Road Structures Inspection Manual 420
Road Structures Inspection Manual 420
Road Structures Inspection Manual 420
1.2 Precast Prestressed Concrete Deck Units (Rectangular Beams) without Reinforced Concrete Overlays 441
1.6 Precast RC ‘I’ Beam Bridges with Cast in Place Decks 445
1.7 Precast Prestressed Concrete NAASRA ‘I’ Beam Bridges with Cast in Place Decks 445
1.8 Precast Prestressed Concrete Trough Girder Bridges with Cast in Place Decks 445
1.12 Rolled Steel Girders with Cast in Place RC Deck Bridges 446
1.16 Reinforced Concrete, Stone Masonry and Brick Arch Bridges 446
1.1.1 Purpose
To provide guidance on the preparation of a Brief and a Scope of work for a Level 3 investigation.
This Appendix provides examples of what should be included in the Brief, and what might be included in the Scope of the investigation
for the examples given in Part 2 – Section 4.3.
• submit a plan of the investigation for approval by the Superintendent prior to commencement of the investigation. The plan should
include as a minimum:
o the type of visual inspection that is planned (e.g. close-up, hands-on inspection, remote inspection by binoculars etc)
o the extent and nature of destructive and/or non-destructive testing
o method(s) of access
o identification of areas of the structure that may require special means of access or where access is restricted
o limitations on public access and access controls that may be required
o traffic management requirements
o Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)
• provide access for the investigation
• obtain traffic management approval(s)
• obtain environmental approval(s) (if these are not provided by VicRoads)
• conduct the investigation in accordance with the approved plan
• report the results of the investigation in the specified format within the specified time period. Reporting must include the Level 2
inspection requirements and forms for component condition and recording of photographs. Details of testing must also be
1.1.3 Advice
The Principal Engineer Structures must be consulted for technical input to the development of proposals for Level 3 investigations, for
ongoing advice during investigations and for review of completed investigation reports. Input and advice from other disciplines relevant
to the investigation shall be obtained from Geotechnical Services and Construction Materials as appropriate.
Early involvement by Asset Services ensures that the Level 3 investigations are focused to concerns relevant to the structure; it
reduces potential of testing not relevant to the structure, removes structural analysis on components which do not need assessment
and ensures the thoroughness of Level 3 investigation minimising potential for rework onsite.
The Region should consult other authorities such as water, utilities and rail (where access for the investigation requires the agreement
of these authorities or their input). The Region should manage operational issues for Level 3 investigations including traffic
management plans and access equipment.
If the initial inspection (by maintenance personnel for example) identifies damage that could compromise structural safety or
performance, a planned Level 3 inspection is required. This may, in-turn, lead to a more detailed and targeted Level 3 investigation to
determine the full extent and magnitude of the damage.
• provide recommendations on the type of investigation that is required and an explanation of how these investigations will achieve
the purpose described in the brief
• submit a plan of the investigation for approval by the Superintendent prior to commencement of the investigation. The plan should
include as a minimum:
o the extent of investigation, preferably by reference to a drawing of the structure
o any unique characteristics and features of the structure that must be investigated
o the method for recording the results of the investigation
Structural, geotechnical, hydraulic and/or materials engineering investigations may be required to undertake a comprehensive
assessment of the damage to the structure.
• survey measurements, non-destructive testing (NDT) and sampling of material from deformed steel beams
• exploration of the depth of damage to timber or concrete beams or piers, including determination of damage to prestressing
tendons using NDT or more invasive methods such as carefully controlled removal of concrete to expose tendon ducts and
• investigation of damage to abutments and deflection walls and barriers protecting abutments
• investigation of damage to foundations
• assessment of damage to bearings, expansion joints, other mechanical components and their restraining systems
• assessment of damage to bridge and bridge approach barriers, their connections and the supporting structure.
