Economics Sba Guidelin 2
Economics Sba Guidelin 2
Economics Sba Guidelin 2
Principals are also reminded to read the memorandum issued on the submission of SBA scores,
Samples and Practical Scores.(
After candidates are assigned to teachers, the candidates MUST be classified as presenting
Individual SBA or Group SBA. The teacher must:
1. Log into ORS
5. A teacher cannot select both Group SBA and Individual SBA for the same set of candidates
for a single subject. The teacher MUST either
a. select Individual SBA, if candidates are working individually. (The teacher will then be
directed to the SBA Data Capture Screen); OR
b. select Group SBA, if the candidates are working in a group/groups. A group must
consist of two or more candidates.
In this example, we will use two Mechanical Engineering Technology teachers. One, C.
Vassell, will select Individual SBA. The other, D. Medford, will select Group SBA.
6. Individual SBA
When Individual SBA is selected, the SBA Data Capture Screen is displayed. The teacher may
then input scores. (Go to Step 2: Input Scores)
7. Group SBA
When Group SBA is selected, the SBA Group Assignment Screen is displayed:
2. Select
the group
3. Assign
9. After the candidates have been selected, the teacher must click the Assign Student button.
The candidates will be assigned to the selected group, in this example – Group 1. The
remaining candidates will be displayed as Unassigned Candidates.
Select the
4. Enter the Estimated Rank and Estimated Grade for each candidate.
(Note that although Individual SBA was selected, each candidate is automatically
assigned a Group Number.)
For Group SBA, when the SBA score is keyed for the first candidate in the group, the
same score is automatically assigned to the other members of the group.
6. Click the Save button when all the scores have been entered.
7. Generate the SBA Scores report and ensure that candidates have been assigned the
correct scores.
Cover Sheets
The project/assignment submitted by each candidate/group must include an official Cover Sheet.
Cover Sheets are available on the CXC website ( The file name of the cover sheet must
be <“CS”+ <file name of the SBA sample~>>
Title Page
Each project/assignment must include a Title Page with the following information:
File Type
If files are loaded individually, the eSBA system will accept two files of the same type (e.g. two
pdf files) for the same candidate/group provided that the filenames are different). If Files of
the same type with identical names are uploaded, the file loaded second, will overwrite the
Supported Files
The total size of the files uploaded for a given candidate or group must not exceed 20 MB.
File Name~
*Document Number indicates whether a single SBA file or multiple SBA files are uploaded for a candidate.
If a single SBA Sample file is being uploaded for a candidate, the document number would be “-1”. If
multiple SBA files are uploaded for a candidate, the document number for the second file uploaded would
be “-2” and the document number for the third, “-3” and so on.
For example, if only one file is being uploaded for the Geography SBA sample submitted by Candidate
1000750100, the file name would consist of:
If another SBA file is uploaded for the same candidate, the name of the second SBA file would be
The Cover Sheet for the candidate is similarly named but the letters “CS” must precede the SBA file name.
The file name for the cover sheet for this candidate would be:
- Identifier - “MS”
- SBA Moderation Code - 01225090
- Document number* - “-“ + Document number*
Using our example, if a single mark scheme is being uploaded for a centre, the document number would
be “-1”; and the filename would be: MS01225090-1.
If multiple mark scheme files are uploaded for a centre, the document number for the second file uploaded
would be “-2” the document number for the third, “-3”; and so on.
3. Navigate to the Report menu and select the Report Selection option
6. Click Preview. (The report is displayed in Excel or a PDF Reader depending on the format
N.B. If Step 1, Assignment to Group Type, was not completed, the following error message will
be displayed.
3. Click on the Select Group button for the first group in order to upload the assignment for that
5. Confirm the member(s) of the group by clicking on the “+” beside the Group Name*. The
name(s) of the candidate(s) in the group will be displayed.
7. Check the file before loading to ensure that that the correct file is being loaded.
10. Click on the Email Confirmation button to receive confirmation that the files were uploaded.
For example,
This email serves to inform you that file(s) for CSEC OFFICE ADMINISTRATION GENERAL GRP 4
- L. Jones at centre 100075 comprising MICHAEL TOWNSEND was/were uploaded
successfully on Feb 21 2017 3:22PM.
Teachers/administrators must:
1. SBA- Summary of Candidates with Files Uploaded: this report, which may be generated for
specific subjects or a given centre, provides the number of candidates for whom files were
uploaded (by subject)
2. SBA-Candidates with Files Uploaded: this report, which may be generated for specific
subjects or a given centre, lists candidates for whom files were uploaded (by subject)
05118090 English
05122090 French
05134090 Mathematics
05145090 Spanish
01216090 Economics
01225090 Geography
01234090 Mathematics