Antioxidant of Mangosteen
Antioxidant of Mangosteen
Antioxidant of Mangosteen
Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 8(1) 2009, 23-34
Abstract. The present work was undertaken to assess the radical scavenging and antioxi-
dant properties of the mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) pericarp extracts obtained by
various solvents and its mixtures of different polarity. The extracts were evaluated by
FRAP (Ferric reducing antioxidant power), ABTS (2,2-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-
-6-sulfonicacid) diammonium salt], DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl), reducing
power and chelating ability on ferrous ion. Among the different extracts studied, ethyl
acetate and acetone extract were observed to have good antioxidant activity. The FRAP
values for ethyl acetate and acetone extract were 1.30 and 1.01 mM TEAC respectively
at 1 mg/ml. The TEAC values for ABTS assay were 38.21 and 38.15 μM respectively
at 100 μg/ml. The IC50 values to quench the DPPH free radicals of these two extracts were
30.01 μg/ml and 33.32 μg/ml, but the chelating assay was observed to be better in aque-
ous fractions of Acetone: water (80:20) at 12 mg/ml. From the above results it can be in-
ferred that ethyl acetate and acetone were suitable solvent to extract the antioxidant com-
pounds form mangosteen.
Key words: mangosteen pericarp, xanthones, total antioxidant capacity, free radical scav-
Free radicals produced as a result of normal biochemical reactions in the body are
implicated in various human diseases; therefore interest in reactive oxygen species
(ROS) has substantially increased in direct relation to cellular abnormalities. The anti-
oxidant enzymes catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxi-
dase (GPX) play an important role in scavenging oxidants and preventing injury
to cellular macromolecules. However, quantities of ROS which overwhelm the capacity
of the body‟s defense system may result in irreversible oxidative damage to DNA, pro-
teins and lipids causing cellular and metabolic injury and accelerating aging, cancer,
cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and inflammation.
A study of antioxidant properties from Garcinia mangostana L. pericarp extract 25
The pericarp of mangosteen was tray dried at 40-52°C and ground into powder using
hammer mill equipment. The fine powder (5 g) was extracted using Soxtec apparatus
with various solvents. The solvent systems used were ethyl acetate (EtOAc), hexane
(HX), acetone (Ace), and acetone: water (80:20; AW), methanol (MeOH) and ethanol
(EtOH). Extractions were carried out for 2 h that include initial boiling for 30 min. After
filtering the extract through Whatman No. 1 paper, each of the filtrates was concen-
trated using rota evaporator at 40°C, the weight of the each extract was noted and the
final volume was made up to 25 ml in a volumetric flask. The extract were kept in air-
tight amber bottles after flushing with nitrogen gas for 30 s and stored in freezer at
–20°C until they were analysed.
The moisture content of the mangosteen pericarp powder was determined by toluene
distillation method [ASTA 1995]. The total sugar was estimated by phenol-sulphuric
acid method [Dubois et al. 1956]. The yield of the evaporated dried extracts based
on dry weight basis (%db) was calculated from the equation:
Yield (%) = 100,
where W1 was the weight of extract after evaporation of solvent and W 2 was the dry
weight of the pericarp powder.
Total phenol was determined by Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and was expressed as mil-
ligrams of gallic acid equivalents (GAE) per gram of dry weight basis of the extract
[Kujala et al. 2000].
The ferric reducing antioxidant power assay was carried out by using modified
method of Benzie and Szeto [1999]. The FRAP solution, consist of 300 mM acetate
buffer adjusted to pH 3.6, 20 mM ferric chloride hexahydrate dissolved in distilled wa-
ter, 10 mM TPTZ dissolved in 40 mM HCl. The samples concentrations in the range of
0.02-1 mg/ml was made up to 3 ml by acetate buffer and incubated for 30 min. Read-
ings of the coloured product (ferrous tripyridyltriazine complex) were taken at 593 nm.
Trolox was used to perform the calibration curve and the results were expressed
as mM/mg Trolox.
The total antioxidant activity of the extracts was measured by the method of Re
[1999]. Stock solution was prepared by reacting 7 mM ABTS with 2.45 mM potassium
persulfate and kept in dark at room temperature for 12-16 h before use to generate
the ABTS cation chromophore. The mixture was diluted with absolute ethanol to obtain
an absorbance of ~0.700 ±0.01 at 734 nm. An aliquot of the extracts (10-100 μg/ml)
in ethanol was added to 3 ml of ABTS reagent and was allowed to stand at 23°C
the absorbance was taken after 6 min. The results were expressed μM/μg Trolox.
Statistical analysis
Results are expressed as the means ±SD of three replicates. One-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the statistical difference. Statistical signifi-
cance was P < 0.05 unless otherwise stated.
A study of antioxidant properties from Garcinia mangostana L. pericarp extract 27
The moisture content of the dried pericarp powder was found to be 7 ±0.02%.
