Global Brand Simplicity Index 2017
Global Brand Simplicity Index 2017
Global Brand Simplicity Index 2017
Showing the
impact of
simplicity on
the world’s
Global Brand Simplicity Index 2017
02 Forward
04 Highlights
12 Global
14 Top 10 global brands
16 Bottom 10 global brands
18 Industry comparison
26 United States
34 United Kingdom
Table of contents
42 Germany
50 Sweden
58 China
66 Middle East
74 India
82 Japan
90 Global disrupters
94 Research Methodology
96 About Siegel+Gale
97 Contact
What’s the
value of Each year we set out to answer exactly that.
What do we mean by simple? As a global brand
strategy firm, Siegel+Gale has long held the belief
that simplicity lies at the intersection of remarkably
clear and unexpectedly fresh. Brands that deliver
clear, human and useful experiences—win. The
results are in.
to deliver on the brand promise—and ultimately drives
financial gain for companies that embrace it.
Simplicity pays
growth of
+433 %
Since 2009, a stock
portfolio comprised of the
400% publicly traded simplest
brands in our global Top Simplicity
10 has outperformed the portfolio growth
major indexes.
simplicity 250%
pay for 200%
Siegel+Gale 6 7 Global Brand Simplicity Index 2017
Simplicity pays
of people are more
% likely to recommend
a brand because
% it provides simpler
experiences and
62 % vs.
20 %
considered brand considered brand
of consumers champions in compa-
nies perceived to be
champions in compa-
nies perceived to be
to pay more
for simpler $86 Billion
experiences the amount of money brands are leaving on the
table when they don’t simplify
movers &
Fresh faced
Health and beauty product purveyor
Sephora shows signs of rejuvenation this
year, rising 44 spots in our global index.
Taking off
After being grounded at 53 last year,
Supermarket sweep easyJet has ascended 16 spots, a smooth
ALDI remains the simplest brand in our takeoff for a customer-focused airline.
global index for the fourth year running,
while competitor Lidl once again lands
in the top three.
Super simplify me
Five out of six brands representing the
restaurant industry in the global index rank
Results not found in the top 15, indicating that quick service
Yahoo! drops 37 places, showing us that often equates to simple satisfaction.
search isn’t always simple.
Google—with its pristine and no-nonsense homepage—is synonymous with simplicity. With a user
experience that is “intuitive and easy to understand” the search engine’s perfect functionality keeps
3 users coming back again and again. But not everything is pared down: the whimsical “Google Doodles”
(Google’s ever-changing logo illustrations) showcase the brand’s personality. Simplicity can come
with a sense of humor after all.
The video-streaming service has redefined the way we watch television and movies. With original
4 high-quality shows and content that is always on-demand, Netflix “has figured out what customers
Top 10
want,” according to one subscriber. Channel surfing is no longer necessary.
1 5
Known for its sleek and minimalist designs, the success of Ikea’s business model is rooted in simplicity.
“Ikea gives you everything you need for your home in just one visit,” said one customer. By cutting out
the middleman, Ikea makes taking furniture from the showroom shelf to the living room floor affordable
and easy to assemble.
The e-commerce giant has simplified shopping to only two clicks. For customers who feel two-clicks
are one too many, Amazon Dash Buttons demonstrate the brand’s commitment to innovation with a
Topping our index for the fourth year in a row, ALDI 6 single push. Because of Amazon’s intuitive user interface and its speedy and reliable delivery system, all
customers have to do is sit back, relax and wait for their orders to come to them.
is clearly doing something right. With its simple,
consistent store layouts, ALDI offers affordable, high-
quality goods combined with a stress-free customer Its chicken recipe is a well-kept secret, but there’s no mystery why this global quick service restaurant
is in our Top 10. Customers keep coming back because of its convenience and consistency. The simple
experience. Because the discount supermarket chain 7 menu makes filling up as easy as 1, 2 or 3. KFC’s “tried and tested” reputation ensures that any choice
will bring satisfaction.
mostly carries exclusive products, customers don’t
have to choose between the typical and sometimes
overwhelming array of brands and prices. This online video-sharing platform snags a spot in our global Top 10 due to the simplicity of its interface.
8 Viewers applaud YouTube’s easy navigation, intuitive user experience and powerful search function.
Streaming cat videos to our desktops definitely has its benefits.
With familiar menus and convenient locations, McDonald’s has always made dining simple. While the
9 brand launched a new all-day breakfast menu, they are refocusing on simplicity. The proof? They recently
cut down menu options and, in January, gave their packaging a sleek and simple redesign.
The secret to this restaurant’s simplicity is obvious: customers can see exactly what they’re going to get.
10 With fast and friendly service, clear pricing and convenient in-store layouts, “all you need to do is choose
what you want on your sandwich” says one diner, “and that’s not very hard.”
It’s no secret that Ryanair once again lands in the Bottom 10—customers have long warned of hidden
fees. The budget airline charges for everything from name changes on your ticket to checking in at
Bottom 10
87 the airport. While the choice to save as you fly should be a simple one, Ryanair’s complex pricing has
customers second-guessing.
According to customers, there are many components of this global bank’s services that just don’t seem
simple. Credit card charges and product interest rates are “confusing” and “nontransparent” while others
88 warn of unfriendly in-store experiences. Further, the brand’s fraud allegations over the past few years do
little to inspire consumer confidence.
For car rental company Hertz, customer confusion begins with its identity. While some consumers were
aware of the brand, many could not explain the services Hertz provides. “Their ads are too complex,” said
one. Those familiar with the brand reported complicated fine print and “misleading” prices.
Insurance is often considered complex. According to customers, MetLife is making insurance seem
even more complicated than expected. With contracts that are “difficult to understand,” supposedly
90 misleading product categories and unclear pricing, this insurer needs a new prescription to break the
Bottom 10. This global insurance company takes the bottom
spot for the second year in a row. Consumers
complained that pricing across products was
Drivers complain of Avis’s confusing prices, hidden fees and unfriendly in-store experiences. However,
“inconsistent” and “opaque.” Though it appears AXA
91 this year Avis appears to be making progress on the road to simplicity. Its new app, Avis Now, puts the
entire car rental process—from booking to return—at customers’ fingertips. is reducing complexity by divesting select business
units, it might be a while before this brand can sell
customers on the prospect of simple insurance.
According to users, this social network’s cumbersome interface is what brings it near the bottom of our
92 index. Complicated navigation and an excessive suite of features makes members feel “It’s too complex
to even use.” Hopefully Microsoft, its new owner, will see simplicity as this brand’s missing link.
When it comes to health, people want the truth. But according to patients, global healthcare company
93 Bupa does not deliver. Many complain about complex conditions and insurance terms with hard-to-
understand prices.
Aviva again proves that making insurance simple is no easy task. Customers often complain of “hidden”
94 conditions in contracts, and unaffordable pricing—not the ideal experience for a customer base that is
seeking peace of mind.
