DeKoninck Sample
DeKoninck Sample
DeKoninck Sample
Charles De Koninck
pa r t o n e
104 | Charles De Koninck
It has been said that the work is merely one of popularization. It is much
more than that. It is first of all a philosophical contribution to the problem
of modern science. His contributions have not been merely negative, as has
been the case with many other modern scientists, Einstein included, who are
content to chase philosophers from their domain—very rightly, moreover.
In the work, The Analysis of Matter, Lord Bertrand Russell writes: “(Edding-
ton), better than Einstein or Weyl, has the theory (of relativity) in the form
best adapted to the needs of philosophers. . . . In philosophy, I have been
guided almost exclusively by Eddington.”2
The Nature of the Physical World, the Gifford Lectures of 1927, were an
even more important revelation than the preceding work. The demands of
these lectures in Edinburgh obliged him to deal with transcendental prob-
lems, something he did with extraordinary skill. This work assured him of
a place among the most distinguished contemporary philosophers. He has
been sharply criticized but today everyone must take him into account.
For us, Eddington has a double interest. First, he has carefully delimited
the philosophical problem of relativity and quantum indetermination. But
he has also given us a rather complete metaphysical system. He calls himself
an idealist, an interesting point, because he says that he was carried toward
idealism by his scientific work.3
The problem of the relation between scientific knowledge (in the re-
stricted sense) and metaphysical knowledge interests us profoundly, espe-
cially because this problem is presented in a rather embroiled way by our own
philosophers. Perhaps Eddington, who knows the sciences in depth, and who
is no less a philosopher, offers us a chance to make the relation precise.
section one
106 | Charles De Koninck
star taken individually, whereas the movements of the whole were fortuitous.
It was then that Kapteyn showed that the stars seemed to follow two opposed
directions in the galactic plan: the movement of stars in the neighborhood of
the sun would follow two opposed courses: there are two systems, one in a
movement opposed to the other.
Eddington wanted to verify this hypothesis by an independent investi-
gation. The rotary movement of the nebula was known. The demonstration
of this hypothesis would show that the galactic system is itself a dynamic
system, just like the extra-galactic nebula. This demonstration would pro-
vide a point of reference for new studies of the origin of this system and of
its situation in the whole universe.
His investigation took from eight to nine years. In 1914, we find these
results synthesized in a volume titled Stellar Movements and the Structure
of the Universe. The conclusion was affirmative. It was based first of all on a
minute analysis of the Catalogue of Professor Boss which gave the proper
movements of about six thousand stars. Applying the statistical method,
Eddington showed that it is necessary to divide them into two systems. He
found a second confirmation of the hypothesis of Kapteyn in the spectro-
scopic speed of stars.
By this quantitative demonstration of the Hollendale hypothesis, the
name of Eddington would remain associated with this branch of sidereal
astronomy. This work taken in its entirety marked, according to the expres-
sion of de Sitter, an advance in the history of astronomy.6
The first attempt to classify stars according to their spectra was made by the
Italian Jesuit Secchi (1818 ‒ 1878). He divided the life of a star into four stages
which marked a greater and greater decrease of temperature. Then Lane (in
1878) showed that when a gaseous body contracts in losing heat, its temper-
ature increases. It was therefore equally possible that stars having a reddish
[rougentre] spectrum, and thus belonging to a lower stage, increased in tem-
perature while losing heat. Therefore they could be, contrary to the view of
Secchi, in their youth. In 1913 H.N. Russell and E. Hertzsprung showed that
it was necessary to place stars in two categories: giants and dwarfs. The first
The Philosophy of Sir Arthur Eddington | 107
are of great size, but of weak density, whereas the second are shrunk, more
dense, and losing temperature. Thus each star passes twice through the same
degree of temperature.
Eddington’s study, “On the Radiative Equilibrium of the Stars,”7 gave a
theoretical explanation of these observations. The investigations were con-
ducted on the basis of the laws of a perfect gas. They were thus restricted
to the study of giant stars, the dwarfs being thought to be too dense to obey
these laws.
There are therefore in a star two opposed tendencies: the upper strata
cooling by contracting, whereas the lower strata increase in pressure. But,
observation shows us that the structure of stars is relatively constant: so two
tendencies of equilibrium must be recognized.
The mass and superficial temperature of the sun are two known magni-
tudes. Eddington asked himself if there were not a way to explain this equi-
librium by a theory based on the known laws of the internal structure of stars.
Direct calculations made on known magnitudes lead to impossible results.
the Zeeman effect, for chemical affinity, for the dispersion of light, and
a host of incidental phenomena; but it would be considered unfair to
suggest that it ought to account for the one fundamental and universal
property of matter—gravitation.8
The Philosophy of Sir Arthur Eddington | 111
direct continuity with the first. I will not hesitate, accordingly, to assemble
texts from different works without regard to their dates.
As for the historical and ideological sources of Eddington’s philosophy
itself, it seems to me that it would be difficult to trace them. He certainly
knows Hegel and Berkeley.15 And yet his idealism (we will soon see how it
is with his idealism) has nothing specifically in common with these two
philosophers. He even has a rather naive conception of the subjectivism of
German idealist philosophers. He also knows Bergson. We find in him dis-
tinctions to be found in Bergson as well, such as the distinction between re-
alism and idealism.16 His terminology and the way he poses transcendental
problems recalls the English philosopher Bradley and his disciple Bosanquet.
But the indications given will not suffice to establish a true dependence.
Moreover, the conclusions differ radically.
The one source we can determine with certitude is his religion. Ed-
dington is above all a religious man, and of the species Quaker. We have a
special chapter on this subject in which we will try to determine to what
degree it exercised an influence on his philosophy. His colleague, Sir James
Jeans, defends ideas very analogous to those of Eddington, but much less
precisely. In any case, the philosophical works of Jeans are later than those
of Eddington.17
Chapter II
Before raising the special problem of his philosophy of science, it will be in-
teresting to know what Eddington himself means by “philosophy.” Unhap-
pily, he does not give us any sufficient indication. Occasionally, he mentions
some of its properties or functions.
There is first of all the text in Space, Time, and Gravitation which attrib-
utes a proper point of departure to philosophy, “physical theory starts with
the simplest constituents, philosophical theory with the most familiar con-
stituents” (166 [205]). The distinction is clear enough. But one must read
it in its context. It is a question notably of a distinction introduced when
speaking of the materialist philosophy of Mach. But the thesis envisaged has