14 Lubricator S
14 Lubricator S
14 Lubricator S
Compressed air tool lubricators are
available in modular or inline
models in port sizes from 1/8" to 2".
Machine bearing lubricators are
available in 8 to 32 inch ratings.
Lubricator Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALE-14-B
L07 Miniature Micro-Fog® Lubricator 1/8" and 1/4" Ports . . . . . . . ALE-14-2
L72 Excelon Micro-Fog and Oil-Fog Lubricator
1/4" and 3/8" Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALE-14-4
L73 Excelon Micro-Fog and Oil-Fog Lubricators
1/4", 3/8", and 1/2" Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALE-14-6
L74 Excelon Micro-Fog and Oil-Fog Lubricators
3/8", 1/2", and 3/4" Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALE-14-8
L64 Olympian Plus Micro-Fog and Oil-Fog Lubricators
1/4", 3/8", 1/2", and 3/4" Ports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALE-14-10
L68 Olympian Micro-Fog and Oil-Fog Lubricator
3/4", 1, 1-1/4", and 1-1/2" Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALE-14-12
L17 Micro-Fog and Oil-Fog Lubricators
3/4", 1", 1-1/4" and 1-1/2" Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALE-14-14
10-028 Oil-Fog Lubricator 1-1/2" Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALE-14-16
10-076 Oil-Fog Lubricator 2" Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALE-14-18
10-015 Micro-Fog Machine Bearing Lubricator,
8 to 32 Bearing Inch Ratings, 1/4" Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALE-14-20
1.2.1 Oil-Fog:
• Large oil particles not as fine as micro-fog.
• All oil drips seen in sight domes are
delivered downstream.
• For applications over short distances. Metal bowl
• Should be mounted at same level or higher sight glass Syphon
than device being lubricated.
• Standard bowls can be filled under
pressure. (Not on rapid cycle units). Oil
• Suitable for heavy lubrication applications
eg single large cylinders and tools. Drain
• Has a flow sensor which provides constant (optional)
.5 7
35 60 90 120 160 180 psig 1.5 FILLING METHODS
1.5.1 Oil-Fog and Micro-Fog Lubricators:
Pressure Drop
The standard Oil-Fog lubricators can be filled under
.2 3 pressure ie without switching off the upstream air.
2 When a fill plug is removed a check valve in the
lubricator body isolates the inlet pressure from the
bowl and the reservoir will depressurize. The
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 scfm lubricator can then be filled with oil. When the fill
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 dm 3/s
plug is replaced, the reservoir will re-pressurize.
Air Flow The standard Micro-Fog unit can only be
filled without isolating the upstream pressure if a
1.3 LUBRICATOR SIZING 1.4 SETTING LUBRICATOR remote fill or quick fill nipple accessory is fitted. To
DRIP RATES remove the fill plug of a Micro-Fog lubricator whilse
Lubricators are sized by downstream flow under pressure can be dangerous. If in doubt shut
1.4.1 What is the Correct Drip Rate Setting?
requirements. An analysis of air flow use must be off the upstream air!
made. After determining how much air flow is The drip rate will depend on the application, the
needed, a lubricator can be chosen. Manufacturers’ amount of lubrication required, the flow through the 1.5.2 Remote Fill Devices:
curves will be like the one shown. For example, 50 lubricator and the lubricator type. In Micro-Fog
scfm of 90 psig lubricated air is required. Enter the lubricators only 10% of the droplets in the sight The remote oil fill system provides a means of filling
curve on the horizontal axis at the required flow. dome are carried downstream. The drip rate in from a remote fill point, a single lubricator or a bank
Read up to intersect the 90 psig line. Read the Micro-Fog lubricators therefore tends to be much of lubricators manifolded together. The remote fill
pressure drop on left, vertical axis as approximately higher. point may be connected to a portable reservoir or to
2.3 psid. Pressure drop should be less than 5 psid. The following table can be used to estimate a centralized, permanent reservoir. A portable
If pressure drop is more than 5 psid, choose a larger drip rate for required flow. This is very much a rule reservoir permits the use of different lubricants in
lubricator. of thumb. In practice it is necessary to fine tune the different groups of lubricators to suit the
oil drip rate in each application. requirements of the machinery being lubricated. The
Always be sure that the lubricants in your system are
lubrication oil must be fed in at a higher pressure
compatible with the materials in the lubricator you Typical Drip Rate Typical Drip Rate Approx
than exists in the bowl.
choose. This is especially important for plastic per Minute per Minute Flow
The devices are NOT intended for
lubricator reservoirs. If in doubt, check with the Micro-Fog Oil-Fog scfm
connection to an oil feed line which is under
factory or use a metal reservoir. (dm3/s)
constant pressure from a pump or pressurized
20 2 10 (5) reservoir. The device cannot reset until the pressure
40 4 20 (10) is removed. Such lines are a potential safety hazard
60 6 30 (15) if they should leak or become broken.