United Kingdom
United States
Middle East
1 Internet search 950
How do
3 Retail/Grocery 773
4 Electronics 740
5 Appliances 733
industry 6
8 Retail/Fashion
9 Shipping/Mail 619
10 Media 615
11 Travel/Booking 605
13 Travel/Hotels 597
across 14
Telecom/Cell phone
16 Automotive 546
17 Banks/Retail 534
19 Travel/Train 510
20 Utilities 506
21 Fitness 487
22 Telecom/Cable 486
< 400
25 General insurance 269
1 Aldi Retail/Grocery N/C 25 LG Electronics ↓11 49 Yahoo! Internet search ↓37 73 Uber Travel/Car rental N/A
2 Lidl Retail/Grocery ↑1 26 Honda Automotive N/A 50 Ramada Travel/Hotels N/A 74 Topshop Retail/Fashion ↑5
3 Google Internet search ↓1 27 Philips Electronics ↓7 51 Groupon Internet retail ↓32 75 Nissan Automotive N/A
4 Netflix Media N/C 28 eBay Internet retail ↓19 52 Canon Electronics ↓29 76 Siemens Appliances ↓7
5 IKEA Retail/General ↑2 29 Toyota Automotive ↑20 53 O2 Telecom/Cell phone ↑15 77 Vodafone Telecom/Cell phone ↓4
6 Amazon Internet retail ↑9 30 Bosch Appliances ↑11 54 Dell Electronics ↓28 78 UPS Shipping/Mail ↓4
7 KFC Restaurants ↑3 31 ZARA Retail/Fashion ↑1 55 Instagram Social media ↓1 79 BMW Automotive ↓14
8 YouTube Social media N/C 32 HP Electronics ↓7 56 Holiday Inn Travel/Hotels ↓18 80 Under Armour Fitness N/A
9 McDonald's Restaurants ↓4 33 Bing Internet search ↑1 57 Marriott Travel/Hotels ↓12 81 British Airways Travel/Air ↓35
10 SUBWAY Restaurants N/A 34 Nike Fitness ↑3 58 Marks & Spencer Retail/General ↓19 82 Facebook Social media ↓19
11 Burger King Restaurants ↓5 35 Adidas Fitness ↑1 59 Mercedes-Benz Automotive ↓15 83 Citibank Banks/Retail ↓1
12 Hilton Travel/Hotels ↑50 36 Enterprise Travel/Car rental N/A 60 Audi Automotive ↑6 84 DHL Shipping/Mail ↓14
13 Pizza Hut Restaurants ↑11 37 easyJet Travel/Air ↑16 61 Puma Fitness ↑10 85 Vattenfall Utilities N/A
14 Carrefour Retail/Grocery ↑7 38 Panasonic Electronics ↓11 62 Skype Telecom/Cell phone ↓14 86 Budget Travel/Car rental ↓9
15 Hyundai Automotive N/A 39 Gap Retail/Fashion ↑13 63 Microsoft Electronics ↓28 87 Ryanair Travel/Air ↓2
16 Sephora Retail/Health & beauty ↑44 40 Boots Retail/Health & beauty ↑17 64 Lufthansa Travel/Air ↓5 88 HSBC Banks/Retail ↓8
17 Miele Appliances ↑11 41 Nokia Electronics ↓19 65 Norwegian Air Travel/Air N/A 89 Hertz Travel/Car rental ↓8
18 H&M Retail/Fashion ↑11 42 Starbucks Restaurants ↓2 66 iTunes Internet retail ↑1 90 Metlife General insurance N/A
19 Lenovo Electronics ↑14 43 Best Western Travel/Hotels N/C 67 Twitter Social media ↑9 91 Avis Travel/Car rental ↓8
20 Samsung Electronics ↓9 44 Apple Electronics ↓13 68 FedEx Shipping/Mail ↓7 92 LinkedIn Social media ↓14
21 UNIQLO Retail/Fashion N/A 45 HTC Electronics ↑11 69 Toshiba Electronics N/A 93 Bupa Health insurance ↓7
22 Expedia Travel/Booking ↑8 46 Volkswagen Automotive ↓4 70 Reebok Fitness ↓20 94 Aviva General insurance N/A
23 Sony Electronics ↓7 47 Walmart Retail/General ↓34 71 Haier Appliances ↓13 95 AXA General insurance ↓8
% experiences varies
by industry:
30–40 %
20–30 %
are willing
Internet search
Health insurance
to pay more
Retail/Health & beauty
Internet retail
General insurance
for simpler
Travel/Car rental
experiences Shipping/Mail
Social Media
26 United States
34 United Kingdom
Results 42
by region
58 China
66 Middle East
74 India
82 Japan
United States
Siegel+Gale 26 27 Global Brand Simplicity Index 2017
Industry Rankings
1 Internet search
2 Restaurants
3 Retail/Grocery
4 Internet retail
5 Appliances
6 Electronics
7 Shipping/Mail
8 Retail/Health & beauty
9 Retail/General
10 Banks/Retail
11 Retail/Fashion
12 Utilities
13 Travel/Hotels
14 Automotive
15 Travel/Booking
16 Media
17 Fitness
18 Telecom/Cell phone
19 Travel/Air
20 Travel/Train
21 Travel/Car rental
22 Social media
23 Telecom/Cable
24 General insurance
25 Health insurance
1 Google Internet search N/C 34 Craigslist Internet retail ↑8 67 Days Inn Travel/Hotels ↑21 100 CNN Media ↓4
2 Netflix Media N/C 35 Groupon Internet retail ↓23 68 Nike Fitness ↓42 101 Kaiser Permanente Health insurance N/A
3 Internet retail ↑3 36 Albertsons Retail/Grocery ↑18 69 The Wall Street Journal Media ↑21 102 The New York Times Media ↓18
4 Amazon Internet retail N/C 37 iTunes Internet retail ↑33 70 USA Today Media ↑8 103 Skype Telecom/Cell phone ↓41
5 Amazon Prime Media N/A 38 Comfort Inn Travel/Hotels ↑22 71 Under Armour Fitness N/A 104 State Farm General insurance ↓25
6 Dunkin' Donuts Restaurants ↑1 39 Old Navy Retail/Fashion ↓28 72 HP Electronics ↓40 105 Orbitz Travel/Booking ↓31
7 McDonald's Restaurants ↑7 40 Maytag Appliances ↓25 73 Gap Retail/Fashion ↓6 106 Hertz Travel/Car rental ↓12
8 Trader Joe's Retail/Grocery ↑11 41 Sony Electronics ↓16 74 Yelp Social media ↓2 107 Budget Travel/Car rental ↓7
9 Pandora Internet retail N/A 42 Toyota Automotive ↑15 75 Expedia Travel/Booking ↓19 108 Farmers General insurance ↑9
10 SUBWAY Restaurants N/A 43 Rite Aid Pharmacy Retail/Health & beauty ↑16 76 T-Mobile Telecom/Cell phone ↑28 109 Bank of America Banks/Retail ↓23
11 KFC Restaurants ↓2 44 Victoria's Secret Retail/Fashion ↓3 77 Hilton Travel/Hotels ↑8 110 Nationwide General insurance ↓23
12 USPS Shipping/Mail ↑49 45 Ford Automotive ↓21 78 Macy's Retail/General ↓26 111 Avis Travel/Car rental ↓14
13 Costco Retail/General N/A 46 YouTube Social media ↓24 79 Hyundai Automotive N/A 112 US Airways Travel/Air ↑1
United States
United States
14 Pizza Hut Restaurants ↓4 47 Samsung Electronics ↓31 80 Panasonic Electronics ↓33 113 American Airlines Travel/Air ↑2
15 Burger King Restaurants ↓7 48 Honda Automotive ↓25 81 Fox News Media ↑22 114 Verizon Telecom/Cell phone N/C
16 Southwest Airlines Travel/Air ↑18 49 Yahoo! Internet search ↓18 82 Amtrak Travel/Train ↑7 115 Wells Fargo Banks/Retail ↓17
