Secondary Mathematics Teacher Guide 2016
Secondary Mathematics Teacher Guide 2016
Secondary Mathematics Teacher Guide 2016
Welcome to the Cambridge Secondary 1 Teacher Guide for Mathematics.
It offers:
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
• Schools that are teaching a Cambridge programme for the first time and that need to move
from a completely different system of planning
• Schools that already deliver one or more Cambridge programmes but are new to Cambridge
Schools new to Cambridge will find all sections of the Teacher Guide relevant to them. It
provides a step-by-step guide through the process of implementing Cambridge Secondary
1, offering a suggested breakdown of the curriculum across the available teaching time and
sample lesson plans to get you started.
Existing Cambridge Schools may be more familiar with certain aspects covered in this guide
and will find particular sections more relevant to them (e.g. Section 2: Planning or Section 3:
Teaching Approaches).
• English,
• English as a Second Language,
• Mathematics and
• Science
for learners aged 11–14. It provides curriculum frameworks and assessment for each subject.
Section 1: Introduction
It starts learners on an educational journey for their first years of secondary education,
focusing on what they should be able to do at each stage of a lower secondary education. It
develops skills, knowledge and understanding that will prepare them for a smooth transition to
Cambridge Secondary 2 and beyond.
The assessment structure tracks learner progression through the first years of secondary
education. Learners taking Cambridge Checkpoint receive a Statement of Achievement and
detailed feedback on strengths and weaknesses.
Cambridge Secondary 1 supports teachers in providing the best teaching and learning.
Schools adopting Cambridge Secondary 1 gain access to first-class support for teachers through
publications, online resource, training and progressional development.
No part of the Cambridge Secondary 1 curriculum is compulsory, giving schools the flexibility to
choose the elements that are right for their learners. This means that they can use Cambridge
Secondary 1 while following their school or national curriculum, or offer the entire programme.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
There are three stages. Each stage reflects the teaching targets for a year group. Broadly
speaking, stage seven covers the first year of secondary teaching, when learners are
approximately twelve years old. Stage nine covers the third year of secondary teaching when
learners are approximately fourteen years old. It may be appropriate to introduce this framework
at slightly different ages to suit your own particular circumstances.
The curriculum framework is divided into five main areas called 'strands' which run through
every stage:Number, Measure, Algebra, Geometry and Handling Data. Problem Solving forms a
sixth strand which involves sills that are used in every other strand.
Section 1: Introduction
The table below shows how strands can be traced through the framework by selecting an
objective from Stage 7 of the framework and one from Stage 9 that could effectively mark the
‘beginning’ and ‘end’ of a part of the framework.
Stage 7 → Stage 9
Fractions, decimals, percentages, ratio Fractions, decimals, percentages, ratio
and proportion. and proportion.
Recognise the equivalence of simple Consolidate writing a fraction in its simplest
fractions, decimals and percentages. form by cancelling common factors.
Algebra Expressions, equations and Algebra Expressions, equations and
formulae. formulae.
Use letters to represent unknown numbers Use index notation for positive integer
or variables; know the meanings of the powers; apply the index laws for
words term, expression and equation. multiplication and division to simple algebraic
Simplify linear expressions e.g. collect like expressions.
terms; multiply a constant over a bracket. Simplify or transform algebraic expressions
by taking out single-term common factors.
Processing and presenting data. Processing and presenting data.
Find the mode (or modal class for grouped Calculate statistics and select those most
data), median and range. appropriate to the problem.
Probability. Probability.
Use the language of probability to describe Know that the sum of probabilities of all
and interpret results involving likelihood and mutually exclusive outcomes is 1 and use
chance. this when solving probability problems.
The strands of the curriculum framework have been selected in order to provide balanced
coverage of the fundamental skills and knowledge of the subject at this level and they have
also been considered in the light of demands placed on learners as they move into IGCSE
level. Learners should be prepared at the end of stage nine to move on smoothly to Cambridge
Secondary 2 for example. For this reason certain areas of the curriculum framework provide
a structure for delivering skills that are highly transferable between the separate phases of
The selection of topics in the framework at each level has been chosen to ensure a coherent
progression for the learner. The curriculum framework has been designed to allow sufficient
time for each learner to develop a true understanding of skills and knowledge. Teachers
themselves are best placed to know the capabilities of their learners and can of course choose
to supplement the framework as appropriate. What is within the curriculum framework is the
content that will be assessed and analysed using the Cambridge Progression Tests on the
Cambridge Secondary 1 support site. It is also tested in the Cambridge Checkpoint tests for
which feedback reports are provided.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Problem Solving, mental strategies and the ability to communicate ideas are integral
parts of the curriculum framework. The ability to recognise patterns, draw inferences and link
ideas together is the very essence of mathematical thinking. Learners will need to be able to
communicate those ideas to others in a clear manner which may include diagrams as well as
verbal or written explanations.
The principles and tools of Problem Solving will therefore apply to all your Mathematics lessons
forming a context in which the other skills and knowledge can develop and acquire meaning.
They should be present in all the thinking and discussion that takes place in the classroom. It is
the teacher’s responsibility to plan for and nurture these skills.
The key to success here lies with the quality of the planning for delivery in the classroom and
with the teacher’s ability to constantly re-tune their teaching to the needs of the learners they
know so well.
Section 2: Planning
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Look at the diagram below. As you can see, decisions about the ‘white box’ issues are required
first; approach, terminology and formats.
A pathway to implementation
Terminology: Everyone involved needs to understand the terminology used so that, for
example, ‘long-term plan’ means the same to all. This is true whatever the
overall approach within a school.
Section 2: Planning
Formats: It is not vital to all use the same documentation for planning but it is very
helpful for communication and common understanding. They may vary from
subject to subject if considered necessary but it is particularly helpful if the
formats used for planning are the same for each stage. Templates for all
stages are provided at the back of the guide. Here it is suggested that formats
for each stage of planning are used by all teachers who deliver Mathematics.
These will be discussed in more detail later.
Evaluation: Perhaps the most important box is the ‘Evaluation’ box. It is always a good
idea to check how well something works. The diagram above shows that
this can be for any stage. If there is a problem delivering a lesson, it is often
assumed that there is something wrong with the lesson plan. This can be true
but sometimes it may be because the medium or long-term plan that is being
used, needs changing in some way. The ‘white box’ issues may also need to
be revisited. . .
It requires pre-planning in terms of required resources, whether these are shared, limited or
need buying in. The most important consideration is timing, thinking about when you will be
delivering a new unit and how often skills need to be re-visited throughout the year. You will
need to think about the order in which knowledge and skills need to be learned.
You will need to manage a balance between Number, Algebra, Geometry, Measure, and
Handling Data. Problem Solving skills need to be ongoing and sequential. New ideas need time
to be assimilated before they can be used confidently. Formal assessment points need to be
identified and clear periods of review, and reinforcement should be in place. You’ll need to plan
for opportunities for old topics to be re-visited and think about ways you might be able to move
them forward.
Medium-term planning involves planning coverage of the curriculum in units across an entire
stage. Again you will need to consider the time available and to manage a balance between the
The scheme of work provided by Cambridge for each stage has assumed three units per term
and three terms of 10 weeks per year. Term length varies around the world so we have chosen
a relatively compact approach that should enable you to add further time as necessary. This will
be easier than having to contract the plans that we have suggested, if you are using these.
The units of work can be arranged in various ways to provide a varied and interesting approach
to delivering and ensuring coverage of the Mathematics curriculum at each stage.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
At this point in the process, planning generally considers specific units and the best order
in which they can be taught, building on previous learning, and developing knowledge and
understanding throughout the year. This permits units to be taught in isolation, or in a cross-
curricular way, particular to each school’s policies. Alternatives will be provided for your
consideration as a starting point. Over time, you will be able to adapt these plans according to
resources and available teaching time, and in the light of your own particular teaching expertise
and confidence.
New Teacher’s Tip: If you are new to teaching and unsure about the length of time it takes
to deliver a particular topic then we have provided a comprehensive plan for all stages from
which you can make a start. Do not expect your plan to be perfect first time, start with an
estimate of how long you think a subject will take and adjust your long, medium and short
term plans as you go along so that next time you are delivering it you will be able to fine
tune it a bit more each time. You are the best judge of the capabilities of your learners and
how long it will take them to understand each topic given their existing knowledge.
Short-term planning is a lesson plan for a particular lesson. This is a detailed, working
document and is led by the learning objective for that lesson.
It provides:
• Essential information for all adults involved in the learning and considers the learning needs
of all learners, including those with special educational needs (SEN) and/or gifted and
• Continuity in the absence of regular teaching staff e.g. in times of absence.
• An outline of resources, timings, working groups and assessment.
The real value of a short-term plan is that it influences the next steps in the light of the learner’s
response to the learning opportunities presented.
The following sections provide a step-by-step guide to the planning process including some
advice about meeting the training needs of colleagues.
The steps of the planning process (1–8) outlined in the diagram overleaf are divided into three
logical phases that form the sub-sections of this section of the guide:
The 8 steps of the process are dealt with in each related sub-section as shown above.
Section 2: Planning
2.4 Phase 1
Creating a Long-term Plan Step 1. Teaching time
Find out:
– how many hours there are to teach the subject?
– how is the teaching time divided?
– how many units you will be able to comfortably
fit into a term.
Step 2. Approach
Think about:
– how you want to structure the teaching of the
2.5 Phase 2
Creating a Medium-term Plan Step 5. Creating Units
– Group ongoing and other learning objectives into
topics and themes creating a logical, progressive Print and cut out the individual learning
sequence of learning including Problem Solving. objectives so you can try different
– Rearrange for challenge, balance, timing, pace arrangements on a separate sheet before
and appeal. finalising if it is helpful.
– Organise the number of units to match the
estimated time available from step 1.
2.6 Phase 3
Creating a Short-term Plan Step 7. Creating Lesson Plans Look at Short-term Planning
Identify what you are going to teach and how you Instructions are printed on the template on
are going to teach it. Page 39 of the Planning section.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Step 2. Approach
Next, you will need to decide the overall approach you want to take to the teaching structure of
the subject. Here are a few helpful prompts to get you thinking along the right lines.
Different planning models may be useful in deciding the most effective way of meeting
learners’ needs. Models can be either linear (each topic delivered consecutively) or spiral (see
below) or even a combination of both. In this guide and in the published Cambridge Scheme of
Work (which is available on the Cambridge Secondary 1 support site to all registered centres)
we have chosen a model in which, a combination of all strands are covered within each term.
Problem Solving objectives are worked in to every teaching unit as these skills underpin
all other strands and help learners understand mathematical relationships and functions
more holistically. This model is sometimes referred to as ‘the spiral curriculum’. Cambridge
recommends a spiral rather than a linear approach to planning.
Section 2: Planning
Number Algebra Geometry Measure Handling Data The Spiral Planning Model
The spiral model, shown here, provides
a structure where the different strands,
g represented by the vertical arrows, are
Problem S visited and then revisited in a continuous
teaching and learning process that allows
each strand to support progress and
understanding in the other strands.
In the spiral approach, topics are repeatedly addressed as learners move through the stages
The teacher does not assume that a learner has learnt and mastered a topic just because
they have had an initial lesson on it. Instead, by returning to a topic after a period of time, the
teacher builds in a review, consolidating the previous learning and adding in new skills and/or
knowledge to enable progression.
Good teaching recognises that individual learners will require differing amounts of consolidation
just as different learners will pick up new skills at different speeds and that most learners will,
at times, be placed somewhere in between these two positions.
An overview of all three stages might look something like the table below.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
You will need to decide your approach collectively at the outset of the planning process.
You will find that some learning objectives relate to skills that apply to many strands as well as
across the three terms. We have called these ‘Ongoing’ objectives in this guide. You will need
to identify these in the curriculum framework and put an ‘O’ beside them in your list. See the
completed example of Long-term Planning_2 included on page 16.
Next you will need to consider the Problem Solving objectives. As explained earlier, these are
designed to be addressed alongside the other strands and this means that they can easily be
fitted into the content of your final teaching units.
Section 2: Planning
that link multiple aspects of the curriculum together. It improves learners’ willingness to try and
solve problems and their perseverance in doing so because over time they will see the success
of this method and be able to believe that the systematic nature of it gets results. One crucial
aspect of applying Problem Solving techniques is that learners come to understand that there
is more than one way to solve a problem. This leads them on to the understanding that there is
a selection of strategies they could employ to solve a particular problem and that they have the
power to select the most effective.
Once you have allocated your learning objectives to a relevant term or terms you might want to
produce a document that separates these lists out into their individual terms. This way you can
see when learning objectives are first introduced to learners. You can either include the relevant
ongoing objectives within this list or make a separate list for them against each stage. You can
use the template Long-term Planning_3 for this. Alternatively you can also keep the list all
together and simply colour-code the times of first delivery, all those first delivered in Term 1 for
example, then Term 2, then Term 3. A completed example of the template used in this way is
included on page 22.
The templates:
Long-term_1 (For allocating strands by term and stage to the teaching time
Whilst you may wish to work with a colleague on producing the long-term plan. It may be best
not to involve too many people in the planning at this stage. You cannot change many of the
restrictions you are going to be working with and many staff will just be grateful that you have
had this much prepared for them
You are now ready to move on to creating your medium-term plans where you will need to
organise your learning objectives for each term into groups based around topics and themes.
We call these groups ‘Units’.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Section 2: Planning
Framework Learning Objective Ongoing (O)
Code term ref (T1,
T2, T3 etc.)
7Nf8 Use ratio notation, simplify ratios and divide a quantity into two T3
parts in a given ratio.
7Nf9 Recognise the relationship between ratio and proportion. T3
7Nf10 Use direct proportion in context; solve simple problems T3
involving ratio and direct proportion.
Calculations mental
7Nc1 Consolidate the rapid recall of number facts, including positive T1
integer compliments to 100, multiplication facts to 10 × 10 and
associated division facts.
7Nc2 Use known facts and place value to multiply and divide two-digit T1
numbers by a single digit number, e.g. 45 × 6, 96 ÷ 6.
7Nc3 Know and apply tests of divisibility by 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 100 T1
7Nc4 Use known facts, place value to multiply simple decimals by T1
one-digit numbers. e.g. 0.8 × 6.
7Nc5 Calculate simple fractions and percentages of quantities, e.g. T2
one quarter of 64, 20% of 50Kg.
7Nc6 Use the laws of arithmetic and inverse operations to simplify T2
calculations with whole numbers and decimals.
7Nc7 Use the order of operations, including brackets, to work out T3
simple calculations.
7Nc8 Add and subtract integers and decimals, including numbers with T3
different numbers of decimal places.
7Nc9 Multiply and divide decimals with one and/or two places by T3
single digit numbers, e.g. 13.7 × 8, 4.35 ÷ 5.