80 8 40 (20)
100 10 50 (25) 1.5.3 Quick Fill Nipples:
120 12 60 (30)
The quick fill system is an alternative which allows
1.3.2 Can the Drip Rate be Shut Off? ease of filling a single Micro-Fog or Oil-Fog
lubricator without switching off the mains air (on
In lubricators with needle valve type sight dome, some units the quick fill nipple replaces the filler
yes. plug).
Some Norgren sight domes use a felt pad To fill the lubricator, a quick fill connector
which is soaked in oil at the point where the drops piped to a portable oil reservoir is snapped in place
are formed. With this type of sight dome the oil over the quick fill nipple. The main oil reservoir can
droplets cease once the felt pad dries out. now be pumped (or pressurized) to a pressure
With the new style dome (L72/73/74 and greater than the lubricator bowl and the lubricator
L07) complete shut off is not possible. Minimum filled.
adjustment for the drip rate is around 1 drop per
1.6.1 Where can Liquid Level Switches be All units in basic 1/2” and above have optional Standard Norgren lubricators use a flow sensor to
Fitted? larger bowls/tanks. achieve constant oil density with varying flows. In
Olympian Plus and Excelon 74 are limited some applications high flow is more important than
Liquid level detection methods can be attached to to 1 quart as standard. For 2 and 5 gallon capacity constant density and a fixed venturi can be used
the 1 quart bowl and 2 & 5 gallon tanks. use 15/17 Series, or the 10-028/-076 (2”) instead of a flow sensor. It may also be useful in
lubricators. systems with rapid cycling. Consult Air Line for
1.6.2 Where can Remote Fill and Liquid Level more details.
Switches be Fitted?
1.9 OILS
The smaller bowls, L73 and up, are all capable of 1.8 APPLICATION SPECIFIC
either remote fill or liquid level detection (but not UNITS 1.9.1 What Oils are Recommended?
both at the same time!). The 2 quart and 2 & 5
gallon tanks only can have the liquid level switches 1.8.1 Do we Make Bearing Lubricators? Recommended oils fall into 2 categories:-
fitted. 1 Oils recommended for use with all Norgren
These are aerosol type lubricators. These units (valves, cylinders, fittings and FRL’s).
1.6.3 How do Liquid Level Switches Work? lubricators use air to get the oil to the point of 2 Oils which can be used with Norgren
lubrication, however the tool or application is not lubricators but not necessarily with other
Liquid level switches are bipolar reed switches powered by the air. Although produced by Norgren, Norgren equipment.
which change state when the float rises and falls. systems for their application are designed and sold Refer to ALE-29-2 for recommended lubricants.
Liquid level switches are normally by Engineering and General Lubrication Systems.
connected to give an electrical signal when the float 1.9.2 Can Non-Recommended Oils be Used?
falls (ie when the liquid level is too low). In critical
applications the logic could be reversed. Maximum Some oils can be tested for suitability, but Norgren
and minimum settings are possible too. cannot be responsible for use of non-recommended
Blocked oil filter screen. Remove sight feed adjustment dome and clean or
replace screen located in dome assembly.
Air leaks. Check bowl, filler plug and sight dome seals.
Tighten if necessary.
Oil Foaming Over aeration. Check bowl seals for slight leaks.
● Compact design
Ordering Information. Models listed include PTF threads and transparent bowl with manual drain.
Port Size Model Numbers Flow scfm (dm3/s)* Weight lbs (kg)
1/8" L07-100-MPAA 10 (5.0 dm3/s) 0.28 (0.13)
1/4" L07-200-MPAA 14 (6.7 dm3/s) 0.28 (0.13)
* Approximate flow at 90 psig (6.3 bar) inlet pressure and 7 psig (0.5 bar) pressure drop.
ISO Symbols
bar d
Operating temperature* PORT SIZE: 1/4"
Transparent bowl: 0° to 125°F (-20° to 50°C) 0.8
INLET PRESSURE: psig (bar g)
Metal bowl: 0° to 175°F (-20° to 80°C) 10 23 36 58 91 116 150
(1.6) (2.5) (4.0) (6.3) (8) (10)
* Air supply must be dry enough to avoid ice formation at temperatures below
35°F (2°C) 8
Start point (i.e. minimum flow required for lubricator operation): 0.5 scfm
(0.24 dm3/s) at 90 psig (6.3 bar) inlet pressure 6
Typical flow at 90 psig (6.3 bar) inlet pressure at 7 psig (0.5 bar) pressure drop:
1/8" ports: 10 scfm (5 dm3/s) 4
1/4" ports: 14 scfm (6.7 dm3/s) 0.2
Nominal bowl size: 1 fluid ounce (31 ml) 2
Drain connection: Will fit 1/8-27 and 1/8-28 pipe thread
Recommended lubricants: See Section ALE-29. 0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 scfm
Body: Zinc 0 2 4 6 8 10 dm3/s
Transparent: Polycarbonate
Service Kits
Metal: Zinc
Sight-feed dome: Transparent nylon Item Type Part number
Elastomers: Neoprene & nitrile Service kit Seal and o-ring 3795-03
Replacement drain Manual 773-03
Service kit includes o-ring, seal, and bowl o-ring.
