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Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnet Grades

Summary Product List & Reference Guide

Basic Grades
Properties Br HcB HcJ (BH)max Temp. Coef. Tw
Grade** Typical Typical min min min min Typical Typical α(Br) α(HcJ) max
mT gauss kA/m oersted kA/m oersted kJ/m3 MGOe %/°C %/°C °C

N30 1105 11050 796 10000 955 12000 235 30 -0.12 -0.750 80
N33 1150 11500 836 10500 955 12000 259 33 -0.12 -0.750 80
N35 1210 12100 860 10800 955 12000 283 35 -0.12 -0.750 80
N38 1260 12600 860 10800 955 12000 306 38 -0.12 -0.750 80
N40 1285 12850 923 11600 955 12000 318 40 -0.12 -0.750 80
N42 1315 13150 860 10800 955 12000 334 42 -0.12 -0.750 80
N45 1350 13500 860 10800 955 12000 350 44 -0.12 -0.750 80
N48 1400 14000 836 10500 955 12000 374 47 -0.12 -0.750 80
N50 1425 14250 836 10500 955 12000 390 49 -0.12 -0.750 80
N52 1450 14500 836 10500 876 11000 406 51 -0.12 -0.750 60
N55 1490 14900 716 9000 876 11000 430 54 -0.12 -0.750 60

N33M 1175 11750 836 10500 1114 14000 267 34 -0.12 -0.675 100
N35M 1210 12100 868 10900 1114 14000 283 35 -0.12 -0.675 100
N38M 1260 12600 899 11300 1114 14000 307 39 -0.12 -0.675 100
N40M 1285 12850 923 11600 1114 14000 322 40 -0.12 -0.675 100
N42M 1315 13150 955 12000 1114 14000 338 42 -0.12 -0.675 100
N45M 1350 13500 971 12200 1114 14000 354 44 -0.12 -0.675 100
N48M 1395 13950 995 12500 1114 14000 378 48 -0.12 -0.675 100
N50M 1415 14150 1035 13000 1114 14000 390 49 -0.12 -0.675 100
N52M 1445 14450 995 12500 1035 13000 406 51 -0.12 -0.675 100

N30H 1105 11050 796 10000 1353 17000 235 30 -0.12 -0.605 120
N33H 1175 11750 836 10500 1353 17000 267 34 -0.12 -0.605 120
N35H 1210 12100 868 10900 1353 17000 283 35 -0.12 -0.605 120
N38H 1260 12600 899 11300 1353 17000 307 39 -0.12 -0.605 120
N40H 1285 12850 923 11600 1353 17000 322 40 -0.12 -0.605 120
N42H 1300 13000 955 12000 1353 17000 330 41 -0.12 -0.605 120
N45H 1350 13500 971 12200 1353 17000 354 44 -0.12 -0.605 120
N48H 1390 13900 1011 12700 1353 17000 378 48 -0.12 -0.605 120
N50H 1415 14150 1035 13000 1274 16000 390 49 -0.12 -0.605 120

N30SH 1125 11250 811 10200 1592 20000 243 31 -0.12 -0.535 150
N33SH 1175 11750 844 10600 1592 20000 267 34 -0.12 -0.535 150
N35SH 1210 12100 876 11000 1592 20000 283 35 -0.12 -0.535 150
N38SH 1260 12600 907 11400 1592 20000 307 39 -0.12 -0.535 150
N40SH 1285 12850 939 11800 1592 20000 322 40 -0.12 -0.535 150
N42SH 1310 13100 955 12000 1592 20000 330 41 -0.12 -0.535 150
N45SH 1350 13500 979 12300 1592 20000 354 44 -0.12 -0.535 150
N48SH 1390 13900 995 12500 1512 19000 374 47 -0.12 -0.535 150

N28UH 1075 10750 764 9600 1990 25000 227 29 -0.12 -0.465 180
N30UH 1125 11250 812 10200 1990 25000 243 31 -0.12 -0.465 180
N33UH 1175 11750 852 10700 1990 25000 267 34 -0.12 -0.465 180

