AQM 60 Air Quality Monitoring Station User Guide

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Aeroqual AQM60 User Guide

User Guide Revision History ........................................................................................................................... 5

1. Description .............................................................................................................................................. 6
1.1. Control Module .................................................................................................................................. 7
1.2. Gas Treatment Module ...................................................................................................................... 7
1.3. Gas Modules ..................................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.1. Gas Sensor Module Specifications ............................................................................................. 9
1.4. TMS Module ...................................................................................................................................... 9
1.5. Compressor ..................................................................................................................................... 10
1.6. Power Module.................................................................................................................................. 10
1.7. Humidity and Temperature Sensor ................................................................................................. 10
1.8. Internal Air Duct ............................................................................................................................... 11
1.9. Auxiliary Module (Optional) ............................................................................................................. 11
1.10. Particle Mass Pump Modules .......................................................................................................... 13
1.10.1. Profiler Pump Module ............................................................................................................... 13
1.10.2. Nephelometer Particle Monitor ................................................................................................. 13
1.11. Electrical Connections ..................................................................................................................... 15
1.12. Pneumatic Connections .................................................................................................................. 16

2. Installation and Commissioning .........................................................................................................17

2.1. Unpacking........................................................................................................................................ 17
2.2. Assembly ......................................................................................................................................... 17
2.2.1. Connect Mains Power ............................................................................................................... 17
2.2.2. Connect Inlet Sub Assembly ..................................................................................................... 18
2.2.3. Assembly of heated inlet for PM/Profiler (Optional) .................................................................. 19
2.2.4. Connect third party sensors (Optional) ..................................................................................... 20
2.3. Initial Commissioning ...................................................................................................................... 20
2.3.1. Set Up ....................................................................................................................................... 20
2.3.2. System Checks ......................................................................................................................... 21
2.3.3. System Values .......................................................................................................................... 22
2.3.4. Zero and Span Checks for Gas Modules.................................................................................. 22

3. AQM 60 Software Description .............................................................................................................23

3.1. Computer Requirements ................................................................................................................. 23
3.2. Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 23
3.2.1. File ............................................................................................................................................ 23
3.2.2. Setup ......................................................................................................................................... 24
3.2.3. Data........................................................................................................................................... 24
3.2.4. Tools ......................................................................................................................................... 25
3.2.5. Calibration ................................................................................................................................. 25
3.2.6. Diagnostics ............................................................................................................................... 26
3.2.7. Additional Buttons ..................................................................................................................... 26
3.3. IP Modem configuration (Optional).................................................................................................. 27
3.3.1. TCP/IP connection .................................................................................................................... 27
3.3.2. IP address solutions using GPRS Systems .............................................................................. 28
3.4. Other Communication Options ........................................................................................................ 29
3.4.1. RF Modem ................................................................................................................................ 29
3.4.2. GSM Modem ............................................................................................................................. 29

4. Calibration .............................................................................................................................................31
4.1. Calibration Frequency ..................................................................................................................... 31
4.2. AQM Calibration Basics .................................................................................................................. 32
4.2.1 Nafion Humidifier (AQM R21) ...................................................................................................... 32
4.3. Zero Calibration and Check ............................................................................................................. 33
4.3.1. Automatic Zero ............................................................................................................................. 33
4.3.2. Manual Zero ................................................................................................................................. 33
4.4. Span Calibration and Check ............................................................................................................ 34
4.4.1. Multi-Gas Calibration Standard and Gas Phase Titration ......................................................... 35
4.4.2. Span Calibration Procedure ...................................................................................................... 35
4.5. AirCal 8000 (Optional) ..................................................................................................................... 36
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Aeroqual AQM 60 User Guide
4.5.1. Overview ................................................................................................................................... 36
4.5.2. Pneumatics ............................................................................................................................... 37
4.5.3. Gas cylinder Housing ................................................................................................................ 37
4.5.4. Configuring the AirCal 8000 scheduler ..................................................................................... 38
4.5.5. The Calibration Record ............................................................................................................. 39
4.5.6. Performing a Manual Calibration .............................................................................................. 40
4.5.7. Data Displayed .......................................................................................................................... 40

5. Third Party Sensors ..............................................................................................................................42

5.1. Particle Monitor................................................................................................................................ 42
5.1.1. Nephelometer ........................................................................................................................... 42
5.1.2. Inlet heater ................................................................................................................................ 42
5.1.3. Inbuilt filters ............................................................................................................................... 42
5.2. Profiler ............................................................................................................................................. 42
5.2.1. Optical Particle Counter ............................................................................................................ 42
5.2.2. Connections .............................................................................................................................. 43
5.2.3. Data Outputs ............................................................................................................................. 43
5.3. Sensirion T/RH Sensor SHT75 ....................................................................................................... 44
5.4. Vaisala Weather Transmitter WXT520 ............................................................................................ 44
5.5. Gill WindSonic ................................................................................................................................. 45
5.6. Met One MSO.................................................................................................................................. 45
5.7. Cirrus MK427 Noise Sensor ............................................................................................................ 46
5.8. Met One 034B ................................................................................................................................. 46

6. Field Installation ....................................................................................................................................47

6.1. Site Selection................................................................................................................................... 47
6.2. Mounting .......................................................................................................................................... 47

7. Maintenance ..........................................................................................................................................49
7.1. Safety Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 49
7.2. Maintenance Schedule .................................................................................................................... 49
7.2.1. Standard AQM .......................................................................................................................... 49
7.2.2. Particle Monitor ......................................................................................................................... 50
7.2.3. Profiler ....................................................................................................................................... 50
7.3. AQM Maintenance Procedures ....................................................................................................... 50
7.3.1. Replacing the Inlet Filter ........................................................................................................... 50
7.3.2. Measuring Sample Inlet Flow Rate ........................................................................................... 51
7.3.3. Gas Sensor Module Flow Rate ................................................................................................. 51
7.3.4. Replacing Gas Treatment Media .............................................................................................. 53
7.3.5. Leak Check Gas Sensor Plumbing ........................................................................................... 54
7.3.6. Removing and Replacing AQM Modules .................................................................................. 54
7.4. Particle Monitor................................................................................................................................ 55
7.4.1. Sample Flow Check .................................................................................................................. 55
7.4.2. Purge Flow Check..................................................................................................................... 56
7.4.3. Sheath Flow Check ................................................................................................................... 56
7.4.4. Leak Check ............................................................................................................................... 56
7.4.5. Manual Zero Air Check ............................................................................................................. 57
7.4.6. Fibre Span Check ..................................................................................................................... 57
7.4.7. Laser Current Check. ................................................................................................................ 58
7.4.8. Filter Changes ........................................................................................................................... 58
7.4.9. Cyclone and Inlet Cleaning ....................................................................................................... 58
7.4.10. Pump Module Removal............................................................................................................. 59
7.4.11. Changing the Size Fraction Measured ..................................................................................... 59
7.5. Profiler ............................................................................................................................................. 60
7.5.1. Sample Flow Check and Adjustment ........................................................................................... 60
7.5.2. Sheath Flow Check ................................................................................................................... 61
7.5.3. Leak Check ............................................................................................................................... 61
7.5.4. Filter Changes ........................................................................................................................... 62
7.5.5. Inlet Cleaning ............................................................................................................................ 63
7.5.6. Pump Module Removal............................................................................................................. 63

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Aeroqual AQM 60 User Guide
8. Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................................................64
8.1. AQM 60 Basics ................................................................................................................................ 64
8.2. Particle Monitor/Profiler ................................................................................................................... 65
8.3. Diagnostics ...................................................................................................................................... 66

9. Orbit Data ...............................................................................................................................................68

9.1. Specifications .................................................................................................................................. 68
9.2. Configuring the Orbit Modem .......................................................................................................... 68
9.3. Using the Orbit Data Website .......................................................................................................... 69
9.3.1. Using the Graphs ...................................................................................................................... 70
9.3.2. Setting Alarms........................................................................................................................... 71
9.3.3. Downloading Data..................................................................................................................... 71

10. Appendix 1 .............................................................................................................................................72

10.1. Sensor list ........................................................................................................................................ 72
10.1. Auxiliary Module Wiring ................................................................................................................... 73
10.2. RS232 Protocol ............................................................................................................................... 74

11. Appendix 2 .............................................................................................................................................84

11.1. Guidelines ........................................................................................................................................ 84
11.2. Technical support ............................................................................................................................ 84
11.3. Copyright ......................................................................................................................................... 84
11.4. Compliance...................................................................................................................................... 85

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Aeroqual AQM 60 User Guide
User Guide Revision History
Current version: 7.4
Description: User guide for AQM 60

This user guide is a newly created document for the use of the AQM 60.

Date Revision number Description of change

Orbit data information

10/02/2014 7.1 Section 9

New Aux module

30/05/2014 7.2 Section 1.8
information added

Connection of inlet sub

30/05/2014 7.2 Section 2.2.2

Internal Fan Duct

Information Section 1.8

Added additional photo to

inlet sub assembly Section 2.2.2
07/07/2014 7.3
Added note about
increasing logging period
above 2 minutes in Section 4.5.4
calibration section.

New TMS Module Section 1.4

New PM Pump Module Section 1.10.2

Add expected laser current Section 7.4.7

on PM engine
14/11/2014 7.4
How to change PM size Section 7.4.11
fraction measured

Added Cirrus Noise, MSO Section 5.6 and

Weather and Met One 5.7
034B Sensor specifications

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Aeroqual AQM 60 User Guide
1. Description
The Aeroqual AQM 60 is a compact air quality station for the measurement of ambient pollution and
environmental conditions. Its platform is configurable to measure common air pollutants including ozone
(O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) as well as particulate matter
(PM10, PM2.5) and meteorological parameters such as temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction.
The AQM 60 consists of an enclosure typically containing a control module, power module, thermal
management system, gas treatment module, a number of gas sensor modules, a RH/T sensor and
associated cabling and plumbing.

Pump module
Gas Treatment

PM or Profiler
Inlet Filter

Aircal 8000

Gas Modules

Mains Power
12V connector
RS232 to
USB Adapter Thermal
System (TMS)

Note 1: The placement of individual modules will vary depending on the user configuration

Note 2: AQM 60 units dispatched from July 2014 will also include an internal air duct (Refer to Section 1.8)
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Aeroqual AQM 60 User Guide
1.1. Control Module
The control module is the interface between the RS485 sensor bus and data communication links. It contains
a display, a SD data card which logs data, a RS232 serial connector for external communication, a bus
connector for internal communication with the sensor modules and a cable connector for the Sensirion
Humidity and Temperature sensor (if fitted).

Removable Display module

Off/On switch with LED
Programming Dip
Firmware (V6.2+)

Programming Port Controller 12VDC power input

Firmware (V6.2+)


RJ45 RS485

2 way Bus relay DB9 RS232


2.1mm 12VDC relay

switched Power output
4 way T/RH
6 way Gas Treatment SD Card Slot

The AQM 60 is supplied with a RS232 to USB adapter fitted between the Control Module and an external
USB socket fitted at the side of the enclosure. This enables the user to perform a wide range of functions
over the USB connection, without needing to open the enclosure door, such as data logging and various
system checks using the supplied Aeroqual AQM 60 PC software.

Note: The driver for the RS232 to USB adapter is in the software CD which comes with the

1.2. Gas Treatment Module

The Gas Treatment Module controls the gas sampling. Inlet air is filtered through a 5 μm membrane filter and
enters the Gas Treatment Module via either the sample or zero air ports. The air is then distributed via a
PTFE manifold to the gas modules. A solenoid controls the air path which can be switched from the directly
sampled ambient air to air which has passed through internal scrubbers (zero air) in order to check the
baseline readings of the gas sensors.

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Aeroqual AQM 60 User Guide
The Gas Treatment Module also contains a diaphragm pump which draws air through the gas modules. The
sample flow rate is controlled by a bypass screw fitted between the vacuum and pressure sides of the pump.

Note: If the AQM 60 has an AirCal 8000 installed the zero air scrubbing material is located in the
AirCal module not the GTM.

Solenoid 12VDC, 3-way, Teflon

Pump BLDC diaphragm pump

Scrubber media 1 x activated carbon + 1 x Hopcalite + 1 x Purafil Chemisorbent

Manifold PTFE

Fittings Luer

Flow rate 0.2 to 1.5 LPM depending on gas modules fitted. Set by bypass screw

1.3. Gas Modules

An example of a gas module is shown below. All modules are mounted onto the base plate using 4 or 2
bolts. They can be either full size or half size modules depending on the gas. Inlet and outlet tubes are
connected to the gas distribution manifold and exhaust respectively.

Sample inlet

12VDC Power

Status LED

RJ45 Connectors
for RS485 bus

Sample Exhaust

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Aeroqual AQM 60 User Guide
1.3.1. Gas Sensor Module Specifications
Note: these are subject to change; please contact Aeroqual for latest performance data
Accuracy of
Gas Modules Range Detection Precision Resolution
Factory Calibration
Ozone O3 (GSS) 0-0.15 ppm 0.001 ppm <±0.005 ppm 0.002 ppm 0.001 ppm
<±0.008ppm 0 to 0.1 ppm;
Ozone O3 (GSS) 0-0.5 ppm 0.001 ppm 0.005 ppm 0.001 ppm
<±10% of reading above 0.1 ppm
<±0.01 ppm 0 to 0.1 ppm;
Nitrogen Dioxide NO2 (GSS) 0-0.2 ppm 0.001 ppm 0.005 ppm 0.001 ppm
<±10% of reading above 0.1 ppm
<±0.01 ppm 0 to 0.1 ppm;
Nitrogen Oxides NOx (GSS) 0-0.5 ppm 0.001 ppm 0.005 ppm 0.001 ppm
<±10% of reading above 0.1 ppm
<±0.1ppm, 0 to 1 ppm
Carbon Monoxide CO (GSE) 0-25 ppm <0.04 ppm 0.1 ppm 0.01 ppm
<±10% of reading above 1 ppm
Carbon Dioxide CO2 (NDIR) 0-2000 ppm <10 ppm <±(10 ppm + 5% of reading) 10 ppm 1 ppm
<±0.05ppm 0 to 0.5 ppm
Hydrogen Sulphide H2S (GSE) 0-10 ppm <0.03 ppm 0.03 ppm 0.01 ppm
<±10% of reading above 0.5ppm
<±0.05ppm 0 to 0.5 ppm
Sulphur Dioxide SO2 (GSE) 0-10 ppm <0.03 ppm 0.05 ppm 0.01 ppm
<±10% of reading above 0.5 ppm
Volatile Organic Compounds <±0.02ppm 0 to 0.2 ppm
0-20 ppm 0.01 ppm 0.03 ppm 0.01 ppm
(PID) <±10% of reading above 0.2 ppm
<±0.1ppm, 0 to 1 ppm
Non-methane Hydrocarbon (GSS) 0-25 ppm <0.1 ppm 0.1 ppm 0.01 ppm
<±10% of reading above 1 ppm
Volatile Organic Compounds <±0.1ppm, 0 to 1 ppm
0-25 ppm <0.1 ppm 0.1 ppm 0.01 ppm
(GSS) <±10% of reading above 1 ppm
Sizes Range Accuracy Flow rate Resolution
Particle Monitor (nephelometer)
PM1 PM2.5 or PM10 0-2000 µg/m3 <±(2 µg/m3 + 5% of reading) 2.0 LPM 0.01 µg/m3
Range Accuracy Flow rate Resolution
Particle Profiler (OPC) PM1 PM2.5 and
0-500 µg/m3 <±(5 µg/m3 + 15% of reading) 1.0 LPM 0.01 µg/m3

1.4. TMS Module

The AQM has a thermal management control system to maintain a stable internal temperature irrespective of
ambient temperature changes. The TMS module controls the thermal management system to ensure the
internal temperature is maintained. It initiates the compressor, fans and heater when necessary to maintain
the internal temperature set.

