Breitenberger IBRA
Breitenberger IBRA
Breitenberger IBRA
A new concept called analysis in computer aided design (AiCAD) is proposed for design-trough-analysis workflow.
This concept uses non-uniform rational B-Splines (NURBS)-based B-Rep models for the entire workflow. Such
models consist of trimmed NURBS surfaces and are considered standard in the industry, especially for modeling free-
form geometries. The newly developed isogeometric B-Rep analysis (IBRA) used in AiCAD is also presented. IBRA
can be considered as a generalization of isogeometric analysis (IGA) that uses the boundary representation (B-Rep)
of the design model in addition to the same basis functions as in IGA for approximating the solution fields. IBRA
provides the framework for creating a direct and complete analysis model from computer aided design (CAD) in a
consistent finite-element-like manner. Thus, IBRA allows analyzing a CAD model without remodeling and meshing,
even for complex geometries.
For the numerical integration of trimmed surfaces, the concept of nested Jacobian approach (NEJA) with NURBS
surfaces is introduced. In addition, for enforcing the different types of boundary conditions or mechanical entities, a
new finite element type called isogeometric B-Rep element is introduced. Elements of this type permit enforcing, e.g.,
coupling or Dirichlet boundary conditions. A corresponding formulation based on a penalty approach is presented as
The proposed workflow is realized exemplarily for surface modeling and the geometrical nonlinear analysis of
shell structures. The differences between the standard analysis procedure and the AiCAD workflow are explained in
detail. Various numerical examples confirm the accuracy, flexibility, and robustness of the proposed IBRA concept,
thus highlighting its advantages for the realization of design-through-analysis workflow with a uniform geometry
Analysis in Computer Aided Design, AiCAD, CAD, integration of design and analysis, finite elements, boundary
representation, isogeometric B-Rep analysis, IBRA, IGA, trimmed surfaces, shell structures, nonlinear kinematics,
Nested Jacobian Approach, NEJA, isogeometric B-Rep elements, multi-patches, non-watertightness, non-matching
1. Introduction
One of the bottlenecks in an efficient virtual product development process lies at the interface between design and
analysis, and it is caused by the use of different geometry representations. In industry the standard output of geometri-
cal modeling in computer aided design (CAD) (see Section 2.1) is a non-uniform rational B-Splines (NURBS)-based
B-Rep model (see Section 3), especially for free-form geometries. The predominant method used in the industry for
solving structural problems is classical finite element analysis (FEA). This method typically uses linear respectively
quadratic polynomials defined over non-overlapping subdomains (the elements) for geometry representation. Thus,
for standard design-through-analysis workflow, a complex geometry transformation called meshing is necessary (see
Section 2.2). The analysis is usually performed using a computer aided engineering (CAE) system.
∗ Correspondingauthor
Email address: [email protected] (M. Breitenberger)
The final publication is available at Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. via
For design cycles that require the incorporation of the analysis result in the design model, reconstruction of the
geometry model to ensure that it is CAD-suited is necessary. This process is error-prone and, generally, only approx-
To avoid the meshing, a few alternatives for the integration of design and analysis have been suggested in the past
few years. One of these approaches is the finite cell method (FCM) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. This approach has high potential,
especially for three-dimensional structures, and it is being developed continuously by Rank and his co-workers. Other
approaches include the Kantorovich method [6], implemented in Scan&SolveTM [7], or isogeometric analysis (IGA)
introduced by Hughes et al. [8, 9].
IGA entails the use of basis functions for representing CAD geometry as well as for approximating solution
fields. Usually, IGA is based on NURBS [8, 9] because NURBS represent the standard for geometry description
in contemporary CAD systems. NURBS have high continuity, allow for refinement on the identical geometry and
raise the degree of the underlying polynomial functions [10, 11]. NURBS basis functions show very good properties
for analysis. In the past few years, many IGA researchers have demonstrated the advantages of these properties
for analysis purposes, such as robustness and excellent approximation power. IGA has been applied successfully in
many fields of engineering such as structural mechanics [8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18], fluid mechanics [19], fluid-
structure interaction [20, 21, 22, 23], contact mechanics [24, 25, 26], and optimization [27, 28, 29]. The use of the
basis functions from design also for analysis simplifies the integration of these two tasks greatly. However, a general
and consistent concept for creating direct and complete analysis models from CAD still is not available.
Recent publications have dealt with this shortcoming of IGA and suggested solutions pertaining to specific fields.
Schillinger et al. [3] presented a design-through-analysis workflow that is well suited for solving three-dimensional
problems. Another approach for integrating design and analysis is the use of T-Splines [30, 31] or subdivision surfaces
for geometric modeling and analysis [32, 33, 34, 35]. However, assuming a NURBS-based B-Rep model as standard
output from CAD, these latter approaches also require geometric transformation.
The goal of the design-trough-analysis workflow proposed in the present publication, named analysis in computer
aided design (AiCAD), is to use NURBS-based B-Rep models for the entire workflow, i.e. for geometric modeling,
model analysis and postprocessing (see Section 2). Thus, AiCAD also allows for unification of the design and analysis
models (see Section 2.3), and AiCAD can be fully integrated into an existing CAD system (Section 6). For realizing
the proposed AiCAD workflow, we present the newly developed isogeometric B-Rep analysis (IBRA) method.
IBRA is a general and consequent extension of IGA, which in addition to the basis functions also uses the B-Rep
description of the design model. This is expressed by the extension ”B-Rep” which is the abbreviation of boundary
representation, a well known term in the CAD community [36, 37]. The goal of IBRA is to directly use the design
model, coming from a CAD system, for analysis, without meshing or re-parametrization. Hence, IBRA allows for
the creation of a direct and complete analysis model from the CAD model in a consistent manner, analogous to well
established finite-element-like workflows.
The focus of this publication is on shell structures, so IBRA is explained in detail for shell problems, whereas the
IBRA concept is outlined briefly using one and three-dimensional problems. IBRA for shell structures uses NURBS-
based surface B-Rep models, which consist of trimmed NURBS surfaces for geometry representation. In the past few
years, some investigations on trimmed NURBS analysis have been conducted. Kim et al. [38] presented an approach
to handle membranes, Wang et al. [39] presented a technique for analyzing compound B-Spline surfaces for linear
shell problems, and Schmidt et al. [14] presented an approach for handling shell structures including the treatment of
trimmed multi-patch structures.
The proposed concept is different in the sense that the treatment of trimmed NURBS surfaces is embedded within
a general concept, which finally allows for the direct use of CAD models for analysis. Aspects relevant to practice
such as the application of arbitrarily located loads, local refinement, enforcing weak boundary conditions along trim-
ming curves, dealing with non-matching multi-patches including gaps and overlaps, and the numerical integration
of trimmed surfaces with the nested Jacobian approach (NEJA) using NURBS surfaces are discussed in the present
publication. To analyze NURBS-based B-Rep models in a finite-element-like manner, we introduce a new type of
element called isogeometric B-Rep element.
Since the present publication tries to unify the fields of design and analysis, both fields are reviewed briefly as the
bases for the new proposed methods and techniques.
Thus far, AiCAD workflow is realized within the CAD program Rhinoceros 4, 5
[40] and within the integrated
CAD/CAE/CAM program Siemens NX 8.5
[41]. This demonstrates the general applicability of the presented
concept. Specific implementation aspects are discussed in Section 6.
In order to show the accuracy, flexibility and robustness of IBRA, a few well selected benchmark examples with
increasing complexity (ranging from linear plate problems up to complex nonlinear shell problems) are discussed. An
industrial problem is solved as well, to demonstrate the potential of the proposed method.
The present publication is organized as follows: In Section 2, the new AiCAD workflow is compared with the
standard analysis workflow. In Section 3, some fundamentals of NURBS-based B-Rep models, including an explana-
tion of trimmed NURBS surfaces, are discussed. Some general aspects of the analysis, especially of IGA, are reviewed
in Section 4. In Section 5, the new isogeometric B-Rep analysis is presented, with a special focus on nonlinear shell
analysis. Here as well, the new type of finite element called, the isogeometric B-Rep element is introduced in addition
to a formulation that allows for the coupling of trimmed NURBS surfaces and the enforcing of weak boundary con-
ditions. In Section 6, some aspects concerning the implementation of AiCAD and IBRA are detailed. In Section 7,
a suite of selected benchmark examples with increasing complexity is presented to show the accuracy, flexibility and
robustness of the proposed methods. In the last section, a short conclusion and outlook for future research are given.
The design and analysis models are essential components of a design-through-analysis workflow. Thus, in the
following section, a few important aspects of design and analysis modeling are summarized, with special attention on
the representation of the two ”different” models.
In general, a model substitutes an object in a more convenient form that is easier to use and analyze [37]. In the
age of computers and global networks, virtual models play the dominant role in industry and are considered as such
in this publication. A virtual model is a collection of selected information about an object, where the selection and
the level of detail depend on the model’s purpose. In the following list, some important types of models with different
purposes are listed:
– design model (geometry description)
– structural analysis model (geometry description, material properties, boundary conditions)
– rendering model (geometry description, reflection properties, colors, textures)
– cost model (materials, volumes, prices)
In the past few years, industry has strongly trended toward incorporating all information about an object in one
common model for avoiding remodeling and inconsistencies. The problem in merging a structural analysis model
with common uniform model is that within the standard analysis (CAD-CAE) workflow, which is based on classical
finite element analysis (FEA), the design (CAD) and analysis (CAE) models use different geometry representations
(descriptions). Thus, in this publication, an alternative approach called analysis in computer aided design (AiCAD)
workflow is introduced for unifying the design and analysis models. In order to unify both models within the AiCAD
workflow, the analysis model adapts the geometry description of the design model and classical finite element analysis
is replaced with isogeometric B-Rep analysis, a new analysis technique introduced in Section 5.
In the following, the design and analysis modeling processes for standard analysis and the AiCAD workflow are
explained briefly. The different workflows are illustrated in Figure 1 in an abstract manner and are exemplified with
the shell analysis of an oil sump (Figure 2).
defined as a composition of simpler solids (primitives) using Boolean operations [37] can easily be converted into a
B-Rep model (see Figure 3), but in general it is not possible to derive a CSG model from a B-Rep model.