• exploration of depth of heat-affected zone in concrete and timber components using NDT and/or intrusive methods
• exploration of crack extent, width and depth in concrete and masonry or brick structures
• exploration of heat damage/deformation and change in material properties in all types of material including coatings
Road Structures Inspection Manual 423
• assessment of prestressing tendons and other high strength steel components that are susceptible to heat damage such as
Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) and bonding materials
• assessment of other steel components such as barriers and their coatings
• assessment of displacement (absolute and relative) of bearings and superstructures
• examination of colour change in concrete components.
Flood damage:
• Investigation of damage to piers, abutments and bridge superstructures from debris impact (floating trees, vehicles and vessels
for example)
• Investigation of lateral movement or uplift of bridge superstructure and bearings due to debris loading and buoyancy effects
• Investigation of scour of river-bed under and adjacent to foundations, which may not be evident until after the flood-waters
• Investigation of aggradation of river-bed adjacent to foundations and superstructures
• Investigation of damage to approach embankments and beaching.
Note that excess pore pressure and draw down effects can cause failure, rotation or settlement of abutments, retaining walls, other
structures and the river-banks
Earthquake damage:
Note - all structures might suffer severe vertical and or lateral accelerations and movements.
• bridges could suffer bearing displacement, closure or opening of gaps between adjacent components causing spalling or failure of
concrete members, distortion or tearing of steel members, damage to expansion joints, settlement and rotation of foundations,
piers and abutments due to soil liquefaction
• retaining walls, large sign structures, high mast lighting arms and other structures reliant on soil-structure interaction could
become unstable and suffer damage or failure of main components as a result of settlement, rotation or collapse
• masonry culverts, arches and retaining walls and other non-ductile structures are likely to suffer severe cracking of masonry and
mortar joints, settlement of foundations, rotation of approach walls and settlement of the contained roadway.
• provide recommendations for the visual inspections and in-depth engineering investigations required and an explanation of how
these investigations will achieve the purpose described in the brief
• submit for approval a plan for conduct of the investigation prior to commencement. The plan should include, as a minimum:
o the extent of investigation, preferably defined by reference to a drawing of the structure
o identification of the unique characteristics and features of the structure that is to be investigated
o information about similar defects in other bridges, similar components in this structure or other structures including likely
causes of the defect, extent of defect and probability of further deterioration or expansion of defect and successful
investigations and repairs that have been implemented in similar situations
o method for recording the results of the inspection Introduction
As detailed in Part 2 Section 4.3, programmed Level 3 investigations are required for both individual structures and defined classes of
A range of Level 3 investigations are required for structures in the categories of Monitor Structures, Complex Structures and Heritage
and Historic Structures (as described in Part 2 Section 5) in order to inform the development of structure-specific management plans.
Structure-specific management plans include ongoing inspection and maintenance requirements. This may form or be part of a
Conservation Management Plan for Heritage and Historic Structures.
• specialist equipment for access or monitoring the performance and condition of the following components:
o beams and other components at height or over water that cannot be accessed by normal means
o interiors of box girders
o piles and other components underwater
o welded and bolted connections in steel structures using non-destructive methods such as ultrasonic testing
o the requirements for periodic inspection of the structures as part of the Monitor program*.
*Based structure being one of the typical classes of structures included in the Monitor program or to monitor the ongoing performance
of a particular structure or component.
• The requirements for periodic investigation of Complex Structures to ensure that the performance of unusual, fracture critical and
other details are monitored appropriately
• The requirements for monitoring the condition of structures and parts of structures that are heritage listed
Management plans must define the scope, frequency and structure-specific safety issues to ensure the continuing safe performance of
these structures. They must also include specific provisions for the management of risk and to inform the maintenance, rehabilitation
and replacement requirements for these structures.
In instances where a management plan does not exist, a Level 3 investigation may be required to develop the scope for the
programmed Level 3 investigations of an individual structure.
Maintenance, strengthening, widening or replacement activities relevant to the structure may change the status of the structure and
requirement for ongoing programmed Level 3 investigations.
Bridges with either full width or part width superstructures comprised of cast-insitu reinforced concrete tee beams, flat slabs, 1950s and
1960s series reinforced concrete u-slabs and prestressed concrete planks without reinforced concrete overlays have been categorised
as having Monitor Structure status. VicRoads has developed deep understanding of these form of structures based on extensive
investigations and has an internal process to inspect the critical areas and components.
