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Wall Design Cantilever

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6 The Courtyard, Lynton Road,

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Structural Calculations
4a Clareville Street

2015157 January 2016

Company No. 5873122

VAT Registration No. 894 2993 61
Registered In England And Wales
Job No Sheet No. Revision

Job Title 4a Clareville Street, SW7 5AQ Date Made By Checked By

Section Structural Calculations BIA 01/16 CC D.B


Agenda 21


 BS 648: 1964 – Weights of Building Materials
 BS 6399: Pt 1: 1984 – Design Loads
 BS 5950: Pt 1: 1990 – Structural Steel
 BS 5628: Pt 1: 1992 – Masonry
 BS 5268: Pt 2: 1991 – Structural Timber
 BS 8110: 1985 – Reinforced Concrete


 Domestic Floors – 1.5 kN/m2


 Kempton Park Gravels – Allowable Safe Ground Bearing Pressure – 200 kN/m2
(Provided by LMB Geosolutions Ltd)

Company No. 5873122

VAT Registration No. 894 2993 61
Registered In England And Wales
Job No Sheet No. Revision

Job Title 4a Clareville Street, SW7 5AQ Date Made By Checked By

Section Structural Calculations BIA 01/16 CC D.B



Tiled Roof - Tiles 75

Felt & Battens 6
Rafters 6

87 kg/m2

Plan Load 20º = 0.92 0.75

30º = 0.95 0.75
35º = 1.06 0.67
40º = 1.13 0.58
45º = 1.23 0.5
50º = 1.35 0.42

Note: Natural slates generally 50 kg/m2 (unless Westmorland thick)

Artificial Slates generally 25 kg/m2

Ceilings - Joists 8
Insulation 2
Plasterboard & Skim 15

25 kg/m2 0.25 0.25

New Cavity - 102 Brick 210

100 Block 80
Plasterboard & Skim 24

314 kg/m2 3.14

Older Cavity 102 Brick 210

(or 215 Solid) 102 Brick 210
12mm Plaster 24

444 kg/m2 4.44

Company No. 5873122

VAT Registration No. 894 2993 61
Registered In England And Wales
Job No Sheet No. Revision

Job Title 4a Clareville Street, SW7 5AQ Date Made By Checked By

Section Structural Calculations BIA 01/16 CC D.B

LOADS (Cont’d) kg/m2 DEAD LIVE


New Tile Hung Cavity Tiles 75

Felt & Battens 6
100 Block 80
100 Block 80
12mm Plaster 24

265 kg/m2 2.65

Stud Walls Plasterboard x 2 20

Skim Coat x 2 10
Studs 75x50@400c/c’s 10

40 kg/m2 0.4

Note: 12mm plasterboard with no skim coat similar. For glazed tiling add 6 kg/m2 per side.

Lath & Plaster As Above With Lath 60 0.6

Built-Up Felt Roof Felt & Chippings 40

Boards & Insulation 15
Joists & Firings 10
Plasterboard & Skim 15

80 kg/m2 0.8
No Access 0.75
Access 1.5

Timber Floor Boards 15

Joists 15
Plasterboard & Skim 15

45 kg/m2 0.45
Domestic 1.5

Company No. 5873122

VAT Registration No. 894 2993 61
Registered In England And Wales
Project Job no.
4a Clareville Street 2015157
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Unit 6, The Courtyard
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TEDDS calculation version


1500 350

46 kN/m
10 kN/m2





Wall details
Retaining wall type; Cantilever
Height of wall stem; hstem = 2600 mm; Wall stem thickness; twall = 350 mm
Length of toe; ltoe = 1500 mm; Length of heel; lheel = 0 mm
Overall length of base; lbase = 1850 mm; Base thickness; tbase = 300 mm
Height of retaining wall; hwall = 2900 mm
Depth of downstand; dds = 0 mm; Thickness of downstand; tds = 300 mm
Position of downstand; lds = 1050 mm
Depth of cover in front of wall; dcover = 0 mm; Unplanned excavation depth; dexc = 0 mm
Height of ground water; hwater = 0 mm; Density of water; γwater = 9.81 kN/m3
Density of wall construction; γwall = 23.6 kN/m3; Density of base construction; γbase = 23.6 kN/m3
Angle of soil surface; β = 0.0 deg; Effective height at back of wall; heff = 2900 mm
Mobilisation factor; M = 1.5
Moist density; γm = 18.0 kN/m3; Saturated density; γs = 21.0 kN/m3
Design shear strength; φ' = 24.2 deg; Angle of wall friction; δ = 0.0 deg
Design shear strength; φ'b = 24.2 deg; Design base friction; δb = 18.6 deg
Moist density; γmb = 18.0 kN/m ; 3
Allowable bearing; Pbearing = 200 kN/m2

