order to prevent significant condensation-water
formation; this applies primarily to wood gas generators. Preferably the pipe should be
an expanding type, due to thermal stress, and be equipped with adequate flush plugs,
since considerable condensation-water formation is common.
In most wood gas generators, the wet cleaner, cooler, and fine cleaner (cork) are built
together and intended to be placed in front of the car radiator. It is advisable to attach
the unit with iron bands over the frame members or their .extensions; the bumper is
moved forward. The generator gas cooler must be placed as close to the radiator as pos-
sible, in order to utilize the fan effect to its fullest. When a cleaning device is mounted,
the pipes must slope toward the cleaner, so that condensation water can be collected and
the draining devices can be used. When running a pipe under the car, it is sometimes
. At IAt least 6 cm
Insulation wall_
~~"-~"6: A
C\S__L _ _ __
;;: \()
Safety wall
Insulation wallf Section A-A
Insulation wall necessary when the
distance is less than 15 cm.
Figure 214. Assembly of a Wood Gas Generator for a High Cargo.
(Hesselman Motor Corporation)
difficult to achieve much of an incline; this is the reason that special condensation-water
collectors with draincocks must be placed at the lowest place (Figure 215). Of course, it
is not at all advisable to try to arrange a continuous draining through small holes in the
pipes. Dangerous gas leakage often results from such a procedure; also dust may enter,
possibly causing damage to the engine.
To engine I
Condensati~n- '\
water tank
5 L.
It is important that the generator and cleaner, etc., are attached to the chassis with
enough resilience to allow for adequate heat expansion in the pipes and the chassis itself.
If the cleaners are light, they can be supported by the gas pipes, but usually not in the
case of trucks; they must then be placed on the chassis frame with brackets. Holes
should be made in the frame such that its strength is not significantly decreased.
Generator gas manufacturers have made available special printed directions for mounting
the fan, generator gas control, garage carburetor, mixer, etc. These directions can be
followed in detail if the mounting of such generator gas equipment is not prevented or
made more difficult by special devices found on trucks. For this, flanges and other fas-
tening devices are often supplied.
On trucks with power-operated dumpers (Figure 216) (usually hydraulic), the operation of
the dumper frequently may be an obstacle to mounting the channel irons mentioned
above. It is then necessary to block them up or else attach the generator and possibly
the cyclone cleaner by means of brackets. The holes in the channel iron should be close
to the rib in order not to weaken them too much. Sometimes it may be advisable to fas-
ten them with angle irons to the chassis members.
In addition to safety regulations and the rules mentioned above, the following informa-
tion concerning the slope of the piping is applicable.
1. The gas pipe should be run so that it will be as short as possible in order to lessen
flow resistance. For the same reason, there should be as few bends as possible.
Figure 216. Dump Truck with a Wood Gas Generator.
3. The pipes should have a relatively great cross section for the smallest possible
resistance. The gas velocity should, for this reason, not exceed 5 m/s.
4. Where the gas still has a high temperature, i.e., before the cooler, the pipe diame-
ter should be greater than after the cooler. The conduit before the cooler should
have approximately 1/4 greater diameter than after it.
5. Before the cooler, hose may not be used for pipe connections; instead pipes with
flanges or, where possible, welding should be used. After the cooler, however, a
rubber hose may be used and should be used whenever possible. This is also appli-
cable for the connection between the vehicle and a gas generator trailer (rein-
forced hose). A metal hose must not be used for the gas pipe. Underneath the
vehicle or the mudguard, rubber hose must not be used for pipe connections. The
rubber joints must not be more than a distance of 1 cm between the pipes and they
should be equipped with a clamp and preferably a rete~tion bead as well, so that
the hose cannot easily come loose. A bead can easily be made by welding a rather
thick iron wire (2-3 mm) onto the pipe end. Rubber bands must not be used, since
they can easily be slipped off by suction, thus causing interruption of service.
When the pipes are measured, cut, and welded, it is advisable to block them up in their
places and spot weld them, after which they are removed and completed. Misalignment
of the pipe ends should be carefully avoided, since it may increase pressure drops and
cause soot to collect. For the same reason the welding joint should be as smooth as pos-
sible on the inside.
After the gas generator has been mounted on the chassis and the truck bed put on again,
a careful check of an gas connections should be carried out with regard to the fire-
protection regulations. As a rule, the gas generator should also be tested hydrostatically
to see if there is any leakage. To place manometers for reading the pressure after the
generator and immediately before the mixer would be useful, although it has not been
done very often.
On trucks pulling semitrailers, there is often adequate space for placing a gas generator
between the rear gable of the cab and the front gable of the truck bed or the superstruc-
ture. Adequate space for spare tires, wood store, etc., is also found in these places (see
Figure 134).
The installation should be done so that all ports, flush plugs, and draincocks are easily
accessible for service.
6. Generator gas cleaner. 10. Starting fan. 12. Primary-air
pipe. 15. Shaking arm for the grate. 16. Ash port. 21. Inspection
port and handle. 23. Fuel container. 24. Fuel port. 25. Gas
outlet. 26. Water float. 27. Steam boiler. 28. Steam pipe.
30. Gas pipe with an expansion section. 31. Gas pipe. 33. Gas
cooler. 43. Water tank. 45. Drain plug for water. 46. Pipe
sleeve. 47. Sealing flange. 48. Flange.
In all rear installations, the gasoline tank must be removed, the springs reinforced with a
few blades, and the shock absorbers adjusted for the increased load. The gasoline line is
In addition to the removal of the trunk lid, the bottom of the trunk may also have to be
cut out. In all installations, irrespective of the dist~nce to combustible materials, both a
safety wall and an insulation wall must be arranged in the trunk space and in a way so
that there is adequate ventilation around the generator.
If the bottom of the trunk can be left intact, adequate ventilation is arranged by an ejec-
tor duct or ventilation openings. The openings are placed so that dust is prevented as
much as possible from entering the trunk. This is quite difficult, since, during running of
the car, a rather pronounced vacuum is usually created around the trunk lid.
.i \.
/ iI ..
I I '
\I \
iI II I·'
\_I i
\. \
I II I\ i
I !I i \ I
!i iI \
I 11
i If I ! \\
Figure 219. Rear-mounted Wood Gas Generator for
a Passenger Car (top view).
-·-·-.......... .
The gas generator is suspended on channel irons that are fastened to the cross members of
the frame with bolts. The gas cooler of a charcoal gas generator may be placed
underneath the rear bumper. The part of the trunk lid that surrounds the gas generator
should be covered by dust collectors so that fuel cannot spill into the trunk during filling.
The dust collectors may be of netting or perforated sheet-iron, so that the air circulation
and cooling are not obstructed.
In order to leave the trunk space free for its original purpose, the gas generator may also
be placed on a platform outside the chassis. This gradually became the most common
method for rear installation. The gas generator could then be mounted either fixed or
hinged. Figures 219 to 223 show examples of various installation methods. As a rule, the
platform is supported by angle irons, which are fastened in the same bolt holes in the
frame as the shock absorber mounts or possibly in the upper flange of the frame. The gas
........ ---------
' I
' --~
generator is placed either directly onto these angle irons or on a platform built on the
angle irons. For insulation with regard to fire hazard the same regulations are applicable
as for truck installation. The distance to the ground must not be less than 250 mm.
When a rubber hose is used, as in the case of hinged gas generators, the gas must not
have a higher temperature than 100° C.
In the case of charcoal gas generators, the generator was often mounted behind the car
body to the right on a platform, fastened at the same spots in the frame as the shock
absorber; the cyclone cleaner was placed on the opposite side, and the cloth cleaner was
mounted at the front of the car. In such cases there was no need for a special cooler,
since the gas piping supplied enough cooling. The generator should not be welded to the
mantle plate, since it usually is not durable enough. Special suspension devices, flanges,
etc., should be arranged for this purpose and the generator should be equipped with a
support at the top, as a rule placed above the trunk lid. This support should be suffi-
ciently resilient.
In the case of wood gas generators, the gas pipe from the rear-installed cyclone cleaner
to the front-installed wet cleaner may run over the roof of the car; thus, a good slope
may be obtained in the pipe, avoiding a water lock. A condensation-water collector
should, in such cases, by placed immediately after the cylone cleaner.
Front installation is, as a rule, used for charcoal gas generators using fine charcoal or
charcoal dust, due to their relatively low weight. Many advantages are gained with such
installations; the car body is left free; the pipes are short, fire hazard is reduced, acces-
sibility for service is good, installation work is simple and inexpensive, etc. The follow-
ing installation directions are for Kalle units.
Hinged mount
iron, 65 nnn
To be adapted
to the car
Channel iron, 60
Stop plate
Hole with 1/2"
Insert before
welding on the Bottom plate
hinge pin. of the unit
Figure 223. Charcoal Gas Generator Partially Built into
the Trunk of the Car.
The gas generator is mounted on two iron supports, which are fastened to the frame. The
unit is very light, the weight being only about 80 kg when the generator is full. Still,
there will be strain on the frame of the car as well as the iron supports for the unit, and
therefore the installation should be carried out with great care. This is particularly true
for fastening the iron supports to the chassis frame, so that the unit does not shift or
loosen. The installing garage or possibly the car manufacturer can supply information
about the carrying ability of the car and whether additional spring leaves need to be
The Gas Generator. The mounting is shown in Figures 224 and 225. The front bumper is
removed and the unit fastened by means of two angle iron supports that have been
attached to the chassis frame in the same holes as used for the bumper. The dimensions
of these support irons should be at least 62 X 10 mm or 75 X 8 mm. There must be no
notches or similar defects to weaken the carrying ability. If possible, the holes should be
drilled at the center of the iron.
In the mounting procedure the unit is placed in front of the car on some kind of support,
and is then inclined backward to prevent it from tilting forward after the support has
been removed and the load deflects the springs and support irons. It should be at a height
of approximately 300 mm above the ground. After this, measurements are made and the
shape of the support irons determined. The height from the ground to the lowest point of
the unit must not be less than 250 mm, when the vehicle is fully loaded.
The upper bracket must also be done with great care. Two round irons (10 mm diameter)
or possibly flat irons at least 21 X 4.5 mm, respectively, are placed crosswise as shown in
the figure. The irons are pulled through the radiator grillwork and fastened to the bolts
that hold the headlights or the radiator. Where the irons cross over each other they
should be fastened together by welding or with a bolt. The irons may also be placed
lengthwise, but then the generator must be satisfactorily propped up.
·- -. · - · - · - -·-·-·-·-.....
..c:·=..·.y--· //--
/,-\ i .
I\ /
Figure 225. Plan view of Figure 224.
It is important that the edge of the filling port of the generator is level and even, and
that it has not been damaged during transport. It is of the utmost importance that the
fuel lid be tight. If any straightening is required, it should be done by striking from the
The Gas Cleaner. The gas cleaner is placed on the right side of the unit. It should be
fastened to the right support iron on~a bracket of flat irons. Figure 226 shows an exam-
ple of such an installation. The cleaner must be placed so that the port may easily be
opened and the filter taken out for cleaning. On the inside of the lid the gas cleaner is
marked "UP" to indicate that this side is mounted upward.
I \ ·-=./' \
:·-- i°l
·Figure 226. Installation of the Cleaner in a Kalle
Charcoal Gas Generator.
Due to the fact that positioning of the gas cleaner must vary widely for different cars, it
has not been possible to equip it with a bracket. For installation, holes should be made in
the gable of the cleaner, as shown in Figure 226. Inside the gas intake is a distribution
plate so that the gas does not hit the cleaner cloth directly. It should be fastened
directly onto the casing, not onto the cassette.
The gas cleaner is connected to the cooler with a pipe, which is sloped down to the gas
cleaner. A rubber section should be placed in the gas conduit between the cooler and the
gas cleaner. The outlet from the cooler is at the bottom to the right. From the gas
cleaner, a pipe is run to the engine. This pipe should be run with few bends, at a slope up
to the mixer device. A fitting is made in the pipe for a duct to the fan, as shown in Fig-
ure 227.
The Starting Fan. The fan is placed horizontally underneath the engine hood. The
installation is made considerably easier, because the fan shroud can be turned in relation
to the base. Special attention must be given to the tightness of the fan or the fan duct.
An electric cable to the fan must be equipped with a fuse or wired through some of the
fuses already existing in the car.
-· )
1. Air control. 2. Hand accelerator. 3. Fan damper and
switch. 4. Starting fan. 5. Mixer. 6. Damper case.
7. Secondary-air damper. 8. Gas pipe from the cleaner.
9. Gas pipe from the ignition fan. 10. Air filter.
Figure 227. Piping for a Front-Installed Charcoal
Gas Generator.
In the case of front installation, the gas pipe should be run as straight as possible. Pipes
should not be run underneath the engine but rather through mudguards or the cowl. When
piping goes through car-body metal, rubber should be used to prevent rattle and to allow
the pipe some free motion. The ordinary regulations for insulation are also applicable for
front installation, and the fan outlet must open out at least 70 cm from the nearest open-
ing in the car body; for instance, the grill openings of the engine hood. If the gas genera-
tor is equipped with a pressure fan, the secondary-air intake is to be considered a fan
Sometimes it may be advantageous to replace the ordinary radiator fan of the engine
with a truck fan of greater capacity.
The installation of the mixer, starting carburetor, controls, etc., must be adapted to the
type of engine or car in question. Frequently, detailed installation directions concerning
these are supplied by the manufacturers.
end of the evacuation pipe. Any devices for the supply of fresh air to the crankcase (the
oil-filling lid vent, air-intake in the case of overhead valve engines, etc.), should be
equipped with an extension pipe, so that the air intake will be outside the engine hood.
These air intakes must be located at least 25 cm behind the radiator grillwork. If there
is an opening in the flywheel casing, it should be closed since gas may escape through the
end-journal bearings of the crankshaft.
The crankcase evacuation vents shoald not be connected to the fan outlet, since the
crankcase ventilation is impaired in this way. There is sometimes a risk that combustible
gas could enter the crankcase if the fan outlet is connected with the secondary-air sys-
tem, causing ignition in the engine crankcase when the gas is tried during fanning.
Packings of the exhaust pipe and muffler must be tight. Sometimes it may be advisable
to lengthen the exhaust pipe, especially for trucks and buses.
Vacuum-operated windshield wipers and fans should be replaced by electrically-operated
ones, since carbon monoxide also may enter the vehicle in this way.
Gas generators for operation of tractors are usually manufactured for each specific type
of tractor. For the installation of such gas generators on tractors already in use, the
manufacturers supply detailed instructions for each tractor type and, as a rule, also
necessary assembly materials, thus facilitating the gas generator assembly.
For gas generator installation on power machinery with a driver's cab, similar regulations
as for trucks and passenger cars are applicable, with regard to fire and carbon monoxide
There are certain regulations related to fire protection concerning parking tractors in
farmyards. ·
The conditions for installing gas generators on ships and motorboats are even more intri-
cate and varied than for trucks. With possibly the exception of certain kinds of fishing
vessels, hardly any boat is like another; and, in addition the engines are of many different
types, makes, and sizes. At the beginning of the generator gas epoch, quite a few small
recreational boats were already equipped with gas generators originally designed for
motor vehicles, as well as, in some cases, with specially-designed generators. It was not
until pulsator and gas-pump systems for the conversion of ignition-bulb engines were
developed that utility boats and ships such as fishing boats, motor sailing vessels,lumber-
floating boats, inspection boats, etc., were equipped with gas generators, usually more or
less specially designed wood gas systems. As a result, the special installation regulations
and inspection obligations by a government authority (the Ships' Inspectorate) were insti-
tuted. Like the ordinances menti9ned earlier concerning motor vehicles and power
machines, issued by the Generator Gas Bureau of the Fuel Commission and others, these
safety regulations were concerned with carbon monoxide and fire hazards as well as with
seaworthiness and maneuverability.
Generators for Small Recreational Boats. These boats generally have four-cycle
engines of the carburetor, Hesselman, or sometimes diesel type. Those boats ·with two-
cycle outboard motors as a rule cannot use gas generators due to small dimensions, high
rpm and, to some extent, the location of the motor.
Section through prow and stern
sides of the engine house.
!--~..: Deck
~-- \.J./_] M. n.
lh 1 inimum
d ec k - t o-
1 eve 1 1· d 1
~ ~y in er c earance
~-~ :
I _j
______..__ _
Figure 230. Installation Drawings for a Wood Gas
Generator for a Boat.
Because of the space on board it is advisable to place the gas generator in the cockpit,
which may necessitate replacing the existing tiller with a steering wheel. The deck
space underneath the generator should then be covered with some material such as asbes-
tos cement so that dirt can easily be swabbed away. The gas generator must be light-
weight and the boat sturdy, so that the stern will not be weighted down, particularly
since there will be no gasoline load forward. The wood store can be limited. For a 30-hp
engine in approximately a 9-m boat, a wood store of 1-1.5 hL would seem to be sufficient.
Filling should be possible with the engine running. The net weight of the generator may
then be kept to approximately 100 kg. The cyclone and wet cleaner with its cooler are
placed near the generator. Arrangements should be made so that flushing with water is
possible. The cooling should be great enough that the gas pipe can be run, without fire
hazard, all the way to the engine. It is advisable to use a scrubber-type cleaner (see
Figure 108), since soot is automatically removed through this kind of device. The piping
to the cleaner and from the engine must be sloped. If a scrubber is used, its bottom must
be so far above the water surface that the pressure drop in the generator does not pre-
vent water from running from the scrubber. If there is not sufficient space available, a
condensation container may be placed at the lowest point of the gas pipe, similar to
those underneath generator gas-operated trucks. The condensate in this container may
be sluiced out by means of a "speed sucker."
The water pressure created by the ,. speed of the boat may be used instead of a pump for
water cooling; for instance, by forcing sea water up into a pipe.
Charcoal gas generators are not very well suited for boat operation, since it is difficult
to obtain charcoal along the coast and in addition, since charcoal is very hygroscopic;
i.e., it readily absorbs moisture.
The piping should be run as straight as possible, just as in other kinds of generator gas
units, and pipe bends should be avoided. Rubber joints may be used as soon as the gas has
passed the cooler (below 100° C). The location in the body depends upon the space in each
individual case.
Assembly of Large Gas Generators for Ignition-Bulb Engines. When installing the gas
generator it is important that the view of the steersman is not obscured and that gas
generator parts do not get in the way of hawsers, derricks, capstans, etc. Particularly in
the case of fishing vessels, positioning of the various gas generator parts and pipes can
frequently become a rather difficult problem, since there must be sufficient freedom of
movement for the fishing equipment on deck, where, according to regulations, the gas
generator must be placed. All wood that is within a distance of 300 mm from the gener-
ator must be insulated with asbestos or something similar, or be plated. This also applies
to warm gas conduits, cyclone cleaners, etc. Use of a pressure fan for starting the gen-
erator is not permitted on ships. The fan must be placed above deck and the outlet pipe
must be placed at least 2.5 m above the deck or floor and so arranged that the gas flows
freely upward. The same provisions are applicable for the primary-air pipe to the gener-
ator and the intake for the secondary air. Evacuating pipes from safety valves, blow-
cocks, crankcase, etc., should be placed a satisfactory height above deck and must not be
connected to the fan outlet. Damper shafts, as well as ports, flush plugs, cocks, etc.,
should be absolutely tight.
The ventilation of the engine room, if there is one, must be efficient. Two intake vents
of at least 200 mm diameter are prescribed and the pipes from these should open out
close to the floor. In addition, there should be two exhaust vents, both equipped with
suction fans with a capacity of at least 175 m3/h. One of these should be mechanically
started at the same time as the starting fan for the generator, but it should also be pos-
sible to keep it running independently. The other fan must al ways be running during
operation of the engine. The vent outlets should open out at least 2.5 m above the deck,
or the floor.