17 Subaru Automotive N/A 50 PayPal Banks/Retail N/A 83 Instagram Social media ↓34 116 Alamo Travel/Car rental ↓9
18 IKEA Retail/General ↑48 51 eBay Internet retail ↓3 84 Best Western Travel/Hotels ↓2 117 AT&T Telecom/Cell phone ↓5
19 Kroger Retail/Grocery ↑1 52 Bing Internet search ↓6 85 Kmart Retail/General ↓27 118 Delta Air Lines Travel/Air ↓9
20 Publix Retail/Grocery ↓17 53 Kohl's Retail/General N/A 86 Enterprise Travel/Car rental ↑6 119 United/Continental Travel/Air ↓14
21 FedEx Shipping/Mail ↑19 54 Pinterest Social media ↓4 87 DISH Network Telecom/Cable ↑31 120 HUMANA Health insurance ↑3
22 Chipotle Restaurants ↓17 55 Adidas Fitness ↑14 88 Chevrolet Automotive ↓35 121 Facebook Social media ↓20
23 Whole Foods Market Retail/Grocery ↑5 56 Marriott Travel/Hotels ↑21 89 Ramada Travel/Hotels ↓24 122 LinkedIn Social media ↓14
24 Starbucks Restaurants ↓11 57 Dell Electronics ↑6 90 Microsoft Electronics ↓19 123 MetLife General insurance ↓13
25 Sephora Retail/Health & beauty ↑19 58 Safeway Retail/Grocery ↓21 91 Chase Banks/Retail ↓10 124 DIRECTV Telecom/Cable ↓8
26 KAYAK Travel/Booking ↓9 59 Holiday Inn Travel/Hotels ↓26 92 Reebok Fitness ↓53 125 Aetna Health insurance ↓6
27 UPS Shipping/Mail ↓6 60 Dodge Automotive ↓24 93 Citibank Banks/Retail ↑2 126 CIGNA Health insurance ↓5
28 Target Retail/General ↓1 61 CVS/pharmacy Retail/Health & beauty ↓26 94 Twitter Social media ↓3 127 Comcast Telecom/Cable ↓3
29 Walgreens Retail/Health & beauty ↑14 62 GE Appliances ↑2 95 Travel/Booking ↓22 128 Time Warner Cable Telecom/Cable ↓6
30 Apple Electronics ↓12 63 JetBlue Airways Travel/Air ↑13 96 Sprint Telecom/Cell phone ↑15 129 UnitedHealthcare Health insurance ↓9
32 Levi's Retail/Fashion ↓2 65 GEICO General insurance ↓10 98 Progressive General insurance ↓53
% experiences varies
by industry:
20–30 %
United States
United States
10–20 %
are willing
Telecom/Cell phone
Retail/Health & beauty
General insurance
to pay more
Internet search
Social media
for simpler
Travel/Car rental
1 Internet search
2 Internet retail
3 Retail/Grocery
4 Appliances
5 Electronics
6 Restaurants
7 Retail/General
8 Travel/Hotels
9 Travel/Booking
10 Retail/Fashion
11 Shipping/Mail
12 Banks/Retail
13 Automotive
14 Retail/Health & beauty
15 Media
16 Travel/Air
17 Telecom/Cable
18 Telecom/Cell phone
19 Utilities
20 Fitness
21 Travel/Train
22 Social media
23 Travel/Car rental
24 General insurance
25 Health insurance
1 Amazon Internet retail ↑9 34 Ford Automotive ↓15 67 Enterprise Travel/Car rental N/A 100 Ryanair Travel/Air ↓7
2 Google Internet search N/C 35 Burger King Restaurants ↓23 68 Instagram Social media ↓1 101 Sky Telecom/Cable ↓32
3 Lidl Retail/Grocery ↓2 36 eBay Internet retail ↓20 69 UNIQLO Retail/Fashion N/A 102 Virgin Media Telecom/Cable ↓20
4 First Direct Banks/Retail ↑29 37 Sainsbury's Retail/Grocery ↓31 70 British Airways Travel/Air ↓38 103 IBM Electronics N/A
5 John Lewis Retail/General ↑13 38 Expedia Travel/Booking ↑9 71 Philips Electronics ↓3 104 Vodafone Telecom/Cell phone ↑5
6 Aldi Retail/Grocery ↓3 39 H&M Retail/Fashion ↑7 72 Nokia Electronics ↑4 105 E.ON Utilities ↑17
7 McDonald's Restaurants N/C 40 KFC Restaurants ↓23 73 YouTube Social media ↓52 106 EE (Everything Everywhere) Telecom/Cell phone ↑2
8 Nandos Restaurants N/A 41 Royal Mail Shipping/Mail ↑4 74 Panasonic Electronics ↓37 107 Microsoft Electronics ↓4
9 Travel/Booking N/A 42 The Sun Media ↓8 75 easyJet Travel/Air ↓40 108 Three Telecom/Cell phone ↓54
10 Premier Inn Travel/Hotels ↓6 43 Volkswagen Automotive ↑20 76 More Than General insurance ↑22 109 The Times Media ↓51
11 Moneysupermarket Internet search N/A 44 Starbucks Restaurants ↓1 77 Topshop Retail/Fashion ↑7 110 British Gas Utilities ↑7
12 Travelodge Travel/Hotels ↓1 45 ITV Media N/A 78 Santander Banks/Retail ↓16 111 Barclays Banks/Retail ↓15
13 IKEA Retail/General N/C 46 Hilton Travel/Hotels ↑26 79 ZARA Retail/Fashion ↓24 112 Avis Travel/Car rental ↑6
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
14 Pizza Express Restaurants N/A 47 Puma Fitness ↑44 80 Lufthansa Travel/Air ↑14 113 Hertz Travel/Car rental ↑2
15 Comparethemarket Internet search N/A 48 Samsung Electronics ↓28 81 Reebok Fitness ↓15 114 RBS Banks/Retail ↓1
SSE (Scottish and
16 Asda Retail/Grocery ↓11 49 Nationwide Banks/Retail ↑16 82 Turkish Airlines Travel/Air N/A 115 Southern Energy) Utilities ↑6
17 Superdrug Retail/Health & beauty ↑7 50 NatWest Banks/Retail ↑3 83 The Financial Times Media ↑24 116 Bupa Health insurance ↓2
18 Audi Automotive ↑71 51 Daily Mail Media N/A 84 Adidas Fitness ↓14 117 Facebook Social media ↓22
19 Tesco Retail/Grocery ↓10 52 Sony Electronics ↓27 85 BBC Media ↓41 118 LinkedIn Social media ↑1
20 Netflix Media ↓12 53 O2 Telecom/Cell phone ↑4 86 HP Electronics ↓25 119 Legal & General General insurance N/A
21 Waitrose Retail/Grocery ↑2 54 Holiday Inn Travel/Hotels ↓14 87 The Co-operative Bank Banks/Retail ↑17 120 Aviva Health insurance ↓8
22 Travel/Booking ↑26 55 Direct Line General insurance ↑37 88 Gap Retail/Fashion ↓9 121 ScottishPower Utilities ↑3
23 Morrisons Retail/Grocery N/A 56 Virgin Atlantic Travel/Air ↓27 89 UPS Shipping/Mail ↑16 122 EDF Energy Utilities ↑1
24 Travelzoo Travel/Booking N/A 57 Apple Electronics ↑14 90 BMW Automotive ↓9 123 TalkTalk Telecom/Cell phone ↓7
25 Primark Retail/Fashion ↑2 58 DHL Shipping/Mail ↑19 91 FedEx Shipping/Mail ↓8 124 BT Telecom/Cable ↓22
26 Pret a Manger Restaurants N/A 59 GoCompare Internet search N/A 92 iTunes Internet retail ↓6 125 npower Utilities ↓5
27 Trivago Travel/Booking N/A 60 Channel 4 Media ↓32 93 Lloyds Bank Banks/Retail ↓8 126 AXA PPP Healthcare Health insurance ↓1
29 Marks & Spencer Retail/Grocery ↓15 62 Virgin Money Banks/Retail ↓10 95 Skype Telecom/Cell phone ↑2
