Racecar Engineering 2013 12
Racecar Engineering 2013 12
Racecar Engineering 2013 12
Super Formula
Japan’s premier single seat
category goes hybrid
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Beauty redefined
Form and function versus aesthetic pleasure
orm follows function’ can But that is my assessment, as smelly as one, and 10 salted One of my aesthetic
be an aesthetic point of which depends on my preferences, peanuts aren’t five times as salty amusements is to see new cars
view that a design can as in ‘All criticism is a form of as two. This, interestingly, relates and predict how they will age.
heighten, as often seen in the autobiography.’ Obviously, this to survival by the avoidance of Some are beautiful decades
work of Ettore, Rembrandt, and isn’t absolutely true. Criticism is danger. Our brain will choose to later, if not half-centuries. (The
Jean Bugatti. The saying can be often about formal matters: How what it pays attention based on original horseless carriages
attributed to the American sculptor many lines are in a sonnet? What how threatening it assesses the of a century ago do not really
Horatio Greenough, who in 1852 is lyric poetry? How did Amadis noise to be. qualify; they were in the epoch’s
was relating it to the organic of Gaul influence Don Quixote? The 1930s was the epitome paradigm, a carriage but without
principles of architecture. These are questions that can lead of that. Figoni et Falaschi, Chapron, the horses – a distinct example
It could be applied to racing to criticism that is only trivially Franay and de Letourner et of Skeuomorphism, which is
cars built in those days before the autobiographical. Marchand, Saoutchik... Never parallel to, but different from, path
widespread use of wind tunnels. We are not simply hedonic was car styling more baroque, dependence in technology, where
Then, builders designed with what machines who thrive if supplied maybe the influence of Art functional behavior or appearance
Marzotto called ‘optical intuition’. with things that tick certain Nouveau, whereas a Mercedes is maintained when the reasons
After the wind tunnel, we can say boxes for sensory pleasure and SSK or a Blower Bentley were for its design no longer exist.)
all cars of a class look the same, aesthetic merit. Mill could say a nothing but odes to testosterone, The concept of skeuomorphism
form locked in by function. word about utilitarianism, but much like more recent American overlaps other design concepts
Anatomists regard the retina in much the same way, design musclecars. as well. Mimesis is an imitation,
as a part of the brain that is coming directly from the Greek.
located outside it, having been Think go-faster stripes on
sequestered from it early in production cars, scoops or fins.
development but having kept its On the other hand, the
connections with the brain proper resurgence of retro-styled road
through a bundle of fibres — the cars attests either to the lack of
optic nerve. One could postulate new ideas, a revulsion against
that the retina does some thinking, the jelly mould shape of an
the phrase ‘pleasing to the eye’ aerodynamically sound car given a
attesting to this. The Ferrari P4, here racing at Le Mans, remains a firm aesthetic favourite size, or a celebration of the beauty
Each individual will have of some old masterpiece.
their own preference, so the can look at the coffee-making Penis substitutes can None of which excuses the F1
chance of reaching a universal process and systematically remove characterise some cars, others grid nowadays. But I will contradict
consensus is equal to one over all that is problematic in it. The can be likened to the sensuous myself, and consider that a
Graham’s number, which is result is something flawless, but curves of a woman’s hips with beautiful racing car is the quickest
unimaginably larger than other a particular and limited form of the requisite hip-to-waist ratio one. CFD plus good surface
well-known large numbers such excellence or perfection. Perhaps that denotes fertility. The D type modelling makes today’s F1 cars
as a googol, googolplex, and there are peaks above perfection Jaguar has both attributes: witness beautiful in the details, even if
even larger than Skewes’ number that can be achieved only by the long hood and lines of the narrow tracks, silly rear wings and
and Moser’s number. accepting a certain amount of rear fenders. One wonders if platypus noses detract from the
Indeed, like the last three imperfection, but tickle the the shape of current hypercars, aesthetic experience. Shame about
numbers, the observable aesthetic glands.... which emphasise fat rear tyres the clone look created by extreme
universe is too small to contain This does not impede cases and a voluptuous rear end, are engineering and rules. Spray them
an ordinary digital representation of emotional incontinence in road the trickle down of the Id. Maybe all grey and tell me which team
of Graham’s number, assuming cars, of course, where there is that’s just me. runs which one.
each digit occupies at least styling overkill. Some styles can be As a digression, one blames Style is like the proverbial
one Planck volume. The last 10 overwrought, but not improve on Tonka toys for the look of modern walking, quacking canard, easily
digits of Graham’s number are the impact, much as 10 instruments cars, albeit with a tempering of spotted, like pornography in the
...2464195387. sound only twice as loud as one better aerodynamics, and a touch words of one judge: ‘I cannot
One’s particular absolute and why 100 instruments only of Mad Max (the film, not the define it but I know it when I
beauty can be defined as the sound four times as loud as one. person who...). So are the whims see it’. In the Dialogues, Socrates
Ferrari P3/P4, while modern It doesn’t make sense. After all, of style made, with the celluloid describes Plato stating the trinity
F1 cars can be relegated to six smelly socks aren’t six times dreams of ‘La racaille’. of Good, the True and Beautiful:
Quasimodo’s Home for the Visually independent, celestial essences,
Unpleasant. Not the designers’
fault: they have been cursed by
Modern F1 cars can be relegated inextricably inseparable. I could go
as far as stating that if it does its
Rules Disease, forced by legislation to Quasimodo’s Home for function well, it is beautiful, thus
to accept teratological forms to transforming all racing cars into
achieve good L/D. the Visually Unpleasant vessels of beauty.
y visit to the amazing One of the aural pleasures leave room for individual genius to piece of expensive and irrelevant
Goodwood Festival of of racing cars used to be not come up with an alternative. technology that is contra to
Speed this year reminded just the sound of the engines, The extra cost passed on to spectator excitement, and spoils
me of the tremendous variety but the discernible difference teams resulting from more engine an important part of the show.
that motor racing used to display between them. Take F1 again. design freedom could probably be Blame not just the Technical
in sight, sound, action and One can’t totally turn back the balanced by sensible actions such Regulations. Under the Sporting
character. Despite not being clock, but those old enough to as stopping hugely expensive Regulations the over-enforcement
a competitive event, it’s this recall the rasp of a Ferrari V12, race-by-race aero developments. of penalties without regard to
wonderful pantheon of two- and the melodious BRM and screaming Mandating the homologation of circumstances can ruin a great
four-wheeled racing machines and Matra, flat grunt of the DFV V8 parts before the season starts and fight between protaganists on the
their idiosyncrasies, along with and insane Honda howl competing then allowing only two more re- track, which might enliven a race
the personalities involved, that together will know what I mean. homologations thereafter would even if the lead is not in dispute.
