Askep B Ing
Askep B Ing
Askep B Ing
MARCH 09-12-2018
Date & Time of admission : March 05, 2018, 07.00 P.M
Room : IRNA III/ No. 7
Hospital : RSUD Gerung
Registration No. : 21 19 18
Assesment date & time : March 9, 2018
Medical Diagnosis : Diabetic Melitus type II
1. Patient
Name : Mr. Justin
Age : 62 years
Gender : Male
Religion : Cristian
Marital Status : Married
Education : Bachelor/Degree
Occupation : Teacher
Address : Mataram
2. Person in Charge
Name : Ms. Letty
Age : 57 years
Gender : Male
Religion : Cristtian
Marital Status : Married
Education : Bachelor/Degree
Occupation : Teacher
Address : Mataram
Relationship with Patient : Wife
1. Chief Complaint
Calus diabetic on the right feet
2. Complaints when Assesment
Patient said that he dizzy, easily felt tired, and weakness
3. Present History Illness
Patient said thet he entered the hospital cause he felt dizzy and the calus is appear on
his right feet since 3 days ago and it can’t be recover. He has never taken away the
medicine before.
4. Past History Illness
Patient said that he had hypertension since 2 years ago
5. Family Health History
Patient said that before his mother has the same complaint as he did.
Genogram :
Symbols :
X : Died
: Male
: Female
: Patient
: Offspring Line
: Married Line
C. Physical Examination
1. General Condition : Compos Mentis
2. Vital Sign : BP : 170/90 mmHg
P : 86x / minute
T : 36𝑜 𝐶
RR : 20x/ minute
3. Antropometri
a. Weight before sick : 55 kg
b. Weight when getting sick : 46 kg
c. Height : 165 cm
𝑊 46 46
d. BMI : = = = 13,9
𝐻2 1,65 𝑥 1,65 3,3
4. Physical Examination
a. Head
Inspection : symmetrical shape, black hair, and no lesion
Palpation : there is no pain pressure
b. Eye
Inspection : symmetrical shape, there is no edema
Palpation : no pressure pain
c. Nose
Inspection : there is no secret and polyp
Palpation : no pressure pain
d. Mouth
Inspection : dry lips, dirty teeth, smelly mouth, and no lesion
Palpasiion : no pressure pain
e. Ear
Inspection : no cerumen, no hearing lost
Palpation : no pressure pain
f. Neck
Inspection : no edema, no enlargement of tyroid gland
Palpation : no pressure pain
g. Thorax
Inspection :no chest retraction and no lesion
Auscultasion : no wheezing and crackles, normal vesicular breathing
Palpation : no pressure pain
Percution : sonor
h. Abdomen
Inspection : no abnominal distention and no lesion
Auscultation : normal bowel sound
Palpation : no pressure pain
Percution : tympani
i. Genetalia
Inspection : using urine chateter, urine production is about 100cc/day
j. Integument
Inspection : skin are brown and dried
Palpation : no pressure pain
k. Ekstremitas
Inspection : symmetrical, no edema, using infusion on the right
Palpation : no pressure pain
Inspection : edema, ulcus diabetic
Palpation : there is pressure pain
5. Activity
a. Before getting sick : patient said that he can do his daily activities, such
as gardening, helping his wife in the kitchen.
b. When getting sick : patient said that he couldn’t do anything. Because
his feet is hurt.
6. Spiritual
a. Before getting sick : patient said that he can go praying once a week in
b. When getting sick : patient said that he couldn,t go praying in church.
7. Relationship
a. Before getting sick : patient said that he had a good relationship with his
family, friend, and neighbors
b. When getting sick : patient said that he still maintance his relation with
8. Self Concept
a. Before getting sick : patient said that he never be stress when he got a
problem, because he would discuss his problem with
b. When getting sick : patient said that even he very stressed, he believe
that his wound gonna recover soon.
9. Cognitive
a. Before getting sick : patient said that everytime he got sick, he just need
to take bed rest for a while until he recover
b. When getting sick : patient said that he sould do diet for reducing his
blood sugar lever
10. Comfortable
a. Before getting sick : patient said that he always felt comfort
b. When getting sick : patient said that he never felt this uncomfort feeling
before. Scale of pain is 7, the pain is in his right feet,
the pain feels like stabbed feeling, the pain comes
every 4 hours.
