Patients With Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis: A Retrospective Study

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Open Access Research

Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolation in

patients with non-cystic fibrosis
bronchiectasis: a retrospective study
Hong Wang,1,2 Xiao-Bin Ji,1 Bei Mao,1 Cheng-Wei Li,1 Hai-Wen Lu,1 Jin-Fu Xu1

To cite: Wang H, Ji X-B, Mao B, Abstract

et al. Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strengths and limitations of this study
Objectives  Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa)
isolation in patients with non- occupies an important niche in the pathogenic microbiome
cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis: a ►► This study enrolled 1188 patients with bronchiectasis
of bronchiectasis. The objective of this study is to evaluate
retrospective study. BMJ Open from all over the country.
the clinical characteristics and prognostic value of P.
2018;8:e014613. doi:10.1136/ ►► We conducted a 44 (40–54)-month follow-up study
bmjopen-2016-014613 aeruginosa in Chinese adult patients with bronchiectasis.
along with detailed analytics related to primary
Methods  This retrospective and follow-up study enrolled
►► Prepublication history and
clinical outcomes.
1188 patients diagnosed with bronchiectasis at Shanghai
additional material for this ►► It was a single-centre study in a specialised hospital.
Pulmonary Hospital between January 2011 and December
paper are available online. To ►► We failed to obtain the microbiological data during
2012. The patients’ clinical data including anthropometry,
view these files, please visit follow-up due to diversified and inevitable reasons.
clinical symptoms, serum biomarkers, radiographic
the journal online (http://​dx.​doi.​
org/​10.​1136/​bmjopen-​2017-​ manifestations and lung function indices were reviewed.
014613). The median follow-up duration (IQR) was 44 (40-54)
months, during which 289 patients were lost to follow-up. studies have recognised the niche occupied
HW, X-BJ and BM contributed Data from 899 patients were collected and analysed for by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the pathogenic
equally. the outcomes of mortality, annual exacerbation frequency microbiome of patients with bronchiec-
and health-related quality of life. tasis, its instigation of rapid decline in lung
Received 10 October 2016
Results  P. aeruginosa was isolated from 232 patients,
Revised 16 February 2018 function and its role in the development of
alongside other pathogens such as Aspergillus (n=75) and
Accepted 16 February 2018
Candida albicans (n=72). There were 74 deaths (12% of
more extensive radiographic features of the
patients with P. aeruginosa, 7.3% of those without) over disease.3–9 Furthermore, two multidimen-
the course of the follow-up. The isolation of P. aeruginosa sional grading schemes for bronchiectasis
was a risk factor for all-cause mortality (HR, 3.07; 95% CI severity, the Bronchiectasis Severity Index
1.32 to 7.15) and was associated with high rates of and the FACED score, include colonisation
exacerbations (ie, ≥3 exacerbations per year of follow-up) by P. aeruginosa as a criterion for earlier death
(HR, 2.40; 95% CI 1.20 to 4.79). Patients with P. aeruginosa and more frequent exacerbations and hospi-
also had worse scores on the Hospital Anxiety and talisation.5 10
Depression Scale (anxiety, p=0.005; depression, p<0.001), Given the association between P. aeruginosa
the Leicester Cough Questionnaire (p=0.033) and the with poor clinical outcomes in patients with
modified Medical Research Council scale (p=0.001)
bronchiectasis, early detection of P. aerugi-
compared with those without P. aeruginosa.
Conclusions  Isolation of P. aeruginosa in patients with
nosa is of great importance. Early detection
bronchiectasis is a significant prognostic indicator and is facilitated by research on the pathogenic
should be a major factor in the clinical management of the distribution and clinical outcomes of P. aeru-
disease. ginosa; however, few studies in this area have
been conducted in Chinese populations.
Therefore, we aim to evaluate the distribu-
tion, characteristics and prognostic value
Department of Respiratory and Introduction of P. aeruginosa using clinical and follow-up
Critical Care Medicine, Shanghai Bronchiectasis is a chronic inflammatory data collected from a specialised hospital in
Pulmonary Hospital, Tongji respiratory disease defined as the irrevers-
University School of Medicine,
Shanghai, China.
Shanghai, China
ible dilatation of one or more bronchi.1
Department of respiratory Predisposed individuals can develop robust
internal medicine, Suzhou inflammatory responses to tissue injuries and Methods and materials
Science and Technology Town bacterial infections, which may contribute to Study subjects
Hospital, Suzhou, China structural damage. The structural abnormal- Our study examined inpatients diagnosed
Correspondence to ities of the airways lead to abnormal mucus with bronchiectasis between January 2011
Professor Jin-Fu Xu; clearance and further bacterial colonisation and December 2012 at Shanghai Pulmonary
​jfxucn@​gmail.​com and finally form a vicious cycle.2 Recent Hospital. Patients were excluded if they did