1.63 (41)
1.45 (37)
1.65 (42)
1.65 (42)
7.21 (183)†
0.38 (10)
0.38 (10)
4.72 (120)
7.60 (193)†
5.12 (130)
Without Drain
Manua Drain
Ordering Information. Models listed include PTF threads, manual drain, and long transparent bowl without guard.
Type Main Port Size Model Number Flow* scfm (dm3/s) Weight lb (kg)†
Micro-Fog 1/4" L72M-2AP-QLN 51 (24) 1.1 (0.49)
3/8" L72M-3AP-QLN 51 (24) 1.1 (0.49)
Oil-Fog 1/4" L72C-2AP-QLN 51 (24) 1.1 (0.49)
3/8" L72C-3AP-QLN 51 (24) 1.1 (0.49)
* Typical flow with 90 psig (6.3 bar) inlet pressure and a pressure drop of 7 psig (0.5 bar).
Alternative Models L 7 2 ★ - ★ ★ P - ★ ★ ★
bar d
Transparent bowl: 0° to 125°F (-20° to 50°C)
Metal bowl: 0° to 150°F (-20° to 65°C) 0.8
* Air supply must be dry enough to avoid ice formation at temperatures below 35°F (2°C). INLET PRESSURE: psig (bar g)
Start point (i.e. minimum flow required for lubricator operation) at 90 psig (6.3 bar)
inlet pressure: 0.6
36 58 91 116
Micro-Fog: 2.0 scfm (0.94 dm3/s) (2.5) (4.0) (6.3) (8.0)
Materials: 0 5 10 15 20 25 dm3/s
Body: Zinc AIR FLOW
Transparent: Polycarbonate Service Kits
Guard for transparent reservoir: Zinc
Metal: Zinc Item Type Part Number
Metal reservoir liquid level indicator lens: Service kit Seal and gasket 4382-500
Transparent nylon Liquid level lens kit Prismatic 4380-030
Sight-feed dome: Transparent nylon Replacement drains 1/4 turn manual 619-50
Elastomers: Neoprene, nitrile, and Geolast® Service kit includes plug o-ring, sight-feed dome seal, manual drain
o-ring and bowl o-ring.
1.98 (50)
1.91 (48)
Micro-Fog Oil-Fog
2.51 (64) †
1.63 (41)
0.75 (19)
7.79 (198)**
9.13 (232)**
8.58 (218)**
8.35 (212)**
4.49 (114)
5.27 (134)
5.04 (128)
5.83 (148)
Short Bowl with Short Bowl with Long Bowl with Long Bowl with
1/4 Turn Manual Drain Closed Bottom 1/4 Turn Manual Drain Closed Bottom
Ordering Information. Models listed include PTF threads, manual drain, and metal bowl with plastic liquid level indicator.
Type Main Port Size Model Number Flow* scfm (dm3/s) Weight lb (kg)
1/4" L73M-2AP-QDN 60 (28) 1.1 (0.50)
Micro-Fog 3/8" L73M-3AP-QDN 60 (28) 1.1 (0.50)
1/2" L73M-4AP-QDN 60 (28) 1.1 (0.50)
1/4" L73C-2AP-QDN 60 (28) 1.1 (0.50)
Oil-Fog 3/8" L73C-3AP-QDN 60 (28) 1.1 (0.50)
1/2" L73C-4AP-QDN 60 (28) 1.1 (0.50)
* Maximum recommended air flow. Higher flows create excessive air velocity, turbulence, and pressure losses.
Alternative Models L 7 3 ★ - ★ ★ ★ - ★★ ★
Type Substitute Options Substitute
Oil-Fog C None N
Micro-Fog M Pyrex sight-feed dome † P
Quick fill nipple Q
Port Size Substitute
1/4" 2
3/8" 3 Bowl Substitute
1/2" 4 Metal with plastic liquid level indicator D
Transparent with guard P
Threads Substitute Metal with Pyrex liquid level indicator † R
PTF A Transparent T
ISO Rc taper B
ISO G parallel G
Drain Substitute
Air Flow Direction Substitute Closed bottom E
Uni-directional P Manual 1/4 turn Q
† Order optional Pyrex sight-feed dome when ordering metal bowl with Pyrex liquid level indicator.