brings in the enormous crowds. With your eyes shut, you could represent a huge saving. I’m disappointed with some of
In contrast, one of the biggest tell which car was which and Race starts at least used to the former drivers appointed
gripes against current motor delight in the variety. Despite be full of spectacle – tyre smoke as stewards. They should know
racing from TV viewers and fans the incredible revs the difference between
alike is the lack of sufficient of current F1 V8s, an advantage unfairly
spectacle, especially in Formula 1. unsurprisingly they gained versus a genuine
In reaction to this, attempts to sound much the same wheel-to-wheel battle
spice up the action in the premier given that they all have that can occasionally
category have achieved some a mandated number of result in a car briefly going
success, although we have seen cylinders and valves, off-track, a move that is
that deliberate manipulation of bore size, rpm limit and a bit opportunist against
the rules can backfire and lead much, much more. The one that is downright
to an almost farcical opposite of only differentiation is dangerous. ‘Rules are
what was genuinely intended. caused by the exhaust rules’, the argument goes
Conversely, the constantly system and the ECU and should always be
increasing regulation of what is mapping, generally only applied uniformly. Rubbish
permitted, in both chassis and briefly noticeable. Variety is the spice of life. Or rather, it was in 1976 – if it is as black and
engine design, has inevitably This uniformity white as this, then let computers
led to that dreadful curse of the imposed on engine designers galore, revs rising and falling, hand out the punishment. Who
modern world: uniformity. must be hugely frustrating cars sideways as the rear tyres needs human assessment and
Almost nothing can artificially and quickly becomes boring, struggled for traction, weaving judgement, and dare I say it,
produce consistent close racing lending credence those who around cars slower off the line common sense?
at the front. There will be describe motor racing as ‘just and often a radical change of Racing is meant to be a bit
times when a certain driver/ cars going round sounding whah, order going into the first corner. hairy and if drivers and others
team/car combination will whah, wah…’. Brief, but adrenalin-infusing. Have aren’t prepared to accept this then
reach that magical amalgam of Imagine if the combustion you noticed how that’s changed? they should seek an alternative
competitiveness that is virtually engine part of the new powertrain With complicated software- occupation. Uniformity has its
unassailable, as is the case right rules was more open. Some assisted clutch preparation place in the establishment of
now with Sebastian Vettel and manufacturers might opt for four pre-grid and multiple bite points regulations that allow similar
Red Bull. Other than specific instead of six cylinders, maybe just short of full launch control, machinery to participate in
handicaps such as extra weight five or even three. Even with a cars go off the line almost in order races worldwide, in the circuit
being applied (shudder), it will turbo, they would sound different, (Fernando Alonso excepted!), the safety standards and training of
always happen. especially if the exhaust system wheelspin reduced electronically marshals and other personnel;
Therefore other factors must were more free. to the minimum and the cars kept i.e. the fundamental structures
contribute to maintaining viewers’ Cost is always raised as the straight as an arrow, removing under which the sport can take
and spectators’ interest and reason for such innovation- what should be one of the key place with responsibility and
excitement in the racing. In the strangling measures. With the skills of a racing driver and the practicality. It should not be there
October publication, the Editor incredibly sophisticated simulation chance of gaining an advantage. to stifle creativity, exceptional
pointed out a number of initiatives tools available, I don’t buy that. What an anti-climax after all that skill and daring, and detract from
which would result in events Most would probably end up pre-grid tyre warming and engines the spectacle. Increasingly, via the
being better promoted for the with a similar (but not identical) being held on the limiter until the obsession with uniformity this
spectators. But for TV especially, configuration, but at least it would lights change! It is an unnecessary is precisely what is occurring.
where the focus rightly is on
the track action, a lot of spectacle Imagine if the combustion engine part of the
has been lost to the sport by
creeping uniformity. new powertrain rules was more open
December 2013 A www.racecar-engineering.com 7
e want to be faster than concept – while some teams were not meant,’ reveals Luca Pignacca, Dallara’s chief
Force India’ was the keen to purchase a car and parts from the designer. ‘The car will be quick, but we are
challenge set by Hiroshi USA. Lola, the previous partner of Formula not sure how quick as the engine has not
Shirai when he announced Nippon, was on paper a logical choice but shown its full potential yet.’
that in 2014 Formula Nippon was in its death throes, despite having a JRP was aware that a leading vehicle’s
would undergo a huge transition. He perfect design, the MB-01 World Senior Car, aerodynamic wake can make it difficult for
revealed a vision of the future that saw the on the drawing board already. a following vehicle to pass, so in the initial
series grow from being a domestic Japanese After reading an article on the new Super brief it asked for DRS to help overcome this
championship to a regional equivalent to Formula concept in these very pages, the effect and facilitate more overtaking.
GP2 or IndyCar, just a lot faster. The first commercial staff at Dallara got in touch with ‘We wanted to give the car good styling,
step in this process was to change the JRP and ultimately won the contract, and but we did not want to do anything too big
name from the very nation specific ‘Formula work began on finalising the design brief and not required. I have a lot of respect for
Nippon’ to the more general and rather more for the new machine, which was to be called Swift on the old car using a front wing so
exciting ‘Super Formula’. the Dallara SF14. big and different; it was a brave move but
The second stage of Shirai’s plan was ‘Quick and light’ was the development it seems that the old car does not overtake
to introduce an all-new car. The last car, concept for the SF14 set by series promoter that well,’ Pignacca says. ‘We have tried
built by Swift (the first fully developed JRP; the cars must also be hybrids. The to make sure that this car will be good
for the category, as the previous Lola was idea of being as fast as a 2013 Force India for overtaking, but it’s a bit of black magic
an updated F3000 design), had served F1 car was deemed unrealistic within the really. We are not yet sure if it will work,
for a number of years but was due for budgetary constrains of the SF14, although but over the years we have discovered a
replacement. The question was, who would the car is still thought to be very potent. lot on this.’