Wang H, et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e014613. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014613 1

Open Access

not receive a high-resolution CT (HRCT) chest scan at

the hospital or if they lacked data from either sputum
or bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) samples. In this
study, the PA group was defined as those patients isolated
with P. aeruginosa during their hospitalisation. Meanwhile,
the non-PA group was defined as those patients without P.
aeruginosa. We also divided patients into PA, others (other
pathogens) and negative groups in our subgroup analysis.
All data collections were performed by clinical physicians
who were involved in the study. Written informed consent
was obtained from all patients.

Diagnosis of bronchiectasis
The presence of bronchiectasis was confirmed through
HRCT examination and patient clinical history by two
physicians who were blinded to the patients’ information.
High-resolution images of the lungs were obtained at
full inspiration at 1 mm collimation and 10 mm intervals
from apex to base and were independently interpreted by
hospital radiologists with extensive experience in bron-
chiectasis diagnosis, based on the criteria published by
Naidich et al.11 Small bronchiectasis features that were
only visible in a single pulmonary segment and were unre-
lated to clinical features were judged to be negligible, as Figure 1  Flow diagram depicting patient selection and
they are known to appear in a large proportion of the analysis. HRCT, high-resolution CT.
healthy population.12
kept at 4°C before they were sent to the hospital labora-
Data collection tory for analysis no more than 3 hours following sample
According to standardised protocol, data on the anthro- collection. To reduce the impact on the microbe and
pometry, clinical symptoms, serum biomarkers, radio- bacterium, we did not collect sputum samples from those
graphic manifestations and lung function indices at a patients who were on antibiotics within the 2 weeks before
stable state, outcomes (mortality, annual exacerbation the study. Sputum samples were deemed eligible if they
frequency of follow-up) and quality of life (modified contained <10 squamous epithelial cells and >25 leuco-
Medical Research Council (mMRC), LCQ and HADS cytes per low-powered field.14 Bronchoalveolar lavage
scores) of all patients were uniformly recorded over a fluid was processed via semiquantitative culture with a
median follow-up duration of 44 (40–54) months. Body positive threshold of 104 CFU/mL.15 All samples were
mass index (BMI) data were also collected as recent separated from saliva, Gram stained and homogenised.
research has suggested a correlation between BMI and Diluted secretions were then plated on blood, choco-
bronchiectasis prognosis.10 13 Interleukin (IL-1, IL-6), late, MacConkey agar and Sabouraud agar. All detection
interferon (IFN), white blood cell (WBC), C reactive methods were performed in accordance with relevant
protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) testing standards.
and CD4/CD8 levels were obtained as markers of
systemic inflammation and patient’s immune state. Arte- Health-related quality of life
rial blood gas (ABG) analyses were performed at rest and The physician-administered mMRC score is a grading
on room air, with normal conditions defined as having system from 0 to 4 that rates the impact of dyspnoea on
a PaO2 within 10.34–13.3 kPa (80–100 mm Hg) and a a patient’s everyday activities.16 ΔmMRC is the differ-
PaCO2 within 4.65–5.98 kPa (35–45 mm Hg). Pulmonary ence between the initial and final mMRC values taken
function indices included forced expiratory volume in and represents the change in dyspnoea severity over the
1 s (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC) and FEV1/FVC. follow-up period.
Dyspnoea was assessed using the mMRC scale, cough was The LCQ score is a self-administered 19-item question-
assessed with the Leicester Cough Questionnaire (LCQ) naire measuring the physical, psychological and social
and adverse psychological effects were assessed with the impacts of chronic cough. Its severity score ranges from 3
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Detailed to 21, with lower scores indicating greater impairment.17 18
procedures from this study are shown in figure 1. ΔLCQ is the difference between the initial and final LCQ
values taken and represents the change in cough severity
Lower respiratory tract samples over the follow-up period.
Spontaneous sputum and BALF were collected from During the follow-up period, patients were asked to
each patient during hospitalisation. These samples were complete the self-reported HADS questionnaire, which