Table 1, shows the yield of the extracts calculated on the dry weight basis in order
to eliminate the influence of moisture content of the plant material. The higher yield
in solvent extract with aqueous fraction may be due to the extraction of carbohydrates
and flavanoids which occur mostly as glycosylated derivatives.
Table 1. Extraction yield, total phenols, total sugars in different extracts of mangosteen pericarp
Plant phenolics have multiple biological effects as they constitute one of the major
groups of compounds acting as primary antioxidant or free radical terminator. From
Table 1, we could infer EtOH (431 mg GAE/g), MeOH (315 mg GAE/g) and EtOAc
(269 mg GAE/g) extract showed the highest phenolic content. The total phenolic content
of these extracts were significantly higher than the non-polar solvent hexane (135 mg
GAE/g). AW extract (80:20) had slightly higher phenolics (222 mg GAE/g) than the
organic acetone (205 mg GAE/g), which may be due to the presence of water-soluble
phenols. The results showed that the extract contained a mixture of phenolic compounds
at different levels according to the polarity of solvent used in the extraction process.
The FRAP assay measures the Fe3+/Fe2+ couple reducing ability of a complex matrix
to a blue complex tripridyl triazine (Fe2+/TPTZ); by the action of electron donating
antioxidant. Results were calculated on the basis of Trolox, a water soluble analogue of
vitamin E. Higher absorbance indicated higher activity, as the concentration of the ex-
tracts increased the intensity of the blue colour increased indicating the formation
Fe2+/TPTZ from colourless oxidized Fe3+ form, from Figure 1 we could infer all
the extracts showed Fe3+ reduction, EtOAc extract showed strongest antioxidant prop-
erty of 1.24 mM at 0.4 mg/ml (data not shown) and reached a maximum of 1.30 mM
at 1 mg/ml, followed by Ace extract 1.01 mM. EtOH and MeOH at 1 mg/ml were
within the range of 0.725-0.675 mM. The AW (80:20), HX extract at the same concen-
tration was in the range of 0.636-0.623 mM respectively. The reducing power property
indicates that the antioxidant compounds are electron donors and can reduce the oxi-
dized intermediates of the lipid peroxidation process [Tachakittirungrod et al. 2007].
Concentration, mg/ml
Concentration, μg/ml
The ABTS method gives the measure of the antioxidant activity determined
by the decolorization of the ABTS•+ through measuring the reduction of the radical
cation at 734 nm. The extent of inhibition of ABTS•+ was plotted as a function of con-
centration in order to determine the TEAC (Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity).
As shown in Figure 2, Ace and EtOAc extract at a TEAC of 38 μM completely decol-
A study of antioxidant properties from Garcinia mangostana L. pericarp extract 29
ourised the blue green ABTS•+ solution followed by AW extract which had a TEAC
of 36.20 μM at 100 μg/ml. EtOH and MeOH extract showed maximum TEAC activity
of 34.95 μM and 31.25 μM at 100 μg/ml. HX a non-polar solvent showed the least ac-
tivity of 18.64 μM at 100 μg/ml. It was observed that higher the TEAC value of the
sample, the stronger was the antioxidant activity. This is an excellent method for deter-
mining the antioxidant activity of a broad diversity of substances, such as hydrogen-
donating antioxidants or scavengers of aqueous phase radicals and of chain-breaking
antioxidants or scavengers of lipid peroxylradicals [Re et al. 1999].
DPPH radical scavenging activity represents the free radical reducing activity of
the extract based on one electron reduction. The scavenging potential was compared with
known antioxidants, such as BHA and α-tocopherol. Each of these antioxidants showed
an IC50 of 14.23 and 18.01 μg/ml respectively. The IC50 (Fig. 3) of EtOAc (30.01 μg/ml),
Ace (33.32 μg/ml), AW (50.45 μg/ml) MeOH (52.62 μg/ml), EtOH (69.43 μg/ml) ex-
tract showed the maximum radical scavenging activity. Although HX (181.21 μg/ml)
extract showed good radical scavenging activity it showed lower IC 50 compared to pure
solvent extracts. The antioxidants are believed to donate hydrogen from the phenolic
hydroxyl groups and break the free radical chain of oxidation forming a stable end
product, which does not initiate or propagate further oxidation [Sherwin 1978].
The DPPH radicals get stabilized by accepting the hydrogen donated by the hydroxyl
groups present on the phenolic compounds. The data obtained show that the extracts are
free radical scavengers and may act as primary antioxidants, which can react with free
radicals by donating hydrogen.
IC50, mg/ml
The antioxidant activity of phenolics is mainly due to their redox properties, which
allow them to act as reducing agents, hydrogen donors and singlet oxygen quenchers
[Rice-Evans et al. 1995]. The reducing power increased with the increasing dosage of
the extracts. All the extracts showed significantly higher activities than the control sam-
ple but lower than standard L-ascorbic acid. L-ascorbic acid (20-100 μg/ml) which
is a well known reducing agent showed maximum reducing value of 2.2 (data not
shown) at 60 μg/ml and remained constant on further increase in the concentration.