There are also provisions concerning the ventilation of living quarter and cargo spaces in
generator gas-operated ships. Open boats which do not have special engine houses should
have their cabins and other closed rooms equipped with ventilation of a design deter -
mined by the Ships' Inspectorate.
I s
r hole
Cooling water
Primary Ash ports -,
-;:~I Check valve
2 1/2" outlet
pipe with a J
screw cap anci "
gate valve
00 leaving the engine the starting fan 1. Wood gas generator
2. Protective box for generator
__ -;:·fi}~Ventilation pipe . 3. Cleaner
7 . ~I ;\V.,--.....""\\~I
4. Gas pipe for generator,
102 nun OD.
r1- --~
5. Gas pipe from cleaner to
1:1 engine, 80 mm OD.
_ _ ._ _j j,,111 ---- ------ 6. Cooling water for gas
pipe, 14 nun ID.-copper
i 1\ 7. Cooling water for cleaner,
. ~ 1ii
/·-:-:- ___ --
25 mm ID.-copper
8. Outlet pipe from cleaner,
9. Check valve
10. Gate valve for outlet
pipe, copper
11. Screw cap for outlet
Figure 231. Installation Drawings for a Wood Gas pipe, copper
Generator for a Boat. 12. Starting fan
As a rule, special assembly drawings are made during the gas generator installation and
sent to the Ships' Inspectorate for approval (see Figures 228-231}. During the subsequent
inspection by the Ships' Inspector, quite a few changes may be required, especially if the
shipyard that carries out the conversion is not fully familar with this kind of work.
The piping must be done with great care and judgment, not only with regard to carbon
monoxide and fire hazards but also due to the fact that often the very long pipes required
involve large pressure drops accomg,anied by power decrease. Frequently, room for the
fuel store must be made in the cargo space; it should be protected from being splashed, if
it is placed on deck or in an open boat. Figures 140 to 143 show further samples of gas
generators for boats and ships, and in Figure 89C, a diagram is given for a wood gas
generator connected to a large ignition-bulb engine with a pulsator.
Chapter 9
There were many cases of carbon monoxide poisoning in Sweden during the generator gas
epoch, mainly because safety regulations were not followed.
A garage used for generator gas operated vehicles should be easily accessible and prefer-
ably on the ground floor. It should have tight walls so as not to let gas into the rest of
the building; also, the floor should slant outward, so that the vehicle can be easily rolled
out through the exit, which should be that of the garage only. When the vehicle is to be
started, the doors should be left open at least a half minute before anyone enters the
garage. Then the vehicle may be rolled out; prefer ably it should be started about 10 m
from the garage. For the ventilation of this type of garage, an air intake at a low spot
far away from the gas generator and an air outlet near it are adequate.
Small garages are to be preferred. The greatest problem for large garages is satisfactory
ventilation. In order to be able to start up the gas generators indoors, the following
conditions are required:
I. Adequate general ventilation is essential; i.e., air circulation corresponding to
a complete air exchange four times an hour.
2. When the gas generator is being fired up, the gas outlet of the fan must be
tightly connected to a special power-operated, adequately sized, exhausting
device vented into the open air. The fan of the gas generator must not be
used in the garage; use only the suction of the ventilation system itself.
3. When the car engine is being started, the exhaust pipe must be directly con-
nected to an exhausting device.
Service premises, such as car repair shops and garages, should be located away from
densely built-up areas, on the outskirts of towns. Special equipment needed for servicing
gas generator operated vehicles are additional welding equipment, pressure gages, con-
trol devices for electric systems, exhausting devices, an improved ventilation system,
devices for cleaning charcoal gas filtering cloths, and charcoal trays for emptying out
2. Combustion devices for burning carbon monoxide present in the fan gases.
Chapter 10
Generator gas is a typical substitute fuel, used when there is limited or no supply of liq-
uid fuel. It involves not only inconveniences but also hazards as serious as fire and poi-
soning. However, the difficulties qiay be less for generator gas used for .heating pur-
poses, such as in boilers and hot air engines.
Both wood and charcoal gas generators are useful. The charcoal gas generator may be
better for small engines, but wood fuel is easier and cheaper to manufacture, store, and
distribute. With the recent improvements of wood gas generators there should be no
technical reason for preferring the charcoal type.
There are specially made gas generators for cars and tractors to choose from; in oth~r
cases there are standardized types available. Size, gas cleaning system, and therefore
cost, are dependent upon the gas requirement of the engine and the operating conditions.
For intermittent operation, hearth rings with easily replaceable choke rings are prefer-
able. For charcoal gas operation, cloth cleaners are best; for wood gas operation, a
combination of condensation cleaner and cork cleaner.
The quality of fuel used for gas generators is quite important; more so for charcoal gas
generators than for wood gas generators. The wood fuel should have a moisture content
of no more than 20% to 30%; also the individual piece size should be adequate, containing
no splinters,· rough bark, sawdust, etc. The moisture content of charcoal should be
approximately 10% to 12%, the piece size must be adequate and there should be no ashes
or impurities such as sand or soil.
In the case of wood gas generators, a charcoal bed must be built up in the combustion
zone below the air nozzles. Also, in the reduction zone, below the combustion zone,
there must be charcoal for reduction of carbon dioxide and water vapor. This lower part
of the charcoal bed also has filtering (ash particles), supporting (the wood above) and
insulating properties. The reduction takes place, as a rule, only inside the actual hearth;
therefore, the charcoal below or outside the lower part of the hearth mainly serves as a
filter and support and may be replaced by such material as porous concrete, which does
not crumble so easily. 1'
To build the charcoal bed, first charcoal is put in through the filling port of the generator
to about 10-15 cm above the level of the air nozzles. Then, through the inspection open-
ings at the bottom, strong charcoal, coke, or porous concrete is packed around the hearth
until the level reaches approximately the middle of the openings or possibly the narrow-
est section of the hearth. After this, dry wood is put in up to about a third of the volume
of the fuel store. Filling is not completed until the engine is running on generator gas.
The charcoal in the oxidation zone is ignited by a generator gas match inserted through a
special ignition hole, sometimes the primary-air intake. If there is a suction fan it should
be working awhile before ignition; a pressure fan, however, should not be started until
after the match has been inserted. In the latter case the lids may be open to let out
useless smoke, gases, and water vapor. For initial startup using gasoline the ejector
effect of the engine exhaust can be used for much stronger air suction in the producer.
The generator gas is ready to use for operation after 6 to 12 minutes. Before the engine
is started, the quality of the gas is tested by ignition. The flame should be red-blue and
burning steadily; if it has a white or gray core, the fuel is too moist; if the flame is too
short, the pressure drop is too great or the hearth clogged, etc.
If the generator has been used and shut off, but still contains both charcoal and wood, the
generator must be degassed before igniting for operation again, in order to avoid danger-
ous explosions. The filling port lid is then opened, but the gas must not be ignited. (If,
however, there is still a glow, the gas should always be ignited.) The lid is left open for
about a half minute, after which the fan is started up with the secondary-air damper and
carburetor damper closed. While the fan is running, the wood is carefully stirred up.
Also, the outer porous concrete or charcoal bed is loosened up, but not the charcoal in
the oxidation or reduction zones. After the fan has been running for about one minute it
is shut off, the grate is shaken, the ashes raked out, and the inspection-port cover lubri-
cated with graphite oil and closed. After this, the fuel is ignited and the gas tested as
described earlier.
There is no need for inserting a charcoal bed in the charcoal gas generator. A pressure
fan is generally used for starting a charcoal ga~ generator. This helps to dry the charcoal
without the water vapor going through the cloth cleaner; the lids should then be open
during fanning. When a charcoal gas generator is to be filled with fuel, it is advisable to
put used charcoal that has been saved from earlier driving and is particularly dry in the
oxidatio~ and reduction zones. The flame of the ignited gas is usually bluer than in the
case of wood gas, and usually does not have the gray-white core caused by water vapor.
It is best to have a third of the fuel container filled with fuel when driving is stopped for
the day. That way, there will be dry fuel for the following day, which will greatly facili-
tate starting. After an interruption of 3 to 4 hours, the generator does not have to be
reignited if the dampers were left open. After being stopped for only 5 to 10 minutes,
fanning is usually not required before starting. It is, however, better for the battery to
use fanning rather than the starting engine.
A gas generator must not be started indoors because of possible carbon monoxide poison-
ing. For driving in and out of a garage a so-called garage carburetor should be used.
(Special devices for starting up a car engine were described previously.) For driving on
generator gas it is important to keep.the correct working temperature. The idling speed
should be no less than 800-1,000 rpm. Also, it is better to have an air deficit than an air
excess during periods of small load operation. During operation, no maintenance meas-
ures are needed for 150-200 km driving, after which the ashes must be raked out and the
condensation water drained. On the whole, more maintenance is required in generator
gas operation than in gasoline operation. The engine oil must be checked each day; this
is also true for the air cleaner under dusty conditions. The gas pipe, cooler, and cleaner
must be flushed clean each day with water (wood gas generator), and the cloth cleaner
and safety filter blown out (charcoal gas generator). After 1,250-1,500 km, the generator
must be carefully inspected for air leaks, etc. For this examination all fuel must be
emptied out and the generator must be degassed. Defective parts such as the hearth ring
may have to be replaced.
In the wintertime because of low temperatures, even more maintenance is required. One
great problem then for generator gas operation is the increased water condensation and
the risk that the water will freeze. Insulation of exposed parts, especially the cyclone
cleaner and its pipe, is essential, as well as frequent draining through drain plugs, not
only in the condensation-water container but in low pipes and all cleaners, etc.
As in operation on gasoline, a similar fouling of the engine takes place in generator gas
operation. However, the fouling originates from ash and dust particles, mainly alkali and
soot, that enter the engine with the gas mixture. Charcoal gas usually also contains a
relatively great quantity of mechanically abrasive impurities such as iron and silicon
compounds. During intermittent operation engine fouling is much greater than during
continuous driving with a heavy load. The Generator Gas Bureau of the Fuel Commission
inquired of several companies about the wear on the cylinders during generator gas oper-
ation. The answers were in many ways quite conflicting but, on an average, it appeared
that cylinder wear is somewhat worse from generator gas operation than gasoline opera-
tion, and that charcoal gas is somewhat worse than wood gas operation.
The consumption of lubricating oil is somewhat greater for generator gas operation than
operation on gasoline; in some cases, however, it has been reported to be less than for
diesel operation.
During the generator gas epoch there was a general shortage of materials, which led to
the development of improved designs using low alloy materials. In the charcoal gas gen-
erators kanthal (an iron-aluminum alloy) was used for the nozzles, which were exposed to
high heat. Hearths made of sheet-metal were protected by charcoal and ash layers.
Mixtures of steel alloyed with nickel and chrome were used for the hearths of wood gas
generators. Before rationing, the hearths contained about 20% chrome and 20% nickel;
after rationing 18% to 25% chrome and 2% to 4% nickel. The combustion zone operates
at 1200°C to 1300°C and the hearth material up to I000°C. Therefore, the life of the
hearth was usually only 5,000 to 20,000 km, depending on the driving conditions, even
with first-rate material. The durability of the hearths became even less after regulated
production, due to metal rationing. The alloy permitted under regulated production was:
However, the V-hearth design using a protective ash insulation during operation had
about as long a durability with this material as earlier with high-alloyed materials.
For charcoal gas generators, a cloth cleaner in combination with a preceding cyclone
cleaner is superior to other cleaning devices. However, the cloth cleaner is sensitive to
both heat and moisture. At a temperature above approximately 120°C it becomes brittle,
and at a temperature of over 150°C it will be heat damaged. The lower temperature
limit is dependent on the dewpoint of the gas; i.e., its moisture content. Usually there is
condensation at about 40°C; for wood gas, however, at about 80°C. For charcoal gas it is
advisable to use a minimum temperature range of 70°C to 80°C and a maximum range of
130°C to 140°C. For wood gas the minimum temperature range could be raised to 90°C to
100° C by placing the cloth cleaner relatively close to the generator and the cyclone, or
by heating the gas with the engine exhaust gases before the cloth cleaner; also, a precon-
densor may be used.
It would be advantageous to replace the heavy and bulky condensation cooler of the wood
gas generator as well as the cork cleaner with a cloth cleaner in combination with the
cyclone cleaner. In order to achieve this goal, considerable improvements would have to
be made, however. Tests with cloth cleaners for wood gas operation were carried out on
a Volvo passenger car in 1943 and 1944. The results indicate that cloth cleaners still do
not give satisfactory reliability in wood gas operation. However, the prospects for fur-
ther development are good. The following improvements must be made: decrease of the
pressure drop during operation, longer intervals between cleaning of the cloths, and
increased protection for the cloths against moisture as well as mechanical and thermal
The starting fan draws properly, but the flap of the primary-air intake does not open.
I. Extra air is entering through the secondary-air damper, carburetor damper, some
inspection opening, draincock, or flush plug.
2. The wood is hanging in the generator. Open the fuel-filling lid and stir the wood
down. Warning! Do not push the wood down through the combustion zone! If you do
a gas with tar content will form.
3. The wood is too coarse.
4. The gas contains too much water vapor due to moist wood.
5. The charcoal bed has become moist because wood was filled in the day before, just
before the vehicle was put away.
6. The charcoal bed does not reach an adequate height. Fill in charcoal to the middle
of the upper inspection openings.
7. The generator is clogged. Change the charcoal bed.
The engine runs unevenly.
a. when pulling:
I. The secondary-air control is adjusted incorrectly.
2. The fuel container is empty.
3. Faulty ignition. Sparkover is some spark plug.
b. during idling:
I. Too much water in the cleaners.
2. Waterlock in the gas conduit'.
I. Too rich mixture; i.e., the secondary-air damper is not open enough.
2. The ignition cables are damaged, so that there are sparkovers.
3. The ignition cables are poorly installed. In order to avoid induction sparks, the
cables should be well separated from each other. Never put the cables in a common
collecting pipe (see Figure 248).
1 I1~
1 1:
Sharp noises in the generator.
1. The generator was not ignited according to the directions given.
2. The fuel-filling lid is not tight.
(This trouble is manifested by the engine valves binding and the piston rings sticking.
The pistons also may get stuck in the barrels.)
I. Second rate charcoal was used for the first filling of the generator.
2. Wood was pushed down through the combustion zone.
3. The wood used was too moist.
4. The wood was burnt down too far, after which wood was filled in without first filling
in charcoal.
5. The engine has run idle too long. Always shut off the engine during long interrup-
tions in the driving.
6. The nozzles or the fire hearth of the inner mantle are damaged.
7. Too great a hearth area in the generator.
1. Hot fuel container. Fuel shortage. If not, leak Fill in charcoal, tighten the
in the filling lid. lid.
3. The engine loses pow- Great resistance in the Remove slag from the gen-
er. The membrane in- generator. erator, clean the generator
dicator is low. and the flame guard.
4. The engine loses pow- Great resistance after the Clean the cooler, filter,
er. The membrane in- generator. and safety filter.
dicator is high.
5. The membrane indica- Burnt grate. Slag in the Look over the generator
tor shows tendencies generator. and clean the wind sieve.
to get stuck. The fil- Control the quantity of re-
ter bin contains mainly turn gas.
large charcoal pieces.
6. Tar deposits in the fil- The fuel has too high a loss Buy approved fuel.
ter apparatus and the due to burning or too great
safety filter. a tar content.
7. Moisture precipitation Moist fuel or gas too cold. If the gas is too cold the
on the cloths. The cooler must be screened
dust is jet black off or else the distributor,
(should be grey). which is located on the op-
posi te side against the fil-
ter outlet, must be re-
8. Difficult start. Dusty filters, slag in the Remove slag from the gen-
generator. Dampers are erator, clean the filters.
not tight or are adjusted
incorrectly or are stuck.
The filling lid is not tight.
Too rough engine in case of
cold weather and thick oil.
9. Puffs in the mixer. The intake valves are not Call a service man.
tight or the spark plugs are
too soft and ignite by
10. The engine starts but The check valve is stuck. Remove the flame guard
stops again. and see that the flap is
easily moveable.
11. The nozzle quickly Lack of return gas. Clean the wind sieve and
burnt off. control the return gas.
12. The nozzles are slowly Too Ii ttle return gas. Increase and control the
burnt off. return gas.
13. Nozzle burnt off and Impure fuel. Remove slag from the gen-
covered with slag. erator and buy better fuel.
Chapter ll
Generator gas operation in its widest sense includes cars as well as machines; boats, sta-
tionary engines, heating furnaces, etc.
As for the variable costs or the actual operational costs, the fuel cost dominates; this
will be dealt with more in detail later.
A Comparison Between the Fuel Costs of Generator Gas Operation and Those of
Liquid Fuel Operation
In a comparison between the consumption of gasoline and car charcoal, respectively, it
may be found that, during favorable conditions, approximately 1.1 kg car charcoal is
equivalent to 1 litre gasoline. Careful practical tests have shown, however, that when
driving without stopping, one can estimate l litre gasoline to be equivalent to approxi -
mately 1.25 kg car charcoal and approximately 2.25 kg car wood, respectively. The latter
figure is given somewhat on the high side in order to include the comparatively insignifi-
cant consumption of charcoal for the charcoal bed, estimated to be at the most 1.5 kg per
100 km, corresponding to approximately 6 kg wood or approximately 6% of the cost of the
car wood.
The stated consumption figures do not include the fuel consumption during firing up,
starting, interruption of service, idling, cooling off, etc. Because of this, it is necessary
for long distance driving to increase the figures by at least 10% so that gasoline is equiv-
alent to approximately 1.4 kg car charcoal and 2.5 kg car wood, respectively. These fig-
ures have also proved to be realistic when comparing the consumption of kerosene with
car charcoal and car wood, respectively, for tractor operation.
For ordinary highway driving it is advisable to use somewhat higher figures so that l litre
gasoline is equivalent to approximately 1.65 kg car charcoal and approximately 3.0 kg car
wood, respectively. For delivery driving, especially city traffic, these figures must be
futher ipcreased according to the type of driving. For distribution driving in a city with
constant interruptions with the engine still running, as well as for a passenger car in city
traffic with frequent interruptions, it may then be necessary to use nearly double the
figure; i.e., figures as high as approximately 2. 75 kg car charcoal and approximately 5.0
kg car wood, respectively, as equivalent to l litre gasoline (where the gasoline engine is
shut off at every stop, whereas the generator gas engine is kept running). These high
figures are based on the experience that the consumption of generator gas fuel during
idling of the engine amounts to approximately 75% of the consumption during normal
driving. In fact, for a car with very discontinuous driving, the fuel consumption per hour
is a more reliable basis for estimation than the fuel consumption per mile driven.
In addition to the idling time, the size of the load, among other things, affects fuel con-
sumption. Thus, experience has shown that the fuel consumption of a truck during idling
is approximately 75% of the consumption during full load. Other factors affecting fuel
consumption include the type of car and gas generator, the nature of the fuel, and the
road conditions.
A few of the best years' fuel consumption tests will be summarized here. However, it
must be remembered that the most recent years saw improved economic results through
research and experiments.
Under the Gas Generator Bureau's auspices, a series of tests were conducted during the
summer and fall of 1940 on wood gas-operated trucks to ascertain the reliability and
economy of operation with various kinds of wood fuel and fuel mixtures. For a four-
cycle 50 hp 3-ton truck as well as for a six-cycle 95 hp 3 1/2-3 3/4-ton truck with normal
load and in practical operation, a consumption of approximately 0.22-0.24 kg car wood
per ton-km useful load was obtained. In case of overload the wood consumption went
down all the way to 0.16 kg per ton-km useful load; however, at the cost of the life of the
For a comparison, a few results will be reported from the economy contest of the Royal
Swedish Automobile Club for generator gas operated trucks in September 1940. Careful
statistics were kept of the charcoal and wood consumption of a great enough number of
average size trucks to obtain a fairly reliable mean value. The charcoal was mixed birch
and softwood charcoal in an approximate proportion of 20/80.