2 Wang H, et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e014613. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014613

Open Access

measures the degree of anxiety and depression using 14

Table 1  Microbiological characteristics of subjects with
items, with a score of ≥11 indicating clinically significant bronchiectasis
anxiety or depression.19 In this study, we used the final
Numbers Percentage Percentage
HADS result for each patient.
Pathogens (N) (%)* (%)†
Exacerbations Total* 1188 – –
A bronchiectasis exacerbation was defined as an acute Total† 536 45.12 –
deterioration in one or more symptoms (increasing Bacteriologic – – –
sputum volume or purulence, worsening dyspnoea,
Pseudomonas 232 19.53 43.28
increased cough, declining lung function or increased
fatigue/malaise) or the appearance of new symptoms
(fever, pleurisy or haemoptysis requiring antibiotic Klebsiella pneumoniae 44 3.70 8.21
treatment).1 Mycobacterium 46 3.87 8.58
Survival analysis Nontuberculous 27 2.27 5.04
All patients underwent follow-up evaluations every year mycobacteria
after discharge through telephone or face-to-face inter- Acinetobacter 15 1.26 2.80
views. A patient was considered lost to follow-up if we baumannii
were unable to contact him or her at each follow-up Enterobacter cloacae 13 1.09 2.43
for any reason. The endpoint of this study was all-cause
Stenotrophomonas 11 0.93 2.05
mortality, which was evaluated over a median follow-up maltophilia
duration of 44 (40–54) months. The cause and date
Staphylococcus 7 0.59 1.31
of death were obtained from hospital medical records
for patients who died in the hospital or from official
death certificates otherwise. Follow-up was completed Escherichia coli 6 0.51 1.12
on 31 December 2015. Mycological – – –
Aspergillus 75 6.31 13.99
Statistical analysis
Candida albicans 72 6.06 13.43
All statistical analyses were performed with SPSS,
V.22.0. Qualitative and quantitative variables were Saccharomycetes 5 0.42 0.93
summarised as relative frequencies (percentages) and Others 26 2.19 4.85
medians (interquartile ranges). In the univariate anal- Indefinite 26 2.19 4.85
ysis, Student’s t-test was used to compare groups that
*Indicates the patients included in this study.
were normally distributed, and non-normally distrib- †Indicates the patients who had positive sputum or
uted variables were compared with the Mann-Whitney bronchoalveolar tests. Other species include Proteus penneri,
U test. Categorical variables were compared using the Pseudomonas fluorescens/putida, Serratia marcescens,
χ2 test. A logistic regression model was used to deter- Alcaligenes xylosoxidans subsp, Acinetobacter lwoffii, Enterobacter
aerogenes, Candida tropicalis, Staphylococcus epidermidis and
mine the factors associated with high rates of exacer-
Enterococcus faecium. Indefinite species include Gram-positive
bations. A Cox proportional hazard regression model cocci and Gram-negative bacilli (not clear).
was used to assess factors associated with survival. Vari-
ables that presented statistically significant differences
who were ultimately entered into our study. Overall, 536
(p<0.05) in the univariate analysis and variables that
(45.1%) patients tested positive for pathogenic micro-or-
were of clinical interest were included as the inde-
ganisms. Of the 536 organisms, there were 437 (81.5%)
pendent variables in the first step. Then, we used the
organisms isolated from sputum alone, 44 (8.2%) from
forward stepwise technique (Wald test) to remove vari-
BALF alone and 55 (10.3%) from both. P. aeruginosa was
ables with p>0.1 from the final model. The dependent
the most common pathogen, detected in 232 (43.3%)
variable was survival time to all-cause mortality. Survival
patients, followed by Aspergillus in 75 (14.0%) patients
curves between groups were constructed according to
and Candida albicans in 72 (13.4%) patients. Full details
the Kaplan-Meier method and were compared using
are shown in table 1.
the log-rank test. HRs and 95% CIs were also calculated
Next, we analysed the general characteristics of the
for each independent variable, with p<0.05 considered
entire patient sample, and the differences between PA
statistically significant.
(n=232) and non-PA (n=956) groups (table 2). Relative
to the non-PA group, patients with P. aeruginosa tended
to be women and have less extensive smoking histories,
Results more purulent sputum expectoration, more haemop-
After excluding 316 patients without sputum or BALF tysis, longer symptom duration, more bilateral and cystic
data and 154 patients without an HRCT scan, there were HRCT involvement, fewer normal ABGs, greater systemic
1188 patients (median age 57 (48–64) years; 45.5% men) inflammation and worse lung function.