7Nc10 Know that in any division where the dividend is not a multiple T3
of the divisor; there will be a remainder, e.g. 157 ÷ 25 = 6
remainder 7. The remainder can be expressed as a fraction of
the divisor e.g. 157 ÷ 25 = 6257
7Nc11 Know when to round up or down after division when context T2
requires a whole number answer.
Algebra Expressions, equations and formulae
7Ae1 Use letters to represent unknown numbers or variables; know T1
the meanings of the words term, expression and equation.
7Ae2 Know that algebraic operations follow the same order as T1
arithmetic operations.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Framework Learning Objective Ongoing (O)
Code term ref (T1,
T2, T3 etc.)
7Ae3 Construct simple algebraic expressions by using letters to T1
represent numbers.
7Ae4 Simplify linear expressions e.g. collect like terms; multiply a T1
constant over a bracket.
7Ae5 Derive and use simple formulae e.g. to change hours to T2
7Ae6 Substitute positive integers into simple linear expressions/ T2
7Ae7 Construct and solve simple linear equations with integer T3
coefficients (unknown on one side only) e.g. 2x = 8, 3x + 5 = 14,
9 – 2x = 7
Sequences, functions and graphs
7As1 Generate terms of an integer sequence and find a term given its T1
position in the sequence; find simple term-to-term rules.
7As2 Generate sequences from spatial patterns and describe the T1
general term in simple cases.
7As3 Represent simple functions using words, symbols and T2
7As4 Generate coordinate pairs that satisfy a linear equation, where T2
y is given explicitly in terms of x, plot the corresponding graphs;
recognise straight-line graphs parallel to the x- or y-axis
Geometry Shapes and geometric reasoning
7Gs1 Identify, describe, visualise and draw 2D shapes in different T1
7Gs2 Use the notation and labelling conventions for points, lines, T1
angles and shapes.
7Gs3 Name and identify side, angle and symmetry properties of T1
special quadrilaterals and triangles, and regular polygons with 5,
6 and 8 sides.
7Gs4 Estimate the size of acute, obtuse and reflex angles to the T1
nearest 10 degrees.
7Gs5 Start to recognise the angular connections between parallel T2
lines, perpendicular lines and transversals.
7Gs6 Calculate the sum of angles at a point, on a straight line and in T2
a triangle, and prove that vertically opposite angles are equal;
derive and use the property that the angle sum of a quadrilateral
is 360°.
7Gs7 Solve simple geometrical problems by using side and angle T3
properties to identify equal lengths or calculate unknown
angles, and explain reasoning.
7Gs8 Recognise and describe common solids and some of their T3
properties, e.g. the number of faces, edges and vertices.
Section 2: Planning
Framework Learning Objective Ongoing (O)
Code term ref (T1,
T2, T3 etc.)
7Gs9 Recognise line and rotation symmetry in two-dimensional T2
shapes and patterns; draw lines of symmetry and complete
patterns with two lines of symmetry; identify the order of
rotational symmetry.
7Gs10 Use a ruler, set square and protractor to: T3
Measure and draw straight lines to the nearest millimetre.
Measure and draw acute, obtuse and reflex angles to the
nearest degree.
Draw parallel and perpendicular lines.
Construct a triangle given two sides and the included angle
Construct squares and rectangles.
Construct regular polygons, given a side and internal angle.
Position and movement
7Gp1 Read and plot coordinates of points determined by geometrical T3
information in all four quadrants.
7Gp2 Transform two-dimensional shapes by; T3
Reflection in a given line, rotation about a given point,
translation. Know that shapes remain congruent after these
Measure Length, mass and capacity
7Ml1 Choose suitable units of measurement to estimate, measure, T1
calculate and solve problems in everyday contexts
7Ml2 Know and use abbreviations for and relationships between T2
metric units; Kilo-centi-milli-; converting between;
Kilometres Km, metres m, centimetres cm, millimetres mm;
Tonnes t, kilograms km, and grams g
Litres l, and millilitres ml.
7Ml3 Read the scales on a range of analogue and digital measuring T2
Time and rates of change
7Mt1 Draw and interpret graphs in real life context involving more T3
than one stage e.g. travel graphs.
7Mt2 Know the relationships between units of time; understand T2
and use the 12-hour and 24-hour clock systems; interpreting
timetables; calculate time intervals.
Area, perimeter and volume
7Ma1 Know the abbreviations for and relationships between square T2
metres (m2) centimetres (cm2) and millimetres (mm2).
7Ma2 Derive and use formulae for the area and perimeter of a T2
rectangle; calculate the perimeter and area of compound shapes
made from rectangles.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Framework Learning Objective Ongoing (O)
Code term ref (T1,
T2, T3 etc.)
7Ma3 Derive and use formula for the volume of a cuboid; calculate T3
volumes of cuboids.
7Ma4 Calculate the area of cubes and cuboids from their nets. T3
Handling Planning and collecting data
7Dc1 Decide which date would be relevant to an inquiry and collect T1
and organise the data.
7Dc2 Design and use a data collection sheet or questionnaire for a T1
simple survey.
7Dc3 Construct and use frequency tables to gather discrete data, T3
grouped where appropriate in equal class intervals.
Processing and presenting data
7Dp1 Find the mode (or modal class for grouped data), median and T2
7Dp2 Calculate the mean including from a simple frequency table. T2
7Dp3 Draw and interpret bar line graphs and bar charts, frequency T2
diagrams for grouped discrete data, simple pie charts,
Interpreting and discussing results
7Di1 Draw conclusions based on the shape of graphs and simple T3
7Di2 Compare two simple distributions using the range and the T3
mode, median or mean.
7Db1 Use the language of probability to describe and interpret results T1
involving likelihood and chance.
7Db2 Understand and use the probability scale from 0 to 1. T1
7Db3 Find probabilities based on equally likely outcomes in simple T1
7Db4 Identify all the possible mutually exclusive outcomes of a single T2
7Db5 Use experimental data to estimate probabilities. T2
7Db6 Compare experimental and theoretical probabilities in simple T2
Section 2: Planning
Framework Learning Objective Ongoing (O)
Code term ref (T1,
T2, T3 etc.)
Problem Using techniques and skills in solving mathematical
Solving problems
7Pt1 Use the laws of arithmetic and inverse operations to simplify T1
calculations with whole numbers and decimals.
7Pt2 Manipulate numbers, algebraic expressions and equations, and T1
apply routine algorithms.
7Pt3 Understand everyday systems of measurement and use them T1, T2, T3,
to estimate, measure and calculate.
7Pt4 Recognise and use spatial relationships in 2 and 3 dimensions. T1, T2, T3
7Pt5 Draw accurate mathematical diagrams, graphs and T2, T3,
7Pt6 Check results of calculations by using inverse operations. T1,
7Pt7 Estimate, approximate and check their working. T1, T2, T3
7Pt8 Solve word problems involving whole numbers, percentages, T1, T2
decimals, money or measures, by choosing operations and
mental or written methods appropriate to the numbers and the
context, including problems with more than one step.
Using understanding and strategies in solving problems
7Ps1 Identify and represent information or unknown numbers in O
problems, making use of numbers, symbols, words, diagrams,
tables and graphs.
7Ps2 Recognise mathematical properties, patterns and relationships, O
generalising in simpler cases.
7Ps3 Work logically and draw simple conclusions. O
7Ps4 Relate results and findings to the original context and check that O
they are reasonable.
7Ps5 Record and explain methods results and conclusions. O
7Ps6 Discuss and communicate findings effectively, orally and in O
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Section 2: Planning
Framework Learning Objective
7Nc1 Consolidate the rapid recall of number facts, including positive integer
compliments to 100, multiplication facts to 10 × 10 and associated division
7Nc2 Use known facts and place value to multiply and divide two-digit numbers by
a single digit number, e.g. 45 × 6, 96 ÷ 6.
7Nc3 Know and apply tests of divisibility by 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 100.
7Nc4 Use known facts, place value to multiply simple decimals by one-digit
numbers. e.g. 0.8 × 6.
7Nc5 Calculate simple fractions and percentages of quantities, e.g. one quarter of
64, 20% of 50Kg.
7Nc6 Use the laws of arithmetic and inverse operations to simplify calculations
with whole numbers and decimals.
7Nc7 Use the order of operations, including brackets, to work out simple
7Nc8 Add and subtract integers and decimals, including numbers with different
numbers of decimal places.
7Nc9 Multiply and divide decimals with one and/or two places by single digit
numbers, e.g. 13.7 × 8, 4.35 ÷ 5.
7Nc10 Know that in any division where the dividend is not a multiple of the divisor;
there will be a remainder, e.g. 157 ÷ 25 = 6 remainder 7. The remainder can
be expressed as a fraction of the divisor e.g. 157 ÷ 25 = 6257
7Nc11 Know when to round up or down after division when context requires a
whole number answer.
Algebra Expressions, equations and formulae
7Ae1 Use letters to represent unknown numbers or variables; know the meanings
of the words term, expression and equation.
7Ae2 Know that algebraic operations follow the same order as arithmetic
7Ae3 Construct simple algebraic expressions by using letters to represent
7Ae4 Simplify linear expressions e.g. collect like terms; multiply a constant over a
7Ae5 Derive and use simple formulae e.g. to change hours to minutes.
7Ae6 Substitute positive integers into simple linear expressions/formulae.
7Ae7 Construct and solve simple linear equations with integer coefficients
(unknown on one side only) e.g. 2x = 8, 3x + 5 = 14, 9 – 2x = 7
Sequences, functions and graphs
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Framework Learning Objective
7As1 Generate terms of an integer sequence and find a term given its position in
the sequence; find simple term-to-term rules.
7As2 Generate sequences from spatial patterns and describe the general term in
simple cases.
7As3 Represent simple functions using words, symbols and mappings.
7As4 Generate coordinate pairs that satisfy a linear equation, where y is given
explicitly in terms of x, plot the corresponding graphs; recognise straight-line
graphs parallel to the x- or y-axis.
Geometry Shapes and geometric reasoning
7Gs1 Identify, describe, visualise and draw 2D shapes in different orientations.
7Gs2 Use the notation and labelling conventions for points, lines, angles and
7Gs3 Name and identify side, angle and symmetry properties of special
quadrilaterals and triangles, and regular polygons with 5, 6 and 8 sides.
7Gs4 Estimate the size of acute, obtuse and reflex angles to the nearest 10
7Gs5 Start to recognise the angular connections between parallel lines,
perpendicular lines and transversals.
7Gs6 Calculate the sum of angles at a point, on a straight line and in a triangle, and
prove that vertically opposite angles are equal; derive and use the property
that the angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.
7Gs7 Solve simple geometrical problems by using side and angle properties to
identify equal lengths or calculate unknown angles, and explain reasoning.
7Gs8 Recognise and describe common solids and some of their properties, e.g.
the number of faces, edges and vertices.
7Gs9 Recognise line and rotation symmetry in two-dimensional shapes and
patterns; draw lines of symmetry and complete patterns with two lines of
symmetry; identify the order of rotational symmetry.
7Gs10 Use a ruler, setsquare and protractor to:
Measure and draw straight lines to the nearest millimetre.
Measure and draw acute, obtuse and reflex angles to the nearest degree.
Draw parallel and perpendicular lines.
Construct a triangle given two sides and the included angle (SAS).
Construct squares and rectangles.
Construct regular polygons, given a side and internal angle.
Position and movement
Section 2: Planning
Framework Learning Objective
7Gp1 Read and plot coordinates of points determined by geometrical information in
all four quadrants.
7Gp2 Transform two-dimensional shapes by;
Reflection in a given line, rotation about a given point, translation. Know that
shapes remain congruent after these transformations.
Measure Length, mass and capacity
7Ml1 Choose suitable units of measurement to estimate, measure, calculate and
solve problems in everyday contexts.
7Ml2 Know and use abbreviations for and relationships between metric units;
Kilo-centi-milli-; converting between;
Kilometres Km, metres m, centimetres cm, millimetres mm;
Tonnes t, kilograms km, and grams g;
Litres l, and millilitres ml.
7Ml3 Read the scales on a range of analogue and digital measuring instruments.
Time and rates of change
7Mt1 Draw and interpret graphs in real life context involving more than one stage
e.g. travel graphs.
7Mt2 Know the relationships between units of time; understand and use the
12-hour and 24-hour clock systems; interpreting timetables; calculate time
Area, perimeter and volume
7Ma1 Know the abbreviations for and relationships between square metres (m2)
centimetres (cm2) and millimetres (mm2).
7Ma2 Derive and use formulae for the area and perimeter of a rectangle; calculate
the perimeter and area of compound shapes made from rectangles.
7Ma3 Derive and use formula for the volume of a cuboid; calculate volumes of
7Ma4 Calculate the area of cubes and cuboids from their nets.
Handling Planning and collecting data
7Dc1 Decide which date would be relevant to an inquiry and collect and organise
the data.
7Dc2 Design and use a data collection sheet or questionnaire for a simple survey.
7Dc3 Construct and use frequency tables to gather discrete data, grouped where
appropriate in equal class intervals.
Processing and presenting data
7Dp1 Find the mode (or modal class for grouped data), median and range.
7Dp2 Calculate the mean including from a simple frequency table.
7Dp3 Draw and interpret bar line graphs and bar charts, frequency diagrams for
grouped discrete data, simple pie charts, pictograms.
Interpreting and discussing results
7Di1 Draw conclusions based on the shape of graphs and simple statistics.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Framework Learning Objective
7Di2 Compare two simple distributions using the range and the mode, median or
7Db1 Use the language of probability to describe and interpret results involving
likelihood and chance.
7Db2 Understand and use the probability scale from 0 to 1.
7Db3 Find probabilities based on equally likely outcomes in simple contexts.
7Db4 Identify all the possible mutually exclusive outcomes of a single event.
7Db5 Use experimental data to estimate probabilities.
7Db6 Compare experimental and theoretical probabilities in simple contexts.
Problem Using techniques and skills in solving mathematical problems
7Pt1 Use the laws of arithmetic and inverse operations to simplify calculations
with whole numbers and decimals.
7Pt2 Manipulate numbers, algebraic expressions and equations, and apply routine
7Pt3 Understand everyday systems of measurement and use them to estimate,
measure and calculate.
7Pt4 Recognise and use spatial relationships in 2 and 3 dimensions.
7Pt5 Draw accurate mathematical diagrams, graphs and constructions.
7Pt6 Check results of calculations by using inverse operations.
7Pt7 Estimate, approximate and check their working.
7Pt8 Solve word problems involving whole numbers, percentages, decimals,
money or measures, by choosing operations and mental or written methods
appropriate to the numbers and the context, including problems with more
than one step.
Using understanding and strategies in solving problems
7Ps1 Identify and represent information or unknown numbers in problems, making
use of numbers, symbols, words, diagrams, tables and graphs.
7Ps2 Recognise mathematical properties, patterns and relationships, generalising
in simpler cases.
7Ps3 Work logically and draw simple conclusions.
7Ps4 Relate results and findings to the original context and check that they are
7Ps5 Record and explain methods results and conclusions.