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Properties Br HcB HcJ (BH)max Temp. Coef. Tw
Grade** Typical Typical min min min min Typical Typical α(Br) α(HcJ) max
mT gauss kA/m oersted kA/m oersted kJ/m3 MGOe %/°C %/°C °C
N35UH 1210 12100 860 10800 1990 25000 283 35 -0.12 -0.465 180
N38UH 1260 12600 876 11000 1990 25000 307 39 -0.12 -0.465 180
N40UH 1285 12850 915 11500 1990 25000 318 40 -0.12 -0.465 180
N42UH 1310 13100 955 12000 1990 25000 330 41 -0.12 -0.465 180
N45UH 1350 13500 995 12500 1910 24000 358 45 -0.12 -0.465 180

N28EH 1085 10850 780 9800 2388 30000 227 29 -0.12 -0.420 200
N30EH 1125 11250 812 10200 2388 30000 243 31 -0.12 -0.420 200
N33EH 1165 11650 820 10300 2388 30000 267 34 -0.12 -0.420 200
N35EH 1200 12000 836 10500 2388 30000 279 35 -0.12 -0.420 200
N38EH 1235 12350 899 11300 2388 30000 303 38 -0.12 -0.420 200
N40EH 1270 12700 915 11500 2388 30000 314 39 -0.12 -0.420 200
N42EH 1310 13100 971 12200 2308 29000 326 41 -0.12 -0.420 200

N28AH 1075 10750 780 9800 2706 34000 223 28 -0.12 -0.393 220
N30AH 1120 11200 812 10200 2706 34000 239 30 -0.12 -0.393 220
N33AH 1140 11400 812 10200 2706 34000 231 29 -0.12 -0.393 220
N35AH 1195 11950 883 11100 2706 34000 275 35 -0.12 -0.393 220
N38AH 1240 12400 923 11600 2626 33000 299 38 -0.12 -0.393 220

Enhanced Flux Grades

N35X 1210 12100 860 10800 955 12000 283 35 -0.11 -0.750 80
N35MX 1210 12100 868 10900 1114 14000 283 35 -0.11 -0.675 100
N45MX 1350 13500 971 12200 1114 14000 354 44 -0.11 -0.675 100
N38HX 1260 12600 899 11300 1353 17000 307 39 -0.11 -0.605 120
N40HX 1285 12850 923 11600 1353 17000 322 40 -0.11 -0.605 120
N45HX 1350 13500 971 12200 1353 17000 354 44 -0.11 -0.605 120
N33SHX 1175 11750 844 10600 1592 20000 267 34 -0.11 -0.535 150
N35SHX 1210 12100 876 11000 1592 20000 283 35 -0.11 -0.535 150
N38SHX 1260 12600 907 11400 1592 20000 307 39 -0.11 -0.535 150
N42SHX 1310 13100 955 12000 1592 20000 330 41 -0.11 -0.535 150

N30SHZ 1125 11250 804 10100 1592 20000 243 31 -0.10 -0.535 150
N33SHZ 1175 11750 844 10600 1592 20000 267 34 -0.10 -0.535 150
N35SHZ 1210 12100 876 11000 1592 20000 283 35 -0.10 -0.535 150
N38SHZ 1260 12600 907 11400 1592 20000 307 39 -0.10 -0.535 150
N45SHZ 1350 13500 979 12300 1592 20000 354 44 -0.10 -0.535 150

N30UHZ 1125 11250 812 10200 1990 25000 243 31 -0.10 -0.465 180
N33UHZ 1175 11750 852 10700 1990 25000 267 34 -0.10 -0.465 180
N38UHZ 1260 12600 876 11000 1990 25000 307 39 -0.10 -0.465 180
N40UHZ 1285 12850 915 11500 1990 25000 318 40 -0.10 -0.465 180

N30EHZ 1125 11250 812 10200 2388 30000 243 31 -0.10 -0.420 200
N38EHZ 1235 12350 899 11300 2388 30000 303 38 -0.10 -0.420 200

N30AHZ 1120 11200 812 10200 2706 34000 239 30 -0.10 -0.393 220

** Please check with the factory for availability of grades ending in "X" or "Z".

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.750
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 10,800 11,050 11,300 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1080 1105 1130 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,000 10,400 10,800 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 796 828 859 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 12,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 955 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 28 30 31 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 223 235 247 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 80 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N30 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6