Wang H, et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e014613. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014613 3

Open Access

Table 2  General characteristics of patients with bronchiectasis with and without PA

Parameter Whole group PA Non-PA P values
Subject, n 1188 232 956 –
Sex, M/F, n 541/647 66/166 475/481 <0.001
Age, years 57 (48–64) 56 (47–64) 57 (49–65) 0.133
BMI, kg/m 21.5 (19.0–23.9) 21.4 (3.6) 21.5 (19.0–24.0) 0.476
Smoking history, n (%) 250 (21.0) 21 (9.1) 229 (24.0) <0.001
Current smokers, n (%) 149 (12.5) 12 (5.2) 137 (14.3) <0.001
Ex-smokers, n (%) 101 (8.5) 9 (3.9) 92 (9.6) 0.005
Previous pneumonia, n (%) 22 (1.9) 7 (3.4) 15 (1.6) 0.082
Previous tuberculosis, n (%) 193 (16.3) 36 (15.5) 157 (16.5) 0.723
Purulent sputum, n (%) 851 (71.9) 196 (84.5) 655 (68.8) <0.001
Haemoptysis, n (%) 394 (33.3) 94 (40.5) 300 (31.5) 0.009
Onset of symptoms, years 4 (0–19) 14 (5–30) 3 (0–10) <0.001
Length of hospitalisation, days 9 (7–12) 9 (7–12) 9 (7–12) 0.298
mMRC score 1 (0–2) 1 (0–2) 1 (0–1) 0.302
LCQ score 13 (11–15) 11 (9–13) 14 (11–16) <0.001
HRCT involvement, U/B, n 399/749 43/183 356/566 <0.001
Cystic bronchiectasis, n (%) 559 (50.5) 171 (79.2) 388 (43.5) <0.001
CD4/CD8, % 1.8 (1.2–2.5) 1.6 (1.2–2.4) 1.8 (1.2–2.6) 0.101
Normal ABG, % 640 (64.0%) 112 (48.7%) 528 (68.6%) <0.001
IL-1, pg/mL 23 (18–32) 22 (17–33) 23 (18–32) 0.485
IL-6, pg/mL 36.0 (25.0–55.0) 50.0 (29.0–79.0) 34.0 (24.0–51.5) <0.001
IFN, KU/L 15 (12–21) 15 (12–20) 15 (12–21) 0.989
WBC, 10–9/L 6.2 (4.9–8.1) 6.9 (5.5–9.1) 6.0 (4.8–7.8) <0.001
CRP, IU/mL 5.3 (3.0–10.9) 6.5 (3.7–20.6) 4.7 (2.9–8.9) <0.001
ESR, mm/H 28.5 (14.0–55.0) 47.0 (23.0–74.0) 26.0 (12.0–49.5) <0.001
FVC% of predicted (%) 84.9 (67.1–98.8) 74.2 (22.8) 85.6 (21.1) <0.001
FEV1% of predicted (%) 72.8 (49.3–90.6) 55.3 (33.4–77.2) 75.4 (56.4–92.7) <0.001
FEV1/FVC (%) 86.6 (71.2–97.4) 75.6 (61.4–91.5) 88.3 (74.9–98.1) <0.001
Data are presented as n (%) or median (IQR), unless otherwise stated.
ABG, arterial blood gas; BMI, body mass index; CRP, C reactive protein; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; FEV1, forced expiratory volume
in 1 s; FVC, forced vital capacity; IFN, interferon; IL-1, interleukin 1; IL-6, interleukin 6; LCQ, the Leicester Cough Questionnaire; mMRC,
modified Medical Research Council; U/B, unilateral/bilateral; WBC, white blood cell.