Bridges and major culverts that are constructed from brick or stone masonry or have principal components, such as piers and
abutments constructed from masonry are all categorized as having Monitor Structure status. The technical aspects of Level 3
investigations of these structures are based on Level 2 inspections by experienced engineers in the first instance. In addition, limited
geometric surveys may be undertaken to confirm that wing-walls have not settled or rotated significantly or that arches have not
flattened. Significant cracks through the mortar and/or masonry shall be recorded and mapped and areas of water penetration and
efflorescence shall also be recorded. These details shall be recorded and photographed using the Level 2 reporting format for reference
in subsequent inspections to determine whether any observed defect is stable or deteriorating. Further Level 3 investigations may be
implemented following the above initial inspections, that might include the use of Demountable Mechanical Strain (demec) gauges,
laser survey and other survey techniques, to monitor crack widths and lengths, settlements and rotations of walls, abutments piers and
arches and similar. Cores may be taken to determine mortar and masonry material properties and condition, wall and arch thicknesses,
Road Structures Inspection Manual 425
backfill material properties and depth between approach walls and similar. Limited backhoe exploration might also be considered. Such
investigations may be undertaken in conjunction with analytical analysis of the structure, using conventional structural analysis or
specialised masonry arch analysis software.
Corrugated metal pipe and arch structures are also categorised as Monitor Structures. Reference is made to Part 3 Section 1.2.7 which
provides guidance on safety during both inspection and repair of these structures. Reference is also made Appendix H which provides
guidance on investigating the condition of existing structures, including surrounding backfill material, water quality and presence or
evidence of water borne abrasive materials. VicRoads Bridge Technical Note 015 “Code of Practice Buried corrugated metal structures”
provides advice on investigating culvert inverts and retrofitting reinforced concrete inverts. In other instances, where culvert condition is
poor and complete replacement is not practical or extremely expensive, such as under high fills or beneath major highways and
freeways, consideration may be given to use of a full perimeter concrete grout lining, provided adequate waterway area is still provided.
The above considerations provide a basis for developing the safety and technical aspects of the Brief and Scope for Level 3
investigations into the condition and alternative repair and replacement options for buried corrugated metal (steel or aluminium) arches
and pipes.
Specific technical guidance still needs to be developed for the inspection of steel girder bridges retrofitted with non-composite precast
concrete deck panels or composite cast-in-situ or combination precast and cast-in-situ concrete decks. In the former case, Level 3
investigations should include detailed inspection of the connections of the precast panels to the steel I girder flanges. These
connections may vibrate loose, corrode, suffer from fatigue failure, local cracking or failure of the concrete slabs or pullout of the steel
connections or similar. Attention should also be given to uneven seating of precast panels over multiple steel I girders. In the case of
retrofitted composite, part precast deck panels, attention should be given to uneven seating and signs of gaps between the steel girders
and precast panels, evidence of corrosion or fracture of connections, where visible, evidence of cracked or spalled concrete. In both
instances, consideration might be given to installation of instrumentation to investigate any differential movement between the girders
and the concrete deck slabs. The Brief and Scope need to consider the above technical aspects, in conjunction with other features of
the specific structure, in conjunction with other general considerations listed in other examples, including access to undertake
these investigations.
Large cantilever and gantry sign structures and high mast lighting structures have also been added to the category of Monitor
Structures, because of the fracture critical nature of the baseplate connections to the arms and foundations. VicRoads BTN 2010/001
“Design of Steel Cantilever and Portal Sign Structures and High Mast Light Poles”, provides guidance on the design of new structures
and gives some insight into potential problem areas of existing structures. VicRoads Asset Services - Construction Materials team shall
be consulted when developing Level 3 investigations of these structures.