Old module Current module (Installed in units from Nov 2014)


ITemp sensor
ITemp connection

TMS communication

Note: The jumpers in the current module should be positioned as shown in the image above.

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Aeroqual AQM 60 User Guide
1.5. Compressor
The cooling system is a compressor refrigeration unit which is mounted at the base of the AQM 60. It is a
self-contained system that provides cooling via the base on the AQM. The compressor system and inlet can
be accessed by releasing the two clips on the side of the AQM and rotating the housing upwards.

Junction box for Temperature &
mains connection Relative Humidity

1.6. Power Module

Two Meanwell HLG240-12A 192W 12V Single Output Class 2 with PFC Power Units are mounted on the
outside of the enclosure. One powers the compressor and the second powers the modules. It has features
including universal AC input (90-280VAC) and IP65 rating.

1.7. Humidity and Temperature Sensor

The Humidity and Temperature Sensor is a Sensirion single chip device which contains a capacitive polymer
sensing element for relative humidity and a band-gap temperature sensor. More detailed specifications are in
the table below. The temperature and humidity sensor is housed in a connector located on the bottom of the
enclosure. It is connected directly to the Control Module.

Resolution 0.1 %RH
Range 0 to 100 %RH
Resolution 0.1 °C
Range -40 to 120 °C

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Aeroqual AQM 60 User Guide
1.8. Internal Air Duct

AQM 60 units dispatched after July 2013 will include an

internal air duct (chimney). The chimney is a new
feature to improve thermal stability inside the AQM 60
base system. Changes to both the heating and cooling
sub-systems ensure optimum airflow around the
enclosure, minimising thermal gradients thus
temperature effects on the sensors. This optimised
airflow has been coupled with enhancements to the
thermal measurement and control sub-system allowing
an even tighter temperature control ban.

The chimney will come pre-installed. However, there will

be times when the chimney may need to be removed
for servicing.

To remove the chimney the two screws, that connect

the chimney to the fan grill on the base of the
enclosure, need to be removed. The chimney should
then slide out and the two connectors behind can be
easily disconnected.

Note 1: The chimney is stuck to the side of the enclosure with double sided tape which may need to
be replaced when removing/replacing the chimney.

Note 2: The NOx/NO2 module can be removed without taking out the chimney by undoing the
mounting plate screws completely and sliding the module out.

1.9. Auxiliary Module (Optional)

The auxiliary module acts as an interface between third party sensors and the AQM 60 communication bus.
It is configured with different operating modes which can be selected by using the dipswitches located on the
side of the module. Aeroqual has integrated a number of third party sensors and is able to supply the
auxiliary module preconfigured for your sensors.


Programming Dip

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Aeroqual AQM 60 User Guide
Firmware: AUX_MODULE_01.
Use for: Analogue inputs, Vaisala WXT520 weather, Gill Windsonic wind, Cirrus MK:427 noise.

1 2 3 4 Function

OFF OFF OFF OFF Default - standard Auxiliary module with AN1, AN2, Freq

ON OFF OFF OFF Vaisala WXT520 with RS232 communication + AN1, AN2, Freq

OFF ON OFF OFF Vaisala WXT520 with RS232 communication + Cirrus MK427 Noise

ON ON OFF OFF Wind Sonic with RS232 communication + AN1, AN2, Freq

OFF OFF ON OFF Wind Sonic with RS232 communication + Cirrus MK427 Noise

ON OFF ON OFF Cirrus MK427 Noise module only

Firmware: AUX_MODULE_02.
Use for: Analogue inputs, Met One MSO weather, Met One 034b wind, Cirrus MK:427 noise.

1 2 3 4 Function

OFF OFF OFF OFF Default - standard Auxiliary module with AN1, AN2, Freq

ON OFF ON OFF Cirrus MK427 Noise module only

OFF ON ON OFF Met One MSO with RS232 communication + Cirrus MK427 Noise

ON ON ON OFF Met One MSO with RS232 communication + AN1, AN2, Freq

OFF OFF OFF ON Met One 034B analogue module + Cirrus MK427 Noise

Wiring of Aux Module:

Pin 1
12VDC Power PIN 2: 12V FUSED
Connectors PIN 3: RESERVED
Status LED PIN 5: RX
PIN 7: 0-5V IN
RJ45 Connectors PIN 8: 4-20mA IN
for RS485 bus PIN 9: FREQ IN
Pin 12 PIN 10: AGND
Example of wiring:

(Pin 1) GND,
Wind Sonic (Pin 2) 12V (Pin 5) RX (Pin 6) TX
(Pin 1) GND for
(Pin 2) 12V for
Vaisala operating, data & (Pin 5) RX (Pin 6) TX
operating & heating
(Pin 1) GND,
Met One MSO SIGNAL, (Pin 2) 12V (Pin 5) RX (Pin 6) TX
Met One 034B (Pin 1) GND (Pin 12) VCC (Pin7) WD (Pin 9) WS
(Pin 1) GND, (Pin 2) 12V, LOOP (Pin 12)
Cirrus MK:427 (Pin 8) LOOP OUT

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Aeroqual AQM 60 User Guide
A programming port is also exposed through the side of the module to allow custom programs to be loaded
into the module.

Note 1: Aeroqual can supply a standard programming tool for distributors to reprogram the auxiliary
module to the specified requirements.

Note 2: Please refer to third party sensor manuals for instructions on wire outputs. The Wind Sonic
comes with an Aeroqual supplied cable and therefore wire outputs will be sent with the cable.
Further information can be found in Section 9.1.

1.10. Particle Mass Pump Modules

The Pump Modules for the optical mass sensors contain a microprocessor for mass calculation and a pump
for sampling. There is a different pump module for the Nephelometer and optical particle counter (Profiler)
sensor modules.

1.10.1. Profiler Pump Module

Sample line

Purge line

12VDC power
Power on LED Inlet heater connector
RS232 connector from
optical engine.
RS485 termination
RS485 bus cable

Exhaust line with

flow adjuster

1.10.2. Nephelometer Particle Monitor

Module V.1 – Installed in AQMs prior to November 2014

Sample in

Sheath air out with

flow adjuster

12VDC power
Fibre span switch

Power on LED Inlet heater connector

RS485 cable Cable from optical engine

RS485 termination dongle

Exhaust line with flow


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Module V.2 – Installed in AQMs from November 2014

The Pump Module is split into two sections:

1. The electronics
2. The pump and pneumatics

The functionality of the electronics module can be seen below:

Connection to Connection to
Sample Pump Purge Pump

RJ45 Connectors for

RS485 bus

Status LED

12VDC Power

Connection PM Fibre Span Switch

80180 engine
Inlet Heater

Note: The jumpers in the current module should be positioned as shown in the image above.

Pin 1 = 12V (blue) Pin 3 = 12V (red)

Purge Pump Sample Pump
Pin 2 = GND (white) Pin 4 = GND (black)

The pump and pneumatics will be easier to access for servicing and replacement:
Exhaust Line

Connection to
System Management
Module (Pin 1 to 4)

Sample In


Sheath Air Out Sample Pump

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Aeroqual AQM 60 User Guide
Power supply one Mains power in Power supply two
1.11. Electrical Connections
12V 12V

Power supply one Mains power in Power supply two

Power supply one Mains power in
Module 12V
Power supply two
12V one
Mains powerHeater
in 12V two
Power supply relay Fan Power supply
Power supply one Mains power in power Power
relaysupply two
12V relay 12V
12V Module 12V
Controller power
relay Fan
Controller power relay

TMS heater
relay Heater
GTM relay Fan

TMS fansTMS fansTMS fans

Controller Controller
power power relay
power Heater
Heater relay Fan
relay Fan
power relay

TMS heater

TMS heater

TMS fans
Mains Power TMS

TMS heater
TMS heater

TMS fans
GTM module
12 V Power
Mains Power TMS
Signal module TMS
Mains Power
12 V Power Compressor
TMS Mains Power
thermal TMS module
12 V Power
management system gas
module module
Signal module
12 V Power V Power
12 module gas Compressor
TMS = thermal Signal module
Signal systemSignal
TMS = thermal module
management system gas CompressorCompressor
TMS = thermal = thermal
management system
management system gas module
module module

RS485 Bus
The two wire RS485 bus connections are made using 20 cm CAT5 cables between the sensor modules. The
last module on the bus also has a blue termination dongle fitted. The termination dongle should not be

12 VDC Power Bus

All modules inside the AQM 60 operate from the 12VDC power. The power is supplied by a daisy chain of
black and red cables. A relay is activated by the Control Module on/off button to allow the sensor bus to be

Status LED
Each module includes a status LED which indicates that the electrical status of the module is functioning
correctly. It does not indicate the calibration status of the module.
a) Continuous on indicates correct electrical functionality
b) Slow flash (1 second) indicates warm up period
c) Fast flash (0.2 seconds) sensor failure
d) LED not on indicates no power to module.

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Aeroqual AQM 60 User Guide
1.12. Pneumatic Connections
The airlines and connections are shown in the figure below for a three gas AQM. The sample gas passes
into the Gas Treatment Module (GTM) and is distributed to the sensors via a PTFE manifold. The gas
modules sample from the PTFE manifold via a central pump located in the gas treatment module. The
solenoid can switch between the ambient air sample and air which has passed through an absorbent
scrubber for baseline measurements. The sample inlet tubing is PTFE tubing which is inert and smooth
walled. The module exhaust tubing is Tygon 3603 PVC tubing.

Note: The ports on the manifold which are not used must be capped off to prevent leaks.

Gas treatment module (GTM)

= Luer fitting
Scrubber = Capped luer

= Tygon tubing

Filter 5 µm
= PTFE tubing

Inlet Exhaust Inlet Exhaust Inlet Exhaust
AQM inlet
¼’ Swagelok AQM exhaust Gas Gas Gas
compression fitting Module Module Module

An adjustable bypass valve is included between the vacuum and pressure side of the pump. This is to allow
an adjustment to be made to the module flow rates and to relieve the excess pressure placed on the pump
when only one or two modules are installed.

The total sample flow rate will be dependent on the number of gas sensor modules in the AQM. All module
flows are controlled by critical orifices located within the sensor modules. See Section 7.3.3.for expected flow

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Aeroqual AQM 60 User Guide
2. Installation and Commissioning
The purpose of this section is to enable the user to correctly assemble, commission, and install their AQM.

Undertaking the commissioning procedure correctly is an important part of the product

transfer process and customer acceptance. It confirms that you have received the product in
good working order and it has been shipped to you without damage.

The full commissioning process will require gas calibration and flow equipment (not supplied with the AQM).
In the absence of gas calibration and flow measurement capabilities, measurement of outside air over a 24
hour period and comparison of this data with measurements from a local “reference” air monitoring station
will provide evidence of correct span operation.

2.1. Unpacking
a) Examine the Shockwatch label on the side of the shipping box. If the indicator is red do not refuse
shipment. Make a notification on delivery receipt and inspect for damage. If damage is discovered,
leave item in original packaging and request immediate inspection from carrier within 15 days of
delivery date (3 days international).

b) Verify the serial number label on the documentation matches the serial label on the AQM (located on
inside of enclosure).

c) Verify that all components have been shipped as per the packing slip. Contact your Distributor or
Aeroqual if you suspect any parts are missing.

d) Unpack the AQM.

e) Remove all internal shipping/packaging material from the AQM enclosure.

f) Retain the packaging.

Note: Always transport the AQM in the cardboard box and two piece aluminum skins with foam
packing provided to avoid breakages. Wrap all peripheral assemblies in their original packaging also.
The AQM is a sensitive instrument and should be transported with care.

2.2. Assembly
2.2.1. Connect Mains Power

Caution: The high voltage mains supply must be wired by a certified electrician in
compliance with local electrical regulations.

Locate the 3 port junction box on the outside of the AQM cabinet:

 Unscrew from the enclosure

 Remove the three gland nuts
 Insert a small flat bladed screwdriver to lever the retaining clips, on each side where indicated

Wire a mains electrical cable to the terminal block provided (Live, Ground and Neutral).

Close the lid to the 3 port junction box and replace the three gland nuts.
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Retaining Retaining
clip clip



2.2.2. Connect Inlet Sub Assembly

Once the AQM 60 has been connected the inlet sub assembly needs to be
installed to prevent unwanted materials, such as water and dust, being drawn into
the instrument. The sub assembly pipe is connected to the inlet at the top of the
AQM 60 using a Kynar gland. The pipe needs to be securely inserted into the
Kynar gland and then the fitting needs to be tightened.

Ensure the two piece ferrule set is present inside the Kynar gland before screwing
it on, and be sure the orientation of the two pieces is correct as shown in the
image below. Failure to do this could result in a leak or could lead to water
entering the sample tubing which will permanently damage the sensor modules.

Kynar Gland

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2.2.3. Assembly of heated inlet for PM/Profiler (Optional)

Parts List:
A. Inlet Tube/Heater including power cable
B. Sharp Cut Cyclone (if fitted)
C. TSP Inlet A B C

i. Connect parts A, B and C

ii. Open door of enclosure and remove protective cap from the optical engine


iii. Insert Inlet Tube Assembly through base mount and fix the three mounting screws

Note 1: The top plate solar shield may need to be removed to screw in the mounting screws
Note 2: Ensure the power cable is fed through the inlet hole when connecting


iv. Connect power to Inlet Tube/Heater inside the enclosure

Power cable from

heated inlet

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2.2.4. Connect third party sensors (Optional)

Third party sensors such as the Vaisala Weather Transmitter WXT520 or Gill Windsonic are connected to
the unit using the external plug. This is located on the right hand side of the enclosure. Once connected, they
should automatically start reading.

Note: Turn off the AQM 60 before plugging in any external third part sensor.

2.3. Initial Commissioning

The objective of the initial commissioning process is to enable the user to gain knowledge in the operation of
the instrument and to demonstrate that it is operating correctly prior to a remote installation. The process
consists of a set of tasks that check that the AQM is operating correctly.

Equipment required:
 AQM Logbook
 Computer with Aeroqual AQM V6.X PC software loaded
 Flow meter covering the range 0-2.5 LPM
 Zero air source
 Span gases corresponding to the sensors in the AQM
 Calibrator or gas flow meters for generating suitable span gas concentrations
 Humidifier (Nafion tubing supplied with AQM)

Note 1: Before starting the commissioning process it is important that the AQM is fully warmed up by
running overnight and sampling either outside ambient air or indoor air with an activated carbon
filter connected to the inlet.

2.3.1. Set Up

1. Once the AQM 60 is assembled and power is connected install the SD card into the control module.

Note 1: The TMS blower will start as soon as the mains power is connected.

2. Start the AQM 60 by pushing the on/off switch on the control module (See Section 1.1 for location of
On/Off switch)

3. Connect the instrument using a computer via the USB cable to the outside of the enclosure

4. Install Aeroqual AQM software

5. Configure the AQM 60 instrument:

a. Launch Aeroqual AQM PC software. Select Setup  Communication Port
b. Select Serial Port RS232 and the relevant Com port. Press OK when complete.

