Letter of Credit
Letter of Credit
Letter of Credit
e) Back to back LC: An LC involves two irrevocable credits. Firstly, the inward
credit (Original LC) and the second called as outward credit (back-to-back),
which is opened on the basis and security of the original LC.
g) Revolving LC: Under these LCs. The part amount, which has been utilized, is
automatically restored and is available for further use. These are meant for more
than one dealing. In such LC, roll-over of transactions take place.
a) On board bill of lading: It acknowledges that the goods have been put on
board of the shipment. This is considered safe for negation purpose.
b) Clean bill of lading: This bears no super imposed clause or notation that
expressly declares the defective condition of goods or packaging. Best bill for
negotiation purpose.
c) Claused bill of lading: This bears super imposed clause or notation that
expressly declares that defective condition of goods and packaging. Ship owner
can disclaim his liability on loss of goods in case of such bill of lading. Hence it is
not considered as safe.