Data on clinical outcomes recorded during follow-up rank test; p(a)=0.045) and the negative group (log rank
are shown in table 3. There were 899 (75.7%) patients test; p(b1)=0.017), while the mortality between the PA
with bronchiectasis who were followed up until the end group and the others group (log rank test; p(b2)=0.414)
of the study. The PA and non-PA groups presented signif- or the others group and the negative group (log rank
icant differences in terms of mortality rate (deaths per test; p(b3)=0.125) showed no statistically significant
person-year of observation) (p=0.045) and annual exacer- differences.
bation frequency (p<0.001). Compared with the non-PA Tables 4 and 5 show the unadjusted and fully adjusted
group, patients with P. aeruginosa improved less on LCQ Cox regression analyses. We checked on the proportional
scoring and showed greater mMRC deterioration, as well hazards assumption and found that it was adequate. The
as scored higher on the HADS questionnaire. PA group was found to have a significantly higher risk
Kaplan-Meier survival curves between patients in the of all-cause mortality compared with either the non-PA
PA group (n=183; 22 dead) and non-PA group (n=716; (unadjusted HR, 1.65; 95% CI 1.01 to 2.72) group or the
52 dead) are shown in figure 2A, with PA (n=183; 22 negative (unadjusted HR, 2.09; 95% CI 1.17 to 3.75) group.
dead), negative (n=473; 29 dead) and others (n=243; This did not change significantly in the fully adjusted
23 dead) in figure 2B. The PA group had significantly model for either the non-PA group (fully adjusted HR,
higher rates of mortality than both the non-PA group (log 3.07; 95% CI 1.32 to 7.15) or the negative group (fully

4 Wang H, et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e014613. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014613

Open Access

Table 3  Follow-up outcomes in patients with bronchiectasis with and without PA

Parameter Whole group PA Non-PA P values
Subject, n (%) 899 183 (20.4) 716 (79.6) –
Person-years of observation 3369 689.5 2679.5 –
Mortality rate (deaths per person- 74/3369 22/689.5 52/2679.5 0.045
year of observation)
Annual exacerbation frequency 1.1 (1.2) 1.8 (1.3) 1.0 (1.1) <0.001
ΔmMRC score 0.0 (1.0) 0.2 (1.0) −0.1 (0.9) 0.001
Δ LCQ score 3.2 (2.7) 2.7 (2.7) 3.2 (2.7) 0.033
HADS score (anxiety) 4.6 (2.3) 4.9 (1.9) 4.6 (2.4) 0.005
HADS score (depression) 4.9 (2.2) 5.6 (1.9) 4.7 (2.3) <0.001
Data are presented as n (%) or median (IQR), unless otherwise stated.
HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; ΔLCQ, the difference between follow-up and initial LCQ values; ΔmMRC, the difference
between follow-up and initial mMRC values; mMRC, modified Medical Research Council; PA, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

