Training Evaluation Form
Training Evaluation Form
Training Evaluation Form
Version: 8.0
Bodies consulted: Recognised Trade Unions and Executive
Management Team
Approved by: Executive Management Team
Date Approved: September 2018
Lead Manager: HR & Staff Development Manager
Responsible Director: Director of HR & Corporate Governance
Date issued: October 2018
Review date: October 2023
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1 Introduction................................................................................................. 3
2 Purpose ....................................................................................................... 3
3 Scope .......................................................................................................... 3
4 Definitions ................................................................................................... 4
5 Duties and responsibilities........................................................................... 4
6 Procedures .................................................................................................. 5
7 Training Requirements .............................................................................. 10
8 Process for monitoring compliance with this Procedure ............................. 10
9 References ................................................................................................. 11
10 Associated documents ............................................................................ 11
Appendix A : Equality Analysis ......................................................................... 12
Appendix B : Mandatory and Statutory Training Matrix ..................................... 15
1 Introduction
The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust (herein the Trust) is
committed to delivering high quality and safe standards of care,
education and research.
To provide assurance that its services are effective and safe the
organisation will ensure that it has a workforce that is competent and
2 Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to set out the Trust’s required standards
for induction, appraisal, mandatory / statutory training and continuing
professional development.
3 Scope
This procedure applies to all staff employed by the Trust including bank,
agency and honorary contract holders.
The appraisal process does not apply to the following staff groupings as
they have specific and alternative arrangements aligned to their
professional practise requirements:
4 Definitions
Mandatory training
Training programmes that the Trust requires staff to attend to ensure
that they remain competent.
Statutory training
Course or programmes mandated through specific legislation that may
apply to all staff or certain groups of staff.
Chief Executive
The chief executive is responsible for ensuring that this procedure is
implemented, but in practice will delegate the operational management of
the requirements to the director of human resources and corporate
Managers will also ensure that staff have a timely and well planned
appraisal discussion each year and that planned development is identified
at this point. It should be noted, that development should not be
exclusively agreed during the appraisal cycle and that it can happen at
any point and ideally should be discussed through ongoing supervision /
one to one arrangements.
Are required to comply with all of the requirements set out in this
6 Procedures
The following sections detail the Trust’s procedures surround all aspects
of education, learning and development. A specific matrix of training
requirements is detailed in appendix A of this procedure.
Local Induction
Following appointment it is important to ensure that all new starters are
provided with an appropriate and comprehensive local induction which
covers the rules, processes, procedures and gives an individual an
overview of how their service operates.
Once a recruitment process has concluded the HR team will issue the new
starter and their line manager with a local induction checklist. The
individual’s line manager should ensure that they have had a meeting to
induct the new member of staff and return the completed pro forma but
no later than two weeks after the individual has started work.
Corporate Induction
The Trust schedules three corporate inductions each year. Following a
member of staff being appointed they will automatically be booked on to
The Trust adopts the national standards set out in the Skills for Health
core skills framework which recommends the appropriate time periods for
refresher training.
There are standard forms for the Trust’s appraisal process which can be
found on the intranet.
Where a member of staff becomes non-compliant across any of the
mandatory training requirements, they will be written to giving them one
That their pay step will be suspended and not re-applied until they
have become compliant with the necessary training. The member of
staff will also not be permitted to apply for developmental training;
Study leave
Staff who undertake development training are entitled to receive up to a
maximum of ten study leave days per year (pro-rated for part time staff).
This time is intended to support attendance, revision, exams and any
other appropriate activities to complete a course.
When a member of staff takes time off to support a new child they are
allocated 10 keeping in touch days. The purpose of these are to maintain
contact with their manager and to undertake relevant training where
The Trust will use a variety of methods to monitor compliance with the
processes in this document, including the following methods:
This monitoring may include commissioned audits and reviews, detailed data
analysis or another focussed study, for example. Results of this monitoring will
9 References
Skills for Health (2017). Core Skills Framework [online]. Skills for Health.
London. Available from:
training-framework .
10 Associated documents1
Disciplinary Procedure
Maternity, Paternity and Adoption Leave Procedure
For the current version of Trust procedures, please refer to the intranet.
characteristics differently?
are delivered?
Other? X
If the answer to all of these questions was no, then the assessment is complete.
different protected
have undertaken?
opportunities to advance
equality of opportunity
policy to be effective?
Additional comments
If one or more answers are yes, then the policy may unlawful under the Equality Act
2010 –seek advice from Human Resources.
- Lifespan
- Adult and
Safeguarding Adults L2 Face to Face 3 Years Forensic Services
Safeguarding Children L3 Face to Face 3 Years All clinical staff
WRAP E-Learning 3 Years All clinical staff
Face to Face / E-
Clinical Risk Training Learning 3 Years All clinical staff
All doctors,
qualified nurses and
accredited first
Resuscitation (BLS) - L2 Face to Face 1 Year aiders
All Gloucester
Break Away Training Face to Face 1 Year House Staff
All Estates and
Ladder Safety Training Face to Face 3 Years Anciliary Staff