From the contest record for Class V with charcoal gas operation, all 13 average size
trucks were taken out with a load from 2670 to 3790 kg (average 3180 kg) and a total
weight from 5900 to 6950 kg (average 6470 kg). The charcoal consumption amounted, on
the average, to approximately 0.13 kg per ton-km useful load and 0.065 kg per ton-km
total weight, respectively.
For Class V with wood gas operation, in the same way eight average size trucks were
taken out with a load from 2580 to 4710 kg (average 3700 kg) and a total weight from
5650 to 8700 kg (average 6900 kg). On an average, the wood consumption amounted to
approximately 0.21 kg per ton-km useful load and approximately 0.11 kg per ton-km total
weight, respectively. In accordance with what has been said above, the figure 0.21 (also
with regard to the charcoal consumption for the charcoal bed) may in practice be
increased to approximately 0.23 kg per ton-km useful load and approximately 0.12 kg per
ton-km total weight, whereby the relative consumption of wood/ charcoal will be approx-
imately 1.75.
For futher comparison let us look at some of the results from the winter contest of the
Royal Swedish Automobile Club in February 1941, where, on one hand, a mixed charcoal
was use, birch and softwood in an approximate proportion of 75/25 and, on the other
hand, car wood of birch.
In Class 5, smaller trucks, seven trucks with an average weight of 5380 kg and an average
useful load of 2620 kg had an average wood consumption of approximately 0.22 kg per
ton-km useful load and approximately.. O.ll kg per ton-km total weight.
In Class 6, somewhat larger trucks, seven trucks with an average weight of 6510 kg and
an average useful load of 30IO kg had an average charcoal consumption of approximately
0.14 kg per ton-km useful load and approximately 0.065 kg per ton-km total weight. In
the same class, the two smaller wood gas driven trucks with an average weight of 6675
kg and a useful load of on an average 3070 kg had an average wood consumption of
approximately 0.22 kg per ton-km useful load and approximately 0.10 kg per ton-km total
The four largest wood gas driven trucks in Class 6, with an average weight of 7430 kg and
an average useful load of 4260 kg had an average consumption of only approximately 0.18
kg per ton-km useful load and approximately O.IO kg per ton-km total weight. The low
figure 0.18 is explained by the very favorable relation for large trucks between the useful
load and the total weight.
The consumption figures obtained during the contest and the test results of the Gas
Generator Bureau are in good agreement with each other when compared, especially if
the somewhat more realistic nature of the tests done by the Gas Generator Bureau in
practical operation is taken into account. For trucks in very good condition and mainly
driving without stopping with very few and comparatively short interruptions, we may
estimate for average size trucks (3- to 4-ton useful load) and with full load, a charcoal
consumption of approximately 0.14 kg per ton-km and a wood consumption of approxi -
mately 0.24 kg per ton-km (including the charcoal for the charcoal bed), respectively, in
both cases figured on the useful load. Including the charcoal for the charcoal bed we
may estimate the relative consumption of wood/charcoal of approximately 1.75.
If we use the wartime retail price of 5 kr per hL mixed charcoal (birch and softwood) and
a hL weight of 17 .5 kg, corresponding to 0.285 kr per kg, and if we also assume that car
wood of birch with some alder and softwood mixed in and with a hL weight of 32.5 kg,
costs 3 kr per hL, corresponding to 0.0925 kr per kg, we arrive at the following fuel
costs. For a 3- to 4-ton truck with full load and a charcoal consumption of 0.14 kg per
ton-km useful load, the charcoal cost will be approximately 0.04 kr per ton-km useful
load. For a wood gas truck of the same kind with a consumption of 0.24 kg wood per
ton-km useful load (including charcoal for the charcoal bed) the fuel cost will be approx-
imately 0.022 kr per ton-km useful load. The fuel cost for operating a truck with wood
gas would, consequently, amount to only 55% of the fuel cost for charcoal gas operation.
If the above-mentioned figures 0.14 kg and 0.24 kg, respectively, per ton-km useful load
are converted to hL per IO km for a 3-ton truck, we obtain a consumption of approxi -
mately 0.24 hL charcoal per 10 km and approximately 0.22 hL wood per IO km, respec-
tively. In practice, it is customary to assume that the consumption of charcoal and car
wood, respectively, is equal. However, according to the tests the wood consumption
(including the charcoal for the charcoal bed) actually is somewhat less than the charcoal
consumption, measured in hL.
If these consumption figures, 0.24 hL charcoal and 0.22 hL wood, respectively, per 10 km
are compared with figures given by the Road Haulage Association of Sweden, which are
based on purely practical experiences from June 1, 1941, to May 31, 1942, there is a signif-
icant divergence. As an average for 82 charcoal gas trucks (2.2-3.8 ton) with a total
driving distance of approximately 2.,870,000 km, the charcoal consumption was stated as
approximately 0.325 hL per 10 km. For 107 wood gas trucks in the same size categories
and with a total driving distance of approximately 4,285,000 km, the wood consumption
was on an average approximately 0.320 hL per 10 km.
From the Swedish Board of Telecommunications operation in 1943 of a fairly large num-
ber of trucks, the following fuel consumptions were averaged: for 1-2 ton trucks, 0.33 hL
charcoal per 10 km and 0.27 hL wood per 10 km, respectively; and for 2-5 ton trucks, 0.39
hL charcoal per 10 km and 0.34 hL wood per 10 km, respectively. The consumption of
charcoal was on an average 1.18 times the wood consumption. If the charcoal in the char-
coal bed is included in the wood consumption, the charcoal consumption can be estimated
to approximately 1.1 times the wood consumption (calculated in hL per 10 km).
The Stockholm Breweries Ltd., reported for the two-year period from October 1, 1942, to
September 30, 1944, for 3-ton trucks, a consumption of 0.63 hL charcoal and 0.54 hL
wood, respectively, per 10 km. The consumption of charcoal, as for the trucks of the
Swedish Board of Telecommunications, was an average 1.18 times the wood consumption.
The high fuel consumption figures for the brewery trucks are mainly explained by the
type of traffic; i.e., city traffic with comparatively short driving distances with many
interruptions. The average number of kilometers per hour for the charcoal gas trucks
was only 7; for the wood gas trucks, 6.3 km/hr.
The following table of the fuel consumption on various transportation distances for a
3.5-ton truck in a large trucking enterprise would seem to agree well with practical expe-
The great difference between the test results and the figures based on purely practical
experiences is mainly due to consumption during firing up and cooling off, more and lon-
ger interruptions for loading and unloading, waiting, breaks for meals, etc. This does not
mean, however, that it would not be possible to achieve an improvement of the operating
economy in practical operation through increased operating control and instruction of the
A further explanation of the divergence is also found in the already-mentioned fact that,
in some cases, the calculation for fuel consumption per hour is more reliable than per
driven 10 km. Thus, tests with a truck on roads of various quality (from road Class I to V)
have shown that the engine load generally is practically constant, and thus also the fuel
consumption per hour is rather constant. The following table shows the test results.
Average Speed Wood Consumption Wood Consumption
Road Class km Eer hour hL Eer IO km hL Eer hour
I 40 0.25 1.00
II 30 0.33 0.99
III 24 0.42 1.01
IV 15 0.67 1.00
v 10 1.00 1.00
Information regarding the fuel consumption of buses was obtained from the Swedish
Association of Bus Owners for a great many vehicles. This information, shown in the
table below, is valid for the period from June 1, 1941, to May 31, 1942.
The following table shows the costs for fuel of various kinds for large suburban buses
carrying approximately 50 passengers. For liquid fuel, the 1939 price level is used; for
generator gas fuel, the price level of 1944.
The February 1941 contest of the Royal Swedish Automobile Club also included economy
tests for pa~enger cars, the results of which can only be stated in kg per ton-km as cal-
culated on the contest weight of the car (weight of car plus crew). The fuels were birch
and softwood charcoal in the proportion of 75/25 and hard birch wood. The figures in the
table below constitute the average for several cars and state the fuel consumption in kg
per ton-km contest weight.
-.-------~---·-----·---- ---
Average Size
Small Passenger Passenger Cars, Large Passenger
Cars, Contest Contest Weight Cars, Contest
Fuel Weight 1220 kg 1675 kg Weight 2150 kg Average
Car charcoal 0.127 0.130 0 .131 0.13
Car wood 0.230 0.243 0.244 0.24
If the stated consumption figures are converted into units of km driven per hL car char-
coal and car wood, respectively, the results are:
Average Size
Small Passenger Passenger Cars, Large Passenger
Cars, Contest Contest Weight Cars, Contest
Fuel Weight 1220 kg: 1675 kg Weight 2150 kg
Car charcoal 114 km 80 km 63 km
Car wood 115 km 81 km 62 km
During normal highway driving we can, as a rule, estimate that a small passenger car
may be driven 75-85 km per hL. With small charcoal units, we may get up to 100 km or
even more. For an average size passenger car we may, in practice, estimate 55-60 km
per hL charcoal or wood. For taxicabs in city traffic we must assume higher consump-
tion figures due to long interruptions at the station, waiting, and comparatively short
driving distances. In such cases we can estimate only approximately 40 km per hL char-
coal or wood.
Fuel consumption of passenger cars was actually high in comparison with that of trucks.
The fuel consumption figures of the somewhat larger trucks per ton-km total weight are
approximately 0.065 kg charcoal and 0.11 kg wood, respectively, as opposed to the corre-
sponding figures of the passenger cars which are approximately 0.13 kg charcoal and
approximately 0.23-0.24 kg wood, respectively. The explanation of this fact is primarily
that passenger car engines are mostly oversized in relation to the total weight.
With this information as a basis we can estimate how much the gasol.ine and diesel oil
may cost per litre in order to give the same fuel cost as generator gas fuel as an average
for the entire car fleet, and also for various categories of cars.
If we use the conditions as they were during the war, the total consumption of generator
gas fuel was approximately 50 million hL per year, of which approximately 25 million hL
were charcoal and approximately 25 million hL were wood. With a charcoal price of 5 kr
per hL and atWQQd,price of 3 kr per hL, the total fuel cost will be approximately 200 mil-
lion kr per year. If we assume that an average of 1.65 kg charcoal and 3.0 kg wood,
respectively, is equivalent to 1 L gasoline, the 50 million hL generator gas fuel will be
equivalent to approximately 540 million L gasoline. The gasoline may then cost 200 mil-
lion kr or 0.37 kr per L in,order to have the fuel cost for gasoline operation the same as
for generator gas operation (with an equal division between charcoal and wood consump-
tion). The gasoline price before the war was approximately 0.27 kr per L including 0.12
kr tax per L.
If we compare the estimated entire fuel cost-200 million kr per year-of generator gas
operation with the cost for diesel oil for the same car fleet, we find that in case of only
diesel operation approximately 375,000 L diesel oil would be consumed, which then would
be allowed to cost approximately 0.53 kr per L. The diesel oil price was before the war
approximately 0.20 kr per L including 0.09 kr per Lin tax.
In order to estimate the competitiveness of fuel costs after the war, we may then assume
the following starting-point values. '
Car Charcoal: mixed charcoal of 17 .5 kg per hL - 2.50 kr per hL =0.143 kr per kg
Car Wood: mixed wood of 32.5 kg per hL - 1.50 kr per hL = 0.046 kr per kg
For the entire car fleet with the same division of charcoal gas and wood gas operation, in
order to have the same cost for the fuel only as for the generator gas fuel, gasoline
would have to cost approximately 0.185 kr/L and diesel oil approximately 0.265 kr/L.
If we make the same kind of estimate for the vehicle type for which generator gas oper-
ation may most likely be considered after the war, namely, for large trucks in long dis-
tance traffic, information can be found in the records of the winter contest of the Royal
Swedish Automobile Club. The average for three large wood gas driven trucks was: total
weight 7650 kg, useful load 4450 kg, and wood consumption (including the charcoal in the
charcoal bed) approximately 916 kg in a driving distance of 1213 km with some regulated
interruptions. Using the assumptions above, the fuel cost for the transport would be on
an average 42.30 kr. Since this contest was mainly a matter of driving without stopping,
we may assume the gasoline equivalent to be 2.5 and the diesel oil equivalent 3.6. The
gasoline consumption corresponding to the generator gas fuel would then be 365 L and
the diesel oil consumption 255 L. In order to have the same fuel cost as for wood gas
operation, the gasoline would have to cost approximately 0.116 kr per Land the diesel oil
approximately 0 .166 kr per L. The vehicles in this case were well maintained and in
contest driving; therefore, we must assume that the result in practical operation with
generator gas would have been somewhat worse, whereby the figures would have been
roughly 0.13 and 0.185 kr per L, respectively.
If we make the same estimate for an average size passenger car with charcoal gas oper-
ation, we derive from the contest record that seven cars with an average total weight of
approximately 1700 kg, had an average charcoal consumption of approximately 315 kg for
a distance of 1427 km at an estimated postwar price of 45 kr. The corresponding postwar
price of gasoline would be approximately 0.235 kr per L and that of diesel oil approxi-
mately 0.225 per L. Again in this case it was a matter of long distance driving with only
a few interruptions.
Judging from the fuel cost figures only, the competitiveness of generator gas as opposed
to gasoline would look quite promising, especially in the case of wood gas operated long
distance vehicles.
From practical farming operation with two-cycle crude-oil tractors, less favorable fig-
ures were obtained. A tractor of this type consumed before the war approximately 50 L
crude oil at 0.08 kr per day, corresponding to a fuel cost of approximately 4 kr per day.
On the same farm a somewhat larger tractor of the same make consumed approximately
12 hL generator gas wood. If the price for this in home industry is assumed to be 2 kr per
hL, the daily cost for just the fuel would be approximately 24 kr. The consumption of
lubricating oil at the same time was also doubled.
As a matter of fact, the comparisons that are usually made between gasoline and genera-
tor gas operation of a truck are technically and economically rather misleading. The
decrease of the engine power by 40% to 50% during generator gas operation means that
one will have to put up with driving with a less powerful engine in the case of generator
gas operation. Why then, could one not put up with driving a 40% to 50% smaller-and
consequently cheaper-engine in the case of gasoline operation? The same reasoning
could be used for the size of the car itself. The gas generator involves an additional load
of approximately 200 kg on a truck (we assume the tank for the liquid fuel to be disman-
tled); this load infringes on the useful load of the truck within the permitted maximum
total weight. A 3-ton truck with a 90-hp gasoline engine, for instance, will during gener-
ator gas operation become approximately a 2.8-ton truck with a 50-hp generator gas
engine. In order to find a fair comparison between the expenses, both fixed and variable,
the comparison should really be made between gasoline operation of a 2.8-ton truck with
a 50-hp engine and a generator gas operated truck built for a 3-ton load and with a 90-hp
engine (during gasoline operation). Taking this into account, the comparison between the
operational results of gasoline and generator gas operation, respectively, become rather
unfavorable for the generator gas truck. Also, the increased maintenance and repair
work will necessarily infringe upon the effective working time of the truck, thus making
the economic outcome even poorer.
Finally, it is important to take into account the considerably increased expenses for ven-
tilation, etc., of garages and car-repair shops involved with generator gas operation, due
to the poisoning hazards.
The costs of procuring and installing wood gas generators and charcoal gas generators for
large trucks are practically the same, roughly 2400 kr. For average size trucks wood gas
generators are up to 20% more expensive than charcoal gas generators, and for average
size passenger cars the price difference is even greater. The purchase and installation
for a tractor is approximately 2000 kr for a wood gas generator.
If we assume an interest rate of 4% and a write-off time of four years for the gas gener-
ator, the interest and principal for the
. wood gas installation in an average size or large
truck may be estimated at approximately 700 kr per year; for a charcoal gas driven aver-
age size truck, somewhat less.
The total increase of the annual fixed expenses for the truck in comparison with gasoline
operation may be assumed to be approximately 675-825 kr; the lower amount is for an
average size charcoal gas truck and the higher amount for a large wood gas truck. If
there is a choice between diesel operation and wood gas operation, the latter with a gaso-
line engine adapted for this purpose, the difference in cost will be less or none, due to
the fact that the diesel engine is more expensive than the gasoline engine.
As for the variable expenses, apart from the matter of fuel which has already been dis-
cussed, somewhat greater lubricating-oil consumption is to be expected due to somewhat
more frequent oil changes. This extra cost, which incidentally is somewhat disputed, is
so relatively insignificant that it probably can be left out of the cost estimate.
As for the cost of increased service due to generator gas operation, the total time for
firing up, slagging, fuel refilling and other maintenance of the gas generator including
more frequent periodic overhauls could be fairly estimated to be, on an average, one hour
per workday. If this cost is, for instance, 1.75 kr per day during 300 workdays or 525 kr
per year, and the truck is driven 35,000 km per year, the service cost will be approxi-
mately 0.015 kr per km.
Add to this the maintenance and repair costs for the gas generator, which are very diffi-
cult to estimate beforehand. They are associated with the care that the gas generator
receives, as well as with the preventive measures taken to avoid extensive repairs. At a
guess, they may be estimated at, on an average, 525 kr per year. The total cost of ser-
vice and repairs would then amount to 1050 kr per year, which would be equivalent to
0.03 kr per km for a driving distance of 35,000 km per year. Maintenance and repair
costs are, of course, connected with the number of kilometers and hours of driving. In an
inquiry arranged by the Swedish Royal Automobile Club, the mentioned costs were
reported, in the case of an annual driving distance of at least 30,000 km for a truck and
1,000 hours for a tractor, to be 0.01-0.025 kr per km for an average size truck or bus and
0.10-0.25 kr per hour for a tractor. According to one specification the costs were 0.025
kr per km for a driving distance of 35,000 km per year, and 0.017 kr per km for a driving
distance of 60,000 km per year.
In addition to the repair costs for the gas generator, certain increased expenses must be
taken into account for the car itself due to increased stress resulting from generator gas
operation. Also, even when the gas generator is taken care of in the best possible way, it
is to be expected that engine repair will be necessary somewhat more frequently during
generator gas operation than during gasoline or diesel operation. Another additional cost
incurred by generator gas operation is the increased strain on the electric system,
especially on the starting engine and the battery; the latter must be exchanged more
frequently than during operation on liquid fuel. However, it is likely that the starting
difficulties will be, to some extent, eliminated through technical progress. These
increased repair costs can hardly be estimated with any degree of accuracy.
The decrease of carrying capacity of a generator gas truck due to the weight of the gas
generator (as a rule 300 kg in a truck) can be compensated to some extent by removing
the gasoline or diesel-oil tank. On the other hand, the fuel weight will be greater for the
generator gas truck. The net increase of the load may be estimated at approximately
200 kg for an average size or large truck.
The reduction of the average velocity of the truck coupled with the time loss caused by
the increased maintenance and repair work can be of great disadvantage and it may
reduce the profitability of the truck. It is, however, difficult to make any general esti-
mates with regard to this.
Finally, the increase of ventilation costs, etc., for garages and car-repair shops is con-
siderable if generator gas operation is in general use. Especially for large-scale bus
operation, the more general disadvantages of generator gas operation are noticeable:
traffic is more difficult to handle, interruptions of service are more common, and relia-
bility is less than in operation with liquid fuel; all this is difficult to state in figures. In
some cases, however, driving conditions may be such that the weaknesses of generator
gas operation are, on the whole, eliminated. This is true for long distance driving on a
good smooth road, where the decrease of average speed will be insignificant; it is also
true when there is a supply of fuel produced in domestic industry. Under such circum-
stances, the transportation capacity of the generator gas car is almost equal to that of
the gasoline car. On the basis of the figures and statements given above, approximate
estimates of the economic prospects of generator gas operation may be made with regard
to its competitiveness after the war, as well as from the viewpoint of the time of crisis
with the unit prices and conditions prevailing then.