4 0.4
0.1 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

Rev. 151021a 770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.750
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 11,300 11,500 11,700 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1130 1150 1170 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,500 10,850 11,200 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 836 863 891 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 12,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 955 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 31 33 34 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 247 259 271 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 80 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N33 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2

20°C 11

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

60°C 7

Polarization, J
6 0.6
4 0.4
0.1 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

Rev. 151021a 770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.750
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 11,700 12,100 12,500 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1170 1210 1250 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,800 11,400 12,000 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 860 907 955 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 12,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 955 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 33 36 38 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 263 283 302 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 80 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N35 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4

12 1.2

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
80°C 6 0.6

4 0.4

0.1 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

Rev. 151021a 770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.750
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,200 12,600 13,000 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1220 1260 1300 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,800 11,600 12,400 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 860 923 987 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 12,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 955 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 36 39 41 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 286 306 326 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 80 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N38 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4

-40°C 13

20°C 12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
80°C 6 0.6

100°C 5

120°C 4 0.4

0.1 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

Rev. 151021a 770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.750
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,500 12,850 13,200 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1250 1285 1320 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 11,600 12,100 12,600 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 923 963 1003 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 12,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 955 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 38 40 42 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 302 318 334 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 80 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N40 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6

100°C 5

120°C 4 0.4

0.1 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

Rev. 151021a 770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.750
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,800 13,150 13,500 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1280 1315 1350 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,800 11,850 12,900 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 860 943 1027 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 12,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 955 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 40 42 44 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 318 334 350 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 80 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N42 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4
12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

60°C 8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6

100°C 5

120°C 4 0.4

0.1 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

Rev. 151021a 770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.750
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 13,200 13,500 13,800 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1320 1350 1380 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,800 12,000 13,200 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 860 955 1050 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 12,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 955 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 42 44 46 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 334 350 366 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 80 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N45 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

-40°C 14 1.4

20°C 13

12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6


4 0.4

0.1 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

Rev. 151021a 770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.750
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 13,700 14,000 14,300 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1370 1400 1430 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,500 12,100 13,700 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 836 963 1090 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 12,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 955 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 45 47 49 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 358 374 390 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 80 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N48 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5
14 1.4

12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9
8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6
4 0.4

0.1 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

Rev. 151021a 770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.750
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 13,900 14,250 14,600 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1390 1425 1460 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,500 12,250 14,000 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 836 975 1114 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 12,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 955 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 47 49 51 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 374 390 406 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 80 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N50 0.75 1
1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4

12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

80°C 7

Polarization, J
6 0.6
4 0.4

0.1 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

Rev. 151021a 770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.750
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 14,200 14,500 14,800 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1420 1450 1480 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,500 12,300 14,100 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 836 979 1122 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 11,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 876 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 49 51 53 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 390 406 422 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 60 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N52 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

20°C 14 1.4


12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

80°C 7

Polarization, J
6 0.6
4 0.4

0.1 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

Rev. 151021a 770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.750
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 14,600 14,900 15,200 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1460 1490 1520 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 9,000 11,750 14,500 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 716 935 1154 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 11,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 876 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 52 54 56 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 414 430 446 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 60 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N55 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 60°C 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6


4 0.4

0.1 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

Rev. 151021a 770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.675
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 11,300 11,750 12,200 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1130 1175 1220 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,500 11,100 11,700 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 836 883 931 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 14,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,114 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 31 34 36 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 247 267 287 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 100 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N33M 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


-40°C 12 1.2

20°C 11

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

60°C 7

Polarization, J
6 0.6
4 0.4
0.1 3
2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.675
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 11,700 12,100 12,500 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1170 1210 1250 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,900 11,450 12,000 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 868 911 955 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 14,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,114 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 33 36 38 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 263 283 302 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 100 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N35M 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4

12 1.2

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6

4 0.4

0.1 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.675
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,200 12,600 13,000 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1220 1260 1300 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 11,300 11,850 12,400 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 899 943 987 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 14,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,114 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 36 39 41 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 287 307 326 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 100 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N38M 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4

-40°C 13

20°C 12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
80°C 6 0.6


120°C 4 0.4

0.1 150°C 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.675
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,500 12,850 13,200 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1250 1285 1320 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 11,600 12,100 12,600 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 923 963 1003 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 14,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,114 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 38 41 43 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 302 322 342 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 100 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N40M 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4