Note: To determine the COM port number use windows ‘Device Manager’

The settings should be as seen below:

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c. A table listing the modules configured will appear. Check the correct sensors in the AQM 60
have been configured. These should match the sensors on the invoice and the sensors
listed in the instrument logbook. If they do not match click “Setup” ”Configuration” and
enter the password “Password”. Move across the relevant modules. Once completed press
“Save” then “Close” (See Section 3.2.2.).

d. Select Setup  Operations.

e. Enter Data Report Rate (2 minutes is the minimum) and select “Auto Zero Function OFF”
Click save and close to complete. Note that increasing the report time can cause problems
especially during calibration. (see later the section on calibration) It is recommended to leave
the logging frequency at 2 minutes, and to perform averaging at lower frequencies in
software such as Microsoft Excel.

6. Set AQM 60 Real Time Clock

f. Click on Tools  Update Real Time Clock (this will synchronise the AQM 60 clock with the
computer date/time)

7. Start data-logging to confirm sensor communication and operation is correct.

g. Click Data  Table  Real Time to launch real time data table.
h. Click File  Start Data logging. Data will start being displayed in Real Time Table.

2.3.2. System Checks

Controller display correct

 With the AQM on, open the door and observe the display on the controller. This should be scrolling
with sensor readings.

TMS setting
 Close the door to the AQM and wait for the internal temperature to stabilise.
 Check (and record) that the internal temperature is stable and that it has reached the set point
defined in the logbook e.g. Set point = 30°C

SD card logging correct

 Verify the AQM is data logging correctly to the SD card by clicking “File”  “Download Files” in the
PC software.
 A daily log file (DLYYMMDD.AQL) containing the AQM sensor data is created each day.
 System events such as power on, configuration updates, calibration events and system faults are
logged to an EVENTLOG.AQL file.

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Zero scrubber solenoid switching OK
 With the AQM connected to the PC, go to “Tools”  “Turn Zero Scrubber ON” and confirm there is a
click from the solenoid in the Gas Treatment Module when the zero scrubber is turned on.

Zero scrubber efficiency OK

 Allow the AQM to sample air containing VOC, CO or O3 gas and confirm that when the zero
scrubber is activated the readings decrease close to zero.

Modem Communication OK (Optional)

 Configure the modem by following the instructions in the User Guide (Section 3.3) or the modem
manufacturer’s instructions.
 Connect the Modem (GSM, RF etc.) to the serial port on the AQM Control Module and power up
using the 12 VDC power socket on the side of the Control Module.
 Establish a connection to the AQM via the PC software and confirm communication is OK.

2.3.3. System Values

Enclosure temperature
The AQM internal temperature is recorded on the SD card as ITemp. To check if the thermal management
system is functioning correctly, plot ITemp vs. Time for a period of several hours and ensure the internal
temperature is stable (±1 C) and matches the ITemp value stated in the AQM logbook.

AQM inlet flow

Using a volumetric flow meter record the flow on the AQM sample inlet. Check it is the same as the inlet flow
stated in the AQM logbook.

Module flows
Use a volumetric flow meter to record the flow on the inlet port of the gas modules. These should match
those of the Logbook. If the flow rate does not match the rate written on the module adjust the flow using the
AQM GTM bypass valve and/or check for leaks.

Particle Monitor/Profiler flow

If a particle monitor or profiler is present, use a volumetric flow meter to
record the flow on the external inlet. Remove the TSP head and connect
the flow meter to the top of the sharp cut cyclone. The inlet flow can be
adjusted via the bleed screw on the purge line. Afterwards replace the
inlet components with care making sure there is no leak.

Note 1: Particle Monitor inlet flow rate should be 2LPM

Note 2: Profiler inlet flow rate should be 1LPM

2.3.4. Zero and Span Checks for Gas Modules

Refer to Section 4 on how to carry out zero and span checks and calibration.

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3. AQM 60 Software Description
The AQM V6.x Software is designed to be a simple interface for communicating with the AQM monitor via a
PC. It can be used to configure the AQM, initiate the zero calibration routine, modify gain factors, poll data
and display the data in either table or graphical format. The software runs in Java VM1.6 (supplied with
software) and the database is an open source HSQLDB Java database. The software also incorporates a
GSM modem connection which can be used to connect to and operate an AQM unit remotely.

Note 1: The software is compatible with AQM firmware versions 5.0 and higher only.

Note 2: If an AirCal8000 is installed the software will differ slightly, refer to Section 3.9 for more

3.1. Computer Requirements

 CD-ROM Drive or internet connection for software download

 RS232 serial port or USB – RS232 serial port converter and USB cable (included)
 Windows OS version 2000 or later
 Minimum 120 Mb of spare hard drive space
 Recommended 512 Mb RAM or more
 Recommended 1 GHz processor speed or faster

3.2. Summary

3.2.1. File
Search monitor Searches for available AQM monitors
Start Data Logging Starts data logging from the AQM monitor
Stop Data Logging Stops data logging from the AQM monitor
Export Logged Data Exports logged data from the AQM monitor
Import Files Imports file (aql file)
Download Files Downloads files from the AQM; including daily files and event log

Update sensor list Updates the sensor list on the database

Zip database Zips the database
Unzip database Unzips the database (prompted by a warning message).
Exit Ctrl X Exits the AQM software

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3.2.2. Setup
Configuration Configures AQM ID, Sensor Modules and gas concentration units
(System password required “password”)

Operations Configures the Data logging interval and Auto Zero Function
Test Connection Tests the connection to the AQM monitor
COM Port Sets the serial COM port for communicating with the AQM Monitor

3.2.3. Data
Graph  Real Time Graphs real time data from the AQM Monitor
Graph  Logged Data Graphs logged data downloaded from the AQM Monitor to the PC
Graph  Default Graph Style Changes the graph style/settings
Table  Real Time Tabulates the real time data from the AQM monitor
Table  Logged data tabulates the logged data from the AQM monitor

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3.2.4. Tools
View Configuration Views the configuration settings of the AQM monitor
Poll Data Ctrl D Polls data from the AQM monitor (data will appear either in the real time
table or real time graph depending on which is open)
Turn On Zero Scrubber Turns on the zero scrubber
Turn Off Zero Scrubber Turns off the zero scrubber
Change System Password Changes the system password
Update Real Time Clock Updates the real time clock to that of the computer (Prompted with a
confirm message)
Dial GSM Modem Dials the GSM Modem (if applicable)
Hang up GSM Hangs up GSM line
Reset Controller Performs software reset of the AQM 60 Control Module

3.2.5. Calibration
View Gain and Offset Displays table of the AQM 60 Offset and Gain factors
Calibrate Offset Enables user to change the individual gas module Offset factors
(System password required “password”)
Calibrate Gain Enables user to change the individual gas module Gain factors
(System password required “password”)

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3.2.6. Diagnostics
Sensor Module Settings Displays the sensor module settings (requires diagnostic password
“george”). Initially the module settings will be displayed as zeros. Click on
“view all” all to display the module settings (exportable to text file)

Note: Incorrect modification of sensor module settings may cause irreversible damage. Do not
change settings without contacting Aeroqual or a qualified service agent.

Sensor Diagnostics View Displays the sensor module diagnostic view (requires diagnostic password
“george”) (exportable to text file)

3.2.7. Additional Buttons

Messages Click on Messages on tool bar
Shows event messages when applicable (red when new message occurs)

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3.3. IP Modem configuration (Optional)
Aeroqual can provide the Moxa G3111 Oncell IP modem for remote data access over GSM, GPRS or SMS
networks. Please read the Moxa G3111 manual for detailed instructions on configuration and use. The
modem requires a suitable SIM card (not supplied) that matches the configuration.

Follow these steps to install the SIM card:

1. Remove the screw holding the outer SIM card cover.
2. Push the outer SIM card cover to the down to remove it.
3. Rotate it upwards to expose the SIM card slot.
4. Insert the SIM card into the SIM card slot.
5. Reverse the above steps to replace the outer SIM card cover.

 Select Set up  Communication Port in the AQM 60 Software.
 Select TCP/IP Socket. Press OK when complete.

3.3.1. TCP/IP connection

This allows real time connection to the AQM 60 and is the default mode of the G3111. The address may be a
static or dynamic IP address. If it’s a dynamic address then you will need to use a dynamic IP address
redirector service to find out what the address is in order to be able to connect (See Section 3.2.2).

Moxa TCP/IP Setup Procedure

1. Connect to Moxa G3111 device server via web browser. You should see the web page below.

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2. Click Network Settings  GSM GPRS Settings  select GPRS  Submit and then Back
3. Click Serial Port Settings  Port 1
4. Click Operation Mode  select Application “Socket”  Submit and then Back
5. Click Communication Port  Set as per window below and submit and Save/Restart

3.3.2. IP address solutions using GPRS Systems

GPRS is a communication technology that allows data acquisition systems to overcome the difficulty of
cabling for wide area remote sites. GPRS applications are becoming more prevalent, but the dynamic IP
address issues associated with GPRS networking continue to frustrate system integrators.
The trouble with I/O devices with GPRS capability is that they receive a different IP address every time they
connect to the GPRS network.

Three distinct solutions have been developed to overcome this challenge:

Solution 1: Public Static IP Address

The first choice is to obtain a public static IP address; some carriers (telecom service providers) can assign a
static IP address to a specific SIM card. This way, all the I/O devices will have their own static IP address.
The main benefit of this solution is that it behaves like a wired solution. However, not all carriers offer this
kind of service.

Solution 2: VPN Service Provided by Carrier/MVNO

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a secure LAN solution that groups specific devices together. The VPN
grouping concept solves the dynamic IP address issues and prevents unauthorized persons from accessing
the data. For this VPN solution, customers are required to buy one of a number of different GPRS on-line
services to be able to access a Virtual Private Network (VPN). When the GPRS device dials up, the carrier
will assign a private IP address which is on the same network segment as the host and can maintain bi-
directional communication using a polling architecture. Many enterprise clients turn to mobile virtual network
operators (MVNO). These MVNO’s acquire numerous GPRS services and then rents them out to customers
who are looking for a small number of IP addresses.

Unfortunately, some countries do not have MVNOs, and some carriers do not provide VPN services. For this
reason, this solution may be unfeasible for some users.
Aeroqual has used successfully to communicate with AQM instruments.

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Solution 3: DDNS
Using dynamic IP addresses is often necessary since many ISPs do not provide static IP addresses. The
Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS) is used to convert a device’s name into a dynamic IP address so
that remote devices can communicate with the control centre using a fixed domain name. DDNS takes care
of the Dynamic IP address of a device, and DNS the static IP address of a device.
With most remote GPRS devices, you need to apply for a hostname for each of the devices handled by the
DDNS server. When GPRS devices get an IP from the carrier, they will automatically connect to the GPRS
network. Each time a GPRS device’s built-in DDNS client gets a new IP address, it will send the IP address
to the DDNS sever.

Aeroqual has used successfully to communicate with AQM 60 instruments.

For further details visit the Moxa company website

3.4. Other Communication Options

3.4.1. RF Modem
The XStream 2.4 GHz RS-232/RS-485 radio modem provides long range, low power wireless serial
communication with the AQM unit. Two modems are typically required to connect between the AQM and a
computer. Units are DIP Switchable for RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485 support. Specifications are given

For more details see

Outdoor RF line of sight range 5 km

Transmit power output 50mW (17 dBm)
-105 dBm (@9,600 bps),-102 dBm
Receiver sensitivity
(@19,200 bps)
FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread
Spread spectrum
10,000 bps (@9,600 bps) or 20,000
RF data rate
bps (@19,200 bps)
Frequency range 2.4000 - 2.4835 GHz

3.4.2. GSM Modem

Aeroqual typically integrates the Fargo Maestro 100 Dual band GSM MODEM for remote data access. This
provides a serial link to the AQM from a computer via the GSM network. Two modems are typically needed
to establish a GSM link between computer and AQM. Please read the Fargo Maestro 100 manual for
detailed instructions on configuration and use.

Interface connections:
 SIM holder
 15 pin Sub-D connector (serial and audio connection)
 SMA antenna connector (50 ohm)

Safety Precautions:
 The modem generates radio frequency (RF) power. When using the modem care must be taken on
safety issues related to RF interference as well as regulations on RF equipment.

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 The Modem requires a SIM card (Not supplied!) with a mobile phone account to operate. Please
insert the SIM card before operating the modem.
 Once the GSM Modem is installed the AQM can be connected via the GSM link using the “Dial GSM”
function in the AQM Software under the “Tools” menu.

Configuration String
ATE0 (Turn off echo command)
AT+CBST = 0,0,0 (Set baud rate abd data transparent only)
AT+FCLASS = 0 (Set Operating mode = data mode)
AT+IPR=38400 (Set DTE/DCE baud rate = 38400)
ATS0=1 (Automatic answer after 1 ring)
AT&W (Save all configurations)

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4. Calibration
4.1. Calibration Frequency
The frequency of calibration depends on a range of operational factors including importance of the dataset,
cost and stability of the instrument under the prevailing conditions. A discussion of these factors is given
below. For further reference you may view:
a) The US EPA Quality Assurance Handbook at:
b) The Good Practice Guide for Air Quality Monitoring and Data Management, 2009” Ministry for the
Environment, New Zealand at

Calibration frequency is a key consideration for a calibration and maintenance programme. There are three
types of standard method calibration requirements for gaseous contaminants:

1. Initial calibration: Where zero air and calibration gas atmospheres are supplied and any necessary
adjustments are made.

2. Operational precision checks: Where the zero and span responses of the instrument are checked
for drift on a regular basis. The recommended frequency is daily, but in any case it is recommended
that precision checks be undertaken at least weekly to adjust or correct for zero and span drift.

3. Operational recalibration: Where zero and span gases are supplied, as for an initial calibration. It
should be done when the instrument drift exceeds the instrument performance requirements, or after
six months since the last calibration. Multi-point checks should be carried out every six months.

It is recommended that instrument be calibrated (or recalibrated):

 Upon initial installation
 Following relocation
 After any repairs or service that might affect its calibration
 Following an interruption in operation of more than a few days
 Upon any indication of instrument malfunction or change in calibration
 At some routine interval (see below).

The routine periodic calibrations should be balanced against a number of considerations, including the:
 Inherent stability of the instrument under prevailing conditions of humidity, temperature, pressure,
mains voltage stability and the like
 Costs and time involved in carrying out calibrations
 Amount of ambient data lost during calibrations
 Data quality goals
 Risk of collecting invalid data due to a problem with the analyser not discovered until the calibration
is performed.

Note: Routine maintenance and calibrations should be scheduled in such a way that any associated
data loss is evenly distributed throughout the year, avoiding critical monitoring times. Tracking the
results of the calibrations on a spread sheet can help determine the frequency of calibrations and
also draws attention to trends in the drift.

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4.2. AQM Calibration Basics
Zero and span adjustments on the AQM 60 are performed by adjusting the OFFSET and GAIN values under
the Calibration menu. The equation that relates the OFFSET and GAIN to the gas reading is given below:

Gas Reading = GAIN x (Module Reading - OFFSET)

 All the gas modules in the AQM can be calibrated in the unit by applying certified gas to the AQM

 All zero and span calibrations or checks should be performed with gas mixtures in a balance of air.

Note 1: The calibration standard may be in a balance of N2 but it should be diluted by at least 50x
with air before exposing to the AQM.

 Fluorocarbon (PTFE, FEP or PFA) tubing and fittings should be used for all sample lines.

 The AQM is supplied with a thermal management system to maintain a stable internal temperature.
Calibrate the AQM with the door closed to enable the unit to stabilize at its correct temperature.