• an average size passenger car in commercial use (cab service in a large city),
• an average size truck in private use,
The estimated costs relate only to the vehicles themselves. In the case of commercial
use, the costs for driver, loading personnel, conductor, administration, office, tickets,
Small Size Size Average Average Average
Passenger Passenger Size Truck Size Truck Size Bus in
Costs Passenger
Car in Car in in Private in Commer- Commercial
Car in
Private Use Private Use Commercial Use cial Service Service
Purchase price net, car incl. tires •• .kr 4,250 6,500 10, 000 13,000 13,000 22,000
excl. " 3,850 6,000 9,350 11,250 11,250 20,000
tires, one set 400 500 650 1,750 1,750 2,000
gas generator, incl. mounting 1,250 2,500 2,500 2,500 i,500 2,500
Interest rate • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • % 4 4 4 4 4 4
Average interest per year, car, incl. tires • • .kr 96 146 240 297 312 514
" " " gas genera tor. • • 34 67 67 67 67 67
Write-off time, car • • • • • • • • • • • years 8 8 5 7 5 6
gas g.enerator • • • • • • 3 3 3 3 3 3
Depreciation per year, car excl. tires. • .kr 482 750 1,870 1,608 2,250 3,334
" '' •• gas generator. • • • 417 834 834 834 ~ 834 834
Average insurance value incl. gas generator 4,000 6,000 9,000 11,000 11,000 19,000
N .. .. " excl. " 3,000 5,000 8,000 10,000 1o,000 18,000
~ Average insurance premium incl. " 400 450 650 575 775 925
•• '' '' excl. '' 375 425 625 550 750 900
Service weight, car, incl. gas generator •• •• kg 1,150 1, 700 2,000 3,200 3,200 5,100
excl. " " . . . . . 1,000 1, 500 1,800 2,900 2,900 4,600
Car tax incl. gas generator • • • • • • • ,kr 92 162 204 464 464 722
" " excl. .. " 64 134 176 410 410 642
Garage rent per year • • • • • • • • • • 250 300 300 400 400 500
Driving distance per year • • , • • 10 km 1,000 1,500 4,000 3,000 5,000 5,000
Fuel consumption per 10 km, gasoline. • • L 1.4 2.0 2.5 3.5 3.5 4.0
charcoal ••. • • ,kg 2.3 3.2 4.5 5.6 5.6 6.4
.(hL) ( 0.13) (0.18) (0.26) (0.32) ( o. 32) ( o. 37)
" wood. •• kg 4.2 5.9 8.4 10.4 10.4 12.0
• (hL) (0.13) (0.18) (0.26) ( o. 32) (o. 32) (0.37)
Fuel price, charcoal, per kg • • • • • • • •• kr 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
(hL), • (5.25) (5.25) (5.25) (5.25) (5.25) ( 5.25)
wood " kg •• - • 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
.. .. (hk). • • • • (3.25) (3.25) (3.25) (3.25) (3.25) ( 3.25)
Fuel cost per 10 km gasoline ••• , • 1. 35 1,75 1. 74 2.16 2.03 2.28'
1.08 1.38 1.23 1.52 1.39 1.56
" charcoal. 0.69 0.96 1. 35 1.68 1.68 1. 92
" wood • • • • 0.42 0.59 0.84 1.04 1.04 1.20
" gasolineb 1,344 2,619 6,954 6,470 10, 130 11, 356
1,074 2,064 4,914 4,550 6,930 7. 756
" charcoal. 690 1,440 5,400 5,040 8,400 9,600
.. .
-~, ~.,
Average Average
Small Size Average Average Average
Costs Passenger Passenger Passenger Size Truck Size Truck Size Bus in
Car in Car in in Private in Commer- Commercial
Private Use Car in
Private Use Commercial Use cial Service Service
Fuel cost per 10 km wood •• •• kr 420 885 3,360 3,120 5,200 6,000
Oil, grease, etc., cost per year • • • • • 75 100 275 200 350 350
Tires, one set, " " " 10 km 4,000 4,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 4,500
Tires cost incl. repairs per year • • • • •• kr 125 225 700 1,100 1,800 2,250
Repair, lubrication,etc., car per 10 km • • orea 20 25 25 30 30 40
Repair, service, gas generator per 10 km. 15 15 15 15 15 15
Repair, lubrication, etc., car per year. .kr 200 375 1,000 900 1,500 2,000
Repair, service, gas generator per year • 150 225 600 450 750 750
Fixed costs per km, gasoline • • • • • • ore a 12. 7 11. 7 8. 1 1 o. 9 8.3 11. 8
charcoal • • • • • • 17. 8 18.1 10.5 14.2 ._l 0.2 13.8
wood • • • • 17.8 18. 1 1o.5 14. 2 1o.2 13. 8
year, gasoline. • .kr 1,26 7 1,755 3,211 3,265 4,122 5,890
charcoal. 1, 771 2,709 4, 165 4,245 5, 102 6,896
wood • • • • 1, 771 2,709 4, 165 4,245 5,102 6,896
CX> Variable costs per km, gasolineb. • ore a 17,5 22. 2 22. 4 28. 9 2 7. 6 32.0
w 14.8 18. 5 17.3 22.5 21.2 24.8
charcoal • 12. 4 15.8 20. 0 25. 7 25.6 29.9
wood •• 'b' 9.7 12.1 14.9 19.3 19.2 2 2. 7
year, gasoline • • • .kr 1, 744 3,319 8,929 8,670 13, 780 15, 956
1,4 74 2,764 6,889 6,750 10,580 12,356
charcoal 1,240 2,365 7,975 7,690 12, 800 14,950
" woog 970 1,810 5,935 5,770 9,600 11,350
Total costs per km, gasoline • • • • • ~rea 30.2 33. 9 30. 5 39. 9 35. 8 43. 7
22. 7 30.2 25.4 33.5 29.4 36.5
charcoal. 30.2 33. 9 30. 5 39. 9 35. 8 43. 7
wood. • • f, 27. 5 30.2 25.4 33.5 29.4 36.5
year, gasoline .kr 3,011 5,074 12,140 11, 935 1 7, 962 21,846
2,741 4,519 10,100 10,015 14,702 18,246
charcoal. 3,011 5,074 12,140 11,935 1 7, 902 21,846
wood •• -. 2,741 4,.519 10,100 10,015 14, 702 18,246
Costs of charcoal gas operation are equivalent
to a gasoline price per litre of • • • • • • • ore a 96.0 87.3 69. 6 61. 7 58. 0 56. 8
Costs of wood gas operation are equivalent to a
gasoline price per litre of • • • • • • • • • 77.2 68.8 49. 2 43.4 39. 6 38. 8
Among the usual fixed costs were counted: interest, principal, car tax, insurance, and
garage. Among variable costs were counted: fuel, oil, tires, repairs, and service. The
fixed costs were assumed to be equal for both charcoal gas operation and wood gas oper-
ation; thus, the gas generators are assumed to cost and weigh the same in both cases.
The following basis was used for the estimates of the various expense entries. Interest
was calculated at a rate of 4%. Write-off time was assumed to be 5 to 8 years for vari-
ous types of vehicles; for the gas generator, however, write-off time was assumed to be 3
years in all cases. Insurance costs were estimated as a mean value for various parts of
the country, based upon complete insurance without bonus. The cost is based upon an
average during the write-off time.
The price of car charcoal (mixed birch and softwood charcoal) was assumed to be 5.25 kr
per hL and the price of car wood (birch), 3.25 kr per hL. The hL weight being 17 .5 kg for
charcoal, the price of it will be 0.30 kr per kg, whereas the price of wood with a hL
weight of 32.5 kg will be 0.10 kr per kg.
The relative charcoal/gasoline fuel consumption was assumed to be, for ordinary varied
driving, 1.6, and for taxi driving in a city, 1.8 kg charcoal per L gasoline. For wood gas
operation the same fuel consumption in hL as in charcoal was assumed, and the cost for
charcoal for the charcoal bed was assumed to be included in the cost for the wood.
There are many opinions concerning the relation between the fuel costs and maintenance
and repair costs. Many maintain that generator gas operation wears the engines more;
others declare that there is no significant difference in this respect. In the following
analysis, the repair costs are the same, for the sake of simplicity, for the various fuels.
Table 35 gives a list of the estimated operating costs under the given assumptions for the
six car types previously mentioned.
The effect upon the operating costs caused by an increase of the annual driving distance
is illustrated in Table 36. The figures are the total costs per km in ore. (100 ore= I kr)
An analogous estimate may be made when diesel oil is used for fuel. It is also possible to
make corresponding approximate estimates of the economic prospects of generator gas
operation using various assumed fuel prices. The estimation in Table 37 is made rather in
favor of generator gas operation.
For an avt:lrage size truck or bus in commercial use and with an annual driving distance of
50,000 km, a diesel oil price of approximately 0.30 kr per Lis obtained, equivalent to an
assumed postwar price of car wood of 1.50 kr per hL. For an average size truck in
Charcoal Gas Wood Gas
Car Type Distance
Per Year Operation Operation
10 km Ore/km Ore/km
private use of 30,000 km per year, a gasoline price of approximately 0.40 kr per L is
obtained equivalent to the assumed post-war price of car charcoal of 2.50 kr per L. For
an average size passenger car in private use of 15,000 km per year the gasoline price will
be, in the same way, approximately 0.70 kr per L.
For a comparison and check, some information may be given from large scale users of
generator operated trucks. The Road Haulage Association of Sweden has compiled the
estimates given in Tables 37 to 40 of the expenses for operating a 3.5 ton truck with
wood gas and gasoline, respectively.
Loading and unloading time • • hr 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Driving speed, average with or
without load • • • • • • • • km/hr 20 25 30 33 33 35
Driving time per assignment. • hr 0.50 0.80 1.67 3.00 6.00 8.60
Hourly cost. • • , • • • • • ", kr 4.41 4.46 4.56 4.62 4.76 4,86
Cost per 10 km average with or
without load • • • • • , • • 3.07 2.38 1.88 1.64 1.56 1. 51
Cost per assignment:
Cost per 10 km • • kr 3.07 4.76 9.40 16.40 31.20 45.30
Driving time costs • • • • • • 2 .21 3.57 7.62 13.86 28.56 41.80
Loading and unloading costs. 5.51 5.58 5.70 5.78 5.95 6.08
ain case of charcoal gas operation and with a charcoal price of 4 kr/hL, this
cost will be 95.13 kr for a 150 km transportation distance. With a charcoal
price of 2.80 kr/hL, the cost will be 87.63 kr.
Loading and unloading time • • hr 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Driving speed, average with and
without load • • • • • •• km/hr 25 30 35 38 38 40
Driving time per assignment •• hr 0.40 0.66 1.43 2.63 5.26 7.50
Hourly cost. • • • • kr 3.58 3.64 3.67 3.73 3.75 3.83
Cost ·per 10 km • • • kr/10 km 2.31 1.99 1.69 1.47 1.41 1.38
Cost per assignment:
Costs per 10 km. • • kr 2.31 3.98 8.45 14.70 28.20 41.40
Driving time costs •• 1.43 2.40 5.25 9.81 19.72 28.72
Loading and unloading costs. 4.48 4.55 4.59 4.66 4.69 4,79
aNumber includes all vehicles in the statistics; i.e., including those driven only part of the year.
binterest on capital not included.
Costs per 10 km (in ore)
00 Additional
Charcoal Cost in
Ak Dk Sk Rk Gk Fk Ok Kk Total 1939 or Wood Comparison
L/10 km with 1939
--2 48
--4 67
Ak = Amortization cost for the vehicle.
Dk = Operating cost (costs for fuel, maintenance, and repair of the gas generator, etc.
Sk = Maintenance costs for the vehicle (washing, lubrication, etc.).
Rk = Repair costs for the vehicle.
Gk = Tire costs.
Fk =Fixed costs (taxes, insurance, and garage).
Ok • Accident costs.
Kk • Crises costs (costs for materials and mounting of the gas generator; set of tires, body, and engine replacement from 60 hp to 85 hp on
a Ford). ·
Number of 10 km driven • •
Number of driving hours • • • • •
... 1,045
1, 355
1, 935
Fuel consumption in hL • • • • • 560 845
Fixed costs, kr:
Amortization • • •
Tax. • . . • • . .
. . . .. .. .. .. 560.--
Traffic insurance. ...
Garage rent • • • • • • • . .
Garage labor • • • • • • . . 189.-- 181.--
Truck inspection .... 9.-- 9.--
Administration • • 210.-- 258.--
. . ... • . .
Distribution driving • 48.3 33.9
Driving at the plant • 13. 9 35.5
Leasing to other plants. 2.1 4.1
Repair •
. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. 17.2
Leasing to military. • . . .• . • 3.9 7.1
If we convert these figures of the Association to an assumed peacetime price for car
wood of 1.50 kr per hL, we find that the cost per transportation assignment would be as
high for wood gas as for gasoline operation, if the gasoline price were:
Table 41 gives an account of operation of trucks under the auspices of the Swedish Board
of Telecommunications. The following information compares the total operating costs
during charcoal gas and wood gas operation with gasoline operation in 1939. For charcoal
gas operation the total operating costs were approximately 2.5 times the costs for gaso-
line operation in 1939, and for wood gas operation approximately 2.2 times the cost of
gasoline operation in 1939. The ratio between the operating costs with wood as compared
to charcoal was approximately 0.8.
The Stockholm Breweries Ltd. gave the information shown in Tables 42 and 43 for the
company's wood gas and charcoal gas operated with trucks for the two-year period
October 1, 1942, to September 30, 1944. The specifications in Table 43 state the average
per truck and year for the company's generator gas trucks during 'this period. The ratio
between the operating costs with wood and charcoal in this case was approximately 0.75.
The fixed costs ratio was approximately 0.80 and the variable costs ratio approximately
Statistics covering the operating and maintenance costs of 126 generator gas trucks in
the 3-ton category, belonging to the Stockholm Breweries Ltd., and the Apothcaries'
Mineral Water Ltd., show a comparison between generator gas operation and gasoline
operation (Table 44). The pre-war statistics are for the year 1937 and the generator gas
statistics for the budget year 1942 to 1943. When studying this comparison it is necessary
to remember that the great increase in repair costs for the generator gas trucks is due to
the rise in price of spare parts and wages; also the conversion of a great many trucks to
"bogies". is a part of the repair account. It must also be remembered that these statistics
are for distribution driving in Stockholm, where generator gas operation is less favorable
than in the case of driving without interruptions.
Fuel per 10 km . . . . .. . .. . .
Repair costs per 10 km
• • 2.93
Total per 10 km. .. ...
• 5.48 5.07 0.96
Hourly costs for fuel and repairs 3.84 3.21 0.38
Annual cost for fuel, repairs, and
maintenance. ...... . .
• • 7,441 5,811 946
A comparison of bus operations is available from Gothehburg's and Malm o's Tram ways as
shown in Tables 45 and 46.
Administration •
Traffic • • • •
.... 1.18
1. 3
1. 3
Fuel costs • • 6.75 40.0 10.0
Power lines •• 1.2
Vehicles, garage, etc. 17.86 30.0 14.0
Sanding,devices at stops, etc. 1.00 1.5 1.5
Repair shops and storage • 1.53 1. 7 1. 7
General costs • • • • • • 0.53 0.6 0.6
Additional data is available for the 1943 bus operations of Railroads, Inc., Stockholm-
Saltsjon. According to this information, the operating cost including amortization, main-
tenance, and service of the gas generators for wood gas operation is approximately five
times that of diesel operation before the war and the cost of charcoal gas operation is
approximately seven times that of diesel.
If compared with gasoline the operating cost ratios would be approximately 2 and 3,
respectively. Even if the gas generator and the fuel had been obtained with no cost,
generator gas operation during the war would have proved to be more expensive than
diesel operation before the war but somewhat less expensive than gasoline operation,
disregarding the impaired efficiency of the vehicles during generator gas operation.
As for wood gas operation of farm tractors, one estimate shows that, in case of an
assumed wood price of 1 kr per hL or approximately 0.30 kr per kg (in home industry), a
fuel oil price of at least 0.60 kr per kg is equivalent to the costs of wood gas operation
for an assumed operation of 600 hours per year. The fuel consumption was assumed to be
0.25 kg liquid fuel and 1.0 kg wood per hp-hr. The cost of the gas generator included
repair cost as well.
The owner of a large car-fleet compiled the statistics in Table 47, showing the average
costs for a great number of cars of various types.
From the information above we gather that generator gas operation, and in particular
wood gas operation, is much more likely to be competitive for long distance vehicles such
as trucks and highway buses with high annual mileage, rather than for small vehicles,
1. Gasoline operation
July 1, 1939 (gasoline price: O. 25 kr/litre) ...... 10.8
1940 ( O.,. 72 kr/litre) 33.8
2. Diesel operation
July 1, 1939 (fuel oil price: O. 166 kr/litre). ............ 4.5
3. Charcoal operation
(Charcoal price: 5.40 kr/hL. Incl. costs for refills and
care of the gas generator but after a deduction of 0.008
kr/km due to reduced vehicle tax. Cost of buying and mount-
ing of the charcoal gas generator, approx. 5,000 kr, not
included. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.5
4. Wood operation
(Wood price 2.40 kr/hL. Incl. costs for refills and care of
the gas generator but after deduction of 0.008 kr/km due to
decreased vehicle tax. Cost of buying and mounting of the
wood gas generator, approx. 5,000 kr per car, not included. 14.2
Fuel costs for the generator gas operation are the following:
charcoal gas buses with trunk unit and 6.5-litre engines
0.19 kr/km, equivalent to 7 kg charcoal per 10 km;
charcoal gas buses with trailer units and 7.8-litre engines
0.24 kr/km, equivalent to 9 kg charcoal per 10 km;
wood gas buses with trunk units and 7.8-litre engines
0.11 kr/km, equivalent to 15 kg wood per 10 km.
Passenger car,
charcoal gas operated 85 226 35 76 120 302 182 152 41 22.5
Delivery van,
charcoal gas operated 72 221 40 100 112 321 209 186 60 29.0
Truck, 1-2 ton,
charcoal gas operated 102 267 48 132 150 399 249 166 84 34.0
Truck, 2-5 1/2 ton,
charcoal gas operated 117 330 67 156 184 486 302 .164 89 29.5
Truck, 1-2 ton,
wood gas operated. 102 249 48 81 150 330 180 120 33 18.0
Truck, 2-5 1/2 ton,
wood gas operated. 117 304 67 102 184 406 222 120 35 16.0
ain "operating cost" are included: amortization cost for the vehicle; cost for vehi-
cles and repair of the gas generator, etc.; upkeep costs fol' the vehicle (wash,
lubrication, etc.); repair costs for the vehicle; tire costs; fixed costs (taxes,
insurance, garage); acciie~t costs; and crisis costs (meterials and mounting of the
gas generator, set of tires, body, etc.).
passenger cars, and service vehicles with low annual mileage. Most of all, high mileage
is needed to offset the increased fixed expenses. A rough minimum could be set at
30,000 km per year for a car and 1,000 hours per year for a tractor.
Estimates concerning the effect of driving distance upon the price of gasoline at which
. generator gas would become competitive, show that this price decreases rather consider-
ably with the driving distance; in the case of distances over 70,000 km per year, however,
it becomes an almost horizontal line. An estimate for a 3.5-ton truck with an assumed
unit price of car wood of 1.50 kr/hL shows that the comparison price is lowered from
0.45 kr/L in the case of 35,000 km/yr to 0.37 kr/L in the case of 50,000 km/yr and to 0.33
kr/L in the case of 65,000 km/yr. In the case of a hL-price of 2 kr, the corresponding
figures will be 0.50, 0.43, and 0.39 kr, respectively. These calculations attempt to esti -
mate the loss due to the decreased effectiveness of the generator gas. If we do not take
this into account the figures will be lower; in case of the car wood price of 1.50 kr /hL,
0.35, 0.31, and 0.29 kr/L, respectively; and in case of the car wood price of 2 kr/L, 0.40,
0.37, and 0.33 kr/L, respectively.
