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Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine

Societies, Vol 26, No 2 (2011)

Prevalence of Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, Impaired Fasting Glycemia,

and Diabetes in Selected Villages of Bali, Indonesia
Ketut Suastika1*, Pande Dwipayana1, I Made Ratna Saraswati1, Wira Gotera1, Anak Agung Gde
Budhiarta 1, I Nengah Dwi Sutanegara1, I Gusti Ngurah Gunadi2, Ketut Badjra Nadha2, Wayan
Wita2, Ketut Rina2, Awar Santoso3, Kinuyo Matsumoto4, Naemi Kajiwara4, Hiroshi Taniguchi5
1 Department of Internal Medicine, Udayana University/Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar, Bali,
2Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Udayana University/Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar, Bali,
3Harapan Kita Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia;
4Graduate School of Life Science, Kobe Women’s University, Kobe, Japan; and 5Visiting Professor at
Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia

Corresponding Author

Ketut Suastika, MD, PhD

Endocrinology and Metabolism Division, Department of Internal Medicine,
Faculty of Medicine Udayana University/Sanglah  Hospital
Jl. Kesehatan, Denpasar 80224 Bali Indonesia
Tel. No.:: +62 361 246274
Mobile No.: +62 81138 0916
Fax No: +62 361 235982
E-mail: [email protected]

e-ISSN 2308-118x
Printed in the Philippines
Copyright © 2011 by the JAFES
Received July 25, 2011. Accepted October 5, 2011. 1/10
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Aims/Introduction. To know the prevalence of obesity, metabolic syndrome, impaired fasting

glycemia and diabetes in the population of Bali.

Materials and Methods. A cross-sectional study enrolling 1840 subjects, aged 13-100 years with
male-to-female ratio of 972/868, were studied at seven villages across the island of Bali.

Results: The prevalence of central obesity was 35% (male, 27.5%; female, 43.4%); metabolic
syndrome (MS), 18.2% (male, 16.6%; female, 20.0%); impaired fasting glycemia (IFG), 13.1% (male
14.3%; female, 12.4%); and diabetes mellitus (DM), 5.9% (male, 6.1%; female, 5.7%). The subjects
who had 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 components of MS were 34.6%, 23.8%, 13.0%, 4.3%, and 0.9%
respectively. The population in two tourist areas (Legian and Ubud) had the highest prevalence o
central obesity (61.2% and 70.1%), but they did not necessarily have a higher prevalence of DM
The two tourist areas (Legian, 24.1%; and Ubud, 21%) as well as Sangsit village (23.3%) have the
highest prevalence of MS.

Conclusions. The prevalence of obesity, MS, IFG and DM were comparatively low. Analysis across
the villages revealed that higher prevalence of central obesity was not necessarily associated with
higher prevalence of DM. There is a need to further study the risk of obesity on MS and DM in
tourist areas of Bali.

Key words: obesity, metabolic syndrome, impaired fasting glycemia, diabetes , population of Bali


The prevalence of obesity, metabolic syndrome (MS), and diabetes mellitus (DM) are increasing
globally. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of risk factors that predisposes an individual to
atherosclerosis which may eventually lead to increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and
mortality. There is now general agreement regarding the criteria (characteristic features) often
used for the diagnosis of the syndrome, i.e. glucose intolerance, obesity (Body Mass Index [BMI])
raised blood pressure and dyslipidemia with elevated triglycerides, low levels of high density
lipoprotein [HDL] cholesterol; but different de nitions use different cut-off points for the
parameters used for diagnosis and also different concepts of mandatory inclusion criteria.1

Although insulin resistance is considered a major pathological in uence, only the World Health
Organization (WHO) and European Group for the study of Insulin Resistance (EGIR) de nitions 2/10
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include it in the diagnostic criteria and only the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) de nition
uses waist circumference as a mandatory criterion.1-3

Insulin resistance is closely related to central obesity, i.e. excessive abdominal fat deposition.2,3

The published prevalence of MS varies because of several factors, e.g. different diagnostic criteria
and parameters used, differences in ethnicity, age, and sex. However, the prevalence of MS has the
tendency to increase along with the increase in the prevalence of obesity, especially centra
obesity.4 The prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and DM are also increasing globally
Around 60% of the obese population also have DM. 5

The primary objective of the study was to know the prevalence of obesity, MS, glucose intolerance
(prediabetes and DM) in the population of Bali. To our knowledge there is a paucity of published
baseline data on obesity, MS, and glucose intolerance, i.e., prediabetes and DM, especially for the
people of the rural areas of Bali, and will be needed for health intervention and research as the
in ux of global tourism into the Island would be expected to have a wide ranging impact on the
lifestyle and social-economic status of the population.