Note 2: Warm up the AQM for at least 12 hours before attempting a gas sensor calibration

4.2.1 Nafion Humidifier (AQM R21)

Aeroqual’s GSS sensor calibration can be adversely affected by the very dry (dew point < -30 C) air typically
generated by calibration sources. Hence Aeroqual has developed the AQM R21 Calibration Humidifier to
humidify calibration gases without affecting the calibration gas concentration. It contains a nafion membrane
from Permapure ( which allows the transport of water molecules across the membrane
with high selectivity. This humidifier should be used for all zero and span gas calibrations.


1. Remove the lid and fill the humidifier with clean water up to the top of the label, covering the black
internal tubing. Refit the lid.
2. Connect the gas outlet line from your dilution calibrator to one of the inlets of the AQM R21 and
connect the other inlet of the AQM R21 to a T fitting as per the diagram in section 4.3.
3. Set the calibration gas flow to a flow rate of between 3-5 LPM to generate a humidity level of 25 to
40% RH at an indoor temperature of 22 C.

Do NOT use a humidifier:

 If the relative humidity of the zero air generator and diluted span gas is greater than 10% or if the
dew point of the ambient air at the measurement site is typically less than -5 C.

Do use a humidifier:

 If the relative humidity of the zero air generator and diluted span gas is less than 10 % and the dew
point of the ambient air at the measurement site is typically greater than -5 C

Important Notes

1. Always operate the R21 at dew points below the internal operating temperature of your AQM
60 (typically ITemp = 28 C) to avoid condensation.

2. If the ambient temperature is high you may need to reduce the amount of water inside the
humidifier so that a shorter length of the membrane is submerged in order to achieve an
appropriate RH.

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3. Some gases (eg ammonia, ethanol (see permapure website for more details)) may be
removed from the calibration gas stream by the humidifier. In this case the humidifier must
not be used to calibrate these gases. Calibrate with dry gas.
4. If the dew point at your location is normally less than - 5 C then you should calibrate with
only 15ml of water in the humidifier which will produce a suitable water vapour concentration
in the span gas.

5. Over time the nafion tube can become contaminated and start to scrub gases such as ozone
and NO2. You should change your nafion every 2 years.

4.3. Zero Calibration and Check

Acceptable zero baseline readings for gas sensors:

Sensor Acceptable Zero Reading / ppm

O3 0 +/- 0.005
NO2, NOx 0 +/- 0.01
CO 0 +/- 0.1
SO2, H2S 0 +/- 0.03
VOC 0 +/- 0.1
NMHC 0 +/- 0.1
PID 0 +/- 0.03
CO2 0 +/- 10

If the baseline reading is outside the acceptable range, follow the instructions below explaining how to
perform a zero calibration.

4.3.1. Automatic Zero

The Gas Treatment Module contains a zero air scrubber which can be programmed to automatically turn on
to periodically establish the zero of the instrument. The auto zero check and calibration routines turn on the
gas treatment module for 30 minutes. The interval between zero air checks can be set by the user between
1 and 255 hours.
Please Note the difference between Zero Calibration and Zero Reading

 Zero Calibration adjusts the OFFSET value. The change is logged in the EVENTLOG file on the SD
 Zero Reading does not adjust the OFFSET value.

Note 1: The Zero Calibration option can be found under “Operations” in the PC software
Note 2: The Zero Reading option can be found under “Tools” in the PC software

4.3.2. Manual Zero

Using GTM

The zero air scrubber in the Gas Treatment Module can also be used to carry out a manual zero calibration.
Before doing this you should check that the media are in good condition or if possible replace with fresh

1. Turn on “Zero Reading”

2. Allow the AQM to sample until stable readings are obtained (about 30 - 60 minutes)

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3. Calculate the new offset.
New OFFSET = Old OFFSET + (AQM 60 gas reading/Gain factor)
4. Adjust the OFFSET values for each gas sensor by clicking “Calibration”  “Calibrate OFFSET”
Note: The password to access this section is “password”
5. Select the relevant gas, input the new offset and click OK.

Using External Zero Air Source

A zero calibration can also be performed on the AQM using an external zero air source.

1. Connect a source of zero air to the AQM through the sample port using ¼" Teflon tubing.
Note: The zero air can be humidified using the supplied nafion membrane humidifier as long as there
are low levels of VOCs present in the room.
2. Use a T fitting to ensure the AQM is sampling the gas flow at atmospheric pressure.
3. The zero air should be at least 1.5 LPM
4. Check there is excess flow at the exhaust of the T fitting
5. Allow the AQM to sample until stable readings are obtained (about 30-60 minutes).
6. Calculate the new offset.
New OFFSET = Old OFFSET + (AQM 60 gas reading/Gain factor)
7. Adjust the OFFSET values for each gas sensor by clicking “Calibration”  “Calibrate OFFSET”
Note: The password to access this section is “password”
8. Select the relevant gas, input the new offset and click OK.

Zero Air Nafion

Generator Humidifier Exhaust

USB cable

4.4. Span Calibration and Check

The sensors in the AQM can be span calibrated by modifying the individual gain factors for each sensor.

Note 1: A zero calibration should always be performed before undertaking a span calibration.

Span gas mixtures should be certified and diluted with air to achieve the required span point. The mixture
can be humidified using the supplied nafion membrane humidifier if the VOC concentration in the room is
low. Excessive gas concentrations should be avoided as these may damage the sensors or cause
contamination of the internal tubing.

Note 2: Always dilute calibration standards with air.

Note 3: Dilution of calibration standards in a balance N2 should be diluted by a factor of at least 50 to

ensure that the change in oxygen does not influence the sensor readings.

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Recommended span concentrations for AQM sensor modules are as follows:

Gas Span Point / ppm

O3 0.100
NO2, NOx 0.200
CO 5
VOC (isobutylene) 10
SO2, H2S 0.2
NMHC (isobutylene) 10
CO2 1000
PID (isobutylene) 10

Certified calibration standards that can be used with the AQM include certified gas bottles, diluent
calibrators, or ozone calibrators.

4.4.1. Multi-Gas Calibration Standard and Gas Phase Titration

A three gas mixture that provides a convenient calibration standard for NO2, CO and SO2 is described in the
table below. Dilution by 100 with zero air and using a Gas Phase Titration (GPT) calibrator will provide the
required span points for NO2, CO, and SO2 simultaneously in a balance of air.

Note: NO2 should be generated using GPT with an excess of NO.

Gas Concentration / ppm

NO 20
CO 500
SO2 100
Balance Nitrogen

When performing NO2 calibrations using Gas Phase Titration it is better to use an excess of NO rather than
an excess of ozone. For a span point of 0.1 ppm NO2, the appropriate setting would be 0.2 NO and 0.1 O3
to produce 0.1 ppm NO2 and 0.1 ppm NO.

4.4.2. Span Calibration Procedure

1. Connect the span calibration gas to the AQM through the sample port using ¼" Teflon tubing.
2. Use a T fitting to ensure the AQM is sampling the gas flow at atmospheric pressure.
3. The span gas flow should be > 3 LPM if using the R39.
4. Check there is excess flow at the exhaust of the T fitting.
5. Establish the correct concentration of gas using a reference analyser connected to the same
sample line.
6. Set the span gas concentration to twice the required span for 30 minutes to saturate the sample
lines and then reduce by half to the required span.
7. Allow the AQM to sample the gas until a stable reading is obtained (about 15 minutes).
8. Calculate the new gain.
New Gain factor = Old Gain factor x Span Gas Concentration / AQM 60 Gas Reading

9. Adjust the GAIN values for each gas sensor by clicking “Calibration”  “Calibrate GAIN”
Note 1: The password to access this section is “password”
10. Select the relevant gas, input the new gain and click OK
Note 2: The change is logged in the EVENTLOG file on the SD card.

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Humidifier Exhaust
Zero Air
Calibration gas

USB cable

4.5. AirCal 8000 (Optional)

The AirCal 8000 is an integrated calibration system for the AQM 60. It consists of three main components:

1. Housing: Gas cylinder housing with regulators

2. Gas Dilution Module: 2 span gas inputs with a zero air mass flow meter (MFM) 0-3 SLPM
and a mass flow controller (MFC) 0-0.05 SLPM.
3. Zero Air Source: Scrubbing media activated carbon, Purafil chemisorbant and heated

4.5.1. Overview
The AirCal system delivers a controlled concentration of calibration gas for calibration of ambient gas
instruments. To do this the calibration gas inside the cylinder is mixed with zero air, which is generated by
the scrubbing material inside the AirCal 8000 module. The calibration gas is therefore diluted by the zero air
to provide a given concentration which is directed into the AQM 60. The concentration of calibration gas is
calculated using a dilution ratio which is determined by the zero air and cylinder gas flow rates.

 The zero air generator will deliver a flow rate of approximately 2 – 2.5 LPM. The flow rate of the zero
air is monitored using a mass flow meter (MFM).

 The flow rate of the cylinder gas is controlled dynamically using a mass flow controller (MFC). The
cylinder gas flow rate can range from between 0.005 – 0.045 LPM. The MFC will adjust the flow of
the calibration gas so as to maintain a user defined dilution ratio according the equation:

The user dilution ratio needs to be calculated in order to deliver the required concentration of calibration gas.

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Example: If 10ppm of CO was required and the cylinder concentration is 1000ppm, then the required dilution
ratio would be 100. The dilution ratio of 100 will be entered into the relevant section in the PC software and
the MFC flow rate will automatically adjust to meet the desired calibration gas concentration.

Note: Both the MFM flow rate and the MFC flow rate are logged to the S.D. card so that the user may
confirm that the appropriate dilution has been applied.

4.5.2. Pneumatics


≈ 2.0 LPM Pump

Air In Pump

Zero Air

Sensor A

Mass Flow Sensor B

Solenoid Solenoid Meter
Span 1 Span 2
Sensor C

Sensor D

Mass Flow Solenoid

Zero Air Sensor E

Zero Flow - Sample Flow Sample Flow


4.5.3. Gas cylinder Housing

Gas bottles
The AirCal 8000 system allows for two gas bottles to be contained in a secure compartment on the side wall
of the AQM enclosure.

To achieve the best performance from the AirCal 8000 it is important to connect gas cylinders with gas
concentrations which are appropriate for the calibration being performed. Example cylinder concentrations
are as follows:

Recommended Maximum Minimum

Gas Cylinder Concentration concentration
concentration ppm Achievable ppm achievable ppm
CO 1000 20 2
NO / NO2 20 0.4 0.04
Isobutylene for
1000 20 2
SO2 / H2S 100 2 0.2

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Note 1: The recommended dilution ratio range is between 50 and 500

Note 2: If the cylinder contains calibration gas in a balance of Nitrogen, a minimum dilution ratio of
50 should be used

Gas lines in to AQM

The regulator provides gas into the AQM via 1/8 OD stainless steel
tube with a 1/8 compression fitting at the end of the tube to allow
connection to the regulator.

The AirCal 8000 comes supplied with 2 two stage regulators. The
maximum input pressure allowed into the first stage is 3000 psi.
The inlet fitting is a ¼ FNPT. The regulator is also supplied with a
¼ FNPT to 5/8 x 18 thread fitting which will allow it to be attached
to many commercially available gas cylinders including the Calgaz

The maximum outlet pressure from the second stage is 15 psi. The
outlet fitting from the regulator is a 1/8 FNPT thread fitting. The
regulator is supplied with a 1/8 FNPT to ¼ Swagelok compression

Gas Connection
Screw the gas cylinder into the stainless steel regulator and adjust the pressure valve (screw in) until the
outlet pressure is 6 PSI.

4.5.4. Configuring the AirCal 8000 scheduler

Calibration can be configured to be carried out automatically at a set time for a chosen running period:

 Define the composition of the cylinders attached to the AirCal inlet ports by clicking “Setup” 
“Calibration configuration” in the software.
 When the calibration dialogue is first accessed there will be no information in the cells describing the
port configuration.
 To configure the port click in the cell and enter the appropriate information.
 To configure the run scheduler, right click inside the run scheduler dialogue box and select “add new
 A run may include up to 5 points including zero air which is defined as Port 0.
 A maximum of 3 runs can be configured for automatic calibration.
 The user will need to define the dilution ratio for Port 1 and 2 as well as the run time.
 The schedule can then be selected from the drop down menu to configure the calibration run
frequency, day of week/month and start time.
 Once all the parameters have been set click save then click read to ensure the run has been saved.
 It is recommended to set the AQM 60 logging frequency to 2 minutes if using the Auto Calibration. If
the logging period is 10 minutes, and the calibration point is set to run for 30 minutes then only three
points will be recorded for the calibration, and it is possible the correct response my not be recorded.

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To remove a run, right click inside the run scheduler and select remove run. Note that run three will be
removed first followed by run two and then run one. Once a run has been removed click save and then click
read to make sure that the run has been removed.

Note: The information contained in the Calibration Configuration is stored on the AQM controller and
not on the PC containing the Aeroqual software.

4.5.5. The Calibration Record

Each time a scheduled calibration run is executed a calibration log (CL) is written to the s.d card in the date
time format: CLMMDDHH, where MM = month, DD = day of month, HH = hour. An example of the
calibration log is shown below.

Monitor ID: 1
Port Specification
Gas Conc/ Gas Conc/ Gas Conc/
Port Name ppm Name ppm Name ppm
1 Isobu 100 0 0
2 CO 250 0 0
Day Time Port /ppm /ppm /ml/min /ml/min /C /% DR
5/10/2011 14:39 1 0.5 7.89 1129.2 122 25.96 44.8 10
5/10/2011 14:41 1 0.24 8.36 1137.5 119 25.96 44.8 10
5/10/2011 14:43 1 0.34 9.65 1134 126 26 44.6 10
5/10/2011 14:45 1 0.33 9.97 1143.8 127 26 44.4 10
5/10/2011 14:47 1 0.29 10.01 1131.1 128 25.95 44.5 10
5/10/2011 14:49 1 0.24 10.03 1130.7 125 25.97 44.5 10
5/10/2011 14:51 1 0.18 10.12 1130.6 125 26.03 44.5 10
5/10/2011 14:53 1 0.13 10.08 1131.1 123 26.01 44.5 10
5/10/2011 14:55 1 0.07 10.11 1121.8 122 26.04 44.5 10
5/10/2011 14:57 1 0.01 10.1 1144.3 126 26.14 44.3 10
5/10/2011 14:59 1 0.02 10.07 1142.1 126 26.19 44.1 10
5/10/2011 15:01 1 0.08 10.09 1130.6 125 26.19 44 10
5/10/2011 15:03 1 0.12 10.11 1125.7 124 26.15 44.1 10

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The calibration log will record the port specification and the data from all of the configured sensors including
the port which is being used and the dilution ratio. In the example shown above Port 1 has been opened and
the AirCal is applying a dilution ratio of 10. The flow rate from the MFM and the MFC is recorded to allow the
user to confirm that the correct dilution ration has been applied.