7Ps6 Discuss and communicate findings effectively, orally and in writing.
Section 2: Planning
Extracts from the full scheme of work are provided in Appendix B at the back of this guide.
• A logical and progressive teaching sequence that takes into account prior learning and the
ascending level of demand belonging to each skill
• Good timing so that the pace of learning is challenging and realistic for all learners
• Identified activities and resources to deliver the objectives and resources
• Identified opportunities for ICT
• Created a variety of enjoyable and appealing learning opportunities for your learners
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
A set of questions can help to organise ideas. The table below shows some possibilities. The
information (possible answers) given in the right-hand column shows what decisions have
been made for the suggested medium-term plan provided by Cambridge and available to all
registered centres on the Cambridge Secondary 1 support site.
What skills (including practical Check objectives to determine and list the skills for
skills) do I need to teach? the unit. (Include ongoing element of the stage/unit.)
Is there a natural order of The above information can be ordered so that skills
teaching for these objectives? and knowledge build up logically.
The time frame for the unit has already been decided.
How long will my class need for Consider the time required for teaching an objective/
learning to happen? group of objectives. The length of lessons will help
What resources in school are It is important that good quality resources are kept
and used. They may need adapting. New resources
available? What purchases are
may be identified and purchasing plans made.
required? Remember Information Communication Technology (ICT).
To help you determine the order of learning by considering the level of difficulty of each required
skill, the broad principles of both Bloom’s and Gagne’s learning models may be helpful.
Look at the ascending hierarchy of skills indicated in the triangle and exemplified in the two
tables. Think about the levels of skill required by the learner across and within your units. Are
you asking learners to perform tasks that require a higher level of skill towards the end of the
term, having built up their knowledge systematically in previous lessons? Are the skills and
knowledge required by any given unit built up gradually to form a logical progression? A clear
hierarchy of skills in planning and delivery demonstrates to your learners how the learning
process works.
The following section is a brief outline of both Gagne and Bloom’s ideas that provide a structure
for the process of learning that is very helpful in considering the order in which we might teach.
Gagne’s theory outlines nine instructional events and corresponding cognitive processes. These
events should satisfy or provide the necessary conditions for learning. The following example
illustrates a teaching sequence for ‘recognising an equilateral triangle’ corresponding to the nine
instructional events for the objective.
Section 2: Planning
The cognitive domain (Bloom, 1956) involves knowledge and the development of intellectual
skills. This includes the recall or recognition of specific facts, procedural patterns, and concepts
that serve in the development of intellectual abilities and skills. There are six major categories,
which are listed in order below, starting from the simplest behaviour to the most complex. The
categories can be thought of as degrees of difficulty. That is, the first one must be mastered
before the next one can take place, or as stages in the development of learning from play
through experimental use to using in context and comprehension and assimilation as a tool that
can be used with confidence to solve future problems.
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Bloom’s Taxonomy (Revised)
Knowledge – Remember
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Once you have arranged and ordered your objectives around the themes you can give
meaningful titles to each group or ‘Unit’. You should then be able to arrange these units to fit
into the timings you decided on earlier. In this guide we have opted for three units per term and
three terms per stage or year. A different time structure or the limitation of having to use shared
resources might have an effect on the order in which you deliver the curriculum.
Consider if there is an equal distribution of time in each term or if one term is, for example,
much shorter than the others for some reason (say a religious holiday). Can the units be juggled
around to make a better fit? Every school, every department even is different and no scheme of
work is going to be ideal for every situation. Now you should be able to see which units are to
be delivered in which terms.
You will need to think about the structure of the framework. You will notice for example,
that there are more learning objectives in the earlier units partly to allow learners to become
confident earlier on with some of the more crucial learning objectives, and partly to allow time
for review and consolidation. In order to allow some flexibility and to encourage teachers to
think about the potential of the spiral grouping of learning objectives, we have put more learning
objectives into units A and B of each term and also more into terms 1 and 2 so that as learning
progresses there is space built in to review earlier topics.
Now you are ready to decide what activities and resources can be matched to the learning
objectives you have grouped together.
Your answers to the questions on page 28 will enable you to build up a series of activities
that you could consider using when you are required to teach a particular learning objective.
However, you should consider that the same activity presented by two different teachers can
look very different and have very different outcomes depending upon the personality of the
teachers and of the learners. Even the time of day and sequence of prior lessons can make
a big difference to the eventual outcome. You may want to include in your medium-term plan
ideas for how different topics could be assessed or how topics could be differentiated if you
are trying to encourage other teachers to increase or improve the level of assessment or
differentiation used.
Section 2: Planning
Medium-term Planning_1 – has additional columns for comments and time allocations
Cambridge has supplied comprehensive medium-term plans (the Scheme of Work) for each of
the nine units at each stage which are available on the Cambridge Secondary 1 support site
( These contain the coded learning objectives for
each unit together with suggestions for activities that might develop the objective, and/or notes
on any important aspects that might need consideration. You may have your own ideas as to
how these objectives can be delivered and you are encouraged to adapt or amend these plans
to suit your own needs.
A completed example of Medium-term Planning_2
This example is from Stage 7: Unit 1A, Number and Calculation
Section 2: Planning
Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time
7Nf1 Recognise the Use paper, card and counters. Equivalence dominoes/
equivalence of simple Cut circles (‘pies’ or ‘pizzas’) into cards
fractions, decimals and different numbers of slices to make Equivalence chains
percentages. comparisons between fractions. 4 = 0.25 = 25%
7Nf2 Simplify fractions by Ensure that the students Find work using fraction
cancelling common understand that the denominator pairs at
factors and identify of the fraction is the ‘name’ of the http://www.mymaths.
equivalent fractions; fraction and represents the number
change an improper of equal parts the whole is divided
fraction to a mixed into, and that the numerator shows http://math.rice.
number, and vice versa. how many of these parts are being edu/~lanius/Patterns/
Convert terminating used. index.html
decimals to fractions Discover equivalent fractions by
e.g. 0.23 = 100 . further dividing each slice of the pie.
Find fractions of counters and paper
strips by dividing into equal parts
and then selecting the required
number of parts.
7Nf3 Compare two fractions
by using diagrams, or
by using a calculator to
convert the fractions to
decimals, e.g. 35 and 20
Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time
7Ni1 Recognise negative Wall size number line. Give each Negative number cards
numbers as positions pupil a +/– number then get them
on a number line, and to line up in order of size.
order, add and subtract Select 4 negative number cards
positive and negative for individuals to order explaining
numbers in context. strategy to a partner.
• There may be more than one framework code in each block, e.g. if scheme considers weekly blocks within the whole unit. Objectives
will be listed to match the first column
• The activities are given in outline only
• Main resource needs are required to enable strategic planning, e.g. spending
• This plan will require a statement in the opening rationale regarding prior knowledge
• Comments will highlight specific details
– where something requires advanced preparation
– where different assessment strategies may be in place, e.g. opportunities for active assessment (details will be in short term (lesson)
Section 2: Planning
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
A blank template that can be used for creating either a single or a weekly lesson plan is
provided in Appendix E. Producing lesson plans for single lessons is particularly useful when
first introducing the framework. However, when teachers have become confident in their
teaching, have a sound knowledge of the subject matter and know the best way to deliver it in
the classroom, daily plans can become weekly.
When working with a group of teachers delivering the framework to a large number of learners,
it can be very helpful to have an agreed format for your short-term planning. Then everybody
knows what should be included and all teachers are given the chance to understand why
certain parts are considered important. The training activity below suggests a way you can
manage this with your colleagues.
On page 40 you will find a completed example of a short term plan as an illustration of using
this method.
All the teachers should understand what has been included and why it is important. It can
be good practice and a very valuable lesson to have two teachers who are prepared to swap
lesson plans and teach each other’s lessons. Then afterwards they can meet and feedback on
how it actually worked out.
They must understand that a different experience is quite likely when the same plan is used by
different staff with different learners if that were not true one plan would be all we ever needed.
The template is like a recipe. The quality of the ingredients will directly affect the quality of the
over all outcome. In this case, good planning makes for successful teaching and an enjoyable
learning experience.
Later Sections (Section 3: Teaching Approaches and Section 4: Assessment) describe other
things that strengthen teaching. but it is primarily the teacher delivering the lesson who drives
progress, motivates the learners and gets to feel good about it all afterwards.
Section 2: Planning
When constructing your lesson plans you should ensure that their function is clear and that they
• What is to be taught
• When it is to be taught, and
• How it is to be taught
You should consider whether:
When planning a series of lessons, knowing what learners have already been taught and what
they already know, understand and are able to do is crucial. Former plans and assessments can
be used to plan for new learning.
There is a need to try and keep ‘on track’ or keep up with planned work but teachers should
not stick so firmly to their plans that they cannot follow an idea that is unplanned. Quite often,
excellent lessons result when something happens to stop the planned lesson – a local or
national event, an individual brings something into school – and the learners are interested. The
best learning takes place when learners are motivated and enthusiastic.
Whilst it is true that ‘unplanned’ activities should not lead the teaching, it may be possible
for teachers to revisit both short and medium-term plans to see if any objectives can be
met. In this way, a certain amount of flexibility can be allowed. At the same time it should be
remembered that the time allowed for a term’s units is 10 weeks – therefore an unplanned
activity could happen in addition to the intended planning.
Teachers also need to be aware that progression can only take place on solid foundations and
that time needs to be spent ensuring that understanding is developing alongside the learning.
• Teachers need to keep in touch with the learners’ needs, ensure learning is of good quality
and that knowledge and skills are retained
• ‘Over-planning’ of a whole week’s work can lead to inflexibility
• Sometimes lessons need to speed up, on other occasions it may be necessary to revisit an
aspect of learning
• Teachers must be prepared to amend plans from lesson to lesson
• If learners’ work is poor or they have struggled during the lesson, it might be sensible to
revisit the work and not rush on to the next objective
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
• Plans should not just ‘sit’ in a neat folder. A good set of plans may have notes written all
over them to show what went well and what might need adjustment for next time.
• What is the order in which you will teach the objectives? Some need to be taught in order,
as the next part of learning depends on the first. Others can be done in any order. It is up0
to you as the teacher to make the curriculum work for you and your learners. Do not be
afraid to adapt your plan to suit your learners’ needs. Plan each day individually.
• Different teachers have different ways and ideas so plans should be shared and discussed
• Good quality questioning doesn’t just happen it needs to be considered and prepared
• Time need to be built in for some ongoing assessment before a class is 'moved on'
• Even the best laid plans can go astray so be prepared to be flexible
An example of a short-term plan can be found on page 40.
Further sample lesson plans can be found in Appendix C at the back of this guide.
Short-term Plan Instructions
Week beginning: gives a date reference; daily plans should add the day UNIT: The title of the unit of work CLASS: The class to be
Evidence of
These are These are Materials A code shows what
selected for questions or Description of the W = whole that will kind of evidence the
each lesson, statements that activity class; be needed teacher will use to
there is often will be used G = group; for the decide if the success
more than one to measure I = individual activity criteria have been
achievement or independent met and the objective
(success) – See work has been achieved.
Section 4 on
Assessment (See Section 4:
Q&A: question/
D: discussion
O: observation
Section 2: Planning
A completed example of a Short-term Plan for Stage 8: Unit 2A, Algebra and
Week beginning: UNIT:Unit Algebra & Geometry2A lesson 1 of unit CLASS:Year 8 set 1/5
Learning Objectives Success Activities Resources
Criteria (see notes below re: differentiation details,
W: whole class; G: group; I: individual;
Description W/G/I
Evidence of
10–15 8Ni2 Identify and use I can list all the Make clear definitions: Factors, W Venn diagram for
min multiples, factors, factors of 20. Multiples, Prime Numbers – factors Q&A: question /
common factors, highest maybe prior knowledge. of 24 and 56 answer
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
common factors, lowest I can list all the prime List on board sets of multiples for D: discuss’n
common multiples and factors of 20. different numbers draw from the O: observ’n
primes; write a number in lists Lowest Common Multiples. M: marked work
terms of its prime factors, I can list all the Similarly create lists of factors of
e.g. 500 = 22 × 53. multiples of 5 up to different numbers draw from them
50. Highest Common Factors.
Demonstrate a factor tree for Shows common
I can find the HCF & each of two numbers and how it factors better.
25min LCM of 24 and 56. can help find HCF & LCM using
prime factorisation. i.e. Probably Factor tree for
I can write 300 as many examples will be needed W 10 shows Prime
a product of its – encourage students to come out Factors only
prime factors i.e. to the board and try some. 10
300 = 22 × 3 × 52 Students try some HCF & LCM 2 5
questions on their own. G
All students can
identify Factors and Prepared text
multiples. Plenary: what simple HCF and questions or
Most students can LCMs can the class recall – quick textbook exercise
find HCF and LCMs. questions.
15min I
Some students can
write a number as a
product of its prime
5min factors.
Organisation: Details of differentiation/groups/adult role Notes/extension opportunities/homework
(linked to activities)
Prepare Venn diagrams and Factor trees for weaker students to complete More able students can be given 3 digit numbers or a set of three 2
as scaffolding, more able students need to produce their own. Writing a digit numbers to find HCF and LCM of.
number as a product of its prime factors should arise from the Factor Tree Homework could be used to reinforce the ideas of factors and multiples
exercise. and /or HCF and LCM depend upon the teachers assessment of
This class does not have a teaching assistant.
Section 2: Planning
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Many teachers tend to use a style of teaching which they feel 'comfortable
with' but we need to be 'comfortable with' styles that help our learners to
learn and succeed and students learn in many different ways. We will look
more closely at these in later sections. Some activities tend to fit one style
rather than another, some can be adapted to fit a number of learning styles by
changing or adding to what can be done. Ideally any activity should produce
more questions than answers and will provide a starting point for further
student-led inquires.
First of all, the word ‘objective’ itself may need to be made easier to
understand. 'Learning intention' is an easier phrase.
Section 3: Teaching Approaches
The Framework makes the objectives clear to the teacher at each stage.
Or presented in a say that most or all of the class will be able to understand as in
The table below gives examples of verbs that could be used when re-wording objectives. They
are examples only, with some alternatives listed too.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Words used: 'squares' and 'square roots'. Learners need to learn the words and also link
the squares and square roots together so 32 = 9 and √9 = 3. Many learners will already know
squares up to 12 × 12 from earlier work. However some will not know that some mathematical
words have a special meaning in this subject.
Finding the right words will improve with practise and need not be written in the lesson plan. A
sheet of notes may be useful though. This task is easier if the learning intentions are clear in the
medium-term plan. The words used will also relate closely to the ‘success criteria’ (see below).
Success criteria
Sharing success criteria with pupils helps them to see if they have been successful in meeting
the learning intention(s) for that lesson. It can provide them with an example of what they
should be able to do at a given point.
They will tend to be more specific than the affirmation statements mentioned above for
example the statement 'I can draw a picture of a fraction' could become the success criteria
'I can draw a picture of 23', with the evidence provided by a correct diagram.