In this publication, the NURBS-based B-Rep model (see Section 3) is assumed as the output of geometric mod-
eling because, this representation is very powerful, included in the standard exchange format IGES [44], and is the
industry standard, especially for free-form geometries. Thus, the NURBS-based B-Rep model is used as the starting
point for both analysis workflows.
The proposed AiCAD workflow with its isogeometric B-Rep analysis (IBRA) uses NURBS-based B-Rep models,
commonly used in contemporary CAD systems, for geometry representation (see Section 2.1). Therefore, in the
following text, the NURBS-based B-Rep model composed of trimmed NURBS surfaces, is explained in detail.
Standard Analysis Workflow Definition of analysis-
based on classical finite element analysis related data e.g.
option 2 - boundary conditions
- material properties
- ...
CAD geometry kernel option 1 FE geometry kernel
meshing finite element
design model analysis model
topology of the model
dirty geometries
isogeometric refinement
design model analysis model
Figure 1: Difference between standard analysis (CAD-CAE) workflow based on classical finite element analysis (FEA) and proposed analysis in
computer aided design (AiCAD) workflow based on isogeometric B-Rep analysis (IBRA)
Standard Analysis Workflow Analysis in Computer Aided Design Workflow
based on classical finite element analysis based on isogeometric B-Rep analysis
geometrical modeling
analysis modeling
(DIFFERENT geometry (SAME geometry
representations) design model with analysis-related representation)
analysis modeling (preprocessing)
Figure 2: Comparison of standard analysis (CAD-CAE) and proposed analysis in computer aided design (AiCAD) workflow exemplified with
shell analysis of oil sump. Both workflows are realized within the integrated CAD/CAE/CAM system Siemens NX 8.5
. The classical finite
element analysis is performed using NASTRAN NX
[41], whereas the isogeometric B-Rep analysis is performed using the finite element code
CARAT++, developed at the authors’ chair. Within the AiCAD workflow, for transferring data between Siemens NX 8.5
and CARAT++, the
interface software TEDA (Tool to Enhance Design by Analysis) is used. TEDA, too, is developed at the authors’ chair.
a) Object
3.1. Boundary Representation (B-Rep)
A boundary representation describes an object by its ”skin” between the ”model” and ”non-model” [43]. The
skin of a three dimensional object is composed of a set of adjacent bounded surface elements called faces. Faces
are bounded by sets of edges, which are curves that lie on the surface of the faces on either side of the edge. The
points, where several faces meet, are called vertices [43, 36]. The main topology entities mentioned above are faces
(F), edges (E), and vertices (V), together with their geometric forms: surfaces (S), curves (C), and points (P) (see
geometry space and topology in Figure 9). A boundary representation of an object consists of two parts: structure
(topology) and shape (geometry) [43]. Depending on the purpose, the face-edge-vertex data kernel is augmented by
additional elements such as shells and/or loops (see topology in Figure 9).
For p > 1 it is
ξ − ξi ξi+p+1 − ξ
Ni,p (ξ) = Ni,p−1 (ξ) + Ni+1,p−1 (ξ) (2)
ξi+p − ξi ξi+p+1 − ξi+1
The basis functions are C ∞ continuous inside a knot span and C p−1 continuous across single knots. At knots with
multiplicity k the continuity of the basis functions is reduced to C p−k . The following list contains some important
properties of the B-Spline basis functions:
– local support, i.e. a basis function Ni,p (ξ) is non-zero only in the interval [ξi , ξi+p+1 ].
– partition of unity, i.e. ni=1 Ni,p (ξ) = 1.
– non-negativity, i.e. Ni,p (ξ) > 0.
– linear independence, i.e. ni=1 αi Ni,p (ξ) = 0 ⇔ αi = 0, i = 1, 2, ..., n
NURBS geometries have an additional weight for each control point, which can lead to rational basis functions. The
weights are necessary for representing, for example, conical sections exactly. In the case that all weights are equal to
one, the basis functions reduce to simple piece-wise polynomials. The formulas for the NURBS basis functions are
given in Section 3.2.3 and Section 3.2.4.
P2 P4 P6
C(ξ5 )
0.8 N1,3
C(ξ6 ) N4,3
N2,3 N3,3 N5,3 N6,3
P3 0.6
P1 C(ξ7 )
C(ξ1−4 ) C(ξ8−11 ) 0.2
ξ1−4 ξ5 ξ6 ξ7 ξ8−11
P5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(a) B-Spline curve with its control point polygon (dashed lines) (b) Corresponding basis functions defined in parameter space
and knot positions on the curve
Figure 4: Cubic B-Spline curve with the knot vector Ξ = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1, 1, 1] and its basis functions
NURBS curves have non-uniform knot vectors and the additional weight wi for each control point Pi must be consid-
ered. The formula for NURBS curves with their basis functions Ri,p is given as follows:
n n
X Ni,p (ξ)wi Pi X
C(ξ) = Pn = Ri,p (ξ)Pi (4)
i=1 k=1 Nk,p (ξ)wk i=1
A cubic B-Spline with an open knot vector is shown as an example Figure 4. Owing to the open knot vector, the
first and last control points (P1 and P7 ) are interpolated and the curve is tangential to the control point polygon at its
start and end.
n X
m n X m
X Ni,p (ξ)M j,q (η)wi j Pi j X
S(ξ, η) = Pn Pm = Ri j,pq (ξ, η)Pi j . (6)
i=1 j=1 k=1 l=1 Nk,p (ξ)Ml,q (η)wkl i=1 j=1
An example of a quadratic B-Spline surface is illustrated in Figure 5, which has the knot vectors Ξ = H =
[0, 0, 0, 0.5, 1, 1, 1]. The surface is divided into four parts because it has two non-zero knot spans in each direction.
η5−7 ξ5−7
η4 ξ4
η1−3 ξ1−3
(a) B-Spline surface with its control point net (dashed lines) and (b) Corresponding basis functions in parameter space
parameter curves (knots)
Figure 5: Quadratic B-Spline surface with open knot vectors Ξ = H = [0, 0, 0, 0.5, 1, 1, 1] and its basis functions
where l is the polynomial degree, ξ̃ is the curve parameter, uk and vk are parameters of the surface of the trimming
curve and P̃ki represents the control points of the trimming curve in the parameter space. The curves C̃k (ξ̃) are joined
properly to form outer and inner loops (see topology in Figure 9). The outer loops are oriented counter-clockwise,
whereas the inner loops are oriented clockwise. The curves Ck , which bound the trimmed surface, can be obtained by
mapping the C̃k curves onto the surface [54] (see also Figure 9).
P7 P9
N1,3 N4,3
P5 1.0
C(ξ5−7 ) C(ξ8 )
0.8 N10,3
P3 P4 C(ξ9 ) N5,3 N7,3
P6 0.6 N6,3 N8,3 N9,3
P1 C(ξ10 )
C(ξ1−4 ) C(ξ11−14 ) 0.2
ξ8 ξ9 ξ10 ξ11−14
0 ξ5−7 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(a) Refined B-Spline curve with its control point polygon (dashed (b) Corresponding refined basis functions
lines) and knot positions on the curve
Figure 6: Knot insertion exemplified by B-Spline curve from Figure 4 with knot vector Ξ = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1, 1, 1]. After inserting
three knots at ξ = 0.1 the knot vector becomes Ξ = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1, 1, 1] and a C 0 continuity is introduced at the new
knot. The refinement does not change the curve’s shape.
P3 P6 N11,4
P2 C(ξ6 ) P5 P10 0.8
P9 N2,4 N5,4 N7,4 N10,4
C(ξ7 )
P4 0.6 N3,4 N9,4
N4,4 N6,4 N8,4
P7 0.4
C(ξ8 ) P11
C(ξ1−5 ) C(ξ9−13 ) 0.2
P8 ξ1−5 ξ6 ξ7 ξ8 ξ9−13
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(a) Refined B-Spline curve with its control point polygon (dashed (b) Corresponding quartic basis functions
lines) and knot positions on the curve
Figure 7: Degree elevation exemplified by B-Spline curve from Figure 4 with knot vector Ξ = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1, 1, 1]. The polynomial
degree is increased by one to four. The refinement does not change the curve’s shape.
η5−7 ξ5−7
η4 ξ4
η1−3 ξ1−3
(a) Trimmed B-Spline surface with its control point net (dashed (b) Corresponding basis functions defined on trimmed domain
Figure 8: Trimmed B-Spline surface from Figure 10 and its basis functions defined on trimmed domain, which is described by a boundary
representation (B-Rep).
3.4. Trimming
Trimming refers to the operation of creating trimmed surfaces (see Section 3.3), e.g. by performing a Boolean or
blending [50] operation. Mathematically this results in a surface-to-surface intersection (SSI) problem [55, 56, 57,
50], where the trimming curves C̃ in the parameter space are determined.
Figure 10 shows an example of a trimming operation with three intersecting surfaces before and after the execution
of several Boolean operations. The trimming operation consists of the following steps:
– approximation of the intersection curve with the trimming curves C̃k (ξ̃) in the parameter space of each surface
using an SSI algorithm [55, 56, 57]
– determination of the B-Rep description (see Section 3.3 and Section 3.5) for each surface, including specifica-
tions of the trimmed domain (see also topology and parameter space in Figure 9)
– determination of the space curves Ck (ξ̃) by mapping the trimming curves C̃k (ξ̃) onto the corresponding surface
Note that for the example in Figure 10 the specification of the trimmed domain depends on the type of Boolean
operation. For solving the SSI problem and mapping the trimming curves onto the surfaces most CAD systems use
approximation algorithms, even if the mapping could be done exactly by using polynomials of high degrees (e.g.
p=27) [54]. Indeed, the use of approximation techniques requires the specification of tolerances but it reduces the
computational cost and increases the robustness against numerical instabilities [54].