30 Intercontinental Travel/Hotels ↑20 63 TSB Banks/Retail ↓12 96 Twitter Social media ↑15
31 The Co-operative Food Retail/Grocery ↓9 64 LV General insurance ↑11 97 Norwegian Air Travel/Air N/A
32 Boots Retail/Health & beauty ↓17 65 Guardian Media ↓23 98 Dell Electronics ↓38
% experiences varies
by industry:
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
of consumers 1–10 %
are willing
Health insurance
to pay more
Retail/Health & beauty
Travel/Car rental
Telecom/Cell phone
for simpler
Internet search
Social media
Internet retail
Siegel+Gale 42 43 Global Brand Simplicity Index 2017
Industry Rankings
1 Internet search
2 Retail/Grocery
3 Appliances
4 Internet retail
5 Restaurants
6 Retail/Health & beauty
7 Retail/General
8 Electronics
9 Retail/Fashion
10 Media
11 Automotive
12 Travel/Booking
13 Travel/Hotels
14 Travel/Air
15 Shipping/Mail
16 Telecom/Cell phone
17 Banks/Retail
18 Telecom/Cable
19 Utilities
20 Health insurance
21 Travel/Train
22 Travel/Car rental
23 Fitness
24 Social media
25 General insurance
1 Amazon Internet retail ↑8 34 Bosch Appliances ↓5 67 Hermes Shipping/Mail ↑5 100 O2 Telecom/Cell phone ↓5
2 Google Internet search ↓1 35 SUBWAY Restaurants N/A 68 Skype Telecom/Cell phone ↑7 101 Twitter Social media ↑1
3 McDonald's Restaurants ↑15 36 Saturn Retail/General ↓4 69 Puma Fitness ↑1 102 UPS Shipping/Mail ↑1
4 Aldi Retail/Grocery ↓2 37 ZARA Retail/Fashion ↑1 70 MEDIMAX Retail/General ↓23 103 Vattenfall Utilities ↓7
5 Tchibo Retail/Grocery ↓2 38 Opel Automotive ↑7 71 Raiffeisenbanken
Banks/Retail ↑13 104 HypoVereinsbank Banks/Retail N/A
7 DM Retail/Health & beauty ↑1 40 eBay Internet retail ↓23 73 Bayer Retail/Health & beauty ↑13 106 FedEx Shipping/Mail N/A
8 Edeka Retail/Grocery ↓2 41 Adidas Fitness ↑32 74 Nokia Electronics ↓24 107 Bing Internet search ↓77
9 IKEA Retail/General ↓5 42 Toyota Automotive N/A 75 Yahoo! Internet search ↓42 108 Vodafone Telecom/Cell phone ↓11
10 BILD Media ↑2 43 EP/Elektronik Partner Retail/General ↑3 76 Deutsche Post Shipping/Mail ↑7 109 AXA General insurance ↑2
11 Rossmann Retail/Health & beauty ↑4 44 Philips Electronics ↑8 77 Techniker Krankenkasse Health insurance N/C 110 Deutsche Bank Banks/Retail ↑4
12 Burger King Restaurants ↑28 45 Holiday Inn Travel/Hotels ↑6 78 Apple Electronics ↓35 111 R+V Versicherung General insurance ↑1
13 H&M Retail/Fashion ↑3 46 Ford Automotive ↓20 79 Spiegel Media ↓5 112 Facebook Social media ↓7
14 Miele Appliances ↑8 47 AEG Appliances ↓6 80 Reebok Fitness ↑2 113 Hertz Travel/Car rental ↓14
15 REWE Retail/Grocery ↑10 48 Panasonic Electronics ↑14 81 airberlin Travel/Air N/C 114 Avis Travel/Car rental ↓20
16 KIK Retail/Fashion ↑15 49 Europcar Travel/Car rental ↑49 82 Ramada Travel/Hotels N/A 115 Xing Social media ↓9
17 KFC Restaurants ↑37 50 Samsung Electronics ↓23 83 HP Electronics ↓15 116 RWE Utilities ↓16
18 C&A Retail/Fashion ↑10 51 SAT 1 Media ↑13 84 Marriott Travel/Hotels ↓19 117 Ryanair Travel/Air ↓8
19 Budnikowsky Retail/Health & beauty ↓12 52 Hilton Travel/Hotels ↑6 85 DER Travel/Booking N/A 118 Deutsche Telekom Telecom/Cell phone ↓10
20 Nordsee Restaurants ↑17 53 ING-DiBa Banks/Retail ↑13 86 Sky Media ↓7 119 ERGO General insurance ↓1
21 Real Retail/Grocery ↓2 54 Best Western Travel/Hotels ↑7 87 Sparkasse Banks/Retail ↑2 120 Allianz General insurance ↓5
22 BonPrix Retail/Fashion ↓8 55 Canon Electronics ↓2 88 Eurowings Travel/Air N/A 121 Wüstenrot General insurance ↓8
23 Douglas Retail/Health & beauty ↓2 56 Vox Media ↑3 89 AOK Health insurance ↓1 123 Deutsche Bahn Travel/Train ↓7
24 Audi Automotive ↓1 57 TUI Travel/Booking ↑12 90 Microsoft Electronics ↓12 124 Generali General insurance ↓7
25 Zalando Internet retail ↓14 58 Nike Fitness ↓2 91 Sixt Travel/Car rental ↓11
27 YouTube Social media ↑17 60 ProSieben Media ↓3 93 iTunes Internet retail ↓22
28 Media Markt Retail/General ↓4 61 Volkswagen Automotive ↓48 94 Google+ Social media ↑10
30 Thomas Cook Travel/Booking ↑61 63 LG Electronics ↓14 96 BARMER GEK Health insurance ↓9
% experiences varies
by industry:
10–20% Travel/Hotels
of consumers 1–10 %
are willing
General insurance
to pay more
Health insurance
Internet search
Retail/Health & beauty
Social media
for simpler
Telecom/Cell phone
1 Internet search
2 Retail/Grocery
3 Retail/General
4 Internet retail
5 Retail/Health & beauty
6 Electronics
7 Appliances
8 Utilities
9 Media
10 Restaurants
11 Travel/Booking
12 Retail/Fashion
13 Shipping/Mail
14 Telecom/Cell phone
15 Travel/Hotels
16 Travel/Air
17 Social media
18 Banks/Retail
19 Travel/Train
20 Telecom/Cable
21 Fitness
22 Travel/Car rental
23 General insurance
24 Automotive
25 Health insurance
1 IKEA Retail/General N/C 34 Pizza Hut Restaurants ↑46 67 Länsförsäkringar General insurance N/C 100 Radisson Travel/Hotels ↓51
2 Google Internet search N/C 35 Kronans Apotek Retail/Health & beauty ↓4 68 Budget Travel/Car rental N/A 101 Canal Digital Telecom/Cable ↑8
3 ICA Retail/Grocery ↑1 36 Volvo Automotive ↓12 69 Puma Fitness ↑15 102 DHL Shipping/Mail ↓41
4 Blocket Internet retail ↓1 37 Nordic Choice Hotels Travel/Hotels ↑13 70 Bonnier Media N/C 103 Bring Shipping/Mail ↑1
5 Clas Ohlson Retail/General N/C 38 Gina Tricot Retail/Fashion ↑2 71 ViaSat Media ↓15 104 Folksam General insurance ↓13
6 Willys Retail/Grocery ↑8 39 Goeteborgs-Posten Media ↓7 72 Volkswagen Automotive ↓15 105 Vattenfall Utilities ↓8
7 Max Burgers Restaurants ↑13 40 Statoil Utilities ↓3 73 Stor och Liten Retail/General N/A 106 Hertz Travel/Car rental ↑2
8 Lindex Retail/Fashion ↑18 41 Scandic Hotels Travel/Hotels ↓14 74 AvanzaBank Banks/Retail N/A 107 Schenker Shipping/Mail ↓30
9 Lidl Retail/Grocery ↑2 42 Apollo Travel/Booking ↓20 75 Nike Fitness ↓17 108 Telenor Sverige Telecom/Cell phone ↓18