'I can write fractions with different denominators' becomes 'I can complete the following':
2 = ? = 6
3 6 ?
'I can add two fractions' could become 'I can work out 2 + 4 ='
3 5
Success criteria can be shared at the start of the lesson or can be used as a short assessment
at the end of a lesson or period of work. They can even be used as a starter for a following
lesson, reviewing previous work.
For example
9Np2 Round numbers to a given number of decimal places or significant figures; use
☺ to give solutions to problems with an appropriate degree of accuracy.
Evidence :
Section 3: Teaching Approaches
Where the pupils can record/colour one of the icon faces to indicate their confidence and
answer the evidence questions to show what they can do.
Self evaluation:
To help learners become more aware of their own learning teachers can also use self-evaluation
techniques such as getting learners to answer a series of questions such as those below.
• What really made you think while you were learning to ...........................................?
• What helped you (e.g. a friend, the teacher, equipment, a book, your own thinking) when
something got tricky about learning to ...........................................?
• What do you need more help with about learning to ...........................................?
• What are you most pleased with about learning to ...........................................?
• What have you learnt that is new about ...........................................? (quote learning
Planning the wording for learners will need to be done by individual teachers as they know their
learners best and can use the most suitable wording for that particular class.
Bingo card
The teacher calls out numbers such
√400 √121 2 15 as 11. The students cross off or place
a counter on √121 or call √81 and the
√361 3 12 49 students cross off or place a counter
on 9. You could produce graded cards
√16 √25 17 9 with squares up to 10 × 10 for one
group and squares up to 20 × 20 for
√36 √4 7 16 another.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
The focus is not just on what is taught but on how effective learning should be promoted. The
way that learners learn therefore becomes the main focus of the teacher. We have already
acknowledged that learners learn in different ways and have different learning styles, therefore
personal and individual responses are encouraged in order to maximise the effectiveness of
learning and transmit meaning along with facts and skills. It is a knock-on effect of this kind of
approach that it helps to foster creativity in learners and build confidence.
• I listen – I forget
• I see – I believe
• I do – I understand
Learning is an active, dynamic process in which connections (between different facts, ideas
and processes) are constantly changing. Such connections are encouraged through dialogue
between teachers and learners and between learners and their peers.
Learners are encouraged to formulate and re-formulate their understanding of the subject as
they discover new skills and knowledge through these discussions. In this way they are able to
construct their own meaning through talking, listening, writing, solving problems and reflecting
on ideas and concerns.
The curriculum is organised not just around the ‘facts’ the learner is supposed to acquire
but more fundamentally around the processes through which learning is to be developed. At
the Cambridge Secondary 1 level in particular it is important for teachers to understand that
the aim of formative assessment is not to ‘quantify’ a learner’s performance in terms of the
number of facts they are supposed to acquire but to get learners to understand the processes
through which they arrive at certain conclusions in solving a given task/problem. Constructive
and continuous feedback is important here. Developing learners’ awareness and involvement
in the planning and processes of their own learning as discussed above (for example, through
the use of shared learning intentions and learner-generated success criteria and through the
development of self and peer-assessment skills) gives them power over their own progress and
lends weight to the meaning of that process.
Section 3: Teaching Approaches
The role of the teacher in planning, providing and adapting learning experiences to cover a range
of learning abilities (differentiation) is central to promoting skills and knowledge development.
Some of the literature on ‘student-centred’ or ‘Active learning’ includes the following helpful
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
For example, after a 10–15 minute demonstration of the methods of solving equations you
could give your class the following exercises to solve.
Ex A Ex B Ex C
1. x + 7 + 13 1. 3x + 2 = 8 1. 2(x + 3) = 10
2. x – 3 = 12 2. 3x – 5 = 10 2. 3(x + 2) = 12
3. 2x = 16 3. 2x + 12 =24 3. 12 – 3(x + 1) = 0
4. 5x = 50 4. 5x – 20 = 70 4. 2(x + 3) + 7 = 17
5. 5x + 5 = 50 5. 20 – 3x = 14 5. 2(x – 1) + 3(x – 2) = 32
The class are told that they must attempt 10 questions but they can choose five of the ten
questions available. They can do the easier questions in Exercise A or the harder ones in
Exercise C or a mixture. Exercise B is carried out by everyone as it covers the middle ground in
terms of difficulty. This is also an example of what we call a ‘differentiated’ task.
3.3 Differentiation
Differentiation is when a teacher reflects on learners’ needs and matches the teaching
methods, learning tasks, resources or environment to individual learners or groups of learners.
There is a variety of reasons for the range in learners’ needs but the key principle is that
through differentiation all learners have a chance to progress.
The main reasons for the need for differentiation in the secondary classroom are:
• level of ability: this is both for supporting the less able as well as challenging the most
able – and
• personal styles of learning or pace of work
How to differentiate
There are many ways in which teachers can create or adapt teaching methods or materials to
give every child the opportunity for challenge and success.
By using ability groups. The most common way of differentiation is where learners are placed
in high, average or low ability groups for some subjects. This can be the most effective way to
help the teacher match the work to the different levels but it sometimes causes the less able
learners to develop a poor self-image, especially if groupings are rarely reviewed.
Section 3: Teaching Approaches
By varying the task. This is when learners cover the same work or meet the same objectives
but in different ways. For example, when learners are working on ‘addition of fractions’, some
might use fraction diagrams whilst others might be able to work directly from a book activity or
worksheet. The most able might make up their own sums for others.
By varying the outcome. This is when learners are expected to reach different standards by
learning through adapted learning styles or resources. For example, if the class task is to write
a short story about a journey from a graph, some learners will produce a basic narrative, some
learners with developing skills might draw conclusions from or interpret the graph; others,
whose skills are good, might write about the average speed of the journey.
By varying learner support. This is when learners receive additional adult help from the
teacher, a classroom assistant or even a more able learner. For example, when a class is
undertaking an investigation activity in Mathematics, the teacher might work with the less able
group but allow the most able learners to work alone, or in pairs.
There are several ways in which the needs of learners can be met.
Some learners may need extension activities. These should be based around the same learning
objective as the rest of the class and need to be higher but with realistic expectations. Learning
objectives could be drawn from the next unit or from the list within the framework. Challenge
learners to take responsibility and be independent and active and to question and evaluate their
learning. At the end of the lesson they can be asked to share experiences and ideas, so that all
of the class can see and hear higher level mathematics. In some cases they may be able to set
their own learning outcomes.
Written work or homework can be adapted to suit particular needs if a learner needs more help
with understanding the written word. Enlarged print, illustrations which provide clues to the
meaning of the words or an audio tape can be used. Simplifying the vocabulary or breaking the
task down into simpler steps, with more guidance can also help. You would need to provide
appropriate, adapted resources in these cases.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Learners who need extra support can be encouraged to choose their own support materials.
The most important thing to remember is that each learner is coming to this lesson with an
individual learning history and will hear and understand something very different from other
learners in the same lesson. So it should not be a surprise that at the end of your lesson
different learners will have reached very different levels of understanding, skills and confidence.
We can easily fall into the trap of expecting everybody to be at the same level. But if we are
building in differentiation for the benefit of our learners we know that the end results will be
very different. What they will have in common is that they will all have made progress.
Just as our ideas and approaches change we need to keep amending our plans (the scheme
of work) as we go along because what worked well with one class might also work well with
another and what worked well at the start of stage 8 might not be quite right for the start of
stage 9.
On the following page you will find an example of how differentiation can be introduced into
your lesson planning.
Example of a completed lesson plan showing differentiation
Week beginning: UNIT: 1C Handling Data & Measure lesson 1 CLASS:Year 9 set 5/5
15 students
Learning Objectives Success Activities Resources
Criteria (see notes below re:
differentiation details, etc)
W: whole class; G: group; I:
Evidence of
Description W/G/I
5 min 9Ni1 Add, subtract, multiply I can work out –5 + 12 = Review Times Tables W Tables Square Q&A:
and divide directed I can work out 5 + –12 = going round the class prompt sheet question
numbers. I can work out –5 + –12 = with quick-question 9Ni1 worksheet / answer
I can work out 5 – 12 = tables check. (see below) Can you
5 min I can work out –5 – 12 = Work together to G Copies of see a
I can work out 5 –12 = complete column 1 Number cards pattern
I can work out –5 –12 = then work in pairs/small for × ÷ and + – here?
I can work out –5 × 12 = groups to complete A classroom D:
I can work out –5 × –12 = column 2 – check (A4) size set discuss’n
10 min I can work out 5 × –12 = answers. I of directed What
I can work out 20 ÷ –2 = Collect ideas about W numbers 10 to comes
I can work out –20 ÷ –2 = columns 3 & 4 when –10 on the wall next in the
I can work out –20 ÷ 2 = agreed complete I would be most pattern
columns 3 & 4. W useful.
10 min All can multiply and Collect ideas for the O:
divide simple directed rules – agree and record observ’n
numbers them. G/I Does the
Use copies of number pattern
25 min Most can add directed cards with × and ÷. continue as
numbers Make up 10 sums and expected?
answer them.
Some can subtract M: marked
5 min directed numbers. Repeat all of the W work Their
above for Adding and G own 10
Subtracting encourage I sums.
checking on the
classroom number line. Individual
copies of
At end, students assess success
themselves by trying I criteria ‘I can’
the 'I can' statements. statements.
Section 3: Teaching Approaches
Organisation: Details of differentiation/groups/adult role (linked to Notes/extension opportunities/homework
The organisation is very different for this low ability group. Adult With a lower ability group there is less scope for
support may be targeted on a small number of pupils whose need extensions but they could consider if their rules
is greatest or may be used generally around the room. The learning would work for all numbers (try two and three digit
focuses very much on seeing patterns and using them to develop numbers). They will need reinforcement of the
understanding. The work can swap between whole class, small learning objectives in the shape of homework tasks
groups and individual work a number of times during the lesson to and quick ten questions as lesson starters over the
vary the pace and activity. rest of the term.
The Number Card Exercise allows a limited degree of choice and an
opportunity to encourage pairs to discuss those choices.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
The differentiation in this lesson is in the tasks as well as the outcomes. The weakest learners would not try to resolve the adding and
subtracting exercises. instead they would be expected to produce their own questions demonstrating their understanding of the rules for
multiplication and division. Task three, the number cards, might be adapted to be used with multiplication and division rather than addition
and subtraction. Teachers may adapt this as they progress through the lesson or decide before starting that certain learners will only tackle
certain topics. The level of support available for a particular lesson from other adults may also have an impact on planning differentiated
tasks and related success criteria here. There would of course be little point in giving the full set of success criteria questions to those
learners who had tackled a restricted set of work during the lesson so the outcome would be differentiated for different learners too.
• Class organisation is crucial to the plan working properly including differentiation and the role of additional adults. Plans can be shared
to make expectations clear.
These are an essential part of planning and should be clear and manageable.
These may be part of active assessment activities where students determine the criteria. In planning, teachers need to write a broad
outline of anticipated suggestions.
Section 3: Teaching Approaches
Write down two rules to help you work these out. Complete all the columns.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
– + = 2 5 –3 –4
Here are 7 cards, use them to make as many sums as you can. The first one has been done for
1) 5 + –3 =
When you have made up 10 sums write down the answer to each one.
You will see that consideration has been given to the ability level of the class and their past
learning history, for example a set of more able learners are expected to address a number
of learning objectives in one lesson. Whereas a set of much lower ability may only address
part of one learning objective in a lesson. These ideas are offered only as suggestions to get
you started or as illustrations of what has been said above. The class teacher is in the best
position to know what his or her class need and how they learn best, so feel free to pick
and choose and to adapt what you find to suit the learners you teach. For the less able sets,
example worksheets for 9Ni1 and 9NP1 are provided to illustrate the activities that have been
suggested. In each lesson, ways of adapting the success criteria into easier language are
suggested as well as ways in which those success criteria may be assessed.
Section 4: Assessment
Types of assessment
Formative: to establish whether learners have met the learning
objective or are on track to do so.
(These are both short and medium-term.)
Formative Diagnosis to identify why learners do not understand or have
difficulty with some topic or idea and to use this
information to take appropriate action to correct
mistakes or misconceptions.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Formative assessment: is the process by which we analyse and review what a leaner has
learned and how they have learned it. For most teachers this process
is inseparable from the actual teaching process in which everyday
observations (in the classroom) can help build up a fully rounded
picture of an individual’s progress over time. Effective formative
assessment involves evaluating learners’ progress and making
decisions about the next steps that will be required to address their
development needs.
The difference between formative and summative assessment is often an area of concern
for teachers. A good way of understanding what formative assessment is, is to think of it
as a learning experience in its own right. For example, when a learner undertakes a class
presentation, it can provide evidence of their knowledge as well as their communication,
intellectual and organisational skills at the same time as it helps develop all of these in the
In contrast, summative assessment is not traditionally regarded as having any intrinsic learning
value. It is usually undertaken at the end of a period of learning in order to generate a grade
that reflects the learner’s performance. The traditional end of unit or end of course examination
(that is ‘unseen’ by the learner until it is sat) is often presented as a typical form of summative
Summative assessment should not be the only element included in any formal grading of
learner performance particularly at this level of education. The way that learners demonstrate
knowledge during lessons helps their teacher form a far more accurate idea of their
understanding and ability. It is therefore perfectly appropriate that elements of formative
assessment form part of the final grade.
As pointed out in the introduction to this section, it is the function of formative assessment
to provide the information for diagnosis and evaluation. It’s main purpose is to guide the
teacher on how, for example, to reshape the rest of the lesson if questioning reveals
misunderstandings, misconceptions or errors that need to be corrected before further progress
can be made. Perhaps it will prompt a change to what happens next or to the planning already
undertaken for the next lesson.
A good learner will reflect upon what has been learned and how it was learned and a good
teacher will reflect on what has been taught, how it was taught and how effective that teaching
has been. How could it be improved and what changes might be needed for the next step? This
whole process enables teachers to provide effective feedback to the learner as we will see in
the next section.
Section 4: Assessment
so that
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so that
so that
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
a ll o
Thinking encourages learning which allows assessment to take place. In turn, assessment
motivates both thinking and learning.
Think back to the earlier sections of this guide and consider how some of the things we have
talked about, such as involving learners in their own learning, sharing learning intentions and
creating success criteria, making use of active learning etc. can be combined with the general
and informal kinds of assessment you use in the classroom.
Asking learners to write their own questions to assess a unit of work – what do they think are
the important skills and required knowledge?
Get a small group to create a revision poster on say adding and subtracting fractions will soon
show you what they can remember.
Have a team challenge where each team of students tries to ask the other team questions
which they think they can/cannot answer. These could be placed in a box and drawn out at
random for the contest
Section 4: Assessment
Ask learners to write down a list of all they know about fractions for instance and then
compare lists
learners work in pairs or small groups to formulate a list of questions that 'I need to be able
to answer before I fully understand this topic.'