Geometry space
C(5) (ξ̃)
C(14) (ξ̃)
C (ξ̃)
(6) C(9) (ξ̃) C(15) (ξ̃)
(ξ, η)
C (ξ̃)
(4) C (10)
(ξ̃) C (11)
(ξ, η)
C (ξ̃)
(ξ, η)
C(3) (ξ̃) C(13) (ξ̃)
C(1) (ξ̃) C(8) (ξ̃)
C(12) (ξ̃)
C(2) (ξ̃)
Topology (abstract)
E5 V7 E10
E6 V7,8 V10
Inner loop V5 V12
E7 E12
V1 E4 E7
E13 V11
E3 V4 E9
Face 1 Face 3
Outer loop Outer loop V3
E1 V3 Face 2 E11
V8 Outer loop
E8 V4
Parameter space C̃ (ξ̃) (15)
C̃ (ξ̃)
(5) D(2)
C̃ (ξ̃)
(4) C̃ (ξ̃) C̃
C̃ (ξ̃) C̃ (ξ̃)
D(1) C̃ (ξ̃) D(3)
(3) (10)
C̃ (ξ̃) C̃ (ξ̃) (13)
C̃ (ξ̃)
C̃ (ξ̃)
C̃ (ξ̃) C(2) (ξ̃) (11)
C̃ (ξ̃)
S(2) (ξ, η)
S(1) (ξ, η)
S(3) (ξ, η)
Trimming operation
- approximation of the intersection curve in the parameter
space (C̃ curves) of each surface using an SSI algorithm
- determination of the B-Rep description for each surface
including the specification of the trimmed domain
- determination of the space curves C by mapping the
trimming curves C̃ onto the corresponding surface
C̃5 C6
C7 C4
C̃1 C̃2
(a) Trimming curves in the parameter (b) Corresponding trimming curves in the geometry space deter-
space determined by using a trimming mined by using a trimming tolerance of 10−1 units
tolerance of 10−1 units
C̃5 C6
C7 C4
C̃7 C3
C̃1 C̃2 C2
(c) Trimming curves in the parameter (d) Corresponding trimming curves in the geometry space deter-
space determined by using a trimming mined by using a trimming tolerance of 10−8 units
tolerance of 10−8 units
Figure 11: Two different representations of trimmed B-Spline surface created in Figure 10 based on different trimming tolerances
In CAD the exact intersection curve of two surfaces is represented by the two space curves of the two intersecting
surfaces, where the two space curves are simply an approximation of the exact intersection curve. Thus, there can
exist gaps between the two space curves. Such gaps pertain to non-watertightness (see also [48]). Thus almost all
NURBS-based B-Rep models can be seen as non-watertight models. For example, in Figure 9 the space curves C3
and C7 of the surface S(1) (2)
visible as well as the corresponding space curves C8 of the surface Svisible and C12 of the surface
Svisible do not match exactly.
Usually, in a CAD system, the user can specify the desired (relative and/or absolute) tolerance, depending on the
application. In Rhinoceros 5
[40] for instance the default value for large models is 0.01 units and that for small
models is 0.001 units.
3.5. Topology
In addition the geometric description of surfaces and curves, the topology of the boundary representation needs
to be discussed. Depending on the application, different data structures can be used to describe the topology and
geometry of a boundary representation. Because no data structure is superior to all others, several descriptions can be
used, such as the winged-edge and face-edge-vertex representation [43].
The isogeometric B-Rep analysis is independent of the B-Rep data structure (topology), as long as the data struc-
ture is complete. In this publication the topology is split into two: one for trimmed surfaces and one for the B-Rep
model, which consists of trimmed surfaces.
3.5.1. Topology of Trimmed Surfaces
The topology of trimmed surfaces, illustrated in Figure 9 (topology), is already described in principle in Section
3.1 and Section 3.3. Each trimmed surface consists of one face and a set of properly joined edges (E), which define
inner (clockwise oriented) and outer (counter-clockwise oriented) loops.
The vertices (V) with their geometric form the points are used to describe edges. Here, the vertices resp. points
are defined as parameters ξ̃ in the corresponding trimming curve C̃. Thus the geometric description of an edge of each
surface is given by one trimming curve Ck (ξ̃) and two parameters ξ̃. The parameters can be computed using a point
inversion algorithm (see [58]).
For the definition of a trimmed surface, vertices are not really necessary because, usually, their parameters coincide
with the first and last knots of the trimming curves.
For the sake of discussion, in this publication, it is assumed that the orientation of the edges corresponds to the
one of the trimming curves. Thus, a trimmed NURBS surface can be described by defining correctly oriented loops
using trimming curves that are oriented accordingly (see parameter space in Figure 9).
4. Analysis
In this section, shell analysis is reviewed briefly as the basis for isogeometric B-Rep shell analysis. In this pub-
lication, the following conventions are used if not indicated differently: Latin indices such as i, j can take the values
1, 2, 3, Greek indices such as α, β can take the values 1, 2. Capital letters refer to the reference configuration and
small letters are used for the description in the current configuration. In addition, derivatives w.r.t. to a quantity r are
abbreviated by (·),r and vectors are expressed in the Cartesian coordinate system ei .
4.1.2. Equilibrium
For arriving at a solution to a structural problem, the internal and external forces need to be in equilibrium. This
can be expressed by the principle of virtual work, which is defined as the sum of the internal and external virtual work
and is given by
δWint = − S : δE dΩ
Z Ω Z (14)
δWext = ρ · δu dΩ + tΓ · δu dΓ,
where Ω is the physical domain, Γ is the domain boundary, S is the 2nd Piola Kirchhoff (PK2) stress tensor, δE is
the energetically conjugated virtual Green-Lagrange strain tensor, ρ is the body force, tΓ is the stress vector at the
boundary, and δu is the virtual displacement. The equilibrium condition in Eq. (13) is fulfilled for an arbitrary virtual
displacement field δu [60]:
δW = δu = −Rδu = 0 (15)
Thus, the residual force R must vanish in the case of equilibrium. Here, Eq. (15) is a nonlinear expression that is
linearized in order to solve it with an iterative solution approach such as the Newton-Raphson method. This results in
the following linear expression:
K ∆u = R, (16)
where the tangential stiffness K and the residual force R are used for obtaining the displacement increment ∆u until
Eq. (15) is satisfied.
The equations Eq. (13) and Eq. (14), including appropriate boundary conditions, represent a typical boundary
value problem, which is within the context of structural analysis usually solved with the finite element method using
the same discretization for the geometry and the solution field (isoparametric concept). In a discretized form the
residual force R and the tangential stiffness K can be written as a vector and a matrix, respectively. The components
of the matrix and vector are given by
∂W ∂Wint ∂Wext
Rr = − =− − = Rint
r + Rr ,
∂ur ∂ur ∂ur
∂Rr ∂W 2 ∂Wint
Krs = =− =− − = Krs
+ Krs
, (18)
∂u s ∂ur ∂u s ∂ur ∂u s ∂ur ∂u s
where r, s are indices used for the discretization components. Here, different discretizations schemes can be applied.
Usually, classical finite element analysis (FEA) uses Lagrange polynomials, whereas IGA mostly uses NURBS basis
functions. The proposed IBRA uses the basis functions from IGA just within the trimmed domain (see Section 5).
∂ε ∂κ ∂ui ∂u j
Z ! XZ X
Rr = n: +m: dA − pi · dA − Fj · , (19)
A ∂ur ∂ur i
∂u r j
∂n ∂ε ∂2 ε ∂m ∂κ ∂2 κ
Z ! !
Krs = : +n: + : +m: dA + Krs
, (20)
A ∂u s ∂ur ∂ur ∂u s ∂u s ∂ur ∂ur ∂u s
where n, m are the internal membrane forces and moments, respectively. The terms δε and δκ are the corresponding
virtual change in the curvatures and strains within the shell. The variables pi represent the area loads, Fi are the
point loads and Krs represent the external stiffness matrix components, which vanish in the case of deformation-
independent loads. The variable A refers to the surface domain of the shell structure in the reference configuration.
Z Z ξend Z ηend Z
|A|i j = dAi j = J1 dξdη = J1 J3 dG, (21)
Ai j ξ start η start G
where the Jacobian J1 indicates the mapping from the geometry to the parameter space and is expressed as
J1 = |A1 × A2 | (22)
and the Jacobian J3 indicates the linear mapping from the parameter space to the Gaussian space G ∈ [−1, 1] × [−1, 1]
and is given by
∂ξ ∂η
J3 = (23)
∂ξG ∂ηG
with the parameters ξG and ηG in the Gaussian space. Using the quadrature points l, the area of the knot span i j can
be computed as follows:
|A|i j ≈ J1 (ξl , ηl ) J3 (ξl , ηl ) wl (24)
where ng is the number of quadrature points for each knot span and wl are the quadrature weights.
The mapping J3 (ξl , ηl ) stays constant during nonlinear analysis. Thus, the following weighting factor is introduced:
The weighting factor must be computed just once in preprocessing and is assigned to its quadrature point. Considering
the weighting factor, Eq. (24) can be rewritten as follows:
|A|i j ≈ J1 (ξl , ηl ) w̃l (26)
This is done for generalizing the numerical integration of trimmed NURBS surfaces in the context of IBRA (see
also Section 5.3). In addition, it is more convenient from the implementation viewpoint (see Section 6.3.2).
The proposed AiCAD workflow (see Section 2.3) uses NURBS-based B-Rep models (see Section 3) for geometry
representation. In order to analyze such models, isogeometric B-Rep analysis (IBRA), a new concept, is introduced
here. IBRA extends isogeometric analysis (IGA) [8] by adapting the basis functions as well as the B-Rep description
of the design model (see Section 3.1) for approximating the solution fields. The boundary description is used to
describe trimmed domains (see Section 3.3) in a consistent manner. The IBRA concept allows for analysis of an
entire CAD model in a consistent finite element-like way.
In this section, the numerical integration of trimmed domains resp. geometries is discussed (Section 5.3). A new
type of finite element, the so called isogeometric B-Rep elements or just B-Rep elements, is introduced (see Section
5.1). They are used for enforcing different types of boundary conditions (Neumann, Dirichlet, coupling). In addition,
the section covers the application of arbitrarily located loads (see Section 5.7) and local refinement (see Section 5.8)
within IBRA.