This Manual provides guidance on visual inspection into the condition of the base plates, connection details, grout pads and
foundations supporting these structures. Level 3 investigations will generally include structural assessment of the individual structure or
a number of similar structures for the purpose of determining the adequacy of the structure under prescribed (AS5100) loading
requirements. The use of ultrasonic testing or other non-destructive testing techniques will also commonly be required. This may be
followed by design of details for strengthening, replacement or modification of existing components. Level 3 investigations might also
include instrumentation of individual structures to monitor stress ranges over a period of time from the local environment (wind speed,
direction, gust frequency), wind loading from adjacent large high vehicles or similar parameters. The Brief and Scope of such
investigations may be part of a VicRoads or Austroads investigation into the performance of these structures given the common interest
of all road authorities.
As stated in Part 2 Section 5.1, the classification of Monitor Structure may be used to include any structure that has a particular
component or other feature that requires either short term or ongoing engineering surveillance. Such structures do not include those
that are considered to be sufficiently complex or unusual to justify inclusion in Complex Structures nor have features that justify
classification as Heritage and Historic Structures.
• difficult access and requirement for specialised equipment and/or traffic/railway control
• a problem with a specific component or components that requires engineering surveillance, such as moving elastomeric bearings,
fatigue susceptible steel components or connection details, hydraulic scour or similar issues, geotechnical movement, concrete
degradation requiring periodic testing and similar.
The technical aspects of the Brief and Scope for the Level 3 investigations or development of a management plan as part of a Monitor
program should be developed taking into consideration all information known about the individual structure under consideration and
other similar structures, if any.
• a background that describes the basis for classification of the structure (or class of structure) as a Monitor Structure, including the
details of any known or suspected deficiency;
• investigate and advise how any known or suspected deficiency would manifest itself in the structure (if this information is not
provided in the brief);
• provide recommendations on the type of investigations are to be undertaken and an explanation as to how these inspections will
achieve the purpose described in the brief;
• submit for approval a plan for undertaking the inspection prior to commencement. The plan should include, as a minimum:
o the extent of inspection, preferably defined by reference to a drawing of the structure;
o identification of any unique characteristics and features of the structure that must be investigated;
o method for recording the results of the inspection.
• undertake the investigations in accordance with the approved plan;
• report the results of the investigations in the agreed format and within a specified time period;
• provide a report with recommendations on the monitoring to be undertaken, including as a minimum:
o the specific areas to be monitored;
o the method of monitoring including specific recommendations on what to observe and/or measure;
o the frequency of monitoring;
o an explanation as to how the monitoring will keep an eye on the known or suspected deficiency.
• summarise the management plan in the form of a fully defined brief and scope to be used for future investigations of the structure
(or class of structure).
• structures with unusual structural details such as pin and hanger assemblies
• cable-stayed or suspension structures
• moveable bridges
• structures where the location or configuration means that structure specific construction is required to provide inspection access.
• a background that describes the basis for classification of the structure as a Complex Structure, including any specific inspection
requirements for the parts of the structure that would not be covered by a Level 2 inspection
• definition of the parts of the structure that are to be inspected
• prescriptive requirements, if any, for visual, destructive and/or non-destructive testing
• all available drawings of the relevant parts of the structure
• any previous reports on the relevant parts of the structure
• an outline scope of the Level 3 investigation.
• a background paper that describes the basis for heritage classification of the structure and a copy of the protection requirements
for the structure;
• definition of the parts of the structure that are to be investigated;
• prescriptive requirements, if any, for visual, destructive and/or non-destructive testing (e.g. all components must be visually
inspected close-up hands-on; two cores must be taken per pile);
• all available drawings of the relevant parts of the structure;
• any previous reports on the relevant parts of the structure;
• an outline scope of the Level 3 investigation.
• provide recommendations on the type of investigations to be undertaken and an explanation as to how these inspections will
achieve the purpose described in the brief;
• submit for approval a plan for undertaking the investigations prior to commencement. The plan should include, as a minimum:
o the extent of inspection, preferably defined by reference to a drawing of the structure;
o identification of any unique characteristics and features of the structure that must be inspected;
o method for recording the results of the inspection.