One of the purposes of assessment is to provide information for a variety of audiences. Below
is a summary of when and how assessment can take place.
Formative assessment is therefore an integral part of teaching and learning and should not be
‘bolted on’ to activities. It helps to give the curriculum meaning for each learner. Furthermore, it
enables each learner’s learning to progress at the optimum rate.
Assessment results whether in the short, medium or long-term view should give direct
information about learners’ achievements in relation to objectives. Whether you are considering
the steps required to reach a single objective or to achieve several objectives over time,
assessments should be criterion referenced. (An agreed measurement or standard that needs
to be reached – such as the ‘success criteria’ discussed earlier.)
Such criteria should be clear and well established. The ways in which criteria are set up and
used should reflect traceable routes of educational development which offer continuity to
a learner’s assessment at different ages; that is to say that assessment should relate to
progression. At the informal level, for example, you might want to measure how well individuals
have grasped the content of a unit or lesson.
At a larger scale, say end of year tests, assessment results should be capable of comparison
between classes and schools so that colleagues may share a common language and agree
standards; assessments should be moderated.
Perhaps most importantly, learners should have a role in their own assessment. They should
know exactly what is expected of them and also be able to offer a personal view of their
performance – this involvement of learners is described fully in sub-section 3.4 Active Learning
and further in sub-section 4.2 Using Formative Assessment to Raise Achievement.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
TO BE...
At the end of a unit of work or at some point where an assessment has been made take some
time out to consider for each learner in your class how accurate the recent assessment was
in predicting or assessing the current level of work. You may find that the cutting edge of the
student’s learning is in advance of the level that they are confidently working at.
• How could your assessment be altered to try and close down this gap?
• Could you have asked different questions that may have provided different answers?
• Do your learners have some knowledge/skills that your current assessment did not touch
• Are there skills that you have seen in the lessons that are not evidenced from the
• What changes would you want to make before you ask your learners to attempt a similar
To support development of assessment in the classroom, teachers need to build their own skills
Section 4: Assessment
and knowledge so that it becomes an integral part of classroom practice. The following training
activity enables you to identify the extent to which formative assessment is already being
practised in your school.
The amount of assessment that can realistically be carried out will be partially dependent upon
the assessment techniques chosen and the suitability of the task for assessment. You will need
to know that key aspects of the learning have been grasped in order to move on to the next
lesson or unit and you will have to decide on the best technique for assessing these. Here are
some pointers.
At the start; you can establish how much has been remembered from the previous lesson’s
work and therefore how much needs to be reviewed before the next step is taken. The need to
establish prior attainment before or at the start of a unit of work has been established by the
need to be able to demonstrate progress. You have to know where you are starting before you
can establish how far you have improved. It can be carried out via questions on skills that you
would expect to be in place. This could be a formal but short written test or a tick list of 'I can
do' statements where students can register their confidence with happy neutral or sad faces
☺ .
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
In the middle; you can establish whether these learners have understood what they need to,
to be ready to move on.
At the end; you can clarify what have been the important learning points and how well have
they been understood.
There are many types of questions. One dichotomy is the closed vs open question types.
Closed questions require only a yes/no or single answer, factual response, while open
questions require learners to reflect thoughtfully on the subject.
Another way of understanding question types is in terms of lower vs. higher order questions.
Lower order questions are usually 'what' questions. They typically test the knowledge learners
have about definitions or meanings.
Higher order questions tend to be 'why' and 'how' questions which encourage learners to
think more deeply about a concept or about the reasons for an answer. Your lessons should
include both types of questions, but with an emphasis on higher order questions that challenge
your students and make them think.
Effective teachers plan key questions ahead of time. You may do this by jotting down questions
or notes before or even during the lesson. These notes will act as prompts to guide your
Example Questions
Closed-ended memory level questions
This kind of question requires a single, discrete answer. These questions effectively close down
the opportunity for any further discussion that might explain processes, functions or
relationships etc, such as:
• How did you work that out?
• How do you know that is the only answer?
• Is it the only way to reach that answer?
• Can you explain your method?
For example, here are a few closed questions that could be rephrased to form questions that
can stimulate more discussion or thought.
Closed Open
What do we call a shape with 4 equal sides In what ways are a square and a rectangle
and 4 right angles? different?
What is the area of a rectangle 2cm wide and
How do we work out the area of a rectangle?
4cm long?
What do we mean by Area?
What is the value of X if X + 5 = 12 What is the value of X if X+5 > 12
Section 4: Assessment
Whatever type of question you are asking, remember these important points:
1. Don’t answer your own questions if a learner gives an incorrect answer don’t be
judgemental but ask for any other ideas or thoughts, remember to allow the learner
'thinking time' even if it means coming back to them.
2. Another useful technique is not to respond to an answer but to select several responses
and ask learners which they think is correct. This shifts the learners’ thinking from 'I don’t
know the answer' to 'what do I think about the answers?'
3. Observation of learners during the lesson allows you to see how groups or individuals are
making progress and allows you to take action if an individual is being left out of small
groupwork or has become distracted and is off-task. Then suitable actions might include use
of the learner’s name – ask if they are OK? Or more direct questioning addressed to the
small group in order to bring the individual back into the whole. A quick visual check on work
written down, methods used, equipment left unused etc. will allow you to assess whether
enough is being done for progress to be made.
2. Observation
Think about what we have said concerning active learning and how it gives meaning to
knowledge by placing it in the context of a rounded experience. Think also about how this
experience and knowledge can be linked to a wider continuum of knowledge by allowing
learners to understand where they are on their learning journey.
Learners have different learning styles and active or experiential learning gives you, as the
teacher, the opportunity to approach a topic in many different ways at once. It also gives you the
opportunity to observe how individual learners learn, which topics they learn best and in what
particular way they learn best. This can inform your planning in terms of their development and
also in terms of improving your own delivery over time.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
You will need to consider how any observation is to take place, such as:
Observation, assessment and planning are all actions that support development and learning.
Observation describes the process of watching the learners, listening to them and taking note
of what you see and hear. We assess learners’ progress by analysing our observations and
making decisions about them.
3. Giving Feedback
Feedback may be oral a 'thank you' or 'well done' or non-verbal – smile, thumbs up, star
awarded in passing. Or written in the book at the end of a section of work.
a. Oral feedback
Oral feedback is potentially the most effective form of feedback. Getting learners to talk
together before answering questions increases their achievement. It is the most natural and
frequent feedback experience for learners. The language of the classroom has an enormous
impact on the learners, and should create an ethos where speaking freely about learning is
positive. Teachers’ oral feedback needs to be focused mainly around the progress towards the
learning outcome of the lesson. Feedback can be given to an individual, to a group or to the
whole class. Where verbal feedback has been used to give a response to written work the task
could be annotated V.F. (verbal feedback) and initialled by the marker.
Section 4: Assessment
b. Distance marking
Marking should be positive, clear and appropriate in its purpose – it needs to offer positive
benefits to staff and learners, and the outcomes need to be fed back into planning. Most
effective marking occurs when the work is marked together face-to-face, but if this does not
occur, and the work is marked away from the learner, the following should be considered:
Does your comment tell them how to make the next step of improvement?
Do you allow time for some improvement on the work to be made before moving on to the
next activity, or do you expect the student to be able to transfer your improvement suggestions
to another piece of work in a new context?
c. Acknowledgement marking
This is a courtesy look at the work, and may include a tick or an initial. It implies that some
dialogue took place during the lesson, which will have had an impact on the student’s learning.
The acknowledgement simply informs others that the work has been dealt with orally, in a
group or whole-class setting.
e. Motivational marking
Some learners seek confirmation from the teacher that they are achieving. We need to
encourage intrinsic motivation where the learner can identify their own successes first, then
celebrate them. As a general rule this marking should be as positive as possible.
Telling learners how they can improve in this way needs to be followed up. If for example, the
improvement was ‘If you had used a ruler for your diagram this would have been even better’,
you need to check that a ruler is used next time.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
g. Response partners
This is when two learners discuss their findings, thoughts, ideas or answers together before
giving a response to the class or the teacher. They can be paired, in mixed ability or ability
groups. It engages all learners in the lesson, develops collaborative and active learning,
clarifies thoughts, and it makes it a ‘safe to talk’ environment. It can occur in the introduction,
independent work and plenary. A response partner helps you with your work, offers you a
reflection on your work and help you to make your work better. It can be good to open this up
by getting two pairs to join together after the initial discussion and reach a consensus of four
then two fours to make eights. This enables a class view to develop where all students have
had some input.
h. Quality marking
This is when success and improvement needs are highlighted against the learning outcome.
Asking for some small improvement is rich in its impact on learners’ work and their attitude to
improvement and learning. This would not take place for every piece of work, and with training
and modelling (demonstrating by doing) by the teacher, learners can be encouraged to mark
their own, and each other’s work using this approach. This approach can be oral, especially with
younger learners, or written.
Peer assessment and self-assessment is much more than learners marking their own or
each other’s work. To improve learning, it must be an activity that engages learners with the
quality of their work and helps them reflect on how to improve it. Peer assessment enables
learners to give each other valuable feedback so they learn from and support each other. It
adds a valuable dimension to learning. The opportunity to talk, discuss, explain and challenge
each other enables learners to achieve beyond what they can learn unaided. Peer assessment
helps develop self-assessment, which promotes independent learning, helping learners to take
increasing responsibility for their own progress.
• It can show what needs to be taught next. Often, the same error may be identified, perhaps
this can form the basis of a whole class discussion. Feedback from marking should be
planned into the next session. Learners need to become used to feedback as a way of
learning. They can often make improvements straight away to their work.
Section 4: Assessment
• It also shows teachers how successful their teaching has been – it is easy to identify when
a lesson or activity has not contributed to the learning! A positive outcome points to how
plans for the next lesson will be amended.
The provision of homework has been a problem for teachers and learners for many years. Most
homework tends to be revision or practice of the skills learned in the classroom. Sometimes
it will be a ‘finding out’ or a ‘learning’ type of homework. Usually its main aim is to encourage
learners to think about their learning between lessons so that less is forgotten. It can be difficult
to set one task that is suitable for the whole ability range of the class and often a number of small
tasks which could increase in difficulty can be given to selected learners. As more units of work
have been studied there is more scope to review topics from previous units earlier in the year.
Progression Tests
These are for use within the classroom to measure the progress of the learners and identify
strengths and weaknesses.
Assess the performance of the learners against the learning objectives in the curriculum
framework. The Progression Tests are produced to precise specifications to ensure a
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
representative coverage of skills and knowledge. The tests assess learning objectives from the
entire stage and so should be used when teaching is complete. However, it is preferable that
they are used when there is still time left in the term to provide learners with feedback and help
them reflect on their achievements and consolidate the year’s work.
Diagnose strengths and weaknesses. The results of the tests should be fed back to the
learners. It is important that they know their strengths as well as being aware of the areas
where they are weak. Feedback should always be constructive and should include practical
advice on how to improve areas of weakness.
Examine progress from one year to the next. The Progression Tests can help you to see
whether learners are progressing at a steady pace, better or worse than expected. The
comparison against an external standard means that even the weakest learners can show
progress, which may have been overlooked if these learners were always compared with their
stronger peers. Similarly, lower than expected performance in an able learner can be identified
and investigated.
Inform planning. The results of the tests can be used to reflect on their teaching over the year
and promote changes for subsequent years. If there are areas where the entire class appears
to be strong or weak, the teacher should consider the strategies used for those areas and adapt
them as necessary. The data from the tests will also be of value to the following year’s teachers
to provide them with information about prior knowledge of the learners entering their classes.
Alternatively, it is possible to give the test for the previous stage at the beginning of the next
stage to determine the ‘starting point’ of the learners and identify any areas of weakness that
need to be addressed.
Aid reporting to parents. The results of the Progression Tests can be combined with the
teacher’s own observations to produce informative reports to parents. Parents want to know
how their learner is doing and the results of the tests provide quantitative evidence of this.
Reports should include areas of strength as well as areas where improvement is needed.
Section 4: Assessment
It is possible that the content of a lesson was too difficult for some learners. If so, some
amendments should be made to the original plans. Doing this does increase pressure on
‘finishing’ the set of lessons for the objectives in question. However, time spent revising
materials can save time when new objectives are introduced because they will be delivered on
a firmer base of understanding.
It is also important to check the areas that were strengths because some ‘extra’ time could be
gained by reducing the input for these areas. This has to be carefully judged as you do not want
to reduce the standard in those areas.
A content review for areas of weakness may show that the chosen activities were not as
stimulating as others. This will affect learners’ responses quite significantly.
All of this analysis will provide information that can help you improve the planning and teaching
for the following year. Although groups of learners will vary from year to year – the review
process needs to be ongoing to allow learners to gain a firm grasp of concepts and methods
and should not be seen as a procedure that simply follows the tests.
The tests assess learning objectives from the entire stage and so should be used when
teaching nears comparison. Lessons following the test period will need careful planning so
that learners can target the particular weaknesses identified in the reports. Differentiation is
the key to the success of these lessons. The reports may show similar problems for groups of
learners which will help with organisation – groupings created for this may change from lesson
to lesson. Using adult support is essential.
More able learners can have a set of lessons prepared that extend their skills and understanding
whilst ensuring that their areas of weakness are picked up as well.
Learners can have their own set of targets. These should be set up as part of regular practice in
class. Setting up success criteria will support this as well as other self assessment tools so that
learners are involved at all times.
For target setting to be successful they should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic
and Time-bound (i.e. SMART). They also need to focus upon key priorities.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Cambridge Checkpoint
Cambridge Checkpoint are additional (end of Secondary 1) tests available to Cambridge
Secondary 1 centres. These are intended for learners at the end of their final year of lower
secondary education, when they are around 14 years old. They provide an assessment of
learning objectives from stages 7–9 of the curriculum framework.
They provide a form of detailed, diagnostic feedback that is a central feature of Cambridge
Secondary 1.
• It provides information on learners’ areas of strength and weakness, which can be used
formatively for future teaching. Strengths can be consolidated and the areas of weakness
can be tackled.
• It can be used to review the parts of the curriculum where teaching has been most effective
and those where it has been less so.
Feedback is provided at the level of individual learners, teaching groups and whole school.
Details about Cambridge Checkpoint (including specimen papers) are available from
Section 5: Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Mathematics
Much as the use of ICT has increased in the last few years the provision across
classrooms still tends to vary although the general awareness level of teachers
has improved, their skills have not always kept pace. The skills required to run
and maintain a school network, write functioning software or to install a suite of
programmes are not the same as the ability to navigate the internet or find your
way around a spreadsheet and the latter skills are probably more use to today’s
Mathematics teacher.
Find out what is already available in your school and what is already being used.
In some schools specific programs or tasks are assigned to particular year
groups either to avoid demand on the system or to avoid work being repeated
every year.
Make sure that you know the level of computer provision in your school, what
is available, how it is booked, what access you personally, and hence your
classes actually have? How many of your lessons are already block-booked by
other departments?