The focus of this publication is on IBRA for shell structures. Thus, this part is explained in detail. The idea of
solving one- and three-dimensional problems with IBRA is briefly discussed in Section 5.9.
d Γ(2)
Parametric space
Figure 12: Description of a shell with arbitrarily defined boundary conditions within isogeometric B-Rep shell analysis
For solving Eq. (27) the terms in Eq. (17) and Eq. (18) need to be enriched by the components of the force vector
and the stiffness matrix of the B-Rep contributions:
∂Wext X ∂WB-Rep
∂Wint X
B-Rep k
Krs = − − − = Krs
+ Krs
+ Krs (29)
∂ur ∂u s ∂ur ∂u s k
∂ur ∂u s k
θ3 A2
θ̃1 T3
ωT1 θ1
θ 2)
θ 1,
urf (
1 )
x3 -Re
Figure 13: Geometry description of a shell subset Ω(a) in the context of IBRA
[ (a) k [ (a) l [ (a) m
Γ (a)
= Γ ∪ Γn ∪ Γc ,
k l m
[ (a) k [ (a) l [ (a) m
Γ̃ (a)
= Γ̃ ∪ Γ̃n ∪ Γ̃c ,
k l m
where the following indices are used for expressing the different types of boundary conditions:
– d for Dirichlet boundary conditions (displacement, rotation)
– n for Neumann boundary conditions
– c for coupling boundary conditions
Mechanically motivated formulations (e.g. cables) are no longer considered in the remainder of this paper because
they are not needed for the current discussion.
5.2.1. Geometry Description
Each subset of a shell Ω(a) can be described by the position vector of its midsurface Xsurf resp. xsurf (see also
Section 4.1.1). In the context of IBRA the corresponding boundaries are described by the position vector XB-Rep (θ˜1 )
resp. xB-Rep (θ˜1 ) as shown in Figure 13. Here, θ̃1 is the parameter of the trimming curves resp. space curves.
At each point XB-Rep a local orthogonal coordinate system T̃i , aligned with the trimming curve, can be determined
where T̃2 represents the tangent vector of the space curve, T̃3 is the not-normalized vector of the surface normal and
T̃1 is the vector perpendicular to T̃1 and T̃3 pointing outward from the surface (see Section 3.3 for the correct curve
direction). The length T i of the orthogonal vectors T̃i is defined by
T i = Ti · Ti (32)
Thus, the corresponding local Cartesian coordinate system Ti (see Figure 13) can be determined by
Ti = (33)
For the sake implementation, it is more elegant to rewrite the vector T1 resp. t1 with the pseudo parameter θ̃2 by
using the triple product expansion as
∂θ1 ∂θ1
= T̃2 · A2 , = t̃2 · a2
∂θ̃2 ∂θ̃2 (35)
∂θ2 ∂θ2
= −T̃2 · A1 , = −t̃2 · a1
∂θ̃2 ∂θ̃2
Elements that require integration (full and trimmed) are called active elements, whereas void elements are calledinactive
elements. For the numerical integration of trimmed knot spans in the context of structural analysis, several techniques
have been proposed. H.-J. Kim et al. used NURBS-enhanced triangles [38], while Y.-W. Wang et al. used a cell based
approach [39] to parameterize trimmed knot spans for integration. In addition, a quadtree technique, usually used for
the finite cell method (FCM) [1], can be used. The question of the most efficient integration scheme is however still
open even if Nagy et al. [66] presented an integration technique that is optimal in the sense that the final quadrature
points and weights satisfy the moment fitting equations within the trimmed domain up to a predefined tolerance [66].
Z Z np Z
X ξ̂end Z η̂end np Z
|A|i j = dAi j = J1 dDi j = J1 J2 dξ̂dη̂ ≈ J1 J2 J3 dGk (37)
Ai j Di j k=0 ξ̂ start η̂ start k=0 Gk
where n p is the number of surfaces, used for parametrizing the trimmed knot span. The mappings J1 and J3 can be
computed as explained in Section 4.2.2. Here, J3 is the mapping from the parameter space D̂i j to the Gaussian space
G ∈ [−1, 1] × [−1, 1]
∂ξ̂ ∂η̂
J3 = (38)
∂ξG ∂ηG
J2 is the additional (nested) mapping from the parameter space Di j to the parametrization Ŝl of the trimmed element
domain D̂i j . In this publication NURBS surfaces Ŝl are used for parametrizing Di j
Di j = Ŝ (39)
∂Ŝ ∂Ŝ
J2 = × (40)
∂θ̂1 ∂θ̂2
For the numerical integration of subparameter surfaces the standard Gauss quadrature (see Section 4.2.2) is used,
in which the highest occurring polynomial degree from the trimming curves or surfaces in the trimmed knot span
controls the number of quadrature points.
Implementation aspects of parametrizing trimmed knot spans with NURBS surfaces are discussed in Section 6.
Analogously to the integration of untrimmed knot spans (see Section 4.2.2) the integration of trimmed knot spans
can be reduced to the expression (compare Eq. (26))
|A|i j ≈ J1 (ξl , ηl ) w̃l (41)
where ng is the number of all quadrature point in a knot span and the weighting factors w̃l are given by
Geometry space
J1 Parameter space
0,0,0 ξ
0,0,0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1,1,1
Subpameter space
η̂ η̂
Standard mapping
η̂end R2 η̂end R2
for untrimmed
D̂î, ĵ knot spans
D̂î ĵ
η̂ start ξ̂ η̂ start ξ̂
ξ̂ start ξ̂end ξ̂ start ξ̂end
Gauss space
Figure 14: Overview of spaces and mapping used for NEJA with NURBS surfaces
(a) Trimmed NURBS surface with 16 active elements (b) Corresponding location of the quadrature points within the
trimmed domain
Figure 15: Examples of quadrature point locations with respect to IBRA by using NEJA with NURBS surfaces
This can be done because the trimmed domains and, consequently, their mappings J2 and J3 remain unchanged during
nonlinear analysis. This means that, within IBRA the untrimmed and trimmed elements can be treated exactly in the
same manner by considering the weighting factor w̃i . This makes the implementation convenient (see Section 6).
Figure 15 shows an example of the locations of quadrature points for a trimmed surface by using NEJA with
NURBS surfaces.
C(ξ̃(5) )
C(ξ̃(6) )
6 5
C(ξ̃(4) )
C(ξ̃(3) ) 3
C(ξ̃(1) )
C(ξ̃(2) ) 1
(a) B-Rep edges of trimmed B-Spline surface from Figure 10 (b) Basis functions of B-Rep edges extracted from basis functions
of underlying surface
S(ξ(ξ̃h ), η(ξ̃h ))
Figure 17: Examples of isogeometric B-Rep edge elements in parameter and geometry spaces, with arbitrarily chosen discretizations of trimming
curves. The figure shows an example of an overlapping and a non-overlapping B-Rep edge element, as well as the general definition of a B-Rep
edge element.
T2 around the local vector T2 to be the same for both boundaries. The virtual work contribution of this element
formulation can be written as follows:
Z (1)
δWB-Rep = −αdisp B-Rep − uB-Rep · δuB-Rep − δuB-Rep dΓc
u(1) (2) (2) (1)
Thus, the components of the residual force vector and the tangential stiffness matrix are given by
B-Rep disp-Penalty
Rr = αdisp u(1) − u(2) · u(1) (2)
,r − u,r c ,
B-Rep disp-Penalty
Krs = αdisp u(1) (2) (1) (2)
,s − u,s · u,r − u,r c ,
where αdisp is the penalty factor which is selected manually. Guidelines for selecting an appropriate penalty factor are
given in Section 7. The virtual work term for constraining the rotation is given by
Z (1)
δWB-Rep = −αrot T2 ± ωT2 δωT2 ± δωT2 dΓc
ω(1) (2) (2) (1)
and its residual force vector and the tangential stiffness matrix components are as follows:
Z (1)
B-Rep rot-Penalty
Rr = αrot T2 ± ωT2 ωT2 ,r ± ωT2 ,r dΓc ,
ω(1) (2) (2) (1)
where αrot is the penalty factor for the rotations, which is selected manually as well (see Section 7). The signs in Eq.
(47), Eq. (48) and Eq. (49) depend on how the tangent vectors of the two boundary curves are oriented with respect
to each other. The negative sign is used in the case that both tangent vectors T2 point in the same direction.
The term ωT2 expresses the rotation around the vector T2 (see Figure 13) [67], and it is given by
ω = T3 × w, (52)
with w being the displacement of the tip of the vector t3 , given by
w = t3 − T3 . (53)
Because the arcsin function is involved, the rotations at the shell boundaries are restricted to less than 90◦ , unless
angles over 90◦ are tracked separately during nonlinear shell analysis.
The first and second variations of the rotation ωT2 are given by
ω,r · T2
ωT2 ,r = p , (54)
1 − (ω · T2 )2
where the variations of the rotation vector ω and the displacement w are given by
ω,r = T3 × w,r
ω,rs = T3 × w,rs
w,r = t3,r
w,rs = t3,rs .
The variations of t3 correspond to those of a3 and can be determined directly or found in [65].
Since the penalty factor should be in the range of the Young’s modulus E (see also Section 7.6), a relative penalty
factor is used, which is defined as follows:
αrel = (58)
For patches with C 0 continuity inside the NURBS description, this B-Rep element formulation can be used for
preserving the relative angle within the patch as well. One simply needs to add parameter curves along the knots with
C 0 continuities.
where the virtual work term for constraining the displacements is given by
Z (1)
δWB-Rep = −αdisp B-Rep · δuB-Rep dΓc ,
u(1) (1)
Integration domain
(a) Aritrarily located load p on a B-Spline surface (b) Corresponding integration domain in parameter space
surface 1
surface 2 (refined)
surface 3 (refined)
Figure 19: Local refinement within IBRA. After trimming the surface, the desired regions are refined and the boundaries are coupled.
Z (1)
δWB-Rep = −αrot T2 δωT2 dΓc .
ω(1) (1)
The corresponding variations can be computed in a straight forward manner, as shown in Section 5.5.