-40°C 13

20°C 12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
6 0.6

100°C 5

120°C 4 0.4

0.1 150°C 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.675
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,800 13,150 13,500 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1280 1315 1350 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 12,000 12,450 12,900 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 955 991 1027 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 14,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,114 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 40 43 45 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 318 338 358 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 100 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N42M 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4
12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

60°C 8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6

100°C 5

120°C 4 0.4

0.1 150°C 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.675
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 13,200 13,500 13,800 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1320 1350 1380 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 12,200 12,700 13,200 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 971 1011 1050 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 14,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,114 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 42 45 47 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 334 354 374 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 100 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N45M 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

-40°C 14 1.4


12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

60°C 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6

100°C 5

4 0.4

0.1 150°C 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.675
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 13,600 13,950 14,300 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1360 1395 1430 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 12,500 13,100 13,700 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 995 1042 1090 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 14,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,114 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 45 48 50 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 358 378 398 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 100 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N48M 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9
8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6

4 0.4

0.1 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.675
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 13,900 14,150 14,400 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1390 1415 1440 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 13,000 13,400 13,800 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 1035 1066 1098 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 14,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,114 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 47 49 51 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 374 390 406 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 100 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N50M 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5
14 1.4

12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9
8 0.8

80°C 7

Polarization, J
6 0.6
4 0.4

0.1 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.675
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 14,200 14,450 14,700 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1420 1445 1470 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 12,500 13,250 14,000 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 995 1054 1114 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 13,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,035 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 49 51 53 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 390 406 422 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 100 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N52M 0.75 1
1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

80°C 7

Polarization, J
6 0.6
4 0.4

0.1 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.605
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 10,800 11,050 11,300 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1080 1105 1130 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,000 10,400 10,800 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 796 828 859 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 17,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,353 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 28 30 31 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 223 235 247 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 120 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N30H 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2

-40°C 11


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6


100°C 4 0.4
0.1 3
2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.605
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 11,300 11,750 12,200 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1130 1175 1220 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,500 11,100 11,700 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 836 883 931 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 17,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,353 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 31 34 36 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 247 267 287 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 120 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N33H 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


-40°C 12 1.2

20°C 11

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

60°C 7

Polarization, J
6 0.6
4 0.4
0.1 3
2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.605
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 11,700 12,100 12,500 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1170 1210 1250 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,900 11,450 12,000 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 868 911 955 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 17,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,353 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 33 36 38 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 263 283 302 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 120 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N35H 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6
4 0.4
0.1 3
2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.605
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,200 12,600 13,000 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1220 1260 1300 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 11,300 11,850 12,400 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 899 943 987 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 17,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,353 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 36 39 41 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 287 307 326 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 120 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N38H 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
80°C 6 0.6


120°C 4 0.4

150°C 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.605
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,500 12,850 13,200 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1250 1285 1320 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 11,600 12,100 12,600 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 923 963 1003 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 17,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,353 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 38 41 43 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 302 322 342 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 120 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N40H 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4

-40°C 13

20°C 12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
80°C 6 0.6


120°C 4 0.4

0.1 150°C 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.605
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,800 13,000 13,200 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1280 1300 1320 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 12,000 12,300 12,600 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 955 979 1003 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 17,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,353 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 40 42 43 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 318 330 342 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 120 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N42H 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
6 0.6

100°C 5

120°C 4 0.4

0.1 150°C 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.605
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 13,200 13,500 13,800 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1320 1350 1380 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 12,200 12,700 13,200 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 971 1011 1050 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 17,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,353 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 42 45 47 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 334 354 374 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 120 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N45H 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4

12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

60°C 8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6

100°C 5

120°C 4 0.4

0.1 150°C 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.605
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 13,600 13,900 14,200 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1360 1390 1420 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 12,700 13,150 13,600 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 1011 1046 1082 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 17,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,353 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 45 48 50 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 358 378 398 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 120 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N48H 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4

20°C 13

12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9
8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6


4 0.4

150°C 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.605
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 13,900 14,150 14,400 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1390 1415 1440 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 13,000 13,400 13,800 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 1035 1066 1098 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 16,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,274 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 47 49 51 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 374 390 406 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 120 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N50H 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5
14 1.4