For a wood gas tractor the figures start becoming horizontal only at approximately 1500
hr/yr. In the case of a hL-price of 1.50 kr, the comparable price of liquid fuel will be 0.25
kr/L for a driving time of 750 hr/yr, 0.225 kr/L for 1,000 hr/yr,. and 0.21 kr/L for 1250
A survey by the Royal Swedish Automobile Club concerning a comparison between the
price of liquid and solid fuel gave the following results. The question, "At what gasoline
or crude oil price would it be profitable to go back to liquid fuel?" was answered by 165
truck owners. The average for the highest gasoline and crude oil price was 0.37 kr/L and
0.19 kr/L, respectively. The 165 truck owners also answered the question of the price of
car charcoal and car wood that would justify continuing with generator gas if the gaso-
line price were 0.50 kr/L. The average for the highest car charcoal and car wood price
was 3.23 kr/hL and 2.08 kr/hL, respectively.
Another estimate, concerning the fuel cost only, shows the following comparative costs
for gasoline and charcoal.
In Table 48 approximate ratios between the consumption of liquid and solid fuels are
Gasoline engine
Gasoline Car charcoal Cha;coal wood Gasoline Car wood Firewood
IOO J:, 0.95 m3 2.I m3 100 ~ 0.9 m3 0.8 m3
IOO L I65 k~ 750 k~ IOO L 300 k~ 300 k~
I05 L I.Om 2.2 m 110 L 1.0 m 0.9 m
60 L IOO k~ 450 k~ 33 L IOO k~ IOO k~
48 L 0.45 m 1.0 m 120 L 1.I m 1.0 m
I3 L 22 kg IOO kg 33 L 100 kg IOO kg
Diesel engine
Fuel oil Car charoal Charcoal wood Fuel oil Car wood Firewood
IOO L I.65 m3 3.6 m3 100 L 1. 55 m3 1.4 m3
IOO L 285 k~ I,300 k~ IOO L 500 k~ 500 k~
60 L I.O m 2.2 m 65 L 1.0 m 0.9 m
35 L IOO k~ 450 k~ 20 L IOO k~ IOO k~
28 L 0.45 m 1.0 m 70 L 1.1 m I.O m
8 L 22 kg IOO kg 20 L IOO kg 100 kg
Hesselman engine
Fuel oil Car charcoal Charcoal wood Fuel oil Car wood Firewood
IOO L I.3 m3 2.9 m3 IOO L 1.25 m3 I.I m3
IOO L 230 k~ I,050 k~ 100 L 400 k~ 400 k~
75 L I.O m 2.2 m 80 L I.O m 0.9 m
43 L IOO k~ 450 k~ 25 L IOO k~ IOO k~
35 L 0.45 m 1.0 m 90 L 1.I m I.O m
9.5 L 22 kg IOO kg 25 L IOO kg IOO kg
Low-Speed Two-Cycle Engines
It is of course no surprise that generator gas operation is economically favorable when
prices are high for all kinds of liquid fuels. This fact is illustrated by the bar graph in
Figure 258, giving the approximate fuel cost per hp-hr for various fuels and operating
systems. In the graph the height of the white part of the bars indicates conditions in
August 1939, from which costs have been calculated using the raw material price of that
time. For engine tar, no pre-war prfoe could be ascertained. For comparison, the costs
for a wood-fired steam engine were also marked on the graph.
fMay 1943
_ITAug. 1939
~· 30
en Fuel price:
() Motyl 85 75 ore/L
Motyl 98 1.02 kr/L
....+ Fuel oil 1.20 kr/L
;:l Engine tar 65 ore/kg
~ lo-to~~---+l~A------H--------11------11---.../ Generator gas wood 3 kr/hL
Boiler wood 8 ore/kg
Generator gas charcoal 6 kr/hL
Carbide 48 ore/kg
Figure 258. Approximate Fuel Cost per hp-hr for Various Fuels
and Operating Systems.
The graph in Figure 259 gives a current comparison between the fuel costs when operat-
ing with engine tar and generator gas with the crankcase and pulsator systems, respec-
tively. The following consumption figures, common in usage, were chosen for a basis:
engine tar 0.35 kg/hp-hr; wood in the crankcase system, 0.05 hL/hp-hr; and in case of
pulsator system, 0.027 hL/hp-hr. The prevailing average price of wood was set at 2.50 kr
per hL. The superiority of the pulsator system is striking.
This superiority also stands out if we enter in the graph the initial costs for the conver-
sion to generator gas operation. For the 40 hp engine referred to in the graph, they were
estimated at 8,500 kr for a pulsator system and 6,500 kr for a crankcase system. If from
the respective ordinate values we draw lines parallel with the "cost rays" from the origin,
or the points of intersection of the lines we obtain a picture of the operating time needed
to make up for the initial costs. It appears, for example, that the higher initial cost for
the pulsator in comparison with the crankcase system will be leveled out after 700 hours,
Fuel cost, kr I lb'~~~ 00~
I~ ~rv· v /)
"" t§'. 0~ ~ ~
00 S ~0o . ~"'>-lb' / ,/
.. <i?J>- ~ Y - , O~~
.c: t:; • "">-~ ~-Y /
~I/ e'<~ ,
~ - ~o;:,..---:oy\"'(\: o.e7 /
r-1 ~,
4-l 15000 :{..
QJ 0~~~ '\):
cc // ~v~
')....~\) -y
. ~U-
I /
00~ ~v/
/ 00
'j/' 0,,
c; -<,. /
1--l y' I ~ ~\.~)..,-y
• ~"'>-. ~~
. ,,-'
'/# -y v/
(/) .' I b"/
0 .,/ / 0/ ~~
/ // J '7 oy
.µ /
I ~r
':<:'">Y ~
J ~~
I (/;7
/, ,§"
~o~ v~e~'?'
I/ /"
/. v..., /
i:: 0 ft/"
o 200 400 coo soo looo
Operating_ J:i.ours
1500 2000 2500 300 a
Figure 259. Fuel Costs for Various Fuels for a 50 hp Two-Cycle Engine.
and that pulsator operation after 2,000 hours has become approximately 3, 700 kr less
expensive than crankcase operation. If we compare tar operation with generator gas
operation, we find that the crankcase sytem pays off after approximately 1,250 hours,
whereas this occurs in the case of the pulsator after approximately 1,050 hours, so in this
respect the pulsator is also superior.
In this context, one observation should be made about practical conditions. If we have
procured a 50 hp engine for an industrial plant of some kind, its power would rarely be
very much on the high side. If we convert to generator gas with crankcase flushing, we
cannot get more than 35-40 hp from the engine, which is the reason that the old engine
may not be sufficient for the purpose. In other words, it may be necessary to replace the
engine with a larger one. To the initial cost should then be added the current difference
in price between the old engine and the new one. This was not done in the graph; there-
fore, the crankcase system was somewhat favored under the circumstances. This reason-
ing does not apply to the pulsator, however, since it does not cause a power decrease but,
on the contrary, a power increase in the case of engines with low rpm.
Economic considerations are of course essential when we have to decide whether genera-
tor gas operation of two-cycle engines should be principally considered to be an emer-
gency measure or whether it may also last during peacetime with an opportunity of oil
impact. Obviously, the operating economics, above all, would be the decisive factor in
determining whether generator gas operation will last or not. Under such circumstances
we may assume with good reason that only the best generator gas system can last in
competition. At present, the pulsator system occupies first place on the ranking list;
therefore, the basis for the following.discussion will be the average consumption figure
found for wood during pulsator operation; namely, 0.85. kg/hp-hr (0.027 hL/hp-hr).
In the graph of Figure 260, the parity prices of fuel oil and generator gas wood for pulsa-
tor operation are shown; for the latter the costs for amortization and maintenance of the
generator gas device were included, varying between 0 and 5 ore/hp-hr. The ordinate and
abscissa for a certain point at any of the oblique parallel lines also provide information
about the oil and wood prices that give the same operating cost at the amortization pro-
vision in question. Figure 261 shows a similar statement for engine tar and pulsator oper-
<li 50
"dp. 40
r-1 30
~ 10
Q) 30
~ 2C
Q) l",I
·r-1 lC
rfil " ,I
In calculating the diagrams, the following parity equation was used.
y = a+z wx (70)
w = 0.027 hL/hp-hr
z = 0.24 kg/hp-hr for fuel oil
The great variation in the provision for amortization and maintenance may raise ques-
tions; this variation has its basis in pratical circumstances, however. One possibility
concerns a device that by the end of the war was fully paid off by the already mentioned
profit of operation; it may then be interesting for the owner to know under what circum-
stances he can profitably use the device as long as it can be used with minimum mainte-
nance. The provision of amortization and maintenance in that case will be only a few
tenths of an ore per hp-hr. On the other hand, we may want to study the case of a
device, bought at a crisis-time price, which is not especially effectively used; in this case
the amortization account should be burdened by a few years' interest on the fixed capital
that has not been fully amortized. Under such circumstances, the provision for amorti-
zation and maintenance should be set at 0.05 kr/hp-hr. This value is approximately valid
for a device of 50 hp, which cost 8,500 kr and should be amortized in four years with an
operating time of 1,000 to 1,100 hours per year. In "normal" cases the value that is to be
entered in the cost estimate will be somewhere between these two limits. For 1946 we
can probably allow for 0.02-0.03 kr/hp-hr for amortization and maintenance, and it seems
possible that, after the crisis prices of materials and labor have been liquidated, it will
become as low as 0.01 kr/hp-hr in case of rationally used devices of high quality.
In the graphs a parity example was drawn with dashed lines for a wood price of 2.10 kr/hL
in areas with good wood supplies, the amortization provision being 0.03 kr/hp-hr. As is
evident, the pulsator operation will then be less expensive, as long as the oil price stays
above 0.36 kr/kg. If it were a matter of generator gas equipment already paid off and
with no plans for new acquisition, the oil price would have to go as low as 0.25 kr/kg in
order to be economic at the wood price mentioned. (For engine tar, the corresponding
figures would be approximately 0.25 and 0.16 kr/kg, respectively).
It may be interesting to study the oil price curve after World War I, as shown in Figure
262. At the time of the outbreak of WWI, the oil quotation was 0.12 kr/kg and at the turn
of the year 1918-1919, 1.10 kr/kg. During 1919 the price rapidly declined to a temporary
rock-bottom quotation of 0.18 kr after which it rose to 0.52 kr. In the middle of 1921, the
price was once again 0.18 kr and later declined with minor fluctuations during the follow-
ing ten years to 0.10 kr/kg. During four months in 1932, the bottom price of 0.09 kr was
quoted. The basis for the price increase during World War I was then about the same as
at the outbreak of World War II. The oil prices of the diagram are the quotations from
the import ports and should consequently be considered as minimum prices for Sweden.
In the graph the wood price curve is also drawn with a thick solid line for the correspond-
ing time. It is based on the average price for the 49 districts of the National Swedish
Welfare Board and are valid for birch logs, f.o.b. the production place. It is then whole-
sale price for prime grade wood, which was converted to hL of generator gas wood
according to the relation lm 3 = 12 hL. The cost of cutting is not included in the price,
not only because it is impossible to determine this cost afterward, but also because the
wood price entered in the graph is considerably higher anyway than the price that has
actually been paid for generator gas operation; generator gas wood was to a large extent
manufactured from branches and waste wood.
The wood price curve is strikingly similar to the oil price curve, in spite of the fact that
the two prices do not directly have anything to do with each other. The fields of applica-
tion for the two fuels were so different that an economic balance due to competition
hardly could have arisen.
In order to get a picture of how pulsator operation would have done in competition with
oil during this period, three parity curves for wood were drawn with dashed lines in the
graph, calculated from the oil price of that particular time. These three curves are valid
for the included amortization costs of 0.001 and 0.002 kr/hp-hr, respectively. The graph
should be interpreted to mean that for a certain point of time pulsator operation would
have been more economical than oil operation, if the parity price curve for wood is above
the curve for the real wood price and vice versa.
The graph now gives one piece of very interesting information; namely, it turns out that
for the fuel cost only (i.e., without provisions for amortization and maintenance) pulsator
operation was superior during the interwar years, whereas, on the other hand, with an
amortization of 0.02 kr/hp-hr for the generator gas equipment, oil operation would have
been more economical ever since the spring of 1921 as well as during the temporary oil
slump for a few months in 1919. With an amortization of 0.01 kr/hp-hr, the pulsator would
have been economic right up to 1930, when the oil price had declined to 0.13 kr/kg; after
that, oil operation would have been leading for three years, followed by a four-year pe~
iod of approximate balance, after which the pulsator by the middle of 1937 would have
come back in the lead, and maintained the lead during the war.
The graph clearly shows that the quality of generator gas equipment is extremely impor-
tant in competition with oil in case of low oil prices. The same thing, however not as
obviously, is shown by the preceding parity graph. It is necessary to design the generator
gas device so that its permanent parts are extremely durable; at the same time the parts
that easily wear out should be inexpensive to replace. (Examples of such a design may be
found in the last generator types of the Swedish Generator Gas Co. with replaceabie
Wood price :1 The parity curves show the wood price at which
per hL : I pulsator operation with the given provision
I for amortization and maintenance of the gas
Oil price .: I generator wou ld h ave given
· t h e same operation
per hL : I cost as oil operation with the oil price for
that particular time.
:• II If a parity curve is above the curve for the
· , real wood price (estimated average price), it
400 t---+--'-,-++--+--indicates that pulaator operation at the time
: I Ain question would have been more economical
i I /;then fuel oil operation.
: I II I I I I I .,
: I II Parit~ pr~ce wood I
I ~amortization I,
I1 I 0.02 kr/hp-hr I
. I I I
: I I I I
I I I l
I I I 11/
I I '- I
I I w I
1 1I I~ II
: I\ ,
Real wood price, aver?-ge /
I '\ :~ I I I price
I ~oo~
I I without-~,-~_._-~
:1 .A \ ~--i--~1-amortization
.. I __ f f
! 1
-\ :
~Parit~ pr~c-e wood /
1/ J
• I ,,• \\ I ,....... I ,. L
~~.' \, i'\!:h,r , , ,., , /1/ t
i; ~- V-Parity price wood 1. .;
801--~.~,-C4a~---11---1--_,..~ J ,-
, ..;
~ r,
v. . . ~O. 02 kr /_hp-hr _ _,_ JI ;~
~~~!uel_ o'il price I' ' 1 ~ I )~
C~~ \. l ~~ '\, f'•-.--4--JI ~~
~V/h'/~/.h-V~P'7.?;-,_,,u ·n· I Af'l'/,- /~
ig ~~~VILijL/,.."-'/,.r"4..!,,~:L0/~/,"'~/.I"'/,'...!lw..L"'.£..L/V~/"'eu/l'"/~'77.wr~/'~ /'.·~,,~,,,,~,,,!.,,,,. ~:.;:-~"t'....:..!·:.1.~~,~,,.,/4
'---..IV:L.L.:. /r/:.Lr/'.IL..l'/,"l'.c...""'/ r '/ci.:, •• /,l'LJl.<,,v/'.:;_jl'/:..:··::.11:'l.:.!.z-.J
1914 19 20 21 22 2324 26 28 ;o ;2 34 36 ~8 40 42 Ar
Figure 262. Comparison between Pulsator Operation and Fuel Oil
Operation during the Years 1914-1943.
hearths of iron; the life of the hearth was 1,500-2,000 hours, after which it could be
replaced for a new one for some 20 kr. If we get down to an amortization and mainte-
nance cost of 0.01 kr/hp-hr-which is a realistic figure for peacetime-the parity price of
wood is 1 kr/hL in the case of an oil price of 0.15 kr/kg. It was 10 years after World War I
before the oil price declined below the just-mentioned figure, as opposed to 3 years for
the wood. Thus, the prospects for generator gas operation with a pulsator or an equal
system seem rather favorable, especially for enterprises with cheap wood available.
Within the wood industry, for instance, where wood during peacetime can be obtained for
practically the cutting price (0.15-0.20 kr/hL) from otherwise worthless waste, such gen-
erator gas operation would almost always pay.
It has always been difficult for generator gas operation to enter the marine field. This is
true not only because seamen are somewhat conservative but also because earlier
endeavors did not give satisfactory results. Even though the pulsator does constitute a
technically satisfactory solution to the generator gas operating problem for boats, the
need for a large bunker space remains in the case of long trips. For ships that frequent
coast and canals this disadvantage is, however, of minor importance. Also, during peace-
time it would be conceivable to use more qualified fuels than wood for generator gas
production, for instance, coke, briquettes, or anthracite, thus obtaining longer distances
per fuel load. Table 49 shows the work available per hL bunker space during pulsator
operation on various fuels and during operation on liquid fuels.
Birch wood. 32.5 3,550 115,000 37.5 1. 0 0.36 0.17 0.13 0.1
Coke 40/60. 46.0 7,000 320,000 104.0 2.8 1.00 0.48 0.37 0.3
Anthracite. 87.0 7,700 670,000 218.0 5.8 2.10 1.00 o. 77 0.6
This table shows, for instance, that the travel distance per fuel load for birch wood and
coke are in the ratio of 1:2.8; the corresponding figure for anthracite is 5.8; for engine
tar, 7.6; and for fuel oil, 9.5. The oil appears, of course, much superior. The comparison
figure between anthracite and fuel oil is, however, only 1.64. We should perhaps remem-
ber that the total efficiency of a generator gas device with a pulsator is about twice as
high as for a steam engine fired with the same fuel. Since probably no one believes that
the time of the steamship is definitely over, the 100% more efficient generator gas oper-
ation with a pulsator may likely have a use in this area also. For example, in 1943 the
Danes had in operation a 3,000-ton ship specially built for generator gas operation on
ordinary bunker coal.
The results obtained from a test run of the M/S Ramona are interesting; this ship was
first rebuilt for generator gas operation using the crankcase system, and later was once
again rebuilt (or .operation using the pulsator system with a mechanically operated top-
valve device. Table 50 shows that the power during pulsator operation is considerably
increased not only in comparison with the crankcase system but also in comparison with
oil operation.· 1 •.
Hull Engine
Length 21.71 m Make "Vanern"
Width 4.01 m Power 40 hp
Tonnage net 40.38 t Speed 400 rpm
Tonnage gross 67.32 t Piston Stroke 300 mm
Draft Cargo 60 t: 1.8 m Cylinder Diameter 260 mm
80 t: 2.1 m Number of cylinders 1
Wood Wood
Crankcase Pulsator
Operation Fuel Oil
Flushing 75% Birch,
100% Birch 25% Softwood
To summarize what has been said, it may be emphasized that the war years brought
about improvements in and good experience with generator gas operation of two-cycle
ignition-bulb engines. The development is far from complete, and new achievements for
generator gas operation in this field can undoubtedly be expected. Generator gas oper-
ation under ~uitable conditions is not restricted to periods of crisis, but may also have a
use during peacetime.
Chapter 12
Chapter 1 included a summary of how generator gas operation served Sweden in a critical
situation. Unfortunately, however, generator gas operation involves certain serious prob-
lems, such as:
Toxic hazards
Fire hazards
Traffic hazards
Of these the toxic hazards are indisputably the most serious, if effective countermeas-
ures are not taken. It is necessary to take into account not only the danger of acute
poisoning (which is easier to handle), but also the treacherous, insidious chronic poison-
ing, which in the case of large scale generator gas operation may become very dangerous
for public health.