develop the new machine? Local constructor ‘They came to us and told us that they Dallara’s engineers decided that it would
Dome had ruled itself out for political wanted a car with Force India pace, but be better to create a car that generated a
reasons – it did not like the spec chassis then we explained to JRP what that really substantial amount of downforce from the
Rear packaging for a spec chassis designed to work with three different engines, although only Honda and Toyota have tested
floor, a ground effect approach had to work out the aerodynamic and in many ways is fairly KERS package very easily, though
also employed on Dallara’s first and weight balance against conventional. ‘In aerodynamic it will not run with it initially,’
GP2 cars. There would also the mounting of the hybrid terms the car is not all about Pignacca adds.
be a form of push to pass on components which were not yet downforce as the tracks in Japan The heart of the SF14 is its
the powertrain. finalised,’ Dallara Super Formula reward efficiency rather than engine, something Pignacca
The SF14 weighs in at 650kg manager Walter Biasatti explains. total downforce, so we pushed is highly enthusiastic about.
with driver, which makes it the ‘Our main challenge involved in that direction. The circuits in ‘The package is a dream for a
lightest top class open-wheel meeting the FIA F1 2010 Japan are neither low drag nor racing car designer,’ he says.
car in the world: it is 60kg lighter safety regulations; but the real high downforce, just mid range,’ ‘It is the same size as an F3
than the old Swift 01.N Formula challenge lies in packaging the Pignacca says. engine but producing nearly
Nippon, now often erroneously car itself. The fact that we had to The SF14 is slightly longer 600bhp. It’s so nice for such a
called the SF13. install a KERS, the servo-steering, and wider than the GP2 car and small engine.’
‘In the first instance we two different engines, and three has a longer wheelbase, while Built to all-new regulations,
focussed on making this car very pedals instead of two…It caused is also lighter. With its KERS the Next Racing Engine (NRE)
safe, meeting the F1 2010 crash no end of headaches!’ boost on it produces more power is an exercise in downsizing
test standards, but we also had The overall design of the car than the European-spec racer, and includes all of the current
to meet the request of the car is visually – and in some ways although the introduction of themes of cutting edge
weighing 650kg. That was a big conceptually – very similar to that system has been delayed, powertrain development
challenge to achieve; we also the current Dallara GP2 design, as Honda and Toyota want to such as direct-injection and
employ different systems. turbocharging mated to a hybrid
‘We had to design into system. The NRE regulations
People started to ask whether the chassis to accommodate are shared between Super
the battery pack and the inverter, Formula and GT500, allowing
Toyota’s racing division was a so we just need a bespoke the manufacturers to use the
Circuit Supplies (UK) Ltd, Unit 8, Eden Court, Eden Way, Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 4FY
he SF14 is the first car in a simulator before so needed getting used to it, this changes ‘In a company like Dallara,
Dallara has developed to be ‘broken in’; but after a to “...the car understeers, the car the simulator is effectively
using a new virtual couple of hours he was already hasn’t got enough traction...”. used to collect information
design approach, testing and fully operational. Both drivers This means that the simulator from all the other departments.
developing the car’s design in carried out the same tests, so as is really doing its job and that That imposes and promotes
the digital environment on its not to give either an advantage the drivers feel as though interaction between different
state of the art simulator before over the other, completing over they are driving a real car. This departments.
manufacturing any parts. 100 laps each. is exactly how the Japanese ‘Since it is necessary to
‘The SF14 is the first car that ‘In order to establish a frame drivers reacted. create a model that represents
we have defined “virtually”; i.e. of reference, they tested their ‘The basic idea of our the entire vehicle, each sector
defining the principal design current cars on the Suzuka simulator was to create a test responsible for providing a
parameters before even writing track, after which they tested bench capable of reproducing certain feature of the car –
the first line of the project, various configurations on the the car’s performance, or rather designing the suspension,
and it has proved to be a highly SF14. Some of these were its effect on the driver. A calculating the aerodynamic
efficient way of working,’ then adopted as solutions to realistic test bench that would performance on the computer,
explains Alessandro Moroni, be implemented on the “real” make the drivers feel as though performing measurements in
the man in charge of Dallara’s car: this is the great advantage they were actually driving the the wind tunnel, etc., – is obliged
simulator project and one of of the simulator, the fact that car. In other words: in the event to work towards completing
those pushing this new design it is possible to be certain of a skid, they must react as the model that will be used
approach. ‘This new approach about various aspects of the if they were on the track, and on the simulator.
is a definite advantage for configurations before taking the mathematical model of ‘The simulator is like a
the project. them out onto the track. Both the car will respond as the real mirror image of the real car: the
‘The first SF14 driver to drivers’ times were the same as car would on the under real various sectors work for the
try the simulator was Toyota’s they regularly achieve on the conditions. simulator, in the same way as
Kazuki Nakajima, who already track, but more importantly the ‘If the system does not fulfil they would on the finished
had some experience of other feeling was the same as they this aim, drivers will react as car, while the simulator
simulators and so had some idea are used to experiencing in if they were playing a simple also works for the different
of what to expect. This meant the real cars. videogame, and the chances departments by evaluating the
that he was ready to go right ‘Normally, when drivers use are that the input they provide effectiveness of an aerodynamic
from the start without any need the simulator for the first time, the model with would not solution or a suspension system
for acclimatisation. A few weeks they tend to say things like correspond to reality. And that, designed in a certain way,
later it was Honda driver Takuya “the simulator did this, or that”. in a nutshell, is the engineering together with the driver. It was
Izawa’s turn. He had never been However, when they really start value of a simulator,’ he adds. crucial on the SF14.’
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Quick change
The introduction of the new Super Formula also sees British
company Zytek upgrade its electronic gearshift system
ritish company Zytek BY ANDREW COTTON The EGS is also used on the ‘The technology that is
has introduced a lighter, GT300 CR-Z GT, which won its available to store the technology
smaller and more mechanism, which is estimated class at the third round of the has not changed massively,
adaptable version of by the company to be around 30 Super GT series in Sepang in so much of the evolution is
its electronic gearshift actuator per cent smaller and with greater June, using the ZPH Zytek Hybrid centered on the circuit board
for the new generation of Super capability to talk to different System. Also running the system componentry and layout to
Formula cars that will make their systems in the car. The system are the Zytek LMP2 chassis and minimise volume and mass for a
debut next year. The system was works by drawing power from the the Auto GP machines. ‘The trick given performance. Additionally
first introduced in 2003, when battery or alternator to charge to our system is that it is powered we have been able to add levels
Zytek submitted a tender up capacitors, which then deliver by the 12V system,’ says Zytek’s of technology to improve how
for the GP2 contract. That bid the short, sharp burst of power Ian Lovett, technical director of we interface with different
was not successful, and so needed to change gear. Zytek Engineering. engine management systems
instead the company sold the The electronic gearshift ‘Upshifts typically occur and apply cuts to manipulate
second-generation system to (EGS) was used on the Honda every two or three seconds with the torque on the dog rings to
A1GP and the Formula Nippon GT500 contender before the new downshifts happening several effect a gear shift.’