(a) Trimmed domain within NURBS solid cube (b) Trimmed domain within refined NURBS solid cube
Figure 20: Example of trimmed domain of solid model (see also Figure 3)
6. Implementation
In this section, a few important aspects of realizing an AiCAD workflow and extending an IGA code by IBRA are
The AiCAD workflow has the following three main components:
– design (CAD program)
– interface
– analysis (IBRA code)
Independent of the implementation of AiCAD, the workflow can be seen in an abstract form, as shown in Figure
21. In the following text, the various components and their tasks are explained briefly.
Analysis in Computer Aided Design
user interface e.g. textfiles
pre- and postprocessing provides data
obtains results
Computer Aided Design program Isogeometric B-Rep Analysis code
6.2. Interface
Interface software is used for communicating between the CAD program and the IBRA code. The interface
software needs to provide among others, the following functions:
– supporting pre- and postprocessing for IBRA in the CAD program
– reading data from the CAD program
– providing data set for the IBRA code
– reading results from the IBRA code
For this publication, the interface is realized with the software TEDA (Tool to Enhance Design by Analysis),
developed at the authors’ chair. TEDA is a C++ library, which has user interfaces for Rhinoceros 4, 5
and the
integrated CAD/CAE/CAM software Siemens NX 8.5 . Latter interface for TEDA was implemented by Long Chen,
that we gratefully acknowledge.
input data
Refine geometries
Find intersection points
Loop through elements
Parametrize trimmed domains
Determine quadrature points
Precompute function values
Create isogeometric elements Ke = 0 and Fe = 0
Create B-Rep elements
Loop through
Build connectivities and quadrature points
allocate global arrays
Add contributions to
Ke and Fe
Solve Kd = F
Write Assemble Ke K
output data and Fe F
Figure 22: Modifications necessary to extend an existing IGA code by IBRA (overall flowchart according to [9], p.95). The code structure illustrates
the different steps in linear finite element analysis, where K is the stiffness matrix, F is the load vector, d is the displacement vector, and index (·)e
indicates the corresponding term is on element level.
Figure 23: Intersection points of trimming curves and (refined) knot lines
The structure of the IBRA code is explained in Figure 22, which shows the modifications necessary for extending
an IGA code by using IBRA. The flowchart also shows the modifications necessary to extend a standard finite element
code to an IGA code [9].
In Figure 22 the changes necessary to extend an FEA code by IGA are highlighted in light grey and the parts
requiring additional modifications for IBRA are highlighted in dark grey. In detail, the following slight modifications
are necessary to the following parts of the code:
– read input data
– preprocessing
– add contributions from the B-Rep elements
– output data
These modifications are explained briefly in the following sections.
6.3.2. Preprocessing
The preprocessing step is needed to create finite elements for IBRA. It is recommended to solve the following
tasks with the help of a basic CAD kernel/library or to shift these tasks to the interface software, which already has
access to a CAD kernel. The following sequence is recommended:
– apply the geometry refinement (see Section 3.2.5) that is assigned to the surfaces
– find all intersection points of the trimming curves and the (refined) knot lines (see Figure 23 and Figure 24a)
ξ̃end C0
ξ̃ start C0
(a) Find intersection points of trimming curve with the knot lines (b) Insert C 0 continuities in trimming curve at intersection points
ξ̂ ξ̂
Figure 24: Algorithm for parametrizing a trimmed knot span with NURBS surfaces
η̂ η̂ η̂
ξ̂ ξ̂ ξ̂
– introduce a C 0 continuity in the trimming curves at each intersection point (see Section 3.2.5 and Figure 24b).
– identify active elements (see Section 5.3) and eventually assign proper flags
– extract the parts of the trimming curves between the intersection points (in the meanwhile they have C 0 conti-
nuity) and assign them to the corresponding elements
– take the assigned pieces of the trimming curves and use them to create NURBS surfaces for parametrizing the
trimmed domain (see Figure 24c and Figure 24d)
– use parts of the trimming curves between the intersection points to create B-Rep elements (see Section 5.4)
– determine the locations of the quadrature points, their weighting factors (see Eq. (42)), and required basis
functions; assign them to the corresponding isogeometric elements
– determine quadrature points locations, weighting factors, and required basis functions of the trimming curves
and the underlying geometries (master and slave); assign them to the corresponding B-Rep elements
Note that for better integration of B-Rep elements with a coupling formulation, clipping of the master curve might
be necessary to ensure that it conforms to the slave curve (see also Section 3.2.5). For this publication, for each
quadrature point of the master curve, a corresponding point on the slave side is assigned, and the minimal distance
approach is employed (see also Figure 55).
Once the information pertaining to all elements is gathered, the remainder of the procedure is exactly the same as
that in classical finite element analysis.
– displacements values of active control points resp. nodes
The space curves are then mapped in the CAD program (see Section 3.3). Note that the inactive control points do not
have displacement because they have no influence on the trimmed domain.
IBRA has been realized in CARAT++, a finite element software, developed at authors’ chair.
6.3.5. Postprocessing
As mentioned above, for the visualization of trimmed surfaces, description of NURBS surfaces and B-Rep de-
scription of the trimmed domain is required (as in the input file) in addition to the displacements of the active control
points. The stresses can be evaluated in exactly the same manner as in IGA with the additional specification that they
are defined only within the trimmed domain.
To highlight the accuracy, flexibility and robustness of IBRA, some well selected benchmark examples with in-
creasing complexity are discussed. To demonstrate the correctness and to quantify the errors of the results, the results
are compared with solutions that are either computed analytically, with IGA, or with the commercial finite element
software ANSYS
[74]. The benchmark examples range from geometrically linear plates to nonlinear shells, includ-
ing weak boundary conditions. For all examples, a linear elastic, isotropic material is used.
This section can be separated into two main parts. The first part deals with problems that are discretized with one
trimmed NURBS surface for investigation of NEJA with NURBS surfaces (see Section 5.3.1). The second part deals
with isogeometric B-Rep elements (according to Section 5.1), specifically with enforcing weak boundary conditions.
At the beginning, the example of a simple plate in membrane action is solved for showing the accuracy of NEJA
with NURBS surfaces. The second benchmark deals with a geometrically linear (i.e. linear kinematics) plate in
bending, which is used for demonstrating the robustness of NEJA against distortions related to geometric description.
In the last two nonlinear shell examples within the first block, flexibility in terms of trimming tolerances and the
accuracy of the proposed NEJA technique is demonstrated.
The first example of the second block deals with a geometrically nonlinear cantilever subjected to an end moment,
a so called mainspring. This benchmark is used for discussing weak coupling boundary conditions for different
discretizations, influence of ”dirty” geometries on the result, and choice of appropriate penalty factors (according
to Section 5.5). The second example deals with a nonlinear shell discretized with two trimmed surfaces. The final
benchmark example is the analysis of an industrial oil sump. Moreover, the examples highlight the simplicity and
straightforwardness of analysis model preparation using IBRA.
The geometries for the benchmark examples are created with the CAD program Rhinoceros 5
. The trimming
tolerance (according to Section 3.4.1) used for the examples is denoted separately for each benchmark example. For
some few examples, it would be possible to represent the benchmark geometries exactly, i.e. without any trimming
error, but this is not the goal of the proposed method. The goal of IBRA is to use the CAD model ”as it is”. Thus,
for all presented benchmark examples, the geometries are created in a CAD system, and the geometries are analyzed
directly. The analysis itself is performed with the in-house finite element program CARAT++. The results of the
classical finite element analysis are computed in ANSYS
[74] by using quadrilateral-dominant meshes with bi-linear
Exact traction
Geometry: L = 4.0 R = 1.0
Symmetry BC
Exact traction
Material: E = 105 ν = 0.3
Far-field traction: T x = 10.0
Tx Analytical solution:
Tx R2 Tx R4 R2
σrr (r, θ) = 2 (1 − r2 ) + 2 (1 + 3 r4 − 4 r2 )cos(2θ)
Tx R2 Tx R4
σθθ (r, θ) = 2 (1 + r2 ) − 2 (1 + 3 r4 )cos(2θ)
R r 4 2
σ·n=0 σrθ (r, θ) = − T2x (1 − 3 Rr4 + 2 Rr2 )sin(2θ)
θ x
Symmetry BC
Figure 26: Benchmark example of infinite plate with hole - problem description and exact solution
quadrilaterals and triangular Reissner-Mindlin (RM) shell elements. For IBRA, the NURBS-based Kirchhoff-Love
(KL) shell element [61] is used. Note that KL theory is not always mentioned explicitly. The postprocessing is realized
with the interface software TEDA (see Section 6.2) plugged into the CAD program Rhinoceros 5
er = k σi exact − σi num kL2 (Ω) , (62)
where i represents the components xx, yy and xy. In cases where a computed result (e.g. displacement) at a specific
point is compared to a reference solution, the following relative error measure is used:
|uref − uIBRA |
er = (63)
|uref |
For a better illustration of the convergence, the relative difference between different geometry refinements is used.
This difference should decrease steadily for a correctly formulated finite element analysis. The measure of this relative
difference is defined as follows:
|ufine − ucoarse |
dr = (64)
|ufine |
For a general comparison of the relative difference between two results (ref 1 and ref 2) the following formula is
|uref1 − uref2 |
dr = (65)
|uref1 |
Figure 27: Different geometric descriptions (trimmed and untrimmed NURBS surfaces) of the geometry in the benchmark example, shown in
Figure 26. The dashed lines show the control point polygon, and the black points represent the control points.
The presented results (see Figure 29 and following) clearly show that the approximated solutions with trimmed
NURBS surfaces converge to the exact solution with increasing geometric refinement. It can be noticed that the
convergence properties of this example (using the geometry definitions shown in Figure 27b) are not as good as those
of an untrimmed surface (see Figure 27a). The reason for this difference will explained later in detail.
To compare the IGA and IBRA results, as well as the analytical solution, the stress distributions σθθ along the hole
are plotted (see Figure 29), and the error as the sum of the L2 -norm of each stress tensor component (see Eq. (62))
over the domain is investigated (see Figure 31).
The different discretizations (trimmed and untrimmed surfaces) for IGA and IBRA are shown in Figure 27. The
untrimmed surface used for IGA employs the same definition as proposed in [8], and the trimmed surface used for
IBRA is created using the CAD program Rhinoceros 5
with a trimming tolerance of 10−8 units (see Section 3.4.1).