bar d
Transparent bowl: 0° to 125°F ( -20° to 50°C) 36 (2.5) psig (bar)
Metal bowl: 0° to 175°F (-20° to 80°C)
* Air supply must be dry enough to avoid ice formation at temperatures below 35°F (2°C). 5
Start point (minimum flow required for lubricator operation): 1.5 scfm (0.71 dm /s)
0.3 58 (4.0)
at 90 psig (6.3 bar) inlet pressure 4
90 (6.3)
Typical flow with 90 psig (6.3 bar) inlet pressure and 3.5 psig (0.25 bar) pressure 116 (8.0)
drop: 80 scfm (38 dm /s) 0.2 3 150 (10.0)
Maximum recommended flow: 60 scfm (28 dm /s). Air flows above 60 scfm
(28 dm /s) create excessive air velocity, turbulence, and pressure losses. In 2
addition, the fog produced by the lubricator will wet out on the pipe walls and will 0.1
not be carried by the compressed air to the point of application. 1
bar d
Transparent with guard: Polycarbonate, steel guard INLET PRESSURE:
psig (bar)
Metal: Aluminum
36 (2.5)
Metal bowl liquid level indicator lens: Transparent nylon 5
Elastomers: Neoprene and nitrile 4 58 (4.0)
90 (6.3)
0.2 3 116 (8.0)
150 (10.0)
All Dimensions in Inches (mm) 1
2.68 (68)
0 0
1.22 (31)
0 20 40 60 80 100 scfm
0 10 20 30 40 50 dm3/s
2.45 (62)
Service Kits
Item Type Part Number
Service kit Seal & Gasket 4382-600
Liquid level lens kit Prismatic 4380-020
2.74 (70) **
Service kit includes dome seal, drain seal, bowl seal and fill plug
1.00 (25)
Ordering Information. Models listed include PTF threads, manual drain, and 7 fluid ounce (0.2 liter) metal bowl with plastic liquid level indicator.
Type Main Port Size Model Number * Flow** scfm (dm3/s) Weight lb (kg)†
3/8" L74M-3AP-QDN 114 (54) 1.70 (0.77)
Micro-Fog 1/2" L74M-4AP-QDN 154 (73) 1.61 (0.73)
3/4" L74M-6AP-QDN 142 (67) 1.55 (0.71)
3/8" L74C-3AP-QDN 118 (56) 1.70 (0.77)
Oil-Fog 1/2" L74C-4AP-QDN 192 (91) 1.61 (0.73)
3/4" L74C-6AP-QDN 186 (88) 1.55 (0.71)
* Models listed in the order table must not be located downstream of frequently cycling directional control valves. Order the optional bi-directional Oil-Fog Lubricator
for use under such conditions.
** Typical flow with 90 psig (6.3 bar) inlet pressure and a pressure drop of 7 psig (0.5 bar).
† Lubricators with 1 quart (1 litre) metal bowl: Add 2.01 lbs (0.91 kg).
Alternative Models L 7 4 ★ - ★ ★ ★ - ★★ ★
Type Substitute Options Substitute
Oil-Fog C Low oil level switch *** L
Micro-Fog M None N
Pyrex dome *† P
Port Size Substitute Quick fill nipple Q
3/8" 3
Bowl Substitute
1/2" 4 1 quart US (1 liter) metal with
3/4" 6 A
Pyrex liquid level indicator ††
7 fluid oz. (0.2 liter) metal with
Threads Substitute D
plastic liquid level indicator
PTF A 7 fluid oz. (0.2 liter)
ISO Rc taper B transparent with guard
ISO G parallel G 7 fluid oz. (0.2 liter) metal with
Pyrex liquid level indicator††
Air Flow Direction Substitute
Drain Substitute
Bi-directional (Oil-Fog only) E
Closed bottom E
Uni-directional P
Manual 1/4 turn Q
*** Low oil level switch requires 1 litre bowl, type ‘A’ at 9th digit.
Remote fill device - Use only
*† Pyrex dome used only with bowl type ‘A’ or ‘R’ at 9th digit. R
†† Pyrex liquid level indicator used only with option ‘P’ at 10th digit. with 7 fluid oz. (0.2 liter) bowl.
bar d
Operating temperature*:
Transparent bowl: 0° to 125°F (-20° to 50°C)
Metal bowl: 0° to 175°F (-20° to 80°C)
INLET PRESSURE: psig (bar)
* Air supply must be dry enough to avoid ice formation at temperatures below 35°F (2°C). 0.6
36 58 90 116 150
Start point (i.e. minimum flow required for lubricator operation): 2.5 scfm (2.5) (4.0) (6.3) (8.0) (10.0)
(0.94 dm3/s) at 90 psig (6.3 bar) inlet pressure
0.4 6
Typical flow with 90 psig (6.3 bar) inlet pressure and 7 psig (0.5 bar) pressure drop
Micro-fog: 154 scfm (73 dm /s)
3 4
Oil-fog: 192 scfm (91 dm /s)
Nominal bowl size:
Standard: 7 fluid ounce (0.2 liter)
Optional: 1 quart US (1 liter) 0 0
Manual drain connection: Will fit 1/8-27 and 1/8-28 pipe thread 0 40 80 120 160 200 scfm
Recommended lubricants: See Section ALE-29. 0 20 40 60 80 100 dm3/s
Materials AIR FLOW
Body: Aluminum
bar d
Transparent: Polycarbonate with steel bowl guard OIL-FOG
Metal: Aluminum
Metal bowl liquid level indicator lens: 10
7 fluid ounce (0.2 liter): Transparent nylon
0.6 INLET PRESSURE: psig (bar)
1 quart US (1 liter): Pyrex 8 36 58 90 116 150
Sight-feed dome: Transparent nylon (2.5) (4.0) (6.3) (8.0) (10.0)
1.86 (47)
Service kit includes dome seal, drain seal, bowl seal and
fill plug seal
ISO Symbols
2.69 (68)**
1.86 (47)
20.00 (508) †
Ordering Information. Models listed include PTF threads and 7 fluid ounce (0.2 liter) metal reservoir with drain.