series, which has been running generation cars for 2014 were times within one second, and our The design of the solenoids
faultlessly with them ever since. built using the same suppliers systems draws a discreet amount was undertaken by the same
The new Super Formula and concept as the DTM, which of current after each shift. Once engineers who designed the
cars are already testing with means that Hewland picked up the capacitors are re-charged it kinetic energy recovery system
the third generation gearshift the supply contract. stops drawing. that was first used by McLaren
ith an automotive Dodge, producing the engine from that race experience light. You have just introduced a
and engineering control systems for the Viper that through to emerging road car motor, inverter and battery into
department, Zytek it still runs today. technology is very strong. a system where you didn’t want
is perfectly placed to consider ‘Automotive, and its ‘It is all about performance, any extra weight.
the transfer of technology involvement in electric and energy management, and ‘Because we work on race and
from race to road, and vice-versa. hybrid ended up working on KERS lightweight materials. The needs road programmes, every drop of
An industry leader in battery from a core functionality point of of the racecar are similar to the energy that is put on board the
technology, thanks in part to view, the motor design and build, needs of the road car because vehicle will be managed by a
its link with German company while engineering support us on you have got to be managing system to get the most out of it,
Continental, it was one of the the mechanical side, and we work your energy efficiently. You have whether that return is ultimately
first to build a hybrid car for Le together with those solutions,’ to accelerate a lighter vehicle in range, or performance, as
Mans, the Panoz Q9, which took says Zytek Automotive managing around, so there are strong comfort and entertainment are
part in pre-qualifying in 1999 director Neil Heslington. ‘I think associations and that is good. energy consumers – it is all about
and later raced at the Petit Le in the past, with the exception It continues that way with our managing energy. In race terms
Mans. It also worked with Gordon of ABS, it has been difficult to relationship with Honda – the we are less concerned with audio
Murray to produce a lightweight substantiate the link between KERS there, it is the same: how and the like, but in terms of
drivetrain, battery, and vehicle race vehicle systems and road you can manage your energy performance of the vehicle and
systems for the T27 electric car systems, but I have to say using light weight in the energy other associated systems, cooling
city car, also with Mercedes on that working on the F1 KERS for management system, how to systems for example, that is
the Smart ev, and with Chrysler/ 2009, the passage of technology get the battery light, inverter what we are looking at.’
he McLaren MP4-12C GT3 car to buy and massively expensive to run? It that. We have the GT Sprint which is a low-
has developed an unfortunate is pretty crazy really. You can take our GT cost GT, and I think that will be popular as
reputation. From a troubled Sprint, which is cheaper to buy, fractions it is a fantastic car. It can be very quick,
inception, this year it has had of the cost to run, and is as quick as any of we can make it more gentleman friendly,
problems at some high profile races, those GT cars. GTE and Le Mans are very which is part of the learning process, but I
including at the Spa 24 hours and at the evocative for our customers and we would think we can also make it better.’
Nurburgring where the engines failed, like to go back there at some stage. We
although these were not necessarily will wait for GT convergence and for 2016 GT3 UNLEASHED
the fault of the manufacturer. What we hope to be there. American customers began to ask why
it has meant is that McLaren is facing ‘At the moment there are instances the GT3 car, with its air restrictors, was
a battle to have its car recognised for where the GT3 car is quicker than a less powerful than the road car. McLaren
some significant achievements in racing. GTE car, but that makes no sense. The decided to build the Can-Am version of the
Despite the problems the bare facts are fundamental GT3 car can be made a lot car, including an unrestricted engine and
that the model has entered 90 races quicker without balance of performance. lightweight design.
in 2013, taking 237 starts. In those GT tries to be all things to all people, For the European market, McLaren has
90 races, the MP4-12C has scored 21 and to an extent that goes against the similarly launched the 12C GT Sprint, a
pole positions and 51 podium finishes, thoroughbreds. Those who have overtly relatively low-cost version of the GT3, and
including 20 race wins. got cars that are geared to GT cars will aimed at the track day enthusiast with
suffer greater balance of performance plans to develop a one-make series
EXPANSION PLANS than cars that are having to stretch their if enough are sold. ‘There is a lot in the
One of the major problems facing the 12C performance to reach BoP. We believe that road car that is state of the art, unique
in the GT3 class is that the 3.8 litre V8 GT is important to our pedigree, important and in a way it is a shame that GT3 and
engine is turbocharged, the only turbo to our brand and we like doing it.’ GT regulations dumb cars down,’ says
engine competing in the GT3 – or, indeed, For the GT3, however, there is work chief development driver Chris
the GTE category – and balancing the to be done to improve the image, and Goodwin. ‘There was a desire to showcase
performance has been a voyage into the Whitmarsh agrees. ‘The fact is that we what McLaren and the 12C is all about
unknown for McLaren and for the rule are running with gentlemen drivers, we on track. It is a good opportunity to do
makers. That did not stop the company are not going into championships with that because it does retain all that the
pressing even further ahead with its full professional teams, and we are not road car has.’
expansion into the GT classes, with plans going into it as a manufacturer, so we are The 12C has been designed and built
for a GTE programme, but pulled the plug not putting the money into it that some by McLaren GT, in close consultation with
on the project as the GT convergence talks German manufacturers are,’ he says. ‘We the team at McLaren Automotive, and
started and the company considered that are learning about developing GT cars, the retains many of the systems from the
the shelf life of the car was reduced. That technology, the championships and the road car, including the brake steer and the
was not before McLaren had spent more politics of balance of performance, and air brake, while a recalibrated Proactive
than £1 million on engine development we still have some way to go. It has been Chassis Control system can be set to
alone, and had secured no fewer than 10 a good start to the process and we have individual driver preference.
customers for the GTE car. built up the resources within McLaren GT ‘It starts life like a GT3 car, with the
‘We would like GT Plus as quickly as now, and we are focussed and committed same cage and essentially the same fuel
we can,’ says Martin Whitmarsh, CEO of to being here for 10-15 years. We have tank, but not with the same internals
McLaren Racing. ‘We took the view that a McLaren GT3 at the moment; hopefully because they are from the road car,’
given the GT convergence, why would the regulations on GT Plus will be fixed says McLaren GT managing director
people buy GTE cars, which are expensive shortly, and we will certainly be entering Andrew Kirkaldy. ‘It runs very similar GT3
Small steps
Big rewards?