10 Adlibris Internet retail N/A 43 Synoptik Retail/Health & beauty N/A 76 Twitter Social media ↑34 109 Trygg-Hansa General insurance ↓11
11 Burger King Restaurants ↑4 44 Viaplay Media ↓31 77 Instagram Social media ↑6 110 Nordea Bank Banks/Retail ↓25
12 Apoteket Retail/Health & beauty N/C 45 Nokia Electronics ↓2 78 SAS Travel/Air ↓32 111 E.ON Sverige Utilities ↓6
13 Netto Retail/Grocery ↑8 46 Fazer Retail/Grocery N/A 79 Best Western Travel/Hotels ↓20 112 Fortum Utilities ↓1
14 Åhléns Retail/General ↑4 47 Comviq Telecom/Cell phone ↑1 80 Bosch Appliances ↓4 113 Ericsson Telecom/Cell phone ↓41
15 Coop Retail/Grocery ↓7 48 Apotek Hjärtat Retail/Health & beauty ↓19 81 Posten (Postnord) Shipping/Mail ↓10 114 British Airways Travel/Air ↓39
16 Fritidsresor Travel/Booking ↓7 49 OKQ8 Travel/Air N/A 82 Saab Automotive ↑17 115 Skandia General insurance ↓9
17 H&M Retail/Fashion ↑8 50 Comfort Hotels Travel/Hotels ↑12 83 Stena Line Travel/Air N/A 116 Swedbank Banks/Retail ↓21
18 Aftonbladet Media ↑21 51 Cylinda Appliances ↑22 84 Starbucks Restaurants ↓2 117 SJ Travel/Train ↓3
19 McDonald's Restaurants ↓12 52 Ticnet Travel/Booking ↑3 85 Adidas Fitness ↓34 118 Media N/A
20 Tradera Internet retail ↑8 53 Ving Travel/Booking ↓43 86 Ikano Bank Banks/Retail N/A 119 Danske Bank Banks/Retail ↓17
21 Hemköp Retail/Grocery ↑9 54 Sony Electronics ↓20 87 Reebok Fitness ↓18 120 Ryanair Travel/Air ↓5
22 YouTube Social media ↓3 55 Skype Telecom/Cell phone ↑8 88 Facebook Social media ↑1 121 LinkedIn Social media ↓9
23 Netflix Media ↓17 56 SEB Banks/Retail ↑31 89 Handelsbanken Banks/Retail ↓35 122 AFA Sjuk General insurance ↓19
29 Life Retail/Health & beauty ↓12 62 Miele Appliances ↑2 95 AGRIA Insurance General insurance ↓9
31 cdon Internet retail ↓15 64 Lloyds Apotek Retail/Health & beauty N/A 97 Toyota Automotive ↓5
% experiences varies
by industry:
of consumers 1–10 %
to pay more
Travel/Car rental Telecom/Cable
Automotive Banks/Retail
Retail/Fashion Utilities
experiences Retail/General
Social media
1 Electronics
2 Internet search
3 Internet retail
4 Restaurants
5 Media
6 Appliances
7 Telecom/Cell phone
8 Retail/Grocery
9 Retail/General
10 Retail/Fashion
11 Travel/Hotels
12 Travel/Booking
13 Shipping/Mail
14 Social media
15 Travel/Air
16 Travel/Train
17 Automotive
18 Banks/Retail
19 Telecom/Cable
20 Retail/Health & beauty
21 Fitness
22 Utilities
23 Travel/Car rental
24 Health insurance
25 General insurance
1 Hilton Travel/Hotels ↑78 34 Baidu Internet search ↓31 67 Hunan TV Media ↓5 100 Weibo Social media ↓72
Shanghai's Dragon
2 7–11 Retail/Health & beauty N/A 35 Television
Media N/A 68 Sohu Media ↓29 101 China Mobile Telecom/Cell phone ↓14
3 RT-mart Retail/Grocery ↑21 36 Didi Kuaidi Travel/Car rental ↑10 69 Travel/Booking ↓24 102 Bank of China Banks/Retail ↑5
4 Septwolves Retail/Fashion N/A 37 Shentong Express Shipping/Mail ↓18 70 Samsung Electronics ↓43 103 China Unicom Telecom/Cell phone ↓23
5 Huawei Electronics ↑7 38 Sina Media ↓21 71 Sasa Retail/Health & beauty ↑12 104 Travel/Car rental N/A
6 Sephora Retail/Health & beauty ↑86 39 Midea Appliances ↓19 72 ANTA Fitness ↓28 105 China Gas Utilities ↑9
7 KFC Restaurants N/C 40 HLA Retail/Fashion N/A 73 Gree Appliances ↓33 106 LinkedIn Social media ↓17
8 IKEA Retail/General ↑21 41 Toyota Automotive ↑59 74 Youku Social media ↓53 107 Changan Automotive ↓17
9 Vivo Electronics ↑72 42 Yunda Express Shipping/Mail ↓10 75 TCL Electronics ↓38 108 China Merchants Bank Banks/Retail ↓31
10 360 Internet search N/A 43 Carrefour Retail/Grocery ↓1 76 Haier Appliances ↓8 109 EMS Shipping/Mail ↓11
11 Tongrentang Retail/Health & beauty ↑71 44 Haidilao Hot Pot Restaurants ↓36 77 Letv Media ↓19 110 ICBC Banks/Retail ↓1
12 Douban Social media ↑62 45 ZARA Retail/Fashion ↓15 78 Lenovo Electronics ↓12 111 Bank of Communications Banks/Retail N/C
Agricultural Bank
13 S.F. Express Shipping/Mail ↓11 46 OPPO Electronics ↓33 79 Amazon Internet retail ↓19 112 of China Banks/Retail N/C
14 Internet retail ↑12 47 Geely Automotive ↑70 80 Suning Retail/General ↓62 113 China Construction Bank Banks/Retail ↓8
15 Southern Weekend Media ↑84 48 GOME Retail/General ↑4 81 Li-Ning Fitness ↓17 114 ZTE Electronics ↓41
16 Sogou Internet search ↓10 49 True Kungfu Restaurants N/A 82 Gap Retail/Fashion ↓4 115 Audi Automotive ↓19
17 Home Inns Travel/Hotels ↑5 50 UNIQLO Retail/Fashion ↑17 83 H&M Retail/Fashion ↓12 116 Anbang Insurance General insurance N/A
18 WeChat Social media ↓7 51 361 Degrees Fitness ↑18 84 HTC Electronics ↑17 117 State Grid Utilities ↓7
19 Internet retail ↓15 52 Philips Electronics ↓9 85 Decathlon Internet retail ↓37 118 China Pacific Insurance General insurance ↑5
People's Insurance
20 Alipay Banks/Retail ↓10 53 QQ Social media ↓44 86 Quanjude Restaurants ↓48 119 Company of China General insurance ↑5
21 McDonald's Restaurants ↓16 54 eLong Travel/Booking ↑30 87 Phoenix Television (PHTV) Media ↓40 120 Taikang Life General insurance N/C
22 Jinjiang Inns Travel/Hotels ↑1 55 Internet retail ↓54 88 CAR Inc. Travel/Car rental ↓3 121 China Life Insurance General insurance ↑1
23 Marriott Travel/Hotels ↑26 56 Nike Fitness ↑9 89 Tuniu Travel/Booking ↓1 122 BYD Automotive ↓50
24 Xiaomi Electronics ↓10 57 Netease Media ↓2 90 Ctrip Travel/Booking ↓49 123 Chery QQ Automotive ↓20
25 Lifeweek Media ↑32 58 Watsons Retail/Health & beauty ↓2 91 Uber Travel/Car rental N/A 124 Ping An Insurance General insurance ↓3
26 Hainan Airlines Travel/Air ↑80 59 Tudou Social media ↓26 92 Apple Electronics ↓16 125 New China Life General insurance ↓6
28 YTO Express Shipping/Mail ↓3 61 Walmart Retail/General ↓30 94 China Eastern Airlines Travel/Air ↑8