Materials and Methods

A cross-sectional survey study was carried out on obesity, MS and its components, and glucose
intolerance, i.e., prediabetes and DM in the population of seven villages (6 villages and 1 suburban
area) across the island of Bali, Indonesia. The villages were Sangsit (seashore area, 471 subjects)
Pedawa (mountainous area, native Balinese, 294 subjects), Ubud (lowland and tourist area, 301
subjects), Tenganan (upland area, native Balinese, 81 subjects), Ceningan (offshore island, 305
subjects), Legian (coastal and tourist area, 288 subjects), and Pengelipuran (upland area, 100
subjects). Purposive sampling was done to represent seashore vs. highland area, native vs. non-
native Balinese, and tourist vs. non-tourist area; and to explore differences in prevalence in these
settings. Figure 1 is a map of Bali showing the location of the seven villages used in the study. A
total number of 1840 subjects were recruited by random sampling (strati ed for larger villages by
sub-village: Sangsit, Pedawa, Ubud, Legian). The number of samples in each village was primarily
based on target sample. The variables measured included age, waist circumference, body mass
index, blood pressure, lipid plasma, fasting blood glucose. Fasting blood samples were drawn after
at least 10 hours of overnight fasting. Criteria for obesity was based on the 2000 WHO
recommendations for the Asia Paci c population.6 Classi cation of impaired fasting glycemia (IFG
and DM was based on the American Diabetes Association (2009): i, IFG if fasting blood glucose
levels was ≥100 mg/dL and <126 mg/dL; and diabetes if fasting blood glucose level was ≥126
mg/dL. 7 Diagnosis of MS was con rmed based on the criteria of a Joint Statement of IDF, NIH
AHA, WHF, IAS, and IASO (2009). Metabolic syndrome was diagnosed if 3 or more of the following
5 criteria are present: elevated waist circumference (male >90 cm, female >80 cm); elevated
triglycerides (drug treatment for elevated triglycerides is an alternate indicator; ≥150 mg/dL) 3/10
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reduced HDL cholesterol (drug treatment for reduced HDL cholesterol is an alternate indicator
≤40 mg/dL in males, and ≤50 mg/dL in females); elevated blood pressure (antihypertensive drug
treatment in a patient with a history of hypertension is an alternate indicator; systolic ≥130 and/o
diastolic ≥85 mm Hg); elevated fasting glucose (drug treatment of elevated glucose is an alternate
indicator; ≥100 mg/dL).8

Statistical methods used for data analysis include descriptive presentation, independent t-test and
chi square, with signi cance value at p<0.05.

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Figure 1

Figure 1. Map of Bali showing the locations of the seven villages used in the study


We found that male subjects had higher stature and body weight, waist circumference, and levels
of triglyceride, and lower levels of HDL cholesterol compared to female subjects. In general, the
mean values of all the measured variables were within normal ranges (Table 1).

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Table 1

Table 1. Characteristics of the study subjects 4/10
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Table 2. Nutrition states and prevalence of obesity, by sex

Although no differences were found in the prevalence of nutritional state between male and
female subjects, central obesity was seen more frequently in female subjects (43.4% vs. 27.5%, p
<0.001) (Table 2). Analysis across the villages showed that Legian and Ubud, apparently the more
prosperous villages as they are popular tourist destinations in Bali, have highest prevalence of
central obesity (61.2% and 70.1%, respectively), but comparable prevalence of DM with othe
villages. Meanwhile, Pedawa village, a mountainous area, and Ceningan village, an offshore
remote area, have the lowest prevalence of central obesity (12.8% and 17.7%, respectively).

The prevalence of MS was 18.2%, and analysis by sex and villages showed that 5 out of 7 villages
had higher prevalence of MS in the female subjects as compared with that in the male (Figure 2)
Figure 3 shows that subjects having 1, 2, and 3 diagnostic criteria of MS were more frequently
seen than those having 4 or 5 features, this applies for both the male and female subjects.