n a chilly January morning at However, the MR02 was the first car the
When it launched in the Jerez circuit in southern team developed using a conventional
January, few expected the Spain, the Marussia MR02 was aerodynamic development approach.
unveiled to the world for the ‘It was a definite evolution of last year’s
MR02 to be challenging the first time. Few people expected car, which was the first we had designed
opposition as effectively much – indeed its closest rival, Caterham, in-house,’ explains Marussia chief engineer
as it has in 2013. Marussia had decided not to develop a new car for
2013, instead choosing to focus on the
Dave Greenwood. ‘Aerodynamically speaking
the car was a continuation from last year
kept the faith 2014 season. It did not see Marussia as a due to the stable regulations. The MR01
threat. It was wrong. was primarily a CFD-only design, so it was
BY SAM COLLINS The Marussia team started life as Manor only the mid- to late-season updates that
Grand Prix, an offshoot of the British Manor were wind tunnel-based. MR02 is the first
Motorsport team which specialises in the car we have done fully in the wind tunnel.’
junior open wheel categories. It contested The team does not have its own wind
the 2010 season as Virgin Racing, named tunnel, so in order to develop the MR02 it
after the British business group, then its used its partnership with McLaren Applied
major commercial partner. Wirth Research Technologies, which included access to the
designed the car using its all-CFD mentality, 50 per cent scale wind tunnel.
but poor results and very public criticism ‘Although they are similar, the two cars
from some of the team’s drivers saw the used separate 50 per cent scale models,’
relationship come to an end in 2011. says Greenwood. ‘But, we did start the 2013
By that time the Russian group behind season with the same front and rear wings
fledgling sportscar company Marussia had as we used on the MR01. We left it as late
become involved with the team, but even by as possible so there is interchangeability
2013 the team’s budget was still modest. between nose boxes, for example.’
A key area in the aerodynamic edges of the rear floor, preventing the time of the British Grand Prix. To a certain
development of the MR02 was improving messy vortex from the rear wheel from extent we have thrown most of our weight
cooling efficiency, thereby improving air entering the diffuser area. It has been behind 2014 – and quite a long time ago
flow over the rear of the car. This is clearly an area of focus for many teams on the – but that’s not to say we’ve not had small
evident in the new sidepod design, and grid, including Marussia. developments which have come recently.
the car features a more effective Coanda ‘It’s hard to spot the changes we have They’ve been extremely cost-effective
exhaust than those tried on the MR01. made during the season as they are very developments, which has helped, and the
‘Our exploration with exhausts began subtle, but in some areas of the exhaust exit financial burden of 2014 is big as well.’
mid-season last year and was a feature we got up to five iterations on the MR02; Mechanically the MR02 is very similar
of the car from the beginning with MR02,’ there were two or three iterations of the to the MR01, at least on paper. It retains
Greenwood explains. ‘Over the winter we pipes themselves, and the furniture down the Cosworth CA engine (see P60) and a
worked really hard with Cosworth to catch on the floor has also had a few iterations,’ similar suspension layout, but a lot of work
up in terms of engine mapping. It’s no says Greenwood. ‘If we had carried on there has been done under the skin – and, indeed,
secret that the top guys, mostly the Renault would be even more. Even now we have between the skins – to improve the overall
runners, have been able to exploit the gas very recently done some full-scale work on package. One of the major differences is the
flow coming out of the tailpipe to get more the system. More and more these days you use of KERS, a first for the team.
downforce. After Cosworth did some running put instrumentation on the full scale car and ‘We took proven technology from
on the dyno we looked at the impact of it on do evaluation that way.’ Williams and that helped us a lot. They told
the chassis, as it is not just a case of using But the MR02’s aerodynamic package is us how to mount it, how to cool it, and all
the gas to make downforce; the way you not the major focus for the team. According of that stuff,’ Greenwood continues. ‘Then
do it fundamentally changes the braking to Greenwood, ‘we stopped running the car it was up to us to integrate it with the car.
balance of the car.’ in the wind tunnel quite a long time ago Overall it’s been a strong success, totally
These blown diffusers are now fitted so we could use the available time for the reliable; there were very few teething
to every car on the 2013 F1 grid and use 2014 car. The last aerodynamic upgrade issues and nothing that came close to
the exhaust gasses to seal off the outer on the MR02 was mid-season, around the stopping the car in testing.’
While some teams have
made major changes to their
suspension to cope with the
Pirelli tyres Marussia has not.
‘The tyres is another area
where we have worked hard this
year; it is difficult for a small
team like ours to make wholesale
As part of installing the geometry changes as it would be
hybrid system, the chassis too expensive, so that tends to
weight needed to be reduced be done on a year-to-year basis.
while maintaining stiffness and But you can definitely find ways
meeting the demands of the to use your tyres. It’s more critical
mandatory FIA crash tests. This on these than on previous F1
saw the Marussia engineers use tyres to get them in the optimal
some new techniques in the working window.’
composites department. In fact, the focus for Marussia
‘John McQuilliam, the is a suprising one: it has
chief designer, set himself an worked with partner Penske to
ambitious target to get weight introduce hydraulically interlinked
out of the chassis and he does suspension, something that was
that every year. He made a the preserve of only the biggest
good step for this year’s car, and teams a couple of years ago.
looking at next year’s car he is ‘The big area we are all
going to make an even bigger The Russian team has worked with Penske to develop an interlinked working on is the interlinked
step. Most of the manufacturing suspension, previously only the preserve of the very top teams suspension; that’s something we
work on the first 2014 chassis is have been developing through
done already,’ Greenwood reveals. and the track to get the best outboard; that was because we 2013. We have also been looking
‘The MR02 is a completely downforce from the map you’ve felt that there was not anything at things in the basic suspension
different chassis to MR01: it’s got,’ Greenwood explains. ‘So fundamentally wrong with layout that allow you to improve
similar in terms of cockpit layout we’ve worked a lot on those MR01 in terms of suspension – it the way you are running in the
and front suspension pick up small parts which can give you performed reasonably well on aero map. We have a strong
points, but the laminate and gains for not very much money the seven-post rig. We never had relationship with Penske; some
overall layups are very different.’ and also not very much lead time comments back from the drivers of the parts on the interlinked
While Marussia has largely which is good.’ either that were suspension suspension have been design by
stopped its wind tunnel Indeed, while the overall related,’ he continues. them in conjunction with us.
programme for the MR02, suspension design and concept Overall, the suspension is ‘Normal work, like tuning
updates continue in other areas was carried over from the MR01, fairly conventional at face value, your damper curves on the rig,
which still manage to lead it has been an area of substantial with twin unequal length carbon we do in-house, but some of the
to improvements in the car’s work. ‘The front suspension fibre wishbones. The front overall design work of new parts
aerodynamic performance. was largely carried over from dampers are pushrod actuated, we do in partnership with them.