29 7 Days Inn Travel/Hotels ↓13 62 Volkswagen Automotive ↑35 95 Air China Travel/Air ↑21
30 Spring Airlines Travel/Air ↑61 63 Pizza Hut Restaurants ↓48 96 Google Internet search ↓61
32 Hyundai Automotive ↑63 65 Sony Electronics ↑10 98 China Telecom Telecom/Cell phone ↑10
China National
33 ZTO Express Shipping/Mail N/A 66 China Southern Airlines Travel/Air ↑47 99 Petroleum Corp
Utilities ↑16
% experiences varies
by industry:
20–30% Restaurants
of consumers 15–20%
Telecom/Cell phone
Internet search
Internet retail
are willing
Banks/Retail Health insurance
General insurance
Social media Appliances
Telecom/Cable Travel/Hotels
Travel/Train Media
for simpler
Siegel+Gale 64 65 Global Brand Simplicity Index 2017
Middle East
Siegel+Gale 66 67 Global Brand Simplicity Index 2017
Industry Rankings
1 Internet search
2 Social media
3 Electronics
4 Restaurants
5 Appliances
6 Retail/Grocery
7 Retail/General
8 Media
9 Travel/Air
10 Telecom/Cell phone
11 Retail/Fashion
12 Fitness
13 Travel/Booking
14 Travel/Hotels
15 Automotive
16 Utilities
17 Internet retail
18 Travel/Train
19 Shipping/Mail
20 Retail/Health & beauty
21 Banks/Retail
22 Health insurance
23 Telecom/Cable
24 Travel/Car rental
25 General insurance
1 WhatsApp Social media N/A 34 Dubai TV Media ↑22 67 Arab News Media ↓30 100 Puma Fitness ↓18
2 YouTube Social media N/C 35 Zain Telecom/Cell phone ↓10 68 Internet retail ↓22 101 Citibank Banks/Retail ↑23
3 Google Internet search ↓2 36 FlyDubai Travel/Air ↓22 69 Debenhams Retail/General ↑14 102 Jumeirah Travel/Hotels ↑3
4 Samsung Electronics N/C 37 Asharq Al-Awsat Media ↑1 70 Fedex Shipping/Mail ↓10 103 Virgin Stores Retail/General N/A
5 Facebook Social media ↑24 38 Etihad Airways Travel/Air ↑49 71 du Telecom/Cell phone N/C 104 UPS Shipping/Mail ↓30
The Saudi
6 Dubai Metro Travel/Train ↑26 39 Philips Electronics ↓17 72 DHL Shipping/Mail ↓20 105 Investment Bank Banks/Retail ↓75
7 Lenovo Electronics ↑6 40 Splash Retail/Fashion N/A 73 Faces Retail/Health & beauty ↑6 106 Al Rajhi Bank Banks/Retail ↑3
8 Microsoft Electronics ↑11 41 Nike Fitness ↑8 74 Topshop Retail/Fashion ↑49 107 Marks & Spencer Retail/General ↓29
9 Al Baik Restaurants ↓6 42 Nissan Automotive ↓6 75 dr. CAFÉ Restaurants ↓44 108 STC Telecom/Cell phone ↓4
10 Home Centre Retail/General ↑53 43 Adidas Fitness ↓3 76 ENOC Utilities ↓33 109 The National Media ↓62
11 Carrefour Retail/Grocery ↓1 44 Yahoo! Internet search ↓35 77 Sephora Retail/Health & beauty ↓1 110 LinkedIn Social media ↓7
12 Emirates Travel/Air ↑11 45 Alriyadh Media ↓12 78 Gulf Air Travel/Air ↑15 111 Orbit Showtime Network Telecom/Cable ↓20
13 Dell Electronics ↑13 46 Sheraton Travel/Hotels ↑31 79 Emirates NBD Banks/Retail ↓10 112 Mercedes-Benz Automotive ↓27
Middle East
Middle East
14 Instagram Social media N/A 47 H&M Retail/Fashion ↑20 80 Qatar Airways Travel/Air ↓16 113 Paris Gallery Retail/Health & beauty ↓40
15 LG Electronics ↓4 48 Cheesecake Factory Restaurants N/A 81 Audi Automotive ↑5 114 Emirates Islamic Bank Banks/Retail ↑1
16 Saudia Travel/Air ↑42 49 Al Arabiya Media ↑26 82 Marriott Travel/Hotels ↑16 115 Bupa Health insurance ↑6
17 Sony Electronics ↓10 50 eXtra Retail/General ↓15 83 ZARA Retail/Fashion ↓18 116 Under Armour Fitness N/A
18 McDonald's Restaurants ↑3 51 Saudi Railways Travel/Train ↑15 84 SABB Banks/Retail ↓40 117 Oman Insurance Company General insurance ↑2
19 Pizza Hut Restaurants ↑1 52 Panda Retail/Grocery ↓46 85 Uber Travel/Car rental N/A 118 GMC Automotive ↓50
Abu Dhabi
20 HP Electronics ↓3 53 Alinma Bank Banks/Retail ↓38 86 Commercial Bank Banks/Retail ↓29 119 Etisalat Telecom/Cell phone ↓66
21 KFC Restaurants ↑21 54 Spinneys Retail/Grocery ↑34 87 dnata Travel/Booking ↑7 120 Saudi TV Media ↓28
22 Toyota Automotive ↓14 55 Chili's Restaurants ↑41 88 Choitrams Retail/Grocery ↓7 121 Bank Albilad Banks/Retail ↓14
National Bank of Commercial Bank
23 Toshiba Electronics ↓18 56 Aramex Shipping/Mail ↑16 89 Abu Dhabi
Banks/Retail ↑33 122 of Dubai Banks/Retail N/A
24 Apple Electronics ↑4 57 Starbucks Restaurants ↓7 90 MANGO Retail/Fashion ↑7 123 Mashreq Bank Banks/Retail ↓22
Abu Dhabi National Insu-
25 IKEA Retail/General ↓9 58 rance Company (ADNIC) General insurance ↑67 91 Careem Travel/Car rental N/A 124 New Balance Fitness N/A
26 ADNOC Utilities ↑36 59 Boots Retail/Health & beauty ↑57 92 Al Tayyar Travel/Booking ↓12 125 HSBC Banks/Retail ↓30
27 Mobily Telecom/Cell phone ↑32 60 The Body Shop Retail/Health & beauty ↓6 93 Daman Health insurance ↑15 126 Saudi Post Shipping/Mail ↓12
28 Twitter Social media ↓1 61 Al Jazeera Media ↓43 94 Holiday Inn Travel/Hotels ↓10 127 Medgulf General insurance ↓21
29 Sharaf DG Retail/General ↑19 62 Rotana Travel/Hotels ↑8 95 iTunes Internet retail ↓6 128 Tawuniya General insurance ↓10
30 Skype Telecom/Cell phone ↑15 63 Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank Banks/Retail ↑50 96 Reebok Fitness ↓6 129 AXA General insurance ↓17
31 HTC Electronics ↓19 64 NCB Banks/Retail ↓9 97 BMW Automotive ↑13 130 Hertz Travel/Car rental ↓28
32 Internet retail ↑2 65 Amazon Internet retail ↑52 98 Shake Shack Restaurants N/A 131 Budget Travel/Car rental ↓32
33 Gulf News Media ↑28 66 SACO Retail/General ↓42 99 Siemens Electronics ↑12 132 Avis Travel/Car rental ↓12
% experiences varies
by industry:
Middle East
Middle East
Health insurance
20–30% Travel/Air
of consumers 10–20%
Telecom/Cell phone
are willing
Retail/General Appliances
& beauty Banks/Retail Travel/Hotels
for simpler
Siegel+Gale 72 73 Global Brand Simplicity Index 2017
Siegel+Gale 74 75 Global Brand Simplicity Index 2017
Industry Rankings
1 Internet search
2 Electronics
3 Internet retail
4 Appliances
5 Retail/General
6 Retail/Grocery
7 Telecom/Cell phone
8 Banks/Retail
9 Retail/Fashion
10 Utilities
