Dream in Islam
Dream in Islam
Dream in Islam
Above 3 Ahadith show that Prophet ( )صلی ہللا علیھ وآلھ وسلمused to describe
his dreams, or in other words, narrating one’s dreams is the Sunnah of the
Prophet ()صلی ہللا علیھ وآلھ وسلم.
2. Prophet ( )صلی ہللا علیھ وآلھ وسلمasked Sahaba to mention their dreams:
Above Hadith (alongwith other similar ones) show that the Prophet ( صلی
)ہللا علیھ وآلھ وسلمused to encourage Sahaba to narrate their dreams.
I used to see a Dream which would make me sick till I heard Abu Qatada
“I too, used to see a Dream which would make me sick …”
(Bukhari Vol. 9, Book 87, No. 168)
First 2 Ahadith show that narrating a Dream to the Prophet ( صلی ہللا علیھ
)وآلھ وسلمwas a common practice of Sahaba.
The third Hadith shows that Sahaba used to narrate their dreams to each
Hazrat Ali Hajvari ( )رحمت ہللا علیھhas mentioned his dreams in his famous
book “Kashaf ul Mahjoob”.
Imam Shairani, in his book “Tabaqat” writes that Imam Jilal ud Din Syuoti
saw the Prophet (70 ) صلی ہللا علیھ وآلھ وسلمtimes not in his Dream but while
he was awake. This shows that Imam Jilal ud Din Syuoti mentioned about
his ziyara and hence others recorded this in the books.
Shah Wali Ullah has written a full-fledged book (namely “Ad dur us Samin
Fi Mubasharat un Nabi ul Ameen”) in which he has gathered 40 dreams
seen by him or his teachers.
And there is a long list of elders who not only described their dreams, but
they also recorded them in books.