• undertake the inspections in accordance with the approved plan;
• report the results of the investigations in the agreed format and within a specified time period;
• summarise the management plan in the form of a fully defined brief and scope to be used for future investigations of the structure.
• details of the contractual requirements for quality and completeness of the structure
• certified as-built documentation of the structure that is to be handed over
• provide recommendations on the type of investigations to be undertaken and an explanation as to how these investigations will
achieve the purpose described in the brief
• submit for approval a plan for undertaking the investigation prior to commencement. The plan should include, as a minimum:
o the extent of inspection, preferably defined by reference to a drawing of the structure
o method for recording the results of the inspection.
• undertake the inspections in accordance with the approved plan
• report the results of the investigations in the agreed format and within a specified time period.
• provide recommendations on the type of investigations to be undertaken and an explanation as to how these will achieve the
purpose described in the brief.
• submit for approval a plan for undertaking the investigations prior to commencement of any activity. The plan should include, as a
o the extent of investigations, preferably defined by reference to a drawing of the structure;
o method for recording the results of the inspection;
o report the results of the investigations in the agreed format and within a specified time period.
• the loads that the structure is to be assessed and rated for (e.g. design vehicle loads – design standard vehicles, legal vehicles,
permit vehicles)
• the standard or guidelines that are to be used for the rating. The default standard is AS5100.7 Bridge Assessment
o include specified Level 3 field investigations to determine data to be used in the structural assessment.
• what any load rating will be used for, including determining the adequacy of the structure for:
o structure geometry, such as span lengths, beam spacing, skew, asphalt thickness and similar
• traffic data including traffic volumes and mix, weigh-in-motion data, projected growth estimates and other relevant information
• provide recommendations on the method to be used for the load rating including:
o whether field and laboratory investigations are to be used for determining component dimensions, properties or condition
o whether field instrumentation and load testing of the structure is to be used as part of the structural assessment.
• where load testing is to be undertaken, submit for approval a loading and instrumentation schedule with an explanation as to how
load testing undertaken in accordance with the schedule will achieve the purpose described in the brief;
• submit for approval a plan for undertaking the Level 3 investigations prior to commencement of any field activity. The plan should
include, as a minimum:
o identification of any unique characteristics and features of the structure that must be inspected
• undertake the load testing (where required) in accordance with the approved schedule;
o drawings of the structure that were used for the structural assessment calculations
o condition information on the structure that was used for the structural assessment calculations
o details of the loads for which the structure was load rated
Heritage Status
There are five classes of heritage status with corresponding obligations on VicRoads' management of bridges
under each class. The classes are briefly described below:
National Trust:
Listing imposes no legal obligations, however, it is a key community heritage body and it is usual that discussion
and agreement occur before any alteration is undertaken to bridges on its' register.
VicRoads shall identify bridges which are considered by the organisation to be of significant heritage value, or
which may be considered for future inclusion on the above registers.
Maintenance Standards
Heritage and Historic Structures shall be maintained to the same functional standards as equivalent non-heritage
Maintenance treatments shall be adopted which minimise the long term cost of maintenance.
Heritage and Historic Structures shall be maintained in a manner which ensures the heritage characteristics of
each bridge are retained, giving consideration to any legal obligations imposed by the heritage classification and
other community, environmental and social responsibilities.
Road Structures Inspection Manual 432
Heritage and Historic Structures which lie within a VicRoads road reserve but no longer serve a major traffic
function shall be maintained at a functional standard which protects the safety of the public accessing the site (e.g.
pedestrians, tourists).
Maintenance of heritage bridges will generally be funded from VicRoads' maintenance program.
Proposals for retrofitting of heritage features will be considered as individual projects, with funding sought from
non-transport related government sources as appropriate.
The appropriate heritage authority shall be consulted on proposals which may affect heritage-listed bridges at as
early a stage as possible.
Level 1 and level 2 bridge inspections shall apply to all heritage bridges whether trafficable or not.
Data Recording
The Bridge Inventory within the Road Asset System shall be maintained to ensure the heritage classification of
each bridge is readily accessible. Details of aspects of each bridge which are deemed by heritage authorities to be
essential to maintaining the heritage nature shall also be recorded.