12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9
8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6
4 0.4

0.1 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.535
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 10,800 11,250 11,700 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1080 1125 1170 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,200 10,700 11,200 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 811 852 891 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 20,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,592 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 28 31 33 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 223 243 263 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 150 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N30SH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6


100°C 4 0.4

0.1 3
2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.535
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 11,300 11,750 12,200 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1130 1175 1220 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,600 11,150 11,700 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 844 887 931 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 20,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,592 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 31 34 36 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 247 267 287 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 150 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N33SH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2

20°C 11

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

60°C 7

Polarization, J
6 0.6

4 0.4
0.1 3
180°C 2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.535
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 11,700 12,100 12,500 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1170 1210 1250 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 11,000 11,500 12,000 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 876 915 955 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 20,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,592 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 33 36 38 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 263 283 302 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 150 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N35SH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


-40°C 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

60°C 7

Polarization, J
6 0.6
4 0.4
0.1 3
180°C 2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.535
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,200 12,600 13,000 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1220 1260 1300 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 11,400 11,900 12,400 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 907 947 987 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 20,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,592 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 36 39 41 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 287 307 326 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 150 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N38SH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
80°C 6 0.6

4 0.4

0.1 3

180°C 2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.535
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,500 12,850 13,200 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1250 1285 1320 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 11,800 12,200 12,600 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 939 971 1003 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 20,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,592 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 38 41 43 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 302 322 342 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 150 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N40SH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4

-40°C 13

20°C 12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
80°C 6 0.6


120°C 4 0.4

150°C 3

180°C 2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.535
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,800 13,100 13,400 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1280 1310 1340 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 12,000 12,400 12,800 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 955 987 1019 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 20,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,592 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 39 42 44 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 310 330 350 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 150 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N42SH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


20°C 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
80°C 6 0.6

100°C 5

120°C 4 0.4

0.1 150°C 3

180°C 2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.535
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 13,200 13,500 13,800 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1320 1350 1380 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 12,300 12,750 13,200 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 979 1015 1050 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 20,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,592 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 43 45 46 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 342 354 366 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 150 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N45SH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4
12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

60°C 8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6

100°C 5

120°C 4 0.4

0.1 150°C 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.535
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 13,600 13,900 14,200 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1360 1390 1420 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 12,500 13,050 13,600 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 995 1039 1082 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 19,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,512 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 45 47 49 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 358 374 390 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 150 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N48SH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

-40°C 14 1.4

20°C 13

12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6


4 0.4

150°C 3
2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.465
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 10,200 10,750 11,300 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1020 1075 1130 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 9,600 10,200 10,800 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 764 812 859 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 25,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,990 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 26 29 31 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 207 227 247 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 180 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N28UH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0
0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
60°C 6 0.6


4 0.4

0.1 120°C 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.465
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 10,800 11,250 11,700 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1080 1125 1170 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,200 10,700 11,200 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 812 852 891 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 25,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,990 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 28 31 33 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 223 243 263 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 180 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N30UH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2

-40°C 11


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6

80°C 5

100°C 4 0.4

0.1 3
2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.465
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 11,300 11,750 12,200 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1130 1175 1220 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,700 11,200 11,700 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 852 891 931 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 25,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,990 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 31 34 36 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 247 267 287 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 180 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N33UH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6


100°C 4 0.4
0.1 3
2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.465
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 11,700 12,100 12,500 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1170 1210 1250 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,800 11,400 12,000 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 860 907 955 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 25,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,990 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 33 36 38 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 263 283 302 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 180 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N35UH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


-40°C 12 1.2

20°C 11

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

60°C 7

Polarization, J
6 0.6

4 0.4
0.1 3
180°C 2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.465
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,200 12,600 13,000 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1220 1260 1300 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 11,000 11,700 12,400 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 876 931 987 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 25,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,990 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 36 39 41 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 287 307 326 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 180 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N38UH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4

12 1.2

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6

4 0.4
0.1 3
180°C 2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.465
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,500 12,850 13,200 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1250 1285 1320 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 11,500 12,050 12,600 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 915 959 1003 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 25,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,990 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 38 40 42 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 302 318 334 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 180 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N40UH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4