4.5.6. Performing a Manual Calibration

Zero Check (Port 0)

 Select “Tools”  “Turn on Zero Scrubber” to initiate the zero air check
 Readings will be taken every minute
 Allow for the sample gas to stabilise (15 minutes). Be aware that there may be some fluctuation in
the MFM measurement (±5ml/min)
 To stop the zero check select “Tools”  “Stop Check”

Span Check

 Select “Tools”  “Turn on Span Check” to initiate the span check

 The port and dilution ratio need to be defined

Note: In this example, if port 1 is configured with CO (250 ppm) then the AirCal will deliver 25 ppm
CO assuming the correct cylinder has been defined in the calibration configuration dialogue (Section

 Readings will be taken every minute

 Allow for the sample gas to stabilise (15 minutes). Be aware that there may be some fluctuation in
the MFM measurement (±5ml/min)
 To stop the span check select “Tools”  “Stop Check”

4.5.7. Data Displayed

During normal sampling mode the status bar will read Sample: Ambient and the inlet column will read

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During a scheduled calibration or during a manual calibration, the status bar will indicate what the AirCal is
doing. If zero air is being applied the status bar will indicate Sample Port 0 (P0). The flow rate through the
MFM will be logged to the S.D. card and be displayed in the real time table. The inlet column will read Zero

When the AirCal is applying a span point the status bar will show Sample Px where x is the port number and
DR is the user defined dilution ratio. Both the flow through the MFM and the MFC will logged to the S.D. card
and be displayed in real time. The inlet column will display Px.

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5. Third Party Sensors
5.1. Particle Monitor
The particle monitor is an optional device that can be installed in the AQM 60 to provide reliable real time
indicative particulate measurement of TSP, PM10, PM2.5 or PM1 using a well proven near forward light
scattering nephelometer and high precision sharp cut cyclone.

5.1.1. Nephelometer
Aeroqual uses a customised nephelometer optical sensor from Met One Instruments. The optical sensor
uses light scattering from particulate matter to provide a continuous real-time measurement of airborne
particle mass. The light source is a visible laser diode and scattered light is measured in the near forward
angle using a focusing optics and a photo diode.

The sensor has an on-board temperature sensor which is corrected for thermal drift, sheath air filter to keep
the optics clean, automatic baseline drift correction and a fibre optic span system to provide a check of the
optical components.

Safety: This sensor is considered a Class I laser product. Class I laser products are not
considered to be hazardous. There are no user serviceable parts inside the cover of the
sensor. The device contains a laser operating at 670 nm which is visible to the eye and can
cause damage to the eye if directly exposed. Only trained service personnel should
attempt servicing or repair of the sensor.

The electrical connections to the nephelometer are summarised below:

Wire colour Function

Orange (x2) Fibre optic solenoid
Red 5V (power in)
Black Ground
White Signal out (0-5 V)
Black/white Signal Ground
Yellow Laser current monitor ( 10mV = 1 mA laser current)
Grey Temperature output

5.1.2. Inlet heater

The nephelometer uses a 12 V heater on the sample inlet tube to reduce the humidity of sampled air to
prevent particle growth and fogging of the nephelometer optics in high RH conditions.

5.1.3. Inbuilt filters

The nephelometer contains two filters which should be replaced at specified intervals. The “Sample” filter is a
coarse filter designed to protect the sample pump from excessive particle build-up. The “Purge” filter is a fine
filter which filters the sheath air flow and also produces particle-free air during the auto-zero cycle.

5.2. Profiler

5.2.1. Optical Particle Counter

Aeroqual uses a customised optical particle counter from Met One Instruments. The particle counter uses
scattered light to measure and count particles. Light from a laser diode is collimated to illuminate the aerosol
sample flow. When a particle is present it scatters the incident laser light which is detected using a 60 solid
angle elliptical mirror at right angles to the laser beam. The amount of scattered light is converted to a

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voltage pulse and the amplitude of the pulse is calibrated to a particle diameter. The particles are thus
assigned on the basis of size to one of eight channels.

5.2.2. Connections
The connections to the optical particle counter are at the bottom of the unit. There is also a LED which turns
red if there is a fault condition. The optical unit requires an earth wire to be connected between the housing
and the 0VDC line on the power bus. Please check that this is fitted if the unit has been replaced.

Green = normal
Red = fault RS232 serial Not used
Air out

Not used
12 VDC in

5.2.3. Data Outputs

The Profiler can be configured to display and log the measurements detailed in the table below. The sensor
name is that used in the configuration file (see software).

Definition Range Units
8PC0.3 number of particles with diameter larger than 0.3 µm 0-100000 particles/L
number of particles with diameter larger than 0.5 µm particles/L
8PC0.5 0-100000
number of particles with diameter larger than 0.7 µm particles/L
8PC0.7 0-100000
number of particles with diameter larger than 1.0 µm particles/L
8PC1.0 0-100000
number of particles with diameter larger than 2.0 µm particles/L
8PC2.0 0-100000
number of particles with diameter larger than 2.5 µm particles/L
8PC2.5 0-100000
number of particles with diameter larger than 5.0 µm particles/L
8PC5.0 0-100000
number of particles with diameter larger than 10 µm particles/L
8PC10 0-100000
Particle mass below 1 µm
PM1 2000 ug/m3
Particle mass below 2.5 µm
PM2.5 2000 ug/m3
Particle mass below 10 µm
PM10 2000 ug/m3
Total suspended particle mass
TSP 2000 ug/m3

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5.3. Sensirion T/RH Sensor SHT75
Description: Measures air temperature and relative humidity
Specifications For full details visit the company website

Air Temperature
Range -40°C to + 124°C
Accuracy ±0.3°C
Resolution 0.01°C
Relative Humidity
Range 0-100 %RH
Accuracy ±2 %RH
Resolution 0.1 %RH

5.4. Vaisala Weather Transmitter WXT520

Description: Measures wind speed and direction; liquid precipitation; barometric
pressure; air temperature; and relative humidity
For full details visit the company website

Wind speed and Direction

Measurement range 0-60 m/s
Accuracy ±0.3 m/s or ±3% (0-35 m/s); ±5% (36-60 m/s )
Measurement range 0-360°
Accuracy ±3°
Liquid Precipitation
Rainfall cumulative accumulation after latest reset
output resolution 0.01 mm, 0.001 inches
accuracy 5%
Rainfall duration counts each 10 s increment when droplet
output resolution detected
Rain intensity 10 s
range one-minute running average in ten-second steps
output resolution 0-200 mm/h
0.1 mm/h, 0.01 inches/h
Barometric Pressure
Measurement range 600-1100 hPa
Accuracy ±0.5 hPa @ 0 to 30 °C (+32 to +86 °F);
±1 hPa @ -52 to +60 °C (-60 to +140 °F)
Air Temperature
Measurement range -52 to +60 °C (-60 to +140 °F)
Accuracy @ +20 °C (+68 ±0.3 °C (±0.5 °F)
Relative Humidity
Measurement range 0-100 %RH
Accuracy ±3 %RH (0-90 %RH); ±5 %RH (90-100 %RH)

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5.5. Gill WindSonic
Description: 2-axis ultrasonic wind sensor, measures wind speed and direction
Specifications: For full details visit the company website

Wind Speed
Range 0-60 m/s
Accuracy ±2% @ 12 m/s
Resolution 0.01 m/s
Wind Direction
Range 0-359° (no dead band)
Accuracy ±3% @ 12 m/s
Resolution 1°
External construction & protection LURAN S KR 2861/1C ASA/PC; IP65
Size & Weight 142 x 160 (mm) ; 0.5 Kg
Operating range -35°C to +70°C; <5% to 100% RH

5.6. Met One MSO

Description: Measures wind speed and direction; air temperature; relative
humidity; and barometric pressure
Specifications: For full details visit the company website

Wind Speed
Range 0-50 m/s
Accuracy ±2%
Resolution 0.1 m/s
Wind Direction
Range 0-360°
Accuracy ±5°
Resolution 1°
Air Temperature
Range -40°C - +60°C
Accuracy ±0.5°C
Resolution 0.1°C
Relative Humidity
Range 0-100%
Accuracy ±4%
Resolution 1%
Barometric Pressure
Range 500-1100 mbars
Accuracy ± 2 mbars
Resolution 0.1 mbar

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5.7. Cirrus MK427 Noise Sensor
Description: Outdoor environmental noise meter:
Specifications: For full details visit the website

Output Type ‘A’ weighting SPL output in the form

of a 4-20mA loop
Frequency Weighting dB(A) to IEC 61672-1:2002
Time Weighting Factory set to Fast (‘F’) IEC 61672-
Automatic Calibration Electrostatic Actuator System with
DC voltage control
Measurement Range 30 – 100dB(A)
Current Loop Output Iout = 0.1mA/dB
Dimensions 1m length
Weight 4.5 Kg
Mounting 240mm x 30mm diameter pole
Mounting Kit provided
(2 U-brackets, 4 nuts, 3 Jubilee Clips)
External Power +12V DC in
Output Cable 10m as standard

5.8. Met One 034B

Description: 3-cup anemometer and vane designed to measure wind speed and
Specifications: For full details visit the company website

Wind Speed
Range 0-75 m/s
±0.12 m/s @ < 10.1 m/s
±1.1% @ > 10.1 m/s
Resolution 0.7998 m/s
Wind Direction
Mechanical 0-360°
Electrical 0-356°
Accuracy ±4°
Resolution < 0.5°
Finish Clear anodized aluminum
Sensor Weight 0.81kg
Operating range -30°C to +70°C

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6. Field Installation
6.1. Site Selection
Careful consideration needs to be taken when selecting the air quality monitoring site.

The key AQM site selection considerations are:

1. Placement - local walls, buildings, trees etc. will affect the gas concentrations at a micro-spatial
level. Please refer to the discussion of placement guidelines written by the EPA in document 40
CFR 58, Appendix E.

2. Access – the AQM 60 will require servicing and calibration. Therefore the site should be easily
accessible for personnel to undertake calibration without placing themselves at risk. The site may
also need to be secure so care is needed to ensure both accessibility and security are taken into

3. Environmental - the installation site should be selected to minimize exposure to

 Dust (avoid sites where windblown soil and debris is present)
 Vibration (avoid support structures close to trains, trams, heavy trucks)
 Weather extremes (avoid solar exposure, wind chill)
 Power outages (fit a UPS if power outages are expected)

4. Interferences - the site should be selected to minimize exposure to interferences from point
sources such as industrial plant, restaurants, swimming pools, etc unless the purpose is specifically
to monitor such sites. If in doubt please contact Aeroqual.

6.2. Mounting
The AQM 60 unit is approximately 50-60kg and therefore needs a foundation to support this weight.
The dimensions of the AQM 60 are as follows:

Dimensions (H x W x D)
Enclosure and TMS - 850 x 460 x 310 mm
With brackets and cowlings - 900 x 555 x 400 mm
Height with PM inlet installed - 1300 mm

The AQM 60 comes with a pole mounting kit. This consists of two sets of U bolts with 4 nuts and 4 spring
washers. This provides flexibility as to where the unit can be mounted. The U bolts specifications are 3-1/2
PIPE X 3/8 304 U BOLT.

If a sample inlet extension is required, use inert tubing such as PTFE or PFA smooth wall tubing to minimize
contamination and reaction of the sample line. Maximum recommended length is 5 m.

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Front with PM Inlet Back with mounting brackets

900 mm

1300 mm

400 mm 555 mm

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7. Maintenance
7.1. Safety Requirements

 Replacement of any part should only be carried out by qualified personnel using only parts from the

 Always disconnect power source before removing or replacing any components

 Surfaces marked with a "Caution, Hot Surface" and an internationally recognised symbol may get
hot and deliver burns

 The Gas Treatment Module contains a Purafil Chemisorbant, Carulite 300 and Purakol media. This
should be disposed of according to local regulations

 If installed, the 80180 Particle Monitor is a Class 1 laser product and is not considered dangerous if
used correctly. It should not be powered up with the cover removed.

7.2. Maintenance Schedule

The following tables outline a typical periodic maintenance schedule for the AQM, Particle Monitor and
Profiler. This schedule is based on experience under normal conditions and may need to be modified to suit
specific operating conditions. Calibration checks are normally performed at an interval consistent with
regulatory policy or if none exists, consistent with the data use.

Maintenance instructions for all other third party equipment can be found in the relevant User Guide for that
instrument. These can be found on the USB stick supplied with your instrument.

7.2.1. Standard AQM

Procedure Section Frequency

Change AQM Inlet Filter 7.3.1. Weekly

Gas Sensor Auto Zero Check 4.3. Weekly

Gas Sensor Zero/Span

4.0. Monthly

Sample Inlet Flow Rate 7.3.2. Quarterly

Gas Sensor Module Flow Rate 7.3.3. Yearly

Change Gas Treatment Media 7.3.4. Yearly

Leak Check Gas Sensor

7.3.3. Yearly

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7.2.2. Particle Monitor

Procedure Section Frequency

Sample Flow Check 7.4.1. Monthly

Purge Flow Check 7.4.2. Monthly

Sheath Flow Check 7.4.3. Monthly

Manual Zero Air Check 7.4.5. Monthly

Fibre Span Check 7.4.6. Monthly

Laser current check 7.4.7. Monthly

Filter Changes 7.4.8. 6 to 12 months

Cyclone and Inlet Cleaning 7.4.9. 3 Months

Cyclone Disassembly 7.4.9. 12 Months

Optical sensor factory

Contact Aeroqual 24 Months

7.2.3. Profiler

Procedure Section Frequency

Sample Flow Check 7.5.1. Monthly

Sheath Flow Check 7.5.2. Monthly

Manual Zero Air Check 7.4.5. Monthly

Filter Changes 7.5.4. 6 to 12 months

Inlet Cleaning 7.5.5. 6 months

Factory Calibration Contact Aeroqual Annual

7.3. AQM Maintenance Procedures

7.3.1. Replacing the Inlet Filter

The 5µm inlet filter should be replaced every 1-2 weeks depending on the specific conditions of the
monitoring environment. Unscrew and unplug the filter and replace. Ensure there are no leaks at the seal
when new filter is installed.

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Inlet filter

7.3.2. Measuring Sample Inlet Flow Rate

Using a volumetric flow meter record the flow on the AQM sample inlet. Check it is the same as the inlet flow
stated in the AQM logbook. Connect the air outlet side of the flow meter to the sample inlet and leave the air
inlet side of the flow meter open to atmosphere.

Note: The inlet flow can also be measured via connection of the flow meter to the inlet filter.

7.3.3. Gas Sensor Module Flow Rate

Using a volumetric flow meter record the flow on the gas sensor module inlet.
 Disconnect the sample inlet connection from the gas sensor module and connect the volumetric flow
 Connect the air outlet side of the flow meter to the gas sensor module inlet and leave the air inlet
side of the flow meter open to atmosphere.

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Note 1: If you are measuring the flow rate through the Ozone module, be aware that the Ozone
module pump cycles on and off about every thirty seconds. Wait for the Ozone module pump to turn
ON before taking a measurement.

Note 2: The ozone module has two inlet connections; bypass inlet and gas inlet. These inlets are
labelled clearly on the module. If the flow is measured at the connection to the manifold the flow will
be continuous.

 Verify that the module flow rates are within the expected levels as shown in the table below.

Note 3: The sum of the module flow rates should be equal to the sample inlet flow rate.

Module Inlet Flow (LPM)

AQM sample inlet flow depends on configuration 0.060 to 1.5 LPM
PM10 & PM2.5 sample 2.000 LPM
PM10 & PM2.5 sheath 0.100 LPM
PM10 & PM2.5 flow during zero cycle 0.3 to 0.5 LPM
Particle Profiler inlet and exhaust 1.0 LPM
Ozone 0.100 to 0.150 (Modulated)
NO2 0.055 to 0.065
CO 0.100 to 0.150
SO2 0.100 to 0.150
H2S 0.100 to 0.150
VOC 0.100 to 0.150
NMHC 0.100 to 0.150
CO2 0.100 to 0.150
PID 0.100 to 0.150

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7.3.4. Replacing Gas Treatment Media

The scrubber media can be changed by removing the front panel from the GTM. This can be achieved
without removing the entire GTM from the AQM. To release the front panel the two screws holding the
scrubber must first be removed. Pull the front cover out to expose the luer gas connection inside the GTM.
Once this gas connection has been released the media can be removed from GTM.