ISO Symbol
bar d
Guarded transparent bowl: 0° to 125°F (-20° to 50°C) PORT SIZE 1/2"
Metal bowl: 0° to 175°F (-20° to 80°C)
* Air supply must be dry enough to avoid ice formation at temperatures below 35°F (2°C). 10
INLET PRESSURE: psig (bar g)
Start point (i.e. minimum flow required for lubricator operation) at 90 psig (6.3 bar)
36 58 91 116 150
inlet pressure (2.5) (4.0) (6.3) (8.0) (10.0)
Micro-Fog: 3.2 scfm (1.5 dm3/s)
Oil-Fog: 3.2 scfm (1.5 dm3/s) 0.4
Typical flow at 90 psig (6.3 bar) inlet pressure and 7 psig (0.5 bar) pressure drop:
153 scfm (72 dm3/s)
Nominal bowl capacity
Transparent bowl without guard: 7 fluid ounce (0.2 liter)
Metal bowl: 7 fluid ounce (0.2 liter) standard, 1 quart US (1 liter) optional
0 0
Manual drain connection: Will fit 1/8-27 and 1/8-28 pipe thread 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 scfm
Recommended lubricants: See Section ALE-29. 0 20 40 60 80 100 dm3/s
Materials AIR FLOW
Body: Zinc
Yoke: Zinc Service Kits
Metal bowl: Aluminium
Standard metal bowl prismatic liquid level indicator lens: Grilamid Item Type Part Number
Optional metal bowl sight glass [standard on 1 quart (1 liter bowl)]: Pyrex Service kit All models 4382-200
Optional transparent bowl: Polycarbonate Prismatic (standard) 4380-042
Sight-feed dome: Polycarbonate Replacement sight glass
Elastomeric materials: Synthetic rubber 7 fluid oz. (0.2 liter bowl)
Pyrex (optional) 4380-041
Replacement sight glass
Optional 1 quart US (1 liter) bowl Pyrex 2273-22
1 quart US (1 liter)
4.13 (105)** Service kit includes all seals, flow sensor, eyelet, dome screen, ball
and spring.
4.92 (125)
2.91 (74)
4.13 (105)**
1.46 (37)
2.91 (74)
4.33 (110)
2.48 (63)
2.48 (63)
10.16 (258)†
9.53 (242)
15.67 (398)†
14.41 (366)
Ordering Information. Models listed include yoke with PTF threads, 1/4 turn manal drain, and 1 quart bowl with sight glass.
Type Main Port Size Model Number Flow* scfm (dm3/s) Weight lb (kg)
Micro-Fog 3/4 L68M-6AP-QUN 424 (200) 4.63 (2.10)
1 L68M-8AP-QUN 424 (200) 4.49 (2.04)
1-1/4 L68M-AAP-QUN 424 (200) 4.59 (2.08)
1-1/2 L68M-BAP-QUN 424 (200) 4.67 (2.12)
Oil-Fog 3/4 L68C-6AP-QUN 396 (187) 4.63 (2.10)
1 L68C-8AP-QUN 396 (187) 4.49 (2.04)
1-1/4 L68C-AAP-QUN 396 (187) 4.59 (2.08)
1-1/2 L68C-BAP-QUN 396 (187) 4.67 (2.12)
* Typical flow with 90 psig (6.3 bar) inlet pressure and a pressure drop of 7 psig (0.5 bar).
Alternative Models L 6 8 ★ - ★ ★ ★ - ★★ ★
Type Substitute Options Substitute
Oil-Fog C None N
Micro-Fog M Quick fill device Q
Port Size Substitute Bowl Substitute
3/4" 6 1 quart US (1 liter), without sight glass C*
1" 8 2 gallons US (8 liter) X
1-1/4" A 5 gallons US (20 liter) Y
1-1/2" B 1 pint US (0.5 liter), without sight glass M*
None N 1 pint US (0.5 liter) with sight glass R*
1 quart US (1 liter) with sight glass U*
Threads Substitute
PTF A Drain Substitute
ISO Rc taper B Closed bottom bowl E
ISO G parallel G Manual M
None N No drain N
Type Substitute Manual, 1/4 turn Q
Uni directional P Remote fill R*
Fixed venturi (Oil-Fog) E
* Remote fill only available with 1 pint and 1 quart US (1/2 and 1 liter bowls) ISO Symbol
bar d
* Air supply must be dry enough to avoid ice formation at temperatures below +35°F (+2°C). 0.8 PORT SIZE: 1"
Start point (i.e. minimum flow required for lubricator operation) at MICRO-FOG
36 58 91 116
Oil-Fog: 13 scfm (6 dm3/s) 8
(2.5) (4.0) (6.3) (8.0)
Fixed venturi: 110 scfm (52 dm3/s)
Typical flow at 90 psig (6.3 bar) inlet pressure and 7 psig 0.4 6 150
(0.5 bar) pressure drop: (10.0)
Micro-Fog: 424 scfm (200 dm3/s) 4
Oil-Fog: 396 scfm (187 dm3/s) 0.2
Fixed venturi: 848 scfm (400 dm3/s) 2
Nominal bowl sizes:
1 pint US (0.5 liter) 0 0