Performance gains can be the MR01, both inboard and with the rears a pullrod layout. It’s a situation where we come
made ‘basically, by judging up with the concept and they do
small mechanical upgrades that
can maybe help optimise the
‘We’ve worked a lot on those small the detail design work on it. Our
system does not not employ a
aerodynamics of the car – by that, parts which can give you gains for mechanical springing medium to
obviously, I mean suspension give us heavy stiffness; we use
to allow you to run in the place not very much money’ something a bit more compact
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Marussia MR02
Dampers: Penske
Clutch: AP Racing
Callipers: AP Racing
The Marussia MR02 used the same front and rear wings as the MR01 to speed up development, but all teams have Pads: Hitco Carbon - Carbon
worked on the use of exhaust gasses to increase downforce
Cooling system: Marussia F1 Team
and a bit lighter than that, but then transferred from the rear of too, notably the differential,’ Cockpit instrumentation: MES SECU
for now that’s still a secret,’ the mainshaft via a pair of bevel he continued. ‘While the overall Seat belts: Willans six point harness
Greenwood smiles. gears to a transverse idler shaft. architecture is similar is to the
Steering wheel: Marussia F1 Team
This is needed to lift the drive original box it is not the same.’
design with MES electronics
BOXING CLEVER up to the hub height of the rear Overall, the MR02 has been a
Like all cars built by the team to wheels and meshes with the final huge step forward for Marussia. Driver seat: Anatomically formed
date, the MR02 uses an Xtrac drive. The differential is an active Using the circuit at Suzuka in carbon composite
transmission, and this too has hydraulic type. Japan as a reference, the MR02 is Extinguisher system: FEV FIA
been modified to increase the ‘There is a strong involvement around one second a lap faster on approved system
installation stiffness of the rear from our guys with the average than the MR01. Some of
Wheels: BBS
suspension. Initially the 1044 transmission, but the new casing this is likely due to the tyres, but
gearbox and the Cosworth was largely done to help with since the failures at Silverstone Fuel cell: ATL
CA were introduced as part stiffness of the suspension. Not the Pirelli rubber has been very
Battery: Braille
of the FIA’s low-cost F1 team just vertical stiffness, but also similar to the tyres used in
drive of 2010, but the concept toe stiffness, camber stiffness... 2012. Comparatively speaking, Fuel: BP Castrol
did not last long. But Xtrac’s There is a lot of work to look at Caterham has only gained around Lubricants: BP Castrol
‘batch-produced’ gearbox with those areas and to improve those two-tenths of a second year on
common parts did offer teams areas,’ Greenwood explains. year, but then it did not develop a Front Track: 1800mm
Rear Track: 1800mm
significant cost savings: it ‘We worked out what we new car for the 2013 season.
features a longitudinal layout, wanted to achieve and then ‘Obviously, as anyone else Wheelbase: 3400mm
commonly seen in F1 gearboxes, Xtrac went away and worked on would say, the main advantage
with the gear cluster forward of it, came back and compared FE has come in aerodynamics –
the differential to ensure good results. So it’s a real collaboration, better correlation in the wind would cost Marussia its place,
vehicle weight distribution. but with them doing the lion’s tunnel – and perhaps slightly and a lot of money.
Drive from the engine enters share of the work. The internals more creativity in that area. ‘What we have to do trackside
via the longitudinal layshaft, have evolved from the 2010 That’s really where most of the is get every little last bit of
directly below the mainshaft, Xtrac 1044 transmission, and lap time has come, coupled with pace out of the car, so if you
to allow for the lowest possible a lot of work has been done to improvements in the mechanical get one of those races where
crank height. Together, these lighten them. installation,’ Greenwood explains. everyone ahead falls out, we
shafts carry the mating pairs of ‘Some areas have been For Marussia the target are ahead of the Caterhams,’
seven forward ratios. Drive is improved in performance terms for the 2013 season is clear: Greenwood admits.
finish 10th in the Constructors’ But with the big steps taken
Championship, something that in the MR02’s performance
The MR02 is around one second brings with it tens of millions of
dollars in prize money. A 12th-
relative to the 2013 Caterham,
the Leafield-based team
a lap faster around Japan’s place finish in the Malaysian may regret the day that they
Grand Prix put the team 10th, underestimated the Russian-
Suzuka Circuit than the MR01 but a better finish from Caterham branded, English-based team.
Keeping it cool
Formula 1’s 2014 powertrain
regulations have given designers the
length of the pit lane something of a
packaging headache
BY SAM COLLINS he 2014 season will litre V8, but it is far more complex that engine, especially with all
see a year of significant a task than it first appears, with of the electrical parts; it’s a huge
change in top level many competing factors to take change. The cooling in particular
motor racing, not least into account. is a challenge, the internal
in Formula 1. The arrival of the ‘It is about power delivery, combustion engine itself needs
innovative new power units has fuel consumption and reliability slightly less cooling, but you also
created a significant workload in 2014,’ Adrian Newey, chief have a turbocharger and charge
for the teams, and that is not technical officer at Red Bull air cooling, and on top of that the
limited merely to the powertrain explains. ‘Of course, most of that electrical side needs a lot
department. On paper, a 1.6 is out of our control as it is in the of cooling. So there is a big
litre V6 should be easier to hands of Renault. Where we will increase in cooling demand on
package in a car than a 2.4 be working hard is packaging the new cars.’
Take cutting-edge wind tunnel technology. Add a 180 mph rolling road.
created the world’s first and finest commercially available full-scale testing
environment of its kind, we did much more than create a new wind tunnel.