Gently lift up the large activated carbon scrubber to expose the two screws which are holding the media on
to the GTM front panel.

Disconnect the gas connection from the wall of the GTM front panel. Once this has been done then the
media can be removed and replaced with a new media kit. To install the new kit, simply reverse this

Note: Remember to reconnect the luer connection before inserting the front panel back into the GTM

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7.3.5. Leak Check Gas Sensor Plumbing

You will need a 0-2 LPM flow meter and a 0-0.5 LPM flow meter, tubing, and a 2 LPM diaphragm pump

Gas Treatment Module

 Disconnect the gas sensor module lines from the manifold block. Block off all connectors with
supplied luer caps except inlet.
 Attach a flow meter to the pump outlet and measure outlet flow. This should be within 10% of the
value given in the factory performance report. If not, the pump will need to be replaced.
 Block off the inlets on the gas manifold and check that the pump outlet flow goes to 0 LPM. If not
there are leaks in the module. Check and tighten connections.

Sensor Modules
 O3 and NO2 modules can be leak tested by attaching a 0-0.5 LPM flow meter to the outlet and
checking that the flow drops to 0 LPM when the inlet is blocked off. If not there is a leak.
Disassemble the module and check the connections and tubing. If no obvious leaks are found the
module should be reassembled and returned to the manufacturer.
 Other gas modules should be leak tested by disconnecting the inlet and outlet tubing. Connect a
diaphragm pump to the outlet of the module and check the flow drops to 0 LPM when the inlet is
blocked off. If not there is a leak. Disassemble the module and check the connections and tubing. If
no obvious leaks are found the module should be reassembled and returned to the manufacturer.

7.3.6. Removing and Replacing AQM Modules

All modules are mounted onto the base plate with 4 screws.

To remove a module, follow these steps:

1. Turn off AQM

2. Remove all air tubes, plugs and cabling fitted to the particular module.

3. Loosen the 4 screws holding the module to the base plate.

4. Slide the module into the screw holder slots and remove module.

5. Cap the un-used tubing connections to avoid contamination with luer caps supplied with the unit.

6. Ensure that the power and communication connections are reconnected for all modules.

7. Reconfigure the gas configuration using the AQM software to represent the new module

To replace the sensor module reverse this process ensuring that the module fixes back onto the base plate
securely and that the air tubes are replaced and firmly fitted to prevent any air leakage.
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7.4. Particle Monitor
7.4.1. Sample Flow Check
A constant flow is essential to ensure the sharp cut cyclone is separating out the correct particle size to be
measured e.g. PM10 or PM2.5. To measure the flow, remove the TSP head from the inlet and connect the
volumetric flow meter to the top of the sharp cut cyclone using the adaptor supplied with the instrument.
Ensure the flow meter is on a steady surface before reading the flow rate.

Note 1: The adaptor tubing should be connected to the TOP of the volumetric flow meter (negative

Note 2: The flow should be 2.0 LPM

The PM inlet flow can be adjusted via the flow adjuster on the exhaust and purge line.
 If the flow is less than 2.0 LPM then close the purge flow screw (turn clockwise) until 2.0 LPM is
 If the flow is greater than 2.0 LPM then open the purge flow screw (turn anticlockwise) until the
flow is 2.0 LPM.
 If you can’t adjust the flow to 2 LPM using the purge flow screw then close (clockwise) the exhaust
flow screw until 2.0 LPM is achieved.

Afterwards replace the inlet components with care making sure there is no leak.



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7.4.2. Purge Flow Check

Initiate the purge cycle on AQM Software. The purge cycle is designed to pump air backwards through the
optical engine as a cleaning mechanism. It also acts as a zero air check and adjusts the zero automatically.
This will occur every 12 hours (720 minutes) automatically. To check the purge flow is operating correctly:
 Select Diagnostics  Sensor Module Settings  Set the TIMA to 1.000 (1 minute)

Use a volumetric flow meter to record the flow using the same steps as measuring the sample flow.

Note 1: The adaptor tubing needs to be connected to the BOTTOM of the volumetric flow meter
(positive flow)

Note 2: The flow rate should be > 0.3 LPM

If the flow is less than 0.3 LPM then open the Purge Adjuster by turning the adjustment anti-clockwise until
0.3 LPM is reached.

Note 3: Remember to reset the TIMA to 720. It may take a few moments for the purge cycle to
complete. The unit can also be restarted to stop the purge cycle.

Note 4: It is important to re-measure the inlet sample flow rate following a purge flow adjustment. The
sample flow rate must be stable at 2.0 LPM.

7.4.3. Sheath Flow Check

The sheath flow is a constant stream of air which ensures

the optics remains clean. It is important this is working
correctly to maintain the accuracy of the measurement. In
order to check the flow, a volumetric flow meter needs to be
connected between the purge flow adjuster and particle
engine as seen in the diagram.

Note 1: The flow should be approximately 0.2 LPM

7.4.4. Leak Check

If the correct sample, purge or sheath flow cannot be achieved, there may be a leak in the pump module or
80180 engine. First check the entire flow system:

 Remove the purge connection from the module and plug the end of the purge line
 Remove the TSP head and block the PM inlet.
 Connected the pressure end of a flow meter to the exhaust port of the module.
 If there is no leak the flow should drop to zero.

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Sample connection
(remove to check
Purge connection module)
(remove to check
whole flow system)

Note: Module may look different than the above photograph depending on the version installed.

If the flow does not drop to zero it suggests there is a leak somewhere in the system. To check the pump

 Keep the purge line disconnected.

 Remove the sample connection and cap off the module sample port.
 Connect the exhaust port of the module to the pressure end of a flow meter.
 The flow should drop to zero.

If there is a leak in the pump module the module will need to be sent back to the Aeroqual factory. Please
contact technical support.

If there is no leak in the pump module check the tubing and connectors along the flow path carefully. If you
cannot isolate the leak it is likely the leak is located in the engine. In this case, the engine will need to be
sent back to the Aeroqual factory. Please contact technical support.

7.4.5. Manual Zero Air Check

A zero air check can also be carried out manually as a way to ensure the purge is working correctly. To do
this the TSP inlet needs to be removed and the particle filter (supplied with the instrument) needs to be
attached to the monitor. Ensure there is a good seal around the cyclone inlet.

The filter will remove 99.99% of particulates from ambient air. Wait 5 minutes and then check the readings
on the control module. The reported value should be 0 +/- 3 µg/m3. If it is not then the auto zero cycle is not
performing correctly. You will need to check the purge filter (Section 4.2.7) and replace if dirty and also
check the purge flow to make sure it is correct.

7.4.6. Fibre Span Check

Perform a manual zero air check first then initiate the fibre span by turning the switch on the Particle Monitor
to on. The fibre span check is used to detect any major component failures such as the laser, photo detector
or lens. Wait approximately 4 minutes until the measurement value increases and record the PM10
measurement from the controller. The fibre span measurement should be within ± 20% of the fibre span
concentration noted in the logbook. If it is significantly lower, then either the module optics are dirty or the
laser is ageing. Contact Aeroqual for advice.

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7.4.7. Laser Current Check.
To determine the laser current go to “Diagnostics”  “Sensor Diagnostics View”. The column titled “PM10
Laser (mA)” will provide the laser current. If the laser current has drifted up or down by more than 3mA, the
engine may need servicing; please contact Aeroqual for advice.

Note: The laser current should be stable at 18 ±3 mA for units installed prior to September 2014. The
laser current should be stable at 12 ±3 mA for units installed after September 2014.

7.4.8. Filter Changes

There are two internal filters which are located on the side of the optical engine. They are designed to
provide protection and clean purge air. These will become dirty and must be replaced periodically.
To do this, unscrew the filters from the side of the optical engine and replace with new filters. These can be
purchased from Aeroqual. Please contact technical support for a quotation.

Sample Filter

7.4.9. Cyclone and Inlet Cleaning

The dust cap of the sharp cut cyclone will accumulate particulate matter and will need to be periodically
cleaned. Blow out the cyclone with compressed air and unscrew the dust cap and clean. Replace the cap
tightly and ensure there are no potential leaks.

The cyclone can be disassembled completely by removing the three Allen head screws and pulling it apart.
The internal parts should be cleaned with isopropyl alcohol once a year.

Allen head

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The TSP inlet can also be dismantled by unscrewing the 3 screws and separating the head into two parts.
Use a lint-free cloth wetted with isopropyl alcohol to clean both the inside and outside of the inlet.


7.4.10. Pump Module Removal

The pump module can be removed by unscrewing the 4 screws on the base plate and sliding the module
out. Ensure the AQM is switched off when removing the module. The sample, purge and exhaust lines need
to be disconnected and all the connected cables removed. The two main failures which would require
removal of the pump module are:

1. A leak is discovered
2. The pump requires replacement

In both these cases the pump module will need to be sent back to the Aeroqual factory for repair. Please
contact technical support for assistance.

7.4.11. Changing the Size Fraction Measured

The PM engine can measure different size fractions by changing the sharp cut cyclone on the inlet. To
ensure the correct size fraction is reported the AQM needs to be reconfigured.

1. Change the sensor module settings

a. Go to diagnostics in the software and select module settings.
b. Ensure data logging has stopped and right click the PM parameter and “View Settings”

c. The PWML value needs to be changed to match the sharp cut cyclone size fraction installed.
To do this right click the PM parameter again and select “Change Settings”. Change to the
correct value using the table below and press enter.

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Sharp cut installed PWML Value
PM10 3
PM2.5 2
PM1 1

2. Change the sensor configuration

a. Go to Setup menu and select Configuration. The
password is “password”. Then find the old PM
sensor previously installed in the right hand column
(Used Sensor List). Select it and then click the left
arrow to remove it.
b. Find the new size fraction sensor installed in the left
hand column (Sensor Type List). Select it and then
click the right arrow to add it to the Used Sensor

Click Save and the new size fraction has been successfully

7.5. Profiler
7.5.1. Sample Flow Check and Adjustment
A set flow rate is essential to ensure consistency in the measurement. To measure the flow, remove the TSP
head and connect the volumetric flow meter to the top of the inlet using the adaptor supplied with the
instrument. Ensure the flow meter is on a steady surface before reading the flow rate.

Note 1: The adaptor tubing should be connected to the TOP of the volumetric flow meter (negative

Note 2: The flow should be 1.0 LPM

The inlet flow can be adjusted via the flow adjuster on the exhaust line.
 If the flow is greater than 1.0 LPM then close the exhaust flow screw (turn clockwise) until 1.0
LPM is achieved.
 If the flow is less than 1.0 LPM then open the exhaust flow screw (turn anticlockwise) until the
flow is 1.0 LPM.

Afterwards replace the inlet components with care making sure there is no leak.

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7.5.2. Sheath Flow Check 9722-1

The sheath flow is a constant stream of air which ensures

the optics remains clean. It is important this is working
correctly to maintain the accuracy of the measurement. In
order to check the flow, a volumetric flow meter needs to be
connected between the purge flow adjuster and particle
engine as seen in the diagram.

Note 1: The flow should be approximately 1-1.5LPM

7.5.3. Leak Check

If the correct sample or sheath flow cannot be achieved,

there may be a leak in the pump module or engine. First check the entire flow system:

 Remove the purge connection from the module and plug the end of the purge line
 Remove the TSP head and block the PM inlet.
 Connected the pressure end of a flow meter to the exhaust port of the module.
 If there is no leak the flow should drop to zero.

Sample connection
Purge connection (remove to check
(remove to check module)
whole flow system)

If the flow does not drop to zero it suggests there is a leak somewhere in the system. To check the pump
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 Keep the purge line disconnected.
 Remove the sample connection and cap off the module sample port.
 Connect the exhaust port of the module to the pressure end of a flow meter.
 The flow should drop to zero.

If there is a leak in the pump module the module will need to be sent back to the Aeroqual factory. Please
contact technical support.

If there is no leak in the pump module it is likely the leak is located in the engine. In this case, the engine will
need to be sent back to the Aeroqual factory. Please contact technical support.

7.5.4. Filter Changes

There are two green filters which are located to the left of the sample filter holder. They are designed to
provide protection to the pump and optical window. The filters will become dirty and must be replaced

To do this, unclip the filters from the connectors and replace. Ensure the filters are connected the right way
in accordance to the flow arrow. These filters can be purchased from Aeroqual. Please contact technical
support for a quotation.

Note: BQ filter – Zero air filter

DQ filter – Sample air filter
Connects to top of
Profiler Engine

Connects to sample
on profiler module

Connects to purge
on profiler module

Connects to bottom
of Profiler Engine

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7.5.5. Inlet Cleaning

The TSP inlet can be dismantled by unscrewing the 3 screws and separating the head into two parts. Use a
lint-free cloth wetted with isopropyl alcohol to clean both the inside and outside of the inlet.


7.5.6. Pump Module Removal

The pump module can be removed by unscrewing the 4 screws on the base plate and sliding the module
out. Ensure the AQM is switched off when removing the module. The sample, purge and exhaust lines need
to be disconnected and all the connected cables removed. The two main failures which would require
removal of the pump module are:
1. A leak is discovered
2. The pump requires replacement

In both these cases the pump module will need to be sent back to the Aeroqual factory for repair. Please
contact technical support for assistance.

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8. Troubleshooting
8.1. AQM 60 Basics

Symptom Possible Cause Fault isolation/Solution

Gas sensor readings Insufficient warm up Allow the sensors to fully warm up
incorrect after power down. This may take 2-3

Incorrect zero calibration Repeat zero calibration with clean air.

Check media in Gas Treatment

Incorrect span calibration Perform span check.

Sensor module leaking Check for leaks

Sensor pump failed Measure flow. If pump has failed


NO2 sensor reading very high Incorrect zero calibration Repeat zero calibration with clean air.
Check media in Gas Treatment

O3 Scrubber failed Expose the NO2 sensor with 0.1 ppm

of O3. If the response is large (>0.5
ppm) then the scrubber has failed.

Gas Sensor readings noisy or Leaks Leaks dilute the sample stream and
unstable can cause low span readings and
incorrect zero readings. Perform a
leak test.

Particle filter Replace if dirty.

“NR” or “9999” in Data table No Response from Sensor Check that the electrical connectors
(No response) module. Not connected on the sensor modules are firmly
correctly connected.

Bus cable Check RS485 bus cable continuity.

Occasional NR or “9999” in Computer too slow Test with a faster computer.

Data Table
RF noise in environment Try to reduce RF noise.

RS485 bus cable is faulty Replace bus cable.

Frequent “9999” Module RS485 chip faulty Remove one module at a time to
identify faulty module and then

RF noise in environment Try to reduce RF noise

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No communication over RS232 cable disconnected Reconnect cable.

Control Module Failed Replace Control Module.

PC Data logging stopped AQM power blackout Close and restart AQM software.
interrupted data logging

USB to serial hub not working Check USB connectors. Check the serial
hub is present on the device hardware
menu in the PC. If not reload driver
software and re-install.

No data on SD card Card not correctly installed in Turn off AQM and install card in slot
slot correctly.

Set logging interval in configuration to a

Data logging interval set too lower interval.
Send control module to factory for
replacement module.
Data card module fault

8.2. Particle Monitor/Profiler

Symptom Possible Cause Fault isolation/Solution

PM values seem incorrect Sample flow incorrect Check sample flow and adjust to correct
value using flow adjusters

Sample and/or purge filters Replace filters


Gain factors incorrect Perform span calibration

Offset factor incorrect Perform zero calibration

Low Sensitivity Laser is old Laser needs replacing.