1 quart US (1 liter) 0 80 160 240 320 400 480 scfm
2 gallons US (8 liter) 0 40 80 120 160 200 dm3/s
5 gallons US (20 liter) AIR FLOW
bar d
0.8 PORT SIZE: 1"
Body: Aluminum OIL-FOG
Yoke: Aluminum 10
Bowl, 1 pint US (0.5 liter) and 1 quart US (1 liter): Aluminum INLET PRESSURE: psig (bar)
Bowl sight glass: Pyrex 0.6
36 58 91 116 150
Reservoirs, 2 gallons US (8 liter) and 5 gallons US (20 liter): (2.5) (4.0) (6.3) (8.0) (10.0)
0.4 6
Reservoir sight tube: Polythene
Elastomers: Synthetic rubber
sight glass
2 & 5 gal (8 & 20 liter) 2274-01 FIXED VENTURI
0.8 PORT SIZE 1 1/2"
Manual 684-84
Replacement drain
Manual, 1/4 turn 619-50 10
INLET PRESSURE: psig (bar)
Service kit includes sight dome, screen, filler plug, seals and o-rings. 0.6
36 58 91 116 150
Oil fog service kit also contains check valve spring. 8
(2.5) (4.0) (6.3) (8.0) (10.0)
1 Pint US 0.4 6
13.5 (343)†
13.8 (350)†
14.2 (361)†
7.5 (190)
7.8 (197)
8.2 (208)
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1 000 scfm
7.48 (190)**
11.18 (284) 5 gal
7.18 (182) 2 gal
1 Quart US
18.2 (463)†
17.5 (445)†
10.2 (258)
10.6 (269)
9.9 (251)
(61) . 7.81 (198) 2 gal
Closed Bowl (No Drain) Manual Drain 1/4 Turn Manual Drain 11.81 (300) 5 gal
** Add 0.39" (10 mm) for 1-1/4" and 1-1/2"models. † Minimum clearance required to remove bowl.
Ordering Information. Models listed are uni-directional and include a 1 quart US (1 liter) metal bowl with drain, sight glass, and PTF threads.
Port Size Micro-Fog Models* Oil-Fog Models* Flow† scfm ( dm3/s) Weight lbs ( kg)
3/4" L17-600-MPDA L17-600-OPDA 160 (76) 3.73 (1.69)
1" L17-800-MPDA L17-800-OPDA 275 (130) 3.56 (1.62)
1-1/4" L17-A00-MPDA L17-A00-OPDA 275 (130) 4.65 (2.11)
1-1/2" L17-B00-MPDA L17-B00-OPDA 275 (130) 3.67 (1.67)
* Models listed in the order table must not be located downstream of frequently cycling directional control valves. Order the optional
bi-directional Oil-Fog Lubricator for use under such conditions.
† Typical flow with 90 psig (6.3 bar) inlet pressure and a pressure drop of 5 psig (0.35 bar).
Alternative Models L 1 7 - ★ ★ ★- ★ ★ ★ ★
Port Size Substitute Threads Substitute
3/4" 6 PTF A
1" 8 ISO Rc taper B
1-1/4" A BSPP (1-1/2" ported units) C
1-1/2" B ISO G parallel (not available G
with 1-1/2" ported units)
Option Substitute
Not applicable 00
ISO Symbol
bar d
Start point (minimum flow required for lubricator operation): 8 scfm (3.8 dm3/s) at INLET PRESSURE: 36 (2.5 ) 58 (4.0) 90 (6.3) 116 (8.0) 150
psig (bar g) (10.0)
90 psig (6.3 bar) inlet pressure 180
Typical flow with 90 psig (6.3 bar) inlet pressure and 5 psig (0.35 bar) pressure 5
1" ports: 275 scfm (130 dm3/s) 4
Nominal reservoir size
Standard: 1 quart US (1 liter) 0.2 3
Optional: 2 quart US (2 liter)
2 gallon US (8 liter) 2
5 gallon US (20 liter) 0.1
Manual drain connection on 1 quart reservoir: Will fit 1/8-27 and 1/8-28 pipe thread 1 PORT SIZE: 1"
Recommended lubricants: See Section ALE-29.
Materials 0 0
0 80 160 240 320 400 scfm
Body: Aluminum
0 40 80 120 160 200 dm3/s
1 quart US (1 liter): Aluminum
2 quart US (2 liter) and larger: Steel**
Reservoir sight glass: Pyrex
Sight-feed dome
Standard: Transparent nylon
Optional: Pyrex and aluminum Service Kits
Elastomers: Neoprene and nitrile Item Type Part Number
** The 2 and 5 gallon (8 and 20 liter) steel reservoirs are ASME rated according to
Service kit Oil-Fog and Micro-Fog 5771-02
the ASME Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII
1 quart US (1 liter) 2273-22
Reservoir sight glass kit
2 quart US (2 liter) 2273-04
2/5 gallon US (8/20 liter) 2274-01
Replacement drain 1/4 Turn 619-50
Service kit 5771-02 includes o-rings, seals and gaskets.