For this specific example, one could define the trimmed NURBS surface without any trimming error by using an exact
NURBS description of the trimming curve, but this is not common when using a CAD system, and doing so would
contradict the proposed philosophy of integrating design and analysis (see Section 2.3). Note that due to the reduced
modeling effort, the standard approach in practice would be to create a trimmed surface even if it does not represent
the geometry in Figure 27 exactly. However, classical IGA requires complicated and costly geometric models suitable
for analysis (see Figure 27a). In contrast, IBRA allows the use of the trimmed surface directly for analyis without any
modifications. One just needs to refine the surface according to the desired solution accuracy, which is a requirement
of mechanics, not of the workflow. Different levels of refinement for the initial discretizations (see Figure 27) are
shown in Figure 28. In both cases, the existing knot spans in the parameter space are subdivided sequentially. In the
step from mesh Figure 28a to Figure 28b, only one direction is divided in order to ensure that the number of elements
in both directions is the same. Figure 28 graphically summarizes the refinement strategy for untrimmed and trimmed
surfaces. These discretizations are the basis for comparative evaluation of the analysis results of both approaches.
Figure 29 shows a comparison of the stress distribution σθθ at r = 1 along the boundary for different geometry
refinements shown in Figure 27. Each plot shows the analytical, IGA, and IBRA solutions using a specific number
of elements. The polynomial degree is p=q=3 for each plot. In Figure 29a, the untrimmed discretization (see Figure
28c) fits better than the one from IBRA (see Figure 28g). This is because of the fact that for IGA, the NURBS surface
parametrization coincides with the boundary curve. Therefore, approximation power at the boundary is very good,
whereas the trimmed discretization has just one element to approximate the solution at the hole boundary. Owing to
the global definition of the basis functions (see Figure 30b) along the boundary, the solution to the trimmed version
oscillates around the analytical solution. In contrast, the basis functions of the untrimmed discretization have local
support (see Figure 30a), which allows for better approximation.
The same effect can be observed for geometries with 8x8 elements (see Figure 28d and Figure 28h). Again, for
(a) IGA geometry 1 (b) IGA geometry 2 (c) IGA geometry 3 (d) IGA geometry 4
(e) IBRA geometry 1 (f) IBRA geometry 2 (g) IBRA geometry 3 (h) IBRA geometry 4
Figure 28: Different (refined) geometry descriptions of the example shown in Figure 26
this level of refinement, the trimmed discretization has only three elements for approximating the stresses at the hole
boundary, as opposed to eight elements for the untrimmed case. In the trimmed case result, one can again observe
small oscillations around the analytical solution. With a greater number of elements, the approximations become
better and finally converge to the exact solution. The conclusion is that the untrimmed discretization uses better-suited
parametrization for this specific problem. Thus, it is not surprising that the trimmed discretization does not perform
as well as the untrimmed one.
To confirm overall convergence to the exact solution, the sum of the L2 -error norm of each stress tensor component
over the domain (see Eq. (62)) is plotted for different refinements in Figure 31. This figure shows the error norm
versus the largest diameter found in the mesh and the number of degrees of freedom (DOF). It can be seen that the
plots of the untrimmed and trimmed discretization cases are similar. As expected, the untrimmed discretization shows
faster convergence. This is because the largest deviations for the stresses are in the region around the hole, where the
untrimmed version is optimally refined, as explained before.
The plot in Figure 31a shows the same behavior as the one presented in [8], but the geometry refinement is
different. In the present work, the parameter space is refined uniformly, whereas in [8], the geometry was refined
The results of the plots in Figure 31c and Figure 31d are similar to those published in [38]. The only distinction
is the different integration technique.
Similar plots obtained by using the B-Spline version of FCM have been published by Schillinger et al. [3]. In the
case of FCM, the parameter space coincides with the geometry space, which means J2 (see Figure 14) is constant.
Thus, for this example, the only difference between the B-Spline version of FCM and IBRA lies in how the integration
of the visible domain is performed. Hence, the IBRA results are similar to the ones published by Schillinger et al. [3].
With local refinement in the relevant regions, the convergence rate of the trimmed discretization could be increased
(see also [3]).
From this example, it can be concluded that the untrimmed discretizations better match the resolution requirement
of the problems mechanics than do the trimmed discretizations. The price to be paid for this ideal discretization is
greater modeling effort. Nevertheless, very accurate results can be achieved even with the trimmed NURBS surface.
20 20
10 10
0 0
-10 -10
π π 3π π π π 3π π
0 8 4 8 2 0 8 4 8 2
Angle θ Angle θ
(a) 4x4 elements (b) 8x8 elements
Trimmed Trimmed
30 30
Untrimmed Untrimmed
20 20
10 10
0 0
-10 -10
π π 3π π π π 3π π
0 8 4 8 2 0 8 4 8 2
Angle θ Angle θ
(c) 16x16 elements (d) 32x32 elements
Figure 29: Stress distribution of σθθ at hole boundary r = 1 for different refinements. Compared are results of untrimmed and trimmed discretiza-
1 1
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
(a) Basis functions of hole boundary for untrimmed discretization (b) Basis functions of hole boundary for trimmed discretization
shown in Figure 28c shown in Figure 28g
Figure 30: Comparison of the basis functions at the hole boundary for different discretizations
Independent of the initial geometric description, the results of the refined geometries should converge to the same
solution. Thus, the distortion of the geometric description must not influence the (converged) results, but only lead to
a difference in the convergence rate, which is shown in the following.
The example described in Figure 32 is solved for different geometric descriptions, where one set of descriptions
has a geometric distortion. This geometric distortion is shown in Figure 33, where the red curve (CP 2 - CP 8)
represents a parameter curve defined in the middle of the parameter space. It is used to illustrate the distortion of
the geometric description. By intention, the distortion is quite substantial, which allows for a demonstration of the
robustness of NEJA using NURBS surfaces to numerical errors in the J1 mapping.
The different geometric descriptions for this benchmark are shown in Figure 34, where the trimming was per-
formed with a tolerance of 10−8 units. The geometries in Figure 34 (a-d) are described by four untrimmed NURBS
surfaces, those in (e-h) are described by simple trimmed NURBS surfaces, and those in (i-l) are described by trimmed
NURBS surfaces with a distorted geometric description (see Figure 33).
The problem (see Figure 32) is solved for the geometric descriptions shown in Figure 34 and for some further
refinements following the same logic. For the NURBS-based KL shell element, a polynomial degree of p=q=3 is
used. In addition the problem is solved with classical finite elements by using quadrilateral-dominant meshes with
bi-linear RM elements. Note that it is not possible to solve this problem using only one untrimmed geometry because
the KL shell element requires C 1 continuity between elements. Therefore, bending strips have to be used [76].
Figure 35 shows the convergence of displacement in the z-direction at point A (see Figure 32) for the four different
types of discretizations. The displacement at point A converges for the KL theory to uz = −6.3499 and for the RM
theory to uz = −6.3748. This results in a difference of 0.0249, which corresponds to a 0.3% discrepancy; this can be
explained by the different mechanical models.
Moreover, the graph shows that the trimmed discretizations perform the best. Moreover, the IBRA solution with
high distortion of the geometric description converges very fast. In addition it can be seen that the untrimmed descrip-
tions with the bending strips converge from above, but to the correct solution. For the bending strip factor, a value of
5 is used, which corresponds to a penalty factor of 105 · E (Young’s modulus). According to Kiendl et al. [76], this is
in the optimal range.
For highlighting the good convergence behavior of IBRA, the convergence of the displacements at points A and E
(see Figure 32) of the simple trimmed IBRA geometries are investigated. The convergence graphs of the displacement
in z-direction for these two points are plotted in Figure 36 by using different polynomial degrees . The convergence
behavior of point E is shown for illustrating the very good point-wise convergence achieved at points on the boundaries
as well.
1 1
0.01 0.01 p=4
Error in L2 norm
Error in L2 norm
0.0001 0.0001
1e-006 1e-006
1e-008 p=3 1e-008
1e-010 1e-010
0.1 1 10 10 100 1000 10000
hmax Number of DOFs
(a) Error measured in L2 -Norm
versus largest element dimension (b) Error measured in L2 -Norm versus number of degrees of free-
found in untrimmed discretization (IGA) dom for IGA (untrimmed)
1 100
0.1 10 p=3
1 p=4
0.01 p=5
Error in L2 norm
Error in L2 norm
0.001 0.01
0.0001 0.001
1e-005 p=2
p=3 1e-005
1e-006 p=4
1e-007 1e-007
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
hmax Number of DOFs
(c) Error measured in L2 -Norm versus largest element dimension (d) Error measured in L2 -Norm versus number of degrees of free-
found in trimmed discretization (IBRA) dom for IBRA (trimmed)
Figure 31: Convergence of sum of L2 -Norm of each stress tensor component in Cartesian coordinates x,y and xy (see Eq. (62))
undeformed geometry
clamped f
E = 107 mN2
C B ν = 0.0
t = 0.1m
f = 10.0 m
L = 10.0m
y E
z R = 3.0m
y A
D x A
deformed geometry
L x
CP7 (0, 10) CP8 (5, 10) CP9 (10, 10)
D x A
CP1 (0, 0) CP2 (5, 0) CP3 (10, 0)
(a) Untrimmed geometry 1 (b) Untrimmed geometry 2 (c) Untrimmed geometry 3 (d) Untrimmed geometry 4
(e) Trimmed geometry 1 (f) Trimmed geometry 2 (g) Trimmed geometry 3 (h) Trimmed geometry 4
(i) Trimmed geometry with a dis- (j) Trimmed geometry with a dis- (k) Trimmed geometry with a (l) Trimmed geometry with a dis-
torted geometric description 1 torted geometric description 2 distorted geometric description 3 torted geometric description 4
-5.90 trimmed
trimmed distorted
bi-linear RM
101 102 103 104 105 106
Number of degrees of freedom
Figure 35: Displacement of point A in z-direction (see Figure 32) using different discretizations. For the NURBS-based discretizations a polyno-
mial degree of p=q=3 is used.