Talk to existing staff and make use of online forums where teachers discuss
problems and solutions to software issues.
Finance for new software can be expensive and may be controlled by senior
staff – you may have to present a good case for whatever you want to use.
There can be problems with engagement when computers are only available to
a small number of learners. How will you manage such limited options, in small
groups and rotations perhaps? You will need to provide meaningful tasks for
those learners who are waiting their turn.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
ICT is a valuable resource which should be used appropriately to help develop learners’
knowledge and understanding in their study of Mathematics. It is important, however, to
consider where ICT may add value to the learning over other non-ICT resources.
Does using ICT add any value to the execution of this activity that enhances the learning better
than doing it using other, non-ICT resources? Does the use of a computer make the learning
better, faster, more wide-ranging? Can some aspects be enhanced so that more progress is
made in other ways? For example, drawing pie charts and bar charts by hand is an important
part of many examination syllabuses. However if you want fast charts for learners to interpret
the shape of, or to display their findings for communication purposes then Excel can produce
them in seconds. They can also produce exotic charts that actually hinder understanding of
the results so learners need to be taught to be careful how they use them. Beware that the
creativity of the activity does not reside in the software rather than in the learning.
Before making any decision about using ICT in a lesson or a series of lessons, some questions
need to be addressed:
Section 5: Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Mathematics
A great place to practice ordering integers.
Many games about integers are linked on this page.
A quick and visual way to work with ratios and proportions
This racing game gives you plenty of proportions to solve as you race against your friends or the
This game allows you to practice area and perimeter.
You can always google ‘useful Maths sites’ and have fun searching.
Search well for ideas and try comparing different sites. Experienced staff will have their
favourites but don’t be afraid to try something new. Test any new software by trying to make it
go wrong. Your students will find all sorts of problems and you need to be prepared.
Consider building up your spreadsheet skills, it can save time if lots of calculations need to be
done or data-processed. Multiple worksheets can be produced, stored and used again. These
can be adapted for slower or faster workers or to produce individually tailored worksheets with
larger fonts for students with poor eyesight for example. Use them for building and completing
sequences (Nth terms).
Use a graph plotter for graphs and coordinate work and situations where you want students to
think beyond the ordinary restrictions of the current skill levels
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Section 6: The Learning Environment
Classroom Organisation Advantages Limitations
Circus of Activities
Small groups of learners Easy to plan ahead. Activities cannot be
rotate around classroom Offers opportunities for sequential.
during the lesson, trying first-hand experiences. Assumes equal time
out a variety of activities. Less demanding in terms for all activities and all
of resources. groups.
Can monitor one activity Makes record-keeping
closely. more difficult.
Thematic Approach
Small groups work Learners work at their Difficult to arrange a
independently to own pace. balanced experience of
contribute to the whole Provides opportunities for Mathematics.
theme or topic. first-hand experience. Difficult to ensure
Leads to good coherence.
communication. Difficult to ensure
that all of the class
Individual Topics
Individuals or small groups High motivation. Demanding on teacher.
work on items selected by First-hand experience. Structured framework
themselves. Pupils work to own necessary.
potential. Good for Difficult for lower-ability
revision. learners.
Good for a Mathematics Stretches resources.
Use your judgement to decide which of the above approaches will best suit the learning
situation for the lesson planned. This will enable the classroom to be managed, with learning
opportunities facilitated in different ways – according to the desired outcome. It gives useful
organisational ideas.
Once the organisational method has been chosen, it is important for the teacher to then decide
how they will support, guide and assess during the session and to identify this in the lesson
plan for each session.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Teaching approaches should be consistent. Learners will struggle to engage in active learning
where they work with talk partners and groups if they are usually discouraged from talking.
Creative thinking would be difficult in a classroom where this is not encouraged. Working in a
group is not easy if learners are used to working individually or are seated in rows.
Excellent active learning activities resulting in such positive assessment practices will not take
place in a ‘non-productive’ atmosphere.
The best assessment for learning will happen where the teacher creates an environment
where everyone is comfortable and familiar with routines. Learners will respond to all kinds of
activities if the atmosphere is one that encourages them to participate fully in developing their
Section 6: The Learning Environment
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
• Curriculum frameworks
• Progression Tests and analysis tools (see Section 4: Assessment)
• Schemes of Work – these give a recommended course outline where
teaching objectives are organised into a recommended teaching order. A brief
outline of activities to achieve these objectives is provided. Some resources
are recommended here
• Editable versions of the planning templates in this guide
Additional online tutor-led courses are also available. These courses will
be advertised on the events page of the Cambridge public website at as they become available through the year.
Section 7: Support and Resources
If you would like to discuss bespoke training please contact our Training Services team at
[email protected]. Face-to-face training can be arranged to meet your individual
school requirements. This bespoke training will be tailored to the particular training needs of
your staff.
CIE Direct is the online tool for Cambridge Examinations Officers and
Administrators and can be used to submit and amend Cambridge Checkpoint entries.
7.4 Enquiries
Ask CIE is an online bank of answers to frequently asked questions about Cambridge
Examinations and services. The next time you have a question about administering Cambridge
examinations, just go to Ask CIE. Simply type your question into the search box or use the
menu to guide you. There is also a Noticeboard on the Ask CIE homepage to alert you to
important announcements. You can find Ask CIE on our website at or go direct
Customer Services
You can also email us via [email protected] or call us on +44 1223 553554 or on
01223 553554 if you are in the UK.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Appendix A: Teacher Training Activities
A1 Agreeing Terminology
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
This is a very short activity which should lead towards a discussion that reaches
an understanding of the different levels of planning.
To identify different levels of planning.
Explain activity using Training Activity A1: Handout sheet (photocopiable
At the end, leaders of the activity may wish to share the definitions as given in
this guide. A shared understanding will make the guide easier to follow.
Appendix A: Teacher Training Activities
• To identify different levels of planning
• To identify their purpose
• To obtain an oversight of different terminology
Long-term Planning
Medium-term Planning
Short-term Planning
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
To produce a format for lesson plans.
• Handout 1: invite colleagues to list as many of the areas they think should
be included on a lesson plan as possible
• Collate ideas on flip chart to gain some kind of consensus
• On A4 paper work out a possible format to include all of vital material
• Distribute handout 2 with more details either during activity or as part of
• Distribute Handout 3 as a sample format following discussion
Activity (Activities)
Resources etc.
Appendix A: Teacher Training Activities
To produce a format for lesson plans.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Example: Learning objective:
To compare two fractions by using diagrams or by using a calculator to convert the fractions
to decimals e.g. 35 and 135 [7Nf3]
Number 3 in the list above is an extension success criteria that could be used with a group of
more able students within the class.
Short-term Plan Template
Week beginning: UNIT: CLASS:
Learning Objectives Success Activities Resources
Criteria (see notes below re: differentiation
details, etc.)
W: whole class; G: group; I: individual
Description W/G/I
Evidence of
Q&A: question/
D: discussion
O: observation
M: marked
Organisation: details of differentiation/groups/adult role (linked to Notes/extension opportunities/homework
Appendix A: Teacher Training Activities
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
This is a motivational exercise to share experience and build confidence.
Distribute sticky labels or ‘post-it’ notes. Ask colleagues to think of all the
different things they do when preparing and delivering a lesson. Invite them to
write each one on a separate label or note and stick it on a large sheet of paper
displayed for all to see. The following discussion can be very entertaining but it
has a serious side too in recognising all the skills that a teacher has to practise
in the classroom.
The list below is just a sample that might come from Activity 3.
Offering reassurance
It is possible that all of the above could occur during one lesson. Good
management of time, resources and, most important of all, the learners,
can make it all happen!
Appendix A: Teacher Training Activities
• To learn how to convert a range of learning objectives into child-friendly
• To learn how to write appropriate success criteria
• To be made aware of the many ways in which learning intentions can be
presented to learners
1. Refer back to page 44 in Section 3: Teaching Approaches. Select a range of
learning objectives from the curriculum framework that clearly represent
the following categories of activity:
• To know
• To understand
• To be able to
• To be aware of
2. Ask teachers to re-word these objectives using child-friendly terms
3. Refer back to pages 44 and 45 of Section 3: Teaching Approaches and ask
teachers to suggest appropriate success criteria for each objective
4. Give out Handouts 1 and 2. Ask teachers to suggest a range of methods in
which learning intentions can be presented to a whole class, differentiated
groups, younger and older learners etc. A list of possible methods can be
found below
• Verbally – not always as successful as a visual method which remains
available throughout the session
• Writing on a black/whiteboard/flipchart – the simplest way (older children
may copy this into their books/working sheets)
• Completing a chart and displaying for all to see
• Saving it on a computer for display on an interactive whiteboard (IWB)
• Having a set of pre-printed sticky labels for each student’s book – useful for
younger students (this can be very useful at the start of a unit so students
can see what will be coming up)
• Write on an individual or group sheet to display on the desk (good where
tasks are differentiated and objectives are different)
Charts or posters might look something like those suggested in Handouts 1
and 2 overleaf.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Appendix A: Teacher Training Activities
Intention A more formal approach may
appeal to older learners
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
helps you to learn the
To plan and deliver a lesson in which learners writer their own success criteria.
Stage 1: Planning
• Learning objectives selected
• Create own estimation of success criteria
• Prepare samples of previous work – good and not so good
e.g. writing worksheets, marked work, homework tasks
• Plan good (open) questions that will get students (in talk partners) thinking
and discussing the subject matter of the learning objective and how they
can demonstrate that it has been met. (Responses may reveal some
Appendix A: Teacher Training Activities
The prompts are generic to suit teachers of all year groups and some may not
be relevant to the Foundation Stage, for example. If this is the case please put
'not applicable' in the comments box.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Desirable Outcomes Always Sometimes Never Comments
I identify the success criteria for
the lesson and share them with
the learners.
The students identify the
success criteria when the
learning intentions have been
Learning intentions and success
criteria are clearly displayed.
Sharing learning intentions has
become an expectation for the
students in the class.
I tell the students the reason for
doing the activity. (The aside).
Appendix A: Teacher Training Activities
Desirable Outcomes Always Sometimes Never Comments
Learners are given time to
identify their own improvement.
I give learners specific time to
read my marking and respond
to it.
All the learners in my class have
writing targets.
The learners are involved in
setting and discussing their own
Targets are visual, e.g. using
target cards, on display or in
Targets are SMART so that
learners know when they have
met them.
Targets are shared with parents.
When a target has been met,
a new target is agreed and
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Support to be given by –
Appendix A: Teacher Training Activities
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Stage 7: Unit 1A: Number & Calculation
Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time
7Nc1 Consolidate the rapid Revise multiplication tables from Follow me cards Many aspects
recall of number facts, 1 to 10, and addition and Number cards of this unit may
including positive integer subtraction facts for numbers Multiplication Tables well be familiar
compliments to 100, between 0 and 20. or even prior
multiplication facts to Look for patterns that make mental knowledge for
10 × 10 and associated calculations easier, for example some pupils.
division facts. what happens when 9 is added to How will you
a two digit number, or that 5 + 7 is find out which,
the same as 6 + 6. see 'Assessing
Ask questions such as ‘which pairs prior knowledge'
of numbers will add together to section and
make 17?’ lesson plans
7Np1 Interpret decimal notation Use a number line with place value Search for ‘place value’
and place value; multiply headings and moveable cards with at
and divide whole numbers single digits on them to discuss
and decimals by 10, 100 or place value. Investigate how the
1000. digits move in relation to the
decimal point when multiplied or
divided by the powers of ten.
Ensure that the class understands
that multiplying by 10, 100 and
1000 makes the number bigger
while dividing by these numbers
makes the number smaller.
Progress to paper and pencil
Appendix B: Sample Schemes of Work
Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time
7Np2 Order decimal including Give each pupil a decimal number Decimal cards
measurements, changing then get them to line up in order
these to the same units. of size.
Select 4 decimal cards for
individuals to order explaining
strategy to a partner.
7Np3 Round whole numbers Use a number line to investigate Headlines that use
to the nearest 10, 100 rounding by placing, for example, numbers what do they
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
or 1000 and decimals a decimal on the line and deciding really mean?
including measurements to which whole number it is closest
the nearest whole number to. Devise rules for rounding.
or 1 decimal place.
7Nc2 Use known facts and place Partition as 40 × 6 + 5 × 6 or
value to multiply and divide 90 ÷ 6 and 6 ÷ 6. Link to tables
two-digit numbers by a
single digit number, e.g.
45 × 6, 96 ÷ 6.
7Nc3 Know and apply tests of Look for patterns in a multiplication 20 questions on what
divisibility by 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, table. number am I
9, 10 and 100. Smart board resources
7Nc4 Use known facts and place Use column headings. Link with
value to multiply simple equivalent FDP to establish known
decimals by one-digit facts e.g. 0.8 × 3 = 0.8 + 0.8 + 0.8.
numbers. e.g. 0.8 × 6.
Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time
7Nf1 Recognise the equivalence Use paper, card and counters. Equivalence dominoes/
of simple fractions, Cut circles (‘pies’ or ‘pizzas’) into cards
decimals and percentages. different numbers of slices to make Equivalence chains
comparisons between fractions. 4 = 0.25 = 25%
Appendix B: Sample Schemes of Work
Stage 8: Unit 2B: Algebra & Geometry
Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time
8Ae5 Derive and use simple Plot given pairs of temperatures
formulae, e.g. to convert and draw lines through data
degrees Celsius (°C) to points – develop a formula.
degrees Fahrenheit (°F).
8Ae6 Substitute positive and Check your formula from above
negative integers into with different values, plot them.
formulae, linear expressions Do they lie on a straight line?
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Appendix B: Sample Schemes of Work
Stage 9: Unit 3C: Handling Data & Geometry
Framework Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time
9Gp7 Use bearings (angles Ships and planes time. Provide a Old local maps can be
measured clockwise from map and ask for a journey from useful.
the north) to solve problems point to point – check routes in
involving distance and pairs.
9Gp8 Make and use scale drawings Works well with the above
and interpret maps. topic.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
9Gp9 Find by reasoning the locus of Understanding and doing are Ruler and compasses.
a point that moves at a given not the same don’t forget both
distance from a fixed point, side of a line especially when
or at a given distance from a solving problems.
fixed straight line.
9Db1 Know that the sum of Find an unknown probability
probabilities of all mutually or prove that an answer is
exclusive outcomes is 1 incorrect.
and use this when solving
probability problems.
9Db2 Find and record all outcomes Explore outcomes with different Prepared sample space
for two successive events in a sided dice and spinners. diagrams for your
sample space diagram. problems. Poly-dice.
9Db3 Understand relative frequency Fits well with the above item.
as an estimate of probability
and use this to compare
outcomes of experiments in a
range of contexts.