As shown in Figure 4, the Ace extract had a value of 2.11 at 1mg/ml indicating good
activity, EtOAc, EtOH and MeOH reached the maximum heavy metal reducing capacity
of 1.84, 1.69 and 1.47 at 1 mg/ml. The absorbance of the other extracts were of the
order AW > HX (1.35 > 1.18) at 1 mg/ml. The reducing capacity of a compound may
serve as a significant indicator of its potential antioxidant activity.
Absorbance 700 nm
0 0.5 1 1.5
Concentration, mg/ml
AW HX Control
Iron is an extremely reactive metal and will catalyze oxidative changes in lipid, pro-
teins, and other cellular components. In addition, lipid peroxidation induced by Fenton
reaction iron is a reactant hence, the ability of the mangosteen pericarp extracts to che-
late iron was studied. Figure 5, shows the chelating effect increased with increasing
concentration of the extracts; of all the extracts tested the strongest chelating effect was
of the order; AW (50.62%) > MeOH (38.14%) > HX (31.86%) > EtOH (22.43%) > Ace
(19.88%) > EtOAc (17.75%) at 12 mg/ml EDTA (20-100 μg/ml) which is well-known
chelator showed maximum chelation of 95% at 50 μg/ml and remained constant (data
not shown). The results indicate the activity increased in aqueous fractions with the
progression of hydrophilicity. The solvent extract showed poor chelation on ferrous ion
suggesting that they minimized the concentration of ferrous ions to lesser extent.
A study of antioxidant properties from Garcinia mangostana L. pericarp extract 31
Chelating activity, %
0 5 10 15
Concentration, mg/ml
Ace EtOH EtOAc
In the above studies ethyl acetate and acetone extract showed good antioxidant ac-
tivity except in the chelating assay, though the hexane extract showed good radical
scavenging property it could not match the antioxidant activity of the other extracts.
This may be due to the variation of distribution of xanthone in different extracts. Since
the extraction yield and antioxidant potential of the compounds in the extract is strongly
dependent on the solvent polarity [Marinova and Yanishlieva 1997]. The poor antioxi-
dant activity of hexane extract could be attributed due to its non-polar nature. The re-
sults indicate the active constituents in mangosteen have intermediate polarity hence can
be easily extracted by ethyl acetate and acetone as extraction solvent.
Antioxidant properties of single extract within same group can vary in such a way
that the same levels of phenolics do not necessarily correspond to the same antioxidant
responses; thus, the radical scavenging activity of an extract cannot be predicted
on the basis of its total phenolic content [Ka¨hko¨nen et al. 1999]. However, our results
showed a weak correlation between antioxidant activities and total phenolic contents,
similar results were also observed by Ka¨hko¨nen et al. [2001] and Lafka et al. [2007].
Extracts are very complex mixtures of many different compounds with distinct polarity
as well as antioxidant and prooxidant properties, it also depends on their chemical struc-
ture of the compound present in these extract. On the basis of the data in this study there
is likelihood that mangosteen pericarp extracts may provide the nutritional and health
benefits in reducing oxidative stress.
To sum up, this work highlights the importance of mangosteen which has been tradi-
tionally used in an indigenous medicine as a rich source of antioxidant. Seven extracts
were carried using various solvent of different polarity. The extraction of mangosteen
peicarp in acetone or ethylacetate extract showed maximum antioxidant activity and
free radical scavenging activities in vitro conditions. In addition, the antioxidant activity
was found to be different for different kinds of solvent extracts. From the above anti-
oxidant assay it could be concluded that the extracts are a good primary antioxidant and
showed much less secondary antioxidant property as inferred by chelating assay. As the
interest in antioxidant has increased, so have the number of methods for measuring their
activity. Over all comparison of the results among different assay method is encourag-
ing. These results support the possibility that the extracts can contribute to protective
effects on human health and to the current growing pharmaceutical and food industries.
The authors thank the Director, CFTRI, Mysore, for his support in this research. The
first author Ms. A.S. Zarena acknowledges the CSIR, India for the Senior Research
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wiednio: 1,30 i 1,01 mM TEAC, natomiast dla oznaczeń ABTS wynosiły 38,21 i 38,15 mM.
Stwierdzono, że wartości IC50 zmiatania rodników DPPH obu wymienionych ekstraktów
wynosiły odpowiednio 30,01 i 33,32 μ/ml. Analiza wyników dotyczących zdolności che-
latowania jonów żelaza wskazała na większą aktywność frakcji wodnej ekstraktów aceton
– woda (80:20). Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników badań można stwierdzić, że zarówno
octan etylu, jak i aceton są odpowiednimi rozpuszczalnikami wykorzystanymi do ekstrak-
cji związków przeciwutleniających z owocni mangostanu.