-6.40 -1.66
-6.20 -1.64
-6.00 -1.62
-5.80 -1.60
-5.60 -1.58
Figure 36: Convergence plots of displacement in z-direction for points A and E shown in Figure 32
100 100
p=2 p=2
10−1 p=3 10−1 p=3
Figure 37: Relative error of displacement in z-direction (see Eq. (63)) for points A and E shown in Figure 32
Figure 36 shows that the displacement in z-direction converges very quickly for both points. For better evaluation
of the convergence behavior, the two corresponding error plots are shown in Figure 37. As reference, an IBRA
solution with a polynomial degree of p=q=3 and 64x64 elements is used. The plots show the relative error, as defined
in Eq. (63). The polynomial degrees p=q=2 and p=q=3 yield optimal slope. However, for the polynomial degrees
p=q=4 and p=q=5, the convergence rate is not as good as it should be. This could be ascribed to the fact that the
solution is not compared to the exact one but only to a very accurate solution. Note that for this case, the relative error
is smaller than 10−8 .
A typical deformed geometry within IBRA is shown in Figure 38, where the result of the plate in bending exam-
ples using simple trimmed geometry is given. The points in the middle of the hole have no influence on the solution
and they are thus called inactive.
The conclusion of this example is that in contrast to the previous benchmark, the trimmed geometries perform
better and yet can be modeled with greater ease. It is shown that IBRA is very robust against distortions in the
geometric description owing to the use of a NEJA technique with NURBS surfaces. Moreover, the very good point-
wise convergence achieve at points on the boundaries as well, is shown.
inactive nodes
active nodes
Figure 38: Deformed geometry of example shown in Figure 32, including control point net and examples of active and inactive nodes resp. control
Figure 39: Description of benchmark example with untrimmed double curved shell. The radius R is used to split the integration domain into two
1.00e-002 1.00e-002
1.00e-004 1.00e-004
1.00e-006 1.00e-006
relative difference
relative difference
1.00e-008 1.00e-008
1.00e-010 1.00e-010
1.00e-012 1.00e-012
p=2 p=2
1.00e-014 p=3 1.00e-014 p=3
p=5 p=5
1.00e-016 1.00e-016
101 102 103 104 105 101 102 103 104 105
Number of degrees of freedom Number of degrees of freedom
(a) Relative difference of displacements in z-direction (see Eq. (b) Relative difference of displacement in z-direction (see Eq.
(65)) at point C using IGA with p+1 resp. p+2 integration rule (65)) of point C in Figure 39 using IGA with p+1 integration rule
resp. IBRA with two complementary trimmed domains
Figure 40: Relative difference in displacement along z-direction (see Eq. (65)) of point C (see Figure 39) by using different integration schemes
For the sake of comparison, Figure 40b shows the relative difference (see Eq. (65)) in displacement along the z-
direction at point C, as obtained using IGA and IBRA with two integration domains. For IGA, a standard integration
rule is used, whereas for IBRA, the NEJA technique with NURBS surfaces and the standard integration rule is used
(see Section 5.3). For the trimming curve, a polynomial degree of p=3 is used. In Figure 40b, it can be observed that
the difference with fewer DOFs is in the same range as the one shown in Figure 40a. For a high number of DOFs, the
relative difference is in the range of 10−15 (i.e., around machine precision).
The conclusion of this example is that the NEJA technique with NURBS surfaces, as it is used for IBRA, is very
accurate and, thus, well suited for integrating trimmed surfaces. In order to increase the efficiency of NEJA with
NURBS surfaces the number of quadrature points should be decreased, which requires further research (see also [77]
and [66]).
Figure 41: Benchmark example of a double curved trimmed shell with a circular hole - problem description
(a) Geometry used for IBRA (b) Typical finite element mesh used for the classical FEA
Figure 42: Comparison between an IBRA geometry and a finite element mesh used for solving the problem in Figure 41
Load factor
(a) Deformed IBRA geometry using one trimmed NURBS surface (b) Deformed IBRA geometry using two coupled trimmed
NURBS surfaces with different non-matching refinements
Figure 44: Examples of nonlinear IBRA solutions of problem described in Figure 41 resp. Figure 59
-3.00 -0.25
-2.50 -0.20
-2.00 -0.15
-1.50 -0.10
-1.00 -0.05
p=3 p=2
-0.50 0.00
p=5 p=3
Bilinear RM p=5
0.00 0.05
101 102 103 104 105 106 101 102 103 104 105
Number of degrees of freedom Number of degrees of freedom
(a) Displacement in z-direction of point C (b) Displacement in z-direction of point E
Figure 45: Displacement in z-direction of points C and E (see Figure 41) using trimming tolerance of 10−2 units
100 101
p=2 p=2
p=3 p=3
10−1 100
p=5 p=5
10−2 10−1
relative difference
relative difference
10−3 10−2
10−4 10−3
10−5 10−4
10−6 10−5
101 102 103 104 105 101 102 103 104 105
Number of degrees of freedom Number of degrees of freedom
(a) Relative difference in displacement of point C along z-direction (b) Relative difference in displacement of point E along z-direction
for different polynomial degrees for different polynomial degrees
Figure 46: Relative difference (see Eq. (64)) in displacement of points C and E along z-direction (see Figure 41) using trimming tolerance of 10−2
p=2 p=2
p=3 p=3
p=5 p=5
relative difference
relative difference
1.00e-005 1.00e-003
101 102 103 104 105 101 102 103 104 105
Number of degrees of freedom Number of degrees of freedom
(a) Relative difference for point C (b) Relative difference for point E
Figure 47: Relative difference (see Eq. (65)) in displacement of points C and E along z-direction in Figure 41 using trimming tolerance of 10−2
and 10−7 units
z, w
M E = 1.2 · 106
x, u h ν = 0, L = 12
b = 1, h = 0.1
L b Mmax = 2πEI/L = 50π/3
M = 0.35Mmax
End moment (x π50/3)
0.6 M = 0.7Mmax
0.4 M
exact ial m
0 5 10 15 20 M = Mmax
Tip deflections
To show the point-wise convergence of this benchmark example, the two points C and E (see Figure 41) are
investigated. Figure 45 shows the displacement in the z-direction at points C and E for different polynomial degrees.
For these plots, a trimming tolerance of 10−2 units is used. A comparison of the results obtained using different
trimming tolerances will be shown later.
Figure 45a additionally shows the convergence of classical FEA using quadrilateral-dominant meshes with bi-
linear and triangular RM elements. It can be seen that classical FEA needs approximately 2000 DOFs for yielding
an accurate solution, whereas with IBRA employing p=q=3 good results can be achieved with only 400 DOFs.
Nevertheless all solutions converge to almost the same result (see Figure 45). For the displacement along the z-
direction at point C, the IBRA results converge to −2.66029, whereas the FEA results converge to a slightly higher
value of −2.6973. Again, the discrepancy can be explained by use of different shell theories.
For demonstrating the good convergence behavior of IBRA, Figure 46 shows the relative difference between the
results of sequentially refined geometries (see Eq. (64)). For both plots the relative differences decrease steadily, which
means that the IBRA results for both points converge well. The relative difference for point C using a polynomial
degree of p=q=5 and 10000 DOFs is less than 10−5 , which underlines the good convergence properties of IBRA
with NEJA using NURBS surfaces. The relative difference at point E is almost the same. This shows that point-wise
convergence over the whole domain is achieved, even at points on the boundary curve.
In order to show the influence of trimming tolerance on the IBRA results, the example is also solved for various
geometries with two different trimming tolerances, namely 10−2 and 10−7 . Figure 47 shows the relative difference
(see Eq. (65)) between the results at points C and E by using two different trimming tolerances. For point C the
relative difference is less than 10−4 and for point E it is less than 2 · 10−2 . This clearly indicates that the influence of
the trimming tolerance, i.e., using a low resp. high trimming tolerance is negligible w.r.t. the IBRA result.
The conclusion of this example is that the analysis results are not sensitive to the trimming tolerance. It can be
stated that the trimming tolerance in CAD is definitively accurate enough for structural analysis. Note that the mesh
for classical FEA approximates the trimming curves in cases where the trimming error is already introduced. The
error coming from the mesh approximation is an additional source of inaccuracies. This latter source of error is not
introduced in an IBRA geometry. In addition, this example demonstrates the good point-wise convergence behavior
of IBRA, even for single points on the boundary.
Strong Dirichlet boundary condition Weak Dirichlet boundary condition
Single patch
1 1
12 12
Matching patches
1 1
2 10 2 10
Non-matching patches
1 1
2 10 2 10
Straight-trimmed patches
1 1
2 10 2 10
Curve-trimmed patches
1 1
2 10 2 10
1 1
2 10 2 10
- Not applicable - 1
Figure 49: Different geometry descriptions of problem in Figure 48. The points represent characteristic control points. For all multi-patch
geometries, a weak coupling boundary condition is used. Both types of Dirichlet boundary conditions, strong and weak, can be used.
Single patch Matching Non-matching Straight-trimmed Curve-trimmed Patches Arbitrarily-trimmed
patches patches patches patches with gap patches
Figure 50: IBRA solutions of problem in Figure 48 with M = Mmax using different geometry descriptions from Figure 49
10 10
p=2 p=2
1 p=3 p=3
p=5 p=5
0.001 0.01
1e-007 1e-005
10 100 1000 10 100 1000
Number of elements Number of elements
(a) Error of displacement in z-direction (middle of patch) for the (b) Error of displacement in z-direction (middle of patch) for the
geometry ”non-matching patches” in Figure 49 geometry ”straight-trimmed patches” in Figure 49
Figure 51: Error of displacement in z-direction (middle of tip) for the problem in Figure 48 by using different geometry descriptions with M = Mmax
0.8 elements=24 elements=24
elements=48 elements=48
elements=96 0.6 elements=96
0.6 elements=192 elements=192
0 0
10−4 10−2 100 102 104 106 10−4 10−2 100 102 104 106
Relative penalty factor αrel
rot Relative penalty factor αrel
(a) Displacement in z-direction (middle of tip) using polynomial (b) Displacement in z-direction (middle of tip) using polynomial
degree of p=q=2 for different elements degree of p=q=3 for different elements
Figure 52: Displacement in z-direction for solution of problem in Figure 48 using ”matching patches” geometry shown Figure 49 with M = Mmax
versus relative penalty factor for rotations. The displacement is strongly coupled for both investigations.
shown in Figure 49. Here, for all geometries, a polynomial degree of p=q=4 is used. The multi-patch geometries
use weakly enforced coupling boundary conditions (see Section 5.5) with a relative penalty factor of αrel = 100 at
common boundaries. The Dirichlet boundary conditions can be enforced strongly or weakly, where strong boundary
conditions are restricted to the patch boundaries (untrimmed surface). The geometry ”arbitrarily-trimmed patches”
demonstrates the necessity of weakly enforced boundary conditions along trimming curves. The acting moment is
also applied with isogeometric B-Rep elements referring to the rotation at the boundary.