Appendix C: Sample Lesson Plans
Stage 7: Unit 1A, Number and Calculation, Lesson 1
Week beginning: UNIT: Number 1A lesson 1 of 8 1 hour CLASS: Year 7 set 3/5
25 students
Learning objectives Success Activities Resources
criteria (see notes below re: differentiation
details, etc)
W: whole class; G: group; I: individual;
Description W/G/I
Evidence of
5 min 7Np1 Interpret decimal notation 7Np1 I can work; Teacher calls out a calculation, W Commercial number flip Q&A:
and place value; multiply and 12 × 10 = students flip or build the answer charts or column headings question /
divide whole numbers and 1.3 × 100 = on their sheets e.g. draw on a sheet of paper answer
decimals by 10, 100 or 1000. 4.77 × 1000 = 13 × 100 = 1300 teacher can see with numbers on cards to
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Appendix C: Sample Lesson Plans
Stage 7: Unit 1A, Lesson 2
Week beginning: UNIT: Number 1A lesson 2 of 8 1 hour CLASS: Year 7 set 3/5
25 students
Learning objectives Success Activities Resources
criteria (see notes below re: differentiation
details, etc)
W: whole class; G: group; I:
Description W/G/I
Evidence of
5 min 7Ni1 Recognise negative numbers as All students can order Groups of 10 jumbled negative G A4 negative integer Q&A:
positions on a number line, and order, any 10 cards drawn from integer cards one per student cards 10 – –10 twenty question /
add and subtract positive and negative the pack. they must arrange themselves cards answer
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
numbers in context. in order, different groups – As above but decimals E.g. what
5 min Most students can add or best time wins. between –1 and –2 (both is five
subtract two positive and Repeat with decimal negative G included in the packs). more /less
negative numbers. pack. than –6
Question sheets/books
Some student can add Pin 10 to –10 cards on the W with temperature D: discuss’n
or subtract positive or wall in order use a student to change questions and O: observ’n
negative decimals. act as pointer and work out simple directed number M: marked
–5 + 2, 3 + 2 mix in with the adds and subtracts work
temperature is –5 °C it gets 2
degrees warmer. Then work
on 7 – 2, –3 –2 getting two
degrees colder. Record these
results on a suitable board for
later reference.
25 min Individuals or small groups I
work on question sheet with
temperature change type
questions and or simple
directed number questions 3
min to mark these built in.
Appendix C: Sample Lesson Plans
Stage 8: Unit 2A, Number and Calculation, Lesson 1
Week beginning: UNIT: Algebra & Geometry 2A lesson 1 of unit CLASS: Year 8 set 1/5
Learning objectives Success Activities Resources
criteria (see notes below re: differentiation
details, etc)
W: whole class; G: group; I:
Description W/G/I
Evidence of
10–15 8Ni2 Identify and use multiples, factors, I can list all the factors Make clear definitions Factors, W Venn diagram for factors
min common factors, highest common of 20. Multiples, Prime Number – 24 56 Q&A:
factors, lowest common multiples and may be prior knowledge. question /
primes; write a number in terms of its I can list all the prime List on board sets of multiples answer
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
prime factors, e.g. 500 = 22 × 53. factors of 20. for different numbers draw D: discuss’n
from the lists Lowest O: observ’n
I can list all the multiples Common Multiples. M: marked
of 5 up to 50. Similarly create lists of factors Shows common factors work
of different numbers, draw better.
25 min I can find the HCF & LCM from them Highest Common
of 24 and 56. Factors. Factor tree for 10 shows
Demonstrate a factor tree W Prime Factors only
I can write 300 as for each of two numbers and 10
a product of its how it can help find HCF & 2 5
prime factors i.e. LCM using prime factorisation,
300 = 22 × 3 × 52 (probably many examples G
will be needed – encourage
All students can identify students to come out to the
Factors and multiples. board and try some).
15 min Most students can find Students try some HCF & I Prepared text questions
HCF and LCMs LCM questions on their own. or textbook exercise
Some students can write Plenary What simple HCF and W
5 min a number as a product of LCMs can the class recall –
its prime factors. quick questions.
Organisation: details of differentiation/groups/adult role (linked to activities) Notes/extension opportunities/homework
Prepare Venn diagrams and Factor trees for weaker students to complete as More able students can be given 3 digit numbers or a set of three 2 digit numbers
scaffolding, more able students need to produce their own. Writing a number as a to find the HCF and LCM of.
product of its prime factors should arise from the Factor Tree exercise. Homework could be used to reinforce the ideas of factors and multiples and /or
HCF and LCM depend upon the teachers assessment of progress.
This class does not have a teaching assistant.
Stage 8: Unit 2A, Lesson 2
Week beginning: UNIT: Unit Algebra & Geometry 2A lesson 2 of unit CLASS: Year 8 set 1/5
Learning objectives Success Activities Resources
criteria (see notes below re: differentiation
details, etc)
W: whole class; G: group; I:
Evidence of
Description W/G/I achievement
5 min 8Nf4 Add and subtract fractions and 2 3 Quick review of equiv. W Prepared quick
I can work out 3 + 4 =
mixed numbers; calculate fractions fractions questions Q&A: question / answer
of quantities (fraction answers); 4 D: discuss’n
I can work out 5 – 13 = 2 ? 3
5 min multiply and divide an integer by a Write as what is of
3 24 4 O: observ’n
fraction. 20Kg etc. M: marked work
I know how many fifths
Demonstrate addition and Pupils own estimation
make 2 whole ones.
subtraction of fractions. W
Prepared exercise
I can increase any
20 min 8Nf5 Calculate and solve problems Students work on prepared on fractions
amount by any %.
involving percentages of quantities exercise.
and percentage increases or
I can decrease any
20 min decreases; express one given Demo finding % increase
amount by any %.
number as a fraction or percentage and decrease using
of another. multipliers (1.05 for 5%
I can find 12m as a
increase and 0.95 for a 5% Prepared exercise
percentage of 72m.
I can decide which is
5 min 8Nf6 Use equivalent fractions, decimals 2 And finding the larger of
bigger 3 of 60Kg or 70%
and percentages to compare two amounts.
of 50Kg.
different quantities.
Quick questions from
students about today’s
work. I Copies of Success
5 min Students complete a copy
of the criteria for success
sheet ticking I can do list.
Organisation: details of differentiation/groups/adult role (linked to activities) Notes/extension opportunities/homework
This should be revision for most of the class, hence the swift pace and success Prepare a homework sheet that covers all these skills so that students get a second
criteria check at the end. chance to review their learning.
Appendix C: Sample Lesson Plans
Stage 9: Unit 1C, Handling Data and Measure, Lesson 1
Week beginning: UNIT: 1C Handling Data & Measure lesson 1 CLASS:Year 9 set 5/5
15 students
Learning objectives Success Activities Resources
criteria (see notes below re: differentiation
details, etc)
W: whole class; G: group; I:
Description W/G/I
Evidence of
5 min 9Ni1 Add, subtract, multiply and divide I can work out –5 + 12 = Review Times Tables going W Tables Square prompt Q&A: question
directed numbers. I can work out 5 + –12 = round the class with quick sheet / answer Can
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
I can work out –5 + –12 = question tables check. 9Ni1 worksheet you see a
5 min I can work out 5 – 12 = Work together to complete G Copies of Number pattern here?
I can work out –5 – 12 = col. 1 then work in pairs / cards for × ÷ and + – D: discuss’n
10 min I can work out 5 – –12 = small groups to complete col. A classroom (A4) What comes
I can work out –5 – –12 = 2 – check answers. I size set of directed next in the
I can work out –5 × 12 = Collect ideas about col. 3 and W numbers 10 –10 on the pattern
I can work out –5 –x –12 = 4 when agreed complete cols wall would be most
I can work out 5 –x –12 = 3&4. I useful O: observ’n
I can work out 20 ÷ –2 = Collect ideas for the rules – W Does the
I can work out –20 ÷ –2 = agree and record them. Individual copies of pattern
I can work out –20 ÷ 2 = Use copies of number cards G/I success criteria I can continue as
10 min with × and ÷ make up 10 statements. expected?
All can multiple and divide sums and answer them.
25 min simple directed numbers. M: marked
Repeat all of the above for W work Their own
Most can add directed Adding and Subtracting G 10 sums.
numbers. encourage checking on the I
classroom number line.
Some can subtract directed
5 min numbers. At end students assess I
themselves by trying the I can
Organisation: details of differentiation/groups/adult role (linked to Notes/extension opportunities/homework
The organisation is very different for this low ability group. Adult support may be With a lower ability group there is less scope for extensions but they could
targeted with a small number of pupils whose need is greatest or may be used consider if their rules would work for all numbers (try two and three digit
generally around the room. The learning focus very much on seeing patterns and numbers). They will need reinforcement of the learning objectives in the shape of
using them to develop understanding. The work can swap between whole class, homework tasks and quick ten questions as lesson starters over the rest of the
small groups and individual work, a number of times during the lesson to vary the term.
pace and activity. The Number Card Exercise allows a limited degree of choice and an
opportunity to encourage pairs to discuss those choices.
Stage 9: Unit 1C, Lesson 2
Week beginning: UNIT: 1C Handling Data & Measure lesson 2 CLASS:Year 9 set 5/5
15 students
Learning objectives Success Activities Resources
criteria (see notes below re: differentiation
details, etc)
W: whole class; G: group; I:
Description W/G/I
Evidence of
3 min 9Np1 1 I can write 10,100,1000 Quick review of Number skills W Two sets of 9Np1
Recognise the equivalence of 0.1, 10
and 10–1, multiply and divide whole as powers of 10. from previous lesson. Number Cards (see Q&A:
numbers and decimals by 10 to the I can work out 12 × 102 = separate sheet) per small question /
power of any positive or negative I can work out Whole class discussion of W group of students. answer
10 min integer. 3000 ÷ 103 = equivalence of 0.1 101 and 10–1, D: discuss’n
1 1
I Know that 0.1, 10 and showing 5 × 0.1, 10 of 5 and O: observ’n
–1 –1
10 are different ways 10 × 5 all have the same M: marked
of writing the same answer = 0.5. work
number. Students produce a table of I
12 min I can use 0.1, 10 and equivalences for 100, 101, 102,
10–1 in a calculation with 103 , 10–1, 10–2, 10–3.
5 min confidence. Then check in pairs. G
20 min All students can × and ÷ Students work out sums W Exercise on equivalent
by 10, 100, 1000. using which ever equivalence calculations 9Np1 sheet.
they choose.
Most students can work Game rules for matching
10 min with positive power of Final task some students will I pairs or fish as needed by
ten. attempt the last 5 questions students.
sets ABC.
Some students can work Some students can play
with negative powers matching games with the two
of ten. sets of 9NP1 number cards.
This could be using all the
cards laid out on a table face
down, a student selects two
and keeps them if they are
a pair or returns them to the
table, winner has most at the
end or play a game like fish
deal 4 cards, each student
draws from the remainder
and discards a card trying to
match pairs. Make up rules.
Appendix C: Sample Lesson Plans
Organisation: details of differentiation/groups/adult role (linked to Notes/extension opportunities/homework
Because of the nature of this group they are not expected to be ready to assess their With a lower ability group there is less scope for extension but they could consider
own progress at this stage. Expect to take the books in and mark them – then at if their rules would work for all numbers. They will need reinforcement of the
the start of the next lesson give out the Success Criteria statements see how they learning objectives in the shape of homework tasks and quick ten questions as
assess themselves and then compare with your assessment from the marking. lesson starters over the rest of the term.
Class Teachers will need to make decisions about the working groups who works
with whom based on shared skills, best with less able, possible adult support, past
working history etc
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Appendix D: Opportunities for ICT in the Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Framework
There is potential for the use of ICT throughout the Mathematics curriculum
and the ideas presented in this section can be applied to most areas. In
addition, where an approach is particularly relevant to the aspect being studied,
it is listed against that aspect.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
could also be used by pupils working independently. Teachers are strongly advised to explore
these before looking elsewhere.
3. As the software allows hyperlinks to be included, this can be used to guide pupils to a
specific website or resource for an activity or further study. Pupils can also use tools within
the software to capture any resources they have been using online.
4. As interactive whiteboard software is very simple to use, pupils can develop their own
games and activities to support an area of learning and then use these with their peers. As
pupils have to understand the teaching point to develop the activity, this can be an excellent
approach to help consolidate learning.
Handheld devices/tablets: There are an increasing number of handheld devices and tablets
on the market, which either have their own bespoke software or can run applications, which
can be downloaded for free, or for a small charge from the internet. There are a huge quantity
of applications, some of which provide excellent support for pupils and their learning, although
there are many which are not so appropriate and time needs to be taken to ensure quality. The
management of handheld devices in a classroom would also need to be considered carefully,
with potential issues around charging and syncing the devices.
Class response systems: If the educational setting has class response hardware, it will
normally be linked to the interactive whiteboard and the software can be used by teachers and
pupils to assess mathematical understanding around a certain topic, as well as in a more open
way to support Problem Solving and investigations. There are now software apps designed to
run on inexpensive handheld devices, which could provide an alternative to dedicated hardware.
Visualisers: Where these are available, they can be used to share work, model Mathematics
activities and capture still and moving images in the class during discussion and investigations.
Calculators and graphical calculators: From level 5 upwards, calculators are used to support
complex calculation in both number and geometry as well as continuing to develop students’
understanding of the number system, including place value, properties of number, fractions,
and decimals.
Printers and graph plotters: Can support analysis and development of mathematical
Dataloggers: These devices can be used to capture data by monitoring the physical
environment (for example sound, light and noise levels, motion and speed). The data can be
downloaded, reviewed, and copied to a spreadsheet for further analysis. Such devices are
particularly relevant in joint maths and science investigations and support the development of
data handling in Mathematics.
Programmable devices and onscreen turtles: The use of physical and onscreen turtles with
their associated instruction languages such as Logo, support understanding around shape and
measure as well as the development of programming skills. This can be further extended by
involving pupils in designing and programming simple robotic systems.
Spreadsheets: This software can be used to support the investigation, modelling and Problem
Solving, developing the use of more complex formulae and functions. The software also
includes powerful analysis and graphing tools, which can support several areas of Mathematics.
Appendix D: Opportunities for ICT in the Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Framework
Databases: This software provides essential support in data handling, enabling pupils to
research data, build databases as well as interrogate their own and other sets of data, creating
reports and charts to provide a response to queries and investigations.
Organisational tools: Mind mapping software can be used to develop ideas and plan for
Problem Solving activities. Word processing software, interactive whiteboard and spreadsheet
software can all be used to collect and organise information around an area of Mathematics
work. This approach supports pupils in capturing their ideas and approaches during Problem
Solving and investigative activities.
Cartoons: Creating cartoons can help pupils explore Mathematics rules, strategies and
concepts, providing an engaging way for them to record their thinking and understanding.
Sound recording: Sound can help those with limited English writing skills, express and share
mathematical concepts. Much standard software, Microsoft Windows™, Apple Mac OS™ etc,
has the capability to record sound direct to a computer. Alternatively MP3 player/recorders, able
to capture and playback sound as well as download to the computer, are generally available.