Next year’s aero testing is heavily restricted, including a limitation of wind tunnel time and scale; 60 per cent models are the maximum allowed
This extra demand is not as cool and give you the optimum exit 170-185mm behind the rear be slightly shallower. The front
straightforward as fitting the aerodynamic performance is axle line and 350-500mm above wing will also change, becoming
car with larger radiator ducts, as the challenge. the floor. The end portion of the 150mm narrower, from 1800mm
some of the components – such ‘The charged air cooler, for pipe must be angled upwards, to 1650mm.
as the single turbocharger – are cooling the air from the turbo and bodywork is banned in the Newey also reportedly
not well-positioned for that kind before it goes into the engine, area behind to prevent teams believes that the new regulations
of cooling. Additional ducting is will, on all of the installations, from channeling the flow in have not fully resolved the issue
therefore likely to appear on the be quite significant. Physically, a beneficial way, leading to a of ugly looking cars, stating that
engine cover, perhaps similar the size of the thing will dictate notable cut in downforce. the new Red Bull is ‘ugly’ because
in appearance to the gearbox the packaging of everybody’s Alongside the aerodynamic the new aerodynamic rules sent
oil cooler ducting on the Toyota cooling systems.’ changes – which are a direct designers down the path of
TF110, or the rear wing stalling result of the introduction of the penning a hook nose.
‘ears’ seen on the 2013 Lotus NO MORE BLOWN DIFFUSERS new power units – there are also
and Sauber. Larger sidepods With a severe reduction of fuel a significant number of new rules HOOK, OR SINKER?
also seem highly likely, with the consumption being introduced, surrounding the cars’ bodywork, Indeed, the height of the nose
addition of an intercooler to the including a fuel flow limit, there as Newey reveals with obvious will be reduced significantly,
current oil and water radiators. will be significant pressure on dissatisfaction: ‘The changes from 550mm in 2013 down to
‘The biggest thing is the aerodynamic departments to coming in give us a narrower 185mm in 2014. But the ‘hook
cooling challenge,’ explains reduce drag and increase overall front wing, low nose and we lose nose’ thoery is not a view held by
Caterham technical director efficiency. In addition, the rules the beam wing. That’s a short- all. Ross Brawn, Mercedes team
Mark Smith. ‘That’s probably the require cars to run a single term challenge, but in reality it’s principal, claims his team’s 2014
thing that, I imagine, has most exhaust exit mounted higher in just further restrictions. I think design does not suffer from the
people up and down the pit the car, producing a much lower it’s a shame that year on year we issue raised by his long-time
lane scratching their heads. It’s energy exhaust plume, ending just have more restrictions.’ rival. ‘I’m not sure what Adrian is
reasonably easy to come up with the current blown diffusers. The In addition to the removal talking about,’ Brawn says. ‘Our
a solution that will cool, but to new regulations force teams to of the lower beam wing, the nose looks normal – maybe we
come up with a solution that will use a single tailpipe which must main flap of the rear wing will have missed something!’
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Fax: +44 (0)
n the world of motorsport, BY ANDREW COTTON to McLaren in 2007, for which recruited two school leavers per
there are few mechanics McLaren was heavily fined. The year to its garage, and it was
who stand out as household era, including Ayrton Senna FIA issued a statement warning here that the young Stepney
names. Nigel Stepney is and Michael Schumacher. Since any against team from employing began his motor racing career.
one. In his time working leaving Formula 1, Stepney has Stepney in the future. It was a ‘They had everything there, from
for Lotus, Benetton, Ferrari and won another world championship fall from grace that was public, the normal servicing of road cars
Shadow, the Briton worked under title in GT racing with the JRM the result of actions that the to the racing cars,’ says Stepney.
some of the most influential Nissan team. 54-year-old continues to deny. ‘We were running Dolomite
designers in the history of Yet it was his departure from Stepping into the arena of Sprints in the British Touring Car
Formula 1, including Colin Ferrari that catapulted his name motorsport was almost accidental Championship with Andy Rouse.
Chapman and John Barnard, into the international spotlight for Stepney, as he left school It was a good base because they
and with some of the most as he was accused of passing intending to be a sports teacher. did everything there, from body
influential drivers of the modern secret information from Ferrari The local Broadspeed company panels to rolling road, engine
dyno, gearboxes, fabrication and of the season I was tied up with Italian moved from Shadow to technologies, he was responsible
machining. It was all in-house. Elio de Angelis. We were fourth Lotus, and took Stepney with for putting the car together at
As an apprentice, you went at Watkins Glen in 1979, beating him in 1982, giving both a time when reliability was as
around all of those departments, the Ferraris, which was mega.’ men the opportunity to work important as speed.
and you went racing.’ Mid-way through the year, with legendary Lotus engineer ‘When Colin died, the car was
Local team Shadow split Stepney was put in charge Colin Chapman before his death horrendous, but with Gerard
with Arrows in 1978, and of preparing the spare car in that December. Ducarouge [who was brought
the separation opened up job readiness should anything The Briton worked on the in to stabilise Lotus after
opportunities. At the age of 21, happen to the team’s lead cars. Lotus 88, a car that had a softly Chapman’s death], we calmed
Stepney was interviewed by The spare was built up in the sprung chassis in which the things down, went back a year
Jo Ramirez and was offered a workshop and then dismantled so driver sat, and a stiffly sprung on the chassis and started
job as number two mechanic to that at the intercontinental races second chassis. It never raced, as rebuilding. Ducarouge wouldn’t
Clay Reggazoni, newly signed two mechanics could build up the rival teams protested its inclusion experiment. We had a very good
to the team. His first race was chassis in just four hours. in grands prix. ‘It was so political: engine, good drivers, but you
the Swedish Grand Prix, where The turning point came when we were going to races, building were never going to achieve
Brabham turned up with the a mechanic on one of the race them, and getting banned. that ultimate goal because you
BT46, dubbed the ‘fan car’. cars forgot to tighten the plugs Lotus was a bigger team, more weren’t taking that calculated
‘That was my baptism,’ says properly, causing three to vacate resources, but it wasn’t the top risk, so we were limited.’
Stepney. ‘It was an eye-opener. the engine, and the fourth to get in terms of technology, but active Stepney worked with de
You still had those big technical stuck in it. The T-car was rolled started there, and it was an Angelis at Lotus, but was
differences between the cars out, and declared to be better interesting place to learn. controversially switched to
and the teams. Shadow was a than the race car. You weren’t following, you Senna’s car by the team. It
small, independent team with a ‘That’s how I got my break,’ were leading.’ was a move that hardly eased
Ford Cosworth engine, but you said Stepney. ‘I took over running Although Stepney wasn’t the atmosphere in the team,
could still compete. At the end the race car with de Angelis.’ The involved in the creation of these with de Angelis convinced that
The Broadspeed Jaguars are still ‘The first test I went to was
Stepney’s favourite cars half an active car, the F93A. We
went to an airfield to do some
straight-line testing with this
thing and it was freezing cold.