Reservoir sight glass kits, include all o-rings, seals, glass,
guard, and sight glass hardware.
16.9 (429)††
(61) C
Reservoir Recommended
Reservoir Working Capacity Operating Flow Range** Weight
Model Number Nominal Size Fluid Ounce (Liter) scfm (dm3/s) lbs (kg)
10-028-045 1 quart (1 liter) * 19 (0.56) 110 to 590 (52 to 278) 5 (0.91)
10-028-046 2 quart (2 liter) * 45 (1.33) 110 to 590 (52 to 278) 6 (2.72)
10-028-047 2 U.S. gallon (8 liter) 113 (3.34) 110 to 590 (52 to 278) 16 (7.26)
10-028-048 5 U.S. gallon (20 liter) 316 (9.34) 110 to 590 (52 to 278) 28 (12.70)
* Models with 1 and 2 quart reservoirs must not be located downstream of frequently cycling directional control valves. Models with the 2 and 5 gallon reservoirs may
be located downstream of frequently cycling directional control valves.
** At 100 psig (6.9 bar) inlet pressure and pressure drop of 5 psid (0.35 bar).
ISO Symbol
Technical Data
Fluid: Compressed air Typical Performance Characteristics
Maximum pressure: 250 psig (17 bar) OPERATING RANGE
Operating temperature*: 0° to 175°F (-20° to 80°C) Oil: SAE 10
* Air supply must be dry enough to avoid ice formation at temperatures below 35°F (2°C). Oil Feed Setting: Maximum
Start point (minimum flow required for lubricator operation) at 90 psig (6.3 bar)
inlet pressure: 103 scfm (49 dm3/s) B
Typical flow at 90 psig (6.3 bar) inlet pressure and 5 psig (0.35 bar) pressure drop: 12
568 scfm (268 dm3/s)
Nominal reservoir sizes:
8 120
1 quart (1 liter)
2 quart (2 liter)
2 U.S. gallon (8 liter)
5 U.S. gallon (20 liter) 40
Recommended lubricants: See Section ALE-29.
Materials 0 0
Body: Aluminum 0 200 400 600 800 1000 scfm
Reservoir: Steel 0 100 300200 400 500 dm3/s
Reservoir liquid level indicator lens: Pyrex AIR FLOW
A: Minimum flow based on oil drip rate of 5 drops per minute.
Sight-feed dome B: Maximum flow based on pressure drop of 5 psid (0.35 bar).
Standard: Transparent nylon
Optional: Pyrex and aluminum
Elastomers: Neoprene and Nitrile Service Kits
Item Type Part Number
1 quart reservoir 2272-02
Reservoir A B C D Liquid level lens kit 2 quart reservoir 2273-04
1 quart (1 liter) 4.72 (120) 4.06 (103) 8.27 (210) 15 (376) 2 and 5 gallon reservoir 2274-01
2 quart (2 liter) 5.28 (134) 4.63 (118) 10.52 (267) 19 (477) Replacement drain Manual petcock 684-01
2 gallon (8 liter) 7.81 (198) 7.18 (182) 18.34 (466) 32 (813) Liquid level lens kit include sight glass, sight glass guards, seals,
5 gallon (20 liter) 11.81 (300) 11.18 (284) 21.59 (548) 37 (940) and hardware.
5.25 (133)
5.25 (133)
1 and 2 quart (1 and 2 liter) reservoir 2 and 5 gallon (8 and 20 liter) reservoir
Reservoir Recommended
Reservoir Working Capacity Operating Flow Range* Weight
Model Number Nominal Size Fluid Ounce (Liter) scfm (dm3/s) lbs (kg)
10-076-004 2 U.S. gallon (8 liter) 113 (3.34) 250 to 1000 (118 to 472) 19 (8.6)
10-076-005 5 U.S. gallon (20 liter) 316 (9.34) 250 to 1000 (118 to 472) 32 (14.5)
* At 100 psig (6.9 bar) inlet pressure and pressure drop of 5 psid (0.35 bar).
Alternative Models
1 0 - ★ 7 6 - ★★★ - ★★
ISO Symbol
Technical Data
Fluid: Compressed air
Maximum pressure: 250 psig (17 bar) Typical Performance Characteristics
Operating temperature*: 0° to 175°F (-20° to 80°C)
* Air supply must be dry enough to avoid ice formation at temperatures below 35°F (2°C). A B
Start point (minimum flow required for lubricator operation) at 90 psig (6.3 bar) 16
Nominal reservoir sizes:
2 U.S. gallon (8 liter) 120
5 U.S. gallon (20 liter)
Recommended lubricants: See Section ALE-29. 80
Materials 4
Oil: SAE 10
Oil Feed Setting: Maximum
Body and adapter: Aluminum 40
Reservoir: Steel
Reservoir liquid level indicator lens: Pyrex 0 0
Sight-feed dome 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 scfm
Service Kits
All Dimensions in Inches (mm) Item Type Part Number
Liquid level lens kit 8 and 20 liter reservoir 2274-01
Replacement drain Manual petcock 684-01
Reservoir sight glass kits include sight glass, sight glass guards,
seals, and hardware.