See resources list for open source sound editing software.
Digital still and film capture: Still and film cameras can be used by pupils to capture their
learning, especially in activities involving physical equipment (counters, dice, 3D shape etc.) and
in Problem Solving activities and investigations. Pupils can also make short films around certain
mathematical concepts and share them with their peers to support their learning.
Image animation software: Animating images, avatars and vokis and writing and recording
scripts for them provides good opportunities for pupils to rehearse their mathematical
understanding around a specific topic.
Other multimedia software: Generic and or open source resources exist to combine pictures
into slide shows, and/or to animate the picture and graphic elements. These can be used
to support pupils in presenting their learning or sharing ideas as well as being used by both
teachers and pupils to create resources to support learning.
Online spaces: There are many generally available online spaces for saving, sharing and
commenting on materials. The educational setting may have its own learning platform or VLE.
If this is not the case, teachers will need to ensure that the space is safe and reliable before
encouraging pupils to use it. Pupils should also be taught to respect others work online,
understanding the rules for copyright, ownership and safe and responsible use. Pupils’ activity on
the site/s should be monitored to ensure the rules for safe and responsible use are being applied.
1. Pupils can be encouraged to save and share work online, providing the opportunity to
discuss, review and improve their work.
2. Pupils and teachers can create blogs to explore and develop ideas around a topic or theme.
3. Groups of pupils can create wikis around an area of maths learning or to support an
investigation or Problem Solving activity.
4. Pupils can engage in online discussion around a topic or idea, or use a discussion board to
develop an investigation.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
Appendix D: Opportunities for ICT in the Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Framework
NUMBER: Opportunities for ICT:
Learners should
Stage 7 7Nf1 Recognise the equivalence of simple fractions, decimals and percentages.
– Use spreadsheets and fraction ITPs to compare fractions, decimals
and percentages
0.4 EXE
Ans + 7 EXE
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
ALGEBRA: Opportunities for ICT:
Learners should
Predict what term comes next; recognise whether 3.6 is in the
sequence . . .
3. Use spreadsheet software to demonstrate that any sequence of
multiples (e.g. multiples of 7) can be generated in two ways:
• A term-to-term rule of repeat addition of the number:
7, 7 + 7, 7 + 7 +. . .
1 Position 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 Term =B1*7 =C1*7 =D1*7 =E1*7 =F1*7 =G1*7
1 Position 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 Term 7 =B2+7 =C2+7 =D2+7 =E2+*7 =FV2+*7
Appendix D: Opportunities for ICT in the Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Framework
GEOMETRY: Opportunities for ICT:
Learners should
Stage 7 7Gs1 Identify, describe, visualise and draw 2D shapes in different orientations.
1. Use Logo software to create different 2D shapes and to change their
orientations e.g. parallelogram, equilateral triangle
2. Use branching database software to classify 2D shapes using high
level questions to draw in their properties
3. Use online or interactive software to draw 2D shapes in different
orientations e.g.
• Draw a square and put in both of its diagonals. Remove one of the
triangles. Name the remaining shape and list some of its properties.
• Draw a rectangle and put in both of its diagonals. Remove one of
the triangles. Name the type of triangle removed and list some of
its properties.
4. Draw a square and join adjacent mid-points of each side. Name the
new shape that is formed and list some of its properties.
5. Use plot and line on a graphical calculator to draw given shapes using
Stage 7 7Gs4 Estimate the size of acute, obtuse and reflex angles to the nearest 10°.
– Use Logo software to create different angles of turn and to increase
accuracy in estimating the size of different angles.
Stage 7 7Gs11 Use a ruler, set square and protractor to measure and draw straight,
parallel and perpendicular lines, angles and polygons.
– Use Maths tools within interactive whiteboard software or ITPs to
draw and measure lines, angles and 2D shapes.
Stage 7 7Gp1 Read and plot coordinates of points determined by geometric information
in all four quadrants.
– Use graphing software to support plotting and reading of coordinates
in all four quadrants.
Stage 7 7Gp2 Transform 2D points and shapes
1. Use shape ITPs to create and transform 2D shapes.
2. Use interactive whiteboard software with a grid background to rotate,
reflect and translate 2D shapes.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
HANDLING DATA: Opportunities for ICT:
Learners should
Stage 7 Plan, collect, analyse and present data.
1. Use database software to create a planned database.
2. Design a questionnaire to collect the data and/or collect the data from
environmental monitoring; add the data to the database.
3. Use websites or CD-ROMs as possible sources of data when deciding
which data would be relevant to particular enquiries.
4. Use the database for detailed analysis, including creating graphs to
answer queries and pursue lines of enquiry.
5. Use ICT appropriately to communicate findings/results.
Stage 7 7Dp2 Calculate the mean, including from a simple frequency table.
– Use a calculator to work out the mean for a large set of items.
Stage 7 7Dp3 Draw and interpret different graphs types.
– Use spreadsheet software or a graphing program, to draw different
graphs from data, identifying which is the most suitable to present
the data.
Stage 7 7Db3 Find probabilities based on equally likely outcomes in simple contexts.
– Use interactive whiteboard or other software or the random facility on
a graphics calculator to simulate simple experiments requiring random
events e.g. throwing a dice or flipping a coin.
Appendix D: Opportunities for ICT in the Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Framework
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
NUMBER: Opportunities for ICT:
Learners should
1 $ £
2 1 = 0.65*A2
3 2 = 0.65*A3
4 3 = 0.65*A4
5 4 = 0.65*A5
12. Use online and electronic activities and games, number ITPs,
electronic dice and interactive whiteboard resources to:
• Practise a range of calculations including those involving
identifying multiples, factors, common factors and primes.
• Practise squares, positive and negative square roots, cubes and
cube roots of numbers.
• Multiply and divide integers and decimals by 0.1 and 0.01.
• Round numbers to a positive integer power of 10.
• Find equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages by conversion
between them.
• Carry out calculations on fractions using common denominators
and/or converting to decimals.
1 3 5 32 32
Appendix D: Opportunities for ICT in the Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Framework
ALGEBRA: Opportunities for ICT:
Learners should
1 Position Term 1 Position Term
2 1 =A2*2+5 2 1 7
3 =A2+1 =A3*2+5 3 2 9
4 =A3+1 =A4*2+5 4 3 11
5 =A4+1 =A5*2+5 5 4 13
6 =A5+1 =A6*2+5 6 5 15
7 =A6*1 =A7*2+5 7 6 17
8 =A7+1 =A8*2+5 8 7 19
Reproduce the tiles and the pattern. Investigate other patterns which
can be made from these two tiles. Investigate tessellations with other
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
GEOMETRY: Opportunities for ICT:
Learners should
2. Use interactive whiteboard or dynamic software to draw a triangle and
a line to act as a mirror line.
Reflecting a Triangle
Appendix D: Opportunities for ICT in the Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Framework
GEOMETRY: Opportunities for ICT:
Learners should
Stage 8 8Gs7 Draw simple nets of solids, e.g. cuboid, regular tetrahedron, square-based
pyramid, triangular prism.
– Use Logo to draw 2D nets of 3D solids e.g. cuboid, regular
tetrahedron, square-based pyramid and triangular prism.
Stage 8 8Gs7 Follow and give instructions involving position, direction and movement.
8Gs8 Recognise whole, half and quarter turns, both clockwise and anti-
8Gp2 clockwise.
Recognise that a right angle is a quarter turn.
1. Give sets of instructions to control onscreen and/or floor turtles.
2. Explore angles of turn using the turtles, beginning to use the repeat
function to increase efficiency of instructions.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
PROBLEM SOLVING: Opportunities for ICT:
Learners should
Stage 8 Identify simple relationships between numbers e.g., this number is
double . . .; .
– Use a simple spreadsheet to show the simple relationship between
two sets of numbers e.g.
1 Number Double the number 1 Number Double the number
2 1 A2*2 2 1 2
3 A2+1 A3*2 3 2 4
4 A3+1 A4*2 4 3 6
5 A4+1 A5*2 5 4 8
6 A5+1 A6*2 6 5 10
7 A6*1 A7*2 7 6 12
8 A7+1 A8*2 8 7 14
1 No. of litres 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 Price ($) 1.38 2.76 4.14 5.52 6.90 8.28 9.66
3 Price/litre =B2/B3 =C2/C3 =D2/D3 =E2/E3 =F2/F3 =G2/G3 =H2/H3
Appendix D: Opportunities for ICT in the Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Framework
NUMBER: Opportunities for ICT:
Learners should
– Use the software to plot the graph of price against price/litre to see
whether they are directly proportional to each other (straight line
through the origin).
4. Use a graphical calculator to work out the increase in depth of water
in a swimming pool 5.4 metres wide and 10.24 metres long when
5530 litres of water are added.
5. Use a graphical calculator to enter these calculations:
• 3×9
• 3 × 99
• 3 × 999
• 3 × 9999
• Predict the answer to 3 × 9 999 999. Find a general rule.
6. Use a calculator to find two consecutive numbers with a product of
7. Use online and electronic activities and games, including the number
ITPs, electronic dice and interactive whiteboard resources to:
• Help recognise multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10.
• Model and support understanding of mental calculation strategies.
• Help develop an understanding of partitioning of three digit
• Practise placing three digit numbers.
• Help develop a variety of mental strategies relating to addition,
subtraction, multiplication or division.
• Understand the effect of multiplying a two digit number by 10.
8. Use spreadsheets to explore number relationships and patterns.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
ALGEBRA: Opportunities for ICT:
Learners should
1 x x2 – 2x 1 x x2 – 2x
2 0 =A2*A2-2*A2 2 0 0
3 1 =A3*A3-2*A3 3 1 –1
4 2 =A4*A4-2*A4 4 2 0
5 0.5 =A5*A5-2*A5 5 0.5 –0.75
6 1.5 =A6*A6-2*A6 6 1.5 –0.75
Appendix D: Opportunities for ICT in the Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Framework
ALGEBRA: Opportunities for ICT:
Learners should
8. Use graphing software or graphics calculator to plot the graphs of
linear functions of the form y = mx + c and know that m gives the
gradient of the line and c the intersection of the line on the y-axis.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
MEASURE: Opportunities for ICT:
Learners should
Stage 9 – Use a calculator based ranger linked to a graphical calculator to
generate a distance-time graph and interpret its meaning.
Find the ratio of the areas of the two squares if the circles have the
same diameter
2. Use Logo to demonstrate a complete traverse of a regular polygon and
use this to explain the sums of the interior and exterior angles
Appendix E: Planning Templates
• Long-term Planning – 1
• Long-term Planning – 2
• Long-term Planning – 3
• Medium-term Planning – 1
• Medium-term Planning – 2
• Short-term Planning
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
1A 2A 3A
1B 2B 3B
1C 2C 3C
• The current model of nine units per stage is recommended – three per
term. Fewer would give too large a group of objectives to address in one
unit, although this may vary with the subject. More would be too
fragmented to give coherence to the overall scheme
• Terminology can vary, although consistency is recommended within a
• An audit of the learning objectives for the whole stage is recommended to
ensure coverage1
• Each objective may be revisited in different ways in different units to
continue to develop new skills in different contexts
• Some learning objectives will be ongoing throughout the stage – a grid to
show this is recommended2
• Detail of the ongoing objectives may be given in an outline plan3
See audit tool.
See table of ongoing objectives.
See table of ongoing work.
Appendix E: Planning Templates
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
• The number of lines in the table will match the total number of learning
objectives for the stage. Several pages will be required.
• Objectives and framework codes will be entered in the order that they
appear in the framework.
• Learning objectives will appear in full.
• The final column will give a clear overview of coverage. Where an objective
is addressed in more than one unit, all of the relevant units will be listed. If
it is an ongoing objective then it will appear as ‘O’.
How to use the information collected on the sheets:
• The right hand column will show how often an objective appears in the
whole scheme.
• If an objective is ongoing then ‘O’ must be recorded. It will be assumed that
work linked to the objective is taught in several (or maybe all) units.
• For other objectives, how often each one appears in the whole scheme will
be recorded. Some objectives will be taught more than once (but not as
often as ‘ongoing’ ones!).
• The whole audit will help to achieve a balance, ensuring that coverage is
sufficient and/or not too frequent at the expense of others.
• A final adjustment may be required to make sure that all objectives are
taught for, and at, an appropriate time.
• Also, by doing this alongside the long term planning of units, the grouping
of objectives can be changed before too much work has been done on
medium-term plans.
Appendix E: Planning Templates
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
• The number of lines in the table will match the total number of learning
objectives for the stage. Several sheets may be required
• Objectives and framework codes will be entered in the order that they
• Learning objectives will appear in full
• The learning objectives can be colour coded:
– Ongoing
– A different colour for each term – once only when it is first introduced:
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
How to use the information collected on the sheets:
• The resulting overview is another kind of checklist to ensure coverage. It
also shows whether too much is being introduced in the first term which
may not be a balanced way of delivering the framework
• By doing this alongside the long term planning of units, the grouping of
objectives can be changed before too much work has been done on
medium-term plans
Medium-Term Planning Template 1
Unit: Title:
Framework Codes Learning Objective Activities Resources Comments Time
Appendix E: Planning Templates
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
• There may be more than one framework code in each block, e.g. if scheme
considers weekly blocks within the whole unit. Objectives will be listed to
match the first column
• The activities are given in outline only
• Main resource needs are required to enable strategic planning, e.g.
• This plan will require a statement in the opening rationale regarding prior
• Comments will highlight specific details:
– where something requires advance preparation
– where different assessment strategies may be in place, e.g. opportunities
for active assessment (details will be in short-term (lesson) plans)
Medium-term Planning Template 2
Unit: Title:
Framework Codes Learning Objective Activities Resources
Appendix E: Planning Templates
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
• There may be more than one framework code in each block. It may make
sense to address certain objectives together
• The activities are given in outline only
• Main resource needs are required to enable strategic planning, e.g.
• No time budget is given for obvious reasons
• This plan will require a statement in the opening rationale regarding prior
Short-term Planning Template
Week beginning: UNIT: CLASS:
Learning Objectives Success Activities Resources
Criteria (see notes below re:
differentiation details, etc.)
W: whole class; G: group; I:
Description W/G/I
Evidence of
Q&A: question/
D: discussion
O: observation
M: marked
Organisation: details of differentiation/groups/adult role Notes/extension opportunities/homework
(linked to activities)
Appendix E: Planning Templates
Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics Teacher Guide
• The plan can be formatted to view a week at a time and not every lesson – this is
important to support manageability
• Most of the plan is self-explanatory. It seeks to include most of the desirable elements. It is
possible to expand the format to A3 but this risks the planning process taking too long for
the time frame – also sometimes the detail required will be brief
• Class organisation is crucial to the plan working properly including differentiation and the
role of additional adults. Plans can be shared to make expectations clear
These are an essential part of planning and should be clear and manageable
These may be part of active assessment activities where learners determine the criteria. In
planning, teachers need to write a broad outline of anticipated suggestions
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