5" Semester
\) CE 14 801: Structural Design I
Teaching Scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and | hour tutorial per week
+ To provide the students with the knowledge of the behaviour of reinforced concrete structural
elements in flecure, shear, compression, tension and torsion, and to enable them to design
such elements under various loads.
Moduke I (13 Hours)
Material strength and properties — stress- strain characteristics of concrete and steel - grades of
concrete and steel, fatigue effects. Types of loads and load combinations. Factor of Safety. Evolution
of different design philosophies on design of RCC sections.
Working Stress Method of design of RCC beam sections - principles, assumptions - strength and
working stress- durability and fire resistance — IS codal provisions. Moment of resistance of singly
and doubly reinforced rectangular and flanged beam sections - deflection criterion for flexural
Moduke If (13 Hours)
Limit State Method of design of RCC beam sections - principles and assumptions - characteristic
strength and characteristic loads - partial safety factors — limit states-comparison with Working Stress
Method, advantages - moment of resistance of singly and doubly reinforced rectangular and flanged
beam sections- design of singly and doubly reinforced rectangular and flanged beam sections
subjected to flexure, shear and torsion using Limit State Method ~ flexural and anchorage bonds,
development length,
‘Module Ill (13 Hours)
Design and detailing of simply supported, cantilever and continuous RCC beams- IS Code
coefficients for continuous beams - design and devsiling of one way simply supported and continuous
RC slabs - design and detailing of two way RCC sb with various support conditions using IS Code
Module IV (13 Hours)
Design of stars - general principles - design and detailing of various types of stairs - stars with waist
slab, stringer beam stairs, and stairs with cantilever steps - dog legged and folded plate stairs. Design.
and detailing of RC columns by Working Stress Method - general principles - axially loaded short and
long columns — helically reinforced columns design and detailing of RC tension members by
Working Stress Method.
Text Books
1, Pillai S. U. and Menon D., Reinforced Concrete Design, Tata McGraw Hill
2, Sinha S. N., Reinforced Concrete Design, Tata McGraw Hill
3, Varghese P. C., Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, Prentice Hall of India
4, Punmia B. C., Jain A. K, and Jain A. K., Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete,
Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., 1st Edition, 2007.
University of Calicut Sy labus - B.Tech — Civil Engineering - 20143
Reference Books
1. Park and Paulay, Reinforced Concrete
2. Mallick S. K. and Gupta A.
3. Jain A. K., Reinforced Concrete- Li
4, Jain end Jaikrishna, Plain and Reinforced Concrete Vol 1, Nemohand
5. Sinha N.C. and Roy S. K., Fundamental of Reinforced Concrete, S. Chand and Company
., Reinforced Concrete, Oxford and IBH.
it State Design, Standard Book House,
6. Purushothaman, Behaviour, Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Elements, Tata
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50)
60% - Tests (minimum 2)
15% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, quiz, seminar, software
exercises, et.
1% _assignment/ term project to familiarise the SP: 34code
10% - Regularity in the class
University Examination Pattern
PART A: Analyticaljproblem solving SHORT questions
Candidates have to answer EIGHT questions out of
TEN. There shall be minimum of TWO and maximum
of THREE questions from each moduke with total TEN
|PARTB; Anaiptical/Problem solving DESCRIPTIVE questions 4.x 15 marks=60 marks
‘Two questions from cach module with choice to answer
‘one question.
Maximum Total Marks: 100
University of Calicut Sy Habus ~ B.Tech ~ Civil Engineering - 2014