The IBRA solutions corresponding to the different geometries are shown in Figure 50. All of them represent the
expected solution for a closed ring with M = Mmax .
For detailed investigation of the solution quality, two convergence plots are discussed in Figure 51. The two
plots show the displacement of the tip (point in the middle) in the z-direction for the ”non-matching” and ”straight-
trimmed” geometries (see Figure 49). It can be seen that both geometries have an absolute error of less than 10−4 in
displacement along the z-direction for equilibrium accuracy of 10−6 . Note that a small discrepancy is introduced by
using the penalty approach.
For discussing the influence of the penalty factor on the solution Figure 52 shows the z-displacement versus the
relative rotation penalty factor. Here, the displacements at the common boundary are coupled strongly to isolate the
effect of rotation coupling. It can be observed that a relative penalty factor larger than 10 gives good results regardless
of the polynomial degree.
For quantifying the error of rotation at the boundary, the relative difference between the angles at the common
edge versus the relative penalty factor is plotted in Figure 53. Here, again, the displacement coupling is enforced
strongly. It can be observed that by increasing the relative penalty factor, the error decreases uniformly, independent
of the polynomial degree. Thus, it can be stated that the higher the penalty factor, the smaller will the error be. Note
that a too high penalty factor could lead to numerical problems, see also [65].
For the considered problem, Figure 53 shows that for a relative penalty factor of 100, the difference in the angles
is less than 10−6 .
The same behavior can be observed for weak displacement coupling. Thus, a globally defined penalty factor of
100 is used in this publication because it can be considered sufficiently high for achieving good results and not too
high for avoiding numerical problems.
For practical applications, IBRA needs to deal with non-watertight models because almost all CAD models are
non-watertight as explained in Section 3.4.1. Figure 54 shows the solution of an extremely non-watertight model (see
”patches with gap” geometry in Figure 49) for the problem shown in Figure 48. For the proposed B-Rep element
Difference of the angles
10−4 10−2 100 102 104 106
Relative penalty factor αrel
Figure 53: Difference of angles (between common boundary) for solution of the problem in Figure 48 using ”matching patches” geometry (see
Figure 49). In this study, the displacement is strongly coupled.
Figure 54: IBRA solution of problem in Figure 48 using extremely non-watertight model (see ”patches with gap” geometry in Figure 49)
L = 1.37 + 10.63 + f
1.37 10.63
overlap gap Closest points
Closest points
overlap situation
Figure 55: Problem description for investigating non-watertight (gaps and overlaps) models used in the problem shown in Figure 48 with the
”curved-trimmed patch” geometry with additional gap description shown in Figure 49. The variable f expresses non-watertightness in the hori-
zontal direction. For the coupling formulation, the closest points are used. The master-slave relationship for the gap and overlap situation is shown
in detail.
formulation (see Section 5.5), the gaps are simply preserved, as can be seen in Figure 54. The displacements and
rotations at the master and slave boundaries are the same. Thus, the overlap in Figure 54 corresponds to the gap size
which at its turn is kept constant throughout the analysis. Note that such a non-watertight model is an extreme case
and that all analysis techniques (FEA, IGA, FCM, ...) need to interpret such (”dirty”) geometries (adding material,
preserving the gap,...).
Figure 55 investigates the influence of non-watertightness (see Section 3.4.1) on the analysis result. It shows
the ”curve-trimmed patches” geometry shown in Figure 49 with the gap-overlap variable f . The variable is used to
describe the size of the gap resp. overlap. A positive value expresses a gap, whereas a negative value indicates an
Figure 56 shows the influence of the gap-overlap function f on the difference in the displacement along the
z-direction, which is given by
Difference for z-displacement
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
f · 103
Figure 56: Influence of non-watertightness on analysis result of problem in Figure 48 with M = Mmax using ”curved-trimmed patch” geometry
with additional gap shown in Figure 49 with a gap/overlap of f compared with a gap/overlap of f = 0. The default CAD tolerance of 0.001 units
is represented by the light grey colored bar.
Figure 57: Evaluation of stress resultants at boundaries of two non-matching trimmed NURBS surfaces, here for moment m1 in longitudinal
direction. The stress resultants are represented by straight lines perpendicular to the deformed geometry. As expected, m1 is constant along the
Figure 58: IBRA for shell structures with kinks. The kink is preserved by the proposed B-Rep element formulation (see Section 5.5)
dead load fz on whole E = 107 mN2
L structure D
2 ν = 0.2
z t = 0.1m
A C fixed support fz = −100.0 mN2
x L = 10.0m
D C R1 = 3.0m
R2 A
α R2 = 5.0m
B R3 = 7.0m
R1 M α = 45◦
undeformed geometry
y slave C
x deformed geometry
Figure 59: Benchmark example of double-curved trimmed shell including weak coupling boundary conditions - problem description
The conclusion of this benchmark example is that IBRA is demonstrably very flexible from the viewpoint of the
geometric description of a problem, regardless of how ”stupid” the geometric description may look like. Of course,
a simple geometry description is generally better suited for analysis. Nevertheless, IBRA provides the framework
to handle complex geometries as well. In addition, it can be shown that IBRA can treat non-watertight models in a
robust manner.
7.8. Double Curved Shell with Circular Hole including Weak Coupling
The third benchmark example of the second part is used for testing the B-Rep element formulation (see Section
5.5) for a mechanically complex problem. The problem is exactly the same as that presented in Section 7.5, albeit
with a different geometry representation. Instead of using a single-patch geometry, two weakly coupled non-matching
patches are used (see Figure 59).
single p=5
-2.62 multi p=3
multi p=4
multi p=5
102 103 104 105
Number of degrees of freedom
Figure 60: Z-direction displacement for problem shown in Figure 59 using different polynomial degrees. For the coupled multi-patches, the
single-patch solution can be used as reference. Therefore, the figure contains the single-patch solution with p=q=5 from Figure 45a as well.
E = 2.1 · 105
load fz ν = 0.2
W fz = 10
L = 440
W = 240
H = 50
L fixed
Figure 61: Problem description of oil sump example. The dark grey region is loaded. The Dirichlet boundary conditions is applied to the edge with
the dashed curve.
For this example, the slave patch uses 2 more elements per direction than the master patch. The displacement
of point C in the z-direction is shown in Figure 60. It can clearly be seen that the multi-patch results converge to
the same solution as those for the single-patch (see Figure 45a). A comparison between the deformed single- and
multi-patch solutions is shown in Figure 44.
The conclusion of this example is that the proposed B-Rep element formulation works for complex nonlinear
(double curved) shell problems as well producing accurate results regardless of the discretization.
(a) FEA solution in Siemens NX 8.5
Section A-A
undeformed fixed
(b) IBRA solution in Rhinoceros 5 and section A-A with undeformed and scaled deformed geometries (see Figure 61)
Figure 62: Comparison of FEA and IBRA solutions of oil sump example described in Figure 61
The new Analysis in Computer Aided Design design-through-analysis workflow is presented. This scheme allows
for unification of the design and the analysis models. In addition, the new concept of isogeometric B-Rep analysis
(IBRA) is introduced as an extension of isogeometric analysis (IGA). It is shown that IBRA is a necessary and a
consequent generalization of IGA for efficient integration of design and analysis models. The IBRA concept provides
a finite-element-like framework for analyzing complex CAD models in a consistent manner (see Section 6).
IBRA is successfully applied to CAD models (NURBS-based B-Rep models), with the Nested Jacobian Approach
(NEJA) with NURBS surfaces being used for numerical integration of the trimmed NURBS surfaces. The new type of
elements called isogeometric B-Rep elements are used to enforce weak Dirichlet, Neumann, and coupling boundary
conditions. A corresponding element formulation is introduced. Appropriate solutions for local refinement and the
application of arbitrarily located loads within IBRA are presented as well.
The different benchmark examples clearly demonstrate the power of IBRA. IBRA is flexible for trimming toler-
ances, robust to parametric distortion, and can handle non-watertight models. These features have been demonstrated
by the benchmark examples, which cover a gamut of problems ranging from linear to nonlinear shell problems, dis-
cretized with trimmed and non-matching patches. The main features of the AiCAD workflow resp. IBRA are as
– usage of good analysis properties of NURBS basis functions, as demonstrated already by IGA
– unification of the design and analysis models because IBRA uses an uniform geometry representation for design
and analysis
- geometry transformations with associated possible drawbacks, e.g., loss of information are not necessary
(no meshing)
- accelerated design cycle
– the IBRA solution is provided as a CAD representation, which allows for high quality postprocessing (high
continuity, evaluation of stress at arbitrary points,...)
– current shortcomings of IGA with respect to a full design-through-analysis workflow, i.e., the creation of a
direct and complete analysis model from CAD, are now overcome in a general and consistent manner
A prototype of the AiCAD workflow was developed within the CAD programs Rhinoceros 4, 5
and Siemens NX
8.5 in combination with the in-house developed finite-element code CARAT++ and the interface software TEDA.
From the experience gained by developing the IBRA concept, we are convinced that it provides an analysis frame-
work that is general and robust enough for application to very large and complex industrial problems (see also Figure
61). Although the general concept has been established successfully, further research is necessary. Some interesting
fields are as follows:
– more efficient variants of the nested Jacobian approach (NEJA) for integrating the trimmed domain
– development of alternative B-Rep element formulations for shell coupling for example without a penalty factor
that must be chosen manually
– development of B-Rep element formulations for other applications (contact, optimization, FSI,...)
– development of efficient integration and displacement mapping techniques for IBRA solids
With the present concept and future developments in the mentioned fields of research, consistent integration of
design and analysis in industry would be closer to realization.
9. Acknowledgment
This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) as part of the SPP project ”Leicht
Bauen mit Beton”. The support is gratefully acknowledged.
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