Key Responsibilities
Regional Directors
• ensure that the heritage classification is maintained in RAS
• ensure that level 1 bridge inspections are undertaken on heritage-listed bridges.
• ensure that all proposals for bridge maintenance and rehabilitation are checked against the heritage status
• consult with appropriate heritage authorities where proposals impact on heritage value.
• obtain necessary permits from heritage authorities where applicable.
Bridge: _____________________
Inspector: ________________________________________
Other Comments:
Holes in deck
Unguarded drops
Tripping points
Risk of flooding
Agricultural use
MANUFACTURER ……………………………………………………
ٱNone Give details …………………………………………..
Road Structures Inspection Manual 438
ٱSome ………………………………………………………..
e.g. Noise Give details ……………………………………
Riding quality – level …………………………………………………
Wear/cracking of asphaltic
If access makes it impractical to perform some or all of these inspections, this shall be recorded. An alternative date shall be
determined, with the assistance of the appropriate water authority, at which the water level will be lower to enable an
appropriate inspection to be made.
Type 1b and 1c
These bridges are similar to type 1a, but do not have the 1.5 m cantilever end spans. Instead they comprise 3.6m, one or more
4.57m and 3.6m span arrangements built in at each internal pier and with half or full depth wall abutments at each end.
These bridges generally have greater capacity than Type 1a because they do not have cantilevers. The critical aspects to
inspect for these bridges are:
(a) transverse flexural cracking of the kerbs up to 1.5 m each side of the first internal pier at each end
In addition, earth pressure loading on the full depth wall abutments tends to increase the potential for transverse cracking of the
deck near the first pier and can lead to torsional cracking in the pier columns of skew bridges.
Type 2
These bridges are similar to Type 1a but have span configurations of 1.5m, 5.5m, one or more 7.0m, 5.5m, and 1.5m.
They should be inspected at the same locations as the above Type 1a bridges.
Type 3
The span arrangements are 2.1m, 7.0m, one or more 9.14m, 7.0m and 2.1m. Again the 2.1 m end spans are cantilevers
continuous with the internal spans.
These bridges generally have greater capacity than Type 1a, despite their longer span lengths. The concrete slabs are thicker
and the reinforcement consists of larger bars, although the spacing and pattern of reinforcement is similar.
Again the principal areas to inspect are as for Type 1a, except that precast concrete kerbs are generally used for these bridge
types. Hence, instead of inspecting for cracks in the cast in place kerbs in the region of the first internal pier from each end,
inspection for evidence of cracking shall be made on the outside vertical faces of the flat slab in the regions of these piers.
Inspecting the surface of the bridge deck for flexural cracking would again require the removal of road surfacing material. This is
not required in the first instance. Instead inspection shall be made of the underside of the deck in the region of each pier to
determine whether there is any evidence of cracking through the depth of the slab. This may be detected directly as a visible
crack or as efflorescence on the underside of the deck.
Particular attention shall be given to inspection for inclined shear cracks in the beams near the piers of older bridges without
transverse diaphragms.
1.7 Precast Prestressed Concrete NAASRA ‘I’ Beam Bridges with Cast
in Place Decks
These standard beams cover a range of spans and were designed for MS18 loading.
Spot checks on these bridges have found that they would have adequate load capacity to accommodate Higher Mass Limits
vehicles. Some of these bridges have been found by SA Highways Department to be substandard with respect to crack width
under serviceability loading.
Beam spacing should be checked in comparison to the standard MS18 design arrangement. If spacing is greater than standard,
then a thorough load rating assessment should be carried out.
Inspection of the superstructure should include a general check for flexural and shear cracking in the beams and cracking of the
deck at the ends of the bridge.
Type A usually incorporate concrete of reasonable quality and may incorporate a layer of steel reinforcement above the rails.
Type B usually do not incorporate a layer of reinforcement and often the concrete is of poor quality. These bridges should be
treated as a non-composite steel structures.