The laser current can be Send to your authorised distributor or

measured in diagnostics mode contact Aeroqual technical support.
using AQM 60 software. If
above 20 mA then fault

Low Sensitivity Dirty optics Optics need cleaning

Send to your authorised distributor or

contact Aeroqual technical support.

High baseline (H0) Dirty optics Optics need cleaning

Send to your authorised distributor or

contact Aeroqual technical support.

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Noisy Readings Dirty optics Optics need cleaning

Laser is old Send to your authorised distributor or

contact Aeroqual technical support.

Laser needs replacing.

Send to your authorised distributor or

contact Aeroqual technical support.

Negative readings Purge filter new and shedding Run zero cycles until purge filter no longer
particles shedding particles.

Purge flow zero Adjust purge flow

Purge filter dirty Replace purge filter

Fibre Span has changed Dirty Optics Optics need cleaning

significantly since installation
Laser is old Send to your authorised distributor or
contact Aeroqual technical support.

Laser needs replacing.

Send to your authorised distributor or

contact Aeroqual technical support.

Readings flat Laser failed (check laser Laser needs replacing.

Send to your authorised distributor or
Photo-detector failed contact Aeroqual technical support.

Send optical engine to Met One for

replacement detector and calibration.

8.3. Diagnostics
The AQM has a number of sources for diagnostic information if a problem arises. These are described

Event log: A large number of instrument events are logged on the event log file which is located on the SD
data card. This can be downloaded remotely (if a modem is fitted) and in many cases can be used to
determine whether a site visit is required.

Messages: This is located on the AQM PC software tool bar. If the AQM is connected to the computer then
event messages will be written to the Messages window in real-time.

Diagnostics: This is located in the AQM PC software. If the AQM is connected to the computer then
individual sensor modules can be interrogated to determine if there is a problem not picked up by normal
fault detection as well as fine tune the sensor performance. Only qualified personnel should use this menu
as incorrect use may result in sensor malfunction. Please consult Aeroqual Technical Support to understand
how to use this feature.

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Event Code Examples Meaning

Sensor failure
NO2 :S.F. 2012/11/12 23:45 NO2 module sensor failure on 12
Nov 2012 at 23:45

AQM Power turned on at 10:12

Power on: 2012/11/12 10:12
am on 12 November 2012

Zero Calibration started at 11:24

Zero Cal at 2012/11/12 11:24
on 12 November 2012

Config at 2012/11/12 13:12 AQM Configuration saved at 1:12

0x01,05,30,40,50,B0,F8,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,0 pm on 12 November 2012
0,00,00 Sensor codes listed

Sensor 0x30 Zero Offset changed

0x30, ZF: 0.050, 2012/04/16
to 0.050 on 16 April 2012

Sensor 0x30 Gain Factor changed

0x30, GF: 1.000, 2012/04/14
to 1.000 on 14 April 2012

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9. Orbit Data
Orbit data is a cloud-based data acquisition and reporting system developed specifically for Aeroqual’s real-
time air quality instruments. Using Orbit, customers are able to access their data online and in real time. The
system comprises a proprietary modem which plugs directly into the serial port of your instrument. The
modem pushes data to the cloud-based server at pre-determined intervals. Via end users can
access, view, and download the data using a browser on any internet enabled device.

9.1. Specifications
Global Sim supplied by Aeroqual
SIM card
KORE Telematics
Power requirements 5-30VDC, supplied by instrument
Input RS232
Dimensions 149 x 81 x 31 (mm)
Environmental operating range -20 to +70°C
Software Web-based
Browser compatibility Internet Explorer (7+), Chrome, Safari
Alarms Unlimited text/SMS, email
Parameters Up to 20, dynamically configurable
Data Warehouse RAID, clustered storage, multi-site
Data Format CSV, XML (FTP only)

9.2. Configuring the Orbit Modem

Aeroqual will provide a Serial Port Extender (SPE) which is a GSM/GPRS telemetry modem used at a
remote location to connect between a remote device (with a serial port) and a central computer. The SPE is
more than just a GPRS telemetry modem with an IP stack built in. It has many functions which ensure that
the remote device is always able to communicate with the host system. Aeroqual also provides a Global SIM
which is pre-installed.

To configure using the PC software:

Step 1:
 Select Setup  Operations
 Select Data Report Rate to 5 minutes
 Select Polling Data
 Select Auto Zero Function OFF
 Click Save and Close

Step 2:
 Select Setup Configuration
 Set Monitor ID to 1
 Click Save and Close

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9.3. Using the Orbit Data Website
Once the AQM has been configured with the Orbit Modem the unit can be accessed via

 When the site is first accessed a default landing page will be shown

 Select Options  Login and Settings

 Enter your User Name and Password

Note: You can elect to save the login details in your

browser at this point

 The system displays “Logged in as: your name”

 Select Go to Graphs

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 Navigate to your specific site and unit by:
o Selecting the correct country from the drop down menu
o Selecting the Region
o Selecting the Sub-region
o Selecting the Unit

9.3.1. Using the Graphs

Once the correct unit has been selected the default 24 hour graphed data will be shown on the screen.
Above the graphs it will show the time, date and how long since the unit was last called. To the right of each
graph the max, min and average will be shown.

 Click on the graph to zoom in on a specific time interval.

o Hover the mouse over the graph to view the start time and time interval of the graph to be
shown if clicked e.g. “3 hr graph from 3:00pm Mon, 16 Sep 2013”.
o To zoom out press the grey button in the bottom right e.g. “Zoom out to 7 day graph”

Note: The time intervals that can be shown are: 3 months, 1 month, 7 days, 24 hours, 3 hours, 1 hour
and 15 minutes.

Click on the grey button to zoom out

 To return to the default view (24 hours) click Options  Normal Graph View

 Other viewing options are: QuickView, Temperature Graphs Only, Latest Data
in Text Format, Latest Weather, Smartphone View, and Historical Data.

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9.3.2. Setting Alarms
To set an alarm email Aeroqual at [email protected] with the following information:

1. What triggers the alarm (e.g. PM10 concentration > 100ug/m3)

2. What clears the alarm (e.g. PM10 concentration < 80ug/m3)

3. Who to notify in the case of an alarm (e.g. Email [email protected] or SMS +64 21 123 456)

Once the alarms have been configured they are visible from the Options  Alarm Information view.

9.3.3. Downloading Data

The data can be downloaded as a CSV file and opened in Excel from
the Orbitdata website.
 Click on Options  Data Options  Download Data

 Select the Start Date, Duration and any other customised

options required then click Download Data

 Open the file as an Excel Spread Sheet. The data will be

displayed as seen below:

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10. Appendix 1
10.1. Sensor list
ppm to
Sensor Sensor Reading: Sensor Suggested
Sensor mg/m3 Default
Code in No. of Decimal Reading Calibration
Name Conversion Units
HEX Places Full Scale Concentration
30 O3 3 0.5 2 0.1 ppm
31 O3B 3 0.5 2 0.1 ppm
35 O2 2 25 1 25 ppm
40 CO 2 100 1.15 100 ppm
41 COB 2 100 1.15 100 ppm
4A NO 3 0.2 1.88 0.1 ppm
50 NO2 3 0.2 1.88 0.1 ppm
51 NO2B 3 0.2 1.88 0.1 ppm
55 NOx 3 0.2 1.88 0.1 ppm
56 NOxT 1 100 1 100 C
57 NOxB 3 1 1.88 0.1 ppm
58 NOxTB 1 100 1 100 C
60 VOC 2 25 2.3 25 ppm
61 NMHC 2 25 2.3 25 ppm
70 H2S 2 10 1.4 10 ppm
75 Cl2 2 100 1.15 100 ppm
76 HCl 2 100 1.15 100 ppm
77 C3H3N 2 100 1.15 100 ppm
80 PERC 0 200 6.78 50 ppm
82 CH4 0 10000 0.67 5000 ppm
91 NH3 2 100 0.7 50 ppm
B0 SO2 2 10 2.62 10 ppm
B5 CO2 0 2000 1.8 1000 ppm
BA PID 2 100 2.3 100 ppm
C0 AIRVEL1 2 75 1 75 m/s
C1 AIRVEL2 2 75 1 75 m/s
C2 MFM Z 2 3000 1 500 ml/min
C3 MFC S 2 500 1 500 ml/min
C7 TSP 2 2000 1 1000 ug/m3
C8 8PC3.0 0 100000 1 1000 /L
C9 PM1 2 2000 1 1000 ug/m3
CB Leq 1 120 1 1 dBA
CD PM 2 2000 1 1000 ug/m3
CE 8PC0.3 0 100000 1 1000 /L
CF 8PC0.5 0 100000 1 1000 /L
D0 8PC0.7 0 100000 1 1000 /L
D1 8PC1.0 0 100000 1 1000 /L
D2 8PC2.0 0 100000 1 1000 /L

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ppm to
Sensor Sensor Reading: Sensor Suggested
Sensor mg/m3 Default
Code in No. of Decimal Reading Calibration
Name Conversion Units
HEX Places Full Scale Concentration
D3 8PC2.5 0 100000 1 1000 /L
D4 8PC5.0 0 100000 1 1000 /L
D5 8PC10 0 100000 1 1000 /L
D6 PC0.3 0 100000 1 1000 /L
D7 PC2.5 0 100000 1 1000 /L
D8 PM2.5 2 2000 1 1000 ug/m3
D9 PM10 2 2000 1 1000 ug/m3
DA WS 2 125 1 10 m/s
DB WD 1 360 1 90 deg
DC AN1 3 5 3 5 V
DD AN2 3 5 3 5 V
DE AN3 1 450 1 450 mV
DF Freq 0 32000 1 3200 Hz
E0 ITEMP 1 100 1 25 C
E1 FLOW 1 1000 1 500 ml/min
E2 BOXT 1 100 1 100 C
E3 RAIN 1 500 1 500 mm/h
E4 SOLAR 3 5 1 5 V
E5 HAIL 1 10000 1 100 /cm2h
E6 PRESS 1 10000 1 100 hPa
E7 LAT 4 180 1 100 deg
E8 LON 4 180 1 100 deg
E9 ALT 1 10000 1 100 M
EC Pyrano 0 2000 1 1000 W/m2
F6 TEMP 2 100 1 25 C
F7 AIR T 1 100 1 25 C
F8 RH 1 100 1 50 %
F9 AIR RH 1 100 1 50 %

10.1. Auxiliary Module Wiring

Wire Colour
Output Windsonic Vaisala MSO
Red, Green, Black, Green,
GND (PIN 1) Grey
Pink White/Brown
+12V (PIN 2) Brown Brown, Yellow Red
TX (PIN 5) White Blue White
RX (PIN6) Black White Brown

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10.2. RS232 Protocol
These command protocols are specified by Aeroqual Limited. Aeroqual reserves the rights to change the
protocol without notification.
(c) All rights reserved.

Glossary: AQM - stands for Air Quality Monitor that includes both outdoor and indoor Air Quality monitors.

Version 6.0, based on V5.0, on 01/12/2010

** Added update sensor list to controller function.
** Extend total sensor reading numbers from 14 to 20.
** The configuration functions are not back compatible with V5.x
** Sensor list is not back compatible as well.
** Other functions are back compatible.

The AQM controller master can only take max of 20 readings, which include temperature, relative humidity
sensors, and internal temperature.

Section 1

General descriptions of communication commands: Command streams are binary and all command, data
use hexadecimal byte as representation. Comma and spaces are not applied for every command and reply
data stream; they are just used for clearly specifying data stream:

1. Sensor reading request command sent out from PC or other data receiver, its format is a 4 bytes stream:


* RECEIVER - information request command header, its value is 0x55.

* AQM_ID - 1 byte, AQM ID its value 1-255.
* SENSOR_CODE - gas concentration request command, please refer section 2 for details.

* CHECKSUM - the data stream's check sum - that makes the command stream total bytes sum to be zero.

Example (To poll ozone reading): 0x55 0x01 0x30 0x7A

2. Sensor reading request command reply or auto data report command data stream, 15 bytes:


* MONITOR - 1 byte monitor reply data stream header, its value is 0xAA.
* AQM_ID - 1 byte of AMQ box ID, value is 1-255.
* SENSOR_CODE - 1 byte gas type, its value will be same as the request command value, see Section 2
for details.
* DATA - 4 bytes floating point data value. If the SENSOR_CODE is gas sensor, the value is concentration
in ppm. If the value is 9999, this means the corresponding sensor didn't give reading. Please refer to
Section 2 for detail.
* SENSOR_STATUS - 1 byte sensor status indication, refer section 3 for details.
* RB_TIMESTAMP - 6 bytes timestamp, in the format of ss:mm:hh DD-MM-YY, each field is 1 byte, or all
zero with no timestamp for SM50 basic controller.
* CHECKSUM - 1 byte the data stream's check sum - that makes the command stream total bytes sum be

3. AQM Monitor property configuration command, 4 bytes, followed by 26 bytes configuration data stream
(since V6.0):


* SET_CONFIGURATION - 1 byte command to configure AQM controller.



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* AQM_ID - 1 byte value, indicate the AQM ID number, which range is 1 - 255.
* SENSOR_NUM - 1 byte, specify the valid numbers of sensor has been used by the AQM box.
- Specifies the sensor type has been used for the AQM box. The value will be any of Sensor type value.
* AQM_STATUS - 1 byte, used specify AQM auto report data and auto zero calibration, see section 2 for

Example: 0x55 01 19 91
Followed by: 0x55 01 05 30 40 50 65 B0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 CD

3A. Configuring AQM property acknowledgement command, 4 bytes:


4. Request AQM Monitor property configuration command, 4 bytes,


* GET_CONFIGURATION - 1 byte configuration request command, its value please see section 2.

Example: 0x55 0x01 0x08 0xA2

5. Request AQM Monitor configuration command reply, 25 bytes (since V6.0):



* AQM_ID - 1 byte value, indicate the AQM ID number, which range is 1 - 255.
* SENSOR_NUM - 1 byte, specify the valid numbers of sensor has been used by the AQM box, max
number is 14.
- Specifies the sensor type has been used for the AQM box. The value will be any of Sensor type value.
* AQM_STATUS - 1 byte, used specify AQM auto report data and auto zero calibration, see section 2 for

6. Set monitor operation settings command 4 bytes followed by 8 bytes,




* SET_OPERATION - 1 byte command, see section 2 for values.

* AUTO_REPORT_RATE - 1 byte, specify the auto data report rate in minutes maximum 255 minutes. It's
only valid, when AQM_STATUS bit 0 is 1.
* ZERO_CAL_INTERVAL - 1 byte, specify the auto zero calibration interval in hours maximum 255 hours.
It's only valid, when AQM_STATUS bit 1 is 1.
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* AUTO_ZERO_READ_FREQ - 1 byte, specify the auto zero reading frequency in hours, max 255 hours.
It's only valid, when AQM_STATUS bit 2 is 1.
* OPERATION_STATUS - 1 byte operation status, see section 2 for details.

6A. Acknowledge reply command of set operations, 4 bytes:


7. Get monitor operation settings command 4 bytes:


8. Reply command of get monitor operations, 8 bytes:



9. AQM Monitor information request command, 4 bytes:


Example: 0x55 0x01 0xFB 0xAF

* AQM_INFO - 1 byte AQM information request command.