adjusted HR, 3.84; 95% CI 1.17 to 12.62). Besides, both 0.52; 95% CI 0.27 to 0.99), BMI (OR, 1.09; 95% CI 1.01
tables showed that all-cause mortality was associated with to 1.19), onset of symptoms (OR, 1.03; 95% CI 1.00 to
increasing age and decreasing BMI in the fully adjusted 1.05) and FEV1% (OR, 0.95; 95% CI 0.90 to 0.99). In our
models. In addition, when we used the backwards step- subgroup analysis, the detection of P. aeruginosa was also a
wise elimination procedure in statistical analysis, it can be risk factor for high rates of exacerbations in groups with
found that patients with bronchiectasis who have longer P. aeruginosa or other pathogens (OR, 2.98; 95% CI 1.53
duration of symptoms (fully adjusted HR, 1.03; 95% CI to 5.79) and in groups with P. aeruginosa or negative (OR,
1.01 to 1.04) and lower FEV1% of predicted (%) (fully 3.06; 95% CI 1.33 to 7.05) (figure 3B, C).
adjusted HR, 0.99; 95% CI 0.98 to 1.00) would suffer
more mortality (online Supplementary table S1). More-
over, high mMRC scores (fully adjusted HR, 1.15; 95% CI Discussion
1.01 to 1.30) and lower FEV1% of predicted (%) (fully Our study found that P. aeruginosa was present in the
adjusted HR, 0.99; 95% CI 0.98 to 1.00) were associated sputum or BALF samples of 19.5% of patients with bron-
with more deaths among the patients with PA or negative chiectasis, which is a finding that is similar to previous
PA (online Supplementary table S2). reports.10 20 21 In contrast to previous findings,3 10 20–23
Some variables were found to be independently asso- our study found P. aeruginosa to be the most common
ciated with the incidence of high rates of exacerbations pathogen (43.3%) among positive specimens (in which
among all patients, as shown in figure 3A: isolation of we found pathogens from sputum or bronchoalveolar).
P. aeruginosa (OR, 2.40; 95% CI 1.20 to 4.79), sex (OR, This disparity could be attributed to the differences in

Figure 2  Kaplan-Meier plot illustrating the survival of all patients with bronchiectasis. There are statistically significant
differences in (A) and (B). (p(a)=0.045; p(b1)=0.017; p(b2)=0.414; p(b3)=0.125. P(a) means the difference between PA and non-
PA groups; p(b1) means the difference between PA and negative groups; p(b2) means the difference between PA and others
groups; p(b3) means the difference between others and negative groups).

Wang H, et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e014613. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014613 5

Open Access

Table 4  Variables associated with all-cause mortality among all patients in a Cox proportional hazard regression model
Unadjusted Fully Adjusted
Variables HR (95% CI) P values HR (95% CI) P values
PA 1.65 (1.01 to 2.72) 0.048 3.07 (1.32 to 7.15) 0.009
Sex, M/F 2.35 (1.46 to 3.78) <0.001 2.21 (1.09 to 4.49) 0.028
Age 1.08 (1.06 to 1.11) <0.001 1.10 (1.06 to 1.14) <0.001
BMI 0.86 (0.79 to 0.93) <0.001 0.76 (0.68 to 0.86) <0.001
Onset of symptoms 1.03 (1.01 to 1.04) <0.001 1.02 (0.99 to 1.05) 0.081
mMRC score 1.35 (1.24 to 1.47) <0.001 1.04 (0.85 to 1.27) 0.711
LCQ score 0.84 (0.78 to 0.90) <0.001 1.00 (0.89 to 1.13) 0.979
FEV1% of predicted (%) 0.98 (0.97 to 0.99) 0.001 0.99 (0.98 to 1.01) 0.185
Variables are adjusted for PA/non-PA status, sex, age, BMI, onset of symptoms, mMRC score, LCQ score and FEV1% of predicted (%).
BMI, body mass index; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; LCQ, the Leicester Cough Questionnaire; mMRC, modified Medical Research
Council; PA, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