-40°C 13

12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
80°C 6 0.6

4 0.4

0.1 3
180°C 2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.465
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,700 13,100 13,500 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1270 1310 1350 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 12,000 12,450 12,900 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 955 991 1027 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 25,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,990 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 39 42 44 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 310 330 350 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 180 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N42UH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4

-40°C 13

20°C 12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
80°C 6 0.6

4 0.4

0.1 3
180°C 2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.465
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 13,200 13,500 13,800 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1320 1350 1380 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 12,500 12,850 13,200 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 995 1023 1050 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 24,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,910 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 43 45 47 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 342 358 374 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 180 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N45UH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4
12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
6 0.6

100°C 5

120°C 4 0.4

0.1 150°C 3

180°C 2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.420
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 10,400 10,850 11,300 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1040 1085 1130 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 9,800 10,300 10,800 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 780 820 859 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 30,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 2,388 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 26 29 31 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 207 227 247 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 200 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N28EH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0
0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
60°C 6 0.6

4 0.4
0.1 120°C 3

150°C 2 0.2
180°C 200°C
220°C 1

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.420
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 10,800 11,250 11,700 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1080 1125 1170 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,200 10,700 11,200 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 812 852 891 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 30,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 2,388 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 28 31 33 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 223 243 263 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 200 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N30EH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2

-40°C 11


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6

80°C 5

4 0.4

0.1 120°C 3

2 0.2
180°C 200°C

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.420
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 11,300 11,650 12,000 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1130 1165 1200 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,300 10,900 11,500 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 820 867 915 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 30,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 2,388 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 31 34 36 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 247 267 287 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 200 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N33EH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6

80°C 5

100°C 4 0.4

0.1 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.420
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 11,700 12,000 12,300 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1170 1200 1230 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,500 11,150 11,800 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 836 887 939 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 30,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 2,388 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 33 35 37 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 263 279 295 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 200 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N35EH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6


100°C 4 0.4

0.1 3
2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.420
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,000 12,350 12,800 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1200 1235 1280 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 11,300 11,750 12,200 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 899 935 971 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 30,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 2,388 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 36 38 40 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 287 303 318 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 200 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N38EH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


-40°C 1.2

20°C 11

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

60°C 7

Polarization, J
6 0.6

4 0.4
0.1 3
2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.420
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,500 12,700 12,900 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1250 1270 1290 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 11,500 11,900 12,300 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 915 947 979 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 30,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 2,388 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 38 40 41 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 302 314 326 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 200 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N40EH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4

12 1.2

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

60°C 7

Polarization, J
6 0.6
4 0.4
0.1 3
180°C 2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.420
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,800 13,100 13,400 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1280 1310 1340 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 12,200 12,500 12,800 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 971 995 1019 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 29,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 2,308 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 39 41 43 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 310 326 342 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 200 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N42EH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4

-40°C 13

20°C 12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
80°C 6 0.6

4 0.4
0.1 3
180°C 2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.393
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 10,200 10,750 11,300 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1020 1075 1130 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 9,800 10,300 10,800 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 780 820 859 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 34,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 2,706 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 25 28 31 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 199 223 247 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 220 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N28AH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
6 0.6

4 0.4
0.1 3

150°C 2 0.2
180°C 200°C 220°C 1

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.393
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 10,700 11,200 11,700 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1070 1120 1170 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,200 10,700 11,200 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 812 852 891 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 34,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 2,706 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 27 30 33 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 215 239 263 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 220 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N30AH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2

-40°C 11

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
60°C 6 0.6

4 0.4
0.1 120°C 3

150°C 2 0.2
180°C 200°C
220°C 1

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.375
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 11,100 11,400 11,700 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1110 1140 1170 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,200 10,700 11,200 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 812 852 891 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 34,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 2,706 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 27 29 31 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 215 231 247 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 220 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N33AH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2

-40°C 11

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
6 0.6


4 0.4
0.1 120°C 3

150°C 2 0.2
180°C 200°C
220°C 1

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.375
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 11,700 11,950 12,200 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1170 1195 1220 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 11,100 11,400 11,700 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 883 907 931 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 34,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 2,706 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 33 35 36 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 263 275 287 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 220 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N35AH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
6 0.6

