Application Form PDF

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SUPERVISORY DEVELOPMENT CENTRE, KALAMASSERY DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION, GOVT. OF KERALA APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION UNDER THE APPRENTICES (AMENDMENT) ACT 1. Name in block letters (English) oud (aemogernad) 2. Address for communication (in biock ietters) Adhar.No. | DIST. PIN l Phone No. 4, E-mail ID 5. Male/Female/Transgender 6. Age and Date of Birth 7. Physically Handicapped : Yes/No (if yes, enclose certificate) 8. Please specify Degree/Diploma with branch : 9. Details of the qualification (Those who send by post, please attach self attested copies of consolidated mark list and Provisional/Original Certificate and original chalan) Duration of] Institution & Place University / Board eae eet} Glass | 10. Have you undergone training under Apprentice Act elsewhere: +~—»-Yes/No 11. Experience if any 12. Caste and Religion 43. Whether belongs to : GN/SC/ST/OBC/OEC 14. Whether willing to work anywhere in Kerala 15. *Details of fee paid ( attach original Chalan) { Chalan No. [Chalan Date| Amount] Name of Treasury l Place: Date: ‘Signature of the Applicant “Fee: Rs. 80/- for Degree holders and As. 65/- for Diploma holders (For SC/ST Rs. 40/- and Rs. 35/- respectively on production of Community Certificate). Please remit the amount at any Treasury in Kerala inthe Head of Account 0202-02-800-94-OR NB: Application may be sent to: Assistant Director, Supervisory Development Centre, NAD. Road, Kalamassery - 683 104, Emekulam, Ph; 0484-2556530.

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