11 Social media
12 Restaurants
13 Media
14 Automotive
15 Telecom/Cable
16 Travel/Booking
17 Travel/Air
18 Travel/Train
19 Shipping/Mail
20 Travel/Car rental
21 Fitness
22 Travel/Hotels
23 Retail/Health & beauty
24 Health insurance
25 General insurance
1 Google Internet search N/C 34 Lee Retail/Fashion ↓11 67 IndiGo Travel/Air N/A 100 Audi Automotive N/A
2 LG Electronics ↑9 35 Apple Electronics ↓10 68 Onida Electronics ↓14 101 UPS Shipping/Mail ↓6
3 Dell Electronics N/C 36 Punjab National Bank Banks/Retail N/A 69 Bajaj Auto Automotive ↑2 102 LinkedIn Social media ↓43
4 YouTube Social media ↑6 37 Lifestyle Retail/General ↑2 70 Volkswagen Automotive ↓25 103 DHL Shipping/Mail ↓16
5 Sony Electronics ↑4 38 ICICI Bank Banks/Retail ↑25 71 Mercedes-Benz Automotive N/A 104 DNA Media ↓22
6 Facebook Social media ↓4 39 Skype Telecom/Cell phone ↓9 72 Bank of India Banks/Retail ↓35 105 IFFCO Tokio General insurance ↑1
7 HP Electronics ↑5 40 Lakmé Retail/Health & beauty ↑22 73 Taj Travel/Hotels ↓22 106 Aviva General insurance N/A
8 Philips Electronics ↓1 41 Videocon Electronics ↑33 74 The Leela Travel/Hotels ↑19 107 Avis Travel/Car rental ↓15
9 Maruti Suzuki Automotive ↑10 42 Himalaya Healthcare Retail/Health & beauty ↑2 75 ITC Travel/Hotels ↓14 108 Travelocity Travel/Booking ↓14
10 Tata Sky Telecom/Cable ↑24 43 Adidas Fitness ↓26 76 Canon Electronics ↓56 109 Marriott Travel/Hotels ↓57
11 Nokia Electronics ↓3 44 Peter England Retail/Fashion ↑26 77 Megamart Retail/General ↓20 110 Hertz Travel/Car rental ↓11
12 Levi's Retail/Fashion ↑29 45 Instagram Social media N/A 78 Virgin Mobile Telecom/Cell phone ↓49 111 BlackBerry Electronics ↓25
13 McDonald's Restaurants ↑14 46 Croma Retail/General ↑42 79 FedEx Shipping/Mail ↑6 112 Bajaj Allianz General insurance ↓10
14 Samsung Electronics ↑14 47 State Bank of India Banks/Retail ↓33 80 Viveks Retail/General ↑17 113 Oriental Insurance General insurance ↓10
15 Vodafone Telecom/Cell phone ↑28 48 Yatra Travel/Booking ↓15 81 GoAir Travel/Air N/A 114 Peugeot Automotive ↓7
16 Pizza Hut Restaurants ↑26 49 Ford Automotive ↑31 82 BMW Automotive N/A 115 Ixigo Travel/Booking ↓25
17 Nike Fitness ↑9 50 Groupon Internet retail ↓4 83 Holiday Inn Travel/Hotels ↓17 116 Tata AIG General insurance ↓8
18 The Times of India Media ↓13 51 Godrej Appliances ↓30 84 Standard Chartered Banks/Retail ↓16 117 ICICI Prudential General insurance ↓21
19 Internet retail ↓1 52 Jet Airways Travel/Air ↑23 85 Union Bank of India Banks/Retail N/A 118 T24 Mobile Telecom/Cell phone ↓18
20 Hero MotoCorp Automotive ↑20 53 Spencer’s Retail/General ↑7 86 MINT Media ↑3 119 Max Bupa Health insurance ↓15
21 MakeMyTrip Travel/Booking ↑10 54 Idea Cellular Telecom/Cell phone N/A 87 TravelChaCha Travel/Booking ↑18 120 Birla Sun Life General insurance ↓22
22 Tata Indicom Telecom/Cell phone ↑55 55 Tata Motors Automotive ↑23 88 Reliance Mobile Telecom/Cell phone ↓19
23 Cleartrip Travel/Booking ↑42 56 Shoppers Stop Internet retail ↓20 89 Hyatt Travel/Hotels ↑2
25 Domino's Restaurants ↓1 58 Barista Restaurants ↑15 91 Tata DoCoMo Telecom/Cell phone ↓27
28 airtel Telecom/Cell phone ↓13 61 Travelguru Travel/Booking ↓6 94 Canara Bank Banks/Retail N/A
29 Reliance Fresh Retail/Grocery ↑6 62 Toyota Automotive ↑14 95 Air India Travel/Air ↓12
30 Café Coffee Day Restaurants ↑18 63 eBay Internet retail ↓47 96 LIC General insurance ↓38
31 Pantaloons Retail/General ↑25 64 TVS Motor Automotive ↓26 97 Provogue Retail/General N/A
32 Microsoft Electronics ↓26 65 Godrej Nature's Basket Retail/Grocery ↑2 98 SpiceJet Travel/Air N/A
% experiences varies
by industry:
40–49% Telecom/Cell phone
30–40% Retail/Grocery
of consumers 20–30%
Travel/Car rental
Internet retail
Internet search
are willing
Restaurants Retail/Fashion
Social media Travel/Hotels
Shipping/Mail Telecom/Cable
Health insurance
for simpler
& beauty
General insurance
Siegel+Gale 80 81 Global Brand Simplicity Index 2017
Siegel+Gale 82 83 Global Brand Simplicity Index 2017
Industry Rankings
1 Internet search
2 Internet retail
3 Shipping/Mail
4 Retail/Grocery
5 Retail/Health & beauty
6 Appliances
7 Restaurants
8 Retail/Fashion
9 Retail/General
10 Travel/Booking
11 Travel/Hotels
12 Travel/Train
13 Automotive
14 Electronics
15 Media
16 Travel/Car rental
17 Travel/Air
18 Telecom/Cable
19 Banks/Retail
20 Social media
21 Telecom/Cell phone
22 Fitness
23 Health insurance
24 Utilities
25 General insurance
1 Yoshinoya Restaurants 34 Kintetsu Travel/Train 67 Seibu Travel/Train 100 Sumitomo Life Insurance Health insurance
2 Saizeriya Restaurants 35 Fujita Kanko Travel/Hotels 68 Onward Retail/Fashion 101 Mitsui Sumitomo Trust Banks/Retail
3 Shimamura Retail/Fashion 36 Yahoo! Internet search 69 Yomiuri Shimbun Media 102 J:COM Telecom/Cable
4 Sukiya Restaurants 37 AEON Retail/Grocery 70 Takashimaya Retail/General 103 Metlife Health insurance
Hankyu Hanshin
5 Sushiro Restaurants 38 Nippon Rent-A-Car Travel/Car rental 71 (Department store)
Retail/General 104 AXA Health insurance
6 Yamato Transport Shipping/Mail 39 Seino Transportation Shipping/Mail 72 Keio Plaza Hotel Travel/Hotels 105 Dai-ichi Life Health insurance
7 Mos Burger Restaurants 40 Mainichi Shimbun Media 73 RIHGA Royal Hotel Travel/Hotels 106 Facebook Social media
The Bank of
8 Uniqlo Retail/Fashion 41 Mercari Internet retail 74 TV Asahi Media 107 Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Banks/Retail
9 KFC Restaurants 42 Tokyo Metro Travel/Train 75 Sony Electronics 108 Gibraltar Life Insurance Health insurance
10 Peach Travel/Air 43 Nippon Express Shipping/Mail 76 JTB Travel/Booking 109 Sompo Japan Nippon Koa General insurance
11 FamilyMart Retail/Grocery 44 Aoyama Tailor Retail/Fashion 77 SKY PerfecTV! Media 110 Mizuho Banks/Retail