80°C 5

100°C 4 0.4

0.1 120°C 3

2 0.2
220°C 1

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.375
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,200 12,400 12,600 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1220 1240 1260 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 11,600 11,800 12,000 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 923 939 955 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 33,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 2,626 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 36 38 39 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 287 299 310 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 220 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N38AH 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6


100°C 4 0.4

0.1 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.110
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.750
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 11,700 12,100 12,500 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1170 1210 1250 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,800 11,400 12,000 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 330

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 860 907 955 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 12,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 955 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 33 36 38 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 263 283 302 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 80 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N35X 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4

12 1.2

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
80°C 6 0.6


120°C 4 0.4

0.1 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

Rev. 151021a 770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.110
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.675
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 11,700 12,100 12,500 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1170 1210 1250 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,900 11,450 12,000 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 330

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 868 911 955 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 14,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,114 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 33 36 38 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 263 283 302 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 100 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N35MX 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
80°C 6 0.6

4 0.4

0.1 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.110
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.675
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 13,200 13,500 13,800 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1320 1350 1380 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 12,200 12,700 13,200 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 330

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 971 1011 1050 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 14,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,114 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 42 45 47 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 334 354 374 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 100 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N45MX 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

60°C 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6


4 0.4

150°C 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.110
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.605
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,200 12,600 13,000 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1220 1260 1300 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 11,300 11,850 12,400 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 330

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 899 943 987 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 17,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,353 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 36 39 41 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 287 307 326 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 120 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N38HX 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
80°C 6 0.6


120°C 4 0.4

0.1 150°C 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.110
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.605
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,500 12,850 13,200 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1250 1285 1320 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 11,600 12,100 12,600 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 330

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 923 963 1003 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 17,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,353 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 38 41 43 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 302 322 342 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 120 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N40HX 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4

-40°C 13

20°C 12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
80°C 6 0.6

100°C 5

120°C 4 0.4

0.1 150°C 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.110
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.605
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 13,200 13,500 13,800 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1320 1350 1380 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 12,200 12,700 13,200 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 330

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 971 1011 1050 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 17,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,353 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 42 45 47 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 334 354 374 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 120 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N45HX 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4
12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

60°C 8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6

100°C 5

4 0.4

0.1 150°C 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.110
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.535
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 11,300 11,750 12,200 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1130 1175 1220 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,600 11,150 11,700 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 330

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 844 887 931 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 20,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,592 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 31 34 36 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 247 267 287 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 150 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N33SHX 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2

20°C 11

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

60°C 7

Polarization, J
6 0.6
4 0.4
0.1 3
180°C 2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.110
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.535
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 11,700 12,100 12,500 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1170 1210 1250 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 11,000 11,500 12,000 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 330

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 876 915 955 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 20,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,592 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 33 36 38 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 263 283 302 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 150 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N35SHX 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


-40°C 12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

60°C 7

Polarization, J
6 0.6
4 0.4
0.1 3
180°C 2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.110
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.535
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,200 12,600 13,000 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1220 1260 1300 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 11,400 11,900 12,400 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 330

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 907 947 987 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 20,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,592 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 36 39 41 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 287 307 326 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 150 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N38SHX 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4

12 1.2

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
80°C 6 0.6

4 0.4

150°C 3

180°C 2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.110
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.535
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,800 13,100 13,400 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1280 1310 1340 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 12,000 12,400 12,800 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 330

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 955 987 1019 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 20,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,592 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 39 42 44 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 310 330 350 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 150 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N42SHX 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4

-40°C 13

20°C 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
6 0.6

100°C 5

120°C 4 0.4

0.1 150°C 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.100
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.535
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 10,800 11,250 11,700 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1080 1125 1170 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,100 10,650 11,200 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 350

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 804 848 891 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 20,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,592 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 28 31 33 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 223 243 263 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 150 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N30SHZ 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2

-40°C 11

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6


100°C 0.4
0.1 3
180°C 2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.100
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.535
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 11,300 11,750 12,200 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1130 1175 1220 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,600 11,150 11,700 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 350

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 844 887 931 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 20,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,592 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 31 34 36 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 247 267 287 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 150 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N33SHZ 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2