The fire hazard is also serious. It is true that these are mainly economic matters; but,
during a blockade, the effect on military preparedness and economizing of resources can
be very serious if the car fleet and supply of necessities are reduced by fire accidents.
The traffic hazard caused by generator gas operation is also dangerous, although it is
given little attention. Forceful countermeasures against the traffic hazard are well jus-
Toxic Hazards
To poorly infor med persons, the "generator gas illness" may appear to be a relative
newcomer among our diseases, a new phenomenon caused by the generator gas epoch of
the years 1939 to 1945. Thus it is important to emphasize from the start that generator
gas poisoning is nothing but carbon monoxide poisoning, well known for a long time. A
suspicion that some toxic substance other than carbon monoxide would play a part in the
origin of the poisonings, especially cyanogen compounds, has not been verified with any
degree of certainty. Acute generator gas poisoning is thus identical with the "smoking
illness" well-known of old, that may develop if a tile-stove damper is closed too early, or
if a city gas pipe is unlit or is inadvertantly left open, or if a gasoline truck is allowed to
run idle in a poorly ventilated garage. Thus, also the so-called acute "garage death" is
nothing new. . .~
Why is it then that the "generator gas illness" has attracted so much attention and been
discussed so much? The causes for this are not difficult to find. Earlier, acute carbon
monoxide poisoning was relatively rare, as a rule an accident caused by negligence, care-
lessness, or oversight. As soon as generator gas started to come into more general· use as
a fuel, the frequency of the acute poisoning cases increased substantially. It is not sur-
prising that this fact caused great alarm and resulted in demands for rigorous preventive
countermeasures. A considerable number of deaths from acute generator gas poisoning
further accentuated the seriousness of the situation.
Chronic generator gas poisoning was known previously and described in detail under the
name of chronic carbon monoxide poisoning, although many researchers doubted that it
existed. Chronic in this case does not mean that it would be a chronic incurable disease,
but rather alludes to the fact that the symptoms are insidious (there need not have been
any noticeable acute symptoms) and also to the fact that the effects may be of long
duration; finally, this illness is caused by a long influence of carbon-monoxide concen-
trations which are not significant enought to produce acute poisoning symptoms.
American and German monographs tell the exact same thing about this chronic form of
poisoning as has been revealed by analysis of the chronic generator gas illness here in
Sweden. There is, however, one important difference: earlier, relatively little was
known about this disease compared to what has been learned during the generator gas
epoch. This resulted in expansion of the diagnostic basis in many important respects,
and, through accumulated additional experience, provided a more detailed and complete
clinical picture of this disease. Finally, methods were developed from this information
to give a more accurate diagnosis. Even before the generator gas epoch, chronic carbon
monoxide poisoning was already recognized in civilized countries as an occupational
disease, liable for damages; a diagnosis was based only on the existence of certain sub-
jective symptoms in connection with a finding that there had indeed been exposure.
Many were puzzled by generator gas illness in a short time becoming our most common
occupational disease. It was a well-known fact, however, that carbon monoxide for
warmblooded animals and human beings constitutes one of our most potent poisons. Only
a short stay in an environment containing a few hundredths percent by volume is enough
to cause a malignant acute poisoning. Above 0.05% by volume, unconsciousness results.
If higher concentrations are inhaled, death may ensue immediately. The poisoning effect
is comparable in speed with an acute major cerebral hemorrhage or that of an acute seri-
ous coronary thrombosis.
Since the exhaust gases from gasoline-fueled cars may contain up to 6% to 7% carbon
monoxide, the poisoning hazard and danger are obvious. Generator gas contains over 20%
carbon monoxide. It is easy to understand then why the poisoning hazard increased sub-
stantially when generator gas units were used on an increasing scale around 1940; before
long, over a hundred thousand people were more or less involved with generator gas oper-
ation. It was practically impossible to inform the general public in time of the types of
hazards and how to avoid them, as well as to create, fast enough, protective counter -
measures in the form of control, etc. A carbon monoxide content of 25% to 30% means
that only one small indiscretion or one leak may in a few minutes release a lethal quan-
tity of gas. If the dose is smaller, the condition for chronic poisoning arises. It may well
b.e said that during the first years of the generator gas epoch, conditions of exposure
sufficient to cause chronic generator gas poisoning existed everywhere that there were
generator gas vehicles. Statistics show that garage and car repair workmen especially,
as well as truck and bus drivers, were most frequently victims of this disease.
Surveying the development of the situation, we may point out that the concerned author-
ities stepped in relatively early and forcefully. Thus, it was possible to minimize the
hazards and to keep the occurrence of really serious cases within reasonable limits. The
work of the Fuel Commission and its Gas Generator Bureau as well as the medical-
technical committee closely connected with the Commission, was of the utmost impor-
tance in this.
What is the Effect of Carbon Monoxide?
The poisoning effect of carbon monoxide is that it interrupts the vitally important oxy-
gen supply. Oxygen, which is supplied through the inhaled air, and is necessary for the
metabolic processes in the organism, is distributed to all cells and tissues of the body by
attaching itself to the hemoglobin as a means of transport. Normally this means of
transport is capable of adequately fulfilling the fundamental task of sustaining life. In
case of certain diseased states, however, the transport ability is reduced or the distribu-
tion ability impaired. Thus, in case of a weak heart the transport ability suffers as a
consequence of impaired circulation. In case of a serious attack of asthma, in spite of
the retained transport ability, the distribution will still be inadequate because the oxygen
of the inhaled air does not reach the hemoglobin in sufficient quantities. In both cases,
the patient becomes cyanotic and there is a risk of "inner suffocation."
In the case of carbon monoxide poisoning, the case is somewhat different; namely, carbon
monoxide has approximately a 250 times greater tendency to combine with hemoglobin
than does oxygen. This means that carbon monoxide "suppresses" the oxygen even ·at a
relatively low carbon monoxide content in the air; it also monopolizes the anchoring
places of the hemoglobin, thus preventing it from filling its function as oxygen conveyor.
Blocking of the ability of the hemoglobin to bind and transport oxygen becomes more and
more complete in proportion to the magnitude of the carbon monoxide concentration.
Figure 263 illustrates what has just been said. It also demonstrates how, at a carbon
monoxide concentration of only 0.01% by volume, approximately 13% to 14% of the entire
hemoglobin quantity is blocked for the oxygen after equilibrium is reached; at a concen-
tration of 0.03% by volume more than one-third of the hemoglobin is prevented from
working, and at a concentration of 0.07% to 0.08% by volume CO, more than 60% of the
hemoglobin is not functioning. The carbon monoxide content of generator gas is over
20%. Figure 264 illustrates with a number of curves the absorption and occurrence of
carbon monoxide in the blood when a person is exposed to air with various proportions of
carbon monoxide, and also shows how the results are conditioned by whether the inhala-
tion takes place while resting, while walking, or while working.
60 .,.,,,,....
0 / I 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 S W
Carbon monoxide in the air in
proportions of 10,000.
Figure 263. Percentage Saturation of Hemoglobin with Carbon
Monoxide, at Equilibrium.
Parts carbon monoxide
in 10,000 parts air
~ Q) 801------+-----+-----1--~ +Absorption curves
• •r-1
4-1 :<
o oi::: Death
i::: 0 601------1-----+..,,,,.:.__--::..,.,....T------i(
0 s
j i::: Unconsciousness
ell 0
B~ 40 1-----h,,L~~_J..~:_---::.,,,....~=::::::::::j headache,
ell 0
Impaired judgement,
m~ 2 tendency to faint
Q) .µ
00 •r-1
~ ~ 201--~~~~"'---::;;oo.....,,:-+----+----J
i::: "Cl
Q) 0
0 0
l-1 ,.c
,...; 0 ...__ _ __.___ _ ___,__ _ _ _.....__ _ _ ~
1-----~1_ _ _ _2..__ _ _ _3.___ _ _~4 Sitting
1-----~~z----~'----'-~~2 ______.2 Walking
'----~V4..___ _~0?_ _ _3~V4---~'-----l'~V4working
Hours of exposure
Figure 264. Absorption and Occurrence of Carbon
Monoxide in the Blood.
A few examples may be stated. At 0.05% by volume CO in the air, provided the person
in question is sitting and not working, unconsciousness will set in after approximately
four hours in the environment mentioned. During ordinary walking (i.e., without heavy
work) the same degree of poisoning will be reached after two hours, and during regular
work after an even shorter time, l 1/4 hours. Simple reflection indicates that such dif-
ferences must exist. The exchange between the inhaled air and the blood must, of
course, be faster during intensified breathing and faster circulation. This teaches one
important thing for taking care of poisoning cases, either imminent or already poisoned:
when taking the patient away from the poisoning influence, out into the open air, it
should be done as fast as possible, but without his active cooperation. All exertion on his
part must be avoided. Preferably, the patient should be carried out from the dangerous
Table 51 shows how acute poisoning symptoms arise and develop according to the magni-
tude of the carbon monoxide content. Only after 30% to 40% of the hemoglobin is
blocked by the carbon monoxide do more serious symptoms develop.
% Satura-
tion of the Symptoms
Blood with
Carbon At Rest During Physical Exertion
60-70 Deep unconsciousness with slow pulse and low breathing rate, pos-
sibly death.
mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide). Detailed instructions come with each
apparatus. Always see to it that the rubber bubble contains gas. If it
becomes empty, the poisoned person may suffocate. If there is no Karbogen
available, oxygen inhalation may be substituted as an emergency.
Watch over the poisoned person for the next few hours!
3. Do not expose the poisoned person to cold.
4. Always call a physician. An injection, preferably directly into the blood ves-
sels, of some stimulating substance (for instance, lobelin) may have a lifesav-
ing effect.
Even in quite severe cases of poisoning, the effect of these countermeasures can be out-
standing. Figure 265 illustrates how the inhalation of Karbogen within approximately 25
minutes may lead to a "degassing" from 60% to 70% carbon monoxide content to as little
as 5% to 10%. Inhalation of pure oxygen has the same effect within approximately 80
minutes* and is thus quite useful. Every nurse and health worker should learn to handle
the Karbogen apparatus.
:--- ........._
I"'- ....
\ '\ '
"""'' ""
\, \ "\
\ ·. \
\ \ \"
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 min.
_ _ Inhalation of air
t1 oxygen
II 11
air + 7% carbon dioxide
" oxygen + 7% carbon dioxide
Figure 265. Treatment of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.
The question of whether medication should be employed is not so easy to answer. Since,
in every case, a physician should be called, he should judge the situation and take neces-
sary measures in the particular case. Finally, an appeal!
The person acutely poisoned by carbon monoxide must be carefully looked after even
after he seemingly has recovered. It has happened that after awhile victims once again
have fallen ill with serious symptoms.
With chronic generator gas poisoning, we encounter an entirely different picture of
symptom development and course. The symptoms, as it were, sneak up on the victim.
He becomes tired and uncomfortable, frequently irritable and touchy, less perservering
than before, has difficulty sleeping, and an annoying headache frequently sets in early.
The desire for intimate family life virtually dies out in many cases, and troublesome
frequent urination is not rare. Some eyesight disorders may arise, which, of course, are
of the utmost importance from the viewpoint of road safety. In addition, there are fre-
quently a number of rather characteristic, but not specific, mental symptoms or defects;
for instance, a striking impairment of the memory or the ability to concentrate and
learn. Also the temporal development of the symptom picture is to some extent charac-
teristic for this illness.
Earlier, in the United States and Germany the diagnosis was mainly based on these symp-
toms; of course, it also had to be established that there had indeed been conditions of
exposure and other causes of the symptoms had to be ruled out. A diagnosis based on this
has been sufficient in the countries mentioned for compensation under the legislation on
occupational diseases. Of course we were also obliged to resort to the same basis of
diagnosis in Sweden during the generator gas epoch. This basis was, however, later
expanded in an objective direction. The occurrence of dizziness, walking disorders, etc.,
was an impetus to carry out the so-ealled oto-neurological test for diagnosis and judg-
ment. In a great number of generator gas cases this test was found positive, but it is not
specific for carbon monoxide poisoning. The occurrence of eyesight disorders gave rise
to special eye examinations of the cases; in some cases such deviations from the normal
were proven, which most likely must be considered to indicate brain damage.
Hypersensitivity to carbon monoxide has also been established in many cases. Exposure
tests frequently were useful in determining this.
The mental symptoms and impairment, mentioned above, resulted in the introducion of
psychiatric evaluation and testing, especially of cases difficult to appraise, with a view
to separate the real poisoning cases from primary or secondary common neurosis, etc. In
different ways attempts have thus been made to expand the objective diagnosis of
chronic carbon monoxide poisoning.
'l'he treatment of the chronically generator gas poisoned must primarily be directed
toward getting them away from the influence of poison. Change of environment has
proved to be useful. It appears that cases discovered early, where there was no serious
damage, are fully capable of working; not, however, in a generator gas environment. It is
very important that an opportunity for change in work be created to a sufficient degree;
this is an important task for social workers in the clinics. Among other means of ther-
apy, vitamin and insulin treatments have been tried and were possibly of some use. On
the whole there has been a good prognosis for generator gas poisoning if the victim has
been removed from the influence of generator gas in time. Unfortunately, however,
there is a small number of cases where serious mental disorders remained and for which
the final prognosis cannot be determined. In addition, cases with continued heart trouble
were found.
The generator gas era of the war is now over. The stationary generator gas operations
still remain in industrial plants, etc. These conditions of chronic generator gas poisoning,
which were in existence even before the generator gas epoch when there were a great
many cases of the illness,remain. It is obvious that the experience with diagnosis, symp-
toms, and prognosis from the generator gas era is relevant and helpful in treating carbon
monoxide poisoning, even during more normal conditions.
After liquid fuels became available the number of cases of gen.erator gas poisoning
decreased considerably. This fact must, however, not make us lose all interest in the
poisoning question. Generator gas preparedness requires continued research in the field,
keeping in mind a possible new wartime use. To a limited extent, generator gas oper-
ation is likely to continue also after the war, especially in stationary form; there is then
a risk that such limited generator gas operation could cause proportionally more cases of
poisoning than during the time when everyone-motorists and others-were alert to the
risks. Finally, there are still chronic cases of poisoning that require continued observa-
tion and care.
The Gas Generator Research Council has emphasized that after the changeover to peace-
time operation, to the extent that generator gas would still be used as fuel, an absolute
requirement must be enforced that there be protection against health hazards for all who
run .the risk of inhaling gas. All units should be subjected to an effective, obligatory
control, so that only types that are safe from poisoning are allowed to enter the market.
The Research Council is of the opinion that the control employed so far for gas genera-
tors has not been able to completely exclude less suitable types from the market. During
the first half of 1945, 230 vehicles were inspected because of police reports; 155 vehicles,
i.e., 67%, were found to have faulty gas generators.
The Research Council recommends tightened regulations concerning both the inspection
of the gas generators and the right to bring a generator gas operated vehicle into a repair
shop. It is also the opinion of the Council that a central organization should be founded
that would have the authority to issue technical instructions, carry out testing, and take
care of technical safety-related activity based on the experience available.
When the engine is shut off, gas formation still goes on for a while in most types of gen-
erators and causes an increase of pressure in the generator. Evaporation of the water
which may be in the fuel or on the generator wall contributes to this. Sometimes, after a
wood gas fueled engine is shut off, a white or" yellow gas can be seen escaping particu-
larly from the primary-air intake; in the case of charcoal gas generators the escaping gas
is not visible. The pressure increase after the engine is shut off lasts for approximately
20 minutes. Due to this it is not adviseable to stay in the car during this time. For the
same reason, the gas generator should be allowed to cool for at least 20 minutes before
the car is driven into the garage. This is true when either suction and pressure fans are
It should be emphasized that the gas formed during the "post-gassing time" has a carbon
monoxide content of 23% to 27% and is thus very poisonous.
The pressure increase during the "post-gassing time" is so considerable that gas leaks out
even from a tight gas generator (i.e., without real leakage points), for instance through
the filling opening of the gas generator. If there is leakage, the poisoning risk increases
because the gas leaks into the vehicle or underneath the engine hood and from there into
the driver's cab. Hydrostatic tests or leakage tests of the entire generator gas device
including its pipes should be conducted occasionally. During a hydrostatic test, the
entire gas generator is pressurized. A simpler and more reliable method for detecting
leaks is to use a smoke stick especially made for this purpose (see circular NR 355 of the
National Swedish Fuel Commission). It is particularly important that all welding on the
generator and its piping is adequate. One common and dangerous defect is that the fill-
ing lid is not tight due to a faulty packing. Because of this, after the generator has been
left off a while, it may start burning like a stove. Air may also enter through the pri-
mary-air intake, if its flame guard artd check valve are not tight, and the leak at the fill-
ing lid will then serve as a gas outlet. This is particularly risky with a car that is put into
a garage, for instance under a living room. Some of the worst poisoning accidents in
Sweden were caused by such circumstances.
A leaking pipe or hose, improper location of the secondary-air intake, the fan outlet, or
the hot-air intake for heating the car body, as well as inadequate ventilation of the
crankcase may also create a risk of poisoning.
The gas mixture that, during the starting of a gasoline engine but before ignition, flows
through the engine and out through the exhaust pipe, contains practically no carbon
monoxide. On the other hand, the engine of the generator gas car is, during the often
prolonged starting attempts, fed a gas that contains 20% to 30% carbon monoxide. Thus
it is obvious that starting attempts with generator gas inside a room must involve the
most serious poisoning hazards. During generator gas operation the exhaust gases of the
engine generally c,ontain a greater proportion of carbon monoxide than during operation
on gasoline and are thus more hazardous, especially during idling.
Since a carbon monoxide concentration in the air as low as 0.02% to 0.03% (equivalent to
1 m3 generator gas in 1000 m3 air, and 1 m3 exhaust gases from a generator gas car during
idling in 5000 m3 air, respectively) involves a risk of poisoning, it is obvious that rather
rigorous garage regulations are justified for generator gas operation. It is necessary to
keep in mind that, in a garage, carbon monoxide is not evenly mixed with the air but
occurs in layers or areas with considerably higher concentrations.
The requirements of the Labor Welfare Act for protection against unhealthy working
conditions have given the Labor Inspectorate an opportunity to step in and bring about
necessary ventilation in those garages that fall within the category to which this law
applies. Other garages, however, have not been controlled in the same way up to now.
The regulations that were applied earlier to ventilation of garages for gasoline operated
cars are now considerably more rigorous for premises which come under the Labor Wel-
fare Act, where a generator gas operated vehicle in a warm state is admitted to be
stored for a relatively short or longer time; i.e., garages, cargo spaces, and car repair
shops. (Also see Chapter 8.)
It is very important to follow the regulations and directions for generator gas operation
carefully-above all those that aim at preventing generator gas poisoning. Not only for
one's own safety must the regulations and directions be followed; negligence in this
respect can also affect other persons and harm their life and health. Anyone who
through negligence or carelessness exposes another person to poisoning, be it of a mild or
serious nature, may be held legally responsible.
It is most dangerous to break the regulation not to ignite, fan, start, or run idle indoors.
Consider that the starting fan in one minute emits about 200 L carbon monoxide; i.e.,
enough to bring, in a 1000 m3 garage, the carbon monoxide concentration up to a hazard-
ous level. The same risk also occurs during idling indoors; for instance in a small garage
of approximately 50 m3 volume, in less than a minute.
Many believe themselves to be safe by fanning, starting, etc., with the doors and windows
of the garage open or by first pushing the car halfway out of the garage. Experience has
shown, however, that such measures are far from satisfactory. Also, it is not enough to
lead away the fan and exhaust gases with a pipe or a hose that is put through the door or
the window without real extraction being arranged. During severe cold it is, of course,
most tempting to break the safety regulations; therefore, hazards are the greatest during
the winter.