11. Personal Hygine
a. Before getting sick : patient said that he showering 2 times a day
(morning & evening) and change the clothes
b. When getting sick : patient said that he never take showering since his
feet hurt
E. Medicamtion (March 9, 2018)
Medication Dosage Route Function
Metronidazole 1 flash IV To prevent infection caused by
500 g line microorganism and anaerobic bacteria
Ketorolac 10 mg IV For non strict anti-inflammatory
line communing wed to relive inflammation and
Ringer Laktat 20 tpm IV To restore body waterloss and nutrition
F. Data ABCD
a. Anthopometric
- Body weight before getting sick : 55 kg
- Body weight when getting sick : 46 kg
- Height : 165 cm
𝑊 46 46
- BMI : 𝐻 2 = 1,65 𝑥 1,65 = 3,3 = 13,9
b. Biochemistry
- Blood Sugar : 423 normal : 90 - 200
- Hemoglobin : 16,2 10 6/𝑚𝑐 normal : 13,00 – 17,3
c. Clinis
- Mouth : dry lips & dirty teeth
- Abdomen : normal bowel sound
- Integument : skin looks dry
- Extremity : there is pressure pain on right lower extremity
d. Diet
- Diet natrium
- Diet glucose
- And eating soft food
Name : Mr. M Registration No. : 21 19 18
Age : 62 years Room : IRNA II
Objective :
- Patient look tired
- Skin is dried
- The wound size : 2 cm
- Characteristic of wound
: red, unthermal,
swollen, no pus, and
- S : the pain scale is on 7
(severe pain) from 0-10
pain scale.
- VT :
~ BP : 140/90 mmHg
~ P : 86x/minute
~T : 36,3 %
~ R : 20x/minute
2. Subjective : Idiopatic, age, and genetic Imbalanced nutrition less
- Patient said that he than body needs
never feel hungry Reducing of pancreas cell
- Patient said that he feel
a nausea dan tired Insulin deficiency
- Patient said that he
eating twice a day, Catabolism of protein has
2only finished two of
tablespoon of his meals incrase
that was provided by
the hospital. Weight has decrases
- Patient rarely drink
water. A glass a day. Risk of malnutrition
(about 200 cc)
Objective :
- Client look tired
- Dried of lips mucosa
ABCD Assessment :
A. Antropemetri
1. Weight before sick :
55 kg
2. Weight when got
sick : 46 kg
3. Height : 165 cm
4. BMI : 13,9
B. Biokimia
1. Hemoglobin : 16,2
10′6 /𝑚𝐿
2. Blood Sugar : 423
C. Clinis
1. Mouth : dry lips &
dirty teeth
2. Abdomen: normal
bowel sound
3. Integument : skin
looks dry
4. Extremity: there is
pressure pain on
right lower
5. Diet
1. Diet natrium
2. Diet glucose
3. And eating soft
1. Acute pain related to the physical injury agent, as evidenced by the pain will come
when sleeping, the pain is in the right side of his feet, pain feels like stabbing feeling,
scale of pain is on 7 (severe pain).
2. Imbalanced nutrition less than body needs related to decrases of weight, as evidence
by patient said that he never get hungry, nausea, and tiredly, only eat the food which
is providing from hospital, drink a glass of water a day (200 cc), weight 55 to 46 kg,
height 165, intestinal noise 8x/minute, Hemoglobin : 16,2 10′6 /𝑚𝐿
Name : Mr. M Registration No. : 21 19 18
Age : 62 years Room : IRNA II
A. Proroty Problem
1. Acute Pain
2. Imbalance nutrition less than body needs
Friday 1 after given intervention 1. Assess patient's pain 1. to find out the
09, for 2 x 24 hours, it is area of pain,
March expected that pain can be quality of pain,
2018 releasedcriteria: when pain is felt,
1. the patient said trigger factors of
pain was pain, the severity
reduced of pain that is felt
2. the patient's 2. assess the patient's 2. to find out if the
facial expression non-verbal patient really
was calm, not expression feels pain
grimacing in pain
3. pain scale 2 from 3. Assess the state of 3. to find out
(0-10) the wound whether there are
4. patients are able signs of infection
to do pain 4. to reduce pain
management 4. Teach patients deep
techniques breathing relaxation
5. vital signs are techniques
within normal 5. to reduce pain
limits 5. collaboration with
BP:120/90 medical teams in the
mmHg administration of IVs
P : 80x/ minute / drugs/alergic
T :36,5 0 C
2 RR : 20x/minute
- Patient’s finished hospital
nutritional needs food.
are met. 4. Assess for nausea an 4. Find out how
- Moist lip mucusa vomiting many patients
- No nausea nausea vomiting.
Name : Mr. M Registration No. : 21 19 18
Age : 62 years Room : IRNA II
10. Examineing the lips mucus 10. The lips mucus is dried
12. Encourage patient to eat a 12. Patient want to eat a little
litte bit but often but oftenly
Monday, 14.00 1. Check the patient’s pain 1. Patient says that the pain
12 March was reduced
2. Check the patien’s non 2. Patient looks relaxed
verbal expression
Name : Mr. M Registration No. : 21 19 18
Age : 62 years Room : IRNA II
Tuesday ,13 march 14.00 1 S : Patient said pain was reducaded at 2 in pain scale
2018 P: Patient said pain will come when he sleeping
Q:Patient said the pain feels like stabbed
R:Patient said pain is in his right feet
- Patient expression respon is relax
-Pain scale 2(0-10)
-Patient are able to do pain management
TTV : TD : 120/90 Mmhg
N : 80X/Mnt
S : 36,5
RR: 20X/Mnt
P : Intervention is stopped
1. Patient (P) : Descagian Rahman Amkantari
2. Patient Wife (W) : Lilik Sugianti
3. Doctor (D) : I Gede Panji Santika
4. Nurse I (N1) : Bq Reni Komala Sari
5. Nurse II (N2) : I. G. A. Ayu Switari. P. S
6. Nurse III (N3) : Bq Azila Falasifa
7. Nurse IV (N4) : Asyafia Rizkika
8. Nurse V (N5) : Bunga Puspita
9. Nurse VI (N6) : Balqis Muti’ah
10. Nurse VII (N7) : Ni Putu Grahita Kirana
11. Nurse VIII (N8) : Lilis Idaratul Fahmi
N1 : Good Morning Mr. Have a seat please.