10. AQM monitor information reply command, 16 bytes:


* AQM_ID - 1 byte value, indicate the AQM ID number, which range is 1 - 255.
* AQM_INFO - 1 byte sensor information request command, see section 2 for its value.
* VERSION - 1 byte, its unsigned value divided by 10 gives the AQM box version number.
* NAME - 5 bytes, the monitor name ASCII code (AQM 60/AQM10/IQM60).
* RTC - 6 bytes, the monitors Real Time Clock (each field is one byte), ss:mm:hh DD/MM/YY, the year is
since 1900+YY
** User could use this command to test communications.

11. AQM Monitor zero calibration starts command 4 bytes:


* ZERO_CAL - 1 byte command to start the zero calibration for all gas sensor modules.

Example 0x55 0x01, 0x12 0x98

11A. Acknowledge reply command of Zero calibration, 4 bytes


12. Turn on Zero Scrubber command, 4 bytes:


* ZERO_SCRUBBER_ON - 1 byte command to turn on zero scrubber.

Example 0x55 0x01 0x14 0x96

12A.Acknowledge reply command of Zero scrubber turn on acknowledge reply command, 4 bytes:


13. Turn off Zero Scrubber command, 4 bytes:

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* ZERO_SCRUBBER_OFF - 1 byte command to turn off zero scrubber.

Example 0x55 0x01 0x15 0x95

13A.Acknowledge reply command of Zero scrubber turn off, 4 bytes:


14. Get all sensor module gain factor values command, 4 bytes:


* GET_GAIN_FACTORS - 1 byte command to get the AQM all configured sensor gain factors.

Example: 0x55 01 16 94

15. Replied gain value for all configured sensors, total 74 bytes:



* SENSOR_SPAN_VALUE - 5 bytes each, consist of 1 byte SENSOR_CODE code, 4 bytes floating point
gain factor value.
Example: 0x30 00 00 80 3F, this is O3 Low sensor with span factor of 1.0

16. Set gain value command, 4 bytes command followed by 9 bytes gain factor value details:



* SET_GAIN_FACTOR - 1 byte command to change the gain value

* GAIN_VALUE - 4 bytes floating point data, specified the sensor gain factor value

Example: 0x55 01 17 93
0x55 01 17 30 00 00 80 3F A4

* Set gain factor 1.0 for O3 sensor

16A. Acknowledge reply command of setting gain value, 4 bytes:


17. AQM Monitor real time clock update command, 4 bytes, followed by 10 bytes real time data:



* SET_RTC - 1 byte update Real Time Clock command.

* RTC - 7 bytes Real Time clock, ss:mm:hh dd/MM/YY WD(Week Day)

17A. Acknowledge reply command of updating real time clock, 4 bytes:


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18.Get all logged file name list from SD card command, 4 bytes:


* GET_FILE_NAME_LIST - command to get file name list.

19.Reply of the above command is 20 bytes stream. The command requester could get many of this reply.

Each of them is an individual file. Until 3 seconds time up, without any reply:


*FIlE_NAME - 12 bytes ASCII code of the full file name.

*FILE_SIZE - 4 bytes long integer value of the file size.

20 Download a logged file in SD card via serial port, the command is 4 bytes:


* DOWNLOAD_A_FILE - 1 byte command

Followed by 16 bytes stream with file name:


* FILE_NAME - 12 bytes ASCII code of a full file name.

Reply data stream is ASCII coded data record, with tab delimited (\t) and new line ends,
receiver just simply look for line ends (\n):

Example file data:

AQM ID: 255\n

Year Month Date Time Sensor1 Sensor2 ... SensorX Inlet\n
*File header with tab delimited
09 01 18 10:12:00 0.026 10.6 ... 2.8 S\n *Date, time and readings
with tab delimited
09 01 18 10:14:00 0.028 9.8 ... 2.6 S\n *Date, time and readings
with tab delimited

* Sensor1 ~ SensorX - sensor name ASCII with tab delimited.

* 10:12:00 - 8 bytes time ASCII, hour:minutes:seconds
* 0.26, 10.6 - 8 bytes decimal value in ASCII
* S - 1 byte inlet state, S for Sample, Z for Zero air scrubber on

21 Delete a file in SD card command, 4 bytes followed by 15 bytes with file name:


* DELETE_A_FILE - 1 byte command to delete a file in data logging card.

Followed by 16 bytes stream with file name:


* FILE_NAME - 12 bytes ASCII code of a full file name.

21A. Acknowledge reply command to confirm the file delete operation was successful.


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22. Get sensor module version information command 4 bytes:


* GET_SESNOR_VERSION - 1 byte command to get sensor module version info, refer section 2 for its
* SENSOR_CODE - 1 byte specific sensor code

23. Sensor module version info reply command 15 bytes:



* GET_SESNOR_VERSION - 1 byte command to get sensor module version info, refer section 2 for its
* SENSOR_CODE - 1 byte specific sensor code
* VERSION_NUM - 1 byte sensor version number scaled up by 10, so its real number is
* NAME_LENGTH - 1 byte specifies the sensor's name valid ASCII code length.
* NAME_ASCII - 7 byes ASCII code of sensor name, its valid length is specified by NAME_LENGTH.

24. Download a specific sensor calibration parameters command, 4 bytes .


25. Download parameters reply command. The command will get the sensor's all parameters. The total reply
stream length is 50 bytes.


* SENSOR_PARAM_DOWNLOAD - 1 byte command, its value = 0x18

* SENSOR_CODE - 1 byte sensor code.
- are 4 bytes floating point value,

26. AQM sensor module parameters upload command. The command consist of two data streams
one upload invoking command 4 bytes, then followed by a parameters stream which is 50 bytes.



* SENSOR_PARAM_UPLOAD - 1 byte command, its value = 0x09

26A. Acknowledge reply command 5 bytes:


* The reply is used for confirming the sensor parameter upload was successful

27. Get all sensor offset correction factor values command, 4 bytes:


* GET_OFFSET_FACTOR - 1 byte command to get the AQM all configured sensor offset factors.

28. Replied offset value for all configured sensors, total 74 bytes:

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* SENSOR_OFFSET_VALUE - 5 bytes each, consist of 1 byte SENSOR_CODE code, 4 bytes floating

point offset value.
Example: 0x30 00 00 00 00, this is O3 Low sensor with offset value of 0.000

29. Set offset value command, 4 bytes command followed by 9 bytes span calibration value details:



* SET_OFFSET_FACTOR - 1 byte command to change the gain value

* OFFSET_VALUE - 4 bytes floating point data, specified the sensor span calibration point

Example: 0x55 01 02 93
0x55 01 02 30 3B A3 D7 0A B9

* Set offset value 0.005 for O3 sensor

29A. Acknowledge reply command of setting offset value, 4 bytes:


30. Update controller sensor list command, 4 bytes, followed by the size of the sensor list:



when get the acknowledge command within 5 sec, 4 bytes:


receiver then can send sensor stream packet (31 bytes) one by one, total of SENSOR_LIST_SIZE



* UPDATE_SENSOR_LIST - 1 byte command to update sensor list in the controller.

* SENSOR_LIST_SIZE - 1 byte the total sensor module numbers of the sensor list
* SENSOR_CODE - 1 byte sensor code
* SENSOR_NAME - 7 bytes sensor name ASCII code (a string)
* FRACTION_DIGIT - 1 byte to specify valid reading of fraction digits
* MEASURE_RANGE - 4 bytes floating point value to specify sensor measurement range.
* CONVERT_FACTOR - 4 bytes floating point value to specify the gas sensor's ppm to mg/m3
conversion factor values.
* CAL_POINT - 4 bytes floating point value to indicate default span calibration point.
* UNIT_NAME - 7 bytes reading unit name of ASCII string

30A. All sensor list sent finished, will get another acknowledge command of update sensor list within 5 sec, 4


31. Reset controller command, 4 bytes:

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* RESET - 1 byte command to reset controller, please refer section 2 for its value

31A. Acknowledge reply command of reset controller, 4 bytes:


* RESET - 1 byte command to reset controller, please refer section 2 for its value

32. Set monitor auto reset sensor power timer command, 4 bytes, followed by 8 bytes data:



* SET_RESET_TIMER - 1 byte command

* TIMER - long integer, 4 bytes.

32A. Acknowledge reply command for SET_RESET_TIMER, 4 bytes:


33. Get monitor auto reset sensor power timer command, 4 bytes:


33A. Reply data of GET_RESET_TIMER command, 8 bytes:


*TIMER - long integer, 4 bytes


Section 2

Protocol command values:

RECEIVER = 0x55 header command used for receiver command

MONITOR = 0xAA header command used for monitor reply

GET_OFFSET_FACTOR = 0x01 Get all sensor reading offset correction factor

SET_OFFSET_FACTOR = 0x02 Set one sensor offset value

GET_SENSOR_VERSION = 0x05 get service settings command

GET_OPERATION = 0x06 Set AQM box operation command

SET_OPERATION = 0x07 Get AQM box operation command

GET_CONFIGURATION = 0x08 Request configure of AQM box command

SET_CONFIGURATION = 0x09 Configure AQM box command

GET_FILE_NAME_LIST = 0x0A Get all file name list command

DOWNLOAD_A_FILE = 0x0B Download a file from SD card command
DELETE_A_FILE = 0x0C Delete a file in SD card command

SENSOR_RESISTANCE = 0x0D Sensor resistance command

ZERO_SCRUBBER_ON = 0x14 Turn on zero scrubber

ZERO_SCRUBBER_OFF = 0x15 Turn off zero scrubber
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GET_GAIN_FACTORS = 0x16 request span calibration values
SET_GAIN_FACTOR = 0x17 Set sensor gain factor

SENSOR_PARAM_DOWNLOAD = 0x18 download sensor parameters

SENSOR_PARAM_UPLOAD = 0x19 upload sensor parameters

SET_RTC = 0x1E Set AQM monitor Real Time Clock.

UPDATE_SENSOR_LIST = 0x21 command to update sensor list in the controller

SET_RESET_TIMER = 0x2A Set auto reset sensor power timer, if none of sensor replied
GET_RESET_TIMER = 0x2B Get auto reset sensor power timer, if none of sensor replied

AQM_INFO = 0xFB AQM monitor information request command.

RESET = 0xFD reset controller command

SENSOR_CODE These values defined a sensor type respectively. Some type of sensors can
extended up to 4 more subtypes, such as, O3 can extend to 0x31, 0x32, 0x33.
Some of them can one only extend 1 subtype for reserving. However, every
sensor type need a special program. For detailed sensor code, please refer
Aeroqual reserve the rights to change the sensor list without notice.

RESERVED 1 byte reserved not been used for information transfer, can be 0x00
RESERVED_2 2 bytes reserved
RESERVED_3 3 bytes reserved
RESERVED_4 4 bytes reserved

CHECKSUM a data stream's check sum - that makes the command stream
total bytes sum is zero.

SENSOR_STATUS * 8 bits (b7b6b5b4b3b2b1b0) monitor and sensor status information

SensorStatus * b0 = 1 sensor failure

* b0 = 0 sensor working fine

Reserved * b1 reserved no meaning at all

PumpStatus * b2 = 1 pump failed (This bit function only apply for O3 sensors with
* b2 = 0 pump working well

NO2_Scrubber * b3 = 1 NO2 scrubber temperature too low, otherwise, works well (This bit only
related with NO2 sensor).

ZeroScrubber * b4 = 1 zero air scrubber turned on, otherwise, its off

Reserved * b5 reserved no meaning at all

Reserved * b6 reserved no meaning at all
Reserved * b7 reserved no meaning at all

AQM_STATUS * 8 bits (b7b6b5b4b3b2b1b0) monitor configuration status information

* b0 = 0, means the AQM gas reading unit is ppm

b0 = 1, means the AQM gas reading unit is mg/m3
* b1 = 0, means the AQM temperature reading unit is Celsius
b1 = 1, means the AQM temperature reading unit is F
* b2 ~ b7 reserved

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OPERATION_STATUS * 8 bits (b7b6b5b4b3b2b1b0) monitor operation status information

* b0 = 0, means the AQM will only report data by polling individual sensor
* b0 = 1, means the AQM will auto report all sensor concentration at specified rate.

* b1 = 0, means the AQM will only do zero calibration by user command

* b1 = 1, means the AQM will auto do zero calibration at specified

* b2 = 0, means the AQM will not do auto zero readings.

* b2 = 1, means the AQM will do auto zero readings at specified AUTO_ZERO_READ_FREQ

time intervals. The zero reading time is fixed 15 minutes long.

* b3 ~ b7 reserved
Section 3

Data value format representation:

The floating point data values use standard IEEE754 32 bits floating point little ending
representation, like DATA field.

Section 4

Data transfer mechanism

1. Due to the monitor main chips feature, 2 byte integer and 4 bytes float data send sequence are
low byte first, high byte last.

2. For regular data report:

Once the monitor power on and after warming up (1 minute), it will regularly report measured result
to RS232 serial port by default.

Section 5 RS232 communication port settings:

Baud rate: 38400

Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Parity: none
Flow control: none

Section 6 EventLog.aql file specification:

1. Once AQM turned on the date and time will be logged in the file.
2. Sensor status will be logged in the event log file, when a sensor failure indicated.
3. When request a sensor readings and there is no reply, the sensor will be logged in the file to indicate the
sensor module might be stop working.
4. Gain factor calibration time stamp will be logged.
5. Offset calibration time stamp will be logged.

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11. Appendix 2
11.1. Guidelines
Use only as per this user guide.


Only approved service personnel must work on this product.

Use only approved accessories. Do not connect incompatible products.


When connecting to any other device, read the appropriate user guide for detailed safety
instructions. Do not connect incompatible products.

Do not use the monitor in or near volatile fuel or chemicals.


Aeroqual Monitors and Sensor Heads are used to monitor ambient gas concentrations. Aeroqual
does not guarantee user safety. In hazardous environments, an appropriate Health and Safety plan
should be in place.

11.2. Technical support

Technical information, service and spare parts are available through your distributor. In addition, worldwide
technical support is available from Aeroqual Ltd.

Please contact:
Aeroqual Limited
109 Valley Road, Mt Eden, Auckland 1024, New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 623 3013
Fax: +64 9 623 3012
Email: [email protected]

To return items for service/repair please contact [email protected] for an RMA number.

11.3. Copyright

Copyright Aeroqual Limited. All rights reserved. Reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of part or all of
the contents of this document in any form without the prior written permission of Aeroqual Limited is
“Aeroqual” and “Aeroqual Limited – Making the Invisible Visible” are registered trademarks of Aeroqual
Limited. Other product and company names mentioned herein may also be trademarks or trade names.
Aeroqual operates a policy of continuous development. Aeroqual reserves the right to make changes and
improvements to any of the products described in this document without prior notice.
Under no circumstances shall Aeroqual be responsible for any loss of data or income or any special,
incidental, consequential or indirect damages howsoever caused.
The contents of this document are provided "as is". Except as required by applicable law, no warranties of
any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and
fitness for a particular purpose, are made in relation to the accuracy, reliability or contents of this document.
Aeroqual reserves the right to revise this document or withdraw it at any time without prior notice. The
availability of particular products may vary by region. Please check with the Aeroqual dealer nearest to you.

© Aeroqual Limited 2014. All rights reserved.

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11.4. Compliance
1. The Aeroqual AQM Monitor complies with EN 61000-6-1:2001
2. The Aeroqual AQM Monitor complies with EN 61000-6-3:2001
3. The Aeroqual AQM Monitor complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) these devices may not cause harmful interference, and (2) these
devices must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
— Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
— Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
— Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
— Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

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