However, it is not enough to follow regulations and directions. One must also think care-
fully for oneself, because the directions cannot cover everything. One great risk is that
anyone who works daily with generator gas is easily lulled into a sense of security, thus
belittling the hazards and perhaps thinking himself to be "less sensitive."
One serious aspect of generator gas poisoning is that it shows itself in such a dramatic
way. Not much is needed to cause dizziness and unconsciousness, which may be espe-
cially disastrous if one is alone in a garage or car when the poisoning occurs, and cannot
get away from the dangerous environment without assistance. Therefore, do not work
alone for an extended period of time with generator gas!
Even if reasonable safety measures are taken, carbon monoxide may enter the car body.
Therefore, never sit in the car during fanning and air out the car body properly after
fanning. If there are passengers in the car, it is the driver's duty to warn the passengers
before starting the fan and to emphasize to them the risk they are running by remaining
inside during the fanning. This is particularly important in the case of a bus with perhaps
20 to 30 passengers, many of whom very likely do not realize the risk and do not notice
when the fan is started. Do not rely on the passengers reading the placard in the bus and
realizing the seriousness of the fanning hazard.
One common mistake during the fanning is to stand or work close to the car, even quite
close to the fan outlet or downwind from it. Due to the risk to other people, especially
children, the driver must not go away from the car during fanning, but neither should he
stand or allow another person to stand dangerously close to the car. Also, one should
avoid standing or working close to the engine outlet while the engine is running. The
exhaust gases from an idling generator gas engine contain 5% to 8% carbon monoxide and
are considerably more dangerous than the exhaust gases from a gasoline operated engine.
Loading and unloading of goods should never be done while the fan or the engine is run-
ning. Neither should anyone perform such jobs as changing tires, pumping tires, putting
on chains, etc., at that time; these are all jobs which involve crouching quite close to the
One should also avoid fanning or starting several generator gas cars at the same time if
they are parked close to each other. Excluding bus or truck garages, many cases of poi-
soning have occurred when several generator gas vehicles that were parked close to each
other, were removed at the same time. Neither should one fan, start or idle generator
gas cars in narrow passages, etc., where the air stands still without sufficient supply of
fresh air. Fanning, idling, etc., underneath a protective roof or in sheds or barracks with
more or less open walls should also be avoided. People used to trust that the air
exchange in such "airy11 premises would be sufficient to prevent poisoning. However, that
is not the case, and the premises mentioned should be considered areas where fanning,
etc., must not be done. On the whole, fanning and starting during calm and especially in
case of hazy weather conditions is more hazardous than in clear weather with "clear" or
light 11 air and some wind.
Another common mistake is to fan or run idle for a long time immediately outside the
open door to a garage or a workshop. The gases are then frequently forced directly into
the room with a risk for the personnel working there. Similarly, passengers or personnel
in a bus may be exposed to poisoning through fan or exhaust gases flowing from a genera-
tor gas vehicle parked beside the bus.
Carrying out repairs and adjustments on the car when getting ready to start may involve
poisoning hazards, particularly during fanning. If a repair or adjustment has to be done
while the gas generator is warm, the fan should be shut off and the air given an oppor-
tunity to flush around the vehicle before the job is started. If it is necessary to lift up
the engine hood, one should not immediately lean in under it but first let the air flow in
there. One should also avoid leaning down over the engine, especially if a spark plug has
been removed; in general, one should avoid leaning down over any part of the generator
gas device when it is hot or contains gas. Neither should one carry out any repairs lying
on the ground beside or underneath the car while the gas generator is still hot; at any
rate, neither fan nor engine should be running then. On the whole, jobs involving repair
or adjustments on the car or gas generator should, as far as possible, be conducted when
the gas generator is cold and, like the engine, properly aired out. With regard to "post-
gasification" it is necessary to assume that any living quarters situated immediately
against or above a garage or car repair shop have completely tight walls and roof as well
as effective ventilation.
Special attention should be paid to the role played by physical exertion in generator gas
poisoning. There are frequent reports of how cases of poisoning with mild symptoms
have taken a serious turn with dizziness and unconsciousness because of considerable
physical exertion, for instance running out of the garage, attempting to start the engine
with the starting crank, etc. This fact should warn us, when noticing the first symptom
of poisoning, to stay as calm as possible while evacuating the poisonous premises with
slow careful movements.
Medical Apparatus, Carbon Monoxide Indicators, Alarm Devices
The treatment with Karbogen gas (oxygen with approximately 7% carbon dioxide added)
is carried out with the use of an inhalor equipped with an inhalation mask; the inhalor is
connected to a Karbogen gas cylinder.
Carbon monoxide examinations can be done using various methods and with the use of
more or less sensitive indicators. 'I,:he American indicators of the M.S.A. type used by
the Gas Generator Bureau are available in two models, a portable one intended for meas-
uring a possible quantity of carbon monoxide in the air, and a stationary model intended
for use as an alarm device to warn against carbon monoxide hazards in car repair shops,
warehouses, garages, etc. The measurement is based upon a catalytic combustion of
carbon monoxide in the tested air to carbon dioxide, by which the temperature increase
affects a thermocouple connected to a millivoltmeter graduated in percent by volume
carbon monoxide. With this method it is possible to accurately read as low a carbon
monoxide content in the air as 0.002% by volume.
Another type of carbon monoxide indicator, the Drager model, makes possible an accu-
rate reading of carbon monoxide in the air as low as 0.003% by volume. This indicator is
also based upon catalytic combustion, and the carbon monoxide content is read on the
scale of a mercury thermometer. This device can also be used as an alarm device if
platinum points are mounted into the thermometer in such a way that the mercury col-
umn will close the current between the platinum points at a certain content of carbon
Still another indicator is based upon the iodine-spent oxide method according to the reac-
tion: 5GO+I 2o 5 = 5G0 2+I 2• If the air sample is sucked through the device with a veloc-
ity of approximately 200 cm 3/10 min, an estimate of the carbon monoxide content can be
made with an accuracy of at least 0.003% by volume.
In order to detect carbon monoxide in a room, the palladium subchloride method may be
used, in which a drop of water, preferably distilled, is placed on a sheet of paper impreg-
nated with palladium subchloride. If the air contains carbon monoxide, a brown ring is
formed around the water drops. The time it takes for the ring to become visible depends
upon the carbon monoxide content of the air. The following contents can be determined
reasonably accurately:
This method may also be used by placing a solution of palladium subchloride and salt in
water in small porcelain bowls in the room whose air is to be examined. After 12 hours or
24 hours the bowls are inspected. In case of very small carbon monoxide content a dark
brim is formed around the liquid surface. In case of higher contents of carbon monoxide,
however, a glassy film of the metal palladium is formed on the surface of the contents of
the bowl.
An estimate of the carbon monoxide present in the air may also be made by means of the
absorption method. The gas-air mixture is passed through a solution of 1.7 g silver
nitrate, 36 cm 3 of 10% ammonia water and 200 cm 3 8% sodium hydroxide in 760 cm 3
distilled water. The carbon monoxide content of the air may be determined by measuring
the quantity of the gas-air mixture supplied and the time that is required for a certain
deposit of silver nitrate. In this method a definite coloration of the analytic solution
results and the time necessary for it is measured. If the apparatus is well designed, it is
possible to estimate the carbon monoxide in the air with this method in the regions of
about 0.01% by volume.
The Gas Generator Bureau has had the opportunity to examine some carbon-monoxide
indicators manufactured in Sweden; however, none was considered adequate.
The National Gas Generator Committee appointed on November 10, 1939, shortly after
the outbreak of war, had among its duties the following:
2. To supply advice and directions in order to have only technically adequate gas
generator units manufactured and to have the installation of the units man-
aged in a satisfactory way;
In the instructions to the National Swedish Fuel Commission on June 14, 1940, there is
only a general statement about gas generator matters that it is the duty of the commis-
sion "to handle questions concerning gas generators for motor operation." Among these
matters should be mentioned: "combating the increase of poisoning accidents involved
with gas generator operation." Since, at this point in time, no other authority was in
charge of these urgent matters, which were beyond the Commission's main task, the
Commission had to take care of this through the Gas Generator Bureau which started its
work on July 1, 1940.
In the fall of 1940, the Commission initiated a permanent cooperation between the Gas
Generator Bureau and various medical and social institutions and in December 1940
founded the "Medical-Technical Committee for Generator Gas Matters." This Commit-
tee was a part of the Fuel Commission and its members were the technical director of
the Gas Generator Bureau, the director of the Swedish Institute of Public Health and one
more representative of this Institute, two representatives from the National Swedish
Board of Health, two from the National Swedish Social Welfare Board, one from the labor
organization, as well as Associate Professor Ernst Salen as a representative for
Sabbatsberg's Hospital and one expert in the field.
During the spring of 1941 a generator gas clinic was opened, by agreement between the
City of Stockholm and the Fuel Commission, in Sabbatsberg's Hospital with room for 10
patients and in addition an out-patient department. Similar clinics were also opened
later in other cities.
The Swedish Government dictated on December 12, 1941 that after January 1, 1942,
research concerning poisoning hazards would be conducted under the supervision of the
.administration of the Swedish Institute of Public Health. The Medical-Technical Com -
mittee then changed its name to the Gas Generator Council. The Superintendent of the
Institute of Public Health acted as chairman during the meetings, however without being
a member of the council. The work during 1942 followed the same direction as during
1941. However, since the number of cases of generator gas poisoning increased at an
alarming rate, especially the chronic poisonings, the Gas Generator Council in December
1942, moved that the administration of the Swedish Institute of Public Health ask the
Government for an expansion of the work including, among other things, that examina-
tion stations similar to the generator gas clinic in Stockholm be established in about
seven different places in Sweden and that physicians from these various places should
gather in Stockholm for a week to get an idea of their tasks by sharing the observations
and experiences of the generator gas clinic in Stockholm.
However, in a letter to the Government on December 30, 1942, the administration
requested that the work be allowed to follow on the whole the same guidelines as during
1942 and thus that the proposal of the Gas Generator Bureau not be granted. The admin-
istration was, nevertheless, in favor of granting 5000 kr for the educational course. The
Government asked the National Swedish Board of Health to give their opinion regarding
the request of the administration. In their opinion, the Board of Health emphasized the
necessity of stabilizing and expanding the work of the Gas Generator Council, especially
since gas generator operation was becoming more common for stationary operation in
foundries, workshops, steelworks, etc~ The Board of Health proposed that the Govern -
ment appoint a Gas Generator Research Council to handle the work in question and that
the Government appoint the c.hairman and vice chairman of this council; that necessary
funds be granted for 1943 so that the examination work concerning generator gas poison-
ing could be e~panded as soon as possible to other parts of the country than Stockholm;
that 10,000 kr be granted for completing hospital equipment for this purpose; and that
5000 kr be granted for supplementary education of physicians.
No changes were brought about during 1943, however, but in ·the 1944 Riksday (parlia-
ment) the Government presented a bill on this matter that complied with rather far-
reaching demands, and according to which the Gas Generator Research Council would be
a part of the Board of Health. The technical control was handled all along by the Gas
Generator Committee and the Gas Generator Bureau of the National Swedish Fuel
Commission, respectively.
When the Gas Generator Bureau of the Fuel Commission is discontinued in the spring of
1946, its tasks in the field of generator gas poisoning will have to be taken over by some
other government agency-the Gas Generator Research Council, the National Swedish
Board of Health, the Swedish Institute of Public Health, or the Labor Inspectorate.
Fire Hazards
The statistics covering fire accidents in connection with gas generator operation show
that the risks of car fires are considerably greater during gas generator operation than
during operation on liquid fuel. Actually, the risk during the first part of the gas genera-
tor era was several times greater. In particular, there was a very great number of
garage fires. Steps taken in the form of directions and instructions from authorities in
close cooperation with the insurance authorities, as well as publicity and increased
understanding and attention on the part of motorists, have improved the situation con-
siderably _with regard to car fires.
During the first five gas generator years (October 1, 1939-September 30, 1944), 2,865 gas
generator car fires were reported to the Gas Generator Bureau. The total amount for
damages caused by these fires is not known but could roughly be estimated as: cars, 4.5
million kr; cargoes, 750,000 kr; garages and other property, 10 million kr; a total of
roughly 15 million kr. The high average value for the fires, approximately 5250 kr, can be
explained by the total number of fires and also by the many garage fires often at night
and of no known cause.
In order to get a picture of the fire frequency, the period October 1, 1939, to
September 30, 1944, was divided into half-year periods. Since the season affects fire
frequency in some ways, the periods chosen were winter.and summer half-years, thus
October 1 to March 31 and Aprill to September 30, respectively.
Table 52 shows the number of cars damaged and destroyed by fire, for which the follow-
ing designations are used:
K= Charcoal gas car
V= Wood gas car
P = Passenger car
L = Truck
0= Bus, all generator gas operated
D= Miscellaneous vehicles such as tractors, motorcycles and vehicles operated
with liquid fuel.
Data is taken from the statistics kept by the Gas Generator Bureau of the National
Swedish Fuel Commission. (The letter designations are also used in Tables 53 and 54.)
Period K v p L 0 D
The remarkably great number of fires that occurred during period V, the winter half-year
1941/1942, were related to the severe winter.
In order to get a clearer picture of the development tendency, we should relate damage
frequency to the average number of gas generator cars in traffic during each half-year.
Table 53 gives the estimated average number of registered gas genera.tor cars of various
categories during each half-year.
Period K v p Total
L 0
The stagnation during period VI is rather noticeable and may be explained by the reorgan-
ization of the statistics from April 1, 1942; this should also be taken into account when
evaluating the figures in Table 54.
The number of fires per half year and per thousand registered gas generator cars is
obtained by dividing the values in Table 52 by the values in Table 53.
Period .. K v p L 0
As shown in Table 54, the increase during period V mainly concerned trucks and wood gas
operated cars. If we examine period V more closely, we find that its latter half, i.e., the
first quarter of 1942, was characterized by a remarkably great number of fires, approxi-
mately 350, of which 120 were garage fires. This is equivalent to almost four fires a day,
and would seem to be a result of the unusually severe winter. This observation provides a
warning that special caution is needed during wintertime, especially in garages.
Passenger cars constantly show higher rates than trucks; the cars were more liable to
have fires due to defects in the electric equipment. For both categories, the last periods
show a happy improvement from the point of view of fire.
The relative change of the amounts of fire damage for the cars themselves is illustrated
by Table 55, in which the relative figure for the amount of damage per registered car is
set at 100 for period IV. Period V also stands out especially, and the increase during per-
iod IX is noteworthy.
Amount of
Period Damage Per
Registered Car
An investigation of the geographic distribution of the gas generator car fires shows that
the statistics for the five northern provinces are poor in relation to the number of regis-
tered gas generator cars. If we set the average fire figure for the entire country at 100,
the figure for the northern provinces is an average of 140 as compared to 93 for the cen-
tral and southern provinces.
A study of the frequency and changes of the various fire causes can tell something both
about the effect of regulations and S}irections already issued and about whether there is a
need for further preventive measures. Table 56 conveys information in this respect.
D. Engine heater
E. Electric equipment
April-30 Sept. 41. . ... 9.1
Oct. 40-31 March 41.
Oct. 41-31 March 42.
April-30 Sept. 42. . .. 1.4
Oct. 42-31 March 43.
1.3 0.9
VIII. l April-30 Sept. 43. . .. 0.8
1.5 0.5 2.2 0 15.3 22.5 42.0 36
l April-30 Sept. 44. . . 0.6
Oct. 43-31 March 44. 1.0
The figures given under the captions A, B, C, and D, unambiguously show how favorably
the frequency of the gas generator fires was affected by the regulations and directions
issued by the authorities and the insurance companies in unified action.
Thus, fire due to sparks during fuel filling has decreased considerably through more rig-
orous directions concerning covering of the cargo with tarpaulins. Fire caused by liquid
starting fuel hardly ever happens, thanks to a more rigorous regulation concerning the
location of the starting tank. The regulations for insulation of the gas generator have
been repeatedly supplemented and made more rigorous on the basis of experience gained.
The result has been good, as shown in the table. As for the engine heaters, they did not
come into existence until period V and during this period caused 40 fires. A quick inter-
vention of authorities and insurance companies all but eliminated this fire hazard.
In the cases mentioned, as in other cases where carelessness or lack of forethought have
caused gas generator fires, the increased experience and understanding of car owners and
motorists have contributed to a better situation with regard to gas generator car fires.
By far the most gas generator fires were caused by faulty electric equipment (short-
circuit) as shown in Table 56. This must, however, be accepted with some reservation;
the explanation "short-circuit" was sometimes seized upon more or less correctly in
uncertain or inexplicable cases. On the other hand, it is likely that some unexplainable
fires, especially night fires in garages, actually could be classified as "electric .fires."
In the short-circuit statistics, passenger cars are in a worse position than trucks, and
commercial passenger cars worse than private passenger cars.
Among the short-circuit damages those caused by the battery or the battery cables pre-
dominate. Thus, during 1942 every third damage, a full half of the total amount of
indemnity for short.-circuit damages, was classified under this fire cause. The starting
engine also has to a rather large extent contributed to the short-circuit damages, in that
gas generator operation involves both mechanical and electrical overloading of the start-
ing engine with destroyed insulation and short-circuit as a consequence.
Fire damage occurring in the garage and caused by short circuit is also rather frequent
and represents, on an average, large amounts of damage, almost three times as great as
the mean average value for all short-circuit damages. This is due to the fact that garage
fires happen mostly during the night, causing total loss.
The fire-damage statistics for cars, compared with the pre-war period, show unfavorable
figures in spite of a significant improvement during the latter part of the war; therefore,
preventive measures should be concentrated primarily upon reducing the short-circuit
hazards. Preferably, all the electric equipment should be checked during each compre-
hensive car repair. When meeting the usual requirements of the equipment, the special
directions for gas generator cars given in circular nrl80A of the Fuel Commission should
be observed. The motor-vehicle examiners should also, when inspecting a gas generator
vehicle, pay special attention to the electric equipment.
Traffic Hazards
The considerably decreased car traffic during the war did, of course, lead to a decrease
in the number of accidents as well as the number of people injured or killed in such acci-
dents. It would also have been reasonable to assume that the percentage decrease of the
number of car accidents would be greater than the percentage decrease of traffic. At
any rate, earlier experience has shown that to be the case; with less traffic on streets
and roads, the risk for accidents should decrease quite significantly. However, the last
years' statistics concerning the number of traffic accidents in relation to the number of
cars in traffic unfortunately give quite a different picture of the actual situation.
The number of cars in use and insured by the insurance companies during the war years
was less than 30% of the number of 1939. It is, of course, true that these vehicles during
the war years consisted of proportionately more dangerous vehicles from the viewpoint
of road safety; namely, trucks. Also, these vehicles were more intensely used than
before the war. Still, one would have expected that the number of the car accidents and
their consequences at least should not have exceeded the percentage mentioned.
The statistics of the insurance companies show, however, that during the five years from
July 1, 1940, to June 30, 1945, the number of reported traffic-insurance damages
amounted on an average to 32% of the 1939 figure. If we look at the statistics of the
consequences of the accidents, the figures will be even more remarkable. Thus the
number of people injured during the five years mentioned, on an average per year, was
37% of the 1939 figure; and the number of people killed per year no less than, on an aver-
age, 42% of the corresponding figure for 1939.
The enormously increased bicycle traffic during the war naturally increased the risk of
collisions between cars and bicycles, thus contributing to the increase of serious personal
injuries. This explanation would not seem to be sufficient, however, for the increased
traffic hazards, which, to a certain extent, probably could be attributed to the ·altered
manner of driving resulting from the gas generator operation. The decreased engine
power causes increased shifting 9f gears, and the impaired acceleration gives lower aver-
age speed. In this way the driver is easily tempted to maintain a uniform speed that is
too high in difficult situations, in curves, crossroads, etc~; in the same way the driver is
more tempted than before to "take a run" before ascent. The impaired acceleration also
makes it more difficult to pass another car; the passing distance, which always increases
the chances of accident, becomes significantly longer. With an increased knowledge of
gas generator operation, however, the risks mentioned have been noticeably decreased.