microbial distribution between different countries.24 A recent review of 21 observational cohort studies by
Moreover, our study found Mycobacterium tuberculosis to be Finch et al showed that P. aeruginosa is associated with
present at a high prevalence of infection. Given our find- consistent and significant increases in all markers of
ings, the management of P. aeruginosa and the accurate disease severity, including mortality, hospitalisations and
assessment of its prognostic impact should be considered exacerbations. Patients with P. aeruginosa also had worse
important in bronchiectasis treatment. quality of life scores (based on St. George’s Respiratory
In our study, patients in the PA group had poorer Questionnaire results), lung function and radiological
lung function when compared with the non-PA group severity compared with uninfected patients.25 In accor-
in terms of FEV1% (55.3% vs 75.4%, p<0.001), FVC% dance with these results, our fully adjusted analysis found
(74.2% vs 85.6%, p<0.001) and FEV1/FVC (75.6% vs that patients with P. aeruginosa were 3.07 times more likely
88.3%, p<0.001). Davies et al have suggested that infec- to die than those without P. aeruginosa. Isolation of P. aeru-
tion by P. aeruginosa occurs in patients with bronchiectasis ginosa was also determined to be independently associated
with more severe pulmonary function impairment, but it with high rates of exacerbations, as well as a lower quality
does not itself influence the rate of pulmonary function of life as measured by mMRC and LCQ scoring. Thus,
decline either before or after adjustment for baseline the prognostic value of P. aeruginosa isolation suggests the
disease severity.6 However, another study of 76 patients establishment of early treatment programmes to improve
with bronchiectasis with 2  years of follow-up found the overall prognosis of bronchiectasis.
chronic P. aeruginosa colonisation to be an independent As shown in figure 2(2B), we found no significant
factor associated with an accelerated decline in lung func- difference in mortality between the PA group and the
tion.7 These disparities indicate that further validation others group (p=0.414) during the follow-up period. This
from relevant large-scale studies is needed. result diverges from those of previous studies10 26 with

Table 5  Variables associated with all-cause mortality among the patients with PA or negative in a Cox proportional hazard
regression model
Unadjusted Fully Adjusted
Variables HR (95% CI) P values HR (95% CI) P values
PA 2.09 (1.17 to 3.75) 0.013 3.84 (1.17 to 12.62) 0.027
Sex, M/F 1.83 (1.03 to 3.27) 0.039 1.97 (0.70 to 5.50) 0.199
Age 1.08 (1.05 to 1.11) <0.001 1.09 (1.03 to 1.15) 0.002
BMI 0.85 (0.77 to 0.94) 0.002 0.78 (0.66 to 0.91) 0.002
mMRC score 1.79 (1.43 to 2.26) <0.001 1.42 (0.95 to 2.11) 0.086
Cystic 2.19 (1.09 to 4.42) 0.028 2.00 (0.59 to 6.80) 0.268
FEV1% of predicted (%) 0.98 (0.96 to 0.99) 0.001 1.00 (0.98 to 1.02) 0.787
Variables are adjusted for PA/negative status, sex, age, BMI, onset of symptoms, mMRC score, LCQ score, cystic status and FEV1% of
predicted (%).
BMI, body mass index; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1s; LCQ, the Leicester Cough Questionnaire; mMRC, modified Medical Research
Council; PA, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

6 Wang H, et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e014613. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014613

Open Access

Figure 3  Variables associated with high rates of exacerbations in a logistic regression model: (A) among all the patients, (B)
among the patients in the PA or others group and (C) among patients in the PA or negative group.) BMI, body mass index;
FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1s; PA, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

several possible contributing factors. Given the difference More relevant studies are needed to confirm the relation-
in pathogen distribution between our sample and those ship between patients with P. aeruginosa and patients with
taken from other countries, the distinct microbiology of other pathogens.
our others group is likely to have influenced our results. A study by Aliberti et al classified bronchiectasis into
Moreover, we assigned patients to the PA group based four clusters: Pseudomonas, other chronic infection,
on the isolation of P. aeruginosa from sputum or BALF daily sputum and dry bronchiectasis. There were statis-
rather than P. aeruginosa colonisation, which is defined tical significances in clinical outcomes between the four
as the detection of two positive cultures at least 3 months groups.26 In agreement with their results, our findings
apart over 12 months. We also excluded patients without show that patients with P. aeruginosa show greater disease
sputum data and those whose follow-up duration was severity, a more relevant inflammatory status, worsened
insufficient to have statistical significance, which carries clinical, functional and radiological characteristics, and
some inherent selection bias. On the other hand, our find- poorer quality of life and long-term outcomes. A pair-
ings showing that being in the PA group was a significant wise comparison of our three subgroups (PA, others and
risk factor in high rates of exacerbations compared with negative) also indicates the PA group as having the worst
being in the others group did match previous findings. prognosis. Moreover, the present study provides a precise

Wang H, et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e014613. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014613 7

Open Access

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