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Table 3

Table 3. Prevalence of impaired fasting glycemia and diabetes mellitus, by sex

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Figure 2

Figure 2. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome by sex and village 5/10
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Figure 3

Figure 3. Prevalence of the components of metabolic syndrome by sex

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Figure 4

Figure 4. The prevalence of central obesity, impaired fasting glycemia (IFG), diabetes mellitus (DM)
and metabolic syndrome (MS,) by village


In our study, although there were no differences in the nutritional state between male and female
subjects, central obesity was found more frequently in the female subjects. The total prevalence o
central obesity was 35.0%. Analysis across the villages showed that Legian and Ubud, which are
the most prosperous villages being popular tourist destinations in Bali, have the highest
prevalence of central obesity; and Pedawa village, a mountainous area, and Ceningan village an
offshore remote area, have the lowest prevalence of central obesity. The prevalence of overweight
and obesity based on the body mass index was 16.6% and 26.2%, respectively.

The prevalence of overweight and obesity in the adult Kuwaiti population were 80.4% and 47.5%
Overweight and obesity rates were higher in women 81.9% and 53% as compared with men 78%
and 39.2%, respectively.9 Age- and gender-adjusted overweight prevalence varied by region of
birth and ranged from 24.4% among central Asian migrants to 64.4% among Mexican migrants.10 6/10
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Overall, the prevalence of overweight and obesity among Balinese population were lower than
other countries.

The prevalence of MS in our study was 18.2%. The prevalence of MS varies according to severa
factors such as different diagnostic criteria used, differences in ethnicity or race, age, and sex. The
Framingham Offspring Study found a prevalence of metabolic syndrome of 29.4% among 1144
males and 23.1% among 1295 females aged 26-82 years.11 The WHO MONICA study by Marques-
Vidal, et al., conducted in France, found a 23% prevalence of metabolic syndrome among males
and a prevalence of 12% among females, with the highest prevalence found in the age group o
55-64 years.1 2 A study conducted in Makassar, Indonesia, involving 330 males, aged 30-65 years
using the NCEP ATP III criteria found that the prevalence of MS was 33.9%. In the group of males
with central obesity, the prevalence increased to 62%.13 Comparing with other ndings, the
prevalence of MS among Balinese people was lower than those found in other countries. Low
prevalence of MS was especially seen among native Balinese and in people living at some
mountainous areas. Food intake and physical activity, beside race or ethnicity, might in uence the

In our study, the prevalence of IFG and DM were 13.1% and 5.3%, respectively. There was no
difference in the prevalence of IFG and DM between male and female subjects. The age-
standardized prevalence of DM in 3000 adults (52% women) of Malay ethnicity (40-80 years) in
Singapore was 18.4%.14 The age-adjusted prevalence of IFG and DM diabetes in the Korean
population were 23.9% and 7.6%, respectively.15 A study on US immigrants showed that age- and
gender adjusted DM prevalence ranged from 3.1% among European migrants to 10.0% among
migrants from the Indian subcontinent. Migrants from the Indian subcontinent had the highest DM
prevalence, signi cantly higher than migrants from any other region, except Mexico and Africa.10
In this study, the prevalence of IFG and DM was lower than other ndings. Similar to MS, the low
prevalence of IFG and DM were especially seen among native Balinese and dwellers in some
mountainous areas.. Analysis by village showed the prevalence of DM was always lower than that
of IFG. The village which has a higher prevalence of IFG actually does not always have a highe
prevalence of DM.

Moreover, a summary of the results across the villages indicated that population in highland
village (Pedawa) and remote island (Ceningan) have the lowest prevalence of central obesity
conversely the highest prevalence of central obesity were found in tourist areas (Legian and Ubud
population. We have no supporting data but by observation, it may be caused by the difference in
income and physical activities of daily living. Similar to obesity, the highest prevalence of MS were
also found in two tourist areas, as well as in Sangsit village. The high prevalence of hypertension
in Sangsit village (a coastal area) compared with other villages contributed to the highe
prevalence of MS in this village. The study showed that a village with a high prevalence of centra
obesity was not always associated with a high prevalence of MS and DM. Diabetes mellitus, like
hypertension, is a common, complex, and multi-factorial disease whose exact underlying 7/10
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mechanism is largely unknown given our current state of research. The result of this study can be
a data base for further studies and action plans for health promotion in Bali, especially in tourist


This study was funded by the Udayana University Faculty of Medicine, Denpasar, Indonesia
Indonesian Endocrinology Society, Bali Branch, Denpasar, Indonesia; Kobe Women’s University
Japan; and partly supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scienti c Research (B): Overseases (Grant No
12576021 and 20406018) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan. The authors
declare no complict of interest regarding this article.


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