5.13 (130)
Ordering Information. Models listed have 1/4" PTF threads and are rated from 8 to 32 bearing inches.
Model Number Reservoir - Nominal Size Reservoir - Working Capacity Weight lbs (kg)
10-015-100 * 1/2 pint (0.25 liter) — 2 (0.91)
10-015-002 1/2 pint (0.25 liter) 5 fluid ounce (0.15 liter) 2 (0.91)
10-015-504 1 quart (1 liter) 19 fluid ounce (0.56 liter) 4.0 (1.8)
10-015-005 2 quart (2 liter) 45 fluid ounce (1.33 liter) 6 (2.72)
10-065-006 2 U.S. gallon (8 liter) 113 fluid ounce (3.34 liter) 15.4 (7.0)
10-065-007 5 U.S. gallon (20 liter) 316 fluid ounce (9.34 liter) 28 (12.7)
* Equipped with factory installed remote fill device.
Alternative Models
1 0 - 0 ★★ - ★★★ - ★★
Option Add
Wall bracket attached to 10-015 -1B
Quick fill -2H
Pyrex sight feed dome -7C
Low oil level switch with 10-015-504 -3A
Low oil level switch with 10-015-005 -3A
Low oil level switch with 10-065-006 -3D
Low oil level switch with 10-065-007 -3E
Bowl guard for 0.5 pint reservoir -2U
ISO Symbol
With Drain
See Section ALE-25 for Accessories
Technical Data
Fluid: Compressed air
Service Kits
Maximum pressure
Transparent bowl: 150 psig (10 bar) Item Type Part Number
Metal bowl: 250 psig (17 bar) Service kit Seal & Gasket 714-01
Operating temperature* Liquid level lens kit 1 quart reservoir 2273-22
Transparent bowl: 0° to 125°F (-20° to 50°C) 2 quart reservoir 2273-04
Metal bowl: 0° to 175°F (-20° to 80°C)
2 and 5 gallon reservoir 2274-01
* Air supply must be dry enough to avoid ice formation at temperatures below 35°F (2°C).
Nominal reservoir sizes Replacement drain Manual petcock 684-01
10-015-002: 1/2 pint (0.25 liter) Service kit 714-01 includes dome, o-rings, gaskets, siphon tube
10-015-100: 1/2 pint (0.25 liter) filter, siphon tube check ball.
10-015-504: 1 quart (1 liter) Reservoir sight glass kits include sight glass, sight glass guards,
10-015-005: 2 quart (2 liter) seals, and hardware.
10-065-006: 2 U.S. gallon (8 liter)
10-065-007: 5 U.S. gallon (20 liter)
Recommended lubricants: See Section ALE-29.
Body: Zinc
Transparent 1/2 pint (0.25 liter): Polycarbonate
1 quart (1 liter): Aluminum
2 quart, 2 and 5 gallon (2, 8, 20 liter): Steel
Metal bowl liquid level indicator lens: Pyrex
Sight-feed dome
Standard: Polycarbonate
Optional: Pyrex and brass
Elastomers: Neoprene and nitrile
All Dimensions in Inches (mm)
Reservoir A B C D E
1 quart (1 liter) 4.58 (116) 4.36 (111) 12.73 (323) 10.8 (275) 19 (475)
2 quart (2 liter) 5.28 (134) 4.63 (118) 11.69 (297) 9.77 (248) 18 (457)
2 gallon (8 liter) 7.81 (198) 7.18 (182) 19.51 (496) 17.59 (447) 31 (787)
5 gallon (20 liter) 11.81 (300) 11.18 (284) 22.76 (578) 20.84 (529) 36 (914)
3.38 (86)
3.38 (86)
3.38 (86)
3.81 (97)
3.38 (86)
7.52 (191)
9.45 (240) *
5.60 (142)
1 (25)
1/8 NPT
1/8 NPT Copper Tube
1/8 NPT
Straight, compression tube Elbow, compression tube Pressure jet, compression tube Straight, pipe thread* 1/4 OD copper tube, solder
Model BI Rating Model BI Rating Model BI Rating Model BI Rating Model BI Rating
18-009-003 0 to 1 18-009-008 0 to 1 18-009-030 0 to 1
18-009-001 0 to 1 18-009-029 2 to 4
18-009-010 1 to 2 18-009-011 1 to 2 18-009-031 1 to 2
18-009-002 0 to 1
18-009-012 2 to 4 18-009-013 2 to 4 18-009-032 2 to 4
18-009-005 2 to 4
18-009-014 4 to 8 18-009-015 4 to 8 18-009-006 2 to 4
18-009-007 4 to 8
* 1/4 NPT female x 1/8 NPT male threads all models except 18-009-002 and -006, which have 1/4 NPT female and male threads.