These types of structure have generally been assessed as marginal to adequate. In many instances, the substructure is
extremely light and this raises questions about its ability to resist road vehicle braking loads. Individual assessment is generally
required for each bridge.
Checking should include inspection for distress in superstructure and substructure.
Locations to inspect include the splash zone, invert of the BCMS, overall shape of the structure checking for degree of rusting,
section loss (holes) and deformation. Refer Figure 1.18.1 and 1.18.2 for examples of BCMS corrosion.
Inspection of a severely corroded BCMS is a high risk activity and the Occupational Health & Safety risks need to be addressed
based on the unique location of each site prior to inspection and modified to suit site conditions. The inspection must be aborted
if there is any safety concern that cannot be managed with the available equipment and a further visit should be planned only
when all outstanding safety concerns have been satisfactorily resolved. A risk assessment used in the past for inspection of
BCMS is outlined in Table 1.18.
It is expected that a suitably qualified and experienced inspector will determine whether it is safe to enter a corrosion-damaged
(possibly propped) BCMS for inspection and any subsequent resulting maintenance works.
A suitably qualified and experienced inspector is defined as a person who:
1. in the opinion of the Principal Engineer Structures, has sufficient experience and engineering knowledge of the
structural features of BCMS and, in particular, the possible modes of failure; and
2. is qualified to perform level 3 inspections as defined in the VicRoads Bridge Inspection Manual; or
3. is authorised to make an inspection by the Principal Structures Engineer or by the Asset Manager in consultation with
the Principal Engineer Structures.
The invert in this case has corroded away and water is flowing below the original invert level. The upper limit of corrosion-
affected metal on the water-side is clearly visible.
1 Unstable BCMS Collapse of the BCMS Crush injuries Assess individual circumstances
- Propped (tommed) Falling objects Suffocation Abandon inspection
- Deformed Drowning Arrange safety inspection
- Corroded / missing areas of Being struck by falling objects Reporting
Warning Signs
Or any of these in combination
Propping / temporary support
Remedial work
2 BCMS Confined Space Poor access and egress (particularly in an Assess individual circumstances
Manage in accordance with Occupational
Health and Safety (Confined Spaces)
Regulations together with VicRoads confined
spaces procedures
3 Difficult access into BCMS Working at Height Falling (into water) Assess individual circumstances
Uneven Surfaces (Slips, Trips and Falls) Injuries to joints and limbs Clear vegetation
Use ladder
Provide lighting
Use appropriate footwear
No lone-working
6 - Voids in and behind BCMS walls Venomous creatures Snake or insect bites Assess individual circumstances
caused by corrosion and erosion
No lone-working
- Surrounding area
Provide lighting
Avoid probing by hand into hidden voids /
dark areas
7 Debris or water in invert (invert Hidden corrosion-damaged metal As items 1 and 5 Assess individual circumstances
condition obscured) surfaces
Clear debris and enter in stages only if safe to
AASHTO 2010, The Manual for Bridge Evaluation, AASHTO, Washington DC.
Ministry of Transportation 2008, Ontario Structure Inspection Manual, Ministry of Transportation, Ontario, Canada.
New Zealand Transport Agency 2009, Bridge and Other Structures Inspection Policy, New Zealand Transport Agency, Auckland NZ.
New Zealand Transport Agency 2001, Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Manual, New Zealand Transport Agency, Auckland NZ.
The UK Highways Agency 2007, Inspection Manual for Highway Structures. Volume 1: Reference Manual, The UK Highways Agency,
TSO Online Bookshop.
FHWA 2011, National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS), CFR Section 23, Highways, part 650, subpart C, FHWA, Washington DC.
Atkins/UK Bridge Board 2009, Review of Bridge Inspection Competence and Training, UK Bridges Board, London.
Bootle K R 1983, Wood in Australia, Types Properties and Uses, McGraw-Hill, Sydney.
McGregor K 1991, Guidelines for Timber Bridge Inspection, Maintenance and Repair, VicRoads, VIC.
McGregor K 1991, Guidelines for Concrete Bridge Inspection, Maintenance and Repair, VicRoads, VIC.