20°C 11

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

60°C 7

Polarization, J
6 0.6
4 0.4
0.1 3
180°C 2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.100
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.535
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 11,700 12,100 12,500 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1170 1210 1250 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 11,000 11,500 12,000 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 350

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 876 915 955 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 20,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,592 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 33 36 38 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 263 283 302 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 150 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N35SHZ 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


-40°C 12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

60°C 7

Polarization, J
6 0.6
4 0.4

0.1 3
180°C 2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.100
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.535
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,200 12,600 13,000 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1220 1260 1300 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 11,400 11,900 12,400 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 350

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 907 947 987 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 20,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,592 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 36 39 41 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 287 307 326 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 150 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N38SHZ 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4

12 1.2

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
80°C 6 0.6


120°C 4 0.4

0.1 150°C 3

180°C 2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.100
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.535
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 13,200 13,500 13,800 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1320 1350 1380 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 12,300 12,750 13,200 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 350

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 979 1015 1050 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 20,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,592 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 43 45 46 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 342 354 366 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 150 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N45SHZ 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4
12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

60°C 8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6

100°C 5

4 0.4

0.1 150°C 3
2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.100
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.465
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 10,800 11,250 11,700 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1080 1125 1170 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,200 10,700 11,200 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 350

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 812 852 891 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 25,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,990 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 28 31 33 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 223 243 263 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 180 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N30UHZ 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2

-40°C 11


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6

80°C 5

100°C 4 0.4

0.1 3
2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.100
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.465
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 11,300 11,750 12,200 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1130 1175 1220 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,700 11,200 11,700 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 350

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 852 891 931 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 25,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,990 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 31 34 36 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 247 267 287 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 180 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N33UHZ 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6

4 0.4
0.1 3
180°C 2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.100
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.465
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,200 12,600 13,000 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1220 1260 1300 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 11,000 11,700 12,400 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 350

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 876 931 987 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 25,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,990 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 36 39 41 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 287 307 326 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 180 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N38UHZ 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4

12 1.2

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6

4 0.4

0.1 3
180°C 2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.100
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.465
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,500 12,850 13,200 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1250 1285 1320 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 11,500 12,050 12,600 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 350

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 915 959 1003 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 25,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 1,990 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 38 40 42 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 302 318 334 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 180 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N40UHZ 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4

12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
80°C 6 0.6


120°C 4 0.4

150°C 3

180°C 2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.100
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.420
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 10,800 11,250 11,700 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1080 1125 1170 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,200 10,700 11,200 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 350

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 812 852 891 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 30,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 2,388 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 28 31 33 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 223 243 263 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 200 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N30EHZ 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2

-40°C 11


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8


Polarization, J
6 0.6

80°C 5

100°C 4 0.4

0.1 3

2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.100
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.420
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,000 12,350 12,800 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1200 1235 1280 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 11,300 11,750 12,200 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 350

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 899 935 971 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 30,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 2,388 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 36 38 40 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 287 303 318 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 200 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N38EHZ 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


-40°C 12 1.2

20°C 11

Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

60°C 7

Polarization, J
6 0.6
4 0.4
0.1 3
180°C 2 0.2

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets

These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a

combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact Arnold Characteristic Units C // C
for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating.
Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1)
Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided.

Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.100
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.393
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 10,700 11,200 11,700 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1070 1120 1170 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties

Oersteds 10,200 10,700 11,200 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 350

HcB, Coercivity
kA/m 812 852 891 psi 41,300
Flexural Strength

Oersteds 34,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity

kA/m 2,706 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 27 30 33 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 215 239 263 Electrical Resistivity,   • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 220 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC

kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Material: N30AHZ 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5

14 1.4


12 1.2


Flux Density, B
10 1.0

0.3 9

8 0.8

Polarization, J
60°C 6 0.6


4 0.4

0.1 120°C 3

2 0.2
180°C 200°C

0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m

Notes The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.

© Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp.

770 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625 E-mail: [email protected]
Rev. 151021a Ph: (+1) 585-385-9010
770 Linden Ave. • Rochester, NY 14625-2764 USA
Tel: 800-593-9127 • (+1) 585-385-9010 • Fax: (+1) 585-385-5625
Email: [email protected]

©2015 Arnold Magnetic Technologies

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