In addition, one serious traffic hazard that has hardly been noticed and investigated orig-
inates in poisoning by carbon monoxide that has entered the driver's cab and, in connec-
tion with this, inadequate ventilation of the driver's cab. In this, we have to take into
account both acute and chronic poisoning, resulting in possible impairment of the driver's
attentiveness and reaction rate, which is detrimental to the road safety. Some cases of
driving into the ditch, collision, and other events that are otherwise difficult to explain
may possibly be categorized as acute or chronic generator gas poisoning, in that even
seemingly rather insignificant mistakes in the operation of a gas generator car could
have caused consequences as serious as dizziness and unconsciousness. In some cases, the
poisoning causes symptoms similar to intoxication; the driver crosses over to the wrong
side of the roadway, does not know what he is doing, etc. The first part of this chapter
also deals with this matter.
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33. KALLE, T. Hur kom till. Fliikten 6: 2 (1941) 54-63
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35. LuTz, H. ·Die Verbesscrung des Fahrzeug-Holzgaserzeugers durch warmetechnische Mass-
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43. STENBERG, O; oeh LAGERSTROM, KE.. Pyrolys enligt •rokpip1-metoden. IVA 1944: 1, 1-15
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50. WELIN-BERGER, J. Koloxidfaran .. vid gengasdrift. Flakten 6: 2 (1941) 73-77
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53. WIDELL, T. The drying of peat balls. IVA 1949: 1, 10-26
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57. Betankande med fOrslag till il.tgarder fOr framjande av generatorgassystemets anvan-
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58. 1944 drivmedelsutredning. Utlil.tande angi!.ende gengasdriften (1945)
59. Industriens Utredningsins.titut. Norrlandsutredningen, 1942
60. Pyrolysmotet 1941. BTK vid IVA Medd. nr 10, 1941
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Kornmitten vid IngeniOrsvetenskapsakademien, Stockholm)
Air filter-a device for separating solid and liquid impurities from air, especially second-
ary air in generator gas operation.
Ash box-a box for collecting ashes.
Ash port-opening for removing ashes, etc., from the lower part of a gas generator.
Ash space-a space situated beneath the grating of a gas generator, intended to collect
ashes, etc.
Burning limit-the limiting proportions of the fuel/air mixture where the mixture
changes from being combustible to being noncombustible.
Changeover switch-in a gas generator car, a valve or vent that makes driving possible
with either liquid fuel or generator gas.
Charcoal gas-generator gas manufactured from coal, charcoal, or charcoal briquettes,
sometimes with water vapor added or recycled flue ~as.
Charcoal gas generator-a gas generator for charcoal or charcoal briquettes.
Charcoal layer or charcoal bed-in gas generator operation, a layer of granular char-
coal placed beneath and around the lower part of the hearth in a wood gas generator to
serve as heat insulation. This layer or bed lets the gas through by a filter effect, and
serves as a foundation for the charcoal in the hearth. Also see "porous concrete layer."
Cloth filter-a gas purifier with a cloth filter, usually of textile fabric.
Cloth stand-a fitting in the cloth filter for holding filter cloths.
Coal briquette-a fuel of compressed coal powder and a fixing agent; in the case of
charcoal as raw material, called charcoal briquettes.
Combustion zone-the part of the hearth in a gas generator where combustion takes
place. ·
Condensation water collector-a device in a wood gas generator for collecting water
originating from fuel moisture that has condensed on a relatively cold part of the wall of
the fuel container.
Condensation water mantle-in a wood gas generator, the inside, usually perforated,
wall that, together with the outer mantle of the generator, creates a closed space at the
bottom against the fuel container and an open space at the top, equipped with an outlet
for condensate.
Cork filter or cork cleaner-a gas purifier for the final cleaning of generator gas, con-
sisting of a container with layers of small cork pieces through which the generator gas
passes; used almost exclusively in wood gas generators.
Cross-burning-burning in a gas generator with the gas mainly directed horizontally or
Cyclone purifier or cyclone cleaner-a gas purifier, where solid and liquid particles are
separated with the help of centrifugal force.
Downward burning-burning in a gas generator with the gas mainly directed downward.
Expansion pipe-the part of a pipe ..that is able to absorb the change in the length of a
pipeline .during a temperature change.
Fan case-a nonmoving case in which the impeller rotates; equipped with inlet and outlet
openings for gas or air.
Fan shaft-the shaft to which an impeller (fan) is attached.
Fan valve-the cutoff valve in the pipe of a starting fan.
Filter cloth-the cloth in a cloth filter that lets gas through (usually of textile fabric o~
paper pulp), or in a safety filter (of metal).
Fine purifier or fine cleaner-sometimes used as a collective (common) name for the
final filter that purifies generator gas.
Flame arrestor or flameguard-a device preventing flames from extending out through
the primary-air intake at positive pressures in the gas generator.
Fuel container-the part of a gas generator holding the fuel, corresponding to the fuel
tank for liquid fuels.
Gas cooler-a device in a gas generator for the cooling of the hot generator gas.
Gas exhaust-the opening in a gas generator through which the gas leaves the generator.
Gas generator-a device in which generator gas is produced by burning a solid fuel fol-
lowed by reduction of carbon dioxide and water vapor in a glowing charcoal layer to the
combustible gases CO and H2.
Gas generator car-a car whose engine is operated by generator gas.
Gas ring-in a Swedlund generator, a ring supported against the hearth mantle. The
casing of the gas generator rests on this ring.
Hearth ring-in certain wood gas generators, a replaceable ring placed in the lower part
of the hearth and determining the smallest bypass area of the hearth.
Ignition cartridge-a cartridge with a flammable substance for igniting a gas generator.
Ignition port-in a gas generator, an opening, which can be shut off, through which the
gas generator is ignited.
Impeller-the part of the fan equipped with blades or flaps.
Inlet pipe-in a generator gas engine, a pipe through which the gas mixture, or generator
gas in a pulsator and gas-pump system, is supplied to the motor.
Inside mantle-in a gas generator with a double jacketed fuel container, the inside wall
to whose lower end the hearth is connected.
Inspection port-a port or opening through which the fire is inspected, frequently serving
as ash port as well.
Main valve-a valve for regulating the gas mixture to the engine.
Mixed heat value-effective heat value of the mixture of generator gas and air.
Mixer-in a gas generator, a device for mixing generator gas and secondary air; corre-
sponding to the carburetor of a carburetor engine.
Mixing chamber-the space in a mixer where generator gas and air mix.
Mixing proportion-the proportion between the volume of air and the volume of the
generator gas in the gas mixture.
Normal cubic meter-the unit of gas measurement used in this book; e.g., for a gas that
is measured at a temperature of 0°C and at a pressure of 760 mm Hg; this term is abbre-
viated Nm 3.
Outer mantle-the outer wall of a gas
,, generator with a double-jacketed fuel container.
Peat gas-gas manufactured from peat.
Pivot car-a trailer with only one rear wheel, which pivots.
Porous concrete layer-in gas generator operation, a stratum of relatively fine porous
concrete placed beneath and around the lower part of the wood gas generator to serve as
heat insulation, letting the gas through with a filter effect and serving as a foundation
for the charcoal in the hearth.
Preheater-a device for heating of fuel, air, or fuel/air mixture, usually with heat
Primary air-in a gas generator, air entering the generator for the production of genera-
tor gas.
Primary air intake-in gas generators, an opening through which primary air is supplied.
Primary air nozzle-in a gas generator, the nozzle through which primary air is blown
into the combustion zone of the generator. Several primary-air nozzles are usually
directed inward.
Primary air pipe-in a gas generator, a pipe connecting the primary-air intake with the
primary-air nozzle or the primary-air ring.
Primary air ring-in a gas generator, a ring-shaped channel for primary air.
Primary air valve-in a gas generator, a valve for throttling or shutting off the primary
Rear vent-in a wood gas generator, a suspended plate preventing the return flow of gas
during air intake.
Reduction zone-the part of the hearth in a gas generator where carbon dioxide and
water vapor are reduced in a glowing charcoal layer to combustible gases.
Refilling port-an opening for the fuel in a gas generator.
Refractory lining-a firebrick covering on the inside of the generator hearth.
Return ejector-a device in a Kalle generator for returning rough-grained charcoal par-
ticles from the wind screen. ,,
Rinse plug-a threaded plug for the opening through which the gas generator is washed
Rough purifier-sometimes used as a collective name for various mechanisms for purify-
ing generator gas from all rough, solid impurities.
Safety filter-in generator gas operation, a layer of gauze or similar material placed in
the gas duct after the cloth filter to prevent impurities from entering the engine in case
of a faulty cloth purifier. If the safety filter gets clogged that means that the filtering
(purifying) system does not work satisfactorily.
Scrubber-a primary gas purifier, usually consisting of a vessel with a thick layer of coke,
which during operation is rinsed by water showers; it is used in marine and stationary gas
Secondary air-in gas generator operation, combustion air added to the generator gas for
burning in the engine.
Secondary air intake-an opening through which secondary air is supplied.
Secondary air pipe-in a gas generator, a pipe connecting the secondary air intake and
the mixer.
Secondary air valve-a valve for throttling or shutting off the secondary air; it may be
placed in the secondary-air intake or in the secondary-air pipe.
Shaking arm-a handle for shaking or turning the valve grating.
Shaking grating-a movable grating which may be shaken or turned with a shaking arm.
Smoke stick-a stick of a smoke-producing substance used to test pressures in a gas
generator to discover possible gas leaks.
Steam generator-a· low-pressure boiler sometimes used in a charcoal gas generator for
generating water vapor, which together with the primary air is forced to enter the gen-
erator; the steam generator is heated by the hot gas from the generator.
Stoichiometric mixture-a mixture of generator gas and the air quantity required for
complete combustion without any air surplus.
Theoretical mixed heat value-the heat value of the stoichiometric mixture of genera-
tor gas and air.
Upper burning limit-burning limit at fuel surplus.
Upward burning-burning in a gas generator with the gas mainly directed upward.
Wet cleaner-a primary gas purifier for wood gas, where the gas is made to pass through
Wind screen-a special-design cyclone filter for a Kalle gas generator, from which
coarse-grained charcoal particles separated with the help of exhaust fumes are brought
back to the primary air pipe of the gas generator.
Wood gas-generator gas manufactured from wood.
Wood gas generator-a gas generator for wood.
Abrasion, engine life 131
Advance timing angle 225-6, 200 Charcoal
Air, Primary Briquettes 265
Central inlet 121 Efficiency 64-5' 71, 78,262,272-80
Distribution 121-3 Gasifiers 101-8, 197
Intake location 232 Fuel testing 57-8
Preheat 115, 121 190 Pitch wood, "Torre" 63,78
Air, secondary Moisture 262
Cleaner & engine life 131-3, 194 Semi-charred wood 81
Dust in 131 Tar 78, 108-10
Excess 200 Gasoline compared 65
Intake 236 Wood-compared 11,60,65,94-6,100
Alarms, CO 313-4 166, 172,262
Aluminized black plate 117 Chemical Reactions 17-32
Ammonia in cooler condensate 132 Chrome alloy materials
High Cr 116
Battery 225 Kanthal 102,105-6, 109
Bed, lower hearth Low Cr 109, 118, 264-5
Charcoal 263 Chronic gas poisoning
Inert 116,129 Hazards 302-3,207,310
Black plate alum. hearth 117 Symptoms 307
Boats 180-3, 197-8, 203 254-9,300-1
Bolinder Munktell 215-17
Power Boost Gas Cleaners
Liquid addition 192 Cloth 140,160-3,139,155,265
Two stroke engine 217 Condensing wet 159
Briquettes Cooler 134,164
Charcoal 265 Cyclone 156,161,197
Peat 83 Design principles 153-5
Bulb, ignition 211-3 Electrostatic 139 162-4
Bulk density 66 Pressure drop 205
Bus 254 Scrubber 158
Standards 13 3
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning 302-3 Tars 1, 14,63,97,99, 134, 136, 154
307,310 Combustion
Effects 304, 305, 310, 172 Theory 63
Exertion 305 Heat of 16
First aid 305 Engine pressure 202,208
Symptoms 306-7 Compression ratio 202-3
Treatment 307
Cars 245-50 Detectors, alarms 313,-4
Catalyst 38 Dew point 133-6,206-7,265
Central air blast 121 Diesel antechamber 210
Downdraft gasifiers 99,101,110-128 Fuels 60-96
Dust 133,136,161,264 Bulk density 66
In air 132 Costs 292
In gas 131,-2 Equivalents vs, liquid 65
Standards 133,137-9 Industrial wastes 281
Vs hearth load 138 Heat content 64
Level sensors 196
Economics 272-299 Measurements 53-6, 66
Moisture 53-6,66
Fuel Economy 64,272-80,294 Pitch wood 63
Efficiency 64, 78,247,272 Specific consumption 64-5, 273-80
Gas conversion 64 247 272 Standards 90-4
Charcoal manufacture 65 71 78 Tests, charcoal 57
Thermal 202 Tests, wood 56
Volumetric 199 Test critical air blast 58
Ejector 271 Further work 266,314
Abrasion 131 Garages, safety 260-1
Adaptation 165-98 Garage carburetor 196,264
Gas flow needs 165 Gas cleaner
Heater 187-8 Cyclone 156, 161, 197
Idle speed 264 Design principles 153-5
Modification 199-229 Pressure drop 205
Oil consumption 266 Gasifier
Energy Content Design principles 98
Equivalence 65 Mounting 250-3
vs moisture 63 Weight 171-2
Equilibrium 17-30 Conversion efficiency 47,272
Exhaust gas heat exchanger 190 Gasoline vs solid fuel equiv 65
Exertion vs poisoning rate 305 Gas
Cooling-cleaning 131-64
Fan Dust 131
Power consumption 185-6 Ignition test 263
startup 309,311 Max. flow requirements 165
Feed cone angle 115 Mixer 190-3
filling procedure 91 Moisture 133-6,206-6,265
Filter Octane ratiqg 201
Air 99,100 Properties 39-46,63,201
Cloth 139,155,163, 197, 265 Pump 2-stroke engine 213-15,294-96
Packed 157 Residence time 128
Safety 197 Variations 50
Fires 132-5,302,316-20 Glossary 324-9
First aid gas poisoning 305 Hazards 302-21
Flame velocity 46,219 Hearth 114
Design 117-27,166
Flexibility, tumdown 121,134,166 Bed, inNert vs charcoal 116
Insulation 119 Shut down 309
Load 120 Sources 253-4,309,311-12
Load vs dust 138 oil dipstick 253
Materials 116-18,264-5 vacuum windshield wipers 254
Service life 117 Liquid fuel
Heat Power boost 192
Air preheater 115,121,190 Price history 298-9
Combustion 16 Load, hearth 120-9,165-9
Content of gas 63 Location, gasifier 171-8
vs moisture 63 Locomotives 178
Exchanger 190 Loss of power 65,131,192,200-205
Resistant materials 115-8,264-5 Lubrication 226
aluminized 117 Oil thickening 131-33,227
chrome alloys 102, 105-6, 109, 118,
264-5 Maintenance 264
Mako charcoal gasifier 108-110
Hemoglobin poisoning 304-5 Manometers 195-6
History 1-13 Manifold condensation 136-7,190,206
Hopper size 13-4,113-5 Materials 115-8,264-5
Feed angle 115 Aluminized black plate 117
Stainless 113,189 Chrome alloys 116, 118, 109,264-5
Condensing ring 113,180-1,189 Kanthal 102,105-6
Lower hearth 117,264-5
Idling 121,264,165 Service life 264
Ignition 218-21 Stainless steel hopper 113,189
Battery 225 Measurements of fuel 56,57,58
Bulb engine 211-13 Mixer, gas 191-3
Gas quality test 263 Condensation in 137,190,206
Spark plugs 222-4 Moisture 112,134
Indoor operation hazards 311-2 Fuel 53-7
Instrumentation 195-6 charcoal 262
Inert vs charcoal bed 116,129 wood 262
Insulation 119 energy vs 63,262
Installation 230-59 Monorator 166
Intake manifold Mounting gasifier 250-3
Condensation 136-7,206, 190 Munktell, Bolinder 215-17
Enlargement 208
Intermittent operation 166 Nozzle, height 128
Piston modification 210 Relapse danger 307
Pitch wood, "torre" 63 Rescue precautions 305
Poisoning, Carbon monoxide I 72,302-21 Statistics 317
Alarms & detectors 313-4 Treatment 308,260,305-7,313
First aid 305 Fanning 235
Symptoms 306 Filter 195
Treatment 307 Fire 302,316-20, 232-5
Power Garages 260-61
Boost Hazards 302-21
liquid fuel addition 192 Poisoning 302-3,307,310
2-stroke engines 217, 131, 192 Scrubber
Loss 65,131,192,200-5,262 158
Primary air distribution 121-2 Secondary air
Producer gas Filter 99
Composition 39-46,50,63 Intake location 236
Variations in 50 Preheater 13 6
Properties of gas 399-46,50,63 Semi-charred wood 81
Production of charcoal 71,78-9,80 Shut down 263 ,309
Pulsator 214-5,217,294-6 Sizing 66-70,120-29,165-9
Stump wood, "torre" 78
Quality of gas tests 263 Sources gas leaks 253-4,236,309
Stoichiometric 210 Spark plugs 222-4
Specific fuel consumption 64,272-80
Standards 198
Restarting 263 Dust in gas 133,137-9
Reactivity of fuel 56-8 Fuel 90-94
Reaction time 17-31 Stainless hopper 113,189
Reactions, chemical 17-32 Starting 185-90,263 ,310
Recovery of power 200-3,209-18,262 Re-starting 263
Reduction zone temp 33-6 Statistics 9, 10,272,4,317
Regulations 309-11,314-35 Stationary engines 183-4,198
Rescue of poisoning victim 305 Steam engine 294
Residence time of gas 128 Stoichiometric heat value 201
Ruggedness of fuel 56-7 Stump wood 63
Supercharger 1,203 ,209,227-9,262
Safety 5,198,230,231,253,260,302-21 Swedlund system 102-4,187
Carbon monozide 304-21 Swedish Generator Gas Co. 117
Acute symptoms 306
Alarms 313-4 Tar- Destruction 33,36,116
Chronic 307-8 Fuel 56-7,78
Effects vs blood level 304-5 Gas 1, 14,63,97,99, I 04,105, 134-6, 154
Exertion danger 305 166,227
first aid 305 Tests
Karbogen gas 260,305-7,313 C.A.B. 58
Leakage-sources 309-11,232,236,253 Charcoal 57
Regulations 309-15 Leak 239
Gas quality 66,263 filling procedure 263
Wood 56 flexibility 121,166
Thermal efficiency 202 hearth 114
Thickening of oil 131-3,227 hopper 113, 115,1.80-1, 189
Time, gas residence 128 primary air 115,121-2,190
Timing advance 200
Torre pitch wood 63
Traffic 302
Trap, condensation 136
Transfer coefficients 143-50
Trailers 178,180,254
Trouble shooting guide 267-71
Trucks 240-245
Turndown flexibility 121, 134, 166
Two cycle engines 210-18
Bolinder Munktell 215.17
Ignition bulb 211-3
Pulsator 214-5,294-96
Turn down variability 121,134,166
Inspection 231
Statistics 4,9,10,272
Ventilation safety 260
V-hearth 35, 117, 119, 121, 166
Visibility 239
Volume filter, packed 157
Volumetric efficiency 199