P : Alright. Thank you
N1 : I will collect your personal details and assess you. Is that okay ?
P : Of course.
N1 : Okay. Your complete name, please ?
P : I’am Justin Pattinson
N1 : Can you spell it please ?
P : Alright. J-U-S-T-I-N and P-A double T-I-N-S-O-N
N1 : Alright. What would you like to call ?
P : Call my first name that’s fine.
N1 : So, it must be Justin, right ?
P : Yes, that’s right.
N1 : May I know your date of birth ?
P : December 20, 1956
N1 : It would be 62 years this December right ?
P : Yes, I am
N1 : Where are you come from Mr, Justin ?
P : I came from Mataram
N1 : Alright. Could you tell me about your last education ?
P : Yes, sure. I’am a bachelor.
N1 : And your occupation ?
P : I’m a teacher.
N1 : May I know your religion ?\
P : I’am cristian
N1 : Alright. Thank you for your information. Now I will axamine you. Are you
agree ?
P : Sure, I agree.
N1 : Okay so wait a few minute. I will prepare to examine you.
P : Okay, thank you.
P : What a normal level of blood sugar ?
N3 : It’s 90-200 Mr. I’ll take your blood pressure. Give me your right hand and roll
up your sleeve.
P : (Do a nurse intruction)
N3 : Your blood pressure is 150/90 mmHg, Sir.
P : It’s too high right ?
N3 : Surely. It’s too high, Mr. Justin.
P : So, what should I do nurse ?\
N3 : You should take a treathment care from hospital for make you recover. Are you
agree ?
P : Yes, I agree. I wanna recover soon nurse.
N3 : Okay, let’s we consultation with the doctor.
N5 : Okay Mr. Justin before you take a treathment care in this hospital. We need
your regent detail’s too.
P : Alright. This is my wife as a regent.
N5 : AlrightMrs. May I know your complete name ?
W : I am Letty Grande
N5 : What should I call you ?
W : Call me Letty that’s okay.
N5 : How old are you ?
W : I’m 57 years this month.
N5 : Okay. May I know your last education ?
W : My education and my occupation same with my husband. We are just from
different department.
N5 : Alright. So your husband officialy taking care in this hospital. Than Ners Lilis
will show you the room.
N6 : Follow me ,please Mr and Mrs.
A few minute later Nurse VII (N7) turn to the Mr. Justin room to assess his nutrition and
his elimination
N7 : Excuse me, Mr and Mrs Justin.
P&W : Alright coming please ners.
N7 : I’m here to ask you some question are you agree ?
P : Okay I agree
N7 : How many times do you ate a day ?
P : I ate 3 times a day.
N7 : Which is portion ?
P : In adult portion
N7 : You finished it ?
P : Yeah, I finished it.
N7 : And ho many time you drink water ?
P : I drink 5 glasses of water a day
N7 : And what about now ?
P : Since I getting sick, I just ate twice a day and only two tablespoon from the food
that provided in hospital cause everytime I eat I feel nausea and I just drink a glass
of water a day.
N7 : Did you urinate normaly ?
P : Sure I urinate normaly before at least 3 times a day. But when I got this
problem. I rarely urinate cause my feet is hurt and now using this catheter to make
it easier.
N7 : How many times you defecate a day ?
P : Before I sick I can defecate normaly once a day in morning. But now I never
defecate cause it’s difficult to go toilet.
N7 : Alright, thanks for your information. The other nurse will coming a few minute
later for assess you.
P : Alright. Thank you ners.
A few minute later Nurse VIII (N8) turn to the Mr. Justin room to assess his wound on the
right extremity and his skin around the wound.
N8 : Excuse me, Mr and Mrs Justin.
P&W : Alright coming please ners.
N8 : I’m here to check your wound on your feet and your skin around the wound.
P : Yes, please.
N8 : Is it still hurt ?
P : Yes, it still hurt.
N8 : What do you feel on your wound right now ?
P : It’s feel like a stabbed feeling.
N8 : From 0-10 pain scale. What the scale for your wound ?
P : It’s 7 nurse.
N8 : Alright. Your wound has red colour, unthermal, swollen, no pus, and moist
P : Is that okay ners ?
N8 : Yes that’s okay as long as you keep discipline to follow your diet program.
P : Of course, I will discipline to follow the program.
N8 : Alright. Thanks for your information Mr and Mrs Justin.
P : Okay. You’re welcome ners.