12 Ministop Retail/Grocery 45 Honda Automotive 78 Sharp Electronics 111 Sumitomo Mitsui Bank Banks/Retail
13 Amazon Internet retail 46 Air Do Travel/Air 79 Kampo (Life Insurance) Health insurance 112 Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Health insurance
14 Starflyer Travel/Air 47 H.I.S. Travel/Booking 80 Daimaru Matsuzakaya Retail/General 113 Nissay General insurance
15 Sundrug Retail/Health & beauty 48 McDonald's Restaurants 81 Nissan Automotive 114 SoftBank Telecom/Cell phone
16 Sugi Pharmacy Retail/Health & beauty 49 Odakyu Travel/Train 82 Prince Hotel Travel/Hotels 115 KDDI Telecom/Cell phone
17 Bing Internet search 50 JR Tokai Travel/Train 83 Nippon Television Media 116 Tokio Marine General insurance
18 Tsuruha Retail/Health & beauty 51 World Retail/Fashion 84 Meitetsu Travel/Train 117 Tokyo Electric Power Utilities
19 Circle K Sunkus Retail/Grocery 52 Hankyu Hanshin (Railway) Travel/Train 85 The New Otani Travel/Hotels 118 NTT DoCoMo Telecom/Cell phone
20 Jetstar Travel/Air 53 Hotel Okura Travel/Hotels 86 Toshiba Electronics 119 NHK Media
22 Zozotown Internet retail 55 Toyota Automotive 88 Risona Banks/Retail Note: Ranking changes are not shown due to Japan’s introduction to the index.
29 Matsumoto Kiyoshi Retail/Health & beauty 62 JR East Japan Travel/Train 95 Aflac Health insurance
Tokyo Broadcasting
30 Subaru Automotive 63 Mitsubishi Electric Electronics 96 System (TBS) Media
32 Cosmos Pharmaceutical Retail/Health & beauty 65 Nikkei Media 98 Rakuten Internet retail
% experiences varies
by industry:
Telecom/Cell phone
Internet retail
10–20% Appliances
of consumers 1–10%
for simpler
Travel/Car rental
experiences Retail/Health
& beauty
Social media
takes to deliver simple, meaningful Empower people
customer experiences. Sidestep traditional industry protocols
and shift power to consumers.
Reimagine experiences
Turn underwhelming experiences into
moments of delight.
Global disrupters
Remove friction
Identify pain points in everyday
processes, and remove them.
Save time
Value people’s time by providing service
where and when they need it most.
Provide utility
They demonstrate usefulness beyond
their core offerings or services.
Global disrupters
Global disrupters
No. 1
Ally 8 Deliveroo 8
The Honest Company 9 Eventbrite 9
Venmo 10 Uber 10
In July 2016, Unilever aquired our WhatsApp 11 Paypal 11
number one ranked US disrupter, Google Wallet 12 WhatsApp 12
Dollar Shave Club, for a value of $1 GoPro 13 Airbnb 13
billion in an effort to improve tech-
FitBit 14 Tinder 14
nology and expertise around their
Etsy 15 NOW TV 15
direct-to-consumer offering.
Hulu 16 Spotify 16
Lyft 17 Nest 17
Buzzfeed 18 Snapchat 18
My Fitness Pal 19 BT Sport 19
No. 5 VRBO
Between July 5 & July 29, 2016, Respondents in each country rated more Each country rated the following
Siegel+Gale used an online survey to than 100 brands (with respondents the industries:
poll 14,044 consumers in 9 countries: US and UK also ranking more than 40
disruptive companies). Siegel+Gale Appliances, Automotive, Banks/Retail,
United States: 1,755 researchers used input from past Electronics, Fitness, General insurance,
United Kingdom: 1,764 surveys, in-country offices and existing Health insurance, Internet search,
Germany: 1,750 third-party research to select a repre- Internet retail, Media, Restaurants, Retail/
Sweden: 1,751 sentative set of brands that in-country Fashion, Retail/General, Retail/Grocery,
Mainland China: 1,751 respondents would be most likely to Retail Health & beauty, Shipping/Mail,
India: 1,759 use or experience. We are unable to Social media, Telecom/Cable, Telecom/
UAE and Saudi Arabia: 1,752 report on smaller, lesser-known brands Cell phone, Travel/Air, Travel/Booking,
Japan: 1,762 for which we could not collect sufficient Travel/Car rental, Travel/Hotels, Travel/
responses. Train, and Utilities.
Survey topics
The Brand Simplicity score was calcu- The Industry score was calculated with
This year’s respondents answered ques- lated with the following inputs: the following inputs:
tions about brand touchpoints within
specific industries and brands as well
• How each brand was rated on the • The industry’s contribution to making
as their perceptions on their employee simplicity/complexity of its products, life simpler or more complex
experience, including: services, interactions and communi-
• The pain of typical interactions with
cations in relation to its industry peers.
companies/organizations within the
• Their perceptions of experiences and User/non-user ratings were weighted
communications within 25 industry to give more importance to the user
categories they experience in daily life experience and remove any possible • How the industry’s typical communica-
bias for higher proportions of users for tions rank in terms of:
• How familiar they are with certain some of the brands
brands - Ease of understanding
• How consistently the brand experience
• If they recently used these brands - Transparency/honesty
and communications were rated across
• The simplicity/complexity of a brand’s respondents (the standard deviation of - Communicating that customer needs
communications and interactions in the ratings) are being cared for/making the
relation to their industry peers customer feel valued and appreciated
• How aligned non-user and user
• Their willingness to pay more for perceptions were, privileging aligned - Innovation/freshness
brands they currently use if they perceptions (the difference between
- Usefulness
provided simpler experiences user and non-user ratings)
is the simplicity
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
© Siegel+Gale 2017