Using Coulomb theory

Active pressure; Ka =0.419; Passive pressure; Kp = 4.187
At-rest pressure; K0 = 0.590
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4a Clareville Street 2015157
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Loading details
Surcharge load; Surcharge = 10.0 kN/m2
Vertical dead load; W dead = 35.7 kN/m; Vertical live load; W live = 10.2 kN/m
Horizontal dead load; Fdead = 0.0 kN/m; Horizontal live load; Flive = 0.0 kN/m
Position of vertical load; lload = 1650 mm; Height of horizontal load; hload = 0 mm




21.4 4.2 21.8

43.5 43.5

Loads shown in kN/m, pressures shown in kN/m2

Calculate propping force

Propping force; Fprop = 17.0 kN/m
Check bearing pressure
Total vertical reaction; R = 80.5 kN/m; Distance to reaction; xbar = 925 mm
Eccentricity of reaction; e = 0 mm
Reaction acts within middle third of base
Bearing pressure at toe; ptoe = 43.5 kN/m2; Bearing pressure at heel; pheel = 43.5 kN/m2
PASS - Maximum bearing pressure is less than allowable bearing pressure
Calculate propping forces to top and base of wall
Propping force to top of wall; Fprop_top = 4.772 kN/m; Propping force to base of wall; Fprop_base = 12.179 kN/m
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4a Clareville Street 2015157
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TEDDS calculation version

Ultimate limit state load factors

Dead load factor; γf_d = 1.4; Live load factor; γf_l = 1.6
Earth pressure factor; γf_e = 1.4

Calculate propping force

Propping force; Fprop = 17.0 kN/m
Calculate propping forces to top and base of wall
Propping force to top of wall; Fprop_top_f = 7.884 kN/m; Propping force to base of wall; Fprop_base_f = 44.414 kN/m

Design of reinforced concrete retaining wall toe (BS 8002:1994)

Material properties
Strength of concrete; fcu = 35 N/mm2; Strength of reinforcement; fy = 500 N/mm2
Base details
Minimum reinforcement; k = 0.13 %; Cover in toe; ctoe = 40 mm


Design of retaining wall toe

Shear at heel; Vtoe = 78.1 kN/m; Moment at heel; Mtoe = 73.1 kNm/m
Compression reinforcement is not required
Check toe in bending
Reinforcement provided; 12 mm dia.bars @ 150 mm centres
Area required; As_toe_req = 696.2 mm2/m; Area provided; As_toe_prov = 754 mm2/m
PASS - Reinforcement provided at the retaining wall toe is adequate
Check shear resistance at toe
Design shear stress; vtoe = 0.308 N/mm2; Allowable shear stress; vadm = 4.733 N/mm2
PASS - Design shear stress is less than maximum shear stress
Concrete shear stress; vc_toe = 0.528 N/mm2
vtoe < vc_toe - No shear reinforcement required

Design of reinforced concrete retaining wall stem (BS 8002:1994)

Material properties
Strength of concrete; fcu = 35 N/mm2; Strength of reinforcement; fy = 500 N/mm2
Wall details
Minimum reinforcement; k = 0.13 %
Cover in stem; cstem = 40 mm; Cover in wall; cwall = 40 mm
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4a Clareville Street 2015157
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Design of retaining wall stem

Shear at base of stem; Vstem = 54.4 kN/m; Moment at base of stem; Mstem = 28.6 kNm/m
Compression reinforcement is not required
Check wall stem in bending
Reinforcement provided; 12 mm dia.bars @ 150 mm centres
Area required; As_stem_req = 455.0 mm2/m; Area provided; As_stem_prov = 754 mm2/m
PASS - Reinforcement provided at the retaining wall stem is adequate
Check shear resistance at wall stem
Design shear stress; vstem = 0.179 N/mm2; Allowable shear stress; vadm = 4.733 N/mm2
PASS - Design shear stress is less than maximum shear stress
Concrete shear stress; vc_stem = 0.476 N/mm2
vstem < vc_stem - No shear reinforcement required
Design of retaining wall at mid height
Moment at mid height; Mwall = 13.2 kNm/m
Compression reinforcement is not required
Reinforcement provided; 12 mm dia.bars @ 150 mm centres
Area required; As_wall_req = 455.0 mm2/m; Area provided; As_wall_prov = 754 mm2/m
PASS - Reinforcement provided to the retaining wall at mid height is adequate
Check retaining wall deflection
Max span/depth ratio; ratiomax = 40.00; Actual span/depth ratio; ratioact = 8.55
PASS - Span to depth ratio is acceptable
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4a Clareville Street 2015157
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Indicative retaining wall reinforcement diagram

Wall reinforcement Stem reinforcement

Toe reinforcement

Toe bars - 12 mm dia.@ 150 mm centres - (754 mm2/m)

Wall bars - 12 mm dia.@ 150 mm centres - (754 mm2/m)
Stem bars - 12 mm dia.@ 150 mm centres - (754 mm2/m)

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