We arrived, the canopy was up,
the truck looked nice, but the
hydraulic actuator was so cold
that the seals went and the
fluid just flew out because it
was freezing cold. We needed a
heater, a generator. There wasn’t
one. You open the truck and it
was horrendous. Dirty, filthy,
junk, crap. We brought another
truck out which had to stop to
be washed before it could come
to the circuit. We tried to fire up
the generator, and it didn’t work.
Then the third truck comes from
Senna was receiving preferential Maranello, no generator. We lost
treatment. At the end of the year, all day just trying to get the
de Angelis left to go to Brabham, generator to work!’
and invited Stepney to go with The language barrier did not
him. Stepney, already told by help matters – Modena has its
Brabham that they didn’t want own dialect, and Stepney spent a
him, turned de Angelis down and year trying to work it out. Slowly
stayed with Senna at Lotus. things started to improve, and
‘De Angelis raised his level as Jean Todt and Schumacher
and was very quick, but Senna arrived, the processes were being
was just a different level in terms put into place.
of how he could perform at that Previously, an order for two
level for a longer period of time in examples of an experimental part
that he didn’t destroy his tyres,’ would see 20 delivered. Barnard
says Stepney. ‘[De Angelis] was left after an overhaul of the
very much harder on the tyres.’ design offices in Maranello, and
When the Brazilian moved everything was brought in-house
to McLaren in 1988, he asked under Todt and Ross Brawn,
Stepney to go with him. Stepney Barnard, however, was a major ‘Everything was there; it who was overseeing a capable
didn’t expect to work with Senna strength in the team. ‘Some of wasn’t all being pulled in one technical department.
as his mechanic, but also didn’t these people can come along in direction,’ says Stepney. ‘Barnard At the start of the 2007
expect what Ron Dennis offered a tense situation, and calm it had his technical office in the season, the new Ferrari had a
him; a job working with the test down. He can come along when UK, and I was sent there as what moveable floor and a separator
team in Japan. He turned it down you are deep in the shit, and put was perceived as his spy at the on the rear wing, both visible to
and in 1988 joined Benetton. logic into where other people time. When I walked into Harvey rival teams, but at the opening
‘It was time to move,’ says were missing. Some of what Postlethwaite’s office he had round in Melbourne, Stepney had
Stepney. ‘I went as chief he was doing was well ahead his feet up on the table and he an informal conversation with
mechanic, which I was never of its time; he did the carbon looked around his paper, said: former colleague Mike Coughlan,
going to be at Lotus. That’s when chassis at McLaren, carbon “Ah, you’re Barnard’s man,” and then at McLaren.
I met John Barnard, and he was gearboxes, and those were that was it. According to a letter from
another of the top people. Rory stressing times for Briatore. ‘Every office where you had a Ron Dennis to Italian motorsport
Byrne was there, Pat Symonds You get an innovator, but the FIAT delegate, they would walk authority president Luigi
and Peter Collins. Flavio [Briatore] risks are attached. Most of the in, read the newspapers every Macaluso, ‘In March 2007, Mr
was incredibly switched on. He stuff that was on the car in the morning, and no one was really Stepney of Ferrari contacted
knew how to run a business, he late 1990s, it was innovated doing anything. They were going Mr Coughlan and informed him
knew politics, and he had the there. All people did was improve through the motions. I joined about two aspects of the Ferrari
resources that he could put into those basic things.’ to manage systems and put car which he regarded being in
the right areas.’ After a brief spell with mechanical parts in, and make breach of FIA regulations.
Barnard worked out of Nelson Piquet’s fledgling F3000 sure they were looked after, ‘Specifically, he told
a separate office, which meant – team, which meant a step into building the cars how you wanted Mr Coughlan about a floor
according to Stepney – that management, Stepney moved to them built, and making sure no attachment mechanism and
the team lacked cohesion. Ferrari in 1993. one was interfering with them. a rear wing separator, both
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allycross is the racing BY DON TAYLOR racing, with exposure in the It’s small wonder that the sport
sport of the future, internationally broadcast ESPN X has attracted interest from drinks
and the Supercar Games in Los Angeles in August. companies as major sponsors.
Lites cars are to Lite is specially designed for Eriksson has signed up young, For those wanting to learn
become the series’ that, and now my vision is aspiring drivers for his first run how to compete in the top level
standard training equipment for working in real life.’ of 10 spec racers, including a of rallycross, Supercars, Eriksson
aspiring drivers. For those readers not familiar 15-year-old ‘veteran’ of American felt that there were no suitable
At least, that’s the way it with Andreas Eriksson, he is a off-road racing. These are drivers options in the US. Learning
sounds when listening to the former Swedish rally champion who may have had visions of in a Supercar is prohibitively
energetic Andreas Eriksson, and WRC driver who has operated climbing the ladder in road racing, expensive and he sought change.
founder of the Supercar Lites his rally car business in Sweden or in the oval track world, but Eriksson’s objectives for the
cars, CEO of OlsbergsMSE, and for many years, first as MSE who now see the popularity of clean-sheet-of-paper car design
team owner with Supercars in (Motor Sport Evolution), and rallycross racing increasing on were clear: to closely match
both the Global RallyCross (GRC) since 2009 as OlsbergsMSE, or both sides of the Atlantic. the handing properties of the
and the European Rallycross OMSE, reflecting his partnership Participating in such a format Supercars while lowering the
Championship (ERC) series. with the Swedish industrial makes perfect sense to them, and power and cost. Making them
With the growing interest of company Olsbergs Group, in it does to the next generation of spec cars would prevent deep
auto manufacturers in rallycross, Nynashamn, south of Stockholm. fans. In traditional racing formats pockets from buying more speed.
and their support of major Eriksson knows all about the one must wait hours – days, The focus was to be on the driver
programs in the series, Eriksson building, developing, and driving even – to see who wins; rallycross learning experience.
saw the need to develop the of rally cars, and now has heat winners are determined From the beginning, Eriksson
future stars to fill those seats. additional resources. in minutes. That’s critical for understood fundamentally that
And he saw a way to help those Since July of this year, a series holding the attention of the the cars had to be all-wheel drive,
future stars to develop by for his cars has been up and digital generation, as is providing and have braking and suspension
providing ‘a cheaper to run, running as a support event for intense side-by-side action of the systems with the Supercar’s
but still fast and extreme car, the Supercars in the America- sort commonly seen in rallycross, feeling and response. To help
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